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Basic Statistical Methods for Analytical Chemistry

Part 2. Calibration and Regression Methods*
A Review
James N. Miller
Department of Chemistry, L oughborough University of Technology, L oughbo roug h, L eicestershire
LE77 3TU, UK
Published on 01 January 1991. Downloaded by Fudan University on 29/11/2017 11:24:36.

Summary of Contents
Linear calibration
Co rreIat io n coefficient
’Least squares’ line
Errors and confidence limits
Method of standard additions
Limit of detection and sensitivity
Intersection o f t w o straight lines
Residuals in regression analysis
Regression techniques in the comparison o f analytical methods
Robust and non-parametric regression methods
Analysis of variance i n linear regression
Weighted linear regression methods
Partly straight, partly curved calibration plots
Treatment of non-linear data by transformations
Curvilinear regression
Spline functions and other robust non-linear regression methods
Keywords: Analytical calibration method; statistics and rectilinear graph; curve fitting method; robust and
non -parametric method; review

Introduction special exception described below, by extrapolation. It is

apparent that one calibration graph can be used in the
Most methods in modern analytical science involve the use of determination of many test samples, provided that instrument
optical, electrical, thermal or other instruments in addition to conditions and the experimental protocol do not change. This
the manipulative ‘wet chemistry’ skills which are an essential approach thus offers the desired feature of being able to
part of the analyst’s training. Instrumental methods bring analyse many samples rapidly over a range of concentrations;
chemical benefits, such as the ability to study a wide range of less obvious advantages include the ability to estimate limits of
concentrations, achieve very low limits of detection and detection (see below) and eliminate the effects of some types
perhaps study two or more analytes simultaneously. They also of systematic error. For example, if the monochromator in a
bring the practical benefits of lower unit costs and increased
spectrophotometer has an error in its wavelength scale, errors
speed of analysis, perhaps through partial or complete in calculated concentrations using this instiument should
automation. The results of instrumental analyses are evalu-
cancel out between the standards and the samples.
ated by using calibration methods that bring about and reflect
This approach to the determination of concentrations poses
these advantages and are, to some extent, distinct from the
several problems. What type of line-straight, curved, or
statistical approaches discussed in Part 1 of this review.1 part-straight, part-curved-should be drawn through the
Nonetheless many of the concepts summarized in Part 1 are
calibration points? Given that the instrument signals obtained
also applied in the statistics of calibration methods, and
from the standards will be subject to random errors, what is
familiarity with these concepts is assumed here.
the best straight line or curve through those points? What are
A typical calibration experiment (a single analyte-multi-
the errors in test concentrations determined by interpolation?
variate calibration has recently been surveyed2) is performed
What is the limit of detection of the analysis? These and other
by making up a series of standard solutions containing known
statistical questions posed by calibration experiments still
amounts of the analyte and taking each solution separately
generate new methods and excite considerable controversy.
through an instrumental analysis procedure with a well
Not surprisingly, it is in the area of curve-fitting that most new
defined protocol. For each solution, the instrument generates
procedures are being introduced , but linear regression
a signal, and these signals are plotted on the y-axis of a
methods also generate their own original literature, as will
calibration graph, with the standard concentrations on the
become apparent.
x-axis. A straight line or curve is drawn through the calibration
points and may then be used for the determination of a test
(‘unknown’) sample. The unknown is taken through exactly Linear Calibration
the same analysis protocol as the standards, the instrument
signal is recorded and the test concentration estimated from Correlation Coefficient
the calibration graph by interpolation-and not , with one Many analytical procedures are carefully designed to give a
linear calibration graph over the concentration range of
interest, and analysts who use such methods routinely may
* For Part 1 of this series see reference 1. assume linearity with only occasional checks. In the develop-
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ment of new methods, and in any other case where there is the of many instrumental methods; flow injection analysis, for
least uncertainty, the assumption of linearity must be carefully example, shows many examples of RSDs of 0.5% or less.4 In
investigated. It is always valuable to inspect the calibration such cases, it may be necessary either to abandon assumption
graph visually on graph paper o r on a computer monitor, as (i) (again, suitable statistical methods are available-see
gentle curvature that might otherwise go unnoticed is often below), o r to maintain the validity of the assumption by
detected in this way (see below). Here, and in many other making up the standards gravimetrically rather than volu-
aspects of calibration statistics, the low-cost computer pro- metrically, i.e., with an even greater accuracy than usual. If
grams available for most personal computers are very valu- the assumption is valid, the line calculated as shown below, is
able. As will be seen, it is important to plot the graph with the called the line of regression of y on x, and has the general
instrument response on the y-axis and the concentrations of formula y = bx + a , where b and a are, respectively, its slope
the standards on the x-axis. One of the calibration points and intercept. This line is calculated by minimizing the sums of
should normally be a ‘blank’, i.e., a sample containing all the the squares of the distances between the standard points and
reagents, solvents, etc., present in the other standards, but no the line in the y-direction. (Hence the term ‘least squares’ for
analyte. It is poor practice to subtract the blank signal from this method.) It is important to note that the line of regression
Published on 01 January 1991. Downloaded by Fudan University on 29/11/2017 11:24:36.

those of the other standards before plotting the graph. The of x on y would seek to minimize the squares of x-direction
blank point is subject to errors as are all the other points and errors, and therefore would be entirely inappropriate when
should be treated in the same way. As shown in Part 1 of this the signal is plotted on the y-axis. (The two lines are not the
review,’ if two results, x1and x2, have random errors el and e2, same except in the hypothetical situation when all the points
then the random error in x1 - x2 is not el - e2. Thus, lie exactly on a straight line.) The y-direction distances
subtraction of the blank seriously complicates the proper between each calibration point and the point on the calculated
estimation of the random errors of the calibration graph. line at the same value of x are known as the y-residuals and are
Moreover, even if the blank signal is subtracted from the other of great importance in several calculations, as will be shown
measurements, the resulting graph may not pass exactly later in this paper.
through the origin. Assumption (iii), that the y-direction errors are equal, is
Linearity is often tested using the correlation coefficient, r . also open to comment. In statistical terms it means that all the
This quantity, whose full title is the ‘product-moment correla- points on the graph are of equal weight, i. e., equal importance
tion coefficient’, is given by in the calculation of the best line-hence the term ‘un-
weighted’ least squares. In recent years this assumption has
been tested for several different types of instrumental
analysis, and in many cases it is found that the y-direction
errors tend to increase as x increases, though not necessarily in
where the points on the graph are (xl,yl), ( x 2 ,y 2 ) , . . (xi,yi), linear proportion. Such findings should encourage the use of
. . . (xn,yn), and X and J are, as usual, the mean values of xi and weighted least squares methods, in which greater weight is
yi respectively. It may be shown that -1 d r d + l . In the given to those points with the smallest experimental errors.
hypothetical situation when r = - 1, all the points on the These points are discussed further in a later section.
graph would lie on a perfect straight line of negative slope; if r If assumptions (i)-(iii) are accepted then the slope, b , and
= +1, all the points would lie exactly on a line of positive
intercept, a , of the unweighted least squares line are found
slope; and r = 0 indicates no linear correlation between x and from
y . Even rather ‘poor’ calibration graphs, i.e., with significant
y-direction errors, will have r values close to 1 (or - l), values
of Irl< about 0.98 being unusual. Worse, points that clearly lie
on a gentle curve can easily give high values of I T -(. So the
magnitude of r , considered alone, is a poor guide to linearity.
A study of the ‘y-residuals’ (see below) is a simple and a=J-bx (3)
instructive test of whether a linear plot is appropriate. A The equations show that, when b has been determined, a can
recent report of the Analytical Methods Committee3 provides be calculated by using the fact that the fitted line passes
a useful critique of the uses of r , and suggests an alternative through the centroid, (X, J ) . These results are proved in
method of testing linearity, based on the weighted least reference 5 , a classic text on the mathematics of regression
squares method (see below). methods. The values of a and 6 can be simply applied to the
determination of the concentration of a test sample from the
corresponding instrument output.
‘Least Squares’ Line
If a linear plot is valid, the analyst must plot the ‘best’ straight Errors and Confidence Limits
line through the points generated by the standard solutions.
The common approach t o this problem (not necessarily the The concentration value for a test sample calculated by
best!) is to use the unweighted linear least squares method, interpolation from the least squares line is of little value unless
which utilizes three assumptions. These are (i) that all the it is accompanied by an estimate of its random variation. T o
errors occur in the y-direction, i.e., that errors in making up understand how such error estimates are made, it is first
the standards are negligible compared with the errors in important to appreciate that analytical scientists use the line of
measuring instrument signals, (ii) that the y-direction errors regression of y on x in an unusual and complex way. This is
are normally distributed, and (iii) that the variation in the best appreciated by considering a conventional application of
y-direction errors is the same at all values of x. Assumption (ii) the line in a non-chemical field. Suppose that the weights of a
is probably justified in most experiments (although robust and series of infants are plotted against their ages. In this case the
non-parametric calibration methods which minimize its sig- weights would be subject to measurement errors and to
nificance are available, see below), but the other two inter-individual variations (e.g., all 3 month old infants would
assumptions merit closer examination. not weigh the same), so would be correctly plotted on the
The assumption that errors only occur in the y-direction is y-axis: the infants’ ages, which would presumably be known
effectively valid in many experiments; errors in instrument exactly, would be plotted on the x-axis. The resulting plot
signals are often at least 2-3% [relative standard deviation would be used to predict the average weight (y) of a child of
(RSD)], whereas the errors in making up the standards should given age (x). That is, the graph would be used to estimate a
be not more than one-tenth of this. However, modern y-value from an input x-value. The y-value obtained would of
automatic techniques are dramatically improving the precision course be subject to error, because the least squares line itself
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is subject to uncertainty. The graph would not normally be Fig. 1, the confidence interval for this xo value results from the
used to estimate the age of a child from its weight! uncertainty in the measurement of yo, combined with the
In analytical work, however, the calibration graph is used in confidence interval for the regression line at that yo value. The
the inverse way-an experimental value of y ('yo,the instru- standard deviation sxo is given by
ment signal for a test sample) is input, and the corresponding
value of x (xo, the concentration of the test sample) is
determined by interpolation. The important difference is that (7)
xo is subject to error for two reasons, (1) the errors in the
calibration line, as in the weight versus age example, and (2) It can be shown5 that this equation is an approximation that is
the random error in the input yo value. Error calculations only valid when the function
involving this 'inverse regression' methods are thus far from t2
simple and indeed involve approximations (see below).
First, we must estimate the random errors of the slope and
intercept of the regression line itself. These involve the
Published on 01 January 1991. Downloaded by Fudan University on 29/11/2017 11:24:36.

preliminary calculation of the important statistic sY/,, which is

given by has a value less than about 0.05. For g to have low values it is
clearly necessary for b and ?(xi - X ) 2 to be relatively large and

(4) sY/, to be small. In an analytical experiment with reasonable

precision and a good calibration plot these results are indeed
In this equation, each yi value is a measured signal value from obtained; for example the data given in reference 9 yield a g
the analytical instrument, while the corresponding ji is the value of 0.002.
value of y on the fitted straight line at the same value of x. In a typical analysis, the value of yo might be obtained as the
Each (yi - j$) value is thus a y-residual (see above). It is clear mean of m observations of a test sample, rather than as a single
that equation (4) is similar to the equation for the standard observation. In which case, the (approximate) equation for sxo
deviation of a series of replicate results, except that the term becomes
( n - 2) appears in the denominator as the number of degrees
of freedom of the data, rather than n - 1. This difference is (9)
explained below in the discussion of analysis of variance
applied to regression calculations. After syjx has been deter-
mined, the standard deviation of the slope, s b , and the After sxo has been calculated, the confidence limits for xo can
standard deviation of the intercept, s, can be determined be determined as xo tsxo, with t again chosen at a desired

from confidence level and n - 2 degrees of freedom. Inspection of

equations (7) and (9) provides important guidance on the
performance of a calibration experiment, presuming that we
wish to minimize sxo. In cases where rn = 1, the first of the
three terms within the bracket in these equations is generally
the largest. Thus, making only a small number of replicate
determinations of y o can dramatically improve the precision of
xo. Similarly, increasing the number of calibration points, n , is
beneficial. If considerations of time, material availability, etc.
These standard deviations can then be used to estimate the limit the total number of experiments (rn + n ) that can be
confidence limits for the true slope and intercept values. The
confidence limits for the slope are given by b + tsb, where the
value of t is chosen at the desired confidence level (two-tailed
values) and with n - 2 degrees of freedom. Similarly, the
confidence limits for the intercept are given by a k ts,. These
confidence limits are often of practical value in determining
whether the slope or intercept of a line differs significantly
from a particular or predicted value. For example, to test
whether the intercept of a line differs significantly from 0 at
the 95% confidence level, we need only see whether or not the
95% confidence interval for a includes zero.
The statistic syjx is also used to provide equations for the
confidence interval of the mean value of yo at a particular xo
value, and for the (wider) confidence interval for a new and
single value of yo measured at x = xo. These equations are of
limited value in analytical work, as already noted, and
examples are given in standard texts.5-7 Estimating the
confidence limits for the entire line is more complex, as a
combined confidence region for a and b is required. This
problem was apparently first addressed by Working and
Hotelling8 in 1929, and there is a useful summary of their
method and of related studies in the often-cited paper by
. ~ general form of the confidence limits is shown in
H ~ n t e rThe
Fig. l(a), from which it is clear that the confidence limits are at
their narrowest (best) in the region of (X,p), as the regression
line must pass through this point. XO
We can now reconsider the principal analytical problem,
that of estimating the standard deviation, sxo, and the Fig. 1 Confidence limits in linear regression: (a) shows the
hyperbolic form of the confidence limits for a predicted y-value; and
confidence interval of a single concentration value xo derived ( b )shows how these confidence limits combine with the uncertainty in
from an instrument signal yo. As shown diagrammatically in yo to yield a confidence interval for a predicted x-value, xo
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performed, the sum of the first two components of the y-axis intercept and the slope of the calibration line, calculated
bracketed term in (7) and (9) is minimized by setting rn = n. using equations (2) and ( 3 ) , i.e. ,
However, small values of n are to be avoided for a separate
reason, viz., that the use of n - 2 degrees of freedom then x, = alb (10)
leads to very large values of t and correspondingly wide The standard deviation of x,, sxe, is given by a modified form
confidence intervals. Calculation shows that, in the simple of equation (7):
case where yo = y , then for any given values of sylx and 6 , the
priority (at the 95% confidence level) is to avoid values of n <
5 because of the high values o f t associated with <3 degrees of
freedom. When n 3 5 , maximum precision from a fixed
number of measurements is obtained when rn = n. This standard deviation can as always be converted into a
The last bracketed term in equations (7) and (9) shows that confidence interval using the appropriate t value. It might be
precision (for fixed rn and n) is maximized when yo is as close expected that such confidence intervals would be wider for this
as possible to 7 (this is expected in view of the confidence extrapolation method than for a conventional interpolation
Published on 01 January 1991. Downloaded by Fudan University on 29/11/2017 11:24:36.

interval variation shown in Fig. l), and when 7 (xi - X ) 2 is as method. In reality, however, this is not so, as the uncertainty
in the value of x, derives only from the random errors of the
large as possible. The latter finding suggests ;hat calibration regression line itself, the corresponding value of y being fixed
graphs might best be plotted with a cluster of points near the at zero in this case. The real disadvantages of the method of
origin, and another cluster at the upper limit of the linear standard additions are that each calibration line is valid for
range of interest [Fig. 2(a)]. If n calibration points are only a single test sample, larger amounts of the test sample
determined in two clusters of n/2 points at the extremes of a may be needed and automation is difficult.
straight line, the value of the term 7 (xi - X)’ is increased by a The slope of a standard additions plot is normally different
factor [3(n - l)/(n + l)]compared Lith the case in which then from that of the conventional calibration plot for the same
points are equally spaced along the same line [Fig. 2(b)]. In sample. The slope ratio is a measure of the proportional
practice it is usual to use a calibration graph with points systematic error produced by the matrix effect, a principle
roughly equally distributed over the concentration range of used in many ‘recovery’ experiments.’” The use of the
interest. The use of two clusters of points gives no assurance of conventional standard additions method has been discussed at
the linearity of the plot between the two extreme x values; length by Cardone. 11,12 The generalized standard additions
moreover, the term [ ( y o - 7)2/b2 ?(xi - i ) 2 ] is often the method (GSAM)13 is applicable to multicomponent analysis
I problems, but belongs to the realm of chemometrics.*4
smallest of the three bracketed terms in equations (7) and (9),
so reducing its value further may have only a marginal over-all
effect on the precision of no. Limit of Detection and Sensitivity
The ability to detect minute amounts of analyte is a feature of
Method of Standard Additions many instrumental techniques and is often the major reason
for their use. Moreover, the concept of a limit of detection
In several analytical methods (e.g., potentiometry, atomic (LOD) seems obvious: it is the least amount of material
and molecular spectroscopy) matrix effects on the measured the analyst can detect because it yields an instrument response
signal demand the use of the method of standard additions. significantly greater than a blank. Nonetheless, the definition
Known amounts of analyte are added (with allowance for any and measurement of LODs has caused great controversy in
dilution effects) to aliquots of the test sample itself, and the recent years, with additional and considerable confusion over
calibration graph (Fig. 3) shows the variation of the measured nomenclature, and there have been many publications by
signal with the amount of analyte added. In this way some statutory bodies and official committees in efforts to clarify the
matrix effects are equalized between the sample and the situation. Ironically, the significance of LODs, at least in the
standards. The concentration of the test sample, x,, is given by strict quantitative sense, is probably overestimated. There is
the intercept on the x-axis, which is clearly the ratio of the clearly a need for a means of expressing that (for example)
spectrofluorimetry at its best is capable of determining lower
amounts of analytes than absorptiometry, and the principal
use of LODs in the literature appears to be to show that a
newly discovered method is indeed ‘better’ than its predeces-
sors. But there are many reasons why the LOD of a particular
method will be different in different laboratories, when

Fig. 2 Calibration graphs with: ( a ) clusters of standards at high and Fig. 3 Calibration graph for the method of standard additions. The
low concentrations; and ( b ) equally spaced standards point 0 is due to the original sample; for details see text
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applied to different samples or used by different workers. Not

least among the problems is, as always, the occurrence of
hidden and possibly large systematic errors, a point rightly
emphasized by a recent report of the Analytical Methods
Committee of the Analytical Division of the Royal Society of
Chemistry.15 It can thus be very misleading to read too much
into the absolute value of a detection limit.
One principle on which all authorities are agreed is that the
sensitivity of a method is not the same as its LOD. The
sensitivity is simply the slope of the calibration plot. As
calibration plots are often curved (see below) the concentra- 0
tion range over which the sensitivity applies should be quoted. Y
In practice the concept of sensitivity is of limited value in
Published on 01 January 1991. Downloaded by Fudan University on 29/11/2017 11:24:36.

comparing methods, as it depends so much on experimental

conditions (e.g., the sensitivity of a spectrophotometric
determination can simply be increased by increasing the
optical path length). Comparisons of closely related methods
-for example, of spectrophotometric methods for iron(Ir1)
using three organic chelating reagents with different molar
absorptivities in 10 mm cuvettesl6-may be of value.
The most common definitions of the LOD take the form in
which the lowest detectable instrument signal, yL, is given by
YL = yB + ksB (12)
Limit of Limit of
where yB and sB are, respectively, the blank signal and its decision detection
standard deviation. Any sample yielding a signal greater than Y
y~ is held to contain some analyte, while samples yielding
signals <yL are reported to contain no detectable analyte. The Fig. 4 Limits of detection; for details see text
constant, k , is at the discretion of the analyst, and it cannot be
emphasized too strongly that there is no single, ‘correct’,
definition of the LOD. It is thus essential that, whenever an
LOD is quoted, its definition should also be given. After yL again analogous to simple statistical tests; in this case the null
has been established, it can readily be converted into a mass or hypothesis is that there is no analyte present, and the
concentration LOD, cL, by using the equation alternative hypothesis is that an analyte concentration CL is
present. The critical value for testing these hypotheses is set by
CL = kSB/b (13) the establishment of the limit of decision. In most cases the
This equation shows the relationship between the LOD and assumption is made that type I and type I1 errors are equally to
sensitivity, the latter being given by the slope of the calibration be minimized (although it is easy to imagine practical instances
graph, b, if the graph is linear throughout. where this is not appropriate), so the limit of decision would
Kaiserl’ suggested that k should have a value of 3 (although +
be at yB 1 . 5 [Fig.~ ~ 4(b)]. If analyte is reported present or
other workers have, at least until recently, used k = 2, k = absent at y-values, respectively, above and below this limit,
23’2, etc.). This recommendation has been reinforced by the there is a probability of 6.7% for each type of error. Many
International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry analysts feel this to be a reasonable criterion; it is not much
(1UPAC)lR and others, and is now very common. It is different from the 95% confidence level routinely used in most
important to clarify the significance of this definition. Fig. 4(a) statistical tests. Clearly, if the probability of both types of
illustrates the distribution of the random errors of yB, the error is to be reduced to 0.135%, the limit of decision must be
standard deviation oB being estimated by sB, as always. The at yB + 3sB, and the LOD at yB + 6s~.16
probability that a blank sample will yield a signal greater than Some workers further define a ‘limit of determination’, i. e.,
yB + 3sg is given by the shaded area, readily shown, using a concentration which can be determined with a particular
tables of the standard normal distribution, to be 0.00135,i.e., RSD. Using the IUPAC definition of LOD, it is clear that the
0.135%. This is the probability that a false positive result will RSD at the limit of detection is 33.33%. A common definition
occur, i.e., that analyte will be said to be present when it is in +
of the limit of determination is yB 10sB, indicating an RSD
fact absent. This is analogous to a type I error in conventional of 10%. It is to be noted that this result again assumes that the
statistical tests.’ However, the second type of error (type I1 standard deviation sB applies to measurements at all levels of
error), that of obtaining a false negative result, i.e., deducing y. The effects on LODs of departures from a uniform standard
that analyte is absent when it is in fact present, can also occur. deviation have been considered by Liteanu and Rica19 and by
If numerous measurements are made on a solution that the Analytical Methods Committee.15
contains analyte at the LOD level, cL, the instrument If the LOD definition of yB + 3sB is accepted, it remains to
responses will be normally distributed about yL, with the same discuss the estimation of yB and sB themselves. The blank
standard deviation (estimated by sB) as the blank. (This signal, yB might be obtained either as the average of several
assumption of equal standard deviations was noted earlier in readings of a ‘field blank’ (i.e., a sample containing solvent,
this review and has thus far been used throughout.) Half the reagents and sample matrix but no analyte, and examined by
measurements on a sample with concentration cL will thus the same protocol as all other samples), or by utilizing the
yield instrument responses below yL. If any sample, yielding a intercept value, a, from the least squares calculation. If all the
signal less than yL, is reported as containing no detectable assumptions involved in the latter calculation are valid, these
analyte, the probability of a type I1 error is clearly 50% ; this two methods should yield values for yB that do not differ
would always be true, irrespective of the separation of yB and significantly. Repeated measurements on a field blank will
YL. also provide the value of sB. Only if a field blank is
Many workers, therefore, separately define a ‘limit of unobtainable (a not uncommon situation) should the
decision’, a point between yB and yL, to establish more intercept, a, be used as the measure of Y B , in this situation sYfx
sensible levels of type I and type I1 errors. This procedure is will provide an estimate of sB.
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Intersection of Two Straight Lines

Analytical scientists frequently use methods requiring the
determination of the point of intersection of two straight lines.
This approach is used in Job’s method20 and in other studies of
molecular interactions such as drug-protein binding. The
usual requirement is to determine the x-value (often a
concentration ratio rather than a single concentration in this
case) of the point of intersection. If the two lines, each
determined by the methods described above, are given by y =
blx + a1 and y = b2x + a2, the intersection point, xx, is easily
shown to be given by
x, = (a2 - M b l - b2) (14)
Published on 01 January 1991. Downloaded by Fudan University on 29/11/2017 11:24:36.

The confidence interval for x, has been calculated in several

ways (reviewed in reference 19), and continues to excite XL xx xu
interest;21 it is clearly related to the hyperbolic curves X
representing the confidence intervals for each line (Fig. 5).
For the line y = blx + al these curves are given by Fig. 5
Confidence limits for the point of intersection of two straight

This equation yields the confidence limits for the true mean critical examination and that it is not a straightforward matter
value of y at any given value of x . The t value is taken at the to decide whether a straight line or a curve should be drawn
desired confidence level (usually 95%) and nl - 2 degrees of through a set of calibration points. Important additional
freedom. A similar equation applies to the line y = b2x + a2. information on both these topics can be obtained from the
One reasonable definition for the lower confidence limit for y-residuals, the 0,- 9 ) values which represent the differences
xx, ( x L ) ,is the abscissa value of the point of intersection of the between the experimental y-values and the fitted y-values.
upper confidence limit of line 1and the lower confidence limit The residuals thus represent the random experimental errors
of line 2 (Fig. 5 ) . At this point in the measurements of y, if the statistical model used (the
unweighted regression line of y on x ) is correct. Many
statistical tests can be applied to these residuals (a comprehen-
sive survey is given in reference 5) but for routine work it is
often sufficient to plot the individual residuals against 9 or
against x . Many regression programs for personal computers
offer this facility and some provide additional refinements,
e.g., the inclusion of lines showing the standard deviations of
which can be solved for xL. An analogous equation can be the residuals.
written for xu, which is similarly defined by the intersection of It can be shown that, if the calibration line is calculated from
the lower confidence limit for line 1and the upper confidence the equation y = bx + a (but not if it is forced through the
limit for line 2 origin by using the form y = bx), the residuals always total
zero, allowing for rounding errors. As already noted, the
residuals are assumed to be normally distributed. Fig. 6(a)
shows the form that the residuals should thus take if the
unweighted regression line is a good model for the experimen-
tal data. Fig. 6(b) and ( c ) indicates possible results if the
unweighted regression line is inappropriate. If the residuals
As the confidence intervals for lines 1 and 2 may be of tend to become larger as y (or x ) increases, the use of a
different width, and as the two lines may interesect at any weighted regression line (see below) is indicated, and if the
angle, the confidence limits for x, may not be symmetrical residuals tend to fall on a curve, the use of a curved calibration
about x, itself. It should also be noted that the confidence graph rather than a linear one is desirable. In the latter case
limits for x, derived from (for example) the 95% confidence the signs (+ or -) of the residuals, which should be in random
limits for the two separate lines are not necessarily the 95% order if an appropriate statistical model has been used, will
confidence limits for x,. As the estimation method used above tend to occur in sequence (‘runs’); in the example given, there
assumes the worst case in combining the random errors of the is clearly a sequence of positive residuals, followed by a
two lines, the derived confidence limits are on the pessimistic sequence of negative ones followed by a second positive
(ie., realistic!) side. Finally it is important to note that the sequence. The number of ‘runs’ (three in the example given) is
practical applications of this method utilize extrapolations of thus significantly less than if the signs of the residuals had been
the two straight lines to the intersection point. These
extrapolations are generally short, and care is usually taken to
+ and - in random order. The Wald-Wolfowitz method tests
for the significance of the number of runs in a set of data5.22 by
perform the experiments in conditions where the extrapola- comparing the observed number of runs with tabulated data,23
tions are believed to be valid. However, if this belief is but it cannot be used if there are fewer than nine points in the
erroneous (e.g., in studies of drug-protein binding where calibration graph. Like the other residual diagnostic methods
there is more than one class of binding site instead of the single described here, the test is thus of restricted value in
class often assumed), even the best statistical methods cannot instrumental analysis, where the number of calibration points
produce chemically valid results. is frequently less than this. Tests on residuals are not,
however, limited to linear regression plots: they can also be
Residuals in Regression Statistics applied to non-linear plots, and indeed to any situation in
which experimental data are fitted to a statistical model and
Previous sections of this review have shown that the un- some unexplained variations occur.
weighted regression methods in common use in analytical Examination of the residuals may shed light on a further
chemistry are based on several assumptions which merit problem, that of outliers among the data. The first part of this
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The approach most commonly used is to plot the results of the
two methods on the two axes of a regression graph; each point
on the graph thus represents a single sample measured by the
two techniques being compared. It is clear that, if both
methods give identical results for all samples, the resulting
graph will be a straight line of unit slope and zero intercept,
with the correlation coefficient I = +l. Some departure from
these idealized results is inevitable in practice, and the usual
requirements if the new method is to be regarded as
satisfactory are that I is close to +1, that the confidence
interval for the intercept, a , includes zero, and that the
confidence interval for the slope, b , includes 1. The new
method is tested most rigorously if the comparison is made
with a considerable number of samples covering in a roughly
Published on 01 January 1991. Downloaded by Fudan University on 29/11/2017 11:24:36.

uniform way the concentration range of interest.

There are several ways in which the plotted line can deviate
from the ideal characteristics summarized above. Sometimes
one method will give results which are higher or lower than
those of the other method by a constant amount (i.e., b = 1,
a > or <O). In other cases there is a constant relative
difference between the two methods (a = 0, b > or < 1).
These two types of error can occur simultaneously ( a > or < 0,
b > or < l),and there are instances in which there is excellent
agreement between the two methods over part of the range of
3 interest, but disagreement at, e.g. , very high or very low
concentrations. Finally, there are experiments where some of
Fig. 6 Residuals in regression; for details see text the points lie close to the ideal line ( b = 1,a = 0), but another
group of samples give widely divergent points; speciation
problems are the most probable cause of this result.
These possibilities have been summarized by Thompson ,26
whose paper also studies an important problem in the use of
review1 emphasized the importance of examining possible conventional regression lines in method comparisons. The line
outliers carefully before rejecting them, if only because an of regression of y on x assumes that the random errors of x are
observation that appears to be an outlier if one statistical zero. This is clearly not the case when two experimental
model (e.g., linear regression with normally distributed methods are being compared, so despite its almost universal
errors) is used, might not be an outlier if an alternative model use in this context the conventional regression line is not a
(e.g., a weighted or a polynomial regression equation) is proper statistical tool for such comparisons. (The line of
fitted. After the residuals of a calibration graph have been regression of x on y would be equally unsuitable.) It has,
calculated, it is usually easy to identify any that are exception- however, been shown that by using Monte Carlo simulation
ally large. Again, many personal computer programs ‘flag’ methods,26 the consequences of this unsoundness are not
such data points automatically. Unfortunately it is not serious provided that at least ten samples covering the
legitimate simply to examine the residuals by the @test’ or concentration range of interest fairly uniformly are used in the
related outlier tests, as the residuals are not independent comparison, and the results from the method with the smaller
measurements (they must total zero). However, several random errors are plotted on the x-axis. A rigorous solution of
methods have been developed for studying potential outliers the method comparison problem would be a calculation of the
in regression.5.7 These methods transform the residuals before best straight line through a series of points with both x and y
examination, and will not be treated in detail here. Perhaps values subject to random errors. Over a century ago,
the best-known approach involves the estimation of ‘Cook’s Adcock27 offered a solution which assumed that the x- and y-
Distance’24for the suspect point. This distance is a measure of direction errors were equal. A complete solution, based on
the influence of an observation, i.e., of how much the maximum likelihood methods, has been proposed by Ripley
regression line would be altered by omission of the observa- and Thompson .2* Their technique utilizes the statistical
tion from the usual calculations of a and b. A discussion of this weight of each point (thus requiring more information-see
method, along with a BASIC computer program which below) and as it is a computer-based iterative approach, it may
implements it, has recently been published.25 The problem of not command ready acceptance for routine use.
outliers can alternatively be by-passed by the use of the robust
and non-parametric methods described below.
Robust and Non-parametric Regression Methods
Regression Techniques in the Comparison of Analytical Previous sections of this review have shown that the un-
Methods weighted least-squares regression line of y on x may not be
appropriate if the y-direction errors are not normally distri-
When a novel analytical method is developed there is a natural buted, or if both x- and y-direction errors occur (as in method
desire to validate it by comparing it with well established comparisons). Moreover, the calculation and interpretation of
methods. This is normally achieved by applying both new and this line are complicated by the presence of possible outliers.
established methods to the analysis of the same group of test Statisticians use the term robustness to describe the property
samples. As calibration methods are designed for use over of insensitivity to departures from an assumed statistical
wide concentration ranges, these samples ‘ will properly model; a number of robust regression methods have been
contain widely differing amounts of the analyte under study. developed in recent years. One obvious approach is to use
The question then arises, how are the paired results (i.e., each non-parametric methods, which do not assume any particular
sample examined by each of the two methods) evaluated for distribution for the population of which the experimental data
systematic errors? The paired t-test1 cannot be used, as it are a sample. (Note that robust methods are not necessarily
ascribes the same weight to any given difference between a non-parametric, but non-parametric methods are generally
pair of results, irrespective of the absolute value measured. robust. )
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10 ANALYST, JANUARY 1991, VOL. 116

Perhaps the best-known non-parametric regression method Spearman’s p is given by

is that developed by Theil.29 H e suggested that the slope, b, of
the regression line should be estimated by determining the 6Cdi2
median of the slopes of all the lines joining pairs of points. n(n2 - 1)
(The median of a set of measurements is the middle value
when an odd number of measurements is arranged in
and, like Y, lies in the range - 1 d p d 1. In equation (18) di is
the difference between the x and y rankings for the ith
numerical order, or the average of the two middle values measurement. If the calculated value of p exceeds the critical
when there is an even number of measurements.) A graph
value (taken from tables) at the appropriate confidence level
with n points will thus have [n(n+ 1)/2] independent estimates and value of n , a significant correlation between x and y is
of the slope. After b has been determined, n estimates of the
established (although not necessarily a causal relationship).
intercept, a , can be obtained from the equation ai = yi - hi.
As in other ranking methods, tied ranks (i. e., observations of
The median of these n values of a is taken as the value of the
equal rank in x or y) are given mid-rank values. Thus, if
intercept estimate. Theil’s procedure is open to two objec-
several food samples were ranked, with the two best samples
tions. Firstly, it seems that the slope estimates of points with
Published on 01 January 1991. Downloaded by Fudan University on 29/11/2017 11:24:36.

judged equal in quality, the ranking would be 1.5,1.5,3,4, . . .

well separated xi values should carry more weight than those
instead of 1, 2, 3, 4, . . .
from neighbouring pairs of points; J a c c k e P has proposed a The Kendall rank correlation coefficient, ~ , 3 7is based on a
modified method that achieves this. Secondly, computation of different idea. If, in a ranking experiment, high x-values are
the median slope value becomes tedious even for fairly generally associated with high y-values, we expect that yj > yi
moderate values of n; a graph with ten points will yield 55 if xj> xi. Pairs of observations having this property are said to
separate estimates of the slope to be determined and sorted be concordant, while observations where the x and y values
into numerical order. This problem is overcome by the use of a are in opposite order are said to be discordant (if xi = xjor yi =
shorter technique (Theil’s abbreviated or incomplete method) yj a tie has occurred). Kendall’s method involves examining
in which slope estimates are obtained from xi and the first each of the [n(n - 1)/2] pairs of data and evaluating n,, the
point above the median value of x, from x2 and the second
number of concordances, and nd, the number of discordances.
point above the median, and so on. (If n is odd, the middle xi
The rank correlation coefficient is then given by
value is not used at all in the slope calculation.) After the slope
of the line has been estimated in this way, the intercept is nc - nd
t= (19)
estimated as in the ‘complete’ method. An example of this n(n - 1)/2
approach, which also illustrates its robustness towards out-
liers, is given in reference 22. The Theil methods make no Again, it is evident that -1 d t d +1, the value -1
assumptions about the directions of the errors, so are suitable corresponding to all the pairs of data points giving discor-
for method comparisons (see above). Hussain and Sprent31 dances, and + 1 corresponding to complete concordance.
have shown that the Theil (complete) method is almost as Intermediate values are again compared with tabulated
efficient as the least-squares method when the errors are values. Kendall’s method has the advantage that the data d o
normally distributed, and much more efficient, especially not have to be converted into ranks for n, and nd to be
when n is small, when the errors are not normally distributed. calculated. Moreover, the computation can be further simpli-
(Efficiency in statistics is a relative concept: it allows the fied38 if the term [n(n- 1)/2] is omitted, the test statistic being
comparison of two statistical tests in their ability to detect simply calculated as T = n, - nd. It is rare, however, for the
alternative hypotheses which are close to the null hypothesis, results of the Kendall and Spearman methods t o disagree, and
H,.3*) Maritz33 has reviewed Theil’s method and Sprent32 and both have been used successfully as tests for trend, i.e., to
Maritz34 have surveyed other robust and non-parametric examine whether there is a correlation when one of the
regression methods, including those which handle curved variables is time. The concept of concordance introduced by
graphs. It should be noted that the spline techniques of Kendall can be extended to problems with more than two
curve-fitting discussed below are non-parametric methods. variables; examples are given in standard texts.38
When a line is to be drawn through a large number of points
(e.g., in method comparisons), a relatively rapid and prelimi-
nary method of plotting it may be of value. The points are
Analysis of Variance in Linear Regression
divided as nearly as possible into three equal groups of Analysis of variance (ANOVA) is a powerful and very general
x-values, and the median x-value for each of the three groups method which separates the contributions to the over-all
is identified. These three data points are known as the variation in a set of experimental data and tests their
summary points. The slope of the resistant line (i.e., resistant significance. The sources of variation (one of which is
to outliers) through all the points is then estimated by the invariably the random measurement error) are each charac-
slope of the line joining the two outermost summary points. terized by a sum of squares (SS), i.e., the sum of a number of
The intercept of the line is calculated as the average of the squared terms representing the variation in question, a
three intercepts obtained from the determined slope and the number of degrees of freedom (DF) (as defined in reference
three summary points (cf. Theil’s method above). The values l), and a mean square, which is the former divided by the
of the slope and intercept may be polished by iterative latter and can be used to test the significance of the variation
minimization of the y-residuals. This method (and many other contribution by means of the F-test.’ The mean square and the
‘quick and dirty’ methods used in exploratory data analysis) is number of degrees of freedom for the over-all variation are,
discussed in reference 35. respectively, the sums of the mean squares and degrees of
In some experiments the results cannot be expressed in freedom of the several contributing sources of variation: this
quantitative terms, but only in terms of a rank order.’ additive property greatly simplifies the calculations, which are
Examples-perhaps infrequent in analytical work-include now widely available on personal computer software.
the preferences of laboratory workers for different pieces of In analytical calibration experiments, variation in the
equipment, the state of health of laboratory animals or the y-direction only is considered. This variation is expressed as
taste quality of a food or drink sample. Relationships in such the sum of the squares of the distances of each calibration
cases are studied using rank correlation methods. Spearman’s point from the mean y value, j , i.e., by C(yi - j ) 2 . This is the
rank correlation coefficient, p,36 is famous as being the first total SS about J . There are two contributions to this over-all
statistical method to use ranks, and is readily shown33 to be the variation. One is the SS due to regression, i.e., that part of the
product-moment correlation coefficient, Y, converted for use variation due to the relationship between y and x; each term in
when both x and y variables are expressed as ranks. this SS is clearly of the form (ji- j)2. This SS has just one DF,
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ANALYST, JANUARY 1991, VOL. 116 11

as just one function of the yi values, i.e., the slope, 6 , will other variations at much higher concentrations. In some cases
calculate C(j+ - j ) 2 from b2 Z(xi - X ) 2 . The second source of the standard deviation is expected to rise in proportion to the
variation is the SS about regression, i. e., the variation due to concentration, i.e., the RSD is approximately constant,39
deviations from the calibration line, each term in the SS being while in other cases the standard deviation rises, though less
of the form (yi - j i ) 2 . This SS has ( n - 2) DF, reflecting the rapidly than the concentration.40 Many attempts have been
fact that the residuals come from a model requiring the made to formulate rules and equations for this concentration
estimation of two parameters, a and b. In accordance with the related behaviour of the standard deviation for different
additivity principle described above, it is possible to show5 methods.41.42 In practice, however, it will frequently be better
that to rely on the analyst’s experience of a particular method,
instrument, etc. in this respect.
Total SS about J = SS due to regression +
SS about If experience suggests that the standard deviation of
regression (20) replicate measurements does indeed vary significantly with x
Moreover, the number of DF for the total SS is ( n - 2) + 1 = (heteroscedastic data) , a weighted regression line should be
( n - 1).This result is expected, as only ( n - 1) yi values are plotted. The equations for this line differ from equations (2)-
Published on 01 January 1991. Downloaded by Fudan University on 29/11/2017 11:24:36.

needed to determine the total SS about y , as Z(yi - 7 ) = 0 by (7) because a weighting factor, wi, must be associated with
definition. A typical ANOVA table for a linear regression plot each calibration point xi, yi. This factor is inversely propor-
is shown in Table 1. This is a one-way ANOVA calculation, tional to the variance of y i , si2, and must either be estimated
there being only one source of variation in addition to the from a suitable model (see above), or determined directly
inevitable experimental error. The significance of the correla- from replicate measurements of yi:
tion can be tested by using the F-test, i.e., by calculating
wi = si-2/(Csi-2/n)
I (23)
F1, ( n - 2) = MSreg/MSres (21) Equation (23) conveniently scales the weighting factors so that
In practice this is rarely necessary (though readily available their sum is equal to n , the number of xi values. The slope and
in software packages), as the F-values are generally vastly intercept of the weighted regression line are then given,
greater than the critical values. A more common estimate of respectively, by
the goodness of fit is given by the statistic R2, sometimes C wix,yi- njiwJw
known as the (multiple) coefficient of determination or the
(multiple) correlation coefficient. The prefix ‘multiple’ occurs b = Zwixi2 - n(xw)2 (24)
because R2 can also be used in curvilinear regression (see
below). If the regression line (straight or curved) is to be a a = jjw- bXW (25)
good fit to the experimental points, the SS due to regression
Both these equations use the coordinates of the weighted
should be a high proportion of the total SS about J . This is
centroid, (Xw, Jw), given by X, = zw,xi/n and J w = Cwiyi/n,
expressed quantitatively using the equation 1 I
respectively; the weighted regression line must pass through
R2 = SS due to regressiordtotal SS about J (22) this point. The standard deviation, sxow, and hence a con-
R2 clearly lies between 0 and 1(although it can never reach 1 if fidence interval of a concentration estimated from a weighted
there are multiple determinations of yi at given xi valuess), regression line is given by
however, it is often alternatively expressed as a percentage-
the percentage of goodness of fit provided by a regression
equation. It can be shown5 that, for a straight line plot, R2 =
r2, the square of the product-moment correlation coefficient.
The application of R2 to non-linear regression methods is where wo is an interpolated weight appropriate to the
considered further below. experimental yo value, and s(ylx)wis given by

Weighted Linear Regression Methods

The preceding discussion of regression methods has assumed
that all the points on the regression line have equal weight The confidence limits for weighted regression lines have the
(i.e., equal importance) when the regression line is plotted. general form shown in Fig. 7, with the weighted centroid
This is a reflection of the assumption that the y-direction closer to the origin than its unweighted counterpart.
errors are equal at all the values of x used in the calibration Calculations of weighted regression lines are evidently more
graph. In practice this is often an unrealistic assumption, as it complex than unweighted regression computations, and only
is very common for the standard deviations of the measure- the more advanced computer software packages provide
ments to alter with x. As already noted, RSDs will be high at suitable programs. The slope and intercept of a weighted
analyte levels just above the LOD. However, there may be regression line are often very similar to those obtained when

Table 1 Anova table for linear regression

Source of variation freedom Sum of squares Mean square (MS)
Regression 1 c (jji
i = 1
- y)2
PI bi - pi)*
About regression ( i . e . , n-2 ? (ri - pip
1 = 1 $Ix = -2
Total n-1 ,bi - J)2
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12 ANALYST, JANUARY 1991, VOL. 116

Judgement must then be exercised to balance the advantages

of an increased linear range against the possible loss of
accuracy and precision.

Treatment of Non-linear Data by Transformations

A large number of analytical methods are known to produce
non-linear calibration graphs. In some cases these curvilinear
relationships are only important at higher analyte concentra-
tions (see above), but in other cases (e.g., immunoassays) the
entire plot is non-linear. Methods for fitting such data to
curves are well established (see below) but the simplicity of
linear methods has encouraged numerous workers to try to
Published on 01 January 1991. Downloaded by Fudan University on 29/11/2017 11:24:36.

transform their data so that a rectilinear graph can be plotted.

The most common transformations involve the use of
logarithms (i. e., plotting y against In x , or In y against In x ) and
Fig. 7 Confidence limits in weighted regression. The point 0 is the exponentials. Less commonly used transformations include
weighted centroid (Zw, J w )
reciprocals, square roots and trigonometric functions. Two or
more of these functions are sometimes used in combination,
especially in calibration programs supplied with commercial
analytical instruments. This topic has been surveyed by
unweighted calculations are applied to the same data, but only Bysouth and Tys0n.~3Draper and Smiths have reviewed such
the weighted line provides proper estimates of standard procedures at some length, and logical approaches to the best
deviations and confidence limits when the weights vary transformations have been surveyed by Box and Cox44 and by
significantly with xi. Weighted regression calculations must Carroll and Ruppert.45
also be used when curvilinear data are converted into It is important to note that all such transformations may
rectilinear data by a suitable algebraic transformation (see affect the relative magnitudes of the errors at different points
below). on the plot. Thus a non-linear plot with approximately equal
The Analytical Methods Committee has recently suggested3 errors at all values of x (homoscedastic data) may be
the use of the weighted regression equations to test for the transformed into a linear plot with heteroscedastic errors. It
linearity of a calibration graph. The weighted residual sum of can be shown5,46 that if a function y = f(x) with homoscedastic
squares (i. e., the squares of the y-residuals, multiplied by their errors is transformed into the function Y = B X + A , then the
weights and then summed) should, if the plot is linear, have a weighting factors, wi used in equations (24)-(27) above are
chi-squared distribution with ( n - 2) DF. Significantly high calculated from
values of chi squared thus suggest non-linearity. The same
principle can be extended to test the fit of non-linear plots (see
wi = l , ( 3 ] ’

In some cases transformations make the use of a weighted

Partly Straight, Partly Curved Calibration Plots regression plot less necessary. Thus a line of the form y = bx
In many analytical methods a typical calibration plot is linear with y-direction errors dependent on x may be subjected to a
at low concentrations, but shows curvature towards the x-axis log-log transformation. The errors in log y then depend less
at higher analyte levels. This is often because an intrinsically markedly on log x and, therefore, a homoscedastic approach
non-linear relationship between instrument signal and concen- may be reasonable. Similarly, Kurtz et al.47 have applied a
tration approximates to a linear function near the origin (e.g., series of power functions to transform chromatographic data
fluorescence spectrometry). In such cases it would be logical to constant variance.
to fit all the data, including the low-concentration points, to a In some analytical methods data transformations are so
curve. In practice, however, linear regression equations have common that specialist software may be available to perform
been regarded as so much simpler to calculate than non-linear the calculations and present the results graphically. This is
ones that the former are usually used over as wide a particularly true in the field of competitive binding immuno-
concentration range as possible. This gives rise to the assays, where several different (but related) transformations
question-to what upper concentration limit is the linear are in common use, including those involving the logit
approximation satisfactory? function { logit x = In[x/(1 - x ) ] } and logistic functions such as
A simple exploratory approach to this problem is exempli- +
y = A / ( B Ce-DX), with the A-D values to be found by
fied in reference 22. It involves calculating with equations iteration. (Immunoassay practitioners also use spline func-
(1)-(3) the correlation coefficient, slope, intercept and SS of tions-see below .) These methods have been reviewed.48
the residuals, first for all the calibration points, and then for
the data sets with the highest, next-highest, etc. points being
omitted successively. If the highest point(s) lie on a signifi-
Curvilinear Regression
cantly non-linear portion of the plot, omitting them from the In many analytical methods, non-linear regression plots arise
calculations will produce large reductions in the SS of from several experimental factors, making it impossible to
residuals, significant increases of Y towards 1 (note again that predict a model equation for the curve. For example in
absolute values are of little significance) and changes of a and molecular fluorimetry, theory49 shows that a plot of fluores-
b towards the values suggested by the calibration points near cence intensity against concentration should be linear-but
the origin. When the omission of further points produces only only as the result of several assumptions about the optical
minor changes in r and the other parameters mentioned, then system used and the sample under study, and with the aid of a
the linear portion of the graph has been successfully identified. mathematical approximation. In practice some or all of these
During this stepwise removal of calibration points, a situation assumptions will fail, but to an unpredictable extent, giving a
may arise where the omission of a point produces only slight calibration graph that may approximate to a straight line near
improvements in the value of Y etc. , at the expense of a further the origin (see above) but is, in reality, a curve throughout. In
restriction in the accepted linear range of the experiment. such cases it is sensible to adopt an empirical fit of a curve to
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ANALYST, JANUARY 1991, VOL. 116 13

the observed data. This is most commonly attempted by using regarded as an optimization problem and can be tackled by
a polynomial equation of the form methods such as simplex optimization.51 This approach offers
no particular benefit in cases where exact solutions are also
y = a + bx + cx2 + dx3 + . . . (29) available by matrix manipulation, such as the polynomial
The advantage of this type of equation is that, after the equation (29), but may be very advantageous in other cases
number of terms has been established, matrix manipulation where exact solutions are not accessible. Again commercially
allows an exact solution for a, b, c, etc. if the least-squares available software is plentiful. A recent paper52 describes the
fitting criterion (see above) is used. Most computer packages calculation of confidence limits for calibration lines calculated
offer such polynomial curve-fitting programs, so, in practice using the simplex method.
the major problem for the experimental scientist is to decide ?Vhichevermodel and calculation method is chosen to plot a
on the appropriate number of terms to be used in equation calibration graph, it is desirable to examine the residuals
(29). The number of terms must clearly be <n for the equation generated and use them to study the validity of the chosen
to have any physical meaning and common sense suggests that model. If the latter is suitable the residuals should show no
Published on 01 January 1991. Downloaded by Fudan University on 29/11/2017 11:24:36.

the least number of terms providing a satisfactory fit to the marked trend in sign, spread or value when plotted against
data should always be used (quadratic or cubic fits are corresponding x or y values. As for linear regression, outlying
frequently excellent). points can also be studied.
Several approaches to this problem are available, the
simplest (though probably not the best) being the use of the Spline Functions and Other Robust Non-linear
coefficient of determination, R2. As described above, this Regression Methods
coefficient expresses the extent to which the total SS about jj
can be explained by the regression equation under scrutiny. As non-linear calibration plots often arise from a combination
Values of R2 close to 1 (or 100%+omputer packages often of physico-chemical effects (see above) and failure of mathem-
present the result in this form) are thus apparently indicative atical approximations etc., it is perhaps unrealistic to expect
of a good fit between the chosen equation and the experimen- that any single curve will adequktely describe such data. It
tal data. In practice we would thus examine in turn the values may thus be better to plot a curve which is a continuous series
of R2 obtained for the quadratic, cubic, quartic, etc. fits, and of shorter curved portions. The most popular approach of this
then make a judgement on the most appropriate polynomial. type is the cubic spline method, which seeks to fit the
This method is open to two objections. The first is that, like experimental data with a series of curved portions each of
the related correlation coefficient, r (see above), R2 can take cubic form, y = a + bx + cx2 + dx3. These portions are
very high values (>> 0.9) even when visual inspectinn shows connected at points called ‘knots’, at each of which the two
that the fit is obviously indifferent. More seriously still, it may linked cubic functions and their first two derivatives must be
be shown that R2 always increases as successive terms are continuous. In practice, the knots may coincide with
added to the polynomial equation, even if the latter are of no experimental calibration points, but this is not essential and a
real value. (Draper and Smiths point out that this presents variety of approaches to the selection of the number and
particular dangers if the data are grouped, i.e., if we have positions of the knots is available. Spline function calculations
several y-values at each of only a few x-values. The number of are provided by several software packages, and their applica-
terms in the polynomial must then be less than the number of tion to analytical problems has been reviewed by Wold53 and
x-values.) Thus, if this method is to be used, it is essential to by Weg~cheider.5~
attach little importance to absolute R2 values and to continue A group of additional regression methods now attracting
adding terms to the polynomial only if this leads to substantial considerable attention relies on the use of fitting criteria other
increases in R2. than or in addition to the least squares approach. In particular
An alternative and probably more satisfactory curve-fitting the ‘reweighted least squares’ method described in detail by
criterion is the use of the ‘adjusted R2’ statistic, given by50 Rousseeuw and Leroy55 utilizes the least median of squares
criterion (i.e., minimization of the median of the squared
R2 (adjusted) = 1 - (residual MS/total MS) (30) residuals) to identify large residuals. The least squares curve is
The use of the mean square (MS) instead of SS terms, allows then fitted to the remaining points. These modern robust
the number of degrees of freedom ( n - p ) , and hence the methods can of course be applied to straight line graphs as well
number of fitted parameters (p),to be taken into account. For as curves, and despite their requirement for more advanced
any given data set and polynomial function, adjusted R2 computer programs they are already attracting the attention of
always has a lower value than R2 itself; many computer analytical scientists (e.g., reference 56). Such developments
packages provide both calculations. provide timely reminders that the apparently simple task of
Among several other methods for establishing the best fitting a straight line or a curve to a set of analytical data is still
polynomial fit537 the simple use of the F-test1 has much to provoking much original research.
commend it. In this application (often referred to as a partial
F-test), Fis used to test the null hypothesis that the addition of I thank Dr. Jane C. Miller for many invaluable discussions on
an extra polynomial term to equation (29) does not signifi- the material of this review.
cantly improve the goodness of fit of the curve, when
compared with the curve obtained without the extra term.
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