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Read the following instruction carefully.
1. Use and HB pencil shade in your answers. Ensure that your shading in error is thoroughly erased.
2. Candidate should writer their full Names (surname first) JAMB Registration number, Paper code ,
Sex, JAMB score, faculty of first and second choice and the Question paper option given to them,
in the appropriate spaces in the Answer sheet.
3. Attempt all questions
4. The use of calculators and/or similar electronic devices is NOT allowed.

Choose the suitable as the correct answer to the following questions.

1. “The lad is gone and I, where shall I go”. Which of Joseph’s brothers uttered these words? (a
Benjamin (b) Judah (c) Ruben (d) Simon
2. Pharaoh oppressed the Israelites because (a) He feared that the y might join his enemies to fight
him (b) The continue to give birth male children
(c) The midwives did not kill the children at birth (d) He did not know Jacob and Joseph
3. Moses could not enter the promise land because he was (a) Too old to cross the borde r (b) Too
busy preparing his successor (c) Did not give regard to God (d) Died in the wilderness.
4. God’s covenant with Abraham took the form of (a) Some written code (b) Circumcision (c)
Promise of wealth (d) Promise of long life
5. “My father chastised you wi th whips, but I will chastise you with scorpion”. Who said this? (a
Solomon (b) Jeroboam (c) Rehoboam (d) Absalom
6. “My soul magnifies the lord…” Was made by
(a) Elizabeth (b) Zechariah (c) Mary (d) John the Baptist
7. Where did Peter declare the messiah ship of Jesus? (a) On the way to Jerusalem (b) On the way
to Caesarea Philippi (c) On the way to Galilee (d) On the way to Mount Olive

8. Which of the following is not a condition for being a disciple of Jesus?

(a) Having a good knowledge of the scriptures (b) Self denial
(c) Taking up the cross daily (d) Confessing Jesus

9. According to tradition, the prince who founded the Nupe Kingdom came from (a) Bida (b)
Biron (c) Igala (d) Idoma
10. Cowries were introduced to Nigeria from (a) Pacific ocean (b) Antarctic ocean (c) Indian
ocean (d) Atlantic ocean
11. Which of these oracles enabled a section of the Igbo people to establish commercial domination
over their immediate neighbors?
(a) Ogbunorie oracle of Ezimoha (b) Ibini Ukonsi of Arochkwu
(c) Igwe ka ala of Umuoha (d) Agbala of Awka
12. The following articles of trade were exchanged between the Hausa and Sukure traders (a)
Onions, beads, mineral salt and antimony (b) Onions, fish oil, pepper and antimony (c)
Beads, mineral salt, gold and ivory(d) Beads, onions, mineral salt and natroa.
13. The people of the Niger Delta resisted the penetration of the interior territory of the British
because (a) They wanted to secure their position as middle men traders (b) The Ijaw were
suspicious of the Igbo collaboration with the British (c) They wanted to maintain peace
along the Niger waterway (d) They wanted to protect the interior from external aggression.
14. Which of the following was responsible for the decline and fall of the Oyo Empire? (a) The
Empire has strong central government (b) The introduction of horse into Oyo (c) The
aura of greatness of the empire
(d) the vastness of the empire
15. The Oyomesi was (a) The council of elders (b) The official in charges of commerce (c) The

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minister of the interior (d) The supreme council of the Oyo Empire
16. The European and Nigerian traders developed a credit system know as (a) Thrift system (b) Debt
system (c) Loan system (d) Trust system
17. Which of the following European countries was the first to explore African coastland? (a) Spain
(b) Portugal (c) Italy (d) France
18. Britain and Spain began to play leading role in sale of slaves in the (a) Fifteen century (b)
Sixteen century (c) Eighteen century (d) Seventeen centuries
19. In what year did the Portuguese explorer Gonsaves return some slaves to Lisbon? (a) 1446
(b) 1441 (c) 1443 (d) 1442
20. Which of the following was a consequence of the abolition of slave trade? (a) Hundreds of
thousands of able bodied Nigerians were sold to slavery
(b) Many schools and farms were established to educate Nigeria
(c) A peaceful atmosphere that encouraged European exploration was created (d) It contributed
to the demise of some Nigerian Empire
21. Rev. Henry Townsend introduced the first printing press in
(a) 1852 (b) 1849 (c) 1846 (d) 1854
22. An essential attribute of government is
(a) Permanence (b) A denied territory (c) Law (d) Population
23. One of the following factors that can determine legitimacy is (a) Strong defence (b) Public
opinion (c) Level of literacy (d) Foreign policy objective
24. One of the following characteristics of constitutional monarchy is that (a) Power is invested in
one person who controls the legislature, the executive and judiciary (b) He is not controlled by
the law of the land (c) His will becomes law of the land (d) The monarchy is guided by the
rule of law
25. Case laws are made by the (a) The executive (b) The judiciary (c) Local government
(d) The legislature
26. The federal legislature in Nigeria became bicameral in (a) 1959 (b) 1963 (c) 1954
(d) 1946
27. Indigenization policy was fir st introduced during the military regime of (a) General Abdulsalami
Abubakar (b) General Gowon (c) General Babangida (d) Major General Aguiyi Ironsi
28. Nigeria joined OPEC in (a) 1971 (b) 1970 (c) 1973 (d) 1972
29. Which of the following characteristics in common to socialism and communism? (a) Dictatorship
of the proletariat (b) Social justice (c) Stateless society (d) Existence of government
30. The federal constitution is the foremost source of authority in: (a) The local level of government
(b) The federal government is the all inclusive government (c) The nonfederal
system of government (d) The component government as the junior partner
31. The invocation of ultra against an instrument in case of control of delegated legislation by (a)
Public outcry (b) The judiciary (c) The parliament (d) The executive
32. In an ideal democratic and mass party, the highest body in the party of organizational hierarchy
is (a) Party caucus (b) National Secretariat (c) Parliamentary recruitment(d) Policy
33. One of the functions of pressure groups is (a) Interest articulation (b) Interest
aggregation (c) Political recruitment (d) Policy execution
34. The strategy of manipulating constituencies to favour the party in power is know as (a) Elective
principle (b) Gerrymandering (c) Franchise (d) Single -member constituency
35. Which of the following is not a feature of the civil service? (a) Anonymity (b) Expertise (c)
Profit (d) Permanence
36. Which of the following activities is not performed by the public corporation? (a) Assisting the
government of perform functions of economic growth and welfare (b) Generation of income for
(c) Taking over functions of government department as and when necessary (d) Filling the
gaps as created by absence of indigenous investors
37. Which of the fol lowing was not an effort of nationalistic activities?
(a) Formation of the political parties (b) Rapid constitutional development
(c) Formation of rapid policy (d) Spread of education
38. Which of the following is a demerit of the 1999 constitution? (a) It specifies the exclusive and
concurrent legislative lists (b) The increase in the number of local government areas (c)

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Constitution is rigid and not too easy to amend, particularly with regards to the creation of new
local government areas (d) The increase in the number of local government areas to give
room for greater political awareness and economic development.
39. Which one of the following is not a problem in Nigeria federalism? (a) The practice of the state
(b) Minorities within states (c) Chieft aincy disputes (d) The issue of ethnic
40. The local government is regarded as an extension of the central/state government in (a) French
type of local; government (b) Manager type of local government (c) English type of local
government (d) Presidential type of local government.
41. In the Yoruba traditional political system, the rulers and (a) Law making power only (b)
Judicial and legislative powers (c) Legislative, executive and judicial powers (d)
Executive power
42. Lagos colony and Southern protectorate were joined together in (a) 1904 (b) 1906 (c) 1905
(d) 1903
43. The integrative effort among West African States revolve around (a) Economic community of
West Africa (b) Africa Union (c) South African Development co mmunity (d) European
44. Foreign policy is not one of the following (a) General orientation and policy orientation of a
state towards others states (b) Policy of achieving internal security among states of federation
(c) Policy of achieving internal securi ty among states of a federation (d) Objectives
that strive to achieve in her interactions with other states
45. The current chairman of ICPC is (a) Justice Atanda Fatai -Willimas (b) Justice Karibi White
(c) Justice Emmanuel Ayoola (d) Justice Muhammed Uwais
46. Complete this statement “Blessed are the poor in spirit…”
(a) For they will be filled (b) For they will be called sons of God
(c) For they will see God (d) For theirs is the kingdom of Heaven
Read the following poem carefully and answer the questions that follow:
Love you my gentle one; my love in the fresh milk in the Runbinidi, which you drank on the wedding
day, my love is the butter we were smeared with to seal the fidelity into our hearts. You are the ca ttle -
bird’s egg, for those who say you are wealth You are the papyrus reed of the lake, which they pull out
with both hands and I sing for you with tears, because you are posses my heart, I love you gentle one.
47. The poem is an example of (a) Iyric (b) A dirge (c) An ode (d) An epic
48. The poem is a blank verse because (a) There is no rhyme (b) There is rhyme (c) The rhyme is
alternate (d) It contains couplets
49. The predominate literary device used in the extract is (a) Hyperbole (b) Epigra (c)
Oxymoron (d) Apostrophe
50. Theunderlined expression contain a (a) Simile (b) Metaphor (c) Personification (d)
51. The feeling of the poem is one of (a) Anxiety (b) Gaiety (c) Sadness
(d) Frustration
Question 34-38 are based on Hamlet, Read the passage below carefully and answer the question the

Good hamlet, cast they knighted colour off, and let thin eye look like a friend on Denmark, do not
forever with they veiled lids. Seek for thy noble father in the dust. Thus known ties common all tha t lives
must die passing through nature to eternity (Act 1 scene 1).

52. Who is the speaker of the above except? (a) King cladius (b) The Ghost (c) Queen
Gertrude (d) Polonius
53. ………… knighted colour” means (a) Highly looks (b) Ugly look (c) someone’s colour at nine
(d) Colour of the night
54. Is it correct to say that “knighted colour is a
(a) Metaphor (b) Simile (c) Metonym (d) Bathos

That you good beauties be the happy cause of hamlet’s wildness. So I shall hope your virtues will brin
him to went way again. To both your honours. (Act 3 Scene 1).

Page 4

55. The phrase “good beauties” refers to (a) Horatio’s (b) Polonius
(c) Queen’s (d) Ophelia’s
56. By “Hamlet” wildness “the speaker means (a) his rudeness (b) his passion for women
(c) his passion for alcohol (d) his madness
57. “Hamlet’s wanted way” means his (a) Usual way of life (b) Silent way of life (c) economical
use of money (d) Manner of writing of many friends
58. Reversal of fortune as used in the central character of a literary work describes the (a) Rise to
fame of the central character (b) Success of the hero or heroine (c) Reward of the hero
or heroine for his or her courage (d) Sudden change in of the central character
59. A poem of mourning of a mild and dedication written to the death of an individual is called
(a) An allergy (b) An elegy (c) A sonnet
(d) An ode
60. The substitution of a mild an pleasant expression for a harsh and blunt one is called (a)
Ambiguity (b) Climax (c) Periphery (d) Euphemism
61. In literary criticism the vocabulary or language used by the writer in generally known as (a)
Diction (b) Figure of speech (c) Characterization (d) Rhythms
62. The antagonist in a tragedy is (a) Any character in the tragedy
(b) Relife (c) The character that provides comic relief (d) The character set in opposition to
the main characters
63. Identify the odd item in the following list (a) Prose (b) Catastrophic
(c) Poetry (d) Drama
64. An epilogue in a play refers to the (a) Conflict in the play (b) Tailpiece
(c) Opening chorus (d) Dramatic action
65. An allegory is a story (a) in which people or things or events have another meaning (b)
Which aims at teaching a moral lesson (c) Told in verse (d) in which allegations are made
about the characters
66. Any work of literature which sets out to instruct may be called (a) Dialectic
(b) Didactic (c) Definitive (d) Decadent
67. A statement th at appears to say something opposite to common sense or the truth, but which
may contain truth is (a) An oxymoron (b) A paradox (c) An irony (d) A parable
68. An overused expression (a) A cliché (b) A cacophony (c) An epigram (d) An
69. What basically distinguishes literature from other disciplines is its (a) Use of creative imagination
(b) exposition of human experience (c) Communication of ideas (d) Portrayal of places
70. Dialogue is important in drama because is (a) helps the audience improve their English (b) is
usually funny and lively (c) reveals the mind of the characters (d) helps the audience
of relax
71. A quatrain is (a) The last line in a poem (b) The fourth of a sonnet (c) A poem which ends
with a question (d) A stanza
72. In literature, a round character is associated with (a) Charge ad growth
(b) Stability and determination (c) Simplicity and modesty (d) Running down other
73. The expression “the sun kisses the earth is a? (a) Simile (b) Metaphor (c) Personification
(d) Paradox
74. A story the explains the origin of a neutral phenomenon is a (a) Fiction (b) Legend (c)
Parable (d) Myth
75. The oldest bronze in West Africa is found in? (a) Ife(b) Benin (c) Igbo (d) Jos

1.C 2.A 3.C 4.B 5.D 6.B 7.D 8.C 9.C 10.A 11.B 12.D 13.D
14.D 15.D 16.A 17.B 18.C 19.- 20.C 21.- 22.C 23.D 24.C 25.B 26.B
27.D 28.C 29.C 30.B 31.C 32.D 33.A 34.B 35.C 36.D 37.D 38.D 39.C
40.A 41.A 42.A 43.A 44.C 45.A 46.D 47.C 48.- 49.A 50.B 51.B 52.-
53.- 54.- 55.- 56.- 57.- 58.- 59.B 60.D 61.A 62.D 63.B 64.B 65.A
66.B 67.C 68.A 69.A 70.C 71.B 72.B 73.C 74.D 75.B

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Read the following instruction carefully.
1. Use and HB pencil shade in your answers. Ensure that your shading in error is thoroughly erased.
2. Candidate should writer their full Names (surname first) JAMB Registration number, Paper code,
Sex, JAMB score, faculty of first and second choice and the Question paper option given to
them, in the appropriate spaces in the Answer sheet.
3. Attempt all questions
4. The use of calculators and/or similar electronic devices is NOT allowed.

INSTRUCTION: Read the following passage and answer the question through the option that follow.

Every work of art is the chi ld of its age and, in many cases, the mother of our emotions. It
follows that each period of culture produces an art of its own which can never be repeated. Efforts to
revive the art principles of the past will at best produce an art that is still born. It is impossible for us to
live an fee as did ancient Greeks. In the same way those who strive to follow the Greek methods in
sculpture achieve only a similarity of form, the work remaining soulless for all time. Such imitatio n is
mere aping. Externally the pages with a thoughtful aspect but his action have for him no real meaning.
There is, however, in art another land of external similarity which his founded on a fundamental truth .
When there is similarity of inner tendency in the whole moral and spiritual atmosphere, a similarity of
ideas, at first closely pursued but later lost to sight, a similarity in the inner feeling of any on e period to
that of another, the logical result will be a revival of the external forms which served to express those
inner feelings in an earlier age. An example of this today is our sympathy, our spiritual relationship with
the consequence all consideration of external form.
This all important spark of inner life today is at present only a spark. Our minds, which have
even now only just awakening after years of materialism; are infected with the despair of unbelief, of
lack of purpose and ideal. The nightmare of materialism, which has turned the life of the universe into
evil, useless games, is not yet past. It holds the awakening soul still in its grip. Only a feeble light
ginners like a tiny star in a vast gulf of darkness. This feeble light is but a presentiment, and the so ul,
when it see it. Trembles in doubt whether the light is not a mean, and the gulf of darkness reality. This
doubt and the still -harsh of the materialistic philosophy divide our out sharply from at of the Primitive
soul cracked when we seem to play upon i t, as does a costly vase, long buried in the earth, which is
found to have a flow when it is dug up once more. For this reason, the Primitive phase, through whic h
we are now passing, with its temporary similarity of form, can only be of short duration.

1. Which of the following is the best title for this passage
(a) The art of the 20 th Century (b) The dangers of materialism (c) Why primitive art
cannot be rekindled (d) The similarities in artistic movements
2. In contest, the word “aspect: i paragraph one most nearly means
(a) Meaningful perspective (b) Facial expression (c) Configuration
(d) Contemplation
3. Which of the following is an example of the “fundamental truth” mentioned I paragraph two? (a
The inability of great artists like Vincent Van Gogh to achieve fame in their lifetime (b) the
failure to reproduce art work that was created in the fourth century BC (d) the similarity between
two painting created a century apart, each in the midst of a great class war.
4. In say that the soul “tremble is doubt” in paragraph three when it sees the “Feeble Light” in th
line paragraph; the author suggests that (a) Artists have doubts about whether there of
materialism is truly past
(b) The public is unsure that hunger of rapt will be met (c) artists do no t know from where their
next inspiration will come (d) the primitives found mysterious lights more frightening that

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modern people do.

5. How would the author characterize the effect of materialism of the artist’s soul? (a) Supportive
(b) confusing (c) Calming (d) Oppressive
It is capital misery for a man to be at once both old and ignorant. If he were only old, and bad
knowledge, he might loosen the tediousness of decrepit age by the pleasure of contemplation. If he
were young though knew nothing, his later years would serve him to labour and learn, so that in “th
winter of his time” when he is weary, he might find some comfort in his chair. But now, there is no ma
as wretched as he whose body is being withered by the passa ge of time and whose mind is totally
unfurnished by those great ideas of science and the world in general.
A gray head with a wise mind is a treasure of grave precepts, experience and judgment. But,
foolish old age is a barren vine in a season of harvest, or a university where foolishness is studied, every
action is a pattern of infirmity while his body sits stills he does not know how to find his mind’s action
and there is no life as burdensome or disguising as that of idl eness.
What then? knowledge is not hurtful, but helps a good mind; anything that is laudable I desire to
learn if I die tomorrow, my life today shall somewhat be sweeter for knowledge and if my days prove a
summer one, it will be perfectly all right to hav e my mind as my compassion. I remember the answer
given by Antitheses, the Athenian philosopher, when he asked what he had gained from all his studies .
“By them” he said have learned both to live on with myself.

6. The world ‘capital’ (line 1) most means (a) Much discussed (b) centrally fixed (c) critically
important (d) deadly true
7. According to the author, the pains of old age can made more bearable if one (a) is sufficiently
wealthy (b) is well educated (c) understands sciences (d) has inherited goodgenes
8. The chief advantages in being young according to the passage is that one has (a) Strength and
good health (b) time to enjoy life without weakness (c) future years in which to acquire
knowledge (d) prospect of avoiding troubles of old age.
9. The winter of one’s life according to the passage most nearly means
(a) Years of illness and bad health (b) Times of misfortunes and bad luck (c) Youth and
its normal ignorance (d) Old age and its infirmities
10. Which of the following is the most striking characteristics of the language in the above passage?
(a) Rich use of figure of speech (b) abstract diction and argument (c) unusually
complex verbal structures (d) simple and direct sentences.
Use the correct word from the following gap to fill the numbered gaps in the passage below.
Try to determine the meaning of unknown words. Using contest or word analysis. To most
people 11 and encyclopedias are closely linked and are sometimes considered 12 but they are essentially
different kinds of 13 works with different purposes. A dictionary is books that lists word in 14 order and
describes their 15 modern dictionaries often include 16 about spelling pronunciations, word origin,
usage, synonyms, and grammar and sometimes pictures as well. An 17 on the other hand, is a collection
of articles about every branch of 18. Although their 19 and descriptions go beyond the information given
in the 20.
11. dictionaries Stories novels textbooks
12. different right wrong Interchangeable
13. Same difference true false
14. Alphabetical serial numerical grammatical
15. Illustrations pictures meanings statures
16. news information stores beliefs
17. illustration analysis encyclopedia imagery
18. trees subjects grammars knowledge
19. description illustration definition comments
20. textbook novel story dictionary

Choose among the options, the one that has the opposite meaning to the word group of words
underlined in sentences to fill the missing word(s).

Page 7

21. The diligence of the man contrast with… of the wife (a) insolence
(b) indiscipline (c) indolence (d) disguise
22. A generous man is not expected to marry a……… woman (a) garrulous
(b) mean (c) gentle (d) vociferous
23. While Osawe met with…… in the competition Roli met with fiasco
(a) success (b) fidelity (c) disappointment (d) dangerous
24. The girl is vivacious today, unlike yesterday when she was… for the greater part of the day (a
veracious (b) ferocious (c) moody
(d) voracious
25. This expired drug will not assuage you feverish condition, it will rather… it (a) amend (b)
worsen (c) ameliorate (d) relieve
26. To carry coals to Newcastle means (a) to take things to where they are in abundance already
(b) to dirty a place known of be ever neat (c) to bring shame to a place and its people
(d) to behave ungratefully to a mentor
27. Sarah’s classmates hav seat her to the Coventry this means Sarah is (a) Well -loved by her
classmates (b) so gullible that her mates cheat her every time (c) ostracized by her
classmates (d) a brilliant representative of her class
28. My brother left me in the lurch last year this means that (a) made me learn my lesson in hard
way (b) did not wait for me before he took an important decision (c) forsook me in time
of problem (d) set a trap for me
29. We advised the highly educated boy to put his pride to his pocket at the village meeting (a) to
behave simply and ordinary (b) to speak simple and understandable words (c) to wear
traditional dress (d) not to speak at the meeting.
30. The two communities have been advised to turn swords into ploughshares. This means the
communities (a) should encourage their people to plough the land (b) should substitute
peace of hostilities (c) should replace old equipment with modern equipment
(d) should invest huge money in agriculture

From the words lett ered A to D choose the one the complete each of the following sentences.
31. Chinedu Chichidodo every time to face his studies squarely
(a) advice (b) advice (c) advise (d) advises
32. The illness of the woman was so serious that it took a team of medical experts days (a)
Pull her over (b) pull her through (b) push her on (d) Put her back
33. I for sure that success one
(a) know/exalt (b) Knows/exalt (c) Know/exalts (d) knows/exalts

34. If Nerisa failed the examination, she (a) shall repeat (b) would repeated (c) will
repeat (d) would repeat
35. Let the boy in the way he (a) behaves/like (b) behave/like
(c) behaves/likes (d) behave/likes
36. The boy stands akimbo before the straitlaced principle (a) dares not
(b) dare not (c) is daring not (d) shall not dare
37. The man asked if I my race (a) have run (b) had run (c) have ran
(d) had run
38. You need a spiritual rebirth to be able to evil at all times (a) ward off
(b) ward away (c) walk out (d) work on
39. After he had worked seriously for six hour, all Caro could do was
(a) march (b) strut (c) run (d) trudge
40. Tamuno Doaleng’s feelings last night (a) hurt (b) hurts (c) hurted
(d) was hurting


Read the extract below and answer question 1 to 5 that follows:

Joseph turned around, “Be careful you don’t slip”, he called her heel dug for a third step and then th
moss stripped off a little. Her hands gripped the moss and tore it out. Joseph saw her head describe a
little are and strike the ground. As the ran toward her, she turned solely on her side. Her whole body

Page 8

shuddered violently for a second and then relaxed. He stood over her for an instant before he ran to the
spring and filled his hand with water. But when he came back to her. He let the water fall to the ground,
for he saw the position of her neck, and the grey that was stealing into her checks “it was too simple
too easy, too quick” he said.
1. The setting of the extract is the (a) field (b) stream (c) farm (d) mountain
2. The mood of the narrator is one of (a) shock (b) indifference
(c) happiness (d) kindness
3. The narrator’s companion had just (a) died (b) arrived (c) relaxed (d) collapsed
4. The extract is an example of (a) narrative prose (b) descriptive prose
(c) imaginative prose (d) expo sitory prose
5. The underlined expression is an example of (a) hyperbole (b) metaphor
(c) simile (d) personification
6. “Fragment” by Ayi Kwei Armah is a/an (a) anthology (b) biography
(c) autobiography (d) epistolary
7. In the same “fragments” baako is the son of (a) Mrs. Efua Onipa
(b) Mrs. Araba (c) Achimota (d) Ekua
8. A narrator is a prose who is also a character is known as (a) objective narrator (b)
omniscient narrator (c) subjective narrator (d) participatory
9. A character who does not develop or experience change in a novel is (a) around character
(b) flat character (c) major character (d) minor character
10. The term used for narrative writing drawn from author’s imagination is (a) non fiction (b) epic
(c) fiction (d) lyric
11. A style of writing involving the use of letters to communicate is known as a/an style
(a) epistolary (b) realistic (c) documentary (d) literary
12. An introductory speech made at the beginning of a play is (a) prose (b) plot (c)
prologue (d) epilogue
13. Mental pickier evolved in the mind of the read in a literary work is (a) Sensation (b) imagery
(c) music (d) passion
14. The source of traditional oral poetry is (a) film (b) books (c) fiction (d) song
15. is short poem that describes an incident or interesting scene/even (a) pastoral (b)
elegy (c) idyll (d) eulogy
16. At the creator, the river the flowed out of Eden to water the garden divide into the following four
rivers (a) Ahava, Nile, Jordan and Tigris (b) Cyrus, Jordan Tigris and Euphrates (c) Cyrus,
Jordan, Pishon and Gihon
17. Abraham responded the Lord’s appearance to him in Shechem by (a) making the occasion with a
feast (b) building an alter to the Lord (c) pitching a tent at Shechem (d) continuing
his journey to Bethel
18. Which of the following was responsible for the misdeeds of the sons Eli? (a) the lack of religious
and moral education (b) the tempting situation under which the grew up (c) their father’s lack o
parental responsibility (d) their own stupidity
19. Peter proved that the Pentecost was fulfillment of the prophesy of (a) Micah (b) Hosea
(c) Amos (d) Joel
20. In the acts of the Apostle, all the following were the characteristics of communal living in the
early church except (a) sharing of goods (b) hiding from Jewish arrest (c) praying together
(d) breaking of bread
21. According to Paul, all men have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, but we have been
justified by (a) Jesus becoming man (b) God’s gift to grace (c) strict obedience to
the law (d) man’s own self effort
22. The first martyr among the disciples was (a) James (b) Phillip (c) Stephen (d)
23. In the epistle of James, the effectives of prayer depends on (a) the number of prayer in a day
(b) praying aloud repeatedly (c) praying at scheduled moments (d) constancy in faith
24. Herod was happy to receive Jesus for trail because (a) he expected to see signs (b) Pilate and
Herod were friends (c) Pilate hand communicated with Herod (c) Herod planned to release
25. Which of the following false charges were leveled against Jesus before Caiaphas the high priest?

Page 9

That he (a) claimed to be Christ, the son of God (b) forbade the people from paying tax to
Caesar (c) forbade the authorities fro exchanging money in the temple (d) said “I am abl
to destroy the temple of God and to build in three days.
26. The slave trade was abolished in (a) 1807 (b) 1909 (c) 1813 (d) 1877
27. The leader of the military organization in old Oyo empire was the (a) Oyomesi (b) Ogboni
(c) Alasfin (d) Are-Ona Kakanfo
28. The Portugese first visited Benin in the region of Oba (a) Ewuare the Great (b) Ozolua
(c) Esigie (d) Ovonranmwen
29. During the period of British conquest of Northern Nigeria, which of these places was rules by a
solider of fortune named Rabih Zabair? (a) Kano (b) Sokoto (c) Zaria (d) Borno
30. The fall of the first Republic of Nigeria took place on (a) March 15, 1966 (b) January 15, 1966
(c) April 18, 1967 (d) September 28, 1969
31. was not a cause of the Aba women’s riot (a) taxation (b) corrupt colonial officials
(c) extortion (d) medical services to indigenes
32. introduced Islam to Kanem Bornu Empire (a) Dugu (b) the Beni sef (c) the
Maghumi (d) Mohammed Rimfa.
33. The first king in Hausa land to accept Islam was (a) Mohammed Korau (b) All yaji (c)
Mohammed Rimfa (d) Dal-Maghili
34. Which of the following was not connect ed with the exploration of the river Niger? (a) Mungo park
(b) Richard Lander (c) Walter Oudney (d) Dr. David living stone
35. One of the causes of the slave trade was (a) the need for cheap labour in the tobacco,
sugarcane and cotton plantation in America (b ) the need for money (c) the need for guns
(d) the survival of the Indian laborers
36. Mid-western region was created in Nigeria in (a) 1963 (b) 1962 (c) 1961 (d) 1960
37. Which of the following nation operates an unwritten constitution?
(a) Canada (b) U.S.A. (c) Great Britain (d) Ghana
38. The Senate President in the second republic was (a) Mr. Umeh Ezeoke
(b) Dr. Joseph Wayas (c) Dr. Iyorcha Ayu (d) Chief Evan Ewerem
39. The number of senators representing each of the federation is
(a) one (b) two(c) three (d) five
40. The first Prime Minister of Nigeria was (a) Nnamdi Azikwe
(b) Ahmadu Bellow (c) Tafawa Belewa (d) Herbert Macaulay
41. What would you call the element of Art that records the movement of the hand describing
objects? (a) colour (b) line(c) motif (d) shape
42. The metal frame on which modeled sculpture is made is known as (a) armature (b)
cartoon (c) carving (d) puppet
43. What would you call an Artist, who carves, models and cast figures?
(a) painter (b) designer (c) sculptor (d) carver
44. Warm colour tends to: (a) advance in painting (b) be cool in peaceful
(c) reduce the size of objects in a painting (d) recede in a painting
45. Line, colour, space, texture and form are known as: (a) groups of design
(b) type of design (c) elements of design (d) principles of design
46. Which of the following Wes t African peoples work naturalistic?
(a) Bamileke (b) Ife (c) Nok(d) Ashanti

47. Abstract Art is Art work in which the (a) images are incomplete
(b) images are all in geometric shapes (c) objects can be recognized (d) objects are
partially realistic
48. In African society marks are used (a) to display the sills of carves
(b) to decorate homes (c) for social dances an ritual display (d) to decorate shrines
49. Who did the work titled “Sango” in PHCN headquarters in Lagos?
(a) Ben Enwonwu (b) Demas Nwoko (c) Aina Onabolu (d) D. K. Oshinowo
50. Leather work is commonly done by the
(a) Yoruba (b) Ibos (c) Edos (d) Hausas

1.- 2.B 3.D 4.C 5.B 6.C 7.B 8.C 9.- 10.- 11.A 12.D 13.A


14.A 15.C 16.B 17.C 18.D 19.C 20.D 21.C 22.B 23.A 24.B 25.C 26.A
27.C 28.C 29.A 30.B 31.C 32.D 33.C 34.D 35.D 36.B 37.A 38.A 39.D

1.D 2.A 3.A 4.A 5.D 6.C 7.D 8.D 9.B 10.C 11.A 12.C 13.B
14.D 15.C 16.C 17.B 18.C 19.D 20.B 21.B 22.D 23.D 24.A 25.D 26.B
27.D 28.A 29.B 30.B 31.D 32.D 33.- 34.C 35.A 36.A 37.A 38.B 39.C




Read the following instruction carefully.
1. Use and HB pencil shade in your answers. Ensure that your shading in error is thoroughly erased.
2. Candidate should writer their full Names (surname first) JAMB Registration number, Paper code,
Sex, JAMB score, faculty of first and second choice and the Question paper option given to
them, in the appropriate spaces in the Answer sheet.
3. Attempt all questions
4. The use of calculators and/or similar electronic devices is NOT allowed.

INSTRUCTION: Read the passage below and answer question 1 to 5 that follows.
Athletes and actors let actors stands for the set of performing artist -share much. They share the
need to make gesture as fluid and economical as possible, to make out a welter of choice the single,
precisely right one. They need four thousands of hours of practice in order to train the body to bec ome
perfect. Instinctive instrument to express. Both athlete and actor, out of the abundance of emotion,
choice, strategy knowledge of the terrain, mood of extractors, conditions of others in the ensemble,
secrete awareness of injury or weakness and as nearly an absolute concentration as possi ble so that all
externalities are integrated destruction absorbed to the self, must be able to change the self so
successfully that it changes us.
When either athlete or actor can bring all these kills to “bear and focus them, then he or she wil
achieve that state of complete intensity and complete relaxation, complete coherence or integrity
between what the performer has to do. Then there former is free, to them, all that has been learn, b y
thousand of practice and discipline and by repetition of patte rn, becomes natural. Then intellect is
upgraded to the level of an instinct. The body follows commands that precedes thinking.
When athletes and artists achieve self -knowledge that they transform the self so that we are
recreated, it is finally and exercis e in power. The individual power to dominate, on stage or field un -
vests the whole arena around the locus of performance dislike or resent the audience as much as they
need and enjoy it. Power flows in an mysterious circuit from performers to spectator (1 assume a “live
performance) and back, and while cheers or applause are the hoped for outcome of performing, silence
or gasps are the most desire when the moment has occurred then domination is complete and he
performer triumph, in an inspiring results.

1. Which best described what the author is doing in the parenthetical comment “let actors stand fo
the set of performing artist” (line 1)
(a) Correcting a misinterpretation of the role of actors
(b) Encouraging actors to show tolerance for their fellow artist
(c) Defining the way in which he is using a particular term
(d) Emphasizing that actors are superior to others performing artist.

Page 10

2. The phrase “bring all these skill to bear” in paragraph 2 is best taken to mean that the athlete
(a) Cause himself to behave skin fully
(b) Influence himself to give birth to his skills
(c) Comes to endure these sills (d) Applies these skills purposely
3. To the author, freedom for performers depends on (a) The subjection of the audience (b) The
internalization of all they learned
(c) Their ability to interpret material independently
(d) The absence of injuries or other weaknesses
4. The author’s attitude towards the concept of the equality of spectators and perform is one of (a)
Relative indifference (b) Mild skepticism
(c) Explicit rejection (d) Market perplexity
5. Why does the author assume a “liv performance? (a) He prefers audience not to have time to
reflect about the performance they have just seen (b) His argument assumes a mutual
involvement between performer and spectators that can only occur when both are present (c) He
fears the use of “ins tant replay” and other broadcasting techniques will cause performers t
resent spectators even more strongly (d) He believes that televised and filmed images give
a false impression of the performer’s ability to the spectator.

In question 6 -7, and idiom is underline in each of the sentences, find under each sentences the group of
words that give the nearest meaning of the idiom.
6. It is a popular idea that man is merely a bird of passage in this world and that his home lies in
the world beyond (a) a s ojourner (b) One who is a restless person (c) One who constantly
moves from one world to another
7. A rustic is a fish out of water in the metropolis (a) Very comfortable (b) Ill at case (c) One
who loves to live (d) One who is not different from others.
In questions 8 -9, choose the world or set of words that bests fits the meaning of the sentences as a

8. I think Mr. Oni is acting unwisely. If he out a life insurance policy, all will be well (a) Would
(b) Takes (c) Will take (d) took
9. Science progresses by building on what has come before: important finding thus form the basis
of experiments (a) gradual (b) Ingenious (c) Perfunctory (d) Subsequent

In question 10 -11, selected the option that is nearest in meaning to the underline word.

10. Barabangi is really a mulish person (a) Gentle (b) Rough

(c) Stubborn (d) Peevish

11. Stubbornness helped him to succeed (a) Impertinence (b) Doggedness (c)
Silliness (d) Rudeness

In question 12 – 13, choose from the options given in A -D, the one which is opposite in meaning to the
world underlined in each of the following sentences.

12. There is a world difference between a nuclear family and family

(a) A group (b) An ordinary (c) An atomic (d) An extended

13. It is understandable that judges can be ruthless with die-hard criminals but with penitent
(a) Sober (b) Rustic (c) Endanger (d) Lenient
After each of the sentences in question 14 and 15, is a list of possible interpretations. Choose the most
appropriate for each sentences.
14. The students should never have followed Mr. Aka’s advice if they had not known is reputation
This means that the students (a) Knew what people said about Mr. Aka and so refused to obey
him (b) Trusted Mr. Aka very much but did not need any advice (c) Trusted Mr. Aka
and took his advice (d) Did not know Mr. Aka’s reputation.

Page 11

15. People from all walks of life attended the chief’s funeral. this means that (a) People of differen
professions came (b) Both rich and poor people were there (c) both old and young
(d) People were there and people of different religions came


Answer all questions
read the passage below and answer question 1 and 2 that follow
The moon likes flower
In heaven’s higher bowe
With silent delight
Sits and smiles on the night

1. The literary device used in line on is known as

(a) Hyperbole (b) Alliteration (c) Metaphor (d) Simile
2. Lines one and two are examples of (a) Verse (b) Couplet (c) Stress
(d) Stanza
3. The subject matter of J. P. Clark’s “Agbor Dancer is (a) Dancing
(b) The value of African culture (c) The need to educate Africans
4. The tone of Kofi Awoonnor “I will pronounce you name” is that of
(a) Score (b) Indecision (c) Wrath (d) Reverence
5. A story exemplifying a moral thesis, in which animals talk and act like human being is called
(a) The anecdote (b) A parable (c) An examplum (d) A fable
6. The epilogue in a literary composition is (a) At the beginning (b) In the middle (c) At
the end (d) just before the ends.
7. What is the material used for foreign ink through a silk mesh during the process of the silk
screen printing called?
(a) Roller (b) Squeeze (c) Stencil (d) Masking tape
8. What would you call a ceramic wave that is friend but not glazed?
(a) Weather wave (b) Biscuit wave (c) Green wave (d) Dina wave
9. In what branch of Art is throwing used? (a) Sculpture (b) Graphic (c) Architecture
(d) Ceramics
10 Which of the following best qualifies a good poster? (a) Legibility (b) Rightness (c)
Boldness (d) Durability
11. Where was traditionally glazed pots first made in Nige ria? (a) Owo
(b) Oshogbo (c) Kano (d) Abuja
12. The work titled Mona Lisa is a painting done by (a) Georges Braque (b) Pablo Picasso
(c) Michelango Buonarroti (d) Leonardo Da Vinei
13. The theory of separation of power was propounded by (a) Jean Paul Satre (b) Charles
Duvalier (c) Boron Montesquieu (d) Jacques Chiraque
14. In a system of government, the head of government is responsible to be electorate an the
constitution (a) Military (b) Republican (c) Federal (d) Unitary
15. The election of as the executive governor of Anambra state was turned down by the
supreme court (a) Chris Nigige (b) Chris Uba
(c) Christ Obi (d) Andy Uba
16. was a very important policy that characterized French colonial administration (a)
Delegation (b) Discrimination (c) Assimilation (d) Integrati on
17. Franchise mean (a) Voting by proxy (b) mandate to make laws (c) Voting right (d) The
French voting system
18. The following countries BUT ONE operates written constitution (a) France (b) USA (c)
Great Britain (d) German Democratic
19. Eli, the priest of God in Shiloh died mainly because (a) The priesthood would be taken away
from his family (b) The ark of God was captured (c) The ark of God was destroyed
(d) His two sons were killed
20. The contest on Mount Carmel between Elijah and Baal prophets was organized to (a) Show
the greatness of God (b) Prove the supremacy of God (c) Prove the immorality of God
(d) Show the omnipotence of God.
21. In the night. He was born, the baby Jesus was visited by (a) Elizabeth

Page 12

(b) The women of Galilee (c) The shepherds (d) The angels
22. The outstanding quality displayed by the centurion whose servants was healed was (a)
Love (b) Hope (c) Authority (d) Faith
23. James taught the pure religion is a combination of (a) Faith and peace (b) Work and
love (c) Faith and love (d) Work and faith
24. Knowledge of the use of iron enabled the early man in Nigeria to (a) Learn the practice of
agriculture (b) Control his environment (c) Acquire the knowledge of warfare (d)
Develop a religious culture
25. Which of the following parable illiterates God’s love? (a) The Sower
(b) Wheat and tares (c) The hidden treasure (d) The prodigal son
26. The Nok culture is important in Nigeria history because it (a) Suggested the migration of
Nigerians (b) Deter mined the extent of the Jukun kingdom (c) Traced the origin of the
Fulani (d) Provided the background to the origin of iron works
27. The first Europeans to visit Benin were (a) The Irish (b) The Scottish (c) The
Portuguese (d) The Polish
28. Why was King Kosoko of Lagos hated by the British? (a) He allowed free trade (b) He was
involve in slave trade (c) He refused to sign a treaty of protection (d) He allowed missionaries in
to his kingdom
29. In Kanem Bornu, the army was under the control of the (a) Galadima
(b) Kaigama (c) Magira (d) Verima

30. Which of the following was introduced after the abolition of the slave trade? (a) Legitimate
trade (b) Trade by barter (c) Internal trade (d) Saharan trade

1.C 2.D 3.B 4.A 5.D 6.A 7.B 8.B 9.D 10.C 11.B 12.D 13.D
14.C 15.A

1.D 2.B 3.B 4.D 5.D 6.C 7.C 8.B 9.D 10.A 11.B 12.D 13.C
14.C 15.D 16.C 17.C 18.B 19.D 20.B 21.D 22.D 23.D 24.A 25.D 26.D
27.C 28.C 29.A 30.A

Page 13


20 16

Time allowed: 1 hour

Read the following instructions carefully:
1. Use to shade your answer. Ensure that any shading in error is thoroughly erased.
Candidates should write their
given to them in the appropriate space in the
3. Write your JAMB Registration numbers on the Question paper in the space provided at the
top of Page 1.
4. Attempt all questions .
5. The use of calculators and/or similar electronic devices is allowed.

INSTRUCTION: From the words lettered A -D, choose the word or group of words that is nearest in
meaning to the underlined expression as it is used in the sentence.

1. I was warned against his erratic nature. (a) Impolite (b) Unpredictable
(c) Insane (d) Unusual
2. Doggedly they made their way across the desert. (a) Determinedly
(b) courageously (c) wearily (d) desperately
3. A mediocre student should be able to solve that problem wi th ease.
(a) (an) average (b) brilliant (c) (an) intelligent (d) (an) industrious
4. The Villagers constructed a bridge to link the island through a self help project. (a) acquired
(b) formed (c) devised (d) made
5. Some of the magazines we now have contain articles not fit for youngsters to consume. (a)
suitable (b) adequate (c) palatable (d) easy
6. An avaricious businessman always charges exorbitantly for his goods. (a) ungenerous (b)
penurious (c) miserly (d) greedy

Read the passage below and answer question 7 - 11 that follow:

The epic poem Beowulf, written in Old English, is the earliest existing Germanic epic and one of
four surviving Anglo-Saxon manuscripts. Although Beowulf was written by an anonymous English man in
Old English, the tale takes place in that part of Scandinavia from which Germanic tribes emigrated t o
England. Beowulf, comes from Gaetland, the Southeastern part of what is now Sweden. Hrothgar, king
of the Dane, lives near what is now Sweden, Hrot hgar, king of the Denes, lives near what is now leire,
on Zealand, Denmark’s largest island. The Beowulf and several minor tales that reflect a rich Germani
oral tradition of myths, legends and folklore.
The Beowulf warriors have a foot in both the Bronze and Iron Ages. Their mead-halls reflect the wealthy
living of the Bronze Age Northmen, and their wooden shields, wooden shafted spears, and Bronze Age
warriors. However, they carry iron -tipped spears, and their best swords have iron or iron edged blades.
Beowulf also orders an iron shield for his fight with a dragon. Iron replaced bronze because it prod uced
a blade with a cutting edge that was stronger and sharper. The Northmen learned how to forge iron in
about 500 B.C. although they has been superior to the European Celts in bronze work, it was the Celts
who taught them how to make and design iron work. Iron was accessible everywhere in Scandinavia,
usually in the form “bog -iron” found in the layers of peat in peat begs.
The Beowulf epic also reveals inte resting aspects of the lives of the Anglo -Saxons who lived in England
at the time of the anonymous Beowulf poet. The Germanic tribes including the Agles, the Saxons, and
the Jutes invaded England from about A -D. 450 to 600. by the time of Beowulf poet, Ang lo-Saxon
Society in England was neither primitive nor uncultured.
7. According to paragraph 1, which of the following is true about Beowulf?

Page 14

(a) It is the only manuscript from the Anglo -Saxon period

(b) The original story was written in German dialect
(c) The author did not sign his name to the poem
(d) It is one several epics from the first century
8. The word “which” in the passage refers to (a) tale (b) Scandinavia
(c) Manuscript (d) Old English

9. Why does the author mention “bog -iron” in paragraph 2? (a) To demonstrate the availability of
iron in Scandinavia (b) To prove that iron was better than bronze for weapons (c) To argue
that the Celts provided the materials to make iron (d) To suggest that 500 B.C. was the date
that the Iron Age began
10. Which of these sentences best express the information underlined in the passage?
(a) Society in Anglo-Saxon England was both advanced and cultured
(b) The society of the Anglo –Saxon was not primitive or cultured
(c) The Anglo-Saxons had society that was primitive, not cultured
(d) England during the Anglo-Saxon Society was advanced, not cultured
11. Why did iron replace bronze? (a) Iron was in abundance
(b) Bronze was no longer fashionable (c) Iron was more suited to their purpose and need
(d) The Celts could only teach with iron
From the words lettered A -D choose the word with best completes each of the following
12. the condition of the pitch, I don’t think the match will be held today
(a) Regarding (b) For (c) Notwithstanding (d) Considering
13. Our grandma invited of her three daughters to her death bed
(a) The senior (b) The oldest (c) The eldest (d) The elder
14. Aware of the fact that he would soon be caught, the thief turned himself to the police (a) up
(b) in (c) out (d) across
15. I’m a bit tired, said Ada can we sit the next dance ? (a) in (b) off
(c) out (d) down
16. The newly married couple are not with each other. (a) getting along
(b) getting on (c) getting by (d) getting through
17. I was still explaining my action when Tina rudely cut (a) on (b) off
(c) Away (d) in
18. The project because of lack of funds (a) Fell over (b) Fell out
(c) Fell through (d) Fell in

Instruction: After each of the sentences below, a list of possible interpretations of all or
part of the sentence is given. Choose the interpretation that you consider, most appropriate
for each sentence.
19. I took the wind out of his sail, when I quoted “Wilson, knowing that would be his next move
(a) Silenced him by forestalling his argument
(b) Change the discussion to a friendly gossip (c) Supported his argument (d ) clamed down his

20. You are simply splitting hairs but not able to make any important point
(a) drawing unnecessary distinctions (b) rambling (c) confusing unrelated issues
(d) deceiving your listeners
21. I get the impression that Mr. John is fighting shy for me. This mean that Mr. John (a) is afraid of
me (b) is trying to avoid me (c) is preparing to attack me (d) incites others against me
22. It appears that he sets little store by our friendship. This means
(a) he does not value it much (b) he does not remember it at all
(c) he wants to terminate it (d) he has no hope that it will succeed
23. Many of the girls thought that the Housemistress was trying to put the clock . This means that the
girls though the Housemistress was (a) attempting to repair the clock (b) attem pting to
introduce old-fashioned rules (c) trying to set the clock right (d) treating them quite

Page 15

24. When the storm had spent itself , there was a sudden quiet. this means the storm (a) was at its
fiercest(b) had failed (c) had subs ided (d) became stronger
Instruction: from the work lettered A – D choose the word or group of word that is opposite
in meaning to the underlined expression as it is used in the sentence.
25. If you don’t want the young girl to misbehave, you should give her explicit, not instruction
every time. (a) vague (b) sufficient
(c) extraordinary (d) vogue
26. The Biology teacher always gives us ample time to write his text out the mathematics teacher is
in the habit of giving us time to write his test. (a) inadequate (b) average (c)
additional (d) sufficient
27. Many people see my father as a conservative person but at times he surprises them with
this stance on certain issues.
(a) critical (b) orthodox (c) constructive (d) submissive
28. If a contract is not declared valid, it will be declared
(a) void (b) vindictive (c) valueless (d) vain
29. Balthasa is parochial while Bill is (a) helpful (b) pernicious
(c) versatile (d) pretentious
30. While Zenode is very unswerving of purpose, Tanaka is in nature.
(a) determined (b) motorable (c) erratic (d) unanswerable

INSTRUCTION: From the work letter A - D choose the appropriate answer

1. The mood of the poem ‘Heritage of Liberation is that of (a) Despair (b) Content and love
(c) Disappointment (d) Doom
2. In the poem ‘Bat’ the person points out that, the bat is loved by (a) Italians (b) Chinese
(c) Florence (d) English
3. The poem ‘The journey of the Magi by T.S. Elliot is written in
(a) Blank verse (b) Chiasms (c) Free verse (d) Syllepsis
4. When Joseph was sent to see to the welfare of his brothers, he met them pasturing at (a) The
wilderness (b) At Gilead (c) At Shechem (d) Sinai
5. Joshua gathered all the tribes of Israel for his farewell address at
(a) Schechem (b) Bethel (c) Jordan (d) Sinai
6. Eli the Priest at Shiloh was condemned because he (a) Allows his children to deprive God of his
share of sacrifice (b) Allowed the ark of God to be captured (c) Did not allow his children
to officiate as Priest (d) Loved his children.
7. Paul, in his letter to the Romans sai d as one man trespass led to condemnation for all men, so
one man’s act of righteousness lead to
(a) Acquittal and life for all men (b) Mortality for all men (c) Good works (d)
Exaltation for all men
8. The Priest of Midian gave Moses his daughter (a) Shi phara (b) Zipporah (c) Paul (d)
9. How many disciples did Jesus sent to the village in Behtphage to bring an ass and a colt? (a)
Four (b) Three (c) Two (d) One
10. When Judas arrived with a crowd to arrest Jesus, Jesus was praying at (a) Bethsaida (b)
Bethany (c) Calvary (d) Gethsemane
11. Peter enjoins church elders to tend the flock of God (a) for gain (b) Willingly (c)
Domineeringly (d) With constraint
12. According to John, living water means water that (a) Springs from Jacob’s well (b) Is running
(c) Wells up to eternal life (d) Quenches thirst
13. In “the wretched beggar cleaned his nails with dry saliva” the device used is (a) Anti-climax
(b) Oxymoron (c) Anecdote (d) Antithesis
14. An address to an object or person not present it (a) Apostrophe (b) Synecdoche (c)
Paradox (d) Epigram
15. A non verbal story telling by a character on stage is
(a) Imitation (b) Farce (c) Mime (d) Comedy
16. The expression ‘poisonous pleasure of wine’ illustrates the use of

Page 16

(a) Metonymy (b) Synecodoche (c) Paradox (d) Oxymoron

17. The main effect of comedy on an audience is (a) Anxiety (b) Sadness (c) Laughter (d)
18. A short poem written on a tomb is a/an (a) Dirge (b) Panegyric
(c) Epigram (d) Epitaph
19. Writing about an abstract object as though it had human qualities is known as (a) Apostrophe
(b) Personification (c) Imitation (d) Denotation
20. A device used by a writer to recall past events is known as (a) Flashback
(b) Fable (c) Disguise (d) Idealistic
21. The art of using persuasive words in a literary work is known as (a) Rhetoric (b) Remember
(c) Dilemma (d) Parody
22. A poem is said to be good if it (a) Has elevated style (b)Has rhyme and reason (c) Is
difficult to understand (d) has a regular rhythm
23. The Juxta position of two seemingly contradictory word is (a) Contract
(b) Anti-climax (c) Oxymoron (d) Anti-thesis
24. A narrative poem in the manner of oral folk tradition is (a) A pastoral (b) A lyric (c) A
Ballard (d) An elegy
25. Poetry that avoids the use of regular metre is (a) Lyric (b) Limerick (c) Free verse (d)
Blank verse
26. “For my yoke is easy and my burden is light” illustrate the use of
(a) Bathos (b) Euphemism (c) Paradox (d) Irony
27. The poem “An African Thunder Storm” is divided into stanza(s)
(a) One (b) Four (c) No (d) Continuous
28. ‘In the Navel of the Soul’ is an exampl of (a) Metaphysical poem
(b) Romantic poem (c) Elegy (d) Epigram
29. In order to prevent dictatorship, tyranny, and guarantee civil liberty and good government it has
been advocated that the three organs of government should be and (a) Separate
and distinct
(b) Separate and loose (c) Distinct and rigid (d) Separate and rigid
30. Absence of government in a society is called (a) Fascism
(b) Unconstitutionalism (c) Anarchy (d) Tyranny
31. Which one of the following features is common to socialism and communism? (a) Dictatorship of
the proletariat (b) Stateless society
(c) Social Justice (d) Existence
32. Collective responsibility of the cabinet is relevant in relations to
(a) Parliamentary system (b) Presidential system (c) Republican system (d)
Monarchical system
33. Only one of the following is a form of decentralization (a) Devolution (b) Concentration
(c) Delegation (d) Decontrol
34. Which of the following is a type of pressure group? (a) Organization
(b) Propaganda (c) Bureaucracy (d) Demonstration
35. A powerful legal instrument for controlling local governments is
(a) Criticism by the legislature (b) Writ of haveas corpus
(c) Writ of habeas corpus (d) Impeachment
36. Which of the following is not a problem of Nigerian Federalism?
(a) Revenue allocation system (b) Minorities within regions
(c) Chieftaincy disputes (d) Border disputes
37. Cubism was influenced by (a) Red-indian art (b) Oceanic art
(c) African art (d) Oriental art
38. What are the most cherished art forms of the Fulani nomads (a) Body and calabash
decoration (b) Body and shrine decoration
(c) Sculpture and textile making (d) Pottery and stone carving
39. The Islamic religion was accepted by the ruling classes of Kanem in the century (a) Eleventh
(b) Seventh (c) Sixth (d) Fifth
40. The Are-Ona Kakanfo is the title of the of the old Oyo empire
(a) The Chief servant of the Alaafin (b) Commander in Chief of the Army (c) Chief Gate Keeper
(d) Chief Priest

Page 17


1.B 2.A 3.A 4.B 5.A 6.D 7.C 8.B 9.A 10.A 11.C 12.D 13.C
14.B 15.C 16.A 17.D 18.C 19.A 20.A 21.B 22.A 23.B 24.C 25.D 26.A
27.A 28.A 29.C 30.C

1.B 2.A 3.C 4.D 5.A 6.A 7.A 8.B 9.C 10.D 11.B 12.C 13.B
14.A 15.C 16.D 17.C 18.D 19.B 20.A 21.A 22.A 23.C 24.A 25.C 26.B
27.B 28.A 29.A 30.C 31.A 32.A 33.A 34.C 35.C 36.C 37.C 38.A 39.A


20 15

Time allowed: 1 hour 15 minute

Read the following instructions carefully:
1. Use to shade your answer. Ensure that any shading in error is thoroughly erased.
Candidates should indicate given to them in the appropriate space in
3. Write your JAMB Registration numbers on the Question P aper in the space provided at the
top of Page 1.
4. Attempt all questions .
5. The use of calculators and/or similar electronic devices is allowed.

Read the passage below and answer question 1 - 5 that follow.
Still reeling from the after-effects of our avoidable disgrace from the on -going World Cup in South Africa,
I started rummaging through my achieves -too distraught to do any serious thinking other than nurse in
quite mourning they immense disgrace in Durban. Then, I stumbled on t his piece written in July, 2008;
“At the height of judicial summersaults and double -takes in our election politics”. It occurred to me tha
little had changed since then. So, I let myself go, as I went through the piece. It became obvious t o day
that a corrupt tree cannot produce incorruptible fruits. It beat me how anyone then expected any
electoral law created by people whose mandates had been tarnished by allegations of electoral
malpractices to curb or even attempt to eliminate electoral brigandage in N igeria.
When past masters of rigging and their surrogates sit at the table to reform the electoral law, thos e of
us pushed outside of the political equation are amused, and sadly resigned. We suspect we are being
led by the nose, yet we can do no more tha n squint our noses, and hope the smell will go away.
1. How did the writer get the piece he read? (a) By picking up a novel
(b) By going though his store of old newspapers (c) by reading a textbook (d) By chatting
with a friend.
2. From the passage, the writer believed that (a) Elections in Nigeria would be free and fair
(b) The law would address electoral problems in Nigeria (c) The writers of the electoral
law could not be relied upon (d) The writers of the electoral law were people of integrity.
3. The title of the piece ready by the writer of this passage suggests

Page 18

(a) Inconsistency by government over electoral reforms (b) That government is committed to
electoral (c) Consistency in the political development in Nigeria (d) Success in the
political development in Nigeria.
4. According to the passage the political office holders in Nigeria were
(a) Duly elected into offices (b) Deceiving the people (c) Leading the people well (d)
determined to improve the electoral system of the country
5. What describes the mood of the writer of the passage about electoral reform? (a) Happy
(b) Sad (c) Indifference (d) Surprise
Instruction: After each of the sentences below, a list of possible interpretation of all or part of the
sentence is given. Choose the in terpretation that you consider most appropriate for each sentence.
6. Of all four children Ngozi is the apple of her father’s eyes . This means that (a) Ngozi is the
one most hated by her father (b) Ngozi is the one most loved by her father (c)
Ngozi is the one most critical of her father (d) Ngozi is the one who blows specks of her father’
7. Many top government officials have sticky fingers. This means that (a) The officials are hard
working (b) The officials sing the pr aise of government (c) The officials are likely to
embezzle government fund (d) The officials are selfish
8. The Union has since thrown in the towel over salary increase. This means that (a) The
Union has given up over salary increase (b) The Union is using towels to bribe over salary
increase (c) The Union has won the struggle over salary increase (d) The Union has
called for a strike action over salary increase.
9. Her father’s success in business was flash in the pan. This means that (a) The business
success was huge (b) The Business success was late in coming (c) The business was fast in
coming (d) The business success did not last long
10. By criticizing the Governor openly, he got into murky waters . This means that (a) He was
rewarded with an appointment (b) He became rich (c) He got into trouble (d) He
was honoured
11. Our dog has been throwing up all day. This means that (a) The dog was moody all day
(b) The dog was barking all day (c) The dog vomiting all day (d) The dog sleeping
all day
12. James was egged on by his roommates when he got involved in cultism. This means that (a)
James was criticized (b) James was encouraged by his roommates (c) James was
discouraged by his roommates (d) James was reported by his roommates.
INSTRUCTION: Choose the word or group of words that is nearest in meaning to the underline
expression as it is used in the sentence.
1. Any reasonable person would dumbfounded by such an action
(a) Surprised (b) Angry (c) Hap (d) Sad
2. The press promised him anonymity before he granted the interview
(a) A present (b) To reveals his name (c) To hid his name
(d) To nominate him for an award
3. Mary is an indigent student (a) native (b) a non-native (c) a poor (d) rich
4. He became reclusive after his defeat at the elections (a) Talkative
(b) critical (c) Zealous (d) Withdrawn
5. All he does is to peddle false rumours on campus
(a) Spread (b) Listen to (c) Generate (d) Avoid
6. I wish to thank the Chairman for his invaluable contributions to my success (a) Useless (b) very
valuable (c) Poor (d) Discouraging
7. Your father’s wealth i immaterial in the admission process
(a) a determinant (b) Helpful (c) of no consequence (d) of great influence
Instruction: Choose the word or group of words that is opposite in meaning to the underlined
expression as it is used in the sentence.
8. He is the trouble-shooter in my Faculty (a) Person helping to solve problems (b) Person
causing trouble (c) Person setting disputes
(d) Person lending money
9. The whole of the city has become waterlogged
(a) Dry (b) Sandy (c) Flooded (d) Muddy
10. His comments at the event were remarkable(a) Critical (b) Useless (c) Noteworthy

Page 19

(d) Commendable
11. It is imprudent to buy expressive things with borrowed money (a) Wise (b) Unacceptable
(c) Economical (d) Not sensible
12. Listen to me young man! I will not h ave you become unruly in this place
(a) Difficult to control (b) Proud (c) Easy to control (d) Difficult to teach
Instruction: choose the option which best completes each of the following sentences.
13. All the windows of the school were by the explosion (a) Broken
(b) Dislodged (c) Shattered (d) Demolished
14. How many times was the bell before the morning assembly
(a) Rang (b) Rung (c) Ringed (d) Ranged
15. The men were reported the money fraudulently (a) To take
(b) To have taken (c) To having taken (d) To be taking
16. To new admission policy took this year (a) out (b) off (c) of (d) Up
17. He’ll never to our way of thinking (a) Come by (b) Come in
(c) Come round (d) Come of
18. It was a long time before Dr. Owen’s surprised wore (a) Out (b) Off
(c) Through (d) Down

1.B 2.C 3.A 4.B 5.C 6.B 7.C 8.A 9.D 10.C 11.C 12.B

1.A 2.C 3.C 4.D 5.A 6.B 7.C 8.B 9.A 10.B 11.C 12.C 13.C
14.B 15.B


201 4


Time Allow 1 Hour 15 mins.

Read this following instruction carefully
1. Use HB PENCIL to shade your answers. Ensure that any shading in error is thoroughly erased.
2. Candidate should indicate the question paper types given to them in the appropriate space in the
answer sheet
3. Write your jamb registration number on the question paper in the space provided at the top of
page 1.
4. Use the calculator and/or a similar electronic device is not allowed.

In each of question 1 to 9, choose the option nearest in meaning to the word(s) or phrase in italic.
1. The young man who distributed political pamphlet on campus was promptly repudiated (a)
disowned (b) arrested (c) warned (d) killed
2. Adayi is die- hard criminal (a) hard to kill (b) hard to arrest (c) remorseless
(d) resent less
3. She said boxing is in fact her (a) something she like very much (b) something
she dislike very much (c) a hobby she loves to purpose (d) one thing she can’t miss
4. The gate man dose his work perfunctorily (a) without commitment (b) with speed
(c) grudgingly (c) enthusiastically
5. If experience is anything to go by, this action will prove a (a) a source of
political benefit (b) way out for political trouble (c) a cause for political joy (d) an
invitation to political problems

Page 20

6. In my view, the play didn’ come off (a) succeed (b) fail (c) attract applause (d) take place
7. Members of the panel were working at cross purposes (a) in harmony (d) in disunity (c) for
selfish purpose (d) for selfless purpose
8. What will you find in the book is a bird’s eye view of the subjec (a) detail account (b) a
balance discussion (c) a biased treatment (d) a general survey
9. Hers was a chequered career (a) an interesting successful career (b) a career full of sorrow and
tears (c) a bright and memorable career (d) a career full of ups and downs
In each of the following sentences, the word that receives the emphatic stress is written in
capital letters. From the options lettered A to D, choose the one to which the given sentenc es
is the appropriate answers
10. Nnenna loves her CHILDREN dearly (a) Does Adama love her children dearly? (b) Does Nnenna
hate her children vehemently (c) Does Nnenna love her sister’s children dearly? (d) Does Nnenn
lover her husband dearly?
11. Amina’s father travel to Lagos for BUSINESS (a) Did Amina’s father to Lagos on holiday? (b) Did
Aminna’s father travel to Lagos on Business?
(c) Did Amina’s father travel to Enugu on Business? (d) Did Aminna’s mother travel to Kano o
12. Musa OPENLY disagrees with boss yesterday (a) did Musa secretly disagree with his boss
yesterday? (b) Did Ali openly disagree with his boss yesterday? (c) Did Musa openly disagree
with his boss yesterday? (d) Did Musa openly agreed with his boss yesterday?
13. Kemi’s watch is made up of GOLD (a) Is Ayo’s watch made up of Gold? (b) Is Sharon’s watc
made up of Gold? (c) Is Kemi’s dress made up of Gold? (d) Is Kemi’s watch made up of silver?
14. Daniel mother returned home LAST WEEK (a) Did Daniel mother re turned home yesterday?
(b) Did Ade’s father returned home last week
(c) Did Daniel father returned home last week? (d) Did Kofi’s father leave homes last week?
15. Yemi scrubs floor EVERY WEDNESDAY (a) Does Ayo scrub the floor every Wednesday? (b) Does
Yemi scrub the floor every Friday? (c) Does Yemi scrub the floor wall Wednesday? (d) Does
Yemi sweep the house every Wednesday?
16. Abigail is ALWAYS late to school (a) Is Abigail always late to bed? (b) Is Olu always late to
school? (c) Is Abigail seldom late to school? (d) IS Abigail always early to school?
17. My ELDER brother was accused of committing the offence (a) was your younger brother accused
on committing the offence? (b) Was Ngozi’s elder’s brother suspected of committing the offence?
(c) Was your elder’s sister accuse of committing the offence? (d) Was your elder’s sister
suspected of committing the offence?
Those who understand the murky workings of a troubled mind will testify, on their professional
oath, that a would-be arsonist or serial killer conducts himself just like any other local or neighbor, could
be a loving spouse and parent, regular guy among his colleagues, a conscientious church -goers or alms-
giver, predictable as clockwork in appointment , even sparkling with compliments and jokes.
Such an individual, catapulted to positions of responsibility, may actually prove second to none in
the initiation and execution of laudable social schemes and projects. A madman, such experience
psychiatrists will assure you, develops cunning of great subtlety that succeeds in disguising the dark,
trouble interior, the seat of festering dementia until, of course, it is too late. Most nations recognize
the sad fragility of the human mind, and understand that even the mind of political geniuses can bre ak
under strain, that the latent seeds of insanity in all of may actual come to bloom under the str ain of
existence, how much more when burdened with the enormity of power. We are no psychiatrists. So
what do we possess that enable us to diagnose and counter the sign of incipient or advanced
derangement? Well, there are numerous signs. When for instance , an individual substitutes himself for
the totality, this is evidence of delusion, backed by the most precise of sciences, mathematics one can
not substitutes to more than one. Fortunately, we can precisely identify and isolate the entity of o ne,
and just as easily identify the rest. When that errant substitutes his will for the constitution, we are
already with in the zone of questionable balance of mind and, as it happens the constitution has
anticipated and offers the course of action that a people migh t purse when confronted with such a
highly advance stage of solipsism .
Taken with other acts that build up a discernible pattern of irrationality and delusion, a case may be
made of assembling the mandatory panel of experts to examine if the incumbent has indeed attained
that stage of infirmity of body and mind where continuance in office poses grave danger to the well

Page 21

being of the totality.

18. The word “solipsism” in the fourth paragraph most nearly means (a) an advance stage of insanity
(b) an inordinate projection of oneself
(c) a course of action that promote infirmity (d) the substitution made by an errant entity
19. “The seat of festering dementia “in the second paragraph is an example (a) metonymy (b)
synecdoche (c) Oxymoron (d) metaphor
20. The central argument of this passage, is that (a) irrational acts by any leader could be a sign of
derangement (b) the constitution provides a means of dealing with deranged leaders (c) a
madam is not less intelligent than people with sound mind (d) a criminal c ould conduct himself
likes any other fellow.
21. According to the passage, a nation face dire consequences (a) When its leader is
burdened by the enormity of power (b) If its leader substitutes himself for the constitution
(c) If its demented leaders persist in office (d) when its leader attains advanced stages
of solipsism
22. The tone of the writer can best be describe as (a) analytical (b) sarcastic (c) intolerant
(d) nostalgic
23. By the “latent seeds of sanity in all of us” the writer imp lies that (a) every human being is
predisposed to madness (b) seeds of insanity manifest in irrational acts (c) the stress of
life can lead to sanity in us (d) Only psychiatrists can discover our level of sanity
24. The structure, “a discernable pattern o irrationality” in the last paragraph is example (a)
complex modifier (b) an adjectival complement (c) a nominal phrase (d) a basic non
25. The man willed three of his house to the state…? (a) would n’t he (b) wasn’t he (c) didn’t he
(d) didn’t the
26. To ensure moral rectitude in the country books and film should be properly (a) censured
(b) printed and removed (c) censored (d) registered
27. He said that the new car… him pretty penny. (a) costs (b) coasted (c) will cost (d) cost
In the following passage, missing words are indicated by numbers to option have been
provided at the bottom of the passage. Choose the option from A - D which best completes
the corresponding number in the passage.
It has been -28- that traditional concepts of a -29- between educations are training are no longer -30-
Again; the old form of -31- is now inadequate. This is because is involved -32- for longer periods, far in
access of the time -33- to learn the appropriate -34- but it gave rise to abuse because -35- became a
cheap source of -36- in some -37- countries, many of the apprentices were taken on without any form of
verbal or written -38- about their training.
28. observed prophesied said seen
29. level dichotomy mixture unity
30. satisfied good adequate intelligent
31. bonding worker apprenticeship trade
32. retention study existence alive
33. advanced of allowed needed
34. education workers skills mechanic
35. apprentices employers student laborers
36. syllabus labour ideals skills
37. industries working developing development
38. agreement tools letters assignment


1. The central organizing idea which invites character, action, language and style in a drama or novel is
called… (a) plot (b) diction (c) theme (d) story
2. Williams Shakes pear’s pla Romeo and Juliet is… (a) foot (b) blank verse
(c) meter (d) free verse
3. Catharsis is experience… (a) before watching a play(b) when the play is being staged (c) after
writing the play (d) after watching a play
4. A situation in which the Audience knows more than the character dose is an instance of (a)

Page 22

dramatic irony (b) dramatic relief (c) poetic license

(d) interior monologue
5. The person in Marvell’s “To His Coy Mistress,” is willin g to praise the lady’s eyes for… (a) a century
(b) a decade (c) three decades (d) six centuries
6. The account of experiences of an individual during the course of a journey is known as… (a) a
memoir (b) a catalogue (c) an banalogue (d) a travelogue
7. A system of succession to the throne where the first son inherit his father’s position and authority is
knows (a) primogeniture (b) homogeniture
(c) hereditary (d) primordial authority
8. The first Portuguese voyage to the ancient kingdom of Benin was led by
(a) Antonio Galva (b) Ray de Sequence (c) Affonso d’ Aveiro
(d) Prince Henry de Navigator
9. “If any will not work, let him not eat” Paul said this to the… To emphasize the dignity of labour
(a) Philippians (b) Galatians (c) Thessalonians
(d) Romans
10. United Nation consists of how many member states? (a) 189 (b) 192 (c) 178 (d) 201
11. Who was the vice to General Olusegun Obasanjo as military Head of state?
(a) Tunde Idiagbon (b) Shehu Musa Yaradua (c) Ebitu Ukiuwe
(d) Atiku Abubakar
12. A well knows epic in English literatures is
(a) Ozidi (b) Zulus (c) Paradise lost (d) The flea
13. Which of the following is Chancer noted for? (a) The trial of Brother Jero (b) The Canterbury
Tales (c) The Sopranos (d) Macbeth
14. “Death is not proud” illustrates… (a) Personification (b) pun (c) metaphor (d) synecdoche
15. Pick the odd item from the options below (a) simile (b) metaphor (c) pun (d)
16. The anxiety of the reader to know as the subsequent development is knows as (a) surprise
(b) sustains (c) supersede (d) suspense
17. The term for the moral flaw or weakness that leads to the downfall of a major character in a
drama is… (a) peak (b) harmatia (c) chaos (d) reversal
18. Drama is different from poetry because it (a) involves many characters
(b) exist mainly in action (c) uses elevated language (d) deals with tragedy
19. The counsel for the accused addressed the bench. The underlined is an example of (a)
metonymy (b) quatrain (c) personification
(d) onomatopoeia
20. The sacred Mure (Mune) or state charm of Kanem -Borno was opened by (a) Mai Idris Alooma
(c) Mai Umme Jilmi (d) Mai Idris Katakamebe
21. Bayajjida is repotted to have migrated from (a) Saudi Arabia (b) Iraq
(c) Iran (d) Baghdad
22. Who wrote the Book titled ‘The Obligation of Princes’? (a) Muhammad Ramfa (b) El-kanemi
(c) Al-magghli (d) Uthman Dan Fodio
23. Which of the following is desert tribe that weekend the territorial boundaries of the first Kanem -
Borno Empire? (a) the Yoruba (b) the Bulala (c) the so (d) the Kanem
24. Uthman Dan Fodio divided the caliphates into… division for the purpos of effective
administration (a) Six (b) two (c) five (d) eight
25. Which organization replaced the League of Nations? (a) O.A.U (b) ECOWAS (c) UNO
(d) NATO
26. Which of the following was most responsible for the abolition of the 19th century transatlantic
slave trade? (a) the activities of the Red Indians (b) the emergency of the industrial revolution
(c) the French revolution (d) the English civil war
27. What will you called a place where the sky and earth tend to meet? (a) horizon (b) meeting
point (c) observer point (d) vanishing point
28. Choose the correct word from the list below to complete the following statement. Ebony is a type
of… used for sculpture (a) clay (b) wood (c) bronze (d) metal
29. The first British Consul for the Bights of Benin and Biafra was… (a) Lord Lugard (b) John Bereft
(c) Bouet-willumez (d) Louis Faidherbe
30. A piece of writing which imitates another with the intent to ridicule is known as (a) Periodic

Page 23

(b) Imitation (c) Allegory (d) Parody

31. The Nok cultures evolved in one under-listed states in Nigeria (a) Plateau state (b) Edo
state (c) Niger state (d) Kwara state
32. The first political party in Nigeria is the (a) Unity Party of Nigeria (b) National Party of Nigeria
(c) Nigeria National Democratic Party (d) Nigeria Democratic Party
33. Which of the under listed Nationalists is associated with the activities of the West African student
Union? (a) Ladipo Solanke (b) Marcus Garrey (c) Nana Ofori (d) Jomo Kenyatta
34. The largest dynasty in the African recorded history is the (a) Seifewa dynasty (b) Ogiso
dynasty (c) Alafin dynasty (d) Oduduwa dynasty
35. Who is the first senate president of Nigeria (a) Dr. Nwafor Orizu
(b) Dr. Nnamdi Azikiwe (c) Prof. C. Soludo (d) Pius Anyim Pius
36. During the time of Amos the prophet,… was the priest of Bethel
(a) Jeroboam (b) Amaziah (c) Hosea (d) Jethro
37. The ‘Golden Calf’ which Aaron made for Israel was an evidence of (a) an attempt to revolt against
God (b) a plot to replace Moses (c) Lack of faith in God (d) Loss of confidence in Moses
38. Lagos because a crown in colony (a) 1800 (b) 1851 (c) 1851 (d) 1900
39. Who is the artist who solved problem of perspectives through mathematical means? (a)
Michelangelo (b) Rembrandt (c) Raphael
(d) Leonardo
40. One of the following was a leading voice in the activiti es on the national congress of British West
Africa (a) Casely Hayford (b) Marcus Garvey (c) E.W.B. DU Bois (d) E. W. Blyden
41. The Berlin Conferences of 1884 -1885 was called at instance of (a) Leopold of Belgium and Otto
van Bismarck of Germany (b) Bouet-Williumez of Franc (c) J. S. Gallieni and Ahmadu
(d) Queen of England and the President of U.S.A.
42. Who wrote the Book title ‘The Dual Mandate in British Tropical Africa’?
(a) Sir George Goldis (d) Sir F. Lugard (c) James Coleman
(d) Nnamdi Azikiwe


1.A 2.C 3.B 4.A 5.D 6.A 7.B 8.D 9.D 10.D 11.A 12.A 13.D
14.A 15.B 16.C 17.A 18.B 19.D 20.C 21.C 22.A 23.A 24.C 25.A 26.C
27.D 28.C 29.B 30.C 31.C 32.B 33.D 34.C 35.A 36.B 37.C 38.A


1.C 2.B 3.D 4.A 5.A 6.D 7.A 8.B 9.C 10.B 11.B 12.C 13.B
14.A 15.C 16.D 17.D 18.B 19.A 20.B 21.D 22.A 23.D 24.B 25.C 26.B
27.A 28.B 29.B 30.D 31.A 32.C 33.A 34.A 35.A 36.B 37.D 38.B 39.D
40.A 41.A 42.B

Page 24

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