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Đáp án điền từ ETS 2020 test 1 part 3

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ETS 2020

Bài tập điền từ vào phần nghe

Test 1 part 3
Đáp án
32C 33B 34D 35D 36B 37A 38B 39B 40C 41C 42B 43A 44D 45C 46B 47D 48C 49A
50A 51B 52C 53D 54C 55A 56B 57C 58D 59D 60C 61A 62B 63D 64D 65B 66C 67A
68C 69B 70B
- Hi, Maria. Were you able to start on the wedding cakes yet?
- Yes, I’ve started on the Anderson order. It’s a little more complex than I thought it
would be.
- Yes, they’re more complicated and they do take a little more time, but it’ll be worth it.
- Right. We can definitely increase our bakery’s sales by offering wedding cakes. Take a
look. Is the color of this frosting ok?
- Actually, the order called for a dark pink. This is a little too pale. Let me get some more
food coloring from the supply closet.
Từ vựng:
 be able to do st (a) có thể làm gì.
 complex (a) = complicated (a) phức tạp
 it is worth it (idiom) điều đó xứng đáng (đáng làm), bõ công
 (a) food coloring (n) màu thực phẩm
 a supply closet (n) kho chứa đồ dùng, tủ chứa đồ dùng

- Hi, Joanne. I didn’t know you rode a bike to work. When did you start doing that?
- Last week. The town just added a new bike lane on Felton Road, so now I can ride
- That’s great. I heard the town government is planning to add bike lanes on some other
roads too.
- It’s really convenient. My commute to work used to be an hour by bus, and now it’s
only 25 minutes.
- Wow. You know, I’m a member of a local bike-riding club that takes tours on the
weekends. You should join. It’s a great group.
Từ vựng:
 a bike lane (n) làn đường dành cho xe đạp
 commute (to work/school) (n) việc đi lại, việc di chuyển (tới trường, tới chỗ làm)

- Hello, Ms. Wilson? This is Oliver Lewis calling from Kardack Engineering. I reviewed
your application for the mechanical engineer position and would like to interview you.
- Oh, I’m happy to hear that.
- Good. I’ll transfer you to my administrative assistant. He’ll make the arrangements
for the interview.
- Great.
- Hello, Ms. Wilson. This is Mr. Lewis’ assistant, Martin. I’m wondering if Wednesday at
9 a.m. works for you.
- Yes, that’s perfect. Now, I’ve never been to your office complex before. Where can I
find directions?
- I’ll e-mail those to you.
Từ vựng:
 a mechanical engineer (n) kĩ sư cơ khí
 transfer sb to sb (v) chuyển máy ai qua cho anh
 an administrative assistant (n) trợ lý hành chánh
 make arrangements (for st/to do st) (v) = arrange for st (v) sắp xếp cái gì
 work for sb (v) = suit sb (v) tiện cho ai
 an office complex (n) khu phức hợp văn phòng

- Good morning, you’re reaching Taylor Dental. How can I help you?
- Hi. This is Susan Walker, one of Dr. Taylor’s patients. I’d like to schedule an
appointment for a teeth cleaning this Friday. Will that be possible?
- Unfortunately, we’re all booked this week. But if someone cancels and an appointment
opens up, I could contact you.
- Sure, thanks.
- I should let you know, in case you do get an appointment, that our parking area is under
construction this week, so you can’t park there.
- Oh no – I don’t know of any other parking areas nearby.
- Well, the Number 10 bus stops right outside our building.
Từ vựng:
 in case + câu: trong trường hợp
 be all/fully booked (v) đã được đặt full hết rồi

- Hi. Welcome to Chesterton Bank. How can I help you?
- Well, I’d like to deposit my paycheck into my savings account.
- Of course. Have you thought about signing up for direct deposit? That way, your
paycheck will go directly into your account, and you don’t have to come in to the branch
to do the transaction.
- That sounds great, actually.
- You just need to fill out some paperwork. I’ll go prepare that now so you can sign up
Từ vựng:
 deposit (v) là nộp tiền vào tài khoản ngân hàng >< withdraw (v) là rút tiền
 paycheck (n) tiền lương, tiền công
 a savings account (n) tài khoản tiết kiệm
 direct deposit (n) hệ thống/dịch vụ chuyển tiền điện tử

- Good morning, Hakim. The prototype for our new refrigerator is ready to show to our
appliance distributors from Malaysia today.
- Oh, it turns out we had to reschedule the meeting about the refrigerator. Their flight
was delayed, and their plane won’t be arriving until this evening.
- So I guess they’ll be going straight to their hotel, then. Should I arrange for a car service
to pick them up in the morning?
- Yes, thanks. Around nine o’clock would be good.
- OK. I’ll do that right now.
Từ vựng:
 an appliance (n) 1 thiết bị điện dùng trong nhà (tivi, tủ lạnh, máy lạnh, quạt máy,
nồi cơm điện,…)
 reschedule st (v) lên lịch lại, xếp lịch lại

- Hello, welcome to the Chemistry Research Conference. Here’s your name badge and
welcome packet. It includes a program with a schedule of conference events.
- Thank you! Do you happen to know if there’ll be a question-and-answer session after
each presentation? I have a question for one of the speakers.
- Yes, there’ll be a few minutes at the end of each session for that. Oh and before you go
in, don’t forget to choose a travel mug from the next table – we have two different colors
this year.
Từ vựng:
 a name badge (n) thẻ tên, phù hiệu
 happen to be/do st (v) tình cờ là gì, tình cờ làm gì. Vd: She happened to be out
when we called. – Cô ấy tình cờ đi ra ngoài khi chúng tôi gọi tới. Nhưng mà cấu
trúc này trong đoạn hội thoại trên (happen to know) giống như một cách nói
chuyện cửa miệng/lịch sự hơn.
 question-and-answer có thể viết tắt thành Q&A
 a mug (n) cái ly, cái ca có quai cầm

- Hi, this is Takumi from Color Printing Solutions. I e-mailed you the mock-up of your
company’s flyer this morning. Have you had time to review it?
- Oh hi, Takumi. I just saw your draft of the flyer and was about to call you myself. We
actually have a new company logo.
- OK, no problem. Can you send it to me before lunch? That way I can be sure to finish
the print job by the end of today as promised.
- Sure! Please charge the order to the credit card you have on file for our account.
Từ vựng:
 a mock-up (n) (of st) bản mô phỏng, bản xem trước, bản xem thử của cái gì (trước
khi chỉnh sửa các kiểu cho bản chính thức) = a draft (n)
 a draft (n) (of st) bản nháp của cái gì
 as promised: như đã hứa, như đã hẹn
 charge st to one’s account/credit card (v) tính phí, tính tiền vào tài khoản/thẻ của
 on file: có trên hồ sơ

- A lot more people have been visiting the museum lately – my tours have been
completely full! What about yours, Emily?
- Mine, too. I think it’s because of the new art exhibit – the one that was donated by Juno
Siska. It would be interesting to know how she started collecting art.
- Well, I just heard that Ms. Siska will be here next Thursday afternoon to talk about her
collection. I’m sure there’ll be a chance to ask her questions.
- That sounds great. How much are tickets to that event?
- Oh, you won’t have to pay. Everyone who works at the museum gets in free of charge.
Từ vựng:
 an exhibit (n) đồ vật mà được trưng bày trong bảo tàng hoặc phòng trưng bày
 tuy nhiên, an exhibit ở đây được sử dụng như là a collection of exhibits =))) các
nghĩa của từ này khá là linh hoạt
 collect art (v) sưu tầm (đồ) nghệ thuật => an art collector (n) nhà sưu tầm nghệ
thuật (là sưu tầm mấy thứ như paintings, drawings, sculptures,…)
 do st free of charge (v) làm gì đó miễn phí

- Hi, I bought this computer just the other day, but I think it may be defective. The
operating system software has frozen on me several times already.
- Well – freezes are common during setup, and there’s an easy fix for that. We do offer
technical support for a small fee, if you’re interested.
- Isn’t that included in my insurance package?
- Oh, you bought our insurance! Yes, technical support is one of the benefits. What’s
your phone number, please? I can pull up your policy with that number.
- It’s 555-0144.
Từ vựng:
 defective (a) (máy móc, đồ điện tử) bị lỗi => a defect (n) 1 cái lỗi (trong đồ điện
 cái máy tính nó freeze (v) là nó bị đơ, bị đứng, bị treo => a freeze (n) 1 cái lỗi
như vậy
 common (a) thường thấy, thường gặp (vì vậy ko có gì lạ)
 a fix (n) 1 cách giải quyết vấn đề. Em sẽ thường thấy là a quick fix hoặc an easy

- Hey, David. Our clients are coming from overseas next week, and we need to order the
food for the welcome dinner. Which of these dishes do you think we should get?
- Well, the last time we had clients here, we ordered the vegetables pasta. Everyone
really liked it.
- Yeah, I remember. But this time we have a larger budget, so I wanted to order
something different.
- Why don’t we order the baked salmon?
- I was thinking that, too. Also, we still have to call and confirm the hotel booking for our
clients. I’m going to do that now.
Từ vựng:
 pasta (n) món nui
 salmon (n) cá hồi
 bake st (v) nướng cái gì trong lò nướng => baked (a)

- Carl, you cleaned all the equipment in the laboratory last night, right? I received a
complaint from one of the lab technicians this morning that I wanted to talk to you about.
- Really? What was the problem?
- Well, he said that the microscope lenses were dirty. When you cleaned them, did you
wipe them in a circular motion, like the manual indicates? If you don’t, it could just
spread the dirt around.
- Oh, you know I think I might have done that the wrong way. Sorry about that.
- It’s OK, other people have made that same mistake. I’d better copy that page in the
manual and post it in the lab for all the staff.
Từ vựng:
 in a circular motion: theo chuyển động vòng tròn
 a microscope (n) cái kính hiển vi
 a lense (n) cái tròng kính

- Hi, Sandra. This information packet contains statistics about our sales performance so
far this year. Take a look at this page – it has the sales figures for our high-end tires for
the first quarter.
- Hmm, interesting. The Z150 is our newest car tire, right? And we sold 35000 of them in
one month this quarter! What happened that month?
- We offered a discount to car dealers that bought more than 1000 tires. It was extremely
effective. When we ended the deal, sales went down a little bit, so we’re offering it again
this month.
Từ vựng:
 statistics (n) số liệu thống kê
 a tire (n) cái lốp xe
 high-end (a) sản phẩm mà high-end là sản phẩm mắc tiền và chất lượng cao hơn
nhiều (so với các phân khúc thấp hơn)
 a car dealer = a car dealership (n) cửa hàng bán xe

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