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Rant or Rave

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Activity Type Introduction

Listening and speaking In this entertaining fluency practice activity, students rant and rave
activity, group work about various topics using positive or negative opinion adjectives.

Language Focus
Before you begin the activity, brainstorm or write up a list of
Giving opinions
positive and negative opinion adjectives on the board. Review
Opinion adjectives the opinion adjectives and leave them up on the board for the
students to refer to during the game.

Aim Next, divide the students into groups of four.

To practice expressing Give each group a set of cards.

positive and negative
opinions on various Ask the students to shuffle the topic cards and place them face
topics. down in a pile on the desk. The rant or rave cards should be
placed face down next to the pile.
Preparation Allocate one student in each group to be the time keeper.
Make one copy of the
cards for each group of Explain that the students are going to practice ranting and raving
four and cut as indicated. about various topics using positive or negative opinion adjectives.

Players take it in turns to pick up a topic card from the pile and
Level place it face up on the desk for everyone to see.

Low intermediate The player then mixes up the 'Rant' and 'Rave' cards face down
and turns one over.
Time If the player turns over a 'Rant' card, they express negative
30 minutes opinions about the topic on the card for one minute, without

If the player picks up a 'Rave' card, they express positive opinions.

The other students listen and award one point to the player for
each appropriate opinion adjective they use during their rant or
rave. If a player can't think of anything to say or stops talking
before the time limit has been reached, no points are awarded.

The next player then picks up a card from the pile and so on. This
process continues until all the topic cards have been used.

The player with the most points at the end of the game wins.

If you have a weak class, you can make the game easier by
decreasing the time limit.

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PDF tool in Acrobat. © 2019 Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.



a website you
a brand of mobile your
learning English use or have used
phone neighbourhood
in the past

a restaurant you
a company a news topic an actor or actress
have been to

a place you have the people in your
a style of music transportation in
visited town or city
your town or city

a mobile phone
a film you saw
dating app you use or housework
have used

a subject you
computers study or have pets

a teacher you had

your home a sport shopping
in the past

Rant Rave © 2019 Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.

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