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The Disney Occult Deception

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The Disney Occult Deception

Posted on 25 Jun 2019 by Truth in Reality

Walt Disney has accomplished numerous truly amazing feats when it comes to
deceiving people, seeming to provide exciting yet wholesome entertainment while
delivering witchcraft and occult mind control right into their homes.

Disney has been able to achieve this by skillfully creating characters, screenplay and
plots carefully crafted to lead people to think along certain lines, using powerful
subliminal messages, imagery and symbolism, of occult, witchcraft, pagan,
Illuminati, masonic, sexual and other satanic origins. The borders separating good
and evil are blurred and often good is subtly or overtly made to seem evil, boring or
just plain wrong, while evil is presented as good, or somehow interesting, fascinating,
glamorous, exciting and desirable.

Disney has taken fairy tales, fables, legends and stories from all over the world, and
applying various themes to places, nature, animals, and characters both real and
fantasy, along with appealing music and lyrics, creatively manipulated and packaged
them to cater for their evil agenda. Many of these fairy stories are quite dark anyway,
but Disney has cultivated the expertise to make them even darker, ingenuously
disguised as wholesome family entertainment.

“For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry. Because thou hast
rejected the word of the LORD, he hath also rejected thee from being king.” (1 Samuel 15:23)

Colourful witches and wizards abound in Disney productions. From Queen

Grimhilde in the first Disney film Snow White in 1938, through Madam Mim in The
Sword in the Stone, Cruella De Vil in 101 Dalmations, to the 2014 film dedicated to
the life story of the witch Maleficent, almost every Disney film has some type of

In Disney’s Little Mermaid, Ariel signs a contract with the evil witch Ursula – or sells
her soul to her? – in exchange for being human so she can marry her prince.

There is a plethora of demonic pagan gods and temples with some impressive
imagery. Time and again the hero and/or heroine is seen to visit them to consult
them, but the God of the Bible is almost always missing from the equation. For
example, in the true story, Pocahontas converted to Christianity, yet in the Disney
movie, she visited a temple to consult with demonic pagan ‘nature’ gods and

Fantasia is full of demonic imagery and mythological characters. In this cartoon, the
third that Disney made, and in its sequel, even good beings are depicted as creatures
connected with mythology – which is, in fact, demonology – such as satyrs, aka
centaurs or fauns, a half-human half-goat creature which is actually a representation
of the ‘god’ Pan, who is actually the devil. As usual, there is no mention whatsoever of
God the Creator.

Mulan has a guardian which is a red dragon, thus leading adults and children to
believe that Satan, who is portrayed as a red dragon in the Bible, will guard, help and
protect them rather than destroy them.

In the Aladdin song, “A Whole New World” Aladdin wants to take the Princess away
with him and sings “I can open your eyes, Take you wonder by wonder, Over
sideways and under, On a magic carpet ride, A whole new world, A new fantastic
point of view, No one to tell us no, Or where to go, Or say we’re only dreaming”.

Disney’s “Magic Kingdom” is in fact – in line with the devil’s compulsion to imitate
God – a satanic counterfeit of God’s Kingdom.

Far from being sound family entertainment, in Disney stories, unhealthy relationship
models abound. Frozen is one of the most popular animated Disney films of all time
and many know some of the songs by heart, especially “Let it Go”. The message given
is that children should not be afraid to be themselves and should never apologize for
who they are, which seems fine. Only Elsa did almost kill her sister and then, with the
help of her parents, simply erase her memory.

In the hugely successful Pirates of The Caribbean movies, Disney has presented
pirates, who are in reality thieves, plunderers and murderers, etc. as something
glamorous that children want to imitate, to act out and dress up like them, and even
want to be one.

Walt Disney himself was adopted from an abusive home and
lost his adoptive mother when she died from asphyxiation due to faulty workmanship
in a house that he had bought her. It is fairly well known that Walt Disney was not
only a paedophile who liked little boys but a satanist, a type of male witch, a 33rd-
degree freemason and member of the Illuminati.

“Manasseh sacrificed his sons in the fire in the Valley of Hinnom. He practised
sorcery, divination, and witchcraft, and consulted mediums and spiritists. He did
great evil in the sight of the LORD, provoking Him to anger.” (Chronicles 33:6)

A well-known picture of the summer camp in Bohemian Grove attended every year by the wealthy,
influential and famous, often termed ‘the elite’. The owl statue “Moloch” presides over an altar created for

human sacrifices, although it is claimed they only use an effigy. This same altar is used for the annual
“Cremation of Care” ceremony, as covertly filmed in 2000 by Alex Jones and available to view on the
internet. Presidents who have been a member of Bohemian Grove include Hoover, Roosevelt,
Eisenhower, Nixon, Ford, Raegan and the Bush family, Colin Powell, Dick Cheney, Newt Gingrich, and
White House chiefs of staff, senators, secretaries of state, secretaries of defence, army generals and so
on. Henry Kissinger was also a member, along with many of the Rockerfeller family, Walter Cronkite, Clint
Eastwood and Charlton Heston, Mark Twain, Bing Crosby, and Merv Griffin.

Although Walt Disney was not an official member of the Bohemian Club, he is known
to have visited the club as a guest in 1936 and he said that what he experienced there
inspired the dwarves’ snoring scene in the 1937 animation Snow White. It is however
well documented with dozens of photographs in the public domain, that Walt Disney
was a member of a similar and related but smaller club for the elite, also located in
California and also with an exclusive white male membership (of only 700),
“Rancheros Visitadores”.

At Walt Disney World there is a ‘secret’ exclusive club called Club 33, the only place
at Disneyland where alcohol can be bought. Lavishly furnished, Club 33 contains an
amazing collection of top-notch Disney movie memorabilia, a beautiful reproduction
antique French glass lift, and a gruesome trophy hunting collection. There are many
rooms and exclusive areas within the club – as there is elsewhere at Walt Disney
World – with various levels of access that are strictly controlled. According to one
Club 33 member, there is a $25,000 to $100,000 initiation fee and $12,500 to
$30,000 annual fee, depending on the level of membership. There is said to be a 14-
year waiting list for membership which is by invite only. Clearly, Club 33 is a place
only for the connected rich.

Club 33 was said to have been originally designed as a place for Walt Disney to
entertain guests and business associates, but he died from lung cancer at 67, only six
months before it was officially opened. Club 33 is said to be a Freemasonic club and
’33’ is certainly a number that is very important to freemasons. Pictures of Club 33
show the trademark black and white chequered floor, and other indicators of
freemasonry – which is essentially witchcraft.

Disney is one of the six major organisations which control the world’s media.

Disney’s first character was Mickey Mouse, voiced by Walt Disney himself from 1927
right up to 1947. Mickey Mouse is perhaps best known as the apprentice wizard left
to take care of the wizard’s workshop while he is away in the “The Sorceror’s

Like the poison apple in Snow White: The title card following this scene reads: “So
beautiful even in death, that the dwarves could not find it in their hearts to bury
There is at least one tragic death in almost every Disney film and according to a study
published in “The Social Science Journal” there were 561 incidents of child abuse and
mistreatment in Disney movies released between 1937 and 2006, with 62% of the
main child characters being subjected to abuse on one or more occasions during the

Often in Disney stories, one or both parents are dead and children are left to their
own devices, while in others the parents are somehow inadequate or an object of
ridicule. The list is extensive.

Disney is full of magicians and magic often involves things vanishing. Disney World
theme parks are no exception, with more than their fair share of stories of deaths,
accidents, disappearances, ghosts and hauntings.

List of Reported Incidents at Walt Disney World

Walt Disney World’s Magic Kingdom in Florida covers 30,000 acres (47 square
miles). This is the same size as San Francisco, California, twice the size of Manhattan,
or 80 times the size of the European nation of Monaco. Only 7,000 acres of that land
has been developed, with the four theme parks taking up just over 1,000 acres.
Underneath this is a network of 9 acres (36,000 m2) of tunnels known as utilidors
(utility corridors) which are accessed from unmarked doors throughout the Magical
Kingdom including some shops, restaurants and attractions.

The utilidors are used for personnel and deliveries to move unseen from one area to
the other. The utilidors also house a system of pumps and vents to control smells in
different areas of the park known as the “Smellitizer System” used to manipulate
people to buy food or other merchandise, or go on a certain ride, etc. The corridors
also house Disney’s extensive security systems which monitor the whole area.

Tight management and security systems are in place so they are adept at hiding
anything that they don’t want to be seen. Security personnel operate out of the
tunnels to make sure that unwanted people – whether due to illness or accidents,
death, suicide, or just drunken or abusive behaviour – ‘disappear’, as if by
magic. Magic Bands must be worn by all guests and used as a credit card, parking
ticket, room key, etc. The Magic Band system also incorporates a tracking and
recording device so everyone’s whereabouts at any given time are always known.

It is rumoured that there are terrible things going on in these utilidors as they are the
perfect place to hide the production of child pornography and child trafficking.
People have reported being taken to Disneyland as children – some at night-time –
where they have been terrorised and abused.

According to an investigation by CNN, dozens of Disney employees in Florida were

arrested for alleged child sex offences in the period between 2006 and 2014. The
crimes involved offences such as trying to meet a minor for sex and possession of
child pornography and were all committed by men who worked there including
security guards, tour guides, cashiers, maintenance workers and costumed

Disney promulgates the idea that there is good witchcraft and bad witchcraft, but all
witchcraft is evil. Many Disney productions such as Disney’s Bewitched, or the 1971
“Bedknobs and Broomsticks” – with the brilliant Angela Lansbury playing the
starring role as a glamorous and likeable witch – feature blatant witchcraft. In
others, it is more covert. Such as “Escape to Witch Mountain” and its sequel “Race to
Witch Mountain” – not escape or race from, but race to! Why would anyone want to
escape to a place where there is witchcraft?

Mary Poppins is one of the most beloved films of all time and is generally regarded as
being entirely wholesome and good for children. Yet looked at more closely it can be
clearly seen that “Mary Poppins” is in fact about a witch with a dark agenda.
Witchcraft is the manipulation of reality with the intent to control. In the film, Mary
Poppins has a spellbinding effect on people, especially the children. She seems very
nice, proper and wholesome, yet she has some traits that are not so pleasant. She is
quite rude, abrupt and critical of the children and at times quite unreasonable. Also,
she also appears to be vain, describing herself as “practically perfect in every way”. In
fact, Mary Poppins has many of the hallmarks of a witch, albeit somewhat disguised.
What else is “supercalifragilisticexpialidocious” but a spell or incantation like “hocus-
pocus” or “abracadabra”? How else could she pull all sorts of things out of her magic
Mary Poppins leads the children to journey to magical realms, like the Pied Piper.
Rather than a broom, she flies with an umbrella, but she does manipulate and
control reality. She gaslights the children, telling them they had imagined their
journeys to other realms and even threatens to report them to the police if they don’t
stop talking about it. This is on the pretext that she doesn’t want the children to tell
anyone about her ability to perform magical tricks – but why let the children
experience these things and then make out they are imagining it all?

Does this not almost exactly mirror what paedophiles do to children lead them into
places they should never go and then pretending it never happened and coercing
them into silence about it?

Paedophiles want children to be comfortable with sex as if that is something that

should be part of their daily routine. The aim of the majority of paedophiles is to
open children up to be receptive to sex and sexual advances and not be scared or
upset. Paedophiles want children to be willing. They want children who believe that
sex is natural and normal. They don’t want children who reject them. That’s why they
work so hard to sexualise and groom children because they want them to be willing
participants in paedophilia.

In Disney’s Pinocchio, a coachman pays a fox to capture “stupid little boys”. The fox
is afraid of being caught but the coachman insists there is no risk. He says; “They
never come back as boys”. The children are trafficked to “Pleasure Island” hinting at
sexual pleasure. At Pleasure Island, there are no rules, echoing the satanic mindset:
“Do what thou wilt…”.

And the list goes on….

These videos are very revealing and after seeing the truly shocking extent of the
damaging occult indoctrination we have been subjected to, some may – perhaps
wisely – choose not to have anything to do with Walt Disney in their home.

Prayer for Release from Fairy Stories and Nursery Rhymes etc.
Deliverance Prayer to Break Witchcraft and Mind Control Programming
The Occult and Cursed Object List
For further information – an in-depth article on Disney:


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