Wp3 g2 British (A, B, C)
Wp3 g2 British (A, B, C)
Wp3 g2 British (A, B, C)
Week 3
17/9/2023 to 21/9/2023
Subject Classwork Homework
Reading: Read the story "Old Friends, New Friends” Reading: Read the story "Old Friends,
-Cambridge Path Level 3 Student’s Book P. 16 - 22 New Friends”
-RCV Booklet P.3 -Cambridge Path Level 3 Student’s
Spelling: “Long O” Book P. 16 – 22 for tomorrow’s Oral
Spelling Booklet P.6 Assessment.
English (2) Rose – yogurt- yolk- cone-vote – nose- scone- home- goat – coat – boat – Spelling: Solve Spelling Booklet P.7
Copy the spelling words and sentences on
your Spelling Copybook.
1. Many boats arrive to Istanbul.
2. I love to eat strawberry yogurt.
3. I can smell with my nose.
1|P a ge
Subject Classwork Homework
1 إمالء منسوخ تدريب رقم52 ص: كتاب لغتي
Arabic 52 - 51 التقويم التجميعي ص: كتاب لغتي
Reading: Oral Assessment in the story "Old Friends, New Friends” Solve Cambridge Path Level 3 Activity Book
English - Cambridge Path Level 3 Book P. 16-22
Kindly solve the ungraded Spelling Assignment
-Activity Book P.12,13
on JAD-IS Dashboard
Gymnastics for girls
P. E Football learning skills for boys
Write the new words P. 17 in your notebook.
Science Unit 1 Lesson 1.3 Plants and light P.17
Subject Classwork Homework
12-10 تنوين الكسر ص+ تنوين الفتح: ملزمة ضاد االستعداد لإلمالء
Arabic ) تقييم قراءة درس (صلة الرحم: كتاب لغتي
2|P a ge
Subject Classwork Homework
كتاب لغتي إمالء (صلة الرّ حم تعني زيارة األقارب والسؤال عنهم وتفقد
Arabic ) أحوالهم
Classwork Homework
Kindly do the ungraded online assignment on
Math Math Activity JAD-IS Dashboard.
11 - 9 – 8 : الكلمات – المقطع الصوتي – أصوات المد ص:وتعبيرا ً كتاب لغتي قراءة ) قراءة درس (صلة الرحم:كتاب لغتي
Arabic ً
38 أذكار الصباح والمساء ص+34 )ص3( اآلداب: فقه
Study the lesson
Social Studies Unit 1 Lesson 3 “Family Time” P. 20 - 25
3|P a ge
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4|P a ge