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Problem Statement

A group of instructional designers at UNA have been tasked with creating instruction for the International
Affairs and Admissions office. This instruction will aid the recruiting team scaffold their own materials to reach
international students interested in ITD. Ideally, the International Affairs and Admissions office will be able to
accurately describe the Master’s of Science in Instructional Technology and Design (MS ITD) program, the
career paths it offers, and how current students are experiencing the course so that they can scaffold their own
efforts to successfully recruit international students. However, because this is such a new program at UNA, the
recruiting office does not currently have an accurate understanding of instructional design and how it fares in the
career field. This is a problem because it is affecting their ability to recruit international students. The team has
proposed a plan to instruct the International Affairs and Admissions office on what the MS ITD program consists
of and how current students are using the program to further their own careers through a digital infographic. With
this understanding and instructional material, the International Affairs and Admissions office will be able to use
this information to scaffold their own marketing materials for the international community and will successfully
recruit international students to the MS ITD program.

Project Goal Statement

The International Affairs recruitment team will be provided with an infographic that will define the parameters of
MS ITD program and the demand for this job across industries that they can then utilize to recruit students before
the end of the Fall 2022 semester.

Project Scope
Project Title: Master’s of Science Instructional Technology and Design Program Recruiting Infographic

The International Affairs recruitment team will be provided with an infographic that will define the parameters of
MS ITD program and the demand for this job across industries that they can then utilize to recruit students before
the end of the Fall 2022 semester.

Statement of Work
There will be an infographic created for the Office of International Affairs to provide to the international
recruiters in the office. The purpose of the infographic will be to educate the recruiter and illuminate the MS ITD
Program at UNA. This infographic will be made available digitally for all involved in the recruiting process. The
goal is that the recruiter will be able to utilize the infographic to effectively discuss the MS ITD program with
potential students. The information below outlines milestones, deliverables, acceptance criteria, exclusions, and
Project Milestones

Description Assigned To Start Planned Date Status Notes

Date End Date Completed

Team Charter All Team 6/7/2022 6/11/2022 6/10/2022 Completed Team Developed plan
Members of action for the project

Project Plan Created All Team 6/12/2022 6/15/2022 In Progress Team will make
Members revisions before final
project submission

Content pieces submitted Mary Phillips, 6/15/2022 6/19/2022 6/19/2022 Completed Team Members will
for Info Graphic Jennifer Pate, update the info as
Caleb Ramey, needed
Ciarra Butler

Status Report Completed All Team 6/20/2022 6/20/2022 6/20/2022 Completed Team Members
Members discussed how the
project was going and
what needed to be done
to complete on-time

1st Draft of Info Graphic Brittany 6/16/2022 6/20/2022 6/20/2022 Completed Team Reviewed Info
Complete for review by Jordan Graphic and discussed
team changes that needed to
be made

2nd Draft Info Graphic Brittany 6/16/2022 6/23/2022 6/23/2022 Completed Team Reviewed the
complete for review by Jordan info graphic and
team discussed changes to be

Completed Info Graphic All Team 6/16/2022 6/27/2022 6/27/2022 Completed Infographic and project
explaining MSITD Members plan delivered
program for stakeholder

Project Deliverables
First Draft stage deliverables due to infographic designer Brittany Jordan on or before 6/19/2022:
x Jennifer Pate: Quote about ITD and information about the job market for instructional designers
x Ciarra Butler: Quote about how experience in MS ITD program helped transition from the
classroom to corporate instructional design to include in infographic.
x Caleb Ramey: Quote about education opportunities in K12 ITD
x Mary Phillips: Introductory information about Instructional Technology and Design field and the
MS ITD program
First draft will be completed by Brittany Jordan for review by 6/20/2022. After the draft is reviewed by
team members, any outstanding deliverables or revised materials will be assigned to individual team members as
needed. Brittany will begin working on a second draft for team members to review on
6/23/2022. Any final draft revisions will be discussed and incorporated no later than 6/27/2022.
The final version of the infographic will be delivered to the stakeholders by the end of 6/27/2022. This
infographic will be delivered electronically.

Project Acceptance Criteria

Currently, recruiters in the International Affairs and Admissions office do not have a clear understanding
of the Instructional Technology and Design Master’s Program. This lack of understanding makes it difficult to
deliver adequate information about the program to prospective students. When the recruiters have the infographic
created by our team, then they will be able to reference this document to fill in gaps in their knowledge when
discussing the program with internal and external constituents. They will also be able to create marketing
materials to promote the MS ITD program to all prospective International Students using the information
contained in the document. The document will be delivered electronically and will include links to pertinent
information such as the plan of study and program web page. The infographic will be standard letter size and will
be easily printed via desktop printer as needed by individual recruiters for cost-effectiveness.

Project Exclusions

The following elements are outside of the scope of this project and will not be included in the final product.

x Defining enrollment targets

x Creating marketing materials for International Affairs
x Presentations about MS ITD to potential international students
x Recruitment of international students
x Printed materials

Project Constraints

The goal of this team is to create an infographic that recruiting staff will use to create their own
marketing materials for the purpose of recruiting international students. However, there are some situations
and limits that the team should consider as they work to complete the project. First, all work should follow the
values set forth by the University of North Alabama and be implemented by the project deadline. There will be
no defined budget for this project due to the work being in the scope of the employee’s normal job duties.
Also, due to no allotted funds for printed materials, the infographic will only be available in a digital format.
With the project work being done withing the scope of the employee’s normal job duties, all work will be
scheduled on an as-needed priority basis.
Learning Personas
Learning personas were created to embody a diverse range of recruiters for UNA. Each recruiter
has a different demographic background, experience with technology, job position, and years of experience
in the role.

The team chose Cristofer Smith as our Primary Learning Persona for this project. Cris is the oldest
of the learning personas and has the least experience with technology for content creation and design. Cris
is the senior recruiter and as such would be the persona with the most influence over the recruiting process
once instruction has been delivered. The team assumes that the younger personas may have less experience
in the role but would be able to understand and relate to current potential students and the current job
market more than someone who has been in the same career for over 20 years. The persona who may need
the most instruction on the instructional design program, what current students are looking for in
education, and what the current career field looks like would likely be Cris. The team did not choose the
Dean because they assume that the senior recruiter will more involved in the details while the Dean would
be more organizational.

Racheal Cline
Racheal was born and raised in North Mississippi. She attended Northeast Mississippi Community
College before later transferring to the University of North Alabama to finish her undergraduate degree in
Education in 2016. After graduation she took a long-term substitute teaching position at Russellville High
School. At the end of that school year, she decided that she did not want to be in education and took a
recruiter position at UNA for the International Affairs and Admissions department.
Racheal has been working for the International Affairs department for 5 years now. She has
become familiar with many of the undergraduate and graduate programs offered by the university.
However, with the MS ITD program being so new she does not know enough about the program to
properly recruit international students for the program. She recently went to the senior recruiter in the
department for more information but was told that there currently was no information about the program
available. Racheal is always eager to learn about new things and programs that she can share with
potential students.
Racheal is adaptable to any situation. She works well in team situations but is also very capable of
getting things done herself. She has great communication skills and is great at social networking. She has
excellent typing skills and is very comfortable with technology.
Racheal spends most of her free time traveling with her dog or reading her favorite historical
fiction novels. She enjoys relaxing in her pool and visiting the beach at least once a year. Financial
independence is of great importance to Racheal. She takes pride in being able to provide a comfortable life
for her and her dog.
Racheal Cline


Age: 27

Location: Florence, Alabama

Spoken Language: English

Education: Bachelor’s in Education

Job: International Affairs Recruiter

Family: Single, 1 dog

Technology, Skills, and Preferences

Jobs and Roles
Comfortable with internet, computers, tablets,
Outlines budget for marketing and recruitment apps; Adequate typing skills; Prefers google
needs; Monitors, collects data, and evaluates the suite to Microsoft office; Open minded; Relaxed
effectiveness of recruitment activities; Directs with students and colleagues; Communication;
Individual and Group Tours; Schedules and Social Networking
conducts interview with perspective students;
Promotes college programs with effective
communication in community and state events

Favorite Brands, Trends, Culture

Even though she is a huge UNA supporter,

Mississippi State will always hold a place in her
Motivations and Comfort Zones heart; Loves taking road trips to the beach with
her dog
Spending time with family and pets; Saving
money; Being financially independent; Reading
historical fiction novels; Cooking; Relaxing in
her pool Experience with this Concept
She been a recruiter with UNA for 5 years but is new
to the International Student Affairs and Admissions
department; She is unfamiliar with the MSITD
program and is eager to learn about the program so
she can better promote it to potential students.

"Be yourself. Everyone else is already taken."
Cristofer Smith

Cristofer Smith is an Alabama native who lives in Florence and works at the University of North
Alabama in the recruiting department. Cristofer has a degree in Human Resources and worked for various
smaller companies throughout Alabama before coming to UNA in 1997. He is now the senior recruiter who
has recently been tasked with increasing the international student ratio at UNA. He is specifically struggling
with the international recruitment of the MSITD program. He recently reached out to the director and
students of the ITD program to assist him with understanding what ITD is and what the major consists of. He
was under the impression that the degree had more along the lines of Information Technology and had some
misconceptions. He recognizes this area of weakness and is open to learning more about the program in
order to recruit more international students.
Cristofer keeps to himself in social situations and is rather introverted, but he has strong leadership
skills in his department. Those he manages report him to be “fair, honest, and kind”. He is not one to be up to
date on trends and technology, but he is capable of using the Microsoft suite to perform his basic job duties.
He is realizing that he lacks some skills in content creation and design that some of his junior recruiters
Cristofer loves his wife, Martha, and their three children. He has two grandchildren that live nearby.
After his 40-50 hour workweeks at the university, he enjoys taking his family out to the various nature areas
around the area. He is an avid fisherman who enjoys fishing on the Tennessee River and various lakes in
Northern Alabama. He tries to spend a few hours a week fishing. He also enjoys making hand tied fly fishing
Cristopher Smith

Age: 53
Location: Florence, Alabama
Spoken Language: English
Education: Bachelor’s Degree in Human Resources
Job: International Recruiting, UNA
Family: Wife, two sons, one daughter, 2 grandchildren

Technology, Skills, and Preferences

Is familiar with the Microsoft and Google suites-
Jobs and Roles: prefers to use Microsoft.
Senior International Recruiter for UNA Can do basic document creating, emailing,
Oversees junior recruiters spreadsheets and presentations
Tasked with increasing the international student ratio Lacks skills in developing web and video content.
in the MS ITD program. Uses Excel and Outlook most.

Favorite Brand, Trends, Culture

Likes to fish and golf at McFarland Park.
Fishes for large and smallmouth bass at Wilson Lake.
Motivations and Comfort Zones:
Fly fishes the Tennessee River.
Likes to be seen as a good leader and successful in his
Enjoys making homemade fly lures.
Is not into popular trends or social media apps.
Enjoys spending time with his wife after work and
spending time with his kids and grandchildren on
Is fairly introverted but has good leadership skills.

Experience with this Concept

Has 25 years’ experience in local/state recruiting but
is new to international recruiting.
Motto: Does not have international travel experience.
Choose your bait, bait your hook, and reel ‘em in! Is not familiar with what Instructional Design and
Technology entails.
Dr. Bannister is the current Dean of the International Affairs division at a mid-sized university. Prior to this
role, she was the Associate Dean, and prior to that was the Director of International Admissions and
Recruitment. She has a strong interest in increasing admissions to the program, specifically in newer programs
offered at the university.

Dr. Bannister is an accomplished leader and public speaker. She enjoys traveling and learning about new
cultures. She is a long-time employee of the university and is an alum as well as an employee and has risen
through the ranks to be the Dean of her department. She has a spouse and 2 children, one in college and one
finishing high school.

She is proficient in Microsoft Office and Google products, including mail, spreadsheets, and document
programs and at building presentations in a variety of platforms (PowerPoint, Slides, Canva, Prezi). She is
comfortable working in an online or F2F platform.

Dr. Bannister is a strong university supporter and wears logo apparel and branded colors. She loves live
theatre and concerts and her favorite music genres include opera and classical. She enjoys the outdoors and
likes to hike and camp with her family.

Dr. Bannister is proficient at international recruiting but is not as familiar with the ITD degree program so
wants to become more knowledgeable so that she can include information about the program in her
presentations to internal and external constituents.
• Travel & International culture
• Strong university ties, is an alumnus
• Children:
o One in college at the university
o One in high school

Technology, Skills, and Preferences

• Proficient in Microsoft Office and Google
Motto: A little step may be the beginning of a
great journey. products (mail, spreadsheets, and word
Demographics • Proficient presentation skills in a variety of
• Name: Dr. Sheila Bannister
platforms (PowerPoint, Slides, Canva, Prezi)
• Age:56
• Comfortable working in an online or F2F
• Location: Florence, Alabama
• Education: Ph.D., International Relations
• Job: Dean, International Affairs Favorite Brands, Trends, Culture
• Family: Spouse & 2 children • Strong university supporter - wears logo
apparel and branded colors
Jobs and Roles • Live theater and concerts
Current: Dean of International Affairs
o Opera
o Classical
• Associate Dean, International Affairs
• Avid outdoors – hiking and camping
• Director, International Admissions and
Experience with this Concept
Recruitment • Proficient international recruiter
• Not familiar with ITD degree
Motivations and Comfort Zones • Is keen to learn more to support recruiting
• Accomplished Leader
• Proficient Public Speaker
Harjeet was born in Gurugram, India just outside of Delhi. After finishing his
BMS degree at Shaheed Sukhdev College Harjeet traveled to Florence, AL to work
on his MBA. When he finished his degree, he and his wife Karishma decided to
stay in Florence. During his time at UNA Harjeet started as a conversation partner
in the Office of International Affairs. He then moved to recruit for the College of
Business and Technology while he finished his MBA. Upon his completion of his
MBA there was an opportunity to move into the director of recruiting for the
Office of International Affairs.
Harjeet is familiar with MSITD program as he saw it implemented in the
College of Business and Technology. Harjeet works with corporate trainers and
would like to see this brought to the international stage as there are a multitude
of students that would benefit from this type of degree. He is interested to learn
more about how the processes can be used in education.
Harjeet has some great recruiters in the Office of International Affairs. They
are hard working and experienced. He feels they would benefit from learning
more about the MSITD program and how it can be applied in different areas.
Harjeet, his wife Karishma, and two children enjoy traveling. They travel
back and forth to India for various festivals throughout the year. When he has the
opportunity, Harjeet also enjoys technical mountain biking.
Harjeet Chakrabarti
Age: 33
Location: Florence, Alabama
Spoken Language: Hindi, English
Education: BMS - Shaheed Sukhdev College
of Business Studies; MBA – University of
North Alabama
Job: Director of International Advising and
Family: Wife – Karishma, Son – Vickram
Daughter – Ragini

Jobs and Roles Technology, Skills, and Preferences

• Maintains database of all international • Proficient programmer
students at UNA • HTML, Java, JS, C++, C#
• Advises graduate students in the UNA • Database management
College of Business and Technology • Excellent communicator
• Generates recruiting material for the • High aptitude
Office of International Affairs • Business Minded
• Maintains working relationship with • Technologically savvy
college system in India to recruit new
Favorite Brands, Trends, Culture
A suit from Bonobos or Paul Smith
Rolex watches and Kenneth Cole shoes
Motivations and Comfort Zones
Hindu culture – festivals and food
When hashtags first started to be used,
• Adrenaline Junky
Harjeet wrote a program to farm likes and
• Mountain Biking retweets on Twitter based on hashtags.
• Skydiving
Experience with this Concept
• A large crowd
Highly experienced recruiter. Familiar with
• Traveling with family technology. Has heard of the MSITD and is
• Large family gatherings interested to show his prospective students.
• Weddings Wants to leverage the program in the
business world.

Of everything he is the inmost Self. He is the truth; he is the Self supreme.
(Chandogya Upanishad)

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