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NP5 Recalls7

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Situation D. Unemployment assistance.

You are a mental health nurse dealing with patients

currently EXPERIENCING A CRISIS. You use your 5. Getting the client’s significant others involved in
knowledge on crisis management to help these helping with the immediate crisis as soon as possible is
patients. The following questions apply. one of the major roles in crisis intervention. You as the
nurse determine that the support persons are prepared
to help when they verbalize which of the following?
1. In the rape crisis center, a woman is being seen a few
days after she was raped. She reports that she has not had A. The name and phone number of the client’s physician.
any appetite, she is experiencing anxiety and B. Emergency resources and when to use them.
depression, and that she has been having nightmares. C. The coping strategies they are using.
You as the nurse make an assessment on the woman to D. Long-term solutions they plan to tell the client to use.
determine if it is appropriate for her to be admitted to the
hospital. Which of the following priority questions Situation
should the nurse ask the woman? You are a nurse tasked to work with patients coping with
their illnesses.
A. The client’s reaction to the event, including any
suicidal thoughts. SAFETY AND SECURITY
6. A client was diagnosed with an acute cardiac illness.
B. The client’s perceptions of her current skills for
The nurse should determine that the client lacks
coping with the event.
understanding of her illness and her ability to make
C. The availability of the client’s personal support
changes in her lifestyle when they verbalize which of
the following statements?
D. The effect of the event on other aspects of the client’s
A. “I already have my airline ticket, so I won’t miss
my meeting tomorrow.”
2. An anxious, sobbing 19 year old is brought to the B. “These relaxation tapes sound okay; I’ll see if they
crisis shelter for an interview. She says, “I think I am help me.”
pregnant but I don’t know what to do!” Which of the C. “No more working 10 hours a day for me unless it’s
following nursing interventions is most appropriate for an emergency.”
her situation at this time? D. “I talked with my husband yesterday about working
on a new budget together.”
A. Ask the client about the type of things that she had 7. You just admitted a 19-year-old client who was
thought of doing. recently diagnosed with leukemia. What is the most
B. Give the client some ideas about what to expect to appropriate short term goal for the nurse and the client
happen next. to establish?
C. Recommend a pregnancy test after acknowledging
the client’s distress. A. Accepting his death as imminent.
D. Question the client about her feelings and possible B. Expressing his angry feelings to the nurse.
parental reactions. C. Decreasing interaction with peers to conserve energy.
D. Gaining an intellectual understanding of the illness.
3. You’re the nurse on duty when you saw an anxious
1. let the patient verbalize feeling
41-year-old client say that she would “rather die than be 2. acknowledge patient feeling
pregnant.” Which of the following responses by the
nurse is most helpful?
8. The client hospitalized for diagnosis and treatment of
atrial fibrillation states to the nurse, “Please hand me
A. “Try not to worry until after the pregnancy test.”
the telephone. I need to check on my stocks and bonds.”
B. “You know, pregnancy is a normal event.”
Which of the following responses by the nurse is most
C. “You’re only 40 years old and not too old to have a
D. “I see you’re upset. Take some deep breaths to
A. “You will get more upset if you make that call.”
relax a little.” ACKNOWLEDGE
B. “You have atrial fi brillations. Let’s talk about
what that means.”
4. You were doing some charts when a client comes to C. “You really don’t care about the fact that you’re sick,
the crisis center in a very distressed state. He tells you do you?”
that he just cannot get over being fired from his job last D. “Do you realize you have a life-threatening
week. He says that he already asked for help and talked condition?”
to friends. He says, “I’ve tried everything to get through
this, but nothing is working. Please, help me!” Which of 9. The colostomy club made arrangements to meet with a
the following should you, as the nurse, use as the initial client who will undergo a bowel surgery. Which of the
crisis intervention strategy? following is accomplished when a representative of the
colostomy club visits the client preoperatively?
A. Referral for counseling.
B. Support system assessment. A. Letting the client know that he has resources in the
C. Emotion management. Letting patient express his/her community to help him.
B. Providing support for the physician’s plan of therapy
for the client. 14. You admitted a patient dealing with personal issues
C. Providing the client with support and realistic and painful feelings. Which of the following is a crucial
information on the colostomy. goal of therapeutic communication when helping this
D. Convincing the client that he will not be disfigured client?
and can lead a full life.
A. Communicating empathy through gentle touch
B. Conveying client respect and acceptance even if
10. One of your patients in the ward directs profanities at not all of the client’s behaviors are tolerated
you, the nurse, then abruptly hangs his head and pleads C. Mutual sharing of information, spontaneity,
to you, “Please forgive me. Something came over me. emotions, and intimacy
Ugh, why do I say those things?” As a knowledgeable D. Guaranteeing total confidentiality and anonymity for
nurse, you interpret this as which of the following? the client
A. Neologism using a word when it can have 2 or more
meanings:play on word
15. You are doing a follow up visit to the home of a
B. Confabulation
client diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease. You are
C. Flight of ideas jumping from one topic toanother
assessing the stress level of the patient’s spouse, the
D. Emotional lability readily changeable and unstable
primary caregiver. Which of the following questions is
Situation most appropriate for assessing the spouse’s level of
You are a nurse tasked to care for patients experiencing stress?
stress and anxiety. You are to apply the nursing concepts
you’ve learned about this topic to effectively care for A. “So, what is a typical day like for you?” Open ended
these patients.
B. “What do you do to relieve stress for yourself?”
11. You are a nurse tasked to care for patients C. “May I arrange for some part-time help for you?”
experiencing stress and anxiety. You are to apply the D. “Being a full-time caregiver must be very stressful,
nursing concepts you’ve learned about this topic to isn’t it?”
effectively care for these patients.
Lack of information stress anxiety levels You are a nurse tasked to care for patients with
SCHIZOPHRENIA. You use your knowledge on this
A. Telling her to distract himself with games and concept to effectively and safely care for your patients.
B. Reassure her that she will come through the surgery
without incident 16. You are caring for a patient diagnosed with paranoid
C. Explaining to her what happens before and after schizophrenia. The patient reports hearing a voice
surgery saying “Do not remove your cap or they will be able to
D. Asking the surgeon to refer her to a psychiatrist who read your mind.” Which of the following responses is the
can work with her to diminish her anxiety most therapeutic for this patient?

A. “Who are ‘they’?”

12. You are discussing the concept of anxiety to the B. “Why would someone want to read your mind?”
student nurses in your unit. You explain that anxiety C. “I do not believe that anyone can read another’s
occurs in degrees, from a level that stimulates productive mind.” Disagreeing
problem solving to a level that is severely debilitating. D. “It must be very frightening to believe that
The students respond correctly when you ask that at a someone can read your mind.” acknowledge
mild, productive level of anxiety, one will expect to see
which of the following cognitive characteristics of mild 17. A patient diagnosed with a history of paranoid
anxiety? schizophrenia and chronic alcohol abuse was admitted
to your unit. The patient has been taking Olanzapine for
A. Slight muscle tension. motor 14 days and has not consumed alcohol in the last 5 days.
B. Occasional irritability. emotional They report shaky hands and trouble sleeping because of
C. Accurate perceptions. frequent nightmares. The patient verbalized their concern
D. Loss of contact with reality that olanzapine may be causing these problems. Which of
the following is your most therapeutic response to this
13. You followed up a question to the student nurses. patient?
They answered you correctly when they stated that as a
client’s anxiety level increases to a debilitating degree, A. “These are not typical side effects for that drug.”
they would expect which of the following psychomotor B. “Just ignore the symptoms. They will go away in just
behavior indicating the panic level of anxiety: a few days.”
C. “These symptoms are more likely a result of not
A. Suicide attempts or violence. drinking alcohol for 5 days.”
B. Desperation and rage. emotional D. “It is possible, since this medication is contraindicated
C. Disorganized reasoning. in those who abuse alcohol.”
D. Loss of contact with reality.
C. The client uses breathing techniques to decrease
D. The client exhibits diaphoresis and tachycardia.

23. Which cognitive symptom would you expect to

18. A patient with a history of violent command assess in Zoro who has obsessive compulsive disorder?
hallucinations was observed to be mumbling erratically
while making threatening gestures directed toward a A. Compulsive behaviors that occupy more than 4 hours
particular staff member. Which of the following per day. Behavioral
interventions is most appropriate when caring for B. Excessive worrying about germs and illness.
patients with violent command hallucinations? Thinking
C. Comorbid abuse of alcohol to decrease anxiety.
A. Ask the client to explain the cause of anger. D. Excessive sweating and an increase in blood pressure
B. Place the client in seclusion to help de-escalate anger.
C. Inform the client of pending restraint if behavior does
not subside. 24. Zoro is leaving his home for the first time in a year.
D. Observe the client for signs of escalating agitation. He arrived in the unit wearing a surgical mask and white
gloves. He states, “The germs in here are going to kill
19. A patient diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia
me”. Which correctly written nursing diagnosis addresses
was admitted to your unit. You include the nursing
Zoro’s problem?
diagnosis of Disturbed thought processes secondary to
paranoia in the patient’s care plan. Which of the
A. Social isolation R/T fear of germs AEB continually
following approaches is most appropriate for this
refusing to leave the home.
B. Fear of germs R/T obsessive-compulsive disorder.
C. Ineffective coping AEB dysfunctional isolation R/T
A. Avoid laughing or whispering in front of the client.
unrealistic fear of germs.
B. Begin to identify social support in the community.
D. Anxiety R/T the inability to leave home, resulting in
C. Encourage the client to interact with others on the
dysfunctional fear of germs.
Health problemetiology or cause r/tsigns and symptoms
D. Have the client sign a written release of information
form. 25. Zoro has been in your care in the psychiatric unit for
20. The mother of a client diagnosed with paranoid 4 days now for the treatment of their OCD. Which
schizophrenia visiting her son 2 days after his admission outcome takes priority for the patient at this time?
to the psychiatric unit approaches a nurse and states, “He
is still talking about how the government is controlling A. The client will use a thought-stopping technique to
his thoughts.” What is the most accurate nursing eliminate obsessive and/or compulsive behaviors.
appraisal of the mother’s statement? Antipsychotic 5-9 days B. The client will stop obsessive and/or compulsive
behaviors in order to focus on activities of daily living.
A. The mother’s expectations of her son are realistic. C. The client will seek assistance from the staff to
B. The mother’s concern is reasonable. decrease obsessive and/or compulsive behaviors.
C. The mother should request a medication adjustment. D. The client will use one relaxation technique to
D. The mother requires further education regarding decrease obsessive and/or compulsive behaviors.
the client’s diagnosis.
You apply your knowledge on concepts of
You are tasked to care for Zoro, a patient newly PSYCHOSOCIAL HEALTH to patients
diagnosed with obsessive compulsive disorder. assigned to you in the ward.
You use your knowledge to effectively and safely
care for the patient. 26. You are attending a seminar regarding coping skills.
You were asked about the beneficial effects of humor.
21. Zoro is utilizing a defense mechanism commonly You respond to the question appropriately based on
used by patients with obsessive compulsive disorder. which of the following documented beneficial effects of
Which of the following defense mechanisms is this? humor?

A. Suppression. Sinadyang Kalimutan: voluntary blocking A. Lessened depression pet therapy

B. Repression. Hindi sinadyang kalimutan: involuntary blocking B. Increased relaxation music tharapy
C. Undoing. C. Reduced aggression
D. Denial. D. Improved sleep exercise

22. You start your assessment on Zoro. Which behavioral 27. As a knowledgeable nurse, you know that body
symptom would you expect to assess in this patient? image is the subjective view an individual has about his
or her physical appearance including body shape, size,
A. The client uses excessive hand washing to relieve weight, and proportions. Which of the following
anxiety. conditions would put a patient at risk for disturbed body
B. The client rates anxiety at 8/10. image?
32. The mother of one of your patients who are newly
A. Urinary tract infection admitted to the mental health unit expresses her concern
B. Hyperlipidemia that his son may be using methamphetamine. Which
C. Rheumatoid arthritis physical examination findings are consistent with
D. High blood pressure methamphetamine abuse by the client?

28. You are a preoperative nurse preparing a client for an Metamphetaminestimulant

upcoming surgery. While you’re preparing this patient,
you inform them of what they can expect after surgery A. Hypotension and bradycardia
and how their pain will be controlled postoperatively. B. Bruises and scrapes on the extremities gait
Which of the following stress management techniques is alterations because of alcohol
being utilized in this scenario? C. Constricted pupils and fatigue
D. Anorexia and recent weight loss
A. Relaxation
B. Guided imagery 33. One of the patients you’re caring for in the unit is in
C. Progressive muscle relaxation methamphetamine withdrawal. When caring for this
D. Anticipatory guidance patient, the most appropriate intervention by the nurse
should be to?

29. An elderly patient you’re caring for is about to be A. Administer sedatives routinely to prevent seizures.
discharged. Which of the following statements, if made B. Allow the client to sleep and eat as desired.
by the patient, would indicate that they lack a support C. Administer antipsychotic medications to manage
system at home? hallucinations.
D. Encourage involvement in the treatment milieu.
A. “My sister and her husband are taking me home
today.” 34. You are assessing one of the patients in your unit
B. “My church members have been sending cards and who abuses methamphetamine. The patient appears not
letters while I have been in the hospital.” to be willing to give up the usage of the drug, as
C. “I am not sure how I am going to get to the grocery evidenced by their statement, “I do not plan to quit meth.
store after I get home.” I can work for days when I am high.” Which of the
D. “My neighbor is retired. We visit and have our meals following is your best response to the patient’s
together every day.” statement?

A. “You’ll exhaust yourself doing that.”

30. You are to assess a newly admitted patient regarding B. “You can’t see the real problem yet because you are in
their health care practices. As a culturally competent denial.”
nurse, which of the following factors would you include C. “You think using drugs helps you?” restate assist
in your assessment? the client in examining their thought process
D. “Good point. You probably work long hours while
I. Health-seeking behaviors you are on meth.”
II.Responsibility for health care
III.Folklore practices
IV. Barriers to health care 35. One of your patients regularly uses projection to
protect themselves against the negative realities resulting
A. I from their methamphetamine use. Which of the
B. III following statements will the nurse most likely document
C. I, II, IV when the patient uses projection as a coping mechanism?
A. “My dad and I don’t get along because he thinks
Situation that I’m a failure.”
You are caring for various patients with substance abuse B. “I can’t go back to work. I’d be so embarrassed for
disorder of methamphetamines. You utilize your anyone to find out I’ve been in treatment.”
knowledge to help care for these patients. C. “I’m not giving up alcohol, just the
methamphetamine. I never had a problem with alcohol.”
D. “Everything will be all right again if I can just stop
31. You are assessing a patient diagnosed with using drugs.”
substance abuse disorder. They stated, “My wife
causes me to abuse methamphetamines. She uses Situation
methamphetamine and she also expects me to.” As a You are caring for Robin, a patient diagnosed
knowledgeable nurse, you know that the patient is using with MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS. The following
which of the following defense mechanisms? questions apply.
A. Rationalization. 36. Robin is scheduled for a magnetic resonance imaging
B. Denial. (MRI) scan of the head. Which of the following
C. Minimization. information should you relay to Robin about the test?
D. Projection.
A. The client will have wires attached to the scalp and
lights will flash off and on. EEG
B. The machine will be loud and the client must not 41. Luffy is sitting in the chair when suddenly, his
move the head during the test. entire body went rigid with his arms and legs contracting
C. The client will drink a contrast medium 30 minutes to and relaxing. He is not aware of what’s going on and is
one (1) hour before the test. making guttural sounds. Which of the following actions
D. The test will be repeated at intervals during a five (5)- should you implement first?
to six (6)-hour period.
A. Push aside any furniture.
37. Robin stated her frustration regarding her recent B. Place the client on his side.
diagnosis of MS. She states, “I do not understand how I C. Assess the client’s vital signs.
got this disease. Is it genetic?” On which statement D. Ease the client to the floor.
should you base your response?
42. Luffy is scheduled for an electroencephalogram
A. Genetics may play a role in susceptibility to MS, (EEG) to help diagnose a seizure disorder. Which of the
but the disease may be caused by a virus. following preprocedure teaching should you implement?
B. There is no evidence suggesting there is any
chromosomal involvement in developing MS. A. Tell the client to take any routine antiseizure
C. Multiple sclerosis is caused by a recessive gene, so medication prior to the EEG.
both parents had to have the gene for the client to get B. Tell the client not to eat anything for eight (8) hours
MS. prior to the procedure. Dec. bloodsugar Alter brain wave
D. Multiple sclerosis is caused by an autosomal pattern
dominant gene on the Y chromosome, so only fathers can C. Instruct the client to stay awake for 24 hours prior
pass it on. to the EEG.
D. Explain to the client that there will be some
38. Which of the following issues presented by Robin is discomfort during the procedure.
of most importance to you at this time as her primary
nurse? Sleep deprivation Enduce seizure EEG, Patient will have
seizure diagnosis of seizure disorder
A. She refuses to have a gastrostomy feeding.
43. Luffy just had a 3 minute seizure. He has no
B. She wants to discuss if she should tell her fiancé.
apparent injuries, is oriented to name, place, and time
C. She tells the nurse life is not worth living anymore.
Safety and security but he is very lethargic and just wants to sleep. Which of
D. She needs the flu and pneumonia vaccines. the following interventions should you implement?

39. Robin stated that she has been investigating A. Perform a complete neurological assessment.
alternative therapies to treat her disease. Which of the B. Awaken the client every 30 minutes.
following interventions is most appropriate? Massages , C. Turn the client to the side and allow the client to
relaxation techniques sleep.
D. Interview the client to find out what caused the
A. Encourage the therapy if it is not contraindicated seizure
by the medical regimen.
B. Tell the client only the health-care provider should 44. Which statement by Luffy indicates that he
discuss this with him. understands factors that may precipitate his seizure
C. Ask how his significant other feels about this activity?
deviation from the medical regimen.
D. Suggest the client research an investigational therapy A. “It is all right for me to drink coffee for breakfast.”
instead. Avoid stimulants
B. “My menstrual cycle will not affect my seizure
disorder.” Onset menses  enduced sizure
40. You enter Robin’s room after her diagnosis of acute C. “I am going to take a class in stress management.”
exacerbation of MS. You find her crying. Which of the Stress induce seizure
following statements is the most therapeutic response D. “I should wear dark glasses when I am out in the sun.”
you can make as her nurse? avoid bright light

A. “Why are you crying? The medication will help the

45. Luffy is prescribed the anticonvulsant phenytoin
(Dilantin) for his seizure disorder. Which statement
B. “You seem upset. I will sit down and we can talk
indicates that Luffy understands the discharge teaching
for awhile.” Acknowledge or offer self
regarding this medication?
C. “Multiple sclerosis is a disease that has good times
and bad times.” Phenytoin(Dilantin) -Gingival hyperplasia
D. “I will have the chaplain come and stay with you for a
while.” A. “I will brush my teeth after every meal.”
B. “I will check my Dilantin level daily.”
C. “My urine will turn orange while on Dilantin.”
You are caring for patient Luffy who has seizures. You
D. “I won’t have any seizures while on this medication.”
apply your knowledge on concepts of seizures to better
assess, diagnose, plan, and evaluate their condition. Situation
You are a new nurse assigned in the operating room. You
will apply your knowledge on perioperative nursing to a. Tissue destruction is extensive
effectively and safely handle patients in this area. b. It is a long-term treatment
c. Antibiotics do not easily penetrate the infected
46. You are preparing your patient for an upcoming bony structure of the mastoid
surgery. Which of the following interventions should you d. Culture has to be done to identify which antibiotic is
implement first? most effective for the treatment of Mastoiditis
A. Check the permit for the spouse’s signature.
B. Take and document intake and output. Situation
C. Administer the sedative. You are a staff nurse in a government hospital being
D. Complete the preoperative checklist. transferred to the Psychiatric Unit. You were required to
47. You are conducting an interview with the surgical equip yourself by attending the enhancement program on
patient in the holding area. Which of the following Crisis Intervention. To assess your knowledge and skills
information should you report to the anesthesiologist? on the subject you were given a pre-test.
Select all that apply.
52. A crisis that is acute but temporary and due to an
I. The client has loose, decayed teeth.
external source is__________.
II. The client is experiencing anxiety.
III.The client smokes two (2) packs of cigarettes a
day. a. Developmental
IV. The client has had a chest x-ray which does not b. Transitional
show infiltrates. c. Traumatic ex. Rape
V. The client reports using herbs. d. Dispositional fire

A. I, II, III, IV 53. The MAIN objective of crisis intervention is

B. II, III to_____________
C. I, III, V
D. III, V a. Make the person realize his/her mistakes
b. Ensure patient’s safety
48. The circulating nurse intervenes when she notices c. Return the person to the root of the crisis to
which of the following violations of surgical asepsis? identify the cause
d. Eliminate the stressor
A. Surgical supplies were cleaned and sterilized prior to
the case. 54. Which of the following is NOT an assumption in the
B. The circulating nurse is wearing a long sleeve sterile concept of crisis?
C. Masks covering the mouth and nose are being worn a. Crisis is acute and resolved within a short period of
by the surgical team. time 4-6 weeks
D. The scrub nurse setting up the sterile field is b. All individuals experience a crisis
wearing artificial nails. Artificial nailsharbor c. Crisis is a growth-retarding factor to the emotional
development of a person
49. The following statements are not an expected d. Specific identifiable events precipitate a crisis
outcome for the postoperative client who had a general
55. Which of the following nursing interventions is the
anesthesia, except? (+)
most appropriate for a client who is in the early state of
A. The client will be able to sit in the chair for 30 crisis?
B. The client will have a pulse oximetry reading of a. Encourage client to express feeling and emotions
97% on room air. related to crisis
C. The client will have a urine output of 30 mL per hour. b. Require client to be actively involved in establishing
D. The client will be able to distinguish sharp from dull goals
sensations. spinal anesthesia/block c. Encourage client to begin the development of insight
d. Ask client to evaluate the situation
50. Which of the following problems should you
identify as the PRIORITY for a patient who one day
In the PGH Ear Unit, the staff nurse is attending to
several outpatient clients seeking follow-up care.
A. Potential for hemorrhaging. First 24 hours
56. In administering ear drops, the nurse observes
B. Potential for injury.
which of the following principles?
C. Potential for fluid volume excess. deficit
D. Potential for infection.
a. In a child, pull pinna upward and backward. ADULT
51. Antibiotics have limited use in the actual treatment of b. Let the ear drops fall on the middle space of the canal.
Mastoiditis because________.* c. Lie on the unaffected side to facilitate absorption.
d. Position unaffected ear uppermost.
the various “improvements” in performance, this
57. The nurse assists in an ear irrigation. Which of the industry is still unwavering.
following statements by the nurse is correct?

61. Caffeine greatly affects which part of the heart, as

a. “Tilt the head towards the unaffected ear.”
reflected in an ECG?
b. “Direct the stream of irrigate at the sides of the ear
c. “After the procedure, lie on the unaffected side to a. Atrium
allow the irrigate to soften any hardened mass.” b. Ventricles
d. “This procedure is allowed for otitis media to clean the c. Purkinje fibers
canal.” d. Interventricular septum

58. What makes children more predisposed to chronic 62. Which of the following do not have the potential of
otitis media? addiction, if consumed frequently and in large amounts?

a. Shorter Eustachian tube a. Chocolate-flavored Cola

b. Horizontal orientation of the ear canal b. Apple juice
c. Primary diaphragmatic breathing c. Green tea
d. Both A and B d. Common cold preparations

59. The Psychiatrist orders “Restraints PRN” for a client 63. In the previous situation of the young professional
who has a history of violent behavior. Nurse Poppy intoxicated with caffeine, he suddenly was unable to take
should: any caffeine source for 24 hours already. The nurse
expects to note the following findings, except?
caffeine withdrawal
A. Utilize the restraint order if the client begins to act-out
B. Ask the psychiatrist to clarify the type of restraint a. Headache
order b. Difficulty in stimulating irritability

C. Ensure that the entire staff is aware of the restraint c. Nausea and vomiting
order d. Muscle pain
D. Recognize that PRN orders for restraints are 64. The nurse suspects caffeine intoxication in a young
unacceptable high risk for abuse professional if he notes which finding?
a. Decreased flow of thought and speech
60. Which of the following is a characteristic sign of b. Psychomotor agitation
acute otitis media in children? c. Urinary retention
d. Pale face warm flushed face
a. Jumping in pain
b. Ear tugging
c. Painless inflammation 65. The following are the reasons why many people
d. Difficulty awakening abuse caffeine. Choose the exception.

a. Relieve fatigue
b. Increase mental alertness
c. Both A and B
d. Neither A nor B

The student nurse is reviewing for his admission exam
for a prestigious hospital in Taguig City. He is answering
questions related to eye disorders.

66. In the clinic, the school health nurse is conducting a

vision screening to incoming Grade 1 and Grade 4
students. One of the students was able to read at 10 ft,
what a normal eye sees at 20 feet. She documents this
finding as:

me before others

a. 10/20
b. 20/10
Addiction disorders are unnecessarily common in the
c. 2/1
modern lifestyle of Filipinos, especially with the rise of
d. 1/2
establishments selling products with caffeine. Because of
a. paresis of both lower extremities
67. A student was not able to read the letters in the 20/20 b. paralysis of one side of the body
level. How should the nurse proceed with the visual c. paralysis of both lower extremities
assessment? d. paresis of upper and lower extremities

a. Document this finding as visual impairment.

b. Allow the student to come nearer at a distance of 10 ft.
c. Ask the student to squint, and try reading the level
again.pinhole occlude
d. Remind the student to avoid guessing at letters to have
an accurate finding.

68. A patient is due to undergo tonometry for

confirmation of the diagnosis of glaucoma. The nurse
advises the patient against which of the following,

a. Squinting Inc IOP

b. Breathing through open glottis
c. Coughing
d. Bending at the hips

69. The nurse is caring for a client following enucleation.

The nurse notes the presence of bright red drainage on
the dressing. Which nursing action is appropriate?
73. Which statement by a client with Multiple Sclerosis
bright red drainage arterial bleed high pressure
bleeding  hemorrhage  shock
indicates to Nurse Jeremy that the client needs further
a. Notify the physician. teaching?
b. Document the finding.
c. Continue to monitor the drainage. a. “I use a straw to drink liquids.” Dec. risk aspiration
d. Mark the drainage on the dressing and monitor for any b. “I will take a hot bath to help relax my muscles.”
increase in bleeding. Dec. sensation inc risk injury
c. “I plan to use an incontinence pad when I go out.”
Weakness of bladder
d. “I may be having a rough time now, but I hope
70. The nurse is performing an admission assessment on
tomorrow will be better.” MS: remissions and exacerbations
a client with a diagnosis of detached retina. Which of
the following is associated with this eye disorder? 74. Mr. Dela Cruz a 48 year old client carpenter
admitted after a spinal cord injury and the Physician
a. Total loss of vision blindness indicates that a client is a Paraplegic. The family asks
b. Pain in the affected eye closed angle Glaucoma Nurse Jeremy what this means. What explanation should
c. A yellow discoloration of the sclera the nurse give to the family?
d. A sense of a curtain falling across the field of vision
a. upper extremities are paralyzed
b. lower extremities are paralyzed
Situation c. one side of the body is paralyzed
The diverse Neurologic disorders present unique d. both lower and upper extremities are paralyzed
challenges of nursing care. The Nurse must have a clear
understanding of the pathologic processes for appropriate 75. Jeremy is excited to be assigned to a Neuro –Ward
nursing management. Nurse Jeremy is attending to after his extensive training. He is preparing to conduct a
clients in the ward with Multiple Sclerosis. Neurologic examination. What nursing intervention is
anticipated for a client in the plateau phase of Guillain-
Barre syndrome?
71. A recently hospitalized client with Multiple Sclerosis
is concerned about generalized weakness and a
a. providing a straw to stimulate the facial muscles
fluctuating physical status. What is the priority nursing
b. inserting an indwelling catheter to monitor urinary
intervention for this client?
output Bladder paralysis
c. encouraging aerobic exercises to avoid muscle atrophy
a. encourage bed rest muscle athrophy d. administering antibiotic medication to prevent
b. space activities throughout the day pneumonia
c. teach the limitations imposed by the disease
d. have one of the client’s relatives stay at the bedside Predisposing factor of GBS – Epstein Barr Virus (EBV)

72. Which clinical indicator does Nurse Jeremy identify Note: Parkland Formula – computation of fluid
when assessing a client with hemiplegia? resuscitation for burns
PF= 4ml x bsa x kg For whole 24 hrs 80. A 75-year-old man with the diagnosis of Dementia
has been cared for by his wife for 5 years. For the past 2
Divide by 2 – For 8 hrs Divide the next 16 hrs – Remaining
Half years he has not spoken and incontinent of urine and
feces. During the last month he has changed from being
placid and easygoing to agitated and aggressive. He is
admitted to a Psychiatric hospital for treatment with
Situation Psychopharmacology. Which is the priority nursing
In the Psychiatric ward nurses are discussing the other care while this client is in the psychiatric facility?
factors that caused Alzheimer's disease (AD). And they
all agree that it is a degenerative disease of the brain a. managing his behavior
caused by gradual death and loss of brain cells resulting b. preventing further deterioration
to progressive and irreversible Dementia. c. focusing on the needs of the wife
d. establishing on the needs of the wife
76. The Nurse develops a nursing diagnosis of self care Situation
deficit for an older client with Dementia. Which of the The ICU nurse assigned to a 60-year old acutely
following is the most appropriate goal for this client? ill client with Parkinson’s disease who was
DEMENTIA-Dec. intellectual functioning
hospitalized frequently. The initial confinement
was due to electrolyte imbalance. The following
a. The client will be admitted to a long care facility to confinement was due to injury sustained from
have activities of daily living needs met fall, he became to have incontinent of stools that
b. The client will function at the highest level of further lead to development of skin irritation
independence possible instill self esteem and breakdown. Currently he was admitted due
c. The client will complete all activities of daily living to respiratory infection.
independently within one (1 ) hour time frame
d. The Nursing staff will attend to all the client’s
activities of daily living needs during the hospitalization 81. The review of literature does not only include
published research studies but also theory. In this case
77. The nurse recognizes that Dementia of the which theory is least related to the study? STRESS
Alzheimer’s type is characterized by: STIMULI

a. aggressive acting-out behavior a. Neuman’s system model

b. periodic remissions and exacerbations b. Lazarus’ theory of stress and coping
c. hypoxia of selected areas of brain tissue c. Nightingale’s environmental theory NOT
d. areas of brain destruction called senile plaques dec, INCLUDED IN FECAL Act of utilizing the environment to assist
nerve transmission dec. intellectual functioning patient in his/her recovery
d. Roy’s theory of adaptation
Aluminum exposure – increases risk for Dementia
82. Related literature included case situations similar to
78. When attempting to understand the behavior of an the case of the client. The nurse is interested in gaining
older adult diagnosed with Vascular Dementia, the nurse further knowledge that can help the client at risk for fecal
recognizes that the client is probably: incontinence. The nurse should use which of the
Dementia: dec intellectual functioning following methods to strengthen this report?
a. not capable of using any defense mechanisms
b. using one method of defense for every situation a. Historical research method past issues
c. making exaggerated use of old, familiar mechanism b. Qualitative research method phenomenon/ experience
d. attempting to develop new defense mechanism to meet c. Experimental research method
the current situation. d. Quantitative research method frequency, amount –
require measurements CAUSAL or CORELATED
79. Which of the following nursing intervention is most RELATIONSHIP of 2 VARIABLES
helpful in meeting the needs of an older adult
hospitalized with the diagnosis of Dementia of the 83. The patient also reports multiple lumbar muscle
Alzheimer’s type? strains, thus is also looking at using alternative therapies
to reduce the pain. The client seeks advice from the nurse
dec intellectual functioning as to what type of alternative therapy would provide the
best pain relief. How should the nurse respond?
a. providing a nutritious diet high in carbohydrates and
protein a. "I have seen many individuals with your type of pain
b. simplifying the environment as much as possible be relieved of pain through the use of acupuncture."
while eliminating the need for choices b. "These types of therapies are more than just therapies;
c. developing a consistent nursing plan with fixed time they are really a mind over matter type of event or
schedules to provide for emotional needs game."
d. providing an opportunity for many alternative choices c. "Some of my other clients swear by magnet therapy to
in the daily schedule to stimulate interest reduce pain as it is very small and very easy to use."
d. "You need to choose the alternative therapy that is
right for you based on research that supports the

84. While the nurse was able to identify the cases that
were studied, it is important to understand the
phenomenological experience of the client. This
approach includes the following except: (-)

EXPLORATION ; Bigger picture

a. Exploring the idea expressed by the person

b. Getting the whole picture of fecal incontinence and its
associated factors
c. Focusing interview on fecal incontinence
d. Interviewing and using of questionnaire on client’s
responses to his situation 89. Visual Acuity declines with age. Presbyopia is a
progressive decline in:
85. Which of the following can the nurse use in
protecting the safety of the subjects undergoing the
A. Distinguishing between blues and greens and among
research study?
pastel shades
i. Code for Nurses B. Ability to see in darkness
ii. Nightingale’s pledge C. The ability of the eyes to accommodate for close
iii. Patient’s Bill of Rights detailed work
iv. Human Rights Guidelines D. Adaptation to abrupt changes from dark areas to light
a. 1, 2, 3, 4
b. 1, 3
c. 1, 2 90. The novice nurse who is administering a beta blocker
d. 3 only asks the Senior Staff Nurse about its effect on the
Autonomic Nervous System. When formulating a
Situation response the nurse should understand which common
In a Nursing Practice you are directly involved misconception about the Autonomic Nervous System?
in conducting a comprehensive physical
assessment especially to older clients with A. both sympathetic and parasympathetic impulses
continually affect most visceral effectors
sensory limitations. B. the autonomic nervous systems is regulated by
86. The client with head injury is having problems with impulses from the hypothalamus and other parts of the
several sensory functions. Nurse Ymir should understand brain
that the structure that acts as a relay center for sensory C. sympathetic impulses stimulate while
impulses is the: parasympathetic impulses inhibit the functioning of
any visceral effector
A. thalamus D. visceral effectors (e.g., cardiac muscle, smooth
muscle, glandular epithelial tissue) receive impulses only
B. cerebellum
via autonomic neurons
C. hypothalamus
D. medulla oblongata SNS inhibit GIT BladderConstipation urinary retention

87. When formulating nursing care plans for older adults, PNS
Nurse Ymir should include special measures to
accommodate for age-related sensory losses such as: Situation
Poppy a Psychiatric Nurse responds in a variety setting
A. difficulty in swallowing to different clients with Personality disorders.
B. increased sensitivity to heat
C. diminished sensation of pain
91. The Psychiatrist orders “Restraints PRN” for a client
D. heightened response to stimuli
who has a history of violent behavior. Nurse Poppy
88. After a brain attack a client remains unresponsive to should:
sensory stimulation. Nurse Ymir understands general
sensations such as heat, cold, pain, and touch are A. Utilize the restraint order if the client begins to act-out
registered in the: B. Ask the psychiatrist to clarify the type of restraint
A. frontal lobe C. Ensure that the entire staff is aware of the restraint
B. parietal lobe order
C. occipital lobe D. Recognize that PRN orders for restraints are
D. temporal lobe unacceptable high risk for abuse
92. Strict toilet and too early training to a toddler child
will cause problems in personality development because 97. When planning to teach about the stages of growth
at this age a child is learning to: and development, what stage does the nurse indicate as
basically concerned with role identification?
A. Satisfy own needs
B. Identify own needs A. Oral stage
C. Satisfy parents’ needs B. Genital stage
D. Live up to society’s expectations C. Oedipal stage
D. Latency stage
Toddlerhood: autonomy vs shame and doubt

93. The nurse encourages a client to join a self-helping 98. The nurse understands that Freud’s phallic stage of
group after being discharged from a Mental health psychosexual development, which compares with
facility. The purpose of having people work in a group Erikson’s psychosocial phase of initiative versus guilt, is
is to provide: seen best at:
A. Support A. adolescent
B. Confrontation B. 6 to 12 years
C. Psychotherapy C. 3 to 51/2 years
D. Self-awareness D. birth to 1 year

94. As Depression begins to lift, a client is asked to join a 99. A 3 year old boy was brought to a Pediatric clinic for
small discussion group that meets every evening on the indifferent behavior. About a month after their toddler is
unit. The client is reluctant to join because, “I have diagnosed as moderately retarded, the parents discuss the
nothing to talk about.” What is the best response by the toddler’s future, reflecting specifically on plans for their
nurse? child’s independent functioning. The nurse recognizes
that the parents:
A. “Maybe tomorrow you will feel more like talking.”
B. “Could you start off by talking about your family?” A. Are using denial
C. “A person like you has a great deal to offer the B. Accept the child’s diagnoses
group.” C. Are using intellectualization
D. “You feel you will not be accepted unless you have D. Accept their child’s limitation
something to say?” Reflective statement allow client
to validate the nurse
100. The nurse utilizes play when interacting with
95. A client on the Psychiatric unit asks Nurse Poppy children based on the understanding that play for the
about Psychiatric Advance Directives (PAD). The preschool-age child is necessary for the emotional
nurse explains that these advances directives: development of:

A. Make the appointment of a surrogate decision maker A. Projection

unnecessary B. Introjection
B. Permit the client to dictate what treatments will be C. Competition school age
given during future hospitalization D. Independence influence by the environments
C. Eliminate the need for involuntary admissions when
the client is a threat to self or others
D. Allow the client, while having the capacity, to
consent or refuse potential psychiatric treatments in
the event of a future incapacitating mental health

The fundamental assumption of theory of life cycle
theories is that development occurs in successive stages.
The different life cycle theories try to explain personality
development as well as development of Psychiatric
disorders. The following questions refer to this situation.

96. The nurse understands that problems with

dependence versus independence develop during the
stage of growth and development known as:

A. Infancy
B. School age
C. Toddlerhood
D. Preschool age

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