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Internet of Things With NodeMCU ESP8266 For MPX-5700AP Sensor-Based LPG Pressure Monitoring

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International Journal of Advances in Applied Sciences (IJAAS)

Vol. 12, No. 3, September 2023, pp. 257~264

ISSN: 2252-8814, DOI: 10.11591/ijaas.v12.i3.pp257-264  257

Internet of things with NodeMCU ESP8266 for MPX-5700AP

sensor-based LPG pressure monitoring

Tole Sutikno1,3, Muhamad Haikal Ar-Rasyid2, Tri Wahono1,3, Watra Arsadiando3

Master Program of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Industrial Technology, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Industrial Technology, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Embedded System and Power Electronics Research Group, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Article Info ABSTRACT

Article history: The use of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) cylinders as fuel has become a
basic need for the community. LPG is more efficient than oil stoves, but
Received Dec 7, 2022 LPG also poses a danger. The dangers contained in gas cylinders cause users
Revised Aug 24, 2023 to be afraid to check the availability of gas in cylinders because the checking
Accepted Sep 1, 2023 process must be directly close to the gas cylinder. Because of this danger,
users do not check gas availability, causing it to run out of gas when
cooking. To solve this problem, a system is needed to detect the availability
Keywords: of LPG contents, which can be monitored remotely so that users will feel
safe because they are not close to gas cylinders. The condition of gas
Blynk application cylinder availability can be remotely monitored using the internet of things
Internet of things (IoT) method. Therefore, an IoT-based LPG pressure monitoring tool was
Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) designed. A tool designed using the MPX-5700AP sensor is useful for
MPX-5700AP sensor detecting gas pressure values in LPG cylinders. IoT is used to monitor LPG
NodeMCU ESP8266 pressure using the Blynk application. The buzzer module is a tool for
sending sound signals as information on the condition of gas cylinders. The
NodeMCU ESP8266 microcontroller processes and sends data to the Blynk
application. System testing is carried out in three conditions: full, close to
empty, and empty. The results of this test showed an error value of 3.41%
and an accuracy rate of 96.59%.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-SA license.

Corresponding Author:
Tole Sutikno
Master Program of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Industrial Technology, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
Ring Road Selatan, Tamanan, Banguntapan, Bantul, Yogyakarta 55166, Indonesia

The Indonesian government launched a program to convert kerosene to liquefied petroleum gas
(LPG) fuel starting in 2007 most Indonesian families cook their meals using LPG. Due to various factors,
including high cooking efficiency, clean flame, and simplicity of storage and delivery. Besides the benefits of
LPG, it can also be hazardous for its users, which causes many to fear the dangers of LPG exploding. To see
the availability of gas cylinder contents, you have to look directly at the gas cylinder regulator. However,
certain issues come up for those who use LPG cylinders, such as not knowing how much gas is left in the
bottle during use because the tube is opaque and being aware of gas leaks, which might jeopardize users'
safety [1]. In this approach, a sudden stop in the tube's contents might obstruct food preparation and result in
unanticipated costs to the family budget because leaks can seriously harm those who use LPG cylinders. This
is what causes people to be reluctant to see the contents of the gas, causing the gas to run out when used
suddenly. Running out of gas during cooking will result in delays in the cooking process. Placement of gas
cylinders adjacent to the stove certainly increases the risk of accidents that can endanger the lives of LPG

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258  ISSN: 2252-8814

users. Besides the benefits of LPG, it can also be hazardous for its users, which causes many to fear the
dangers of LPG exploding. To see the availability of gas cylinder contents, you have to look directly at the
gas cylinder regulator. However, certain issues come up for those who use LPG cylinders, such as not
knowing how much gas is left in the bottle during use because the tube is opaque and being aware of gas
leaks, which might jeopardize users' safety. In this approach, a sudden stop in the tube's contents might
obstruct food preparation and result in unanticipated costs to the family budget because leaks can seriously
harm those who use LPG cylinders. This is what causes people to be reluctant to see the contents of the gas,
causing the gas to run out when used suddenly. Running out of gas during cooking will result in delays in the
cooking process. Placement of gas cylinders adjacent to the stove certainly increases the risk of accidents that
can endanger the lives of LPG users.
The condition of the gas pressure in the LPG cylinder will undoubtedly change as the gas is used for
cooking or other things. The regulator is a tool that can see the pressure value of the gas cylinder. However,
the function of the regulator still requires the user to be directly close to the LPG gas cylinder to see the
pressure value in the cylinder [2], [3]. Therefore, a tool is designed to monitor gas pressure conditions
remotely so that users do not need direct contact with LPG gas cylindersTherefore a tool is designed to
monitor gas pressure conditions remotely so that users do not need direct contact with LPG gas cylinders. In
today's advanced era, people can easily activate and deactivate something without direct contact with the
object. The public can also monitor something without looking directly at it. The internet of things (IoT) [4]–
[8] works by utilizing a programming argument, where each program command can produce an interaction
between the microcontroller and other devices [4], [5], [7], [9], [10]. IoT devices have been automatically
connected without human intervention and without regard for distance [3], [11]–[13]. IoT can be used to
monitor a device or an object remotely [3], [13], for example, by monitoring gas pressure conditions. IoT
technology can be accessed using microcontrollers, including Arduino, NodeMCU, and STM32 [14]–[17].
The research was designed as a gas pressure monitoring tool using the MPX-5700AP sensor. The study used
the MPX-5700AP sensor; the sensor readings were compared with a digital pressure gauge to test the sensor's
ability to apply 3 kg LPG gas. The gas cylinder is monitored by flowing gas pressure to the pressure sensor.
Gas pressure values are sent using the NodeMCU ESP8266 microcontroller. The tool is equipped with a
buzzer module as a notification indicator on the system.

In this study, a device is created that can monitor LPG pressure using the IoT approach and the
Blynk application. The MPX-5700AP sensor, which transforms a pressure measurement to a voltage [18]–
[21], is employed in this tool. A pressure sensor that can read the air pressure in the manifold, is a pressure
sensor that has a six-pin package. The sensor outputs an analog-level output signal accurately proportional to
the applied pressure. at 0 to 85 °C has a pressure range from 15 Kpa to 700 Kpa. supply voltage range from
4.75 VDC to 5.25 VDC and operating temperature range -40 to 125 °C [22]. This sensor can collect data
from the observed LPG pressure. The sensor's data is then shown on the Blynk application, allowing users to
determine whether the gas cylinder is still full, close to empty and empty.

2.1. Experimental setup

Several materials and research materials are required for the design of an IoT-based LPG pressure
prototype [23]. Figure 1 depicts a block diagram of the overall system. The primary gas pressure sensor is the

Figure 1. Block diagram of the LPG pressure monitoring system

Int J Adv Appl Sci, Vol. 12, No. 3, September 2023: 257-264
Int J Adv Appl Sci ISSN: 2252-8814  259

In real-time, the pressure sensor provides conditions for the contents of gas cylinders. The obtained data is
then sent to the NodeMCU microcontroller [24]–[26]. The microcontroller, which receives a voltage supply
from the power supply, will process the gas pressure data obtained from the MPX-5700AP gas pressure
sensor. The microcontroller's processed data is sent to the Blynk application; the LCD serves as a data
display; and the buzzer serves as an output in the form of a warning. This system employs the MPX-5700AP
sensor [27], which receives input from LPG pressure and sends data to the NodeMCU, which notifies the
Blynk application [20], [26], [28], [29], displays the value on the LCD, and then sounds a buzzer as an
indicator of gas pressure condition [19], [21]. Figure 2 shows the LPG gas pressure monitoring system,
Figure 2(a) shows the wiring diagram, and Figure 2(b) shows the hardware experimental setup.

2.2. LPG gas monitoring system flowchart

The MPX-5700AP gas pressure sensor's measurement of the gas pressure serves as the system's
primary parameter in this study. Measurement results are displayed on the liquid crystal display (LCD)
screen and can be monitored remotely with the Blynk application [30]–[32]. The LPG monitoring system
flow diagram is presented in Figure 3.
The system is designed to monitor LPG pressure. The NodeMCU microcontroller [8], [9], [33]–[36]
then processes the pressure value from the LPG cylinder read by the pressure sensor. If the pressure value in
Figure 3 is 5 psi, then the green LED indicator on the Blynk application lights up. The Light-emitting diode
(LED) indicator indicates that the LPG cylinder is full, and the buzzer does not light up. If the LPG pressure
sensor value is between 1 and 5 psi, the orange LED on the Blynk application lights up. The indicator
indicates that the contents of the LPG cylinder are almost depleted, as marked by a paused buzzer sound. If
the pressure value is already at 0 psi, then the red LED indicator on the Blynk application lights up, and the
buzzer continues to sound. So, it is necessary to replace or fill the gas cylinder.


This test is carried out by measuring the input and output voltages on the system. After designing
the hardware for an IoT-based LPG pressure monitoring system, including the MPX-5700AP pressure
sensor, Blynk application, 16x2 LCD, and NodeMCU microcontroller, the hardware was assembled into a
system. All components installed according to a predetermined holder and connected to each element using a
cable can be seen in Figure 2(b). This system board does not use buttons for settings. The system runs
automatically, reading the results of the reading of the gas pressure value when it is electrified and connected
to a sensor with a 5 volt voltage source.

3.1. MPX-5700AP sensor testing

The first test is the MPX-5700AP sensor, which is tested on the Arduino IDE software using a
NodeMCU microcontroller, which will display the gas pressure value on the Arduino IDE serial monitor.
After the MPX-5700AP sensor can be used to compare the value of the MPX-5700AP sensor with the digital
pressure gas. Furthermore, gas pressure comparison data was taken from a 3 kg LPG cylinder regulator,
which had adjusted the pressure to 700 Kpa. This has been adjusted to the maximum limit of the MPX-
5700AP sensor specifications. Then, the regulator is connected to an MPX-5700AP sensor and a digital
pressure gauge.
The tested variable of the pressure sensor is compared with the pressure value of the digital pressure
gauge. The difference is calculated from the reference value minus the sensor value. The difference is divided
by the reference value multiplied by 100% to calculate the error percentage. The error value of the MPX-
5700AP sensor can be calculated using (1) while determining the percentage of error values using (2). A
comparison of MPX-5700AP sensor pressure and digital pressure gauge yields an error value of 8.14%, as
shown in Table 1.
This demonstrates that the MPX5700AP sensor's sensor readings converted to Kpa have an accuracy
of 91.86%. The error value of the MPX-5700AP sensor obtained has not been adjusted to the program
parameters we use.

𝐷𝑖𝑓𝑓𝑒𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑒 = |𝑟𝑒𝑓𝑒𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑒 𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 − 𝑠𝑒𝑛𝑠𝑜𝑟 𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒| (1)

𝐸𝑟𝑟𝑜𝑟 𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑐𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑎𝑔𝑒 = × 100% (2)
|𝑟𝑒𝑓𝑒𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑒 𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒|

Internet of things with NodeMCU ESP8266 for MPX-5700AP sensor-based LPG pressure … (Tole Sutikno)
260  ISSN: 2252-8814

(a) (b)

Figure 2. The LPG gas pressure monitoring (a) wiring diagram, and (b) hardware experimental setup

Figure 3. Flowchart of the LPG monitoring system

Table 1. MPX-5700AP pressure sensor values

No. MPX-5700AP (Kpa) Digital compressor (Kpa) Error (%)
1 645 700 7.85
2 657 700 6.14
3 655 700 6.42
4 582 650 10.46
5 579 650 10.92
6 601 650 7.53
7 563 600 6.16
8 542 600 9.66
9 537 600 10.5
10 518 550 5.81
Average error 8.14

Int J Adv Appl Sci, Vol. 12, No. 3, September 2023: 257-264
Int J Adv Appl Sci ISSN: 2252-8814  261

3.2. Internet of things (IoT) testing

The Blynk application was used in this study as a platform. This IoT test will evaluate Blynk's ability to
receive data. The pressure value measured by the MPX-5700AP sensor is sent as data. In Blynk, the data
display is in the form of numeric values, making it easy for readers to understand. This graph illustrates the
sensor output value in units of Kpa. Pressure data can be downloaded in real-time as well. Figure 4 shows
Blynk's display.
Figure 4(a) shows the Blynk application with a pressure value of 657 Kpa. On the monitor screen, it can
be seen that the green LED indicator lights up on the full indication. Figure 4(b) depicts the next Blynk view,
showing the application of Blynk with a rated pressure of 500 Kpa. The value shows that the orange LED
lights up, indicating that the gas is close to empty. Figure 4(c) shows the application of Blynk at 50 Kpa. At
this value, the LED indicator lights up red, indicating that the contents of the gas cylinder are empty.

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 4. Blynk application display indicators, (a) full, (b) close to empty, and (c) empty

3.3. LPG gas pressure detection monitoring

The system is intended for 3 kg LPG cylinders to determine whether or not the system is functioning
properly. The pressure limit of LPG was used in this study to conduct testing. This test is performed when the
gas pressure conditions are full, close to empty, or empty. The results of the gas pressure test were carried out
ten times. The gas pressure values range between 657, 655, 563, and 518 Kpa. In this condition, the Blynk
application displays a green LED flame. This indicates that the gas cylinder is full. The gas pressure ranges
between 500, 415, and 243 Kpa for the following conditions. In this condition, the Blynk application displays
an orange LED flame. Indicates that the condition of the gas cylinder is close to empty. The gas pressure
value ranges between 50, 30, and 20 Kpa for the empty gas cylinder content indicator. In this condition, the
Blynk application displays a red LED flame.
Table 2 shows the results of the system test data. In this test, the Kpa unit is used to test gas starting
from full, close to empty, and empty conditions. From this test, an error value of 3.41% was obtained.
Research conducted by [22], [37] that the test was carried out using maximum pressure sensor data of
97.37 Kpa, which resulted in an error value of 3.92% and an accuracy of 96.08%. In this study, the maximum
pressure sensor data of 657 Kpa resulted in an average error of 3.41%. Shows that the designed tool has an
accuracy of 96.59%. Figure 5 shows a graph of LPG pressure values in a full tank until empties. The chart
shows that the pressure value obtained by the system is not much different from the pressure value received
by the digital pressure gauge. This pressure data is stated in Kpa units. The graph shows the most minor error
when the gas pressure value at 500 Kpa is close to empty. The sensor reading has a zero percent error rate in
an empty condition. The lower the pressure, the higher the accuracy of the sensor increases.

Table 2. The results of the system test data

No. System pressure (Kpa) Digital pressure gauge (Kpa) Indicator Blynk LED Error (%)
1 657 700 Full Green 6.14
2 655 700 Full Green 6.42
3 563 600 Full Green 6.16
4 518 550 Full Green 5.81
5 500 500 Close to empty Orange 0
6 415 445 Close to empty Orange 6.77
7 243 250 Close to empty Orange 2.80
8 50 50 Empty Red 0
9 30 30 Empty Red 0
10 20 20 Empty Red 0
Average error 3.41

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Figure 5. Graph of LPG pressure detection in full to empty condition

The IoT can be used to develop LPG pressure detection monitoring systems, which can then be used
to obtain accurate test results by basing those results on the findings of an IoT-based pressure monitoring
system. It is possible to connect the MPX-5700AP pressure sensor to NodeMCU to read the pressure value.
Once the value has been read, it can be displayed on the LCD and sent to the Blynk application. The system
can send notifications using a buzzer to provide information about the conditions of gas pressure, such as
when the gas is full, close to empty, and empty. From the results of the tests, the error value was 3.41%, and
the accuracy value was 96.59%.

We would like to express our gratitude to the Embedded Systems and Power Electronics Research
Group (ESPERG), which has been of tremendous assistance to us in our scientific work. In addition, we
would like to extend our gratitude to the members of ESPERG who contributed to the successful completion
of this research.

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Internet of things with NodeMCU ESP8266 for MPX-5700AP sensor-based LPG pressure … (Tole Sutikno)
264  ISSN: 2252-8814


Tole Sutikno is a lecturer in the Master Program of Electrical Engineering,

Faculty of Industrial Technology, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Indonesia. He received his
B.Eng., M.Eng., and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering from Universitas Diponegoro,
Universitas Gadjah Mada, and Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, in 1999, 2004, and 2016,
respectively. He has been an Associate Professor at UAD, Yogyakarta, Indonesia since 2008.
He is currently an Editor-in-Chief of the TELKOMNIKA and the Head of the Embedded
Systems and Power Electronics Research Group (ESPERG). His research interests include the
fields of digital design, industrial applications, industrial electronics, industrial informatics,
power electronics, motor drives, renewable energy, FPGA applications, embedded systems,
artificial intelligence, intelligent control, information technology, and digital libraries. He can
be contacted at email:

Muhamad Haikal Ar-Rasyid received a B. Eng. in electrical engineering from

Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Indonesia, in 2023. His research interests include renewable
energy technology, robotics, and the internet of things. He can be contacted at email:

Tri Wahono is currently a researcher at the Embedded System and Power

Electronics Research Group (ESPERG), Indonesia. He received a bachelor's degree in
Electrical Engineering from Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, in 2017, and
he is currently master's degree from the Master Program of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of
Industrial Technology, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Indonesia. His research interests include
power electronics, renewable energy technology, robotics, and the internet of things. He can
be contacted at email:

Watra Arsadiando received a B. Eng. in electrical engineering from Universitas

Ahmad Dahlan, Indonesia, in 2017. He is a member of the Embedded Systems & Power
Electronics Research Group (ESPERG). His current research interests include renewable
energy, robotics, and digital control systems. He can be contacted at email: or

Int J Adv Appl Sci, Vol. 12, No. 3, September 2023: 257-264

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