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Delta Corp 2011

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Corporate information

Board of Directors
Mr. Jaydev Mody Chairman
Mr. Ashish Kapadia Managing Director
Mr. Mahesh Gupta
Mr. Rajeev Piramal
Mr. Rajesh Jaggi
Mr. Rakesh Jhunjhunwala
Lt. Gen. (Retd.) Noble Thamburaj
Mr. Sudarshan Bajoria

Group Chief Financial Officer

Mr. Hardik Dhebar

Company Secretary & Compliance Officer

Mr. Hitesh Kanani

Registered Office
Clover Classic, G-4,
Ground Floor, North Main Road,
Koregaon Park, Pune - 411 001, Maharashtra.

Statutory Auditors
M/s. Haribhakti & Co
Chartered Accountants

M/s. Amit Desai & Co

Chartered Accountants

Axis Bank Limited

Share Transfer Agents

Freedom Registry Limited
Plot No. 101 / 102, MIDC,
19th Street, Satpur,
Nasik - 422 007, Maharashtra.
Phone : (0253) 2354032
Facsimile : (0253) 2351126
e-mail :

Shares Listed on
Bombay Stock Exchange Limited
National Stock Exchange of India Limited

Annual Report | 2010-2011 21


Notice is hereby given that the 20th Annual General Meeting of Members of Delta Corp Limited will be
held on Monday, 26th September, 2011 at 2.00 p.m. at Peninsula Centre, No. 4, Galaxy Co-Op.
Housing Society, Off Dhole Patil Road, Pune - 411 001, Maharashtra, to transact the following business:

Ordinary Business:
1. To receive, consider and adopt the Audited Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31st March,
2011 and the Balance Sheet as at that date together with the Reports of the Board of Directors and
the Auditors thereon.
2. To declare dividend on Preference Shares and Equity Shares.
3. To appoint a Director in place of Mr. Sudarshan Bajoria , who retires by rotation and being eligible,
offers himself for re-appointment.
4. To appoint a Director in place of Mr. Mahesh Gupta, who retires by rotation and being eligible, offers
himself for re-appointment.
5. To appoint a Director in place of Lt. Gen. (Retd.) Nobel Thamburaj, who retires by rotation and being
eligible, offers himself for re-appointment.
6. To appoint auditors and to fix their remuneration.

Special Business:
7. To consider and if thought fit, to pass, with or without modification (s), the following resolution as an
Ordinary Resolution:
“RESOLVED THAT pursuant to the provisions of Section 257 and all other applicable provisions,
if any, of the Companies Act, 1956 (including any statutory modification or re- enactment thereof
for the time being in force), Mr. Rakesh Jhunjhunwala, who was appointed as an Additional Director
of the Company pursuant to the provisions of Section 260 of the Companies Act, 1956 and Articles of
Association of the Company and whose term of office expires at the commencement of this meeting
and in respect of whom notice under Section 257 of the Companies Act, 1956, has been received
from a member, signifying his intention to propose Mr. Rakesh Jhunjhunwala, as a candidate for
the office of the Director of the Company, together with necessary deposits, be and is hereby
appointed as Director of the Company, liable to retire by rotation.”
8. To consider and if thought fit, to pass, with or without modification (s), the following resolution as a
Special Resolution:
“RESOLVED THAT pursuant to the authority of the members of the Company received through
Postal Ballot on 7th December, 2009, for approving the DELTACORP ESOS 2009, (the Scheme) the
consent of the members of the Company be and is hereby accorded that the Company will be using
intrinsic method of valuation to value Options under the DELTACORP ESOS 2009.
RESOLVED FURTHER THAT all other terms and conditions of the Scheme and the authority
conferred on the Board while approving the Scheme shall remain same.”
2. Explanatory Statements Pursuant to Section 173 (2) of the Companies Act, 1956 is annexed to this


3. Corporate members intending to send their authorised representatives to attend the Meeting
are requested to send to the Company a certified copy of the Board Resolution authorising their
representative to attend and vote on their behalf at the Meeting.
4. In terms of the Articles of Association of the Company, read with Section 256 of the Companies Act,
1956, Mr. Sudarshan Bajoria, Mr. Mahesh Gupta and Lt. Gen. (Retd.) Nobel Thamburaj, Directors,
retire by rotation at the ensuing Annual General Meeting and being eligible, offer themselves for re-
appointment. The Board of Directors of the Company recommends their respective re-appointments.
5. Brief resume of all Directors including those proposed to be appointed, nature of their expertise in
specific functional areas, names of the companies in which they hold directorships an memberships/
chairmanships of Board Committees, shareholding and relationships between directors inter-se
as stipulated under Clause 49 of the Listing Agreement with the Stock Exchanges are attached as
Annexure to this notice.
6. Members are requested to bring their attendance slip duly completed and signed along with their copy
of annual report to the Meeting.
7. In case of joint holders attending the Meeting, only such joint holder who is higher in the order of names
will be entitled to vote.
8. The Register of Beneficial Owners, Register of Members and Share Transfer Books of the Company
will remain closed from Wednesday the 21st day of September, 2011 To Monday, the 26th day
of September, 2011 (both days inclusive), for determining the eligibility for payment of dividend, if
declared at the Meeting.
9. The dividend on Equity Shares, if declared at the Meeting, will be paid on or before 25th October,
2011, to those Members or their mandates:
(a) whose name appears at the end of the business hours on 20th September, 2011, in the list of
Beneficial Owners to be furnished by Depositories (NSDL and CDSL) in respect of the shares held
in dematerialized form ; and
(b) whose names appear as Members on the Company’s Register of Members after giving effect to
valid share transfer request in physical form lodged with Share Transfer Agents (STA) of the
Company on or before 20th September, 2011.
10. Members holding shares in electronic form are requested to intimate immediately any change in
their address, email ID or bank mandates to their Depository Participants with whom they are
maintaining their demat accounts. Members holding shares in physical form are requested to advise
any change of address immediately to the Company / STA.
11. Non-Resident Indian Members are requested to inform STA of the Company, immediately of:
a) Change in their residential status on return to India for permanent settlement.
b) Particulars of their bank account maintained in India with complete name, branch, account type,
account number and address of the bank with pin code number, if not furnished earlier.
12. Members may please note that, Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has made Permanent
Account Number (PAN) as the sole identification number for all participants transacting in the securities
market, irrespective of the amount of such transactions. SEBI has also mandated that for securities
market transactions and off market/ private transactions involving transfer of shares in physical
form, it shall be necessary for the transferee(s) to furnish copy of PAN card to the Company/STA for
registration of such transfer of shares.
Members may please note that, SEBI has also made it mandatory for submission of PAN in the
following cases viz., (i) Deletion of name of the deceased shareholder(s) (ii) Transmission of shares
to the legal heir(s) and (iii) Transposition of shares.

Annual Report | 2010-2011 23


13. Section 109A of the Companies Act, 1956, permits nomination by shareholders of the Company in
prescribed Form No. 2B. Shareholders are requested to avail this facility. The duly filled in and signed
Form No.2B should be sent to the STA of the Company at their Nasik address.
14. In order to render better and efficient services, we request you to consolidate the multiple folios which
are in the same names and in identical order. Consolidation of folios does not amount to transfer
of shares and therefore no stamp duty or other expenses are payable by you. In case you decide
to consolidate your folios, you are requested to forward your share certificates to the STA of the
Company at their Nasik address.
15. The Company, consequent upon the introduction of the Depository System (DS), entered into
agreements with National Securities Depository Limited (NSDL) and Central Depository Services
(India) Limited (CDSL). The Members, therefore, have the option of holding and dealing in the shares
of the Company in electronic form through NSDL or CDSL. In view of the numerous advantages
offered by the Depository System, members holding shares of the Company in physical form are
requested to avail of the facility of dematerialization.
16. To prevent fraudulent transactions, we urge the Members to exercise due diligence and notify the
Company of any change in address/stay in abroad or demise of any shareholder as soon as possible.
Members are requested not to leave their demat account dormant for long. Periodic statement of
holdings should be obtained from the concerned Depository Participant and holdings should be
17. Members desirous of asking any questions at the Annual General Meeting are requested to send in
their questions so as to reach the Company at least 10 days before the Annual General Meeting, so
that the same can be suitably replied.
18. The Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA), has taken a “Green Initiative in Corporate Governance”
(Circular No. 17/2011 dated 21.04.2011 and Circular No. 18/2011 dated 29.04.2011) allowing
paperless compliances by companies through electronic mode. Companies are now permitted to
send various notices /documents to its shareholders through electronic mode to the registered e-mail
addresses of shareholders. Members of the Company are requested to support this green initiative
by registering / updating their email addresses, in respect of shares held in dematerialized form with
their respective Depositary Participants and in respect of shares held in physical form with STA of the
Company, M/s. Freedom Registry Limited.
19. The Certificate from one of the Joint Auditors of the Company M/s. Amit Desai & Co., with regard to
DELTACORP ESOS 2009 will be available for inspection at the Annual General Meeting.

By Order of the Board of Directors,

General Manager
Company Secretary and Legal

Mumbai, 27th July, 2011.

Registered Office:
Clover Classic, G-4,
Ground Floor, North Main Road,
Koregaon Park, Pune - 411 001,


Item No. 7

The Board of Directors appointed Mr. Rakesh Jhunjhunwala, as an Additional Director of the Company
with effect from 29th October, 2010, at their Meeting held on 29th October, 2010.
Under Section 260 of the Companies Act, 1956, Mr. Rakesh Jhunjhunwala holds office as Director up to
the date of the forthcoming Annual General Meeting.
The Company has received notice from a member, under Section 257 of the Companies Act, 1956,
signifying his intention to propose the appointment of Mr. Rakesh Jhunjhunwala as Director of the
Mr. Rakesh Jhunjhunwala is not disqualified from being appointed as Director in terms of Section 274 (1)
(g) of the Companies Act, 1956.
Brief profile of Mr. Rakesh Jhunjhunwala, as required under Clause 49 of the Listing Agreement entered
with the Stock Exchanges, is forming a part of this Notice.
Save and except, Mr. Rakesh Jhunjhunwala, no other Directors of the Company are interested in the
resolution except to the extent of their shareholding.
The Board recommends the Ordinary Resolution set out in the Notice for approval by the members.
Item No. 8
The members of the Company have approved the DELTACORP ESOS 2009 through Postal Ballot
on 7th December, 2009. In terms of Clause 6.2(j) of the SEBI (Employees Stock Option Scheme and
Employees Stock Purchase Scheme) Guidelines, 1999, the Board hereby proposes to value its options
under DELTACORP ESOS 2009 on intrinsic value.
Further, the difference between the employee compensation cost so computed and the employee
compensation cost that shall have been recognized if it had used the fair value of the options instead of
intrinsic value, shall be disclosed in the Directors Report and also the impact of this difference on profits
and on Earnings Per Share (EPS) of the Company shall be disclosed in the Directors Report.
Your approval is sought by on the said matter by a Special Resolution.
None of the Directors are concerned or interested in the resolution except to the extent of their shareholding.

By Order of the Board of Directors,

General Manager
Company Secretary and Legal

Mumbai, 27th July, 2011.

Registered Office:
Clover Classic, G-4,
Ground Floor, North Main Road,
Koregaon Park, Pune - 411 001,

Annual Report | 2010-2011 25

Brief Resume of Directors seeking appointment/
reappointment at this Annual General Meeting
(In pursuance of Clause 49 of the Listing Agreement)

Name of Director
Mr. Sudarshan Bajoria

Date of Birth
18th January, 1974

Date of Appointment
19th May, 2008

B.E, MOM (Master of Management)

Profile and Expertise

Mr. Sudarshan Bajoria, 37 years of age, has completed his Electrical and Electronics Engineering from
Manipal Institute of Technology and a Master’s Degree in Management from the School of Management,
IIT Mumbai. He has been with ICICI Venture since 2000 and closely involved in several real estate
transactions across the asset classes and development stages. He has over 13 of experience with over
11 years of private equity and RE investment experience. He brings a blend of experience in investment
management, business development, appraisal, valuation and financial structuring. Prior to this, he has
over two years of industry experience at Reliance Industries Limited. He is also on the board of various

Number of shares held in the Company, Individually or Jointly / on a beneficial basis.

Mr. Sudarshan Bajoria does not hold any Shares of the Company.

Directorship and Committee memberships (Excluding Delta Corp Limited)

i) Directorships held in other Companies

Corolla Realty Private Limited I-Ven Kolte Patil Projects (Pune) Private Limited
Entertainment World Developers Private Limited I-Ven Realty Limited
Indian Express Newspapers (Mumbai) Limited I-Ven Residential Properties (Mumbai) Limited

ii) Chairman of Board Committees


iii) Member of Board Committees


Brief Resume of Directors seeking appointment/
reappointment at this Annual General Meeting
(In pursuance of Clause 49 of the Listing Agreement)

Name of Director
Mr. Mahesh Gupta

Date of Birth
30th June, 1956

Date of Appointment
15th March, 2007

Mr. Mahesh Gupta holds an Honours degree in B.Com, L.L.B. (Gen.), Fellow Member of the Institute of
Chartered Accountants of India and also the Institute of Company Secretaries of India.

Profile and Expertise

Mr. Mahesh S. Gupta, 54 years of age has an Honours Degree in B.Com; L.L.B (Gen). Fellow Member
of The Institute of Chartered Accountants and The Institute of Company Secretaries of India. He had
an outstanding academic record and rank holder and a Silver Medalist in Company Secretaries Final
Mr. Gupta has received a number of recognitions for his business and professional acumen. He was
awarded the CFO of the Year Award, 2001, Special Commendation for Financial Excellence (Mergers
& Acquisitions Category) by IMA (formerly known as EIU), New Delhi. He is on the Board of several
public listed companies such as Peninsula Land Limited, Morarjee Textiles Limited, Ceat Limited, RPG
Life Sciences Limited etc. From time to time, he has also been associated with various Committees of
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI), Member Governing Council of Indian Association
Corporate CFOs & Treasurers (InACT), Advisory Board of Chennai Business School.

Number of shares held in the Company, Individually or Jointly / on a beneficial basis.

Mr. Mahesh Gupta holds 41,500 Equity Shares of the Company.

Directorship and Committee memberships (Excluding Delta Corp Limited)

i) Directorships held in other Companies

Ashok Piramal Management Corporation Limited Topvalue Brokers Private Limited

Ceat Limited Morarjee Castiglioni (India) Private Limited
City Parks Private Limited West-Star Agro-Realities Private Limited
Delta Magnets Limited Bridgepoint Learning Private Limited
Just Textiles Limited Edustar Learning Private Limited
Morarjee Textiles Limited CAMS Learning Private Limited
Peninsula Holdings and Investments Private Limited AGP Education and Academy Private Limited
Peninsula Investment Management Company Limited AGP Infra Private Limited
Peninsula Land Limited APG Airports Infrastructure Private Limited
Peninsula Pharma Research Centre Private Limited APG Constructions and Infra Private Limited
Renato Finance & Investments Private Limited APG Educational Consultants Private Limited
RPG Life Sciences Limited APG Infra Projects Private Limited
Peninsula Real Estate Management Private Limited APG Infrastructure Private Limited

Annual Report | 2010-2011 27

Brief Resume of Directors seeking appointment/
reappointment at this Annual General Meeting
(In pursuance of Clause 49 of the Listing Agreement)

APG Ports Infrastructure Private Limited Piramal Infrastructure Private Limited

APG Renewable Energy Private Limited Piramal Ports Infrastructure Private Limited
APG Road and Rail Transports Private Limited Piramal Renewable Energy Private Limited
APG Roads Infrastructure Private Limited Piramal Road and Rail Transports Private Limited
APG Transformers And Energy Private Limited Piramal Roads Infra Private Limited.
Piramal Airports Infrastructure Private Limited Piramal Transportation Private Limited
Piramal Constructions and Infra Private Limited Valecha LM Toll Private Limited
Piramal Education and Acedemy Private Limited PMP Components (Mauritius) Limited
Piramal Energy Private Limited

ii) Chairman of Board Committees

Delta Magnets Limited - Audit Committee
RPG Life Sciences Limited - Shareholders Grievance Committee
Ceat Limited - Shareholders Grievance Committee

iii) Member of Board Committees

Just Textiles Limited - Audit Committee
Morarjee Textiles Limited - Investor’s Grievance Committee
Peninsula Investment Management Company Limited - Audit Committee
Ceat Limited - Audit Committee
RPG Life Sciences Limited - Audit Committee

Brief Resume of Directors seeking appointment/
reappointment at this Annual General Meeting
(In pursuance of Clause 49 of the Listing Agreement)

Name of Director
Lt. Gen. (Retd.) Noble Thamburaj

Date of Birth
09th September, 1949

Date of Appointment
28th July, 2010

B. Tech. Civil Engineering ,CME Pune, M. Tech Bldg Sc IIT Delhi
M.Sc Defence Studies Madras University, M.Phil Defence Studies Indore University

Profile and Expertise

Lt General (Retd) Noble Thamburaj 61 yrs of age, is a former Vice Chief of the Indian Army. He established
a reputation of being an astute military commander at a very early stage in his career. He holds an M Sc
and M Phil degree in Def Studies. He very successfully commanded a Rashtriya Rifles Force during Op
Vijay, in Kashmir and an infantry division in Gujarat. He is a qualified engineer having done his M Tech
in Bldg Sc from IIT Delhi. During his illustrious career of four decades in the Army, he held very key &
prestigious appointments. For his outstanding contributions, he was conferred with PVSM and SM. Gen
Thamburaj is the Strategic Advisor to the prestigious Brahmos Missiles programme.

Number of shares held in the Company, Individually or Jointly/ on a beneficial basis.


Directorship and Committee memberships (Excluding Delta Corp Limited)

i) Directorships held in other Companies

BEML Limited

ii) Chairman of Board Committees


iii) Member of Board Committees


Annual Report | 2010-2011 29

Brief Resume of Directors seeking appointment/
reappointment at this Annual General Meeting
(In pursuance of Clause 49 of the Listing Agreement)

Name of Director
Mr. Rakesh Jhunjhunwala

Date of Birth
5th July, 1960

Date of Appointment
29th Ocotber, 2010

Chartered Accountant

Profile and Expertise

Mr. Rakesh Jhunjhunwala, 51 years of age is a qualified Chartered Accountant. Mr. Jhunjhunwala is
one of the better known equity investors in India. Mr. Jhunjhunwala belongs to a class of investors who
has created wealth through careful stock selection, patience and conviction. Among India’s successful
investors, Mr. Jhunjhunwala is perhaps one of the few who has shared his insight into successful investing
with the people at large through his articles, interviews and presentations.
Mr. Jhunjhunwala founded his principles of investing – addressable opportunity, competitive ability,
operating leverage and scalability, and integrity of the management. He is also known for his trading skills
and believes that trend is his friend and learnt never to preempt trends. He also realized that investing also
has a four letter word attached to it – RISK.
As an investor he respects markets and believes that markets are never wrong. Markets are the basis and
temples of capitalism. As an investor he never ends any of his opinion without saying that he can always
be wrong, always reminding him that market is always right.
As a long term investor, Mr. Jhunjhunwala is credited with identifying stocks early on, believing in his
investment, being patient and having conviction to hold the stocks for long periods of time. For him the
price at which you buy is as or more important than what you buy.
Mr. Rakesh Jhunjhunwala, combines diverse skills as a brilliant equity trader, visionary investor and
incubator of new businesses through private equity.

Number of shares held in the Company, Individually or Jointly/ on a beneficial basis.

Mr. Rakesh Jhunjhunwala holds 5,00,000 Equity Shares of the Company.

Directorship and Committee memberships (Excluding Delta Corp Limited)

i) Directorships held in other Companies

Aptech Limited Inventurus Knowledge Solutions Private Limited
Autoline Industries Limited Metro Shoes Limited
A 2 Z Maintenance & Engineer Services Limited Nagarjuna Construction Company Limited
Geojit Bnp Paribas Financial Services Limited Prime Focus Limited
Hungama Digital Media Entertainment Private Limited Viceroy Hotels Limited

ii) Chairman of Board Committees


iii) Member of Board Committees



Your Directors present their Twentieth Annual Report together with the Audited Statement of Accounts for
the year ended 31st March 2011.

Financial Highlights
(` in Lacs)
Particulars Standalone Consolidated
Year ended Year ended Year ended Year ended
31.03.2011 31.03.2010 31.03.2011 31.03.2009
Income for the year 26,723 5,460 38,263 13,328
Profit before Interest, Depreciation and Tax 13,717 4,420 19,148 4,674
Finance Charges 475 2,403 1,281 1,868
Profit before Depreciation and Taxes 13,242 2,017 17,867 2,806
Depreciation 39 42 597 561
Provisions for Taxation/ Deferred Tax (340) (509) 709 (820)
Prior Period Items / Extra Ordinary Items - (109) (41) (157)
Minority Interest - - (50) (56)
Net Profit for the Current Year 12,863 1,357 16,571 1,211
Earlier Years Balance Brought forward 803 386 163 117
Net Profit available for Appropriation 13,665 1,743 16,734 1,327
Proposed dividend on Equity Shares (605) (418) (605) (418)
Proposed dividend on Preference Shares (98) (98) (98) (98)
Dividend on Equity Shares - (33) - (33)
Dividend Distribution Tax (114) (91) (114) (91)
Transfer to General Reserves (2,000) (300) (2,000) (300)
Due to Merger Effect - - - (224)
Balance carried to Balance Sheet 10,848 803 13,917 163
Your Directors are glad to recommend dividend @ 8% on the Preference Share Capital (i.e. ` 0.80 per
Preference Share of ` 10/- each) and @ 30% on the Equity Share Capital (i.e. ` 0.30 per Equity Share of
` 1/- each) of the Company.

During the year under review, your Company recorded a total income of ` 38,263 Lacs (Consolidated) and
Net Profit of ` 16,571 Lacs (Consolidated). For further information, kindly refer to Management Discussion
and Analysis Report, forming part of this Annual report.

Subsidiary companies
The Ministry of Corporate Affairs has vide General Circular No. 2/2011 dated February 8, 2011 granted
general exemption from attaching the accounts and financial statements of subsidiary Companies as
provided under Section 212 (8) of the Companies Act, 1956, provided conditions specified in the said
circular are fulfilled. The Company has complied with all the conditions mentioned in the above circular.
Therefore, Annual Accounts of subsidiaries of the Company have not been annexed to this report. However,
the same are open for the inspection at the Registered as well as Corporate Office of the Company. Any
member desirous of obtaining the same may request the Company in writing.

Annual Report | 2010-2011 31



As required under Clause 3(1)(e)(i) of the Securities & Exchange Board of India(Substantial Acquisition
of Shares and Takeovers) Regulations,1997 (Takeover Regulations), persons constituting group (within
the meaning of group defined in Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Practices Act, 1969) for the purpose
of claiming exemption from applicability of the provisions of Regulations 10 and 12 of the Takeover
Regulations, are given in Annexure A to this Report.


Pursuant to Clause 49 of the Listing Agreement, the Management Discussion & Analysis Report and
Corporate Governance Report together with Certificate from Practising Company Secretary, on compliance
with the conditions of Corporate Governance as laid down, forms part of this Annual Report.

There are no employees in the Company drawing remuneration above the limit specified in terms of
provisions of Section 217 (2A) of the Companies Act, 1956, read with the Companies (Particulars of
Employees) Rules, 1975 during the year.


The particulars as required under Companies (Disclosure of Particulars in the Report of the Board of
Directors) Rules, 1988 are not applicable to the Company. Hence detail are not provided.
During the year, the foreign exchange outgo was ` 1619.76 Lacs (Last Year 37.45 Lacs) the foreign
exchange earned was ` Nil (Last Year Nil)

The Board of Directors of the Company have appointed Mr. Rakesh Jhunjhunwala as an Additional
Director of the Company with effect from 29th October, 2010 in accordance with Section 260 of the
Companies Act, 1956 and Articles of Association of the Company. Mr. Rakesh Jhunjhunwala hold office
as an Additional Director of the Company upto the date of the ensuing Annual General Meeting.
At the ensuing Annual General Meeting Mr. Sudarshan Bajoria, Mr. Mahesh Gupta and Lt. Gen. (Retd.)
Noble Thamburaj, Directors will retire by rotation and being eligible, offer themselves for re-appointment,
in terms of provisions of Articles of Association of the Company.
The brief resume/details relating to Directors, who are proposed to be appointed/ re-appointed are
furnished as an Annexure to the notice of the ensuing Annual General Meeting.
Your Directors recommend their appointment/reappointment at the ensuing Annual General Meeting.


During the year, on 29th October, 2010 the Company has allotted 3,46,47,059 fully paid-up Equity Shares
and 2,13,30,000 Warrants of ` 1/- each, at a price of ` 51/- per Equity Share/per Warrant (including
a premium of ` 50/- per Equity Share/Warrant) by way of Preferential Allotment to various subscribers
approved by the Members of the Company at an Extra ordinary General Meeting of the Members of the
Company held on 16th October, 2010.


Pursuant to the requirement under Section 217(2AA) of the Companies Act, 1956, with respect to Directors’
Responsibility Statement, the Directors confirm that:


1. in the preparation of the annual accounts for the financial year ended March 31, 2011, the applicable
accounting standards have been followed alongwith proper explanation relating to material departures;
2. the Directors have selected such accounting policies and applied them consistently and made
judgments and estimates that are reasonable and prudent so as to give a true and fair view of the
state of affairs as at 31st March, 2011 and of the profit of the Company for the year under review;

3. the Directors have taken proper and sufficient care for the maintenance of adequate accounting
records in accordance with the provisions of the Companies Act, 1956, for safeguarding the assets of
the Company and for preventing and detecting fraud and other irregularities.
4. the Directors have prepared the accounts for the financial year ended 31st March, 2011 on ‘going
concern’ basis.

Employee Stock Option Scheme

The Company implemented the Employee Stock Option Scheme (“Scheme”) in accordance with the
Security and Exchange Board of India (Employee Stock Option Scheme and Employee Stock Purchase
Scheme) Guideline, 1999 (“the SEBI Guideline”). The Compensation Committee constituted in accordance
with the SEBI Guideline, administers and monitors the Scheme.
Information in terms of Clause 12 of the SEBI Guidelines is at Annexure B to this report.

During the year under review, the Company has not accepted any fixed deposits from the public.

The Board of Directors recommends to re-appoint M/s. Haribhakti & Co., Chartered Accountants and M/s.
Amit Desai & Co., Chartered Accountant as Joint Statutory Auditors of the Company who retire at the
conclusion of forthcoming Annual General Meeting and are eligible for re-appoinment. M/s. Haribhakti &
Co. and M/s. Amit Desai & Co. have given their consent to act as Joint Statutory Auditors, if re-appointed.
Members are requested to consider their re-appointment . The Auditors comments on the Company’s
accounts for the year ended on 31st March, 2011 are self explanatory in nature and do not require any
explanation as per the provisions of Section 217(3) of the Companies Act, 1956.

Your Directors express their sincere appreciation of the co-operation received from shareholders, bankers
and other business constituents during the year under review. Your Directors also wish to place on record
their deep sense of appreciation for the commitment displayed by all executives, officers and staff, resulting
in the successful performance of the Company during the year.

For and on behalf of the Board of Directors

Jaydev Mody
Mumbai, 27th July, 2011

Regd. Office:
G-4, Clover Classic,
Ground Floor, North Main Road,
Koregaon Park, Pune - 411 001,

Annual Report | 2010-2011 33


Annexure A

The following are the persons constituting group (within the meaning of group defined in Monopolies and Restrictive
Trade Practices Act, 1969) for the purpose of claiming exemption from applicability of the provisions of Regulations
10 and 12 of the Securities & Exchange Board of India (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers)
Regulations, 1997.

Jaydev Mukund Mody Delta Lifestyle and Entertainment Private Limited

Zia Jaydev Mody Delta Magnets Limited
Aarti Jaydev Mody Delta Offshore Developers Limited
Aditi Jaydev Mody Delta Pan Africa Limited
Anjali Jaydev Mody Delta Real Estate and Consultancy Private Limited
AAA Holding Trust Delta Square Limited
Aarti J Mody Trust Elixir Infotech Private Limited
Aditi J Mody Trust Freedom Aviation Private Limited
Anjali J Mody Trust Freedom Charter Services Private Limited
AAA Real Land Developers Private Limited Freedom Registry Limited
Aarti Management Consultancy Private Limited Goodluck Renewable Energy Resources Private Limited
Aditi Management Consultancy Private Limited Highland Resorts Private Limited
Alibagh Farming and Agriculturist Company Private Limited Highstreet Cruises & Entertainment Private Limited
Anjoss Trading Private Limited Intertrade Mercantile Company Private Limited
Arrow Textiles Limited J M Holding (USA) Inc.
Aryanish Finance and Investments Private Limited J M Holdings Limited, Dubai (UAE)
Bayside Property Developers Private Limited J M Livestock Private Limited
Caravela Casino Goa Private Limited Jayem Properties Private Limited
Champs Elysee Enterprises Private Limited MMG India Private Limited
Coastal Sports Ventures Private Limited MMG Magdev Limited, UK
Dacapo Brokerage India Private Limited Newplaza Multitrade Private Limited
Delta Adventures and Entertainment Private Limited Outreach Mercantile Company Private Limited
Delta Corp East Africa Limited Providence Education Institute Private Limited
Delta Holding (USA) Inc. Providence Educational Academy Private Limited
Delta Hospitality and Entertainment Private Limited Richtime Realty Private Limited
Delta Hospitality and Leisure Private Limited Royal Touch Real Estates Private Limited
Delta Land Developers Limited Victor Hotels and Motels Limited
Delta Leisure and Entertainment Private Limited


Annexure B
Information to be disclosed under the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Employee Stock Option
Scheme and Employee Stock Purchase Scheme) Guidelines, 1999:
(a) Options granted 62,00,000
(b) The pricing formula a) 31,00,000 options were granted at a
consideration of ` 30/- per option.
b) 31,00,000 options were granted at a
consideration of ` 51/- per option.
(c) Options vested 7,25,000
(d) Options exercised 7,25,000
(e) The total number of shares arising as a result of 7,25,000
exercise of option
(f) Options lapsed NIL
(g) Variation of terms of options NIL
(h) Money realised by exercise of options ` 2,17,50,000
(i) Total number of options in force 54,75,000
(j) Employee-wise details of options granted to:
(i) Senior managerial personnel ; As per Annexure – A
(ii) Any other employee who receives a grant in NIL
any one year of option amounting to 5% or more of
option granted during that year;
(iii) Identified employees who were granted option, NIL
during any one year, equal to or exceeding 1% of the
issued capital (excluding outstanding warrants and
conversions) of the company at the time of grant;
(k) Diluted Earnings Per Share (EPS) pursuant to 6.82
issue of shares on exercise of option calculated
in accordance with Accounting Standard (AS) 20
‘Earnings per Share’
(l) Where the Company has calculated the employee Had the compensation cost for the
compensation cost using the intrinsic value of the Company’s stock based compensation plan
stock options, the difference between the employee been determined in the manner consistent
compensation cost so computed and the employee with the fair value approach as described in
compensation cost that shall have been recognised the Guidance note, the Company’s net Profit
if it had used the fair value of the options, shall be would be lower by ` 137.88 Lacs (previous
disclosed. year lower by ` Nil).
The impact of this difference on profits and on EPS Basic EPS Before Adjustment ` 7.01
of the company shall also be disclosed. Adjusted EPS ` 6.94
Diluted EPS Before Adjustment ` 6.82
Adjusted EPS ` 6.75
(m) Weighted-average exercise prices and weighted- As per Annexure – B
average fair values of options shall be disclosed
separately for options whose exercise price either
equals or exceeds or is less than the market price
of the stock.
(n) A description of the method and significant As per Annexure – C
assumptions used during the year to estimate the fair
values of options, including the following weighted-
average information:
(i) risk-free interest rate,
(ii) expected life,
(iii) expected volatility,
(iv) expected dividends, and
(v) the price of the underlying share in market at the
time of option grant.
Annual Report | 2010-2011 35

Name of Senior Managerial Persons to whom Stock Options have Options granted in 2010
been granted
Mr. Ashish Kapadia 17,05,000
Mr. Hardik Dhebar 6,00,000
Mr. Anil Malani 5,00,000
Mr. Narinder Punj 5,00,000
Note: The Company has granted the aforesaid options at the meeting of the Compensation Committee of
the Board of Directors of the Company held on 8th July, 2010 and 30th November, 2010.

Annexure – B
Weighted Average exercise price of option granted whose:
Sr. No. Particulars 8th July, 2010 30th November, 2010
A Exercise Price equals the Market Price NA NA
B Exercise Price is greater than the Market Price NA NA
C Exercise Price is less than the Market Price 30 51
Weighted Average fair value of option granted whose:
Sr. No. Particulars 8th July, 2010 30th November, 2010
A Exercise Price equals the Market Price NA NA
B Exercise Price is greater than the Market Price 23.25 NA
C Exercise Price is less than the Market Price NA 76.66

Annexure – C
Variables Date of Grant : 8th July, 2010
Vest 1 Vest 2 Vest 3 Vest 4
8th July, 2011 8th July, 2012 8th July, 2013 8th July, 2014
Risk Free Interest Rate 6.96% 7.23% 7.45% 7.62%
Expected Life (Years) 3.50 4.50 5.50 6.50
Expected Volatility 61.24% 61.24% 61.24% 61.24%
Dividend Yield 0.83% 0.83% 0.83% 0.83%
Price of the underlying share in 38.15 38.15 38.15 38.15
market at the time of option granted

Variables Date of Grant : 30th November, 2010

Vest 1 Vest 2 Vest 3 Vest 4
30th November, 30th November, 30th November, 30th November,
2011 2012 2013 2014
Risk Free Interest Rate 7.94% 7.91% 7.91% 7.92%
Expected Life (Years) 3.50 4.50 5.50 6.50
Expected Volatility 62.71% 62.71% 62.71% 62.71%
Dividend Yield 0.83% 0.83% 0.83% 0.83%
Price of the underlying share in 106.70 106.70 106.70 106.70
market at the time of option granted

Management Discussion and Analysis

Economic Overview
The year 2010 turned out to be a much better year for the global economy. According to information
contained in the new report by the International Monetary Fund’s (IMF) World Economic Outlook, the
world GDP grew by 4.2% which is well above the trend rate and a lot faster than what was forecasted 12
months ago.
The US economy grew at about 3.1% backed by more stability in the housing markets and the Japanese
economy grew at 1.9%, but the effects of the devastating tsunami are expected to last for some more
time. The euro-zone continued to struggle as the debt-crisis severely hit Greece, looming large on other
countries like Portugal, Ireland and Spain.
The momentum of growth has clearly shifted to emerging economies, more so to countries like China and
India and they continue to surge ahead relentlessly in spite of fears of inflation. China grew at almost 10%
while India grew at 8.8% p.a.
The Indian economy muscles ahead in spite of recent scams and corruption. The GDP continued its
impressive performance backed by strong revival of consumer confidence, accelerated spending,
governmental spending, growth in manufacturing, services and agricultural sectors. According to IMF
estimates, GDP will grow in excess of 8% for the year 2011.
India continues to remain an attractive destination for foreign investors and was ranked fourth in the
top five most attractive FDI destinations in an Ernst & Young’s 2010 European Attractiveness Survey.
According to the UNCTAD report, India was the second most important FDI destination (after China) for
transnational corporations, and will remain in the top 5 most attractive destinations during the 2010- 2012

Industry Overview

Gaming and Entertainment

Gaming in global casinos and gaming industry

The global casino and gaming sector registered a meaningful growth in revenues of 8.8% in 2010 at USD
109.4 billion. This was a significant improvement considering that the sector had witnessed a de-growth
in revenues in the year 2009 over 2008 to the tune of 2.8%. (PwC report 2010 - Playing to win). However,
what is notable is the fact that this moderate growth of 8.8% masks the third consecutive year of decline in
revenues in the US and the EMEA (Europe, Middle East and Africa) of 1.3% and 6.2% respectively. This is
in stark contrast to the nearly 48% increase in the Asia-Pacific region, particularly Macau and Singapore.
The global gaming landscape has and will continue to change through 2014, as the U.S. contribution to
total global gaming revenues, which was 61.1 percent in 2005, and 57 percent in 2009, decreases to
43.6 percent in 2014. The Asia-Pacific region is expected to narrow the gap from a 48.5 percentage point
difference in 2005 to a 3.5 percentage point difference in 2014.
Among the five regions that are expected to generate $156.8 billion in global gaming revenues in 2014,
United States, EMEA, Asia-Pacific, Latin America and Canada, the fastest growing region will be Asia-
Pacific with a 23.6 percent CAGR. Latin America, starting at a modest base of $425 million in 2009, is
the next fastest growing region and is expected to grow at a 12.8 percent CAGR through 2014. When
considering revenues instead of growth rates, the United States is expected to continue its No. 1 spot
through 2014, returning $68.3 billion in gaming revenues, followed by Asia-Pacific with $62.9 billion,
EMEA with $19.7 billion, Canada with $5.1 billion, and finally Latin America with $776 million.

The Asia-Pacific region

Since 2008, the Asia-Pacific market has become the largest market in the world in terms of casino
winnings. According to the Datamonitor’s report on Casinos and Gaming in Asia-Pacific 2011, the gaming
sector grew by 17.5% in 2010 to reach a value of USD 164.7 billion. This represents a CAGR of 7.1%

Annual Report | 2010-2011 37

Management Discussion and Analysis

over the period 2006-10. In comparison, the Chinese and South Korean gaming sectors grew at a CAGR
of 22.3% and 6.3% over the same period reaching USD 72.1 billion and 10.4 billion respectively in 2010.
According to the report, the Asia-Pacific sector is forecasted to increase to USD 222.4 billion by 2015,
indicating a growth of 35%.
Within the casino and gaming sector, sports betting and related activities constitute the highest share at
27.4% followed by lottery at 25.7% and casinos at 20.7%.

Source: DATAMONITOR Global Casinos & Gaming Report - May 2011.

Management Discussion and Analysis

The casino and gaming sector has also been affected by the economic downturn, even though it was
long thought to be recession proof. Like other industries, gaming revenue is also driven by consumer
spending behaviours that depend upon disposable income to survive and thrive. As the balance of
economic growth clearly shifts to the Asia-Pacific region, the casino and gaming industry is forecast to
continue its impressive growth in the region. Newer centres are opening up in the region and are fast
emerging as alternate gaming destinations. As attitudes toward casinos and gaming start changing, and
as governments become more accommodating, this region is clearly poised for a high growth phase.
In India, casinos and gaming are still at a very ripe stage. It is estimated that Indians wager close to
USD 15 billion annually. However, legalised gaming is allowed in a very restricted manner to lotteries
and betting on horse races. It is estimated that the lottery segment is by far the largest segment valued
at almost USD 12.5 billion, followed by horse-racing at about USD 250 million. However, there is huge
demand for casinos and gaming in the country, with upcoming gaming destinations like Nepal and Sri
Lanka, and even Singapore and Macau being top on the list for eager and willing players.
Goa was the first state in India to legalise casinos and it is widely considered to be the best place for
casinos and gaming being one of the top tourist destinations. With its sandy beaches, ideal summer
climate and facilities, it attracts over 2 million tourists annually and is fast emerging as a 365 day holiday
destination. With 6 offshore casinos and 14 on-shore casinos, it is the gaming capital of the country.
Besides Goa, Daman is also being developed as a gaming destination. Here, in house casinos and
gaming is also allowed, making it an ideal location for joint development of hotels and resorts with in-
house casino and gaming facilities.
India continues to be a preferred destination for international tourists with tourist arrivals increasing every
year. The Indian hospitality sector is expected to grow to USD 275 billion in the next 10 years and is also
expected to see investments of over USD 11 billion in the next two or three years. By 2011-12, as many
as 40 international brands are expected to be present in the Indian hospitality space.
Kenya has the largest economy in East Africa and is the fifth largest of all African economies with its
impressive GDP (nominal) of USD 39 billion in 2010, its capital Nairobi is fast emerging as one of the top
cities in East Africa to attract new investments. Having a population of 3 million, Nairobi is already the
largest city in East Africa and its airport, the busiest, serving almost 5 million passengers every year.
With the recent growth, the city is under tremendous pressure to meet the demand for both, office and
residential space. The commercial hub of the city located in the Central Business of Nairobi is already
overcrowded, forcing many organisations to re-locate to the satellite regions bordering the main city.
Amongst these, areas like Upper Hill, Wastelands, Kilimani and Mombasa Road are fast emerging as new
commercial centres. The heart of Nairobi formed by the rectangular zone of Kenyatta Avenue, University
Way, Uhuru Highway and Moi Avenue continue to attract high rentals and yet have the maximum
occupancy rates.

Business Overview
Delta Corp Limited (Delta Corp) is a fast growing Indian company operating primarily in three business
segments – Entertainment & Gaming, Hospitality and Real Estate. Delta Corp is the largest Gaming
company in the country and the only listed company in this space. Delta has entered the Hospitality
segment with the mission to provide an international casino experience in India. The Company is also an
emerging player in the Real Estate segment in East Africa where it is operating through a 40:60 JV with a
wholly owned subsidiary of Reliance Industries Limited. Delta Corp has a robust financial track record with
a strong balance sheet and is professionally and carefully managed by a dedicated, skilled and focussed
team. The Company has more than 60,000 shareholders and is actively traded on the Indian Markets.

Annual Report | 2010-2011 39

Management Discussion and Analysis

Gaming and Entertainment

Delta Corp is the leading and largest listed gaming company in India offering 670 gaming positions, in
addition to having state of the art gaming facilities and infrastructure in Goa and Daman.
Delta is a market leader within the Gaming space in Goa, which has a total of 6 offshore casinos and 14
on-shore casinos. Besides Sikkim, Goa is the only state in India that has issued licenses for live casino
gaming and to date, Goa has issued six licences of which three are held by Delta Corp.
The company currently owns and operates two offshore live gaming casinos in Goa, that are Casino
Royale and Casino Caravela, both of which are located on the Mandovi river. These casinos offer a
variety of international games like Baccarat, Poker, Roulette, Black Jack, all of which are very popular with
gaming enthusiasts in India and compare with the best in the world.
Delta is also moving its Kings Casino to a new vessel - M.V. Horseshoe, and is expected to commence
operations in FY 2012. It will have approximately 1,500 gaming positions that will include between 100 to
150 live gaming tables and around 250 slot machines.
The Company’s gaming operations in Daman are also set to start later during the year at Casino Jackpot,
which will have approximately 1,000 gaming positions.
In addition, Delta Corp is in its advanced stage to procure land for building a world class 5 star hotel
with gaming and entertainment facilities at Colombo in Sri Lanka. This will be spread over 4 acres with
approximately 500 rooms.
The total revenues from the Gaming and Hospitality segment during the year were 10,024 lacs which is
a 52% increase over the same period last year, underlining the Company’s confidence and faith in the
sector as well as confirming Goa as the top gaming destination in the country.

Hospitality is an integral part of the gaming & entertainment business and provides for a complete holistic
experience for visitors. Besides, this also opens an additional revenue stream for the company.
The Company has ambitious plans to expand its hospitality business. The Company has two projects
in Goa that are expected to be completed in the near future. These are The Dolphin Floatel, Goa’s first
floating hotel with 14 all-suite rooms and expected to commence operations in FY 2012. The Dolphin
Floatel expects to be highly sought after by the ‘high rolling’ visitors. The Company is also developing
Marvel Resorts in Goa which is expected to launch by early 2014. When completed, Marvel Resorts will
have approximately 300 luxury rooms with around 20,000 sq.ft. gaming space.
In Daman, the Company is developing Thunderbird Resorts, one of the largest integrated resort in Daman,
spread over 10 acres. It will have 179 five-star rooms, a approximately 29,000 sq.ft. indoor event and
meeting area and around 70,000 sq.ft. outdoor pools and events area. This will be tastefully coupled by
three bars, four restaurants and world-class shopping facilities. Thunderbird Resorts is expected to be
operational by FY 2012.
As reported earlier, the Company through its subsidiary continues to hold a 35% equity investment in
Advani Hotels and Resorts India Limited (“AHRIL”) which owns and operates Ramada Caravela Beach
Resort in Goa.

Real Estate
The Company’s real estate business is in East Africa and is a 40:60 joint venture investment with Reliance
Industries Limited, specifically in the Kenyan capital city of Nairobi. Nairobi has excellent growth potential
with Kenya witnessing a revival of economic growth and substantial investments lined up in the near

Management Discussion and Analysis

Delta Corp East Africa Limited (DCEAL) has already invested Rs.2 billion and acquired 10 plots of
prime land in top locations in Nairobi. This land bank has a development potential of 1.2 million sq.ft. of
commercial and residential assets. With four projects currently under execution and quality land bank in
possession, DCEAL is a leading real estate player in Kenya.
In June 2011, DCEAL consummated the sale of “Delta Centre” to the World Bank for USD 22.8 million and
has also successfully leased one property to the Kenyan Ministry of Justice and Development.

Discussion on Financial Performance

Income: The Company recorded total income of Rs. 38,263 Lacs, as compared to Rs. 13,328 Lacs for
the previous year.
EBIDTA before other income: The Company’s EBIDTA stood at Rs. 18,486 Lacs, up 303% over the
previous year.
PAT before adjustments: The Profit After Tax (PAT) of the Company for the year 2010-11 was Rs. 16,562
Lacs, up 1063% over the previous year.

The gaming industry is all set to get back to healthy growth, particularly in the Asia-Pacific region. The
gravity of growth is expected to shift to the Asia-Pacific region as the US and the EMEA markets continue
their struggle of low growth and difficult overall economic situation.
The Asia-Pacific region has seen a dynamic growth in gaming in the last few years which has been fuelled
by the strong economic growth the region is currently undergoing. The rise of Macau as the largest gaming
market in the world is reconfirming the fact that growth within the gaming industry is likely to be contributed
by the Asia-Pacific region.
The gaming industry in India is prepared for a big leap in growth for the coming years and despite being in
its early stage, the prospects of growth within the sector are tremendous. Till now, due to the absence of
world-class gaming destinations, Indians have been forced to travel to places like Macau, Singapore and
Nepal, but with world-class gaming destinations now available in India, the industry too is ready to tack
a giant leap ahead. Lottery and horse-racing are the only legalised forms of gaming and betting in India,
but with newer gaming and casino destinations offering international games like Black Jack, Roulette,
Baccarat and Poker in India, and with the development of hospitality infrastructure built around the gaming
destinations, this segment is sure to pose a challenge to gaming destinations like Macau and Singapore.
It is predicted that Goa is to become the gaming capital of India as it is already a top tourist destination with
over 131 kms. of beaches and attracts more than two million tourists a year. With the government issuing
gaming licenses, there are now 6 offshore live casinos and 14 onshore casinos in Goa offering top class
gaming and entertainment facilities.
Daman is the next gaming destination that promises a lot of growth and is the only gaming destination
in India where in-house gaming and casinos are allowed. Sri Lanka, the emerald island that is so close
to India, also holds excellent growth prospects for the gaming industry as it legalised casino gambling in
November 2010.
The number of tourists arriving in India is increasing every year and it is estimated that more than 40
international brands of hotels will start operations in India in the next few years.
Kenya is coming up as one of the fastest and most attractive countries in East Africa. It already has a 8%
growth rate and an expanding middle class with growing disposable income. As more companies line-up
investments in Kenya, there is bound to be a strong growth in the real estate industry backed by strong
demand for commercial and residential properties.

Annual Report | 2010-2011 41

Management Discussion and Analysis

Delta Corp is expected to leverage its position and strength as the leader in the gaming space in India,
reaping maximum benefits from the investments and effort it has put in over the past years. As the gaming
sector opens up, Delta Corp finds itself in an enviable position holding three of the six licenses issued in
the state of Goa. With no more licenses likely to be issued for Goa, Delta Corp is truly the King of Hearts
for gaming in Goa. Moreover, the Kings Casino is also expected to re-start operation on board vessel
Horseshoe later during the year. In Daman too, Delta Corp will be the leading player with one of the largest
casino-resort conventions expected to launch soon. The Company is also in an advanced stage to expand
its ambitions and operations in Sri Lanka, and is all set to develop one of the largest contiguous integrated
resort in Colombo in the coming years.
The Company has excellent prospects in the hospitality space. As more and more tourists flock to India,
the Company will have the first floating hotel in Goa - Dolphin Floatel and a 300 room luxury hotel - Marvel
Resorts in Goa. In Daman, the Company is currently developing one of the largest integrated resort
convention complex with Thunderbird Resorts.
In the real estate space, Delta is a dominant player in Kenya through its joint venture - DCEAL. It currently
has four live projects under execution. The recent sale of Delta Centre to the World Bank for USD 22.8
million has established DCEAL as a prominent real estate player in East Africa. DCEAL is looking at
increasing its already impressive land bank to further enhance its operations in East Africa.

Risks and concerns

Economic Risk
Like any other business, the Company’s businesses are also open to risks arising from adverse economic
conditions. Both gaming, as well as the real estate businesses have a strong co-relation with the disposable
income, economic stability and overall confidence in the economy. Any adverse change in economic
conditions is likely to affect the business of the Company. However, the Indian economy is strong and
well positioned to maintain its momentum of growth for many years. As the world slowly recovers from
recession, the Indian economy continues to march ahead aggressively.

Regulatory Risk
The gaming business of the Company can be negatively impacted in case of any abrupt changes in the
regulatory policies of the Government. Moreover, any delays on part of the Government to issue licenses
or approvals or permissions would also mean a delay in launching the operations of the Company -
thereby affecting its revenues and profitability. The Company believes that it has sufficient experience
to handle such situations and manage this with advance and adequate planning and precautions, thus
mitigating this risk to a large extent.

Competition Risk
There is always a risk of competition - other gaming centres being located close to Delta’s gaming
destinations. However, the Company firmly believes that the entire holistic gaming and entertainment
experience it provides its visitors differentiates it from its competitors and has also been one of the first in
the industry and enjoys a good reputation with visitors. It is the only listed gaming company in India, and
owns 3 of the 6 gaming licenses issued in Goa. The combination of experience, learning and dominance
fairly insulates the Company against the risk of competitors.

Internal control systems and their adequacy

Delta Corp takes full cognisance of the fact that to deliver sterling performance and high value, it needs
to have adequate internal control systems. Delta has well-laid and clearly documented policies and
procedures that are strictly adhered to. The Company continually upgrades its systems in line with best the
available practices, has an exhaustive MIS that ensures and aids regular reviews by senior management

Management Discussion and Analysis

and has a well-defined organisational structure with a clearly defined matrix of responsibilities and areas.
All major expenses are strictly monitored and controlled to ensure that they are in accordance with the
budgetary allotments.

Material development in human resource

Delta Corp firmly believes that its people are its best and most valuable resources and this is why it takes all
efforts to ensure that it provides for safe and healthy working environment for its employees. The Company
constantly endeavours to sustain a work culture based on merit and performance, on transparency and
professionalism and encourages skill building and development and regularly has training programmes for
its employees. In addition, Delta has one of the lowest attrition rates in the industry.
The Company aspires for consistent and strong growth going forward and its employees have played
and will continue to play a key role in its success and growth. As a measure to motivate and reward our
employees and enable them to participate in our growth, we have granted 62 Lacs options to grantees
under the Employee Stock Option (ESOP) Scheme.
As on 31st March, 2011, the Company had 709 employees.

Cautionary statement
This report contains forward looking statements that involves risks and uncertainties, including, but not
limited to, risk inherent in the Company’s growth strategy, acquisition plans, dependence on certain
businesses, dependence on availability of qualified and trained manpower and other factors. Actual results,
performances or achievements could differ materially from those expressed or implied in such forward
looking statements. This report should be read in conjunction with the financial statements included herein
and the notes thereto.

Annual Report | 2010-2011 43

Corporate Governance

Company’s Philosophy on Corporate Governance

The Company’s philosophy on Corporate Governance is to achieve business excellence by enhancing the
long term value of its stakeholders and is guided by a strong emphasis on transparency, accountability
and integrity.
A report on compliance with the Code of Corporate Governance as prescribed by the Securities and
Exchange Board of India and incorporated in the Listing Agreement with the Stock Exchanges is given

Board of Directors

A. Composition of the Board

The Board of Directors consists of professionals drawn from diverse fields, who bring in a wide range of
skills and experience to the Board. The majority of the Directors on the Board including the Chairman
are Non-Executive Directors. Fifty percent of the Board comprises of Independent Directors. The
composition of the Board is in conformity with Clause 49 of the Listing Agreement, as amended from
time to time.
None of the Director of the Company is a member of the Board of more than fifteen Public Companies
(including Private Companies which is subsidiary of Public Companies) or a member of more than ten
Board level committees or Chairman of more than five such committees.
The Board reviews and approves strategy and oversees the results of management to ensure that the
long term objectives of enhancing stakeholder’s value are met. The day-to-day management of the
Company is conducted by the Managing Director subject to the supervision and control of the Board
of Directors.

B. Board Procedure
A detailed Agenda folder is sent to each Director in advance of Board and Committee meetings. The
Board members, in consultation with the Chairman, may bring up any matter for the consideration
of the Board. All major agenda items are backed by comprehensive background notes and other
material information to enable the Board to take informed decisions. Agenda papers are circulated
atleast a week in advance to the Board meeting.

C. Information placed before the Board

Apart from the items that are required under the statutes, to be placed before the Board for its approval,
the following are placed before the Board periodically for its review / information in compliance with the
Listing Agreement as amended from time to time.
1. Annual operating plans and budgets, Capital budgets and any updates.
2. Quarterly results for the Company.
3. Minutes of meetings of Audit Committee and other Committees of the Board.
4. The information on recruitment and remuneration of senior officers just below the Board level,
including appointment or removal of Chief Financial Officer and the Company Secretary.
5. Materially important show cause, demand, prosecution notices and penalty notices.
6. Fatal or serious accidents, dangerous occurrences, any material effluent or pollution problems.
7. Any material default in financial obligations to and by the Company, or substantial non-payment
for goods sold by the Company.

Corporate Governance

8. Any issue, which involves possible public or product liability claims of substantial nature, including
any judgement or order which, may have passed strictures on the Conduct of the Company or
taken an adverse view regarding another enterprise that can have negative implications on the
9. Details of any joint venture or collaboration agreement.
10. Transactions that involve substantial payment towards goodwill, brand equity or intellectual
11. Significant labour problems and their proposed solutions. Any significant development in Human
Resources/ Industrial Relations front.
12. Sale of material nature, of investments, subsidiaries, assets, which is not in normal course of
13. Quarterly details of foreign exchange exposures and the steps taken by management to limit the
risks of adverse exchange rate movement, if material.
14. Non-compliance of any regulatory, statutory or listing requirements and shareholders service
such as non-payment of dividend, delay in share transfer etc.

D. Post - meeting follow - up systems

The Governance system in the Company include an effective post - meeting follow-up, review and
reporting process for action taken / pending on decisions of the Board and its Committees.

E. Board Support
The Company Secretary of the Company attends all the meetings of the Board and its Committees
and advises / assures the Board and Committee on compliance and governance principles.

F. Code of Conduct
The Board has laid down Code of Conduct for the Board members and for senior Management and
Employees of the Company. The same has been posted on the website of the Company. All Board
members and Senior Management Personnel have affirmed compliance with this Code.

G. CEO / CFO Certification

As required under Clause 49 V of the Listing Agreement with the Stock Exchanges, the Managing
Director and the Group C.F.O. of the Company have certified to the Board regarding the Financial
Statements for the year ended 31st March, 2011.

H. Details of the Board Meetings held during the financial year

During the financial year ended 31st March, 2011, five meetings of the Board were held, as follows:

No. Date Board Strength No. of Directors present

1 30th April, 2010 8 8
2 28th July, 2010 7 6
3 20th September, 2010 7 7
4 29th October, 2010 8 7
5 28th January, 2011 8 6
The maximum gap between two Board Meetings was less than four months.

Annual Report | 2010-2011 45

Corporate Governance

I. Attendance at the Board Meetings and at Annual General Meeting (AGM), no. of Directorship
in other Public Companies, no. of Committee positions held in other Public Companies
The current composition of the Board of Directors as on date and attendance of the Directors at the
Board Meetings as well as their directorship/membership in Committees of Public Companies as on
31st March, 2011, is as follows:
(Other Directorships do not include Alternate Directorships, Directorships of Private Limited
Companies, Unlimited Companies, Section 25 Companies and of Companies incorporated outside
India. Chairmanships/Memberships of Board Committees include only Audit and Shareholders/
Investors Grievance Committees of other Public Companies.)

Name of the Director Category Number of Board Whether Number of Number of

Meetings during attended the Directorships in Committee positions
the year last AGM held other Public held in other Public
2010-2011 on 27.09.10 Companies Companies
Held Attended Chairman Member Chairman Member
Mr. Jaydev Mody Non-Executive,
5 5 Yes 2 5 2 0
(Chairman) Promoter
Mr. Ashish Kapadia Executive, Non-
5 5 Yes 0 10 0 0
(Managing Director) Independent
Dr. Vrajesh Udani # Non-Executive,
5 1 No 0 0 0 0
Mr. Mahesh Gupta Non-Executive,
5 5 Yes 3 10 3 5
Mr. Rajeev Piramal Non-Executive,
5 2 No 11 3 1 0
Mr. Rajesh Jaggi Non-Executive,
5 5 No 1 12 0 2
Ms. Ambika Kothari # Non-Executive,
5 1 No 0 0 0 0
Mr. Sudarshan Bajoria Non-Executive,
Non- 5 4 No 0 3 0 0
Lt. Gen. (Retd.) Non-Executive,
5 4 Yes 0 1 0 0
Noble Thamburaj ** Independent
Rakesh Non-Executive,
5 2 No 1 7 0 0
Jhunjhunwala * Independent

* Mr. Rakesh Jhunjhunwala has been appointed as an additional Director of the Company with effect
from 29th October, 2010.
# Dr. Vrajesh Udani and Ms. Ambika Kothari have resigned as Directors of the Company with effect
from 28 July, 2010.
** Lt.Gen. (Retd.) Noble Thamburaj has been appointed as an additional Director of the Company with
effect from 28th July, 2010.

Corporate Governance

Details of the Directors being re - appointed

Mr. Sudarshan Bajoria, Mr. Mahesh Gupta and Lt. Gen. (Retd.) Noble Thamburaj are the Directors of
the Company, who are retiring by rotation at the ensuing Annual General Meeting of the Company.
Their detailed profile in line with Clause 49 of the Listing Agreement is forming the part of the Notice
of the Annual General Meeting.

Committees of the Board

A. Audit Committee
The Audit Committee acts as a link between Statutory and internal Auditors and the Board of Directors.
The Audit Committee provides reassurance to the Board regarding the existence of an effective
internal control environment that ensures:
• Efficiency and effectiveness of operations.
• Safeguarding of assets and adequacy of provisions for all liabilities;
• Reliability of financial and other management information and adequacy of disclosures;
• Compliance with all relevant statutes.

The Audit Committee is empowered, pursuant to its terms of reference, to:
• Investigate any activity within its terms of reference
• Seek any information it requires from any employee
• Obtain legal or other independent professional advice and
• Secure the attendance of outsiders with relevant experience and expertise, when considered

Terms of Reference
The terms of reference of Audit Committee are in accordance with Section 292A of the Companies
Act, 1956 and the guidelines set out in Clause 49 of the Listing Agreement with the Stock Exchanges.
The Audit Committee is entrusted with the responsibility to supervise the Company’s financial control
and reporting process and inter-alia perform the following functions:
• Overseeing the Company’s financial reporting process and the disclosure of its financial information
to ensure that the financial statements are correct, sufficient and credible;
• Recommending to the Board the appointment and removal of external auditors, fixation of audit
fees and approval of payment of fees for any other services rendered by the auditors;
• Reviewing with the management the quarterly and annual financial statements before submission
to the Board for approval ;
• Reviewing with the management, the statement of uses / application of funds raised through
an issue (public issue, rights issue, preferential issue, etc.), the statement of funds utilized for
purposes other than those stated in the offer document/prospectus/notice and the report submitted
by the monitoring agency monitoring the utilisation of proceeds of a public or rights issue, and
making appropriate recommendations to the Board to take up steps in this matter;
• Reviewing with the management performance of statutory and internal auditors, the adequacy of
internal control systems;

Annual Report | 2010-2011 47

Corporate Governance

• Reviewing the adequacy of the internal audit function, including the structure of the internal audit
department, staffing and seniority of the official heading the department, reporting structure,
coverage and frequency of internal audit;
• Discussion with internal auditors any significant finding and follow up thereon;
• Reviewing reports of internal audit and discussion with internal auditors on any significant findings
and follow-up thereon;
• Reviewing the findings of any internal investigations by the internal auditors and the executive
management’s response on matters where there is suspected fraud or irregularity or failure of
internal control systems of a material nature and reporting the matter to the Board;
• Discussion with the statutory auditors, before the audit commences, on nature and scope of
audit, as well as after conclusion of the audit, to ascertain any areas of concern and review the
comments contained in their management letter;
• Reviewing the Company’s financial and risk management policies;
• Looking into the reasons for substantial defaults, if any, in payment to shareholders (in case of
non-payment of declared dividends) and creditors;
• Approval of appointment of CFO;
• Considering such other matters as may be required by the Board;
• Reviewing any other areas which may be specified as role of the Audit Committee under the
Listing Agreement, Companies Act and
• other statutes, as amended from time to time.

Review of Information
The Company has systems and procedures in place to ensure that the Audit Committee mandatorily
• Management discussion and analysis of financial condition and results of operations;
• Statement of significant related party transactions (as defined by the audit committee), submitted
by management;
• Management letters / letters of internal control weaknesses issued by the statutory auditors;
• Internal audit reports relating to internal control weaknesses; and
• The appointment, removal and terms of remuneration of the Chief internal auditor;
• Financial statements as well as investments made by unlisted subsidiaries.

The Audit Committee of the Company presently comprises of three Directors i.e. Mr. Mahesh Gupta,
Mr. Rajesh Jaggi and Mr. Ashish Kapadia, majority of whom are independent directors. The constitution
of the Committee is in line with Clause 49 of the Listing Agreement with the Stock Exchanges read
with Section 292A of the Companies Act, 1956.
The Chairman of the Committee is Mr. Mahesh Gupta, who is an Independent Director. The Group
C.F.O., Internal Auditors and the Statutory Auditors are invitee to the meetings of the Audit Committee.
The Secretary of the Company acts as the Secretary to the Committee. All the members of the
Committee are financially literate and have accounting and financial management expertise.

Corporate Governance

Meeting and attendance

During the financial year ended 31st March, 2011, four meetings of the Audit Committee were held.
The meetings of the Audit Committee were held on 30th April, 2010, 27th July, 2010, 28th October,
2010 and 28th January, 2011and the same were attended by all the members of the Committee.

The maximum gap between any two meetings of the Audit Committee of the Company was not more
than four months.

The previous Annual General Meeting of the Company held on Friday, 27th September, 2010 was
attended by Mr. Mahesh Gupta, Chairman of the Audit Committee.

B. Compensation (Remuneration) Committee

Terms of reference
• Recommending remuneration including periodic revision, performance bonus, incentives,
commission, stock options, other services, perquisites and benefits payable to the executive

• Formulation of the detailed terms and conditions of stock options, granting of administration and
superintendence thereof;

• Such other matters as the Board may from time to time request the Compensation Committee to
examine and recommend / approve.

The Compensation (Remuneration) Committee as on date comprises of four members i.e.
Mr. Mahesh Gupta, Mr. Jaydev Mody, Mr. Rajesh Jaggi, Mr. Rajeev Piramal. All of them are Non
Executive Directors. The Chairman of the Committee is Mr. Mahesh Gupta, who is a Non-Executive
and Independent Director. The Remuneration Committee was re-constituted during the period.

The Secretary of the Company acts as the Secretary to the Committee.

Meeting and attendance

During the financial year ended 31st March, 2011, three meetings of the Compensation Committee
were held on 8th July, 2010, 28th July, 2010 and 30th November, 2010 which was attended by all the
members of the Committee.

Remuneration Policy
The remuneration policy of the Company for the Executive Directors is based on the following criteria:

• Performance of the Company and its associate and subsidiary companies ;

• Performance of the individual Executive Director;

• External competitive environment.

Service contract, Severance Fee and Notice Period

The Company has entered into a service contract with Managing Director of the Company, Mr. Ashish
Kapadia. As per the contract, Mr. Ashish Kapadia is required to give notice of 180 days for pre-
termination of contract and accordingly severance fees shall be paid as per the terms and conditions
of the contract.

Annual Report | 2010-2011 49

Corporate Governance

Employee Stock Option Scheme

During the Financial Year ended 31st March, 2011, the Compensation Committee of the Board of
Directors of the Company granted 62,00,000 options to various grantees under DELTA CORP ESOS
2009. Further, the Allotment Committee of the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held
on 18th July, 2011, allotted 7,25,000 Equity Shares of the Company to, grantees, who exercised their
Options under DELTACORP ESOS 2009.
Details of remuneration paid to Executive and Non Executive Directors for the year ended 31st
March, 2011 and their relationship with other directors of the Company

Executive Director
Name Relationship Salary Benefits, Commission Contribution Stock Option
with other perks and to Provident granted upto
Directors allowances Fund 31st March,
(`) (`) (`) (`) 2011
Mr. Ashish None 86,28,000 - 0.25% of Net NIL 17,05,000
Kapadia Profit (after tax)

Non Executive Directors

Name Relationship with Sitting Fees Commission Total
other Directors (`) (`) (`)
Mr. Jaydev Mody None 50,000 - 50,000
Dr. Vrajesh Udani None 10,000 - 10,000
Mr. Mahesh Gupta None 80,000 - 80,000
Mr. Rajeev Piramal None 20,000 - 20,000
Mr. Rajesh Jaggi None 80,000 - 80,000
Mr. Rajkesh Jhunjhunwala None 20,000 - 20,000
Lt. Gen. (Retd.) Noble Thamburaj None 30,000 - 30,000
Ms. Ambika Kothari None 10,000 - 10,000
Mr.Sudarshan Bajoria None 40,000 - 40,000
During the financial year ended 31st March, 2011, except payment of sitting fees and dividend on
ordinary shares held, if any, by the Non - Executive Directors, the Company do not have any pecuniary
relationship or transactions with the Non - Executive Directors.

Shareholding of Non-executive Directors

The Individual shareholding of Non-executive Directors (including shareholding as joint holder) as on
31.03.2011 are given below:

Names No. of shares held

Mr. Jaydev Mody 200
Mr. Mahesh Gupta 41,500
Mr. Rajeev Piramal
Mr. Rajesh Jaggi 19,000
Mr. Sudarshan Bajoria 0
Lt. Gen. (Retd.) Noble Thamburaj 0
Mr. Rakesh Jhumjhumwala 5,00,000

Corporate Governance

C. Investors Grievance Committee Terms of reference

The Committee oversees and reviews all matters connected with transfer of securities and also
approves issue of duplicate, split of share certificates, etc. Also the Committee looks into redressal
of Shareholders’/Investors’ complaints/ grievances pertaining to transfer or credit of shares
/ transmissions / dematerialisation / rematerialisation / split / issue of duplicate Share Certificates,
nonreceipt of annual reports, dividend payments and other miscellaneous complaints. The Committee
reviews performance of the Registrar and Transfer Agent and recommends measures for overall
improvement in the quality of investor services.

The Investors Grievance Committee as on date comprises of three members i.e. Mr. Jaydev Mody, Mr.
Rajeev Piramal and Mr. Ashish Kapadia. Majority of them are Non-Executive Directors. The Chairman
of the Committee is Mr. Jaydev Mody. The Committee was reconstituted during the period.

Meeting and attendance

During the financial year ended 31st March, 2011, four meetings of the Investors Grievance Committee
meetings were held, as follows:

No. Date Committee Strength No. of Members present

1 30th June, 2010 3 2
2 23rd August, 2010 3 3
3 8th October, 2010 3 3
4 10th January, 2011 3 2

Compliance officer
Mr. Hitesh Kanani, Company Secretary is the Compliance Officer for complying with the requirements
of SEBI Regulations and the Listing Agreement with the Stock Exchnages.

Listing fees:
The Company has paid the listing fees to all the Stock Exchanges till 31st March, 2011.

Redressal of Investors Grievances

The Company addresses all complaints, suggestions and grievances expeditiously and replies
have been sent /issued usually within 7-10 days except in case of dispute over facts or other legal

During the financial year under review, total 8 investors’ complaints were received and resolved. No
investor complaints were pending as at the end of the financial year.

Annual Report | 2010-2011 51

Corporate Governance

Details of Annual General Meetings:

Location, date and time of Annual General Meetings held during the last 3 years:

Year Location Date Day Time No. of Special

2007 - 08 Basement, Clover Technologies September Tuesday 2.00 p.m. 1
Private Limited, No. 5, Galaxy 30, 2008
Co-op. Housing Society, Off
Dhole Patil Road, Pune - 411 001
2008 - 09 Peninsula Centre, No 4, Galaxy September Friday 1.30 p.m. 1
Co-op. Housing Society, Off 25, 2009
Dhole Patil Road, Pune - 411 001
2009 - 10 Peninsula Centre, No 4, Galaxy September Monday 3.00 p.m 2
Co-op. Housing Society, Off 25, 2010
Dhole Patil Road, Pune - 411 001
During the last year, no resolution was passed by Postal Ballot. At present there is no proposal to pass
any resolution by Postal Ballot.

a) During the financial year 2010-2011 there were no materially significant transactions entered into
between the Company and its promoters, Directors or the management or relatives etc. that may
havex potential conflict with the interests of the Company at large.
The Register of Contracts detailing the transactions, in which the Directors are interested, is placed
before the Board /Audit Committee regularly. Transactions with related parties are disclosed by
way of Notes to the Accounts, which forms part of this Annual Report.
b) The Company has complied with the requirements of Stock Exchanges, SEBI and all other statutory
authorities on all matters related to the capital markets during the last three years. There were
no penalty imposed nor did any strictures pass on the Company by Stock Exchanges, SEBI and
all other statutory authorities relating to above.
c) The Company has adopted a Code of Conduct for its Directors and Employees. This Code of
Conduct has been communicated to each of them. The Code of Conduct has also been put on
the Company’s website .
d) The Company is fully compliant with the applicable mandatory requirements of Clause 49 of the
Listing Agreement. As far as Non-mandatory requirements are concerned, the Company has
constituted Compensation (Remuneration) Committee.
The financial statements of the Company are unqualified. The Company has not adopted other
non-mandatory requirements.

Means of Communication Financial Results

Quarterly financial results are regularly submitted to the Stock Exchanges in accordance with the
Listing Agreement and published in following leading newspapers:
• Economic Times &/ Free Press Journal (English)
• Maharashtra Times &/ Navshakti (Marathi)
The financial results are displayed on Company’s website on
The Management Discussion & Analysis Report forms part of this Annual Report.

Corporate Governance

General Shareholder Information

Annual General Meeting:

Date and Time Monday, the 26th day of September, 2011, at 2.00 P.M
Venue Peninsula Centre, No. 4, Galaxy Co-Op. Housing Society,
Off Dhole Patil Road, Pune - 411 001, Maharashtra,
As required under Clause 49 (IV) (G)(i) of the Listing Agreements with the Stock Exchanges,
particulars of Directors seeking appointment/re-appointment at the forthcoming Annual General
Meeting (AGM) are given in the Annexure to the Notice of the AGM to be held on 26th September,
Financial Calendar 1st April, 2011 to 31st March, 2012.
Financial reporting for
Quarter ending 30th June, 2011 By 14th August, 2011.
Quarter ending 30th September, 2011 By 14th November, 2011.
Quarter ending 31st December, 2011 By 14th February, 2012
Year ending 31st March, 2012 Latest by 30th May, 2012.
Annual General Meeting for the year By 30th September, 2013.
ending 31st March, 2012
Dates of Book Closure From Wednesday the 21st day of September, 2011 To
Monday, the 26th day of September, 2011
(both days inclusive.)
Dividend payment date The final Dividend, if declared by the Shareholders at the
Annual General Meeting shall be paid / credited on or
before 25th October, 2011 i.e. within 30 days from the date
of declaration.
Dividend History Sr Financial Dividend Per Equity Date of Declaration
Year Share (`)
1 2007-2008 0.40 30th September, 2008
2 2008-2009 0.20 25th September, 2009
3 2009-2010 0.25 27th September, 2010

Stock Exchange where Company’s Bombay Stock Exchange Limited

Shares are listed Phiroz Jeejeebhoy Towers, Dalal Street,
Mumbai 400 001, Maharashtra.
Scrip Code: 532848
National Stock Exchange Of India Limited
Exchange Plaza, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (East),
Mumbai 400 051, Maharashtra.
Scrip Symbol: DELTACORP

Annual Report | 2010-2011 53

Corporate Governance

Stock Market Price data : High /Low during each month for the financial year ended 31st
March, 2011

Months Bombay Stock Exchange Ltd. National Stock Exchange of India Ltd.

High (`) Low (`) High (`) Low (`)

April 2010 42.65 33.80 42.80 33.90

May 2010 39.95 31.15 40.10 31.00

June 2010 38.35 31.00 38.40 31.00

July 2010 46.95 34.10 46.95 32.65

August 2010 48.40 38.55 48.25 39.25

September 2010 82.30 41.10 82.40 40.50

October 2010 96.30 76.80 96.20 77.00

November 2010 141.65 90.55 141.90 90.00

December 2010 127.80 77.20 127.75 80.20

January 2011 109.00 73.75 108.90 73.90

February 2011 79.40 59.40 79.40 59.05

March 2011 78.30 65.00 78.30 65.00

22,000.00 150
21,500.00 140
21,000.00 130
20,500.00 120
Delta Corp Limited


18,000.00 60
17,500.00 50
17,000.00 40
16,500.00 30
16,000.00 20
Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 11 11 11


BSE SENSEX Delta Corp Limited

Corporate Governance

Share Transfer Agents

Freedom Registry Limited
Plot No. 101 / 102, 19th Street, Tel:(0253) 2354032, 2363372
MIDC, Satpur, Email:
Nasik - 422 007, Maharashtra. Fax: (0253) 2351126

Share Transfer Process

Shares in physical form are processed by the Registrar and Share Transfer Agent within 15 days from
the date of receipt, if the documents are complete in all respects. Chairman, Managing Director and
Company Secretary have been severally empowered to approve transfers. The same shall be ratified
by the Investors Grievances Committee.

Distribution of Equity Shareholding according to Numbers as at 31st March, 2011

Category No. of holders % to total number No of shares % to total number

of shareholders held in that slab of shares
1 to 5000 82614 98.29 30935320 15.33
5001 to 10000 715 0.85 5478780 2.71
10001 to 20000 344 0.41 4954378 2.45
20001 to 50000 222 0.26 7107180 3.52
50001 to 100000 74 0.09 5491895 2.73
100001 & above 83 0.1 147840642 73.26
TOTAL 84052 100 201808195 100

Distribution of Equity Shareholding according to categories of Shareholders as at 31st

March, 2011

Sr. Category of Shareholder Number of Number of %

No. Share holders shares
(A) Shareholding of Promoter and Promoter 13 89148841 44.18
(B) Public shareholding
1 Institutions
(a) Mutual Funds/ UTI 0 0 0
(b) Financial Institutions / Banks 2 9370 0
(c) Insurance Companies 1 10790 0.01
(d) Foreign Institutional Investors 3 1902295 0.94
2 Non-Institutions
(a) Bodies Corporate 1821 39769308 19.71
(b) Individuals
(i) holding nominal share capital up to ` 1 Lacs 82176 43891872 21.75
(ii) holding nominal share capital in excess of ` 36 27075713 13.42
1 Lacs
Total Public Shareholding 84039 112659348 55.82
TOTAL (A) + (B) 84052 201808189 100

Annual Report | 2010-2011 55

Corporate Governance

Dematerialisation of shares and liquidity

As on 31st March, 2011, 19,67,32,785 Equity Shares (97.49 % of the total number of shares) are
in dematerialised form as compared to 16,17,65,500 Equity Shares (96.77 % of the total number of
shares) as on 31st March, 2010.

Outstanding GDRs/ ADRs / Warrants or any convertible instruments

During the financial year ended 31st March, 2011, the Company issued and allotted 2,13,30,000
Warrants of ` 1/- each at a premium of ` 50/- each, convertible into Equity Shares of the Company, to
the subscribers approved by the members of the Company at an Extra ordinary General Meeting of
the members of the Company held on 16th October, 2010.

Plant Location
The Company has no manufacturing plant.

Investor Correspondence
Shareholders can contact the following official for secretarial matters of the Company.

Name Address Telephone No. / Email id

Fax No.
Mr. Hitesh Kanani 109, Bayside Mall, 1st (022) 4079 4700
Company Secretary & Floor, Opp. Sobo Central (022) 4079 4777
Compliance Officer Mall, Tardeo Road, Haji
Ali, Mumbai - 400 034

Corporate Governance


I, Ashish Kapadia, Managing Director of Delta Corp Limited hereby declare that all the members of
the Board of Directors and Senior Management Personnel have affirmed Compliance with the Code of
Conduct, applicable to them as laid down by the Board of Directors in terms of Clause 49(1)(D)(ii) of the
Listing Agreement entered into with the Stock Exchanges, for the year ended 31st March, 2011.

For Delta Corp Limited

Ashish Kapadia
Managing Director
Date : 27th July, 2011


The Members of
Delta Corp Limited

We have examined the compliance of conditions of Corporate Governance by Delta Corp Limited for the
year ended 31st March 2011 as stipulated in Clause 49 of the Listing Agreement of the Company with the
Stock Exchanges.
The compliance of conditions of Corporate Governance is the responsibility of the Management. Our
examination was limited to a review of the procedures and implementation thereof, adopted by the
Company for ensuring compliance with the conditions of Corporate Governance. It is neither an audit nor
an expression of opinion on the financial statements of the Company.
In our opinion and to the best of our information and according to the explanations given to us and the
representations made by the Directors and the Management, we certify that the Company has generally
complied with the conditions of the Corporate Governance as stipulated in the above mentioned Listing
We further state that such compliance is neither an assurance as to the future viability of the Company nor
of the efficiency or effectiveness with which the Management has conducted the affairs of the Company.

Hitesh Buch
For, Hitesh Buch Associates
Company Secretaries
FCS 3145; COP No. 8195
Date: 27th July, 2011
Place: Ahmedabad

Annual Report | 2010-2011 57

Auditors’ Report

To ii. In our opinion, proper books of account

The Members of DELTA CORP LIMITED as required by law have been kept by
the Company so far as appears from our
1. We have audited the attached Balance Sheet examination of those books;
of Delta Corp Limited (‘the Company’) as
at March 31, 2011 and also the Profit and iii. The balance sheet, profit and loss account
Loss Account and the Cash Flow Statement and cash flow statement dealt with by this
for the year ended on that date annexed report are in agreement with the books of
thereto. These financial statements are the account;
responsibility of the Company’s management. iv. In our opinion, the balance sheet, profit
Our responsibility is to express an opinion on and loss account and cash flow statement
these financial statements based on our audit. dealt with by this report comply with
2. We conducted our audit in accordance with the accounting standards referred to in
auditing standards generally accepted in sub-section (3C) of section 211 of the
India. Those Standards require that we plan Companies Act, 1956.
and perform the audit to obtain reasonable v. Without qualifying our opinion, attention is
assurance about whether the financial required to note no. (ii) k of II of schedule
statements are free of material misstatements. 18, with regards to MAT Credit Entitlement
An audit includes examining, on a test of ` 2,177.41 Lacs which is based on
basis, evidence supporting the amounts and judgment of management.
disclosures in the financial statements. An vi. On the basis of the written representations
audit also includes assessing the accounting received from the directors, as on March
principles used and significant estimates made 31, 2011, and taken on record by the Board
by management, as well as evaluating the of Directors, we report that none of the
overall financial statement presentation. We directors is disqualified as on March 31,
believe that our audit provides a reasonable 2011 from being appointed as a director
basis for our opinion. in terms of clause (g) of sub-section (1) of
3. As required by the Companies (Auditor’s section 274 of the Companies Act, 1956.
Report) Order, 2003, as amended by the vii. In our opinion and to the best of our
Companies (Auditor’s Report) (Amendment) information and according to the
Order, 2004, issued by the Central Government explanations given to us, the said
of India in terms of sub-section (4A) of Section accounts give the information required by
227 of ‘The Companies Act, 1956’ of India the Companies Act, 1956, in the manner
(the ‘Act’) and on the basis of such checks so required and give a true and fair view in
of the books and records of the Company as conformity with the accounting principles
we considered appropriate and according to generally accepted in India;
the information and explanations given to us,
we give in the Annexure a statement on the a) in the case of the balance sheet, of the
matters specified in paragraphs 4 and 5 of the state of affairs of the Company as at
said Order. March 31, 2011;
4. Further to our comments in the paragraph 3 b) in the case of the profit and loss
above, we report that: account, of the profit for the year
i. We have obtained all the information and ended on that date; and
explanations, which to the best of our c) in the case of cash flow statement, of
knowledge and belief were necessary for the cash flows for the year ended on
the purposes of our audit; that date.

For Haribhakti & Co For Amit Desai & Co

Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants
Firm’s Registration No.103523W Firm’s Registration No. 130710W

Chetan Desai Amit Desai

Partner Proprietor
Membership No. 017000 Membership No. 032926
Place: Mumbai
Date: 26th April, 2011


Referred to in paragraph 3 of the Auditors’ Report there exists an adequate internal control
of even date to the members of DELTA CORP system commensurate with the size of the
LIMITED on the financial statements for the year Company and the nature of its business
ended 31st March, 2011 with regard to purchase of fixed assets
and with regard to the sale of goods and
(i) (a) The Company has maintained proper
services. During the course of our audit,
records showing full particulars, including
we have not observed any continuing
quantitative details and situation of fixed
failure to correct major weakness in
internal control system of the Company.
(b) As explained to us, the Company has a
(v) (a) According to the information and
policy to carry out a physical verification
explanations given to us, we are of the
of fixed assets in a phased manner at
opinion that the particulars of contracts or
regular intervals which, in our opinion, is
arrangements referred to in Section 301 of
reasonable having regard to the size of the
the Companies Act, 1956 that need to be
Company and the nature of its assets. We
entered into the register maintained under
are informed that no material discrepancies
section 301 have been so entered.
were noticed on such verification.
(c) In our opinion and according to the (b) In our opinion and according to the
information and explanations given to us, information and explanations given to us
a substantial part of fixed assets has not there are transactions made in pursuance
been disposed of by the Company during of contracts or arrangements exceeding
the year. the value of Rupees Five Lacs and the
same are made at the prices which are
(ii) The Company is not having any inventory; reasonable having regards to the prevailing
hence clause (ii) of the Order is not market price at the relevant time.
(vi) The Company has not accepted any
(iii) (a) As informed, the Company has not granted deposits from the public within the
any loans, secured or unsecured to meaning of Sections 58A and 58AA or any
companies, firms or other parties covered other relevant provisions of the Act and the
in the register maintained under Section rules framed there under.
301 of the Companies Act, 1956.
(vii) In our opinion, the Company has an
Accordingly, clause (iii) (b), (c) and (d) of internal audit system commensurate with
the Companies (Auditor’s Report) Order, the size and nature of its business.
2003 (as amended) is not applicable to the
Company and hence, not reported upon. (viii) The Central Government of India has
not prescribed the maintenance of cost
(e) As informed, the Company has not taken
records under clause (d) of sub-section
any loans, secured or unsecured from
(1) of Section 209 of the Act for any of the
companies, firms or other parties covered
products of the Company.
in the register maintained under Section
301 of the Companies Act, 1956. (ix) (a) The Company is regular in depositing
with appropriate authorities undisputed
Accordingly, clause (iii) (f) and (g) of the
statutory dues including provident fund,
Companies (Auditor’s Report) Order, 2003
investor education and protection fund,
(as amended) is not applicable to the
employees’ state insurance, income-tax,
Company and hence, not reported upon.
sales-tax, wealth-tax, service tax, customs
(iv) In our opinion and according to the duty, and other material statutory dues
information and explanations given to us, applicable to it.

Annual Report | 2010-2011 59


Further, since the Central Government by way of pledge of shares, debentures

has till date not prescribed the amount and other securities.
of cess payable under section 441A of
(xiii) In our opinion, the Company is not a
the Companies Act,1956, we are not in a
chit fund or a nidhi / mutual benefit fund
position to comment upon the regularity or
/ society. Therefore, the provisions of
otherwise of the company in depositing the
clause 4(xiii) of the Companies (Auditor’s
Report) Order, 2003 (as amended) are not
(b) According to the information and applicable to the Company.
explanations given to us, no undisputed
dues in respect of provident fund, investor (xiv) In respect of dealing/trading in shares,
education and protection fund, employees’ securities, debentures and other
state insurance, income-tax, wealth-tax, investments, in our opinion and according
service tax, sales-tax, customs duty, to the information and explanations given
excise duty, cess and other statutory dues to us, generally the Company did not deal
which were outstanding, at the year end or trade in it. However, on short term basis,
for a period of more than six months from surplus funds were invested in mutual fund
the date they became payable. for which proper records for the transaction
and contracts have been maintained and
(c) According to the records of the Company, timely entries have been made therein.
the dues outstanding as at the year end, of The shares, securities, debentures and
income-tax, sales-tax, wealth-tax, service other investments have been held by the
tax, customs duty, excise duty and cess on Company, in its own name.
account of any dispute, are as follows:
(xv) In our opinion and according to the
Name Nature of Amount Period to Forum where information and explanations given to us,
of the dues In Lacs which the dispute is the terms and conditions of a guarantee
statute amount pending given by the Company, for loan taken by
relates one of it’s subsidiary company from a bank
Income Income 146.22 F.Y. 2006-07 Commissioner during the year, is not prejudicial to the
Tax Act Tax of Income Tax interest of the Company.
(xvi) In our opinion and on overall examination,
(x) The Company does not have any we report that the term loans have been
accumulated losses at the year end. applied for the purpose for which the loans
Further, the Company has not incurred were raised.
cash losses during the financial year
(xvii) According to the information and
covered by our audit and the immediately
explanations given to us and on an overall
preceding financial year.
examination of the balance sheet of the
(xi) In our opinion and according to the Company, we report that no funds raised
information and explanations given to on short-term basis have been used for
us, the Company has not defaulted in long-term investment.
repayment of dues to a financial institution,
(xviii) According to the information and
bank or debenture holders.
explanations given to us, the Company
(xii) In our opinion and according to the has made preferential allotment of equity
information and explanations given to us, shares and warrants to the parties covered
no loans and advances have been granted in the Register maintained under Section
by the Company on the basis of security 301 of the Companies Act, 1956 and


the price at which these equity shares generally accepted auditing practices in
and warrants have been issued is not India, and according to the information
prejudicial to the interest of the Company. and explanations given to us, there is one
fraud on the company noticed and reported
(xix) The Company has not issued debentures by the Company during the year. We have
during the year. been informed that a party attempted
to misappropriate funds amounting to
(xx) During the year the Company has not
` 45 Lacs during the year under audit.
raised any money by way of public issue.
There has been no loss of any amount
(xxi) During the course of our examination of to the Company. The Company has filed
the books and records of the Company, appropriate police complain against a party
carried out in accordance with the and investigation has been in progress.

For Haribhakti & Co For Amit Desai & Co

Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants
Firm’s Registration No.103523W Firm’s Registration No. 130710W

Chetan Desai Amit Desai

Partner Proprietor
Membership No. 017000 Membership No. 032926
Place: Mumbai
Date: 26th April, 2011

Annual Report | 2010-2011 61

Balance Sheet
as at 31st March, 2011

(` in Lacs)
As at As at
Particulars            Schedules                   
31st March, 2011 31st March, 2010
Sources Of Funds
Shareholders' Funds
Share Capital 1 3,241.94 2,895.46
Reserves & Surplus 2 53,282.46 23,915.07
Equity Share Warrants 2,719.58 -
Employee Stock Options 3 196.82 -
59,440.79 26,810.53
Loan Funds
Secured Loans 4 6,568.99 17,494.06
Total 66,009.78 44,304.59
Application Of Funds
Fixed Assets 5
Gross Block 366.74 383.41
Less: Depreciation (221.34) (195.18)
Net Block 145.40 188.23
Add: Capital Work In Progress
(Including Capital Advance) 2,061.26 2,206.65 1,190.17 1,378.40
Investments 6 12,881.51 24,474.76
Deferred Tax Assets (Net) 35.68 25.90
Current Assets, Loans And Advances
Sundry Debtors 7 176.77 276.83
Cash & Bank Balances 8 4,682.42 447.71
Loans & Advances 9 45,684.64 20,846.69
Other Current Assets 10 1,549.33 -
52,093.15 21,571.24
Less: Current Liabilities And Provisions 11
Current Liabilities 327.52 2,384.33
Provisions 879.70 761.38
1,207.22 3,145.71
Net Current Assets 50,885.93 18,425.52
Total 66,009.78 44,304.59
Significant Accounting Policies 18
Notes to the Financial Statements 18
As Per Our Report of Even Date For and on Behalf of Board of Directors
For Haribhakti & Co For Amit Desai & Co
Jaydev Mody Chairman
Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants
Ashish Kapadia Managing Director
Mahesh Gupta Director
Rajeev Piramal Director
Chetan Desai Amit Desai
Rajesh Jaggi Director
Partner Proprietor
Lt. Gen. N. Thamburaj Director
Place : Mumbai Hitesh Kanani Company Secretary
Date : 26th April, 2011

Profit & Loss Account
For The Year Ended 31st March, 2011

(` in Lacs)
Year ended Year ended
Particulars                    Schedules
31st March, 2011 31st March, 2010
Sales / Operating Income 12 26,163.04 5,409.84
Other Income 13 560.02 49.92
26,723.06 5,459.76
Cost of Premises / Inventory Sold 14 8,259.31 -
Staff Costs 15 412.30 197.52
Administrative & Other Expenses 16 1,095.25 663.28
Loss on Sale of Investment in Shares 3,239.06 178.89
13,005.93 1,039.69

Profit Before Finance Charges, Depreciation & Tax 13,717.13 4,420.07

Finance Charges (net) 17 475.14 2,403.37
Depreciation 5 39.49 42.10
Profit Before Taxes 13,202.49 1,974.60
Provision for Taxation
- Income Tax for Current Year 2,520.87 550.00
- MAT Credit Entitlement (2,177.41) -
Income Tax (Net) 343.46 550.00
- Income Tax for Earlier Years 6.18 (2.00)
- Wealth Tax 0.06 0.17
- Deferred Tax (9.78) (39.43)
Profit After Taxes 12,862.58 1,465.85
Prior Period Items - 108.89
Profit After Taxes And Prior Period Adjustments 12,862.58 1,356.96
Balance Brought Forward 802.91 386.36
Amount Available For Appropriation 13,665.49 1,743.32
Transferred To General Reserves 2,000.00 300.00
Proposed Dividends On Preference Shares 97.91 97.91
Proposed Dividends On Equity Shares 605.42 417.90
Dividends On Equity Shares - 33.27
Dividends Distribution Tax 114.10 91.33
Balance Carried To Balance Sheet 10,848.06 802.91

Basic Earning Per Share 7.01 0.80

Diluted Earning Per Share 6.82 0.80
(Face Value of ` 1/- Each)

Significant Accounting Policies 18

Notes to the Financial Statements 18
As Per Our Report of Even Date For and on Behalf of Board of Directors
For Haribhakti & Co For Amit Desai & Co
Jaydev Mody Chairman
Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants
Ashish Kapadia Managing Director
Mahesh Gupta Director
Rajeev Piramal Director
Chetan Desai Amit Desai
Rajesh Jaggi Director
Partner Proprietor
Lt. Gen. N. Thamburaj Director
Place : Mumbai Hitesh Kanani Company Secretary
Date : 26th April, 2011

Annual Report | 2010-2011 63

Cash Flow Statement
For the Year Ended 31st March, 2011

(` in Lacs)
Year ended Year ended
31st March, 2011 31st March, 2010
1 Cash Flow from Operating Activities
Net Profit Before Tax and Extraordinary Items 13,202.49 1,974.60
Adjustments for:
Depreciation 39.49 42.10
(Profit)/ Loss on Sale of Fixed Assets 13.63 (1.88)
Amortisation of Expenses - 17.84
Sundry Balance Written Off 14.36 4.52
Fixed Assets Written Off 0.40 -
Provision for Employee Benefit 0.35 (4.71)
Provision for Doubtful Recovery 8.40 -
Employee Stock Compensation Expenses 196.82 -
Prior Period Expenses - (108.89)
Interest Paid 1,236.77 2,907.13
Interest Income (761.62) (503.76)
Dividend Income (554.18) (48.05)
(Profit)/Loss on Sales of Investment 3,233.22 178.89
Operating Profit before Working Capital Changes 16,630.13 4,457.80
Adjustments For :
Trade and Other Receivables 100.07 815.61
Loans & Advances (1,948.04) (4,418.32)
Trade Payable (202.15) (100.59)
Other Liabilities (1,854.66) 29.27
Cash Generated from Operation 12,725.34 783.78
Taxes Paid (2,515.67) (456.67)
Net Cash Flow From Operating Activities (A) 10,209.67 327.10
II Cash Flow From Investing Activities
Purchase of Fixed Assets (10.82) (40.41)
Purchase of Fixed Assets (Capital Work in Progress) (871.09) -
Sales of Fixed Assets 0.13 14.73
Dividend Income 554.18 48.05
Interest Income 761.62 503.76
Inter Corporate Deposits (22,393.99) (5,903.97)
Investment in Subsidiary Companies (1,546.08) (29.00)
Other Investments (105,915.44) (17,493.83)
Sale of Investment 115,821.56 17,727.45
Net Cash Flow from Investing Activities (B) (13,599.93) (5,173.22)

Cash Flow Statement
For the Year Ended 31st March, 2011

(` in Lacs)
Year ended Year ended
31st March, 2011 31st March, 2010
III Cash Flow From Financing Activities
Proceeds From Issuance of Share Capital 17,670.00 13,794.40
Proceeds From issue of Warrants 2,719.58 -
Share Issue Expenses (1.28) (528.18)
Interest Paid (1,236.77) (2,907.13)
Dividend Paid (515.81) (432.23)
Dividend & Distribution Tax Paid (85.68) (84.06)
Proceeds From Long Term Borrowing 2,034.08 10,490.58
Repayment of Long Term Borrowing (12,959.15) (4,006.76)
Proceeds From Short Term Borrowing - 1,331.18
Repayment of Short Term Borrowing - (12,497.32)
Net Cash Flow from Financing Activities (C) 7,624.97 5,160.48
Increase/ (Decrease) in Cash and Cash Equivalents (D= A+B+C) 4,234.71 314.36
Cash & Cash Equivalents as at Beginning of Year 447.71 93.51
Add: on Amalgamation - 39.84
Cash & Cash Equivalents as at End of the Year 4,682.42 447.71
Cash and Cash Equivalent includes
Cash and Cheques in Hand 19.41 4.58
Balance with Scheduled Banks
In Current Accounts 165.71 403.55
In Fixed Deposit Accounts 4,451.28 -
In Unclaimed Dividend Account 46.02 39.58

1) The above Cash Flow Statement has been prepared under the ‘Indirect Method’ as set out in the
Accounting Standard - 3 issued by The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India.
2) Figures in bracket indicate cash outflow.

As Per Our Report of Even Date For and on Behalf of Board of Directors
For Haribhakti & Co For Amit Desai & Co
Jaydev Mody Chairman
Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants
Ashish Kapadia Managing Director
Mahesh Gupta Director
Rajeev Piramal Director
Chetan Desai Amit Desai
Rajesh Jaggi Director
Partner Proprietor
Lt. Gen. N. Thamburaj Director
Place : Mumbai Hitesh Kanani Company Secretary
Date : 26th April, 2011

Annual Report | 2010-2011 65

Forming Part of the Balance Sheet As At 31st March, 2011

(` in Lacs)
As at As at
31st March, 2011 31st March, 2010
Schedule No. 1
Share Capital
35,00,00,000 (35,00,00,000) Equity Shares Of `1/- Each 3,500.00 3,500.00
10,00,000 (10,00,000) 10% Non Cumulative Redeemable
Preference Shares Of ` 10/- Each 100.00 100.00
1,30,00,000 (1,30,00,000) 8% Non Cumulative Redeemable
Preference Shares ` 10/- Each 1,300.00 1,300.00
Total 4,900.00 4,900.00
Issued, Subscribed And Paid-Up
20,18,08,189 (P.Y. 16,71,61,130) Equity Shares Of ` 1/- Fully
Paid Up 2,018.08 1,671.61
1,22,38,535 (P.Y.1,22,38,535) 8% Non Cumulative Redeemable
Preference Shares Of ` 10/- Each Fully Paid Up 1,223.85 1,223.85
Total 3,241.94 2,895.46

1) During the F.Y 2010-11 Company issued and allotted 3,46,47,059 Equity Share of ` 1/- each issued
at a price of ` 51 per Equity Share on Preferential basis to Promoter Group and Selected investors
as per the approval of share holders and applicable statutory provisions.

2) In terms of approval by the Shareholders of the Company and as per the applicable statutory
provisions, in the F.Y. 2007-08 of the Company had issued and allotted 150,00,000 warrants to
promoter entitling warrant holders to acquire equivalent number of fully paid up equity shares of Re
1/- each of the Company at price of ` 40.50 per Equity Share. As per the entitlement, the warrant
holders applied for and allotted 150,00,000 Equity shares of the Company during the Financial Year

3) During the F.Y. 2009-10, the Company issued and allotted 1,66,33,000 Equity Shares of ` 1/- each
issued at price of ` 50.0625 per share to Qualified Institutional Buyer.

Forming Part of the Balance Sheet As At 31st March, 2011

(` in Lacs)
As at As at
31st March, 2011 31st March, 2010
Schedule No. 2
Reserves & Surplus
Security Premium Account
As per Last Balance Sheet 20,517.20 11,507.55
Add: Addition during the year 17,323.53 14,085.57
Less: Share Issue And Other Expenses (1.28) (528.18)
Less: Adjustment Pursuant of Scheme of Arrangement &
Amalgamation - (4,547.74)
37,839.45 20,517.20
General Reserves
As per Last Balance Sheet 2,413.93 2,113.93
Add : Transfer From Profit & Loss Account 2,000.00 300.00
4,413.93 2,413.93
Capital Redemption Reserves 181.03 181.03

Profit And Loss Account 10,848.06 802.91

Total 53,282.46 23,915.07

Schedule No. 3
Employee Stock Options Outstanding
Option Granted During the Year 2,074.45 -
Less: Deferred Employee Compensation 1,877.63 -
Total 196.82 -

Annual Report | 2010-2011 67

Forming Part of the Balance Sheet As At 31st March, 2011

(` in Lacs)
As at As at
31st March, 2011 31st March, 2010
Schedule No. 4
Secured Loans
From a Bank
Term Loan 6,557.04 6,153.92
Interest accrued and due - 3.00
(Secured against the mortgage of Immovable Property of the
Company at Bayside Mall, Mumbai and Ship belonging to the
step down Subsidiary Company)

From a Financial Institution

(Secured by mortgage of a Immovable Property at Mumbai and
its Lease Rentals Income) - 11,319.46

From a Company
Vehicle Loan 11.94 17.68
(Secured by way of hypothecation of a Motor Vehicle)

Total 6,568.99 17,494.06

Schedule No. 5
Fixed Assets & Depreciation
(` in Lacs)
Gross Block Depreciation Net Block
Particulars As at Merger/ As at As at Merger/ As at As at As at

Addition Deduction Addition Deduction

01.04.2010 (Demerger) 31.03.2011 01.04.2010 (Demerger) 31.03.2011 31.03.2011 01.04.2010
Electrical Equipments 7.91 - - - 7.91 5.01 - 0.40 - 5.41 2.50 2.90
Computers 19.22 - 2.22 0.47 20.97 14.37 - 2.61 0.38 16.60 4.37 4.85
Office Equipments 40.17 - 1.13 4.22 37.08 18.25 - 3.10 1.81 19.54 17.53 21.92
Furniture & Fixtures 174.57 - 7.47 22.48 159.56 80.61 - 16.65 10.94 86.33 73.23 93.96
Vehicles 141.54 - - 0.32 141.22 76.93 - 16.73 0.20 93.46 47.77 64.61
Total 383.41 - 10.82 27.49 366.74 195.18 - 39.49 13.33 221.34 145.40 188.23
Previous Year 369.63 6.90 40.41 33.53 383.41 173.75 - 42.10 20.68 195.18 188.23 195.88
Forming Part of the Balance Sheet As At 31st March, 2011

Annual Report | 2010-2011

Forming Part of the Balance Sheet As At 31st March, 2011

(` in Lacs)
Current Previous Face As at As at
Particulars Year Year Value 31st March, 31st March,
Nos. Nos. ` 2011 2010

Schedule No. 6
Long Term Investment
I) Trade Investments (at cost)
Fully Paid Equity Shares
A) Quoted
Peninsula Land Limited 48,000 48,000 2 2.64 2.64
(Aggregate Market Value ` 28.46 Lacs -
L.Y. ` 35.26 Lacs)
B) Unquoted
Aero Port & Infrastructure Project Private Limited 43,750 43,750 10 4.38 4.38
J M Township and Real Estate Private Limited - 175,000 10 - 17.50
Peninsula Mega Properties Private Limited - 2,600 10 - 0.26
II) Investments in Subsidiary Companies (at cost)
Unquoted Equity Shares Fully Paid
Delta Pan Africa Limited 889,143 889,143 1000 Kshs 5,397.60 5,397.60
Richtime Realty Private Limited - 5,001 10 - 0.50
Delta Holding (USA) Inc. 100,000 100,000 $ 10 428.20 428.20
AAA Aviation Private limited - 1,800,000 10 - 180.00
Highstreet Cruises & Entertainment Private Limited - 1,200,000 10 - 1,200.00
Delta Hospitality & Entertainment Private Limited - 51,910 10 - 77.65
Delta Adventure & Entertainment Private Limited 10,000 10,000 10 1.00 1.00
Delta Leisure & Entertainment Private Limited 10,000 10,000 10 1.00 1.00
Delta Hospitality & Leisure Pvt. Ltd. 9,700 - 10 0.97 -
Advani Pleasure Cruises Company Private Limited 2,218,500 - 10 289.87 -
Delta Offshore Developers Private Limited 1,200 - $ 100 54.20 -
Delta Lifestyle & Entertainment Private Limited 10,000 10,000 10 1.00 1.00
III) Non Trade / Other Investments (at cost)
(A) Fully Paid Equity Shares
   i) Quoted
Piramal Healthcare Limited 423 423 2 0.10 0.10
Victoria Mills Limited 40 40 100 0.02 0.02
Advani Hotels & Resorts Limited - 16,127,706 2 - 8,869.82
Arrow Textiles Limited 1 1 10 0.00 0.00

Forming Part of the Balance Sheet As At 31st March, 2011

(` in Lacs)
Current Previous Face As at As at
Particulars Year Year Value 31st March, 31st March,
Nos. Nos. ` 2011 2010

Piramal Glass Limited* 19 19 10 - -

Piramal Life Science Limited* 42 42 10 - -
* Issued free against holding of shares of Piramal
Healthcare Ltd.

(Aggregate Market Value ` 2.94 Lacs -

L.Y. ` 6,470.41 Lacs)
   ii) Unquoted
Freedom Aviation Private Limited 120 120 10 0.01 0.01
The Shamrao Vithal Co.op. Bank Limited 2,100 2,100 25 0.53 0.53
The Saraswat Co. Op. Bank Limited 2,500 2,500 10 0.25 0.25
(B) Fully Paid Debenture (Unquoted)
Other Company
0% Advent Investment & Finance Co. Private Limited - 33,000 100 - 33.00
(C) Investment in Mutual Funds (Unquoted)
Birla Dynamic Bond 9,635,388 - 10.5223 1,013.86 -
ICICI Pru Monthly Interval V Plan A 14,999,700 - 10.0521 1,507.78 -
ICICI Quarterly Interval Plan III 10,000,000 - 10.0138 1,001.38 -
J P Morgan India Fixed Maturity Plan 95 D Series 1 11,553,679 - 10.0590 1,162.18 -
Kotak Quarterly Interval Plan 9,997,830 - 10.0144 1,001.22 -
Templeton Short Term 93,974 - 1,078.2796 1,013.30 -
IV) Investment in Immovable Property
Opening Balance 8,259.31 8,259.31
Less: During the year transferred to Stock in Trade 8,259.31 -
Closing Balance - 8,259.31

Total 12,881.51 24,474.76

(` in Lacs)
As at 31st March, 2011 As at 31st March, 2010
Particulars Book Market Book Market
Value Value Value Value

Aggregate Value of Quoted Investment 2.76 31.40 8,872.58 6,505.67

Aggregate Value of Unquoted Investment 12,878.75 - 7,342.87 -

Investment in Immovable Property - - 8,259.31 -

Total 12,881.51 31.40 24,474.76 6,505.67

Annual Report | 2010-2011 71

Details of Investment made in Mutual Fund for the Year ended 31st March, 2011
(` in Lacs)
Balance Balance Purchase during Purchase during Sold during Sold during Balance Balance
As at 01-04-2009 As at 01-04-2010 F.Y. 09-10 F.Y.10-11 F.Y. 09-10 F.Y. 10-11 As at 31-03-2010 As at 31-03-2011
Name of Mutual Fund
No. of ` In Lacs No. of ` In Lacs No. of ` In Lacs No. of ` In Lacs No. of Unit ` In Lacs No. of Unit ` In Lacs No. of Unit ` In Lacs No. of Unit ` In Lacs
Unit Unit Unit Unit
Birla Dynamic Bond - - - - - - 9,635,388 1,013.86 - - - - - - 9,635,388 1,013.86

Birla Sunlife Saving Fund - - - - - - 57,153,028 5,719.19 - - 57,153,028 5,719.19 - - - -

ICICI Flexi Income - - - - - - 5,127,210 5,421.26 - - 5,127,210 5,421.26 - - - -
ICICI Prudential Flexible Income Plan
Premium - - - - - - 956,011 1,010.84 - - 956,011 1,010.84 - - - -
ICICI Prudential Liquid Plan - - - - - - 6,999,425 7,001.01 - - 6,999,425 7,001.01 - - - -
ICICI Pru Floating Rate Plan D - DDR - - - - - - 7,570,816 7,572.56 - - 7,570,816 7,572.56 - - - -
ICICI Pru Floating Rate Plan D - Growth - - - - - - 4,269,169 6,006.73 - - 4,269,169 6,006.73 - - - -
ICICI Pru Interval II Quarterly C - - - - - - 14,246,285 1,524.67 - - 15,246,285 1,524.67 - - - -
ICICI Pru Monthly Interval V Plan A - - - - - - 14,999,700 1,507.78 - - - - - - 14,999,700 1,507.78
ICICI Quarterly Interval Plan III - - - - - - 10,119,735 1,013.37 - - 119,735 11.99 - - 10,000,000 1,001.38
Reliance Liquid Fund - - - - 50,096,982 7,658 75,634,048 8,426.77 50,096,982 7,658.43 75,634,048 8,426.77 - - - -
Reliance Liquidity Fund - - - - 891,806.64 8,928.20 79,969,236 8,001.00 891,807 8,928.20 79,969,236 8,001.00 - - - -
Reliance Money Manager Fund - - - - - - 1,765,218 17,676.39 - - 1,765,218 17,676.39 - - - -
Reliance Monthly Interval Fund - Series I - - - - - - 20,285,241 2,029.19 - - 20,285,241 2,029.19 - - - -
Reliance Monthly Interval Fund Series II ID - - - - - - 10,227,769 1,022.95 - - 10,227,769 1,022.95 - - - -
J P Morgan India Fixed Maturity Plan 95
D Series 1 - - - - - - 11,553,679 1,162.18 - - - - - - 11,553,679 1,162.18
JP Morgan India Liquid Fund - - - - 4,497,475 450.10 119,076,503 11,917.06 4,497,475 450.10 119,076,503 11,917.06 - - - -
JP Morgan India Treasury Fund - - - - 4,485,980 452.59 83,091,592 8,316.55 4,485,980 452.59 83,091,592 8,316.55 - - - -
Kotak Flexi Debt - - - - - - 9,893,982 1,000.15 - - 9,893,982 1,000.15 - - - -
Kotak Quarterly Interval Plan - - - - - - 10,123,522 1,013.81 - - 125,692 12.59 - - 9,997,830 1,001.22
Reliance Liquid Fund Cash Plan - - - - - - 40,470,771 4,509.05 - - 40,470,771 4,509.05 - - - -
Templeton Short Term - - - - - - 93,974 1,013.30 - - - - - - 93,974 1,013.30
UTI - Floating Rate Fund - IP - DDR - - - - - - 102,582 1,026.61 - - 102,582 1,026.61 - - - -
UTI Liquid Cash Plan - - - - - - 98,107 1,000.15 - - 98,107 1,000.15 - - - -
Total - - - - 59,972,244 17,489.32 594,462,990 105,906.45 59,972,244 17,489.32 538,182,419 99,206.71 - - 56,280,571 6,699.74
Forming Part of the Balance Sheet As At 31st March, 2011
Forming Part of the Balance Sheet As At 31st March, 2011

(` in Lacs)
As at As at
31st March, 2011 31st March, 2010
Schedule No. 7
Sundry Debtors
(Unsecured And Considered Good)
Outstanding For More Than Six Months 145.27 246.43
Others 31.50 30.41
Total 176.77 276.83

Note :
Above includes dues from a Subsidiary Company
Advani Pleasure Cruises Company Private Limited 7.98 -

Schedule No. 8
Cash And Bank Balances
Cash On Hand and Cheques on hand 19.41 4.58
Balances With Schedule Banks
In Current Accounts 165.71 403.55
In Fixed Deposit Accounts 4,451.28 -
In Unclaimed Dividend Accounts 46.02 39.58
4,663.00 443.13
Total 4,682.42 447.71

Schedule No. 9
Loans & Advances
Unsecured And Considered Good:
Loans and Advances to Subsidiary Companies & Associates 35,241.37 12,847.38
Loans and Advances to Others 7,305.01 6,916.90
Deposits 51.55 63.71
Advance Tax (net of tax provision of ` 4,219.99 Lacs,
L.Y `1,142.39 Lacs) 909.29 1,018.70
MAT Credit Entitlement 2,177.41 -
Total 45,684.64 20,846.69

Annual Report | 2010-2011 73

Forming Part of the Balance Sheet As At 31st March, 2011

(` in Lacs)
As at As at
31st March, 2011 31st March, 2010
Schedule No. 10
Other Current Assets
Share Application Money 1,549.33 -
Total 1,549.33 -

Schedule No. 11
Current Liabilities
Sundry Creditors
- Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise 0.08 0.08
- Others 68.71 270.86
Deposits 181.21 1,899.99
Other Liabilities 31.44 169.50
Interest accrued but not due 0.06 4.31
Unclaimed Dividends * 46.02 39.58
*(Amount due and outstanding to be credited to Investor
Education Protection Fund - Current Year : NIL,
Previous Year : NIL)
327.52 2,384.33
Proposed Dividend on Preference Shares 97.91 97.91
Proposed Dividend on Equity Shares 605.42 417.90
Provision for Dividend Tax 114.10 85.68
Provision for Taxation(net of advance tax of ` 37.80 Lacs,
L.Y ` 493.43 Lacs) 51.06 149.03
Provision for Employee Benefits 11.21 10.86
879.70 761.38
Total 1,207.22 3,145.71

Schedules Forming Part of the
Profit & loss Account for the year ended 31st March, 2011

(` in Lacs)
Year ended Year ended
31st March, 2011 31st March, 2010
Schedule No. 12
Sales / Operational Income
Sale of Property 25,000.00 -
Lease Rentals 849.94 2,457.82
Revenue Sharing & Consultancy Income - 2,401.12
Compensation Income & Other Operational Income 313.10 550.90
Total 26,163.04 5,409.84

Schedule No. 13
Other Income
Dividend Income from
- Trade Investment 0.72 0.43
- Non - Trade Investment 553.46 47.62
Profit On Sale Of Assets - 1.88
Profit On Sale of Mutual Fund 5.85 -
Total 560.02 49.92

Schedule No. 14
Cost of Premises / Inventory Sold
As per Last Balance Sheet - -
Add: Investment Converted in to Stock in Trade 8,259.31 -
8,259.31 -
Less: Closing Stock - -
Total 8,259.31 -

Schedule No. 15
Staff Costs
Salaries and Incentives 206.97 183.26
Employee Stock Compensation Expenses 196.82 -
Contribution to Provident & Other Funds 3.94 8.33
Gratuity Fund Contributions 1.82 3.21
Staff Welfare Expenses 2.76 2.72
Total 412.30 197.52

Annual Report | 2010-2011 75

Schedules Forming Part of the
Profit & loss Account for the year ended 31st March, 2011

(` in Lacs)

Year ended Year ended

31st March, 2011 31st March, 2010
Schedule No. 16
Administration and Other Expenses
Advertisement Expenses 62.69 76.30
Auditor's Remuneration 16.41 11.91
Conveyance 9.02 4.56
Director Sitting Fees 3.50 4.03
Donations - 1.20
Electricity Charges 7.50 19.25
Fixed Assets Written Off 0.40 -
Insurance 6.13 4.42
Lease Rent 120.00 -
Legal & Professional Fees 647.79 148.65
Loss on Sale of Fixed Assets 13.63 -
Miscellaneous & General Expenses 21.40 12.16
Postage & Telephone 26.44 29.63
Preliminary Expenses Written off - 17.84
Printing And Stationery 20.87 13.69
Property Tax 13.06 55.08
Provision for Doubtful Recovery 8.40 -
Rates & Taxes 3.72 1.38
Repairs & Maintenance for:
- Building 54.95 82.85
- Others 4.23 13.51
Sales Promotion Expenses 20.41 114.03
Travelling Expenses 27.23 46.69
Vehicle Expenses 7.47 6.11
Total 1,095.25 663.28

Schedules Forming Part of the
Profit & loss Account for the year ended 31st March, 2011

(` in Lacs)

Year ended Year ended

31st March, 2011 31st March, 2010
Schedule No. 17
Finance Charges
Interest on Secured Loan from a Bank 711.66 3.00
Interest on Term Loan from a Financial Institution 431.17 2,045.11
Interest on Unsecured Loan from a Bank - 329.44
Interest on Unsecured Loan from Others - 371.72
Other Financial Charges 93.94 157.87
1,236.77 2,907.13
Less : Interest Received
On Inter Corporate Deposits 704.93 503.76
(TDS ` 69.63 Lacs, Previous Year ` 43.51 Lacs)
On Fixed Deposit with Bank 16.53 -
(TDS ` 1.65 Lacs, Previous Year ` Nil)
On Income tax Refund 40.17 -
761.62 503.76
Total 475.14 2,403.37

Annual Report | 2010-2011 77


Schedule 18
I. Statement of Significant Accounting Policies

a) Basis of Preparation of Financial Statements

The financial statements are prepared under the historical cost convention, on accrual basis and in
accordance with the generally accepted accounting principles in India (“GAAP”), and comply with
the accounting standards specified in the Companies (Accounting Standards) Rules 2006, issued
by the Central Government and the applicable relevant provisions of the Companies Act, 1956.

b) Revenue Recognition
i. Sale of Properties & Services are recognized when significant risks and rewards of ownership are
passed on to customers or when the full / complete services have been provided. Sales are stated
at contractual realizable value.
ii. Interest income is generally recognized on a time proportion method.
iii. Dividend income is recognized when the right to receive dividend is established.
iv. Claims for price variation/exchange rate variation in case of contracts are accounted for on
v. Rent income is accounted on accrual basis.

c) Fixed Assets
Fixed Assets are stated at cost less accumulated depreciation. Cost comprises the purchase price
and any attributable cost of bringing the asset to its working condition for its intended use. Finance
cost relates to acquisition of fixed assets are included to the extent they relate to the period till
such assets are ready to be put to intended use.

Capital Work-In-Progress
Expenses incurred for acquisition of Capital Assets along with advances towards the acquisition
of Fixed Assets outstanding at each balance sheet date are disclosed under Capital Work-in-

d) Depreciation
Depreciation is provided on Written Down Value (WDV) method as prescribed in Schedule XIV of
the Companies Act, 1956. Depreciation is provided from the date of acquisition till the date of sale
/ disposal of Assets.

e) Investments
Investments that are readily realizable and intended to be held but not more than a year are
classified as Current Investments. All other investments are classified as Long Term Investment.
Carrying amount of the individual investment is determined on the basis of the average carrying
amount of the total holding of the investments.
Long-Term Investments are stated at cost less provision for other than temporary diminution in
value. Investments in Immovable Properties include purchase price, duties, interest and cost of
improvements. Current investments are carried at lower of cost and fair value.

f) Employee Benefits
Liability is provided for retirement benefits for provident fund, gratuity and leave encashment


in respect of all eligible employees. Contributions under the defined contribution schemes are
charged to revenue. The liability in respect of defined benefit schemes like gratuity and leave
encashment is provided in the accounts on the basis of actuarial valuations as at the year end.

g) Foreign Currency Transactions

a) Foreign exchange transactions are recorded at the closing rate prevailing on the dates of the
respective transaction. Exchange difference arising on foreign exchange transactions settled
during the year is recognized in the profit and loss account.
b) Monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are converted at the closing
rate as on Balance Sheet date. The resultant exchange difference is recognized in the Profit
and Loss Account.
c) Exchange rate differences arising on a monetary item that, in substance, forms part of the
company’s net investment in a non-integral foreign operation are accumulated in a foreign
currency translation reserve in the company’s financial statements until the disposal of the net
d) Non monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are carried at the
exchange rate prevalent on the date of the transaction.
h) Borrowing Costs
Borrowing costs that are directly attributable to and incurred on acquiring qualifying assets (assets
that necessarily takes a substantial period of time for its intended use) are capitalized. Other
borrowing costs are recognized as expenses in the period in which same are incurred.

i) Taxation
Tax expenses are the aggregate of current tax and deferred tax charged or credited in the
statement of profit and loss for the period.
a) Current Tax
The current charge for income tax is calculated in accordance with the relevant tax regulations
applicable to the company.

b) Deferred Tax
Deferred tax charge or credit reflects the tax effects of timing differences between accounting
income and taxable income for the period. The deferred tax charge or credit and the
corresponding deferred tax liabilities or assets are recognized using the tax rates that have
been enacted or substantively enacted by the balance sheet date. Deferred tax assets are
recognized only to the extent there is reasonable certainty that the assets can be realized in
future; however, where there is unabsorbed depreciation or carry forward of losses, deferred
tax assets are recognized only if there is virtual certainty of realization of such assets. Deferred
tax assets are reviewed at each balance sheet date.

c) Minimum Alternate Tax (MAT)

In case the Company is liable to pay income tax under provision of Minimum Alternate Tax
u/s. 115JB of Income Tax Act, 1961, the amount of tax paid in excess of normal income
tax liability is recognized as an asset only if there is convincing evidence for realization of
such asset during the specified period. MAT Credit Entitlement is recognized in accordance
with the Guidance Note on accounting treatment in respect of Minimum Alternate Tax (MAT)
issued by The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India.

Annual Report | 2010-2011 79


j) Impairment of Assets
The Company evaluates all its assets for assessing any impairment and accordingly recognizes
the impairment, wherever applicable, as provided in Accounting Standard 28, “Impairment of

k) Share Based Compensation

The compensation cost of stock options granted to employees is measured by the intrinsic
value method, i.e. difference between the market price / fair value of the Company‘s shares
on the date of grant of options and exercise price to be paid by the option holders. The
compensation cost, if any, is amortized uniformly over the vesting period of the options.

l) Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets

Provisions involving substantial degree of estimation in measurement are recognized when
there is a present obligation as a result of past events and it is probable that there will be an
outflow of resources and the amount of which can be reliably estimated.
Contingent Liabilities are not recognized but are disclosed in the Notes. Contingent liabilities
are disclosed in respect of possible obligations that arise from past events but their existence
is confirmed by the occurrence or non occurrence of one or more uncertain future event not
wholly within the control of the Company.
Contingent assets are neither recognized nor disclosed in the financial statements. Provisions,
contingent liabilities and contingent assets are reviewed at each Balance Sheet date.

m) Operating Leases
Rental applicable to operating leases where substantially all of the benefits and risks of
ownership remain with the lessor are charged against Profit & Loss Account as per the terms
of lease agreement over the period of lease term.

n) Miscellaneous Expenditure
Preliminary expenditures are fully charged off in the year in which it has incurred.

II. Notes to Accounts

a) In the opinion of the Board, the current assets, loans and advances are approximately of the value
stated if realized in the ordinary course of business. The provisions for all known liabilities are

b) Contingent Liabilities
Claims against the Company not acknowledged as debts:
• Income Tax Liabilities for Ass. Year 2007-08: ` 146.22 Lacs (Previous year ` 146.22 Lacs).
• Corporate Guarantee given: ` 1,836.40 Lacs (Previous year ` 1,000.00 Lacs).
c) Estimated amount of contracts remaining to be executed on capital account not provided for (net
of advance) ` 147.13 Lacs (Previous Year ` NIL)

d) Segment Disclosures
As per Accounting Standard (AS) 17 on “Segment Reporting”, segment information has been
provided under notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.


e) Acquisitions / Divestments
• Acquisitions:
During the year, the Company has formed/ acquired following subsidiary Companies:
Delta Offshore Developers Ltd, (Mauritius) having paid up Equity share capital of US$
1.20 Lacs comprising of 1,200 equity Shares of US$ 100 for ` 54.20 Lacs each and share
application money paid for Investment made in 0% Optionally Convertible Redeemable
34,300 Preference shares @ 100 US$ for ` 1,549.33 Lacs .
The Board of Directors and Investment Committee of the Company has at their meeting held
on 19th January, 2010, approved the purchase of 50.99% Equity Shares (22,18,400 Equity
Shares of ` 10/- each) of Advani Pleasure Cruise Company Private Limited (APCCPL) upon
terms and conditions agreed in the Share Purchase Agreement (SPA) between the Company
and Advani Hotels and Resorts (India) Limited (AHRIL). Accordingly, on 20th September,
2010 the Company has acquired 22,18,500 shares of APCCPL from AHRIL and thereby said
Company becomes the Subsidiary Company.
During the year, the Company has acquired 10,000 equity shares of ` 10 each amounting to
` 1 Lacs each of Goodluck Renewable Energy Resources Private Limited and Delta Hospitality
& Leisure Private Limited (earlier known as PLL Delta Hotels Private Limited).
• Disinvestments:
The Company disinvested 1,38,00,000 equity shares of ` 10/- each amounting to ` 1,380
Lacs of its Subsidiary Company namely AAA Aviation Private Ltd, thereby the said Company
ceased to remain subsidiary of the Company.
The Company disinvested 10,000 equity shares of ` 10/- each amounting to ` 1 Lacs of
its Subsidiary Company namely Goodluck Renewable Energy Resources Private Limited,
thereby the said Company ceased to remain subsidiary of the Company.
Under corporate restructuring plan, the Company has transferred shares of following directly
owned Subsidiaries Companies to its wholly owned Subsidiaries Companies at cost and
thereby it becomes step down subsidiaries;
a. Highstreet Cruises & Entertainment Private Limited
b. Delta Hospitality & Entertainment Private Limited
c. Richtime Realty Private Limited
d. Delta Hospitality & Leisure Private Limited
Under corporate restructuring plan, the Company has transferred shares of 1,60,29,946
equity shares of ` 2/- of Advani Hotels & Resorts (India) Limited to its subsidiary company at
` 39 per share as per SEBI Order dated 10th February, 2011. In standalone financial, company
has booked loss of ` 2,559.55 Lacs.

f) Employee Stock Option Plan

i) During the year, the Company has granted Employee Stock Options to employees of the
Company and Subsidiaries.
ii) Salient Features
The options are granted at the price determined by the Compensation Committee. Each
option entitles the holder to exercise the right to apply for and seek allotment of one equity

Annual Report | 2010-2011 81


share of ` 1/- each. The option shall vest in four equal installments. Details of options granted
during the year duly approved by the Compensation Committee under the said scheme are
as under:

Grant Date No. of option Closing price on Exercise Vesting Period

Granted previous day of grant Price (`)
8th July, 2010 29,00,000 38.15 38.15 30 8th July, 2014
30th November, 30th November,
2010 33,00,000 106.60 106.70 51 2014
Weighted Average exercise price of option granted whose:

Sr. 8th July, 30th November,

No. 2010 2010
A Exercise Price equals the Market Price NA NA
B Exercise Price is greater than the Market Price NA NA
C Exercise Price is less than the Market Price 30 51

Weighted Average fair value of option granted whose:

Sr. 8th July, 30th November,

No. 2010 2010
A Exercise Price equals the Market Price NA NA
B Exercise Price is greater than the Market Price 23.25 NA
C Exercise Price is less than the Market Price NA 76.66

The particulars of option granted and lapsed under the scheme are tabulated herein below;

8th July, 30th November,

2010 2010
Outstanding at the beginning of year - -
(-) (-)
Granted during the year 29,00,000 33,00,000
(-) (-)
Exercised during the year - -
(-) (-)
Lapsed during the year - -
(-) (-)
Outstanding as at the year end 29,00,000 33,00,000
(-) (-)
Exercisable as at the year end 29,00,000 33,00,000
(-) (-)

Note : The no of shares granted on 08.07.2010 was 31 Lacs. Out of the said shares 2 Lacs
shares were cancelled as an employee to whom it was allotted resigned from the employment.
Accordingly the said 2 Lacs shares were re-granted on 30th November, 2010. The No. of
option granted became 33 Lacs (including 2 Lacs which got cancel earlier).


iii) Method of Accounting of ESOP

The Company has adopted the Intrinsic Value-based method of accounting for stock options
to the employee of the company and subsidiaries. The difference between the intrinsic value
and the exercise price is being amortized as employee compensation cost over the vesting
period. For the year ended March 31, 2011 the Company has recorded stock compensation
expense of ` 196.82 Lacs (previous year ` Nil).
The movement in Deferred Employee Compensation Expense during the year is as follows;
(` In Lacs)

Particulars 2011 2010

Balance at the beginning of the year - -
Add: Recognized during the year 2,074.45 -
Less: Amortization expense 196.82 -
Less: Reversal due to forfeiture - -
Balance carried forward 1,877.63 -
Had the compensation cost for the Company’s stock based compensation plan been
determined in the manner consistent with the fair value approach as described in the Guidance
note, the Company’s net profit would be lower by ` 137.88 Lacs (Previous Year lower by ` Nil)
and earnings as per share as reported would be as indicated below:

Particulars 2011 2010

Basic Earnings per share
- As reported after exceptional item (in `) 7.01 0.80
- Adjusted (in `) 6.94 0.80
Diluted Earnings per share
- As reported after exceptional item (in `) 6.82 0.80
- Adjusted (in `) 6.75 0.80
iv) Method and assumption used to estimate the fair value of options granted during the year;
The fair value has been calculated using the Black Scholes Option Pricing Model. The
assumptions used in the model are as follows:

Date of Grant : 8th July, 2010

Variables Vest 1 Vest 2 Vest 3 Vest 4
8th July, 2011 8th July, 2012 8th July, 2013 8th July, 2014
No. of Shares 7,25,000 7,25,000 7,25,000 7,25,000
Risk Free Interest Rate 6.96% 7.23% 7.45% 7.62%
Expected Life (Years) 3.50 4.50 5.50 6.50
Expected Volatility 61.24% 61.24% 61.24% 61.24%
Dividend Yield 0.83% 0.83% 0.83% 0.83%
Price of the underlying
share in market at the time
of option granted 38.15 38.15 38.15 38.15

Annual Report | 2010-2011 83


Date of Grant : 30th November, 2010

Variables 30th November, 30th November, 30th November, 30th November,
2011 2012 2013 2014
No. of Shares 8,25,000 8,25,000 8,25,000 8,25,000
Risk Free Interest Rate 7.94% 7.91% 7.91% 7.92%
Expected Life (Years) 3.50 4.50 5.50 6.50
Expected Volatility 62.71% 62.71% 62.71% 62.71%
Dividend Yield 0.83% 0.83% 0.83% 0.83%
Price of the underlying
share in market at the
time of option granted 106.70 106.70 106.70 106.70

g) Related Party Disclosures

(A) Related parties and transactions with them during the year as identified by the Management are
given below:
(i) Parties where control exists

• AAA Aviation Private Limited (AAPL) (till 13.09.2010)
• Advani Pleasure Cruise Company Private Limited (APCCPL) (from 20.09.2010)
• Delta Adventures and Entertainment Private Limited (DAEPL)
• Delta Holding (USA) Inc. (DHUSA)
• Delta Hospitality & Leisure Private Ltd (DHLPL) (from 30.04.2010)
• Delta Hospitality and Entertainment Private Limited (DHEPL) (till 25.05.2010)
• Delta Leisure and Entertainment Private Limited (earlier known as Delta Cruises and
Entertainment Private Limited) (DLENPL)
• Delta Lifestyle and Entertainment Private limited (DLEPL)
• Delta Offshore Developers Ltd (DODL) (from 15.12.2010)
• Delta Pan Africa Limited (DPAL)
• Goodluck Renewable Energy Resources Private Limited (GRERPL) (from 08.09.10 to 20.01.11)
• Highstreet Cruises & Entertainment Private Limited (HCEPL) (till 15.05.2010)
• Richtime Realty Private Limited (RRPL) (till 15.05.2010)

Step down Subsidiaries / LLPS:

• AAA Township Private Limited (AAATPL)
• Aman Infrastructure Private Limited (AIPL) (from 24.11.2010)
• Argyll Hotels Private Limited (AHPL) (from 24.11.2010)
• Caravella Casino (Goa) Private Limited (CCGPL) (from 23.09.2010)
• Coastal Sports and Ventures Private Limited (CSVPL)
• Delta Corp East Africa Limited (DCEAL)
• Delta Hospitality and Entertainment Private Limited (DHEPL) (from 26.05.2010)


• Delta Square Limited (DSL)

• Highstreet Cruises & Entertainment Private Limited (HCEPL) (from 15.05.2010)
• Kaizan LLP (KLLP) (From 10.08.2009)
• Marvel Resorts Private Limited (MRPL) (from 21.02.2011)
• Richtime Realty Private Limited (RRPL) (from 15.05.2010)
• Samarpan Properties and Construction Private Limited (SPCPL)(from 18.03.2011)
• Samarpan Township Private Limited (STPL) (from 14.03.2011)
• Shree Mangesh Realty Private Limited (SMRPL) (from 10.03.2011)
• Victor Hotels and Motels Limited (VHML)

Joint Venture:
• Highstreet Riviera Leisure (Goa) Private Ltd (HRLGPL) (through its Subsidiary Company
(ii) Individuals owning directly or indirectly an Interest in the voting power that gives them
significant influence:
• Mr. Jaydev Mody (JM) - Chairman
• Mrs. Zia Mody (ZM)
(iii) Key Management Personnels:
• Mr. Ashish Kapadia (AK) – Managing Director
• Mr. Hardik Dhebar (HD) - Group C.F.O.
(iv) Enterprises over which persons mentioned in (ii) and (iii) above exercise significant
• Aarti Management Consultancy Private Limited (AMCLP)
• Aarti J Mody Trust
• Aditi Management Consultancy Private Limited (ADMPL)
• Aditi J Mody Trust
• Anjoss J Mody Trust
• Anjoss Trading Private Limited (ATPL)
• Arrow Textiles Limited (ATL)
• AZB & Partners (AZB)
• Dacapo Brokerage India Private Limited (DBIPL)
• Delta Magnets Limited (DML)
• Freedom Aviation Private Limited (FAPL)
• Freedom Registry Limited (FRPL)
• J M Realty Management Private Limited (JMRMPL)
• J M Township Real Estate Private Limited (JMTPL)
• Peninsula Facility Management Services Private Limited (PFMS)
• Peninsula Land Ltd (PLL)

Annual Report | 2010-2011 85


Details of transactions carried out with related parties in the ordinary course of business
(` in Lacs)
Key Management Enterprises over
Personnel / Individual which Individuals/
Sr. Fellow Subsidiary
Nature of Transactions owning directly or Key Management Total
No. Company/
indirectly interest in Personnel exercise
voting power significant influence
10-11 09-10 10-11 09-10 10-11 09-10 10-11 09-10
1 Sale of Fixed Assets
HCEPL - 5.66 - - - - - 5.66
AAPL - 2.96 - - - - - 2.96
- 8.63 - - - - - 8.63
2 Consultancy Income - -
PLL - - - - - 408.43 - 408.43
- - - - - 408.43 - 408.43
3 Revenue Sharing Income
PLL - - - - - 1,992.69 - 1,992.69
- - - - - 1,992.69 - 1,992.69
4 Interest Paid
DML - - - - - 13.73 - 13.73
DBIPL - - - - - 0.52 - 0.52
PLL - - - - - 241.71 - 241.71
- - - - - 255.96 - 255.96
5 Travelling Expenses
AAPL - 1.43 - - - - - 1.43
- 1.43 - - - - - 1.43
6 Maintenance Charges
and Other reimbursement
PFMS - - - - 58.34 61.52 58.34 61.52
- - - - 58.34 61.52 58.34 61.52
7 Directors Sitting Fess
AK - - - 0.18 - - - 0.18
JM - - 0.50 0.50 - - 0.50 0.50
- - 0.50 0.68 - - 0.50 0.68
8 Professional Fees Paid
FRPL - - - - 4.60 1.25 4.60 1.25
AZB - - - - 28.76 110.28 28.76 110.28
- - - - 33.36 111.53 33.36 111.53
9 Remuneration Paid
AK - - 99.94 72.37 - - 99.94 72.37
HD - - 0.10 - - - 0.10 -
- - 100.04 72.37 - - 100.04 72.37
10 Other Expenses Paid
DBIPL - - - - 0.01 0.33 0.01 0.33
- - - - 0.01 0.33 0.01 0.33


(` in Lacs)
Key Management Enterprises over
Personnel / Individual which Individuals/
Sr. Fellow Subsidiary
Nature of Transactions owning directly or Key Management Total
No. Company/
indirectly interest in Personnel exercise
voting power significant influence
10-11 09-10 10-11 09-10 10-11 09-10 10-11 09-10
11 Lease Rent Received
APCCPL 63.33 - - - - - 63.33 -
63.33 - - - - - 63.33 -
12 Interest Received
HCEPL 587.33 442.84 - - - - 587.33 442.84
AAPL 14.92 21.20 - - - - 14.92 21.20
ATL - - - - - 22.35 - 22.35
APCCPL 64.03 - - - - - 64.03 -
666.28 464.04 - - - 22.35 666.28 486.39
13 Loans Taken
AMCLP - - - - - 591.83 - 591.83
ADMPL - - - - - 122.83 - 122.83
ATPL - - - - - 129.83 - 129.83
JM - - - 225.00 - - - 225.00
- - - 225.00 - 844.49 - 1,069.49
14 Loans Repayment
(Including Interest)
AMCLP - - - - - 591.83 - 591.83
ADMPL - - - - - 122.83 - 122.83
ATPL - - - - - 129.83 - 129.83
DBIPL - - - - - 101.51 - 101.51
DML - - - - - 147.18 - 147.18
PLL - - - - - 4,251.64 - 4,251.64
JM - - - 225.00 - - - 225.00
- - - 225.00 - 5,344.82 - 5,569.82
15 Loans Given
AAPL 114.50 568.83 - - - - 114.50 568.83
DHEPL 319.50 4,436.80 - - - - 319.50 4,436.80
HCEPL 6,827.89 2,313.45 - - - - 6,827.89 2,313.45
ATL - - - - - 20.00 - 20.00
APCCPL 1,752.61 - - - - - 1,752.61 -
DAEPL 3,053.60 - - - - - 3,053.60 -
DLEPL 8,545.41 - - - - - 8,545.41 -
GRERPL 102.23 - - - - - 102.23 -
DHLPL 12,458.26 - - - - - 12,458.26 -
33,174.00 7,319.08 - - - 20.00 33,174.00 7,339.08

Annual Report | 2010-2011 87


(` in Lacs)
Key Management Enterprises over
Personnel / Individual which Individuals/
Sr. Fellow Subsidiary
Nature of Transactions owning directly or Key Management Total
No. Company/
indirectly interest in Personnel exercise
voting power significant influence
10-11 09-10 10-11 09-10 10-11 09-10 10-11 09-10
16 Loans Received Back
(Including Interest)
AAPL 42.69 67.30 - - - - 42.69 67.30
HCEPL 5,307.05 2,299.98 - - - - 5,307.05 2,299.98
ATL - - - - 220.35 - 220.35
DHEPL 4,736.30 - - - - - 4,736.30 -
APCCPL 621.39 - - - - - 621.39 -
DAEPL 279.60 - - - - - 279.60 -
GRERPL 102.23 - - - - - 102.23 -
DHLPL 8.00 - - - - - 8.00 -
11,097.26 2,367.28 - - - 220.35 11,097.26 2,587.63
17 Corporate Guarantee
HCEPL 1,000.00 1,000.00 - - - - 1,000.00 1,000.00
APCCPL 836.40 - - - - - 836.40 -
1,836.40 1,000.00 - - - - 1,836.40 1,000.00
18 ESOP Granted (nos. of
AK - - 17.05 - - - 17.05 -
HD - - 6.00 - - - 6.00 -
- - 23.05 - - - 23.05 -
19 Hypothecation of Fixed
Assets of Subsidiary
HCEPL (fair value) 4,100.00 4,100.00 - - - - 4,100.00 4,100.00
4,100.00 4,100.00 - - - - 4,100.00 4,100.00
20 Dividend On Equity
Shares Paid
JM - - 49.02 39.21 - - 49.02 39.21
ZM - - 150.78 120.63 - - 150.78 120.63
- - 199.80 159.84 - - 199.80 159.84
21 Dividend On Preference
Shares Paid
JM - - 48.95 48.95 - - 48.95 48.95
ZM - - 48.95 48.95 - - 48.95 48.95
- - 97.90 97.90 - - 97.90 97.90


(` in Lacs)
Key Management Enterprises over
Personnel / Individual which Individuals/
Sr. Fellow Subsidiary
Nature of Transactions owning directly or Key Management Total
No. Company/
indirectly interest in Personnel exercise
voting power significant influence
10-11 09-10 10-11 09-10 10-11 09-10 10-11 09-10
22 Deposit refunded back
PLL - - - - - 150.00 - 150.00
- - - - - 150.00 - 150.00
23 Amount Received for
Shares Warrants
Aarti J Mody Trust - - - - 233.32 - 233.32 -
Aditi J Mody Trust - - - - 233.32 - 233.32 -
Anjoss J Mody Trust - - - - 233.32 - 233.32 -
JM - - - 2,602.22 - - - 2,602.22
- - - 2,602.22 699.96 - 699.96 2,602.22
24 Amount Received for
Equity Shares
Aarti J Mody Trust - - - - 1,400.80 - 1,400.80 -
Aditi J Mody Trust - - - - 1,400.80 - 1,400.80 -
Anjoss J Mody Trust - - - - 1,400.80 - 1,400.80 -
- - - - 4,202.40 - 4,202.40 -
25 Advance given for
RRPL 953.00 268.50 - - - - 953.00 268.50
953.00 268.50 - - - - 953.00 268.50
26 Investments in Shares
DCEPL - 1.00 - - - - - 1.00
DLEPL - 1.00 - - - - - 1.00
DAEPL - 1.00 - - - - - 1.00
DODL 54.20 - - - - - 54.20 -
AAPL 1,200.00 - - - - - 1,200.00 -
DHLPL 1.00 - - - - - - -
GREPL 1.00 - - - - - - -
1,256.20 3.00 - - - - 1,254.20 3.00
27 Sale of Shares
DCEPL 1,200.03 - - - - - 1,200.03 -
DAEPL 18.00 - - - - - 18.00 -
DHLPL 77.65 - - - - - 77.65 -
PLL - - - - 0.26 - 0.26 -
1,295.68 - - - 0.26 - 1,295.94 -
28 Share Application Money
DODL - Preference
Shares 1,549.33 - - - - - 1,549.33 -
ATL - - - - 0.00 - 0.00 -
1,549.33 - - - 0.00 - 1,549.33 -

Annual Report | 2010-2011 89


(` in Lacs)
Key Management Enterprises over
Personnel / Individual which Individuals/
Sr. Fellow Subsidiary
Nature of Transactions owning directly or Key Management Total
No. Company/
indirectly interest in Personnel exercise
voting power significant influence
10-11 09-10 10-11 09-10 10-11 09-10 10-11 09-10
29 Acquisition of Fixed Assets
PLL - - - - 322.14 - 322.14 -
- - - - 322.14 - 322.14 -
30 Deposit Received back
JM - - - 150.00 - - - 150.00
- - - 150.00 - - - 150.00
31 Purchase of Shares
PLL - - - - - 26.00 - 26.00
- - - - - 26.00 - 26.00
32 Sundry Balance Written off
AAPL - - - - 16.16 - 16.16 -
- - - - 16.16 - 16.16 -
33 Reimbursement of
AAPL 0.54 7.64 - - - 0.54 7.64
AMCLP - - - - - 9.19 - 9.19
ATL - - - - 0.01 0.04 0.01 0.04
DBIPL - - - - - 0.52 - 0.52
DAEPL 0.08 0.08 - - - - 0.08 0.08
DCEPL 0.06 0.00 - - - - 0.06 0.00
DHEPL 0.02 0.76 - - - - 0.02 0.76
DLEPL - 0.01 - - - - - 0.01
DML - - - - 0.37 0.12 0.37 0.12
FAPL - - - - - 1.79 - 1.79
FRPL - - - - - 0.07 - 0.07
HCEPL 127.67 125.17 - - - - 127.67 125.17
HREPL - 0.01 - - - - - 0.01
HRLGPL - 0.01 - - - - - 0.01
JM - - - 3.99 - - - 3.99
JMRMPL - - - - - 0.00 - 0.00
JMTPL - - - - - 0.78 - 0.78
RRPL 0.15 0.33 - - - - 0.15 0.33
VHML 0.00 0.01 - - - - 0.00 0.01
128.52 134.02 - 3.99 0.38 12.51 128.90 150.52
34 Sharing of Resources of
ZM - - - - - - - -
ATPL - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - -


(` in Lacs)
Key Management Enterprises over
Personnel / Individual which Individuals/
Sr. Fellow Subsidiary
Nature of Transactions owning directly or Key Management Total
No. Company/
indirectly interest in Personnel exercise
voting power significant influence
10-11 09-10 10-11 09-10 10-11 09-10 10-11 09-10
Outstanding Balance as
on 31st March
35 Professional Fees
AZB - - - - 0.01 10.55 0.01 10.55
FRPL - - - - 1.73 0.14 1.73 -
- - - - 1.74 10.69 1.74 10.55
36 Other Receivable
VHML - 400.00 - - - - - 400.00
AAPL - 610.00 - - - - - 610.00
- 1,010.00 - - - - - 1,010.00
37 Loans Given (Incl.
AAPL - 520.93 - - - - - 520.93
DHEPL 20.00 4,436.80 - - - - 20.00 4,436.80
HCEPL 8,883.67 6,834.23 - - - - 8,883.67 6,834.23
APCCPL 2,566.08 - - - - - 2,566.08 -
DAEPL 2,774.00 - - - - - 2,774.00 -
DLEPL 8,545.41 - - - - - 8,545.41 -
DHLPL 12,450.26 - - - - - 12,450.26 -
35,239.41 11,791.96 - - - - 35,239.41 11,791.96
38 Sundry Creditor
PLL - - - - 36.79 100.83 36.79 100.83
PFMS - - - - 6.90 9.21 6.90 9.21
- - - - 43.69 110.04 43.69 110.04
39 Reimbursement of
AAPL - 1.86 - - - - - 1.86
DBIPL - - - - - 0.22 - 0.22
DHEPL - 0.52 - - - - - 0.52
HCEPL - 43.45 - - - - - 43.45
HREPL - 0.01 - - - - - 0.01
HRLGPL - 0.01 - - - - - 0.01
JMTPL - - - - - 0.21 - 0.21
RRPL - 0.09 - - - - - 0.09
VHML - 0.01 - - - - - 0.01
- 45.95 - - - 0.43 - 46.38
* Transactions are of non monetary consideration.

Annual Report | 2010-2011 91


h) Employee Benefits
Disclosure required under Accounting Standard – 15 (revised 2005) for “employee benefits” are
as under:
i) The Company has recognized the expected liability arising out of the compensated absence
and gratuity as at 31st March, 2011 based on actuarial valuation carried out using the Project
Credit Method.
ii) The below disclosure have been obtained from independent actuary. The other disclosures
are made in accordance with AS – 15 (revised) pertaining to the Defined Benefit Plan is as
given below :
(` In Lacs)

Gratuity Leave Encashment

Sr. Unfunded Unfunded
2011 2010 2011 2010
1 Assumptions :
Discount Rate 8.25% 8.25% 8.25% 8.25%
Salary Escalation 5.00% 5.00% 5.00% 5.00%
Attrition 2.00% 2.00% 2.00% 2.00%
Retirement 58 Yrs 58 Yrs 58 Yrs 58 Yrs
2 Changes in present value of obligations:
Present value of obligations as at
beginning of year 7.80 4.59 3.06 2.74
Interest Cost 0.64 0.48 0.25 0.21
Current Service Cost 3.27 1.45 1.98 0.46
Liability Transfer out - - - -
Benefit Paid (0.26) - (0.33) (1.18)
Actuarial (Gain) / Loss on obligations (2.10) 1.28 (3.11) 0.83
Present value of obligations as at end of
year 9.36 7.80 1.85 3.06
3 Changes in the fair value of plan assets:
Fair value of plan assets at beginning of
year - 4.08 - -
Expected return on plan assets - 0.33 - -
Contributions - - - 1.18
Transfer to Other Company - (4.08) - -
Benefits paid - - - (1.18)
Actuarial Gain / (Loss) on Plan assets - (0.33) - -
Fair value of plan assets at the end of year - - - -


(` In Lacs)
Gratuity Leave Encashment
Sr. Unfunded Unfunded
2011 2010 2011 2010
4 Actuarial Gain/Loss recognized :
Actuarial (Gain)/Loss for the year –
Obligation (2.10) 1.28 (3.11) 0.83
Actuarial (Gain)/Loss for the year - plan
assets - 0.33 - -
Total (Gain)/Loss for the year (2.10) 1.60 (3.11) 0.83
Actuarial (Gain)/Loss recognized in the year (2.10) 1.60 (3.11) 0.83
5 Amount recognized in the Balance Sheet:
Liability at the end of the year 9.36 7.80 1.85 3.06
Fair value of Plan Assets at the end of the
year - - - -
Difference 9.36 7.80 1.85 3.06
Amount recognized in the Balance Sheet 9.36 7.80 1.85 3.06
6 Expenses recognized in the Profit and
Loss Account:
Current Service Cost 3.27 1.45 1.98 0.46
Interest Cost 0.64 0.48 0.25 0.21
Expected return on Plan assets - (0.33) - -
Past Service Cost (non-vested benefit)
recognized - - - -
Past Service Cost (vested benefit)
recognized - - - -
Recognition of Transition Liability - - - -
Actuarial (Gain) or Loss (2.10) 1.60 (3.11) 0.83
Expenses recognized in the Profit and
Loss Account 1.82 3.21 (0.88) 1.50
7 Balance Sheet Reconciliation :
Opening Liability 7.80 0.51 3.06 2.74
Funded Assets Taken by Other Company - 4.08 - -
Expenses as above 1.82 3.21 (0.88 ) 1.50
Employer’s Contribution 0.26 - 0.33 1.18
Closing Net Liability 9.36 7.80 1.85 3.06
8 Data :
No of Employees 15 - 13 -
Avg. Age of Employees 39 Yrs - 38 Yrs -
Avg. Salary of Employees Per Month 8.37 - 3.02 -

Annual Report | 2010-2011 93


iii) Under Defined Contribution Plan

(` In Lacs)

Particulars 2010-11 2009-10

Contribution to Provident Fund 3.76 6.58
Contribution to ESIC 0.18 0.03

i) Disclosure required by clause 32 of the Listing Agreement and as per Section 370 (1B) of
Companies Act, 1956
Amount of Loans and Advances in the nature of Loans outstanding to Subsidiaries /Step down
Subsidiaries / Associates etc.
a) Loans and Advances in the nature of Loans
(` In Lacs)

Closing Maximum Balance

Name of the Subsidiaries Balance outstanding during the year
2010-11 2009-10 2010-11 2009-10
AAA Aviation Private Limited - 520.93 620.42 522.53
Aarti Management Consultancy
Private Limited - - - 10.31
Advani Pleasure Cruises &
Entertainment Private Limited 2,566.08 - 2,566.08 -
Arrow Textiles Limited - - - 197.99
Delta Adventures & Entertainment
Private Limited 2,774.00 - 2,774.00 -
Delta Hospitality & Entertainment
Private Limited 20.00 4,436.80 4,466.30 4,436.80
Delta Hospitality & Leisure
Private Limited 12,450.25 - 12,450.25 -
Delta Leisure & Entertainment
Private Limited 8,545.41 - 8,545.41 -
Goodluck Renewable Energy
Resources Private Limited - - 102.23 -
Highstreet Cruises &
Entertainment Private Limited 8,883.67 6,834.23 9,386.12 7,330.61

• Loans and Advances shown above, to subsidiaries and associates fall under the category
of Loans and Advances in nature of Loans where there is no repayment schedule and are
re-payable on demand.
• Loan to employees as per Company’s policy is not considered.
b) Investment by the loanee in the share of the Company
None of the loanees and loanees of subsidiary companies has, per se, made investments in
shares of the Company.


j) Disclosure of Operating Lease income & expenses:

The Company has non cancelable operating income on leasing of Delta Plaza.:
(` In Lacs)

Particulars 2010-11 2009-10

Lease rental recognized during the year 849.94 2,457.82
Total 849.94 2,457.82

During the year Company has sold the Delta Plaza, immovable property at Prabhadevi, Mumbai
and hence disclosure about future minimum lease income from Delta plaza is not given.
The Company has taken Bareboat - M. V. Caravela from Waterways Shipyard Private Limited
which is sub lease to its subsidiary - Advani Pleasure Cruises & Entertainment
The future minimum lease income is as under:
(` In Lacs)

Particulars 2010-11 2009-10

Upto 1 Year 100.00 2,176.26
1 Year to 5 Year - 967.05
above 5 Year - -
Total 100.00 3,143.31

The future minimum lease income is as under:

(` In Lacs)

Particulars 2010-11 2009-10

Upto 1 Year 100.00 -
1 Year to 5 Year - -
above 5 Year - -
Total 100.00 -

*Other Terms
i) The Operating lease arrangements extend for a maximum of 5 years from their respective
dates of inception and relate to rented premises and moveable property.
ii) Additional amount of applicable taxes will be paid on these rentals as per the applicable rates
existing at the time of receipts and payments.

k) Deferred Tax & MAT Credit Entitlement

(i) Deferred Tax
In accordance with Accounting Standard 22 “Accounting for Taxes on Income” issued by the
Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, the Company has accounted for Deferred Tax
during the year.

Annual Report | 2010-2011 95


The components of Deferred Tax Assets to the extent recognized and Deferred Tax Liabilities
as on 31st March, 2011 are as follows:
(` In Lacs)

Particulars 2010-11 2009-10

Deferred Tax Liability: - -
Difference between Book and Tax Depreciation - -
(A) - -
Deferred Tax Asset:
Difference between Book WDV and WDV as per
Income Tax Act,1961 17.34 9.40
Expenses Disallowed under Income Tax Act 18.34 16.50
(B) 35.68 25.90
Net Deferred Tax Liability/(Assets) (C=A-B) (35.68) (25.90)

(ii) MAT Credit Entitlement

MAT Credit Entitlement of ` 2,177.41 Lacs is based on business projection of company
provided by management, and the same have been relied upon by the Auditors.

l) The Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Act, 2006

Company has sent letters to suppliers to confirm whether they are covered under Micro, Small
and Medium Enterprises Development Act 2006 as well as they have file required memorandum
with the prescribed authorities. Out of the letters sent to the parties, some confirmations have
been received till the date of finalization of Balance Sheet. Based on the confirmation received the
detail of outstanding are as under:
(` In Lacs)

Particulars 2010-11 2009-10

The principal amount remaining unpaid at the end of the year Nil Nil
The interest amount remaining unpaid at the end of the year 0.08 0.08
The balance of MSMED parties 0.08 0.08

m) Details of Managerial Remuneration:

(` In Lacs)

Particulars 2010-11 2009-10

Salaries 86.28 72.37
Contribution to Provident and Superannuation Fund Nil Nil
Commission to Managing Director 13.66 Nil
Total * 99.94 * 72.37

* Excluding Contribution to Gratuity Fund and provision for leave encashment, as separate figures
cannot be quantified.


Computation of Net Profit in accordance with Section 198 of the Companies Act, 1956:
(` in Lacs)

Particulars 2010-11 2009-10

Profit for the year Before Tax 13,202.49 1,865.71
Add :
Managerial Remuneration 99.94 72.37
Loss on Sale of Fixed Assets 13.63 -
Loss on sale of Share 3,239.06 3,352.63 178.89 251.26
16,555.12 2,116.97
Less :
Profit on sale of Investment and Fixed Assets - 1.88
Net Profit for Section 198 of the Companies
Act,1956 16,555.12 2,115.10
5% of Net Profit as computed above 827.76 105.76
Commission to Non-Whole-time Directors’@1% - -
Total Managerial Remuneration (including
Commission and excluding provision for
Retirement Pension benefits) 99.94 72.37

n) Auditors Remuneration:
(` In Lacs)

Particulars 2010-11 2009-10

Audit Fees (including Limited Review and
Consolidation fees) 11.85 8.45
In Other Capacities :
- Tax Audit 0.60 0.50
- Taxation Matters 0.70 1.00
- Certification and Other Services 1.13 0.75
- Out of Pocket Expenses 0.67 0.11
- Service Tax on Professional Fees and
reimbursement of expenses 1.46 1.10
Total 16.41 11.91

Annual Report | 2010-2011 97


o) Earnings Per Share:

(` in Lacs) (Unless Specified)

Particulars 2010-11 2009-10

Net Profit after Tax 12,862.58 1,356.96
Preference Dividend and Dividend Distribution Tax
thereon 113.79 114.17
Numerator used for calculating basic earnings per share 12,748.78 1,242.79
Weighted average number of equity shares used as
denominator for calculating basic earnings per share 1,817.79 1,546.86
Weighted average number of equity shares used as
denominator for calculating diluted earnings per share 1,868.06 1,546.86
Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share (`) 7.01 0.80
Diluted Earnings Per Share (`) 6.82 0.80
Nominal Value Per Equity Share (`) 1 1

p) Additional information pursuant to the provisions of paragraphs 3, 4C and 4D of Part II of

Schedule VI to the Companies Act, 1956
Expenditure in Foreign Currency :
(` In Lacs)

Particulars 2010-11 2009-10

Travelling Expenses 6.14 24.89
Investment in Foreign Subsidiary 54.20 -
Sales Promotion Expenses - 12.56
Professional Fees 10.09 -
Share Application Money for Preference share 1,549.33 -
Total 1,619.76 37.45

q) Dividend to NRI / OCB

(` In Lacs)

Particulars 2010-11 2009-10

Number of Non Resident Shareholders (Nos.) 163 83

Total Number of Shares hold by them (Nos.) 21,00,889 10,72,385

Amount Dividend paid 5.25 2.14

Year to which dividend relates 2009-10 2008-09


r) During the year Company has raised ` 17,670 Lacs through allotment of 3,46,47,059 equity
shares of ` 1 each at a price of ` 51 per equity share on preferential basis to promoter group and
selected investors. Further, Company has received ` 2,719.58 Lacs towards 25% payment of ` 51
per warrant for 2,13,30,000 warrant (face value of ` 1) issued to promoter group and to selected
investors. After period of 18 months and subject to realization of balance payment of 75% above
2,13,30,000 warrants will be converted into Equity Shares of ` 1. The details of utilization of both
the above proceeds are as under:

Particulars ` In Lacs
Investment in Equity and Preference Share of Delta Offshore Developers Ltd 1,604
Advance given for Investment in Share 345
ICD given to Subsidiary Companies for its Operation 7,405
Advance Tax Payment 750
Fixed Deposit 3,600
Amount lying in Mutual Fund 6,686
Total 20,390

s) Previous Year Comparatives

The previous year’s figures have been reworked, regrouped, rearranged, recast and reclassified
wherever necessary. Amounts and other disclosures for the preceding year are included as an
integral part of the current year financial statements and are to be read in relation to the amounts
and other disclosures relating to the current year.

For and on Behalf of Board of Directors

Jaydev Mody Chairman

Ashish Kapadia Managing Director
Mahesh Gupta Director
Rajeev Piramal Director
Rajesh Jaggi Director

Lt. Gen. N. Thamburaj Director
Place : Mumbai Hitesh Kanani Company Secretary
Date : 26th April, 2011

Annual Report | 2010-2011 99


Additional Information as required under Part IV Schedule VI

to the Companies Act,1956

Registration No.: 58817 State Code: 11
Balance Sheet Date:   11
Date Month Year

II. CAPITAL RAISED DURING THE YEAR: (Amount in ` in Thousands)

Public Issue:  Right Issue: 
Bonus Issue:  Private Placement: 1767000
Total Liabilities: 6721700 Total Assets : 6721700
(Including Current Liabilities & Provisions)


Paid -Up Capital: 324194 Net Fixed Assets: 220665
Reserves & Surplus: 5328246 Investments: 1288151
Secured Loans: 656899 Deferred Tax Asset: 3568
Equity Share Warrants: 271958 Net Current Assets: 5088593
Employee Stock Option: 19682 Miscellaneous Expenditure: NIL
IV. PERFORMANCE OF THE COMPANY: (Amount in ` in Thousands)
Turnover: 2672306 Total Expenditure: 1352057
Profit before Tax: 1320249 Profit after Tax: 1286258
Earnings per share (`): 7.01 Dividend Rate (%): 30
(As per Monetary Terms)
Item Code No. 
Product Description
real estate consultancy and development

For and on behalf of Board of Directors

Jaydev Mody Chairman

Ashish Kapadia Managing Director
Mahesh Gupta Director
Rajeev Piramal Director
Rajesh Jaggi Director
Lt. Gen. N. Thamburaj Director
Place : Mumbai Hitesh Kanani Company Secretary
Date : 26th April, 2011

Financial Information of Subsidiary Companies
Profit Provision Profit Country
Sr. Reporting Total Total Proposed
Name of Subsidiary Companies Capital Reserves Investment Turnover before for after of
No. Currency Liabilities Assets Dividend
taxation Taxation Taxation Company
1. Delta Adventures & Entertainment Pvt. Ltd. INR 1.00 (0.84) 2,774.17 1,915.66 858.66 - (0.56) - (0.56) - India
2. Richtime Realty Private Limited INR 1.00 1,056.72 3,363.98 4,421.70 - - (20.47) 12.51 (7.96) - India
3. Aman Infrastructure Private Limited INR 1.00 (0.92) 274.87 274.95 - 1.20 (0.92) - (0.92) - India
4. Argyll Hotel Private Limited INR 1.00 (0.43) 87.64 88.21 - 0.80 (0.43) - (0.43) - India
5. AAA Township Private Limited INR 1.00 (4.45) 4.00 0.05 0.50 35.00 (2.25) (1.31) (3.56) - India
6. Samarpan Properties and Construction
Pvt. Ltd. INR 1.00 (0.28) 0.78 1.00 0.50 - (0.28) - (0.28) - India
7. Samarpan Township Pvt. Ltd. INR 1.00 (0.28) 0.28 1.00 - - (0.28) - (0.28) - India
8. Shree Mangesh Realty Pvt. Ltd. INR 1.00 (0.60) 81.65 82.05 - - (0.60) - (0.60) - India
9. Advani Pelasure Cruises Company Pvt. Ltd. INR 435.00 (541.80) 4,302.07 4,195.27 - 1,207.51 (493.64) 200.00 (293.64) - India
10. Delta Leisure and Entertainment Pvt. Ltd. INR 1.00 (3.54) 8,545.59 31.51 8,511.54 - (3.27) - (3.27) - India
11. Highstreet Cruises & Entertainment Pvt Ltd. INR 1,500.00 5,648.25 10,886.72 15,676.22 2,358.75 8,964.90 1,821.78 (641.35) 1,180.43 - India
12. Victor Hotels and Motels Limited INR 150.00 (206.80) 3,546.71 3,489.91 - 673.37 4.90 4.24 9.13 - India
13. Caravela Casino (Goa) Pvt. Ltd. INR 1.00 (0.29) 0.11 0.82 - - (0.29) - (0.29) - India
14. Delta Hospitality and Leisure Pvt. Ltd. INR 1.00 (5.14) 12,450.51 6,034.21 6,412.15 0.04 (5.10) - (5.10) - India
15. Marvel Resorts Pvt. Ltd. INR 1.00 - 5,655.72 5,656.72 - - - - - - India
16. Coastal Sports Ventures Private Limited INR 1.00 (37.56) 164.14 127.58 - 9.50 (27.21) 7.98 (19.23) - India
17. Delta Hospitality and Entertainment Pvt. Ltd. INR 51.91 (146.89) 1,236.67 1,141.69 - 1.38 2.34 (8.54) (6.20) - India
18. Delta Lifestyle & Entertainment Pvt. Ltd. INR 1.00 (0.68) 0.11 0.43 - - (0.41) - (0.41) - India
19. Delta Holdings USA Inc. INR 455.50 (73.12) 2.01 384.40 - - (27.28) (0.58) (27.86) - USA
USD 10.00 (1.61) 0.04 8.44 - - (0.53) (0.01) (0.54) -
20. Delta PAN Africa Limited INR 4,801.37 (57.39) 0.63 11.78 4,732.83 0.77 (2.74) (0.20) (2.94) - Kenya
KSHS 8,891.43 (106.28) 1.16 21.81 8,764.50 1.37 (4.89) (0.37) (5.25) -
21. Delta Corp East Africa Limited INR 8,821.66 2,516.49 11,778.06 21,950.19 1,166.01 1,492.33 (8.18) 21.50 13.32 - Kenya
KSHS 16,336.40 4,582.85 21,811.21 40,571.18 2,159.29 2,763.58 (92.46) 39.81 (52.65) -
22. Delta Square Ltd. INR 0.54 (29.46) 376.41 347.50 - 0.03 (0.68) - (0.68) - Kenya
KSHS 1.00 (54.74) 699.57 645.82 - 0.06 (1.20) - (1.20) -
Financial Information of SubsidiarY Companies

23. Delta Offshore Developer Limited INR 4.54 (0.55) 1,607.71 1,611.70 - - (0.55) - (0.55) - Mauritius
USD 1.20 (0.01) 34.31 35.50 - - (0.01) - (0.01) -
* Exchange rate as on 31.03.2011 1 KSHS =Closing Rate ` 0.54 Average Rate ` 0.56
* Exchange rate as on 31.03.2011 1 USD =Closing Rate ` 45.40 Average Rate ` 45.45

Annual Report | 2010-2011

* Exchange rate as on 31.12.2010 1 USD = Closing Rate ` 45.55 Average Rate ` 45.94

of Directors of Delta Corp Limited

To The Board of Directors of Delta Corp Ltd. on the total net revenues of ` 9,229.96 Lacs
Consolidated Financial Statements and net cash inflows of ` 1,274.56 Lacs
for the year then ended were audited by
1. We have audited the attached Consolidated
one of the joint auditors M/s Amit Desai &
Balance Sheet of Delta Corp Ltd. (“the
Co who has furnished their report to other
Company”) and it’s Subsidiaries (collectively
joint auditor. The other joint auditor has not
referred to as “the group”) as at 31st March,
audited the financial statements of these
2011 and also the Consolidated Profit and
standalone and consolidated subsidiaries/
Loss Account and the Consolidated Cash Flow
fellow subsidiaries / joint venture and their
Statement for the year ended on that date
opinion is based solely on the report of the
annexed thereto. These financial statements
first joint auditor.
are the responsibility of the Company’s
Management and have been prepared by the b) The consolidated financial statement
Management on the basis of separate financial of one of the foreign subsidiary, (which
statements and other financial information comprises consolidation of three fellow
regarding components. Our responsibility is subsidiaries), which reflect total net assets
to express an opinion on these consolidated of ` 25,280.01 Lacs as at 31st March, 2011,
financial statements based on our audit. total net revenues of ` 1,410.99 Lacs and
net cash outflows of ` 2,343.24 Lacs for
2. We conducted our audit in accordance with the year then ended were audited by other
the auditing standards generally accepted in auditor who have furnished their report to
India. Those Standards require that we plan us. We have not audited the consolidated
and perform the audit to obtain reasonable financial statement of this subsidiary and
assurance about whether the financial our opinion is based solely on the report of
statements are free of material misstatement. the auditor.
An audit includes examining, on a test
c) The financial statements of two of the
basis, evidence supporting the amounts and
foreign subsidiary in which one of the
disclosures in the financial statements. An
subsidiary reflect total net assets of
audit also includes assessing the accounting
` 384.39 Lacs as at 31st December,
principles used and significant estimates made
2010, total net revenues of ` Nil and net
by management, as well as evaluating the
cash outflows of ` 7.49 Lacs for the year
overall financial statement presentation. We
then ended and other subsidiary total
believe that our audit provides a reasonable
net assets of ` 1,617.02 Lacs as at 31st
basis for our opinion.
March, 2011, total net revenues of ` Nil
3. We (jointly) did not audit the financial and net cash inflows of ` 1.09 Lacs for the
statements of the following subsidiaries whose year then ended, were approved by the
financial statement reflect total net assets of management of these subsidiaries, which
` 73,270.51 Lacs as at 31st March, 2011, total have been furnished to us. We have not
net revenues of ` 11,625.35 Lacs and net cash audited the financial statements of these
outflows of ` 706.45 Lacs for the year then subsidiaries and have relied on such
ended: approved unaudited Financial Statements.
a) The standalone financial statements of 4. We report that the consolidated financial
four of the subsidiaries, which reflect statements have been prepared by the
total net assets of ` 4,195.70 Lacs as at Company’s Management in accordance with
31st March, 2011, total net revenues of the requirements of Accounting Standards
` 984.40 Lacs and net cash inflows of (AS) 21, “Consolidated financial statements”,
` 368.64 Lacs and consolidated financial and Accounting standard (AS) 27, “Financial
statements of three of the subsidiaries, Reporting of Interests in Joint Ventures” as
(which comprises consolidation of notified pursuant to the Companies (Accounting
thirteen fellow subsidiaries and one joint Standards) Rules, 2006 and on the basis of the
venture), which reflect total net assets of separate financial statements of the Company,
` 41,793.39 Lacs as at 31st March, 2011, its subsidiaries and joint venture.

of Directors of Delta Corp Limited

5. Without qualifying our opinion, attention is in conformity with the accounting principles
invited to note no. (ii) J of II of schedule 21 of generally accepted in India:
consolidated financial statement, with regards
to MAT Credit Entitlement of ` 2,357.41 Lacs, (a) in the case of the Consolidated Balance
which is based on judgment of management. Sheet, of the state of affairs of the Group
as at 31st March, 2011;
6. Based on our audit and on consideration
of reports of other auditors on separate (b) in the case of the Consolidated Profit and
financial statements and on the other Loss Account ,of the profit for the year
financial information of the components, and ended on that date; and
to the best of our information and according
to the explanations given to us, we are of (c) in the case of the Consolidated Cash Flow
the opinion that the attached consolidated Statement , of the cash flows of the Group
financial statements give a true and fair view for the year ended on that date.

For Haribhakti & Co For Amit Desai & Co

Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants
Firm’s Registration No.103523W Firm’s Registration No. 130710W

Chetan Desai Amit Desai

Partner Proprietor
Membership No. 017000 Membership No. 032926
Place: Mumbai
Date: 26th April, 2011

Annual Report | 2010-2011 103

Consolidated Balance Sheet
as at 31st March, 2011

(` in Lacs)
As at As at
Particulars              Schedules
31st March, 2011 31st March, 2010
Sources Of Funds
Shareholders' Funds
Share Capital 1 3,241.94 2,895.46
Reserves & Surplus 2 55,703.90 23,053.70
Equity Share Warrants 2,719.58 -
Employee Stock Options 3 196.82 -
61,862.23 25,949.17
Loan Funds
Secured Loans 4 13,290.70 19,377.05
Unsecured Loans 5 6,875.70 20,166.40 6,987.79 26,364.83
Minority Interest 5,934.79 7,079.93
Total 87,963.43 59,393.93
Application Of Funds
Fixed Assets 6
Gross Block 16,522.36 10,790.62
Less: Depreciation (1,535.76) (1,026.06)
Net Block 14,986.60 9,764.57
Add: Capital Work In Progress 8,263.36 23,249.96 3,005.39 12,769.95
Goodwill 4,219.06 189.33
Investments 7 16,283.95 17,187.81
Deferred Tax Assets 2.89 264.22
Current Assets, Loans And Advances
Inventories 8 24,928.40 18,807.65
Sundry Debtors 9 289.13 525.80
Cash & Bank Balances 10 6,441.80 4,598.24
Loans & Advances 11 19,262.05 12,609.38
Other Current Asset 12 0.00 -
50,921.38 36,541.07
Less: Current Liabilities And Provisions 13
Current Liabilities 5,373.10 6,600.68
Provisions 1,340.72 957.77
6,713.83 7,558.45
Net Current Assets 44,207.56 28,982.62
Total 87,963.43 59,393.93
Significant Accounting Policies 21
Notes to the Financial Statements 21

As Per Our Report of Even Date For and on Behalf of Board of Directors
For Haribhakti & Co For Amit Desai & Co
Jaydev Mody Chairman
Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants
Ashish Kapadia Managing Director
Mahesh Gupta Director
Rajeev Piramal Director
Chetan Desai Amit Desai
Rajesh Jaggi Director
Partner Proprietor
Lt. Gen. N. Thamburaj Director
Place : Mumbai Hitesh Kanani Company Secretary
Date : 26th April, 2011

Consolidated Profit & Loss Account
For The Year Ended 31st March, 2011

(` in Lacs)
Year ended Year ended
Particulars                    Schedules
31st March, 2011 31st March, 2010
Sales / Operating Income 14 37,601.30 13,245.82
Other Income 15 662.06 82.59
38,263.36 13,328.42
Raw Materials Consumed 16 2,012.88 1,547.82
Cost of Premises/Inventory Sold 8,259.31 -
Operational Expenses 17 3,463.02 2,958.42
Staff Costs 18 2,406.36 1,977.35
Administrative & Other Expenses 19 2,740.98 1,991.96
Loss on Sale of Shares 232.85 178.89
19,115.40 8,654.44

Profit Before Finance Charges, Depreciation & Tax 19,147.96 4,673.97

Finance Charges (Net) 20 1,280.73 1,868.47
Depreciation 5 596.77 561.27
Profit Before Taxes 17,270.46 2,244.23
Provision for Taxation
- Income Tax for Current Year 2,940.37 963.07
- MAT Credit Entitlement (2,357.41) -
Income Tax (Net) 582.96 963.07
- Income Tax for Earlier Years - (2.20)
- Wealth Tax 0.20 0.80
- Deferred Tax 125.47 (141.24)
Profit After Taxes 16,561.83 1,423.80
Less : Prior Period Items 40.76 157.16
Less: Minority Interest (49.75) 56.13
Profit After Taxes And Prior Period Adjustments 16,570.82 1,210.50
Balance Brought Forward 163.30 116.75
Amount Available For Appropriation 16,734.11 1,327.25
Transferred To General Reserves 2,000.00 300.00
Less : Due to Merger Effect - 223.54
Proposed Dividends On Preference Shares 97.91 97.91
Proposed Dividends On Equity Shares 605.42 417.90
Dividends On Equity Shares - 33.27
Dividends Distribution Tax 114.10 91.33
Balance Carried To Balance Sheet 13,916.68 163.30
Basic Earning Per Share (Face Value of ` 1/- Each) 9.05 0.71
Diluted Earning Per Share (Face Value of ` 1/- Each) 8.81 0.71
Significant Accounting Policies 21
Notes to the Financial Statements 21
As Per Our Report of Even Date For and on Behalf of Board of Directors
For Haribhakti & Co For Amit Desai & Co
Jaydev Mody Chairman
Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants
Ashish Kapadia Managing Director
Mahesh Gupta Director
Rajeev Piramal Director
Chetan Desai Amit Desai
Rajesh Jaggi Director
Partner Proprietor
Lt. Gen. N. Thamburaj Director
Place : Mumbai Hitesh Kanani Company Secretary
Date : 26th April, 2011

Annual Report | 2010-2011 105

Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
For the Year Ended 31st March, 2011

(` in Lacs)
Year ended Year ended
31st March, 2011 31st March, 2010
A Cash Flow from Operating Activities
Net Profit Before Tax and Extraordinary Items (Net
of Prior Period Item) 17,229.70 2,087.06
Adjustments for :
Employee Stock Compensation Expenses 196.82 -
Depreciation 596.77 561.28
(Profit)/Loss on Sale of Fixed Assets 13.57 (1.36)
Provision for Employee Benefits 36.85 28.61
Amortisation of Expenses - 23.87
Interest Paid 1,485.21 3,079.37
Interest Income (204.48) (1,210.89)
Dividend Income (554.18) (48.06)
(Profit)/Loss on Sales of Investment 227.01 178.89
Sundry Balance W/off. 14.36 4.52
Provision for Doubtful Recovery 8.40 -
Exchange Difference arising on Consolidation (745.93) (809.02)
Operating Profit before Working Capital Changes 18,304.09 3,894.27
Adjustments For :
Trade and Other Receivables 236.67 638.54
Inventories (6,120.75) 4,639.40
Loans & Advances (3,869.02) (4,566.93)
Trade Payable (579.60) (291.88)
Other Liabilities (647.98) 1,079.93
Cash Generated from Operation 7,323.42 5,393.33
Taxes Paid (2,733.61) (751.64)
Net Cash Generated From Operating Activities (A) 4,589.81 4,641.69
B Cash Flow from Investing Activities
Purchase of Fixed Assets (6,763.94) (1,344.49)
Purchase of Fixed Assets (Capital Work in Progress) (5,257.97) (344.18)
Purchase of Intangible Assets (4,704.38) (2,882.61)
Sales of Fixed Assets 4.03 14.72
Dividend Income 554.18 48.06
Interest Income 204.48 1,210.89
Sale of Investment 108,253.21 17,744.91
Inter Corporate Deposit (525.81) (1,404.63)
Investment in Shares, Debentures & Mutual Fund (106,613.45) (17,533.84)
Net Cash Generated from Investing Activities (B) (14,849.66) (4,491.17)

Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
For the Year Ended 31st March, 2011

(` in Lacs)
Year ended Year ended
31st March, 2011 31st March, 2010
C Cash Flow from Financing Activities
Proceeds From Issuance of Share Capital 17,670.00 13,794.40
Proceeds From Issuance of Share Warrants 2,719.58 -
Share Issue Expenses (1.28) (528.18)
Interest Paid (1,485.21) (3,079.37)
Dividend Paid (including Dividend Distribution Tax) (601.49) (505.69)
Minority Interest 0.24 (1,350.81)
Proceeds From Long Term Borrowing 5,241.85 12,939.83
Repayment of Long Term Borrowing (11,328.19) (3,896.17)
Proceeds From Short Term Borrowing 673.75 2,274.52
Repayment of Short Term Borrowing (785.83) (16,747.14)
Net Cash Generated From Financing Activities (C) 12,103.42 2,901.39
Increase/ (Decrease) in Cash and Cash Equivalents (A+B+C) 1,843.57 3,051.91
Cash & Cash Equivalents as at Beginning of Year 4,598.24 1,546.33
Cash & Cash Equivalents as at End of the Year 6,441.80 4,598.24
Cash and Cash Equivalent includes
Cash and Cheques in Hand 905.65 982.44
Balance with Scheduled Banks
In Current Accounts 754.67 1,151.09
In Unclaimed Dividend Accounts 46.02 39.58
In Call Deposits 4,638.44 200.37
Balance with Non - Scheduled Banks 97.02 2,224.76

1) The above Cash Flow Statement has been prepared under the ‘Indirect Method’ as set out in the
Accounting Standard - 3 on Cash Flow Statement issued by The Institute of Chartered Accountants
of India.
2) Figures in bracket indicate cash outflow.
3) Cash and Cash Equivalents includes ` 181.09 Lacs pledged to various authorities which are not
available for use by the Company.

As Per Our Report of Even Date For and on Behalf of Board of Directors
For Haribhakti & Co For Amit Desai & Co
Jaydev Mody Chairman
Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants
Ashish Kapadia Managing Director
Mahesh Gupta Director
Rajeev Piramal Director
Chetan Desai Amit Desai
Rajesh Jaggi Director
Partner Proprietor
Lt. Gen. N. Thamburaj Director
Place : Mumbai Hitesh Kanani Company Secretary
Date : 26th April, 2011

Annual Report | 2010-2011 107

Schedules Forming Part of the
Consolidated Balance Sheet As At 31st March, 2011

(` in Lacs)
As at As at
31st March, 2011 31st March, 2010
Schedule No. 1
Share Capital
35,00,00,000 (35,00,00,000) Equity Shares of `1/- Each 3,500.00 3,500.00
10,00,000 (10,00,000) 10% Non Cumulative Redeemable
Preference Shares of ` 10/- Each 100.00 100.00
1,30,00,000 (1,30,00,000) 8% Non Cumulative Redeemable
Preference Shares ` 10/- Each 1,300.00 1,300.00
Total 4,900.00 4,900.00
Issued, Subscribed And Paid-Up
20,18,08,189 (16,71,61,130) Equity Shares of ` 1/-
Fully Paid Up 2,018.08 1,671.61
1,22,38,535 (1,22,38,535) 8% Non Cumulative Redeemable
Preference Shares of ` 10/- Each Fully Paid Up 1,223.85 1,223.85
Total 3,241.94 2,895.46

1) During the F.Y 2010-11 Company issued and allotted 3,46,47,059 Equity Share of ` 1/- each issued
at a price of ` 51/- per Equity Share on Preferential basis to Promoter Group and Selected investors
as per the approval of share holders and applicable statutory provisions.

2) In terms of approval by the Shareholders of the Company and as per the applicable statutory
provisions, in the F.Y. 2007-08 of the Company had issued and allotted 1,50,00,000 warrants to
promoter entitling warrant holders to acquire equivalent numbers of fully paid up equity shares of Re
1/- each of the Company at price of ` 40.50 per Equity Share. As per the entitlement, the warrant
holders applied for and are allotted 1,50,00,000 equity shares of the Company during the Financial
Year 2009-2010.

3) During the F.Y. 2009-10, the Company issued and allotted 1,66,33,000 Equity Shares of ` 1/- each
issued at price of ` 50.0625 per share to Qualified Institutional Buyers.

Schedules Forming Part of the
Consolidated Balance Sheet As At 31st March, 2011

(` in Lacs)
As at As at
31st March, 2011 31st March, 2010
Schedule No. 2
Reserves & Surplus
Security Premium Account
Opening Balance 20,517.20 11,507.55
Add: Addition During the Year 17,323.53 14,085.57
Less: Share Issue And Other Expenses (1.28) (528.18)
Less: Adjustment pursuant of Scheme of Arrangement &
Amalgamation - (4,547.74)
37,839.45 20,517.20
General Reserves
Opening Balance 2,413.93 2,113.93
Add : Transfer From Profit & Loss Account 2,000.00 300.00
4,413.93 2,413.93
Capital Redemption Reserves 181.03 181.03

Foreign Currency Translation Reserves (647.19) (221.75)

Profit And Loss Account 13,916.68 163.30

Total 55,703.90 23,053.70

Schedule No. 3
Employee Stock Options Outstanding
Option Granted During the Year 2,074.45 -
Less: Deferred Employee Compensation Expense 1,877.63 -
Total 196.82 -

Annual Report | 2010-2011 109

Schedules Forming Part of the
Consolidated Balance Sheet As At 31st March, 2011

(` in Lacs)
As at As at
31st March, 2011 31st March, 2010
Schedule No. 4
Secured Loans
From Banks (Term Loan)
Secured by First legal charge on the property LR 209/11399
at Nairobi, Kenya 3,275.97 984.12
Fixed and Floating charge over the development of Land
at Crouch End, at United Kingdom 1,998.86 898.87
Secured against mortgage of Immovable Property
at Bayside Mall, Mumbai and Ship at Goa 6,557.04 6,153.92
Secured by Equitable Mortgage of free hold jetty land
at Goa, hypothecation of the Ship, M V Majesty, Stocks & Debts 1,446.88 -
Interest Accrued and Due - 3.00

From a Financial Institution

Secured by way of first mortgage of a Immovable Property at
Prabhadevi, Mumbai and its future Lease Rental Income - 11,319.46

From a Company (Vehicle Loan)

(Secured by way of hypothecation of a Motor Vehicle) 11.94 17.68
Total 13,290.70 19,377.05

Schedule No. 5
Unsecured Loans (ShoRt Term)
Inter Corporate 5,820.10 6,600.54
Others 1,055.60 381.85
Interest Accrued and Due - 5.40
Total 6,875.70 6,987.79

Schedule No. 6
Fixed Assets & Depreciation
(` in Lacs)
Gross Block Depreciation Net Block

Particulars Translation Translation

As on Acquisition Addition Deduction As on As on Acquisition Addition Deduction As on As on As on
Exchange Exchange
01.04.10 31.03.11 01.04.10 31.03.11 31.03.11 31.03.10
Difference Difference
Land - 5,329.22 229.58 - - 5,558.80 - - - - - - 5,558.80 -
Buildings 1,432.62 353.50 291.94 - (100.23) 1,977.83 41.51 - 79.33 - (5.84) 115.00 1,862.83 1,391.11
Plant & Machinery And
Office Equipment 1,338.80 22.16 130.60 17.42 (1.44) 1,472.70 113.23 12.58 73.95 3.28 (0.25) 196.23 1,276.47 1,225.57
Computers & Accessories 76.19 - 9.38 1.25 (0.65) 83.67 36.89 - 14.51 0.86 (0.35) 50.20 33.47 39.30
Furniture & Fixtures 1,801.74 5.81 48.27 27.17 (3.47) 1,825.18 238.86 5.94 127.29 11.25 (1.29) 359.54 1,465.64 1,562.89
Gaming Equipments 593.69 181.00 15.00 - - 789.69 53.34 - 46.40 - - 99.74 689.95 540.35
Vehicles 379.49 30.81 8.60 6.20 (4.09) 408.60 173.43 9.65 54.38 1.68 (1.80) 233.98 174.62 206.06
Schedules Forming Part of the

Ships 3,753.13 - 40.90 - - 3,794.03 238.62 - 137.24 - - 375.86 3,418.17 3,514.51

Feeder/Speed Boats 503.09 36.87 49.18 - - 589.15 52.83 5.89 38.90 - - 97.62 491.53 450.26
Aircrafts 907.25 - - 907.25 - - 75.81 - 23.37 99.18 - - - 831.44
Intangible Assets 4.63 15.95 2.41 - (0.26) 22.73 1.55 3.19 3.01 - (0.14) 7.61 15.12 3.08
Total 10,790.62 5,975.32 825.86 959.30 (110.14) 16,522.36 1,026.06 37.24 598.37 116.24 (9.67) 1,535.76 14,986.60 9,764.57
Previous Year 9,515.43 - 1,344.49 34.21 (35.09) 10,790.62 490.05 - 561.28 20.84 (4.43) 1,026.06 9,764.57 9,025.38
Consolidated Balance Sheet As At 31st March, 2011

Annual Report | 2010-2011

Schedules Forming Part of the
Consolidated Balance Sheet As At 31st March, 2011

(` in Lacs)
Current Previous Face As at As at
Particulars Year Year Value 31st March, 31st March,
Nos Nos ` 2011 2010
Schedule No. 7
I) Trade Investments (at cost)
Fully Paid Equity Shares
A) Quoted
Peninsula Land Limited 48,000 48,000 2 2.64 2.64
(Aggregate Market Value ` 28.46 Lacs -
L.Y. ` 35.26 Lacs)
B) Unquoted
Aero Port & Infrastructure Project Private
Limited 43,750 43,750 10 4.38 4.38
J M Township and Real Estate Private Limited 175,000 175,000 10 17.50 17.50
Peninsula Mega Properties Private Limited - 2,600 10 - 0.26
II) Non Trade Other Investments (at cost)
A) Fully Paid Equity Shares
i) Quoted
Piramal Healthcare Limited (formerly known as
Nicholas Piramal Limited) 423 423 2 0.10 0.10
Victoria Mills Limited 40 40 100 0.02 0.02
Piramal Glass Limited * 19 19 10 - -
Piramal Life Science Limited * 42 42 10 - -
Arrow Textiles Limited 1 1 10 0.00 0.00
Advani Hotels & Resorts Limited 16,132,021 16,127,706 2 8,851.78 8,869.82
(Aggregate Market Value ` 5,657.21
Lacs L.Y.` 6,470.41 Lacs)
*Issued free against holding of shares of
Piramal Healthcare Limited
ii) Unquoted
Freedom Aviation Private Limited 120 120 10 0.01 0.01
The Saraswat Co.op. Bank Limited 2,500 2,500 10 0.25 0.25
The Shamrao Vithal Co.Op. Bank Limited 2,100 2,100 25 0.53 0.53
B) Fully Paid Debenture (Unquoted)
Advent Investment & Finance Co. Private
Limited - 330,000 100 - 33.00
J M Township and Real Estate Private Limited 7,070,000 - 10 707.00 -

Schedules Forming Part of the
Consolidated Balance Sheet As At 31st March, 2011

(` in Lacs)
Current Previous Face As at As at
Particulars Year Year Value 31st March, 31st March,
Nos Nos ` 2011 2010
III) Investment in Mutual Fund (Unquoted)
Birla Dynamic Bond 9,635,388 - 10.5223 1,013.86 -

ICICI Pru Monthly Interval V Plan A 14,999,700 - 10.0521 1,507.78 -

ICICI Quarterly Interval Plan III 10,000,000 - 10.0138 1,001.38 -

J P Morgan India Fixed Maturity

Plan 95 D Series 1 11,553,679 - 10.0590 1,162.18 -

Kotak Quarterly Interval Plan 9,997,830 - 10.0144 1,001.22 -

Templeton Short Term 93,974 - 1,078.2796 1,013.30 -

IV) Investment in Immovable Property

Property At Mumbai
Opening Balance 8,259.31 8,259.31
Less : During the Year Transferred to Stock in Trade (8,259.31) -
Closing Balance - 8,259.31
Total 16,283.95 17,187.81

(` in Lacs)
As at 31st March, 2011 As at 31st March, 2010
Particulars Book Market Book Market
Value Value Value Value

Aggregate Value of Quoted Investment 8,854.55 5,685.67 8,872.58 6,505.67

Aggregate Value of Unquoted Investment 7,429.40 - 55.92 -
Investment in Immovable Property - - 8,259.31 -
Total 16,283.95 5,685.67 17,187.81 6,505.67

Annual Report | 2010-2011 113

Details of Investment made in Mutual Fund for the Year ended 31st March, 2011
(` in Lacs)
Balance Balance Purchase during Purchase during Sold during Sold during Balance Balance
As at 01-04-2009 As at 01-04-2010 F.Y. 09-10 F.Y.10-11 F.Y. 09-10 F.Y. 10-11 As at 31-03-2010 As at 31-03-2011
Name of Mutual Fund
No. of ` In Lacs No. of ` In Lacs No. of ` In Lacs No. of ` In Lacs No. of Unit ` In Lacs No. of Unit ` In Lacs No. of Unit ` In Lacs No. of Unit ` In Lacs
Unit Unit Unit Unit
Birla Dynamic Bond - - - - - - 9,635,388 1,013.86 - - - - - - 9,635,388 1,013.86
Birla Sunlife Saving Fund - - - - - - 57,153,028 5,719.19 - - 57,153,028 5,719.19 - - - -
ICICI Flexi Income - - - - - - 5,127,210 5,421.26 - - 5,127,210 5,421.26 - - - -
ICICI Prudential Flexible Income Plan
Premium - - - - - - 956,011 1,010.84 - - 956,011 1,010.84 - - - -
ICICI Prudential Liquid Plan - - - - - - 6,999,425 7,001.01 - - 6,999,425 7,001.01 - - - -
ICICI Pru Floating Rate Plan D - DDR - - - - - - 7,570,816 7,572.56 - - 7,570,816 7,572.56 - - - -
ICICI Pru Floating Rate Plan D - Growth - - - - - - 4,269,169 6,006.73 - - 4,269,169 6,006.73 - - - -
ICICI Pru Interval II Quarterly C - - - - - - 14,246,285 1,524.67 - - 15,246,285 1,524.67 - - - -
ICICI Pru Monthly Interval V Plan A - - - - - - 14,999,700 1,507.78 - - - - - - 14,999,700 1,507.78
ICICI Quarterly Interval Plan III - - - - - - 10,119,735 1,013.37 - - 119,735 11.99 - - 10,000,000 1,001.38
Reliance Liquid Fund - - - - 50,096,982 7,658 75,634,048 8,426.77 50,096,982 7,658.43 75,634,048 8,426.77 - - - -
Reliance Liquidity Fund - - - - 891,806.64 8,928.20 79,969,236 8,001.00 891,807 8,928.20 79,969,236 8,001.00 - - - -
Schedules Forming Part of the

Reliance Money Manager Fund - - - - - - 1,765,218 17,676.39 - - 1,765,218 17,676.39 - - - -

Reliance Monthly Interval Fund - Series I - - - - - - 20,285,241 2,029.19 - - 20,285,241 2,029.19 - - - -
Reliance Monthly Interval Fund Series II ID - - - - - - 10,227,769 1,022.95 - - 10,227,769 1,022.95 - - - -
J P Morgan India Fixed Maturity Plan 95
D Series 1 - - - - - - 11,553,679 1,162.18 - - - - - - 11,553,679 1,162.18
JP Morgan India Liquid Fund - - - - 4,497,475 450.10 119,076,503 11,917.06 4,497,475 450.10 119,076,503 11,917.06 - - - -
JP Morgan India Treasury Fund - - - - 4,485,980 452.59 83,091,592 8,316.55 4,485,980 452.59 83,091,592 8,316.55 - - - -
Kotak Flexi Debt - - - - - - 9,893,982 1,000.15 - - 9,893,982 1,000.15 - - - -
Kotak Quarterly Interval Plan - - - - - - 10,123,522 1,013.81 - - 125,692 12.59 - - 9,997,830 1,001.22
Reliance Liquid Fund Cash Plan - - - - - - 40,470,771 4,509.05 - - 40,470,771 4,509.05 - - - -
Templeton Short Term - - - - - - 93,974 1,013.30 - - - - - - 93,974 1,013.30
UTI - Floating Rate Fund - IP - DDR - - - - - - 102,582 1,026.61 - - 102,582 1,026.61 - - - -
UTI Liquid Cash Plan - - - - - - 98,107 1,000.15 - - 98,107 1,000.15 - - - -
Consolidated Balance Sheet As At 31st March, 2011

Total - - - - 59,972,244 17,489.32 594,462,990 105,906.45 59,972,244 17,489.32 538,182,419 99,206.71 - - 56,280,571 6,699.74
Schedules Forming Part of the
Consolidated Balance Sheet As At 31st March, 2011

(` in Lacs)
As at As at
31st March, 2011 31st March, 2010
Schedule No. 8
(At Cost/Net Realisable Value whichever is
Lower as Certified by the Management)
Realty Work-In-Process 24,611.08 18,537.99
Stores and Operating Supplies 290.49 247.91
Food and Beverages 26.83 21.75
Total 24,928.40 18,807.65

Schedule No. 9
Sundry Debtors
(Unsecured And Considered Good)
Outstanding For More Than Six Months 146.35 315.57
Others 142.78 210.23
Total 289.13 525.80

Schedule No. 10
Cash And Bank Balances
Cash and Cheques on Hand 905.65 982.44
Balances With Scheduled Banks
In Current Accounts 754.67 1,151.09
In Unclaimed Dividend Accounts 46.02 39.58
In Fixed Deposit Accounts 4,638.44 200.37
Balance in Foreign Banks (Non Scheduled)
In Current Accounts 97.02 147.11
In Fixed Deposit Accounts - 2,077.65
5,536.16 3,615.80
Total 6,441.80 4,598.24

Annual Report | 2010-2011 115

Schedules Forming Part of the
Consolidated Balance Sheet As At 31st March, 2011

(` in Lacs)
As at As at
31st March, 2011 31st March, 2010
Schedule No. 11
Loans & Advances
(Recoverable in Cash or in Kind or for Value to be Received)
Unsecured And Considered Good
Loans and Advances to Others 6,890.33 4,386.42
Deposits 578.46 206.24
Advance Tax 992.01 1,068.82
MAT Credit Entitlement 2,357.41 -
Others 8,443.84 6,947.90
Total 19,262.05 12,609.38

Schedule No. 12
Other Current Asset
Advance Share Application Money Paid 0.00 -
Total 0.00 -

Schedule No. 13
Current Liabilities
Sundry Creditors
- Micro Small and Medium Enterprise 0.08 0.08
- Others 1,741.36 2,320.95
Interest Accrued but not due 0.06 4.31
Deposits 181.21 1,899.99
Unclaimed Dividends * 46.06 39.58
Other Liabilities 3,404.34 2,335.76
5,373.10 6,600.68
*(Amount due and outstanding to be credited to Investor Education
Protection Fund - Current Year : Nil, Previous Year : Nil)
Provision for Taxation 430.52 300.36
Proposed Dividend on Preference Shares 97.91 97.91
Proposed Dividend on Equity Shares 605.42 417.90
Provision for Dividend Tax 114.10 85.68
Provision for Employee Benefits 92.77 55.92
1,340.72 957.77
Total 6,713.82 6,881.60

Schedules Forming Part of the Consolidated Profit and
Loss Account for the year ended 31st March, 2011

(` in Lacs)
Year ended Year ended
31st March, 2011 31st March, 2010
Schedule No. 14
Operational Income
Real Estate Division
Consultancy and Revenue Sharing Income - 2,405.06
Sale Of Property & Compensation Income 26,591.04 897.83
Profit on Sale of Shares - 552.90
26,591.04 3,855.79
Hospitality and Gaming Division
Income From Casino 9,801.31 6,213.21
Sale of Foods & Beverages 214.23 338.84
Income from Cruising, Advertisement & Revenue Sharing 8.88 18.41
10,024.42 6,570.46
Income from Chartering 31.18 185.24
Lease Rental Income 954.66 2,634.33
Total 37,601.30 13,245.82

Schedule No. 15
Other Income
Dividend Income
- Trade 0.72 0.69
- Non Trade 553.46 47.36
Profit On Sale Of Assets 0.05 1.36
Profit On Sale Of Shares 5.85 -
Foreign Exchange Gain 38.53 8.15
Other Income 63.45 25.03
Total 662.06 82.59

Annual Report | 2010-2011 117

Schedules Forming Part of the Consolidated Profit and
Loss Account for the year ended 31st March, 2011

(` in Lacs)
Year ended Year ended
31st March, 2011 31st March, 2010
Schedule No. 16
Raw Materials/Others Consumed
Opening Stocks 18,559.74 22,339.11
Add: Purchases 8,091.05 (2,231.54)
26,650.79 20,107.57
Less: Closing Stocks (24,637.91) (18,559.74)
Total 2,012.88 1,547.82

Schedule No. 17
Operating Expenses
Gaming and Entertainment Tax 965.56 604.15
Insurance Charges 27.32 35.22
Landing, Navigation and Other Airport Charges 3.28 8.00
License Fees and Registration Charges 1,319.45 1,060.14
Other Operating expenses 300.49 245.97
Power & Fuel Expenses 411.72 362.77
Professional and Management Fees 150.11 369.65
Rates & Taxes 45.36 35.76
Repair & Maintenance - Plant & Machinery 217.60 236.73
Total 3,463.02 2,958.42

Schedule No. 18
Staff Costs
Salaries and Incentives 1,960.06 1,682.51
Employee Stock Compensation Expenses 196.82 -
Contribution to Provident & Other Funds 86.74 59.01
Employee Benefits 36.85 28.61
Staff Welfare Expenses 125.89 207.22
Total 2,406.36 1,977.35

Schedules Forming Part of the Consolidated Profit and
Loss Account for the year ended 31st March, 2011

(` in Lacs)
Year ended Year ended
31st March, 2011 31st March, 2010
Schedule No. 19
Administration and Other Expenses
Advertisement Expenses 299.73 230.23
Auditor's Remuneration 50.28 27.63
Conveyance 20.97 5.89
Director Sitting Fees 20.45 4.03
Donations 12.68 11.91
Electricity Charges 33.05 29.81
Exchange Fluctuations Loss 36.20 -
Insurance 17.05 17.37
Legal & Professional Fees 859.97 610.14
Licence Fees & Registration Charges 0.54 0.69
Loss on Sale of Asset 13.63 -
Miscellaneous & General Expenses 123.04 96.06
Postage & Telephone 62.51 60.79
Preliminary Expenses Written off 1.89 21.54
Printing And Stationery 46.56 47.91
Property Tax 13.06 52.33
Rates & Taxes 31.73 4.32
Rent 151.76 49.10
Repairs & Maintenance - Building 74.53 124.15
Repairs & Maintenance - Others 32.15 30.80
Sales Promotion Expenses 291.83 289.69
Travelling Expenses 446.35 195.88
Vehicle Expenses 101.02 81.68
Total 2,740.98 1,991.96

Schedule No. 20
Finance Charges
Interest on Term Loan from Financial Institution 1,229.84 2,427.80
Interest on Unsecured Loan from a Bank 69.80 380.18
Interest on Loan from Others 74.70 197.46
Other Financial Charges 110.86 73.93
1,485.21 3,079.37
Less : Interest Received
On Inter Corporate Deposits 100.78 57.66
[TDS ` 9.21 Lacs, Previous Year ` 5.46 Lacs]
Other Interest 103.70 1,153.23
[TDS ` 3.12 Lacs, Previous Year ` 1.28 Lacs] 204.48 1,210.89
Total 1,280.73 1,868.47

Annual Report | 2010-2011 119


Schedule 21
I. Statement of Significant Accounting Policies

a) Basis of Accounting
The consolidated financial statements have been prepared and presented on the accrual basis
of accounting principles in India (“GAAP”) and comply with accounting standard prescribed in
Companies (Accounting Standards) Rules, 2006 to the extent applicable.

b) Principles of Consolidation
The consolidated financial statements related to Delta Corp Limited (‘the Company’) and its
subsidiary companies have been prepared on following basis:
i) The financial statements of the Company and its subsidiary companies have been combined
on a line-by-line basis by adding together like items of assets, liabilities, income and expenses,
after fully eliminating intra-group balances and intra group transactions in accordance with
Accounting Standard (AS) 21 – “Consolidated Financial Statements”.
ii) In case of foreign subsidiaries, being non-integral foreign operations, revenue items are
consolidated at the average rate prevailing during the year. All assets and liabilities are
converted at rates prevailing at the end of the year. Any exchange difference arising on
consolidation is recognized in the foreign currency translation reserve.
iii) The difference between the cost of the investment in the subsidiaries, over the net assets at
the time of acquisition of shares in the subsidiaries is recognized in the financial statements
as Goodwill or Capital Reserve as the case may be.
iv) The difference between the proceeds from disposal of investment in a subsidiary and the
carrying amount of its assets less liabilities as of the date of the disposal is recognized in the
consolidated statement of Profit and Loss account.
v) Minority Interest’s share of net profit of consolidated subsidiaries for the year is identified and
adjusted against the income of the group in order to arrive at the net income attributable to
shareholders of the Company.
vi) Minority Interest’s share of net assets of consolidated subsidiaries is identified and presented
in the consolidated balance sheet separate from liabilities and the equity of the Company’s
vii) Interest in Joint Venture have been accounted by using the proportionate consolidation
method as per Accounting Standard (AS) - 27 – “Financial Reporting of Interest in Joint
Venture” issued by the companies (Accounting Standard) Rule, 2006.
viii) In case of associates, where the Company directly or indirectly through subsidiaries holds
more than 20% equity, investments in associates are accounted for using equity method in
accordance with Accounting Standard (AS) 23 – “Accounting for investments in associates in
consolidated financial statements”.
ix) The consolidated financial statements are prepared using uniform accounting policies for like
transactions and other events in similar circumstances and are presented in the same manner
as the Company’s separate financial statements except for depreciation as mentioned in point
21 (I)(e).

c) Revenue Recognition
i. Sale of Properties & Services are recognized when significant risks and rewards of ownership
of products are passed on to customers or when the full / complete services have been
provided. Sales are stated at contractual realizable value.
ii. Interest income is generally recognized on a time proportion method.


iii. Dividend income is recognized when the right to receive dividend is established.
iv. Claims for price variation/exchange rate variation in case of contracts are accounted for on
v. Rent income is accounted on accrual basis.
vi. Income from Live Casino Business is accounted for on the basis of winning and losses at
the end of each gaming day of play with the count of chips. Income from Slot Machines is
accounted for on the basis of actual collection in each respective machine.
vii. Sale comprise sale of food and beverages, allied services relating to entertainment and
hospitality operations.

d) Fixed Assets
Fixed Assets are stated at cost less accumulated depreciation. Cost comprises the purchase price
and any attributable cost of bringing the asset to its working condition for its intended use. Finance
cost relates to acquisition of fixed assets are included to the extent they relate to the period till
such assets are ready to be put to use.
In the case of new projects successfully implemented, substantial expansion of existing units and
expenditure resulting into enduring benefit, all pre-operative expenses including deprecation and
interest on borrowings for the project, incurred up to the date of installation are capitalized and
added pro-rata to the Cost of related Fixed Assets of project.

Capital Work-In-Progress
Expenses incurred for acquisition of capital assets along with advances towards the acquisition
of fixed assets outstanding at each balance sheet date are disclosed under Capital Work-in-

e) Depreciation
Depreciation is provided on Written Down Value (WDV) method as prescribed in Schedule XIV
of the Companies Act, 1956 except on Fixed Assets directly pertaining to aviation and casino
business where depreciation is charged on Straight Line method (SLM). Depreciation is provided
from the date of acquisition till the date of sale of assets.

f) Investments
Investments that are readily realizable and intended to be held but not more than a year are
classified as current investments. All other investments are classified as long term investment.
Carrying amount of the individual investment is determined on the basis of the average carrying
amount of the total holding of the investments.
Long-term investments are stated at cost less provision for other than temporary diminution in
value. Investments in Immovable Properties include purchase price, duties, interest and cost of
improvements. Current investments are carried at lower of cost and fair value.

g) Inventories
a. Inventories are valued at lower of cost or net realizable value on FIFO basis.
b. Inventories comprises of Raw Material, Stores, Spares and Consumable, Finished Goods
and Realty WIP.
c. Cost of inventories comprises of cost of purchase, cost of conversion and other cost incurred
in bringing the inventories to their present location and condition.
d. Realty Work in Progress represents expenditure incurred on projects undertaken for
development and construction. Projects under development are stated at Cost. It includes
costs of incomplete properties; the costs incurred before the work has progressed; also

Annual Report | 2010-2011 121


include initial project costs that relate directly to a project; other expenditures as identified by
the management incurred for the purpose of securing and executing the project.
h) Employee Benefits
Liability is provided for retirement benefits for provident fund, gratuity and leave encashment
in respect of all eligible employees. Contributions under the defined contribution schemes are
charged to revenue. The liability in respect of defined benefit schemes like gratuity and leave
encashment is provided in the accounts on the basis of actuarial valuations as at the year end.

i) Foreign Currency Transactions

a) Foreign exchange transactions are recorded at the closing rate prevailing on the dates of the
respective transaction. Exchange difference arising on foreign exchange transactions settled
during the year is recognized in the profit and loss account.
b) Monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are converted at the closing
rate as on Balance Sheet date. The resultant exchange difference is recognized in the profit
and loss account.
c) Exchange rate differences arising on a monetary item that, in substance, forms part of the
company’s net investment in a non-integral foreign operation are accumulated in a foreign
currency translation reserve in the company’s financial statements until the disposal of the net
d) Non monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are carried at the
exchange rate prevalent on the date of the transaction.
j) Borrowing Costs
Borrowing costs that are directly attributable to and incurred on acquiring qualifying assets (assets
that necessarily takes a substantial period of time for its intended use) are capitalized. Other
borrowing costs are recognized as expenses in the period in which same are incurred.
k) Accounting for Taxes on Income
Tax expenses are the aggregate of current tax and deferred tax charged or credited in the
statement of profit and loss for the period.
a) Current Tax
The current charge for income tax is calculated in accordance with the relevant tax regulations
applicable to the company.
b) Deferred Tax
Deferred tax charge or credit reflects the tax effects of timing differences between accounting
income and taxable income for the period. The deferred tax charge or credit and the
corresponding deferred tax liabilities or assets are recognized using the tax rates that have
been enacted or substantively enacted by the balance sheet date. Deferred tax assets are
recognized only to the extent there is reasonable certainty that the assets can be realized in
future; however, where there is unabsorbed depreciation or carry forward of losses, deferred
tax assets are recognized only if there is virtual certainty of realization of such assets. Deferred
tax assets are reviewed at each balance sheet date.
c) Minimum Alternate Tax (MAT)
In case the Company is liable to pay income tax under provision of Minimum Alternate Tax
u/s. 115JB of Income Tax Act, 1961, the amount of tax paid in excess of normal income
tax liability is recognized as an asset only if there is convincing evidence for realization of
such asset during the specified period. MAT Credit Entitlement is recognized in accordance
with the Guidance Note on accounting treatment in respect of Minimum Alternate Tax (MAT)
issued by The Institute of Chartered Accountants.


l) Impairment of Assets
The Company evaluates all its assets for assessing any impairment and accordingly recognizes
the impairment, wherever applicable, as provided in Accounting Standard 28, “Impairment of

m) Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets

Provisions involving substantial degree of estimation in measurement are recognized when there
is a present obligation as a result of past events and it is probable that there will be an outflow of
resources and the amount of which can be reliably estimated.
Contingent Liabilities are not recognized but are disclosed in the Notes. Contingent liabilities
are disclosed in respect of possible obligations that arise from past events but their existence is
confirmed by the occurrence or non occurrence of one or more uncertain future event not wholly
within the control of the Company.
Contingent assets are neither recognized nor disclosed in the financial statements. Provisions,
contingent liabilities and contingent assets are reviewed at each balance sheet date.

n) Operating Leases
Rental applicable to operating leases where substantially all of the benefits and risks of ownership
remain with the lessor are charged against Profit & Loss Account as per the terms of lease
agreement over the period lease.

o) Preliminary Expenditure
Preliminary expenditures are fully charged off in the year in which it has incurred.

II. Notes to the Accounts

a) In the opinion of the Board, the current assets, loans and advances are approximately of the value
stated if realized in the ordinary course of business. The provisions for all known liabilities are
b) Contingent Liabilities
Claims against the Company not acknowledged as debts:
• Income Tax Liabilities for Ass. Year 2007-08: ` 146.22 Lacs (Previous year ` 146.22 Lacs)
• Corporate Guarantee given: `1,836.40 Lacs (Previous year ` 1,000 Lacs).
• Outstanding Letters of credit for ` 470.14 Lacs (Previous Year : ` 303.44 Lacs)
• Service Tax on Management Fees and Expat Services : ` 26.61 Lacs (Previous Year : ` Nil)
• Entertainment Tax on Gaming Operation : ` 19.10 Lacs (Previous Year : ` Nil)
• Bond given to Custom Authority : ` 2,047.19 Lacs (Previous Year : ` 2,047.19 Lacs)
• Financial Guarantee Given to Custom Authority against Ship Clearance: ` 40.00 Lacs
(Previous Year : ` 40 Lacs)
• Estimated amount of contract remaining to be executed on Capital Account : ` 1,620.13 Lacs

Export Obligations:
The Company has obtained licenses under the Export Promotion Credit Guarantee (‘EPCG’)
Scheme for importing capital goods at a concessional rate of custom duty against submission of
bank guarantee and bonds. Under the terms of the respective schemes, the Company is required
to earn foreign exchange value equivalent to, or more than, eight times the CIF value of imports
in respect of certain licenses and eight times the duty saved in respect of licenses where export
obligation has been fixed by the order of the Director General Foreign Trade, Ministry of Finance,

Annual Report | 2010-2011 123


as applicable with in a period of 8 years from the date of import of capital goods. The Export
Promotion Capital Goods Schemes, Foreign Trade Policy 2009-2014 as issued by the Central
Government of India, covers both manufacturer’s exports and service providers. Accordingly, in
accordance with the Chapter 5 of Foreign Trade Policy 2009-2014, the Company is required to
export goods of FOB value of ` 2024.62 Lacs (P.Y ` 2,246.88 Lacs).

c) The Subsidiary Companies considered in the consolidated financial statements are:

Percentage of
Country of Voting Right as on
Name of the Companies 31st March,
2011 2010
Subsidiaries (held directly)
Advani Pleasure Cruises Company Private Limited (from
20.09.2010) India 51.00 -
AAA Aviation Private Limited (till 13.09.2010) India - 90.00
Delta Pan Africa Limited (formerly known Peninsula Kenya
Limited) Kenya 100.00 100.00
Delta Holding (USA) Inc. USA 100.00 100.00
Delta Leisure and Entertainment Private Limited (DL&EPL)
(formerly known as Delta Cruises and Entertainment
Private Limited) (From 18.01.2010) India 100.00 100.00
Delta Hospitality and Leisure Private Limited (DHLPL)
(formerly known as PLL Delta Hotels Private Limited)
(From 30.04.2010) India 100.00 -
Delta Lifestyle and Entertainment Private Limited India 100.00 100.00
Delta Adventures and Entertainment Private Limited India 100.00 100.00
Delta Offshore Developers Limited (from 15.12.2010) Mauritius 100.00 -
Goodluck Renewable Energy Resources Private Limited
(from 08.09. 2010 to 20.01.2011) (100%) India - -
Step-down Subsidiaries
Aman Infrastructure Private Limited (from 24.11.2010) India 100.00 -
Argyll Hotels Private Limited (from 24.11.2010) India 100.00 -
AAA Township Private Limited India 100.00 90.00
Coastal Sports Ventures Private Limited India 100.00 90.00
Caravella Casino (Goa) Private Limited (from 23.09.2010) India 100.00 -
Delta Hospitality and Entertainment Private Limited
(DHEPL) (Formerly known as Mundus Hospitality Private
Limited) (till 25.05.2010 it was direct subsidiary) India 100.00 -
Delta Corp East Africa Limited Kenya 53.65 53.65
Delta Square Limited Kenya 53.65 53.65
Highstreet Cruises & Entertainment Private Limited
(till 15.05.2010 it was direct subsidiary) India 100.00 -
Kaizan LLP United
Kingdom 45.60 45.60


Percentage of
Country of Voting Right as on
Name of the Companies 31st March,
2011 2010
Richtime Realty Private Limited (till 15.05.2010 it was
direct subsidiary) India 50.01 -
Shree Mangesh Realty Private Limited (from 10.03.2011) India 100.00 -
Samarpan Township Private Limited ( from 14.03.2011) India 100.00 -
Samarpan Properties and Construction Private Limited
(from 18.03.2011) India 100.00 -
Victor Hotels and Motels Limited India 100.00 90.00
Joint Venture
Highstreet Riviera Leisure (Goa) Private Ltd (through its
Subsidiary Company DL&EPL) India 50.00 50.00
d) The Company holds more than 20% of the voting power in a company namely Advani Hotels
and Resorts (India) Limited (AHRL). However, since the significant influence for control (as per
Accounting Standard – 23 issued by Institute of Chartered Accountant of India) is not exercised
by the company on AHRL thus this company is not considered as an associate of the company.
e) In case of the Delta Holding (USA) Inc and Delta Offshore Developers Ltd, Mauritius, unaudited
financial statements as on 31st December, 2010 and as on 31st March, 2011 respectively as
certified by the management, have been considered in the consolidated financial statements.

f) Segments Disclosures:
Primary Segment Information: (` in Lacs)
Sr. Gaming &
Particulars Real Estate Lease Rent Others Total
No. Hospitality
I Segment Revenue
Gross Turnover 26,759.09 849.94 10,033.92 693.24 38,336.19
(4,026.36) (2,457.82) (6,584.93) (269.65) (13,338.76)
Inter Segment Turnover - 63.33 9.50 - 72.83
- - (8.53) (1.30) (9.83)
Net Turnover 26,759.09 786.61 10,024.42 693.24 38,263.36
(4,026.36) (2,457.82) (6,576.40) (268.35) (13,328.93)
II Segment Results 15,886.80 605.48 2249.00 (230.66) 18,510.61
(Profit before Interest
and Tax) (1,740.02) (2,163.64) (528.07) 476.20 (3,955.53)
Less : Finance Charges
Interest Expenses 1,485.21
Interest Income 204.48
Net Interest Expense 1,280.73

Annual Report | 2010-2011 125


Sr. Gaming &

Particulars Real Estate Lease Rent Others Total
No. Hospitality
Profit Before tax 17,229.89
Less : Taxes 708.63
Profit After tax 16,521.07
Less : Minority Interest (49.75)
Profit After Tax (after
adjusting Capital Profit 16,570.82
and Minority Interest) (1,210.50)
III Segment Assets 40,924.99 218.78 40,856.41 9,324.74 91,324.93
(29,619.06) (9,159.05) (27,032.79) (3,254.79) (69,066.72)
IV Segment Liabilities 15,117.10 198.17 10,801.04 333.40 26,449.70
(11,736.50) (6,402.76) (10,545.79) (4,937.32) (33,622.92)
V Capital Expenditure 130.75 - 695.11 - 825.86
(1,106.00) - (218.68) (20.00) (1,343.68)
VI Depreciation 144.25 - 427.77 24.75 596.77
(109.00) - (401.27) (52.00) (561.27)
Secondary Segment Information:-
(` in Lacs)

Year Ended 31st March

2011 2010
Segment Revenue
- Within India 36,852.36 12,255.22
- Outside India 1,410.99 1,073.71
Total 38,263.36 13,328.93
Segment Assets
- Within India 67,045.27 48,430.77
- Outside India 24,279.66 20,635.76
Total 91,324.93 69,066.72
Segment Liabilities
- Within India 14,101.93 24,439.70
- Outside India 12,347.77 9,183.22
Total 26,449.70 33,622.92
Capital Expenditure
- Within India 705.92 278.00
- Outside India 119.93 1,065.68
Total 825.86 1,343.68


Primary Segment
I. Business Segment:
Segment identified by the company comprises are Real Estate, Lease Rental, Gaming &
Hospitality and Others.
II. Segment Revenue and Expenses:
Revenue and Expenses have been identified to a segment on the basis of relationship to
operating activities of the segment. Revenue and Expenses which relate to enterprises as
a whole and are not allocable to a segment on a reasonable basis have been disclosed as
III. Segment Assets and Liabilities:
Segment assets and segment liabilities represent assets and liabilities in respective segments.
Investments, tax related assets and other assets and liabilities that cannot be allocated to a
segment on reasonable basis have been disclosed as “Unallocable”.
IV. Inter Segment Transfers:
Segment Revenue, Segment Expenses and Segment Results include transfer between
businesses segments, such transfers are eliminated in consolidation.
V. Accounting Policies:
The accounting policies consistently used in the preparation of the financial statements are
also applied to item of revenue and expenditure in individual segments.
Secondary Segment- Geographical Segment
Out of the total segment assets and segment liabilities, more than 10% of total segment assets
and segments liabilities are outside India. Hence, based on segment assets and liabilities
related to different geography, secondary segment is reported as in India and outside India
under geographical segment is considered as secondary segment.
g) Disclosure required by clause 32 of the Listing Agreement and as per Section 370 (1B) of
Companies Act, 1956
Amount of Loans and Advances in the nature of Loans outstanding from Associates etc.
Loans and Advances in the nature of Loans
(` in Lacs)

Maximum Balance
Closing Balance outstanding
Name of the Subsidiaries during the year
2010-11 2009-10 2010-11 2009-10
Jayem Realty Solutions Private Limited 460.87 - 460.87 -
Aarti Management Consultancy Private Limited - - - 10.31
Arrow Textiles Limited - - - 197.99
• Loans and Advances shown above, to associates fall under the category of Loans and
Advances in nature of Loans where there is no repayment schedule and are re-payable on
• Loan to employees as per Company’s policy is not considered.

Annual Report | 2010-2011 127


h) Employee Benefits
Disclosure required as per AS – 15 are as under:
i) The Company has recognized the expected liability arising out of the compensated absence
and gratuity as at 31st March, 2011 based on actuarial valuation carried out using the Project
Credit Method.
ii) The below disclosure have been obtained from independent actuary. The other disclosures
are made in accordance with AS - 15 (revised) pertaining to the Defined Benefit Plan is as
given below:
(` in Lacs)

Gratuity Leave Encashment

Sr. Unfunded Unfunded
2011 2010 2011 2010
1 Assumptions :
Discount Rate 8.25% 8.25% 8.25% 8.25%
Salary Escalation 5.00% 5.00% 5.00% 5.00%
2 Changes in present value of obligations :
Present value of obligations as at beginning
of year 34.90 13.60 21.02 18.98
Interest Cost 2.53 2.10 1.56 2.70
Current Service Cost 19.82 12.91 12.55 17.10
Liability Transfer In - - - -
Liability Transfer out (4.43) - (1.98) -
Benefit Paid (0.26) - (5.76) (4.66)
Actuarial (Gain) / Loss on obligations (6.55) 6.29 11.35 (13.09)
Present value of obligations as at end of year 46.01 34.90 38.78 21.02
3 Changes in the fair value of plan assets :
Fair value of plan assets at beginning of year - 4.08 - -
Expected return on plan assets - 0.33 - -
Contributions - - - 1.18
Transfer to Other Company - (4.08) - -
Benefits paid - - - (1.18)
Actuarial Gain / (Loss) on Plan assets - (0.33) - -
Fair value of plan assets at the end of year - - - -
4 Actuarial Gain/Loss recognized :
Actuarial (Gain)/Loss for the year - Obligation 6.55 6.29 11.35 (13.09)
Actuarial (Gain)/Loss for the year - plan assets - 0.33 - -
Total (Gain)/Loss for the year 6.55 6.61 11.35 (13.09)
Actuarial (Gain)/Loss recognized in the year 6.55 6.61 11.35 (13.09)


(` in Lacs)

Gratuity Leave Encashment

Sr. Unfunded Unfunded
2011 2010 2011 2010
5 Amount recognized in the Balance Sheet :
Liability at the end of the year 46.01 34.90 38.78 21.02
Fair value of Plan Assets at the end of the year - - - -
Difference (46.01) (34.90) (38.78) (21.02)
Amount recognized in the Balance Sheet 46.01 34.90 38.78 21.02
6 Expenses recognized in the Profit and
Loss Account :
Current Service Cost 19.82 12.91 12.59 17.10
Interest Cost 2.53 2.10 1.56 2.70
Expected return on Plant assets - (0.33) - -
Past Service Cost (non-vested benefit)
recognized - - - -
Past Service Cost (vested benefit) recognized - - - -
Recognition of Transition Liability - - - -
Actuarial (Gain) or Loss (6.55) 6.61 11.35 (13.09)
Expenses recognized in the Profit and Loss
Account 15.80 21.30 25.50 6.70
7 Balance Sheet Reconciliation :
Opening Liability 34.90 9.52 21.02 18.98
Transferred due to De-merger - - - 1.50
Funded Assets Taken by Other Company - 4.08 - -
Transfer from Other Company - - - -
Transfer to Other Company (4.95) - (1.98) -
Expenses as above 15.80 21.30 25.50 5.21
Employer’s Contribution 0.26 - (5.76) (4.66)
Closing Net Liability 46.01 34.90 38.78 21.02

iii) Under Defined contribution plan:

(` in Lacs)

Particulars 2010-11 2009-10

Contribution to Provident Fund 72.20 47.15
Contribution to ESIC 1.72 0.03

Annual Report | 2010-2011 129


i) Related Party Disclosures

(A) Related parties and transactions with them during the year as identified by management are given
(i) Individuals owning directly or indirectly an Interest in the voting power that gives them
significant influence:
• Mr. Jaydev Mody (JM) - Chairman
• Mrs. Zia Mody (ZM)
(ii) Key Management Personnels:
• Mr. Ashish Kapadia (AK) - Managing Director
• Mr. Hardik Dhebar (HD) - Group C.F.O.
(iii) Enterprises over which persons mentioned in (i) and (ii) above exercise significant influence:
• Aarti J Mody Trust
• Aarti Management Consultancy Private Limited (AMCLP)
• Aditi J Mody Trust
• Aditi Management Consultancy Private Limited (ADMPL)
• Anjali J Mody Trust
• Anjoss Trading Private Limited(ATPL)
• Arrow Textiles Limited (ATL)
• AZB & Partners (AZB)
• Bayside Properties Private Limited (BPPL)
• Bayside Realty Private Limited (BRPL)
• Blackpool Realty Pvt. Ltd. (BRPL)
• Dacapo Brokerage India Private Limited (DBIPL)
• Delta Magnets Limited (DML)
• Freedom Aviation Private Limited (FAPL)
• Freedom Registry Limited (FRPL)
• J M Realty Management Private Limited (JMRMPL)
• J M Township Real Estate Private Limited (JMTPL)
• Jayem Properties Private Limited (JPPL)
• Jayem Realty Solutions Private Limited (JRSPL)
• Peninsula Facility Management Services Private Limited (PFMS)
• Peninsula Land Ltd (PLL)


Details of transactions carried out with related parties in the ordinary course of business
(` in Lacs)

Enterprises over
Key Management Personnel
which Individuals/ Key
Sr. / Individual owning directly
Nature of Transactions Management Personnel Total
No. or indirectly interest in voting
exercise significant
10-11 09-10 10-11 09-10 10-11 09-10
1 Consultancy Income
PLL - - - 408.43 - 408.43
- - - 408.43 - 408.43
2 Revenue Sharing Income
PLL - - - 1,992.69 - 1,992.69
- - - 1,992.69 - 1,992.69
3 Rent and Other Charges
for Office Building
PLL - - - 14.13 - 14.13
JPPL - - 11.49 - 11.49 -
- - 11.49 14.13 11.49 14.13
4 Interest Paid
DML - - - 13.73 - 13.73
DBIPL - - - 0.52 - 0.52
PLL - - - 241.71 - 241.71
- - - 255.96 - 255.96
5 Maintenance Charges and
Other exp reimburse
PFMS - - 58.34 95.55 58.34 95.55
- - 58.34 95.55 58.34 95.55
6 Directors Sitting Fess
AK - 0.18 - - - 0.18
JM 0.50 0.50 - - 0.50 0.50
0.50 0.68 - - 0.50 0.68
7 Professional Fees Paid
FRPL - - 4.60 1.25 4.60 1.25
AZB - - 36.42 163.67 36.42 163.67
- - 41.02 164.93 41.02 164.93
8 Sale of Food and
AZB - - - 7.20 - 7.20
- - - 7.20 - 7.20

Annual Report | 2010-2011 131


(` in Lacs)
Enterprises over
Key Management Personnel
which Individuals/ Key
Sr. / Individual owning directly
Nature of Transactions Management Personnel Total
No. or indirectly interest in voting
exercise significant
10-11 09-10 10-11 09-10 10-11 09-10
9 Remuneration Paid
AK 99.94 72.37 - - 99.94 72.37
HD 33.51 30.30 - - 33.51 30.30
133.45 102.67 - - 133.45 102.67
10 Other Expenses Paid
DBIPL - - 0.07 0.33 0.07 0.33
- - 0.07 0.33 0.07 0.33
11 Interest Received
ATL - - - 22.35 - 22.35
JRSPL - - 12.08 - 12.08 -
- - 12.08 22.35 12.08 22.35
12 Loans Taken
AMCLP - - - 890.50 - 890.50
ADMPL - - - 421.50 - 421.50
ATPL - - - 428.50 - 428.50
JM - 225.00 - - - 225.00
- 225.00 - 1,740.51 - 1,965.51
13 Loans Repayment
(Including Interest)
AMCLP - - - 971.79 - 971.79
ADMPL - - - 467.40 - 467.40
ATPL - - - 491.73 - 491.73
DBIPL - - - 101.51 - 101.51
DML - - - 147.18 - 147.18
PLL - - - 4,251.64 - 4,251.64
JM - 474.50 - - - 474.50
- 474.50 - 6,431.26 - 6,905.76
14 Loans Given
ATL - - - 20.00 - 20.00
JRSPL - 450.00 - 450.00 -
- - 450.00 20.00 450.00 20.00


(` in Lacs)
Enterprises over
Key Management Personnel
which Individuals/ Key
Sr. / Individual owning directly
Nature of Transactions Management Personnel Total
No. or indirectly interest in voting
exercise significant
10-11 09-10 10-11 09-10 10-11 09-10
15 Loans Received Back
(Including Interest)
ATL - - - 220.35 - 220.35
- - - 220.35 - 220.35
16 Advance for Property
AMCLP - - 166.65 115.00 166.65 115.00
BRPL - - 175.00 983.50 175.00 983.50
AMGCL - - 288.65 - 288.65 -
ATPL - - 206.70 - 206.70 -
- - 837.00 1,098.50 837.00 1,098.50
17 Advance for Property
AMCLP - - 166.65 63.25 166.65 63.25
BRPL - - 1,058.50 50.00 1,058.50 50.00
AMGCL - - 340.40 - 340.40 -
ATPL - - 206.70 - 206.70 -
- - 1,772.25 113.25 1,772.25 113.25
18 Deposit Given
JPPL - - 120.00 - 120.00 -
- - 120.00 - 120.00 -
19 Sale of Share
AAAHT - - - 0.50 - 0.50
- - - 0.50 - 0.50
20 Dividend On Equity
Shares Paid
JM 49.02 39.21 - - 49.02 39.21
ZM 150.78 120.63 - - 150.78 120.63
199.80 159.84 - - 199.80 159.84
21 Dividend On
Preference Shares
JM 48.95 48.95 - - 48.95 48.95
ZM 48.95 48.95 - - 48.95 48.95
97.90 97.90 - - 97.90 97.90

Annual Report | 2010-2011 133


(` in Lacs)
Enterprises over
Key Management Personnel
which Individuals/ Key
Sr. / Individual owning directly
Nature of Transactions Management Personnel Total
No. or indirectly interest in voting
exercise significant
10-11 09-10 10-11 09-10 10-11 09-10
22 Deposit Given back
PLL - - - 150.00 - 150.00
- - - 150.00 - 150.00
23 Acquisition of Fixed
Assets (Including
PLL - - 322.14 - 322.14 -
- - 322.14 - 322.14 -
24 Deposit Received back
JM - 150.00 - - - 150.00
- 150.00 - - - 150.00
25 Received for Equity
Shares Warrants
Aarti J Mody Trust - - 233.32 - 233.32 -
Aditi J Mody Trust - - 233.32 - 233.32 -
Anjoss J Mody Trust - - 233.32 - 233.32 -
- - 699.96 - 699.96 -
26 Share Application
ATL - - 0.00 - 0.00 -
- - 0.00 - 0.00 -
27 Sale of Shares
PLL - - 0.26 - 0.26 -
- - 0.26 - 0.26 -
28 Amount Received for
Aarti J Mody Trust - - 1,400.80 - 1,400.80 -
Aditi J Mody Trust - - 1,400.80 - 1,400.80 -
Anjoss J Mody Trust - - 1,400.80 - 1,400.80 -
- - 4,202.40 - 4,202.40 -
29 Purchase of Shares
PLL - - - 26.00 - 26.00
- - - 26.00 - 26.00


(` in Lacs)
Enterprises over
Key Management Personnel
which Individuals/ Key
Sr. / Individual owning directly
Nature of Transactions Management Personnel Total
No. or indirectly interest in voting
exercise significant
10-11 09-10 10-11 09-10 10-11 09-10
30 Issue of Shares (Incl.
Share Premium)
JM - 2,602.22 - - - 2,602.22
- 2,602.22 - - - 2,602.22
31 ESOP Grant (nos of
AK 17.05 - - - 17.05 -
HD 6.00 - - - 6.00 -
23.05 - - - 23.05 -
32 Sharing of Resources
of Others*
ZM - - - - - -
ATPL - - - - - -
- - - - - -
33 Reimbursement of
ATL - - 0.01 0.04 0.01 0.04
DBIPL - - - 0.52 - 0.52
DML - - 0.37 0.12 0.37 0.12
FAPL - - - 1.79 - 1.79
FRPL - - - 0.07 - 0.07
JM - 3.99 - - - 3.99
JMRMPL - - - 0.00 - 0.00
JMTPL - - - 0.78 - 0.78
- 3.99 0.38 3.32 0.38 7.31
Outstanding Balance
as on 31st March
34 Unsecured Loans taken
AMCLP - - - 84.34 - 84.34
ADMPL - - - 84.34 - 84.34
ATPL - - - 84.34 - 84.34
- - - 253.02 - 253.02

Annual Report | 2010-2011 135


(` in Lacs)
Enterprises over
Key Management Personnel
which Individuals/ Key
Sr. / Individual owning directly
Nature of Transactions Management Personnel Total
No. or indirectly interest in voting
exercise significant
10-11 09-10 10-11 09-10 10-11 09-10
35 Professional Fees
AZB - - 0.02 14.97 0.02 14.97
FRPL - - - 1.73 - 1.73
- - 0.02 16.70 0.02 16.70
36 Loans Given (Incl.
JRSPL - - 460.87 - 460.87 -
- - 460.87 - 460.87 -
37 Other Receivable
LMCPL - - - 21.00 - 21.00
AZB - - - 0.12 - 0.12
- - - 21.12 - 21.12
38 Advance Received for
AMCLP - - - 51.75 - 51.75
BRPL - - 50.00 933.50 50.00 933.50
- - 50.00 985.25 50.00 985.25
39 Sundry Creditors
PFMS - - 6.90 10.03 6.90 10.03
PLL - - 36.79 100.83 36.79 100.83
JPPL - - 12.25 - 12.25
- - 55.94 110.86 55.94 110.86
40 Reimbursement of
DBIPL - - - 0.22 - 0.22
JMTPL - - - 0.21 - 0.21
- - - 0.43 - 0.43
41 Sundry Debtors
AZB - - 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12
- - 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12
42 Deposit Receivable
JPPL - - 120.00 - 120.00 -
- - 120.00 - 120.00 -
* Transactions are of non monetary consideration.


j) Deferred Tax & MAT Credit Entitlement

(i) Deferred Tax
In accordance with Accounting Standard 22 “Accounting for Taxes on Income” issued by the
Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, the Company has accounted for Deferred Tax
during the year.
Deferred Tax Asset recognized on carried forwards losses is on the basis of Management’s
view of reasonable certainty of availability sufficient future taxable income. Future sales trend
for first one months of FY 10-11 also revealed that Company is likely to generate sizable
amount of profit in future years.
The components of Deferred Tax Assets to the extent recognized and Deferred Tax Liabilities
as on March 31, 2011 are as follows:
(` in Lacs)
Particulars 2010-2011 2009-2010
Deferred Tax Liability:
Difference between Book and Tax Depreciation 640.25 593.66
Total 640.25 593.66
Deferred Tax Asset:
Carry Forward Loss 361.05 774.88
Unrealized Gain Difference (12.32) 24.18
Difference between Book and Tax Depreciation 226.46 40.19
Expenses Disallowed 67.96 18.63
Total 643.14 857.88
Net Deferred Tax Liability / (Assets) (2.89) (264.22)
(ii) MAT Credit Entitlement
MAT Credit Entitlement of ` 2,357.41 Lacs is based on business projection of company
provided by management, and the same have been relied upon by the Auditors.

k) Earnings Per Share

(` in Lacs) (Unless Specified)

Particulars 2010-2011 2009-2010

Net Profit after Tax 16,570.82 1,210.50
Preference Dividend and Dividend Distribution Tax
thereon 113.79 114.17
Numerator used for calculating basic earnings per
share 16,457.03 1,096.33
Weighted average number of equity shares used as
denominator for calculating basic earnings per share 1,817.79 1,546.86
Weighted average number of equity shares used as
denominator for calculating diluted earnings per share 1,868.06 1,546.86
Basic Earnings Per Share (`) 9.05 0.71
Diluted Earnings Per Share (`) 8.81 0.71
Face Value Per Equity Share (`) 1 1

Annual Report | 2010-2011 137


l) Particulars in regard to bank balances with non-scheduled banks:

(` in Lacs)

Maximum Balance
outstanding during the
Name of the Banks Balance

2010-11 2009-10 2010-11 2009-10

In Current Accounts :

I & M Bank Limited- Kshs a/c 11.10 17.51 10.55 2.45

I & M Bank Limited- US$ A/c 1.13 1.12 1.11 1.90

CFC Stanbic Limited- Kshs A/c - 17.54 - -

CFC Stanbic Limited- US$ A/c - 1.13 - -

Kenya Commercial Bank Limited- Kshs A/c 435.22 1,246.14 4.42 70.60

Guardian bank Limited- Kshs A/c 16.64 619.20 4.27 8.47

I & M Bank Limited- Kshs A/c 2.37 - 2.05 -

Kenya Commercial Bank Limited- US$ A/c 46.24 0.23 2.25 0.20

Kenya Commercial Bank Limited – GBP 0.71 - 0.67 -

I & M Bank Limited- Kshs A/c (1,207.38) 469.26 (222.62) 40.99

I & M Bank Limited- US$ A/c 1,618.11 0.23 7.16 0.22

Fina Bank Limited- Kshs A/c 4.55 933.76 0.34 1.76

CFC Stanbic Limited- Kshs A/c 4.32 92.58 2.91 1.55

CFC Stanbic Limited- US$ A/c 1.68 19.77 1.40 0.23

I & M Bank Limited- Kshs A/c 0.26 0.30 0.03 0.27

I & M Bank Limited- US$ A/c 0.45 0.46 0.44 0.44

CFC Stanbic Limited- Kshs A/c - 0.33 - -

CFC Stanbic Limited- US$ A/c - 0.46 - -

Bank of Scotland – GBP A/c 56.44 9.36 57.16 9.36

In Deposit Accounts:

I & M Bank Limited- Kshs - 12.38 - 11.76

I&M Bank Limited- Call Deposit - 1,547.99 - 1,477.65

Kenya Commercial Bank Limited- Kshs 555.56 3,715.17 - 588.24

CFC Stanbic Limited- Kshs A/c - 297.00 - -


m) The Group has taken on operating lease, certain assets, the minimum future lease rentals
are as follows :
• Operating Lease Income Disclosure:
The Company has non cancelable operating income on leasing of properties:
(` In Lacs)

Particulars 2010-11 2009-10

Lease rental recognized during the year 1,018.00 2,454.82
Total 1,018.00 2,454.82

The future minimum lease income is as under:

(` In Lacs)

Particulars 2010-11 2009-10

Upto 1 Year 134.78 2,323.60
1 Year to 5 Year 5.62 1,274.03
above 5 Year - -
Total 140.40 3,597.63

• Operating Lease Expenses Disclosure:

The Company has non cancelable operating lease expenses for assets taken on lease.
(` In Lacs)

Particulars 2010-11 2009-10

Lease rental paid during the year 301.42 23.77
Total 301.42 23.77

(` In Lacs)

Particular 2010-11 2009-10

Upto 1 Year 344.95 57.42
1 Year to 5 Year 813.00 170.88
above 5 Year - 732.71
Total 1,157.95 961.01

n) The following amounts are included in the Financial Statements in respect of the jointly controlled
entities based on the proportionate consolidation method prescribed in the Accounting Standard
relating to ‘Financial Reporting of Interest in Joint Ventures’ (AS 27).

Annual Report | 2010-2011 139


(` In Lacs)

Particulars 2010-11 2009-10

Fixed Assets (Net Block) 189.16 3.71
Deferred Tax Assets 35.94 15.73
Current Assets, Loans and Advances 212.22 374.26
Less: Current Liabilities & Provisions 29.11 32.07
Net Current Assets 183.11 342.19
Profit & Loss Account 66.77 31.49
Unsecured Loans 468.36 392.56
Deferred Tax Liability 6.12 0.06
Contingent Liabilities - -
Capital Commitments - -
Operating Income 179.13 26.98
F&B Consumed 23.40 4.09
Operating & Administrative Expenses 158.47 60.79
Depreciation 9.43 0.09
Finance Charges 37.26 9.16

o) Previous Year Comparatives

The previous year’s figures have been reworked, regrouped, rearranged, recast and reclassified
wherever necessary. Amounts and other disclosures for the preceding year are included as an
integral part of the current year financial statements and are to be read in relation to the amounts
and other disclosures relating to the current year.

For and on Behalf of Board of Directors

Jaydev Mody Chairman

Ashish Kapadia Managing Director
Mahesh Gupta Director
Rajeev Piramal Director
Rajesh Jaggi Director
Lt. Gen. N. Thamburaj Director
Hitesh Kanani Company Secretary
Place : Mumbai
Date : 26th April, 2011


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