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The Practiceof Child Marriage XI

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The Practice of Child Marriage in India

Dr. Radhika Kapur


In India, there have been prevalence of the practice of child marriage since ancient
times. Child marriage is when marriage takes place of girls, when they are below 18 years of
age and boys are below 21 years of age. It is more prevalent among individuals, belonging to
underprivileged communities. In some cases, marriages of girls are even arranged with men,
who are much older than them. The consequences of child marriage are detrimental upon the
lives of the individuals. The girls get effected to a much larger extent as compared to boys.
The girls are deprived from participating in various tasks and activities that are necessary in
enriching their overall lives. These include, acquisition of education, participation in
employment opportunities, various forms of childhood activities, and social, cultural,
economic and religious activities. In accordance to the research studies conducted on child
marriage, this practice has had unfavourable effects upon girls. There have been
implementation of laws, which are rendering a significant contribution in leading to
elimination of this practice. The main areas that have been taken into account in this research
paper include, understanding meaning of child marriage in India, causes of child marriage,
consequences of child marriage and laws related to child marriage.

Keywords: Child Marriage, Communities, Deprivation, Laws, Opportunities, Practice

In India, since ancient times, there has been prevalence of the practice of child
marriage. It has been an age-old custom within the country, which has so far been influential
upon the lives of the individuals. The child marriage is a practice, when girls are below 18
years of age, they are married, whereas, boys are below 21 years of age. This practice has had
detrimental effects upon girls, more as compared to boys. The girls are required to give up all
hopes and aspirations. They are even discouraged from going to school and acquiring
education. Rather they get trained in terms of the implementation of household
responsibilities and in taking care of the needs and requirements of their family members.
The practice of child marriage has proven to be unfavourable upon the lives of the girls and
deprive them from participating in various tasks and activities. Therefore, it is necessary to
formulate measures to eliminate this practice.
The development of laws began only in the 20th century with the coming into the force
the British law of the Child Marriage Restraint Act, 1929. This Act was the first of its kind,
which contributed in putting emphasis upon the fact that the practice of child marriage would
cause barriers within the course of leading to empowerment opportunities among women and
girls. When girls get married at a young age, this practice is regarded as the violation of
human rights. The Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) as well as the convention on
bringing an end to all forms of discriminatory practices against women and girls were
initiated in the 20th century at the international level to focus upon the issues relating to
children, who had so far not been considered as holders of rights. The implementation of
Child Marriage Restraint Act, 1929 and education has contributed in alleviating the practice
of child marriage. In order to lead to well-being and progression of women and girls, it is
vital to bring an end to this practice (Chapter – 3. Child Marriages in India, n.d.).

Understanding Meaning of Child Marriage in India

The origin of the practice of child marriage dates back to the medieval period. The
individuals were effected by invasions, insecurities and other socio-cultural factors, which
compelled the parents to marry off their children from the stage of early childhood (Chapter –
3. Child Marriages in India, n.d.). When the marriages were arranged of girls and boys, when
they were below 18 and 21 years of age respectively, then the practice of child marriage came
into existence. One of the most unfortunate aspects that have led to augmentation of the
practice of child marriage is, girls are considered as liabilities. The individuals and families
usually form the viewpoint that they would only make demands and would not yield any
returns on investment. This point focuses upon the fact that when they will get married, the
parents will have to give dowry to the grooms and their families. Therefore, for the purpose
of giving dowry, the individuals need to make savings. Furthermore, there was prevalence of
the viewpoint that when girls would be married at a young age, the dowry demands would be

Child marriage in India has been practiced for centuries, with children married off,
before attaining physical and mental maturity. The problem of child marriage within the
country remains ingrained in the complicated matrix of religious traditions, social practices,
economic factors and prejudices. The practice of child marriage constitutes gross violation of
human rights (Child Marriage in India, 2018). The girls are required to experience numerous
restrictions due to this practice that they are unable to get involved in various tasks and
activities of their interest. Child brides are required to experience domestic violence within
homes, which have an effect upon their physical health as well as psychological well-being.
There have been implementation of number of research studies regarding child marriage.
These studies have indicated that girls are required to undergo unfavourable effects and in
most cases, they do not feel pleasurable and contented as a consequence of child marriage. It
is of utmost significance to formulate measures and laws that aim to eliminate this practice.
Apart from the implementation of laws and programs, awareness needs to be generated
among individuals in terms of providing solutions to their problems that encourage child

The individuals primarily belonging to rural communities and among deprived,

marginalized and economically weaker sections of the society give preference to male
children. They form the viewpoint that male children are assets of the family. When they will
be provided with good-quality education or are trained in terms of other areas, they will
render a significant contribution in promoting well-being of their families. The individuals,
who are artisans, craftsmen, weavers, potters, and so forth provide training to their children,
so they are able to augment their competencies and abilities to promote better livelihoods
opportunities. Research has indicated that since ancient times, both girls and boys get
engaged in family business. But more attention is paid towards education and learning of the
boys. Whereas, girls are trained in terms of the implementation of household chores and
responsibilities. The reason being, when they go to marital homes, they will have to carry out
the household chores. Therefore, giving more preference to male children within the family
and training of girls from the initial stage in terms of implementation of household
responsibilities and in taking care of the needs and requirements of family members
encourages the practice of child marriage.

Causes of Child Marriage

The practice of child marriage is prevalent among individuals, belonging to deprived,

marginalized and economically weaker sections of the society. There are various causes,
which have encouraged this practice, these have been stated as follows:

Poverty and Unawareness – Poverty and unawareness on the part of the individuals
are regarded as major causes that have led to prevalence of child marriage. When the
individuals are residing in the conditions of poverty and backwardness, they experience lack
of resources and struggle to make ends meet. They experience problems and challenges in
meeting the demands of their family members and in sustenance of their living conditions in
an appropriate manner. Therefore, when they are unable to make provision of resources and
facilities to the girls, due to poverty, they encourage child marriage. On the other hand,
unawareness on the part of poverty stricken and marginalized individuals and communities
also impedes their ability to form constructive viewpoints in terms of girls and encourage
child marriage. Therefore, poverty and unawareness are regarded as vital causes that have
encouraged the practice of child marriage.

Discriminatory Treatment against Girls – Giving preference to male children is

regarded as one of the major factors that have led to discriminatory treatment against girls.
When the individuals form the viewpoint that male children are assets of the family and they
need to pay attention towards their effective growth and development, then they discriminate
against girls. Research has indicated that in communities, where birth of the girl children are
not appreciated, the individuals pay more attention to the male children and provide them
opportunities. For example, they are enrolled in schools, are provided with medical and
health care facilities and are also given good-quality and nutritious food. On the other hand,
girls are deprived of these factors and are discriminated against. When they are discriminated
against, marriages take place at an early stage. Therefore, discriminatory treatment against
girls enable the parents to encourage child marriage.

Dowry Demands – Dowry is referred to the financial resources, and valuables that the
bride’s family has to give to the groom and his family at the time of marriage. There have
been cases of brides, who have experienced harassment and abuse for insufficient dowry.
Giving of dowry is a major problem for the individuals, belonging to underprivileged and
economically backward sections of the society. These individuals mainly form the viewpoint
that when they will get their girls married at a young age, they will not experience problems
in meeting the dowry demands and would have to pay less dowry. Therefore, in order to
protect the reputation of the family and curb any form of harassment or mistreatment due to
dowry demands, they encourage child marriage. Therefore, dowry demands is regarded as
one of the indispensable causes of encouragement of child marriage.

Patriarchy followed by Traditionalists – Child marriage gives rise to a complex set of

power imbalances between women and the comprehensive social norms. The practices of
patriarchy, places women in the position, where they are unable to exercise choice in terms of
their own sexual and reproductive health (Chapter – VI. Causes of Child Marriage, n.d.). In
addition, they are less independent to move around. In other words, when the women and
girls are influenced by various restrictions in terms of mobility as well as their participation
in various kinds of social, political, religious and cultural functions, then the parents form the
viewpoints that these restrictions are disadvantageous to them. Hence, they should be married
and go to their marital homes. Therefore, it can be stated that patriarchy followed by
traditionalists is also regarded as one of the major causes of encouraging child marriage.

Political Patronage – The practice of child marriage has been encouraged because it
has received political patronage. When child marriage takes place within rural communities,
then it has been found out that the political parties and individuals, who are in leadership
positions encourage it. The reason being, the political parties are also well-aware of all the
factors that lead to encouragement of child marriage. They are well-aware that individuals,
who are illiterate and are residing in the conditions of poverty and backwardness need to put
into operation the measures and approaches, which would lead to alleviation of their
problems and enable them to live their lives in a well-organized manner. These individuals
consider the practice of child marriage as a way of alleviating their problems and concerns.
Therefore, when the individuals and communities receive political patronage, they are able to
encourage the practice of child marriage.

Social and Cultural Practices – The prevalence of social and cultural practices are
also regarded as one of the major causes that have led to encouragement of child marriage. In
some communities, these practices render a significant contribution in influencing the overall
living conditions of the individuals. Hence, when the individuals are influenced by social and
cultural practices, they establish this norm within the community that marriage of the girls
need to take place, when they are below 18 years of age. When they will get married at an
early age and go to marital homes, they will be able to lead to enrichment of their lives. In
other words, there have been prevalence of positive viewpoints and perspectives in terms of
child marriage. Therefore, it can be stated that social and cultural practices are regarded as
one of the major causes for the prevalence of the practice of child marriage.

Lack of Opportunities for Girls – The individuals primarily belonging to rural

communities are unable to make provision of opportunities for the girls, which would
contribute efficiently in leading to their effective growth and development. The girls are
deprived of acquisition of education as well as other factors, such as participation in social,
political, economic, religious and cultural activities. The reason being that in their marital
homes, they will not be able to make use of their educational qualifications and competencies
in any manner, rather they should be trained in terms of implementation of household
responsibilities. Furthermore, it is believed that it is a wastage of financial resources in
providing education to girls. They make savings of finances in meeting the dowry demands.
Deprivation of education as well as other opportunities enable the parents to encourage the
practice of child marriage. Therefore, when there are lack of opportunities for girls in their
natal homes, they get married early and go to marital homes.

Problems related to Marriage – Research has indicated that it is not an easy task to
find a suitable groom for the girls and in carrying out of other related tasks and activities.
Problems related to marriage are primarily experienced by the individuals, belonging to
underprivileged and economically weaker sections of the society. One of the major problems
is the conditions of poverty. When these individuals are residing in the conditions of poverty,
they develop concern in terms of meeting all their needs and requirements related to
marriage. There has been prevalence of the viewpoint that when child marriage will take
place, the individuals will be able to find suitable grooms for their girls in a manageable
manner as well as meet the expenses. Therefore, it can be stated that in order to provide
solutions to the problems related to marriage, there has been encouragement of the practice of
child marriage.

Lack of Acquisition of Education – It has been comprehensively understood that

education enables the individuals to generate awareness in terms of various areas and
differentiate between appropriate and inappropriate. Child marriage is detrimental upon the
lives of the girls and imposes unfavourable effects upon them. When the individuals are
educated, they are able to understand this well. Whereas, when the individuals are not
educated, they are unable to acquire an efficient understanding of disadvantages of child
marriage and encourage this practice. It is of utmost significance for the individuals to
generate awareness in terms of unfavourable effects of child marriage. Furthermore, there
have been formulation of measures and schemes as well, which lead to generation of
awareness among individuals in terms of unfavourable effects of child marriage. Therefore, it
can be stated, when there is lack of education among individuals and they are unaware
regarding its detrimental effects, then they encourage this practice.

Enhancing Status and Reputation of Parents – It is comprehensively believed that

when child marriages will take place, the status and reputation of parents will get enhanced.
The individuals normally possess the viewpoint that when they will arrange the marriages of
their children early, they will alleviate their problems and concerns. In some households,
individuals do not form constructive viewpoints regarding girls and consider them as
liabilities. They experience problems in taking care of their needs and requirements and
aspire to send them to marital homes at an early age. On the other hand, they also form the
viewpoint that when they will get their girls marry early, i.e. below the age of 18 years, they
will be able to augment their status and reputation within the community. Furthermore, they
also form the viewpoint that the other individuals will treat them with respect. Therefore, the
practice of child marriage is encouraged to bring about enhancement of status and reputation
of parents.

Consequences of Child Marriage

The consequences of child marriage have been unfavourable to girls to a more extent
as compared to boys. These have been stated as follows:

Illiteracy – Research has indicated that even when girls are enrolled in schools to
acquire education, they get compelled to drop out before their educational skills are honed. In
most cases, girls aspire to study and enhance their career prospects, but when child marriage
takes place, they are unable to acquire education and up-grade their literacy skills. The girls
are rather conveyed the viewpoint that their husbands and in-laws will make the decisions,
whether they should get enrolled in schools or not. When there is prevalence of the viewpoint
among individuals that education is not meant for girls, it is rather wastage of resources in
getting them enrolled in schools. They need to stay at home and acquire training in terms of
implementation of all types of household responsibilities. When emphasis is put upon these
factors, the girls are unable to augment their literacy skills. Therefore, illiteracy is regarded as
one of the major consequences of child marriage.

Inability to Participate in Employment Opportunities – In the present existence, the

women and girls, belonging to various categories and backgrounds aspire to acquire
employment opportunities. They have generated awareness that their participation in
employment opportunities will help them to generate a source of income and be less
dependent upon their parents for the fulfilment of their needs and requirements. The girls and
women, belonging to economically weaker sections of the society also aspire to get engaged
in jobs, even if they are minority jobs to sustain their living conditions in an appropriate
manner. When child marriage takes place, then the girls encounter impediments within the
course of participation in employment opportunities. As they are required to obey their family
members and follow the norms and rules formulated by them. Therefore, inability to
participate in employment opportunities is also regarded as one of the major consequences
that takes place as a result of child marriage.

Deprivation of Childhood Activities – During the childhood stage, the individuals

develop interest and enthusiasm in participating in various activities. These include, play
activities, going out with friends, participation in social, cultural and religious activities and
attending schools. When they are enrolled in schools or participate in various kinds of social,
religious and cultural activities, they able to enhance their knowledge and competencies. The
knowledge and skills that are acquired through getting enrolled in schools or participating in
social, cultural and religious activities are vital in bringing about improvements in their
overall quality of lives. Furthermore, they take pleasure in developing a circle of friends and
planning outings with them for leisure and recreational purposes. On the other hand, when the
girls get married at the childhood stage, they are deprived of various forms of childhood
activities. Therefore, one of the indispensable consequences of child marriage is, girls are
deprived from participating in various childhood activities.

Lack of Participation in Extra-Curricular and Creative Activities – Research has

indicated that girls, belonging to deprived, marginalized and underprivileged sections of the
society develop interest and enthusiasm in participating in various forms of extra-curricular
and creative activities. These include, singing, dancing, playing of musical instruments,
production of artworks, handicrafts, role playing, sports, and physical activities. In some
cases, they do not develop interest in academics, but form the viewpoint that they will be able
to enrich their overall quality of lives, when they will augment their skills and abilities in one
or more forms of extra-curricular and creative activities. When there is prevalence of child
marriage, the girls are unable to acquire opportunities, which would enable them to augment
their skills and aptitude in various forms of extra-curricular and creative activities. Therefore,
it can be stated that the practice of child marriage leads to impediments within the course of
participation in extra-curricular and creative activities.

Unable to Participate in the Decision Making Processes – It is vital that when the
children grow up, the parents should give them independence to make their own decisions.
The girls should also be provided with the rights and opportunities to make their own
decisions. Decision making is an integral part of the lives of the individuals and they are
required to make decisions in terms of various aspects. The important aspects include,
education, employment opportunities and so forth. When the practice of child marriage is
prevalent, the girls are deprived of the rights and opportunities to participate in the decision
making processes. Their family members make decisions and they are required to obey them.
In some cases, they are not even allowed to give their ideas and suggestions, but get
compelled to listen to and obey their family members. In marital homes, the restrictions are
more severe as compared to natal homes. Therefore, it can be stated that one of the major
consequences of child marriage is, girls are unable to participate in the decision making
processes and need to follow the norms and principles that have been formulated by their
family members.

Implementation of Household Responsibilities – The implementation of household

responsibilities is regarded as one of the indispensable consequences of child marriage, which
not only deprives the girls from acquisition of education and participation in various kinds of
childhood activities, but also arouses displeasure among them. The girls are required to
implement various kinds of household responsibilities in their marital homes. These include,
cleaning, fetching water, preparation of meals, looking after the health care needs and
requirements of their family members, and so forth. In rural communities, they are also
required to take care of livestock. In some cases, the implementation of household
responsibilities are manageable, whereas, in other cases, they are difficult. When the girls are
vested with responsibilities to carry out the household chores, they usually are unable to take
out time for other tasks and activities. Therefore, implementation of household
responsibilities is also regarded as one of the important consequences of child marriage.

Experience Barriers in Attainment of Empowerment Opportunities – The women and

girls are able to attain empowerment opportunities through number of factors. These include,
acquisition of good quality education, participating in various forms of employment
opportunities in accordance to their interests and abilities, obtaining support and assistance
from family members, augmenting ones skills and abilities, obtaining rights and opportunities
to express ones ideas and perspectives and making own decisions. When the practice of child
marriage is encouraged, the girls experience barriers within the course of putting into practice
various tasks and activities and attainment of empowerment opportunities. They are required
to carry out the household responsibilities, take care of the needs and requirements of their
family members and abide by the norms and rules that are formulated by them. Therefore, in
this manner, they are unable to participate in any tasks and activities that would encourage
them towards the attainment of empowerment opportunities. Therefore, it can be stated that
girls experience barriers within the course of attainment of empowerment opportunities as a
consequence of the practice of child marriage.

Early Motherhood – Child marriage has detrimental effects on the reproductive health
of the girls. When girls get married at an early age, they were exposed to childbearing on a
frequent basis, unplanned motherhood and abortions. Research studies conducted on child
marriage has even shown that when women attain the age of 20, they have three to four
children. When they become mothers at an early age, then not only their health conditions get
affected, but they are required to carry out additional tasks and responsibilities as well. They
need to augment their knowledge and competencies in terms of effective implementation of
the function of child development. Furthermore, girls become victims of sexually transmitted
diseases. In some cases, when the girls are unable to get exposed to childbearing at an early
age, it also leads to an increase in the mortality rate. Therefore, it can be stated that early
motherhood, as a consequence of child marriage has detrimental effects upon the health
conditions of girls.

Detrimental Effects upon Health – Child marriage has detrimental effects upon the
health conditions of the girls. Research has indicated that they experience health problems
and illnesses. Childbirth is regarded as one of the important factors, which leads to an
increase in health problems and illnesses (Malhotra, 2010). When the girls get married,
before they have reached the age of 18 years, they usually experience psychological
problems. Research studies have indicated that these girls do not appreciate the practice of
child marriage, rather they aspire to acquire educational qualifications and enhance their
career prospects. When they form the viewpoint that they are deprived of various rights and
opportunities to up-grade their living conditions, they experience the psychological problems
of anger, depression, stress and trauma. Furthermore, they experience physical health
problems as well. Therefore, it can be stated that the practice of child marriage imposes
detrimental effects upon the health of girls.

Increased Exposure to Criminal and Violent Acts – The practice of child marriage has
led to an increase in the exposure of girls to criminal and violent acts. In marital homes, they
experience various forms of criminal and violent acts. These include, verbal abuse, physical
abuse, sexual harassment, dowry harassment, domestic violence, neglect, financial
exploitation and discriminatory treatment. The various causes that have led to an increase in
criminal and violent acts include, prevalence of the feelings of antagonism and resentment,
inability on the part of the girls to meet the expectations of their family members, lack of
skills and abilities to carry out the household chores, illiteracy and unawareness among girls,
giving of insufficient dowry by the parents of girls to the grooms and their family members
and occurrence of other factors, which enable them to experience abuse and mistreatment
from their husbands and in-laws. The increased exposure to criminal and violent acts have
unfavourable effects upon the physical health as well as psychological well-being of girls.
Therefore, it can be stated that one of the detrimental consequences of the practice of child
marriage is that it leads to increased exposure to criminal and violent acts.

Laws related to Child Marriage

Technically, child marriage is regarded as unlawful within the country. A law was
passed in 1929, which had the main objective of banning this practice. This law was updated
in 2006. In the present existence, it is unlawful to get the girls married, when they are below
18 years of age and boys married, when they are below 21 years of age. The age of 18 for the
girls and 21 for the boys are regarded as legal ages to get married. The Prohibition of Child
Marriage Act was passed in 2006. The main objective of this act was to eliminate this
practice. The major factors of the core provisions of this act have been stated as follows:
(Abbhi, Jayakumar, Raj & Padmanabhan, 2013).

1. The legal age of marriage for girls is 18 years and for boys, it is 21 years. The
marriage of girls should not take place, when the girls are below 18 years and
when boys are below 21 years of age.
2. By Section 16, full-time, “Child Marriage Prohibition Officers” are appointed in
every state and are supposed to ensure that child marriage should not take place. It
is the job duty of the Child Marriage Prohibition Officers to ensure that
individuals generate awareness in terms of unfavourable effects of child marriage.
These officers are vested with the authority to prevent child marriages, make
documented reports of violations, charge offenders, which also include the parents
of the children and protect the children from getting involved in risky and
dangerous situations.
3. Child marriages need to be eliminated as they deprive the girls from participating
in tasks and activities, which would enable them to enhance their overall quality
of lives. Child marriages are not considered illegal but merely voidable. This
grounds for the declaration as void are laid down in the act itself. This can be done
at the option the child that has been married off. In this manner, the girls are
allowed to declare the marriage void at any time up to two years after reaching
4. The only exception where a child marriage can be declared as void even before,
the child has reached the age of 18 years, is when a child has been abducted,
kidnapped, trafficked or has been compelled to get married under force, coercion
or intimidation.
5. The legislation also penalizes the arrangement, performance or participation in
child marriages. By Section 9, any person who is above the age of 18 years and
arranges child marriage is punishable through imprisonment of up to two years, or
may be charged with the fine of Rs. one lakh or both.
6. By Section 10, these penalties are extended to anyone, who performs, conducts,
directs or abets child marriage unless he can prove that marriage was not a child
7. If the child herself contracts for the child marriage, under Section 11, any parent
or guardian, who actively supports child marriage or negligently is not successful
in preventing it are required to undergo imprisonment or fine or both. The same
provision has a clause, namely Section 11(2), which states of a presumption that
the parents or guardians of the children are unsuccessful in preventing marriage.


The practice of child marriage is prevalent among the individuals, belonging to

deprived, marginalized and economically weaker sections of the society. Child marriage is a
practice when marriage takes place, when girls are below 18 years and boys are below 21
years of age. The various causes of child marriage are, poverty and unawareness,
discriminatory treatment against girls, dowry demands, patriarchy followed by traditionalists,
political patronage, social and cultural practices, lack of opportunities for girls, problems
related to marriage, lack of acquisition of education and enhancing status and reputation of
parents. The individuals and families usually belonging to rural communities get influenced
by one or more of these causes and there is prevalence of child marriage. The individuals
need to generate awareness in terms of providing effective solutions to various problems, so
they can eliminate the practice of child marriage.
The girls are the ones, who are required to undergo detrimental effects as a result of
child marriage to a major extent. The causes of child marriage are, illiteracy, inability to
participate in employment opportunities, deprivation of childhood activities, lack of
participation in extra-curricular and creative activities, unable to participate in the decision
making processes, implementation of household responsibilities, experience barriers in
attainment of empowerment opportunities, early motherhood, detrimental effects upon health,
and increased exposure to criminal and violent acts. The Prohibition of Child Marriage Act
was passed in 2006. The main objective of this act was to eliminate this practice. In rural
communities and among the individuals, belonging to underprivileged and socio-
economically backward sections of the society, there is a need to generate awareness in terms
of considering girls as assets, providing them with rights and opportunities to up-grade their
competencies and aptitude and not encouraging the practice of child marriage. These
individuals need to form constructive viewpoints regarding girls. Finally, it can be stated,
when the individuals will provide education to the girls and promote empowerment
opportunities among them, the practice of child marriage will get eliminated and girls will be
able to enrich their overall quality of lives.

Abbhi, A., Jayakumar, K., Raj, M.R. & Padmanabhan, R. (2013). Child Marriages in India.
An Insight into Law and Policy. The Red Elephant Foundation. Retrieved Retrieved
August 22, 2020 from

Chapter – 3. (n.d.). Child Marriages in India: National Perspective. Retrieved August 21,

2020 from

Chapter – VI. (n.d.). Causes of Child Marriage. Retrieved August 21, 2020 from

Child Marriage in India. (2018). Centre for Social Research (CSR). Retrieved August 21,

2020 from

Malhotra, A. (2010). The Causes, Consequences and Solutions to Forced Child Marriage in

the Developing World. Retrieved August 22, 2020 from

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