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"A Discourse Analysis of Figurative Language in Album ’My World’ Justin


Muhamad Jejen Nurani1 Irpira2 Faiza Nur Anissyah3

1) 2) 3) STKIP PGRI Bandar Lampung

Language is an instrument to pass on messages, whether by oral or
composed messages. Language is utilized to pass on the message from the speaker
and the listener. Language is one of essential apparatuses of individuals to convey
each other. Language is a strategy for correspondence that is extensively used by
friendly orders where communicators and communicants can convey
contemplations, contemplations, and so on. Language is utilized broadly for
communication between individuals who don’t have a similar first (or even
second) language. Language is the essential reason that “people are social in
nature” stays legitimate for all gatherings of presence of mankind. Associations
make no special case for it. In view of the requirements and purposes, there are
associations among different components of the general public or associations.

Communication has everlastingly been a need in human life. Through

communication, the trading of thought among people, which clearly adds to the
improvement of the individual fulfillment itself, can be performed. The ability to
percept articulations in correspondence can conclude the exercises followed
clearly in doing communication people use language to pass the message on to the
crowd, the genuine message can be thought, suggesting that will be moved to the
crowd. Communication can be gone on through verbal and nonverbal
correspondence . There are two kinds of communication, they are verbal and
nonverbal communication. Verbal communication is the way to deal with passing
on messages by including words as parts. Nonverbal communication is the way to
deal with giving messages by using movement, body improvements, eye to eye
association, look, or outward introductions as the parts.

Communicative is the capacity to convey effectively in a wide assortment of

conditions. From syntactic exactness and phonological rightness to getting one’s
point across, we really want to investigate each of the assets available to us that
upgrade common coherence. Kinesics, or how signal, look and look conduct is
utilized to impart messages, is one of those undercapitalized implies. With the
accentuation of language guidance moving To create these sorts of data, ideal
correspondence standards should be applied.

Figurative language is a strategy taken to communicate an inclination or a

thought by contrasting two distinct things, comparisons an item to one more
which has no similitude by any means between them or deal with lifeless thing
like energize animal. Figurative language is one method for communicating a
thought innovatively. Figurative language alludes to an approach to utilizing
depiction to make an exceptional picture and draw out one’s feelings. Generally,
figurative language has been portrayed with regards to classes: analogy,
illustration, inference, exemplification, etc.

Figurative language is seen more fruitful to move the meaning of the writer
in light of the fact that, the first, allegorical language deals with the expense of
perusers imaginative delight of unique works; the second, it is a way to deal with
bringing additional imagery into area, making the hypothetical concrete, making
insightful works more hot; the third, figurative is a way to deal with adding
significant capacity to regardless just valuable declarations and passing on
viewpoints close by information and the last, it is a way to deal with

communicating a ton of in a word compass. Using figurative language fittingly
recorded as a printed copy and talking can bestow a thought effectively.

Figurative language highlight has been shown to assume a synchronous part

in melodic creation and correspondence, scholastic expansion, and logical
savviness. There are many kinds of figurative language. It shows that how past of
reach is the human limit in making sensible mechanical assemblies to make their
life all the more splendid. There are a few kinds of figurative dialects, they are:
comparison, facetious inquiry, embodiment, poetic exaggeration, synecdoche,
punctuation, similar sounding word usage, sound similarity.

It is extremely fascinating to break down metaphorical language in a melody

verse. There are numerous texts that can be attempted to be examined. For
instance: content of film, discussion in television show, discourse, brief tale,
content of show, melody verse, paper, magazine, and so on. In this exploration,
tune verse was picked as information source. The reasons are tune verse has
important information for this exploration, the writers of song stanza generally use
allegorical language to make their tunes more captivating to be sung, the writers
regularly move the meaning of the tune in order refrain evidently. The data source
in this investigation was tune section “My world “ Justin Bieber’s album. He is
one of the most prestigious craftsman on earth. Each tune that he is singing has a
high worth all through regular day to day existence.

Specifically, based on the statement above The researchers want to focus on

how to find out the actual meanings of figurative language found on Justin
Bieber's album "My World". Apart from that, this literature review aims to find
out what types of figurative language exist in the song album.

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language intoiclassroom activities. Reflections oniEnglish Language
Teaching, 6(1), 51-64.
Hidayah, A. (2019). A DeixisiAnalysis ofiSong LyricsiIn Back ToiYou ByiSelena
Gomes. Surakarta Englishiand LiteraturiJournal, 2(2), 1-9.
Hidayat, A. (2016). SpeechiActs: ForceiBehind Wordsi. EnglishoEducation:
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Swarniti,iN. W. (2022). Analysisiof Figurative Languageiin “EasyiOn Me”iSong
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