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He Usor 2023

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Ever since establishment of Bombay Municipal Corporation (now

Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation) in 1888 by the erstwhile British rulers in India,
in the last 125 years of the history of its existence B.M.C. has catered to every aspect
of the citizen of Mumbai that can be conceived of. Look to heritage buildings like
Victoria Terminus (Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus), Office of Municipal Corporation,
Dadabai Naoroji Road, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Road, Marine Drive (Netaji
Subhash Road), Prince of Wales Museum, Gateway of India, Malabar Hill Reservoir,
Nair Hospital, Lokmanya Tilak Hospital, K.E.M. Hospital etc which are the service
centers for the citizens. Municipal Services have also been provided in the suburban
and extended suburban areas merged in 1950 & 1957 respectively. The obligatory
duties are performed well but still there is need to improve in quantity and quality of
services to be provided to the citizens.

Ethical governance and righteous work culture will certainly bring positive
changes in design and implementation of projects. One may take an example of the
first Municipal Head Quarter Building, that was completed in year 1893, in four years,
designed by F W Stevens and the execution part was dealt by Project Engineer Shri
Rao Saheb Sitaram Khanderrao Vaidya, who executed the project of 77.70m high
structure and saved Rs.68,000/- as against estimated cost of Rs. 11.80 Lakhs.

The need is to work with precision and accuracy. There shall be harmony
between planning and execution so as to evolve best economics with focused goals.

B.M.C. is one of the largest local self-government in the Asian Continent. In

observance of historic traditions of strong civic activism, with the change in time and
living conditions to match with the urbanization, B.M.C. has focused in providing
variety of engineering services viz, storm water drain, sewerage, water supply,
roads, bridges, solid waste management, environmental services. Beside this, the
Corporation is also providing dedicated services in the Health sector by establishing
Major and Peripheral hospitals.

To update and modernize the mechanism being used for working on related
projects from the stage of conceptualization to execution, the need was realized to
revise prevailing “Schedule of Rates” along with specifications which were in
operation with various departments and being prepared individually as per their need
and revised at different span of time, resulting into various anomalies. To overcome
all these, it was essential to revise the schedule of rates, not only with simple
mechanized revision but incorporating major changes to keep up with the pace of
urbanization, civilization, construction techniques / mechanization and voluminous
developments by restructuring items in the schedule to cover all requirements. This
exercise would provide comfort with designs and field necessities and will assist in
effective checks on creation of extra items during execution.

A conscious decision has been taken to prepare Unified Schedule of Rates to

keep pace with the changing time; a first step forward in this direction. Since long
time, there have been demands made by the stake holders like Municipal Engineers
and Contractors to remove non-uniformity, anomalies and discrepancies in various
schedules of rates for work contracts of various departments of B.M.C. Every
department had its own expertise and way of functioning which got reflected in its
independent schedule of rates, which however, had no linkage with the fair market
rates and schedules of other departments, resulting into extra items and fair rates. In
place of earlier 10 Schedule of Rates, the Unified Schedule of Rates is an effort and
seeks to rectify the defects, discrepancies and non uniformities which will provide
ease and accuracy of estimation to the Engineers.

The Unified Scheduled of Rates is linked with its comprehensive

specifications of basic important activities so as to have clarity in execution. These
specifications follow a chronology of general scope of the item, material required,
processing of material, construction operation, finishing and mode of measurement.
Rigid Standard Operating Procedures (S.O.Ps) and complete control on processes
will certainly satisfy quality parameter. The need for checking the quality of
construction is quite apparent and shall be ensured throughout the construction
process. To achieve this, the Unified Scheduled of Rates incorporates quality
assurance procedures.

All the rates are also linked to their detailed specifications and wherever
required, with drawings. Though there are about 1884 items in SOR-2023 of
Hydraulic Engineer (H.E.)., every item is now given a Unique Code No. which will
eliminate the repetition.

It has been our endeavour to include all the necessary modern materials and
technologies in Unified Schedule of Rates, for example, the concept of green
building, which will go a long way to have control on creation of extra items and fair
rates. A salient feature of this Unified Schedule of Rates is 'Starring of items'
specified categorically which can be used only at certain works or locations.
Another salient feature is 'Dynamic Rate System' which will be based on study
of data base of quantities and bidding prices of awarded contracts on the basis of which
necessary corrections can be applied to the Unified Schedule of Rates at specified
intervals. Accordingly, B.M.C. had finalized Unified Schedule of Rates and same
were uploaded in October 2013.

The central government has enacted the law of Goods and Services Tax and
issued the directive to implement the goods and services tax with effect from 1st July
2017. With G.S.T. coming into effect force, Octroi, VAT, etc. were abolished and one
single tax structure came into effect. The earlier Unified Schedule of Rates 2018 of
B.M.C. was revised with the help of M/s Tata consulting Engineers by taking due
cognizance of G.S.T. However, during current revision of USOR, GST is excluded and
all rates are exclusive of GST.
Highlights of the Revised Schedule:

The items in schedule of rates are linked to the rate analysis and further the
rate analysis is linked to basic material rates, labour rates and machinery

Also, various items are linked to their comprehensive specifications of basic

important activities and drawings so as to have clarity in execution.

The new rate analysis format in excel, has been formulated excluding

Further revisions in U.S.O.R. shall become a simple process due to the

current rate analysis format.

All these items are provided with technical specifications, in fixed chronology
with unified code for each item with linkages for rate analysis and

This will also assist in minimizing and to have effective checks on creation of
extra items.

This complete exercise is certainly going to facilitate Engineers working in the

office for the estimation as well as in execution.
A new nomenclature with the prefix R3 has been adopted to
highlight the revision of schedule.

I am sure that Revised 'Unified Scheduled of Rates' will be a useful in

civic governance by B.M.C. This publication shall be of great help and guidance to the
officers engaged in the project work of B.M.C.

-sd/- -sd/-

Hydraulic Engineer Dir.(ES&P)



1. The schedule of rates will be operative from 01/02/2023

2. The unified schedule of rates includes following department:

i. Buildings

ii. Water Supply Projects

iii. Hydraulic Engineering

iv. Sewerage Projects

v. Storm Water Drainage

vi. Roads

vii. Bridges

viii. Traffic and Signals

ix. Mechanical and Electrical

x. Garden Works

3. Volume-I contains USR, basic rate list and approved makes and Volume-II
contains specification along with drawings wherever necessary and mandatory

4. The specification of the items shall be as per latest Indian Standard Codes unless
otherwise specified.

5. The rates of the items in this schedule of rates are worked out assuming average
lead for Greater Mumbai area for all sorts of materials.

6. The rates are inclusive of transportation, exclusive of duties, taxes and charges
of all Government, Municipal or any other statutory body, applicable from time
to timebut exclusive of Works Contract Tax and Labour Cess levied by
Government of Maharashtra.

7. The rates also includes Overheads @ 5% and Contractor’s Profit @10% which is
inclusive of labour supervision charges, tools and plants.

8. Rates of common material and labour is attached in the Annexure-A in Volume-I.

9. The building Schedule of Rates 2023 includes the existing items of FMA, FMB
2009, USOR 2013, USOR 2018, Retrofitting works item with deletion of obsolete
items, merger of similar items Fair items for HIC and value addition of new
itemsin line with modern technology and trends in accordance with latest rules,
regulation, byelaws etc.

10. As per the Government policy the use fly ash is done for framing the items of
work in accordance with the latest provisions of IS Codes. Also green building
items have been introduced in new schedule to minimize the consumption of
energy during construction and occupancy of building and also maintaining
ecological balance.

11. From safety, health and environment point of view two legged steel tubular
scaffolding shall be used, without making any holes in the outer face of the
building or any structure. And no extra payment shall be made for works like
scaffolding, centering for any height unless otherwise specified.

12. All materials shall be as per approved list of BMC or equivalent material having
quality standards as per relevant IS codes and shall be of first quality unless
otherwise specified.

13. Following basic rates are considered in the USR:

i. Cement : Rs. 5,600/ MT

ii. Mild Steel : Rs. 75,000/ MT

iii. HYSD Steel (Fe415) : Rs. 52,800/ MT

iv. T.M.T. (Fe500) : Rs. 50,900/ MT

v. Structural Steel : Rs. 56,652/ MT

14. Rates given in SOR are for estimation purpose. The rates should be
finalized with the items uploaded on SAP System.

15. Rates of items and specification for excavation, concrete, plaster and brick
work shall be referred from common schedule unless and otherwise not
mentioned in concerned department’s schedule.

For Earthwork:

16. Lead will be admissible only within BMC limits. The distance between
centerlines shall be taken as the lead which shall be measured by the shortest
route on the plan and not the actual route taken by the Contractor. Here
Centerlines represents the center point (for area/mass excavation) and the center
chainage for linear excavation.

17. The Engineer in Charge shall exclusively include these directions in the
Tender/Bid document and the Tenders/Bidders shall be insisted to make the
declaration of the dumping plot at the time of submission of Bid.

18. The Engineer in Charge shall take the quantity in account for the disposal only
upto Municipal Limits for the Shortest Route and payment will be made as per the
actual distance within municipal limit. The payment will be restricted to the
shortest distance upto the Municipal limit for the plot identified outside the
Municipal limit.

For Lift:

19. For the depth beyond 1.5 meter, the excavated quantity shall be worked out with
the base rate plus the rate of respective slab of the lift. This is elaborated as

If total depth of excavation is 6 meter, wherein for first 4.5 meter soft soil is there
and beyond it hard rock is available, then estimate shall be worked out as follows:

Assumed dimension 1 meter x 1 meter x 6 meter

Upto 4.5 meter depth, amount shall be calculated

as: (1x1x4.5) Cu.M x Rs. 220 (Item no. CS-EW-1) +
SOFT 1.55
(1x1x1.5) Cu.M x Rs. 48 (Item no. CS-EW-2-a) +
(1x1x1.5) Cu.M x Rs. 71 (Item no. CS-EW-2-b)
HARD 1.55
For next hard strata excavation (4.5 - 6.0 meter),
amount shall be calculated as:

(1x1x1.5) Cu.M x Rs. 873 (Item no. CS-EW-4) +

(1x1x1.5) Cu.M x Rs. 220 (Item no CS-EW-7-c)

20. Coding of items:

The Coding procedure for Basic master material is as follows:
Code will start with the common prefix of “MA” which stands for materials
Followed by Abbreviation code for each schedule of rate for eg B.M. for
Building works, SP for Sewerage, WSP for water supply and so on and so
The first item category in the list will be numbered as “1”
The last part of the code will be a number starting with “a” to indicate the item
number in the master list.
The alpha numerics will be separated by (dash).
The code will look like: MA-GN-01

The Coding procedure for SOR is as follows:

Code will start from abbreviation for Department name “HE” or “WSP” or “SP”
The USR will be subdivided into chapters according to the item classification;
these chapters will be numbered as 1, 2, 3 …..
The items under the chapter will be numbered from 1
The sub items will be numbered as a, b, c ….
The code will look like R2-CS-CW-1-a-1

Abbreviations to be used for Department

Sr. No. Department Abbreviation

1 Building works/Common CS
2 Roads RW

3 Traffic and Signaling RT

4 Bridges BW
5 Water Supply Projects WSP
6 Hydraulic Engg. HE
7 Sewerage Projects SE
8 Storm Water Drains SWD
9 Mechanical and electrical ME
10 Garden Works GW
1) All the rates are for all heights and levels unless noted otherwise.
2) Chloropyrifos EC 20 has been considered for anti termite treatment.
3) Artificial sand (crushed sand) has been considered for flooring bedding and for
concrete work.
4) All the items are excluding fixtures otherwise not specified in respective item. In such
case, items of Hardware section shall be used for fixtures.
5) For plastering and mortar work, river sand has been considered.
6) For plastering work all the rates are for all heights and levels and architectural
decorative surface.
7) All external plaster items are including waterproofing compound except plastering
item for structures like compound wall, masonry pedestals, pillars, etc.
8) Items for ashlar masonry, dewatering, self compacting concrete, vacuum dewatered
concrete flooring and TMT steel bars have been introduced.
9) Rates of all the items in roofing work are inclusive of staging or scaffolding for any
10) Non-asbestos cement sheet provided in place of asbestos cement sheet roofing.
11) Concreting of pile shall be done with RMC only.
12) Rates of piling are inclusive of Chiseling of intermediate local boulders. No separate
payment shall be made for the same
13) While estimating the quantity for Grouting of bentonite slurry in bored precast piles
shall be measured as per bore dia. and pile dia. Exact quantity can be measured
while execution and shall be paid accordingly
14) Rates considered in concrete items are including pumping of concrete upto placing
15) New items like Self compacting concrete, vacuum dewatered concrete flooring and
TMT steel bars have been introduced.
16) The dismantling and demolishing chapter covers only removing old items and repair
work covers both removing old items and re-fixing the new.
17) For heritage works the rate includes the statutory charges for heritage committee and
conservation architect and no extra payment will be made.
18) APP (Atactic poly-propylene) modified polymeric membrane water proofing will be
used only for trial basis on approval of City Engineer and/or Chief Engineer (B.M.).
19)In plumbing waterless urinals, fly ash bricks, fly ash concrete for green building
concept have been introduced.
Star Rating:
In view of ambiguity related to choice of quality or grade of materials and subsequent
items of works to be used at Ward level projects, Centralized projects or Special projects of
and for smooth functioning during planning stage of a project, the new concept of Star
Rating has been introduced for building works depending on the life expectancy of
building, degree of occupancy of building and comfort to the end user. The buildings or
structures rated are as follows:

i. Two Star **- Ward offices and Central dept. Offices,

schools, Small Hospitals, Primary Health Center,
Fire Station, Crematorium, Slaughter Houses,
Markets, Swimming Pools, Zoos, Chowkies,
Libraries, Staff quarters andresidential colonies,
Public Toilets and Water tanks.

ii. Three Star ***- Super specialty Hospitals, Drama Theatres, BMC
Mayor’s and Officer’s bungalow, Heritage Structures, Head Office
and Engineer’s Hub.
The items or work not marked as two star or three star
are assumed to be applicable for all the star buildings or
structures mentioned above.
For 3 star rating items specific approval of Dir.(ES&P) shall be taken

List of Units used:

Sr. No. Units Abbreviation Symbol Remark
1 Length (Running Meter) Rmt
2 Weight (Metric Tonne) MT
3 Weight Kilogram Kg
4 Length (Meter) Mtr
5 Length (Millimeter) mm
6 Time Shift Shift Refers to a time
duration of 8 Hrs
7 Time (Hour) Hr
8 Quantity (Numbers) Each/Nos Each refers to a single
quantity per entity
9 Quantity (Lump sum) LS
10 Volume Cum
11 Area (Square Meter) Sqm

List of Abbreviation Used :

Sr. No. Units Abbreviation Symbol Remark
1 CI Cast Iron
2 DI Ductile Iron
3 MS Mild Steel
4 HDPE High Density
5 MDPE Medium Density
6 PE Poly Ethylene
7 GRP Glass Reinforced
8 GI Galvanized Iron
9 SBR Styrene Butadiene
10 S& S Socket & Spigot
11 IS Indian Standard Code
12 AWWA American Water Works
13 EEWW Executive Engineer
Water Works

Salvation Cost for Materials:

The salvation cost of metals have been considered taking into account current market scrap

The salvation cost of different materials is as follows:

CI/DI/GI : 42 Rs/Kg
Mild Steel : 45 Rs/Kg
Gun Metal : 107 Rs/Kg
SS 314/416 : 95 Rs/Kg
HDPE material : 25 Rs/Kg

Basis for labour and material Coefficients used:

The labour, material and hire charges coefficients adopted in rate analysis are worked
out taking into consideration the coefficients adopted (for similar or same item) in MJP
SOR, PWD SOR, Pune Mahanagar Palika SOR and MCGM HE SOR 2011.
The final amount appearing in SOR is completely rounded off, no decimal digits are
The final amount for an item worked out in RA template is rounded up to two decimal
Chapter wise Notes, Assumptions and References
Chapter 1: CI/DI Pipes (supplying, laying, jointing works):

 Items related to CI DI Pipes & Specials etc are included in this chapter.

Chapter 2: Mild Steel Pipe Fabrication, Transportation and welding works:

 Items for M.S. Pipe including transportation and lowering in trenches is added.

 The civil work for valve chamber i.e masonry, plastering brickwork concrete work will
be paid separately as per relevant item included in Common Schedule.

 Items related to Mild Steel Pipes & Specials etc are included in this chapter
Chapter 3: Valves and appurtenances:
 Items related to Valves etc., are included in this chapter.
Chapter 4: Cross Connection Works:
 Items related to Cross Connections Works etc., are included in this chapter.

Chapter 5: GRP Pipe works:

 Items related to GRP Pipes , Fittings & Specials etc., are included in this

Chapter 6: CI Mechanical Joints & Specials:

 Items related to CI Mechanical Joints & Specials etc., are included in this
Chapter 7: Galvanized Iron Pipe works:

 Items related to GI Pipes, Fittings & Specials etc., are included in this chapter.

Chapter 8: Civil General Items & Items for Fire Hydrants:

 Items related to Civil General Items & Items for Fire Hydrants etc., are included
in this chapter.

Chapter 9: HDPE/MDPE Pipe and Fitting works:

 Items related to HDPE Pipes, fitting & Specials etc., are included in this

Chapter 10: Mortar lining works:

 Items related to Cement Mortar Lining works etc., are included in this chapter.

Chapter 11: Rain water harvesting works:

 Items related to rain water harvesting works included in this chapter.

Chapter 13: Quick repair works:
 Items related to quick repair works like providing and fixing of quick Tee
saddle, handiband couplings, dismantling joints flange adaptors etc included in
this chapter.
Chapter 14: Replacing and Refixing:

 Items related to Replacing and refixing works like Gland Packing, Check nut, Spindle
etc. included in this chapter.

Chapter 15: Anticorrosive Epoxy Painting and Cathodic Protection:

 Items for Identification of pipeline location & its depth measurement for installation of
Cathodic Protection (CP) to prevent External Corrosion.

 Items for soil resistivity survey & route survey for installation of Cathodic Protection

 Items for design & detailed engineering drawings of ICCP system.

 Items for Supply & installation of Distributed Horizontal Anode bed & Vertical or Deep
well Anode bed of 50 A and 75 A rating.

 Items for Supply & installation of MS Anode Junction Box & MS Cathode Junction Box.

 Items for supplying and Laying of Cables & Restoration of Cable trench required for
Cathodic Protection System

 Items for Supplying & Laying of B Class Galvanized Iron (GI) Conduit of 100mm
diameter required for Cathodic Protection system.

 Items for Cable terminations required for Cathodic Protection system

 Items for Supply & Installation of 50V / 50A & 75V / 75A transformer rectifier unit (TR

 Items for Supply & Installation of maintenance free chemical earthing.

 Items for Construction of foundation for Anode Junction Box, Cathode Junction Box
and Transformer Rectifier Unit with provision for cable network / passing arrangement

 Items for Supply and Installation of MS Power supply Box

 Items for Pipe to cable connection by Thermit Welding / Pin Brazing with Weld

 Items for Supply and Installation of Permanent Reference Electrode for Transformer
Rectifier Unit of Cathodic Protection System
 Item for Liasoning for successful installation & commissioning of Entire Corrosion
Protection System.

 Items for Commissioning of overall Cathodic Protection System

 Items for Security & Warehousing of Corrosion Protection materials, equipment's and

 Items for supply, Installation & Commissioning of GSM based Remote Monitoring
System to monitor Transformer Rectifier Unit

 Items for Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of Magnesium Sacrificial



Sr. Chapter Page

Contents Item Item Range
No. Code No.
CI/DI Pipes And
1 R3-HE-1 R3-HE-1-1 to R3-HE-1-17 1-6

2 R3-HE-2 Mild Steel Pipes R3-HE-2-1 to R3-HE-2-18 7-14

3 R3-HE-3 Valves R3-HE-3-1 to R3-HE-3-39 15-33

4 R3-HE-4 Cross Connection Works R3-HE-4-1 to R3-HE-4-11 34-41

GRP Pipes Fittings &

5 R3-HE-5 R3-HE-5-1 to R3-HE-5-21 42-52
CI Mechanical Joints &
6 R3-HE-6 R3-HE-6-1 to R3-HE-6-10 53-58
GI Pipes Fittings &
7 R3-HE-7 R3-HE-7-1 to R3-HE-7-25 59-69
Civil General Items &
8 R3-HE-8 R3-HE-8-1 to R3-HE-8-27 70-75
Fire Hydrants
HDPE Pipes Fittings &
9 R3-HE-9 R3-HE-9-1 to R3-HE-9-67 76-105
Cement Mortar Lining
10 R3-HE-10 R3-HE-10-1 to R3-HE-10-7 106-109
Rain Water Harvesting R3-HE-11-1 to R3-HE-11-
11 R3-HE-11 110-111
Works 10

12 R3-HE-12 Polymer Coating Works R3-HE-12-1 to R3-HE-12-2 112-113

Quick Repair Works R3-HE-13-1 to R3-HE-13-

13 R3-HE-13 114-123
Fittings & Specials 14

14 R3-HE-14 Replacing and Refixing R3-HE-14-1 to R3-HE-14-4 124-125

15 R3-HE-15 Anticorrosive Epoxy Painting
& Cathodic Protection R3-HE-15-1 to R3-HE-15-35 126-133
HE Schedule of Rates 2023

Rate in Rs.
(Excl. GST
Sr.No. Material Code Material Description Unit
and other
1 2 3 4 5

Supplying ISI mark C.I. Class 'LA' , S/S pipes of following

diameters conforming to IS:1536, excluding all taxes (Central
and local) insurance, railway freight, unloading from railway
wagon, loading into trucks, transport to any municipal stores /
site, unloading stacking etc complete in all respect and as
directed by Engineer in Charge.

1 R3-HE-1-1-a 80 mm. Rmt 1162.00

2 R3-HE-1-1-b 100 mm. Rmt 1307.00
3 R3-HE-1-1-c 150 mm. Rmt 1703.00
4 R3-HE-1-1-d 250 mm. Rmt 3106.00
5 R3-HE-1-1-e 300 mm. Rmt 4186.00
6 R3-HE-1-1-f 450 mm. Rmt 8790.00
7 R3-HE-1-1-g 600 mm. Rmt 12408.00
8 R3-HE-1-1-h 750 mm. Rmt 35009.00
9 R3-HE-1-1-i 900 mm Rmt 47736.00
10 R3-HE-1-1-j 1000 mm Rmt 57348.00

Lowering, laying and jointing in trenches C.I. Class 'LA', S/S

pipes with CI / MS specials of following diameter including
chamfering cut edges of pipes for specials and fixing with
Styrene Butadiene Rubber (SBR) gaskets in proper position,
grade and alignment etc complete in all respect and as directed
R3-HE-1-2 by Engineer in Charge including conveyance of material from
any municipal stores in Greater Mumbai to site of work and
from Stacking Place to the actual lowering site including cost of
jointing materials and rubber rings labour, giving hydraulic
testing up to 6 kg/sqm pressure etc complete as directed by
Engineer in Charge

11 R3-HE-1-2-a 80 mm. Rmt 106.00

12 R3-HE-1-2-b 100 mm. Rmt 126.00
13 R3-HE-1-2-c 150 mm. Rmt 191.00
14 R3-HE-1-2-d 250 mm. Rmt 273.00
15 R3-HE-1-2-e 300 mm. Rmt 284.00
16 R3-HE-1-2-f 450 mm. Rmt 718.00
17 R3-HE-1-2-f 600 mm. Rmt 1166.00
18 R3-HE-1-2-g 750 mm. Rmt 1723.00
19 R3-HE-1-2-i 900 mm Rmt 2024.00
20 R3-HE-1-2-j 1000 mm Rmt 2093.00

1 Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation

HE Schedule of Rates 2023

Rate in Rs.
(Excl. GST
Sr.No. Material Code Material Description Unit
and other
1 2 3 4 5
Supplying, lowering, laying and jointing in trenches C.I. Class
'LA' , S/S pipes conforming to IS:1536 with CI / MS specials of
following diameter including chamfering cut edges of pipes for
specials and fixing with Styrene Butadiene Rubber (SBR)
gaskets conforming to IS:5382 & IS:12820 in proper position,
R3-HE-1-3 grade and alignment etc complete in all respect and as directed
by Engineer in Charge including conveyance of material from
any municipal stores in Greater Mumbai to site of work,
including cost of jointing materials and rubber rings labour,
giving hydraulic testing upto 6 kg/sqm pressure etc complete as
directed by Engineer in Charge
21 R3-HE-1-3-a 80 mm. Rmt 1268.00
22 R3-HE-1-3-b 100 mm. Rmt 1433.00
23 R3-HE-1-3-c 150 mm. Rmt 1893.00
24 R3-HE-1-3-d 250 mm. Rmt 3379.00
25 R3-HE-1-3-e 300 mm. Rmt 4469.00
26 R3-HE-1-3-f 450 mm. Rmt 9508.00
27 R3-HE-1-3-g 600 mm. Rmt 13573.00
28 R3-HE-1-3-h 750 mm. Rmt 36732.00
29 R3-HE-1-3-i 900 mm Rmt 49759.00
30 R3-HE-1-3-j 1000 mm Rmt 59440.00

Providing & Supplying Ductile Iron pipes (K-7/K-9) of

following diameters and conforming to IS : 8329 & SBR Ring
Gasket shall confirm IS : 5382 & IS : 12820 excluding all taxes
R3-HE-1-4 (Central and local) insurance, railway freight, unloading from
railway wagon, loading into trucks, transport to any municipal
stores / site, unloading stacking etc complete in all respect and as
directed by Engineer in Charge

R3-HE-1-4-1 D.I. K-7

31 R3-HE-1-4-1-a 80 mm. Rmt 881.00
32 R3-HE-1-4-1-b 100 mm. Rmt 990.00
33 R3-HE-1-4-1-c 150 mm. Rmt 1418.00
34 R3-HE-1-4-1-d 250 mm. Rmt 2361.00
35 R3-HE-1-4-1-e 300 mm. Rmt 2976.00
36 R3-HE-1-4-1-f 450 mm. Rmt 5308.00
37 R3-HE-1-4-1-g 600 mm. Rmt 8315.00
38 R3-HE-1-4-1-h 750 mm. Rmt 12732.00
39 R3-HE-1-4-1-i 900 mm Rmt 17683.00
40 R3-HE-1-4-1-j 1000 mm Rmt 21705.00

R3-HE-1-4-2 D.I. K-9

41 R3-HE-1-4-2-a 80 mm. Rmt 978.00
42 R3-HE-1-4-2-b 100 mm. Rmt 1134.00
43 R3-HE-1-4-2-c 150 mm. Rmt 1622.00
44 R3-HE-1-4-2-d 250 mm. Rmt 2392.00
45 R3-HE-1-4-2-e 300 mm. Rmt 3639.00
46 R3-HE-1-4-2-f 450 mm. Rmt 6449.00
47 R3-HE-1-4-2-g 600 mm. Rmt 9974.00

2 Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation

HE Schedule of Rates 2023

Rate in Rs.
(Excl. GST
Sr.No. Material Code Material Description Unit
and other
1 2 3 4 5
48 R3-HE-1-4-2-h 750 mm. Rmt 14295.00
49 R3-HE-1-4-2-i 900 mm Rmt 18959.00
50 R3-HE-1-4-2-j 1000 mm Rmt 23221.00

Loading, transporting on site, unloading, lowering in trenches,

assembling and jointing Ductile Iron pipes ( K-9) including
conveyance of material from any municipal stores in Greater
Mumbai to site of work and from Stacking Place to the actual
lowering site including chamfering cut edges of pipes and
specials and fixing with Styrene Butadiene Rubber (SBR) Ring
R3-HE-1-5 Gaskets for following diameters (Tyton joint pipes). The pipe
shall confirm IS : 8329 & SBR Ring Gasket shall confirm IS :
5382 & IS : 12820. The rate is inclusive of cleaning, flushing &
testing of water mains upto 6 kg/ etc complete in all
respect and as directed by Engineer in Charge (Pipe shall be
coated with cement mortar lining from inside and zinc coating
followed by bitumen coating from outside as specified).
51 R3-HE-1-5-a 80 mm. Rmt 106.00
52 R3-HE-1-5-b 100 mm. Rmt 126.00
53 R3-HE-1-5-c 150 mm. Rmt 191.00
54 R3-HE-1-5-d 250 mm. Rmt 273.00
55 R3-HE-1-5-e 300 mm. Rmt 284.00
56 R3-HE-1-5-f 450 mm. Rmt 765.00
57 R3-HE-1-5-g 600 mm. Rmt 1166.00
58 R3-HE-1-5-h 750 mm. Rmt 1723.00
59 R3-HE-1-5-i 900 mm Rmt 2024.00
60 R3-HE-1-5-j 1000 mm Rmt 2093.00

Providing & Supplying, loading, transporting on site, unloading,

lowering in trenches, assembling and jointing Ductile Iron pipes
( K-9) including chamfering cut edges of pipes and specials and
fixing with Styrene Butadiene Rubber (SBR) Ring Gaskets for
following diameters (Tyton joint pipes). The pipe shall confirm
R3-HE-1-6 IS : 8329 & SBR Ring Gasket shall confirm IS : 5382 & IS :
12820. The rate is inclusive of cleaning, flushing & testing of
water mains upto 6 kg/ etc complete in all respect and as
directed by Engineer in Charge (Pipe shall be coated with
cement mortar lining from inside and zinc coating followed by
bitumen coating from outside as specified).
61 R3-HE-1-6-a 80 mm. Rmt 1083.00
62 R3-HE-1-6-b 100 mm. Rmt 1260.00
63 R3-HE-1-6-c 150 mm. Rmt 1812.00
64 R3-HE-1-6-d 250 mm. Rmt 2665.00
65 R3-HE-1-6-e 300 mm. Rmt 3923.00
66 R3-HE-1-6-a-f 450 mm. Rmt 7214.00
67 R3-HE-1-6-a-g 600 mm. Rmt 11139.00
68 R3-HE-1-6-a-h 750 mm. Rmt 16018.00
69 R3-HE-1-6-a-i 900 mm Rmt 20982.00
70 R3-HE-1-6-a-j 1000 mm Rmt 25314.00

3 Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation

HE Schedule of Rates 2023

Rate in Rs.
(Excl. GST
Sr.No. Material Code Material Description Unit
and other
1 2 3 4 5

Supplying at any municipal stores or work site Styrene

R3-HE-1-7 Butadiene Rubber Ring Gaskets as per IS : 5382 and 12820 etc
complete in all respect and as directed by Engineer in Charge

71 R3-HE-1-7-a 80 mm. Each 52.00

72 R3-HE-1-7-b 100 mm. Each 59.00
73 R3-HE-1-7-c 150 mm. Each 74.00
74 R3-HE-1-7-d 250 mm. Each 147.00
75 R3-HE-1-7-e 300 mm. Each 199.00
76 R3-HE-1-7-f 450 mm. Each 367.00
77 R3-HE-1-7-g 600 mm. Each 661.00
78 R3-HE-1-7-h 750 mm. Each 1233.00
79 R3-HE-1-7-i 900 mm Each 1909.00
80 R3-HE-1-7-j 1000 mm Each 2202.00

Providing push-on-joints to Centrifugally (Spun) C.I. pipes or

Ductile iron pipes including the cost of Styrene Butadiene
R3-HE-1-8 Rubber (SBR) ring gasket, applying grease, testing etc complete
in all respect and as directed by Engineer in Charge .(Gasket
should conform to IS: 5382 and 12820)
81 R3-HE-1-8-a 80 mm. Each 203.00
82 R3-HE-1-8-b 100 mm. Each 210.00
83 R3-HE-1-8-c 150 mm. Each 246.00
84 R3-HE-1-8-d 250 mm. Each 317.00
85 R3-HE-1-8-e 300 mm. Each 395.00
86 R3-HE-1-8-f 450 mm. Each 443.00
87 R3-HE-1-8-g 600 mm. Each 881.00
88 R3-HE-1-8-h 750 mm. Each 1493.00

Cutting of cast iron and CI/DI pipes of all classes with cutting
tools, cutting machine and chamfering the edges etc complete in
all respect and as directed by Engineer in Charge and for
following diameters.
89 R3-HE-1-9-a 80 mm. Each 499.00
90 R3-HE-1-9-b 100 mm. Each 607.00
91 R3-HE-1-9-c 150 mm. Each 694.00
92 R3-HE-1-9-d 250 mm. Each 844.00
93 R3-HE-1-9-e 300 mm. Each 1070.00
94 R3-HE-1-9-f 450 mm. Each 1469.00
95 R3-HE-1-9-g 600 mm. Each 2282.00
96 R3-HE-1-9-h 750 mm. Each 3042.00
97 R3-HE-1-9-i 900 mm Each 3596.00
98 R3-HE-1-9-j 1000 mm Each 3639.00

Providing and supplying ISI standard CI flanged / S& S specials

conforming to IS 1538 excluding all taxes (Central and local),
railway freight, insurance, unloading from railway wagon,
loading into truck transport to municipal store /site, unloading
stacking etc complete in all respect and as directed by Engineer
in Charge

4 Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation

HE Schedule of Rates 2023

Rate in Rs.
(Excl. GST
Sr.No. Material Code Material Description Unit
and other
1 2 3 4 5
S & S Specials / Plain Ended
99 R3-HE-1-10-a S & S specials up to 300 mm dia Kg 86.00
100 R3-HE-1-10-b S & S specials over 300 mm dia Kg 115.00
Flanged Specials
101 R3-HE-1-10-c Flanged specials up to 300 mm dia Kg 116.00
102 R3-HE-1-10-d Flanged specials over 300 mm dia Kg 124.00

Loading from any municipal stores in Greater Mumbai,

transporting on site, lowering in trenches and assembling of C.I.
R3-HE-1-11 Kg 14.00
specials, D.I. specials or M. S. specialsetc complete in all respect
103 and as directed by Engineer in Charge

Providing & Supplying, loading, transporting on site, unloading,

lowering in trenches and assembling of C.I. specials Conforming
IS : 1538 etc complete in all respect and as directed by Engineer
in Charge
104 R3-HE-1-12-a S & S specials upto 300 mm dia Kg 99.00
105 R3-HE-1-12-b S & S specials over 300 mm dia Kg 129.00
106 R3-HE-1-12-c Flanged specials upto 300 mm dia Kg 130.00
107 R3-HE-1-12-d Flanged specials above 300 mm dia Kg 137.00

Providing & Supplying D.I. pipe specials & fittings of K-12 class
with internal cement mortar lining and external Zinc coating
with finishing layer of Bitumen coating, sealing rubber gasket of
108 R3-HE-1-13 S.B.R, complete with cast iron follower gland and M. S. nut Kg 299.00
bolts coated suitable for D.I.pipes excluding all taxes etc
complete in all respect and as directed by Engineer in Charge
and as per IS-9523.

Providing & Supplying loading, transporting on site, unloading,

lowering in trenches and assembling of D.I. pipe specials &
fittings of K-12 class with internal cement mortar lining and
external Zinc coating with finishing layer of Bitumen coating,
109 R3-HE-1-14 Kg 312.00
sealing rubber gasket of S.B.R, complete with cast iron follower
gland and M. S. nut bolts coated suitable for D.I.pipes excluding
all taxes etc complete in all respect and as directed by Engineer
in Charge and as per IS-9523.

Loading lead from any municipal stores, transporting to site of

work and jointing of CI / MS pipes or specials etc. with spun
R3-HE-1-15 yarn and molten lead including caulking etc. Complete for
diameters. (Excluding cost of lead) etc complete in all respect
and as directed by Engineer in Charge
110 R3-HE-1-15-a 80 mm. Each 431.00
111 R3-HE-1-15-b 100 mm. Each 467.00
112 R3-HE-1-15-c 150 mm. Each 489.00
113 R3-HE-1-15-d 250 mm. Each 734.00
114 R3-HE-1-15-e 300 mm. Each 795.00
115 R3-HE-1-15-f 450 mm. Each 1452.00

5 Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation

HE Schedule of Rates 2023

Rate in Rs.
(Excl. GST
Sr.No. Material Code Material Description Unit
and other
1 2 3 4 5
116 R3-HE-1-15-g 600 mm. Each 1911.00
117 R3-HE-1-15-h 750 mm. Each 2675.00
118 R3-HE-1-15-i 900 mm Each 3009.00
119 R3-HE-1-15-j 1000 mm Each 3181.00

Make lead and spun yarn joints for following nominal dia C.I.
S&S pipes and specials including supply of jointing materials
(refined pig lead and spun yarn) caulking and testing of joints etc
complete in all respect and as directed by Engineer in Charge

120 R3-HE-1-16-a 80 mm. Each 728.00

121 R3-HE-1-16-b 100 mm. Each 836.00
122 R3-HE-1-16-c 150 mm. Each 1071.00
123 R3-HE-1-16-d 250 mm. Each 1639.00
124 R3-HE-1-16-e 300 mm. Each 1897.00
125 R3-HE-1-16-f 450 mm. Each 3904.00
126 R3-HE-1-16-g 600 mm. Each 5243.00
127 R3-HE-1-16-h 750 mm. Each 6460.00
128 R3-HE-1-16-i 900 mm Each 8631.00
129 R3-HE-1-16-j 1000 mm Each 9516.00

Providing and making flanged joints to flanged C.I./D.I./M.S.

pipes of all classes/specials etc. including cost of all jointing
R3-HE-1-17 materials (rubber packing, nut bolts, etc.), labour, hydraulic
testing etc complete in all respect and as directed by Engineer in
130 R3-HE-1-17-a 80 mm. Each 331.00
131 R3-HE-1-17-b 100 mm. Each 480.00
132 R3-HE-1-17-c 150 mm. Each 730.00
133 R3-HE-1-17-d 250 mm. Each 1153.00
134 R3-HE-1-17-e 300 mm. Each 1252.00
135 R3-HE-1-17-f 450 mm. Each 2597.00
136 R3-HE-1-17-g 600 mm. Each 3692.00
137 R3-HE-1-17-h 750 mm. Each 4910.00
138 R3-HE-1-17-i 900 mm Each 8285.00
139 R3-HE-1-17-j 1000 mm Each 9696.00

6 Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation

HE Schedule of Rates 2023

Rate in Rs. (Excl.

Sr.No. Material Code Material Description Unit GST and other
1 2 3 4 5
Supplying mild steel pipes to site of work / any municipal store
fabricated in any ISI/ ISO certified company, from mild steel
plates of approved quality and thickness, confirming to IS 3589 .
The M.S plates shall be procured only from Jindal,TATA
mettalics,SAIL, ESSAR or Ispat Steel. The test certificates and
Challans from the manufacturer of plates shall be submitted to
the corporation. The item includes marking, cutting, rolling
bending, welding using automatic submerged arc type welding
machine, factory testing of pipes, loading at fabrication yard/
factory transportation to site of work/ any municipal store using
truck/ trailer, unloading and stacking near place of work etc
complete as specified and as directed by Engineer in Charge. .
Each pipe shall be about 5 to 7.5 mtr. long, fabricated as per
IS:3589 and suitable for 10 kg/cm2 working pressure( spirally
welded pipes fabricated from strips are not acceptable)

1 R3-HE-2-1-a 80 mm. 6 mm thick Rmt 920.00

2 R3-HE-2-1-b 100 mm. 6 mm thick Rmt 1135.00
3 R3-HE-2-1-c 150 mm. 6 mm thick Rmt 1667.00
4 R3-HE-2-1-d 225 mm-250 mm. 6 mm thick Rmt 2739.00
5 R3-HE-2-1-e 300 mm. 6 mm thick Rmt 3276.00
6 R3-HE-2-1-f 450 mm. 6 mm thick Rmt 4882.00
7 R3-HE-2-1-g 600 mm. 6 mm thick Rmt 6493.00
8 R3-HE-2-1-h 750 mm. 7 mm thick Rmt 9462.00
9 R3-HE-2-1-i 750 mm. 8 mm thick Rmt 10793.00
10 R3-HE-2-1-j 900 mm. 7 mm thick Rmt 11343.00
11 R3-HE-2-1-k 900 mm. 8 mm thick Rmt 13020.00
12 R3-HE-2-1-l 1200 mm. 8 mm thick Rmt 17348.00
13 R3-HE-2-1-m 1200 mm. 10 mm thick Rmt 21720.00
14 R3-HE-2-1-n 1200 mm. 12 mm thick Rmt 25970.00
15 R3-HE-2-1-o 1500 mm. 10 mm thick Rmt 26937.00
16 R3-HE-2-1-p 1500 mm. 12 mm thick Rmt 32234.00
17 R3-HE-2-1-q 600 mm. 8 mm thick Rmt 8630.00
18 R3-HE-2-1-r 600 mm. 10 mm thick Rmt 10780.00
19 R3-HE-2-1-s 750 mm. 10 mm thick Rmt 13465.00
20 R3-HE-2-1-t 900 mm. 10 mm thick Rmt 16129.00
21 R3-HE-2-1-u 900 mm. 12 mm thick Rmt 19337.00
22 R3-HE-2-1-v 1200 mm 16 mm thick Rmt 34382.00
23 R3-HE-2-1-w 1500 mm. 16 mm thick Rmt 42869.00
24 R3-HE-2-1-x 1500 mm. 20 mm thick Rmt 53556.00

7 Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation

HE Schedule of Rates 2023

Rate in Rs. (Excl.

Sr.No. Material Code Material Description Unit GST and other
1 2 3 4 5

Supplying mild steel specials of required length and degree to

site of work / any municipal store fabricated in any ISI/ ISO
certified company, from mild steel plates of approved quality
and thickness, confirming to IS 3589 . The M.S. plates shall bare
corresponding ISI mark. The item includes marking, cutting, fit
up, rolling bending, welding using automatic submerged arc type
welding machine, factory testing of pipes, loading at fabrication
yard/ factory transportation to site of work/ any municipal store
using truck/ trailer, unloading and stacking near place of work
etc complete as specified and as directed by Engineer in
Charge.Fabrication work to be carried out as per IS:3589 and
suitable for 10 kg/cm2 working pressure.

25 R3-HE-2-2-a Suitable for 80 mm dia 6 mm thick pipe. Mtr 944.00

26 R3-HE-2-2-b Suitable for 100 mm dia 6 mm thick pipe. Mtr 1164.00
27 R3-HE-2-2-c Suitable for 150 mm dia 6 mm thick pipe. Mtr 1710.00
28 R3-HE-2-2-d Suitable for 250 mm dia 6 mm thick pipe. Mtr 2810.00
29 R3-HE-2-2-e Suitable for 300 mm dia 6 mm thick pipe. Mtr 3360.00
30 R3-HE-2-2-f Suitable for 450 mm dia 6 mm thick pipe. Mtr 5007.00
31 R3-HE-2-2-g Suitable for 600 mm dia 6 mm thick pipe. Mtr 6659.00
32 R3-HE-2-2-h Suitable for 750 mm dia 7 mm thick pipe. Mtr 9705.00
33 R3-HE-2-2-i Suitable for 900 mm dia 7 mm thick pipe. Mtr 11633.00
34 R3-HE-2-2-j Suitable for 750 mm dia 8 mm thick pipe. Mtr 11126.00
35 R3-HE-2-2-k Suitable for 900 mm dia 8 mm thick pipe. Mtr 13353.00
36 R3-HE-2-2-l Suitable for 1200 mm dia 8 mm thick pipe. Mtr 17792.00
37 R3-HE-2-2-m Suitable for 1200 mm dia 10 mm thick pipe. Mtr 22277.00
38 R3-HE-2-2-n Suitable for 600 mm dia 8 mm thick pipe. Mtr 8851.00
39 R3-HE-2-2-o Suitable for 600 mm dia 10 mm thick pipe. Mtr 11056.00
40 R3-HE-2-2-0 Suitable for 750 mm dia 10 mm thick pipe. Mtr 13810.00
41 R3-HE-2-2-q Suitable for 900 mm dia 10 mm thick pipe. Mtr 16543.00
42 R3-HE-2-2-r Suitable for 900 mm dia 12 mm thick pipe. Mtr 19832.00
43 R3-HE-2-2-s Suitable for 1200 mm dia 16 mm thick pipe. Mtr 35264.00
44 R3-HE-2-2-t Suitable for 1500 mm dia 16 mm thick pipe. Mtr 43968.00
45 R3-HE-2-2-u Suitable for 1500 mm dia 20 mm thick pipe. Mtr 54930.00

Supplying, transporting MS fabricated material on site, aligning,

fixing in position, tack welding including marginal cutting,
synthetic Rubber packings etc.
a) Minor fixtures such s man hole frame & covers, pressure and
46 R3-HE-2-3 non-pressure type blank flanges, loose flanges, rings, small MT 74395.00
pieces to form saddle pieces, ladders, platforms, stiffener rings
etc. b) Major
fixtures such as tees, domes, bends, branches, flange ring
assembling etc.

8 Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation

HE Schedule of Rates 2023

Rate in Rs. (Excl.

Sr.No. Material Code Material Description Unit GST and other
1 2 3 4 5

Fabrication of M.S. covers and frames from steel plates as per

47 R3-HE-2-4 design specified by Engineer in charge, including stiffeners etc. MT 14200.00
complete. (Excluding cost of steel plates).

Transporting all fabricated material from stacking yard of

factory to laying site or from Municipal stores to factory or any
48 R3-HE-2-5 MT/Km 399.00
where directed up to a distance of 2 km, including loading &

Extra over and above rate of item No.R3-HE-2-5 for transporting

49 R3-HE-2-6 MT/Km 8.00
the material beyond 2 km.

Fabricating ,Supplying & transporting M.S. material of required

thickness suitable for lead joint / mechanical joints to any
municipal chowky or site of work , minor fixtures such as man
hole frame & covers, pressure and non-pressure type blank
flanges, loose flanges, rings, saddle pieces, small pieces to form
50 R3-HE-2-7 Kg 76.00
saddle pieces, collars, clamp collars, bends / tees of various sizes
with or without suitable sockets / flanges, small pieces of pipes
with or without suitable sockets / flanges, end caps, ladders,
platforms, stiffener rings etc. Payment will be made as per actual
weight of material.

Transporting within 500 mtrs. and laying in position to the

correct line and level, M.S. specials with/without any out coating
such as distance pieces, straps, bends, tapers, per
specification on pedestals or chairs upon formation. The rate to
include loading, unloading, hoisting, marginal cutting wherever
required, assembling and tack-welding, complete directed by
Engineer-in -Charge. The diameter mentioned below shall be
considered as clear internal diamater of pipe

5 mm. to 8 mm thick plate.

51 R3-HE-2-8-a Upto 250 mm dia pipe Rs/Rmt Deleted
52 R3-HE-2-8-b Above 250 mm upto 500 mm dia pipe. Rs/Rmt Deleted
53 R3-HE-2-8-c Above 500 mm upto 750 mm dia pipe. Rs/Rmt Deleted
54 R3-HE-2-8-d Above 750 mm upto 1000 mm dia pipe. Rs/Rmt Deleted
55 R3-HE-2-8-e Above 1000 mm upto 1250 mm dia pipe. Rs/Rmt Deleted

9 Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation

HE Schedule of Rates 2023

Rate in Rs. (Excl.

Sr.No. Material Code Material Description Unit GST and other
1 2 3 4 5

Transporting within 500 meters, laying in position to the correct

line and level, M.S. pipes with/without any outcoating on
prepared bedding in trenches including marginal cutting
wherever required, assembling, tack welding the same. The rate
to include loading, unloading, hoisting, etc. complete as
specified and as directed by Engineer in Charge.

Above 5 mm Upto 8 mm thick plate.

56 R3-HE-2-9-a Upto 250 mm dia pipe Rs/Rmt Deleted
57 R3-HE-2-9-b Above 250 mm upto 500 mm dia pipe. Rs/Rmt Deleted
58 R3-HE-2-9-c Above 500 mm upto 750 mm dia pipe. Rs/Rmt Deleted
59 R3-HE-2-9-d Above 750 mm upto 1000 mm dia pipe. Rs/Rmt Deleted
60 R3-HE-2-9-e Above 1000 mm upto 1250 mm dia pipe. Rs/Rmt Deleted

Transporting within 500 meters, laying in position to the correct

line and level, M.S. pipes with/without any outcoating on
prepared bedding in trenches including marginal cutting
wherever required, assembling, tack welding the same. The rate
to include loading, unloading, hoisting, etc. complete as
specified and as directed by Engineer in Charge.

Above 8 mm Upto 12 mm thick plate.

61 R3-HE-2-10-a Above 750 mm upto 1000 mm dia pipe Rs/Rmt Deleted
62 R3-HE-2-10-b Above 1000 mm upto 1250 mm dia pipe. Rs/Rmt Deleted
63 R3-HE-2-10-c Above 1250 mm upto 1500 mm dia pipe. Rs/Rmt Deleted
64 R3-HE-2-10-d Above 1500 mm upto 1750 mm dia pipe. Rs/Rmt Deleted
65 R3-HE-2-10-e Above 1750 mm upto 2000 mm dia pipe. Rs/Rmt Deleted

Transporting within 500 mtrs. and laying in position to the

correct line and level, M.S. specials with/without any out coating
such as distance pieces, straps, bends, tapers, per
specification on pedestals or chairs upon formation. The rate to
include loading, unloading, hoisting, marginal cutting wherever
required, assembling and tack-welding, complete directed by
Engineer-in -Charge. The diameter mentioned below shall be
considered as clear internal diamater of pipe

Above 8 mm Upto 12 mm thick plate.

66 R3-HE-2-11-a Above 750 mm upto 1000 mm dia pipe Rs/Rmt Deleted
67 R3-HE-2-11-b Above 1000 mm upto 1250 mm dia pipe. Rs/Rmt Deleted
68 R3-HE-2-11-c Above 1250 mm upto 1500 mm dia pipe. Rs/Rmt Deleted

10 Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation

HE Schedule of Rates 2023

Rate in Rs. (Excl.

Sr.No. Material Code Material Description Unit GST and other
1 2 3 4 5
69 R3-HE-2-11-d Above 1500 mm upto 1750 mm dia pipe. Rs/Rmt Deleted
70 R3-HE-2-11-e Above 1750 mm upto 2000 mm dia pipe. Rs/Rmt Deleted

Field welding in all position with required number of runs, for

M.S. pipes internally and/or externally including gauzing
R3-HE-2-12 wherever necessary, fixing appurtenances and other accessories
in connection of pipe laying work as per specification etc
complete as specified and as directed by Engineer in Charge.

Butt Jointing
71 R3-HE-2-12-a 4 mm plate thickness Rs/Rmt 419.00
72 R3-HE-2-12-b 5 mm plate thickness Rs/Rmt 631.00
73 R3-HE-2-12-c 6 mm plate thickness Rs/Rmt 1388.00
74 R3-HE-2-12-d 7 mm plate thickness Rs/Rmt 1538.00
75 R3-HE-2-12-e 8 mm plate thickness Rs/Rmt 1838.00
76 R3-HE-2-12-f 10 mm plate thickness Rs/Rmt 2516.00
77 R3-HE-2-12-g 12 mm plate thickness Rs/Rmt 2444.00

Field welding in all position with required number of runs, for

M.S. pipes internally and/or externally including gauzing
R3-HE-2-13 wherever necessary, fixing appurtenances and other accessories
in connection of pipe laying work as per specification etc
complete as specified and as directed by Engineer in Charge.

Lap Jointing with convex fillet weld

78 R3-HE-2-13-a Leg length 5mm Rs/Rmt 509.00
79 R3-HE-2-13-b Leg length 6mm Rs/Rmt 654.00
80 R3-HE-2-13-c Leg length 8mm Rs/Rmt 872.00
81 R3-HE-2-13-d Leg length 10mm Rs/Rmt 850.00
82 R3-HE-2-13-e Leg length 12mm Rs/Rmt 1390.00

Gas cutting (either square cut or V cut) pipes, plates etc.

R3-HE-2-14 complete as specified and as directed by Engineer in Charge. of
following thickness
83 R3-HE-2-14-a up to 5 mm Rs/Rmt 267.00
84 R3-HE-2-14-b above 5 mm up to 10 mm Rs/Rmt 368.00
85 R3-HE-2-14-c above 10 mm up to 14 mm Rs/Rmt 462.00
86 R3-HE-2-14-d above 14 mm up to 18 mm Rs/Rmt 602.00
87 R3-HE-2-14-e above 18 mm up to 22 mm Rs/Rmt 872.00
88 R3-HE-2-14-f above 22 mm up to 25 mm Rs/Rmt 1175.00

R3-HE-2-15 Gas cutting holes up to 50 mm. dia. (for plugs) thickness of shell

11 Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation

HE Schedule of Rates 2023

Rate in Rs. (Excl.

Sr.No. Material Code Material Description Unit GST and other
1 2 3 4 5
89 R3-HE-2-15-a 5 mm to 12 mm Each 321.00
90 R3-HE-2-15-b above 12 mm Each 441.00

Providing and fixing MS frame and cover with its complete

assembly including supply and fixing of the same etc complete
for sluice valve, butterfly valves and kinetic air valves chambers
as directed and as specified by Engineer In charge. The MS plate
used for the cover shall be 20 mm thick. The new MS cover
shall have anti skid arrangement. The anti skid arrangement shall
91 R3-HE-2-16 Rs./Kg 86.00
be provided of 4mm thick MS flats of specified mm width and
300 mm center to center by continuous lap welding. \Following
are the Standard weights of MS frame and cover with its
complete assembly with anti skid arrangement. NOTE:
Tolerance of +/- 5% of mentioned standard weights acceptable.

Removing of existing MS frame and cover and replacing it with

new MS frame and cover with its complete assembly including
supply and fixing of the same etc complete as directed and
specified by Engineer In charge. The MS plate used for the
cover shall be 20 mm thick. The new MS cover shall have anti
92 R3-HE-2-17 skid arrangement. The anti skid arrangement shall be provided Rs./Kg 62.00
by welding 4mm thick MS flats of specified width and 300 mm
center to center.
Note : (1) Rebate for old removed MS frame and cover is
considered in this item. (2) Tolerance of +/- 5% of mentioned
standard weights shall be acceptable.

12 Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation

HE Schedule of Rates 2023

Rate in Rs. (Excl.

Sr.No. Material Code Material Description Unit GST and other
1 2 3 4 5

Mild Steel (M.S.) pipe sleeve confirming to jacking pipe,

fabricated in any ISI/ ISO certified company, from mild steel
plates of approved quality and thickness manufactured
confirming to IS 2062; supplied and installed to correct line and
grade by pipe jacking for providing water main by trenchless
technology etc. complete as per specifications and as directed by
R3-HE-2-18 the engineer in charge. The M.S. Plates shall bare corresponding
ISI mark. The items including marking, cutting, rolling, bending,
welding using automatic submerged arc type welding machine,
factory testing of pipes , loading at fabrication yards/ factory.
Each pipe shall be 3m long, fabricated as per IS:3589 and
suitable for 10 kg/cm2 working presuure (spirally welded pipes
fabricated from stripes are not acceptable.

93 R3-HE-2-18-a 1200 mm Dia - 16 mm thick Rmt 44180.00

94 R3-HE-2-18-b 1500 mm Dia - 20 mm thick Rmt 64221.00
95 R3-HE-2-18-c 1600 mm Dia - 22 mm thick Rmt 73900.00
96 R3-HE-2-18-d 1700 mm Dia - 22 mm thick Rmt 82210.00
Providing & Supplying, loading, transporting on site, unloading,
lowering in trenches, assembling and jointing mild steel pipes to
site of work fabricated in any ISI/ ISO certified company, from
mild steel plates of approved quality and thickness, confirming
to IS 3589 . The M.S plates shall be procured only from
Jindal,TATA mettalics,SAIL, ESSAR or Ispat Steel. The test
certificates and Challans from the manufacturer of plates shall
be submitted to the corporation. The item includes marking,
cutting, rolling bending, welding using automatic submerged arc
type welding machine, factory testing of pipes, loading at
R3-HE-2-19 fabrication yard/ factory transportation to site of work/ any
municipal store using truck/ trailer, unloading and stacking near
place of work etc complete as specified and as directed by
Engineer in Charge. . Each pipe shall be about 5 to 7.5 mtr.
long, fabricated as per IS:3589 and suitable for 10 kg/cm2
working pressure( spirally welded pipes fabricated from strips
are not acceptable). "No separate payment will be made for local
transport at Site."

97 R3-HE-2-19-a 80 mm. 6 mm thick Rmt 1071.00

98 R3-HE-2-19-b 100 mm. 6 mm thick Rmt 1314.00
99 R3-HE-2-19-c 150 mm. 6 mm thick Rmt 1925.00
100 R3-HE-2-19-d 225 mm-250 mm. 6 mm thick Rmt 3110.00
101 R3-HE-2-19-e 300 mm. 6 mm thick Rmt 3667.00

13 Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation

HE Schedule of Rates 2023

Rate in Rs. (Excl.

Sr.No. Material Code Material Description Unit GST and other
1 2 3 4 5
102 R3-HE-2-19-f 450 mm. 6 mm thick Rmt 5876.00
103 R3-HE-2-19-g 600 mm. 6 mm thick Rmt 7953.00
104 R3-HE-2-19-h 750 mm. 7 mm thick Rmt 11610.00
105 R3-HE-2-19-i 750 mm. 8 mm thick Rmt 12940.00
106 R3-HE-2-19-j 900 mm. 7 mm thick Rmt 13961.00
107 R3-HE-2-19-k 900 mm. 8 mm thick Rmt 15638.00
108 R3-HE-2-19-l 1200 mm. 8 mm thick Rmt 20890.00
109 R3-HE-2-19-m 1200 mm. 10 mm thick Rmt 25262.00
110 R3-HE-2-19-n 1200 mm. 12 mm thick Rmt 29513.00
111 R3-HE-2-19-o 1500 mm. 10 mm thick Rmt 30618.00
112 R3-HE-2-19-p 1500 mm. 12 mm thick Rmt 35915.00
113 R3-HE-2-19-q 600 mm. 8 mm thick Rmt 10090.00
114 R3-HE-2-19-r 600 mm. 10 mm thick Rmt 12240.00
115 R3-HE-2-19-s 750 mm. 10 mm thick Rmt 15613.00
116 R3-HE-2-19-t 900 mm. 10 mm thick Rmt 18748.00
117 R3-HE-2-19-u 900 mm. 12 mm thick Rmt 21955.00
118 R3-HE-2-19-v 1200 mm 16 mm thick Rmt 37924.00
119 R3-HE-2-19-w 1500 mm. 16 mm thick Rmt 46550.00
120 R3-HE-2-19-x 1500 mm. 20 mm thick Rmt 57237.00

14 Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation

HE Schedule of Rates 2023

Rate in Rs.
other Taxes)

1 2 3 4 5

Supplying, Loading, transporting on site, unloading, ISI mark

Glandless Doubled Flanged sluice valves of PN 1.0
conforming to IS - 14846 in Grey Cast Iron IS: 210-1978
FG-260 along with its complete appurtenances (i.e. including
R3-HE-3-1 two nos. of tail pieces) & nuts, bolts, washers, packings etc.,
stacking the same as directed on site/in store as directed by the
site Engineer for following diameters. Note : Sluice valves and
all other materials supplied shall be as per the acceptance
criteria of MCGM as given in specification.

1 R3-HE-3-1-a 80 mm. Each 11398.00

2 R3-HE-3-1-b 100 mm. Each 15624.00
3 R3-HE-3-1-c 125 mm. Each 23433.00
4 R3-HE-3-1-d 150 mm Each 25388.00
5 R3-HE-3-1-e 200 mm. Each 34022.00
6 R3-HE-3-1-f 250 mm. Each 55784.00
7 R3-HE-3-1-g 300 mm Each 70586.00

Supplying, Loading, transporting on site, unloading, ISI mark

Glandless Doubled Flanged sluice valves of PN 1.6
conforming to IS - 14846 in Grey Cast Iron IS: 210-1978
FG-260 along with its complete appurtenances (i.e. including
R3-HE-3-2 two nos. of tail pieces) & nuts, bolts, washers, packings etc.,
stacking the same as directed on site/in store as directed by the
site Engineer for following diameters. Note : (1) Sluice valves
and all other materials supplied shall be as per the acceptance
criteria of MCGM as given in specification.

8 R3-HE-3-2-a 80 mm. Each 13249.00

9 R3-HE-3-2-b 100 mm. Each 18212.00
10 R3-HE-3-2-c 125 mm. Each 27228.00
11 R3-HE-3-2-d 150 mm Each 27056.00
12 R3-HE-3-2-e 200 mm. Each 39772.00
13 R3-HE-3-2-f 250 mm. Each 65260.00
14 R3-HE-3-2-g 300 mm Each 62732.00

Page 15 Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation

HE Schedule of Rates 2023

Rate in Rs.
other Taxes)

1 2 3 4 5

Loading, transporting on site, unloading sluice valves with its

complete appurtenances & dismantling joints, nuts, bolts,
washers etc. from any municipal stores in Greater Mumbai,
R3-HE-3-3 stacking the same as directed on site, hoisting, lowering and
positioning the same in true plumb and level with tapers,
saddles, branches, flanges etc. on CI / DI or MS water mains
for following diameters.

15 R3-HE-3-3-a 80 mm. Each 2862.00

16 R3-HE-3-3-b 100 mm. Each 2862.00
17 R3-HE-3-3-c 125 mm. Each 2862.00
18 R3-HE-3-3-d 150 mm. Each 2862.00
19 R3-HE-3-3-e 200 mm. Each 5514.00
20 R3-HE-3-3-f 250 mm. Each 6487.00
21 R3-HE-3-3-g 300 mm. Each 6487.00

Supplying, Loading, transporting on site, unloading, ISI mark

Glandless, Double Flanged sluice valves of PN 1.0 conforming
to IS - 14846 in Grey Cast Iron IS: 210-1978
FG-260 without Bevel gear arrangement along with its
complete appurtenances (i.e. including two nos. of tail pieces)
& nuts, bolts, washers, packings etc., stacking the same as
directed on site, hoisting, lowering and positioning the same in
true plumb and level with tapers, saddles, flanges, etc. on CI /
DI or MS water mains and for PE pipes along with Long Neck
PE and flange for following diameters. Note : Sluice valves
and all other materials supplied shall be as per the acceptance
criteria of MCGM as given in specification.

22 R3-HE-3-4-a 80 mm. Each 13051.00

23 R3-HE-3-4-b 100 mm. Each 17278.00
24 R3-HE-3-4-c 125 mm. Each 25086.00
25 R3-HE-3-4-d 150 mm Each 27906.00
26 R3-HE-3-4-e 200 mm. Each 36525.00
27 R3-HE-3-4-f 250 mm. Each 59914.00
28 R3-HE-3-4-g 300 mm Each 74716.00

Page 16 Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation

HE Schedule of Rates 2023

Rate in Rs.
other Taxes)

1 2 3 4 5

Supplying, Loading, transporting on site, unloading, ISI mark

Glandless, Double Flanged sluice valves of PN 1.6 conforming
to IS - 14846 without Bevel gear arrangement along with its
complete appurtenances (i.e. including two nos. of tail pieces)
& nuts, bolts, washers, packings etc., stacking the same as
R3-HE-3-5 directed on site, hoisting, lowering and positioning the same in
true plumb and level with tapers, saddles, flanges, etc. on CI /
DI or MS water mains and for PE pipes along with Long Neck
PE and flange for following diameters. Note : (1) Sluice valves
and all other materials supplied shall be as per the acceptance
criteria of MCGM as given in specification.

29 R3-HE-3-5-a 80 mm. Each 14903.00

30 R3-HE-3-5-b 100 mm. Each 19865.00
31 R3-HE-3-5-c 125 mm. Each 28881.00
32 R3-HE-3-5-d 150 mm Each 29574.00
33 R3-HE-3-5-e 200 mm Each 42275.00
34 R3-HE-3-5-f 250 mm. Each 69390.00
35 R3-HE-3-5-g 300 mm. Each 66861.00

Supplying, Loading, transporting on site, unloading, ISI mark

Glandless, Double Flanged sluice valves of PN 1.0 conforming
to IS - 14846 in Grey Cast Iron IS: 210-1978
FG-260 without Bevel gear arrangement along with its
complete appurtenances (i.e. including two nos. of tail pieces)
& nuts, bolts, washers, packings etc., stacking the same as
directed on site, hoisting, lowering and positioning the same in
true plumb and level with tapers, saddles, flanges, etc. on live
mains on CI / DI or MS water mains and for PE pipes along
with Long Neck PE and flange for following diameters. Note :
Sluice valves and all other materials supplied shall be as per
the acceptance criteria of MCGM as given in specification.

36 R3-HE-3-6-a 80 mm. Each 17446.00

37 R3-HE-3-6-b 100 mm. Each 22053.00
38 R3-HE-3-6-c 125 mm. Each 29862.00
39 R3-HE-3-6-d 150 mm Each 35069.00
40 R3-HE-3-6-e 200 mm. Each 43689.00
41 R3-HE-3-6-f 250 mm. Each 68704.00
42 R3-HE-3-6-g 300 mm. Each 83506.00

Page 17 Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation

HE Schedule of Rates 2023

Rate in Rs.
other Taxes)

1 2 3 4 5

Supplying, Loading, transporting on site, unloading, ISI mark

Glandless, Double Flanged sluice valves of PN 1.6 conforming
to IS - 2906/ 14846 without Bevel gear arrangement along
with its complete appurtenances (i.e. including two nos. of tail
pieces) & nuts, bolts, washers, packings etc., stacking the same
as directed on site, hoisting, lowering and positioning the same
in true plumb and level with tapers, saddles, flanges, etc. on
live mains on CI / DI or MS water mains and for PE pipes
along with Long Neck PE and flange for following diameters.
Note : (1) Sluice valves and all other materials supplied shall
be as per the acceptance criteria of MCGM as given in

43 R3-HE-3-7-a 80 mm. Each 19297.00

44 R3-HE-3-7-b 100 mm. Each 24641.00
45 R3-HE-3-7-c 125 mm. Each 33657.00
46 R3-HE-3-7-d 150 mm Each 36738.00
47 R3-HE-3-7-e 200 mm Each 49439.00
48 R3-HE-3-7-f 250 mm. Each 78180.00
49 R3-HE-3-7-g 300 mm. Each 75651.00

Supplying, loading, transporting on site, unloading butterfly

valves of PN 1.0 conforming to AWWA C-504 in SGI- IS
1865(Grade 500/7) material with appurtenances and flange
adapters, nuts, bolts, washers, packings etc. stacking the same
R3-HE-3-8 as directed on site for following diameters. (Manually
operated). The flange adapter used here conforms to AWWA
C-219. Note : Butterfly valves, flange adapters and all other
materials shall be supplied as per the acceptance criteria of
MCGM as given in specification.

50 R3-HE-3-8-a 300 mm Each 141672.00

51 R3-HE-3-8-b 450 mm. Each 184095.00
52 R3-HE-3-8-c 600 mm. Each 231093.00
53 R3-HE-3-8-d 750 mm. Each 372533.00
54 R3-HE-3-8-e 900 mm. Each 506861.00
55 R3-HE-3-8-f 1200 mm. Each 1190981.00
56 R3-HE-3-8-g 1350 mm Each 1738412.00
57 R3-HE-3-8-h 1500 mm Each 2065467.00
58 R3-HE-3-8-i 1800 mm Each 3463412.00
59 R3-HE-3-8-j 2200 mm Each 6280912.00
60 R3-HE-3-8-k 2400 mm Each 7833412.00

Page 18 Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation

HE Schedule of Rates 2023

Rate in Rs.
other Taxes)

1 2 3 4 5

Supplying, loading, transporting on site, unloading butterfly

valves of PN 1.6 conforming to AWWA C-504 in SGI- IS
1865(Grade 500/7) material with appurtenances and flange
adapters, nuts, bolts, washers, packings etc. stacking the same
R3-HE-3-9 as directed on site for following diameters. (Manually
operated). The flange adapter used here conforms to AWWA
C-219. Note :(1) Butterfly valves, flange adapters and all other
materials shall be supplied as per the acceptance criteria of
MCGM as given in specification.

61 R3-HE-3-9-a 300 mm Each 185677.00

62 R3-HE-3-9-b 450 mm. Each 267182.00
63 R3-HE-3-9-c 600 mm. Each 382853.00
64 R3-HE-3-9-d 750 mm. Each 564456.00
65 R3-HE-3-9-e 900 mm. Each 772412.00
66 R3-HE-3-9-f 1200 mm. Each 1479662.00
67 R3-HE-3-9-g 1350 mm Each 1939662.00
68 R3-HE-3-9-h 1500 mm Each 2399662.00
69 R3-HE-3-9-i 1800 mm Each 3980912.00
70 R3-HE-3-9-j 2200 mm Each 6625912.00
71 R3-HE-3-9-k 2400 mm Each 8580912.00

Supplying, loading, transporting on site, unloading butterfly

valves of PN 1.0 conforming to AWWA C-504 in SGI- IS
1865(Grade 500/7) material with appurtenances stacking the
R3-HE-3-10 same as directed on site for following diameters. (Manually
operated) Note : Butterfly valves and all other materials shall
be supplied as per the acceptance criteria of MCGM as given

72 R3-HE-3-10-a 300 mm Each 95337.00

73 R3-HE-3-10-b 450 mm. Each 110639.00
74 R3-HE-3-10-c 600 mm. Each 151648.00
75 R3-HE-3-10-d 750 mm. Each 226548.00
76 R3-HE-3-10-e 900 mm. Each 298905.00
77 R3-HE-3-10-f 1200 mm. Each 874731.00
78 R3-HE-3-10-g 1350 mm Each 1192162.00
79 R3-HE-3-10-h 1500 mm Each 1404217.00
80 R3-HE-3-10-i 1800 mm Each 2687162.00
81 R3-HE-3-10-j 2200 mm Each 5073412.00
82 R3-HE-3-10-k 2400 mm Each 5993412.00

Page 19 Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation

HE Schedule of Rates 2023

Rate in Rs.
other Taxes)

1 2 3 4 5

Supplying, loading, transporting on site, unloading butterfly

valves of PN 1.6 conforming to AWWA C-504 in SGI- IS
1865(Grade 500/7) material with appurtenances stacking the
R3-HE-3-11 same as directed on site for following diameters. (Manually
operated). Note :(1) Butterfly valve and all other materials
shall be supplied as per the acceptance criteria of MCGM as
given in specification.

83 R3-HE-3-11-a 300 mm Each 133591.00

84 R3-HE-3-11-b 450 mm. Each 174177.00
85 R3-HE-3-11-c 600 mm. Each 267182.00
86 R3-HE-3-11-d 750 mm. Each 378221.00
87 R3-HE-3-11-e 900 mm. Each 552956.00
88 R3-HE-3-11-f 1200 mm. Each 1077162.00
89 R3-HE-3-11-g 1350 mm Each 1335912.00
90 R3-HE-3-11-h 1500 mm Each 1652162.00
91 R3-HE-3-11-i 1800 mm Each 3003412.00
92 R3-HE-3-11-j 2200 mm Each 5188412.00
93 R3-HE-3-11-k 2400 mm Each 6338412.00

Supplying, loading, transporting on site, unloading butterfly

valves of PN 1.0 conforming to AWWA C-504 in SGI- IS
1865(Grade 500/7) material with appurtenances and flange
adaptors, nuts, bolts, washers, packings etc. stacking the same
R3-HE-3-12 as directed on site for following diameters. (Electrically
operated). The flange adapter used here conforms to AWWA
C-219. Note : Butterfly valves, flange adaptors and all other
materials shall be supplied as per the acceptance criteria of
MCGM as given in the specification.

94 R3-HE-3-12-a 300 mm Each 341932.00

95 R3-HE-3-12-b 450 mm. Each 393171.00
96 R3-HE-3-12-c 600 mm. Each 482231.00
97 R3-HE-3-12-d 750 mm. Each 611412.00
98 R3-HE-3-12-e 900 mm. Each 795412.00
99 R3-HE-3-12-f 1200 mm. Each 1371860.00
100 R3-HE-3-12-g 1350 mm Each 1824662.00
101 R3-HE-3-12-h 1500 mm Each 2313412.00
102 R3-HE-3-12-i 1800 mm Each 3402230.00
103 R3-HE-3-12-j 2200 mm Each 6568412.00
104 R3-HE-3-12-k 2400 mm Each 8350912.00

Page 20 Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation

HE Schedule of Rates 2023

Rate in Rs.
other Taxes)

1 2 3 4 5

Supplying, loading, transporting on site, unloading butterfly

valves of PN 1.6 conforming to AWWA C-504 in SGI- IS
1865(Grade 500/7) material with appurtenances and flange
adaptors, nuts, bolts, washers, packings etc. stacking the same
R3-HE-3-13 as directed on site for following diameters. (Electrically
operated). The flange adapter used here conforms to AWWA
C-219. Note :(1) Butterfly valves, flange adapters and all other
materials shall be supplied as per the acceptance criteria of
MCGM as given in specification.

105 R3-HE-3-13-a 300 mm Each 359182.00

106 R3-HE-3-13-b 450 mm. Each 447221.00
107 R3-HE-3-13-c 600 mm. Each 564456.00
108 R3-HE-3-13-d 750 mm. Each 709162.00
109 R3-HE-3-13-e 900 mm. Each 887412.00
110 R3-HE-3-13-f 1200 mm. Each 1738412.00
111 R3-HE-3-13-g 1350 mm Each 2169662.00
112 R3-HE-3-13-h 1500 mm Each 2715912.00
113 R3-HE-3-13-i 1800 mm Each 4210912.00
114 R3-HE-3-13-j 2200 mm Each 6970912.00
115 R3-HE-3-13-k 2400 mm Each 8925912.00

Supplying, loading, transporting on site, unloading butterfly

valves of PN 1.0 conforming to AWWA C-504 in SGI- IS
1865(Grade 500/7) material with appurtenances stacking the
R3-HE-3-14 same as directed on site for following diameters. (Electrically
operated) Note : Butterfly valves and all other materials shall
be supplied as per the acceptance criteria of MCGM as given
in the specification.

116 R3-HE-3-14-a 300 mm Each 294591.00

117 R3-HE-3-14-b 450 mm. Each 317927.00
118 R3-HE-3-14-c 600 mm. Each 398985.00
119 R3-HE-3-14-d 750 mm. Each 457603.00
120 R3-HE-3-14-e 900 mm. Each 587456.00
121 R3-HE-3-14-f 1200 mm. Each 1055610.00
122 R3-HE-3-14-g 1350 mm Each 1278412.00
123 R3-HE-3-14-h 1500 mm Each 1652162.00
124 R3-HE-3-14-i 1800 mm Each 2625980.00
125 R3-HE-3-14-j 2200 mm Each 5360912.00
126 R3-HE-3-14-k 2400 mm Each 6510912.00

Page 21 Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation

HE Schedule of Rates 2023

Rate in Rs.
other Taxes)

1 2 3 4 5

Supplying, loading, transporting on site, unloading butterfly

valves of PN 1.6 conforming to AWWA C-504 in SGI- IS
1865(Grade 500/7) material with appurtenances stacking the
R3-HE-3-15 same as directed on site for following diameters. (Electrically
operated) Note : (1) Butterfly valves and all other materials
shall be supplied as per the acceptance criteria of MCGM as
given in the specification.

127 R3-HE-3-15-a 300 mm Each 306091.00

128 R3-HE-3-15-b 450 mm. Each 352427.00
129 R3-HE-3-15-c 600 mm. Each 444985.00
130 R3-HE-3-15-d 750 mm. Each 515103.00
131 R3-HE-3-15-e 900 mm. Each 667956.00
132 R3-HE-3-15-f 1200 mm. Each 1335912.00
133 R3-HE-3-15-g 1350 mm Each 1565912.00
134 R3-HE-3-15-h 1500 mm Each 1968412.00
135 R3-HE-3-15-i 1800 mm Each 3233412.00
136 R3-HE-3-15-j 2200 mm Each 5533412.00
137 R3-HE-3-15-k 2400 mm Each 6683412.00

Supplying, loading, transporting on site, unloading butterfly

valves of PN 1.0 conforming to AWWA C-504 in SGI- IS
1865(Grade 500/7) material with appurtenances and flange
adaptors, nuts, bolts, washers, packings etc. stacking the same
as directed on site, hoisting, lowering and positioning the same
in true plumb and level with tappers, saddles, branches flanges
etc. on CI / DI or MS water mains and for PE pipes along with
Long Neck PE and flange for following diameters. (Manually
operated). The flange adapter used here conforms to AWWA
C-219. Note : Butterfly valves, flange adaptors and all other
materials shall be supplied as per the acceptance criteria of
MCGM as given in specification.

138 R3-HE -3-16-a 300 mm Each 156632.00

139 R3-HE -3-16-b 450 mm. Each 198049.00
140 R3-HE -3-16-c 600 mm. Each 241847.00
141 R3-HE -3-16-d 750 mm. Each 383460.00
142 R3-HE -3-16-e 900 mm. Each 511844.00
143 R3-HE -3-16-f 1200 mm. Each 1196726.00
144 R3-HE -3-16-g 1350 mm Each 1747989.00
145 R3-HE -3-16-h 1500 mm Each 2075043.00
146 R3-HE -3-16-i 1800 mm Each 3478736.00
147 R3-HE -3-16-j 2200 mm Each 6296236.00

Page 22 Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation

HE Schedule of Rates 2023

Rate in Rs.
other Taxes)

1 2 3 4 5
148 R3-HE -3-16-k 2400 mm Each 7848736.00

Supplying, loading, transporting on site, unloading butterfly

valves of PN 1.6 conforming to AWWA C-504 in SGI- IS
1865(Grade 500/7) material with appurtenances and flange
adaptors, nuts, bolts, washers, packings etc. stacking the same
as directed on site, hoisting, lowering and positioning the same
in true plumb and level with tappers, saddles, branches flanges
etc. on CI / DI or MS water mains and for PE pipes along with
Long Neck PE and flange for following diameters. (Manually
operated). The flange adapter used here conforms to AWWA
C-219. Note : (1) Butterfly valves, flange adaptors and all
other materials shall be supplied as per the acceptance criteria
of MCGM as given in specification.

149 R3-HE-3-17-a 300 mm Each 198106.00

150 R3-HE-3-17-b 450 mm. Each 281136.00
151 R3-HE-3-17-c 600 mm. Each 396136.00
152 R3-HE-3-17-d 750 mm. Each 575383.00
153 R3-HE-3-17-e 900 mm. Each 777395.00
154 R3-HE-3-17-f 1200 mm. Each 1485407.00
155 R3-HE-3-17-g 1350 mm Each 1345489.00
156 R3-HE-3--h 1500 mm Each 1647016.00
157 R3-HE-3-17-i 1800 mm Each 2999761.00
158 R3-HE-3-17-j 2200 mm Each 6641236.00
159 R3-HE-3-17-k 2400 mm Each 8596236.00

Supplying, loading, transporting on site, unloading butterfly

valves of PN 1.0 conforming to AWWA C-504 in SGI- IS
1865(Grade 500/7) material with appurtenances and flange
adaptors, nuts, bolts, washers, packings etc. stacking the same
as directed on site, hoisting, lowering and positioning the same
R3-HE-3-18 in true plumb and level with tappers, saddles, branches flanges
etc. on CI / DI or MS water mains and for PE pipes along with
Long Neck PE and flange for following diameters.
(Electrically operated) Note : Butterfly valves, flange adaptors
and all other materials shall be supplied as per the acceptance
criteria of MCGM as given in specification

160 R3-HE-3-18-a 300 mm Each 353356.00

161 R3-HE-3-18-b 450 mm. Each 402806.00

Page 23 Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation

HE Schedule of Rates 2023

Rate in Rs.
other Taxes)

1 2 3 4 5
162 R3-HE-3-18-c 600 mm. Each 489631.00
163 R3-HE-3-18-d 750 mm. Each 615633.00
164 R3-HE-3-18-e 900 mm. Each 800395.00
165 R3-HE-3-18-f 1200 mm. Each 1379540.00
166 R3-HE-3-18-g 1350 mm Each 1836560.00
167 R3-HE-3-18-h 1500 mm Each 2325310.00
168 R3-HE-3-18-i 1800 mm Each 3420456.00
169 R3-HE-3-18-j 2200 mm Each 6586638.00
170 R3-HE-3-18-k 2400 mm Each 8369138.00

Supplying, loading, transporting on site, unloading butterfly

valves of PN 1.6 conforming to AWWA C-504 in SGI- IS
1865(Grade 500/7) material with appurtenances and flange
adaptors, nuts, bolts, washers, packings etc. stacking the same
as directed on site, hoisting, lowering and positioning the same
in true plumb and level with tappers, saddles, branches flanges
etc. on CI / DI or MS water mains and for PE pipes along with
Long Neck PE and flange for following diameters.
(Electrically operated). The flange adapter used here
conforms to AWWA C-219. Note : (1) Butterfly valves, flange
adaptors and all other materials shall be supplied as per the
acceptance criteria of MCGM as given in specification.

171 R3-HE-3-19-a 300 mm Each 370606.00

172 R3-HE-3-19-b 450 mm. Each 456856.00
173 R3-HE-3-19-c 600 mm. Each 571856.00
174 R3-HE-3-19-d 750 mm. Each 713383.00
175 R3-HE-3-19-e 900 mm. Each 892395.00
176 R3-HE-3-19-f 1200 mm. Each 1746092.00
177 R3-HE-3-19-g 1350 mm Each 2181560.00
178 R3-HE-3-19-h 1500 mm Each 2727810.00
179 R3-HE-3-19-i 1800 mm Each 4229138.00
180 R3-HE-3-19-j 2200 mm Each 6989138.00
181 R3-HE-3-19-k 2400 mm Each 8944138.00

Page 24 Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation

HE Schedule of Rates 2023

Rate in Rs.
other Taxes)

1 2 3 4 5

Supplying, loading, transporting on site, unloading butterfly

valves of PN 1.0 conforming to AWWA C-504 in SGI- IS
1865(Grade 500/7) material with appurtenances, nuts, bolts,
washers, packings etc. stacking the same as directed on site,
hoisting, lowering and positioning the same in true plumb and
level with tappers, saddles, branches flanges etc. on CI / DI or
MS water mains and for PE pipes along with Long Neck PE
and flange (Manually operated). Note : Butterfly valves and
all other materials shall be supplied as per the acceptance
criteria of MCGM as given in specification.

182 R3-HE-3-20-a 300 mm Each 108102.00

183 R3-HE-3-20-b 450 mm. Each 123069.00
184 R3-HE-3-20-c 600 mm. Each 163072.00
185 R3-HE-3-20-d 750 mm. Each 240472.00
186 R3-HE-3-20-e 900 mm. Each 310594.00
187 R3-HE-3-20-f 1200 mm. Each 881648.00
188 R3-HE-3-20-g 1350 mm Each 1199842.00
189 R3-HE-3-20-h 1500 mm Each 1416115.00
190 R3-HE-3-20-i 1800 mm Each 2699060.00
191 R3-HE-3-20-j 2200 mm Each 5091638.00
192 R3-HE-3-20-k 2400 mm Each 6011638.00

Supplying, loading, transporting on site, unloading butterfly

valves of PN 1.6 conforming to AWWA C-504 in SGI- IS
1865(Grade 500/7) material with appurtenances, nuts, bolts,
washers, packings etc. stacking the same as directed on site,
hoisting, lowering and positioning the same in true plumb and
level with tappers, saddles, branches flanges etc. on CI / DI or
MS water mains and for PE pipes along with Long Neck PE
and flange (Manually operated) Note : (1) Butterfly valves
and all other materials shall be supplied as per the acceptance
criteria of MCGM as given in specification.

193 R3-HE-3-21-a 300 mm Each 146356.00

194 R3-HE-3-21-b 450 mm. Each 186606.00
195 R3-HE-3-21-c 600 mm. Each 278606.00
196 R3-HE-3-21-d 750 mm. Each 392145.00
197 R3-HE-3-21-e 900 mm. Each 564645.00
198 R3-HE-3-21-f 1200 mm. Each 1084080.00
199 R3-HE-3-21-g 1350 mm Each 1343592.00

Page 25 Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation

HE Schedule of Rates 2023

Rate in Rs.
other Taxes)

1 2 3 4 5
200 R3-HE-3-21-h 1500 mm Each 1664060.00
201 R3-HE-3-21-i 1800 mm Each 3015310.00
202 R3-HE-3-21-j 2200 mm Each 5206638.00
203 R3-HE-3-21-k 2400 mm Each 6356638.00

Supplying, loading, transporting on site, unloading butterfly

valves of PN 1.0 conforming to AWWA C-504 in SGI- IS
1865(Grade 500/7) material with appurtenances, nuts, bolts,
washers, packings etc. stacking the same as directed on site,
hoisting, lowering and positioning the same in true plumb and
level with tappers, saddles, branches flanges etc. on CI / DI or
MS water mains and for PE pipes along with Long Neck PE
and flange (Electrically operated). Note : Butterfly valves and
all other materials shall be supplied as per the acceptance
criteria of MCGM as given in specification.

204 R3-HE-3-22-a 300 mm Each 307356.00

205 R3-HE-3-22-b 450 mm. Each 330356.00
206 R3-HE-3-22-c 600 mm. Each 410856.00
207 R3-HE-3-22-d 750 mm. Each 472645.00
208 R3-HE-3-22-e 900 mm. Each 599145.00
209 R3-HE-3-22-f 1200 mm. Each 1062528.00
210 R3-HE-3-22-g 1350 mm Each 1286092.00
211 R3-HE-3-22-h 1500 mm Each 1664060.00
212 R3-HE-3-22-i 1800 mm Each 2637878.00
213 R3-HE-3-22-j 2200 mm Each 5379138.00
214 R3-HE-3-22-k 2400 mm Each 6529138.00

Supplying, loading, transporting on site, unloading butterfly

valves of PN 1.6 conforming to AWWA C-504 in SGI- IS
1865(Grade 500/7) material with appurtenances, nuts, bolts,
washers, packings etc. stacking the same as directed on site,
hoisting, lowering and positioning the same in true plumb and
R3-HE-3-23 level with tappers, saddles, branches flanges etc. on CI / DI or
MS water mains and for PE pipes along with Long Neck PE
and flange (Electrically operated). The flange adapter used
here conforms to AWWA C-219. Note : (1) Butterfly valves
and all other materials shall be supplied as per the acceptance
criteria of MCGM as given in specification.

215 R3-HE-3-23-a 300 mm Each 318856.00

Page 26 Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation

HE Schedule of Rates 2023

Rate in Rs.
other Taxes)

1 2 3 4 5
216 R3-HE-3-23-b 450 mm. Each 364856.00
217 R3-HE-3-23-c 600 mm. Each 456856.00
218 R3-HE-3-23-d 750 mm. Each 526466.00
219 R3-HE-3-23-e 900 mm. Each 675966.00
220 R3-HE-3-23-f 1200 mm. Each 1342830.00
221 R3-HE-3-23-g 1350 mm Each 1572830.00
222 R3-HE-3-23-h 1500 mm Each 1980310.00
223 R3-HE-3-23-i 1800 mm Each 3245310.00
224 R3-HE-3-23-j 2200 mm Each 5551638.00
225 R3-HE-3-23-k 2400 mm Each 6701638.00

Supplying, loading, transporting on site, unloading Flange

Adapter of PN 1.0 conforming AWWA C-219 with
appurtenances, nuts, bolts, washers, packings etc. stacking the
same as directed on site for following diameters.

226 R3-HE-3-24-a 300 mm Each 47265.00

227 R3-HE-3-24-b 450 mm. Each 73715.00
228 R3-HE-3-24-c 600 mm. Each 80040.00
229 R3-HE-3-24-d 750 mm. Each 145331.00
230 R3-HE-3-24-e 900 mm. Each 202831.00
231 R3-HE-3-24-f 1200 mm. Each 318358.00
232 R3-HE-3-24-g 1350 mm Each 549413.00
233 R3-HE-3-24-h 1500 mm Each 667575.00
234 R3-HE-3-24-i 1800 mm Each 788900.00
235 R3-HE-3-24-j 2200 mm Each 1220150.00
236 R3-HE-3-24-k 2400 mm Each 1852650.00

Supplying, loading, transporting on site, unloading flange

adaptors of PN 1.6 conforming to AWWA C-219 with
appurtenances nuts, bolts, washers, packings etc. stacking the
same as directed on site for following diameters. (Manually
operated). Note: This Flange Adaptors shall be used at critical
location only with prior sanction of Competent Authority
237 R3-HE-3-25-a 300 mm Each 53015.00
238 R3-HE-3-25-b 450 mm. Each 93265.00
239 R3-HE-3-25-c 600 mm. Each 116265.00
240 R3-HE-3-25-d 750 mm. Each 185581.00
241 R3-HE-3-25-e 900 mm. Each 214331.00
242 R3-HE-3-25-f 1200 mm. Each 404608.00
243 R3-HE-3-25-g 1350 mm Each 606913.00
244 R3-HE-3-25-h 1500 mm Each 753825.00

Page 27 Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation

HE Schedule of Rates 2023

Rate in Rs.
other Taxes)

1 2 3 4 5
245 R3-HE-3-25-i 1800 mm Each 990150.00
246 R3-HE-3-25-j 2200 mm Each 1450150.00
247 R3-HE-3-25-k 2400 mm Each 2255150.00

Supplying, loading, transporting on site, unloading flange

adaptors of PN 1.0 conforming AWWA C-219 with
appurtenances, nuts, bolts, washers, packings etc. stacking the
same as directed on site, hoisting, lowering and positioning the
same in true plumb and level with tappers, saddles, branches
flanges etc. on CI / DI or MS water mains and for PE pipes
248 R3-HE-3-26-a 300 mm Each 54054.00
249 R3-HE-3-26-b 450 mm. Each 80504.00
250 R3-HE-3-26-c 600 mm. Each 90857.00
251 R3-HE-3-26-d 750 mm. Each 155832.00
252 R3-HE-3-26-e 900 mm. Each 213332.00
253 R3-HE-3-26-f 1200 mm. Each 328332.00
254 R3-HE-3-26-g 1350 mm Each 558332.00
255 R3-HE-3-26-h 1500 mm Each 677359.00
256 R3-HE-3-26-i 1800 mm Each 792359.00
257 R3-HE-3-26-j 2200 mm Each 1223609.00
258 R3-HE-3-26-k 2400 mm Each 1856109.00

Supplying, loading, transporting on site, unloading flange

adaptors of PN 1.6 with appurtenances, nuts, bolts, washers,
packings etc. stacking the same as directed on site, hoisting,
lowering and positioning the same in true plumb and level
R3-HE-3-27 with tappers, saddles, branches flanges etc. on CI / DI or MS
water mains and for PE pipes. conforming to AWWA C-219.
Note: This Flange Adaptors shall be used at critical location
only with prior sanction of Competent Authority

259 R3-HE-3-27-a 300 mm Each 59804.00

260 R3-HE-3-27-b 450 mm. Each 100054.00
261 R3-HE-3-27-c 600 mm. Each 127082.00
262 R3-HE-3-27-d 750 mm. Each 196082.00
263 R3-HE-3-27-e 900 mm. Each 224832.00
264 R3-HE-3-27-f 1200 mm. Each 414582.00
265 R3-HE-3-27-g 1350 mm Each 615832.00
266 R3-HE-3-27-h 1500 mm Each 763609.00
267 R3-HE-3-27-i 1800 mm Each 993609.00
268 R3-HE-3-27-j 2200 mm Each 1453609.00
269 R3-HE-3-27-k 2400 mm Each 2258609.00

Page 28 Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation

HE Schedule of Rates 2023

Rate in Rs.
other Taxes)

1 2 3 4 5
Supplying, transporting unloading on site Tamper proof
Kinetic Air valves of PN 1.0 in Gray Cast Iron IS 210 FG 260
with nuts, bolts, washers etc stacking the same as directed on
site/ in store as directed by the site engineer. Note : Kinetic air
valves and all other materials shall be supplied as per the
acceptance criteria of MCGM as given in specification.
270 R3-HE-3-28-a 50 mm. Each 20204.00
271 R3-HE-3-28-b 80 mm. Each 21848.00
272 R3-HE-3-28-c 100 mm Each 26281.00
273 R3-HE-3-28-d 150 mm. Each 47964.00
274 R3-HE-3-28-e 200 mm. Each 44883.00

Supplying, transporting unloading on site Tamper proof

Kinetic Air valves of PN 1.6 in Gray Cast Iron IS 210 FG 260
with nuts, bolts, washers etc stacking the same as directed on
site/ in store as directed by the site engineer. Note : Kinetic air
valves and all other materials shall be supplied as per the
acceptance criteria of MCGM as given in specification.
275 R3-HE-3-29-a 50 mm . Each 14749.00
276 R3-HE-3-29-b 80 mm. Each 20065.00
277 R3-HE-3-29-c 100 mm Each 25023.00
278 R3-HE-3-29-d 150 mm. Each 45648.00
279 R3-HE-3-29-e 200 mm. Each 44883.00

Supplying, transporting on site and fixing Tamper proof

Kinetic Air valves of PN 1.0 in Gray Cast Iron IS 210 FG 260
conforming to AWWA C-512 with sluice valves (double port)
with nuts, bolts, washers etc.including making holes in the
main and fixing saddle pieces,etc.complete. Note : Kinetic air
valves with sluice valves (double port) and all other materials
shall be supplied as per the acceptance criteria of MCGM as
given in specification

280 R3-HE-3-30-a 50 mm . Each 38323.00

271 R3-HE-3-30-b 80 mm. Each 40600.00
282 R3-HE-3-30-c 100 mm Each 48648.00
283 R3-HE-3-30-d 150 mm. Each 78381.00
284 R3-HE-3-30-e 200 mm. Each 83097.00

Page 29 Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation

HE Schedule of Rates 2023

Rate in Rs.
other Taxes)

1 2 3 4 5

Supplying, transporting on site and fixing Tamper proof

Kinetic Air valves of PN 1.6 in Gray Cast Iron IS 210 FG 260
conforming to AWWA C-512 with sluice valves (double port)
with nuts, bolts, washers etc.including making holes in the
main and fixing saddle pieces,etc.complete. Note : (1) Kinetic
air valves with sluice valves (double port) and all other
materials shall be supplied as per the acceptance criteria of
MCGM as given in specification.

285 R3-HE-3-31-a 50 mm . Each 34593.00

286 R3-HE-3-31-b 80 mm. Each 40668.00
287 R3-HE-3-31-c 100 mm Each 49977.00
288 R3-HE-3-31-d 150 mm. Each 77733.00
289 R3-HE-3-31-e 200 mm. Each 88847.00

Supply of ISI mark Glandless Doubled Flanged sluice valves

of PN 1.0 in Gray Cast Iron IS 210 FG 260 conforming to IS -
14846 along with its complete appurtenances & nuts, bolts,
washers, packings etc., for following diameters. Note : Sluice
valves and all other materials supplied shall be as per the
acceptance criteria of MCGM as given in specification. This
item is to be used only after prior approval of Dy Che. Eng
H.E & concerned AMCP.

290 R3-HE-3-32-a 80 mm. Each DELETED

291 R3-HE-3-32-b 100 mm. Each DELETED
292 R3-HE-3-32-c 125 mm. Each DELETED
293 R3-HE-3-32-d 150 mm Each DELETED
294 R3-HE-3-32-e 200 mm Each DELETED
295 R3-HE-3-32-f 250 mm. Each DELETED
296 R3-HE-3-32-g 300 mm. Each DELETED

Supply of ISI mark Glandless Doubled Flanged sluice valves

of PN 1.6 in Gray Cast Iron IS 210 FG 260 conforming to IS -
14846 along with its complete appurtenances & nuts, bolts,
washers, packings etc., for following diameters. Note : Sluice
valves and all other materials supplied shall be as per the
acceptance criteria of MCGM as given in specification. This
item is to be used only after prior approval of Dy Che. Eng
H.E & concerned AMCP.

Page 30 Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation

HE Schedule of Rates 2023

Rate in Rs.
other Taxes)

1 2 3 4 5
297 R3-HE-3-33-a 80 mm. Each DELETED
298 R3-HE-3-33-b 100 mm. Each DELETED
299 R3-HE-3-33-c 125 mm. Each DELETED
300 R3-HE-3-33-d 150 mm Each DELETED
301 R3-HE-3-33-e 200 mm Each DELETED
302 R3-HE-3-33-f 250 mm. Each DELETED
303 R3-HE-3-33-g 300 mm. Each DELETED

Supply of butterfly valves of PN 1.0 conforming to AWWA C-

504 in SGI- IS 1865(Grade 500/7) material with appurtenances
, nuts, bolts, washers, packings etc. for following diameters.
R3-HE-3-34 (Manually operated). Note : Butterfly valves and all other
materials shall be supplied as per the acceptance criteria of
MCGM as given in specification. This item is to be used only
after prior approval of Dy Che. Eng H.E & concerned AMCP.

304 R3-HE-3-34-a 300 mm Each DELETED

305 R3-HE-3-34-b 450 mm. Each DELETED
306 R3-HE-3-34-c 600 mm. Each DELETED
307 R3-HE-3-34-d 750 mm. Each DELETED
308 R3-HE-3-34-e 900 mm. Each DELETED
309 R3-HE-3-34-f 1200 mm. Each DELETED
310 R3-HE-3-34-g 1350 mm Each DELETED
311 R3-HE-3-34-h 1500 mm Each DELETED
312 R3-HE-3-34-i 1800 mm Each DELETED
313 R3-HE-3-34-j 2200 mm Each DELETED
314 R3-HE-3-34-k 2400 mm Each DELETED

Supply of butterfly valves of PN 1.6 conforming to AWWA C-

504 in SGI- IS 1865(Grade 500/7) material with appurtenances
and flange adapters, nuts, bolts, washers, packings etc. for
following diameters. (Manually operated). Note :(1) Butterfly
valve and all other materials shall be supplied as per the
acceptance criteria of MCGM as given in specification. This
item is to be used only after prior approval of Dy Che. Eng
H.E & concerned AMCP.

315 R3-HE-3-35-a 300 mm Each DELETED

316 R3-HE-3-35-b 450 mm. Each DELETED
317 R3-HE-3-35-c 600 mm. Each DELETED
318 R3-HE-3-35-d 750 mm. Each DELETED

Page 31 Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation

HE Schedule of Rates 2023

Rate in Rs.
other Taxes)

1 2 3 4 5
319 R3-HE-3-35-e 900 mm. Each DELETED
320 R3-HE-3-35-f 1200 mm. Each DELETED
321 R3-HE-3-35-g 1350 mm Each DELETED
322 R3-HE-3-35-h 1500 mm Each DELETED
323 R3-HE-3-35-i 1800 mm Each DELETED
324 R3-HE-3-35-j 2200 mm Each DELETED
325 R3-HE-3-35-k 2400 mm Each DELETED

Supplying of butterfly valves of PN 1.0 conforming to

AWWA C-504 in SGI- IS 1865(Grade 500/7) material with
appurtenances , nuts, bolts, washers, packings etc. for
following diameters. (Electrically operated). Note : Butterfly
valves and all other materials shall be supplied as per the
acceptance criteria of MCGM as given in specification. This
item is to be used only after prior approval of Dy Che. Eng
H.E & concerned AMCP.
326 R3-HE-3-36-a 300 mm Each DELETED
327 R3-HE-3-36-b 450 mm. Each DELETED
328 R3-HE-3-36-c 600 mm. Each DELETED
329 R3-HE-3-36-d 750 mm. Each DELETED
330 R3-HE-3-36-e 900 mm. Each DELETED
331 R3-HE-3-36-f 1200 mm. Each DELETED
332 R3-HE-3-36-g 1350 mm Each DELETED
333 R3-HE-3-36-h 1500 mm Each DELETED
334 R3-HE-3-36-i 1800 mm Each DELETED
335 R3-HE-3-36-j 2200 mm Each DELETED
336 R3-HE-3-36-k 2400 mm Each DELETED

Supply of butterfly valves of PN 1.6 conforming to AWWA C-

504 in SGI- IS 1865(Grade 500/7) material with appurtenances
and flange adapters, nuts, bolts, washers, packings etc. for
following diameters. (Electrically operated). Note :(1)
Butterfly valve and all other materials shall be supplied as per
the acceptance criteria of MCGM as given in specification.
This item is to be used only after prior approval of Dy Che.
Eng H.E & concerned AMCP.

337 R3-HE-3-37-a 300 mm Each DELETED

338 R3-HE-3-37-b 450 mm. Each DELETED
339 R3-HE-3-37-c 600 mm. Each DELETED
340 R3-HE-3-37-d 750 mm. Each DELETED
341 R3-HE-3-37-e 900 mm. Each DELETED

Page 32 Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation

HE Schedule of Rates 2023

Rate in Rs.
other Taxes)

1 2 3 4 5
342 R3-HE-3-37-f 1200 mm. Each DELETED
343 R3-HE-3-37-g 1350 mm Each DELETED
344 R3-HE-3-37-h 1500 mm Each DELETED
345 R3-HE-3-37-i 1800 mm Each DELETED
346 R3-HE-3-37-j 2200 mm Each DELETED
347 R3-HE-3-37-k 2400 mm Each DELETED

Supply of Tamper proof Kinetic Air valves of PN 1.0 in Gray

Cast Iron IS 210 FG 260 with nuts, bolts, washers etc. Note :
Kinetic air valves and all other materials shall be supplied as
per the acceptance criteria of MCGM as given in specification.
This item is to be used only after prior approval of Dy Che.
Eng H.E & concerned AMCP.

348 R3-HE-3-38-a 50 mm . Each DELETED

349 R3-HE-3-38-b 80 mm. Each DELETED
350 R3-HE-3-38-c 100 mm Each DELETED
351 R3-HE-3-38-d 150 mm. Each DELETED
352 R3-HE-3-38-e 200 mm. Each DELETED

Supply of Tamper proof Kinetic Air valves of PN 1.6 in Gray

Cast Iron IS 210 FG 260 with nuts, bolts, washers etc. Note :
Kinetic air valves and all other materials shall be supplied as
per the acceptance criteria of MCGM as given in specification.
This item is to be used only after prior approval of Dy Che.
Eng H.E & concerned AMCP.

353 R3-HE-3-39-a 50 mm . Each DELETED

354 R3-HE-3-39-b 80 mm. Each DELETED
355 R3-HE-3-39-c 100 mm Each DELETED
356 R3-HE-3-39-d 150 mm. Each DELETED
357 R3-HE-3-39-e 200 mm. Each DELETED

Page 33 Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation

HE Schedule of Rates 2023

Rate in Rs.
other Taxes)

1 2 3 4 5

Making connection on live CI/DI main of various sizes

including cutting of pipes with pipe cutting machine, providing
& fixing, DI pipe upto 1 M. length of distance peice on live
main , specials such as tee & collar,jointing the pipes with
mechanical joint as per IS 13382 / 1992 sealing with rubber
gasket of SBR, with cast iron follower gland and mild steel zinc
coated nut bolts suitable for CI/DI pipe, pumping out body
water, etc complete in all respect as directed by Engineer in
Charge Note : (1) The required excavation, shoring,
encasement in cement concrete, any pipe/specials/sluice valve
provided beyond Tee will be paid separately under relevant
items. Note : (2) Rebate for salvation cost of old pipe has been
considered and old pipes shall be removed by the contractors as

1 R3-HE-4-1-a 80 mm x 80 mm connection Each 7906.00

2 R3-HE-4-1-b 100 mm x 80 mm connection Each 8363.00
3 R3-HE-4-1-c 100 mm x 100 mm connection Each 8775.00
4 R3-HE-4-1-d 150 mm x 80 mm connection Each 10456.00
5 R3-HE-4-1-e 150 mm x 100 mm connection Each 9108.00
6 R3-HE-4-1-f 150 mm x 150 mm connection Each 11658.00
7 R3-HE-4-1-g 250 mm x 80 mm connection Each 17194.00
8 R3-HE-4-1-h 250 mm x 100 mm connection Each 17263.00
9 R3-HE-4-1-i 250 mm x 150 mm connection Each 17797.00
10 R3-HE-4-1-j 250 mm x 250 mm connection Each 19697.00
11 R3-HE-4-1-k 300 mm x 80 mm connection Each 22337.00
12 R3-HE-4-1-l 300 mm x 100 mm connection Each 22560.00
13 R3-HE-4-1-m 300 mm x 150 mm connection Each 23941.00
14 R3-HE-4-1-n 300 mm x 250 mm connection Each 26365.00
15 R3-HE-4-1-o 300 mm x 300 mm connection Each 28553.00

Making connection on live CI/DI main of various sizes

including cutting of pipes with pipe cutting machine, providing
& fixing, DI pipe upto 1 M. length of distance peice on live
main , specials such as tee & collar. (suitable for lead joint),
jointing the pipes with lead joint and removing body water etc
R3-HE-4-2 complete in all respect as directed by Engineer in Charge. Note :
(1) The required excavation, shoring, encasement in cement
concrete, any pipe/specials/sluice valve provided beyond Tee
will be paid separately under relevant items. Note : (2) Rebate
for salvation cost of old pipe has been considered and old pipes
shall be removed by the contractors as directed.

16 R3-HE-4-2-a 80 mm x 80 mm, Each 9720.00

17 R3-HE-4-2-b 100 mm x 100 mm, Each 10857.00
34 Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation
HE Schedule of Rates 2023

Rate in Rs.
other Taxes)

1 2 3 4 5
18 R3-HE-4-2-c 150 mm x 80 mm, Each 12581.00
19 R3-HE-4-2-d 150 mm x 100 mm, Each 12460.00
20 R3-HE-4-2-e 150 mm x 150 mm, Each 14788.00
21 R3-HE-4-2-f 250 mm x 80 mm, Each 21445.00
22 R3-HE-4-2-g 250 mm x 100 mm, Each 21704.00
23 R3-HE-4-2-h 250 mm x 150 mm, Each 22410.00
24 R3-HE-4-2-i 250 mm x 250 mm, Each 24074.00
25 R3-HE-4-2-j 300 mm x 80 mm, Each 28531.00
26 R3-HE-4-2-k 300 mm x 100 mm, Each 28708.00
27 R3-HE-4-2-l 300 mm x 150 mm, Each 29334.00
28 R3-HE-4-2-m 300 mm x 250 mm, Each 31160.00
29 R3-HE-4-2-n 300 mm x 300 mm Each 32090.00

Making connection on live CI/DI water main of various sizes,

including cutting of pipes with cutting machine, providing &
fixing, DI pipe upto 1 M. length of branch pipe, specials such as
saddles, bends, distance pieces, flanges, collars etc. (suitable for
R3-HE-4-3 lead joint), jointing the pipes with lead joint and pumping out
body water etc complete in all respect as directed by Engineer in
Charge. Note : (1) The required excavation, shoring, encasement
in cement concrete & sluice valve will be paid separately under
relevant items.

30 R3-HE-4-3-a 450 mm x 80 mm Each 19337.00

31 R3-HE-4-3-b 450 mm x 100 mm Each 21227.00
32 R3-HE-4-3-c 450 mm x 150 mm Each 26589.00
33 R3-HE-4-3-d 600 mm x 80 mm Each 19384.00
34 R3-HE-4-3-e 600 mm x 100 mm Each 21299.00
35 R3-HE-4-3-f 600 mm x 150 mm Each 26693.00
36 R3-HE-4-3-g 600 mm x 250 mm Each 39603.00
37 R3-HE-4-3-h 750 mm x 80 mm Each 25615.00
38 R3-HE-4-3-i 750 mm x 100 mm Each 27562.00
39 R3-HE-4-3-j 750 mm x 150 mm Each 33015.00
40 R3-HE-4-3-k 750 mm x 250 mm Each 47885.00
41 R3-HE-4-3-l 750 mm x 300 mm Each 55360.00
42 R3-HE-4-3-m 900 mm x 80 mm Each 32776.00
43 R3-HE-4-3-n 900 mm x 100 mm Each 34747.00
44 R3-HE-4-3-o 900 mm x 150 mm Each 40232.00
45 R3-HE-4-3-p 900 mm x 250 mm Each 53760.00
46 R3-HE-4-3-q 900 mm x 300 mm Each 61268.00
47 R3-HE-4-3-r 1200 mm x 80 mm Each 39400.00
48 R3-HE-4-3-s 1200 mm x 100 mm Each 41427.00
49 R3-HE-4-3-t 1200 mm x 150 mm Each 46242.00
50 R3-HE-4-3-u 1200 mm x 250 mm Each 59964.00
51 R3-HE-4-3-v 1200 mm x 300 mm Each 67575.00
52 R3-HE-4-3-w 1200 mm x 450 mm Each 114564.00
35 Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation
HE Schedule of Rates 2023

Rate in Rs.
other Taxes)

1 2 3 4 5

Making connection on live CI/DI water main of various sizes,

including cutting of pipes with cutting machine, providing &
fixing DI pipe upto 1 M. length, specials such as tees, bends,
distance pieces, flanges, collars etc. (suitable for lead joint),
jointing the pipes with lead joint and pumping out body water
R3-HE-4-4 etc complete in all respect as directed by Engineer in Charge.
Note : (1) The required excavation, shoring, encasement in
cement concrete & sluice valve will be paid separately under
relevant items. Note : (2) Rebate for salvation cost of old pipe
has been considered and old pipes Shall be removed by the
contractors as directed.

53 R3-HE-4-4-a 450 x 250 Each 41490.00

54 R3-HE-4-4-b 450 x 300 Each 45163.00
55 R3-HE-4-4-c 450 x 450 Each 70267.00
56 R3-HE-4-4-d 600 x 300 Each 58926.00
57 R3-HE-4-4-e 600 x 450 Each 75768.00
58 R3-HE-4-4-f 600 x 600 Each 92994.00
59 R3-HE-4-4-g 750 x 450 Each 99792.00
60 R3-HE-4-4-h 750 x 600 Each 116953.00
61 R3-HE-4-4-i 750 x 750 Each 148617.00
62 R3-HE-4-4-j 900 x 450 Each 108870.00
63 R3-HE-4-4-k 900 x 600 Each 126619.00
64 R3-HE-4-4-l 900 x 750 Each 157709.00
65 R3-HE-4-4-m 900 x 900 Each 197410.00
66 R3-HE-4-4-n 1200 x 600 Each 154612.00
67 R3-HE-4-4-o 1200 x 750 Each 186628.00
68 R3-HE-4-4-p 1200 x 900 Each 215907.00
69 R3-HE-4-4-q 1200 x 1200 Each 292722.00

Making connection on live MS water main of various sizes,

including cost of cutting, supplying, loading, transporting on
site, unloading, lowering in trenches, assembling of required MS
specials, MS pipe and jointing the pipes / specials etc. with butt
R3-HE-4-5 and lap welding joint, removing body water etc complete in all
respect as directed by Engineer in Charge. For following sizes.
Note : (1) The required excavation, shoring, encasement in
cement concrete & supply and fixing of sluice valve will be paid
separately under relevant item.

70 R3-HE-4-5-a 450 x 80 Each 18204.00

71 R3-HE-4-5-b 450 x 150 Each 20192.00
72 R3-HE-4-5-c 450 x 250 Each 23281.00
73 R3-HE-4-5-d 450 x 300 Each 24785.00
36 Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation
HE Schedule of Rates 2023

Rate in Rs.
other Taxes)

1 2 3 4 5
74 R3-HE-4-5-e 450 x 450 Each 39212.00
75 R3-HE-4-5-f 600 x 80 Each 18136.00
76 R3-HE-4-5-g 600 x 150 Each 20296.00
77 R3-HE-4-5-h 600 x 250 Each 23452.00
78 R3-HE-4-5-i 600 x 300 Each 24990.00
79 R3-HE-4-5-j 600 x 450 Each 43572.00
80 R3-HE-4-5-k 600 x600 Each 47981.00
81 R3-HE-4-5-l 750 x 80 Each 24727.00
82 R3-HE-4-5-m 750 x 150 Each 26973.00
83 R3-HE-4-5-n 750 x 250 Each 30195.00
84 R3-HE-4-5-o 750 x 300 Each 31767.00
85 R3-HE-4-5-p 750 x 450 Each 50450.00
86 R3-HE-4-5-q 750 x 600 Each 54958.00
87 R3-HE-4-5-r 750 x 750 Each 90039.00
88 R3-HE-4-5-s 900 x 80 Each 30478.00
89 R3-HE-4-5-t 900 x 150 Each 32781.00
90 R3-HE-4-5-u 900 x 250 Each 36071.00
91 R3-HE-4-5-v 900 x 300 Each 37675.00
92 R3-HE-4-5-w 900 x 450 Each 56458.00
93 R3-HE-4-5-x 900 x 600 Each 61067.00
94 R3-HE-4-5-y 900 x 750 Each 96418.00
95 R3-HE-4-5-z 900 x 900 Each 107695.00
96 R3-HE-4-5-aa 1200 x 80 Each 44559.00
97 R3-HE-4-5-ab 1200 x 150 Each 46975.00
98 R3-HE-4-5-ac 1200 x 250 Each 51161.00
99 R3-HE-4-5-ad 1200 x 300 Each 52832.00
100 R3-HE-4-5-ae 1200 x 450 Each 61845.00
101 R3-HE-4-5-af 1200 x 600 Each 72616.00
102 R3-HE-4-5-ag 1200 x 750 Each 129904.00
103 R3-HE-4-5-ah 1200 x 900 Each 137868.00
104 R3-HE-4-5-ai 1200 x 1200 Each 161675.00
105 R3-HE-4-5-aj 1450 x 80 Each 78192.00
106 R3-HE-4-5-ak 1450 x 150 Each 80704.00
107 R3-HE-4-5-al 1450 x 250 Each 85001.00
108 R3-HE-4-5-am 1450 x 300 Each 86728.00
109 R3-HE-4-5-an 1450 x 450 Each 94016.00
110 R3-HE-4-5-ao 1450 x 600 Each 103335.00
111 R3-HE-4-5-ap 1450 x 750 Each 165346.00
112 R3-HE-4-5-aq 1450 x 900 Each 174295.00
113 R3-HE-4-5-ar 1450 x 1200 Each 202810.00
114 R3-HE-4-5-as 1450 x 1450 Each 225033.00
115 R3-HE-4-5-at 1500 x 80 Each 73173.00
116 R3-HE-4-5-au 1500 x 150 Each 75704.00
117 R3-HE-4-5-av 1500 x 250 Each 80023.00
118 R3-HE-4-5-aw 1500 x 300 Each 81761.00
119 R3-HE-4-5-ax 1500 x 450 Each 89082.00
37 Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation
HE Schedule of Rates 2023

Rate in Rs.
other Taxes)

1 2 3 4 5
120 R3-HE-4-5-ay 1500 x 600 Each 98435.00
121 R3-HE-4-5-az 1500 x 750 Each 160536.00
122 R3-HE-4-5-ba 1500 x 900 Each 169530.00
123 R3-HE-4-5-bb 1500 x 1200 Each 198224.00
124 R3-HE-4-5-bc 1500 x 1450 Each 215365.00
125 R3-HE-4-5-bd 1500 x 1500 Each 219438.00
126 R3-HE-4-5-be 1800 x 80 Each 84676.00
127 R3-HE-4-5-bf 1800 x 150 Each 87320.00
128 R3-HE-4-5-bg 1800 x 250 Each 91773.00
129 R3-HE-4-5-bh 1800 x 300 Each 93578.00
130 R3-HE-4-5-bi 1800 x 450 Each 103918.00
131 R3-HE-4-5-bj 1800 x 600 Each 110652.00
132 R3-HE-4-5-bk 1800 x 750 Each 172533.00
133 R3-HE-4-5-bl 1800 x 900 Each 181793.00
134 R3-HE-4-5-bm 1800 x 1200 Each 211565.00
135 R3-HE-4-5-bn 1800 x 1450 Each 229263.00
136 R3-HE-4-5-bo 1800 x 1500 Each 233447.00
137 R3-HE-4-5-bp 1800 x 1800 Each 270964.00

Diversion of live CI/DI water mains with CI/MS pipes and

specials, including cost of supplying, loading, transporting on
site, unloading, lowering in trenches, assembling of DI K9
Class pipes / specials upto 2 M. length and MS pipes / specials
upto 2 M. length on either side, of required diameter and jointing
of CI or MS pipes or specials etc. with spun yarn and molten
R3-HE-4-6 lead, including caulking etc complete in all respect as directed
by Engineer in Charge & including cost of lead for following
diameters. Note : (1) The required excavation, shoring,
encasement in cement concrete & sluice valve will be paid
separately under relevant items. Note : (2) Rebate for salvation
cost of old pipe has been considered and old pipes Shall be
removed by the contractors as directed.

138 R3-HE-4-6-a 80 mm dia. Rmt 2352.00

139 R3-HE-4-6-b 100 mm dia. Rmt 2511.00
140 R3-HE-4-6-c 150 mm dia. Rmt 3498.00
141 R3-HE-4-6-d 250 mm dia. Rmt 4449.00
142 R3-HE-4-6-e 300 mm dia. Rmt 4972.00

38 Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation

HE Schedule of Rates 2023

Rate in Rs.
other Taxes)

1 2 3 4 5

Discarding the existing live CI/DI water main by plugging the

same including cost of pipes and specials, Supplying, loading,
transporting on site, unloading, lowering in trenches, assembling
the CI / MS pipes / specials of required diameter, etc. complete
including cost of mechanical cap or and with spun yarn and
molten lead including caulking etc complete in all respect as
R3-HE-4-7 directed by Engineer in Charge & including cost of lead for
following diameters. The cost of item is for plugging the water
main on either side at one location. Note : (1) The required
excavation, shoring, encasement in cement cement concrete &
sluice valve will be paid separately under relevant items. Note :
(2) Rebate for salvation cost of old pipe has been considered and
old pipes Shall be removed by the contractors as directed.

143 R3-HE-4-7-a 80 mm dia. Each 5808.00

144 R3-HE-4-7-b 100 mm dia. Each 6065.00
145 R3-HE-4-7-c 150 mm dia. Each 6167.00
146 R3-HE-4-7-d 250 mm dia. Each 6886.00
147 R3-HE-4-7-e 300 mm dia. Each 7762.00
148 R3-HE-4-7-f 450 mm dia. Each 19778.00
149 R3-HE-4-7-g 600 mm dia. Each 25209.00
150 R3-HE-4-7-h 750 mm dia. Each 24606.00

Cutting and Removing of the existing CI/DI/MS pipe section

from trenches etc complete in all respect as directed by Engineer
in Charge. Note : (1) The required excavation, shoring, breaking
of encasement in cement cement concrete will be paid separately
under relevant items. Note : (2) Rebate for salvation cost of old
pipe has been considered and old pipes may be removed by the
contractors as directed. Final Rate for item is exclusive of
salvation cost of the pipe, salvation cost of pipe section to be
removed is worked out, the same is to be subtracted from the
total item cost wherever applicable.(3) The amount required for
dewatering and plugging of mains in case of live mains will be
paid separately wherever applicable.(4) Please note that the pipe
above 900 mm Dia. are considered as MS Pipes laid below

151 R3-HE-4-8-a 80 mm. Rmt 191.00

152 R3-HE-4-8-b 100 mm. Rmt 214.00
153 R3-HE-4-8-c 150 mm. Rmt 244.00
154 R3-HE-4-8-d 200 mm. Rmt 282.00
155 R3-HE-4-8-e 250 mm. Rmt 427.00
39 Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation
HE Schedule of Rates 2023

Rate in Rs.
other Taxes)

1 2 3 4 5
156 R3-HE-4-8-f 300 mm. Rmt 445.00
157 R3-HE-4-8-g 350 mm. Rmt 474.00
158 R3-HE-4-8-h 400 mm. Rmt 526.00
159 R3-HE-4-8-i 450 mm. Rmt 657.00
160 R3-HE-4-8-j 500 mm. Rmt 744.00
161 R3-HE-4-8-k 600 mm. Rmt 1000.00
162 R3-HE-4-8-l 700 mm. Rmt 1209.00
163 R3-HE-4-8-m 750 mm. Rmt 1523.00
164 R3-HE-4-8-n 800 mm Rmt 2889.00
165 R3-HE-4-8-o 900 mm Rmt 4356.00
166 R3-HE-4-8-p 1000 mm Rmt 5474.00
167 R3-HE-4-8-q 1100 mm Rmt 7874.00
168 R3-HE-4-8-r 1200 mm Rmt 9448.00
169 R3-HE-4-8-s 1300 mm Rmt 11810.00
170 R3-HE-4-8-t 1400 mm Rmt 15747.00
171 R3-HE-4-8-u 1500 mm Rmt 15747.00
172 R3-HE-4-8-v 1600 mm Rmt 23620.00
173 R3-HE-4-8-w 1700 mm Rmt 23620.00
174 R3-HE-4-8-x 1800 mm Rmt 23620.00

Making connection on live HDPE/ MDPE main of various sizes

including cutting of pipes with hack saw/ pipe cutting machine,
providing & fixing specials such as electrofusion equal tee, long
neck pipe( Butt welded) and includes pumping out body water,
etc complete in all respect as directed by Engineer in Charge.The
jointing of tee shall be done by using electrofusion method of
jointing. All the electrofusion products shall comply to ISO 8085-
3 and shall be of SDR 11 rating. The long neck pipe shall be
jointed by butt welding method. Note : (1) The required
excavation, shoring, any pipe/specials/ reducers provided
beyond Long neck pipe will be paid separately under relevant
items. Note : (2) Rebate for salvation cost of old pipe has been
considered and old pipes shall be removed by the contractors as

175 R3-HE-4-9-a 315 mm Each 44535.00

176 R3-HE-4-9-b 250 mm Each 34077.00
177 R3-HE-4-9-c 160 mm Each 16845.00
178 R3-HE-4-9-d 110 mm Each 11656.00
179 R3-HE-4-9-e 90 mm Each 10440.00

40 Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation

HE Schedule of Rates 2023

Rate in Rs.
other Taxes)

1 2 3 4 5

Discarding the existing live MS water main by plugging the

same including cost of pipes and specials, Supplying, loading,
transporting on site, unloading, lowering in trenches, assembling
the CI / MS pipes / specials of required diameter, etc. complete
including cost of mechanical cap/ Blank Flange or and with spun
yarn and molten lead including caulking etc complete in all
respect as directed by Engineer in Charge & including cost of
lead for following diameters. The cost of item is for plugging the
water main on either side at one location. Note : (1) The required
excavation, shoring, encasement in cement cement concrete &
sluice valve will be paid separately under relevant items.(2)
Rebate for salvation cost of old pipe has been considered and old
pipes may be removed by the contractors as directed. Final Rate
for item is exclusive of salvation cost of the pipe, salvation cost
of pipe section to be removed is worked out, the same is to be
subtracted form the total item cost wherever applicable.

180 R3-HE-4-10-a 900 mm dia. Each 21523.00

181 R3-HE-4-10-b 1200 mm dia. Each 20795.00


Cutting and Removing of the existing MS pipe section laid

above ground etc complete in all respect as directed by Engineer
in Charge. Note : (1) The required breaking of encasement in
cement cement concrete will be paid separately under relevant
items. Note : (2) Rebate for salvation cost of old pipe has been
considered and old pipes may be removed by the contractors as
directed. Final for item is exclusive of salvation cost of the pipe,
salvation cost of pipe section to be removed is worked out, the
same is to be subtracted form the total item cost wherever
applicable.(3) The required for plugging of mains in case of live
mains will be paid separately wherever applicable.

182 R3-HE-4-11-a 1000 mm Rmt 4288.00

183 R3-HE-4-11-b 1100 mm Rmt 3609.00
184 R3-HE-4-11-c 1200 mm Rmt 7551.00
185 R3-HE-4-11-d 1300 mm Rmt 9439.00
186 R3-HE-4-11-e 1400 mm Rmt 12585.00
187 R3-HE-4-11-f 1500 mm Rmt 12585.00
188 R3-HE-4-11-g 1600 mm Rmt 18877.00
189 R3-HE-4-11-h 1700 mm Rmt 18877.00
190 R3-HE-4-11-i 1800 mm Rmt 18877.00

41 Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation

HE Schedule of Rates 2023

Rate in Rs.
other Taxes)

1 2 3 4 5
Supplying, loading, transporting on site, unloading of GRP pipes
confirming IS : 12709 suitable for 6 kg / pressure rating
R3-HE-5-1 and Stiffness class of 2500 N/m2 including reka coupling joints
for following diameters etc Complete in all respects and as
directed by Engineer In-Charge.
1 R3-HE-5-1-a 350 mm dia. Rmt 3533.00
2 R3-HE-5-1-b 400 mm dia. Rmt 4031.00
3 R3-HE-5-1-c 450 mm dia. Rmt 4685.00
4 R3-HE-5-1-d 500 mm dia. Rmt 5354.00
5 R3-HE-5-1-e 600 mm dia. Rmt 6989.00
6 R3-HE-5-1-f 700 mm dia. Rmt 8829.00
7 R3-HE-5-1-g 800 mm dia. Rmt 10945.00
8 R3-HE-5-1-h 900 mm dia. Rmt 13254.00
9 R3-HE-5-1-i 1000 mm dia. Rmt 16016.00
10 R3-HE-5-1-j 1100 mm dia. Rmt 18908.00
11 R3-HE-5-1-k 1200 mm dia. Rmt 22180.00
12 R3-HE-5-1-l 1300 mm dia. Rmt 25570.00
13 R3-HE-5-1-m 1400 mm dia. Rmt 29279.00
14 R3-HE-5-1-n 1600 mm dia. Rmt 37111.00
15 R3-HE-5-1-o 1800 mm dia. Rmt 46006.00
16 R3-HE-5-1-p 2000 mm dia. Rmt 56435.00
17 R3-HE-5-1-q 2400 mm dia. Rmt 80014.00

Lowering and Laying in trenches, assembling and jointing of

GRP pipes Conforming IS :12709 suitable for 6 kg /
pressure rating, including reka coupling joints for following
diameters. The item also includes testing of water main after
laying, up to 6 kg/ pressure etc Complete in all respects
and as directed by Engineer In-Charge.. Any specials such as
bends, tees, lamination joints, flanges etc. shall be paid
18 R3-HE-5-2-a 350 mm dia. Rmt 148.00
19 R3-HE-5-2-b 400 mm dia. Rmt 148.00
20 R3-HE-5-2-c 450 mm dia. Rmt 148.00
21 R3-HE-5-2-d 500 mm dia. Rmt 241.00
22 R3-HE-5-2-e 600 mm dia. Rmt 241.00
23 R3-HE-5-2-f 700 mm dia. Rmt 275.00
24 R3-HE-5-2-g 800 mm dia. Rmt 275.00
25 R3-HE-5-2-h 900 mm dia. Rmt 317.00
26 R3-HE-5-2-i 1000 mm dia. Rmt 370.00
27 R3-HE-5-2-j 1100 mm dia. Rmt 413.00

42 Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation

HE Schedule of Rates 2023

Rate in Rs.
other Taxes)

28 R3-HE-5-2-k 1200 mm dia. Rmt 413.00

29 R3-HE-5-2-l 1300 mm dia. Rmt 455.00
30 R3-HE-5-2-m 1400 mm dia. Rmt 571.00
31 R3-HE-5-2-n 1600 mm dia. Rmt 714.00
32 R3-HE-5-2-o 1800 mm dia. Rmt 1088.00
33 R3-HE-5-2-p 2000 mm dia. Rmt 1088.00
34 R3-HE-5-2-q 2400 mm dia. Rmt 1632.00

Supplying, loading, transporting on site, unloading lowering and

Laying in trenches, assembling and jointing of GRP pipes
Conforming IS :12709 suitable for 6 kg / pressure rating,
including reka coupling joints for following diameters. The item
also includes testing of water main after laying, up to 6 kg/
pressure etc Complete in all respects and as directed by Engineer
In-Charge.. Any specials such as bends, tees, lamination joints,
flanges etc. shall be paid separately.
35 R3-HE-5-3-a 350 mm dia. Rmt 3680.00
36 R3-HE-5-3-b 400 mm dia. Rmt 4179.00
37 R3-HE-5-3-c 450 mm dia. Rmt 4833.00
38 R3-HE-5-3-d 500 mm dia. Rmt 5595.00
39 R3-HE-5-3-e 600 mm dia. Rmt 7230.00
40 R3-HE-5-3-f 700 mm dia. Rmt 9104.00
41 R3-HE-5-3-g 800 mm dia. Rmt 11220.00
42 R3-HE-5-3-h 900 mm dia. Rmt 13571.00
43 R3-HE-5-3-i 1000 mm dia. Rmt 16386.00
44 R3-HE-5-3-j 1100 mm dia. Rmt 19321.00
45 R3-HE-5-3-k 1200 mm dia. Rmt 22593.00
46 R3-HE-5-3-l 1300 mm dia. Rmt 26025.00
47 R3-HE-5-3-m 1400 mm dia. Rmt 29850.00
48 R3-HE-5-3-n 1600 mm dia. Rmt 37825.00
49 R3-HE-5-3-o 1800 mm dia. Rmt 47094.00
50 R3-HE-5-3-p 2000 mm dia. Rmt 57523.00
51 R3-HE-5-3-q 2400 mm dia. Rmt 81646.00

Supplying, loading, transporting on site, unloading, lowering in

trenches, assembling and jointing of GRP specials for 350 mm
dia pipe and Conforming to IS : 12709 suitable for 6 kg /
R3-HE-5-4 pressure rating, including reka coupling joints for following
diameters etc Complete in all respects and as directed by
Engineer In-Charge.. The item also includes testing of water
main after laying, up to 6 kg/ pressure.
52 R3-HE-5-4-a 900 bend with 1 coupling Nos 9441.00
53 R3-HE-5-4-b 600 bend with 1 coupling Nos 9441.00

43 Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation

HE Schedule of Rates 2023

Rate in Rs.
other Taxes)

54 R3-HE-5-4-c 450 bend with 1 coupling Nos 5789.00

55 R3-HE-5-4-d 300 bend with 1 coupling Nos 5789.00
56 R3-HE-5-4-e 22.50 bend with 1 coupling Nos 5789.00
57 R3-HE-5-4-g 11.250 bend with 1coupling Nos 5789.00
58 R3-HE-5-4-h Extra reka coupling Nos 2372.00
59 R3-HE-5-4-i Lamination (Butt strap joint) joint Nos 3986.00
60 R3-HE-5-4-j Flanged tailpiece ( length 0.75 mtr.) with 1 coupling - Nos 6147.00
61 R3-HE-5-4-k GRP Tee350 mm x 350 mm x any size - Nos 11085.00

Supplying, loading, transporting on site, unloading, lowering in

trenches, assembling and jointing of GRP specials for 400 mm
dia pipe and Conforming to IS : 12709 suitable for 6 kg /
R3-HE-5-5 pressure rating, including reka coupling joints for following
diameters etc Complete in all respects and as directed by
Engineer In-Charge. The item also includes testing of water main
after laying, up to 6 kg/ pressure.
62 R3-HE-5-5-a 900 bend with 1 coupling Nos 11835.00
63 R3-HE-5-5-b 600 bend with 1 coupling Nos 11835.00
64 R3-HE-5-5-c 450 bend with 1 coupling Nos 6992.00
65 R3-HE-5-5-d 300 bend with 1 coupling Nos 6992.00
66 R3-HE-5-5-e 22.50 bend with 1 coupling Nos 6992.00
67 R3-HE-5-5-f 11.250 bend with 1coupling Nos 6992.00
68 R3-HE-5-5-g Extra reka coupling Nos 2558.00
69 R3-HE-5-5-h Lamination (Butt strap joint) joint Nos 2469.00
70 R3-HE-5-5-i Flanged tailpiece ( length 0.75 mtr.) with 1 coupling - Nos 6985.00
71 R3-HE-5-5-j GRP Tee 400 mm x 400 mm x any size - Nos 13899.00

Supplying, loading, transporting on site, unloading, lowering in

trenches, assembling and jointing of GRP specials for 450 mm
dia pipe and Conforming to IS : 12709 suitable for 6 kg /
pressure rating, including reka coupling joints for following
diameters etc Complete in all respects and as directed by
Engineer In-Charge. The item also includes testing of water main
after laying, up to 6 kg/ pressure.

72 R3-HE-5-6-a 900 bend with 1 coupling Nos 14300.00

73 R3-HE-5-6-b 600 bend with 1 coupling Nos 14300.00
74 R3-HE-5-6-c 450 bend with 1 coupling Nos 8372.00
75 R3-HE-5-6-d 300 bend with 1 coupling Nos 8372.00
76 R3-HE-5-6-e 22.50 bend with 1 coupling Nos 8372.00
77 R3-HE-5-6-f 11.250 bend with 1coupling Nos 8372.00
78 R3-HE-5-6-g Extra reka coupling Nos 2839.00
79 R3-HE-5-6-h Lamination (Butt strap joint) joint Nos 2767.00

44 Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation

HE Schedule of Rates 2023

Rate in Rs.
other Taxes)

80 R3-HE-5-6-i Flanged tailpiece ( length 0.75 mtr.) with 1 coupling - Nos 7764.00
81 R3-HE-5-6-j GRP Tee 450 mm x 450 mm x any size - Nos 16871.00

Supplying, loading, transporting on site, unloading, lowering in

trenches, assembling and jointing of GRP specials for 500 mm
dia pipe and Conforming to IS : 12709 suitable for 6 kg /
R3-HE-5-7 pressure rating, including reka coupling joints for following
diameters etc Complete in all respects and as directed by
Engineer In-Charge. The item also includes testing of water main
after laying, up to 6 kg/ pressure.
82 R3-HE-5-7-a 900 bend with 1 coupling Nos 18390.00
83 R3-HE-5-7-b 600 bend with 1 coupling Nos 18390.00
84 R3-HE-5-7-c 450 bend with 1 coupling Nos 10375.00
85 R3-HE-5-7-d 300 bend with 1 coupling Nos 10375.00
86 R3-HE-5-7-e 22.50 bend with 1 coupling Nos 10375.00
87 R3-HE-5-7-f 11.250 bend with 1coupling Nos 10375.00
88 R3-HE-5-7-g Extra reka coupling Nos 3269.00
89 R3-HE-5-7-h Lamination (Butt strap joint) joint Nos 3232.00
90 R3-HE-5-7-i Flanged tailpiece ( length 0.75 mtr.) with 1 coupling - Nos 9387.00
91 R3-HE-5-7-j GRP Tee 500 mm x 500 mm x any size - Nos 21662.00

Supplying, loading, transporting on site, unloading, lowering in

trenches, assembling and jointing of GRP specials for 600 mm
dia pipe and Conforming to IS : 12709 suitable for 6 kg /
R3-HE-5-8 pressure rating, including reka coupling joints for following
diameters etc Complete in all respects and as directed by
Engineer In-Charge. The item also includes testing of water main
after laying, up to 6 kg/ pressure.
92 R3-HE-5-8-a 900 bend with 1 coupling Nos 26910.00
93 R3-HE-5-8-b 600 bend with 1 coupling Nos 26910.00
94 R3-HE-5-8-c 450 bend with 1 coupling Nos 14371.00
95 R3-HE-5-8-d 300 bend with 1 coupling Nos 14371.00
96 R3-HE-5-8-e 22.50 bend with 1 coupling Nos 14371.00
97 R3-HE-5-8-f 11.250 bend with 1coupling Nos 14371.00
98 R3-HE-5-8-g Extra reka coupling Nos 4002.00
99 R3-HE-5-8-h Lamination (Butt strap joint) joint Nos 4631.00
100 R3-HE-5-8-i Flanged tailpiece ( length 0.75 mtr.) with 1 coupling - Nos 12134.00
101 R3-HE-5-8-j GRP Tee 600 mm x 600 mm x any size - Nos 31519.00

45 Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation

HE Schedule of Rates 2023

Rate in Rs.
other Taxes)

Supplying, loading, transporting on site, unloading, lowering in

trenches, assembling and jointing of GRP specials for 700 mm
dia pipe and Conforming to IS : 12709 suitable for 6 kg /
R3-HE-5-9 pressure rating, including reka coupling joints for following
diameters etc Complete in all respects and as directed by
Engineer In-Charge. The item also includes testing of water main
after laying, upto 6 kg/ pressure.
102 R3-HE-5-9-a 900 bend with 1 coupling Nos 39161.00
103 R3-HE-5-9-b 600 bend with 1 coupling Nos 39161.00
104 R3-HE-5-9-c 450 bend with 1 coupling Nos 20349.00
105 R3-HE-5-9-d 300 bend with 1 coupling Nos 20349.00
106 R3-HE-5-9-e 22.50 bend with 1 coupling Nos 20349.00
107 R3-HE-5-9-f 11.250 bend with 1coupling Nos 20349.00
108 R3-HE-5-9-g Extra reka coupling Nos 5237.00
109 R3-HE-5-9-h Lamination (Butt strap joint) joint Nos 6587.00
110 R3-HE-5-9-i Flanged tailpiece ( length 0.75 mtr.) with 1 coupling - Nos 15694.00
111 R3-HE-5-9-j GRP Tee 700 mm x 700 mm x any size - Nos 45597.00

Supplying, loading, transporting on site, unloading, lowering in

trenches, assembling and jointing of GRP specials for 800 mm
dia pipe and Conforming to IS : 12709 suitable for 6 kg /
R3-HE-5-10 pressure rating, including reka coupling joints for following
diameters etc Complete in all respects and as directed by
Engineer In-Charge. The item also includes testing of water main
after laying, upto 6 kg/ pressure.

112 R3-HE-5-10-a 900 bend with 1 coupling Nos 54239.00

113 R3-HE-5-10-b 600 bend with 1 coupling Nos 54239.00
114 R3-HE-5-10-c 450 bend with 1 coupling Nos 26989.00
115 R3-HE-5-10-d 300 bend with 1 coupling Nos 26989.00
116 R3-HE-5-10-e 22.50 bend with 1 coupling Nos 26989.00
117 R3-HE-5-10-f 11.250 bend with 1coupling Nos 26989.00
118 R3-HE-5-10-g Extra reka coupling Nos 5923.00
119 R3-HE-5-10-h Lamination (Butt strap joint) joint Nos 9006.00
120 R3-HE-5-10-i Flanged tailpiece ( length 0.75 mtr.) with 1 coupling - Nos 19508.00
121 R3-HE-5-10-j GRP Tee 800 mm x 800 mm x any size - Nos 63064.00

46 Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation

HE Schedule of Rates 2023

Rate in Rs.
other Taxes)

Supplying, loading, transporting on site, unloading, lowering in

trenches, assembling and jointing of GRP specials for 900 mm
dia pipe and Conforming to IS : 12709 suitable for 6 kg /
R3-HE-5-11 pressure rating, including reka coupling joints for following
diameters etc Complete in all respects and as directed by
Engineer In-Charge. The item also includes testing of water main
after laying, upto 6 kg/ pressure.
122 R3-HE-5-11-a 900 bend with 1 coupling Nos 72591.00
123 R3-HE-5-11-b 600 bend with 1 coupling Nos 72591.00
124 R3-HE-5-11-c 450 bend with 1 coupling Nos 35524.00
125 R3-HE-5-11-d 300 bend with 1 coupling Nos 35524.00
126 R3-HE-5-11-e 22.50 bend with 1 coupling Nos 35524.00
127 R3-HE-5-11-f 11.250 bend with 1coupling Nos 35524.00
128 R3-HE-5-11-g Extra reka coupling Nos 7108.00
129 R3-HE-5-11-h Lamination (Butt strap joint) joint Nos 12086.00
130 R3-HE-5-11-i Flanged tailpiece ( length 0.75 mtr.) with 1 coupling - Nos 22871.00
131 R3-HE-5-11-j GRP Tee 900 mm x 900 mm x any size - Nos 84525.00

Supplying, loading, transporting on site, unloading, lowering in

trenches, assembling and jointing of GRP specials for 1000 mm
dia pipe and Conforming to IS : 12709 suitable for 6 kg /
R3-HE-5-12 pressure rating, including reka coupling joints for following
diameters etc Complete in all respects and as directed by
Engineer In-Charge. The item also includes testing of water main
after laying, upto 6 kg/ pressure.
132 R3-HE-5-12-a 900 bend with 1 coupling Nos 93461.00
133 R3-HE-5-12-b 600 bend with 1 coupling Nos 93461.00
134 R3-HE-5-12-c 450 bend with 1 coupling Nos 46798.00
135 R3-HE-5-12-d 300 bend with 1 coupling Nos 46798.00
136 R3-HE-5-12-e 22.50 bend with 1 coupling Nos 46798.00
137 R3-HE-5-12-f 11.250 bend with 1coupling Nos 46798.00
138 R3-HE-5-12-g Extra reka coupling Nos 8618.00
139 R3-HE-5-12-h Lamination (Butt strap joint) joint Nos 16003.00
140 R3-HE-5-12-i Flanged tailpiece ( length 0.75 mtr.) with 1 coupling - Nos 28806.00
141 R3-HE-5-12-j GRP Tee 1000 mm x 1000 mm x any size - Nos 108327.00

47 Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation

HE Schedule of Rates 2023

Rate in Rs.
other Taxes)

Supplying, loading, transporting on site, unloading, lowering in

trenches, assembling and jointing of GRP specials for 1100 mm
dia pipe and Conforming to IS : 12709 suitable for 6 kg /
R3-HE-5-13 pressure rating, including reka coupling joints for following
diameters etc Complete in all respects and as directed by
Engineer In-Charge. The item also includes testing of water main
after laying, upto 6 kg/ pressure.
142 R3-HE-5-13-a 900 bend with 1 coupling Nos 120706.00
143 R3-HE-5-13-b 600 bend with 1 coupling Nos 120706.00
144 R3-HE-5-13-c 450 bend with 1 coupling Nos 59817.00
145 R3-HE-5-13-d 300 bend with 1 coupling Nos 59817.00
146 R3-HE-5-13-e 22.50 bend with 1 coupling Nos 59817.00
147 R3-HE-5-13-f 11.250 bend with 1coupling Nos 59817.00
148 R3-HE-5-13-g Extra reka coupling Nos 9998.00
149 R3-HE-5-13-i Lamination (Butt strap joint) joint Nos 20408.00
150 R3-HE-5-13-j Flanged tailpiece ( length 0.75 mtr.) with 1 coupling - Nos 37613.00
151 R3-HE-5-13-k GRP Tee 1100 mm x 1100 mm x any size - Nos 139446.00

Supplying, loading, transporting on site, unloading, lowering in

trenches, assembling and jointing of GRP specials for 1200 mm
dia pipe and Conforming to IS : 12709 suitable for 6 kg /
R3-HE-5-14 pressure rating, including reka coupling joints for following
diameters etc Complete in all respects and as directed by
Engineer In-Charge. The item also includes testing of water main
after laying, upto 6 kg/ pressure.
152 R3-HE-5-14-a 900 bend with 1 coupling Nos 154496.00
153 R3-HE-5-14-b 600 bend with 1 coupling Nos 154496.00
154 R3-HE-5-14-c 450 bend with 1 coupling Nos 75875.00
155 R3-HE-5-14-d 300 bend with 1 coupling Nos 75875.00
156 R3-HE-5-14-e 22.50 bend with 1 coupling Nos 75875.00
157 R3-HE-5-14-f 11.250 bend with 1coupling Nos 75875.00
158 R3-HE-5-14-g Extra reka coupling Nos 11548.00
159 R3-HE-5-14-h Lamination (Butt strap joint) joint Nos 25921.00
160 R3-HE-5-14-i Flanged tailpiece ( length 0.75 mtr.) with 1 coupling - Nos 43791.00
161 R3-HE-5-14-j GRP Tee 1200 mm x 1200 mm x any size - Nos 178203.00

48 Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation

HE Schedule of Rates 2023

Rate in Rs.
other Taxes)

Supplying, loading, transporting on site, unloading, lowering in

trenches, assembling and jointing of GRP specials for 1300 mm
dia pipe and Conforming to IS : 12709 suitable for 6 kg /
R3-HE-5-15 pressure rating, including reka coupling joints for following
diameters etc Complete in all respects and as directed by
Engineer In-Charge. The item also includes testing of water main
after laying, upto 6 kg/ pressure.

162 R3-HE-5-15-a 900 bend with 1 coupling Nos 190457.00

163 R3-HE-5-15-b 600 bend with 1 coupling Nos 190457.00
164 R3-HE-5-15-c 450 bend with 1 coupling Nos 92883.00
165 R3-HE-5-15-d 300 bend with 1 coupling Nos 92883.00
166 R3-HE-5-15-e 22.50 bend with 1 coupling Nos 92883.00
167 R3-HE-5-15-f 11.250 bend with 1coupling Nos 92883.00
168 R3-HE-5-15-g Extra reka coupling Nos 13051.00
169 R3-HE-5-15-h Lamination (Butt strap joint) joint Nos 26934.00
170 R3-HE-5-15-i Flanged tailpiece ( length 0.75 mtr.) with 1 coupling - Nos 57097.00
171 R3-HE-5-15-j GRP Tee 1300 mm x 1300 mm x any size - Nos 220022.00

Supplying, loading, transporting on site, unloading, lowering in

trenches, assembling and jointing of GRP specials for 1400 mm
dia pipe and Conforming to IS : 12709 suitable for 6 kg /
R3-HE-5-16 pressure rating, including reka coupling joints for following
diameters etc Complete in all respects and as directed by
Engineer In-Charge. The item also includes testing of water main
after laying, upto 6 kg/ pressure.
172 R3-HE-5-16-a 900 bend with 1 coupling Nos 234645.00
173 R3-HE-5-16-b 600 bend with 1 coupling Nos 234645.00
174 R3-HE-5-16-c 450 bend with 1 coupling Nos 113895.00
175 R3-HE-5-16-d 300 bend with 1 coupling Nos 113895.00
176 R3-HE-5-16-e 22.50 bend with 1 coupling Nos 113895.00
177 R3-HE-5-16-f 11.250 bend with 1coupling Nos 113895.00
178 R3-HE-5-16-g Extra reka coupling Nos 15100.00
179 R3-HE-5-16-h Lamination (Butt strap joint) joint Nos 39346.00
180 R3-HE-5-16-i Flanged tailpiece ( length 0.75 mtr.) with 1 coupling - Nos 64618.00
181 R3-HE-5-16-j GRP Tee 1400 mm x 1400 mm x any size - Nos 270302.00

49 Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation

HE Schedule of Rates 2023

Rate in Rs.
other Taxes)

Supplying, loading, transporting on site, unloading, lowering in

trenches, assembling and jointing of GRP specials for 1600 mm
dia pipe and Conforming to IS : 12709 suitable for 6 kg /
R3-HE-5-17 pressure rating, including reka coupling joints for following
diameters etc Complete in all respects and as directed by
Engineer In-Charge. The item also includes testing of water main
after laying, upto 6 kg/ pressure.
182 R3-HE-5-17-a 900 bend with 1 coupling Nos 338177
183 R3-HE-5-17-b 600 bend with 1 coupling Nos 338177
184 R3-HE-5-17-c 450 bend with 1 coupling Nos 162669
185 R3-HE-5-17-d 300 bend with 1 coupling Nos 162669
186 R3-HE-5-17-e 22.50 bend with 1 coupling Nos 162669
187 R3-HE-5-17-f 11.250 bend with 1coupling Nos 162669
188 R3-HE-5-17-g Extra reka coupling Nos 19071
189 R3-HE-5-17-h Lamination (Butt strap joint) joint Nos 56219
190 R3-HE-5-17-i Flanged tailpiece ( length 0.75 mtr.) with 1 coupling - Nos 87063
191 R3-HE-5-17-j GRP Tee 1600 mm x 1600 mm x any size - Nos 388169

Supplying, loading, transporting on site, unloading, lowering in

trenches, assembling and jointing of GRP specials for 1800 mm
dia pipe and Conforming to IS : 12709 suitable for 6 kg /
R3-HE-5-18 pressure rating, including reka coupling joints for following
diameters etc Complete in all respects and as directed by
Engineer In-Charge. The item also includes testing of water main
after laying, upto 6 kg/ pressure.
192 R3-HE-5-18-a 900 bend with 1 coupling Nos 469634.00
193 R3-HE-5-18-b 600 bend with 1 coupling Nos 469634.00
194 R3-HE-5-18-c 450 bend with 1 coupling Nos 224376.00
195 R3-HE-5-18-d 300 bend with 1 coupling Nos 224376.00
196 R3-HE-5-18-e 22.50 bend with 1 coupling Nos 224376.00
197 R3-HE-5-18-f 11.250 bend with 1coupling Nos 224376.00
198 R3-HE-5-18-g Extra reka coupling Nos 23710.00
199 R3-HE-5-18-h Lamination (Butt strap joint) joint Nos 78341.00
200 R3-HE-5-18-i Flanged tailpiece ( length 0.75 mtr.) with 1 coupling - Nos 116419.00
201 R3-HE-5-18-j GRP Tee 1800 mm x 1800 mm x any size - Nos 538667.00

Supplying, loading, transporting on site, unloading, lowering in

trenches, assembling and jointing of GRP specials for 2000 mm
dia pipe and Conforming to IS : 12709 suitable for 6 kg /
R3-HE-5-19 pressure rating, including reka coupling joints for following
diameters etc Complete in all respects and as directed by
Engineer In-Charge. The item also includes testing of water main
after laying, up to 6 kg/ pressure.

50 Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation

HE Schedule of Rates 2023

Rate in Rs.
other Taxes)

202 R3-HE-5-19-a 900 bend with 1 coupling Nos 639607.00

203 R3-HE-5-19-b 600 bend with 1 coupling Nos 639607.00
204 R3-HE-5-19-c 450 bend with 1 coupling Nos 304102.00
205 R3-HE-5-19-d 300 bend with 1 coupling Nos 304102.00
206 R3-HE-5-19-e 22.50 bend with 1 coupling Nos 304102.00
207 R3-HE-5-19-f 11.250 bend with 1coupling Nos 304102.00
208 R3-HE-5-19-g Extra reka coupling Nos 29597.00
209 R3-HE-5-19-h Lamination (Butt strap joint) joint Nos 107080.00
210 R3-HE-5-19-i Flanged tailpiece ( length 0.75 mtr.) with 1 coupling - Nos 149924.00
211 R3-HE-5-19-j GRP Tee 2000 mm x 2000 mm x any size - Nos 731622.00

Supplying, loading, transporting on site, unloading, lowering in

trenches, assembling and jointing of GRP specials for 2400 mm
dia pipe and Conforming to IS : 12709 suitable for 6 kg /
R3-HE-5-20 pressure rating, including reka coupling joints for following
diameters etc Complete in all respects and as directed by
Engineer In-Charge. The item also includes testing of water main
after laying, upto 6 kg/ pressure.
212 R3-HE-5-20-a 900 bend with 1 coupling Nos 1082277.00
213 R3-HE-5-20-b 600 bend with 1 coupling Nos 1082277.00
214 R3-HE-5-20-c 450 bend with 1 coupling Nos 509382.00
215 R3-HE-5-20-d 300 bend with 1 coupling Nos 509382.00
216 R3-HE-5-20-e 22.50 bend with 1 coupling Nos 509382.00
217 R3-HE-5-20-f 11.250 bend with 1coupling Nos 509382.00
218 R3-HE-5-20-g Extra reka coupling Nos 40649.00
219 R3-HE-5-20-h Lamination (Butt strap joint) joint Nos 180050.00
220 R3-HE-5-20-i Flanged tailpiece ( length 0.75 mtr.) with 1 coupling - Nos 221499.00
221 R3-HE-5-20-j GRP Tee 2400 mm x 2400 mm x any size - Nos 1235223.00

Making connection on live GRP water line of various sizes

including cutting of pipes with pipe cutting machine, providing
& fixing, GRP Tee with MS flange on live main, REKA
coupling at joints ,pumping out body water, etc complete in all
respect as directed by Engineer in Charge Note : (1) The
R3-HE-5-21 required excavation, shoring and any pipe/specials/sluice valve
provided beyond Tee will be paid separately under relevant
items. Note : (2) Rebate for salvation cost of old pipe has been
considered and old pipes shall be removed by the contractors as
222 R3-HE-5-21-a 1400x1200 mm Nos 116895.00
223 R3-HE-5-21-b 1400x900 mm Nos 107322.00
224 R3-HE-5-21-c 1400x700 mm Nos 99835.00
225 R3-HE-5-21-d 1400x600 mm Nos 96628.00

51 Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation

HE Schedule of Rates 2023

Rate in Rs.
other Taxes)

226 R3-HE-5-21-e 1400x450 mm Nos 93641.00

227 R3-HE-5-21-f 1400x350 mm Nos 92161.00
228 R3-HE-5-21-g 1200x900 mm Nos 85772.00
229 R3-HE-5-21-h 1200x700 mm Nos 80666.00
230 R3-HE-5-21-i 1200x600 mm Nos 77458.00
231 R3-HE-5-21-j 1200x450 mm Nos 74471.00
232 R3-HE-5-21-k 1200x350 mm Nos 72991.00
233 R3-HE-5-21-l 900x700 mm Nos 55655.00
234 R3-HE-5-21-m 900x600 mm Nos 52448.00
235 R3-HE-5-21-n 900x450 mm Nos 49461.00
236 R3-HE-5-21-o 900x350 mm Nos 47981.00
237 R3-HE-5-21-p 700x600 mm Nos 41867.00
238 R3-HE-5-21-q 700x450 mm Nos 38880.00
239 R3-HE-5-21-r 700x350 mm Nos 37400.00
240 R3-HE-5-21-s 600x450 mm Nos 32263.00
241 R3-HE-5-21-t 600x350 mm Nos 30784.00
242 R3-HE-5-21-u 450x350 mm Nos 24025.00

52 Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation

HE Schedule of Rates 2023

Rate in Rs. (Excl.


1 2 3 4 5
Providing and fixing CI Mechanical joint split collars suitable
for repair of cracks/ leakages of CI/ DI pipes (Inclusive of Odd
size pipes) as per MCGM specifications complete with sealing
rubber gasket made of SBR and galvanized 'T' bolts and nuts.
R3-HE-6-1 The whole assembly mechanically and Hydraulically tested to
the provisions laid down in IS 1538/1993 or IS 13382/1992
whichever is applicable. This item includes dewatering of body
water cleaning of pipe and arresting leakages etc complete as
directed by Engineer in Charge
1 R3-HE-6-1-a 80 mm dia. Each 5468.00
2 R3-HE-6-1-b 100 mm dia. Each 7635.00
3 R3-HE-6-1-c 150 mm dia. Each 10360.00
4 R3-HE-6-1-d 200 mm dia. Each 11855.00
5 R3-HE-6-1-e 250 mm dia. Each 16995.00
6 R3-HE-6-1-f 300 mm dia. Each 26761.00
7 R3-HE-6-1-g 350 mm dia. Each 28831.00
8 R3-HE-6-1-h 400 mm dia. Each 31534.00
9 R3-HE-6-1-i 450 mm dia. Each 27644.00
10 R3-HE-6-1-j 500 mm dia. Each 31749.00
11 R3-HE-6-1-k 600 mm dia. Each 36464.00
12 R3-HE-6-1-l 750 mm dia. Each 45549.00

Providing and fixing CI Mechanical joint collars suitable for

CI/DI pipes, (dimensionally described in Table - 13 of IS :
13382/1992) inclusive of sealing rubber gasket of SBR
(dimensionally described in IS :12820/1989 ), follower gland of
CI and MS nut bolts zinc coated or otherwise protected from
rusting etc complete as directed by Engineer in Charge
13 R3-HE-6-1A-a 80 mm dia. Each 1105.00
14 R3-HE-6-1A-b 100 mm dia. Each 1207.00
15 R3-HE-6-1A-c 150 mm dia. Each 1999.00
16 R3-HE-6-1A-d 200 mm dia. Each 2573.00
17 R3-HE-6-1A-e 250 mm dia. Each 3156.00
18 R3-HE-6-1A-f 300 mm dia. Each 4181.00
19 R3-HE-6-1A-g 350 mm dia. Each 5498.00
20 R3-HE-6-1A-h 400 mm dia. Each 7799.00
21 R3-HE-6-1A-i 450 mm dia. Each 10739.00
22 R3-HE-6-1A-j 500 mm dia. Each 17414.00
23 R3-HE-6-1A-k 600 mm dia. Each 33799.00
24 R3-HE-6-1A-l 750 mm dia. Each 53705.00

53 Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation

HE Schedule of Rates 2023

Rate in Rs. (Excl.


1 2 3 4 5
Providing and fixing CI Mechanical joint ALL Socket Tees,
(dimensionally described in Table - 18 of IS :13382 / 1992)
inclusive of Sealing Rubber Gasket of SBR (dimensionally
R3-HE-6-2 described in IS : 12820),Cast Iron Follower Gland and Mild
Steel Nut Bolts zinc coated or otherwise protected from rusting
and suitable for CI/DI pipes etc complete as directed by
Engineer in Charge
25 R3-HE-6-2-a 80 x 80 x 80 mm dia. Each 2886.00
26 R3-HE-6-2-b 100 x 100 x 80 mm dia. Each 3300.00
27 R3-HE-6-2-c 100 x 100 x 100 mm dia. Each 3713.00
28 R3-HE-6-2-d 150 x 150 x 80 mm dia. Each 5076.00
29 R3-HE-6-2-e 150 x 150 x 100 mm dia. Each 5350.00
30 R3-HE-6-2-f 150 x 150 x 150 mm dia. Each 6279.00
31 R3-HE-6-2-g 200 x 200 x 80 mm dia. Each 6116.00
32 R3-HE-6-2-h 200 x 200 x 100 mm dia. Each 6444.00
33 R3-HE-6-2-i 200 x 200 x 150 mm dia. Each 7726.00
34 R3-HE-6-2-j 200 x 200 x 200 mm dia. Each 8466.00
35 R3-HE-6-2-k 250 x 250 x 80 mm dia. Each 9722.00
36 R3-HE-6-2-l 250 x 250 x 100 mm dia. Each 9791.00
37 R3-HE-6-2-m 250 x 250 x 150 mm dia. Each 10327.00
38 R3-HE-6-2-n 250 x 250 x 200 mm dia. Each 11079.00
39 R3-HE-6-2-o 250 x 250 x 250 mm dia. Each 12229.00
40 R3-HE-6-2-p 300 x 300 x 80 mm dia. Each 12800.00
41 R3-HE-6-2-q 300 x 300 x 100 mm dia. Each 13023.00
42 R3-HE-6-2-r 300 x 300 x 150 mm dia. Each 14403.00
43 R3-HE-6-2-s 300 x 300 x 200 mm dia. Each 14529.00
44 R3-HE-6-2-t 300 x 300 x 250 mm dia. Each 16827.00
45 R3-HE-6-2-u 300 x 300 x 300 mm dia. Each 19016.00

Providing and fixing CI Mechanical joint Double Socket any

degree bends, (dimensionally described in IS :13382 /1992)
inclusive of Sealing Rubber Gasket of SBR (dimensionally
R3-HE-6-3 described in IS : 12820), Cast Iron Follower Gland and Mild
Steel Nut Bolts zinc coated or otherwise protected from rusting
and suitable for CI/DI pipes etc complete as directed by
Engineer in Charge
46 R3-HE-6-3-a 80 mm dia. Each 2370.00
47 R3-HE-6-3-b 100 mm dia. Each 2851.00
48 R3-HE-6-3-c 150 mm dia. Each 5124.00
49 R3-HE-6-3-d 200 mm dia. Each 7418.00
50 R3-HE-6-3-e 250 mm dia. Each 10448.00
51 R3-HE-6-3-f 300 mm dia. Each 15055.00
52 R3-HE-6-3-g 350 mm dia. Each 20442.00
53 R3-HE-6-3-h 400 mm dia. Each 22939.00

54 Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation

HE Schedule of Rates 2023

Rate in Rs. (Excl.


1 2 3 4 5
54 R3-HE-6-3-i 450 mm dia. Each 27447.00
55 R3-HE-6-3-j 500 mm dia. Each 51915.00
56 R3-HE-6-3-k 600 mm dia. Each 77397.00
57 R3-HE-6-3-l 700 mm dia. Each 82738.00
58 R3-HE-6-3-m 750 mm dia. Each 128176.00

Providing and fixing CI Mechanical joint Double Socket with

Branch Flanged Tees, (dimensionally described in Table - 19 of
IS : 13382 / 1992) inclusive of Sealing Rubber Gasket of SBR
R3-HE-6-4 (dimensionally described in IS :12820), Cast Iron Follower
Gland and Mild Steel Nut Bolts zinc coated or otherwise
protected from rusting and suitable for CI/DI Pipes etc complete
as directed by Engineer in Charge
59 R3-HE-6-4-a 80 x 80 x 80 mm dia. Each 2983.00
60 R3-HE-6-4-b 100 x 100 x 80 mm dia. Each 3809.00
61 R3-HE-6-4-c 100 x 100 x 100 mm dia. Each 4761.00
62 R3-HE-6-4-d 125 x 125 x 125 mm dia. Each 6624.00
63 R3-HE-6-4-e 150 x 150 x 80 mm dia. Each 7525.00
64 R3-HE-6-4-f 150 x 150 x 100 mm dia. Each 7931.00
65 R3-HE-6-4-g 150 x 150 x 150 mm dia. Each 9116.00
66 R3-HE-6-4-h 200 x 200 x 80 mm dia. Each 9229.00
67 R3-HE-6-4-i 200 x 200 x 100 mm dia. Each 9693.00
68 R3-HE-6-4-j 200 x 200 x 150 mm dia. Each 10952.00
69 R3-HE-6-4-k 200 x 200 x 200 mm dia. Each 13104.00
70 R3-HE-6-4-l 250 x 250 x 80 mm dia. Each 12815.00
71 R3-HE-6-4-m 250 x 250 x 100 mm dia. Each 13196.00
72 R3-HE-6-4-n 250 x 250 x 150 mm dia. Each 15375.00
73 R3-HE-6-4-o 250 x 250 x 200 mm dia. Each 16263.00
74 R3-HE-6-4-p 250 x 250 x 250 mm dia. Each 2524.00
75 R3-HE-6-4-q 300 x 300 x 80 mm dia. Each 3336.00
76 R3-HE-6-4-r 300 x 300 x 100 mm dia. Each 4071.00
77 R3-HE-6-4-s 300 x 300 x 150 mm dia. Each 4909.00
78 R3-HE-6-4-t 300 x 300 x 200 mm dia. Each 6462.00
79 R3-HE-6-4-u 300 x 300 x 250 mm dia. Each 8480.00
80 R3-HE-6-4-v 300 x 300 x 300 mm dia. Each 11947.00

Providing and fixing Mechanical Joint CI Flanged Socket Tail

pieces, (described in Table - II of IS :13382 / 1992) inclusive of
Sealing Rubber Gasket of SBR (dimensionally described in IS :
R3-HE-6-5 12820), rubber ring for flange joint, Cast Iron Follower Gland
and Mild Steel Nut Bolts zinc coated or otherwise protected from
rusting and suitable for CI/DI pipes etc complete as directed by
Engineer in Charge
81 R3-HE-6-5-a 80 mm dia. Each 2782.00

55 Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation

HE Schedule of Rates 2023

Rate in Rs. (Excl.


1 2 3 4 5
82 R3-HE-6-5-b 100 mm dia. Each 3386.00
83 R3-HE-6-5-c 150 mm dia. Each 5279.00
84 R3-HE-6-5-d 200 mm dia. Each 6078.00
85 R3-HE-6-5-e 250 mm dia. Each 9257.00
86 R3-HE-6-5-f 300 mm dia. Each 11202.00
87 R3-HE-6-5-g 350 mm dia. Each 16203.00
88 R3-HE-6-5-h 400 mm dia. Each 4619.00
89 R3-HE-6-5-i 450 mm dia. Each 4834.00
90 R3-HE-6-5-j 500 mm dia. Each 5637.00
91 R3-HE-6-5-k 600 mm dia. Each 6833.00
92 R3-HE-6-5-l 700 mm dia. Each 8211.00
93 R3-HE-6-5-m 750 mm dia. Each 8485.00

Providing and fixing CI Mechanical joint Double Socket

Reducers,(described in Table - 21 of IS : 13382 /1992) inclusive
of Sealing Rubber Gasket of SBR (dimensionally described in IS
R3-HE-6-6 : 12820), Cast Iron Follower Gland and Mild Steel Nut Bolts
zinc coated or otherwise protected from rusting and suitable for
CI/DI Pipes etc complete as directed by Engineer in Charge

94 R3-HE-6-6-a 100 x 80 mm dia. Each 3807.00

95 R3-HE-6-6-b 150 x 80 mm dia. Each 5486.00
96 R3-HE-6-6-c 150 x 100 mm dia. Each 5652.00
97 R3-HE-6-6-d 200 x 150 mm dia. Each 7872.00
98 R3-HE-6-6-e 250 x 150 mm dia. Each 8372.00
99 R3-HE-6-6-f 250 x 200 mm dia. Each 9513.00
100 R3-HE-6-6-g 300 x 150 mm dia. Each 10055.00
101 R3-HE-6-6-h 300 x 250 mm dia. Each 12006.00
102 R3-HE-6-6-i 350 x 300 mm dia. Each 11328.00
103 R3-HE-6-6-j 400 x 300 mm dia. Each 11875.00
104 R3-HE-6-6-k 400 x 350 mm dia. Each 13600.00
105 R3-HE-6-6-l 450 x 400 mm dia. Each 14741.00
106 R3-HE-6-6-m 500 x 450 mm dia. Each 17514.00
107 R3-HE-6-6-n 600 x 450 mm dia. Each 18200.00
108 R3-HE-6-6-o 700 x 600 mm dia Each 86571.00
109 R3-HE-6-6-p 750 x 600 mm dia Each 98029.00
110 R3-HE-6-6-q 750 x 700 mm dia Each 19129.00

56 Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation

HE Schedule of Rates 2023

Rate in Rs. (Excl.


1 2 3 4 5
Providing & fixing CI mechanical compression collar couplings
suitable for CI spun pipes (confirming to IS : 1536 / 1989) and
DI pipes (confirming to IS : 8329 / 2000) etc. complete with
sealing rubber gaskets of SBR dimensionally described in IS :
R3-HE-6-7 12620/1989 and zinc coated MS nut bolts or otherwise protected
from rusting and suitable for CI / DI pipes etc complete as
directed by Engineer in Charge (Item shall confirm the
specifications attached)
111 R3-HE-6-7-a 80 mm dia. Each 2166.00
112 R3-HE-6-7-b 100 mm dia. Each 2506.00
113 R3-HE-6-7-c 150 mm dia. Each 4057.00
114 R3-HE-6-7-d 250 mm dia. Each 7129.00
115 R3-HE-6-7-e 300 mm dia. Each 9559.00
116 R3-HE-6-7-f 450 mm dia. Each 19170.00

Providing & fixing CI mechanical compression transition

couplings suitable for CI spun pipes (confirming to IS : 1536 /
1989) and DI pipes (confirming to IS : 8329 / 2000) etc.
complete with sealing rubber gaskets of SBR dimensionally
described in IS : 12620/1989 and zinc coated MS nut bolts or
otherwise protected from rusting and suitable for CI / DI pipes
etc complete as directed by Engineer in Charge . (Item shall
confirm the specifications attached)
117 R3-HE-6-8-a 80 mm Each 2188.00
118 R3-HE-6-8-b 100 mm Each 2452.00
119 R3-HE-6-8-c 150 mm Each 3867.00
120 R3-HE-6-8-d 200 mm Each 2624.00
121 R3-HE-6-8-e 250 mm Each 3752.00
122 R3-HE-6-8-f 300 mm Each 3987.00
123 R3-HE-6-8-g 350 mm Each 5523.00
124 R3-HE-6-8-h 400 mm Each 7605.00
125 R3-HE-6-8-i 450 mm Each 7707.00

Providing & fixing CI mechanical compression long sleeve

couplings suitable for CI spun pipes (confirming to IS : 1536 /
1989) and DI pipes (confirming to IS : 8329 / 2000) etc.
complete with sealing rubber gaskets of SBR dimensionally
described in IS : 12620/1989 and zinc coated MS nut bolts or
otherwise protected from rusting and suitable for CI / DI pipes
etc complete as directed by Engineer in Charge (Item shall
confirm the specifications attached)
126 R3-HE-6-9-a 80 mm Each 3612.00
127 R3-HE-6-9-b 100 mm Each 4053.00

57 Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation

HE Schedule of Rates 2023

Rate in Rs. (Excl.


1 2 3 4 5
128 R3-HE-6-9-c 150 mm Each 6322.00
129 R3-HE-6-9-d 200 mm Each 7641.00
130 R3-HE-6-9-e 250 mm Each 11159.00
131 R3-HE-6-9-f 300 mm Each 13958.00
132 R3-HE-6-9-g 350 mm Each 20143.00
133 R3-HE-6-9-h 400 mm Each 30482.00
134 R3-HE-6-9-i 450 mm Each 33736.00
Providing & fixing CI mechanical End Caps suitable for CI/DI
pipes etc. complete with sealing rubber gaskets of SBR
dimensionally described in IS : 12620/1989 and zinc coated MS
nut bolts or otherwise protected from rusting and suitable for CI /
DI pipes etc complete as directed by Engineer in Charge

135 R3-HE-6-10-a 80 mm dia. Each 745.00

136 R3-HE-6-10-b 100 mm dia. Each 946.00
137 R3-HE-6-10-c 150 mm dia. Each 1303.00
138 R3-HE-6-10-d 250 mm dia. Each 1966.00
139 R3-HE-6-10-e 300 mm dia. Each 3022.00
140 R3-HE-6-10-f 450 mm dia. Each 8694.00

58 Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation

HE Schedule of Rates 2023

Rate in Rs.
(Excl. GST
and other

1 2 3 4 5

Supplying G.I C Class Pipes having embossed ISI mark on it

and Conforming to IS: 1293 (Latest Edition) of the following
diameter excluding all local and central taxes,octroi,inspection
R3-HE-7-1 charges, transportation to stores etc complete in all respect as
directed by Engineer in Charge. Note : Only GI pipe brands from
the MCGM approved vendor list shall be used, all pipe and pipe
fittings shall be C class (heavy grade) having ISI marking.

1 R3-HE-7-1-a 15 mm Rmt 104.00

2 R3-HE-7-1-b 20 mm Rmt 136.00
3 R3-HE-7-1-c 25 mm Rmt 184.00
4 R3-HE-7-1-d 32 mm Rmt 234.00
5 R3-HE-7-1-e 40 mm Rmt 280.00
6 R3-HE-7-1-f 50 mm Rmt 372.00
7 R3-HE-7-1-g 65mm Rmt 468.00
8 R3-HE-7-1-h 80mm Rmt 606.00

Supplying, providing laying and jointing GI pipes including all

required fittings in trenches of following class and diameter by
wrapping them by hessian cloth with tar coating and including
any nominal pipe length required to be laid above ground level,
conveyance from stores to site work, all labour, necessary
excavation in all type of Strata , backfilling, giving satisfactory
hydraulic test, etc complete in all respect as directed by Engineer
in Charge. Note : Only GI pipe brands from the MCGM
approved vendor list shall be used, all pipe and pipe fittings shall
be C class (heavy grade) having ISI marking.

9 R3-HE-7-2-a 15 mm Rmt 228.00

10 R3-HE-7-2-b 20 mm Rmt 264.00
11 R3-HE-7-2-c 25 mm Rmt 348.00
12 R3-HE-7-2-d 32 mm Rmt 408.00
13 R3-HE-7-2-e 40 mm Rmt 511.00
14 R3-HE-7-2-f 50 mm Rmt 625.00
15 R3-HE-7-2-g 65mm Rmt 858.00
16 R3-HE-7-2-h 80mm Rmt 1067.00

59 Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation

HE Schedule of Rates 2023

Rate in Rs.
(Excl. GST
and other

1 2 3 4 5

Removing and replacing existing GI pipes with new GI pipes

including all required fittings in trenches of following class and
diameter by wrapping them by hessian cloth with tar coating and
including any nominal pipe length required to be laid above
ground level, conveyance from stores to site work, all labour,
necessary excavation in all type of Strata, backfilling, giving
R3-HE-7-3 satisfactory hydraulic test, etc complete in all respect as directed
by Engineer in Charge Note : (1) The old pipes removed from
site will be property of contractor & shall be removed by the
contractors as directed. Rebate for salvation cost of old pipe has
been considered in the rate analysis. (2) Only GI pipe brands
from the MCGM approved vendor list shall be used, all pipe and
pipe fittings shall be C class (heavy grade) having ISI marking.

17 R3-HE-7-3-a 15 mm Rmt 165.00

18 R3-HE-7-3-b 20 mm Rmt 183.00
19 R3-HE-7-3-c 25 mm Rmt 221.00
20 R3-HE-7-3-d 32 mm Rmt 244.00
21 R3-HE-7-3-e 40 mm Rmt 321.00
22 R3-HE-7-3-f 50 mm Rmt 356.00
23 R3-HE-7-3-g 65mm Rmt 520.00
24 R3-HE-7-3-h 80mm Rmt 642.00

60 Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation

HE Schedule of Rates 2023

Rate in Rs.
(Excl. GST
and other

1 2 3 4 5

The transfer of existing service connections include cutting the

existing connections, plugging the holes, supplying & fixing new
Gun metal ferrules, required GI fittings(heavy) supplying &
fixing new 'C' class G.I.pipes up to 1 meter length and and
making the hole with hand tools, including necessary
barracading,excavation in all type of Strata, and backfilling etc
R3-HE-7-4 complete in all respect as directed by Engineer in Charge . Note :
(1) The old pipes, ferrules & fittings removed from site will be
property of contractor & shall be removed by the contractors as
directed. Rebate for salvation cost of old pipe has been
considered in the rate analysis. (2) Only GI pipe brands from the
MCGM approved vendor list shall be used, all pipe and pipe
fittings shall be C class (heavy grade) having ISI marking.

25 R3-HE-7-4-a 15mm. Each 3304.00

26 R3-HE-7-4-b 20mm. Each 3476.00
27 R3-HE-7-4-c 25mm. Each 3773.00
28 R3-HE-7-4-d 32mm. Each 5015.00
29 R3-HE-7-4-e 40mm. Each 5664.00
30 R3-HE-7-4-f 50mm. Each 6886.00
31 R3-HE-7-4-g 65mm Each 8680.00
32 R3-HE-7-4-h 80mm Each 16455.00

Providing and fixing C class (heavy) GI union couplings with

embossed ISI mark including cutting and threading of pipe of
R3-HE-7-5 following diameters etc complete in all respect as directed by
Engineer in Charge .Note : Only MCGM approved GI pipe
brands shall be used.
33 R3-HE-7-5-a 15mm. Each 191.00
34 R3-HE-7-5-b 20mm. Each 198.00
35 R3-HE-7-5-c 25mm. Each 211.00
36 R3-HE-7-5-d 32mm. Each 237.00
37 R3-HE-7-5-e 40mm. Each 250.00
38 R3-HE-7-5-f 50mm. Each 293.00
39 R3-HE-7-5-g 65 mm Each 405.00
40 R3-HE-7-5-h 80mm Each 457.00

61 Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation

HE Schedule of Rates 2023

Rate in Rs.
(Excl. GST
and other

1 2 3 4 5
Supplying C class (heavy) GI union couplings with embossed
ISI mark for following diameters etc complete in all respect as
directed by Engineer in Charge .Note : Only MCGM approved
GI pipe brands shall be used.

41 R3-HE-7-6-a 15mm. Each 11.00

42 R3-HE-7-6-b 20mm. Each 17.00
43 R3-HE-7-6-c 25mm. Each 28.00
44 R3-HE-7-6-d 32mm. Each 49.00
45 R3-HE-7-6-e 40mm. Each 60.00
46 R3-HE-7-6-f 50mm. Each 96.00
47 R3-HE-7-6-g 65 mm Each 115.00
48 R3-HE-7-6-h 80mm Each 158.00

Providing and fixing GI double barrel nipples with embossed ISI

mark of following diameters (C class / heavy) etc complete in all
respect as directed by Engineer in Charge. Note : Only MCGM
approved GI pipe brands shall be used.
49 R3-HE-7-7-a 15 mm dia. Each 53.00
50 R3-HE-7-7-b 20 mm dia. Each 62.00
51 R3-HE-7-7-c 25 mm dia. Each 74.00
52 R3-HE-7-7-d 32 mm dia. Each 91.00
53 R3-HE-7-7-e 40 mm dia. Each 113.00
54 R3-HE-7-7-f 50 mm dia. Each 119.00
55 R3-HE-7-7-g 65 mm dia. Each 221.00
56 R3-HE-7-7-h 80mm dia. Each 317.00

Supplying C class (heavy) GI Double Barrel Nipples with

embossed ISI mark for following diameters etc complete in all
R3-HE-7-8 respect etc complete in all respect as directed by Engineer in
Charge. Note : Only MCGM approved GI pipe brands shall be
57 R3-HE-7-8-a 15 mm dia. Each 7.00
58 R3-HE-7-8-b 20 mm dia. Each 9.00
59 R3-HE-7-8-c 25 mm dia. Each 12.00
60 R3-HE-7-8-d 32 mm dia. Each 16.00
61 R3-HE-7-8-e 40 mm dia. Each 20.00
62 R3-HE-7-8-f 50 mm dia. Each 25.00

62 Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation

HE Schedule of Rates 2023

Rate in Rs.
(Excl. GST
and other

1 2 3 4 5
63 R3-HE-7-8-g 65 mm dia. Each 85.00
64 R3-HE-7-8-h 80mm dia. Each 164.00

Providing and fixing GI couplings (heavy) with embossed ISI

mark of following diameters etc complete in all respect etc
complete in all respect as directed by Engineer in Charge. Note :
Only MCGM approved GI pipe brands shall be used.
65 R3-HE-7-9-a 15 mm dia. Each 58.00
66 R3-HE-7-9-b 20 mm dia. Each 72.00
67 R3-HE-7-9-c 25 mm dia. Each 88.00
68 R3-HE-7-9-d 32 mm dia. Each 115.00
69 R3-HE-7-9-e 40 mm dia. Each 143.00
70 R3-HE-7-9-f 50 mm dia. Each 176.00
71 R3-HE-7-9-g 65 mm dia. Each 239.00
72 R3-HE-7-9-h 80mm dia. Each 309.00

Supplying C class (heavy) GI couplings (heavy) with embossed

ISI mark for following diameters etc complete in all respect etc
complete in all respect as directed by Engineer in Charge.Note :
Only MCGM approved GI pipe brands shall be used.
73 R3-HE-7-10-a 15 mm dia. Each 11.00
74 R3-HE-7-10-b 20 mm dia. Each 17.00
75 R3-HE-7-10-c 25 mm dia. Each 24.00
76 R3-HE-7-10-d 32 mm dia. Each 36.00
77 R3-HE-7-10-e 40 mm dia. Each 45.00
78 R3-HE-7-10-f 50 mm dia. Each 72.00
79 R3-HE-7-10-g 65 mm dia. Each 100.00
80 R3-HE-7-10-h 80mm dia. Each 158.00

Providing and fixing GI plugs (heavy) of following diameters etc

complete in all respect etc complete in all respect as directed by
Engineer in Charge. Note : Only MCGM approved GI pipe
brands shall be used.
81 R3-HE-7-11-a 15 mm dia. Each 51.00
82 R3-HE-7-11-b 20 mm dia. Each 61.00
83 R3-HE-7-11-c 25 mm dia. Each 73.00

63 Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation

HE Schedule of Rates 2023

Rate in Rs.
(Excl. GST
and other

1 2 3 4 5
84 R3-HE-7-11-d 32 mm dia. Each 97.00
85 R3-HE-7-11-e 40 mm dia. Each 122.00
86 R3-HE-7-11-f 50 mm dia. Each 135.00
87 R3-HE-7-11-g 65 mm dia. Each 189.00
88 R3-HE-7-11-h 80mm dia. Each 214.00

Supplying GI plugs (heavy) of following diameters etc complete

in all respect etc complete in all respect as directed by Engineer
in Charge. Note : Only MCGM approved GI pipe brands shall be
89 R3-HE-7-12-a 15 mm dia. Each 5.00
90 R3-HE-7-12-b 20 mm dia. Each 8.00
91 R3-HE-7-12-c 25 mm dia. Each 11.00
92 R3-HE-7-12-d 32 mm dia. Each 21.00
93 R3-HE-7-12-e 40 mm dia. Each 27.00
94 R3-HE-7-12-f 50 mm dia. Each 38.00
95 R3-HE-7-12-g 65 mm dia. Each 58.00
96 R3-HE-7-12-h 80mm dia. Each 80.00

Providing and fixing GI elbows (heavy) with embossed ISI mark

of following diameters etc complete in all respect etc complete
as directed by Engineer in Charge. Note : Only MCGM approved
GI pipe brands shall be used.
97 R3-HE-7-13-a 15 mm dia. Each 62.00
98 R3-HE-7-13-b 20 mm dia. Each 76.00
99 R3-HE-7-13-c 25 mm dia. Each 101.00
100 R3-HE-7-13-d 32 mm dia. Each 133.00
101 R3-HE-7-13-e 40 mm dia. Each 167.00
102 R3-HE-7-13-f 50 mm dia. Each 210.00
103 R3-HE-7-13-g 65 mm dia. Each 294.00
104 R3-HE-7-13-h 80mm dia. Each 452.00

Supplying GI elbows (heavy) with embossed ISI mark of

following diameters etc complete in all respect etc complete as
directed by Engineer in Charge.Note : Only MCGM approved GI
pipe brands shall be used.
105 R3-HE-7-14-a 15 mm dia. Each 14.00
106 R3-HE-7-14-b 20 mm dia. Each 21.00
107 R3-HE-7-14-c 25 mm dia. Each 34.00

64 Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation

HE Schedule of Rates 2023

Rate in Rs.
(Excl. GST
and other

1 2 3 4 5
108 R3-HE-7-14-d 32 mm dia. Each 51.00
109 R3-HE-7-14-e 40 mm dia. Each 65.00
110 R3-HE-7-14-f 50 mm dia. Each 100.00
111 R3-HE-7-14-g 65 mm dia. Each 145.00
112 R3-HE-7-14-h 80mm dia. Each 276.00

Providing and fixing GI bends (heavy) of following diameters

etc complete in all respect etc complete in all respect etc
complete as directed by Engineer in Charge. Note : Only MCGM
approved GI pipe brands shall be used.
113 R3-HE-7-15-a 15 mm dia. Each 69.00
114 R3-HE-7-15-b 20 mm dia. Each 81.00
115 R3-HE-7-15-c 25 mm dia. Each 105.00
116 R3-HE-7-15-d 32 mm dia. Each 138.00
117 R3-HE-7-15-e 40 mm dia. Each 174.00
118 R3-HE-7-15-f 50 mm dia. Each 264.00
119 R3-HE-7-15-g 65 mm dia. Each 330.00
120 R3-HE-7-15-h 80mm dia. Each 581.00

Supplying GI bends (heavy) of following diameters etc complete

in all respect etc complete in all respect etc complete as directed
by Engineer in Charge. Note : Only MCGM approved GI pipe
brands shall be used.
121 R3-HE-7-16-a 15 mm dia. Each 20.00
122 R3-HE-7-16-b 20 mm dia. Each 25.00
123 R3-HE-7-16-c 25 mm dia. Each 38.00
124 R3-HE-7-16-d 32 mm dia. Each 55.00
125 R3-HE-7-16-e 40 mm dia. Each 70.00
126 R3-HE-7-16-f 50 mm dia. Each 145.00
127 R3-HE-7-16-g 65 mm dia. Each 175.00
128 R3-HE-7-16-h 80mm dia. Each 383.00

Providing and fixing GI reducing Tees (heavy) with embossed

ISI mark of following sizes etc complete in all respect etc
complete in all respect as directed by Engineer in Charge. Note :
Only MCGM approved GI pipe brands shall be used.
129 R3-HE-7-17-a 50 mm x 15 mm Each 114.00
130 R3-HE-7-17-b 50 mm x 20 mm Each 130.00
131 R3-HE-7-17-c 50 mm x 25 mm Each 143.00

65 Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation

HE Schedule of Rates 2023

Rate in Rs.
(Excl. GST
and other

1 2 3 4 5
132 R3-HE-7-17-d 50 mm x 32 mm Each 165.00
133 R3-HE-7-17-e 50 mm x 40 mm Each 158.00

Supplying GI reducing Tees (heavy) with embossed ISI mark of

following sizes etc complete in all respect etc complete in all
respect as directed by Engineer in Charge.Note : Only MCGM
approved GI pipe brands shall be used.
134 R3-HE-7-18-a 50 mm x 15 mm Each 21.00
135 R3-HE-7-18-b 50 mm x 20 mm Each 34.00
136 R3-HE-7-18-c 50 mm x 25 mm Each 45.00
137 R3-HE-7-18-d 50 mm x 32 mm Each 63.00
138 R3-HE-7-18-e 50 mm x 40 mm Each 57.00

Providing and fixing gun metal ISI mark non-return valve

R3-HE-7-19 Screwed End of following diameters etc complete in all respect
etc complete in all respect as directed by Engineer in Charge

139 R3-HE-7-19-a 15 mm dia. Each 419.00

140 R3-HE-7-19-b 20 mm dia. Each 600.00
141 R3-HE-7-19-c 25 mm dia. Each 881.00
142 R3-HE-7-19-d 32 mm dia. Each 1291.00
143 R3-HE-7-19-e 40 mm dia. Each 1647.00
144 R3-HE-7-19-f 50 mm dia. Each 2739.00
145 R3-HE-7-19-g 65 mm dia. Each 3499.00
146 R3-HE-7-19-h 80mm dia. Each 4162.00

Supplying gun metal ISI mark non-return valve Screwed End of

R3-HE-7-20 following diameters etc complete in all respect etc complete in
all respect as directed by Engineer in Charge
147 R3-HE-7-20-a 15 mm dia. Each 310.00
148 R3-HE-7-20-b 20 mm dia. Each 455.00
149 R3-HE-7-20-c 25 mm dia. Each 680.00
150 R3-HE-7-20-d 32 mm dia. Each 1010.00
151 R3-HE-7-20-e 40 mm dia. Each 1290.00
152 R3-HE-7-20-f 50 mm dia. Each 2170.00
153 R3-HE-7-20-g 65 mm dia. Each 2800.00
154 R3-HE-7-20-h 80mm dia. Each 3300.00

66 Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation

HE Schedule of Rates 2023

Rate in Rs.
(Excl. GST
and other

1 2 3 4 5

Removing and refixing of existing service connections include

cutting the existing connections, plugging the holes, including
the cost of barricading,excavation and backfilling etc complete in
all respect as directed by Engineer in Charge . Note : (1) New GI
fittings used if any will be paid extra and rebate for the old fitting
will be deducted as per item HE-7-22 , the old GI fittings to be
removed from site will be property of contractor & shall be
removed by the contractors as directed.(2) This item to be used
specially while carrying out mortar lining works to water
mains.(3) Only GI pipe brands from the MCGM approved
vendor list shall be used, all pipe and pipe fittings shall be C
class (heavy grade) having ISI marking.

155 R3-HE-7-21-a 15mm. Each 264.00

156 R3-HE-7-21-b 20mm. Each 264.00
157 R3-HE-7-21-c 25mm. Each 264.00
158 R3-HE-7-21-d 32mm. Each 356.00
159 R3-HE-7-21-e 40mm. Each 448.00
160 R3-HE-7-21-f 50mm. Each 540.00
161 R3-HE-7-21-g 65mm Each 632.00
162 R3-HE-7-21-h 80mm Each 632.00

Removing and Cutting of existing service connections lines

include cutting of the existing GI pipe line removing the pipe
pieces and plugging the pipe line, including any nominal pipe
length required to be laid above ground level, the cost of
barricading,excavation and backfilling etc complete in all respect
as directed by Engineer in Charge . Note : (1) New GI fittings
used if any will be paid extra .(2) Salvage value of 1M length of
GI pipe has been considered,old GI pipe to be removed from site
will be property of contractor & shall be removed by the
contractors as directed. (3)Only GI pipe brands from the MCGM
approved vendor list shall be used, all pipe and pipe fittings shall
be C class (heavy grade) having ISI marking.

67 Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation

HE Schedule of Rates 2023

Rate in Rs.
(Excl. GST
and other

1 2 3 4 5
163 R3-HE-7-22-a 15mm. Each 497.00
164 R3-HE-7-22-b 20mm. Each 482.00
165 R3-HE-7-22-c 25mm. Each 478.00
166 R3-HE-7-22-d 32mm. Each 598.00
167 R3-HE-7-22-e 40mm. Each 600.00
168 R3-HE-7-22-f 50mm. Each 597.00
169 R3-HE-7-22-g 65mm Each 785.00
170 R3-HE-7-22-h 80mm Each 786.00

Supplying Brass / Gun Metal Ferrule Conforming to IS 2692

except for jumper valve, which will be of either brass / gun metal
or Poly propylene coated light weight brass jumper valve etc
complete in all respect and as directed by Engineer In-Charge.
171 R3-HE-7-23-a 15 mm dia. Each 385.00
172 R3-HE-7-23-b 20 mm dia. Each 547.00
173 R3-HE-7-23-c 25 mm dia. Each 880.00
174 R3-HE-7-23-d 32 mm dia. Each 1219.00
175 R3-HE-7-23-e 40 mm dia. Each 1817.00
176 R3-HE-7-23-f 50 mm dia. Each 2910.00

Removing and Replacing of existing old/damaged Brass / Gun

Metal Ferrule Conforming to IS 2692 except for jumper valve,
which will be of either brass / gun metal or Polypropylene coated
light weight brass jumper valve, inclusive of required excavation
R3-HE-7-24 and backfilling etc complete in all respect and as directed by
Engineer In-Charge. Note : (1) Rebate for salvation cost of old
ferrule has been considered and old ferrule to be removed from
site will be property of contractor & shall be removed by the
contractors as directed.

177 R3-HE-7-24-a 15 mm dia. Each 1496.00

178 R3-HE-7-24-b 20 mm dia. Each 1628.00
179 R3-HE-7-24-c 25 mm dia. Each 1895.00
180 R3-HE-7-24-d 32 mm dia. Each 2163.00
181 R3-HE-7-24-e 40 mm dia. Each 2670.00
182 R3-HE-7-24-f 50 mm dia. Each 3624.00

68 Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation

HE Schedule of Rates 2023

Rate in Rs.
(Excl. GST
and other

1 2 3 4 5
Providing and fixing Brass / Gun Metal Ferrule Conforming to
IS 2692 except for jumper valve, which will be of either Poly
R3-HE-7-25 propylene or brass / gun metal jumper valve, inclusive of
required excavation and backfilling etc complete in all respect
and as directed by Engineer In-Charge.
183 R3-HE-7-25-a 15 mm dia. Each 1544.00
184 R3-HE-7-25-b 20 mm dia. Each 1708.00
185 R3-HE-7-25-c 25 mm dia. Each 2045.00
186 R3-HE-7-25-d 32 mm dia. Each 2387.00
187 R3-HE-7-25-e 40 mm dia. Each 2991.00
188 R3-HE-7-25-f 50 mm dia. Each 4095.00

69 Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation

HE Schedule of Rates 2023

Rate in Rs. (Excl. GST

and other Taxes)

1 2 3 4 5
Providing and fixing CI / MS sluice valve road boxes
confirming IS : 3950 for sluice valves for size of 80 mm
dia. etc complete in all respect and as directed by
1 R3-HE-8-1 Engineer In Charge. Each 3895.00
(Required excavation, brick masonry and concrete for
fixing road boxes will be paid separately in relevant

Removing body water from water mains etc. by means of

pumps and discharging the same in nearest drain lines
etc. complete as directed & as specified by Engineer In
Charge.(Each shift shall been of 8 hours prorata payment
will be made for part-shift. Minimum payment shall be
made for one shift.)
2 R3-HE-8-2-a 5 H.P. Pump Shift 4400.00
3 R3-HE-8-2-b 10 H.P. Pump Shift 5507.00
4 R3-HE-8-2-c 15 H.P. Pump Shift 4702.00
5 R3-HE-8-2-d 30 H.P. Pump Shift 5134.00

Construction of Bunds and cofferdam using selected earth

filling the same in gunny bags, placing in position and
making the cofferdam/ bunds water tight, including
pumping out water and maintaining dry condition during
R3-HE-8-3 all operations of pipe laying including removing the
cofferdam / bunds after completion of the work as
directed. Note: Hauling and disposal charges for extra
murum/earth if applicable will be paid separately as per
relevant item.
6 R3-HE-8-3-a Earth filling material supplied by Contractor Cum 2644.00
7 R3-HE-8-3-b -- do -- with Municipal earth. Cum 1667.00

Providing and laying 200 mm thick hand sets dry rubble

soling including filling the interstices with small chips,
8 R3-HE-8-4 ramming etc. complete for foundations of pedestals, Sqm 319.00
chairs, thrust blocks, etc. complete in all respect and as
directed by Engineer In Charge.

70 Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation

HE Schedule of Rates 2023

Rate in Rs. (Excl. GST

and other Taxes)

1 2 3 4 5

Providing M-20 cement concrete encasement with

ordinary portland cement to pipes, in thrust blocks etc.,
mixing, laying, consolidating by mechanical vibrator,
9 R3-HE-8-5 Cum 6732.00
curing etc. complete in all respect and as directed by
Engineer In Charge.
(M.S. reinforcement if provided will be paid separately.)

Providing and constructing Brick masonry of any

thickness (1st sort ) in CM 1:4, including racking of
10 R3-HE-8-6 Cum 9467.00
joints and curing etc. complete in all respect and as
directed by Engineer In Charge.

Constructing meter chambers for 80 mm. size meters as

per Standard MCGM issue drawing etc. complete in all
respect and as directed by Engineer In Charge. (Bedding
of 1:2:4 c.c.)
11 R3-HE-8-7-a At Municipal Cost Nos 35768.00
12 R3-HE-8-7-b At party's Cost Nos 41133.00
Constructing meter chambers for 100 mm and 150 mm
size meters as per Standard MCGM issue drawing etc.
complete in all respect and as directed by Engineer In
Charge. (Bedding of 1:2:4 c.c.)
13 R3-H-8-8-a At Municipal Cost Nos 45385.00
14 R3-H-8-8-b At party's Cost Nos 52193.00
Constructing meter chambers for 200 mm and 300 mm
size meters as per Standard MCGM issue drawing etc.
complete in all respect and as directed by Engineer In
Charge. (Bedding of 1:2:4 c.c.)
15 R3-H-8-9-a At Municipal Cost Nos 62180.00
16 R3-H-8-9-b At party's Cost Nos 71507.00

Flushing, cleaning, chlorinating & providing pitometer

cocks on C.I. & M.S. pipes including brick masonry
chamber ( For
17 R3-HE-8-10 Departmental Works only) etc. complete in all respect and LS 5578.00
as directed by Engineer In Charge.
Note : Chlorination shall be done for pipes above 100
mm. dia.

71 Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation

HE Schedule of Rates 2023

Rate in Rs. (Excl. GST

and other Taxes)

1 2 3 4 5
Hydraulic testing of C.I. or M.S. mains for 300 meters or
18 R3-HE-8-11 part thereof (For Departmental use) etc. complete in all LS 3549.00
respect and as directed by Engineer In Charge.

Supplying & fixing on chambers, 90 cms. x 45 cms.C.I.

rectangular, heavy frame and cover weighing between
19 R3-HE-8-12 Nos 30789.00
223 247 kg etc. complete in all respect and as
directed by Engineer In Charge.

Supplying & fixing on chambers, 90 cms. x 60 cms.C.I.

rectangular, heavy frame and cover weighing between
20 R3-HE-8-13 259 289 kg etc. complete in all respect and etc. Nos 37222.00
complete in all respect and as directed by Engineer In

Supplying clean, washed and gritty sand composed of

hard coarse silicious grains, free from clay or any
vegetable matter and animal matter and organic matter,
21 R3-HE-8-14 having silt content not more than 5%, at any work site or Cum 2649.00
any municipal stores, any where in Greater Mumbai etc.
complete in all respect and as directed by Engineer In

Supplying coarse aggregates of required size (Metal No.1

and Metal No.2) made from good quality stone, free from
R3-HE-8-15 stone chips, grit etc. at any work site or any municipal
stores, any where in Greater Mumbai etc. complete in all
respect and as directed by Engineer In Charge.
22 R3-HE-8-15-a Metal No.1 Cum 1236.00
23 R3-HE-8-15-b Metal No.2 Cum 1236.00
Supplying the Bricks of uniform standard size, table
molded, good, sound, hard, well burnt with straight sharp
edges, having crushing strength not less than 35
Kg/sqcm. and water absorption less than 20% after 24
24 R3-HE-8-16 Nos 7500.00
hours immersion in water, at any work site or any
municipal stores, any where in Greater Mumbai etc.
complete in all respect and as directed by Engineer In

Cutting & removing CI, DI pipes with specials and joints

of 150 mm to 300 mm dia. and transporting the same to
25 R3-HE-8-17 any Municipal stores in Greater Mumbai limit etc. Nos 892.00
complete in all respect and as directed by Engineer In

72 Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation

HE Schedule of Rates 2023

Rate in Rs. (Excl. GST

and other Taxes)

1 2 3 4 5
Providing and laying M-15 ready mix concrete,
compacting with vibrator, curing, adding plasticizers, etc.
complete in all respect and as directed by Engineer In
26 R3-HE-8-18 Cum 8378.00
Charge. (Concrete mix shall be poured directly with the
help of Shute.) Note : Sanction of Head of the
Department shall be obtained for operating this item.

Providing and laying M-15 ready mix concrete,

compacting with vibrator, curing, adding plasticizers, etc.
complete in all respect and as directed by Engineer In
27 R3-HE-8-19 Cum 7435.00
Charge. (Hand carts and labors will be used for
transporting concrete mix.)Note : Sanction of Head of the
Department shall be obtained for operating this item.

Providing & applying 3 layer fusion bonded polyethylene

(3LPE) coating to mild steel pipes externally of 3000
microns and internally 2000 microns. The polyethylene
used shall be food grade material and the coating shall
confirm to DIN-30670 standard. 100 mm space shall be
left uncoated (cutback) on both ends of the mild steel pipe
for welding purpose & the same shall be coated after
completion of welding at site with 100% solid, cold
applied, polymeric coating. The item is inclusive of PE
28 R3-HE-8-20 material, process of coating, cleaning of pipe internally Sqm 4136.00
by sand blasting and preparing surface dust free for
application of PE coating and also inclusive of welding
joint at site and 10cm of each pipe shall coated with Co-
Polymer paint PE-80 used for cold application paint for
polyethylene coating 500 microns inside and 500 microns
outside, etc. complete in all respect and as directed by
Engineer In Charge. NOTE : In any case the PE coated
pipes shall not be used for laying above ground and for
making bends or specials.

Providing & applying Internal Fusion Bonded Epoxy

29 R3-HE-8-21 coating 400 microns as per IS 3589 Annex C. for above Sqm 1931.00
ground application.

73 Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation

HE Schedule of Rates 2023

Rate in Rs. (Excl. GST

and other Taxes)

1 2 3 4 5
Removing the existing paint, providing & applying
protective coating of Rust converter consisting of
TANNIC ACID and two coats of thickness of 1 mm each
30 R3-HE-8-22 of Cementations acrylic coating to the exposed steel Sqm 685.00
surface as directed by the Engineer in charge and as per
manufacturer's specification including staging,

Removing existing paint, cleaning & preparing the

surface & Providing and applying protective coating
consisting of 100 % SOLID SOLVENTLESS
31 R3-HE-8-23 Sqm 2532.00
thickness 0.7to 1.00 mm to the exposed steel surface as
directed by the Engineer in charge and as per
manufacturer's specification including staging, etc.

Removing and refixing of existing S.P. fire hydrants for

replacing of mouth piece, duck foot bend, Sluice valve, as
required as per specifications & drawing but including
painting the hydrant, fixing the saddle piece, supplying
and jointing the same with spun yarn, molten lead,
including caulking etc. complete as directed & as
32 R3-HE-8-24 Nos 1881.00
specified by Engineer In Charge. (as per IS : 908) Note :
1) The new material required, will be paid separately on
the basis of weight per kg of material. 2) The cost of
constructing valve chamber will be ely. 3) Rebate for
salvation cost of existing material replaced will be taken
at the rate of Rs 25/Kg Basic rate for new material
a) CI Rs 55 /kg b) DI Rs 161/kg c) MS Rs 84 /kg

Removing of existing S.P. fire hydrants and replacing

them with new SP fire hydrants with its complete
assembly including supplying and jointing the same with
33 R3-HE-8-25 spun yarn, molten lead, including caulking etc. complete Nos 13362.00
as directed & as specified by Engineer In Charge. (as per
IS : 908). Note : The salvage value for old fire hydrant
has been considered on per Kg basis.

74 Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation

HE Schedule of Rates 2023

Rate in Rs. (Excl. GST

and other Taxes)

1 2 3 4 5
Supplying, transporting and fixing S.P. fire hydrants
including mouth piece, duck foot bend, S.V. as per
specifications & drawing, fixing flanged socket,
supplying and laying C.I./ M.S. pipe up to 2 mtrs. length
34 R3-HE-8-26 and jointing the same with spun yarn, molten lead, Each 27348.00
including caulking etc. complete as directed & as
specified by Engineer In Charge. (as per IS : 908)
Note: Construction of valve chamber will be paid

Cutting of exsisting cement concrete road upto specified

depth by using Diamond Saw machine etc. complete in
R3-HE-8-27 all respects and as directed by Engineer In Charge. Note :
The charges for supplying water and electricity are
exclusive of the rate worked out.
35 R3-HE-8-27-a Upto 350 mm depth of cutting Rmt 1308.00
36 R3-HE-8-27-b Above 350 upto 500 mm depth of cutting Rmt 2972.00

75 Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation

HE Schedule of Rates 2023

Rate in Rs.
(Excl. GST
Sr.No. Material Code Material Description Unit
and other
1 2 3 4 5
Supplying HDPE Pipe Conforming to ISO 4427 of 1996,
manufactured from virgin resin of PE-80 food grade
compounded raw material having blue colour only with quality
assurance certificate from quality agencies like CIPET(India) /
DVGM / KIWA / SPGN / WRC etc. for usage in drinking water
R3-HE-9-1 system. The cost shall include testing of all materials, labour,
excluding all taxes (Central, State and Municipal), inspection
charges, transportation to the directed municipal establishment,
transit insurance, loading, unloading, stacking etc complete in all
respect and as directed by Engineer In-Charge. Note :Only
MCGM approved brands shall be used.
1 R3-HE-9-1-a 20 mm dia. OD pipe PN 16 Rmt 35.00
2 R3-HE-9-1-b 25 mm dia. OD pipe PN 12.5 Rmt 45.00
3 R3-HE-9-1-c 32 mm dia. OD pipe PN 12.5 Rmt 75.00
4 R3-HE-9-1-d 40 mm dia. OD pipe PN 12.5 Rmt 115.00
5 R3-HE-9-1-e 50 mm dia. OD pipe PN 12.5 Rmt 178.00
6 R3-HE-9-1-f 63 mm dia. OD pipe PN 10 Rmt 238.00
7 R3-HE-9-1-g 90 mm dia. OD pipe PN 10 Rmt 633.00
8 R3-HE-9-1-h 110 mm dia. OD pipe PN 10 Rmt 1048.00
9 R3-HE-9-1-i 160 mm dia. OD pipe PN 10 Rmt 1438.00
10 R3-HE-9-1-j 250 mm dia. OD pipe PN 10 Rmt 3197.00
11 R3-HE-9-1-k 315 mm dia. OD pipe PN 10 Rmt 4428.00

Supplying HDPE Pipe confirming to IS 4984, manufactured

from virgin resin of PE-100 food grade raw material having
black colour with blue strips only with quality assurance
certificate from quality agencies like CIPET(India) / DVGM /
KIWA / SPGN / WRC etc. for usage in drinking , labor,
excluding all taxes (Central, State and Municipal), inspection
charges, transportation up to site, transit insurance, loading,
unloading, stacking,etc complete in all respect and as directed by
Engineer In-Charge. Note :Only MCGM approved brands shall
be used.
12 R3-HE-9-2-a 160 mm dia. OD pipe PN 10 Rmt 1357.00
13 R3-HE-9-2-b 250 mm dia. OD pipe PN 10 Rmt 3094.00
14 R3-HE-9-2-c 315 mm dia. OD pipe PN 10 Rmt 4399.00

76 Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation

HE Schedule of Rates 2023
Rate in Rs.
(Excl. GST
Sr.No. Material Code Material Description Unit
and other
1 2 3 4 5
Supplying HDPE Pipe confirming to IS 4984, manufactured
from virgin resin of PE-100 food grade raw material having
black colour with blue strips only with quality assurance
certificate from quality agencies like CIPET(India) / DVGM /
KIWA / SPGN / WRC etc. for usage in drinking , labour,
excluding all taxes (Central, State and Municipal), inspection
charges, transportation up to site, transit insurance, loading,
unloading, stacking, etc complete in all respect and as directed
by Engineer In-Charge. Note : :Only MCGM approved brands
shall be used.
15 R3-HE-9-3-a 450 mm dia. OD pipe PN 10 Rmt 9975.00
16 R3-HE-9-3-b 630 mm dia. OD pipe PN 10 Rmt 19612.00

Providing and lowering in trenches HDPE Pipe Conforming to

ISO 4427 of 1996, manufactured from virgin resin of PE-80
food grade compounded raw material having blue colour only
with quality assurance certificate from quality agencies like
CIPET(India) / DVGM / KIWA / SPGN / WRC etc. for usage in
drinking water system. The cost shall include testing of all
R3-HE-9-4 materials, labour, excluding all taxes (Central, State and
Municipal), inspection charges, transportation up to site, transit
insurance, loading, unloading, stacking, providing and fixing etc
complete in all respect and as directed by Engineer In-Charge.
Note : :Only MCGM approved brands shall be used. Note : (2)
Rebate for salvation cost of old pipe has been considered and old
pipes may be removed by the contractors as directed.

17 R3-HE-9-4-a 20 mm dia. OD pipe PN 16 Rmt 66.00

18 R3-HE-9-4-b 25 mm dia. OD pipe PN 12.5 Rmt 75.00
19 R3-HE-9-1-c 32 mm dia. OD pipe PN 12.5 Rmt 111.00
20 R3-HE-9-1-d 40 mm dia. OD pipe PN 12.5 Rmt 150.00
21 R3-HE-9-4-e 50 mm dia. OD pipe PN 12.5 Rmt 211.00
22 R3-HE-9-4-f 63 mm dia. OD pipe PN 10 Rmt 272.00
23 R3-HE-9-4-g 90 mm dia. OD pipe PN 10 Rmt 799.00
24 R3-HE-9-4-h 110 mm dia. OD pipe PN 10 Rmt 1206.00

77 Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation

HE Schedule of Rates 2023
Rate in Rs.
(Excl. GST
Sr.No. Material Code Material Description Unit
and other
1 2 3 4 5
Providing and lowering in trenches HDPE Pipe Conforming to
ISO 4427 of 1996, manufactured from virgin resin of PE-80
food grade compounded raw material having blue colour only
with quality assurance certificate from quality agencies like
CIPET(India) / DVGM / KIWA / SPGN / WRC etc. for usage in
R3-HE-9-5 drinking water system. The cost shall include testing of all
materials, labour, excluding all taxes (Central, State and
Municipal), inspection charges, transportation up to site, transit
insurance, loading, unloading, stacking, providing and fixing etc
complete in all respect and as directed by Engineer In-Charge.
Note : :Only MCGM approved brands shall be used.
25 R3-HE-9-5-a 20 mm dia. OD pipe PN 16 Rmt 67.00
26 R3-HE-9-5-b 25 mm dia. OD pipe PN 12.5 Rmt 77.00
27 R3-HE-9-5-c 32 mm dia. OD pipe PN 12.5 Rmt 114.00
28 R3-HE-9-5-d 40 mm dia. OD pipe PN 12.5 Rmt 154.00
29 R3-HE-9-5-e 50 mm dia. OD pipe PN 12.5 Rmt 217.00
30 R3-HE-9-5-f 63 mm dia. OD pipe PN 10 Rmt 280.00
31 R3-HE-9-5-g 90 mm dia. OD pipe PN 10 Rmt 815.00
32 R3-HE-9-5-h 110 mm dia. OD pipe PN 10 Rmt 1198.00

Providing Laying and lowering in trenches HDPE Pipe

confirming to IS 4984, manufactured from virgin resin of PE-
100 food grade raw material having black colour with blue strips
only with quality assurance certificate from quality agencies like
CIPET(India) / DVGM / KIWA / SPGN / WRC etc. for usage in
drinking , labour, excluding all taxes (Central, State and
Municipal), inspection charges, transportation up to site, transit
insurance, loading, unloading, stacking, etc. complete as
specified &directed. Note : :Only MCGM approved brands shall
be used.
33 R3-HE-9-6-a 160 mm dia. OD pipe PN 10 Rmt 1540.00
34 R3-HE-9-6-b 250 mm dia. OD pipe PN 10 Rmt 3322.00
35 R3-HE-9-1-c 315 mm dia. OD pipe PN 10 Rmt 4627.00

78 Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation

HE Schedule of Rates 2023
Rate in Rs.
(Excl. GST
Sr.No. Material Code Material Description Unit
and other
1 2 3 4 5
Providing Lowering and Laying of HDPE Pipe confirming to IS
4984, manufactured from virgin resin of PE-100 food grade raw
material having black colour with blue strips only with quality
assurance certificate from quality agencies like CIPET(India) /
DVGM / KIWA / SPGN / WRC etc. for usage in drinking ,
labour, excluding all taxes (Central, State and Municipal),
inspection charges, transportation up to site, transit insurance,
loading, unloading, stacking, etc complete in all respect and as
directed by Engineer In-Charge. Note ::Only MCGM approved
brands shall be used.
36 R3-HE-9-7-a 450 mm dia. OD pipe PN 10 Rmt 10203.00
37 R3-HE-9-7-b 630 mm dia. OD pipe PN 10 Rmt 19916.00

Supplying Compression Coupling Conforming to ISO 14236,

manufactured from black Polypropylene with blue colour cap
using food grade compounded raw material with quality
assurance certificate from quality agencies like CIPET(India) /
DVGM / KIWA / SPGN / WRC etc. for usage in drinking water
system and having working pressure rating 10 Bar. The cost
shall include testing of all materials, labour, excluding all taxes
(Central, State and Municipal), inspection charges,
transportation to the directed municipal establishment, transit
insurance, loading, unloading, stacking etc complete in all
respect and as directed by Engineer In-Charge. Note :Only
MCGM approved brands shall be used.

38 R3-HE-9-8-a Compression Coupling 20 mm dia. OD Each 211.00

39 R3-HE-9-8-b Compression Coupling 25 mm dia. OD Each 279.00
40 R3-HE-9-8-c Compression Coupling 32 mm dia. OD Each 370.00
41 R3-HE-9-8-d Compression Coupling 40 mm dia. OD Each 476.00
42 R3-HE-9-8-e Compression Coupling 50 mm dia. OD Each 600.00
43 R3-HE-9-8-f Compression Coupling 63 mm dia. OD Each 876.00

79 Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation

HE Schedule of Rates 2023
Rate in Rs.
(Excl. GST
Sr.No. Material Code Material Description Unit
and other
1 2 3 4 5
Providing and fixing Compression Coupling Conforming to ISO
14236, manufactured from black Polypropylene with blue colour
cap using food grade compounded raw material with quality
assurance certificate from quality agencies like CIPET(India) /
DVGM / KIWA / SPGN / WRC etc. for usage in drinking water
system and having working pressure rating 10 Bar. The cost
shall include testing of all materials, labour, excluding all taxes
(Central, State and Municipal), inspection charges,
transportation up to site, transit insurance, loading, unloading,
stacking, providing and fixing etc. complete as specified and
directed. Note :Only MCGM approved brands shall be used.

44 R3-HE-9-9-a Compression Coupling 20 mm dia. OD Each 253.00

45 R3-HE-9-9-b Compression Coupling 25 mm dia. OD Each 322.00
46 R3-HE-9-9-c Compression Coupling 32 mm dia. OD Each 412.00
47 R3-HE-9-9-d Compression Coupling 40 mm dia. OD Each 539.00
48 R3-HE-9-9-e Compression Coupling 50 mm dia. OD Each 664.00
49 R3-HE-9-9-f Compression Coupling 63 mm dia. OD Each 940.00

Supplying Compression Female Threaded Adaptor Conforming

to ISO 14236, manufactured from black Polypropylene with
blue colour cap using food grade compounded raw material with
quality assurance certificate from quality agencies like
CIPET(India) / DVGM / KIWA / SPGN / WRC etc. for usage in
R3-HE-9-10 drinking water system and having working pressure rating 10
Bar. The cost shall include testing of all materials, labour,
excluding all taxes (Central, State and Municipal), inspection
charges, transportation to the directed municipal establishment,
transit insurance, loading, unloading, stacking etc complete in all
respect and as directed by Engineer In-Charge. Note :Only
MCGM approved brands shall be used.

50 R3-HE-9-10-a Compression Female Threaded Adaptor 20 mm x ½" Each 187.00

51 R3-HE-9-10-b Compression Female Threaded Adaptor 25 mm x ¾" Each 195.00
52 R3-HE-9-10-c Compression Female Threaded Adaptor 32 mm x 1" Each 247.00
53 R3-HE-9-10-d Compression Female Threaded Adaptor 40 mm x 1¼" Each 498.00
54 R3-HE-9-10-e Compression Female Threaded Adaptor 50 mm x 1½" Each 604.00
55 R3-HE-9-10-f Compression Female Threaded Adaptor 63 mm x 2" Each 786.00

80 Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation

HE Schedule of Rates 2023
Rate in Rs.
(Excl. GST
Sr.No. Material Code Material Description Unit
and other
1 2 3 4 5
Providing and fixing Compression Female Threaded Adaptor
Conforming to ISO 14236, manufactured from black
Polypropylene with blue colour cap using food grade
compounded raw material with quality assurance certificate from
quality agencies like CIPET(India) / DVGM / KIWA / SPGN /
WRC etc. for usage in drinking water system and having
R3-HE-9-11 working pressure rating 10 Bar. The cost shall include testing of
all materials, labour, excluding all taxes (Central, State and
Municipal), inspection charges, transportation up to site, transit
insurance, loading, unloading, stacking, providing and fixing etc
complete in all respect and as directed by Engineer In-Charge.
Note :Only MCGM approved brands shall be used.

56 R3-HE-9-11-a Compression Female Threaded Adaptor 20 mm x ½" Each 229.00

57 R3-HE-9-11-b Compression Female Threaded Adaptor 25 mm x ¾" Each 237.00
58 R3-HE-9-11-c Compression Female Threaded Adaptor 32 mm x 1" Each 289.00
59 R3-HE-9-11-d Compression Female Threaded Adaptor 40 mm x 1¼" Each 561.00
60 R3-HE-9-11-e Compression Female Threaded Adaptor 50 mm x 1½" Each 667.00
61 R3-HE-9-11-f Compression Female Threaded Adaptor 63 mm x 2" Each 849.00

Supplying Compression Male threaded Adaptor Conforming to

ISO 14236, manufactured from black Polypropylene with blue
colour cap using food grade compounded raw material with
quality assurance certificate from quality agencies like
CIPET(India) / DVGM / KIWA / SPGN / WRC etc. for usage in
drinking water system and having working pressure rating 10
R3-HE-9-12 Bar. The cost shall include testing of all materials, labour,
excluding all taxes (Central, State and Municipal), inspection
charges, transportation to the directed municipal establishment,
transit insurance, loading, unloading, stacking etc complete in all
respect and as directed by Engineer In-Charge. Note :Only
MCGM approved brands shall be used.
62 R3-HE-9-12-a Compression Male threaded Adaptor 20 mm x ½" Each 122.00
63 R3-HE-9-12-b Compression Male threaded Adaptor 25 mm x ¾" Each 153.00
64 R3-HE-9-12-c Compression Male threaded Adaptor 32 mm x 1" Each 202.00
65 R3-HE-9-12-d Compression Male threaded Adaptor 40 mm x 1¼" Each 374.00
66 R3-HE-9-12-e Compression Male threaded Adaptor 50 mm x 1½" Each 467.00
67 R3-HE-9-12-f Compression Male threaded Adaptor 63 mm x 2" Each 633.00

81 Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation

HE Schedule of Rates 2023
Rate in Rs.
(Excl. GST
Sr.No. Material Code Material Description Unit
and other
1 2 3 4 5
Providing and fixing Compression Male threaded Adaptor
Conforming to ISO 14236, manufactured from black
Polypropylene with blue colour cap using food grade
compounded raw material with quality assurance certificate from
quality agencies like CIPET(India) / DVGM / KIWA / SPGN /
WRC etc. for usage in drinking water system and having
R3-HE-9-13 working pressure rating 10 Bar. The cost shall include testing of
all materials, labour, excluding all taxes (Central, State and
Municipal), inspection charges, transportation up to site, transit
insurance, loading, unloading, stacking, providing and fixing etc
complete in all respect and as directed by Engineer In-Charge.
Note :Only MCGM approved brands shall be used.

68 R3-HE-9-13-a Compression Male threaded Adaptor 20 mm x ½" Each 164.00

69 R3-HE-9-13-b Compression Male threaded Adaptor 25 mm x ¾" Each 195.00
70 R3-HE-9-13-c Compression Male threaded Adaptor 32 mm x 1" Each 244.00
71 R3-HE-9-13-d Compression Male threaded Adaptor 40 mm x 1¼" Each 437.00
72 R3-HE-9-13-e Compression Male threaded Adaptor 50 mm x 1½" Each 531.00
73 R3-HE-9-13-f Compression Male threaded Adaptor 63 mm x 2" Each 696.00

Supplying 900 Compression elbow Conforming to ISO 14236,

manufactured from black Polypropylene with blue colour cap
using food grade compounded raw material with quality
assurance certificate from quality agencies like CIPET(India) /
DVGM / KIWA / SPGN / WRC etc. for usage in drinking water
system and having working pressure rating 10 Bar. The cost
shall include testing of all materials, labour, excluding all taxes
(Central, State and Municipal), inspection charges,
transportation to the directed municipal establishment, transit
insurance, loading, unloading, stacking etc complete in all
respect and as directed by Engineer In-Charge. Note:Only
MCGM approved brands shall be used.
74 R3-HE-9-14-a 20 mm dia. OD 900 compression elbow Each 191.00
75 R3-HE-9-14-b 25 mm dia. OD 900 compression elbow Each 227.00
76 R3-HE-9-14-c 32 mm dia. OD 900 compression elbow Each 304.00
77 R3-HE-9-14-d 40 mm dia. OD 900 compression elbow Each 462.00
78 R3-HE-9-14-e 50 mm dia. OD 900 compression elbow Each 674.00
79 R3-HE-9-14-f 63 mm dia. OD 900 compression elbow Each 776.00

82 Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation

HE Schedule of Rates 2023
Rate in Rs.
(Excl. GST
Sr.No. Material Code Material Description Unit
and other
1 2 3 4 5
Providing and fixing 900 Compression elbow Conforming to
ISO 14236 , manufactured from black Polypropylene with blue
colour cap using food grade compounded raw material with
quality assurance certificate from quality agencies like
CIPET(India) / DVGM / KIWA / SPGN / WRC etc. for usage in
drinking water system and having working pressure rating 10
Bar. The cost shall include testing of all materials, labour,
excluding all taxes (Central, State and Municipal), inspection
charges, transportation up to site, transit insurance, loading,
unloading, stacking, providing and fixing etc complete in all
respect and as directed by Engineer In-Charge. Note :Only
MCGM approved brands shall be used.
80 R3-HE-9-15-a 20 mm dia. OD 900 compression elbow Each 233.00
81 R3-HE-9-15-b 25 mm dia. OD 900 compression elbow Each 269.00
82 R3-HE-9-15-c 32 mm dia. OD 900 compression elbow Each 346.00
83 R3-HE-9-15-d 40 mm dia. OD 900 compression elbow Each 526.00
84 R3-HE-9-15-e 50 mm dia. OD 900 compression elbow Each 737.00
85 R3-HE-9-15-f 63 mm dia. OD 900 compression elbow Each 839.00

Supplying 900 Compression elbow with male off take

Conforming to ISO 14236 , manufactured from black
Polypropylene with blue colour cap using food grade
compounded raw material with quality assurance certificate from
quality agencies like CIPET(India) / DVGM / KIWA / SPGN /
WRC etc. for usage in drinking water system and having
R3-HE-9-16 working pressure rating 10 Bar. The cost shall include testing of
all materials, labour, excluding all taxes (Central, State and
Municipal), inspection charges, transportation to the directed
municipal establishment, transit insurance, loading, unloading,
stacking etc complete in all respect and as directed by Engineer
In-Charge. Note ::Only MCGM approved brands shall be used.

86 R3-HE-9-16-a Compression elbow with male off take 20 mm dia. x ½" dia. Each 168.00
87 R3-HE-9-16-b Compression elbow with male off take 25 mm dia. x ¾" dia. Each 196.00
88 R3-HE-9-16-c Compression elbow with male off take 32 mm dia. x 1" dia. Each 294.00
89 R3-HE-9-16-d Compression elbow with male off take 40 mm dia. x 1¼" dia. Each 328.00
90 R3-HE-9-16-e Compression elbow with male off take 50 mm dia. x 1½" dia. Each 449.00
91 R3-HE-9-16-f Compression elbow with male off take 63 mm dia. x 2" dia. Each 573.00

83 Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation

HE Schedule of Rates 2023
Rate in Rs.
(Excl. GST
Sr.No. Material Code Material Description Unit
and other
1 2 3 4 5
Providing and fixing 900 Compression elbow with male off take
Conforming to ISO 14236 , manufactured from black
Polypropylene with blue colour cap using food grade
compounded raw material with quality assurance certificate from
quality agencies like CIPET(India) / DVGM / KIWA / SPGN /
WRC etc. for usage in drinking water system and having
R3-HE-9-17 working pressure rating 10 Bar. The cost shall include testing of
all materials, labour, excluding all taxes (Central, State and
Municipal), inspection charges, transportation up to site, transit
insurance, loading, unloading, stacking, providing and fixing etc
complete in all respect and as directed by Engineer In-Charge.
Note : :Only MCGM approved brands shall be used.

92 R3-HE-9-17-a Compression elbow with male off take 20 mm dia. x ½" dia. Each 210.00
93 R3-HE-9-17-b Compression elbow with male off take 25 mm dia. x ¾" dia. Each 238.00
94 R3-HE-9-17-c Compression elbow with male off take 32 mm dia. x 1" dia. Each 336.00
95 R3-HE-9-17-d Compression elbow with male off take 40 mm dia. x 1¼" dia. Each 392.00
96 R3-HE-9-17-e Compression elbow with male off take 50 mm dia. x 1½" dia. Each 512.00
97 R3-HE-9-17-f Compression elbow with male off take 63 mm dia. x 2" dia. Each 637.00

Supplying 900 Compression elbow with Female off take

Conforming to ISO 14236 , manufactured from black
Polypropylene with blue colour cap using food grade
compounded raw material with quality assurance certificate from
quality agencies like CIPET(India) / DVGM / KIWA / SPGN /
WRC etc. for usage in drinking water system and having
R3-HE-9-18 working pressure rating 10 Bar. The cost shall include testing of
all materials, labour, excluding all taxes (Central, State and
Municipal), inspection charges, transportation to the directed
municipal establishment, transit insurance, loading, unloading,
stacking etc complete in all respect and as directed by Engineer
In-Charge. Note :Only MCGM approved brands shall be used.

98 R3-HE-9-18-a Each 190.00

Compression elbow with Female off take 20 mm dia. x ½" dia.
99 R3-HE-9-18-b Each 202.00
Compression elbow with Female off take 25 mm dia. x ¾" dia.
100 R3-HE-9-18-c Each 309.00
Compression elbow with Female off take 32 mm dia. x 1" dia.
101 R3-HE-9-18-d Each 458.00
Compression elbow with Female off take 40 mm dia. x 1¼" dia.
102 R3-HE-9-18-e Each 483.00
Compression elbow with Female off take 50 mm dia. x 1½" dia.

84 Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation

HE Schedule of Rates 2023
Rate in Rs.
(Excl. GST
Sr.No. Material Code Material Description Unit
and other
1 2 3 4 5
103 R3-HE-9-18-f Each 598.00
Compression elbow with Female off take 63 mm dia. x 2" dia.

Providing and fixing 900 Compression elbow with Female off

take Conforming to ISO 14236 , manufactured from black
Polypropylene with blue colour cap using food grade
compounded raw material with quality assurance certificate from
quality agencies like CIPET(India) / DVGM / KIWA / SPGN /
WRC etc. for usage in drinking water system and having
R3-HE-9-19 working pressure rating 10 Bar. The cost shall include testing of
all materials, labour, excluding all taxes (Central, State and
Municipal), inspection charges, transportation up to site, transit
insurance, loading, unloading, stacking, providing and fixing etc
complete in all respect and as directed by Engineer In-Charge.
Note :Only MCGM approved brands shall be used.

104 R3-HE-9-19-a Each 232.00

Compression elbow with Female off take 20 mm dia. x ½" dia.
105 R3-HE-9-19-b Each 244.00
Compression elbow with Female off take 25 mm dia. x ¾" dia.
106 R3-HE-9-19-c Each 351.00
Compression elbow with Female off take 32 mm dia. x 1" dia.
107 R3-HE-9-19-d Each 522.00
Compression elbow with Female off take 40 mm dia. x 1¼" dia.
108 R3-HE-9-19-e Each 547.00
Compression elbow with Female off take 50 mm dia. x 1½" dia.
109 R3-HE-9-19-f Each 662.00
Compression elbow with Female off take 63 mm dia. x 2" dia.

Supplying Compression End caps Conforming to ISO 14236 ,

manufactured from Polypropylene with Blue colour cap using
food grade compounded raw material with quality assurance
certificate from quality agencies like CIPET(India) / DVGM /
KIWA / SPGN / WRC etc. for usage in drinking water system
and having working pressure of 10 Bar. The cost shall include
testing of all materials, labour, excluding all taxes (Central, State
and Municipal), inspection charges, transportation to the directed
municipal establishment, transit insurance, loading, unloading,
stacking etc. complete as specified and as directed Note :Only
MCGM approved brands shall be used.

110 R3-HE-9-20-a Compression End caps 20 mm dia. OD Each 126.00

85 Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation

HE Schedule of Rates 2023
Rate in Rs.
(Excl. GST
Sr.No. Material Code Material Description Unit
and other
1 2 3 4 5
111 R3-HE-9-20-b Compression End caps 25 mm dia. OD Each 163.00
112 R3-HE-9-20-c Compression End caps 32 mm dia. OD Each 277.00
113 R3-HE-9-20-d Compression End caps 40 mm dia. OD Each 404.00
114 R3-HE-9-20-e Compression End caps 50 mm dia. OD Each 508.00
115 R3-HE-9-20-f Compression End caps63 mm dia. OD Each 656.00

Providing and fixing Compression End caps Conforming to ISO

14236 , manufactured from Polypropylene with Blue colour cap
using food grade compounded raw material with quality
assurance certificate from quality agencies like CIPET(India) /
DVGM / KIWA / SPGN / WRC etc. for usage in drinking water
system and having working pressure of 10 Bar. The cost shall
include testing of all materials, labour, excluding all taxes
(Central, State and Municipal), inspection charges,
transportation up to site, transit insurance, loading, unloading,
stacking, providing and fixing etc complete in all respect and as
directed by Engineer In-Charge. Note :Only MCGM approved
brands shall be used.
116 R3-HE-9-21-a Compression End caps 20 mm dia. OD Each 169.00
117 R3-HE-9-21-b Compression End caps 25 mm dia. OD Each 205.00
118 R3-HE-9-21-c Compression End caps 32 mm dia. OD Each 319.00
119 R3-HE-9-21-d Compression End caps 40 mm dia. OD Each 468.00
120 R3-HE-9-21-e Compression End caps 50 mm dia. OD Each 571.00
121 R3-HE-9-21-f Compression End caps63 mm dia. OD Each 719.00

Supplying Ball Valves with Quick Joint Conforming to ISO

4422 (Part IV) manufactured from U-PVC raw material with
quality assurance certificate from quality agencies like
CIPET(India) / DVGM / KIWA / SPGN / WRC etc. for usage in
drinking water system and having working pressure of 10 Bar.
R3-HE-9-22 The cost shall include testing of all materials, labour, excluding
all taxes (Central, State and Municipal), inspection charges,
transportation to the directed municipal establishment, transit
insurance, loading, unloading, stacking etc. complete as
specified and as directed Note :Only MCGM approved brands
shall be used.
122 R3-HE-9-22-a Ball Valves with Quick Joint 20 mm dia. x ½" dia. Each 259.00
123 R3-HE-9-22-b Ball Valves with Quick Joint 25 mm dia. x ¾" dia. Each 335.00
124 R3-HE-9-22-c Ball Valves with Quick Joint 32 mm dia. x 1" dia. Each 410.00
125 R3-HE-9-22-d Ball Valves with Quick Joint 40 mm dia. x 1¼" dia. Each 1021.00
126 R3-HE-9-22-e Ball Valves with Quick Joint 50 mm dia. x 1½" dia. Each 1366.00
127 R3-HE-9-22-f Ball Valves with Quick Joint 63 mm dia. x 2" dia. Each 1957.00

86 Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation

HE Schedule of Rates 2023
Rate in Rs.
(Excl. GST
Sr.No. Material Code Material Description Unit
and other
1 2 3 4 5

Providing and fixing Ball Valves with Quick Joint Conforming

to ISO 4422 (Part IV) manufactured from U-PVC raw material
with quality assurance certificate from quality agencies like
CIPET(India) / DVGM / KIWA / SPGN / WRC etc. for usage in
drinking water system and having working pressure of 10 Bar.
R3-HE-9-23 The cost shall include testing of all materials, labour, excluding
all taxes (Central, State and Municipal), inspection charges,
transportation up to site, transit insurance, loading, unloading,
stacking, providing and fixing etc complete in all respect and as
directed by Engineer In-Charge. Note :Only MCGM approved
brands shall be used.
128 R3-HE-9-23-a Ball Valves with Quick Joint 20 mm dia. x ½" dia. Each 301.00
129 R3-HE-9-23-b Ball Valves with Quick Joint 25 mm dia. x ¾" dia. Each 377.00
130 R3-HE-9-23-c Ball Valves with Quick Joint 32 mm dia. x 1" dia. Each 452.00
131 R3-HE-9-23-d Ball Valves with Quick Joint 40 mm dia. x 1¼" dia. Each 1084.00
132 R3-HE-9-23-e Ball Valves with Quick Joint 50 mm dia. x 1½" dia. Each 1430.00
133 R3-HE-9-23-f Ball Valves with Quick Joint 63 mm dia. x 2" dia. Each 2021.00

Supplying Electro Fusion PE Coupler Conforming to

prEN12201-3, manufactured from virgin resin of PE-80/ PE-100
having black / yellow / blue colour using food grade
compounded raw material with quality assurance certificate from
quality agencies like CIPET(India) / DVGM / KIWA / SPGN /
WRC etc. for usage in drinking water system and having
R3-HE-9-24 working pressure of 10 Bar. The cost shall include testing of all
materials, labour, excluding all taxes (Central, State and
Municipal), inspection charges, transportation to the directed
municipal establishment, transit insurance, loading, unloading,
stacking etc complete in all respect and as directed by Engineer
In-Charge. Note :Only MCGM approved brands shall be used.

134 R3-HE-9-24-a 90 mm dia. OD Electro fusion PE coupler Each 992.00

135 R3-HE-9-24-b 110 mm dia. OD Electro fusion PE coupler Each 1512.00
136 R3-HE-9-24-c 160 mm dia. OD Electro fusion PE coupler Each 2969.00
137 R3-HE-9-24-d 250 mm dia. OD Electro fusion PE coupler Each 9072.00
138 R3-HE-9-24-e 315 mm dia. OD Electro fusion PE coupler Each 12938.00

87 Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation

HE Schedule of Rates 2023
Rate in Rs.
(Excl. GST
Sr.No. Material Code Material Description Unit
and other
1 2 3 4 5
Supplying Electro Fusion PE Coupler Conforming to
prEN12201-3, manufactured from virgin resin of PE-100 having
black / yellow / blue colour using food grade compounded raw
material with quality assurance certificate from quality agencies
like CIPET(India) / DVGM / KIWA / SPGN / WRC etc. for
usage in drinking water system and having working pressure of
R3-HE-9-25 10 Bar. The cost shall include testing of all materials, labour,
excluding all taxes (Central, State and Municipal),inspection
charges, transportation up to site, transit insurance, loading,
unloading, stacking, providing and fixing etc complete in all
respect and as directed by Engineer In-Charge. Note :Only
MCGM approved brands shall be used.

139 R3-HE-9-25-a 450 mm dia. OD Electro fusion PE coupler Each 14375.00

140 R3-HE-9-25-b 600 mm dia. OD Electro fusion PE coupler Each 21275.00

Providing and fixing Electro Fusion PE Coupler Conforming to

prEN12201-3, manufactured from virgin resin of PE-80/ PE-100
having black / yellow / blue colour using food grade
compounded raw material with quality assurance certificate from
quality agencies like CIPET(India) / DVGM / KIWA / SPGN /
WRC etc. for usage in drinking water system and having
R3-HE-9-26 working pressure of 10 Bar. The cost shall include testing of all
materials, labour, excluding all taxes (Central, State and
Municipal),inspection charges, transportation up to site, transit
insurance, loading, unloading, stacking, providing and fixing etc
complete in all respect and as directed by Engineer In-Charge.
Note :Only MCGM approved brands shall be used.

141 R3-HE-9-26-a 90 mm dia. OD Electro fusion PE coupler Each 2667.00

142 R3-HE-9-26-b 110 mm dia. OD Electro fusion PE coupler Each 3187.00
143 R3-HE-9-26-c 160 mm dia. OD Electro fusion PE coupler Each 5204.00
144 R3-HE-9-26-d 250 mm dia. OD Electro fusion PE coupler Each 11753.00
145 R3-HE-9-26-e 315 mm dia. OD Electro fusion PE coupler Each 15619.00
146 R3-HE-9-26-f 450 mm dia. OD Electro fusion PE coupler Each 17727.00
147 R3-HE-9-26-g 600 mm dia. OD Electro fusion PE coupler Each 25744.00

88 Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation

HE Schedule of Rates 2023
Rate in Rs.
(Excl. GST
Sr.No. Material Code Material Description Unit
and other
1 2 3 4 5
Supplying Electro fusion Equal Tees Conforming to prEN-
12201-3, manufactured from virgin resin of PE-80/ PE-100
having black / yellow / blue colour using food grade
compounded raw material with quality assurance certificate from
quality agencies like CIPET(India) / DVGM / KIWA / SPGN /
WRC etc. for usage in drinking water system and having
R3-HE-9-27 working pressure of 10 Bar. The cost shall include testing of all
materials, labour, excluding all taxes (Central, State and
Municipal), inspection charges, transportation to the directed
municipal establishment, transit insurance, loading, unloading,
stacking etc complete in all respect and as directed by Engineer
In-Charge. Note :Only MCGM approved brands shall be used.

148 R3-HE-9-27-a Equal Tees 90 mm dia. Each 3046.00

149 R3-HE-9-27-b Equal Tees 110 mm dia. Each 6235.00
150 R3-HE-9-27-c Equal Tees 160 mm dia. Each 11328.00
151 R3-HE-9-27-d Equal Tees 250 mm dia. Each 30878.00

Providing and fixing Electro fusion Equal Tees Conforming to

prEN-12201-3, manufactured from virgin resin of PE-80/ PE-
100 having black/yellow/blue colour using food grade
compounded raw material with quality assurance certificate from
quality agencies like CIPET(India) / DVGM / KIWA / SPGN /
WRC etc. for usage in drinking water system and having
R3-HE-9-28 working pressure of 10 Bar. The cost shall include testing of all
materials, labour, excluding all taxes (Central, State and
Municipal), inspection charges, transportation up to site, transit
insurance, loading, unloading, stacking, providing and fixing etc
complete in all respect and as directed by Engineer In-Charge.
Note :Only MCGM approved brands shall be used.

152 R3-HE-9-28-a Equal Tees 90 mm dia. Each 4961.00

153 R3-HE-9-28-b Equal Tees 110 mm dia. Each 8150.00
154 R3-HE-9-28-c Equal Tees 160 mm dia. Each 13562.00
155 R3-HE-9-28-d Equal Tees 250 mm dia. Each 33112.00

89 Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation

HE Schedule of Rates 2023
Rate in Rs.
(Excl. GST
Sr.No. Material Code Material Description Unit
and other
1 2 3 4 5
Supplying Electro fusion 900 Elbow Conforming to prEN-
12201-3, manufactured from virgin resin of PE-80/ PE-100
having black / yellow / blue colour using food grade
compounded raw material with quality assurance certificate from
quality agencies like CIPET(India) / DVGM / KIWA / SPGN /
WRC etc. for usage in drinking water system and having
R3-HE-9-29 working pressure of 10 Bar. The cost shall include testing of all
materials, labour, excluding all taxes (Central, State and
Municipal), inspection charges, transportation to the directed
municipal establishment, transit insurance, loading, unloading,
stacking etc complete in all respect and as directed by Engineer
In-Charge. Note :Only MCGM approved brands shall be used.

156 R3-HE-9-29-a 900 Elbow 90 mm dia. Each 748.00

157 R3-HE-9-29-b 900 Elbow110 mm dia. Each 1024.00
158 R3-HE-9-29-c 900 Elbow160 mm dia. Each 2157.00
159 R3-HE-9-29-d 900 Elbow 250 mm dia. Each 3082.00

Providing and fixing Electro fusion 900 Elbow Conforming to

prEN-12201-3, manufactured from virgin resin of PE-80/ PE-
100 having black/yellow/blue colour using food grade
compounded raw material with quality assurance certificate from
quality agencies like CIPET(India) / DVGM / KIWA / SPGN /
WRC etc. for usage in drinking water system and having
R3-HE-9-30 working pressure of 10 Bar. The cost shall include testing of all
materials, labour, excluding all taxes (Central, State and
Municipal), inspection charges, transportation upto site, transit
insurance, loading, unloading, stacking, providing and fixing etc
complete in all respect and as directed by Engineer In-Charge.
Note :Only MCGM approved brands shall be used.

160 R3-HE-9-30-a 900 Elbow 90 mm dia. Each 2663.00

161 R3-HE-9-30-b 900 Elbow110 mm dia. Each 2939.00
162 R3-HE-9-30-c 900 Elbow160 mm dia. Each 4391.00
163 R3-HE-9-30-d 900 Elbow 250 mm dia. Each 6434.00

90 Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation

HE Schedule of Rates 2023
Rate in Rs.
(Excl. GST
Sr.No. Material Code Material Description Unit
and other
1 2 3 4 5
Supplying Electro fusion 450 Elbow Conforming to prEN-12201-
3, manufactured from virgin resin of PE-80/ PE-100 having
black / yellow / blue colour using food grade compounded raw
material with quality assurance certificate from quality agencies
like CIPET(India) / DVGM / KIWA / SPGN / WRC etc. for
usage in drinking water system and having working pressure of
R3-HE-9-31 10 Bar. The cost shall include testing of all materials, labour,
excluding all taxes (Central, State and Municipal), inspection
charges, transportation to the directed municipal establishment,
transit insurance, loading, unloading, stacking etc complete in all
respect and as directed by Engineer In-Charge. Note :Only
MCGM approved brands shall be used.

164 R3-HE-9-31-a 450 Elbow 90 mm dia. Each 3650.00

165 R3-HE-9-31-b 450 Elbow 110 mm dia. Each 5163.00
166 R3-HE-9-31-c 450 Elbow 160 mm dia. Each 13961.00
167 R3-HE-9-31-d 450 Elbow 250 mm dia. Each 38894.00

Providing and fixing Electro fusion 450 Elbow Conforming to

prEN-12201-3, manufactured from virgin resin of PE-80/ PE-
100 having black/yellow/blue colour using food grade
compounded raw material with quality assurance certificate from
quality agencies like CIPET(India) / DVGM / KIWA / SPGN /
WRC etc. for usage in drinking water system and having
R3-HE-9-32 working pressure of 10 Bar. The cost shall include testing of all
materials, labour, excluding all taxes (Central, State and
Municipal), inspection charges, transportation upto site, transit
insurance, loading, unloading, stacking, providing and fixing etc
complete in all respect and as directed by Engineer In-Charge.
Note :Only MCGM approved brands shall be used.

168 R3-HE-9-32-a 450 Elbow 90 mm dia. Each 5565.00

169 R3-HE-9-32-b 450 Elbow 110 mm dia. Each 7078.00
170 R3-HE-9-32-c 450 Elbow 160 mm dia. Each 16195.00
171 R3-HE-9-32-d 450 Elbow 250 mm dia. Each 42245.00

91 Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation

HE Schedule of Rates 2023
Rate in Rs.
(Excl. GST
Sr.No. Material Code Material Description Unit
and other
1 2 3 4 5
Supplying Electro fusion End Cap Conforming to prEN-12201-
3, manufactured from virgin resin of PE-80/ PE-100 having
black / yellow / blue colour using food grade compounded raw
material with quality assurance certificate from quality agencies
like CIPET(India) / DVGM / KIWA / SPGN / WRC etc. for
usage in drinking water system and having working pressure of
R3-HE-9-33 10 Bar. The cost shall include testing of all materials, labour,
excluding all taxes (Central, State and Municipal), inspection
charges, transportation to the directed municipal establishment,
transit insurance, loading, unloading, stacking etc complete in all
respect and as directed by Engineer In-Charge. Note :Only
MCGM approved brands shall be used.

172 R3-HE-9-33-a End Cap 90 mm dia. Each 518.00

173 R3-HE-9-33-b End Cap 110 mm dia. Each 748.00
174 R3-HE-9-33-c End Cap 160 mm dia. Each 1484.00
175 R3-HE-9-33-d End Cap 250 mm dia. Each 2174.00
176 R3-HE-9-33-e End Cap 315 mm dia. Each 2864.00

Providing and fixing Electro fusion End Cap Conforming to

prEN-12201-3, manufactured from virgin resin of PE-80/ PE-
100 having black/yellow/blue colour using food grade
compounded raw material with quality assurance certificate from
quality agencies like CIPET(India) / DVGM / KIWA / SPGN /
WRC etc. for usage in drinking water system and having
R3-HE-9-34 working pressure of 10 Bar. The cost shall include testing of all
materials, labour, excluding all taxes (Central, State and
Municipal), inspection charges, transportation upto site, transit
insurance, loading, unloading, stacking, providing and fixing etc
complete in all respect and as directed by Engineer In-Charge.
Note :Only MCGM approved brands shall be used.

177 R3-HE-9-34-a End Cap 90 mm dia. Each 2007.00

178 R3-HE-9-34-b End Cap 110 mm dia. Each 2237.00
179 R3-HE-9-34-c End Cap 160 mm dia. Each 3718.00
180 R3-HE-9-34-d End Cap 250 mm dia. Each 4408.00
181 R3-HE-9-34-e End Cap 315 mm dia. Each 5545.00

92 Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation

HE Schedule of Rates 2023
Rate in Rs.
(Excl. GST
Sr.No. Material Code Material Description Unit
and other
1 2 3 4 5
Supplying Electro fusion Reducers Conforming to prEN-12201-
3, manufactured from virgin resin of PE-80/ PE-100 having
black / yellow / blue colour using food grade compounded raw
material with quality assurance certificate from quality agencies
like CIPET(India) / DVGM / KIWA / SPGN working pressure of
10 Bar. The cost shall include testing of working pressure of 10
R3-HE-9-35 Bar. The cost shall include testing of all materials, labour,
excluding all taxes (Central, State and Municipal), inspection
charges, transportation to the directed municipal establishment,
transit insurance, loading, unloading, stacking etc complete in all
respect and as directed by Engineer In-Charge. Note :Only
MCGM approved brands shall be used.

182 R3-HE-9-35-a Electro fusion Reducer 110 x 90 mm Each 1130.00

183 R3-HE-9-35-b Electro fusion Reducer 160 x 110 mm Each 1478.00
184 R3-HE-9-35-c Electro fusion Reducer 250 x 160 mm Each 3203.00

Providing and fixing Electro fusion Reducers Conforming to

prEN-12201-3, manufactured from virgin resin of PE-80/ PE-
100 having black/yellow/blue colour using food grade
compounded raw material with quality assurance certificate from
quality agencies like CIPET(India) / DVGM / KIWA / SPGN /
R3-HE-9-36 WRC etc. for usage in drinking water system and having
working pressure of 10 Bar. The cost shall include testing of all
materials, labour, excluding all taxes (Central, State and
Municipal), inspection charges, transportation upto site, transit
insurance, complete as specified and directed. Note :Only
MCGM approved brands shall be used.
185 R3-HE-9-36-a Electro fusion Reducer 110 x 90 mm Each 2805.00
186 R3-HE-9-36-b Electro fusion Reducer 160 x 110 mm Each 3712.00
187 R3-HE-9-36-c Electro fusion Reducer 250 x 160 mm Each 5437.00

Jointing the MDPE/ HDPE pipes or fittings by Butt Welding as

per IS 7634 (Part II) including cost of fabrication.
Jointing of 20 mm dia. to 110 mm dia. pipe or fittings by Butt
188 R3-HE-9-37-a Each 1784.00
Jointing of 125 mm dia. to 315 mm dia. pipe or fittings by Butt
189 R3-HE-9-37-b Each 2141.00
Jointing of 450 mm dia. to 630 mm dia. pipe or fittings by Butt
190 R3-HE-9-37-c Each 2853.00

93 Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation

HE Schedule of Rates 2023
Rate in Rs.
(Excl. GST
Sr.No. Material Code Material Description Unit
and other
1 2 3 4 5
Supplying Long Neck Pipe End with Metal Flange Conforming
to IS 8008 (Part VI), manufactured from virgin resin of PE-80/
PE-100 having black/yellow/blue colour using food grade
compounded raw material with quality assurance certificate from
quality agencies like CIPET(India) / DVGM / KIWA / SPGN /
WRC etc. for usage in drinking water system and having
R3-HE-9-38 working pressure of 10 Bar. The cost shall include testing of all
materials, labour, excluding all taxes (Central, State and
Municipal), inspection charges, transportation to the directed
municipal establishment, transit insurance, loading, unloading,
stacking etc complete in all respect and as directed by Engineer
In-Charge. Note :Only MCGM approved brands shall be used.

191 R3-HE-9-38-a Long Neck Pipe End with Metal Flange 90 mm dia. Each 1028.00
192 R3-HE-9-38-b Long Neck Pipe End with Metal Flange 110 mm dia. Each 1215.00
193 R3-HE-9-38-c Long Neck Pipe End with Metal Flange 160 mm dia. Each 2349.00
194 R3-HE-9-38-d Long Neck Pipe End with Metal Flange 250 mm dia. Each 4008.00
195 R3-HE-9-38-e Long Neck Pipe End with Metal Flange 315 mm dia. Each 4986.00

Providing and fixing by BUTT WELDING Long Neck Pipe End

with Metal Flange Conforming to IS 8008 (Part VI),
manufactured from virgin resin of PE-80/ PE-100 having
black/yellow/blue colour using food grade compounded raw
material with quality assurance certificate from quality agencies
like e CIPET(India) / DVGM / KIWA / SPGN / WRC etc. for
R3-HE-9-39 usage in drinking water system and having working pressure of
10 Bar. The cost shall include testing of all materials, labour,
excluding all taxes (Central, State and Municipal), inspection
charges, transportation upto site, transit insurance, loading,
unloading, stacking, providing and fixing etc complete in all
respect and as directed by Engineer In-Charge. Note :Only
MCGM approved brands shall be used.
196 R3-HE-9-39-a Long Neck Pipe End with Metal Flange 90 mm dia. Each 2557.00
197 R3-HE-9-39-b Long Neck Pipe End with Metal Flange 110 mm dia. Each 2744.00
198 R3-HE-9-39-c Long Neck Pipe End with Metal Flange 160 mm dia. Each 4133.00
199 R3-HE-9-39-d Long Neck Pipe End with Metal Flange 250 mm dia. Each 5792.00
200 R3-HE-9-39-e Long Neck Pipe End with Metal Flange 315 mm dia. Each 7126.00

94 Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation

HE Schedule of Rates 2023
Rate in Rs.
(Excl. GST
Sr.No. Material Code Material Description Unit
and other
1 2 3 4 5
Supplying Molded 900 Equal Tees Conforming to IS 8008,
(Part III), manufactured from virgin resin of PE-80/ PE-100
having black / yellow / blue colour using food grade
compounded raw material with quality assurance certificate from
quality agencies like CIPET(India) / DVGM / KIWA / SPGN /
WRC etc. for usage in drinking water system and having
R3-HE-9-40 working pressure of 10 Bar. The cost shall include testing of all
materials, labour, excluding all taxes (Central, State and
Municipal), inspection charges, transportation to the directed
municipal establishment, transit insurance, loading, unloading,
stacking etc complete in all respect and as directed by Engineer
In-Charge. Note :Only MCGM approved brands shall be used.

201 R3-HE-9-40-a Equal Tees 90 mm dia. Each 372.00

202 R3-HE-9-40-b Equal Tees 110 mm dia. Each 557.00
203 R3-HE-9-40-c Equal Tees 160 mm dia. Each 1720.00

Providing and fixing by BUTT WELDING Molded 900 Equal

Tees Conforming to IS 8008, (Part III) of following Dia. and
manufactured from virgin resin of PE-80/ PE-100 having
black/yellow/blue colour using food grade compounded raw
material with quality assurance certificate from quality agencies
like CIPET(India) / DVGM / KIWA / SPGN / WRC etc. for
R3-HE-9-41 usage in drinking water system and having working pressure of
10 Bar. The cost shall include testing of all materials, labour,
excluding all taxes (Central, State and Municipal), inspection
charges, transportation upto site, transit insurance, loading,
unloading, stacking, providing and fixing etc complete in all
respect and as directed by Engineer In-Charge. Note :Only
MCGM approved brands shall be used.
204 R3-HE-9-41-a Equal Tees 90 mm dia. Each 2513.00
205 R3-HE-9-41-b Equal Tees 110 mm dia. Each 2586.00
206 R3-HE-9-41-c Equal Tees 160 mm dia. Each 4395.00

95 Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation

HE Schedule of Rates 2023
Rate in Rs.
(Excl. GST
Sr.No. Material Code Material Description Unit
and other
1 2 3 4 5
Supplying Fabricated 900 Equal Tees Conforming to IS 8360,
Part II of following Dia. and manufactured from virgin resin of
PE-80/ PE-100 having black / yellow / blue colour using food
grade compounded raw material with quality assurance
certificate from quality agencies like CIPET(India) / DVGM /
KIWA / SPGN / WRC etc. for usage in drinking water system
R3-HE-9-42 and having working pressure of 10 Bar. The cost shall include
testing of all materials, labour, excluding all taxes (Central, State
and Municipal), inspection charges, transportation to the
directed municipal establishment, transit insurance, loading,
unloading, stacking etc complete in all respect and as directed by
Engineer In-Charge. Note :Only MCGM approved brands shall
be used.
207 R3-HE-9-42-a Equal Tees 250 mm dia. Each 6911.00
208 R3-HE-9-42-b Equal Tees 315 mm dia. Each 9862.00

Providing and fixing by BUTT WELDING Fabricated 900

Equal Tees Conforming to IS 8360, Part II, of following Dia. and
manufactured from virgin resin of PE-80/ PE-100 having
black/yellow/blue colour using food grade compounded raw
material with quality assurance certificate from quality agencies
like CIPET(India) / DVGM / KIWA / SPGN / WRC etc. for
R3-HE-9-43 usage in drinking water system and having working pressure of
10 Bar. The cost shall include testing of all materials, labour,
excluding all taxes (Central, State and Municipal), inspection
charges, transportation upto site, transit insurance, loading,
unloading, stacking, providing and fixing etc complete in all
respect and as directed by Engineer In-Charge. Note :Only
MCGM approved brands shall be used.
209 R3-HE-9-43-a Equal Tees 250 mm dia. Each 9587.00
210 R3-HE-9-43-b Equal Tees 315 mm dia. Each 12537.00

96 Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation

HE Schedule of Rates 2023
Rate in Rs.
(Excl. GST
Sr.No. Material Code Material Description Unit
and other
1 2 3 4 5
Supplying Molded 900 Bends Conforming to IS 8008 (Part II),
manufactured from virgin resin of PE-80/ PE-100 having black /
yellow / blue colour using food grade compounded raw material
with quality assurance certificate from quality agencies like
CIPET(India) / DVGM / KIWA / SPGN / WRC etc. for usage in
drinking water system and having working pressure of 10 Bar.
R3-HE-9-44 The cost shall include testing of all materials, labour, excluding
all taxes (Central, State and Municipal), inspection charges,
transportation to the directed municipal establishment, transit
insurance, loading, unloading, stacking etc complete in all
respect and as directed by Engineer In-Charge. Note :Only
MCGM approved brands shall be used.

211 R3-HE-9-44-a Bends 90 mm dia. Each 234.00

212 R3-HE-9-44-b Bends 110 mm dia. Each 361.00
213 R3-HE-9-44-c Bends 160 mm dia. Each 1147.00

Providing and fixing by BUTT WELDING Molded 900 Bends

Conforming to IS 8008 (Part II), manufactured from virgin resin
of PE-80/ PE-100 having black/yellow/blue colour using food
grade compounded raw material with quality assurance
certificate from quality agencies like CIPET(India) / DVGM /
KIWA / SPGN / WRC etc. for usage in drinking water system
R3-HE-9-45 and having working pressure of 10 Bar. The cost shall include
testing of all materials, labour, excluding all taxes (Central, State
and Municipal), inspection charges, transportation upto site,
transit insurance, loading, unloading, stacking, providing and
fixing etc complete in all respect and as directed by Engineer In-
Charge. Note :Only MCGM approved brands shall be used.

214 R3-HE-9-45-a Bends 90 mm dia. Each 2374.00

215 R3-HE-9-45-b Bends 110 mm dia. Each 2502.00
216 R3-HE-9-45-c Bends 160 mm dia. Each 3058.00

97 Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation

HE Schedule of Rates 2023
Rate in Rs.
(Excl. GST
Sr.No. Material Code Material Description Unit
and other
1 2 3 4 5
Supplying Fabricated 900 Bends Conforming to IS 8360, Part
III of following Dia. and manufactured from virgin resin of PE-
80/ PE-100 having black / yellow / blue colour using food grade
compounded raw material with quality assurance certificate from
quality agencies like CIPET(India) / DVGM / KIWA / SPGN /
WRC etc. for usage in drinking water system and having
R3-HE-9-46 working pressure of 10 Bar. The cost shall include testing of all
materials, labour, excluding all taxes (Central, State and
Municipal), inspection charges, transportation to the directed
municipal establishment, transit insurance, loading, unloading,
stacking etc complete in all respect and as directed by Engineer
In-Charge. Note :Only MCGM approved brands shall be used.

217 R3-HE-9-46-a Bends 250 mm dia. Each 5525.00

218 R3-HE-9-46-b Bends 315 mm dia. Each 11038.00

Providing and fixing by BUTT WELDING Fabricated 900

Bends Conforming to IS 8360, Part III of following Dia. and
manufactured from virgin resin of PE-80/ PE-100 having
black/yellow/blue colour using food grade compounded raw
material with quality assurance certificate from quality agencies
like CIPET(India) / DVGM /KIWA / SPGN / WRC etc. for
R3-HE-9-47 usage in drinking water system and having working pressure of
10 Bar. The cost shall include testing of all materials, labour,
excluding all taxes (Central, State and Municipal), inspection
charges, transportation upto site, transit insurance, loading,
unloading, stacking, providing and fixing etc complete in all
respect and as directed by Engineer In-Charge. Note :Only
MCGM approved brands shall be used.
219 R3-HE-9-47-a Bends 250 mm dia. Each 8200.00
220 R3-HE-9-47-b Bends 315 mm dia. Each 13713.00

98 Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation

HE Schedule of Rates 2023
Rate in Rs.
(Excl. GST
Sr.No. Material Code Material Description Unit
and other
1 2 3 4 5
Supplying Fabricated 450 Bends Conforming to IS 8360 (Part
III) of following Dia. manufactured from virgin resin of PE-80/
PE-100 having black / yellow / blue colour using food grade
compounded raw material with quality assurance certificate from
quality agencies like CIPET(India) / DVGM / KIWA / SPGN /
WRC etc. for usage in drinking water system and having
working pressure of 10 Bar. The cost shall include testing of all
R3-HE-9-48 materials, labour, excluding all taxes (Central, State and
Municipal), inspection charges, transportation to the directed
municipal establishment, transit insurance, loading, unloading,
stacking etc complete in all respect and as directed by Engineer
In-Charge. Note :Only MCGM approved brands shall be used.
Note : (2) Prefabricated bends other than 900 and 450 will be
paid under this item.

221 R3-HE-9-48-a Bends 90 mm dia. Each 234.00

222 R3-HE-9-48-b Bends 110 mm dia. Each 361.00
223 R3-HE-9-48-c Bends 160 mm dia. Each 1147.00
224 R3-HE-9-48-d Bends 250 mm dia. Each 5525.00
225 R3-HE-9-48-e Bends 315 mm dia. Each 11038.00

Providing and fixing by BUTT WELDING Fabricated 450

Bends Conforming to IS 8360 (Part III) of following Dia. and
manufactured from virgin resin of PE-80/ PE-100 having
black/yellow/blue colour using food grade compounded raw
material with quality assurance certificate from quality agencies
like CIPET(India) / DVGM / KIWA / SPGN / WRC etc. for
usage in drinking water system and having working pressure of
R3-HE-9-49 10 Bar. The cost shall include testing of all materials, labour,
excluding all taxes (Central, State and Municipal), inspection
charges, transportation upto site, transit insurance, loading,
unloading, stacking, providing and fixing etc complete in all
respect and as directed by Engineer In-Charge. Note :Only
MCGM approved brands shall be used. Note : (2) Prefabricated
bends other than 900 and 450 will be paid under this item.

226 R3-HE-9-49-a Bends 90 mm dia. Each 2374.00

227 R3-HE-9-49-b Bends 110 mm dia. Each 2502.00
228 R3-HE-9-49-c Bends 160 mm dia. Each 3822.00
229 R3-HE-9-49-d Bends 250 mm dia. Each 8200.00
230 R3-HE-9-49-e Bends 315 mm dia. Each 13713.00

99 Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation

HE Schedule of Rates 2023
Rate in Rs.
(Excl. GST
Sr.No. Material Code Material Description Unit
and other
1 2 3 4 5
Supplying Molded End Caps Conforming to IS 8008 (Part IX)
of following Dia. and manufactured from virgin resin of PE-80/
PE-100 having black / yellow / blue colour using food grade
compounded raw material with quality assurance certificate from
quality agencies like CIPET(India) / DVGM / KIWA / SPGN /
WRC etc. for usage in drinking water system and having
R3-HE-9-50 working pressure of 10 Bar. The cost shall include testing of all
materials, labour, excluding all taxes (Central, State and
Municipal), inspection charges, transportation to the directed
municipal establishment, transit insurance, loading, unloading,
stacking etc complete in all respect and as directed by Engineer
In-Charge. Note :Only MCGM approved brands shall be used.

231 R3-HE-9-50-a Molded End caps 90 mm dia. Each 149.00

232 R3-HE-9-50-b Molded End caps 10 mm dia. Each 255.00
233 R3-HE-9-50-c Molded End caps 160 mm dia. Each 424.00
234 R3-HE-9-50-d Molded End caps 250 mm dia. Each 1147.00
235 R3-HE-9-50-e Molded End caps 315 mm dia. Each 1973.00

Providing and fixing by BUTT WELDING Molded End Caps

Conforming to IS 8008 (Part IX) of following Dia. and
manufactured from virgin resin of PE-80/ PE-100 having
black/yellow/blue colour using food grade compounded raw
material with quality assurance certificate from quality agencies
like CIPET(India) / DVGM /KIWA / SPGN / WRC etc. for
R3-HE-9-51 usage in drinking water system and having working pressure of
10 Bar. The cost shall include testing of all materials, labour,
excluding all taxes (Central, State and Municipal), inspection
charges, transportation upto site, transit insurance, loading,
unloading, stacking, providing and fixing etc complete in all
respect and as directed by Engineer In-Charge. Note :Only
MCGM approved brands shall be used.
236 R3-HE-9-51-a Molded End caps 90 mm dia. Each 1678.00
237 R3-HE-9-51-b Molded End caps 10 mm dia. Each 1784.00
238 R3-HE-9-51-c Molded End caps 160 mm dia. Each 2208.00
239 R3-HE-9-51-d Molded End caps 250 mm dia. Each 3287.00
240 R3-HE-9-51-e Molded End caps 315 mm dia. Each 4113.00

100 Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation

HE Schedule of Rates 2023
Rate in Rs.
(Excl. GST
Sr.No. Material Code Material Description Unit
and other
1 2 3 4 5
Supplying Molded reducers Conforming to IS 8008 (Part IV) of
following sizes and manufactured from virgin resin of PE-80/ PE-
100 having black / yellow / blue colour using food grade
compounded raw material with quality assurance certificate from
quality agencies like CIPET(India) / DVGM / KIWA / SPGN /
WRC etc. for usage in drinking water system and having
R3-HE-9-52 working pressure of 10 Bar. The cost shall include testing of all
materials, labour, excluding all taxes (Central, State and
Municipal), inspection charges, transportation to the directed
municipal establishment, transit insurance, loading, unloading,
stacking etc complete in all respect and as directed by Engineer
In-Charge. Note :Only MCGM approved brands shall be used.

241 R3-HE-9-52-a Molded Reducer 110 x 90 mm Each 188.00

242 R3-HE-9-52-b Molded Reducer 160 x 90 mm Each 444.00
243 R3-HE-9-52-c Molded Reducer 160 x 110 mm Each 417.00
244 R3-HE-9-52-d Molded Reducer 250 x 110 mm Each 2751.00
245 R3-HE-9-52-e Molded Reducer 250 x 160 mm Each 2651.00
246 R3-HE-9-52-f Molded Reducer 315 x 160 mm Each 3543.00
247 R3-HE-9-52-g Molded Reducer 315 x 250 mm Each 4134.00

Providing and fixing by BUTT WELDING Molded reducers

Conforming to IS 8008 (Part IV), manufactured from virgin resin
of PE-80/ PE-100 having black/yellow/blue colour using food
grade compounded raw material with quality assurance
certificate from quality agencies like CIPET(India) / DVGM
/KIWA / SPGN / WRC etc. for usage in drinking water system
R3-HE-9-53 and having working pressure of 10 Bar. The cost shall include
testing of all materials, labour, excluding all taxes (Central, State
and Municipal), inspection charges, transportation upto site,
transit insurance, loading, unloading, stacking, providing and
fixing etc complete in all respect and as directed by Engineer In-
Charge. Note :Only MCGM approved brands shall be used.

248 R3-HE-9-53-a Molded Reducer 110 x 90 mm Each 1717.00

249 R3-HE-9-53-b Molded Reducer 160 x 90 mm Each 2227.00
250 R3-HE-9-53-c Molded Reducer 160 x 110 mm Each 2201.00
251 R3-HE-9-53-d Molded Reducer 250 x 110 mm Each 4892.00
252 R3-HE-9-53-e Molded Reducer 250 x 160 mm Each 4791.00
253 R3-HE-9-53-f Molded Reducer 315 x 160 mm Each 6218.00
254 R3-HE-9-53-g Molded Reducer 315 x 250 mm Each 6809.00

101 Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation

HE Schedule of Rates 2023
Rate in Rs.
(Excl. GST
Sr.No. Material Code Material Description Unit
and other
1 2 3 4 5
Cost of making hole of any size to suit 15 mm dia. to 50 mm dia.
ferrule for making service connections on CI water main,
255 R3-HE-9-54 Each 986.00
including making the hole with Raichid machine & making
threads for providing ferrule etc. complete.

Supplying Electro Fusion Machine (Model MSA 200), 230 volt,

including cables, specials etc. as per the attached specifications.
The cost shall include inspection charges, transportation to the
256 R3-HE-9-55 directed municipal establishment, transit insurance, loading, Each 209675.00
unloading, excluding all taxes & duties (Central, State and
Municipal), etc complete in all respect and as directed by
Engineer In-Charge.

Supplying Top Loading Clamp for fixing tapping tees suitable

for sizes from 90 mm dia. to 250 mm dia. as per the attached
specifications. The cost shall include , inspection charges,
257 R3-HE-9-56 transportation to the directed municipal establishment, transit Each 36112.00
insurance, loading, unloading, excluding all taxes & duties
(Central, State and Municipal) etc complete in all respect and as
directed by Engineer In-Charge.

Supplying Top Loading Clamp for fixing tapping tees suitable

for sizes from 280 mm dia. to 315 mm dia. as per the attached
specifications. The cost shall include , inspection charges,
258 R3-HE-9-57 transportation to the directed municipal establishment, transit Each 40742.00
insurance, loading, unloading, excluding all taxes & duties
(Central, State and Municipal) etc complete in all respect and as
directed by Engineer In-Charge.

Supplying Light Weight Welding Jack Basic Machine suitable

for 90 mm, 110 mm and 160 mm out side dia. as per the attached
specifications. The cost shall include inspection charges,
259 R3-HE-9-58 transportation to the directed municipal establishment, transit Each 391394.00
insurance, loading, unloading, excluding all taxes & duties
(Central, State and Municipal), etc complete in all respect and as
directed by Engineer In-Charge.

102 Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation

HE Schedule of Rates 2023
Rate in Rs.
(Excl. GST
Sr.No. Material Code Material Description Unit
and other
1 2 3 4 5
Supplying Pair of Clamps, to be Provided to Light Weight
Welding Jack Basic Machine suitable for 90 mm, 110 mm and
160 mm outside dia. as per the attached specifications. The cost
shall include inspection charges, transportation to the directed
260 R3-HE-9-59 Pair 9260.00
municipal establishment, transit insurance, loading, unloading
excluding all taxes & duties (Central, State and Municipal), etc
complete in all respect and as directed by Engineer In-Charge.

Supplying Heavy Weight Welding Jack Basic Machine suitable

for 250 mm and 315 mm out side dia. as per the attached
specifications. The cost shall include inspection charges,
261 R3-HE-9-60 transportation to the directed municipal establishment, transit Each 629025.00
insurance, loading, unloading excluding all taxes & duties
(Central, State and Municipal), etc complete in all respect and
as directed by Engineer In-Charge.

Supplying Pair of Clamps, to be Provided to Heavy Weight

Welding Jack Basic Machine suitable for 250 mm and 315 mm
out side dia. as per the attached specifications. The cost shall
R3-HE-9-61 include , inspection charges, transportation to the directed Pair
municipal establishment, transit insurance, loading, unloading
excluding all taxes & duties (Central, State and Municipal) etc
complete in all respect and as directed by Engineer In-Charge.
262 R3-HE-9-61-a 250 mm out side dia. Pair 23149.00
263 R3-HE-9-61-b 315 mm out side dia. Pair 28704.00

Supplying Electric Mirror with Digital Display suitable for all

sizes upto 160 mm out side dia. as per the attached
specifications. The cost shall include inspection charges,
264 R3-HE-9-62 transportation to the directed municipal establishment, transit Each 37359.00
insurance, loading, unloading , excluding all taxes & duties
(Central, State and Municipal), etc complete in all respect and as
directed by Engineer In-Charge.

Supplying Electric Mirror with Digital Display suitable for all

sizes upto 315 mm out side dia. as per the attached
specifications. The cost shall include inspection charges,
265 R3-HE-9-63 transportation to the directed municipal establishment, transit Each 70982.00
insurance, loading, unloading excluding all taxes & duties
(Central, State and Municipal), etc complete in all respect and as
directed by Engineer In-Charge.

103 Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation

HE Schedule of Rates 2023
Rate in Rs.
(Excl. GST
Sr.No. Material Code Material Description Unit
and other
1 2 3 4 5
Supplying Electric Mirror Simple i.e. without digital display
suitable for all sizes upto 160 mm out side dia. as per the
attached specifications. The cost shall include inspection
266 R3-HE-9-64 charges, transportation to the directed municipal establishment, Each 10185.00
transit insurance, loading, unloading excluding all taxes & duties
(Central, State and Municipal),etc complete in all respect and as
directed by Engineer In-Charge.

Supplying Electric Mirror Simple i.e. without digital display

suitable for all sizes upto 315 mm out side dia. as per the
attached specifications. The cost shall include inspection
267 R3-HE-9-65 charges, transportation to the directed municipal establishment, Each 14815.00
transit insurance, loading, unloading excluding all taxes & duties
(Central, State and Municipal) etc complete in all respect and as
directed by Engineer In-Charge.

Supplying Electro Fusion Tapping Tees to be manufactured

from virgin resin of PE-80/ PE-100 having black / yellow / blue
colour using food grade compounded raw material with quality
assurance certificate from quality agency like CIPET(India) /
DVGM / KIWA / SPGN / WRC etc. for usage in drinking water
system and having working pressure of 10 Bar. The cost shall
include testing of all materials, labour, excluding all taxes
(Central, State and Municipal), inspection charges,
transportation upto site, transit insurance, loading, unloading,
stacking, etc complete in all respect and as directed by Engineer
In-Charge. Note :Only MCGM approved brands shall be used.

268 R3-HE-9-66-a 160 x 20 mm, 160 x 25 mm, 160 x 32 mm Each 1668.00

269 R3-HE-9-66-b 160 x 40 mm, 160 x 50mm, 160 x 63mm Each 2387.00
270 R3-HE-9-66-c 250 x 20 mm, 250 x 25mm, 250 x 32mm Each 2657.00
271 R3-HE-9-66-d 250 x 40 mm, 250 x 50 mm, 250 x 63mm Each 3203.00
272 R3-HE-9-66-e 315 x 20mm, 315 x 25mm, 315 x 32mm Each 2956.00
273 R3-HE-9-66-f 315 x 40mm, 315 x 50 mm, 315 x 63mm Each 3640.00
274 R3-HE-9-66-g 160 x 90 mm, 250 x 90mm, 315 x 90mm Each 7406.00
275 R3-HE-9-66-h 63 x 20 mm, 63 x 25mm, 63 x 32mm Each 1668.00

104 Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation

HE Schedule of Rates 2023
Rate in Rs.
(Excl. GST
Sr.No. Material Code Material Description Unit
and other
1 2 3 4 5
Providing and Fixing Electro Fusion Tapping Tees to be
manufactured from virgin resin of PE-80/ PE-100 having black /
yellow / blue colour using food grade compounded raw material
with quality assurance certificate from quality agency like
CIPET(India) / DVGM / KIWA / SPGN / WRC etc. for usage in
R3-HE-9-67 drinking water system and having working pressure of 10 Bar.
The cost shall include testing of all materials, labour, excluding
all taxes (Central, State and Municipal), inspection charges,
transportation upto site, transit insurance, loading, unloading,
stacking, etc complete in all respect and as directed by Engineer
In-Charge. Note :Only MCGM approved brands shall be used.
276 R3-HE-9-67-a 160 x 20 mm, 160 x 25 mm, 160 x 32 mm Each 3191.00
277 R3-HE-9-67-b 160 x 40 mm, 160 x 50mm, 160 x 63mm Each 3605.00
278 R3-HE-9-67-c 250 x 20 mm, 250 x 25mm, 250 x 32mm Each 3876.00
279 R3-HE-9-67-d 250 x 40 mm, 250 x 50 mm, 250 x 63mm Each 4422.00
280 R3-HE-9-67-e 315 x 20mm, 315 x 25mm, 315 x 32mm Each 4175.00
281 R3-HE-9-67-f 315 x 40mm, 315 x 50 mm, 315 x 63mm Each 4859.00
282 R3-HE-9-67-g 160 x 90 mm, 250 x 90mm, 315 x 90mm Each 8625.00
283 R3-HE-9-67-h 63 x 20 mm, 63 x 25mm, 63 x 32mm Each 2887.00

105 Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation

HE Schedule of Rates 2023

Rate in Rs.
(Excl. GST
and other

1 2 3 4 5
Taking access opening on C.I./ D.I.Water main by
machine cut ( 2m / 3m length) and reinstating the same
by using mechanical joint collar and SBR rings,
including dewatering of body water and subsoil water,
R3-HE-10-1 etc. complete in all respect and as directed by the
Engineer In Charge for following diameters of CI/DI
water mains: In case pipe is damaged, replacement
pipe to be paid as per item rate

1 R3-HE-10-1-a 150 mm Each 10854.00

2 R3-HE-10-1-b 250 mm Each 13223.00
3 R3-HE-10-1-c 300 mm Each 15241.00
4 R3-HE-10-1-d 450 mm Each 28819.00
5 R3-HE-10-1-e 600 mm Each 74504.00
6 R3-HE-10-1-f 750 mm Each 116874.00
7 R3-HE-10-1-g 900 mm Each 145050.00
8 R3-HE-10-1-h 1200 mm Each 273531.00

Scrapping and cleaning the internal surface of water

main by mechanical scrapper including support
machinery, manpower, fuel and transport of equipment
etc complete in all respect and as directed by the
Engineer In Charge and removing the scrapped
R3-HE-10-2 material by plugging and preparing the pipe for lining
for following diameters of C.I./D.I. pipes, including
dewatering of body water and subsoil water, including
removing scrap and debris.

9 R3-HE-10-2-a 150 mm Rmt 544.00

10 R3-HE-10-2-b 250 mm Rmt 502.00
11 R3-HE-10-2-c 300 mm Rmt 466.00
12 R3-HE-10-2-d 450 mm Rmt 607.00
13 R3-HE-10-2-e 600 mm Rmt 607.00
14 R3-HE-10-2-f 750 mm Rmt 688.00
15 R3-HE-10-2-g 900 mm Rmt 757.00
16 R3-HE-10-2-h 1200mm Rmt 946.00

106 Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation

HE Schedule of Rates 2023

Rate in Rs.
(Excl. GST
and other

1 2 3 4 5
Scrapping and cleaning by hand application using wire
brushes, the cut pieces taken for access opening,
including bends/ taper pieces, cross connections etc
R3-HE-10-3 complete in all respect and as directed by the Engineer
In Charge , where cleaning by machine is not possible,
for C.I./D.I. Water mains of following diameters:

17 R3-HE-10-3-a 150 mm Rmt 259.00

18 R3-HE-10-3-b 250 mm Rmt 324.00
19 R3-HE-10-3-c 300 mm Rmt 431.00
20 R3-HE-10-3-d 450 mm Rmt 952.00
21 R3-HE-10-3-e 600 mm Rmt 952.00
22 R3-HE-10-3-f 750 mm Rmt 1190.00
23 R3-HE-10-3-g 900 mm Rmt 1380.00
24 R3-HE-10-3-h 1200mm Rmt 1380.00

Providing in situ internal cement mortar lining as per

AWWA C 602- 76 standards to distributory CI/DI
water mains, with cement sand ratio 1:1 (Cement 43
grade : Godhra special sand) with the use of mortar
lining machine including support machinery,
R3-HE-10-4 manpower, fuel and transport of equipment,
dewatering of body water and subsoil water etc
complete in all respect and as directed by the Engineer
In Charge , for following diameters and thickness of
mortar lining.

Note : The thickness of lining considered is average

value of lining taking into account maximum and
minimum thickness values.

25 R3-HE-10-4-a 150 mm diameter with 4.65 mm lining thickness Rmt 664.00

26 R3-HE-10-4-b 250 mm diameter with 4.65 mm lining thickness Rmt 677.00
27 R3-HE-10-4-c 300 mm diameter with 4.65 mm lining thickness Rmt 684.00
28 R3-HE-10-4-d 450 mm diameter with 7.0 mm lining thickness Rmt 732.00
29 R3-HE-10-4-e 600 mm diameter with 7.0 mm lining thickness Rmt 761.00
30 R3-HE-10-4-f 750 mm diameter with 7.0 mm lining thickness Rmt 849.00

107 Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation

HE Schedule of Rates 2023

Rate in Rs.
(Excl. GST
and other

1 2 3 4 5
31 R3-HE-10-4-g 900 mm diameter with 7.0 mm lining thickness Rmt 948.00
32 R3-HE-10-4-h 1200 mm diameter with 7.0 mm lining thickness Rmt 1104.00

Providing in situ internal cement mortar lining as per

AWWA C 602- 76 standards in cement sand ratio
(1:1) by hand application to cut pieces taken for access
opening, bends tapers, cross connections where
R3-HE-10-5 machine lining is not possible to C.I. /D.I.water mains
etc complete in all respect and as directed by the
Engineer In Charge for following diameters.

33 R3-HE-10-5-a 150 mm diameter with 4.65 mm lining thickness Rmt 619.00

34 R3-HE-10-5-b 250 mm diameter with 4.65 mm lining thickness Rmt 632.00
35 R3-HE-10-5-c 300 mm diameter with 7.0 mm lining thickness Rmt 788.00
36 R3-HE-10-5-d 450 mm diameter with 7.0 mm lining thickness Rmt 944.00
37 R3-HE-10-5-e 600 mm diameter with 7.0 mm lining thickness Rmt 1115.00
38 R3-HE-10-5-f 750 mm diameter with 7.0 mm lining thickness Rmt 1344.00
39 R3-HE-10-5-g 900 mm diameter with 7.0 mm lining thickness Rmt 1373.00
40 R3-HE-10-5-h 1200 mm diameter with 7.0 mm lining thickness Rmt 1431.00

Hire charges for supplying & providing C.C.T.V.

camera (including monitor, Video/CD recorder, battery
backup, accessories all enclosed in a waterproof
enclosure) for inspection of water mains of any
diameter at any location of the site including all
41 R3-HE-10-6 required machinery, accessories, operators,etc. with all Shift 8500.00
necessary backup recorded on CD's (3sets), excluding
all taxes, etc complete in all respect and as directed by
the Engineer In Charge

108 Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation

HE Schedule of Rates 2023

Rate in Rs.
(Excl. GST
and other

1 2 3 4 5
Cleaning the internal surface of water main by plunger/
squeeze, including support machinery, manpower, fuel
and transport of equipment etc. complete in all respect
and as directed by the Engineer in charge and
removing the scrapped material by plugging and
R3-HE-10-7 preparing pipe for passing camera for follwoing
diameters of CI/ DI/ MS pipes, including dewatering of
body water and subsoil water, including removing
scrap and debris

42 R3-HE-10-7-a 150 mm Shift 6739.00

43 R3-HE-10-7-b 250 mm Shift 7012.00
44 R3-HE-10-7-c 300 mm Shift 7127.00

109 Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation

HE Schedule of Rates 2023
Rate in Rs.
(Excl. GST
and other
1 2 3 4 5
Providing and Placing Brick bats in layers with staggered
1 R3-HE-11-1 joints for required depth etc. complete in all respect and as Cum 3871.00
directed by the engineer

Providing and Laying 40 mm (average) size metal/ aggregates

in 15 cm thick layer conforming to IS 383 for required depth
2 R3-HE-11-2 including screening, washing, cleaning of metal/ aggregates Cum 2489.00
etc. complete in all respect and as directed by engineer.

Providing and Laying 20 mm (average) size metal/ aggregates

conforming to IS 383 in 15 cm thick layer for required depth
3 R3-HE-11-3 including screening, washing, cleaning of metal/ aggregates Cum 2489.00
etc. complete in all respect and as directed by engineer.

Providing and Laying 4.75 mm to 12 mm (average) size, well

graded natural sand in 15 cm thick layer for required depth
4 R3-HE-11-4 including screening, washing, cleaning of sand etc. complete Cum 4419.00
in all respect and as directed by engineer.

Providing and Laying, Placing Coconut coir layers of 6 mm to

12 mm thick in between graded layers at required depth
5 R3-HE-11-5 including 10 cm wide overlapping etc. complete in all respect Cum 775.00
as directed by engineer.

Removing of filled up material from Rain water Harvesting

tank (like brick bats, bricks, coconut
coir,Aggregates,metal,sand etc.) up to 4.00 meter depth,
6 R3-HE-11-6 stacking the material in suitable manner at site etc. complete Cum 3811.00
as directed by engineer (removal of surplus material to be paid

Washing, Cleaning, Placing, Laying of 40 mm metal/

7 R3-HE-11-7 aggregate etc. completed in all respect considering 25% loss of Cum 1728.00
material and as directed by engineer

110 Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation

HE Schedule of Rates 2023
Rate in Rs.
(Excl. GST
and other
1 2 3 4 5
Washing, Cleaning, Placing, Laying of 20mm metal/
8 R3-HE-11-8 aggregate etc. completed in all respect considering 25% loss of Cum 1728.00
material and as directed by engineer.

Washing, Cleaning, Placing, Laying of coarse sand 4.75 to 12

mm thick etc. completed in all respect considering 25% loss of
9 R3-HE-11-9 material and as directed by engineer. Cum 1981.00

Providing and fixing factory made precast RCC perforated

drain covers, having concrete of strength not less than M-25,
of size 1000 x 450x50 mm reinforced with 8mm dia 4 nos
longitudinal and 9 nos cross sectional T.M.T hoop bars
10 R3-HE-11-10 including providing 50mm dia perforations @ 100 to 125 mm Nos 1622.00
c/c including providing edge binding with M S flats of size
50mm x 1.6mm complete all as per direction of Engineer-in-

111 Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation

HE Schedule of Rates 2023

Rate in Rs.
other Taxes)
1 2 3 4 5
Providing and applying 100 % solid , flexible , elastomeric , UV
stable, 2-component , water proof , fast setting (within 45 seconds)
, specific grade Polyurea Coating at 1.2 mm nominal thickness on
concrete surface on inner side of reservoir forming a seamless &
monolithic membrane over compatible epoxy primer . The coating
should have been tested and conform to various standards as
mentioned in Data Sheet of the manufacturer. The coating shall be
carried out in a single application with multiple passes using high
pressure plural component reactor strictly as per manufacturers
specifications including all necessary tools , tackles , high pressure
spray machine , primer application , surface cleaning by sweep
blasting/ grinding and filling up opened up bug holes etc using
epoxy primer mixed with fine silica sand ( FQ 75). Application to
be carried out by trained applicator certified by the principal.
Necessary safety gadgets for worker using high pressure equipment
& spray painting such as Boiler suit, helmet , safety shoes, nose
1 R3-HE-12-1 mask, goggles, hand gloves to be provided by the painting Sqm 3559.00
contractor . Testing of the coating for DFT, Adhesion , Hardness
and finally by filling water in the tank ( water filling not in the
scope of painting applicator ) and checking against any leakage.
The coating to carry a warranty for 10 year against material and
application fault. Surface to be coated with Poloyurea to be
handed over to Painting Contractor by Civil Contractor should be
bone dry ( with surface moisture preferably below 5% and
maximum limit at localized area up to 8% ) and repaired of
construction surface blemishes if any with suitable repairing
compound ( polymeric mortar / epoxy mortar) etc. complete as

112 Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation

HE Schedule of Rates 2023
Rate in Rs.
other Taxes)
1 2 3 4 5
Providing & applying 100% solids, flexible, elastomeric, UV
stable, 2 component, water proof, fast setting (Within 45 seconds) ,
specific grade Nukote ST Standard Pure Polyurea or equivalent, on
steel pipes forming a seamless & monolithic membrane over the
compatible recommended primer. The coating should been tested
& conform to 21 CFR 175 300. The coating shall be carried out in
a single application with multiple passes using high pressure plural
component reactor strictly as per manufactures specifications
including all necessary tools, tackles, high pressure spray machine,
primer application, surface preparation. application to be carried
out by Qualified Applicator certified by the principal.

2 R3-HE-12-2-a 1.2 mm DFT on the external surfaces Sqm 3306.00

3 R3-HE-12-2-b 1.5 mm DFT on the internal surfaces Sqm 3688.00

113 Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation

HE Schedule of Rates 2023

Rate in Rs.
(Excl. GST
and other

1 2 3 4 5
Providing and fixing Kwik Tee/ Saddle Tee
manufactured from ductile casting confirming IS
1865:2000 grade 400:12 or higher. The bolting thread
should be rolled thread and nut should be high tensile.
Bolts should be single spanner with of min. 6.6
property. Nut & Bolts should be olive passivated. The
gaskets of the coupling should be composed of crude or
R3-HE-13-1 synthetic rubber base. It may be supplied in Nitrile or
EPDM or as directed by Engineer and should be
pressure- responsive inverted U-design. Housing should
be protected with fusion bonded epoxy with min.
thickness of 250 micron. Complete as directed

1 R3-HE-13-1-a 150 x 80 mm Each 15884.00

2 R3-HE-13-1-b 250 x 80 mm Each 32595.00
3 R3-HE-13-1-c 300 x 80 mm Each 42587.00

Supplying Kwik Tee/ Saddle Tee manufactured from

ductile casting confirming IS 1865:2000 grade 400:12
or higher. The bolting thread should be rolled thread
and nut should be high tensile. Bolts should be single
spanner with of min. 6.6 property. Nut & Bolts should
be olive passivated.The gaskets of the coupling should
R3-HE-13-2 be composed of crude or synthetic rubber base. It may
be supplied in Nitrile or EPDM or as directed by
Engineer and should be pressure- responsive inverted U-
design. Housing should be protected with fusion
bonded epoxy with min. thickness of 250 micron.
Complete as directed

4 R3-HE-13-2-a 150 x 80 mm Each 11610.00

5 R3-HE-13-2-b 250 x 80 mm Each 26141.00
6 R3-HE-13-2-c 300 x 80 mm Each 34830.00

114 Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation

HE Schedule of Rates 2023

Rate in Rs.
(Excl. GST
and other

1 2 3 4 5

Providing and fixing PE Couplings for HDPE pipes It

should be of gasketed, sleeve type with dia. to properly
fit the pipe. Each coupling should consists of one steel
middle sleeve, two flanges, two rubber-compounded
wedge section gaskets and nut bolts etc.The flanges
should be manufactured from ductile casting
confirming IS 1865:2000 grade 400:12 or higher. The
coupling bolts should be of elliptic- neck, or D-head
design with rolled threads. All bolt holes should be non
circular. Bolts should be single spanner with min. 6.6
property. Nut &Bolts should be olive passivated.The
R3-HE-13-3 sleeve of coupling should be true circular sections. The
gaskets of the coupling should be composed of crude or
synthetic rubber base. It may be supplied in Nitrile or
EPDM or as directed by Engineer and should be
pressure- responsive inverted U-design. Flanges &
sleeves should be protected with fusion bonded epoxy
with min. thickness of 250 micron. The coupling up to
315 mm OD may be supplied in pre-assembled form, if

7 R3-HE-13-3-a 160 mm Each 7960.00

8 R3-HE-13-3-b 250 mm Each 9996.00
9 R3-HE-13-3-c 315 mm Each 12710.00

115 Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation

HE Schedule of Rates 2023

Rate in Rs.
(Excl. GST
and other

1 2 3 4 5
Supplying PE Couplings for HDPE pipes It should be of
gasketed, sleeve type with dia. to properly fit the pipe.
Each coupling should consists of one steel middle
sleeve, two flanges, two rubber-compounded wedge
section gaskets and nut bolts etc.The flanges should be
manufactured from ductile casting confirming IS
1865:2000 grade 400:12 or higher. The coupling bolts
should be of elliptic- neck, or D-head design with rolled
threads. All bolt holes should be non circular. Bolts
should be single spanner with min. 6.6 property. Nut
&Bolts should be olive passivated.The sleeve of
R3-HE-13-4 coupling should be true circular sections. The gaskets
of the coupling should be composed of crude or
synthetic rubber base. It may be supplied in Nitrile or
EPDM or as directed by Engineer and should be
pressure- responsive inverted U-design. Flanges &
sleeves should be protected with fusion bonded epoxy
with min. thickness of 250 micron. The coupling up to
315 mm OD may be supplied in pre-assembled form, if
directed by Engineer.

10 R3-HE-13-4-a 160 mm Each 4720.00

11 R3-HE-13-4-b 250 mm Each 6490.00
12 R3-HE-13-4-c 315 mm Each 8850.00

116 Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation

HE Schedule of Rates 2023

Rate in Rs.
(Excl. GST
and other

1 2 3 4 5
Providing and fixing SS Handiband Repair Clamps. Its
body should be manufactured from SS 304 duly pickled
&passivated. The bolting thread should be rolled thread
and nut should be high tensile. Bolts should be single
spanner with carbon steel of min. 6.6 property. Nut &
Bolts should be olive passivated.Rubber should be of
girded design. The seal may be supplied in EPDM to as
R3-HE-13-5 directed by engineer. Lugs should be of ductile casting
conforming to IS 1865:2000 grade 400:12 or from
malleable casting IS 14329:2000 and it should be
protected with fusion bonded epoxy to be applied in
fluidized tank with min. thickness of 250 micron.
Complete as directed

13 R3-HE-13-5-a 1/2" x 3" Each 746.00

14 R3-HE-13-5-b 3/4" x 3" Each 805.00
15 R3-HE-13-5-c 1" x 3" Each 871.00
16 R3-HE-13-5-d 1 1/4" x 3" Each 1177.00
17 R3-HE-13-5-e 1 1/2" x 3" Each 1274.00
18 R3-HE-13-5-f 2" x 3" Each 1579.00

117 Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation

HE Schedule of Rates 2023

Rate in Rs.
(Excl. GST
and other

1 2 3 4 5
Supplying SS Handiband Repair Clamps Its body
should be manufactured from SS 304 duly pickled
&passivated. The bolting thread should be rolled thread
and nut should be high tensile. Bolts should be single
spanner with carbon steel of min. 6.6 property. Nut &
Bolts should be olive passivated.Rubber should be of
girded design. The seal may be supplied in EPDM to as
R3-HE-13-6 directed by engineer. Lugs should be of ductile casting
conforming to IS 1865:2000 grade 400:12 or from
malleable casting IS 14329:2000 and it should be
protected with fusion bonded epoxy to be applied in
fluidized tank with min. thickness of 250 micron.
Complete as directed

19 R3-HE-13-6-a 1/2" x 3" Each 281.00

20 R3-HE-13-6-b 3/4" x 3" Each 333.00
21 R3-HE-13-6-c 1" x 3" Each 390.00
22 R3-HE-13-6-d 1 1/4" x 3" Each 473.00
23 R3-HE-13-6-e 1 1/2" x 3" Each 557.00
24 R3-HE-13-6-f 2" x 3" Each 639.00
Providing and fixing Dismantling Joints, Spigot Piece
and Flange Adaptor of Ductile Casting conforming to
IS 1865:2000 grade 400:12 or higher, Tie bar of SS 304
with Teflon coated Thread The gaskets of the coupling
should be composed of crude or synthetic rubber base.
R3-HE-13-7 It may be supplied in EPDM or as directed by Engineer,
spigot piece and Flange adaptor to be protected with
250 micron thk. Fusion Bonded Epoxy. Applied in
Fluidized Tank. Complete as directed

25 R3-HE-13-7-a 300 up to 400 mm Each 50514.00

26 R3-HE-13-7-b 450 mm Each 56912.00
27 R3-HE-13-7-c 600 mm Each 85702.00

118 Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation

HE Schedule of Rates 2023

Rate in Rs.
(Excl. GST
and other

1 2 3 4 5

28 R3-HE-13-7-d 750 mm Each 111293.00

29 R3-HE-13-7-e 900 mm Each 143280.00
30 R3-HE-13-7-f 1200 mm Each 322412.00
Supplying Dismantling Joints, Spigot Piece and Flange
Adaptor of Ductile Casting conforming to IS 1865:2000
grade 400:12 or higher, Tie bar of SS 304 with Teflon
coated Thread The gaskets of the coupling should be
composed of crude or synthetic rubber base. It may be
R3-HE-13-8 supplied in EPDM or as directed by Engineer, spigot
piece and Flange adaptor to be protected with 250
micron thk. Fusion Bonded Epoxy. Applied in
Fluidized Tank. Complete as directed

31 R3-HE-13-8-a 300 up to 400 mm Each 41723.00

32 R3-HE-13-8-b 450 mm Each 47287.00
33 R3-HE-13-8-c 600 mm Each 72321.00
34 R3-HE-13-8-d 750 mm Each 94574.00
35 R3-HE-13-8-e 900 mm Each 122389.00
36 R3-HE-13-8-f 1200 mm Each 278156.00

119 Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation

HE Schedule of Rates 2023

Rate in Rs.
(Excl. GST
and other

1 2 3 4 5
Providing and fixing Zut Put Coupling for mechanically
joining HDPE pipes, housing should be manufactured
from ductile casting confirming IS 1865:2000 grade
400:12 or higher, The bolting thread should be rolled
thread and nut should be high tensile. Bolts should be
single spanner with of min. 6.6 property. Nut & Bolts
should be olive passivated.The gaskets of the coupling
R3-HE-13-9 should be composed of crude or synthetic rubber base.
It may be supplied in EPDM or as directed by Engineer,
spigot piece and Flange adaptor to be protected with
250 micron thk. Fusion Bonded Epoxy. Applied in
Fluidized Tank. Complete as directed

37 R3-HE-13-9-a 110 mm Each 5815.00

38 R3-HE-13-9-b 160 mm Each 6799.00
39 R3-HE-13-9-c 250 mm Each 10132.00
40 R3-HE-13-9-d 315 mm Each 12303.00

Supplying Zut Put Coupling for mechanically joining

HDPE pipes, housing should be manufactured from
ductile casting confirming IS 1865:2000 grade 400:12
or higher, The bolting thread should be rolled thread
and nut should be high tensile. Bolts should be single
spanner with of min. 6.6 property. Nut & Bolts should
be olive passivated.The gaskets of the coupling should
R3-HE-13-10 be composed of crude or synthetic rubber base. It may
be supplied in EPDM or as directed by Engineer, spigot
piece and Flange adaptor to be protected with 250
micron thk. Fusion Bonded Epoxy. Applied in
Fluidized Tank. Complete as directed

41 R3-HE-13-10-a 110 mm Each 2854.00

120 Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation

HE Schedule of Rates 2023

Rate in Rs.
(Excl. GST
and other

1 2 3 4 5

42 R3-HE-13-10-b 160 mm Each 3710.00

43 R3-HE-13-10-c 250 mm Each 6608.00
44 R3-HE-13-10-d 315 mm Each 8496.00

Providing and fixing Flange Adaptors, body and

Flanges should be manufactured from ductile casting
confirming to IS 1865:2000 grade 400:12 or higher, Tie
bar of SS 304 with Teflon coated Thread The gaskets of
the coupling should be composed of crude or synthetic
rubber base. It may be supplied in EPDM or as directed
R3-HE-13-11 by Engineer, Flange adaptor body and flange to be
protected with 250 micron thk. Fusion Bonded Epoxy.
Applied in Fluidized Tank. Complete as directed NOTE
: The flange adaptors considered are locally fabricated
and procured.

45 R3-HE-13-11-a 150 mm Each 2975.00

46 R3-HE-13-11-b 250 mm Each 3613.00
47 R3-HE-13-11-c 300 mm Each 4447.00
48 R3-HE-13-11-d 350 mm Each 5752.00
49 R3-HE-13-11-e 600 mm Each 12422.00

Supplying Flange Adaptors, body and Flanges should

be manufactured from ductile casting confirming to IS
1865:2000 grade 400:12 or higher, Tie bar of SS 304
with Teflon coated Thread The gaskets of the coupling
should be composed of crude or synthetic rubber base.
It may be supplied in EPDM or as directed by Engineer,
R3-HE-13-12 Flange adaptor body and flange to be protected with
250 micron thk. Fusion Bonded Epoxy. Applied in
Fluidized Tank. Complete as directed NOTE : The
flange adaptors considered are locally fabricated and

121 Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation

HE Schedule of Rates 2023

Rate in Rs.
(Excl. GST
and other

1 2 3 4 5

50 R3-HE-13-12-a 150 mm Each 385.00

51 R3-HE-13-12-b 250 mm Each 940.00
52 R3-HE-13-12-c 300 mm Each 1665.00
53 R3-HE-13-12-d 350 mm Each 2800.00
54 R3-HE-13-12-e 600 mm Each 8600.00

Providing and fixing Split Section Finger Repair

Clamps, finger clamps should be manufactured from
ductile casting confirming IS 1865:2000 grade 400:12
or higher, body of SS 304 The bolting thread should be
rolled thread and nut should be high tensile. Bolts
R3-HE-13-13 should be single spanner with of min. 6.6 property. Nut
& Bolts should be olive passivated.finger clamps
should be 250 mm thk.fusion bonded epoxy coated
applied in fluidized tank. Rubber to be of girded design
and tapered at ends. Complete as directed

55 R3-HE-13-13-a 80 mm Each 10357.00

56 R3-HE-13-13-b 100 mm Each 11545.00
57 R3-HE-13-13-c 150 mm Each 18034.00
58 R3-HE-13-13-d 200 mm Each 19222.00
59 R3-HE-13-13-e 250 mm Each 20891.00
60 R3-HE-13-13-f 300 mm Each 25897.00
61 R3-HE-13-13-g 450 mm Each 42587.00
62 R3-HE-13-13-h 600 mm Each 52600.00

122 Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation

HE Schedule of Rates 2023

Rate in Rs.
(Excl. GST
and other

1 2 3 4 5
Supplying Split Section Finger Repair Clamps, finger
clamps should be manufactured from ductile casting
The bolting thread should be rolled thread and nut
should be high tensile. Bolts should be single spanner
with of min. 6.6 property. Nut & Bolts should be olive
R3-HE-13-14 passivated.finger clamps should be 250 mm thk.fusion
bonded epoxy coated applied in fluidized tank. Rubber
to be of girded design and tapered at ends. Complete as

63 R3-HE-13-14-a 80 mm Each 6804.00

64 R3-HE-13-14-b 100 mm Each 7837.00
65 R3-HE-13-14-c 150 mm Each 13480.00
66 R3-HE-13-14-d 200 mm Each 14513.00
67 R3-HE-13-14-e 250 mm Each 15964.00
68 R3-HE-13-14-f 300 mm Each 20317.00
69 R3-HE-13-14-g 450 mm Each 34830.00
70 R3-HE-13-14-h 600 mm Each 43537.00

123 Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation

HE Schedule of Rates 2023

Rate in Rs.
(Excl. GST
and other
1 2 3 4 5
Replacing and refixing Gland packing (Jute or Hemp IS: 5414 –
1969) for the sluice valve including new gland material,
dismantling and assembling of sluice valve, replacement of
corroded nut bolts, salvage value for old nut bolts has been
considered etc. complete in all respects including cleaning of
valve chamber and as directed by Engineer In Charge
1 R3-HE-14-1-a 80 mm. Each 3347.00
2 R3-HE-14-1-b 100 mm. Each 3416.00
3 R3-HE-14-1-c 125 mm. Each 3524.00
4 R3-HE-14-1-d 150 mm Each 4047.00
5 R3-HE-14-1-e 200 mm Each 4499.00
6 R3-HE-14-1-f 250 mm. Each 4614.00
7 R3-HE-14-1-g 300 mm. Each 4672.00

Replacing and refixing Rubber packing (IS: 638 –1979 Type B (

reinforced with 2 layer of fabric) for the sluice valve including
new rubber material, dismantling and assembling of sluice valve,
R3-HE-14-2 replacement of corroded nut bolts, salvage value for old nut bolts
has been considered etc complete in all respects including
cleaning of Valve chamber and as directed by Engineer In Charge

8 R3-HE-14-2-a 80 mm. Each 3542.00

9 R3-HE-14-2-b 100 mm. Each 3612.00
10 R3-HE-14-2-c 125 mm. Each 3748.00
11 R3-HE-14-2-d 150 mm Each 4271.00
12 R3-HE-14-2-e 200 mm Each 4778.00
13 R3-HE-14-2-f 250 mm. Each 5033.00
14 R3-HE-14-2-g 300 mm. Each 5232.00

Replacing and refixing of existing check nut with new check nut
(Phosphorous bronze alloy) for the sluice valve including
dismantling and assembling of sluice valve, cutting machining,
threading, finishing, matching the diameter and thickness of
R3-HE-14-3 existing spindle collar and threads etc complete in all respects
including cleaning of Valve chamber and as directed by Engineer
In Charge. Salvage cost of existing check nut has been
considered. This item includes replacement of corroded nut bolts,
salvage value for old nut bolts has been considered.
15 R3-HE-14-3-a 80 mm. Each 4152.00
16 R3-HE-14-3-b 100 mm. Each 4321.00
17 R3-HE-14-3-c 125 mm. Each 4472.00
18 R3-HE-14-3-d 150 mm Each 5015.00

124 Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation

HE Schedule of Rates 2023
Rate in Rs.
(Excl. GST
and other
1 2 3 4 5
19 R3-HE-14-3-e 200 mm Each 5792.00
20 R3-HE-14-3-f 250 mm. Each 6275.00
21 R3-HE-14-3-g 300 mm. Each 8187.00

Replacing and refixing of existing spindle with new spindle (SS

416) for the sluice valve including dismantling and assembling of
sluice valve, cutting machining, threading, finishing, matching
the diameter and thickness of existing spindle collar and threads
R3-HE-14-4 etc complete in all respects including cleaning of Valve chamber
and as directed by Engineer In Charge. Salvage cost of existing
spindle has been considered. This item includes replacement of
corroded nut bolts, salvage value for old nut bolts has been
22 R3-HE-14-4-a 80 mm. Each 4932.00
23 R3-HE-14-4-b 100 mm. Each 5943.00
24 R3-HE-14-4-c 125 mm. Each 6193.00
25 R3-HE-14-4-d 150 mm Each 6786.00
26 R3-HE-14-4-e 200 mm Each 8578.00
27 R3-HE-14-4-f 250 mm. Each 9741.00
28 R3-HE-14-4-g 300 mm. Each 10830.00

125 Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation

HE Schedule of Rates 2023

Rate in Rs.
other Taxes)
1 2 3 4 5
Cleaning of exterior surface of mild steel water trunk main,
ring girders, stools & roller covers etc. manually by means
of scrapper, wire brushes & mechanical srapper by use of
D.G. wherever required. Cleaning including removing all the
1 R3-HE-15-1 dust, dirt, loose rust, loose paint flakes, oil / grease etc SQM 88
completely from the surface and preparing the surface totally
clean as directed by Engineer-in -Charge

Providing and applying two component Amine or

polyamide cured surface Tolerant Epoxy Primer on external
surface of water trunk main, ring girders, stools and roller
cover etc. using best quality brush/ airless spray with best
2 R3-HE-15-2 SQM 113
workmanship and in approved manner as per directions at
site to get minimum Dry Film Thickness of 100 microns as
per specifications and as directed by Engineer-in -Charge

Providing and applying two component high build epoxy

barrier / intermediate coat after curing of previous epoxy
primer coat on external surface of water trunk main, ring
girders, stools and roller cover etc. using best quality brush /
3 R3-HE-15-3 SQM 123
roller / spray with best workmanship in approved manner as
per directions at site to get minimum Dry film thickness of
125 micron as per specifications and as directed by Engineer-
in -Charge
Providing and applying two Component Polyurethane finish
coat on previous epoxy primer & barrier coat on external
surface of water trunk main, ring girders, stools and roller
cover etc. using best quality brush / roller / spray with best
4 R3-HE-15-4 workmanship and in approved manner as per directions at SQM 83
site to get minimum Dry Film Thickness of 50 micron as per
specifications and as directed by Engineer-in -Charge

Identification of pipeline location & its depth Mtr. 61

measurement for installation of Cathodic Protection
(CP) to prevent External Corrosion. Excavation for
provision of cable to pipe connection, preparation of
pipeline route drawing showing exact route of the
pipeline including relevant dimensions & references.
Minimum pipeline length required shall be 500 meter
5 R3-HE-15-5 & pipe diameter shall be 450 mm to 3000 mm. The
rate is inclusive of Surveyor, Technician, Labour
charges, Transportation of man, machinery &
material, Thermit welding for pipe to cable connection
& Temporary arrangement of ground bed for earthing.

126 Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation

HE Schedule of Rates 2023

Rate in Rs.
other Taxes)
1 2 3 4 5
Soil resistivity survey using Wenner’s 4 pin method, Mtr. 27
for soil testing & route survey for installation of
Cathodic Protection system. Soil Resistivity Survey
shall be carried out at depth of 1 meter, 2 meter & 3
meter at 500 meter intervals. Minimum pipeline
6 R3-HE-15-6 length required for survey shall be 500 meter having
dia from 450mm to 3000mm. The Rate includes the
wages / charges for Labour, Transportation,
Equipments, CP Specialist Engineers, Supervision &
technical support.

Design of Cathodic Protection System & Detailed LS 219500

Engineering & Constructional drawings along with
Current Requirement calculation, Material Data
Sheets, Inspection test plan & Quality assurance plan
7 R3-HE-15-7 prepared by NACE CP Level – 4 certified Engineer &
approved / Certified by NACE CP Specialist for length
upto 10 KM. (Drawing MCGM-CC-01)

Supply & installation of Distributed Horizontal Anode Nos. 808000

bed of 50A rating using STRIP type 10 nos. of anodes
(5A capacity each) for Cathodic Protection System.
Horizontally grounded, canister anodes shall be
8 R3-HE-15-8 installed in trenches of min. 1.5 to 2 meter deep & 52
meter long. Work shall be carried out as per
following specifications & drawing MCGM-CC-03
using material described in SOR.

Supply & installation of Distributed Horizontal Anode Nos. 846000

bed of 75A rating using TUBULAR type of 10 nos of
anodes (8A capacity each) for Cathodic Protection
system. Horizontally grounded, canister anodes shall
9 R3-HE-15-9 be installed in trenches of min 1.5 mtr to 2 mtr deep
& 52 mtr long. Work shall be carried out
specifications & drawing MCGM-CC-03 using material
described in SOR.

127 Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation

HE Schedule of Rates 2023

Rate in Rs.
other Taxes)
1 2 3 4 5
Supply & installation of Vertical or Deepwell Anode Nos. 823500
bed of 50 A rating using STRIP type 10 nos of Anodes
(5A capacity each) for Cathodic Protection System.
Drilling of borehole of 250mm dia. up to 24 mtr depth,
further 200mm dia for 28 mtr i.e total 52 meter deep.
10 gauge 150 mm dia. ERW steel casing pipe shall be
supplied & lowered into borehole through out the
depth, top 24 meter depth shall be encased with 200
mm dia. PVC pipe. Total 10 nos of anodes shall be
lowered into borehole & coke breeze shall be poured
into borehole up to active column depth, remaining
10 R3-HE-15-10
shall be filled with gravels. Rate includes supply,
installation of Anode bed materials including Anodes,
Vent pipe, centralizers, Coke breeze, MS casing pipe,
PVC casing pipe, Drilling, Welding provision of
welding machine and generator etc. The work shall be
as per specifications & drawing MCGM-CC-02, using
standard material described in SOR.

Supply & installation of Vertical or Deep well anode Nos. 861500

bed of 75 A rating using Tubular type of 10 nos. of
Anodes (8A capacity each) for Cathodic Protection
system. Drilling of borehole of 250mm dia. up to 24
mtr. depth, further 200mm dia. for 28 mtr. i.e. total
52 meter deep. 10 gauge 150 mm dia. ERW steel
casing pipe shall be supplied & lowered in to this
borehole throughout the depth. Top 24 mtr. shall be
encased with 200 mm dia. PVC pipe. Total 10 anodes
shall be lowered into borehole & coke breeze shall be
poured into borehole up to active column depth.
Remaining depth shall be filled with gravels. Rate
11 R3-HE-15-11
includes supply, installation of anode bed materials
including anodes, vent pipe, centralizers, coke breeze,
MS casing pipe, PVC casing pipe, drilling, welding
provision of welding machine & generator etc. The
work shall be as per following specifications & drawing
MCGM-CC-02 & MCGM-CC-04 (as per site condition),
using standard material described in SOR.

128 Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation

HE Schedule of Rates 2023

Rate in Rs.
other Taxes)
1 2 3 4 5
Supply & installation of MS Anode Junction Box of Nos. 47910
375mm X 375mm X 250 mm, as per specifications &
drawing MCGM-CC-08, for Cathodic Protection
system. The rate is inclusive of fabrication of Anode
Junction box with sand blasting, powder coating with
30% spare terminals & Protection of IP 55 mounted on
12 R3-HE-15-12 MS plate of 300mm X 300mm X 5mm thick, Raw
material for Foundation (Sand, grit, Cement & MS
bar), Shunt (10A / 75 mV), Resistor (10A / 50 V),
Copper bus bar and charges for labour,
transportation, supervision & technical support.

Supply and Installation of MS Cathode Junction Box Nos. 39200

of 375mm X 375mm X 250mm, as per specifications
& drawing MCGM-CC-09, for Cathodic Protection
system. The rates shall include Fabrication of Cathode
Junction box with sand blasting, powder coating &
Protection of IP 55 mounted on MS plate of 300mm X
13 R3-HE-15-13 300mm X 5mm thick, Raw material for Foundation
(Sand, grit, cement & MS bar), Copper bus bar and
charges for labour, transportation, supervision &
technical support.

Supply 1C X 16 mm² Annealed Bare Copper Mtr 258

Conductor, PVDF Insulated, Kynar / HMWPE
Sheathed, Unarmoured Cable required for 1) insertion
of anode tail cable, 2) reference electrode cables from
underground reference electrode to Cathode Junction
14 R3-HE-15-14 Box through Transformer Rectifier Unit 3) For
measurement cables from pipeline negative
connection to Cathode Junction Box through
Transformer Rectifier Unit, required for Cathodic
Protection system.

Supply of 4C x 6 mm² Annealed Bare Copper Mtr 295

Conductor, XLPE Insulated, PVC Sheathed, 1.1 KV
15 R3-HE-15-15 Grade, Armoured Cable for laying of AC power cable
from energy meter to Transformer Rectifier unit of
Cathodic Protection system
Laying of Cables & Restoration of Cable trench, for 4C Mtr 655
X 6 mm² at 0.95 meter depth with Sand and Bricks
16 R3-HE-15-16
and warning material, required for Cathodic
Protection system.
Supply of 4C x 10 mm² Annealed Bare Copper mtr 446
Conductor, XLPE Insulated, PVC Sheathed, 1.1 KV
Grade, Armoured Cable required for 1) Anode &
Cathode header cable. 2) Laying of Header cables from
17 R3-HE-15-17 Anode Junction Box to Transformer Rectifier Unit 3)
Cathode Junction Box to Transformer Rectifier Unit
and 4) Pipeline to Cathode Junction Box.

129 Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation

HE Schedule of Rates 2023

Rate in Rs.
other Taxes)
1 2 3 4 5
Laying of Cables & Restoration of Cable trench, for 4C Mtr 980
X 10 mm² at min 1 meter depth with Sand and Bricks
18 R3-HE-15-18
and warning material required for Cathodic Protection
Supply & Laying of B Class Galvanized Iron (GI) Mtr 2320
Conduit of 100mm diameter at minimum 1 meter
19 R3-HE-15-19 depth for Cathodic Protection system. ( M&E Schedule
R2-ME-2-21-i )

Cable termination for Anode Junction Box, Cathode set 300

Junction Box and Transformer Rectifier Unit including
supply of lugs, cable tags & ferrule, Glands using the
20 R3-HE-15-20 necessary equipment like crimping tool for Cathodic
Protection system.

Supply & Installation of 50V / 50A output rating AC Nos. 610400

operated automatic CP Transformer Rectifier Unit (TR
Unit) as per drawing MCGM-CC-07, with Auto
controlled cards, facility of connection of three
reference electrodes, current interrupter. TR unit shall
be housed in IP 42 rated cubicle (as per drawing
MCGM-CC-05) on PCC foundation base of size approx.
1500mm x 1500mm x 400mm and plinths of size
approx. 1000mm x 1000mm x 300mm (or as
appropriate to suit site conditions as advised by
MCGM engineer-in-charge) with 4” dia. PVC / GI pipe
is to be provided in the base of foundation at the level
of cable trench as an access for taking cable either
21 R3-HE-15-21 side, including fixing the rectifier unit with suitable
foundation bolts of required sizes & length. The rate
shall include Supply of 50 V / 50 A output rating AC
operated automatic CP transformer rectifier unit (TR
Unit), TR Unit Outer cubical, Loading & unloading of
TR unit & Outer cubical, TR Unit & Outer cubical
foundation raw material like Sand, Cement & grit, GI
Pipe for Cable entry, and charges for labour,
transportation, supervision & technical support.

130 Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation

HE Schedule of Rates 2023

Rate in Rs.
other Taxes)
1 2 3 4 5
Supply & Installation of 75V / 75A output rating AC Nos. 660400
operated automatic CP transformer rectifier unit (TR
Unit) as per drawing MCGM-CC-07, with Auto
controlled cards, facility of connection of three
reference electrodes, current interrupter. TR unit shall
be housed in IP 42 rated cubicle (as per drawing
MCGM-CC-05) on PCC foundation base of size approx.
1500mm X 1500mm X 400mm and plinths of size
approx. 1000mm X 1000mm X 300mm (or as
appropriate to suit site conditions as advised by
MCGM Engineer-in-charge) with 4” dia. PVC / GI pipe
is to be provided in the 4” dia. PVC / GI pipe is to be
provided in the base of foundation at the level of cable
trench as a access for taking cable either side,
22 R3-HE-15-22 including fixing the rectifier unit with suitable
foundation bolts of required sizes & length. The rate
shall include Supply of 75 V / 75 A output rating AC
operated automatic CP transformer rectifier unit (TR
Unit), TR Unit Outer cubical, Loading & unloading of
TR unit & Outer cubical, TR Unit & Outer cubical
foundation raw material like Sand, Cement & grit etc.,
GI Pipe for Cable entry, charges for labour,
transportation, supervision & technical support.

Maintenance free chemical earthing, using 2 meter Nos. 29800

long hot deep GI coated electrode, 50 mm dia and 25
Kg back fill chemical. The rate shall include Supply &
Installation of maintenance free chemical earthing,
Provision of Earthing Chamber door or cover plate,
Raw material for construction of Chamber foundation
23 R3-HE-15-23 such as Sand, bricks and Cement, charges for labour,
transportation, supervision & technical support. As
per following specifications required for Cathodic
Protection System.

Construction of foundation for Anode Junction Box, CuM 485

Cathode Junction Box and Transformer Rectifier Unit
with provision for cable network / passing
24 R3-HE-15-24 arrangement as per the drawing MCGM CC-08 &
MCGM CC-09, for Cathodic Protection system.

Supply and Installation of MS Power supply Box Nos. 68220

having IP 66 protection required for Cathodic
Protection system along with foundation as per
drawing MCGM-CC- 10. The rates are inclusive of
25 R3-HE-15-25 Supply of Power Supply Box along with MCB, Teak
wood terminal plate, Raw material of foundation like
sand, bricks and Cement, supervision & technical
support and labour charges.

131 Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation

HE Schedule of Rates 2023

Rate in Rs.
other Taxes)
1 2 3 4 5
Pipe to cable connection by Thermit Welding / Pin LS 43130
Brazing with Weld consumables - total 6 nos of
connections as per the basic CP System drawing
MCGM-CC-01. The rates are inclusive of supply of
26 R3-HE-15-26 Thermit powder with accessories, Fernal, Cable Lugs,
Epoxy & Hardener, M-seal, and charges for
transportation, supervision & technical support.

Supply and Installation of Permanent Reference Nos. 18170

Electrode for Transformer Rectifier Unit of Cathodic
Protection System as per drawing MCGM-CC-01.
Reference electrode shall be installed at depth of the
pipeline approx. 300 mm away from the pipeline. The
27 R3-HE-15-27 rates are inclusive of Supply of Permanent Reference
electrode; supervision & technical support, Back fill
Material along with cotton Bag, Labour charges and

Liasoning for successful installation & commissioning Job 71400

of Entire Corrosion Protection System which includes
co- ordination with external agencies such as power
supply company to get suitable AC power supply on
28 R3-HE-15-28 the name of MCGM for TR unit, Local public, traffic
handling and including supply and installation of
energy meter, payment for deposit to power supply
company etc.

Commissioning of overall Cathodic Protection System Nos. 171000

including anode current measurements, Transformer
Rectifier unit fine tuning, pipe to soil potentials
measure for instance, 24 Hrs. 48 Hrs and 72 Hrs. As
built Documentation in the form hard & soft copy
containing relevant drawings, circuits, inspection &
test reports, IS manual copies, permissible values,
maintenance schedules, various measurement sheets,
etc. of Transformer Rectifier unit installed and
commissioned shall be submitted. Post commissioning
survey such as CIPL, DCVG/CAT, coating
29 R3-HE-15-29
conductance and interference surveys alongwith
submission of reports. One year Quarterly monitoring
of permanent Cathodic Protection (CP) system after
PCP Commissioning. The rates are inclusive of
charges for transportation, supervision & technical
support and review report from NACE CP Level - 4

Security & Warehousing of Corrosion Protection LS 103000

materials, equipment's and machineries, Cables used
at site, Security for Curing of foundations of TR unit,
30 R3-HE-15-30 Buried Anodes, New electric connection till the
completion of site work of the entire contract.

132 Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation

HE Schedule of Rates 2023

Rate in Rs.
other Taxes)
1 2 3 4 5
GSM based Remote Monitoring System to monitor Nos. 188000
Transformer Rectifier Unit (TR Unit). This system shall
transfer data through GSM communication to the
system installed at Central Monitoring System (CMS).
This system shall communicate all TR parameters like
TR Voltage, TR Current, Reference Potential, etc. Also
communicate various alarms like Under protection,
31 R3-HE-15-31 Over protection, Power supply failure, Door open, etc.
to CMS. The rate includes Supply of GSM based
monitoring system for TR unit with GSM Modem,
Software supported computer to be installed at CMS
including & it’s Installation & Commissioning of total
communication system with trials.

Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of Nos. 28200

32 R3-HE-15-32 Magnesium Sacrificial Anode. (Mg Anode – 5Kg/Each)

Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of Nos. 35200

33 R3-HE-15-33 Magnesium Sacrificial Anode. (Mg Anode –
Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of Nos. 42200
34 R3-HE-15-34 Magnesium Sacrificial Anode. (Mg Anode –
Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of Nos. 49200
35 R3-HE-15-35 Magnesium Sacrificial Anode. (Mg Anode –

133 Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation

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