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Game Training

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Module Two

Introduction to the Game Training

Better Coaches, Better Players 2018

Game Training Outcomes

• Session Planning

• Principles:
• Passing Practice
• Positioning Game
• Game Training
• Training Game
Playing Style
Playing Style Statement

Dominant in all four moments within the game, based on

effective possession, collective high press and quick in the

With mentally tough, pro-active, creative players all over

the field with excellent decision making qualities, playing
without fear.

Formation 1-4-3-3
Ever Changing Game!
Ever Changing Game
Session Plan

4 Easy Steps
Session Plan

(Starting point the picture)

Game Training
Training Game
Warm Up/Passing Exercises
Positioning Games
Starting Point
Starting Point
Session Plan
Session Plan

In every training session the

following questions should be

answered with a YES

Composition of a training session

Warm Up/Passing Exercises; 15 to 20 minutes

 Dynamic stretching
 All ball warm up
 Passing exercises

Positioning Games; 15 to 20 minutes

 3v1
 4v2
 5v3
 4 v 4 v 4 etc.
Composition of a training

Game Training; 25 to 30 minutes (Games related to the football problem)

 Attacking (scoring/wing play)
 Defending (disturbing/pressing)
 Playing out (building up)
 Transitions (team and player actions)

Training Game; 20 to 25 minutes

 Related to the topic/theme of the session
 Espe ially ele a t to the ga e t ai i g
Four Stages of Development

Training Playing
Performance Stage
Learning how to win
17 17
Game Training Stage 11 v 11
Learning how to play together as a team
13 13
Skill Training Stage
Learning the technical skills to play the game
9 Small-Sided
Discovery Stage Football
Building a love of the game in a fun enviroment
5 5
Four Stages Of Development
Building Blocks
Skill Training Stage
In the Skill Acquisition Phase the coach must focus
exclusively on providing a solid foundation of technical skill
 If the player does not gain this skill foundation during this
phase, it will be very difficult to make up later
 No amount of fitness or competitive spirit will ever
compensate for deficiencies in functional game skills
Skill Training Stage
Skill Acquisition Phase

What to teach?
4 Functional
Game Skills
Functional game Skills

Striking the ball

First Touch

Running with the ball

44Core Skills
Core Skills

1. Striking the ball

This includes all forms of striking the ball such as
short/long passing: shooting and crossing etc.;
2. First Touch
Controlling the ball with all allowed body parts;
3. Running with the ball
At speed ith a lot of spa e o d i li g i tight
4. 1v1
All moves; feints and accelerations to get past and
away from an opponent;
Four Stages of Development

Training Playing
Performance Stage
Learning how to win
17 17
Game Training Stage 11 v 11
Learning how to play together as a team
13 13
Skill Training Stage
Learning the technical skills to play the game
9 Small-Sided
Discovery Stage Football
Building a love of the game in a fun enviroment
5 5
Fo us
D Li e eBlocks

Game Training Stage
• Applying the functional game skills (core skills)
• Lea i g ho to use the te h i al tools playi g as a tea ,
using 1-4-3-3 as the preferred formation
• Developing of tactical awareness, insight and decision
making through a game-related approach to training
Game Training Stage

16 What to teach?
Ball Possession (BP)

Ball Possession Opponent

What to Teach In BP

In possession of the ball (BP)

Focus of the D Licence
• Playing out from the back.
• Midfield play.
• Attacking combination play front third of the field
•Individual Skill. (Creative Players)
What to Teach in BPO

• When the opponent is in possession of the ball

• Defending.
• Pressing.
• Winning the ball quickly.
• Deny opponent space (Force passing backwards and side
ways ,away from goal).
• Denying opponent to play forward.
What to Teach in Transition

Transitioning (BPO>BP)
• After winning the ball, play first pass forward and
•Get as quickly as possible in BP positions.
•If a quick forward pass is not possible or there is no
suppo t afte the fi st pass, keep the possessio , do t fo e
the pass.
What to Teach in Transition

Transitioning (BP>BPO)
• Win the ball back as soon as possible.
•Straight away pressure on the ball to prevent opponent
from playing quick forward pass.
•Get as quickly back into BPO positions as possible.
Skill Acquisition
Game Phase
Training Stage

How to teach?
 The game is always the starting point
 Simplify/modify the game situation for training
by reducing the game specific resistances until the
obtained training aim is realized by the players
 Is FOOTBALL being played
Need Footballthe players
to Challenge

Street Football
Street Football

“E erythi g I ha e
achieved in Football is due
to playing Football in the
streets ith y frie ds “

Zinedine Zidane
Warm Up/Passing Exercises

Passing Exercises
Session Conduct

Warm up
Passing Practice
• Warm up should be relevant to the game,
make it simple.
• Include a ball (always)
• The e elated i ludi g a le el of de isio
• Use it as p epa atio fo the positio i g
ga es pa t of the sessio .
Passing Practices

Passing exercises should be on every coaches

e u , as part of the warming up, to maintain and
o i p o e the te h i ue of st iki g the all .

The essence of the passing exercises is that

the players pass and receive the ball in positions
related to the formation which helps them in
their orientation and recognition during game
Numbering system
1-4-3-3 Player grouping
Warm up/Passing
Warm Up/Passing Practice

As a result certain passing patterns and

o i atio s e o e auto ati
In the general passing exercises all
players move/rotate to every position.
In the specific passing exercises
the players stay in their designated
positions with in the formation
Passing Practice Playing Out
Passing Exercises (playing out)
Playing Out the back
Passing Practice
Passing Practice(wing
Exercises Wing play)
Passing Practice Central
Positioning Games

Positioning Games
Positioning Games

Positioning games are basic,

daily exercises to train
possession and combination
Positioning Games
Positioning games lay the foundations for:
1. Combination play.
2.Short passing.
4.Playing style.
These principles are recognizable in every
game situation.
Positioning Games

Positio i g Ga e i g edie t s;(Direction, Opposition, Goals for

Defenders and Attackers)
• Decision making
• Passing (short)
• First Touch
• Positioning
• Ball speed
Positioning Games

Through positioning games young players will;

• Learn to always create at least 2 options for the
player on the ball (through proper positioning)
• Improve their decision making (by learning to play
the right option)
• Increase their handling speed (less space and time
forces quicker thinking and acting)
• Improve their technique (passing and first touch
are essential technical skills)
• Learn to communicate both verbally (e.g. calling
for the ball) and non-verbally (e.g. through ball
speed and ball direction)
Positioning Games
Positioning Games

Positioning games have the following development


•Providing 2 options (left and right)= 3 v 1 / 4 v 1

•Providing 3 options (left and right and middle)=
4v2 / 5 v 2
•Providing 4 options (left and right, middle and
fa = 3/ 3
Positioning Games

4v2 3v1

Game Training

Positioning Games
Positioning Games

Game Training


4v2 3v1

Game Training

5v3 4v2
Positioning Games
4v2 3v1

Game Training

5v3 4v2
Game Training

Game Training
Game Training
Game Training

• The starting point is a game related

approach to training
• Games that are conditioned will make the
players think more
•Competition makes for fun
• Use the game to shape training. Everything
must be match relatable
Game Training
Game Training

• Specific game-related practices

• Players can develop the correct positioning
and decision-making
• Real game situations = strong possibility of
transfer to game performance
• Maintain and Improve Technique
Game Training
Game training exercises can not be designed
for you;
They will always depend on –
Playing Style philosophy
Your players
And your circumstances.
Different Philosophies

The English Plan

Depending on the wind, the striker’s position may vary…

Playing Out the back
Playing Outout
fromfrom defence
the back
Wing Play
Wing Play
Wing Play
1-4-3-3 Attacking in wide areas
7 Exercise with adjusted resistance.
5 2
6 attackers & midfielders (+ 2 full backs) v. 4
defenders + goalkeeper.
Pitch = full width; length = 40m. divided into
one central area and two wing areas.
Game development:
The blue full backs 2 & 5 (positioned outside the wing
6 areas) play the ball to the blue wingers (7 & 11).
Depending on the marking of the yellow full backs the
blue wingers try to beat them by: running off
the ball; 1 v 1; or using combinations
(candidates refer to Practice content book for
gk more examples)
Maximum 2 blue players allowed in the wide areas, so
either 2 or 5 can make an overlap or a player
3 from the central area can enter the wing area
8 for a (feint) take-over.
The yellow full backs are not allowed to enter the
central area. 2 & 5 blue each start the game 10
times, scoring attempts should come from
wing-play only
Yellows score by gaining possession of the ball and
either passing to the coach or passing through
the blue goal on the end-line
2 11 5
ManMan Running
Killer Pass
Killer Pass
Switching Play
Training Game

Training Game
Training Game
A training game must be concluded at the end
of every training session:
• 2 teams (usually even numbers, but if
appropriate to the objective, one team may
have an extra player)
• Goals o ta get fo oth tea s
• Most, if not all, of the 11 v 11 rules applied
Training Game
• Coach can observe how well the players
apply what has just been learned
• Reality test as ost, if ot all of the ga e
specific resistances are in place
•I t ai i g ga es the e should e no
oa hi g stops (can some coaching on the

The coach should mainly be controlling

the game and giving
instructions/feedback when necessary
without stopping the game
Training Game

•Remove conditions
•All game specific resistances in place
•Normal game emphasizing the topic of the
•Coa h o the u
•Let them play (observe)
Training gameout fromOutdefence
:Playing from the back
GameGame Training vs Training Game
Training v Training Game

Game Training
Training that relates to the game

Training Game
A game that is conducted at training
TrainingV vTraining Game
Training Game
Game Training v Training
Game Training = Training that relates to the game
The coach = coaching
The players = learning

Training Game =A game that is conducted at training

The coach = observing (little or no intervention)
The players = playing
Questions/Comments !!

Better Coaches, Better Players 2018


Better Coaches, Better Players 2018

Session Plan
Module 2 Part Two

Better Coaches, Better Players 2018

Session Plan

Football Objectives
Football Objectives

Get the ball and your players into a goal Prevent the opponent getting the ball and
scoring position their players into goal scoring positions


Structured build up/Controlled possession Win the ball back as soon as possible/press the
ball immediately on loss of possession

Quick forward passing/Quick forward Deny opponents time and space to play
Creative combination play to create goal Limit the opponents forward passing and
scoring opportunities movement

Individual skill to create and convert goal Limit the opponents ability to create goal
scoring opportunities scoring opportunities
Playing Style Statement

Dominant in all four moments within the game, based on

effective possession, collective high press and quick in the

With mentally tough, pro-active, creative players all over

the field with excellent decision making qualities, playing
without fear.

Formation 1-4-3-3
Model Session
Putting It all together

Session Objective
Building up
Playing out from the back
Passing Practice
Positioning Game
Game Training
Game Training
Training Game
Game Training
Model Session
Puttingititall together
all together

Session Objective
Combination play
Passing Practice
Central Passing Practice
Positioning Game
Positioning Game


Game Game
Game Training Outcomes

• Session Planning

• Principles: when planning

• Game Training
• Training Game
• Passing Practice
• Positioning Game
• Module Sessions
Thank you

To the Match !!!

Better Coaches, Better Players 2018

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