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BACE Manual

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BACE Coordination Dept
Sri Sri Radha Parthasarathi

BACE Coordination Dept
BACE Coordination Dept

Founder Acarya ISKCON

BACE Coordination Dept
….try to recruit some of the intelligent class of student class to take up this Krsna
Consciousness philosophy and study it carefully. Try to recruit some of such men
to become our devotees. There is need for intelligent young men to train them up
as future leaders and preachers to go all over the world for spreading the message
of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu. If we simply go to the college on one night and
leave immediately for another place, it will be difficult to make very much
impression upon these students. I think it is better to stay at one place for some
time, at least one week, or as long as the students are interested, and try to sell as
many books as possible. After your lecture in the college you may request if there
are any interested students, that they may make further programs for you in their
homes, or in some club or hall, like that, so that you may remain some time longer
and concentrate on recruiting two or three good men, whoever appears to be the
most interested, and by your diligent preaching to them you may be able to
persuade some of them to become our devotees…..

Of course we shall not expect them immediately to come into the temple, like that,
but if at least the seed is planted and they begin chanting rounds and following
the principles while continuing their studies at school, that is our great victory.
And if they like, they may go and live in one of our centers, wherever they like, and
learn further. But we shall not present Krsna Consciousness as anything dry or like
set of rules and regulations only, no. Krsna Consciousness is the topmost philosophy
also, the highest knowledge of educational experience, so try to impress this
aspect of offering the perfect scientific understanding of everything as it is, not
the temporary and unsatisfactory and incomplete understanding of things. Try to
present everything very logically and always quoting our Sanskrit authorities in
connection with the main points, and that will impress them greatly. Yes, and if
you also yourselves write something daily, that will sharpen your use of language
and you will be able to make your points very clear. And if you dress neatly and
conduct yourselves properly, that will help further.
- Letter to Satsvarupa, Hrdayananda 9 January 1973

BACE Coordination Dept
It gives me immense pleasure in welcoming you all for the
introductory program of the matchless gift of Krishna Consciousness
in the form of systematic training and Krishna Conscious education
offered through Bhaktivedanta Academy for Culture and Education
(BACE). Krishna Consciousness is the most sublime gift to the
humanity. Subsequently, our previous acaryas wanted the thoughtful
and pragmatic presentation of science of Krishna Consciousness in a
way which may attract intellectual class of people and inspire them to
lead a God Conscious life in the association of devotees. BACE is one
such facility which is aimed towards accomplishing this vision.

BACE Coordination Dept
Bhaktivedanta Academy for Culture and Education (BACE) is a
very important wing of ISKCON Youth Forum Delhi oriented
towards training youths in moral and spiritual values based on the
timeless principles of Bhagavad Gita, Srimad Bhagavatam and the
Vedas. BACE also has extension centers next to institutions to
cater to the needs of youths. BACE provides a transformational
experience to its students who are expected to maintain the highest
standard of personal integrity, knowledge, skills and values. Life is
BACE is a fantastic social experience which develops a sense of
belongingness to the community among students and makes cross-
cultural interaction easier in their future lives. It is a community
that continues to help people not just go through life but also grow
through life. I welcome all the spiritual aspirants to the portals of
this great transformational institution and wish them a memorable,
meaningful and rewarding journey. May you all emerge as
competent social engineers and become instrumental in engineering
a better world.

HG Sundar Gopal Prabhu


BACE Coordination Dept
BACE Coordination Dept
Quality devotee means
that the devotee after
graduating from the
BACE is so well trained
that even if he, unfor-
tunately has to leave
Devotee Association,
still he is able to single
handedly create Asso-
ciation where ever he

BACE Coordination Dept

Dear Devotee,
Hare Krishna!
We appreciate you for choosing to blend spirituality and prescribed duties by being a member of
As you know that in our BACE training we want to ensure that you perform your academics/job
well along with your spiritual duties, besides taking full advantage of BACE training. Please
note the following norms that are meant to help every member regulate and balance his life to
achieve ultimate success:

1. Attend morning program in time. Please read Annexure I for details.

2. Rendering some services in BACE, taking the responsibility for it. Everyone will be allotted
some service by the authority and in case of any problem they can consult BACE Facilitators, OC
or BACE Supervisor for clarification.
3. Some students go late night and thus sleep during morning program. We expect all of you to
stick to the ‘study slots’ allotted which will take care of your studies. There is no need to go late
night and rise late in the morning. As we want to gradually come to mode of goodness, we should
stick to the rule of ‘early to bed and early to rise’. If anyone has difficulty joining for the morning
program due to sleeping problems regularly, then they could opt for either joining BACE or stay
near BACE in another apartment and visit BACE at their choice. Then they could advance at their
own pace. In that case, they could also arrange their own food arrangements.
4. Fulfilling the Study Criteria set by you in consultation with the study committee.
5. Pay the prasadam, rent and miscellaneous charges in time.
6. Follow the four regulative principles – no meat eating, no intoxication, no illicit sex and no
gambling. Avoid outside eatables, tea-coffee-etc., not see movies or hear movie songs, not in-
dulge in frivolous talk and behaviour and should have no connection to opposite sex.
7. Don’t bring newspapers, magazines, etc. to BACE. One can read selectively at college/com-
pany itself if needed.
8. We try to offer the best quality of prasadam and there is a likelihood of deficiencies sometimes.
As devotees, we still honour that prasadam with the same respect without criticizing it from a
material point of view.
BACE Coordination Dept
9. Live in harmony with all BACE residents with respect, love and trust and help us create a
healthy family atmosphere with Krishna in the centre. In such an atmosphere you can even pull
your old materialistic friends like a magnet and make them devotees or else keep a distance from
them if they’re stubbornly atheistic.
10. A disciple has to have discipline. But owing to our previous tendencies sometimes we know-
ingly or unknowingly fail to fulfil our duties with respect to studies, Sadhana or services. In
order for you to be able to rise above mental limits and tendencies, we expect you to voluntarily
report to your come forward and seek transcendental punishments for your self-purification.
11. Hearing lectures with eagerness awakens us from Maya’s lap. Such hearing helps us devel-
op loving attraction for Sri Krishna. Enthusiasm to hear and associate with devotees is vital for
spiritual growth. We expect you to neglect the lazy mind and exhibit great enthusiasm to hear,
remember and speak Krishna Katha for everyone’s benefit.
12. As our prasadam is made for fixed number of devotees and accommodation is just fit for all
of you, we request you to not bring your friends for overnight stay or for full prasadam. In un-
avoidable circumstances, please inform the concerned authorities in advance.
13. Krishna’s property should be used for preaching Krishna consciousness. If one uses Krish-
na’s property for one’s own personal purposes, he will be victimized by sin. We should be con-
scious of this fact always.
14. Using the BACE & other devotees’ property carefully, not spoiling it. In case of spoilage, the
respective devotee should take the whole responsibility & compensate for it.
15. We would like to see every one of you to communicate in English, to help you improve spo-
ken English. This will help in preaching Krishna consciousness in future as well as when you
have to go for interviews etc. Using any other local language, calling nicknames and using loose
slang etc is not for devotees. Such talk can become an unavoidable bad habit in future.
16. Internet is considered a great asset in the modern world. It is called the age of information
explosion. Unfortunately, the explosion also has led to lot of garbage information like pornog-
raphy, unconstructive criticism of nice devotees, etc. they are highly detrimental to our progress
in Krishna consciousness. You should strictly refrain from any stuff that is detrimental to your
Krishna consciousness. Also, many times it has been observed that one ends up spending exceed-
ingly more time than what one decided to. We recommend that you use internet as much as it’s
really needed for your studies and refrain from idle surfing. You should not access internet inside
the BACE premises. In case, your job studies or service really demands it, you may do so after
permission from OC/BS and access internet in the presence of another devotee.
17. We request that you try to wear dhoti-kurta whenever in BACE, at least for any inside pro-
grams. In the spiritual world, Lord Krishna also wears dhoti-kurta. The simple dress also brings
good culture for all residents to develop proper inner service attitude to Lord. In outside world,
pant-shirt is considered a very elegant and gentlemanly dress. We recommend you to gradually
start wearing only pant-shirts outside.
18. In case your parents want to stay with you for 1 or 2 days, the arrangements can be made
nearby flats if possible according to the situation of BACE.
19. We request you to not make any money exchanges with other BACE devotees. In case, you
are in desperate need for money, kindly approach OC or BS only.
20. We also recommend you to not ask for any expensive belongings of another devotee for per-
sonal or BACE purposes. In case you do so, you should take complete responsibility of that i.e.
if gets damaged or lost, you should give the money amounting the full price of the item or the
item itself to that devotee.

We request you see the norms as favourable principles for your protection and advancement in
Krishna consciousness. If you have any difficulty in following any, please feel free to approach
your seniors for help and guidance. If you feel uncomfortable with the above standards, you may
stay near BACE and be in touch with devotees. Krishna will reward you according to your sin-
cerity.We pray to Lord that He blesses you to grow through the BACE training to become a very
pure, mature Krishna conscious leader – a beacon light for the whole world.

Thank you very much. Hare Krishna!

Yours in the service of Lord Sri Krishna,
BACE Co-Ordination Team

BACE Coordination Dept
Sri Sri Sita Ram Lakshman

BACE Departments

BACE Coordination Dept

BACE Coordination Dept

Objects of the service: To co-ordinate BACE morning

program, the very life of BACE, in such a way that all the
devotees can please Krishna enthusiastically in form of
chanting, hearing etc.
How can I serve: In this highly responsible service,
authorities have given this service to you seeing your strict
and enthusiastic morning program services, a desire to
help others and nice relation with all the devotees. So with
gratitude for authorities and Krishna, let us please them by
nicely functioning on following points.
What I have to do? My TASQ:

1. Morning program in charge (Duration: Max. 20 mins) – YOU HAVE TO BE Strict & transparent
• Temple hall cleaning & setup:
i. Make sure altar cleaning and temple hall cleaning devotees are present in time.
ii. To check all aspects are properly completed as Deity Room Cleaning, bringing Tulsi maharani,
proper garlanding, proper mats arrangement, light, fan etc.
• Attendance should be taken daily for Shikshastakam, Japa, Mangal Arati, Class at that instant only
(Duration: 5 mins) marking absent & late according to the standards.
Till Shikshastakam completes, devotees will be marked ‘L’. After that ‘A’. & for rest Programs if com-
plete attendance is their then present else absent.
For Every ‘A’- Spiritual punishment of 27 HKMM writing.
1st late -> Grace. Subsequent ‘L’ 27 HKMM In a week.
• Shikshastakam: To provide Shikshastakam, Namamrta & Prayer sheet (Ordered, periodic, preplanned).

• Only one person should lead everyday

i. To train everyone in reading Shikshastakam and rest other Prayers properly not only just by
giving chance rather training them about feelings.
ii. To announce special events from Vaishnava calendar.
iii. To get all preplanned announcements done which are after consulting O.C
iv. To announce morning program timings if any changes done, welcome notes for guest devotees
v. Vaishnava Song books, Prayer Sheets, Shikshastakam Prayers, and Sloka Sheets should be
kept in proper places.
• Chanting time: To observe that devotees are able not facing external problems while chanting. Ex-
Cold air in winters, fan noise, light, drinking water, ventilation, congested sitting, walking space etc.
i. To make arrangement if devotee feels special requirements due to bad health etc. Ex- fan
speed, sitting alone, hot /cold water, feeling cold.

BACE Coordination Dept
• Mangala Arati: To make sure that Deity Worship starts and ends on time and taking required steps
immediately as helping pujari, guiding singer etc. Standard Time Schedule for BACE Morning Program
is given in this sheet. That time schedule must be followed.
i. To make sure that all the boys get prayer sheets etc. in starting if they need.
ii. Setup mike for Mangal Arati.
iii. To train everyone in singing Mangala Arati, Narasimha Arati properly not only just by giving
chance rather training them about feelings and also the standard tunes (take it
from your BACE Supervisor).
iv. Timings of Mangal Arati can be set by consultation of BACE Coordination Team if college
timings doesn’t allowed the standard Mangal Arati Schedule.
• Lecture: - Lectures to be played should be decided priorily and recording Quality should be nice it
should be easily understandable.
i. After Lecture the 5 minutes Discussion must be there where devotee should Share their discov-
er under stand and Mainly the Application Points.
• Reporting: -Submit reports for Morning Program weekly on Sunday evening before 07:00 Pm to OC.

• The pujari, Mangal arati singer and Mridanga player should be ready in time.
• Offering and serving announcements will be made daily in the morning and in case you have some
other work please inform to overall coordinator
• To save our time, we can get our services clarified, so that we don’t have to do some extra services
(which are allotted to some other devotees)
• Mrdanga and Kartal practice timings 08-09 am in the Morning & 05-06 am in the Evening.

BACE Coordination Dept
Morning Program
Every BACE schedule should begin very early in the
morning, at 04:30 am. The first worship service is called
Mangal Arati ( Mangal = auspicious, arati = worship).
Spiritual life is very successful when one gets up early
and starts off the day right.

Timings :
04:30-04:35 am - Sri Siksastakam, Ten Offences to the
Holy Name.

04:35-04:40 am - Vaishnava Pranam*, Namamrta,

Quotes by Guru Maharaj, or any
other announcements.
04:40-06:30 am - Japa Period ( Chanting )

06:30-06:50 am - Deity door opens,

Sri Sri Gurvastakam.

06:50-07:00 am - Sri Nrsimha Prayers and

Tulsi Pranam & Padaksina.

07:00-07:30 am – Recorded Class

(according to Vedic levels).

BACE Coordination Dept
07:30-07:35 am – Discussion on the lecture.

07:35 am onwards - Breakfast Prasadam.

• Every BACE must strictly follow the above

• If any changes made that should be only with the
permission of BACE Supervisor and it should be in
knowledge to BACE Coordination department.

BACE Coordination Dept


1) Deity Department
a. Deity Worship
i. Clean deity plate using Pitambari within 2 hours of completing deity worship,
preferably just after worship (SP says “we should be able to see ourselves in the
paraphernalia of deity”)
ii. Start arranging deity Plate, flowers and wicks 15 mins before Mangal Arati.
iii. Deity Worship plate should be complete in all respects.
iv. Ensuring Uttari is neatly washed and dried at its respective location (best is to wash it
immediately after deity worship)
v. To arrange and clean the Deity box area.

b. Diety Wake-up & putting Garlands (Max. 15 min on regular days ;)

i. Getting garland from _________ everyday evening and readying them same night
(not included)
ii. Devotee should be wearing washed Dhoti-Kurta.
iii. To be started 20 minutes before opening altar.
iv. Clean & Mop the altar area and surrounding floor.
v. Complete service by 0430 am and open the altar for darshan.
vi. Weekly one special decoration.
vii. Arrange for Nirmalya disposal.

c. Deities in the Altar Should be in Accordance With Standards of IYF.

d. Washing clothes of Deities once a week with surf & cleaning the altar.
e. Washing curtains once in month. & washing tools of Deity Worship.
f. To check devotees are doing their Bhoga Offering services or not.
g. To dress up the deities and altar decoration only in accordance with the standards of
h. To see devotees are doing deity wake up properly & washing the required clothes
everyday putting Tulsi Maharani?
i. To check from the temple Authorities for summer & Winter Dresses of the Deities and
also for the use of peacock feather. Details will be discussed in training session
regarding Deity worship in BACE.

BACE Coordination Dept
2) Tulsi Maharani Care
1) Tulasi Care (Duration: Max. 20 mins)
a. Seeing that devotees are sensitive to Tulsi Maharani.
b. Daily at least before 6.30 pm (as early as possible) watering.
c. Plucking Tulasi leaves for the next day before 6.00 pm (no plucking on Ekadashi)
d. Make sure that Tulasi is inside before 0430 am.
e. Monthly once or twice Neem water bath.
f. Monthly once plucking Manjari’s from Tulsi.
g. Broom the area around Tulsi everyday and make sure that no Tulasi leaves have fallen
on ground.
h. Keep Tulasi outside while going to college after (7.45 am)
i. Bring Tulasi inside during cold/rainy weather in night.
j. Tulasi cloth washing weekly.
k. Check for worms

Altar Decoration on Festivals/Sunday (Duration: Max. upto 1 hour – but may vary)
i. Especially when decorations are to be purchased or hand crafted. Especially in
Damodar Month.
Darshan Timings. To see deity rest up is being done at a proper time.
ii. Altar opens at 0430 am and closes at 0100 pm
iii. Altar opens at 0430 pm and closes at 0900 pm
Mahacleaning of Altar (2hrs/week)
iv. To be included in Weekly Mahacleaning schedule
Maintaining Stock of Deity Worship Paraphernalia (Purchases)
v. Clothes & Kerchiefs
vi. Ghee / Agarbatti / Incense /Itra

You just have to Allot some of these services to Different Devotees and check whether services are
being done on time, with proper mood & with Cleanliness.

BACE Coordination Dept
Put ting On Tilak
To apply tilaka, start with a little Ganges or Yamuna water (if you don’t have
any, get some water, and stirring it with your right middle finger, chant:

Ganga cha yamune chaiva

godavari saravati
narmade sindho kaveri
jale ‘smin sannidhim kuru

“O Ganges, O Yamuna, O Godavari, O Saravati, O Narmada, O Sindhu, O Ka-

veri, please become present in this water.”
Put the water in your left hand, and rub the hard tilak into the water, cre-
ating a wet paste out of the clay. Chant the following verses while rubbing
gopi-candana (sacred yellow clay) in your right palm;

lalate keshavam dhyayen / narayanam athodare

vakshah-sthale madhavam tu / govindam kantha-kupake

vishnum ca dakshine kukshau / bahau ca madhusudanam

trivikramam kandhare tu / vamanam vama-parshvake

shridharam vama-bahau tu / hrishikesham tu kandhare

prishthe ca padmanabham ca / katyam damodaram nyaset
BACE Coordination Dept
Begin by putting your ring finger of the right hand into the clay, and starting
between the eyebrows, bring the finger straight up to the hairline, making
two straight lines. It should look like a long, narrow U-shape. Then use some
more tilak to make the Tulasi leaf on your nose, it should extend about 3/4
of the way down your nose. As you apply the tilak to your body, chant the
following mantras:

Forehead om keshavaya namaha

Belly om narayanaya namaha
Chest om madhavaya namaha
Neck om govindaya namaha
right belly om vishnave namaha
right arm om madhusudhanaya namaha
right shoulder om trivikramaya namaha
left belly om vamanaya namaha
left arm om shridharaya namaha
left shoulder om hrishikeshaya namaha
Upper back om padmanabhaya namaha
lower back om damodaraya namaha

Take the remaining tilak, and wipe it on the back of the head, in the area
of the sikha, and chant om vasudevaya namaha. Lord Shiva says to Parvati
that in the middle of the tilak marking there is a space, and in that space re-
side Lakshmi and Narayana. Therefore the body that is decorated with tilaka
should be considered a temple of Lord Vishnu.

Note: - Do not make Use of your Nails for putting up the tilak.
BACE Coordination Dept

Objects Of The Service: To handle all issues related to money and provide money for BACE
How Can I Serve: In this highly responsible department, authorities have given this service to you
seeing your good character and competence so as reciprocation, with gratitude for authorities and
Krishna, please them by nicely functioning on following points.


1. Allot some of your time for accounts.

2. To give advance and settle accounts with devotees especially with devotee doing purchase
• In case some devotees come to you with a bill at any time take that bill and keep it with
you and you may settle that bill in allotted timings.
• To maintain BACE Accounts registers to write down all the transactions just after it is
done. This point is the key point for proper functioning of the department. Account of each and
every rupee should be nicely prepared.
3. To make proper settlement sheet and preparing Monthly report.
• To prepare all these database in such a way that it can be easily transferred to / handled by
other person on requirement.
• When going home the accounts should be handed over to some devotees so that it can
function even in your absence.
4. To calculate and put notices / announcements regarding Prasadam laxmi (before 7’ th of every
month) and common accounts on notice board. Devotee giving laxmi after 7th of the month per
day 50/- rupees fine must be charged. If any genuine or exceptional case it should be priorily told
to the BACE supervisor and he will take the decision regarding this.
• To collect money from devotees and keeping it very safely. Be very strict and conscious
about locker/key so that all money can be safe.
• Before admitting a devotee a security money i.e. advance for one month should be taken and when
they leave we can return them.
• Sponsoring devotees should give Laxmi to overall coordinator, not kitchen department.
5. To maintain following accounts ::
i. Donation Account: - donation given by the devotees for the is different from
monthly contribution.
ii. Prasadam Account & Common Account: - monthly contributions by the devotees.
iii.Debt Account:- if a devotee is not able to pay monthly contributions or in yatras but he is
sincere(sincerity must be checked by BACE Supervisors by meeting personally and it should not be
disclosed to everyone)so he may pay some lesser amount but he promises or will pay the
remaining debt when he gets a how much debt is taken by that devotee a proper
record should be made. (BURDEN OF LOVE)

BACE Coordination Dept
6. To follow all the instructions given by Accounts authority in temple.
7. To follow all the instructions given by Accounts authority in temple.
8. To train some devotees in this service.

Guide lines:-

1. Like if a devotee is not able to give the complete BACE rent and in future he wants to join BA
then he should be given more services and this thing should be told to him.
2. If devotees are not giving laxmi before 7th of every month this will create an anxiety for
accounts incharge and he won’t be able to plan for the future month this also maintains the
gravity of the system otherwise they will start thinking it like a hostel.
3. Daily hisaab should be done with whomever he has given the money.
4. In money dealing be pakka. ISKCON should not be represented as free hotel.
5. ISKCON saved their money from hotels movie teas, Maggie. Malls but nobody gives donation
to the temple.
6. Devotee should give donation to the local authorities like Delhi devotee living in Noida he
should assist Noida bace. If he wants he can donate in delhi if he has certain commitments to it.
7. Some devotees are expert in money managing this service should be given to those devotees
8. Our goal should be making our BACE self-sufficient that means we should not take any laxmi
from the temple but instead give donations to the temple. We can have our own speakers, good
altar, and projector.

Krishna is very merciful to give this service to me.

Let me serve Krishna by nicely & safely handling and taking
care of Laxmi Ji who is eternal consort of Lord Vishnu.

BACE Coordination Dept

Objects Of The Service: To coordinate all the devotees in making Lord Krishna’s home very neat
& clean that will attract His devotees to come to His home.
How Can I Serve: In this very responsible service, authorities have given this service to you
seeing your attitude to see BACE as your own home or Krishna’s home? It is expected from you
to have very nice relationship with all the BACE devotees so that you can take their help in very
grateful way. With gratitude for authorities and Krishna, let us please them by nicely functioning
following points.


1. To assign different portions of the BACE to different devotees for cleaning.

a.Everything should have a place and Everything should be at its Place.
•To check whether the allotted portions are being cleaned or not after respective time
•To ask the devotees if they are facing any problems with their services.
•To see that the cleaning items such as brooms, Phenyl, Harpic, surf, cleaning cloth is
available and is at its right place.
•To maintain separate buckets for cleaning and writing on it with permanent marker.
•To guide the devotees how to clean which portion specially toilets.
2. Prasadam area Cleaning (Duration: Max. 20 mins)
a.After prasadam area to be cleansed thoroughly.
b.Prasadam mats to be kept in proper place.
c.Milk, Sweet, Papad etc. which can be take next day also can be kept here in Prasadam hall
with proper plates covered.
d.If some devotees are still taking prasadam, request them to shift to the place near the door.
3. To ensure that no waste or useless materials should be in BACE.
4. We should have a covered shoes stand.
•To arrange a separate cartoon box for keeping clothes for cleaning.
5. To interchange the cleaning areas among the devotees after every 2 weeks.
•Keep on reminding devotees about their cleaning services.
•If they don’t clean even after reminding 4-5 times it should be reported back.
•Make sure garbage cleaning is done at least once in two days.
•Daily cleaning should be properly recorded.
•Clean prasadam chatais at least once in a month.
6. Arrange Maha cleaning once every week (Maha cleaning of the week). It can be fixed well
in advance, after taking opinions from all the devotees
7. Cleanliness in charge means if nobody is doing because of illness or other reasons then you
have to do you are responsible for BACE Cleaning.

BACE Coordination Dept
Q. Prabhuji how to allot Cleaning Area? And at what time Cleaning should be done?
A. One devotee should be allotted one cleaning area at least for a month like Sample Prabhu is
Allotted Prasadam Hall for one month so he is responsible for cleanliness of that area. Cleanliness
service of bathroom can be regularly rotated.
In charge should just see that whether that area is Clean or not .Sample Prabhu may clean at any
time according to his own comforts.
Attendance timings can be decided in Isthagosthi.

Going home policy

Devotees can go to their homes once in a month (weekends) & rest of the three weekends they
should live in BACE or go to the temple. If a devotee is regularly on every weekend going home
that means he doesn’t have any eagerness for devotees association & he is surely enjoying by going
home. So this mentality people should not be allowed in bace.

Q. Many devotees have home in Gurgaon & they are living in Noida and they say that I have to go
every weekend because my parents do not allow in that situation what he can do?
A. He can say that I am doing preparations for IES GATE CAT etc. other exams.

Q. If some devotee is connected to Delhi & lives in Noida & every weekend he goes for Delhi what
can be done?
A. Preference should be given to BACE services in which he is living but many times for counselling
meetings, senior devotee’s class then he may go.

“ ”

Let us clean our heart by cleaning Krishna’s Home

BACE Coordination Dept


Objects Of The Service: To Enthuse And Inspire All The Devotees Connected To Bace By
Putting Verities Of Creative Articles, Information And Celebrations Etc. On All Occasions.
How Can I Serve: In This Very-2 Important Department, Which Is Like Mirror Of Bace,
Authorities Have Blessed Seeing Our Very Creative Ideas, Wide Thinking Nature And Special
Artistic Skills While Preparing Notices On MS-Word. It Is Expected From You To Make
Notice Board Very-2 Active By Not Only Your Nice Ideas But Also Inspiring Other Devotees
For Contributing Something To Notice Board. Let Us with Grateful Heart for Authorities
and Lord Krishna, Who Engages All of Our Tendencies / Skills in Krishna’s Serve, By Nicely
Functioning on Following Points:



1. To preplan about articles to be put on evening programs when new boys come so whole noticeboard
should be re-arranged with appropriate notices.
• Articles should have enough large fonts for reading.
• Make sure that wonderful notices that can be read by both first years and also inmates are
there on the notice board.
• Be in contact with overall coordinator regarding any notices regarding preaching or any
other department to be displayed.
2. All important festivals should be grandly celebrated by putting up prayers, pastimes etc. some
days before to the festival itself.
3. Inspiring articles for Sadhana, study, preaching, chanting, value, good articles / reports of science
topics supporting KC principles etc.
• Spiritual Scientist article explaining complexities / intricacies of science plus religion to
facilitate / better inform devotees for preaching.
4. To put IYF newsletter issue if available.
5. Articles, Paintings, Sketches, Poems, Experiences in KC of BACE devotees.
6. To put catchy story / SP conversation / article augmented with pictures: to clearly communicate
a profound message.
• Notices can be made attractive by using colour pages, sketch pens…etc.

BACE Coordination Dept
7. To put important Sloka from BG / SB after confirming preacher. Ex-108 BG Sloka.
8. To put notices announcing :
• Upcoming events (festivals, yatras, camp, exams etc.)
• Achievement of BACE devotees.
• Devotees increasing rounds.
• “__Days to go” for any special event / festival.
9. Very regularly update the notice board and keep old articles in a group in separate files for future
• Cleaning notice board glasses weekly once.
10. To handle notice board very-2 nicely with so many inspirational, personality development, and
science-spirituality related articles with many notices wishing festivals, exams etc.

BACE Coordination Dept

Objects Of The Service: To provide wonderful Prasadam facility for the pleasure of SSRPS, SSSR,
SSGN and all their dear devotees so that they can serve their Lordships very wonderfully.
How Can I Serve: Authorities have given this very-very responsible service to you seeing your
extending nature, understanding of kitchen things and nature to make nice friendship with others.
You are expected to maintain have nice relation with cooks. With gratitude for Srimati Radharani,
Her servants who use all our tendencies in Krishna’s service, let us please them by nicely functioning
following points.


a. Fuel Refilling Seva.

i.Booking gas in proper time and provide gas on time to kitchen
ii.Keeping Stock of Small Cylinder.
iii.To check condition of gas pipes, gas leaking, electric shock etc. Also a process and
contact details should be there in kitchen for how to make Gas connections so that anyone
can do that service in your Absence.

b. Prasadam
i.To check Very good quality of Prasadam is being prepared in BACE or not .
PRASADAM should not be too opulent
ii.Menu for 15 days should always be there in Kitchen and it should be made keeping in the
mind the Ekadashi Date, Special Appearances & Disappearances, Programs in BACE.
iii.For this you can consult the OC Preacher &Health Care In- charge.
iv.To ask guest preacher if some special type of prasadam is required (boiled vegetables,
chapatti without ghee).
v.To purchase sabzi every 2nd-3rd day so that it will not get spoiled best is to purchase
everyday fresh vegetables
vi.Keeping health considerations in mind, especially for sick devotees.
vii.In winters, to get kaddha (ka!) ) Prepared for devotees. And some namkeen chewda or
moori can be prepared for the afternoon or when the prasadam gets finished. You should
keep the control on these items else all will be finished in one day.
viii.Taking details from preaching coordinator about number of boys coming for program.
ix.To take care of grocery stock and preparing menu accordingly.
x.Check the ingredients before last day evening .Maintaining Stock of groceries.
xi.To take care of prasadam amount being prepared so that it doesn’t get wasted but avoid
running short. In case of less prasadam, get it prepared again for the remaining devotees.
xii.They should bring proper covers for serving vessels.
xiii.Remaining prasadam to be kept in cow seva bin or packed and thrown if spoilt.

BACE Coordination Dept
c. Travelling Prasadam
i.For those requests approved/sanctioned by OC with prior information atleast 24 hrs.
ii.To arrange prasadam for devotees / preachers going out of station or journey.
iii.Some Dry Items should be prepared which can be honoured even the next day.
iv.Can be made in night for travels before 6.00 am next day

d. Cow care
i.The peels of sabjis and unhonored remaining prasadam can be kept aside for cow. We
should not offer our remnants to cows if possible.

e. Packing Materials
i.Maintain Stock of travel prasadam packing materials (Silver Foil boxes for Sabji/Rice,
Silver Foil roll for Chapatis, Plastic bags for containing prasadam, plastic container/
Govinda’s boxes for miscellaneous items).
ii.To have stock of Dona & Pattal for special purposes.

f. Cleanliness(shelf, clothes, gas burner, ingredient containers, take care of mahacleaning )

i.To be included in Weekly Mahacleaning schedule.
ii.To take care of cleanliness of kitchen, refrigerator, altar, dustbin, stove etc.
iii.The water filter is to be cleansed twice in a month.

g. Count should be given to cook before starting cooking.( especially in morning )

h. Any problem happening inside kitchen should be informed to OC.
i. Those devotees do not want to take prasadam in evening should inform kitchen head
before 03:30 pm.
j. Kitchen Devotees should inform OC/kitchen head when they go for home
k. To prepare list for grocery purchasing which is approx once in 15 days. To inform Account
in-charge about this purchasing.
l. Lunch Prasadam Offering (12.00 pm)
m. Offering (Duration: Max. 20 mins)
i.Remembering your offering days
ii.Offering devotee should not have stomach problem.
iii.Offering devotee should come with fresh dhoti kurta, proper tilak.
iv.Offering timings are tentatively 0715 am, 12.00 pm and 0530 pm
v.He should cover bhoga plate while coming and going for offering bhoga for Lord
vi.Transfer everything into buckets and put spoons
vii.Wash offering plate properly(front & back ) and wipe plate with clothe
viii.Mop the bhoga offering area of altar with clothe

Cook Spiritual & Healthcare should be done in Consultation with IYF Cooking DepT.

Q. Who should do the offering?

A. Firstly preference should be given to the initiated devotees. Then to devotees who are sixteen
rounders and after that we can decide among the other devotees who are sincere.

Q. What all engagements should be given to the cooks as we find they waste their time here &
there ruining their consciousness and also the Consciousness of BACE Devotees?
A. Regular send them to IYF for attending the classes organised by cooking department of IYF on
Sundays. We can give them some Cleaning engagements of prasadam hall, kitchen, gardening &
book distribution during marathon but priority should be his cooking. Make him Chant his rounds
nicely & while cooking he should hear the lectures on pastimes of the Lord.

BACE Coordination Dept
Q. What if Prabhu, devotees from outside comes and take prasadam for more than three days
so, shall they be charged??
A. Yes If non regular devotees are taking prasadam for more than one day they should be Charged
120/- per day or 70/- per meal.

Q. Standards for Ekadashi prasadam?

A. Ekadashi grocery must be kept apart from the regular grocery .What all Items should be prepared
for this consult IYF Cooking Dept. or refer guide book by them.

Q. What should be done if cook went for holidays?

A. we always have an Extra cook in Neelanchal Dham BACE. But if at any case the extra cook is
not available then devotees can make the group and they can cook for the lord this can be decided
in Isthagosthi.

Q. If cooks get ill so how much money assistance can be made from the side of the BACE.
A. Around 500-1000/- per annum if his treatment requires more than this then tell him that he
should go to his home take a nice treatment & when his health get completely okay then he can
come again.

1. Cooking should start such that prasadam should be ready on time this can be decided in the
2. A list of Available & Finished item should be made so that we can avoid wastage?

“ Let us assist Srimati Radharani in Her service to Krishna ”

BACE Coordination Dept

1. T hose who are employed in job should be respectfully treated but should not be treated as one
of the other student devotees in the BACE. When we give them such treatment, then they start
behaving as friends and start giving many problems.
(eg) In one BACE, our students started ‘taking dust’ of the cook saying that he is a ‘dhamvaasi’.
The cook became too casual with them and stopped cooking for a week! When the BACE res-
idents got disturbed, he told them, “You only told me that I am dhamvaasi. Why don’t u serve
2. We should never trust in employees totally and should keep watch about their movements.
Sometimes devotees are too careless in giving and taking money and taking accounts. Remem-
ber that some employees come from poor family backgrounds. When they see BACE is flour-
ishing and students are careless in keeping their belongings here and there, they may even loot
Walkman or money or similar things. The Accountant should keep strict check on money matters
handled by employees. Don’t be careless in the name of avoiding ‘aparadh’ to a ‘devotee’.
(eg) In one BACE, two times the Accountants pigeon whole locker was broken and thousands of
rupees stolen. The residents are doubting the employees only. They are confident that no one
from outside will do this. It is surely the work of a inside man.
3. T here is a time for devotional service and time for business. Don’t mix up both. When it
comes to business dealings we have to be FIRM with employees, besides showing politeness.
Politeness without firmness will make your order weak and the employee will take you for grant-
(eg) our sumo driver had become too close to devotees and started taking them cheaply. One
day when he had to drive the sumo to four or five places he was unhappy. In the evening he told
the preachers that ‘I am not feeling like driving now. Its too much’. If he were to work for a
company he has to work 14 hrs; but here he is lazy to work even 4 or 5 hrs owing to the slack
dealings entertained by devotees. One should be careful about this.
4. D on’t mistreat employees by calling them nicknames, ill names or humiliating them as uned-
ucated or illiterate. Their relationship with the authorities and other BACE residents should be
one of LOVE + RESPECT. Then they will never misbehave in any circumstance.
(eg) one devotee threatened an employee to do some work urgently and told him that if he didn’t
do it, he will be thrown out of the job.
5. N o BACE resident should directly deal with employee at any cost. If employee has query
he should be guided to the authorities. Otherwise he will take undue advantage of instructions
given by different seniors and escape from service or do some mischief.
6. No BACE resident or student is allowed to give any MONEY or any other facility like wal-
kman or medicine or similar things to a employee. If they ask you guide them to authorities;
before that inform the authorities immediately. Don’t show FALSE COMPASSION as if you’re
father of all ‘suffering living beings’. The employee is well taken care by the authorities. You
don’t need to worry.
7. Don’t give any free advice to the employees by making yourself a self appointed advisor. You
and others will be in trouble very soon by that. Simply mind your own business. If you have
anything valuable to say, better approach OC and tell him.
8. Never share your joys and sorrows with employees. Never seek Counselling help from them.
If they come to you for getting counselled, send them to the brahmachari or OC. They will take
care of them. Keep in mind that the employees are not comparable with brahmachari who are
totally dedicated to studying sastras and preaching sastras. Often students commit the mistake
of taking some spiritual advice from the cook thinking it to be same as taking from brahmaca-
ris. If you do this mistake nobody can help you in future, when you make wrong decisions. Be
intelligent. They have come to cook here. They may not necessarily be very well versed with
siddhanta although they may have a simple heart. We appreciate their devotion, but be aware of
their limitation in taking help.
BACE Coordination Dept

Admitting students in BACE Prasadam mess :

• First the upcoming junior boys chanting 4 to 8 rounds can be invited to come for the morning pro-
grams for at least some days in a week.
• Once they appreciate coming for the morning programs and eating some sweet like cookie or
halwa they can be given breakfast for a maximum of ONE week. If they appreciate taking morning
breakfast regularly, they can be admitted by taking payment only for the morning breakfast prasa-
As far as the afternoon or evening prasadam is concerned, one should not be admitted unless he
fulfils the following conditions:
• He is ready to come to BACE and attend morning programs at least TWO days a week and is ready
to render services also. We have to look for either of the two things – spark or commitment. One
should be a genius and does not get time to come in week days to render services at BACE although
he is eager to. Or he can be a mediocre who steadily visits BACE and renders services voluntarily.
• He is chanting a minimum of 4 rounds steadily, attending weekly program regularly and is show-
ing eagerness to advance.
• He has understood the importance of Prasadam (Non-prasadam is sin and one eats sin by eating
outside food) and feels a great need to eat ONLY prasadam.
• When cook is not available and majority of boys are out, still, he will be ready to cook himself,
offer it to Lord and then only he will eat; not that whenever situations are unfavorable, he just goes
to some hotel and eats there.
• At least in Pune, he avoids onion, garlic, coffee, tea, going to movies, eating in hotels etc. Of
course, occasionally he may have to visit his LG at Pune and eat at their home, but generally he will
eat only in BACE and not anywhere outside understanding well that non-prasadam is nothing but
Such a devotee, quickly makes further progress and comes to the following standard:
• Joining BACE, attending all morning programs and gradually coming to 16 rounds.
• Rendering services jubilantly in the association of devotees
• Relishing Vaishnava life style and preaching it to others
• Understanding the speciality of Vaishnava sanga over material association
• Becomes greatly dedicated in the mission of Srila Prabhupada.
Who will admit a boy in the prasadam mess?
Nobody should whimsically do that. The decision should be jointly taken by OC, BS, and Preacher.
Only if all of them agree one should be admitted into prasadam. No inmate of BACE should allure
boys to increase the `number’ of prasadam takers to become a `famous’ big BACE. Then later
troubles also will be BIG.
Removing students from BACE Prasadam mess:
Somehow in the past some BACEs have admitted unqualified boys to join prasadam. Their lack of
qualification can be easily spotted by the following:
• Treating BACE like a ordinary mess (shouting, demanding, cursing Prasad etc).
• Not paying Prasadam charges in time.
• Not following 4 regulative principles strictly.
BACE Coordination Dept
• Indulging in mal practices like borrowing money from BACE inmates, utilising BACE facilities for
one’s own sense gratification – bikes, phone etc.
• Not maintaining or increasing chanting Hare Krishna.
• Not interested in associating with devotees while coming to BACE.
• Thick friendship with karmis all the time and ignoring devotee association.
• Going to movies, parties, wandering with girls, drinking coffee, tea etc.
• Ready to eat in hotel whenever BACE mess is closed.
• Missing weekly programs and no attendance in morning programs.
• Never opening the mouth to speak philosophy of KC.

These and more symptoms are observed in some, who deserve to be removed from BACE prasadam mess.
Removal is more dangerous than admission, because if we remove a genuine devotee, then Krishna will
be angry. Like admission, removal also should be done jointly by OC, BS and Preacher after thorough

How to remove a disqualified person without earning enmity?

He can be dealt with care as below:

• If he criticises Prasad, we can say, “this is too bland for you. Besides that, we have seen, you are having
difficulty at the current moment to follow all the necessary rules and regulations. You may stop for a while
and join later when you feel comfortable”.
• In other cases, he can be called privately and spoken by one senior person like BS, “due to this particular
behaviour of yours that breaks one of our BACE policies, our committee has decided that you will not
come for full prasadam here. Of course you are most welcome for the weekly programs and even for the

Often we find that those whom we are planning to remove, go away themselves without our special en-
deavour. But if we have to request him to stop coming, and if he agrees to stop, we should keep him happy
in future also by maintaining a decent relationship:
• Some devotees can visit him once in a fortnight just to give some sweet prasadam, but not call him for
the program (he knows where the programs are held!)
• Be kind to him and encourage him for whatever little devotional service he has done earlier; if he inquires
something about KC then preacher can also go one step ahead and preach to him the importance of human
form of life etc.

Instead of admitting and removing people every now and then, it is better to always be extra careful in
admitting people in the first place. Because if you have 40 boys and 20 are unqualified, then you may not
be able to cook and supply prasadam for the next 20 gems waiting in the queue. Keep this in mind.
Hare Krishna.

BACE Coordination Dept

Objects Of The Service: To take care of the all the facilities provided for assisting the devotees in
their services to Krishna.
How Can I Serve: In this very observatory service, seeing your attitude of seeing BACE as Krishna’s
home and then desire to help so with gratitude for authorities and Krishna, let us please them by
nicely taking care of their body and mind by functioning on following points.


1. Electricity , Carpenter & Plumber -

•Any problem in electrical parts like tube-lights, CFLs, inverter, geyser, main switch,
fans, fuses etc should be at once repaired by calling electrician.
•To get doors, lockers, tables etc repaired by carpenter.
•To get water taps and other pipes repaired by plumber.
•To have proper contacts and relationship with these persons by regularly giving them
Prasadam, preaching them, giving SP book, hindi CD’s, kirtans etc.
•Putting plastic rope lines, tarpaulin on roof tops and other places for drying clothes and
removing them on requirement.
•To make proper arrangements for keeping group things ( toilet kits, shoes, cycles, bags,
mats etc )
2. To purchase daily common use things like nip bar, ‘All-Out’ refills, scrubber, detergents,
Harpic and have them in proper stock.
3. To maintain stationary items (markers, sketch pens, cello tape, chart paper, gum, rubber,
scale, scissor, needle-thread etc) in one allotted box / cartoon.
4. To properly arrange / handle / keep all electrical items (extension-chords, electric wires,
table lamp, bulbs, CFL’s, screw drivers, testers, electrical cello tape etc).
5. To properly arrange / handle / keep all mechanical items (screw drivers, testers, locks with
their keys with numbers on them, nails, ropes etc) in iron trunk.

“ A tiny SOUL can not control material world

but for Krishna’s service, he can try….

BACE Coordination Dept


• Managing expired medicines

• Suitable Prasadam
• Night stay in case of admit
• Facilitating admitted patients
• Disease – medicine chart (1 time)
• Warm water / steam / hot water bag equipments
• Basic Homeopathic treatment
• Make sure that you always have some medicines and ointments/balms for fever,
cold, cough, loose motion, body pain etc.
• Health tips
• Hot water for bath
• Arrange to take care of sick devotees nicely( taking to doctor , proper medicine
• Inform kitchen dept about proper health prasadam for the devotee(s).
• Cleaning the packing items in case the devotee is admitted.
• Inform internal manager about his situation so that he can allot his services to some
other devotee.
• Arranging for lectures/kirtans if required.
• Keep giving report about the health of devotees to BACE Supervisor

BACE Coordination Dept
DEPARTMENT (Duration: Max. 2 hrs)

• Make sure the battery of the digital camera is charged.

• Take wonderful photos regarding each and everything like prasadam, discourses,

kirtan etc.

• Select good photos from each camp and maintain album separately for each camp.

This can be done within coming one week after the camp.

• Store the photos in at least 2 laptops.

• Carry the camera for camps / yatras (Only designated people should click photos)

• Camera should NEVER be used for personal purpose or for clicking notes
• Make sure that mp3 players used for recording are ready with proper battery in


• Record everything properly and transfer data into computer time to time and make

sure that some new folder is made with the event name in the computer. Make the

lectures available to those devotees who couldn’t attend the class. Approach those

devotees and remind them, where the lectures have been stored.

BACE Coordination Dept
STUDY DEPARTMENT (Duration: 20 mins)

• Remind devotees about their weekly scores and targets left.

• Take scores in some prasadam timing

• Keep on inspiring other devotees

• Submit weekly report of the studies of all the devotees to BACE Supervisor

• Keep track of the results of different exams of devotees & announce the good

marks, time to time

• Arrange for prizes for the devotees who are regularly & sincerely completing study


Camps / Events Department (Duration: 20 mins)

• Make sure that all the services in camp are going on well

• Make good report about the camp within the 2 days after the camp

• Make soft copies regarding registrations, feedback etc.

• Coordinate the whole camp – preparing for all the details, well in advance

Vaishnav Samvardhan Department

• Fix timings for stores

• Maintain proper record of the books and other items in stores

• Maintain soft & hard copies of sales

• Make sure that all SP books recommended are available in stores

• Make sure that some extra prizes are available

• Decide the minimum needful inventory which should always be available in stores

BACE Coordination Dept

• Take care of management affairs of BACE by doing hands-on management on an

everyday basis.

• If something seems to go wrong (or if some improvement is required in the BACE ,

report it to BACE Supervisor)

• To set an ideal example through his own sadhana and sadachar and inspire devotees

even in the absence of brahmacharis or BS.

• He is empowered by BACE to engage the different residents of BACE, no matter

whether they are senior or junior; it is the duty of all BACE residents to obey him as

brahmacharis obey President in a temple and co-operate with him. Thus he will be

assisted by different dept. heads like cooking dept, accounts head, frontlines, pujari
dept., cleaning head, etc.

• Act as a bridge between inmates & senior devotees

• Make sure that everybody showed their Sadhana cards. Maintain record of that and

display it time to time.

• Take sadhana scores of all devotees and send to respective counsellors.

• Prepare all the weekly and monthly reports that need to submit in the temple.

• It is the duty of every OC to not only become strong and dedicated, but to prepare

one or two strong devotees next to him, who can run the BACE after OC leaves

BACE in future for job or settlement elsewhere

BACE Coordination Dept
BACE Coordination Dept

• A suitable devotee can be made the Department Head (DH) for the department.
• Refer to the ‘standards for the department’ to see the criterion for selecting the suitable devotee
and the scope of his service.
• PFA the following Mornitoring and Reporting Tools:

S.No Report Frequency Who should send to whom Why and other comments
1 Morning Program Report Weekly, on Sundays DH --> OC 1. To check the atten-
dance of BACE devotees
in morning program and
morning lecture.
2. To monitor as to what
lectures going on in the
3. To monitor the number
of rounds of each bace

2 Report from department Monthly DH --> OC --> BS 1. Accomplishments of de-

head 2. Comments about the
various critical aspects of
morning program.
3. Problems faced by the
4. Future beautification
plans by the DH.
5. Help needed by DH
from BS

• The Supervisors should regularly visit the BACE to also personally observe that the standards of the departments are being followed
and that the reports are properly being made by the Head of Department .

BACE Coordination Dept
All Glories to Sri Guru and Gauranga

Name of BACE ____________________________

Department : Morning Program
Dept. Head : _________________
Last report submitted on: ________ Report no. : ________

Kindly keep in mind the department standards (for the BACE devotees), the
scope of your services, ishtha ghoshti points etc. while answering the following

• Accomplishments / Completions :

• Your comments about following aspects :

1. Water (Hot/cold) seasonal facilities (Fan etc.):
2. Light in Temple Hall:
3. Deity Dept. (Cleanliness, paraphernalia, flowers):
4. TH Cleanliness:

• A re devotees enthusiastic or looking tired:

• Comments of devotees when you inquired about facilities:

• Problems Facing:

• Suggestive Plans:

• Future Plans to Beautify Dept. Services:

• Resouces Required

BACE Coordination Dept

• A suitable devotee can be made the Department Head (DH) for the department.
• Refer to the standards for the department to see the criterion for selecting the suitable devotee and the scope
of his service.
• PFA the following Monitoring and Reporting Tools.

S.No Report Frequency Who should send to whom Why and other comments
1 Sample Account Sheet Monthly DH --> OC --> BS --> Tem- 1. To monitor the expendi-
ture of the BACE.
ple Accounts
2. To monitor whether the
devotees are giving laksh-
mi, and that too on time.
3. To track unnecessary
expenditure which can be

2 Report from department Monthly DH --> OC --> BS 1. Accomplishments of

head 2. Problems faced in fol-
lowing standards.
3. Suggestive plans to
tackle the problems.
4. Future beautification
plans by the DH.
5. Help needed by DH
from BS.

BACE Coordination Dept
All Glories to Sri Guru and Gauranga

Name of BACE ____________________________

Department : Accounts
Dept. Head : _________________
Last report submitted on: ________ Report no. : ________

Kindly keep in mind the department standards (for the BACE devotees), the
scope of your services, ishtha ghoshti points etc. while answering the following

• Accomplishments / Completions :

• Comments of devotees whether they are giving monthly contribution on

time ?

• Problems Facing:

• Suggestive Plans:

• Future Plans to Beautify Dept. Services:

• Resouces Required

BACE Coordination Dept

• A suitable devotee can be made the Department Head (DH) for the department.
• Refer to the standards for the department to see the criterion for selecting the suitable devotee and the scope
of his service.
• PFA the following Monitoring and Reporting Tools.

S.No Report Frequency Who should send to whom Why and other comments
1 Cleanliness Service Atten- Weekly, On Sundays DH --> OC --> BS 1. To check whether the
dance Chart BACE devotees are clean-
ing the respective allotted
area which is allotted to

2 Report from department Monthly DH --> OC --> BS 1. Accomplishments of

head 2. Names of devotees who
are nicely serving.
3. Devotees who can serve
better, their names
4. Stock monitoring
5. Future beautification
plans by the DH.
6. Help needed by DH
from BS.

BACE Coordination Dept
All Glories to Sri Guru and Gauranga

Name of BACE ____________________________

Department : Cleanliness
Dept. Head : _________________
Last report submitted on: ________ Report no. : ________

Kindly keep in mind the department standards (for the BACE devotees), the
scope of your services, ishtha ghoshti points etc. while answering the following

• Accomplishments / Completions :

• Devotees who are wonderfully serving:

• Devotees who can serve better:

• Facilities created (things purchased):

• Announcements / notices:

• Present stock of paraphernalia (brooms etc.):

• Problems Facing:

• Suggestive Plans:

• Future Plans to Beautify Dept. Services:

• Resouces Required

BACE Coordination Dept
• A suitable devotee can be made the Department Head (DH) for the department.
• Refer to the standards for the department to see the criterion for selecting the suitable devotee
and the scope of his service.
• PFA the following Monitoring and Reporting Tools.

S.No Report Frequency Who should send to whom Why and other comments
1 Deity Service Attendance Weekly, On Sundays DH --> OC --> BS 1. To monitor that proper
Tulasi Maharani care is
2. To monitor Deity wake
up and Deity sleep service
3. To monitor the deity
worship services
4. To monitor the Deity
Plate Cleaning service

2 Report from department Monthly DH --> OC --> BS 1. Accomplishments of

head 2. Problems faced in fol-
lowing standards.
3. Suggestive plans to
tackle the problems.
4. Future beautification
plans by the DH.
5. Help needed by DH
from BS.

BACE Coordination Dept
All Glories to Sri Guru and Gauranga

Name of BACE ____________________________

Department : Deity Department
Dept. Head : _________________
Last report submitted on: ________ Report no. : ________

Kindly keep in mind the department standards (for the BACE devotees), the
scope of your services, ishtha ghoshti points etc. while answering the following

• Accomplishments / Completions :

• Problems Facing:

• Suggestive Plans:

• Future Plans to Beautify Dept. Services:

• Resouces Required

BACE Coordination Dept

• A suitable devotee can be made the Department Head (DH) for the department.
• Refer to the standards for the department to see the criterion for selecting the suitable devotee
and the scope of his service.
• PFA the following Monitoring and Reporting Tools.

S.No Report Frequency Who should send to whom Why and other comments

1 Report from department Monthly DH --> OC --> BS 1. Accomplishments of

head 2. Problems faced in fol-
lowing standards.
3. Suggestive plans to
tackle the problems.
4. Future beautification
plans by the DH.
5. Help needed by DH
from BS.

BACE Coordination Dept
All Glories to Sri Guru and Gauranga

Name of BACE ____________________________

Department : Accounts
Dept. Head : _________________
Last report submitted on: ________ Report no. : ________

Kindly keep in mind the department standards (for the BACE devotees), the
scope of your services, ishtha ghoshti points etc. while answering the following

• Accomplishments / Completions :

• Comments of devotees whether they are giving monthly contribution on

time ?

• Problems Facing:

• Suggestive Plans:

• Future Plans to Beautify Dept. Services:

• Resouces Required

BACE Coordination Dept
Health Care

• A suitable devotee can be made the Department Head (DH) for the department.
• Refer to the standards for the department to see the criterion for selecting the suitable devotee
and the scope of his service.
• PFA the following Monitoring and Reporting Tools.

S.No Report Frequency Who should send to whom Why and other comments

1 Report from department Monthly DH --> OC --> BS 1. Accomplishments of

head 2. Problems faced in fol-
lowing standards.
3. Suggestive plans to
tackle the problems.
4. Future beautification
plans by the DH.
5. Help needed by DH
from BS.

BACE Coordination Dept
All Glories to Sri Guru and Gauranga

Name of BACE ____________________________

Department : Accounts
Dept. Head : _________________
Last report submitted on: ________ Report no. : ________

Kindly keep in mind the department standards (for the BACE devotees), the
scope of your services, ishtha ghoshti points etc. while answering the following

• Accomplishments / Completions :

• Comments of devotees whether they are giving monthly contribution on

time ?

• Problems Facing:

• Suggestive Plans:

• Future Plans to Beautify Dept. Services:

• Resouces Required

BACE Coordination Dept

• In Lamp offering 4 refers to lotus feet, 2 refers to belly, 3 refers to lotus face, & refers to complete
• In Argha 3 refers to lotus face, & 7 refers to complete body.

BACE Coordination Dept

BACE Coordination Dept
BACE Coordination Dept

Q. Many BACE have less number of bathrooms so devotees are not able to get ready on
time and come late for the morning Program what can be done for such cases?

A. Before taking the flat for BACE we should check that it should have sufficient number of Bathrooms &
If we are not able to get such Flats so, what we can do we can fix one bathroom of the BACE in which like
after 04:00am it must be used only for Bathing and not for the toilet purpose. So, by this many devotees
can take bath one at a time.

Q. Many senior or old devotees who regularly visit to temple or go to meet with Facilitator and
comes late night and are not able to come for the Morning Program or like some BACE devotees
have to wake up because of him for opening the doors in night and he comes late in Morning
Program then what should we do?

A. One day in a week if it is happening then it can do but nobody should regularly come late in morning

Q. Is it necessary to Sit & Chant in the Temple Hall?

A. Yes, it is preferred that we should chant by sitting in a temple hall.

Q. What modification should be done on special Appearance & Disappearance day of our
Vaishnava Acharya?

A. At last of the prema-dhvani prayers special Appearance & Disappearance day of our Vaishnava Acharya
can be said as we do in our temple.

Q. Generally we see that many devotees come for the Morning Program on time they mark their
attendance and after that they go for sleeping & they will come directly for Mangala Arati & then
they again go for sleeping or doing their college Work or do their personal Activity during Lecture
time. What can be done in this situation Prabhu?

A. This is tricking Propensity such a person is not a truthful person to his teacher. Maybe he is not on the
level of living inside the BACE or his body is not supporting him for waking early in the morning. Usually
people who sleep late do this type of activity. So who is sleeping late will naturally not able to wake up
early in the morning. They should be shifted to some MaanSarovar BACE .

BACE Coordination Dept
Q, Many times Due to preaching programmes in BACE, Devotees are not able to sleep on time so
they get Late for the morning Program so, what should be done?

A. At last of the prema-dhvani prayers special Appearance & Disappearance day of our Vaishnava Acharya
can be said as we do in our temple.

Q. How everyone can read Guruastakam as we do not have big Guruastakam banner as we
have in our temple?

A. So for this we can print and Laminate the Morning Program Prayers and we can distribute at time of
morning program or we can have Small book which have all the Morning prayers.

Q. Many times Prabhu ji we find that BACE Devotees do not attend the Morning Lectures or
sometimes the whole lectures time is wasted as the lecture played doesn’t have the clear Voice?

A. Morning program in charge Should One Day priorily Check the Recording Quality of the Lecture which
is to be played next Day.

Q. Who will Sing the sikshastakam and Morning Prayers?

A. Devotee who is Morning Program IN-charge should learn how to sing these prayers and he should only
sing all the Prayers Siksastakam, Namamrta, ten offences and Daily Quotes. As we do in our temple.

Q. Whom we should shift to BACE?

A. The people who are inspired to make spiritual advancement, and to take devotees association not that
those who want hostel facility.
And regular Classes should be done in whichever area they are becoming weak for inspiring them and by this
devotees get inspiration. We cannot make rule for everything.
Either Devotees should be inspired through lectures or personal facilitation or counselling.
Like a devotee daily coming late daily for morning program and he is writing 108 mahamantra at the time
of japa but doesn’t improve that means that devotee is not interested in his JAPA Or Interested about His
Spiritual Life. Surely, some planning is going on in his mind about leaving the BACE he will come one day and
say that prabhuji I am thinking of living outside.
So whenever we see any deviation we should correct it by knowledge not by rules and regulations, give
morning lecture on that topic in BACE .if they won’t attend such lectures then they will create problem.
• Lecture is most important in BACE even than mangal aarti, chanting whatever.
Those who will hear more lectures (Sadhana conscious) will never face this type of these problems.So, preacher
should know what all things are lagging in my bace so accordingly he should give the lecture.
So wherever these things are happening inspiration is missing. We can motivate someone by regulations
because if somebody have to cheat he will find out a way for him anyway.
Two things personal meeting with devotees rules are impersonal like we can meet a devotee who is not
coming for MP by saying that you are such a nice devotee but I am finding that you are not able to come for
the MP are u facing any Problem living here all facilities are you getting here, is everything okay at your home,
whenever this situation comes some problem is there with the boy either girlfriend problem or career issue
or family problem so lectures should be so inspiring that they should come and reveal whatever problem he
is facing.

BACE Coordination Dept
• Shreya’s & Preyas sixteen topics
• In the starting be cruel (strong inspiration and strict action) for the morning program and rest of the day
care for him nicely.
• Firstly educate him and they make him undergo training procedure. If we had not educate them and we
are waking him up then it is a material one day before only clear the philosophy that when senior
devotees will go to wake you up and your mind will say like this then he will understand.
• Morning program is best for Sadhana so yoga exercises can be done in the evening.

Should we make some schedule for their evening also ?

We should not too much pack their schedule otherwise they will start feeling as imprisoned so evening should
be for their studies but they should do at least 30 minutes reading per day.

Guideline for washing clothes ?

Devotees should have at least three set of clothes they can wash their formals on Saturdays or Sundays.

In many baces devotees are from Mayapur, Pune Mumbai & Delhi so whose lectures
should be played?? Can we play different lectures for different devotees?

Devotee may be from anywhere if he is living in BACE problem is same for all the devotees. so if he has to live
in a BACE he should follow whatever BACE authorities are setting. So that mood should be their of servant
of the servant.

Should we follow fasting on appearances & disappearances of Acharya’s ?

Yes it should be all depends on inspiration how much we inspire them to respect our Acharya’s
They can pack the lunch and go. They can take the juice but it is not like that if they will fast they will die.
Many boys fast either on Tuesdays. so propensity is there for fasting so it is not at all difficult it just depends
on how we inspire them.& we can see Prabhupada he made Hippies to follow all this which was the most

Tunes and training for the morning tunes

This will be prescribed for all the BACE devotees.

BACE Coordination Dept

BACE Coordination Dept

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