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Biodiversity of Shallow-Water Sponges Porifera in

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Biodiversity of shallow-water sponges (Porifera) in Singapore and description

of a new species of Forcepia (Poecilosclerida: Coelosphaeridae)

Article in Contributions to Zoology · January 2012

DOI: 10.1163/18759866-08101004


20 932

3 authors:

Swee-Cheng Lim Nicole J. de Voogd

National University of Singapore Naturalis Biodiversity Center


Koh Siang Tan

National University of Singapore


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Contributions to Zoology, 81 (1) 55-71 (2012)

Biodiversity of shallow-water sponges (Porifera) in Singapore and description of a new

species of Forcepia (Poecilosclerida: Coelosphaeridae)
Swee-Cheng Lim1, 3, Nicole J. de Voogd2, Koh-Siang Tan1
Tropical Marine Science Institute, National University of Singapore, 18 Kent Ridge Road, Singapore 119227,
Netherlands Centre for Biodiversity, Naturalis, PO Box 9517, 2300 RA Leiden, The Netherlands

Key words: intertidal, Southeast Asia, sponge assemblage, subtidal, tropical

Abstract gia) patera (Hardwicke, 1822) was the first sponge de-
scribed from Singapore in the 19th century. This was
A surprisingly high number of shallow water sponge species followed by Leucosolenia flexilis (Haeckel, 1872),
(197) were recorded from extensive sampling of natural inter- Coelocarteria singaporensis (Carter, 1883) (as Phloeo­
tidal and subtidal habitats in Singapore (Southeast Asia) from
May 2003 to June 2010. This is in spite of a highly modified
dictyon), and Callyspongia (Cladochalina) diffusa
coastline that encompasses one of the world’s largest container Ridley (1884). Subsequently, Dragnewitsch (1906) re-
ports as well as extensive oil refining and bunkering industries. corded 24 sponge species from Tanjong Pagar and Pu-
A total of 99 intertidal species was recorded in this study. Of lau Brani in the Singapore Strait. A further six species
these, 53 species were recorded exclusively from the intertidal of sponge were reported from Singapore in the 1900s,
zone and only 45 species were found on both intertidal and
subtidal habitats, suggesting that tropical intertidal and subtidal
although two species, namely Cinachyrella globulosa
sponge assemblages are different and distinct. Furthermore, (as Psetalia) and Pheronema hemisphaericum (as La-
only a third of the fouling species of sponges from a previous baria), were mistaken by Gray (1873) to be collected
study was recorded in this study, thus suggesting that sponge from Singapore (Lim et al., 2009). Dr A.B. Meyer, the
assemblages from natural and fouling communities in the trop- sender of the sponge materials to Gray, clarified that
ics are different as well. A new species, Forcepia (Forcepia)
vansoesti is described from Singapore. Members of this genus
the two sponge species were actually obtained from an
possess unique spicules shaped in the form of a pair of forceps. area between Cebu and Bohol in the Philippines (see
The new species is distinguished from its congeners in having van Soest et al., 2010). Recent additions to the species
the largest forceps (nearly 300 µm in length) so far recorded in list include observations from general biodiversity sur-
the Indo-Pacific. veys (Chuang, 1961, 1973, 1977; Chou and Wong, 1985)
but no voucher specimens were preserved from these
studies. The first recent sponge fauna diversity survey,
Contents complete with voucher specimens, was done by Hoop-
er et al. (2000). Some 80 species were reported, 15
Introductions .. ................................................................................... 55
Material and methods . . ................................................................... 56
were identified to species, and about 60 distinct spe-
Results ................................................................................................ 57 cies were identified to genus. This was followed by a
Discussion ......................................................................................... 57 study carried out by de Voogd and Cleary (2009), in
Sponge diversity in Singapore .. .............................................. 57 which they recorded some 80 species (47 identified to
Intertidal sponges ..................................................................... 59 species and the rest to genus) from their short survey
Subtidal sponges ....................................................................... 60
Acknowledgements ......................................................................... 60
while examining variation in sponge composition in
References ......................................................................................... 60 Singapore coral reefs. In the same year, Lim et al.
Appendix ........................................................................................... 63 (2009) recorded 62 species of fouling sponges on nav-
igational buoys. Notably, two new species were report-
ed recently: Tethycometes radicosa Lim and Tan, 2008
Introduction dredged from a muddy seabed in the Singapore Strait
and Suberites diversicolor Becking and Lim, 2009 from
Until very recently, the sponge fauna of Singapore has estuarine waters. Lastly, a collection of 76 curated
not been a subject of active research. Cliona (as Spon- sponge specimens at the collection of the Zoological
56 Lim et al. – Biodiversity of shallow-water sponges in Singapore

Museum of Amsterdam (ZMA – now NCB Naturalis) stations were intertidal (Table S1) and the remaining
collected by H. Moll between January 1977 and De- 68 stations were subtidal (Table S2). The island of Sin-
cember 1978, was partially identified by van Soest gapore is located between latitudes 1°09’N and 1°29’N
(pers. comm.) to comprise some 50 species (unpub- and longitudes, 103°38’E and 104°06’E and is bound-
lished data). ed by the Johor Strait in the north and the Singapore
This study aims to provide a comprehensive inven- Strait in the south (Fig. 1). The Singapore Strait is lo-
tory of shallow water sponge fauna in Singapore based cated slightly above (1°N) of the equator and is about
on an eight-year survey of intertidal and subtidal habi- 16 km wide, separating Singapore and Riau Islands of
tats. A new species of Forcepia (Forcepia) (Coelo- Indonesia. The Johor Strait to the north of Singapore
sphaeridae) is also described from the coral reefs of Island is considerably narrower. There are over 40 is-
the Singapore Strait. lands, most of them located in the Singapore Strait.
The habitats surveyed included lagoons, beaches, reef
flats, mangroves, estuaries, patch reef, fringing reef,
Material and methods coral reef, reef slope and seabed. Substrata found in
these habitats include mud, sand, rock, boulder, coral
Thirty localities comprising 126 stations in Singapore rubble, shelf grit. Singapore has semi-diurnal tides,
waters (Fig. 1, Tables S1-2) were sampled for sponges with a tidal range is of 3 m. Lowest spring tides occur
between May 2003 to June 2010. Of these, 58 of these typically either in the morning or evening, and there

Fig. 1. Sampling localities of sponges in Singapore. 1. Kusu Island; 2. Lazarus Island; 3. St. John’s Island; 4. Tekukor; 5. Sisters’ Island;
6. Tanjong Rimau; 7. Labrador; 8. Pulau Jong; 9. Cyrene reef; 10. Pulau Hantu; 11. Sinki Fairway; 12. Pulau Semakau; 13. Pulau Salu;
14. Pulau Sudong; 15. Pulau Berkas; 16. Pulau Pawai; 17. Pulau Senang; 18. Pulau Biola; 19. Raffles Lighthouse; 20. Merawang Beacon;
21. W. Johor Strait; 22. Kranji; 23. East Coast; 24. Pulau Tekong; 25. E. Johor Strait; 26. Changi; 27. Pulau Sekudu; 28. Chek Jawa; 29.
Pulau Ubin; 30. Pasir Ris.
Contributions to Zoology, 81 (1) – 2012 57

are typically three days with tides lower than 0.3 m terisk; see Table 1). A total of 99 species were recorded
Chart Datum (CD) in a month. Intertidal sponges were from the intertidal zone, 143 species from the subtidal
collected by hand during low spring tides (between 0 zone and 45 species occurred in both habitats. A total of
m and 0.5 m to CD). Subtidal stations were sampled 53 species were recorded exclusively from intertidal
between May 2009 and June 2010 at depths of up to 30 habitats and 98 species were confined exclusively to
m. Of these 68 stations, 54 stations were sampled by subtidal habitats. A new species of Forcepia (Forcepia)
SCUBA. The duration of each dive was about one is described from Singapore in the Appendix. It is distin-
hour. The remaining 14 subtidal stations were sampled guished from its congeners in having the largest forceps
with a naturalist’s dredge (Holme and McIntyre, 1984) so far recorded amongst its Indo-Pacific congeners.
measuring 700 mm × 300 mm with a mesh size of 5
mm. Each haul was towed for about three minutes at a
speed of 1 - 3 knots. At all stations, the shape, colour, Discussion
texture and surface features of each specimen collect-
ed were recorded and photographs were made in situ Sponge diversity in Singapore
immediately after collection before they were preserved
in 70% ethanol. Voucher specimens were deposited at The results from this study indicate a surprisingly high
the Zoological Reference Collection (ZRC) at the Raf- sponge diversity from a relatively small area that also
fles Museum of Biodiversity Research (RMBR), Na- embraces one of the world’s largest container ports as
tional University of Singapore. Museum registration well as significant oil refining and bunkering activity
numbers are listed in Table 1. Type material is depos- (see Chou, 2006). Many other sponge diversity studies
ited at ZRC and NCB Naturalis (RMNH). conducted in the Indo-Pacific region recorded lower
To examine skeletal architecture, paraffin-embed- sponge diversity despite having surveyed larger areas,
ded sponge tissue was sectioned either by hand or by i.e., de Voogd et al. (1999) reported 151 species from
using a microtome. The sections were then cleared in the SW Sulawesi; Kritsanapuntu et al. (2001) reported
Histoclearä or a phenol-xylene mixture and mounted 126 species of sponges from the Eastern Gulf of Thai-
in Dpexä on glass slides. Spicule preparations were land; Longakit et al. (2005) reported 33 species from
made on a glass slide by dissolving a small piece of the Cebu, the Philippines; Putchakarn (2007) reported 45
specimen in a few drops of concentrated nitric acid species from Mo Ko Thale Tai National Park at Gulf
over an alcohol flame. These were mounted either in of Thailand; 128 sponge species from the Mariana Is-
Dpexäon glass slides for light microscopy or trans- lands (Kelly et al., 2002); de Voogd and Cleary (2008)
ferred onto brass stubs for scanning electron micros- reported 118 species from Jakarta Bay (Indonesia);
copy, following the method described in Hooper and de Voogd et al. (2009) reported 168 species from
(2000). Spicule size range was estimated by measuring the Derawan Islands (Indonesia). However, an objec-
25 spicules from one specimen, unless stated other- tive comparison is impossible, since these studies vary
wise, and presented as lowest value range-mean-high- considerably in the size of area surveyed, length of
est value range of length by lowest value range-mean- sampling period and sampling effort. Sponge diversity
highest value range of width. The classification used is most certainly to increase with sampling intensity,
here adheres to the current scheme described in the particularly in the Indo-Malayan Archipelago where
Systema Porifera (Hooper and van Soest, 2002). All even in well-studied areas, new species are still being
species names were checked with the World Porifera discovered.
Database (van Soest et al., 2011). Nonetheless, the number of sponge species that oc-
curs in Singapore is comparable to locations else-
where in Southeast Asia, attesting to Singapore’s cen-
Results tral position in the biodiversity-rich Indo-Pacific re-
gion. The high number of species in Singapore can be
A total of 197 sponge species from 16 orders, 50 fami- also attributed to the relatively long sampling duration
lies and 81 genera was recorded from Singapore (Table (over five years of regular surveys) and sampling ef-
1), of which 82 were identified to species, 99 to genus fort, and also the inclusion of cryptic and sciophilous
only, and 16 were provisionally assigned to known spe- taxa. For example, Van Soest (2009) has shown that
cies which await comparison with type material. There sponges inhabiting the undersides of coral rubble and
were 23 new records for Singapore (indicated by an as- crevices are not just juveniles but comprise a distinct
58 Lim et al. – Biodiversity of shallow-water sponges in Singapore

assemblage of sponges. These have been largely over- intertidally include Craniella abracadabra, Jaspis
looked in the past because they are usually cryptic splendens and Clathria (Wilsonella) foraminifera
and small, making sampling and identification diffi- (see Table 1). However, half of the sponge species (99
cult. A large number of new sponges (13 species) out of 197 species) were observed to have a sporadic
from such habitats were described recently from the distribution having been recorded on less than three
otherwise well-studied Caribbean region (van Soest, occasions during the whole survey. Such observa-
2009). More than ten sciophilous sponges from this tions also concur with many sponge fauna studies
study are undetermined species and await identifica- (e.g. Hooper and Kennedy, 2002; Fromont, 2004; de
tion. These findings suggest that Singapore waters Voogd et al., 2006).
may still harbour a rich and under-studied sponge The number of species observed varied consider-
fauna that forms part of the high diversity triangle ably between each of the 30 localities (Table 1), rang-
encompassing the Philippines, the Malay Archipela- ing from two to 64 species. The ten richest localities
go and New Guinea (Briggs, 1987; Hoeksema, 2007). are all located in the Singapore Strait except for an
Two species recorded in this study, Terpios cruciata intertidal estuarine reef in the East Johor Strait (Fig.
(Dendy, 1905) described from Sri Lanka and 1). Pulau Biola, a small rocky island with a fringing
Tetrapocillon patbergquistae Fromont et al. 2010 de- coral reef located at the southern extremity of the
scribed from Darwin (Australia) are new records to port limit within Singapore waters, possessed the
the South China Sea. The distribution range of these highest sponge diversity with 64 species. The remain-
two species has been extended significantly from ing eight localities high in sponge diversity were on
their previous known distribution. However, it is dif- small offshore islands typically with wide intertidal
ficult to have an accurate picture of the distribution of reef flats, fringing coral reefs, and steep reef slopes.
Indo-Pacific sponges, as contemporary regional spe- Substrata vary considerably, ranging from mud,
cies inventories are still lacking from most parts of sand, rock, coral rubble to live coral. Species such as
the South China Sea and Malay Archipelago (see Coelocarteria singaporensis, Oceanapia sagittaria
Hooper et al., 2000). Many species have not been re- and Ircinia irregularis burrow into muddy and sandy
corded since they were described in the 1900s. Rec- substrata, whereas Placospongia carinata, Mycale
onciling early descriptions and type specimens with (Aegogropila) sulevoidea and Jaspis splendens are
current material remains a daunting task. found on rocks. A high diversity of sponge fauna was
Thirteen species were found to be relatively com- found under rubble and boulders, living in crowded,
mon and widespread in Singapore over a range of encrusting and sciophilous communities. These
habitats, i.e., these species occurred at more than half sponges ranged from thin crusts of no more than sev-
of the localities (in descending order of occurrence); eral millimeters in thickness to slimy sponges, e.g.,
1) Cinachyrella australiensis, 2) Spheciospongia sp. Acarnus primigenius, Forcepia (Forcepia) vansoesti
‘yellow cones’, 3) Rhabdastrella globostellata, 4) sp. nov. (see description hereafter) and Hexadella in-
Xestospongia testudinaria, 5) Spheciospongia cf. dica. In addition, Chondrilla australiensis, Neopet-
vagabunda, 6) Iotrochota baculifera, 7) Coelocarte- rosia sp. ‘blue’ and Mycale (Mycale) grandis were
ria singaporensis, 8) Oceanapia sagittaria, 9) Chon- usually found in gaps and crevices in-between living
drilla australiensis, 10) Biemna fortis, 11) Neopetro- coral or over dead coral. Sponges are often most di-
sia exigua, 12) Echinodictyum mesenterinum and 13) verse below the reef crest of coral reefs (below 7 m
Mycale (Mycale) grandis. All these species have a depth), on the inclined reef slope, and flat seabed (ob-
wide Indo-Pacific distribution, and have been record- servations were made at depths up to 27 m in this
ed in pristine as well as severely disturbed habitats study). Their morphologies are more diverse, ranging
(Bell and Smith 2004; Fromont et al. 2006; de Voogd from flexible whips, fingers and fans presumably
et al., 2006) in the Gulf of Manaar, Thailand, Indone- adapted for coping with high currents, to soft tubes,
sia, Micronesia and Northern Australia. All the com- vases and other shapes that predominate in silt-laden,
mon sponge species were found in both intertidal and turbid water (e.g., Cla­thria foraminifera, Thrina-
subtidal habitats except for Echinodictyum mesen- cophora cervicornis and Mycale (Zygomycale) pari-
terinum that was typically on reef slopes below the shi. A number of species with amorphous, bulbous,
coral reef crest, and occurred in abundance at 15 m massive or spherical forms seemed to occur almost
depth and below. Other examples of sponge species ubiquitously (e.g. Cinachyrella australiensis, Xesto-
that can be considered common subtidally but absent spongia testudinaria and Ocea­napia sagittaria).
Contributions to Zoology, 81 (1) – 2012 59

Phototropic sponges with symbionts that need light to cies), followed by Merawang Beacon (five species) and
survive were usually found in shallow waters of less P. Ubin (two species). No sponges were present at the
than 7 m depth, e.g. Chondrilla australiensis, Lend- six localities in the West Johor Strait based on dredg-
enfeldia chondrodes and Halichondria cartilaginea. ing samples obtained. Suberites diversicolor and Ter-
However, massive and cup-shaped phototrophic pios cruciata appeared to prefer estuarine conditions
sponge species (Carteriospongia foliascens, Phyllo- and were more common in the Johor Strait.
spongia papyracea and Strepsichordaia aliena) that The sponge diversity in the Singapore Strait (146
are found in water with low turbidity elsewhere in species) was higher than in the Johor Strait (70 spe-
Southeast Asia (de Voogd and Cleary, 2008) were ab- cies). However, as the sampling effort was also great-
sent here. Chronic high levels of sedimentation over er in the Singapore Strait, more intense sampling ef-
the last 30-40 years have resulted in underwater vis- fort may increase the number of species obtained and
ibility being reduced from 10 m recorded in the early provides a better idea of the actual diversity in the
1960s to a contemporary average of 2 m (Chou, Johor Strait. The rich sponge fauna (57 species) at the
1996). This appears to have reduced the depth at intertidal reef flat at the East Johor Strait indicates the
which coral can grow, resulting in a dead coral zone possibility of a rich subtidal sponge community de-
below 6-8 m. A thick layer of silt was observed at two spite estuarine conditions, given that sponge diversity
localities, Labrador and P. Salu, which appear to have generally increases with depth (e.g. Zea, 1993; de
been adversely affected by land reclamation in the Voogd et al., 1999; Bell and Barnes 2000; Fromont,
vicinity. Lower sponge diversity was apparent in 2006). Interestingly, there were only 11 species in
these two locations; 19 species at Labrador and 21 common between Pulau Biola and E. Johor Strait,
species at P. Salu. suggesting that the two habitats harboured rather dif-
In the East Johor Strait, an estuarine intertidal reef ferent sponge assemblages. Whilst P. Biola was main-
flat stood out in having a high diversity of sponges ly associated with typical coral reef species, sponges
where 57 species were recorded. Considerable influ- observed in the Johor Strait appear to be adapted to a
ence of seasonality on the occurrence of sponges was more turbid, estuarine conditions.
also observed based on monthly observations. Sub-
stantial changes in the abundance of Callyspongia sp. Intertidal sponges
‘purple, branching’, Haliclona sp. ‘yellow, tubular’
and Dysidea sp. were observed over time. These Approximately half of Singapore shallow water
sponges grew quickly (e.g., Callyspongia sp. ‘purple, sponge species (99 out of 197 species) were found in
branching’ increased in length by more than 10 cm the lower half of the intertidal zone (Table 1).
linearly within a month after settlement on substrata) Amongst the few studies done on intertidal sponge
but disappeared after a few months, only to reappear fauna in the Indo-Pacific, Berquist and Tizard (1967)
again the following year. These species might not recorded 19 species from Darwin (Australia); Esmero
have been recorded if only one survey was done at (1978) recorded 25 species from Cebu (Philippines);
each site. Elsewhere in the Johor Straits, mangroves Barnes (1999) recorded 33 species from Quirimba
as well as muddy, sandy and rocky shores occur. In Archipelago (Mozambique, East Africa); and
general the mangroves in Singapore were depauper- Fromont (2004) recorded 29 species (from a single
ate in sponge species. Between two and four inter- station) from Dampier Archipelago (Western Aus-
tidal species were recorded at Kranji, Changi and tralia). Interestingly, more than half (ten) of the inter-
Pasir Ris. It would appear that mangroves in Singa- tidal sponge species reported by Bergquist and Tiz-
pore are quite unlike those in the Caribbean region. ard (1967) from Darwin occurred intertidally in Sin-
Rützler et al. (2000) reported 182 sponge species gapore. They are: 1) Ircinia irregularis; 2) Pseu-
from Caribbean mangroves with a tidal range of less doceractina purpurea (as Psammaplysilla purpurea);
than 0.5 m, and some 100 species occurred in man- 3) Lamellodysidea herbacea (as Dysidea herbacea);
groves habitats of Panama (Diaz, 2005). 4) Neopetrosia exigua (as Xestospongia exigua); 5)
The subtidal seabed of the Johor Strait was sampled Haliclona cymaeformis (as Sigmadocia symbiotica);
using a naturalist’s dredge because the water visibility 6) Coelocarteria singaporensis; 7) Iotrochota bacu-
was very poor (often less than 1 m), which prevented lifera; 8) Clathria reinwardti; 9) Spheciospongia
sampling using SCUBA. From the dredging results, vagabunda (as Spirastrella vagabunda) and 10) Cin-
Pulau Tekong had the richest sponge diversity (13 spe- achyrella australiensis. Of the intertidal species, 53
60 Lim et al. – Biodiversity of shallow-water sponges in Singapore

species appear to be exclusively intertidal in habit Acknowledgements

(Table 1). These observations suggest that there might
be distinct assemblages of sponges in Singapore wa- We thank the National Parks Board (Ministry of National De-
ters, i.e., species that can be found both intertidally velopment, Singapore) for providing the necessary funding to
ensure the success of this project. We are especially grateful to
and subtidally, and species that can only occur subtid- Miss Yang Shufen, Miss Linda Goh, Mr Wong Tuan Wah and Dr
ally and cannot survive exposure to air. There are Nigel Goh at the National Biodiversity Centre, National Parks
many genera and families of sponges restricted to ei- Board for valuable assistance rendered before and during the
ther shallow or deeper waters with apparently very course of the survey. This study also benefited greatly from dis-
little in common between these communities (Boury- cussions with Dr Rob van Soest and Mrs Elly Beglinger (Zoo-
logical Museum, Amsterdam); Mr Andrew Cabrinovic and Ms
Esnault and Lopes, 1985). A similar situation may ex- Clare Valentine (The Natural History Museum, London); Dr
ist for intertidal and subtidal shallow sponges. Sponge Giuliano Doria, Mr Massimo Perri and Ms Maria Bruna Inver-
species are generally unable to survive long exposure nia (Museo Civico di Storia Naturale ‘Giacomo Doria’, Genoa),
to air (see Rützler, 1995). During emersion, intertidal Mr Tan Siong Kiat (Raffles Museum of Biodiversity Research)
sponges are subjected to adverse conditions of dimin- all of whom freely and kindly assisted us in locating sponge
types and specimens in their respective care. The first author
ished oxygen and food supplies normally provided by acknowledges the Martin Fellowship from the National Muse-
circulation of seawater inside the sponge. Further, the um of Natural History, Leiden. The second author received sup-
increase in salinity by evaporation of interstitial wa- port from the SYNTHESYS Project (http://www.synthesys.
ter retained in the animal, rise in temperature, and info/) financed by European Community Research Infrastruc-
exposure to ultraviolet radiation (Rützler, 1995), all ture Action under the FP6 ‘Structuring the European Research
Area’ Programme. We are grateful to two anonymous reviewers
contribute to emersion stress. When the sponge is re- for their constructive comments. Any errors remain our own.
turned to water, the channels of the aquiferous system
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water is not re-established. There might be major References
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Voogd NJ de, Cleary DFR. 2008. An analysis of sponge diver- pelago, SW Sulawesi, Indonesia. Marine Ecology Progress
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sands Islands/Jakarta Bay reef complex, West-Java, Indone- Voogd NJ de, van Soest RWM, Hoeksema BW. 1999. Cross-
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Voogd NJ de, Cleary DFR. 2009. Variation in sponge composi- oirs of the Queensland Museum 44: 147-154.
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RWM. 2006. Sponge beta diversity in the Spermonde Archi- Editor: R.W.M. van Soest
Contributions to Zoology, 81 (1) – 2012 63


Systematics × 4 mm size fistules in all materials examined.

Arcuate isochelae I (Fig. 3c) 1) 28-28.9-32.5 µm (twist-
Class: Demospongiae ed); Arcuate isochelae II (Fig. 3d) 17.5-18.9-20 µm
Order: Poecilosclerida (normal). The large size chelae are predominantly
Suborder: Myxillina twisted and normal-shaped chelae at this size category
Family: Coelosphaeridae Dendy, 1922 is rare or absent in the types. The smaller category
Genus: Forcepia Carter, 1874 chelae are all normal-shaped.
Subgenus: Forcepia Carter, 1874 Ecology. On coral rubble and in crevices, subtidal.
Depth range 3-20 m.
Forcepia (Forcepia) vansoesti sp. nov. (Figs 2-3) Etymology. The species is named in honour of Dr
Rob van Soest, who has inspired and contributed much
Holotype. ZRC.POR.0126, Singapore, Singapore Strait, to modern sponge taxonomy.
P. Biola (western reef), 1º9.856’N 103º44.449’E, 10 m Remarks. This species is clearly a Forcepia species
depth, 5.iii. 2010, coll. S.C. Lim. Paratype. ZRC. in having forceps. The absence of basal acanthostyles
POR.0271, Singapore, Singapore Strait, Kusu Island would place this species in the subgenus Forcepia, as
(eastern reef), 1º13.469’N 103º50.902’E, 12 m depth, the other subgenus Leptolabis is characterized by hav-
19.ix. 2010, coll. S.C. Lim. Paratype. RMNH POR. ing a hymedesmioid skeleton and acanthostyles. The
6136, Singapore, Singapore Strait, Kusu Island (south- myxilline forceps with its rugose or spined surface is a
eastern reef), 1º13.045’N 103º51.328’E, 10 m depth, unique spicule type. This was interpreted as a synapo-
8.i.2010, coll. S.C. Lim. morphy for this genus of sponge although both subgen-
era have different skeletal structure (van Soest, 2002).
Description. Sponge consists of thin, translucent, With regards to the absence of reticulate skeleton of F.
hollow, fistules (both blind-ended and with oscules at (F.) vansoesti sp. nov., there are two other species, F.
the apex) arising from thin encrustations, typically (F.) colonensis and F. (F.) minima, which also lack a
about 1 mm in thickness and not more than 5 cm reticulate skeleton. Five Forcepia (Forcepia) species
wide (Fig. 2a). Numerous fistules, often more than ten have been described from Indo-Pacific: 1) F. (F.) mer-
in number, are irregularly distributed, between 3-10 toni Hentschel, 1912 from the Indonesia; 2) F. (F.)
mm apart from each other. Fistules are usually 4-5 stephensi Dendy, 1922 from the Seychelles; 3) F. (F.)
mm in height and 2-3 mm in diameter both at the lissa (de Laubenfels, 1954) from the Micronesia; 4) F.
base and at the apex. Oscules are typically 2 mm in (F.) foresti Lévi and Lévi, 1989; and 5) F. (F.) koltuni
diameter. Consistency soft, fragile, and slightly flexi- Lévi & Lévi, 1989, both from the Philippines. Two
ble. Reticulation of skeleton is visible to the naked species are found in the warm temperate region of
eye in situ. Found on hard substrata, e.g., coral rubble Western Pacific Ocean: F. (F.) volsella Topsent, 1928
and rock. Colour bright orange in living specimens. and F. (F.) solustylota Hoshino, 1977, both described
Pale light brown in alcohol. from areas in Japan influenced by the warm Central
Skeleton. Thick irregularly bundles of spicules, 60- Kuroshio Current.
220 µm in diameter arise from the base and fan out at The key distinguishing character of the new species
the surface where they become dispersed tangentially, is the presence of large forceps that are nearly 300 µm
forming an irregular ectosomal skeleton with spicule in length (210-264.4-288 µm × 6-7.8-10 µm). All For-
bundles 40-60 µm in diameter (Fig. 2b). Fistules, thin, cepia (Forcepia) species described previously from
single spicule layer, irregular, vaguely intercrossing the Indo-Pacific have forcipes less than 100 µm in
single and paucispicular bundles (Fig. 2c). length, with F. (F.) mertoni having the largest forceps
Spicules. Tylotes, forceps and arcuate isochelae. (up to 88 µm in length) amongst these species.
Tylotes (Fig. 3a), 285-354.4-390 µm × 6-7.1-9 µm. No Forcepia (Forcepia) species described to date
Smooth, slightly bent, prominent tyles. from the adjacent Indian Ocean and Pacific Ocean has
Forceps (Fig. 3b), 210-264.4-288 µm × 6-7.8-10 µm, forceps larger than 100 µm. Only F. (F.) agglutinans
distance between the legs (25-30.5-40 µm). Heavily Burton, 1933 from Stil Bay, Africa and F. (F.) volsella
spined, with teethed apices; rare. The total number of Topsent, 1928 from Japan have forceps up to 100 µm
forceps did not exceed 20 in 3 × 3 mm size crust or 2 in size. However, there are several species from the
64 Lim et al. – Biodiversity of shallow-water sponges in Singapore

Fig. 2. Forcepia (Forcepia) vansoesti sp. nov. (Holotype POR.ZRC.0216). a) Forcepia (Forcepia) vansoesti sp. nov. in situ. b) Skeleton
of encrustation, surface view. c) Skeleton of fistule, surface view. d) Microscleres in encrustation skeleton; the forceps and two size
arcuate isochelae are indicated by arrows.

Fig. 3. SEM images of Forcepia (Forcepia)

vansoesti sp. nov. spicules. a) Tylote. b)
Spined forceps. c) Arcuate isochelae (large,
twisted). d) Arcuate isochelae (small, nor-
Contributions to Zoology, 81 (1) – 2012 65

Atlantic Ocean with large forceps that are more than amongst the smallest species found in the Indo-Pacific
200 µm in length; 1) F. (F.) colonensis Carter, 1874 in terms of overall size. The new species is only slight-
(260 um); 2) F. (F.) forcipis (Bowerbank, 1866) (351- ly larger than F. (F.) fistulosa, the latter consists of tiny
432 µm × 3-4 µm); and 3) F. (F.) trilabis (Boury-Es- hollow encrustations of approximately 0.5-1 mm
nault, 1973) (209-258 µm × 3.5 × 4.5 µm). thickness and maximum of 2 cm2 in widest expansion,
Amongst the Caribbean Forcepia (Forcepia) spe- with up to three fistules of 2 mm diameter and 4-5 mm
cies with large forceps, Forcepia (F.) forcipis is dis- high. Both species have very similar habit but have
tinct in having the largest forceps in the genus with very different spiculations. Forcepia (F.) fistulosa has
three size categories of forceps. Forcepia (F.) trilabis only one category of chelae (15-22.3-24 µm), and two
is distinct in having a smaller category of smaller for- size categories of forceps that are much smaller (size
ceps (40 µm × 1 µm). Forcepia (F.) colonensis has 54-68.5-91 µm and 27-39.5-48 um). Interestingly, the
somewhat similar spiculation to the new species: for- new species is the only Forcepia species recorded
ceps (200-260 µm × 3.5-4.5 µm), arcuate isochelae I from Singapore waters, adding to the existing five spe-
(20-38 µm), arcuate isochelae II (15-20 µm), and ty- cies previously described from the Indo-Pacific. It is
lotes (330-360 µm × 4-7 µm). However, the new spe- also the only Forcepia species in the Indo-Pacific with
cies can be distinguished from F. (F.) colonensis in twisted chelae, a character that is shared by F. (F.) fis-
having one size category of twisted arcuate isochelae, tulosa and F. (F.) grandisigmata, both described from
normal instead of reduced alae, and considerably the Caribbean. Another interesting character is the
thicker forceps at 6-7.8-10 µm. While the new species small number of forceps in each individual. In some
appear to be a shallow-water species found at 3-20 m specimens, less than three forceps could be observed
depth, F. colonensis is a deep sea species found at on the spicule preparation slide. It is difficult to imag-
depth of over 600 m (363 fathoms). ine that these large forceps actually serve any skeletal
Despite the new species having large forceps, it is function in the sponge.

On-line supplementary material (SI)

S1. Localities, and geographical coordinates of 58 stations in the intertidal sponge fauna survey.

S2. Localities, and geographical coordinates of 68 stations in the subtidal sponge fauna survey.
Table 1. Intertidal and subtidal sponges from Singapore collected between 2003 – 2010. The localities are represented by numbers: 1. Kusu Island; 2. Lazarus Island; 3. St. John’s 66
Island; 4. Tekukor; 5. Sisters’ Island; 6. Tanjong Rimau; 7. Labrador; 8. Pulau Jong; 9. Cyrene reef; 10. Pulau Hantu; 11. Sinki Fairway; 12. Pulau Semakau; 13. Pulau Salu; 14.
Pulau Sudong; 15. Pulau Berkas; 16. Pulau Pawai; 17. Pulau Senang; 18. Pulau Biola; 19. Raffles Lighthouse; 20. Merawang Beacon; 21. W. Johor Strait; 22. Kranji; 23. East Coast;
24. Pulau Tekong; 25. E. Johor Strait; 26. Changi; 27. Pulau Sekudu; 28. Chek Jawa; 29. Pulau Ubin; 30. Pasir Ris.

S/N Species Locality Intertidal Subtidal Museum no.

Spirophorida; Tetillidae
1 Cinachyrella australiensis 1-7, 9-10, 12-21, 24-25, 27-28 1 1 ZRC.POR.0074
2 Cinachyrella sp. ‘white’ 5, 16, 18-19 1 ZRC.POR.0075
3 Craniella abracadabra* 15, 19 1 ZRC.POR.0076
4 Paratetilla bacca 1, 3-5, 15, 18 1 ZRC.POR.0077
5 Paratetilla sp. ‘yellow’ 19 1 ZRC.POR.0078
Astrophorida; Ancorindae
6 Ancorina sp. ‘yellow, green encrusting’ 3 1 ZRC.POR.0079
7 Jaspis splendens 3, 5, 8, 10, 14, 16, 18-19 1 ZRC.POR.0080
8 Rhabdastrella globostellata 1, 3-20, 27, 29 1 1 ZRC.POR.0081
9 Stelletta sp. ‘brown globular’ 16 1 ZRC.POR.0082
10 Stelletta clavosa 4, 8-10, 12, 15-16 1 1 ZRC.POR.0083
Astrophorida; Geodiidae
11 Geodia sp. ‘off-white, encrusting’ 3-4, 8, 12, 20, 27 1 ZRC.POR.0084
Hadromerida; Clionaidae
12 Cliona cf. celata 1, 19 1 1 ZRC.POR.0085
13 Cliona orientalis* 15-18 1 ZRC.POR.0086
14 Cliona sp. ‘orange, encrusting’ 10, 12 1 ZRC.POR.0087
15 Cliona utricularis* 12, 25, 27 1 ZRC.POR.0088
16 Spheciospongia sp. ‘yellow cones’ 1, 3-10, 12-13, 15-16, 18-21, 24-25, 27-28 1 1 ZRC.POR.0089
17 Spheciospongia cf. vagabunda 1-6, 8-10, 12, 15-16, 18-21, 25, 27-28 1 1 ZRC.POR.0090
Hadromerida; Placospongiidae
18 Placospongia carinata* 4-5, 16, 18-19 1 ZRC.POR.0091
19 Placospongia melobesioides 25 1 ZRC.POR.0092
20 Placospongia sp. ‘brown encrusting’ 20 1 ZRC.POR.0093
Hadromerida; Spirastrellidae
21 Spirastrella sp. ‘grey’ 16, 18-19 1 ZRC.POR.0094
22 Spirastrella decumbens sensu Kirkpatrick, 1900 10, 19 1 ZRC.POR.0095
Hadromerida; Suberitidae
23 Aaptos suberitoides 4, 10, 15-16 1 1 ZRC.POR.0096
24 Prosuberites oleteira 3-4, 15, 18-19 1 ZRC.POR.0097
25 Protosuberites sp. ‘yellow, thinly encrusting’ 4, 18 1 ZRC.POR.0098
26 Pseudosuberites cava 9, 10 1 ZRC.POR.0099
27 Suberites diversicolor 3, 21, 24-28, 30 1 1 ZRC.POR.0100
28 Terpios cruciata 24-25 1 ZRC.POR.0101
29 Terpios granulosa 10, 13, 18 1 1 ZRC.POR.0102
30 Terpios aff. cruciata ‘encrusting’ 19 1 ZRC.POR.0103
Hadromerida; Tethyidae
Lim et al. – Biodiversity of shallow-water sponges in Singapore

31 Tethya robusta 4, 12, 18, 20-21, 24-25, 27-28 1 1 ZRC.POR.0104

Chondrosida; Chondrillidae
32 Chondrilla aff. mixta 8, 19, 25, 27 1 ZRC.POR.0105
33 Chondrilla australiensis 1, 3-8, 10, 12, 17-19, 23, 25, 27-29 1 1 ZRC.POR.0106
34 Chondrosia corticata 10, 24 1 ZRC.POR.0107
Lithistida; Desmanthidae
35 Desmanthus rhabdophorus* 18 1 ZRC.POR.0108
Poecilosclerida; Acarnidae
36 Acarnus primigenius 3, 8, 10, 14-15, 18 1 ZRC.POR.0109
37 Acarnus ternatus 3, 18 1 ZRC.POR.0110
38 Acarnus wolfgangi 8, 10 1 ZRC.POR.0111
39 Damiria simplex 3, 10 1 ZRC.POR.0112
Poecilosclerida; Microcionidae
40 Antho (Antho) sp. ‘orange, branching, repent’ 16 1 ZRC.POR.0113
41 Clathria (Clathria) sp. ‘orange, irregular branches’ 15 1 ZRC.POR.0114
42 Clathria (Thalyisas) toxifera 1, 3-4, 15, 18-19, 25, 27 1 1 ZRC.POR.0115
43 Clathria (Thalyisas) reinwardti 1, 3-5, 7-10, 12, 15-18 1 1 ZRC.POR.0116
Contributions to Zoology, 81 (1) – 2012

44 Clathria (Thalyisas) vulpina 3-4, 12, 14, 18-19 1 1 ZRC.POR.0117

45 Clathria (Wilsonella) foraminifera 9-10, 18 1 ZRC.POR.0118
46 Microcionidae sp. ‘orange, encrusting’ 3 1 ZRC.POR.0119
Poecilosclerida; Raspailiidae
47 Echinodictyum asperum 1, 3, 8 1 ZRC.POR.0120
48 Echinodictyum conulosum 1, 20, 25 1 1 ZRC.POR.0121
49 Echinodictyum mesenterinum 1, 3-5, 8-10, 12, 19 1 ZRC.POR.0122
50 Raspailia (Parasyringella) sp. ‘orange, flattened branches’ 25 1 ZRC.POR.0123
51 Thrinacophora cervicornis 16, 18-19 1 ZRC.POR.0124
Poecilosclerida; Rhabderemiidae
52 Rhabderemia sp. ‘red, thinly encrusting’ 4-6, 9, 19, 25, 27 1 ZRC.POR.0125
Poecilosclerida; Coelosphaeridae
53 Forcepia (Forcepia) vansoesti sp. nov.* 1, 3, 13-14, 16, 18 1 ZRC.POR.0126
54 Lissodendoryx (Waldoschmittia) cf. schmidti 1, 3-8, 10, 12-13, 15-20, 23, 25, 27-28 1 ZRC.POR.0127
Poecilosclerida; Crambeidae
55 Monanchora clathrata 3, 18-19 1 ZRC.POR.0128
56 Monanchora unguiculata 12 1 ZRC.POR.0129
Poecilosclerida; Iotrochotidae
57 Iotrochota baculifera 9, 14, 29 1 1 ZRC.POR.0130
58 Iotrochota purpurea 12-14, 16 1 1 ZRC.POR.0131
Poecilosclerida; Myxillidae
59 Psammochela psammodes 14, 19 1 1 ZRC.POR.0132
Poecilosclerida; Tedaniidae
60 Tedania (Tedania) sp. ‘red encrusting’ 25, 28 1 ZRC.POR.0133
61 Tedania (Tedania) sp. ‘orange, blind-ended fistules’ 25, 28 1 ZRC.POR.0134
Poecilosclerida; Desmacellidae
62 Biemna fortis 1-10, 12, 16, 18-19, 21, 25 1 1 ZRC.POR.0135
Poecilosclerida; Guitarridae
63 Tetrapocillon patbergquistae* 19 1 ZRC.POR.0136

Poecilosclerida; Mycalidae
S/N Species Locality Intertidal Subtidal Museum no. 68
64 Mycale (Aegogropila) crassisima 10, 19 1 ZRC.POR.0137
65 Mycale (Aegogropila) sulevoidea 1, 3, 9-10, 15-16, 18-19 1 1 ZRC.POR.0138
66 Mycale (Aegogropila) sp. ‘orange, thin branch’ 5, 10 1 ZRC.POR.0139
67 Mycale (Aegogropila) sp. ‘orange, lobate, large sigma’ 3, 19 1 ZRC.POR.0140
68 Mycale (Aegogropila) sp. ‘yellow, encrusting’ 1, 10, 13 1 ZRC.POR.0141
69 Mycale (Aegogropila) sp. nov. ‘orange, encrusting, large sigma’* 10, 14 1 ZRC.POR.0142
70 Mycale (Aegogropila) sp. nov. ‘yellow, large mycalostyles’* 3, 8-9, 13-16, 20, 25 1 ZRC.POR.0143
71 Mycale (Arenochalina) sp. nov. ‘algae skeleton’* 4, 13, 15-17, 29 1 ZRC.POR.0144
72 Mycale (Carmia) sp. ‘red, thinly encrusting’ 22, 25-28 1 ZRC.POR.0145
73 Mycale (Carmia) sp. ‘purple, encrusting’ 5 1 ZRC.POR.0146
74 Mycale (Mycale) indica* 16 1 ZRC.POR.0147
75 Mycale (Mycale) grandis 4 1 1 ZRC.POR.0148
76 Mycale (Mycale) sulcata* 4, 16, 18 1 ZRC.POR.0149
77 Mycale (Mycale) aff. grandis 1, 3-6, 8-10, 12, 15-16, 18-20, 24, 28 1 ZRC.POR.0150
78 Mycale (Mycale) sp. ‘orange, thin branch’ 14, 18 1 ZRC.POR.0151
79 Mycale (Mycale) sp. nov. ‘orange, thin branch’* 10 1 ZRC.POR.0152
80 Mycale (Zygomycale) parishi 1, 3-4, 8, 12-16, 18-19, 29 1 ZRC.POR.0153
Poecilosclerida; Isodictyidae
81 Coelocarteria singaporensis 1, 3-10, 12-20, 25, 27 1 1 ZRC.POR.0154
Halichondrida; Axinellidae
82 Axinella carteri* 8, 16, 19 1 ZRC.POR.0155
83 Dragmacidon australis* 16 1 ZRC.POR.0156
Halichondrida; Desmoxyidae
84 Higginsia sp. ‘orange’ 14 1 ZRC.POR.0157
Halichondrida; Dictyonellidae
85 Acanthella sp. ‘orange, bushy’ 25 1 ZRC.POR.0158
86 Scopalina sp. nov. ‘yellow, encrusting’* 10, 17-19 1 ZRC.POR.0159
87 Stylissa cf. conulosa 14-15 1 ZRC.POR.0160
88 Stylissa cf. hapalia 25 1 ZRC.POR.0161
89 Stylissa cf. massa 25 1 ZRC.POR.0162
Halichondrida; Halichondriidae
90 Amorphinopsis excavans 6, 21-22, 25-30 1 1 ZRC.POR.0163
91 Axinyssa sp. ‘orange, cone-like fistules’ 15-16, 18-19 1 ZRC.POR.0164
92 Axinyssa sp. ‘brown fistules’ 17 1 ZRC.POR.0165
93 Axinyssa sp. ‘cushion-shaped’ 3, 10, 19 1 ZRC.POR.0166
94 Axinyssa sp. ‘orange, bushy’ 4 1 ZRC.POR.0167
95 Axinyssa sp. ‘white, massive’ 14 1 ZRC.POR.0168
96 Ciocalypta cf. tyleri 6, 25 1 ZRC.POR.0169
97 Ciocalypta sp. ‘white’ 20, 25 1 ZRC.POR.0170
98 Ciocalypta sp. ‘yellow, blind-ended fistules’ 25 1 ZRC.POR.0171
99 Epipolasis suluensis* 13 1 ZRC.POR.0172
100 Halichondria (Halichondria) cartilaginea 1 1 1 ZRC.POR.0173
101 Halichondria sp. ‘orange’ 18 1 ZRC.POR.0174
Lim et al. – Biodiversity of shallow-water sponges in Singapore

102 Halichondria sp. ‘purple, massive’ 10 1 ZRC.POR.0175

103 Halichondria sp. ‘siliquaria’ 14 1 ZRC.POR.0176
104 Halichondria sp. ‘white fistules, burrowing’ 10, 14, 16, 19 1 ZRC.POR.0177
105 Halichondria sp. ‘yellow fistules’ 3-5, 7, 15-16 1 ZRC.POR.0178
106 Halichondria sp. ‘orange pale, encrusting’ 4 1 ZRC.POR.0179
107 Halichondria sp. ‘brownish-black, cushioned-shape’ 16 1 ZRC.POR.0180
108 Halichondria sp. ‘green, lobate’ 8, 10 1 ZRC.POR.0181
109 Halichondria sp. ‘off-white, encrusting’ 25 1 1 ZRC.POR.0182
110 Halichondria sp. ‘yellow-green, burrowing’ 3, 5, 20 1 ZRC.POR.0183
111 Halichondria sp. ‘thin-wall, brown’ 3, 5, 8, 10, 12, 16, 18-19 1 ZRC.POR.0184
Agelasida; Agelasidae
112 Agelas cavernosa* 3, 19 1 ZRC.POR.0185
Haplosclerida; Callyspongiidae
113 Callyspongia (Cladochalina) diffusa 3-4, 14, 16-17 1 1 ZRC.POR.0186
114 Callyspongia (Cladochalina) joubini 7, 25, 28 1 ZRC.POR.0187
115 Callyspongia (Cladochalina) cf. fibrosa 5 1 ZRC.POR.0188
116 Callyspongia (Cladochalina) cf. subarmigera 10 1 ZRC.POR.0189
Contributions to Zoology, 81 (1) – 2012

117 Callyspongia samarensis* 12, 20, 25 1 1 ZRC.POR.0190

118 Callyspongia sp. ‘purple, branching’ 25 1 ZRC.POR.0191
119 Callyspongia sp. ‘purple, lobate’ 11-12, 14 1 ZRC.POR.0192
120 Callyspongia sp. ‘yellow pale, massive branching’ 8, 10, 12 1 ZRC.POR.0193
121 Callyspongia sp. ‘purple, long slender branches’ 9, 11 1 ZRC.POR.0194
122 Callyspongia sp. ‘yellow, spiny’ 4, 12, 16, 18, 25 1 ZRC.POR.0195
Haplosclerida; Chalinidae
123 Cladocroce aff. burapha 7, 12, 25 1 1 ZRC.POR.0196
124 Cladocroce sp. ‘dark green, branching, repent’ 12, 20, 23, 25-26 1 ZRC.POR.0197
125 Cladocroce sp. ‘purple’ 20, 25 1 ZRC.POR.0198
126 Haliclona (Gellius) amboinensis 3 1 ZRC.POR.0199
127 Haliclona cymaeformis 4-5, 7, 9-10, 12, 18, 28 1 1 ZRC.POR.0200
128 Haliclona koremella* 4, 20, 25 1 1 ZRC.POR.0201
129 Haliclona cf. baeri 6, 25 1 ZRC.POR.0202
130 Haliclona sp. ‘black, encrusting’ 3 1 ZRC.POR.0203
131 Haliclona sp. ‘black, large tubular’ 25 1 ZRC.POR.0204
132 Haliclona sp. ‘bright yellow’ 25 1 ZRC.POR.0205
133 Haliclona sp. ‘greenish-white, anastomosed tubes’ 14 1 ZRC.POR.0206
134 Haliclona sp. ‘irregularly tubular’ 10, 12, 25 1 ZRC.POR.0207
135 Haliclona sp. ‘maroon, repent, thin branch’ 13-14, 16 1 ZRC.POR.0208
136 Haliclona sp. ‘purple, irregular, conulose’ 1, 3, 5-6, 10, 12-13, 15, 17-19 1 ZRC.POR.0209
137 Haliclona sp. ‘transparent firm fistules’ 5, 10, 16, 18 1 ZRC.POR.0210
138 Haliclona sp. ‘white threads’ 18 1 ZRC.POR.0211
139 Haliclona sp. ‘white translucent, burrowing, apical oscules’ 25 1 ZRC.POR.0212
140 Haliclona sp. ‘violet, encrusting, large oscules’ 3, 5, 12, 15-18 1 ZRC.POR.0213
141 Haliclona sp. ‘brown stout fistules’ 1, 3-4, 9-10, 12, 16, 18-19 1 ZRC.POR.0214
142 Haliclona sp. nov. ‘encrusting, star veins’* 4, 7, 10, 18 1 ZRC.POR.0215
Haplosclerida; Niphatidae
143 Gelliodes fibulata 25 1 ZRC.POR.0216

144 Gelliodes sp. ‘pale violet, stout anastomosed branches’ 1, 3-4, 7, 9-10, 12, 14-19 1 ZRC.POR.0217
S/N Species Locality Intertidal Subtidal Museum no. 70
145 Gelliodes sp. ‘massive, spiny’ 4, 11-12 1 ZRC.POR.0218
146 Niphates sp. ‘brown, lobate’ 16 1 ZRC.POR.0219
147 Niphates sp. ‘greyish-blue, strongly conulose’ 12, 25 1 ZRC.POR.0220
148 Niphates sp. ‘reddish-pink, massive’ 5, 11, 19 1 ZRC.POR.0221
Haplosclerida; Phloeodictyidae
149 Aka maldiviensis 4-5, 9-10, 12, 17-18 1 1 ZRC.POR.0222
150 Aka mucosa* 1, 11, 16-19 1 1 ZRC.POR.0223
151 Aka sp. ‘white fistules, soft’ 20, 25 1 ZRC.POR.0224
152 Oceanapia sagittaria 1, 3-5, 7-10, 12-20, 24 1 1 ZRC.POR.0225
153 Oceanapia sp. ‘red fistules’ 16 1 1 ZRC.POR.0226
154 Oceanapia sp. ‘white blind-ended fistules’ 25 1 ZRC.POR.0227
155 Oceanapia sp. ‘white fistules, 1 cm crust body’ 3, 14 1 ZRC.POR.0228
156 Oceanapia sp. ‘white fistules’ 17 1 ZRC.POR.0229
157 Oceanapia sp. ‘white translucent fistules, soft’ 25 1 ZRC.POR.0230
158 Oceanapia sp. ‘yellow fistules, calcareous grains’ 4-5, 9, 12 1 ZRC.POR.0231
Haplosclerida; Petrosiidae
159 Acanthostrongylophora ingens 10, 12, 14-15, 18 1 ZRC.POR.0232
160 Neopetrosia carbonaria 3-4, 12, 14-15, 19 1 ZRC.POR.0233
161 Neopetrosia exigua 1, 3-5, 8-9, 12-20 1 1 ZRC.POR.0234
162 Neopetrosia sp. ‘blue’ 1, 3-9, 12, 16, 18-20, 25 1 1 ZRC.POR.0235
163 Petrosia (Petrosia) hoeksemai 4 1 ZRC.POR.0236
164 Petrosia sp. ‘massive, stout fistules’ 4, 11 1 ZRC.POR.0237
165 Petrosia sp. ‘white, ectosomal reticulation’ 8, 10, 12, 18 1 ZRC.POR.0238
166 Xestospongia testudinaria 1, 3-5, 7-21, 24, 29 1 1 ZRC.POR.0239
167 Xestospongia vansoesti 3-4, 12, 16 1 ZRC.POR.0240
168 Xestospongia sp. ‘black, boring’ 5, 10, 12, 18-19 1 ZRC.POR.0241
169 Xestospongia sp. ‘brown, massive’ 17 1 ZRC.POR.0242
170 Xestospongia sp. ‘brown, numerous oscules’ 19 1 ZRC.POR.0243
171 Xestospongia sp. ‘reddish-pink, irregular’ 1, 10, 18-19 1 ZRC.POR.0244
172 Xestospongia sp. ‘white’ 3, 8, 19 1 ZRC.POR.0245
Dictyoceratida; Irciniidae
173 Ircinia irregularis 25 1 1 ZRC.POR.0246
174 Ircinia ramosa 4, 8, 10, 12, 15, 17-19, 21, 24, 29 1 1 ZRC.POR.0247
175 Ircinia cf. anomala 17-18 1 ZRC.POR.0248
176 Ircinia sp. ‘with Vulsella’ 12 1 ZRC.POR.0249
Dictyoceratida; Thorectidae
177 Hyrtios erectus 1, 4-5, 13 1 1 ZRC.POR.0250
178 Lendenfeldia chondrodes 1, 3-8, 10, 12-13, 16, 18-19 1 1 ZRC.POR.0251
179 Thorectidae sp. ‘black, massive, strongly conulose’ 4 1 ZRC.POR.0252
Dictyoceratida; Spongiidae
180 Coscinoderma matthewsi 1, 4-6, 16 1 ZRC.POR.0253
181 Hippospongia sp. ‘black, massive’ 12, 16 1 ZRC.POR.0254
182 Hyatella intestinalis 10, 12 1 1 ZRC.POR.0255
Lim et al. – Biodiversity of shallow-water sponges in Singapore

183 Spongia ceylonensis 1, 3-4, 9, 12, 25, 27-29 1 ZRC.POR.0256

184 Spongia sp. ‘with broken shells and sand’ 9, 18-19 1 ZRC.POR.0257
185 Spongia sp. ‘yellow, encrusting’ 12, 16, 25 1 ZRC.POR.0258
Dictyoceratida; Dysideidae
187 Dysidea frondosa 10-11, 14, 16, 18, 24 1 ZRC.POR.0260
186 Dysidea cf. ramoglomerata 3, 25, 28 1 ZRC.POR.0259
188 Dysidea sp. ‘bright blue’ 25, 28 1 ZRC.POR.0261
189 Dysidea sp. ‘massive, branching’ 16 1 ZRC.POR.0262
190 Lamellodysidea herbacea 1, 3-10, 12, 16, 19, 25, 28 1 1 ZRC.POR.0263
Dendroceratida; Darwinellidae
191 Aplysilla rosea* 4, 15, 25 1 ZRC.POR.0264
Dendroceratida; Dictydendrillidae
192 Dictyodendrilla sp. ‘green with brown fibres’ 11, 21, 24-25, 29 1 1 ZRC.POR.0265
Verongida; Pseudoceratinidae
193 Pseudoceratina purpurea 1, 3-5, 8-10, 12, 16, 18-19 1 1 ZRC.POR.0266
Verongida; Ianthellidae
194 Hexadella indica* 3, 5, 10, 16-19 1 ZRC.POR.0267
Contributions to Zoology, 81 (1) – 2012

Verongida; Aplysinellidae
195 Aplysinellidae sp. ‘purple dark, strongly conulose’ 16, 24 1 ZRC.POR.0268
Clathrinda; Clathrinidae
196 Clathrina sp. 16 1 ZRC.POR.0269
Leucosolenida (Calcaronea); Sycettidae
197 Sycon sp. 4 1 ZRC.POR.0270
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