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Empo - Tech Q2-W1

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Lesson 1: Multimedia Lesson 1-Task 1:

and ICT Score: ______________

Explore the principles of Done? [ ] Yes [ ] No
interactivity and rich Lesson 1-Task 2:
content in the context of Score: ______________
Web 2.0 and participation Done? [ ] Yes [ ] No
of the user in the online Lesson 1-Task 3:
experience. Score: ______________
Task 1: Who I am? Done? [ ] Yes [ ] No
Task 2: Rate Me!
Task 3: Evaluation

Feedback Note of Guidance (To be filled out by the

(Learner/Parent/Guardian): subject teacher for feed backing of
learner’s performance):


ICT can be used to refer to the coverage

of audiovisual and telephone networks with
computer networks through a single cabling or
link. It is also an umbrella term that includes
any communication device, encompassing
radio, television, cellphone, computer and
network hardware, satellite system and so on.

Let’s Try Let us check first what you already know. Read
This! Who Am I? the statement carefully and identify “WHO AM 1
I”. Write the answers in a separate paper.

1. _____________________ I am the “executable” phrase of Word Wide Web with

dynamic applications.
2. _____________________ I am the “writable” phrase of the World Wide Web with
interactive data.
3. _____________________ I am the “readable” phrase of the World Wide Web
with flat data.
4. _____________________ I am the integration of text, graphics, sound and video
into a single unit.
5. _____________________ I am Something like a TV program or element of a
Just an opportunity to say “Wow” and “Thank you” for
your great work. But let us see if your answers are correct by
reading the rest of the module.

Keep this in Mind!

The Evolution to Web 3. (Executable), Web 2.0 (Writable), and Web 1.0 is the most
read only web (readable).
Web 1.0
It is the “readable” phrase of the World Wide Web with flat data. In Web 1.0, there is only
limited interaction between sites and web users. Web 1.0 is simply an information portal
where users passively receive information without being given the opportunity to post
reviews, comments, and feedback.

It is the “writable” phrase of the World Wide Web with interactive data. Unlike Web 1.0,
Web 2.0 facilitates interaction between web users and sites, so it allows users to interact
more freely with each other. Web 2.0 encourages participation, collaboration, and
information sharing. Examples of Web 2.0 applications are YouTube, Wiki, Flickr,
Facebook, and so on.

It is the “executable” phrase of Word Wide Web with dynamic applications, interactive
services, and “machine-to-machine” interaction. Web 3.0 is a semantic web which refers to
the future. In Web 3.0, computers can interpret information like humans and intelligently
generate and distribute useful content tailored to the needs of users. One example of Web
3.0 is Tivo, a digital video recorder. Its recording program can search the web and read
what it finds to you based on your preferences.

Web 1.0 Web 2.0 Web 3.0

“the most read only web” “the wildly read-write web” “the portable personal web”

45 million global users 1 billion+ global users Focused on the individual

(1996) (2016)
focused on companies’ focused on communities,
Consolidating dynamic
home pages owning content blogs, sharing content, content,

Britannica Online, Wikipedia, XML, RSS, the semantic web

HTML portals, web applications, widgets, drag & drop

web forms, tagging (folksonomy),
use behaviors (me-onomy),
directories (taxonomy), Google, iGoogle,
Netscape, cost per click, NetVibes user engagement
page views, advertising word of mouth advertainment

Web 1.0 / 2.0 / 3.0 Summary

Crawl Walk Run

Web 1.0 Web 2.0 Web 3.0

Mostly Read-Only Wildly Read-Write Portable & Personal

Company Focus Community Focus Individual Focus

Home Pages Blogs/Wikis Lifestreams/Waves

Owning Content Sharing Content Consolidating Content

Web Forms Web Applications Smart Applications

Directories Tagging User Behavior

Page Views Cost Per Click User Engagement

Banner Advertising Interactive Advertising Behavioral Advertising

Britannica Online Wikipedia The Semantic Web


Rich content in the online environment and the user experience:

Rich user experience – is the ability of the Web to deliver full-scale GUI style applications
to the client, making it easier to interact, share, and access Web content. Although rich
user experience is based on rich contents, it focusses on the rich user interface to enhance
how the data is presented, manipulated, and used by the users.

GUI (Graphical User Interface) – a program that allows a person to work easily with a
computer by using a mouse to point a small pictures and other elements on the screen

What is
Interactive Multimedia is the integration of text, sound,
Multimedia? graphics, animation and video into a single

Interactive means that the user or audience

has control over the program or presentation.

Types of rich and multimedia content currently include but are not limited to:

1. Online Tools to Produce Video Content

 Facebook Live – Facebook’s livestreaming tool. Use it to engage viewers in real-
 YouTube Editor – Use YouTube’s video editor to create new videos and edit
clips and publish them to YouTube with one click. All of your uploads are
added automatically to the video editor. Combine multiple videos, add music

from a library of approved tracks, and customize clips with special tools and
 YouTube Live Streaming – Once your YouTube channel is enabled, you have
three options to start a live stream. Stream Now is quick and easy way to send
content to automatically start and stop the stream for you at the right time.
 Adobe Spark – Spark is Adobe’s app to transform ideas into visual stories.
Pick photos, add text, and apply design filters to create professional graphics.
Easily combine video clips, photos, and icons into an engaging video.
 Magisto – Magisto is an app to create professional videos with easy-to-use
editing tools, captions, custom branding, and commercially licensed music.
 Facebook slideshow – Facebook slideshow ads are video-like ads that use
motion, sound, and text to tell your story across devices. Slideshows load
quickly so they play beautifully on any connection speed.
 Loopster - is an full-featured online video editor with an easy-to-use interface.
Edit your videos by rotating, cropping, splicing, zooming, and adding sound
effects to either standard or high-definition videos. Add and reorder video
fragments, overlay music and titles, add animated transitions, and save to any
 Wideo – is a tool to create animated videos for a marketing campaign. Just
drag and drop elements or upload your own images and start animating in a
few clicks.
 Periscope – is Twitter’s app for live streaming. Broadcast live video and
interact with people through hearts and comments. Instantly share your live
videos to Twitter and another social network.
 Wideo – is a tool to create animated videos for a marketing campaign. Just
drag and drop elements or upload your own images and start animating in a
few clicks.
 Periscope – is Twitter’s app for livestreaming. Broadcast live video and interact
with people through hearts and comments. Instantly share your live videos to
Twitter and other social network.
 WeVideo – is a full-featured online platform for editing video. Use text,
transitions, motion, effects, picture-in-picture, green screen technology,
custom call-to-action, a music library, and more. Ensure your videos always
look good with HD resolution.
 – a tool for creating compelling video content tailored for
Instagram ‘s vertical format. provides the tools for advertiser
and marketers to build vertical video assets for Instagram directly from a web
browser in a quick and cost-effective manner.
 Animoto – is a platform for creating videos and slideshows with three
storytelling products. The marketing video builder is a drag-and -drop tool,
designed to perform well on social media. The slideshow builder provides
roughly 100 templates to turn photos and videos clips into a professional
2. Online Games, Test and Courseware

 Online Games – a video game

that is either partially or
primarily played through the
Internet or another computer

 Online Test – Electronic assessment also known as

e-assessment or online test, is the use of information
technology in various forms of assessment such as
educational assessment, health assessment, and
psychological assessment. This may utilize an online
computer connected to a network. This definition
embraces a wide range of student activity ranging
from the use of a word processor to on-screen testing.

 Online Courseware – Courseware is
educational material intended as kits for teachers
or trainers or as tutorials for students, usually
packaged for use with a computer. Courseware
can encompass any knowledge area but
information technology subjects are most

Courseware can include:

- Material for instructor-led classes.
- Web sites that offer interactive tutorials.
- Material that is coordinated with
distance learning, such as live classes
conducted over the Internet.
- Videos for use individually or as part of
3. Web-, game-, pod-, and vod-casting
 Webcast is a media file distributed over the Internet using streaming media
technology. A webcast may either be distributed live or on demand. Essentially,
webcasting is “broadcasting” over the Internet.
A webcast uses streaming media technology to take a single content source
and distribute it to many simultaneous listeners/viewers.
- According to PCMAG Webcast means to:
1. To send live audio or video programming over the Web. It is the Internet
counterpart to traditional radio and TV broadcasting.
2. To send selected Web-based information (text, graphics, audio, video, etc.)
to Internet users based on individual requirements. See push technology.
Users typically must have the appropriate multimedia application in order
to view a webcast.
 Gamecast is a hook for some functionality that will be available in the future.
What it does is send play by play data to our web server. The internet is that if
you are scoring a game on an iPhone (or an iPod Touch with WiFi connectivity),
you will be able to send the play by play data to the server in real time, and
other people interested in your game will be able to access your data
There are at least a couple of ways we intend to make this data available:
1. A web view of the game much like you can see on of MLB games
where as the game progresses, people can “watch it” on the internet.
2. Another user with iScore can be kept in sync while you are scoring a game.
 Podcast is an episodic series of digital audio or video files which a user can
download and listen to. It is often available for subscription, so that new
episodes are automatically downloaded via web syndication to the user’s own
local computer, mobile application, or portable media player.
 Vodcast – is something like a TV program or element of a program. Unlike TV
programs which you have to watch when scheduled, vodcasts are stored on
servers and you can download them whenever you want.
“Video on Demand” (VOD) with ‘cast’ thrown on the end as in broadcast.
Benefits of Vodcasting:
 Video content on demand - when consumer wants access.
 Easier and cheaper than TV production.
 Allows for skills and delivery convergence – a newspaper can be an online
broadcaster and a broadcaster can be an online newspaper.
 Flexible mass distribution much easier.
 Little to no cost for maker or consumer – no copies to be made and

Let’s Explore
& Apply!
Rate Me!

Activity 1
Below are screenshots of online interfaces. Select at least 3 online interface and
rate it from 1-4 according to their simplicity and functionality using the table on the next

1. Facebook 2. Blog 3.DepEd Common Functionality

I – Easy
II – Average
III – Slightly Difficult
IV – Difficult
I – Simple
II – Average
4. Google Classroom 5. Kinemaster 6. QuipperSchool III – Slightly Complex
IV – Complex

Functionality Simplicity
Online Interfaces

Activity 2
Instruction: Read the questions carefully. Please write your answers in your
1. Among your selection, which are your top three favorites? Explain.
2. What can make an online interface difficult to use?
3. What can help an interface user understand or navigate an online interface?



Congratulations for a job well done! I was always confident of your abilities to
shoulder your responsibilities. You should be very proud of yourself.

Let’s Assess!

Multiple Choice
1. A World Wide Web that encourage participation, collaboration, and information
a. Media c. Web 2.0
b. Web 1.0 d. Web 3.0
2. A World Wide Web that can interpret information like humans and intelligently
generate and distribute useful content tailored to the needs of users.
a. Internet c. Web 2.0
b. Web 1.0 d. Web 3.0
3. It is the integration of text, sound, graphics, animation and video into a single
a. Graphical User Interface c. Multimedia
(GUI) d. Web
b. Interactive
4. An online tool that is use to produce video content that engage viewers in real-
a. Adobe Spark c. YouTube Editor
b. Facebook Live d. YouTube Live Streaming
5. An online tool that is use to produce video content that is a full-featured online
video online video editor with easy-to-use interface.
a. Facebook Live c. Loopster
b. Facebook Slideshow d. Magisto
6. A platform for creating videos and slideshows with three storytelling products.
a. Animoto c.
b. Periscope d. WeVideo
7. A video game that is either partially or primarily played through the Internet or
another computer network.
a. Coursware c. Online Game
b. Online Courseware d. Online Test
8. It is an episodic series of digital audio or video files which user can download and
listen to and are often available for subscription.
a. Gamecast c. Vodcast
b. Podcast d. Webcast
9. What is a vodcast?
a. It is something like a TV program or element of a program.
b. It is a hook for some functionality that will be available in the future.
c. It is a media file distributed over the internet using streaming media
d. It is an app that automatically downloaded via web syndication to the user’s
own local computer, mobile application, or portable media player.

10. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of Vodcasting?

a. Flexible mass distribution much easier.
b. It is expensive and is hard to use than TV production.
c. Video content on demand – when consumer wants access.
d. Little to no cost for maker or consumer – no copies to be made and

You did an excellent job! Thanks for being Awesome!


Direction: Read the items carefully and choose the best answer. Write the letter only
1. A web that facilitates interaction between web users and sites, so it allows users
to interact more freely with each other.
A. Web 1.0 C. Web 3.0
B. Web 2.0 D. Web 4.0
2. Web 2.0 is “_______” phrase of the World Wide Web with interactive data.
A. Editable C. Readable
B. Executable D. Writable
3. YouTube, Wiki, Flickr, and Facebook is an example of Web ______.
A. Web 1.0 C. Web 3.0
B. Web 2.0 D. Web 4.0
4. Web 1.0 is “ ” phrase of the World Wide Web with flat data.
A. Editable C. Readable
B. Executable D. Writable
5. __________ is “executable” phrase of World Wide Web.
A. Web 1.0 C. Web 3.0
B. Web 2.0 D. Web 4.0
6. A program that allows a person to work easily with a computer by using a mouse
to point a small
A. Graphical User Interface C. Multimedia
B. Internet D. Web
7. It means that the user audience has control over the program or presentation
A. Action C. Interact
B. Interaction D. Interactive
8. It is used to create new videos and edit clips and is used to publish videos in
YouTube in just one click.
A. Facebook C. YouTube Editor
B. Facebook Live D. YouTube live streaming
9. It is Twitter’s app for live streaming.
A. Animoto C. Twitter Live
B. Periscope D. WeVideo
10. An electronic assessment, also known as e-assessment or online test.
A. e-learning C. Online Test
B. Genyo D. Quipper

This Learning Activity Sheet (LAS) was developed by the Senior High School teachers and passed the
Quality Assurance processes of the Schools Division Office of Biliran with the paramount objective of preparing and
addressing the new normal. The contents of the LAS were based on the Department of Education’s Most Essential
Learning Competencies (MELC) and SDO-Biliran’s Budget of Lessons (BOL). The borrowed materials (i.e., stories,
articles, photos, brand names, trademarks, etc.) included in this LAS are owned by the respective copyright holders.
This is a supplementary material to be used by all Senior High School learners (Grade 11 and 12) of SDO-Biliran.
Republic Act 8293, Section 176 states that: No copyright shall subsist in any work of the Government
of the Philippines. However, prior approval of the Government agency or office wherein the work is created shall be
necessary for exploitation of such work for profit. Such agency or office may, among other things, impose as a
condition the payment of royalties.
Thus, the teachers who wrote, created, compiled, and collected the information herein do not represent
nor claim ownership over them. We highly encourage comments, feedbacks, suggestions and recommendations.
Biliran National Agricultural High School-SY 2020-2021

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