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1 Historical Background: Anmol Singh, Himadri Priya Gogoi, and Pranjit Barman

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Historical Background
Anmol Singh, Himadri Priya Gogoi, and Pranjit Barman
National Institute of Technology Silchar, Department of Chemistry, Silchar, Assam 788010, India

1.1 Introduction

Over the past few decades, chemistry of coordination compounds has expanded and
diversified considerably. Coordination chemistry accomplished a significant inter-
disciplinary place at the interface of numerous fields, which serves as a connecting
link between the different classes of chemical, physical, and biological sciences. The
precise date that the first coordination compound was prepared is challenging to
ascertain. Johann Jacob Diesbach, a color manufacturer, discovered the blue pig-
ment known as Prussian blue in the seventeenth century, which is the beginning
of coordination complex chemistry [1]. Chromium was discovered in 1798 by the
German researchers Lowitz and Klaproth separately in a sample of a heavy black
rock located near north of the Beres of Mines. The chromium in the same mineral
from a small deposit in the Var region of South-eastern France was discovered by
another German chemist Tassaert in 1799. He identified this mineral as the Cr–Fe
spinel, also known as chromite (FeO⋅Cr2 O3 ) [2].
Alfred Werner’s findings marked the beginning of an insight into coordination
compounds and their varied properties. Werner’s coordination theory in 1893 was
the first effort which focused on the quantity and type of groups connected to the
central metal ion to characterize the bonding and interpretation of coordination
complexes. In 1913, Werner’s idea and meticulous work over the ensuing 20 years
earned him the Noble Prize in Chemistry. Due to the development of sophisticated
physicochemical techniques of high accuracy and precision, his fundamental
theories regarding the stereochemistry of metal complexes, mechanisms of iso-
merization, and racemization, etc. prevail indisputable even now despite all the
advancements that have occurred since his time and through the last 50 years
[3, 4]. These have greatly improved our knowledge of the attributes of metal–ligand
connection, the configuration and stereochemistry of metal complexes, and their
stabilities, liabilities, and other characteristics [5, 6]. Werner’s theory became a
key component of “The Electronic Theory of Valency” proposed by G.N. Lewis
(1916) and extensively related to coordination compounds by N.V. Sidgwick (1927),
Schiff Base Metal Complexes: Synthesis and Applications, First Edition.
Edited by Pranjit Barman and Anmol Singh.
© 2023 WILEY-VCH GmbH. Published 2023 by WILEY-VCH GmbH.
4 1 Historical Background

replacing the majority of the earlier concepts presented by Berzelius (1819), Grohen
(1837), Claus (1856), Blomstr (1869), and Jorgenson (1894).
Coordination chemistry has expanded in three dimensions, taking into consider-
ation its breadth, depth, and applications. The five Noble awards that significantly
impact the topic reflect the sustained respect for the emerging science (A. Werner,
1913; M. Eigen, 1967; Wilkinson and Fischer, 1973; H. Taube, 1983; Cram, Lehn and
Pedersen, 1987). In the list, Werner and Cram, Lehn & Pedersen acknowledged the
ancient and new domains of coordination chemistry [7].
A coordination compound, also known as a metal complex, comprises an ensem-
ble of bonded ions or molecules, regarded as ligands, and a central ion or atom called
a coordination center, which is typically a metal ion. There are reasonably profound
changes in the properties of a metal ion on the complex formation, which reflects
in structures, stereochemistry, stability, and many other properties. It is necessary to
understand the properties of bond between the metal ion and ligand to interpret the
design of complex.

1.2 Theories of Coordinate Bond

1.2.1 Valence Bond Theory
According to Lewis and Sidgwick theory, ligands donate an electron pair to a metal
ion to establish a coordinate bond [8, 9]. In 1931, L. Pauling expanded this theory
to comprehend and predict various coordination complex traits, including magnetic
behavior, stereochemistry, kinetics, and other physical and other chemical charac-
teristics [10]. This hypothesis states that a coordinate bond between the metal and
ligand leads to the complex formation of the duo. It describes how s, p, or d orbitals,
as well as hybridized orbitals, i.e. sp3 , d2 sp3 or sp3 d2 , or dsp [2], etc. generate strong
bonds. Tetrahedral, octahedral, and square planar stereochemistry, each dealt by
coordinate covalent bonds, formed by metal atoms having sp3 , d2 sp3 /sp3 d2 , or dsp
[2] hybrid orbitals with the ligand orbitals. Through semi-quantitative calculations,
Pauling and Gould elucidated the stability of complexes and concluded that the for-
mation of sigma bonds among ligand and metal from electron donation occurs in
carbonyl and nitrosyl compounds [10]. Back donation, i.e. dπ–pπ linkage amid metal
and ligand, justifies the stability of carbonyl and nitrosyl compounds.

1.2.2 Crystal Field Theory

The splitting of d or f orbitals is explained by crystal field theory (Figure 1.1).
Degeneracies of electron orbital states are typically brought on by a static electric
field induced by the distribution of charges nearby. Hans Bethe and John Hasbrouck
van Vleck, two scientists, proposed a theory that describes several spectroscopies
of transition metal coordination complexes, specifically optical spectra (colors)
[11, 12]. Although it makes an effort to characterize and explain bonding, crystal
field theory (CFT) is effective in defining colors, magnetic characteristics, and
hydration enthalpies of transition metal complexes. The attraction among the
positively charged metal cation and ligands leads to the interaction between a
1.2 Theories of Coordinate Bond 5

dx2– y2

dx2– y2

2 2
dx – y

6 Dq

orbitals 4 Dq dxy
dxy dz2

dyz dxz

dyz dxz
dyz dxz

elongation Square planar

Figure 1.1 Crystal field splitting in tetragonally elongated, octahedral, and square planar

transition metal and ligands. Owing to the attraction between like charges, the
electrons in the ligand’s d-orbital resist one another, splitting the energy of the
d-orbital. The following factors have an impact on this splitting:
1. Concerning the spherical field, the distribution of ligands encircling metal, the
coordination number of the metal ion, such as tetrahedral or octahedral, and the
type of ligands, a greater oxidation state of the metal causes considerable splitting.
2. Tetrahedral symmetry hinders the ligand electrons from approaching d-orbitals
directly. The higher energy orbitals are dz 2 and dx 2 −y [2], while lower energy
orbitals are dxy , dyz , dxz . The energy splitting will be less than in an octahedral
field. CFT can also be used to explain complex geometry.

1.2.3 Molecular Orbital Theory

The electronic structure of molecules is described using quantum mechanisms.
The electrons are not allocated to specific atom-to-atom linkage; instead, they are
regarded as moving under the influence of the nuclei in the entire molecule. In
1935, molecular orbital theory (MOT) stated that molecular orbitals were formed
by linear combinations of atomic orbitals. Atomic orbitals must overlap within
space and cannot form molecular orbitals if they are too apart. The electrons in
an atom may be either waves or particles; therefore, electrons can be considered
as accommodating an atomic orbital or a wave function ψ, which is a solution
of Schrodinger wave equation. The overlapping atomic orbitals must have nearly
the same energy; maximum overlapping must have symmetry concerning the
molecular bonding axis [13, 14].
6 1 Historical Background

1.2.4 Ligand Field Theory

The orbital configuration, bonding, and other properties of coordinating complexes
are explained by ligand field theory (Figure 1.2). To formulate the more extensive
and realistic ligand field theory, which describes the process of chemical bonding
in transition metal complexes, the MOT and CFT were later integrated. This the-
ory which elucidates the loss of degeneracy of metal d-orbitals in transition metal
complexes was developed by incorporating the tenets of CFT and MOT. Ligand field
theory originated in the 1930s by John Hasbrouck Van Vleck and Orgel to explain
the results using CFT and visible spectra of transition metal complexes [12, 15–18].
The vacant d-orbitals of transition metals facilitate bonding, which affects the col-
ors they absorb in solution. Depending on the intensity of the surrounding ligands,
the various d-orbitals are influenced differentially and have their energy raised or
diminished. The symmetry orbitals of the ligands in octahedral complexes gener-
ate bonding and antibonding combinations through the dz 2 and dx 2 −y 2 orbitals as a
result of approaching along the x-, y-, and z-axes. In contrast, the dxy , dxz , and dyz
orbitals remain nonbonded [19, 20].

Metal Complex Ligand





3d Nonbonding
eg + t2g




Figure 1.2 Molecular orbital energy-level diagram of an octahedral complex.

References 7


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