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LLB PII 3year Paper6

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: Ro‖ No。 ・

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SubieCt : Public lnternational Law Paper: Vl(Gommon) Time:3 Hrs. Marks:100

〃OTE:Arrempr a″ y FryE暉 esfiOrPs,ハ ″91restFons carry eg“ a′ marks,

Q.l Demei頭∝田直。nallaw and exphinttk由 領 it is a岬 酬 、gnve easonsin swrOFt Of

yOur… ・

Q。 2 ExPIin tt fO1lowing:

i。 勁 c IDle ofht― tional Lwbefore M面 銀

通.TЪ ttpsitionofMmiciF Law哺 輸 mttOnal■ h∝ .

Q。 3 What are tt principle sources ofintemtional M Cive youF anSWeF漱 血mSpectわ

職 L38 oftt SttutofinmationaloolEofj国 濃 。

Q.4 Deme tt h thetightofVienna Cm囮 面饉 on Lw of協 麟 exph血 儀


i.Enh inm fOu,比 Modifcation ofteatyl 瓶.Re釘 嗽 10n of熊 町 .

Q.5 Wtt admilnote Oln te轟 ght oFSelf‐ 餞宣仙山漁

Q`6 Deme and exPttn掬 面 的 '?HOW L can“ acquared and b銀

Q.7… inddail the由 山面 oll meen`Roopitiondejwe'and`Rmpition deね cO'.

DoJacyhavett same leJ erect7Explain.

Q.8.Deme tStte sovereig暉 '。 W議 the動暉 andobicctSOVerwhichastatお competent

to轍屈 se無 “
Q。 ,Dehe■ )颯 凛x壼 饉on'ハ磯自聘 伽ecommon■』es of揃 細画 b鳳 law nich gOvem
emditiOn inthe absence ofan enditiOn燎 田り?

Q,10■ :d"ademil nOte On wttous轟 麒おofmte and nOn‐ mt,mtities.

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PART― Ⅱ A/ 2015
Exami nat i on: ‐ LL. B. : Rol l No。 ●●""… :

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Subject: Public International Law (Old & New Course) TI ME ALLOWED: 3 hr s.

NOTE: Attempt any FIW questions. All questions corry equal marks.
1) what are the principle sources of international law? Give your answer
with respect to Article. 3g
of the Statute of lnternational Court of Justice.

2) Explain;
l) The Role of rnternationar raw before Municipar courts
ll) Position of Municipar Law within the rnternationar sphere

what are the elements of statehood? Describe various kinds of states.

what is meant by subject of international law? Describe various subjects

of international law.

write a detailed note on folrowing aspects of recognition of state

l) De facto recognition
It) De jure recognition

5) Write a detailed note on self determination.


7l Explain in detail the rules of ,,State Succession,,.

8) Explain in detail the various privileges and immunities

enjoyed by Diplomatic envoy.

9) Discuss in detailthe role of lnternational courts of Justice in judicialsettlement

of tnternational

10)Write a note on the following;

l) Extradition
ll) Piracy
° ・・ °・ ° ° 0 0 0 0 00 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● 0.

PART― Ⅱ S/ 2015
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Exami nat i on卜 LLoB. 1191N911: : ∵ : ∵: ∵ : ∵: ∵ : 1l f

Sut t eCt : Public International Law (Old & New Course) TI ME ALLOWED: 3 hr s。
NOTE: Attempt ilny FIW qaestions. All questions cnrry eqaal mork*
I ) Explain the theories of national and international law

D Transformation
ID Incorporation
2) Discuss the role of UNO in the International disputes.

3) Critically examine the powers of the Security Council of the United Nations with regard to the
maintenance of Intemational peace and security
4) Discuss the following theories of recognition;

I) Declaratory theory
il) Constitutive theory
5) Define International Law and explain whether it is a proper law?
6) Explain treaty as a source of law. '

7) Write short notes on the following

D Territorial waters
II) Pirates

8) According to Montivedeo Convention, State as an intemational legal person should possess the
fol lowing qualifi cations, discuss

D Permanent popul4tion
It) Defined territory
ilI) Government

IV) Capacity to enter into legal relations with other States

9) Discuss the following as a subject of International law;
l) State

fl) lndividuals
l0) Elaborate peaceful methods of settlement of Intemational disputes.

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UNI VERSI TY OF THE PUNJ AB 0● ● 00000● ● ● ● ● ● ● 000● ●
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PART― I I A/ 2016
Exami nat i on: ― LL. B. :。

191∬ 91∵ 二: ∵ : ∵ : ∵ : ∵ : =Li

Subject: Public International Law (OId & New Course) TI PI I E ALLOWED: 3 hr s.

: VI
NOTE: Attempt any FIVE questions. All questions caty equal marks'

q.1 I f xplain the relationship of National Law and lnternational law by discussing the theories

Q. 2 111‖ ヽ1l i ] : r al i l l f : eof l awunder Ar i l cl e 38. Of t he St at ut e of l C」

Q.3 I What is Nationality? How it is acquired and lost?

e.4 Oiscuss the following theories of recognition;


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dl scussl ng t he l aw。
i) Risktheory and fault theory
ii) Nationality of claim
iii) Exhaustion of local remedies principles

Wfrat are the elements of Statehood? Atso describe various kinds of State.
e.7 |

Q8 1胤 驚矯‖ 竃 鵠 γ

留嘲ぎ昭誕l LT彗 ∬黒; 鷲よ
: 4' Ceof t t Ю
Cession and treaty

ii) Conquest ( use of force)
iii) Self determination.

I Elaborate the coercive measures regarding dispute settlement.

write a detailed note on;
e.10 |
i) Ext r adi t i on
il) pi r acy

UNI VERSI TY OF THE PUNJ AB a a a a a a a a aaa a t a a a aa a a aa a aa

PART _ II 5/2016

Examination:- LL.B. 3 Rott No. ..................... :

ta a a aa oa a a a a a aa aa aa a a aa a a'

Subject: Public International Law (Old & New Course) TIME ALLOWED: 3 hrs.

NOTE: Attempt any FIVE questions. All questions carry equal ruarks.

Discuss following theories about lnternational Law in National legal system;

i) lncorporation
ii) Transformation

Define 'TerritorialWaters'. State the extent to which a coastal State can exercise its
jurisdiction over these waters.

Q. 3 Explain the following types of recognition;

i)Recognition of State
ii) Recognition of Government

Q.4 Discuss the law of State Responsibility

Q.s Some writers doubt whether International Law qualifies as law. What is your opinion?

Q.6 What is the legal status of 'lndividual' under lnternational Law?

Q.7 Discuss the constitution, functions and powers of the Security Council of the United
Nations. Discuss its failures if any.

Q.8 Discuss the following diplomatic methods of peaceful settlement of lnternational

d isputes;
i) Negotiations
ii) Good offices
iii) lnquiry

What are the principal sources of international law? Give answers with respect to Article
38 of the Statute of lCJ.

Give definition of treaty according to Vienna Convention on law of treaties,1969. Explain

the following;
i) Entry into force
ii) Modification of treaty
iii) Reservation of treaty
UNI VERSI TY OF THE PUNJ AB ° ° ° ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● 00● ●
・●・ ・ ・ ・ ・ .

PART― I I : Annual - 2017

Exami mat i On: ‐ L. L. B。 ( 03 Year s) : Rol l No。
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Subject: Public International Law TI ME ALLOWED: 3 hr s.

PAPER: VI (Common) MAXo MARKS: 100

Attempt any five of the following. All questions carry equal marks.

Q. 1 What are the principle source of international law? Give your answer with respect to Article
38 of the Statute of international court ofjustice.

Q. 2 Discuss fully various theories advanced with regard to the relationship between
International Law and Municipal law. Is the actual state practice in conformity with these

Q. 3 Discuss the following as a subject of international law:

( → St at es. (b) Individuals.

Q. 4 What is the law on'State Responsibility'? Discuss in detail.

Q. 5 Discuss in detail the distinction between 'Recognition de

jure' and 'Recognition de facto'.
Do they have the same legal effect? Explain.

Q. 6 Discuss the following types ofjurisdiction:

(a) Tenitorial Jurisdiction. (b) National Jurisdiction. (c) Universal Jurisdiction.

Q. 7 Elaborate the various state practices regarding asylum.

e. 8 Discuss the following diplomatic methods of peaceful settlement of international
a) Negotiation b) Good Offices c) Inquiry

Q. 9 Discuss in detail the role of intemational court ofjustice in

judicial settlement of
international disputes.

state is
Q. 10 Define 'State Sovereignty'. What are the things and objects over which a
competent to exercise its sovereignty?

PART-II: Supplementary - 2017
Examination:- L.L.B. (03 Years) 119り ∬?t ∵ : =∵ : ∵ : ∵ : ∵ : ■ f

Subject: Public International Law TI Ⅳ I E ALLOWED: 3 br s.

PAPER: VI (Common) MAXo MARKS: 100

Attempt any five of the following. All questions carry equal marks.

Q. I Discuss the.strengths and weaknesses of international legal system.

Q.2 Discuss 'Custom' as a source of International Law.

Q. 3 Explain the following:

i. The role of Intemational Law before Municipal Courts.

ii. The position of Municipal Law within International sphere.

Q. 4 Write a detail note on various kinds of state and non state entities.

Q. 5 Define 'Intervention'. What are the kinds and grounds for intervention?

Q. 6 Define treaty in the light ofvienna convention on Law oftreaties and explain the

i. Entry into force. ii. Modification of treaty. iii. Reservation of treaty.

Q. 7 Explain in detail the various privileges and immunities enjoyed by Diplornatic envoy.

Q. 8 Explain the following types ofjurisdiction:

i. Jurisdiction to Prescribe ii. Jurisdiction to Enforce

iii. Civil and Criminal jurisdiction of state.

Q. 9 Write a detail note on the right of Self- determination.

Q. l0 Discuss the constitution, functions and powers of the Security Council of the UN. Discuss
its failures if any.

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PART-II: Annual - 2018 aa
Examination:- L.L.B. (03 Years) !loaRoilNo......................
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Eubject: Public International Law TIME ALLOWEI): 3 hrs.

PapER: VI (Common) MAX MARKS: 100

Attempt any five of the following. AII questions carry equal marks.

Q. 1 Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of international legal system.

Q. 2 Discuss 'Custom' as a source of International Law with reference to Article 38 of the

Statr"rte of International Court ofjustice.

Q' 3 According'to Article l, Montivedeo Convention, what qualifications a state as international

legal person should possess?

Q. 4 write a detail note on various kinds of state and non state entities.

Q. 5 Explain the declaratory and constitutive theories of Recognition.

Q. 6 Define treaty? How are they concluded? Discuss in detail.

Q' 7 What is the diplomatic envoy? What immunities and privileges are available to them?

Q' 8 Define 'Extradition'. What are the common rules of international law which govern
extradition in the absence of an extradition treaty?

Q' 9 Discuss in detail the role of international court of justice in judicial se'ttlement of
international disputes.

Q. 10 Explain in detail the rules of ,State Succession'.

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Subject: Public International Law TI ME ALLOWED: 3 Ⅱr s.

PAPER: VI (Common) MAXo MARKS: 100
NOTE: Attempt any FIW questions. All questions carry equal marks.

Q. Define irlternational law and discuss whether it is laiv

1 the proper sense of the term, give
-: ir"r
reasons in supporl of your answer.

Q. 2 Discuss'L'reaty' as a source of lnternational Law in the light of Article 38 of the Statute o1'
International Court ofjustice.

Q. -'l IJxplain thc lbllo',ving:

i. 'l'hc rolc ol lntelnational

[.aw beibre Municipal Courts.

ii. The position of M'nicipal Law within International sphere.

Q. 4 What are various elellents of .statehoocl? Explain c'lil'f-erent kinds of states.

Q. 5 What do you unclerstand by the subject of international law? Describe various sub.jects ol'
international law.

Q. 6 Explairr in cletail nrles of 'State Succession'.

Q. 7 what is sovereignty? How a state accluires and loses the territory'?

Q. 8 Write a sJrorl note on the following theories of':

a) 'l'rausforniation b) Incorporation

Q- 9 Q. 8 Discuss the Following diplomatic methods of peaceful settlement of internatiopal

dispute s:

a) Negotiation b) Mediation c) Cor-rciliarion

Q. 10 Discuss the constitution, functions and powers of the Security Council of the UN. Discuss
its achievements and failures.
` 0 翌踊蹴 嚇 PI 硼鷺
Pflrt-II ∬蛤
二 B
L.L.B. (03 Years) Annual-Exap
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′ 7. Sut t eCt : Publ i cJ nt emat i Onal Law Paper : VI cCommOm) Ti me: 3 Hr so Mar ks: 100

ハЙ9鴨t ∠ ′ ″ r aFy FI ′ Eα ″ 4″ 夕〃est i θ

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1. l r vhat i s t he di f f er ence bet ween de f ect o an, dё ―

」ur e r ecoghi t i on?Di scuss i n t he l i ght Of
st う t e/ gover nnnent r ecogni l : 。 ハi n gener al i
2. Di scusS t heむ OnSt i l ut i On′ f unct i Ons and power s of t he secur i t y Counc‖ of t he UN?

3, Expl ai n t he t heor i es of l nt er nat i onal Law i n nat i onal l egal syst em?

{ al Tr ansf Or mat i 9n( b) i ncOr pOr at l on

4・ Def i ne i nt er nat i onal Law?Whet her i t i s a pr oper i aw or not .

5, How a r nui t i nat i ondl Tr eat y i i concl uded?What ar e var i pus r l l es of i t s i nt er pr et at i ons?

6. Def i ne″ St at e Sover ei gnt y″ ?What ar e t he t hi ngs and Obj ect s Over whi ch a
ξt at e is
compet ent t O exer ci sё i t s sover ei gnt y?

P. T. 0.
7, Define "Extradition". What are the cornmon rules of international Jaw which govern
extradition in the absence of an extradition treaty?

8. Write a detailed note on the "right of self determination"? '''

9. Discuss "custom" as a source of lnternational law?

10. Discuss the following types of jurisdiction:

(a) Teritorial jurisdiction

(b) National jurisdiction

(c) Universal jurisdiction

PUNJAB ""r""r"r"'

L.L.B. (03 Years) Part - ll Supplementarv - 2019 i.1:1l.il9'.;:';;.';:':;:. !
Subi eCt : Pubtic tnternational Law Paper: Vl(Common) Time: 3 Hrs' Marks: 100

NOTE: Attempt any F|VE guesfions. All questions carry equal marks.

AL Discus the Strengths and weaknesset qf lnternaUonal legal systern,

42. Dlscuss, Treaty, as e sour€G of lntemational law ln the llght of Article 38 of the Statute
oftfficmatironal Court of Justkc.

43. What ls taw on "state responslbility? Dlscuss ln detall.

Qq Discuss the followlng as subJects of intemational [aw.

(al Statas {b} lndividuals

a5. Dlscuss the followlng dlplomatlc methods of peaceful settlement of international


(af Negotirtion (bl Good officer {c) inqulry

Q6. lnternational Court of Justice does not have Jurlsdlction without the consent of th€
Stat$. Dlscuss ln detall.

Q7. What B dlplomatlc envoy? What immuniUes and privileges are avallable to them?
48. What ls soverelgnty? How a state acqulres and Loses lts terrltory?
q9. Explaln the Declarctory and Constltutivetheories of Recognltlon.
Q10. Dlscuss various state practlccs regarding ?sylum'
翁 L.L.B.(03 Years)Part― ‖ Annua:Examinalon=2020
SubieCt: Public lnternational Law Paper: Vl(Gommon)
三Roll …三
Na… ………
Time:3 Hrs, Marks:10o

NorE: Attempt any FlvE guestions. All questions carry equal marks.

0焔.f Deflnc lntemttional Laゴ Di"uss tt strength and weaknmes of lntemtional

legal system.

0ル .2 Explain the relationship of National Law and Intemational Law by discussing ttre
theories of 'Monoismn and 'Dualism'.

0腸.J Define statehood? FIow it is acquired? Discuss its various elements.

2腸 ,イ Define heaty? Discuss following aspects of treaty:

(a) Ratification
(b) Entry into force
(c) Reservations to treaties

0助.5 Discuss the law relating to State Responsibility.

0助 .6 Explain the functions and powers of Security Council of United Nationi. Discuss
whether it is successfrrl in its aims?

Page l of2 P.T.0.

Q.No.7 DiscぶS the following methods ofpeace魚 l settlement oflntemational dispums:
(a) Negotiations
(b) Inquiry
(c) Mediation
(d) Good Offices

Q.No.8 Write a note on the following:

(i) Jus Cogens, (ii) Crimes against humanity, (iii) Use of force

Q.No.9. Exptain in detail the rules of State Succession?

Q.No. to EntitY'? How the role of non-shte

entities have increased in the recent times?

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UNIVERSITY OF THE PUNJAB !taotaaaooaatotaaaaaoaa
Subject: Public lnternational Law Paper: Vl (Common)
Rolt No.................
TIme: 3 HIs. Marks: 100

NOTE: Attempt any FIVE quesfrons. All guestions carry equal marks.

Q.No.I Discuss "Ch$om'as a sourcs of Internstional 18w.

QNo.2 Explain fte folowiry kinds of Jruisdictiom:

(, Jruisdiction to prcsoibe
(ii) Jurisdictioato enforce
(iii) Civil ud Crininal Juisdis'tion

Q.No.i Elryiffi-&cffionddp of Nstiooal ed Inleoadorl Law by discu${trg lto

tbeorios of 'Momism' aod'Doaliso'.

Q.Na4 Disclrss thc taw of 'Sb!c R€spotsibility' and orplaia 'Risk lhpory' ed 'fadt

Q No.S Whst rc the el€rmeots of Statehood? Describe different kinds of states.

Q.No.6 Discuss the foIWbEi e r sulrjcct of lrre(Edoosl l^s!rr-'

G) State
(n) Individuat

QNo.7 Writs anote onfufollowing:

(r) Jus Cogcns
G) CrineeagsilstHutrmity
(ii) Doctriac sf Ha Pumft

Q.No.8 E)pldn ia dstail rllriors prtvilege aod imuit€s awilaft[c to Diplomats in

0No.9 Discuss tbc role of United Nations io tbs sefilcm€mt of Intcroatioaal disputce

Q.No.p Defile'T€nitorial Watcrs'. Explain thc oxtent t0 which std. sr ororcise its
jwisdiction ovcr thcsc waters.

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