This document lists the past simple and past participle forms of many common irregular English verbs. It provides the infinitive form of each verb in the left column, the past simple form in the middle column, and the past participle form in the right column. Some of the most common irregular verbs included are write/wrote/written, be/was/been, drive/drove/driven, ride/rode/ridden, do/did/done, and go/went/gone.
This document lists the past simple and past participle forms of many common irregular English verbs. It provides the infinitive form of each verb in the left column, the past simple form in the middle column, and the past participle form in the right column. Some of the most common irregular verbs included are write/wrote/written, be/was/been, drive/drove/driven, ride/rode/ridden, do/did/done, and go/went/gone.
This document lists the past simple and past participle forms of many common irregular English verbs. It provides the infinitive form of each verb in the left column, the past simple form in the middle column, and the past participle form in the right column. Some of the most common irregular verbs included are write/wrote/written, be/was/been, drive/drove/driven, ride/rode/ridden, do/did/done, and go/went/gone.
This document lists the past simple and past participle forms of many common irregular English verbs. It provides the infinitive form of each verb in the left column, the past simple form in the middle column, and the past participle form in the right column. Some of the most common irregular verbs included are write/wrote/written, be/was/been, drive/drove/driven, ride/rode/ridden, do/did/done, and go/went/gone.
Infinitive Past simple Past participle Write Wrote Written
Be Was/ were Been Drive Drove Driven Have Had Had Ride Rode Ridden Do Did Done Go Went Gone Know Knew Known Make Made Made Grow Grew Grown Win Won Won Sell Sold Sold Blow blew Blown Tell Told Told Throw Threw Thrown Hear Heard Heard Fly Flew Flown Draw Drew Drawn Drink Drank Drunk Pay Paid Paid Swim Swam Swum Say Said Said Ring Rang Rung Come Came Come Sing Sang Sung Become Became Become Run Ran Run Begin began begun Find Found Found
Catch Caught Caught Fall fell Fallen Beat Beat Beaten choose Chose Chosen Take Took Taken Speak Spoke Spoken Wake Woke Woken Wear Wore Worn Steal Stole Stolen Send Sent Sent Break Broke Broken Spend Spent Spent Spell Spelt Spelt see Saw Seen Mean Meant Meant Hide Hid Hidden Hold Held Held Give Gave Given Lose Lost Lost Build Built Built Forgive Forgave Forgiven Smell Smelt Smelt Put Put Put Leave left left Let Let Let Feel felt felt Hurt Hurt Hurt Meet Met Met keep kept kept Cut Cut Cut Cost Cost Cost Sleep slept slept Quit Quit Quit Learn ...ed / Learnt ..ed / Learnt Read Read Read Dream ...ed / ...ed / Dreamt Dreamt