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Dev Env Setup

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Setup Ubuntu

gksudo apt-get update --assume-yes

sudo apt-get dist-upgrade --assume-yes

# Ubuntu Ruby & System libraries:

sudo apt-get install build-essential --assume-yes
sudo apt-get install ruby1.8-dev ri rdoc --assume-yes
sudo apt-get install mysql-server libmysql-ruby --assume-yes
sudo apt-get install libopenssl-ruby --assume-yes
sudo apt-get install subversion --assume-yes
sudo apt-get install imagemagick libmagick9-dev --assume-yes

# Creat parent directory for mmx projects:

sudo mkdir /var/www
sudo chown ubuntu:ubuntu /var/www

# Subversion checkout:
svn checkout --no-auth-cache --username extrovert --password extrovert

# Create Log folders

These two folders need to be created:

# Install RubyGems:
sudo wget
tar -xvzf rubygems-0.9.2.tgz
cd rubygems-0.9.2
sudo ruby setup.rb
cd ..
rm -r rubygems-0.9.2.tgz --force

# Install Specific Gems:

sudo gem install rails --include-dependencies
sudo gem install rmagick --include-dependencies
sudo gem install rspec --include-dependencies
sudo gem install rcov --include-dependencies
sudo gem install memcache-client --include-dependencies
you'll probably want mongrel:
sudo gem install mongrel --include-dependencies
# Create databases:
sudo mysqladmin create -u root extrovert_development
sudo mysqladmin create -u root extrovert_test

sudo mysqladmin create -u root extrovert_development_selenium

sudo mysqladmin create -u root extrovert_test_selenium

# Create local db settings file:

cd /var/www/cms/config
cp ./database.example ./database.yml

cd /var/www/metromix/config
cp ./database.example ./database.yml

# Build project
cd /var/www/cms
rake db:migrate

cd /var/www/metromix
rake db:migrate

# Install MySQL admin tool:

sudo apt-get install mysql-admin

MySql Admin has a bug ( where User

Administration hangs. To fix:
sudo vi /usr/bin/

# Insert the following and Save


# Make executable
chmod a+x

# Edit the GUI launch shortcut for mysql-admin to modify the launch command from
/usr/bin/mysql-admin to

# Create extrovert user account

1) Connect to localhost as root
2) Create user: extrovert, password: extrovert
3) Grant all privleges for extrovert_development to extrovert user
2. Ubuntu VM Installing Java

Read the instructions at

[] on how to install Java on Ubuntu.

3. Ubuntu Running VM tools


In an X terminal, launch the VMware Tools background application.

vmware-toolbox &

You can run VMware Tools as root or as a normal user. To shrink virtual disks or to
change any VMware Tools scripts, you must run VMware Tools as root (su -).


Always run vmware-toolbox in the guest operating system to ensure you have access to
all VMware Tools features, such as copy and paste and mouse ungrab for operating
systems for which X display driver is not available.

4. MS Windows Setup

Proxy Information The proxy is http://config.trb/proxy.pac

So to get Gems to work:

set http_proxy=

#Get (or make sure you have):

Ruby 1.8.4 and Gems 0.9.1 (to update your Gem's version, do: "gem update --system")

Mysql 5 (on your DOS prompt, to try logging in: "mysql -uroot -ppassword". Note that
with spaces, i.e. "mysql -u root -p password" doesn't work. There is probably already a
"test" database there, that MySQL creates upon installation. )

Subversion 1.4


DO NOT INSTALL ImageMagick? from the ImageMagick? website.

Use the one that comes bundled with rmagick-win32 gem (with a a copy of the
ImageMagick? Windows installer).

Download rmagick-win32 from the RMagick project page on RubyForge?


unzip it into a temporary directory, run the ImageMagick?*dll.exe installer.

Then, install the rmagick gem from the above temporary directory.

Restart your computer after this installation (if you don't the build may have difficulty
finding the ImageMagick? libraries)

# Create parent directory for mmx projects:

wherever you like

# Subversion checkout:

in the directory you just created

svn checkout --no-auth-cache --username extrovert --password extrovert


Create Log folders under CMS & Metromix folders

# Install Specific Gems:

ensure that the environment variable http_proxy is set..

set http_proxy=
gem install rails --include-dependencies
gem install rspec --include-dependencies
gem install rcov --include-dependencies
gem install memcache-client --include-dependencies
gem install mysql

# Create databases:

Use your favorite tool to create:

extrovert_development and extrovert_test

extrovert_images_development, extrovert_images_test,
extrovert_pubwrite_development, extrovert_pubwrite_test,

extrovert_registered_users_development, extrovert_registered_users_test

and assign them to some user. Give that user permisions to access.

# Create local db settings file:

In cms/config there is a database.example file copy it and change its name to


Do the same in metromix/config

Make sure the two database.yml files point to your databases and use your users as set up

# Migrate the DB

Both projects share the db, but only cms has the migrations, so:

In trunk/cms
rake db:migrate
rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=test

This should work if you've set up your dbs corectly.


If you have problems with the db:migrate for metromix, you may need to copy the
pubwrite_test target from cms/config/database.yml to metromix/config/database.yml.

This is being addressed.

#Now let's try and run the tests:

rake cruise:all
might fail because of rcov problems, so try:
rake cruise:no_rcov_all

results are at:


Of course, run the tests in both projects (trunk/metromix and trunk/cms)

#Change your localhost file

should be found at:

file is called "hosts"
add this line at the bottom: chicago.localhost

you will probably need to add more as you bounce around to different cities

# you're gonna need cygwin ( to run solr

( Download cygwin, solr is checked into the repository

# you're also going to need tomcat (

configure and starting Solr instructions are as follows


Edit solr/conf/Catalina/localhost/solr-extrovert.xml, updating paths: (where

c:/mmx/trunk/ is the location where you svn checked-out to)

<Context docBase="C:/mmx/trunk/solr/solr-webapp"

debug="0" crossContext="true" > <Environment name="solr/home"

type="java.lang.String" value="C:/mmx/trunk/solr/indexes/extrovert"
override="true" />


Edit solr/conf/server.xml: Find the following tags....

* <Server port="8005" shutdown="SHUTDOWN">

* <Connector port="5000" maxHttpHeaderSize="8192"
* <Connector port="8009"

and change the ports to new ports for example :

8006, 5001, 8010

Check to make sure changes aren't used already on the system

$ netstat -a | grep "8006"

$ netstat -a | grep "5001"

$ netstat -a | grep "8010"

**** Even though your netstat output does not show the ports

5000, 8005, 8009 as used..solr cannot access them for some reason

so please change them to the above ports

Edit solr/bin/, to look like




# end JRH



# JRH - updated JRE_HOME


# end JRH


#JAVA_OPTS="-Xms128m -Xmx128m -agentlib:yjpagent"

JAVA_OPTS="-Xms128m -Xmx128m"



${CATALINA_HOME}/bin/ $*

on the cygwin window do the following

copy the solr.war file to your "apachetomcat"/webapps folder ("apachetomcat" is where

you have tomcat server installed on your machine)

and start solr using

Start Solr:

solr/bin/ run

use run so that it runs it in the same window.. and you can see the results of the run. You'll
see error messages but Solr may still start up regardless.

Verify it is running: http://localhost:5001/solr-extrovert/admin/

If you dont want to use cygwin you can configure your solr to work with windows like
so.. Create a solr/bin/solr.bat file in the same folder as and add the following

set CATALINA_BASE=C:/mmx/trunk/solr

set CATALINA_HOME=C:/apache-tomcat-5.5.20

set JRE_HOME=C:/Java/jdk1.5.0.03/jre


%CATALINA_HOME%/bin/catalina.bat %1

and on the command prompt

C:\mmx\trunk\solr\bin>solr.bat run

It should give you the same results as above

the above instructions were derived from which were as follows
laptop:~/tmp/solr-tomcat> unzip > & /dev/null

laptop:~/tmp/solr-tomcat> unzip > & /dev/null

laptop:~/tmp/solr-tomcat> cp solr-nightly/dist/solr-nightly.war apache-tomcat-


laptop:~/tmp/solr-tomcat> cp -r solr-nightly/example/solr .

laptop:~/tmp/solr-tomcat> chmod a+x apache-tomcat-5.5.17/bin/*

laptop:~/tmp/solr-tomcat> ./apache-tomcat-5.5.17/bin/ > & /dev/null

Sample data for your development database:


Solr index:

put the files in the zip file into mmxtrunk\solr\indexes\extrovert\data\index

Change the port to match what you're using (from 5000 to 5001)
#solr settings - set the correct host and port
:host => 'localhost',
:port => 5001, # was 5000
:context => '/solr-extrovert',
:update_path => '/update',
:select_path => '/select'
(You *might* need to do the same thing for
mmx/trunk/cms/config/environment/development.rb, if cms uses Solr also)

Start up your metromix server:

mmxtrunk\metromix> ruby script\server

If you've set up incorrectly,

You'll get an error, possibly something about Solr

If you've set up correctly, you'll see a page, but when you click on the "After hours" link
on the left, it complains no database "extrovert_images_development"... that means the
code uses a newer db version and I need to do:
mmxtrunk\cms> rake db:migrate

After that, clicking on "After hours" link shows a good page.

# Create extrovert user account on your MySQL

1) Connect to localhost as root
2) Create user: extrovert, password: extrovert
3) Grant all privleges for extrovert_development to extrovert user

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