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Mechanisms of Antibiotics Resistance in Bacteria: Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy June 2020

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Mechanisms of Antibiotics Resistance in Bacteria

Article in Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy · June 2020

DOI: 10.31838/srp.2020.6.118


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2 authors:

Thualfakar Hayder Hasan Abusaiba Raad AL-Harmoosh

University of Alkafeel Altoosi University College


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Sys Rev Pharm 2020; 11(6): 817 823
A multifaceted review journal in the field of pharmacy
E-ISSN 0976-2779 P-ISSN 0975-8453

Mechanisms of Antibiotics Resistance in Bacteria

Thualfakar Hayder Hasan1*, Raad A. Al-Harmoosh1,2
1Department of Medical Laboratories Techniques; Altoosi University College, Najaf, Iraq.
2College of Science; University of Kufa, Najaf, Iraq.


Article History: Submitted: 13.04.2020 Revised: 17.05.2020 Accepted: 24.06.2020

The resistance is determining a growing hug issue in health fields Correspondence:
worldwide, where the bacterial cells possessed the ability to resist the Thualfakar Hayder Hasan
old antibiotics as well as the newly discovered antibiotics through Department of Medical Laboratories Techniques, Altoosi University
several capabilities and mechanisms, including the natural, acquired College, Najaf, Iraq
and cross ones, this paper will highlight most of the antibiotics and the E-mail:
mechanics of resistance. DOI: 10.31838/srp.2020.6.118
Keywords: Resistance, Antibiotics, Bacteria, QRDRs, Efflux pumps @Advanced Scientific Research. All rights reserved

INTRODUCTION Extrachromosomal resistance relies on extrachromosomal

Bacterial resistance is the capability of bacterial cells to genetic materials that can be transmitted via plasmids,
prevent antibiotic bacteriostatic or bactericidal effects [1]. transposons, and integrons [14]. Plasmidsoareosegments of
The excessive and unintended usage of antibiotics DNAothatocanoreplicateoindependentlyoof chromosomal
contributes to resistance development in bacteria [2]. DNA [15]. A plasmid is typically responsible for the
Because of the extensive uptake, the evolvement development of antibiotic inactive enzymes [16].
of microorganisms resistant with the time and problems There are main forms of holding genetic material (resistance
have arisen with these resistant microorganisms for the genes and plasmids) from bacterial cells, this form are
treatment of certain infections [3]. Nowadays, resistance is transduction, transformation, conjugation, and mechanism
determining as a big issue in the path of new drug synthesis, of transposition [17].
developing antibiotic resistance is a major public health The genes with antibiotic resistance on the chromosome or
problem worldwide [4]. plasmid are intertwined and are situated at the beginning
with different integration groups, or integrons.
The four principal forms of antibiotic resistance evolve as Recombination is very normal in integrons [18].
1- Natural resistance (Intrinsic, Structural)
In this type of resistance, the usage of antibiotics is not 3. Cross-resistance
associated with the resistance but it caused by the bacteria's It is mean the resistance to a specific antibiotic by specific
structural properties [5]. This occurs as a result of intrinsic microorganisms, that work with the identical or related
resistance, or microorganism which doesn't follow the target mechanisms and that are also resistant to other antibiotics
antibiotic structure, or antibiotics which due to its [19]. This is generally seen when antibiotics have common
characteristics do not encounter its target [6]. Gram- structures: such as resistance to erythromycin,neomycin-
negative bacteria and vancomycin, for example, vancomycin kanamycin, or resistance to cephalosporins and penicillins
antibiotics does not move through the outer membrane soo [20].
that these Gram-negative bacteria are naturally insusceptible However, cross-resistance can some times be seen in a
to vancomycino[7]. completely distinct group of drugs as well, like a cross-
Likewise, L-form bacteria that are cell wall-less types of the resistance that exists amongst erythromycin-lincomycin,
bacteria, such a Ureaplasma and Mycoplasma Mycoplasma this resistance might be the chromosomal origin or not [21].
that are naturally owning beta-lactam antibiotics resistance
[8]. 4. Multi-drug and other types of resistance
Multidrug-resistant species are typically pathogens that
2. Acquired resistance have been resistant to their antibiotics, this ensures that the
Regardless of resistance development due to alteration in bacteria will no longer be eliminated or regulated by a single
the genetic features of bacteria, an acquired because it is not drug [22]. Inappropriate utilization of antibiotics
affected by the antibiotics it was previously susceptible to it for treatment culminated in the introduction of multidrug-
[9]. This form of resistance comes from the main resistant pathogenic bacteria [23]. Either of the two
chromosome or extra chromosome structures (plasmids, mechanisms can induce multidrug resistance in bacteria
transposons, etc.) [10]. [24].
Chromosomal resistance results from mutations that change Firstly, these bacteria will acquire several genes, each coding
randomly bacterial chromosome, these mutations can occur for specific drug resistance, this form of resistance usually
by certain physical and chemical factors [11]. exists on R-plasmids [25].
This may be due to changes in the composition of bacterial Secondly, the form of multidrug resistance may also occur
cells, so that may be decreased bacterial drug permeability, by enhanced gene expression encoding for efflux pumps,
or maybe changes to the drug's target in the cell [12]. enzymatic inactivation for antibiotics, changes in target
Streptomycin, aminoglycosides,o erythromycin,o, and structure, and others [26].
lincomycin can develop resistance to these forms [13].

817 Systematic Review Pharmacy Vol 11, Issue 6, 2020

Thualfakar Hayder Hasan et al / Mechanisms of Antibiotics Resistance in Bacteria

If the bacterial strains are not susceptible to three or more Thisomechanismooforesistanceoisoinoplasmidoandochrom

antimicrobial types, they are called multidrug-resistant osomalocontrol.oActive pumping systems for example are
(MDR) bacteria. If the species, resistant to all but one or two effective in resisting quinolones,o14-membered
classes of antibiotics, are deemed highly resistant to macrolides,ochloramphenicoloandobeta-lactamso[42].
medicines, whether the species resistant to all usable
antibiotics are known as pan-drug resistant [27,28]. E.oUsingoanoalternativeometabolicopathway
For example, Acinetobacter species with multidrug Unlikeosomeoofotheotargetoalterationsoinobacteria, the
resistance (MDR) can be identified as the bacteria that latest drug-susceptible pathway eliminates the need for
having the resistant ability to at least three groups of objective development [43]. Bacteria can prepare folic acid
antibiotics classes, for example for all penicillin and from the environment, rather than synthesizing folic acid so
cephalosporin, aminoglycosides and quinolones groups that it becomes resistant among sulfonamide and
[29]. trimethoprim [44].
Extensive Acinetobacter spp., drug-resistant (XDR), isolate
resistant to the three types of antibiotics classes mentioned ResistanceobyoAntibioticsogroupoMechanisms
above in (MDR), and even carbapenem-resistant, A. Beta-lactams Resistance
Acinetobacter spp. , Pandrug resistant, or pan-resistant Antibiotics of beta-lactam are a wide class of antibiotics,
(PDR), these bacteria can be going to be the XDR as well as including penicillins, cephalosporins, monobactams, and
polymyxin-resistant and tigecycline resistance [30,31]. carbapenems [45]. Synthesis of beta-lactamase enzymes is
the most common resistance mechanism here [46].
Mechanisms of Antibiotics Resistance
A-The modifications 1- Beta-lactamase Enzymes
Modifications that happen in the drug-related receptor and At the molecular level, there are 4 groups (A, B, C, D)of
the location of the target regions of the relation with the beta-lactamase enzymeso[47]. Beta-lactamases A, C, and D
antibiotics are distinct, these can be complex enzymes and that deferent from B-class that function cool ester enzymes
ribosomes [32]. The most frequently identified resistance mediated, while the latest was need zinc ion as
consistent with variations in the ribosomal target is in metalloenzyme [48].
macrolide antibiotics [33]. The most popular examples here
are the evolvement of penicillin resistance due to the Beta-lactamases Class A
mutations of penicillin-binding proteins beta-lactamase These resistances occur in both Gram-positive and Gram-
enzymes in Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus negative bacteria and mostly mediated by plasmid or
pneumoniae, Neisseria meningitides, and Enterococcus transposon. Capable usually of being inducible [48]. This
faecium strains [34]. group includes the gram-negative bacteria TEM, SHV,
ESBL. ESBL primarily occurs in E. coli and Klebsiella
B.i Enzymatic inactivation of antibiotics pneumoniae [49].
Most of the bacteria synthesize antibiotic degrading
enzymes, the enzymatic inactivation mechanism is one of Beta-lactamases Class B
the most important antibiotics resistance mechanisms [35]. Bacteroides fragilis, observable species of Aeromonas and
In this group, beta-lactamases, aminoglycosidase, Legionella, enzymes that hydrolyze carbapenems, penicillin,
chloramphenicol, and erythromycin modifying enzymes are and cephalosporins [50].
the most popular examples [36].
Beta-lactamases Class C
C. Reduction of the inner and outer membrane Generally seen in Gram-negative bacteria and chromosome-
permeability localized (Group I, AmpC, etc.) [51]. This resistance
This mechanism results from changes in the permeability of mechanism is not inhibited by clavulanic acid and has an
the internal and external membrane so that decreased drug inducible characteristic so produced in high levels in the
uptake into the cell or rapidly ejected from the pump presence of beta-lactam antibiotics [52]. Often known as
systems [37]. Due to a decrease in membrane permeability Inducibleo Beta-Lactamaseso(IBL), they found in
as a result of porin mutations that may occur in proteins of Enterobacterocloacae,oCitrobacterofreundii,oSerratiaomarce
resistant strains for example; a mutation in specific porins scens, and P. aeruginosa [53].
called OprD can cause resistance to carbapenem in
Pseudomonas aeruginosa strain [38]. Reduction in outer Beta-lactamases Class D
membrane permeability can play an important role in These enzymes are induced by beta-lactamases antibiotics
quinolone resistance and aminoglycoside resistance [39]. and produced in Gram-positive cocci such as Staphylococcus
aureus so that degrade Oxacillin [53].
D. Active Pumps System
Resistance develops most commonly in the tetracycline 2. Modifications in Penicillin-Binding Proteins (PBP)
group of antibiotics via the active pump systems [40]. With Penicillin-binding proteins (PBP) in peptidoglycan
an energy-dependent active pumping system, tetracyclines synthesis in the bac responsible for the Antibiotic target of
are thrown out and cannot concentrate within the cell[41]. beta-lactam, Carboxypeptidase PBPs, and the enzymes of

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Thualfakar Hayder Hasan et al / Mechanisms of Antibiotics Resistance in Bacteria

transpeptidase PBP is the most common in gram-positive This mechanism is most common in Gram-Positive
bacteria, due to changes in it, resistance results in [54]. bacteria, in the 50S ribosomal subunit, this is connected to
Methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA) is willing to take the drug with the 23S of the ribosome in rRNA-specific
responsibility for methicillin resistance in strains, mecA methylation of an adenine molecule has a structural change
gene, this gene results in PBP-2a synthesis enhancing beta- and reduces the drug's binding to ribosomal RNA. The
lactam antibiotic resistance [55]. The modifications in S. resistance is of a structural or inducible type [68,69].
pneumoniae in PBP 2b are responsible for the resistance to
penicillin and cephalosporin [56]. 2. Inactivation of drug by Enzymatic activity
The bacterial cells having enzymes that play a critical role in
3. Modifications in Proteins of the membrane resistance like Erythromycin and other Macrolides
Change in the porin channels in gram-negative bacteria,o resistance [70].
for example, P. aeruginosa with a devoted channel protein
registered in OprD may evolve carbapenem resistance [57]. E. The resistance of Chloramphenicol
Antibiotic accumulation can be prevented in the active The inactivation of the chloramphenicol acetyltransferase
pump systems cell. Consequently, the group of beta-lactams, (CAT) by enzymes that acetylate the chloramphenicol
tetracyclines, chloramphenicol, and quinolones can lead to antibiotic leads to resistance in bacteria produced by this
resistance [58]. enzyme [71]. Reduced drug uptake in certain bacteria
especially gram-negative can also be responsible for
B. Antibiotics Resistance of Aminoglycoside Group chloramphenicol resistance [72].
1. Aminoglycosides Modifying Enzymes
The most important mechanism for the emergence of F. The resistance of Quinolones
resistance to aminoglycosides in aerobic gram-negative There are different mechanisms for quinolone resistance
bacteria is enzymatic inactivation. Enzyme modifying has a that including
major role in resistance to aminoglycosides [59]. These 1. Mutation modification of the target topoisomerase
enzymes are often of plasmid or transposon origin, there are Modifications in the target enzymes topoisomerases
acetyltransferase and phosphotransferase in this group [60]. caused mainly by mutations that reduce the affinity of
Modified enzymes are responsible for the high extent of quinolones without compromising the enzyme function are
gentamicin resistanceoinoenterococcio[61]. the most common mechanism of acquired quinolone
resistance and have already been reported in several
2. Ribosomal target Modifications bacterial species [73,74]. resistance-related mutations are
This approach is crucial in Streptomycin resistance, the clustered in discrete regions of the enzyme subunits, called
target of streptomycin is not connected to the ribosomal 30S regions determining quinolone resistance (QRDRs) [75].
subunit due to mutations in the ribosomal 30S, in
enterococci, this kind of resistance to streptomycin is 2. A decreased intake of drugs by reduced permeability or
essential [62]. active efflux
Increased resistance to quinolones in gram-negative bacteria
C. The resistance of Tetracyclines due to variations in their outer membrane proteins so that
1. Prevention of the absorption of drugs into cells and they reduce the intake of drugs [76].
active pump systems
Reduction of membrane permeability resulting from 3. The target protection of topoisomerase with specific
spontaneous chromosome mutations in bacteria as a result proteins
of resistance development to prevent drug uptake [63]. The Target protection is provided by a family of small
organisms also can develop Tetracyclines resistance pentapeptide-repeat proteins, called Qnr proteins, which
depending on active pump systems [64]. bind to the targets for topoisomerase and protect them from
quinolone interaction [77]. A similar mechanism has
2. Protection of Ribosome developed in bacteria to protect topoisomerases from
The second significant mechanism which leads to microcin, which are pentapeptide-repeat family proteins
tetracycline resistance [65]. With tetM, tetO, tetQ, tetS genes that are produced as a mechanism of biological competition
inhibit drug activity by modifying a cytoplasmic ribosome by certain bacteria and can kill susceptible bacteria by
that binds to the tetracycline [66]. These genes have been inhibiting their topoisomerases [78].
found in many genera like Campylobacter, Mycoplasma,
4. Inactivation of the drug
Ureaplasma, and Bacteroides, for example. They are plasmid
The most recently identified mechanism of resistance to
and chromosome origin [67].
quinolones was inactivation by drug modification [79].
Acetylation is performed by a plasmid-encoded AAC
D. The resistance of Macrolide, lincosamide,
enzyme variant which, has the ability to acetylate some
streptogramins (MLS)groups
quinolone molecules in addition to aminoglycosides and
Gram-negative bacteria are naturally resistant to MLS
have unsubstituted secondary amines such as ciprofloxacin
group antibiotics
and norfloxacin [80].
1. Ribosomal Target Modification

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