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The SOAs Layers

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The SOA’s Layers

Christian Emig, Kim Langer, Karsten Krutz, Stefan Link, Christof Momm, Sebastian Abeck

Cooperation & Management, Universität Karlsruhe (TH)

{ emig | langer | ... }

Abstract At the core services border the wrapping of existing

functionality to services is achieved with a common
In this paper we introduce a reference model for the interface description and communication protocol that
layering of service-oriented architecture (SOA). can be used by potential consumers. The act of exposing
Opinions on how this architecture appears are often this functionality as services to gain reusability is done
disjunctive or contradictory within the SOA community - by software developers and involves changes in the
a standardized layering has not as yet been established. applications’ source code or proxy-style wrapping. Such
Therefore, it is our objective to provide a definition and services are described by providing service descriptions
better understanding of the layers encountered within an held in a service registry that gives information about the
SOA as well as the relationships between them, thus syntax (e.g. through Web Service Description Language
aiming at the provisioning of common understanding and WSDL [KL04]) and semantics (e.g. using Ontology Web
nomenclature for SOA. Language - Services OWL-S) [MP+04]) of the service
Basically SOA aims at the provisioning of abstract
software functionality through services that can be Business Process
Business Process
flexibly composed to implement business processes. Business
Business Process
Through the deployment of reusable services a process- Mapping of the
oriented alignment of business and IT is achieved, IT-supported Parts
allowing fast adaptations on changes in business
processes [EW+06]. Furthermore, SOA enables the Presentation Layer Portal

integration of existing applications by exposing their


Process Layer
in the Large

functionality as services improving the value of existing Orchestration Orchestration

software assets and avoiding redundancy in IT
infrastructure. To yield these benefits and to support the Choreography
Business Services
service-oriented paradigm, SOA adds further layers to
the conventional architecture responsible for application Integration Composition
integration and service orchestration hence making the
Composition Composition

underlying systems transparent for business analysts.

in the Small

The bottom layer of the reference model comprises Core Services

the existing systems, called operational systems [Ar04] Operational
or legacy systems. It holds detached systems that are (Traditional
Application Application
traditionally developed and therefore usually per se not Applications,
service-oriented. From the SOA perspective, it does not Databases)

matter if these legacy systems are internally monolithic Service-Oriented

or of multi-tier architectures. It is the task of an SOA to
leverage these systems by exposing their functionality as Figure 1: The SOA's Layers
reusable services that build the foundation for the
alignment of IT and business processes. Up to the point Through service composition at the integration layer,
of time when SOA principles are directly applied in functionality can be further aggregated. The term
application development, most of the scenarios will have composition in this context denotes the combination of
the migration character described before. services yielding a more complex and coarser-grained
service [ZT05]. At the integration layer, core services are
composed that quite often have strong dependencies on that the programming is done on an abstract and
the underlying software systems. This is the field of technology independent level. As orchestration and
classical Enterprise Application Integration (EAI), but choreography are directly related to business processes it
now standardized service interface description (e.g. is to be carried out by business experts such as business
WSDL) and communication protocols (e.g. Simple analysts than system integrators.
Object Access Protocol SOAP) are applied. System The presentation layer on top of the process layer
integrators may use the Business Process Execution integrates human users [Ar04]. It provides users with a
Language (BPEL) at this layer in web service based means to interact with the present processes. This
SOA. interaction can range from operational actions to
Reaching the border of business services, the relation business related operations like starting processes or
to the software systems has to be reduced to a minimum. providing business relevant user input. BPEL4People
The hiding of the technical aspects is the chance to and Web Services for Remote Portlets (WSRP) are
enable business analysts to map their business processes promising upcoming standards to be applied in this layer.
to the process layer combining (i.e. orchestrating) Various sources divide services into two categories
business services. [NL04, Er05], coarse-grained and fine-grained services.
The process layer sets up on the integration layer. It Since this type of classification is relative and no
implements, as the name implies, the IT-supported parts common metrics have been defined [Le03], we pursue an
of business processes that are mapped to business approach for service classification that has an absolute
services. The act of plugging together business services measure. Our reference layering model therefore groups
in order to accomplish business logic and processes is services into core web services and business web
called orchestration. More precisely, the term services. The layer of core web services defines the
orchestration refers to the realization of a business border at which SOA is reached by existing applications.
related workflow owned by a single entity [Er05] Services from different underlying applications can now
through the combination of business relevant services. be composed at the integration layer by integration
Processes realized by orchestration expose a service specialists. In contrast to core web services, business
interface themselves [ZT05]. Orchestration is business services directly participate in a business process and
driven and therefore directly related to the authoritative have immediate business relevance whereas core web
business processes. Processes realized in this kind of services tend to be invoked by coarser grained services
fashion can in turn influence and exchange information instead of being directly incorporated into process flows
among each other. The coordination of business though they syntactically have the same interfaces and
processes is called choreography and describes the communication.
communication protocols between business services. As
with orchestration, it is associated with the process layer References
but unlike orchestration which yields processes owned
by a single entity, choreography considers the interaction [Ar04] Ali Arsanjani: Service-Oriented Modeling and Architecture,
IBM developer works, 2004.
of these, often federated processes. In doing so,
choreography enables collaboration between [Er05] Thomas Erl: Service-Oriented Architecture: Concepts,
orchestrations [Er05] by the definition of a set of rules Technology and Design, Prentice Hall PTR, ISBN 0-13-185858-0
for this collaboration. August 04, 2005.
In literature, it is usually not differentiated between
[EW+06] Christian Emig, Jochen Weisser, Sebastian Abeck:
service composition and process orchestration and both Development of SOA-Based Software Systems – an Evolutionary
are put together as the so-called programming-in-the- Programming Approach, International Conference on Internet and Web
large [Le03]. In a contrary to this point of view, we see Applications and Services ICIW’06, February 2006.
two aspects that should lead to a separation into the
[KL04] Donald Kossmann, Frank Leymann: Web Services, Informatik
integration layer and the process layer: First of all, the Spektrum, Band 27, 117-128, Springer Verlag, 2004.
job is done by different people/roles. System integrators
need standardized interfaces that reduce artificial [Le03] Frank Leymann: Web Services - Distributed Applications
dependencies for integration. Business analysts are without Limits, Business, Technology and Web, Leipzig, 2003.
concerned with the process layer where the orchestration [MP+04] D. Martin, M. Paolucci, S. McIlraith et. al.: Bringing
of business related services takes place. Secondly, the Semantics to Web Services: The OWL-S Approach, 2004.
types of services are different in respect to system-related
dependencies and business relation at both layers. This is [NL04] Eric Newcomer, Greg Lomow: Understanding SOA with Web
Services, Addison Wesley Professional, ISBN 0-321-18086-0,
the reason why we suggest separating these two layers December 14, 2004
and adding the integration aspects to the programming-
in-the-small and the orchestration aspects to the [ZT05] zapThink, Ronald Schmelzer, Jason Bloomberg: zapThink’s
programming-in-the-large. Programming-in-the-large, as Service-Oriented Architecture Roadmap,, 2005
done in the process layer by business analysts, implies

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