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MCFS - Calculate Sustainability Footprint v1.4

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Microsoft Cloud for Sustainability

. booking Sal Capability Scripts
Version 1.4 / August 2023


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Capability Demo Scenario

Version History
Script Version Outline Capabilities Demo scripts enhanced

1.0 First Draft Sustainability Manager

1.1 Updated Screenshots Sustainability Manager
1.2 October wave 2022 – updated screenshots Sustainability Manager
1.3 April wave 2022 – updated screenshots Sustainability Manager
1.4 New architecture, new process flow and new story Sustainability Manager

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The Challenge The Solution The Products
To build a successful sustainability strategy, Calculate sustainability footprint PowerApps
organizations need to strengthen their Today, organizations are spending too much time Dynamics365
digital foundation and capture the value of trying to manually gather, organize, and calculate Dataverse
data from across their operations and value sustainability information. The process can be labor-
chain to understand their activities intensive and inexact, and it wastes precious time. With
holistically and establish a true baseline. Microsoft Cloud for Sustainability, organizations like
yours can streamline data ingestion, integration, and
With Microsoft Cloud for Sustainability calculations. We’ll help you:
capabilities, we’re helping organizations
assemble, standardize, track, and manage • Integrate data from virtually any business
data at scale so they gain the visibility system, ERP system, or cloud platform.
required to effectively drive sustainability • Collect data from suppliers and trading
reporting, sustainability efforts, and partners, upstream and downstream.
business transformation. • Standardize data in a common data estate,
ready for advanced ESG analytics.
• Streamline calculations across scopes by
using specialized factors and formulas and
prebuilt, dynamic calculation models for Scope
1, 2 and all 15 categories of Scope 3 carbon
emissions across an enterprise and value chain.
• Enable attribute transparency and product
labeling to monitor and manage lifecycle
• Store the product carbon footprint of
purchased goods and services, and the carbon
footprint of your own finished goods. Our data
model is aligned to standards defined by the
Pathfinder Framework, which creates
guidelines for how product level carbon data is
shared across the value chain.

How to use this Demo Asset

This Microsoft Cloud for Sustainability shared tenant demonstration experience is a look inside Contoso Coffee after they
have completed adopting Microsoft Cloud for Sustainability and the Microsoft Sustainability Manager application. See
how Evan Lewis, Chief Sustainability Officer at Contoso Coffee, develops and manages a true cross-organizational picture
of sustainability data.

When starting the demonstration through the CDX experience card, ensure you have taken note of the credentials
presented in the right-hand pop-up. Please utilize the above referenced credentials.

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Demonstration Personas
Demo Persona Type Name Background

Evan oversees sustainability strategy for

Contoso. He is responsible for emissions
Chief Sustainability
Evan Lewis reduction, transparency for the
stakeholders, and environmental reporting

Demo Credentials and Environments

Capability Scenario Environments Credentials
Sustainability Manager
Please Note: Requires opening in an InPrivate browser

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Unify Data Intelligence
Data integration and calculation

Preamble and setup Microsoft Cloud for Sustainability empowers organizations

to accelerate sustainability progress and business growth by
bringing together a growing set of ESG (environmental,
social, and governance) capabilities from Microsoft and our
global ecosystem of partners.

Together, we’re enabling organizations to gain the

transparency and insights they need to manage their
environmental footprint, embed sustainability through their
organization and value chain, and make strategic business
investments that drive value.

At Microsoft, sustainability is at the core of our business, and

it has been for more than a decade—extending from
optimizing our own operations to building a community of
customers and partners learning and working together to
advance their sustainability ambitions. Through collaboration,
the delivery of dedicated sustainability solutions, and
investments in climate equity and innovation, we are
committed to driving transformation to build the world that
every person and organization on the planet needs to thrive.

Organizations across industries and around the world are

under increasing pressure from stakeholders, regulators, and
customers to report and manage the environmental impact
of their business. But to build a successful sustainability
strategy, you need to first establish a true baseline—
understanding holistically the environmental footprint of your
organization and value chain across Scopes 1, 2, and 3. 1

Customers like Contoso Coffee use Microsoft Cloud for

Sustainability to address these complex challenges.

• At Microsoft, we’re streamlining the process of data

collection and calculation, to help Contoso continuously
measure and monitor emissions generated through their
operations and value chain.
• Through a blend of data ingestion methods—from manual
input or file imports to automated, direct connections to
data sources—Contoso can collect data from virtually any
business system, ERP system, or platform.
• Our Microsoft Cloud for Sustainability data model helps

1 Scope 1 emissions directly result from an organization’s business activities. Scope 2 emissions indirectly result from producing ener gy such as electricity
or heating and cooling. Scope 3 indirect value chain emissions result from all other business activities, such as building and construction materials or
transport. Scope 3 emissions represents the largest bucket of emissions for most organizations.
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break down data silos across Contoso’s emissions sources
and centralizes emissions data in a common format. 2
• The solution helps automate the process of converting raw
data into calculated emissions using specialized factors and
• It includes prebuilt, dynamic calculation methodologies for
emissions Scopes 1 and 2 plus several categories of Scope
3 to deliver a more comprehensive record of your carbon
footprint. 3 Prebuilt calculation models will be added for the
remaining Scope 3 categories over time.

Sustainability Manager – Master data Talk Track:

Evan Lewis, Chief Sustainability Officer, needs to review his

organizational data to ensure he can draw accurate insights.
Using the Microsoft Sustainability Manager app, he can do
Navigate to Settings both!


1. Launch Sustainability Manager app (

SustainMgr), (InPrivate browser session required)

2. Sign in with Evan’s credentials: and

3. Navigate to Settings

Unit groups Talk track:

Evan next reviews the unit groups, units, and conversion

factors to confirm their alignment with standards. As he’s
already aligned Contoso’s data to the factor libraries
provided by regulatory bodies, he takes no further action

Note: This is intended for more technical audience.

4. Click on Unit groups, and open Weight/mass


5. Review the weight/mass attributes such as name,

base unit and report unit

6. Open the related mtCO2e unit and review the

conversion factor, is base unit, base unit and unit

2Microsoft Dataverse is required to use the publicly available Microsoft Cloud for Sustainability data model.
3Microsoft Sustainability Manager has the ability to store and report on emissions across Scopes 1, 2, and 3. The solution inclu des prebuilt calculation
methodologies for Scopes 1 and 2 and several categories of Scope 3. In future updates, prebuilt methodolog ies will be added for remaining Scope 3
categories. For detailed Scope 3 category descriptions, see the Greenhouse Gas Protocol’s Technical Guidance for Calculating Scope 3 Emissions.
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Report settings Talk track:

With his unit factors confirmed, Evan will briefly confirm that
his reporting status is enabled and aligned to USD.

7. Navigate to Report settings and review that the

reporting status is enabled. In the Revenue section,
the currency is US Dollar and the scale is Millions.

Company profile Talk track:

Next, Evan will go to the company profile section to ensure

that he is analyzing the appropriate years and facilities for

8. From Settings, click on Company profile and review

the general tab

9. Click on Reporting years tab, select 2018, click on

the status selector to see the available options
(Open and closed) from any month.

Note: For demo purposes, Evan can’t update the

Reporting years status.

10. Click on Structure tab and expand Contoso Corp

and then expand Contoso Latina America and
Contoso USA.

11. Click on Facilities tab and click on any of the

facilities to see the location in the map.

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Structures Microsoft Sustainability Manager gives Evan visibility
to the emissions of Contoso Coffee’s operations and
supply chain. Evan and others at Contoso can
compare facilities, identifying opportunities for
reduction and facilities that might have best
practices to deploy broadly.


Factor Libraries – Emission factors - EPA 2022 – Mobile Combustion Talk track:
Let’s next examine how Microsoft Cloud for Sustainability
provides Contoso Coffee with factor libraries that align to
regulatory standards. When Contoso runs its data through
the system, these libraries and factors help make sure their
data aligns with external reporting expectations. In this case,
Evan double-checks that Diesel Fuel is being calculated
according to EPA expectations.

12. Change area to Data, then click Factor libraries,

scroll down, click on EPA 2022 – Mobile
Combustion Fuels and review the general tab

13. Click on the Emission factors tab, review the related

Emission factors – Diesel Fuel emissions factors, open the related Diesel Fuel

14. Review the Emission factor Diesel Fuel attributes

such as factor library, type, unit, documentation
reference, CO2 and CO2 unit. After that, go back to
the factor library
15. Click on Factor Mappings, review the related factor
mappings and click on Diesel Fuel from the
Reference data 1 column

16. Review that the Fuel type used is Diesel Fuel, which
is part of one of the reference data. After that, go
back to factor library.

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Review and go back to factor library

Factor Mappings – Diesel Fuel – Reference data 1

Fuel type then go back

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Sustainability Manager – Record Talk track:

With Diesel confirmed, Evan can then shift to examining

Factor Library – Related Emissions which specific libraries his emissions are tracked against. In
this case, the EPA provides the library. He can then move
directly from the library to examine his related data – in this
case emissions. He can now see more data associated with
these emissions.

17. From the EPA 2022 – Mobile Combustion Fuels

factor library, click on related and select emissions

18. Review the emissions records related to the factor

library. Scroll to the right to see all the attributes.

• Name
Emission records
• Scope

• Emission Source

• Calculation date

• Consumption start date

• Consumption end date

• Country

• Organization unit

• Facility

• CH 4

• CH 4 unit

Carbon activities Talk track:

On top of emissions, Evan can further drill down into specific

carbon activities. These activities are tracked by mapping,
provided within the app, which maps imported data to
specific facilities or other carbon producing units or activities.

Note: This is intended for more technical audience.

19. Go to Data then click on Carbon activities

20. Review Scope 1 Mobile combustion, number of

connections and click on Manage

21. From the Data import, select Mobile combustion –

Data import – Edit mapping Carbon emissions and click Edit mapping from the
top action bar.

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Sustainability Manager – Report Talk track:

Now that Evan has ensured that his data is accurate and
Emissions overview integrated, he can use Microsoft Sustainability Manager to
easily review emissions analytics from across Contoso. The
insights delivered from Microsoft Sustainability Manager give
Evan insight into where the company is succeeding in its
sustainability commitments and where further investments
are still needed.

22. Change the area to Analytics, click on Emission

insights and in the Organization hierarchy select
Contoso Corp

23. Observe how the data has changed in the emission

24. Click on each Scope dashboard and review all the

25. Click on Deep analysis, then click on the + (how to

split your data) and choose Scope, after that click on
any of the result available and click +, choose
Emissions source, repeat the same steps adding
facility and see the results.

Evan has visibility across Contoso’s operations down

to the facility level. This is essential when Contoso
begins making emissions reductions plans. Evan can

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see the biggest opportunities and budget people
Deep analysis - add and money to have the biggest emissions reductions

26. Navigate to Reporting, select emissions report, click

download report and open the excel sheet file to
review the data.

Deep analysis

Reporting – Emissions Report

Sustainability Manager – Reduce Talk track:

Once Evan has established those areas where his company

Scorecard – Carbon reduction plan 2030 needs to act, he can utilize scorecards and goals, a feature
within Sustainability manager, to set specific milestones to
track progress against. In this case, he edits an existing goal –
his company carbon reduction plan – to update.

27. From the Analytics area, navigate to Scorecards &


28. Click on the Carbon reduction plan 2030 scorecard

29. Click on Reduce mobile combustion emissions by

10% goal and review the goal details and progress.

Goal – Reduce mobile combustion emissions by 10%

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30. Go back and click on any of the goals that are in
status ‘at risk’

31. Click on Edit, scroll down, update the target value

to 48000 and save.

The goal will update from ‘At risk’ to ‘In progress’.

Note: For this demo, a flow will reset the value and
will revert back to At risk after 5 minutes.

Update target value goal

Technical Details
Microsoft Sustainability Manager overview | Microsoft Learn

Feedback request
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