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Mission LiFE Flipbook - English

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Overview of Mission LiFE

“Mission LiFE is a global

movement to safeguard our
environment from the impact
of climate change.”
The key idea of Mission LiFE is to
promote "mindful and deliberate
utilization instead of mindless and
destructive consumption".

Mission LiFE asks people to make

small changes in behaviour by
becoming ‘Lifestyle for Environment’
champions. India’s traditional lifestyles
are inherently sustainable, and we are
well positioned to showcase to the
world that change at the individual and
societal level are key to contributing
towards climate change solutions.
Nudging individual and collective action towards
‘Lifestyle for Environment’
Mission LiFE - 7 themes
Mission LiFE links the efforts of 1) Save Energy
individuals towards collective action for 2) Save Water
3) Say No to Single Use Plastic
the environment. The Mission has 4) Reduce E-waste
emphasised 75 key actions for individuals 5) Adopt Sustainable Food
and communities to take across seven Systems
6) Reduce Waste
themes. 7) Adopt Healthy Lifestyles
The Mission LiFE Portal provides a comprehensive list of all actions proposed
under the Mission across seven themes. Please click here to access these

Adopt Sustainable Say No To Single

Adopt Healthy Lifestyles
Save Water Save Energy Reduce Waste Reduce E-waste
Food Systems Use Plastic (SUP)
Save Energy

In our daily life, we do not realize how much

energy we waste. When you take small steps
to save energy, you not only reduce your costs,
but also help create a healthier environment
and an energy secure nation.
Examples of actions include:

● Switch off electrical appliances when

not in use.

● Use LED bulbs instead of ordinary

bulbs, which saves up to 75% of

● Turn off irrigation pumps after use.

● Prefer sprinkler or drip irrigation to

flood irrigation to save energy.
Save Water

Water security remains a major challenge in

India. High to extreme water crisis affects
600 million people in India, and 54% of
India's groundwater wells are declining.
Between 1951 and 2014, India's per person
annual water availability declined by about
70%. Examples of actions include:

● Practice rain water harvesting

● Give priority to cultivation of less

water intensive crops like millets.

● Use efficient water-saving

techniques (such as
micro-irrigation, bunding, laser
levelling, farm ponds, zero tillage).
Say No To Single Use
Plastic (SUP)
According to the Central Pollution Control Board,
India generated around 34.7 lakh (3.47 million)
tonnes of plastic waste in 2019-20. Avoiding the use
of items made from plastic that can only be used
once is an important step to reduce its damaging
impact on health and environment. Banned SUP
items from 1st July 2022 include plates, cups,
glasses, cutlery such as forks, spoons, knives,
straws, trays and cigarette packets, and plastic or
PVC banners of less than 100 microns. Examples of
actions include:

● Use cloth bags instead of plastic bags for

● Use non-plastic cutlery during gatherings
and events.
● Use recycled plastic.
Reduce Waste

Reducing, Refusing and Recycling are key

ways to reduce the heavy burden of waste on
our environment and health. Efficient waste
management is key to keeping our
surroundings clean, which in turn leads to a
lot of social, economic and environmental
benefits. Examples of actions include:

● Do not throw garbage in water

bodies and public places.

● Segregate dry and wet waste at


● Adopt sustainable lifestyles to

reduce generation of waste.

● Ensuring recycling.
Adopt Sustainable
Food Systems

Consuming locally available and seasonal food

are key ways of contributing to sustainable
food systems. Examples of actions include:

● Include millets in your diet. Consume

different types of millets like bajra, jowar,
ragi, kodo, etc. and locally available
vegetables. Millets contain many key
nutrients for good health.

● Compost household waste. Peels, leaves,

etc. easily convert into compost, so never
throw it away. Ensure that plastic waste isn’t
accidentally disposed with the biodegradable
Reduce E-waste

Throwing away discarded electronic

gadgets instead of recycling them has
severe environmental and health
consequences. Examples of actions
● Give your broken or old electronic
equipments to nearest shops or

● Extending the life of your electronic

equipment by maintaining it well.

● Switching to cloud storage instead

of purchasing hard drives and pen
Adopt Healthy
Choosing to lead a healthy lifestyle reduces
the damage on the environment and improves
your health. Examples of actions include:

● Initiate biodiversity conservation at

the community level.
● Start and/or join a green club in your
residential area/school/office.
● Make Ayurvedic medicines a part of
your life.
● Adopt natural or organic farming.
Environmental protection is linked to the efforts of every individual. Ancient Indian
literature is replete with references to the management, conservation, and protection
of the environment. Texts like the Arthashastra, Upanishads, and Vedas, are full of
verses that highlight the values of environmental protection. Let this ancient wisdom
guide our everyday actions. Let us #ChooseLiFE.

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