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Agricultural Price Policy - A Survey With Reference To Indian Food Grain Economy

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Agricultural Price Policy: A Survey with Reference to Indian Foodgrain Economy Author(s): N.

Krishnaji Source: Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. 25, No. 26 (Jun. 30, 1990), pp. A54-A63 Published by: Economic and Political Weekly Stable URL: Accessed: 11/11/2008 07:53
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A Survey with Reference to Indian Foodgrain Economy

N Krishnaji Agricultural price policy must be seen as an essential part of a larger 'package' of policies' designed to promote rapid growth in a few regions endowed with irrigationfacilities and to encourage private investment in the necessary means for the cultivation of the new varieties. Given the highly skewed distribution of land and assets and the marked regional concentration of irrigated areas, the policy package was bound to promote both inter- and intraregional inequalities. One can thus perceive a built-in regressive element in the price policy and locate it within the overall policy of promoting growth through various production incentives, a policy not based on sufficient consideration of its distributional consequences.

BEFOREthe mid-nineteensixties the activities of the government in the foodgrain economy werelimitedin scope to the import of grain and its distribution-mainly in the urban areas under various forms of rationing-during periods of food scarcity following poor harvests. ' Thereafter, however,with the adoption and promotion of the 'new agriculturalstrategy',based on the cultivation of high yielding varietiesof seeds with the use of 'modern' inputspesticides,etc-in areasof assured fertilisers, watersupply,the governmentbegan to play a major role in the transformation of the agriculturalsector. This led to the involvement of the state in diverse activities such as the development of infrastructural facilities,provisionof subsidiesof different kinds, supply of inputs and credit, and the promotion of agronomic research for the adaptationof exotic crop varietiesto Indian

The agricultural price policy which evolved subsequentlymust thus be seen as an essential part of a larger 'package' of policies designed to promote rapid growth in a few regionsendowedwell with irrigation facilities, and to encourage private investment in the necessary means (moderh inputs, tubewells, farm machinery,etc) for the cultivation of the new varieties. It can be argued that, given the highly skewed of distribution land and assetsand a marked irrigatedareas,the regionalconcentration-of policy package was bound to promote both For inequalities. this inter-and intra-regional reason, one can perceivea built-inregressive character in the price policy and locate it within the overall policy of promoting growth through various production incentives, a policy not based on sufficient consideration of its likely distributional consequences.

Both before and after independence the governmentof India had been constituting 'committees'and 'commissions' with a fair A-54

regularityto investigatethe 'food problem' and suggest ways to solve it. But all these were bodies formed ad hoc in response to The workand recommenperiodicscarcities. dationsof these variousbodies probablyhad no lasting impact on the Indian agrarian economy.3 body, It was only in 1965that a permanent PricesCommission,was viz, the Agricultural set up with presumably long-run goals in view.The APC, like the Planning Commission (a nationalbody concernedwith growth and development in general), is only an advisorybody, with all the decision-making powers resting unquestionably with the government.The APC was chargedwith the responsibility of evolving a balanced and price structure"in the perspective integrated of the overallneedsof the economyand with due regardto the interestsof the producer and the consumer".The terms of reference of the commissionrefernot only to the need for providingprice incentivesfor promoting agriculturalgrowth but also to the need to rationalutilisationof land and other "ensure production.resources" and to the "likely effect of the price policy on the rest of the economy, particularlyon the cost of living, level of wages, industrial cost structure, etc"4 Wide-rangingas these terms of reference were, they have since been modified and expandedin 1980in responseto the changes in the agrarian economy that have taken place during the late sixties and the seventies. An important addition is the directive that price fixation should "takeinto account the changes in the terms of trade between agriculturaland non-agriculturalsectors": the originalterms of referencedid not cover any principle of pricing in relation to costs or paritybetweensectors,barringa reference to marketing costs and margins. We shall discuss the specific political context of this directivelater but note here that the underlying concern with agriculturalinput costs in relation to output prices, and, more generally with parities of different kinds, havebeen given furtherand explicitrecognition in 1985 with the commission being renamedas the Commissionfor Agricultural Costs and Prices (CACP).5 The composition of the commission has overthe some changein character undergone

years. It was headed in succession by several distinguished economists and originally composed of economists and civil servants with experience in matters relating to the working of the food economy in the country. However, after 1974, one or more representatives of the farmers have been functioning as full-time members in the commission, with obvious implications for the evolution of policy.6

The objectives as laid down in the terms of reference of the APC are to some extent mutually conflicting, and difficult to realise for other reasons as well. One may thus say that the APC was given an impossible task. Let us elaborate. (a) If the sole objective is to promote agricultural growth-whether or not broadbased with respect to crops and regionsthrough subsidies and price incentives, there is a clear possibility that the implied policy would hurt the interests of the buyers of food and agricultural raw materials. A resolution of the conflict of interests between producers and consumers-or between net sellers and net buyers, and between 'surplus' and 'deficit' areas, as some have described becomes it in the case of foodgrains-thus a necessary element of overall policymaking. It is a recognition of this necessity that ts reflected in the expressed concern about the imipact of policy on cost of living, etc, and has led to Ceconversion of price policy into an appi Ai which seeks to inproduction objectegrate in some mn-tives with those o: C sztiibution. In the case of foodgrains this meant that price policy had to be combined with the operations of a public distributioni system (PDS) to ensure supply of foodgrains at subsidised prices to at least some of the poorer sections of the population. However, to the extent that subsidising both the producer and consumer is severely limited by financial constraints, it cannot be sustained on either a short- or long-term basis without being supplemented by compensating measures of taxation. All this makes the design of price policy

difficult, especially by a body with no decision-makingpowers;more importantly, the difficulty leads to politically expedient June 30, 1990

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measures which exacerabate rather than resolve conflicts. (b) The difficulty is compounded by two other obvious factors.First if relativeprices are to play an efficient al(ocative role and not lead to undesirable cropping pattern shifts, policies must be designedto coverall the majorcrops on a country-widebasis, an impossible task to accomplish.7 Second, since publicdistributionof subsidisedgrain cannot hope to meet the entire market demand (of both the rural and urban consumers), the impact of policies on market prices assumes importance.Thus, with the governmenthandling only a fractionof the surplus,the pricingobjectivesmay marketed in the end be defeatedby marketforces.The design of price policies with only a limited control over the market thus not only combinationof proinvolvesan appropriate stock accumulationand depletion curement, policies but must necessarilybe based on a sound knowledgeof the implied workingof dual markets.The biggest hindrancein this respectis not lack of knowledge about production trends and demand elasticities but our virtual ignorance about the operations of privatetradersat the differenttiers of the grain markets and their impact on prices: (c) Finally, it must be noted that the objectivesare not only conflicting-the fact that thereis no indicationin policy formulawhetherit is only in the short-runbut tioAis also in the long-runthese conflicts could be left unresolvedis also important-they are also incomplete and imprecise in some respects. For example, income and price of are stabilisation common-objectives price policy;maintenanceof some form of parity between the agricultural and industrial of sectorsand prevention the prosionof purchasing power of agriculturalincomes is a relatedconcern,and all these are adequately discussedin the literature.Indeed they can be stated with some precision: unlike the vague 'protection' of producer and consumer 'interests'; butJ it is doubtful if multiple objectives are realisable.

by the APC, more factually by the government, their rationale, as well as how they haveworkedin termsof the statedobjectives.


tion by the governmenttends to depressthe marketpricesto some extentand holds these profitsin check but it can be obviouslymore efficacious in combination with a policy of compulsory procurement at lower'thanmarket prices in lean years.
Thus the logic of a support price leads to

Given large output fluctuations arising out of the vagaries of the monsoon (see below) and given the low price elasticity of demandfor foodgrainsin the country,prices tend to fluctuate a lot from year to year: changes in the supply induce disproportionately large changes in the market

Given the all-embracingbut vaguely setout natureof the objectivesof price policy, the APC had to recommend not one but severalsets of prices; its.repommendations had also to cover issues relatingto the procurementand distributionof foodgrainsby governmentalagencies. It had to develop notions about: 'support' prices to prevent farmer distress,8 'incentive' prices to promote investmentand growth in agriculture, prices-possibly involvingan 'procurement' elementof tax- at whichgraincould be procured by the government under varying degreesof compulsion (or none) and 'issue' prices-involving an element of subsidyat which grain could be distributed under the public distribution system whateverbe its coverage. The followingdiscussionattemptsto cover the differentinstrumentsof policy adopted Economic and Political Weekly

A notion of a support price can be seen to acquire meaning in this context.'? Such a price may be regardedas an offer price at which the governmentis willing to buy any amount of grain from the farmersin years of good harvest when, in the absence of a supportoperation,the marketpricemay fall it belowthe cost of production; has therefore to be above that hypotheticalmarketprice, b a built-in element and, f,orth-'t rao Some economists of subsidyto the producer. have argued, however,that support prices conceptualisedin this mannerneed bear no relation to costs, at least in the short-run: as long as it is above the low marketprice that will be realisedin the absence of intervention, there is an element of subsidy,and the governmentabsorbs a part of the loss and neutralisesin some measurethe effects ,pf output fluctuations. A logical corollary to the concept of the 'minimum' support price is that of a maximum or ceiling price the rationale for which lies in two factors.1'First, protecting through farmincomesin yearsof abundance purchasesby the governmentat minimum pricesimpliesbuildingup of stocks;and for viability-at least over the long-run-such a policy requires stoAk depletion as well. Second-this is a related factor-a maximum price would imply protection of consumer interests in years of crop, failure, unilaterally withoutit a supportprogramme favoursthe farmerand is clearlyundesirable because the effects of agriculturaloutput to fluctuationsin India arenot restricted the farm sector alone but are quickly transmitted to the other sectors of the economy, especially in periods of scarcity, through high food price. In a sense the food price acts as a base price in the determinationof both agriculturaland industrial costs. We thus see that the two notions, one of price stabilisation-or, rathet,price control within a certain range-and the other of support of farm incomes along with some degree of protection of non-farm interests are interrelated. This, however,still leaves some asymmetry,for the question remains whether in 'poor crop years corresponding to a disproportionate pricerise, farmersand traders should be left free to sell all the surpluson the marketto earn super-normal profits. Of course the policy of stock deple-

the notion of a pricerange,especiallyin relation to the objectiveof dampeningpriceand income fluctuationsarisingout of unpredictable monsoons. Supporting agriculturein this context is clearly different in naturein India from, for example, that in the US, whereit has moreto do with the preservation of the purchasingpower of farmersin relation to manufactured goods underconditions of abundantand growingfarmsuppliesthan with weather-inducedfluxtuations in farm output.(The US has beenable to successfully pursuethis policy becauseof her dominance in the international grain markets.) In contrast to the support price, it is not easy to settle what constitutes an incentive price. TIherationale of a price incentivelies in the promotion of growth. In the case of a single crop such as wheat-hindsight enablesus to cite this as an example-a support price covering costs and some profit during a period of rapidgrowth in production is in effect an incentive price, with the government standingby to lift surplusesand ensureprofit marginsirrespective output of growth. Clearly4such a policy cannot be adopted without undesirableconsequences (includingpolitical tensions) bound to arise because of the regional concentration of surpluses except in the short-run; on the other hand, a price incentive policy is not viableif the objectiveis to promotea balanced growth with respect to all regions and crops becausethereareobvious limits to the provision of incentives. It must also be noted that incentivesneed not coveroutput pricesalone but maybe extended to include subsidiesin the supply of inputs and credit. It is possible to analyse the growth and welfare effects of the differentunderlyingchoices, but it is generally agreedthat input pricesubsidisationmaybe cheaper only in the very short run-an imin mediate incre"ase food and raw material prices being avoided; in the long run, with price adjustments taking place across the board, the effects may be similar to those of producerprice subsidies."2 More importantly, as it has been repeatedlystressedin the literature, promotionof technological the improvement through, for example, the developmentof irrigation,may at all times be a betteralternativethan the provisionof price incentives to secure agricultural development.This belief is firmly grounded in the empiricalfindingthat generally the elasticities of supply (in terms of output) with respect to such technological change variablesas the irrigationratio exceedprice elasticities: greater gains can be secured through upward shifts in the production function than from maovements along the In if s-upply curvea other wosrds, pricepolicy is to be the only instrumentfor agricultural A-55

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the development, low supplyresponsewould require a tilting of the terms of trade in favour of agriculture to a degree the economy cannot bear except over a very short period.'3 Finally, given the uneven spatial distributionof irrigation and other resources,the scope for achieving desired levels of overall growth through even marginal increases in per-hectareyields in the unirrigatedtracts of the country (coverarea)must ot ing abouttwo-thirds cultivated indeed be enormous; the means for such a raising of the yields are without doubt technological in nature.

of Giventhe structure the Indianeconomy and the decisive role of drought-induced withinit, the output fluctuations agricultural operation of a support programme is inextricably linked with that of a public distributionsystem for the supply of grain at subsidisedprices. It is clear that a system of subsidies at both ends (production and consumption)can be financiallyviableonly if there are compensatorymeasuresof taxation within the agriculturalsector itself or elsewhere:subsidiesbeyonda certainquantum without taxes will cripplethe economy in the long run. This leads to the concept of procurement as a tax on surplus producersespecially in years of poor harvest when market prices and hence profit margins tend to be very high."4And it is obvious that a degree of compulsionis inevitableif producersare to be made to surrendera part of the surplus at prices lower than those prevailingin the market. While both the support and prooperationsinvolvethe government curement in the acquisition of stocks, they can thus be seen to be analytically quite distinct in character-one, a more of subsidisationand the other, a form of taxation. This importantanalyticaldistinctionwas, however, lost sight of in the academic debatesas well as in policy implementation, after some initial consideration.'5 The reasons are many. Soon after the procurebeganto ment and distributionprogrammes gather momentum by the late sixties, the procurementprice emerged as a guarantee price,announcedwell ahead of harvesttime, at which the governmentwas committedto make purchases. More decisive, of course, was the concern of the governmentto promote growth in the production of wheat through the new technology. All in all the schemewas a hasty response priceguarantee to a combinationof severalfactors:the need of to recoverfroman environment shortages resulting from two consecutive years of severedrought (1965-67),.the possibility of such a recoveryat a rapid rate through the cultivation of the newly emerging highyielding varieties and finally the purely localised and limited natureof the support operationwhich made it eminentlyfeasible. However,neitherthe subsequentemergence

of surpluseson a widerscale nor the greater involvement of the government in the marketsit entailed led to any basic revision of the policy with regardto the rationaleof procurementand its pricing. consequences. The policy had predictable While the support operation was satisfactorily served by the levels of procurement prices wheneverand whereversupport was neededin responseto bumperharvests,procurementof grain became increasinglydifficult under conditions of scarcity,local or global. This meant that procurementprices had to remainclose to, evenif slightlybelow, marketpricesat all times.Sinceprocurement prices werebeing announced in advanceof the harvest and could be based at best on insufficientknowledgeof the crop prospects and market conditions expected to prevail in the coming season, this in turn required the upwardrevisionof prices6 -secured in throughdiversemeans-for meeting practice targetswith varyingdegreesof procurement success.(Section IV discussesfurtherdetails about price movements.) briefly to the question of comReturning pulsion which could have been the basis of procurementunder conditions of relative scarcity,we may note that the government did employ a numberof instrumentsincorporating a coercive element. These range from directcompulsorylevieson producers, tradersand millersto the zoning or cordoning off supplies to facilitate procurement. But the measuresprovedto be ephemeralin character and ineffective in execution, whether it is the lack of 'political will' or some other factorthat could be held responsible for the failure of policy. Take, for example,the constitutionof zones comprising one or more regions. The usefulness of zoning has been much discussed in the literature.Let us note however that movement restrictions generally amplify the changesin pricesin any regionas they occur in response to variations in domestic production.Hence,to the extentthat a normally surplusregioncan be keptimmuneto shortfalls occurring elsewherein order to create conditions favourableto the procurement agency,zoning may be seen to be consistent with the principle of procurement below the marketpricesin lean years.However, net impact of zoning on prices, both in terms of the aIl-India average and the range of regionaf variation would crucially depend not only on the coverageof zoning but also on how much, where and at what prices grain is procured and subsequently distributed.In practice,movementrestrictions have been imposed and relaxed in an arbitrarymanner,sometimes in dissonance with stated objectives.'7 of Let us now considerthe relevance costs of productionto the fixation of prices.The generalconsensus is that minimumsupport from procureprices-now indistinguishable ment prices-must fully cover the average cost of production, but the,question what elements of cost should be included in the

calculation of the average total cost con'8 tinues to be debated. Specifically the debate refersto the appropriatenessof the inclusion of not only the so-called paid-out costs but also the imputed values of the servicesof family land and labour inputs in the calculation of the 'complete' average cost. A price coveringsuch a complete cost has been described as a 'forward-looking' floor because it ensures cash incomes to farmersover and above the actual money expenditure incurred.Moreover, is seen to it incorporateat least one principleof parity, viz, input return parity, since the family inputs aregiven the same remuneration that theycould notionallyearnoutsidethe family, farming activity.'9 (Even if one accepts this complete cost principle of pricing, it is beset with many operationaldifficultiesarisingfrom the fact that even for a single crop the cost of production variesa lot not only from region to region but also within regions across difA ferent farms.20 solution suggested in this respectrecommendsthe use of a bulk line cost, the minimumcost that coversthe costs 3f farmers producing a major part of the output, weeding out the very 'inefficent' farmers. But then the derived price would cease to have the same meaning as that based on the average cost in standard economic theory. It is equally difficult to grapplewith the question of regionalvariation in costs. The actual practice of fixing a uniform price for all regions is obviously defective. For example, the adoption of a price that covers the costs in a high cost region, where, say, traditional methods of cultivationare used, resultsin abnormalprofits to farmers of other regions using the cost-reducing new technologies. Thus the principlemay be consistent with the objective of growthbut not with that of the reduction of interregionaldisparities.) TWo importantpoints have been made in relation to the imputation of values at marketprices to the use of family land and labour resources.Since the price of produce is raisedby the inclusion of these elements in the total cost, agriculturallabourersand othernet buyersof food for whom wages constitutea majorelementof income-lose because wages actually paid generally tend to be below the statutorilyfixed minimum levels (which in principle could be in line with output prices fixed by the complete costing principle)while employersof hired labourearnan abnormalprofit for the same reason. In simplerterms,money incomes of net buyers (especially of wage earners in ruralareas)generallylag behind,foodprices, and the total cost principle reinforces the tendency. Regarding the imputation of market rental values to the use of owned land, it has been arguedthat there has been a continuousincreasein these valuesarising from increasing productivity as well as demographic pressure. Regions wellendowed with, say, public irrigation resourcesare also in generalregionsof high
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productivity and it is debatable whether such regions should be allowed to enjoy high economic rents through the enhancement of product prices resulting from the inclusion of rental values in the total cost. Similarly, it is arguable whether increases in rental values arising froamexogenous factors such as demographic pressure or insufficient expansion of non-agricultural should be automatically employment transmitted ;s'additional costs to the product price. Thus the debates in the literature demonstrate that even a well-defined costbased principle for price fixation can become meaningful and reasonably operational only in relation to. a clearly specified policy goal (such as the reduction of spatial disparities in incomes earned from the cultivation of the same crop). The parity with input costs is only one among different kinds of parity one can think of in the context of product pricing. For example, there is the parity between farm incomes and incomes earned in other sectors of the economy. A little reflection shows that in India, with large output fluctuations the rule rather than the exception, it is difficult to maintain such a parity through a product pricing policy alone: here again a system of subsidies and taxes is needed to limit the range of fluctuations in farm incomes and ensure their parity with icomes in other sectors. Also, because of the stickiness of nominal wage incomes over the short period, product price adjustment can at best protect incomes from cultivation only. Thus, upward adjustments in agricultural prices made in response, for example, to increases in the prices of some manufactured consumer articles may fail to maintain the purchasing power of all rural classes uniformly; wage earners may in fact suffer a loss in real income following the rise in the price of food because food absorbs most of their expenditure. A uniform output price consistent with the income parity criterion cannot be calculated simply because the commodity baskets of consumption vary as between the different rural classes.

III Politics
Political factors behind the making of economic policy are -generally ignored in what may be described as 'mainstream' economics but constitute an important element of discussions of economic problems in the growing literature on Indian political economy. The general concern in the alternative stream is with pro.duction relations (such as those between landowners and labourers) and how they influence processes of change in the spheres of production and accumulation. However, the politics of price-fixing in the Indian context has received a lot of attention from both the

are formulated by governments at the state and the central levels, the constitution and working of the government depend very much on the configuration of class forces. (For example, the failure of land reforms for imposing ceilings on landholdings and for redistribution of land, despite much legislation and endless rhetoric in day-to-day politics and plan documents, cannot be explained without a consideration of the balance of class forces and the manner in which it has influenced the implementation process.) Second, and more readily seen, is the very large disparity in landholdings in all regions of India, with big landowners constituting a small proportion of rural households but controlling the major share not only of land and assets in general but also, consequently, marketed surpluses. Rural disparities have grown further with the introduction of the new agricultural technology which has strengthened the economic and political power of the class of surplus producers. Described as the rural oligarchy this class had appropriated a disproportionately large share of the benefits generated by the policy of incentives and subsidies to the agricultural sector since the late nineteen-sixties. The political strength of the class is seen to lie, moreover, in its control over the rural vote in the electoral process, which enables it to further its own interest through bargaining with the other major ruling group, the industrial (urban) bourgeoisie. As a result there is in existence a- politically powerful 'farm lobby' which influences policy-making in agriculture with a fair degree of success.22 The success is derived from two factors: First, given the nature of the electoral process and the decisive role of the rural vote in its outcome, there is a heayy representation of the 'farmer interest' in the state legislatures and governments. We should note that in reality the farmer interest relates to the amassing of incomes and wealth by the surplus-producing big farmers, although the political rhetoric refers always to the 'peasant cause' in general, as if the peasantry constitute an undifferentiated mass; small, poor farmers and agricultural labourers have hardly any representation in any tier of the decision-making process. Second, practically all political parties accord support to the 'peasant cause' and to rural agitations on a variety of issues such as demands for 'remunerative' prices for the products of agriculture; for provision of inputs like water and electricity, and credit, at cheap rates; for cancellation of rural debt in hard times; and in general for all-round support at-all times. For most political parties, slogans about the rural poor are a necessary means to secure political power through the electoral process. The basis Of leftist support for the farmer interest has another dimension however. The communist parties, for example, recognise landlords and capitalist

sections of the peasAntry order lo secure in peasant unity considerednecessaryto carry forward the struggle against exploiting classesin general.Thesepartiesrecognisethe fact, for example,that the benefits from increases in agricultural prices flow in a disproportionately large manner, if not wholly,to the surplus-producing farmers big (and therefore,suggestmeasuresof taxation on the rich and for relief for the poor to counteract growthin inequalitythat p-ice the increases entail)but supportthe strugglesfor 'remunerative prices'perhapsbecauseof the priorityaccordedto the necessity for securing peasant unity from a long-term

In the agrarianeconomy, the importance farmers as .constituting an exploiting class of politics with respect to policy-making but seek to mobilise not only poor peasants but arisesfrom two basic factors.First, policies atid l'abourers also the middleand richer Economic and Political Weekly June 30, 1990

The courseof eventsrelevantto foodgrain pricepolicy since the mid-sixtiescan now be describedin brief. The heralding the green of revolutionwith the introductionof new seed varietiesof wheat and the unequivocalcommitment of the central government to the new agriculturalstrategyled to the support of wheat prices at levels prevailingduring 1966 and 1967-a period of extreme scarcity-without any reference principles to of cost or parityor to the demandand supply conditions in a period of abundance resulting from the wheat the north-west. The sole aim was to promote growth at any cost. During this period policy-making wholly the prerogative was of the chief ministers the surplusstates.Such of attempts as were made by the APC to introduce some principlesinto the setting of relativeprices and procurement targetsproved to be futile. The most importantconcern of the farm lobby till about 1973 appears to be the prevention of a fall in the price of wheat whichthe bumperharvestsof 1968-72would have normally entailed. It must be noted in this context that during this period rice surpluses and quantities procured were marginal; further some cost comparisons show that the margins of the procurement prices over the costs of production werefar higher in the case of wheat than in that of rice (see below).The paritybetweenriceand wheat seems to have been established only from about the mid-seventies,24 following both the greaterquantumof rice being procured and the conditions of relativescarcity prevailingin 1973 and 1974. At any rate, the terms of trade moved generally in favour of agriculture during 1965-73.The trend has reversedsince then, with the pricesof manufactured articlesand agriculturalinputs rising at rapid rates and stocks of foodgrains piling up with the governmentas a consequence of a succession of good harvests. This adverse movement in the termsof tradeis the background to numerous farmers' agitations for remunerativeprices. An incidental factor behindthe strugglesis the emergence 1977 in of peasant leaders like CharanSingh at the centre. The eighties saw not only a of reconstitSution the APC (to allow for explicit representationof the farmerinterest) but also to its renamingas the Commission A-57

of AgriculturalCosts and Prices, enshrin- referenceto pricing, building-up of stocks ing the cost principle in price-fixing. The and distribution.The studieswhich demonfarm lobby has in recent years been grow- strate this increase in instabilityargue that ing furtherwith the mushrooming otf self- the improvedtechnologies are not responstyled 'non-party' 'peasant' organisations sible per se for this tre.ndin variancesand such as the one led by Sharad Joshi. The point to a number of concomitant factors and rhetoric of Joshi's movement refers to the such as the sub-optimaluse of irrigation simultaneousincreasesin year-toexploitation of agriculture(Bharat) by in- fertilisers, dustry (India) and the goals may therefore year variabilityin areas sown as well as an look broad-basedbut the programmehas increase in the covariance between yields been aptly described as a one-point pro- obtained and areas sown and so on; all this level moredetailedstudyat a greater for securing higher agricultural requires grammne with respectto both crops of.disaggregation in all seasons.5 prices and regionsthan has been attemptedin the literatureso far. A recent study on output IV fluctuations comes to the conclusion that Price Movenients and Relations "aggregate production instability is an consequenceot rapidagricultural IN AND FLUCTUATIONS OUTPUT inevitable GROATTH growth and there is little that can be effecIn per capita terms the oUtput of tively done about it" and suggests that foodgrainsin Indiaas a whole has stagnated policiesaddressed the stabilisation conof to of since the beginniinig the sixties, implying sumptionthroughstorageand tradepolicies thereby that the growth rate in foodgrain may be more promising.29 This conclusion production just about equalled that of is, however,contestable because a broadpopulation.26However,different crops ex- basedstrategyfor the improvement yields of hibit differenttrends:for example,therehas and stability in output in the dry and rainincreasein the output of fed tractsof the couintry a clearalternative, been an impressive is wheat but a distinctdeclinein that of course admittedlynot yet spelt out in detail on the cerealsand pulses(both in per capitaterms). basis of existing knowledge. The impact of th"se differential trend on The supply of grain is more relevantto as relative pri&emr,-no4ments well as con- price movements than is domestic producsumption levels, especially of the poor, has tion. If one takesnet productionaugmenited still to be studied in detail. by changes in stocks with the government But more important perhaps is the fact as a first approximationto supply (desigthat both at the specificcrop leveland in the nated usually as availability),this variable year- exhibits characteristicssimilar to those of aggregatetherehavebeen considerable to-yearfluctuationsin yield per acre as well production: since the early sixties net as producfioi. Since the production of availability foodgrainsin per capitaterms of foodgrains as a whole has stagnatedin per has virtuallystagnatedbut year-to-year fluccapita terms,output fluctuationsareclearly tuations have been fairly wide-although relevant to price movements in a period distinctlyless widerthan in output, with the by characterised a growth-albeit modestgovernment distributing somewhat higher in real incomes per capita. Some early amounts in years of crop failure.30 The studies show that the price flexibility good harvestsof thg late seventiesand early coefficient tends to be veryhigh (morethan eighties have been utilised more for stocktwo in absolutevalue)for cerealssuchas rice building than for improving levels of and wheat.27Of course, availabilityis not availability.Indeed, levels of stocks which alone:the were about 3 million tonnes in the early determined levelsof production by operations of the government(throughim- seventiesgrewclose to 30 million tonnes by ports and distribution) and of surplus- 1985 (more on this later). The fluctuations holding farmersand tradersat the different in actual availability in the market might tiersin the marketeconomyare equallyrele- havebeen wider than these first approximamay tions indicate, because of the possible vant.A good partof the priceflexibility be due to the speculative activities of the speculative hoarding by the private trade. traders(singularlyabsent in studies of price trends),but output fluctuations contribute MARKETPRICES, PROCUREMENT PRICES also to the quantum of grain that could be AND COSTS procuredby the governmentat given prices, In this and the following sub-sectionswe to amounts that have to be distributed through the public distributionsystem, etc, shalldiscussthe workingof the dual markets and thus are of central importance to the in the foodgrainsector,especiallyin relation interactionof privateand public agenciesin to the period after the mid-sixties mrrked the foodgrain economy, i e, to the dual by a significantinterventionby governtnental agencies in the market.Apart from promarket economy. From this perspective,the recently well- curementand distributionof certain quantities of grain at set prices, the government documented increasein fluctuations-with much inter-regional and inter-crop was involved also in stock-buildingoperavariation-in productivityand production tions. This-is the basis for dual market of foodgrains in the post-green revolution modelswhich seek to capturethe interaction and period assumes importance28but is not betweenthe operationsof the goverment the functioning of the open market.3' It E dequately reflected in policy-makingwith

must be noted, however,that a realisticformulation of such models in their fullest complexityis not an easy task, for it would requireapart from the specification tf supply and demand functions under ihe di;ha price structure,an explicit considerationof the role of exogenous output fluctuations and of the complexity introduced by difsuch as zoning and ferentpolicyinstruments stock-piling. Perhaps, it is for this reason that most available analytical models are addressedto narrowlyfocused issues such as the impactof priceand other instruments on levels of procurement. Let us begin with a descriptiveaccount of the trendsin pricesand costs. Althoughprocurementprices have generally been lower than market prices, both series exhibit a strong upwardtrend since 1960-61,characterised,in the case of foodgrainsas a whole in India, by a clearly visible staircasetype of movement,with pricesrisingsignificantly in poor crop years but remainingsteady or increasing moderately in years in good harvest.The only exceptionsto this type of movement-with pricesdecliningin response to good crops-were in 1968-69, following the initial spurt in wheat production, and and in 1975-76,the periodof Emergency allround 'discipline'.32 Two factors appear to underlie this type of price behaviour: first, weather-induced output fluctuations(especiallyin per capita terms)of a wide order,combined with high price flexibilitycoefficients;and second, the bounty of good harvests being used more than for pricereductions. for stock-building (The asymmetrybetweenthe protection of producerintereststhrough price supportinherent in withholding supplies in good years-and the protection of consumers is perhaps most clearly seen in this aspect of government operations. The question of optimal level of stocks is discussed below.) It must be added howeverthat the nature of both the trends in prices and the order relationsbetween procurementand market prices, portrayed above in the case of foodgrainsas a whole for all-India,may not hold uniformly across regions and crops. lbrning now to a comparison between pricesand costs to see whether procurement procurementhas operatedas a disincentive to production, let us recall that the comparisonis beset with difficultiesarisingfrom of the conceptualisation cost. Studiesin this regardrely on the averagecost at the state level (estimated on the basis of sample surveys)with cost C as the relevantconcept. This cost includes the imputed value of family labour as well as the imputed rental value of owned land. The conclusions are that in the case of wheat, since the early prices procurement yearsof greenrevolution, have been higher than-well above, in the initial part of this period-costs of production and in some years close to the open market prices. For rice, until the midseventiessupport prices did not cover costs in WestBengal and the southern states but
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they did in the case of northern states. Thereafter,however,procurementprices of rice have been raised substantially so as to cover costs uniformly in all the producing

It is possible to argue that uniform purchase prices (generally fixed in relation to costs prevailingin a high cost region) are likely to have promoted inter-regional inequalitiesbecause of the wide variationin costs (howsoeverdefined). For example in 1978-79, while the cost per hectarefor paddy was higher in Punjab than in Andhra Pradesh(by about 11per cent), the cost per quintalof paddy was lower(by about 22 per cent) because of the higher yields per unit areaand more favourable conditions for the cultivationof high yielding paddy varieties in Punjab.34 must be noted in this context It that in the Punjabregionpaddy is produced almost exclusivelyas a commercialcrop and the region contributes significantly to the rice procuredby the government. To the extent that farmersare free to sell on the open market, prices received by farmers(a weightedaverageof procurement and marketprices, with the relevantquantities as weights) are more relevantthan procurementprices alone to a judgment about disincentives. At a hypothetical but more sophisticatedlevel one might comparecosts with the prices that would have ruled in the and open marketin the absenceof purchlases distributionby the government.T he detera minationof such priceswould require promodel perlyspecified supply-demand-prices but crude calculations can be done on the basis of available demand elasticities and price flexibility coefficients under the assumptionthat output levelsareexogenously given. At any rate,the few studies involving such price-cost comparisons show once again that procurement prices have in general been 'remunerative'in relation to

remunerativeprices regardlessof the total cost of productionor marketconditions. If in the following season the prices of fertilisersarereducedbut the generalpricelevel rises (for whateverreason),the basis for the demand for price increasesmay change;for example,it may shift to the cost of living or the real income of poor farmers.The point is important because of the differential trendsin pricesof commoditiescoveringdifferentcrops, agricultural inputs and articles of consumption; it is easily illustrated:the demands for high support (procurement) prices of wheat werebased on an appeal to the level and changes in market prices till about the mid-seventiesbut later, with the prices of some inputs and manufactured articles increasingin general at rates faster than those of agricultural commodities (including wheat), slogans for political mobilisation began to be centred more and more around input prices and costs. It will be interesting analysein this light the shifto ting ground of the farm lobby in response to the changing economic environment. At a differentlevel,among the academics, questions relating to the terms of trade and (TOT)betweenagriculture industryhave received much attention.37 They include questions about the relevance of TOT to price policy and mobilisation of rural surpluses in the specific Indian context as well as those relating to the actual movementsof relativeprices. In contrast to the first set of these questions, the second has generated much controversy in the literature.This is probablya fall-out of the political process in which slogans based on relative prices have, as remarked before, assumedmuch significance.In any case, the shift in the focus is unfortunate because what is relevantto policy-making concerned with welfareis not so muchthe actualmovement in the net barterTOTas its impact on aggregate farm output, farm incomes and their distribution. It must be pointed out in this context that generally the supply responseis low and, therefore,the question to what extent agriculturalgrowth can be stimulatedthroughchangesin TO brought about by policies with a limited coverageof crops and regions becomes crucial to our
understanding of such policies.


As noted before, the parity in relation to cost is only one among the different kinds of paritywhich can form the basis for price fixation. Although the APC has from time to time takeninto account, apart from costs of production,pricesof specific inputs such as fertilisersor the generalprice level in the price fixation process, presumably in conformity with some principle of parity, it is difficult to discern from data the working of any particular parity principle (such as that between crops,. between input and output prices, or between prices paid and received)possibly because of the arbitrary manner in which elements relevant to differenttypesof parityhavein practiceentered price fixing in different combinations over the years.36 The arbitrarinesshas made it easy for those who arguefor priceincreasesto invoke this or that principle of parity as the occasion demands. For example,if the prices of are fertilisers raisedby the government,that alone is sufficient to ensure political mobilisation in favour of the demand for Economic and Political Weekly

The picture of actual movements in the TOT(whetherin net barteror in net income terms) depends on how theTelevantindices are constructed, the commodity compositions taken, the weights assigned, the price data employed,the base year chosen and so on. Indeed, the studies in this area demonstrate, if anything at all, that constructed
series are extremely sensitive to methods of

construction,yieldingas they do sometimes opposing conclusions about the directionin the movements. A continuation of this debatecan be fruitful only if this sensitivity is examinedmore closely and in relation to the impact of the TOT on the different aspects of the farm sector.

One of the objectivesunderlyingthe promotion of high yieldingvarietiesand the new technology was the attainment of selfsufficiency in foodgrain production, i e, a drastic reduction in the dependence on imports.Indeed,the roleof importsin maintaining supplies has become insignificant from about the mid-seventies. Both imports and internal procurement enable the government to build up stocks needed to maintain supplies at given levels and stabilise the prices, i e, to curb price movements arising out of the output fluctuations characterisingIndian agriculture. Twoquestions arise in this context, the first about the optimal level of stocks to be held by the governmentand the second relating to the possibilityof choice betweenimports and domestic procurementfor the purpose and the conditions governingsuch a choice. It is obviousthat for meaningfulanalysisthe questions have to be set within a framework that includes not only the dual domestic marketsbut also the interniational marketfor foodgrains. But let us begin with a brief reviewof the facts. Therewerebroadlytwo phases, covering 1968-72 and 1975-85, during which stocks held by the government have been allowed to increase, from 2 to 8 million tonnesduringthe firstand from 8 to roughly 30 million tonnes during the second phase respectively. Both these phases coverstrings of good harvest,with peak and recordlevels of per capita production during the early' eighties. While both imports and procurement contributedto this stock-pilingduring the first phase, it was almost wholly the internaleffort that enabled the government to accumulate stocks during the second phase. (The droughtsof 1986and 1987have led to a depletion of stocks.) As noted before, the government has generally been releasingsomewhat larger amounts, in per capita terms, for distribution through the PDS under distress conditions, but these amounts have only marginally augmented the fluctuatingproductionlevels.Generally, the levelsin per capitaavailabilityhave fluctuated along with those in production, although the year-to-yearvariations were smaller in the former. It is clear that the government's stock management has not been successfulin bringingabout a stability in supplies, a fact readilyseen from the low levels of per capita net availabilityin years such as 1975and 1980corresponding poor to harvests (406 and 410 gms per day respectively, in contrast to an averageof 447 gms overthe whole period 1961-84). Moreimportantly,the precedenceaccordedto the policy of accumulation stocksoverthat of depleof tion in adequateamountsled to the expected pricechanges:largeincreasesin yearsof crop failureand moderate changes during times of good harvest following the use of procuredgrain for accumulatingstocks to prevent pricesfalling.It can be seenthus that the stock managementpolicy of the governA-59

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ment has contributed some measureto the in inflation in grain prices and to the disadvantage of consumers.38 The question of optimal level of stocks assumes importance in the context.39The gross output of foodgrains per capita per day has over the period 1961-84stagnated around an averageof 494 gms with a coefficient of variationof 8 per cent. (The computation includesthe worst everyears, 1966 and 1967.) This means that actual output levelsin any yearareunlikelyto deviatefrom 494 gms by more than 12.8 per cent, i e, 63 gms per capita per day (1.6 times the stanto darddeviationcorresponding a 5 per cent chance for larger deviations, under the assumption of a normal distribution). For a populationof 800 millionthis corresponds to a predictableshortfall not exceeding 18.4 million tonnes (with a probabilityof 95 per cent) in a single ear.The technicalcommittees constituted by the governmentduring the sixties and seventieshave recommended bufferstocks in the rangeof 10to 15million tonnes (for lower levelsof total population) on a basis of probability calculationssimilar to the one above.40 An insurance cover against two consecutive poor harvestswould of course require a much larger buffer stock but the policy is likely to be extremely costly and economicallycrippling.In any case, it is difficult to argue in favour of a stock holding in excessof 20 million tonnes at the current populationlevel, especiallyif the possibility of imports(duringa secondconsecutive year of poor crops)is keptin mind. Indeed,some studies show that the government'sstock policieshavebeen suboptimalin manyways: they demonstrate that higher level of per capita supplies than in the past could be maintainedwith appropriately designedand coherent policies for fixing prices, accumulatingand depletingstocks, determining import levels and so on. Above all, if the rangeof price variation is to be limited so as'to benefit both producers and consumers, any sensible policy must include the depletion of stocks in adequate amounts when necessary as well as accumulation to the desired extent. The point is important because the increase in inventoriesbeyond optimal levels not only imposes a cripplingburdenon the economy but is also regressivein character.For example, the so-called food subsidymounting and accounting for a big proportion in the budget deficits of the central government in recent years, and usually interpretedas a subsidyto the poor covered by the PDS-includes the costs of holding stocks; it can be arguedthat the poor would be better off if prices are allowedto decline in responseto good harvestsespeciallywhen the stocks held by the government are alreadyadequateto meet contingenciessuch as drought.Accumulationof stocks beyond the level needed to cover contingencies only at the cost benefitthe surplusproducers of the consumers, especially the ruralpoor who have no access to the PDS. A-60


The highly correlated movements in costs, procurement prices and market prices, both contemporaneously and with lags in the variables, are not very useful for assessing the impact of state intervention in foodgrain markets. Given the limited coverage of government operations, with respect to crops and regions on the one hand and quantities procured and distributed on the other, it would appear prima facie that the impact of these operations, for example on market prices, would also be limited with regard to regions and crops. On this understanding, the impact of operations in the wheat market would be limited to regions in the north-west where the procurement effort is concentrated and the regions-mainly large urban areas-where subsidised wheat is distributed in large enough quantities to influence the open market prices. This is questionable, however, because to an unknown extent the markets for different cereals are integrated, with demand, supply and price conditions in the market for one cereal influencing those in the markets for other cereals. The explanation for a strong correlation between market prices and support prices in the case of foodgrains as a whole may lie in such an integration, not addressed adequately in the literature. Our ignorance in this respect is attributable in part to the lack of the relevant data: for example, on prices in the rural areas of both the 'surplus' and 'deficit' regions; but also to the absence of analyses of the required nature: for example, of how prices of inferior cereals are influenced (in the different regions of the country) by those of rice and wheat; of trends in the regional dispersion in price levels and so on. In contrast, the phenomenon of increases in market prices leading on, with some lags, to increases in procurement and issue prices, analysed in some detail is perhaps easier to understand.4' In general a rise in foodgrain prices can be expected to lead to a rise in wage costs, albeit with time lags in adjustment. More importantly, the burden imposed on the government by its own operations in the foodgrain markets, is relieved in practice, although only in part, through increases in the so-called administered prices, for example fertiliser prices, and these increases have a direct bearing on the movement of agricultural costs. Finally, increases in costs of production lead to pressure on the government through the political process to raise support prices. Observed correlations between procurement prices and lagged market prices (and costs) notwithstanding, the chain of causation in this respect requires further study on the support of available documentation on the disposal of subsidies and the budgetary transactions of the central government. In sum, the elaboration of the means for achieving some form of inter-crop parity and reducing inter-regional disparities in prices,

Net Impact
What is the net impactof foodgrai price policy on the economy in general, on the processes of inflation, investment, growth and distribution, and more particularlyon growthratesin agriculturalproduction,the levels of prices and consumption of foodgrainsof differenttypesin the differentparts of the country? The question cannot be answeredeasily, and not merely because it encompasses manyinterrelated issues.Threeotherreasons are pertinent: first, the quantitative significance of the limited nature of state interventionin the foodgrainmarketsis still to be assessed in meaningful analytical terms. (For example, we know practically nothing in this context about rural-urban pricedifferentials.) Second, while thereis no doubt that relativeprices,irrespective the of extent to which they have been influenced by actuallyimplementedprice policies,have played a significant role in shaping the economy,it is necessaryto takeinto account the working of taxes and subsidies of differentkindsfor understanding role.And this third,thereis a need to incorporateinto the analysis the experience with non-price instrumentssuch as directpublic investments in irrigation development, etc. What follows covers a limited ground only.

Numerous studies deal with supply response-grist to the agricultural


Barring a few exceptions,

in consistence with a set of well-defined welfare goals, remains elusive in Indian economic literature.

they are concerned with the response in terms of the allocation of areas of different competing crops correspondingto relative prices and profitability. These seek to demonstrate, in general, that the Indian farmeris a rational economic animal. The exceptions consider also the response in terms of the increasein input use, especially of modern inputs such as fertilisers,relevant to the generation of higher profits in throughincreases the productivity unit per land area. We thus have some plausible estimates of the overall ouput response (combining both the area and input responses). The long-run elasticity of output with respectto the lagged output-input price ratio is in the range of 0.4 to 0.6 for the major cereals: rice and wheat, and the supplyresponse,reckoned thus, is lowerthan the response of output to increases in the levels of irrigation.43 These estimates based on past data summarise the Indian experience ki some fashion and show thereforethat agriculturalgrowth has been promoted more by the development of irrigation than by the price factor. This is not to denythe verysignificantrole support prices and subsidies(and hence the terms of trade) have played in the promotion of agriculturalgrowth in certainareas of the country. In generalonly some crops and some regions have benefited from the

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empirical findings. It has been demonstrated convincingly that at the all-India level poverty ratios -(the proportion of people below the so-called poverty line) exhibit fluctuations with no discernible trend-positive or negative.46 The variations in the ratio are, however, correlated-enough to attract much academic attention-to both real income (inversely) and food prices (directly), suggesting thereby that while agricultural growth contributes to a reduction in poverty rising food prices may act independently of levels of output and lead to decreases in the consumption of food and hence to higher levels of poverty. Regional disparities assume importance in this context. Inter-state differences in the per capita production of foodgrains have widened. But through its operations of procuring grain from the pockets of surplus and distributing it through the PDS the governINCOME DISTRIBUTION AND POVERTY ment has ensured that regional disparities The exacerbation of inter-regional in- in terms of availability have not increased equalities in foodgrain production and the since the mid-sixties. However, except in decline in per capita production of inferior Kerala and Gujarat (and more recently Tamil cerealsand pulses are stronglysuggestiveof Nadu and Andhra Pradesh) the PDS hardly a generalwidening of disparities in income covers the rural areas. An early study dealing and consumption. Let us consider in brief with inter-state differences in food intake, some relevant analytical factors. Procure- covering both the rural and urban parts, is ment prices, farm harvest prices and relevant in this context.47 It suggested that wholesale market prices are all relevantto given the magnitudes of regional disparities the determination of the price producers in incomes and prices, the markets work in receive for their surplus crop output. In such a way that a part of the surplus tends general and in the simplest case price to remain in the surplus-producing regions in increases regressive their impacton the and deficits left uncovered in other regions. are income distribution among the producers A reason could be that the rural areas in the accountfor the deficit regions do not attract market becausethe biggerproducers lion's sharein the marketedpart of the out- supplies, given the range of price differences put and therefore appropriatethe gains, if and the organisation of markets. Therefore, any, accruing from a price rise in a larger the implied lack of adequate price-quantity proportion than do the small farmers. Of adjustments through market forces has furtherrelevancein this context is the fact generally a greater impact on rural than on labourers urban consumption levels. Of course, the that small farmersand agricultural arein generalnet buyersof foodgrainin con- public distribution system reinforces this trast to the big farmerswho are net sellers, tendency so that generally while the urban so that by virtue of their capacity for reten- poor are ensured of supplies at given levels, tion in full measureof grain for home con- the rural poor eat better only if the local sumption the latter are not hurt by the rise harvest is good.

mix of policies(pricing,fiscal and other)and differences this has promotedboth inter-crop in growth and inter-regionalinequalities in agricuIturalperformance. The impressive growthin the productionof superiorcereals has been brought about to some extent throughshifts in the cropping patternaway frominferiorcerealsand pulses,and in some areas at the expense of commercial crops too. These shifts have been made possible by the policy-mix referredto earlier. In the overall,a substantialpart of the increment in production associated with the new technology has originated in five or six advancedstates with the eastern region and semi-aridparts of the country performing poorly. Both price policies and the easy availability of subsidised funds have prombitedthese developments."

in market prices. Likewise, the seasonal movementsin prices, especially in years of poor harvest,have a regressiveimpact since the poor as net buyers may depend wholly on marketpurchasesin the lean season when prices tend to be higher. However,for a morecompleteassessment of the impact of price increases on income distributionit will be necessaryto take into account incomes earned through non-farm activitiesby wage earnersand small farmers. In the absence of detailed researchof this type, some analysts have sought to directly relate estimated poverty levels to changing relativeprices to sees for example, whether rising food prices hurt the interests of the poor. This effort has also led to some conbecausethe same data sets analysed troversy in different ways produce contradictory results.The underlyingmethodological difficultieshavereceivedmuch attention in the

REMARKS CONCLUDING Price policy refers to the doings of the government, but prices are not determined by policies alone: the markets play a part and so do some non-market factors unrelated to policy. It is not easy then to unscramble observed price trends in relation to the different aspects of the economy to arrive at unambiguous judgments about the correctness or otherwise of this or that poJicy. Relatively high and rising agricultural prices favour surplus-producing big farmers and may indeed be necessary to promote agricultural growth at a satisfactory rate. But they have adverse effects on the costs and standards of living of the rural and the urban poor, and on a wider stretch, as some have argued convincingly, may also lead to industrial stagnation.

in is unresolveddespitethe participaticon the debate of several eminent economists and political leaders. To some extent there is in all this a loss of perspectiveresulting from But scholarlyaffinity to hair-splitting. it has led to a polarisation of sorts. One school denounces 'cheap food' policies and argues for price-support programmes that give adequate incentives to stimulate supply. On the other hand, it can be arguedthat aggregatesupply responseis low, and that more importantly, priceimply high privateand supportprogrammes social costs, price incentives fundamentally result in income transfers to the large farmers. Consequently, a well-balanced package of government instruments includingpromotionof technology,infrastructure investments and production subsidies is preferable a relianceon the priceinstruto ment alone. The literature suggests that public investment, say, in irrigation is better than the provisionof price incentivesfor not only promoting growth but also for 'cost-efficiency'and distributinggains from growthuniformlyacrossthe differentsocial and economic classes in India.49 These conclusions emerge in part from some well known facts: agriculturalgrowth has remained fairly stable since independence at about 3 per cent per annum; the ratesof growthin foodgrainproductionhave been somewhat lower and there is no evidenceof an improvementin the levels of consumption; the green revolution has exacerbated inter-regional inequalitiesin the production of foodgrains, productivity increases having been largely confined to wheat in the north-west;the public distribution system (PDS), restrictedrnainlyto the urban areas, has failed to protect the rural poor; and the social costs of publicintervention in this sector,includingdirectsubsidies to agriculture and those involved in the operation of the PDS have been heavy and rising. The point is that these subsidies cut into the resources meant for development expenditure, apart from increasing ruralurban inequity since the vast mass of the rural poor are denied access to the PDS. But the conclusions have been, and continue to be disputed. In some measurethe controversiesarise from the fact that while the issuescan be statedin fairlysimpleterms (suchas whetherpricepolicyhas contributed to agricultural growth), they cannot be resolved(through,for example, satisfactorily a regressionof production on some price variable to measure the supply response) because of the complexity of the structure of economic and social relations within whichthe questionshaveto be addressedfor a meaningful analysis.50 Notes
1 Internal procurement of foodgrains was generally not high till the mid-sixties; thereafterit graduallyincreasedin quantum from about 4 million tonnes to the current level of about .15million tonnes a year. For

The subjectremainscontroversial the and recentliterature.45 to Butit is difficult contest some relevant debate on each specific underlyingquestion


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a discussion of the evolution of food policy and data relating to the government operations during the earlier period see Chopra (1981). Comprehensive data on the foodgrain economy are also to be found in the annual publication: Bulletin on Food Statistics. 2 The general economic setting for the adoption of the new technology as a part of overall growth strategy is explained in Chaudhuri (1978). 3 Apart from these bodies, the Americans have also contributed to our wisdom about the food problem. The Ford Foundation compiled a report in 1959 entitled India's Food Crisis and the Steps to Meet It. For details see Chopra (1981). 4 The terms of reference are reprinted in the Appendix to the Report of APC on the Price Policy for Kharif Cereals, 1965-66, p 47. For some discussion of these terms see Kahlon and Tyagi (1983). 5 The revisedterms of referenceare contained in a notification of the Government of India, No 14011/2/78, Ministry of Agriculture, dated Mftrch 5, 1980. 6 de Janvry and Subbarao (1986) p 17. They add that there is no representation for consumers on the commission. 7 Raj Krishna, who was closely associated with the APC, had written: "A price support programme is unavoidably a disequilibrium programme. The case for it is only that, if effective, it may convert a disequilibrium of shortages into a disequilibrium of supplies in the markets for selected commodities'' Krishna(1967) p 525. Emphasis added. 8 It must be noted that there are two kinds of distress. Small farmerssell a part of their at output, sonmetimes a price disadvantage, although they may in general be net buyers of grain. This form of distress is clearly distinct from farmers-big and smallhaving to sell at low prices arising from bumper harvests. An appreciation of this distinction is absent in discussions on support prices. 9 The price flexibility'coefficient has been estimated at - 2.38 for foodgrains as a whole and - 2.24 for cereals. See Ray (1972) for details. Earlier contributions in this respect are those of Thamarajakshi (1970a and 1970b). These also demonstrate high price-flexibility coefficients for rice and wheat. 10 The principles for price fixation by the government for its limited intervention in foodgiain markets have been discussed threadbare in the literaturepublished since the mid-sixties. Some relevant references are: Dandekar (1965), Dantwala (1967), Krishna (1967 and 1982) and Thamarajakshi (!977). Attempts to sum up the debates have been made, for example, in Kahlon and Tyagi(1983), Subbarao(nd) and Rath (1985). No such attempt is made in the following text. It should be noted, however, that much of the literatureis concerned with the efficacy of stimulating growth through price incentives. Issues relating to distribu-

13 Assuming a realistic estimate of 0.4 for the long-run elasticity of output with respect to the terms of trade, Raj Krishna says: .16 per cent growth over five years [in output] would require a one-shot 40 per cent increase in the real terms of trade of agriculture. This is equivalent to 7 per cent annual increase over this period, which will also, of course, spread out the resulting growth. This order of terms-of-trade increase is hardly a practicalproposition, even assuming that a government can fix terms of trade" In the sequel, he concludes ". . . a unit percentage change in the important shifter variable(technology) will yield much greater growth than a unit percentage price shift", Krishna (1982) pp 235-36. 14 Procurement as a tax on farm produce has a long history in the development phase of many countries. This has a bearing on the larger issue (not treated in this survey) of using surpluses from the farm sector to promote industrialisation. See in this context Krishna (1982) and Mitra (1979). However,in India this has a narrower,more immediate context as recognised, for example, by the APC itself. An early APC report says: "It should be a social obligation on the part of cultivators to surrender a portion of the produce to the state in the wider national interest ... While direct taxation involves no quid pro quo, in the case of procurementthe transactions would still be in the nature of buying and selling and the producers would receive a price, even though this price may be lower than the prevailing market price. The case for such an impost becomes particularlystrong in view of the extremely light incidence of agriculturaltaxation in the country:'Report of the APC on Price Policy for Kharif Cereals (Procurement Prices) for 1967-68 Season, September 1967, p 5. 15 See Krishnaji (1973) and Nadkarni (1987), p 203. 16 The prices fixed by the state governments were generally higher than those recommended by the APC and the centralgovernment. A study making a detailed demonstration of this fact says: "The phenomenon of states fixing prices higher than the recommended prices is explained by the influence exercised by farmer interests on policy at the state level. But it is also due to the realistic economic reasoning that the procurement targets recommended by the centre could not be realised with unattractive purchase prices, especially in bad crop years:" Krishna and Raychaudhuri (1980) p 4. 17 Subbarao (1978) summing up the literature on zoning says: "That food zones actually accentuated regional price differences is an empirically well established fact" However, there is some evidence which indicates that the relaxation of zoning in the north-west during the initial spurt of wheat production is a response to the fear that prices would fall and impede growth in that region. Krishnaji (1973). 18 Subbarao (nd). See also Kahlon and ryagi (1983). somewhattangentially. 19 Krishna (1987), pp 517-21. tion are addressed

21 The debates on price policy are not restricted to professional academic journals: they are conducted also, fairly regularly, in newspapers, at public meetings and within the state and central legislatures. 22 For a cogent exposition of this-view, which attracted a good deal of controversy, see Mitra (1979).23 Representativeviews of the different parties are explained, for example, in CPI(M) (1973 and 1981), Nathan (1982) and Sinha (1980). 24 See Krishnaji (1975) and Krishna and Raychaudhuri (1980). 25 The growth of farmers' lobbies aud movements has been traced in Nadkarni (1987). 26 The growth rate calculated separately for aggregate output shows a higher value than that of population but the growth in per capita output is found to be statistically insignificant. This is a statistical artefact. The data are given by Roy (1984) and Krishnaji (1988). See in particular the graphical representationof the data in Roy. 27 Ray (1972). 28 Mehra (1981), Hazell (1982) and Ray (1970, 1971 and 1983). 29 Hazell (1982), p 10. 30 Roy (1984). 31 For example, Krishna and Chibber (1983) and Gulati (1987). 32 For the data see Roy (1984) and Krishnaji (1988). 33 For cost-price comparisons see KrishnaAnd Raychaudhuri (1980). 34 de Janvry and Subbarao (1986) pp 20-27. 35 See in this context the discussion in Roy (1984); also for a case study of rice, Subbarao (1978a). 36 A review of the actual process of price fixation by the APC is contained in Kahlon -nd Tyagi (1983). 37 For a review of the debate see Vittal (1986). See in particular Mitra (1979) and Tlyagi (1979). 38 See Roy (1984) for the data and Krishnaji (1988) for further discussion. 39 Questions relating to stock policies have been addressed in Ray (1970), Wall (1978), Krishna and Chibber (1983). Krishnaji (1984) and- Reutlinger (1978). 40 For details of these recommendations see Acharya (1983). 41 Krishna and Raychaudhuri (1980) diftuss the empirical determinants of procurement prices. 42 Askari and Cummings (1976). 43 Krishna and Raychaudhuri (1980). 44 Subbarao (1985). See also Mahendradev (1987). 45 For a debate on the poverty-price relationship see Mellor and Desai (1986) and for a comment on the statisical methodology see Krishnaji (198T). 46 See Bhattacharya et al (1985). 47 See Chapter I in United Nations (1975). 48 Mitra (1979). This important aspect of relativeprices is not dealt with in this srvey. 49 This section draws heavily from de Janvry and Subbarao (1986). 50 de Janvry and Subbarao (1986) attempt to grapple with this complexity through a

11 Dandekar(1965). 12 Krishna(1967), pp 526-27. A-62

20 Whatfollowsis largely basedon Subbarao (nd).

ComputableGeneralEquilibrium (CGE) model, which enablesthem to carryout several simulation exercises. Theyfindthat June 30, 1990

Economic and Political Weekly

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