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Malitbog, Bongabong, Oriental Mindoro
S.Y. 2023 – 2024

2023 – 2024”



Angelou M. Rosales,
Cyron Ramirez,
John Warren J. Dula,
Justin Kylle B. Abante,
Lyle Lorence A. Gabia,
Nealson B. Macalipay,
Rance F. Bagunas; and
Renalyn P. Hilario

Regina Gadon
Subject Teacher

“The Role of Motivation on the Academic Achievement among Junior & Senior
High School Students of Innovative College of Science & Technology; S.Y.
2023 – 2024.”

Chapter I
Problem and Its Background

A) Rationale

Achievement motivation is not a single construct but rather

subsumes a variety and different constructs like ability self-concepts,
task values, goals, and achievement motives. The few existing studies that
investigated diverse motivational constructs as predictors of school
student academic achievement above and beyond student cognitive abilities
and prior achievement showed that most motivational constructs predicted
academic achievement beyond intelligence and that student ability self-
concepts and task values are more powerful in predicting their achievement
than goals and achievement motives. The aim of the present study was to
investigate whether the reported previous findings can be replicated when
ability self-concepts task value, goals, and achievement motives are all
assessed at the same time level of specificity as the achievement criteria
(e.g., hope for success in math and math grades). Additionally, we assessed
their intelligence and their current and prior grade point average and
grades in the math and German. Relative weight analysis revealed that
domain-specific ability self-concept, motives, task values and learning
goals but not performance goals explained a significant amount of variance
in grades above all other predictors of which ability self-concept was the
strongest predictor. Results are discussed with respect to their
implications for investigating motivational constructs with different
theoretical foundation. Achievement motivation energizes and directs
behavior toward achievement and therefore is known to be an important
determinant of academic success.

The role of motivation is to motivated students are much more

likely to achieve their potential and find success. Motivation is an
essential ingredient in effective teaching and learning. It’s not only
yield’s more positive behavior in students, but it also contributes to a
greater sense of well-being. Understand how to motivate children and young
people in education is crucial, if we are to provide them with the best
possible start in life. Motivation is defined as our enthusiasm for doing
something. It is the “why” behind every action. Motivation is the reason-
or-reasons. For acting or behaving in a particular way. It helps us to set
a goal and reach it. The term “motivation” is derived from the Latin verb
“movere”, so quite literally, its what keeps us moving.

The objective of their student was to as certain the relationship

between achievement motivation, attitude and student academic achievement.
A structured questionnaires was administered on 1484 from five faculties of
the diversity students. obtained data was analyzed using correlation and
regression analysis. The findings of their work revealed a positive
significant correlation between student attitude towards learning and
achievement motivation. The study also revealed that student attitude and
academic achievement are correlated positively, conversely, the findings
also indicated that a low and negative correlation exist between student
achievement motivation and their academic performance. According to
Mahyuddin et al. (2009), the objective of this work is to compare the
motivation of high school students and that of a university student. In
particular, their study is devoted toward findings how student motivation
is changing due to a selecting career for studying in the university. To
achieve this, a structured questionnaire was administered to 302 university
students and 294 high school students that are in science major. An
exploratory factor analysis was used to provide evidence to construct
validity. Obtained data was analyzed using descriptive structures.

The study of motivational has evolved significantly from the

previous day to the present. Overtime, researchers and scholar sought to
gain a deeper understanding of what diverse individuals to achieve their
goals and how motivation can be hardness to increase productivity and well-
being. In the past, motivation was often viewed through a basic Leus, with
theories focusing primarily on external factors such as rewards or
punishments. For example, early behavior theories suggested that
individuals were motivated by the desire to obtain rewards or avoid
punishments, and these external factors solely determined their behavior.
However, as research progressed, scholars, began to question the limited
scope of these theories and started exploring the role of internal factors
in motivation as well. The emergence of cognitive theories of motivation
shifted the focus to individual thoughts, beliefs, and expectations. One
significant development in the study of motivation was Abraham Maslow’s
hierarchy of needs of theory, proposed in the mid-20th century. Maslow
argued that individuals have a hierarchy of needs to fulfill, ranging from
basic physiological needs to self-actualization. This theory emphasized the

For many Filipinos, a college diplomat symbolized the attainment

of a major life goal, along with the hard work that led to its attainment
and the promise of professional success, financial stability, and personal
sature (cf, Puyat, 2005), according to cf. Furstenberg, 200, completion of
a college education being a milestone, behavior human development
specialist who study the transition from adolescence to adulthood to
examine the Filipino college experience. In particular, it is important to
characterized in the context of school, what enables and motivation
Filipino youth to develop the competencies and outlook for effectively
recognizing and assuming adult roles and identities. This paper is an
attempt to characterized the Filipino college experience in this regard.

According to Boekaerts, 1996; Hofer, Yu, and Pintrinch, 1998; Pintrich

2000, theories and studies on academic achievement have focused mainly on
two sets of constructs, namely, goal orientations and learning strategies.
Research and theorizing on goal orientations (often referred to as
achievement goal theory) and on learning strategies (typically examined
using a cognitive perspective) have shown how goal orientations and
learning strategies together predict and achievement (Cleary & Chen, 2009;
Schraw, Horn, Thorndike, Christ, & Brunning, 1995; Schutz, 1994; Sperting,
Howard, Stately, & DuBois, 2004).

The Filipino’s have a strong sense of family and their motivation

stems from providing for and supporting their loved ones. Filipinos are
known for their resilience and determination, particularly in times of
adversity. The ability to become back from challenges and persevere
motivates many individuals. The Filipino’s have a strong sense of community
and bayanihan (collective unity and cooperation). The desire to contribute
to and uplift their community motivates many individuals to work hard and
make a positive impact. Religion plays a significant role in the lives of
many Filipinos. Their faith and spirituality serve as a source of
motivation and strength, providing guidance and purpose. Filipinos are
known for their passions and creativity in various fields such as music,
arts, and sports. The pursuit of their passions and the desire to excel
motivates individuals to work hard and strike for success. The importance
placed on education and the desire for better career opportunities motivate
many Filipinos to study hard pursue their dreams. The desire to contribute
to the development and success of the Philippines motivates individuals to
work hard and make a difference.

My goal is to understand the factors that influence student

achievements. Researchers aim to gain insights into how motivation effects
student attitudes, behaviors and academic outcomes. By studying the role of
motivation, they can identify factors that contribute to academic success
and develop strategies to enhance student motivation. To inform educational
practices. Research on motivation can provide valuable information to
educators and policy makers. Understanding how motivation impacts academic
performance can help in designing effective teaching strategies, curriculum
development, and creating supportive learning environments that foster
student engagement and motivation. To improve student well-being,
motivation is not only important for academic success but also for overall
well-being. Research in this area can shed light on how motivation impacts
student psychological and emotional states. By understanding the role of
motivation, educators and schools can implement interventions to support
student mental health and create a positive learning environment. To
contribute to the existing body of knowledge. Conducting research on the
role of motivation in academic performance adds to the existing knowledge
base in the field of education. It allows researchers to avoid upon
previous studies, validate or challenge existing theories, and contribute
to the overall on the role of motivation in academic performance is to
contribute to the improvement of educational practices and student outcomes

by understanding the factors that drive and enhance motivation is the

academic setting.


This research entitled “The Role of Motivation on the Academic

Performance among the Junior and Senior High School students of Innovative
College of Science and Technology; S.Y. 2023 – 2024.” The purpose of this
study is to determine to what students are self-aware of their own
motivation and to what extent their awareness relates to their perceptions
of effort and performance.
Specifically, the study sought to answer the following questions:

1. To what extent do student perceptions to confirm extent motivational

2. How do student perceptions of effort, motivation, and achievement
relate to one another?
3. How do effective states (negative or positive) relate to student
perception of effort and performance?


This study focused mainly on the academic motivation of Junior
and Senior High School students of Innovative College of Science &
Technology; S.Y. 2023 – 2024. The data collected will be conducted to 10
randomly selected students of Innovative College of Science & Technology.
Motivation style comprises of Academic Performance classified into four
categories which are Authoritarian or Power Asserting Disciplinarians
(APAD), Authoritative or Warm Giving Protectors (AWGP), Permissive or
Lenient Freedom Givers (PLFG), Uninvolved or Selfish Autonomy Givers
(USAG). It was determined through student leaders of Innovative College of
Science and Technology.

The student academic motivation constitutes intrinsic motivation

only. It was analyzed by using the Motivated Strategies for Learning
Questinnaire Subscale (MSLQ). The main source of data will be the
questionnaire, which is prepared by the researchers.


The results of the following will be benefiting the following:

Students. The results of the study would give an insight to students that
enables them to understand the point of view of the students including of
their school leadership style used.

Teacher’s and School’s Guidance Office. This will be benefits the teachers
and teachers and the school’s guidance office as this will help them

understand the students’ background relating to their academic motivation

level. The study will also serve as a guide for programs to be developed by
the guidance office in helping raise the students’ academic motivation.

Parents. This study will give information and awareness to the parents that
their way of raising their children plays a great role in their studies
specifically affecting their academic motivation.

Other Researchers. This study can be a guide on other studies related to

academic motivation styles. Future researchers can improve the study by
adding other variables.


Academic Achievement
- describes academic outcomes that indicate the extent to which a
student has achieved their learning goals. Academic achievement may refer
to completing educational benchmarks such as bachelor’s degree. Academic
achievement is often measured through examinations or continuous
assessment. (

Achievement Motivation
- define as an individual’s ability to building up their skills
and behaviors so that they can tap into their highest potential. An
achievement motivation example would be an individual working toward
becoming a better public speaker.

Self – concepts
- is the image we have of ourselves. It is influenced by many
forces, including our interaction with important people in our lives. It is
how we perceive our behavior, abilities, and unique characteristics.

Cognitive abilities
- are skills your brain uses to complete essential day-to-day
tasks like thinking, learning, reading, remembering, speaking, listening
and paying attention. Cognitive abilities occur naturally in the brain, but
you can further by challenging yourself.

Domain – specific
- is a concept in cognitive science that suggests that some
cognitive functions are solely responsible for individual specific
functions and not multiple one. Different areas of cognition are referred
to as domains.


- is a set of behaviors used to help people align their
collective direction, to execute strategic plans, and to continually renew
an organization.


severity Treat
Perceived appraisal
vulnerability Protection
Knowledge motivation
(Intention) behaviors
efficacy Coping
Perceive appraisal


Figure 1: This Conceptual Framework modified from protection motivation

theory of Rogers. Health behavior are actions that can directly affect
health outcomes. It is defined as “any activity undertaken by a person
believing himself to be healthy for the purpose of preventing disease or
detecting it at an asymptomatic stage.” (Kasl and Cobb, 1996)


Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Motivational Factors


Job Security

Job Performance

Figure 1: Theoretical framework for the relationship between motivational

factors and job performance. Motivation theory is the study of how learn
and understand what inspires a person to pursue a specific result. This
theory has many uses, including in psychology and sociology, but it’s also
important for businesses, especially in relation to management. By studying
this, you can learn what actions can motivate people to work harder or care
more about something, whether through a reward or another factor.

In management, professionals use motivation theories to increase

production, profits, employee retention rates and employee satisfaction
levels. As a manager, you may aim to increase employee motivation to help
your company achieve its business goals. Using motivation theories can
include offering incentives, addressing needs or providing rewards to
motivate your team to meet a specific goal.

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