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2018PhD Program Brochure

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WORLD-CLASS FACULTY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

PLACEMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

AREAS OF STUDY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

ADMISSION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24


 he Ph.D. program is one of the crown jewels of UCLA Anderson School of

Management. We are training scholars from around the world to become the next
generation of innovators and thought leaders in research, education and industry.

Our alumni include distinguished faculty at many of the world’s great academic
institutions. Our graduates tell us that the UCLA Anderson Doctoral Program is
second to none in terms of quality and accessibility of faculty, staff and alumni
support, class and resource flexibility, and its location in the intellectual and
cultural hub of Los Angeles. If you have a passion for research and love to think,
write, teach and debate, we hope you will consider applying to our program.

Professor Francis A. Longstaff

Allstate Chair in Insurance and Finance
Senior Associate Dean and Director, Doctoral Program
UCLA Anderson School of Management

UCLA Anderson School of Management 3


The UCLA Anderson Doctoral Program is the first step in pursuing an

academic career in management.
We start with research. Consider, for example, Bennett Chiles’ research into price obfuscation, and
how it affects a firm’s reputation. Or Robert Richmond’s work on the fundamental determinants of
international asset prices. Our students are taught the skills to look at the complex problems of
management and find new perspectives, carving out their own niche in the field.

We back it up with access. Doctoral students live in a city of innovation, study within the
university’s top-notch research facilities, and work alongside UCLA Anderson’s highly celebrated
faculty. Our small and selective programs provide students with every opportunity to excel. By
maintaining a professor-to-student ratio of one-to-one, students cultivate deep and lasting
relationships with the best researchers and educators of this generation.

Welcome to UCLA Anderson, where you will embark on a career of groundbreaking research —
changing how people see business in the future.

UCLA Anderson School of Management 5

“DOTM students can work on new and innovative topics in operations management, ranging
from socially responsible supply chains and carbon emissions abatement, to electric scooter
distribution networks, to FDA drug approval policies. We encourage our students to tackle
research questions motivated by real-world problems, and to find solutions aimed at improving
practices in business and society. With a one-to-one faculty-to-student ratio, our Ph.D. students
receive terrific mentoring and support during their time at Anderson and after graduation.”

Assistant Professor of Decisions, Operations and Technology Management
DEGREES: Ph.D., Management Science and Engineering, Stanford University;
M.S., Management Science and Engineering, Stanford University; B.S., Operations Research, Cornell University.
CURRENT RESEARCH: Health care operations, medical decision making.
RESEARCH PUBLICATIONS INCLUDE: Operations Research, Decision Analysis, Health Care Management Science.
INTERESTING FACT: Elisa won three handbags, designer shoes, a Rodeo Drive shopping spree and two cars on
The Price is Right.


UCLA Anderson is proud to maintain one of the top-rated faculty advisor

groups internationally. BusinessWeek ranked our Ph.D. program among the best
in the world for “intellectual capital.” Representing diverse interests and
backgrounds, our professors hail from top universities around the world.
They know how to get research published and how to excel in top academic
institutions. You’ll be challenged and mentored by scholars who creatively push
the boundaries to break new ground in their fields. A few examples include:

Associate Professor of Decisions, Operations and Technology

Management Felipe Caro holds editorial positions at Production and Our faculty-to-student
Operations Management and Manufacturing & Service Operations ratio is one to one.
Management. His Management Science article, “Product and Price At UCLA Anderson, doctoral
Competition with Satiation Effects,” won first prize in the 2010 students have unparalleled
INFORMS Junior Faculty Interest Group Paper Competition. Professor access to advisors who are
Caro’s case Zara: Staying Fast and Fresh is widely taught in business
just as passionate as you
schools in the U.S. and abroad, and won the ecch (now the Case
are about research. Our
Centre) awards for New Case Writer and the Production and
one-to-one ratio gives you
Operations Management category.
in-depth, individualized
A foremost scholar on supply chain management, Distinguished learning. The result is
Professor Chris Tang has published more than 100 articles in powerfully productive —
academic journals, magazines and newspapers, and has authored Ph.D. students coauthor
five books. His research now spans global supply chain management, 20 – 40 percent of faculty
retail operations and social business operations. In addition to research, and many candidates
collaborating with students and colleagues, Tang has served as an
publish before graduation.
advisor to numerous corporate giants and startup companies.

Ivo Welch, Distinguished Professor of Finance, has authored

numerous publications with far-reaching citation impacts and is the editor of Critical Finance Review.
Welch has received multiple accolades for his published work, including recognition from major
finance journals, a prestigious Humboldt Research Award and two Michael Brennan Awards. Together
with Professor Bhagwan Chowdhry, he is co-founder and editor of Finance & Accounting Memos
(FAMe), a publication that makes academic research more accessible for MBA and Ph.D. students,
journalists, policymakers and other academics.

Professor Andrea Eisfeldt — the Laurence D. and Lori W. Fink Endowed Chair in Finance — has
focused on macroeconomics and finance, specifically the dynamics of market liquidity and the effects
of financial frictions on investment. Her papers earned the Smith Breeden Distinguished Paper prize in
2004, the Jensen Prize (second place) in 2008, and the Smith Breeden First Place Paper award in
2013. She has also been awarded research grants by the National Science Foundation and the
Banque de France.

Through research that actively supports changes in the business world, our
students witness Anderson’s impact first hand and are inspired to follow in
the footsteps of their faculty mentors.
UCLA Anderson School of Management 7
Assistant Professor of Finance
NYU Stern School of Business

Anderson alumni have made

their mark at some of the world’s most
prestigious academic institutions:

Columbia University

Cornell University
Assistant Professor of Accounting
Dartmouth College
Haas School of Business, UC Berkeley

Harvard University

HEC School of Management, Paris

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Northwestern University

NYU Stern School of Business

UC Berkeley
University of Chicago Assistant Professor of Management
Columbia Business School
The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania

University of Texas at Austin

Yale University

Assistant Professor of Economics
Yale University

“The Ph.D. program was divided into what I think of as two parts: The first is coursework, where you get rigorous training
in financial economics. The faculty puts a lot of work into the courses, and you get a lot out of that because coursework is
useful in initial training. From there, it switches over to research — and much of what is learned there comes from direct
mentorships from committee members. They’re willing to spend time with Ph.D. students — they’ll co-author, there’s an
open-door policy, and it’s a very conducive environment to learning how to produce academic research. The finance
committee for Ph.D. students mentored me and taught me a great deal, and the finance Ph.D. student office was very
friendly and supportive. I spent countless hours there studying and writing papers with other students there.”

“A particular challenge that comes to mind was when I spent two years on a paper, and someone else published a paper on
the same concept shortly before my paper was complete. I had to watch two years of work disappear. Through this
challenge I learned to accept the realities of the research world and place an emphasis on moving forward rather than
mourn facts I can’t change. While the end result was disappointing, I took comfort in the fact that the idea was strong
enough to be published at the highest level. Moreover, my co-authors and I were able to segue the idea into a different
paper and publish it at a top-tier finance journal. Never in my dreams could I have imagined a more supportive and
cooperative environment than the one at Anderson. At both the graduate and professor levels, within and outside the
accounting group, the collaboration is a clear component of the culture and fiber of the school. To this day, I remain a close
personal friend to many of the professors at Anderson. A few of them even flew to Israel to celebrate my wedding with me.”

“I benefited tremendously from the rigorous training of Anderson coursework. In terms of empirical training, Anderson offers
one of the strongest programs around and is highly respected when it comes to recruitment for academic jobs. I realized that
this mattered a lot when I entered the job market myself. For me, though, some of the most important lessons were actually
learned outside the classroom. Anderson prepared me well to generate and execute research ideas autonomously — a critical
skill for success in an academic job. This process begins early in the program with the first-year paper. By my third year, as I
crystallized a direction for my dissertation and advanced to candidacy, an advisor took me under his wing and tasked me with
formulating two new research ideas to discuss each week over coffee. I wasn’t told to focus on a particular kind of research
question or a sub-field that happened to interest faculty; the direction was entirely up to me. Through this process, I
discovered which topics captivated my curiosity, as I found myself drawn to them again and again. I also quickly learned that
it’s hard to come up with good ideas, that even the good ones usually need a lot of refinement, and that seeking and
incorporating constructive feedback from colleagues is critical to success. Being pushed to repeatedly engage in this iterative
process was instrumental in helping me develop a real sense of identity and autonomy as a researcher.”

“You should realize that nobody owes you your career, but everybody will be your supporter if you ask them the right way.
The composition of my dissertation committee says it all. My main adviser is from the global economics and management
group, one adviser each from strategy/policy and marketing, and three advisers from the department of economics. And a
finance professor gave me great advice on how to train myself as a better speaker in terms of research presentation. I
learned the right attitude toward economics, empirical research and teaching in general, including the importance of
asking good research questions and refining them, how to connect theory and empirical methods, and the right kind of
efforts to communicate with the audience. It was these wonderful institutional acrobatics, the caravan of advisers, that
enabled me to carry out my dissertation project, which eventually won me my current research career. I am very grateful.”

UCLA Anderson School of Management 9

“My research interests are best served at “I chose Anderson because of the outstanding
Anderson. In my field, sometimes programs are faculty who are conducting innovative research
nested in business schools and sometimes in in a variety of areas. When I visited this school,
operations. I want to do very applied work, and I remember speaking with the faculty about
I’m interested in impacting how businesses their research and thinking that every project
operate and making them more efficient, so sounded like something that I wanted to work
I needed to be in business school. Plus, being in on. I also chose Anderson because of its
California, Anderson is on the pulse of the location. Los Angeles is a great place to do
technology industry, and proximity to its center a Ph.D.!”
is ideal. I can’t see myself anywhere else.”
FROM: Los Angeles, California DEGREES: B.A., Economics, B.S.,
DEGREES: B.S., Engineering, UC Berkeley; Mathematics, University of Arizona.
M.A., Engineering, Cornell University CURRENT RESEARCH FOCUS: Health care operations
CURRENT RESEARCH FOCUS: Optimal pricing in management, using methods from engineering and
electrical vehicle share systems. mathematics to study how to design or improve processes
in the health care system.


UCLA Anderson has so much to offer: global prestige, a

challenging and rewarding curriculum, award-winning faculty …
and all of it lives in one of the greatest cities in the world.


Since its founding, UCLA Anderson has built a community

of business leaders, research scholars and innovators. Our
alumni network stretches across all 50 states and through
more than 100 countries. Our graduates now support all facets
of business, industry, academia and government.
Alumni are an immensely valuable resource. In addition to doctoral alumni, students
have access to Anderson’s MBA alumni network. Whether looking to share expertise,
gain contacts or solicit advice, the alumni network — now 38,000 people strong — is
everywhere for support. Your membership will last a lifetime.


Here, we think across boundaries. To advance the quality and depth of research,
doctoral students are encouraged to tap every resource available, whether in their
discipline or outside of it. Many programs actively promote cross-disciplinary
engagement and Anderson doctoral students can take classes with faculty from other
fields of study. Faculty and students from multiple disciplines also gather weekly to talk
through current research.

More than 90 percent of UCLA Anderson graduates land faculty positions after they
complete the program. That’s because we offer our students more — vast resources
across UCLA, a one-to-one faculty-to-student ratio and unparalleled faculty support.
Los Angeles is a global hub of innovation, and the next big city for startups. The Ph.D.
program often features speakers from top-tier businesses.
To support a wide range of research goals, we have six world-class research centers,
focusing on everything from real estate to international business education to media
and sports. Our faculty operate at the top of their fields and expect students to strive for
similar levels of scholarly esteem. The research is rigorous, but the atmosphere is highly
supportive. Incoming students are often surprised by the program’s open and
collaborative atmosphere, and the passion of their professors.

UCLA Anderson School of Management 11


Prospective students apply to one of our eight fields of study. These fields were
created based on the accumulated strengths and developments among our
groups of faculty over the past few decades, while still recognizing the
potential for interdisciplinary crossover.

The accounting world is undergoing an exciting and dramatic evolution, and Anderson is leading the charge with an
interdisciplinary approach combining economics, finance, behavioral sciences, decision theory and statistical modeling.
Our accounting program will prepare you for an academic career at top research universities, supported by a faculty
who specialize in empirical and theoretical financial accounting research.

“Anderson is a very prestigious business “I love interacting with doctoral students because I’m committed to their
school. There are famous professors, growth as academics — I want them to succeed on the job market. And I
high-quality students, not only in my field, appreciate the new perspective they bring to research questions. I also like
but also in other related fields at that the senior faculty are very supportive of the junior faculty, and of the
Anderson. The environment in L.A. and doctoral students. The senior faculty co-author research with the junior
the campus are also very good. I enjoy the faculty and students, reflecting the collaborative culture at Anderson. They
life here.” give frequent feedback to both groups on their progress at Anderson. The
senior faculty do whatever they can to help the junior faculty succeed, and
YUQING ZHOU (ACCOUNTING) to ensure that the doctoral students obtain positions at top universities.”
FROM: Hunan, China
DEGREES: Ph.D., Economics, Michigan State University; BRETT TRUEMAN
B.A., Finance and Philosophy, Professor of Accounting
Peking University. DEGREES: MBA and Ph.D., Finance, Columbia University;
RESEARCH FOCUS: Financial accounting, how B.S. and M.S., Industrial Engineering, Columbia University.
investors react to firms’ voluntary disclosure, how CURRENT RESEARCH: How investor sentiment affects stock prices, how stock returns
firms’ financial information affects the labor market. are affected by how financial information is presented.
RESEARCH PUBLICATIONS INCLUDE: Review of Financial Studies, Journal of Financial
Economics, Journal of Accounting and Economics.
INTERESTING FACT: As the chair of the capital campaign for his synagogue, Brett helped
raise $3.5 million.
This area was originally founded in 2003 as an interdisciplinary research group before it became a formal academic area in
2016. Here, you’ll have the opportunity to dive deep into the many facets of human judgment and decision making behavior,
exploring topics including managerial decision making, negotiation, choice architecture, cognitive and social psychology,
consumer behavior, organizational behavior, behavioral finance, behavioral strategy, behavioral economics and public policy.
Working with scholars from neighboring disciplines including psychology, economics, public policy, law, medicine and
public health, you’ll receive the broad training and flexibility to enter a number of different academic job markets.

“The best thing about Anderson is the collaborative environment. “People are social animals. It’s not, ‘How
I’m so happy to be around my colleagues here. It sounds cliché, do you spend your time?’ but, ‘Who do
but the intellectual atmosphere here is alive and vibrant. It you spend your time with?’ I’ve found
makes it very easy to think big and push yourself into thinking Anderson to be a wonderful community.
forward in a way you might not somewhere else.” I’m challenged by the students I teach,
I’m supported by my classmates, and I’m
HAL HERSHFIELD inspired by the faculty.”
Associate Professor of Marketing and Behavioral Decision Making
DEGREES: Ph.D., Psychology, Stanford University; DANIEL YAVORSKY (MARKETING)
B.A., English and Psychology, Tufts University.
FROM: Dallas, Texas
CURRENT RESEARCH: Different ways to get people to consider their
long-term well-being in terms of retirement, eating healthier and making
B.A., Economics and Mathematics, Claremont
ethical decisions.
McKenna College; CFA Charter Holder.
RESEARCH PUBLICATIONS INCLUDE: Journal of Marketing Research, Journal
RESEARCH FOCUS: Demand models, Bayesian
of Consumer Research, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.
estimation and quantitative marketing.
INTERESTING FACT: Hal was a radio DJ in college, manning the coveted
2:00 a.m. to 6:00 a.m. timeslot, during which he played everything from
classic rock to ska to dance.

UCLA Anderson School of Management 13

“I chose Anderson because of the active, helpful,
diverse and distinguished faculty, the impressive
placement records of past Ph.D. candidates, and
the ideal location of the school, which offers a
perfect social life experience as a bonus to the
unparalleled academic experience.”


FROM: Shiraz, Iran
DEGREES: B.S., Electrical Engineering, Sharif University
of Technology
RESEARCH FOCUS: Dynamic pricing and revenue
management for cloud computing services.

Combining the process view of operations with analytical approaches in conducting research, our DOTM program
applies these ideologies to manufacturing and service sectors, including applications in health care, sustainability
and retail. Our Ph.D. program teaches foundations in decision sciences and operations management, providing
students with an understanding of key management principles. Developing data-analytic, modeling and problem-
solving skills, students are trained to address relevant managerial problems in a rigorous manner.

“I chose Anderson because it offers the perfect

bundle of knowledge, research, teamwork,
friendship and joy to its Ph.D. students. One
can live a life here while doing the most
rigorous scholarly work because the
Anderson family is extremely supportive.”


FROM: Iran
DEGREES: MBA and B.S., Electrical Engineering,
Sharif University of Technology.
RESEARCH FOCUS: Firms’ optimal product offering in a
competitive setting.

UCLA Anderson School of Management 15

Our finance Ph.D. is one of the top programs of its kind in the world. You'll learn how individuals, business entities and
other organizations allocate resources over time. You'll delve into decision making in times of uncertainty, an examination
into balance sheet liability and an exploration of funding markets. The faculty is versed in an eclectic range of research
topics, including empirical and theoretical problems in corporate finance, macro-asset-pricing theory and empirical
models, and behavioral and experimental theory.

“The thing that’s nice about Anderson is that it’s not a factory for the students.
We’re trying to figure out what career they want and then provide them with the
tools, confidence and network they need to get there. That’s the spirit of the school.”

Professor, Laurence D. and Lori W. Fink Endowed Chair in Finance
DEGREES: Ph.D., Economics, University of Chicago;
M.A., Economics, University of Chicago; B.S., University of Illinois.
CURRENT RESEARCH: Risk reallocation in OTC derivatives networks.
RESEARCH PUBLICATIONS INCLUDE: Journal of Finance, Econometrica, American Economic Review.
INTERESTING FACT: From 2013 to 2015, Andrea was chief economist at a mortgage-backed
securities hedge fund with $3 billion in assets under management from 2013 to 2015.

“Anderson’s finance department is very strong, and the faculty members
are incredibly supportive of the Ph.D. students. Professors are generous
with their time and are always willing to give feedback on research ideas.
With the department’s recent additions, this is truer than ever.”


FROM: Ellicott City, Maryland
DEGREES: B.S., Mathematics, University of Chicago;
B.A., Physics and Economics, University of Chicago.
RESEARCH FOCUS: Aggregate implications of corporate frictions.

UCLA Anderson School of Management 17

Thinking creatively yet rigorously about today’s international economic issues is imperative for successful Ph.D. candidates in
economics. This program prepares students to arrive at the frontier of today's research in applied economics, international
economics, political economy and economic development. Ph.D. candidates in GEM have the advantage of access to a faculty
that offers a uniquely coherent collective research agenda in these fields, as well as to the esteemed faculty at the UCLA
Graduate School of Economics.

“The Ph.D. program at Anderson is a leading program, and

UCLA is a top university. The faculty members stay close and
are always willing to offer their guidance and experience. The
most important thing is, I felt welcomed since the very first
moment. I didn’t feel the same at other schools. I got the full
package: an outstanding education in a place I enjoy being!”


FROM: Santiago de Chile
DEGREES: M.A. and B.A., Economics, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile
RESEARCH FOCUS: Management, productivity and innovation, and welfare.

We study management, organizations and organizational behavior from a wide array of perspectives, many drawing on an
economic or psychological approach to better understand human behavior in organizations. Our students benefit from the
interdisciplinary environment of UCLA Anderson as well as the university’s strength in the social sciences. If a career
conducting and publishing ground-breaking research at an elite institution drives you, our management and organizations
area is the ideal environment to launch your future in academia.

“Anderson has attracted some of the very best behavioral scientists in the “Ultimately, what made me choose Anderson
world, which is a major competitive advantage for students who want to was the people. I really felt supported and that
design and execute high-impact research. Through both classes and I could spend up to six years with these
seminars, graduate students have the opportunity to regularly interact people. In my first meeting with my adviser,
with these behavioral scientists who approach questions from different Noah Goldstein, I felt understood, appreciated
perspectives and methodologies, offering alternative views.” and excited to work on numerous projects.”


Associate Professor of Management & Organizations FROM: Tucson, Arizona
DEGREES: Ph.D., Stanford Graduate School of Business; DEGREES: B.A., Psychology, University of Chicago.
B.A., Psychology, Swarthmore College.
RESEARCH FOCUS: How psychological ownership and
CURRENT RESEARCH: Understanding the psychological consequences of thinking social influence shape individual decision making.
about time in terms of money.
RESEARCH PUBLICATIONS INCLUDE: Academy of Management Journal, Journal of
Personality and Social Psychology, and Psychological Science.
INTERESTING FACT: Sanford loves tennis and traveling, and has almost completed
his goal of seeing all four Grand Slam tournaments.

UCLA Anderson School of Management 19

“Anderson prioritizes research. Everything about the Ph.D. program is really geared
toward training you to be a great researcher. That, in addition to the talented faculty,
made it a perfect fit for me. The best part about Anderson is the social support I’ve
gotten, not only from fellow Ph.D. students, but also from faculty members. I think we’ve
done such a good job of creating a friendly and productive environment. Graduate school
is already so demanding, so to have the support system that we so fortunately have has
been a blessing.”


FROM: Pearland, Texas
DEGREES: B.A., Psychology, Rice University.
RESEARCH FOCUS: Diversity and discrimination, examining how biases toward underrepresented
minorities manifest in the workplace, investigating racial and gender disparities in organizational contexts.

Understanding the behavior of consumers has never been more important. UCLA Anderson's doctoral program in marketing
strives to understand, explain and predict the effectiveness of marketing strategies, while also developing cutting-edge theoretical
frameworks to establish new ones. The program’s faculty supports behavioral, quantitative and managerial approaches.

“I had a great experience in the MBA program at Anderson, and after taking a class in
consumer behavior with Aimee Drolet Rossi, the chair of the marketing department, I
wanted to develop these ideas more fully in the graduate program in marketing. I
wanted to have the freedom to do research full time within an academic context, but
more than that, I wanted the analytical and theoretical training that only an
academic environment can provide. I valued the opportunity to improve my academic
toolkit through doctoral study of consumer experiences with Aimee Drolet Rossi, the
future self and education with Hal Hershfield, behavioral decision theory with
Suzanne Shu and brand equity with Sanjay Sood. And I appreciate the high caliber of
the faculty at UCLA as well as the marketing program’s excellent placement record.”


FROM: Baltimore, Maryland
DEGREES: MBA, UCLA Anderson; A.B., History, Brown University.
CURRENT RESEARCH FOCUS: The intersection of time and money.

UCLA Anderson School of Management 21

“Our Strategy area is open to diverse approaches pertaining
to firms, as the analysis of strategic issues can encompass
“I chose UCLA Anderson because I was looking for many aspects, such as economics, sociology and
a Ph.D. program in strategy that could give me psychology. Our students can utilize vast resources at
rigorous training in economics, the opportunity to Anderson and UCLA to conduct innovative research. They
work in an interdisciplinary environment and the can tap onto the pool of excellent professors in each field
chance to learn from leading researchers in and use these resources as a foundation to develop their
different fields. The guidance and support that I own research agenda.”
receive from the faculty members of the Strategy
area, as well as from professors in other areas, are MARIKO SAKAKIBARA
an invaluable asset to my research.” Professor, Strategy
DEGREES: Ph.D., Business Economics, and MBA, Harvard University;
MARCO TESTONI (STRATEGY) M.E., Architectural Engineering, University of Tokyo; B.E. Architectural
Engineering, Kyoto University.
FROM: Como, Italy
CURRENT RESEARCH: Formation and performance of new firms, human
DEGREES: M.Sc., Economics and Management of Innovation
capital, innovation.
and Technology, Bocconi University; M.Sc., Economics and
Business Administration, Copenhagen Business School; RESEARCH PUBLICATIONS INCLUDE: American Economic Review,
B.A., Economics and Social Sciences, Bocconi University. Management Science, Strategic Management Journal.
CURRENT RESEARCH FOCUS: Mergers and acquisitions, INTERESTING FACT: Mariko is a licensed architect. She also enjoys
corporate strategy and innovation. watching and analyzing baseball.

With this program, you’ll learn how to investigate fundamental problems that firms and managers face when
formulating a business strategy. You’ll explore economics, decision analysis, behavioral decision making and game
theory, with the choice to study under one of two disciplines: strategic management and decision making. The former
focuses on theories and empirical methods surrounding firm innovation, while the latter uses mathematical models to
understand why managers and leaders make business decisions.

“I chose to come to Anderson because it has one of the top strategy
departments in the world, with faculty that continue to do
interesting research in areas that are of particular interest to me.
It also didn’t hurt that after a few years in NYC, I wanted some
sunshine and a human-sized apartment.”


FROM: Milwaukee, Wisconsin
DEGREES: M.A., Economics, Duke University; B.A., Economics, UCLA.
RESEARCH FOCUS: Strategic innovation and life cycle management in the
pharmaceutical sector.

UCLA Anderson School of Management 23


This is your opportunity to articulate your experience and background, as

well as your research interests. Below are our general admission requirements.
To learn more or apply online, visit us at

The admission deadline is the first Friday in January to be considered for the subsequent fall quarter.
Admission decisions are made by April 15. The academic year begins mid-September.

A bachelor’s degree with a minimum 3.0 or equivalent GPA is the only educational prerequisite for the
UCLA Anderson Doctoral Program, and it must be comparable to a bachelor’s degree from the University
of California or another recognized college or university.
Admitted students generally exhibit proficiency in business administration, quantitative methods or one of
the social sciences. We also require you to take either the GMAT or GRE (the GRE is preferred). If you are an
international student and your first language is not English, you must take the Test of English as a Foreign
Language (TOEFL). The only exception to this is for applicants who hold a bachelor’s or higher degree from a
university located in the United States or in another country in which English is both the primary spoken
language of daily life (e.g., Australia, Barbados, Canada, Ireland, Jamaica, New Zealand, United Kingdom) and
the medium of instruction.
We admit approximately five percent of applicants to our program each year.


If you’re interested in applying to the UCLA Anderson Doctoral Program,

please submit the following admission materials online at

• Application

• Statement of purpose

• Application fee (see most recent fee amount online)

• Scanned copies of transcripts, degrees and diplomas

• Three letters of recommendation

• Official GMAT or GRE score report

• Official TOEFL score (international applicants)

For updates to these requirements, please visit:

UCLA Anderson School of Management 25

UCLA Anderson School of Management
Doctoral Program Office, C-501
110 Westwood Plaza
Los Angeles, CA 90095
Phone: (310) 825-2824
Fax: (310 825-1613

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