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Sustainability of Biodegradable Plastics A Review On Social Economic and Environmental Factors

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Critical Reviews in Biotechnology

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Sustainability of biodegradable plastics: a review

on social, economic, and environmental factors

Taofeeq D. Moshood, Gusman Nawanir & Fatimah Mahmud

To cite this article: Taofeeq D. Moshood, Gusman Nawanir & Fatimah Mahmud (2022)
Sustainability of biodegradable plastics: a review on social, economic, and environmental
factors, Critical Reviews in Biotechnology, 42:6, 892-912, DOI: 10.1080/07388551.2021.1973954

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Published online: 16 Sep 2021.

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2022, VOL. 42, NO. 6, 892–912


Sustainability of biodegradable plastics: a review on social, economic, and

environmental factors
Taofeeq D. Moshood , Gusman Nawanir and Fatimah Mahmud
Faculty of Industrial Management, Universiti Malaysia Pahang, Gambang, Malaysia


In line with the recent economic growth, especially in developing countries, human concern for Received 23 November 2020
the environment has increased over time. This paradigm shift has influenced many developing Revised 28 February 2021
countries to pay more attention to the issues related to the use of synthetic plastics. Both indus- Accepted 25 July 2021
try and consumers are intrigued to discover the: economic characteristics, environmental conse-
quences, and social attitudes to the benefits of biodegradable plastics. Biodegradable plastics are Non-biodegradable plastic;
useful in packaging, agriculture, gastronomy, consumer electronics, and the automotive industry. sustainability life cycle; bio-
This paper seeks to explain the prospects of biodegradable plastics regarding social, economic, based plastics; triple
and environmental sustainability and recognizes the latest advances in enzyme-based biodegrad- bottom line (TBL); and
ation of plastics in order to reduce plastics’ negative effects and to make the environment safe. ATLAS.ti 9 software
A multi-disciplinary strategy is a unique approach, with studies carried out across the triple bot-
tom line (TBL) approach on three distinct sustainability concepts (economic characteristics, envir-
onmental consequences, and social attitudes). These three subjects were carefully chosen for
their respective targets. This paper has used ATLAS.ti 9 software tools to thoroughly analyze the
literature to save, identify, and assess this study’s data. Therefore, the research showed that the
environmental component was the most critical factor with the economic second and social
third. We review bio-based and biodegradable polymers and highlight the value of biodegrad-
able end-of-life management.

Introduction 2% end up in a closed-loop system [3]. Indeed, on the

planet’s surface, the ubiquity of plastic waste has con-
Plastic is the most used element. The most common
tributed to the possibility that it may be viewed as a
use is containers such as bottles and food packaging
[1]. Polyvinyl chloride (PVC), polyethylene terephthalate geological predictor of the Anthropocene era [5,6].
Although plastic materials, with their numerous
(PET), extracellular polymeric substance (EPS), polypro-
pylene (PP), and high-density polyethylene (HDPE) are make-ups and manufacturing costs, are of high quality,
the five recyclable plastics that makeup 70 percent of it is of great concern if this synthetic material can be
all plastics used today. It is estimated that 8.3 billion sustained [7]. While plastics have become extremely
tons of plastic have been produced since large-scale valued for their long-lasting functional use, many per-
plastic manufacturing began in the 1950s [2], and it is spectives on plastics-related environmental hazards and
projected to rise twenty-fold again by 2030 [3]. Today, energy crises have been raised recently. Plastics are
around the world, 78 million tons of plastic packaging popular because they provide human beings with a less
are manufactured annually. Of the plastic produced, pecuniary charge of things they want [8]. Consumers
98% of the actual amount comes from virgin storage, are, however, now more aware of the harmful environ-
while 2% comes from closed-loop recycling [4]. When mental effects of plastics. Therefore, because of this
the life cycle is accomplished, 68 percent of the initial question regarding how it can be sustained and
78 million tons are collected, 32 percent of the plastic is handled in the global environment, bio-based and bio-
not collected, and remains in drainage ditches and degradable polymeric materials are one of the most
streams flowing out in the oceans. 40 percent of the 68 appropriate means that can be implemented [8].
percent of plastic collected goes to landfills, 14 percent Human responsibility for the environment has risen
in the form of incineration goes into energy recovery. over time, in line with recent economic development,
Just 14% end up being collected for recycling, but only especially in developing countries. There are, however,

CONTACT Taofeeq D. Moshood Faculty of Industrial Management, Universiti Malaysia Pahang, Gambang, Malaysia
ß 2021 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

several issues that lift their fears today, which are global this leads to health problems, and the pollution is
warming and the extinction of the diversity of organ- washed into rivers and finally seas as unsecured and lit-
isms in the world’s environment and habitat [9]. In tered products [19]. Investments in biodegradable plas-
terms of environmental consciousness, plastic waste tics, better than traditional plastic composition, were
has become one of the main global challenges [10]. undertaken by a more extensive range of plas-
Plastics are polymers that are sometimes made of car- tic producers.
bon and hydrogen and often of oxygen, nitrogen, Therefore, biodegradable plastics are now seriously
Sulfur, chlorine, fluorine, phosphorus, or silicon. Plastic considered to be an alternative to non-biodegradable
is the non-biodegradable, extremely resilient product plastics. Different policymakers have established pro-
manufactured from petroleum and synthetic resources grams to ensure the promotion of research and
[11]. It takes roughly one thousand years to fully and improvement of bio-based polymers [20]. In this regard,
successfully decompose plastic. At the same time, efforts have been advanced by both the political and
owing to the combustion phase [12], it can acquire car- regulatory bodies in North America and Europe [21].
bon dioxide (CO2) and dioxins and cause climate The governments of Malaysia and Germany have shown
change to the planet [13]. Most plastics have been used considerable interest in biodegradable plastics research
mainly for single-use purposes, such as low-value [22]. Therefore, this situation indicates the possibility of
recycled plastic bags and decomposition sophistication advancements in biodegradable plastics [23].
mechanisms [14]. Besides, conventional plastic poly- Governments, companies, and academies are making
mers such as polypropylene (PP), polyethylene (PE), and great efforts to find a feasible solution to synthetic plas-
polyvinyl chloride (PVC) are low-cost, long-lasting, and tics in the increasing social, economic, and environmen-
versatile, according to Viera, Marques, Nazareth, tal crisis [24].
Jimenez, & Castro [6], which are widely used in the Biodegradable plastic can be seen as one of the
manufacture of several industrial product lines. alternatives to accomplish this sustainable growth of
One of the essential companies from which the the plastic industry and therefore offer a very strong
masses benefit is the plastics industry. The reason is alternative to petrochemical plastics in the near future
that there has been a constant increase in the demand [13]. By redirecting part of large volume plastics to
for plastics from China, India, and some other South other waste management methods and littering single-
East Asia countries [15]. Though plastic materials are of use plastics that are otherwise difficult to recycle and
high quality in their different make-up and production simultaneously contributing to the recycling of nonre-
cost, synthetic material can be sustained and of great newable materials and environmental protection of bio-
concern. Because of this growing concern for how it degradable plastics from renewable resources,
can be maintained and managed globally, one of the biodegradable plastics could serve as a possible solu-
most suitable means to be adopted is applying bio- tion for overwhelmed landfills [25]. With adequate
based and biodegradable polymeric materials [16]. humidity, oxygen, and a suitable quantity of microor-
Many inquiries have been made regarding the envir- ganisms, where this condition can be found enough in
onmental negatives effect of plastics materials natural landfills or manure, biodegradable plastic can
[12–14,17]. The decrease in its mechanical performance be decayed into carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O)
when moisture has been absorbed in a specific humid only within 20–45 days [26] compared to conventional
level has been reported [18]. On the other hand, the plastics that their life expectancy is about hundred to
studies on the component that makeup product sorp- thousand years [26]. The big fear is adoption and how
tion, which is related to biodegradable plastics packag- it can be handled in the global environment. Due to
ing, are not so currently common. Because the cost of biodegradable plastics, most consumers are
biodegradable plastics are mostly and currently used stopped from patronizing them [27]. This may seem to
for commercial purposes such as packaging of food, be because most people don’t know enough about bio-
this study intends to primarily concentrate on bio- degradable plastics’ utility and protection. As a result,
degradable plastic properties to proffer solutions that most plastics firms will not be interested in economic
will help in the sustainability of the packaged product. research to help select biodegradable plastics that are
The main concern is that it is challenging to deal economically cost-effective [28].
with plastic waste that has littered the whole environ- Based on Marimuthu & Hassan’s [29] study, most
ment. Plastic waste is less well handled in developing people still lacked information on environmental ter-
countries [18]. It is usually stored, burnt, or littered in minology and concepts, regardless of the consumer’s
open dumps. In the event of uncontrolled combustion, educational level. Research by Dyehouse et al. [30] also

clarified that many individuals have only general envir- sustainability. In general, bio-based and biodegradable
onmental knowledge but lack understanding of the plastic film analyses have concentrated on the product
environment’s deeper problems and ideas. Moreover, itself and have scarcely contemplated evaluating bio-
according to Dalvi-Esfahani et al. [31], people with less degradable plastics’ sustainability from the triple bot-
educated and low income refuse to prioritize environ- tom line viewpoint.
mental issues since they give more significant induce- In addition, changing from conventional plastics to
ment toward their own family and household. Rezai, eco-friendly plastics, in particular, is a challenge.
Teng, Shamsudin, Mohamed, & Stanton [32] stated that Producers, buyers, and policymakers face various
lack of understanding and consciousness toward the choices and strategies, where it is impossible to come
advantages of eco-friendly products explains the up with specific details. This paper will try to bring the
decline of a positive attitude toward eco-friendly prod- best outlook on issues. Different aspects of biodegrad-
ucts [33,34]. able plastics will be discussed, ranging from socio-eco-
The environmental and socio-economic influence of nomic and environmental implications to realistic
plastic products has been studied in several ways [35]. biodegradability evaluation approaches, including certi-
The decrease in its mechanical efficiency was recorded fication. Hopefully, this information, descriptions, and
when moisture was absorbed at a particular humid figures will help individuals in the future make better-
level [36]. On the other hand, studies of the make-up informed choices about plastics. Furthermore, this study
product sorption portion, which is correlated with the seeks to fill the first research gap created by previous
packaging of biodegradable plastics, are currently not studies on biodegradable plastics toward its sustainabil-
as popular. Therefore, since biodegradable plastics are ity, and from the issues mentioned above by identifying
mainly and presently used for commercial uses such as the environmental and socio-economic factors related
food packaging, this research aims to concentrate pri- to biodegradable plastics toward its sustainability and
marily on the sustainability of biodegradable plastics in the proposed framework for the biodegradable plastics
order to provide solutions that will help in the sustain- sustainability life cycle stages.
ability of the packaged product [37]. Also, there are
restricted studies in the Malaysian biodegradable plastic Methodology
industry that specifically explain biodegradable plastic’s
sustainability. It was also noted from the literature Literature search
review that most plastic film evaluations considered To conduct an extensive and systematic review of the
only one dimension of biodegradable plastics’ sustain- sustainability of bio-based plastics and biodegradable
ability [38]; few considered two dimensions [39], and plastics, this research surveys the received articles’ ana-
very few considered three dimensions [40]. In recent lysis pieces that cover their research objectives,
years, academic and industrial interest has grown dra- approaches, backgrounds, and outputs. The general
matically in bio-based and biodegradable plastics’ sus- method of systematic analysis recommended by Lu &
tainability. The triple bottom line method in this report Liu [20] is already operationalized. The research ques-
(economic benefit, social responsibility, and environ- tions should be addressed unambiguously at the outset
mental protection) was employed to assess biodegrad- of the systematic analysis and stipulated in step 1, fram-
able plastics’ sustainability. In general, biodegradable ing the problem or issues for an assessment [41].
plastic film analyses have concentrated on the product Keywords for analysis are to be defined to satisfy the
itself and have scarcely contemplated evaluating bio- research criteria. Many patterns of analysis keywords
degradable plastics’ sustainability from the triple bot- are desirable to guarantee the research s of the study.
tom line viewpoint. The adoption of data sources, thorough and systematic
It was also noticed from the literature review that review of the relevant journals and databases is needed
most plastic film evaluations considered only one in phase 2 [42].
dimension of biodegradable plastics’ sustainability [37], It is also essential to be recognized and selected to
few considered two dimensions [39], and very few con- access numerous relevant sources, papers, and the
sidered three dimensions [40]. In recent years, academic required area of study are. The study of prior studies
and industrial interests have grown dramatically in also includes, in step 3, the use of research keywords in
bio-based and biodegradable plastics’ sustainability. a specific field of names, abstracts, and keywords [43].
The triple bottom line method in this report (economic These analysis keywords are incorporated and added in
benefit, social responsibility, and environmental protec- the identified areas and then selected from the paper
tion) was employed to assess biodegradable plastics’ or journal sources. The study needs to be specific,

without any language restrictions, and subject to the data are evaluated and follow the process’s implications
choice of moving from the study questions. Ke, Wang, and the resulting data. The 332 papers identified have
Chan, & Cheung, [19]; Lu & Liu, [20] proposed that min- been screened (identified through the database search-
imal parameter analysis be extended at that time to ing of 341 papers), Screening (Post Removal of
ensure compatibility. Duplicates, 213 papers remain), Eligibility (Post-Abstract
Besides, phase 4 entails determining the nature of Review, 128 papers remain), and validated for Included
the analysis to ensure academic accuracy. This indicates (Post-Full-Text Review, 120 papers were used).
that a set of suitable selection attributes should be lim- Duplicates have been excluded as part of this process,
ited to the paper collected for analysis and synthesis eligibility has been verified from abstracts, and the
and the conditions for the cleaning of these papers complete content of outstanding papers has been veri-
from the previous search order. The previous search fied in the context of the study issues for the final judg-
performed in phase 3 will inevitably generate a wide ment regarding microalgae, biofuels production, algae
variety of problems and a mainstream of papers [44]. fuel manufacturing areas under examination [47]. As
A visual analysis of the content of the article is, per the systematic literature review protocol for this
therefore, required. Besides, step 5 requires the collec- study, the 120 papers were screened and verified as
tion of proof. To interpret and incorporate the excellent being valid.
polished documents, a detailed study will be included Duplicates have been excluded as part of this pro-
here, reflecting on the papers that are only connected cess, eligibility has been verified from abstracts, and the
with topics of attention. This calls for materials to be complete content of outstanding papers has been
excluded, accompanied by the area of analysis, history, checked in the context of the study issues for the final
or framework [45]. The data is generally reviewed and judgment regarding microalgae, biofuels production,
synthesized by research attributes, existence, and algae fuel manufacturing, and sustainability areas under
research conclusions [46]. examination [47]. As per the systematic literature
Therefore, literature scanning allowed the authors to review protocol for this study, the 120 papers were
define the analytical structures used to process and screened and verified as being valid. Centered on these
analyze the data. The research sources used for the main achievements in the fields of efficiency, global
search were: Taylor and Francis, Emerald, Springer, sustainability, and sustainability management, bio-
Google Scholar, and Elsevier, while the predominant degradable plastic, bioplastic, sustainability life cycle,
keywords were: bio-based plastics, and triple bottom line (TBL)
approach, and collecting state-of-the-art publications,
Biodegradable plastics or Sustainability. the quest date for this analysis was set from 2001
Biodegradable plastics or the Triple Bottom Line to 2021.
(TBL) Approach.
Biodegradable plastics or Biosynthetic properties.
A systematic review using ATLAS.ti 9 software
Biodegradable plastics or a Sustainability Life cycle.
Biodegradable plastics or Bio-based plastics. This section maintains the structure of the method-
Biodegradable plastics or Socioeconomics. ology section by addressing each step of the testing
Biodegradable plastics or Environmental impacts. process. The ATLAS.ti 9 software package is perfect for
saving, identifying, and interpreting this study data.
The methodological concept developed with input There are five components to the research review:
from scholars and the literature was proposed and vali-
dated by this study. Descriptive analysis is believed to  Purpose: This research aims to provide insight into
explain the characteristics of the criteria of concern in the modern production and ultimate potential of
this situation. This study shows what changes could biodegradable plastics.
help achieve sustainable, biodegradable plastics to  Concentration: This article discusses biodegradable
boost the standard of service in our community, plastic research features (i.e. goals, strategies, sus-
increase efficiency, recognize potential technologies, tainability, outputs).
take economic risks into account, and encourage tech-  Viewpoint: This analysis provides a neutral view on
nology investment. the study of articles.
Each stage of the evaluation phase is organized  Design: This article is ordered by conceptual order
around the sections of processes, findings, and discus- initially, then connected.
sion, allowing the reader to further understand how the  Coverage: The literature coverage is extensive [48].

Figure 1. Word cloud information on biodegradable plastics.

The use of ATLAS.ti 9 tech (quotation, relatives, and overview of text documents. The most frequent words
network) jargon would be meaningless to those in a text are usually represented as a weighted list of
unfamiliar with the software. Weisheng Lu & Yuan [23], words in a specific spatial structure (e.g. sequential, cir-
on the other hand, used machine terms and illustrated cle, random). For graphical purposes or to visually
them so that readers could understand what was going encode additional detail, the font sizes of the words sig-
on. In this overview, the researchers described the nify their importance or frequency of occurrence.
methodological methodology, program, version, and Color, location, and orientation, on the other hand,
features used in the study (quotes, codes, and system are all different. Term clouds may be used as a starting
hierarchy with memos). The meaning of quotations has point for in-depth text analyses. On the other hand,
been clarified, as has the association between quota- open word cloud visualizations are not too useful for
tions and codes [49]. The researcher included a short contrasting the words and word frequencies in different
explanation of how the program was used, which might text papers [49]. We used ATLAS.ti 9, an expanded
be useful to those who are unfamiliar with qualitative word cloud visualization that systematically merges and
data analysis software. Keywords, themes, relationship shows the words from many text texts, to get around
maps, and other research features and convenient this limitation. It gives the articles a structure and high-
access to quotes were all advantages of using ATLAS.ti lights the differences and similarities in word use.
9. Figure 1 in the ATLAS.ti 9 app offers word cloud Figure 1 depicts the word cloud data.
information to help novices understand how software Open coding: Upon initial analysis of text results, the
interpretation is possible. Figures 2 and 3 provide a net- researcher will recognize several words, sentences, and
work view in the ATLAS.ti 9 program that shows how other words of interest related to this article or a field
the trends resulting from the plastic properties, full bio- of interest with the open coding feature of the ATLAS.ti
degradable plastic properties, and non-biodegradable 9 software package. A “quotation” is labeled with Open
plastic properties have been drawn into the network Coding and uses the same wording to produce a mes-
and the data codes are linked to the PLA production sage from the same passage. It is not uncommon to
survey’s core life cycle activities. The authors speculated come to a point where we will have more than a couple
that the data was created using the ATLAS.ti 9’s net- of pages of codes as we begin developing codes with
work feature in this case. fresh ideas [24]. At that point, to find the correlations
Word cloud: Newcomers can learn how to display and classify them into classes based on their common
applications by using the Word cloud by building properties, we may research the codes. We may also
ATLAS.ti 9 software knowledge. When displaying text- consider the codes’ dimensions that reflect the prop-
ual content, word clouds have become very common, erty’s position within a continuum or set. The name of
with the font size of a keyword indicating its frequency the category can vary from the codes to help communi-
in the text. Term organization can be accomplished in cate its width, and, if appropriate, we may even create
several ways [49]. Word Cloud is a simple and intuitive sub-categories from the codes and then apply them to
visualization tool that is often used to provide a quick the categories [50]. Open coding is usually the initial

Figure 2. Atlas.ti network view on plastics production.

Figure 3. Main life-cycle activities of PLA production.


stage of qualitative data analysis. We may do gravita- restructured), where a broad range of plastics, synthetic
tional coding and selective coding after finishing open fibers, foams, coatings, adhesives, and sealants are pro-
coding, depending on the technique we use. At the duced and elastomers (are cross-linked rubbery poly-
later stage of the study, such coding enables one to mers that can be stretched easily to high extensions
create models in an inductive process. The required and which rapidly recover their original dimensions
information for mathematics information is shown in when the applied stress is released) [52]. As a transpar-
Figures 2 and 3. ent commodity, plastics are compact, lightweight, low-
Data Analysis: After developing the coding frame, priced, robust, and versatile and are ideal for a wide
the principal investigator had a simple understanding range of applications, especially in packaging materials.
of the research. The codes used to interpret and re-read
the data many times were optimized. The next step
Overview of biodegradable plastic
concerning the study problem was to group codes into
a cohesive pattern. It is about making a plotline where The growing concern about plastic pollution has
the theme is made up of a part of the plot. To analyze brought innovations in plastics that are biodegradable
the case study results, twenty-nine code groups have and compostable plastics [53]. These solutions intend
been developed and further summarized into two sub- to decrease the harm of plastic pollution by substitut-
ject areas that serve as the first ideas for themes (see ing conventional plastics that will deteriorate in the
Figures 2 and 3). Figures 2 and 3 demonstrate how the atmosphere much sooner and more readily [53]. This
codes surrounding work-related issues in the theme biodegradable plastic is one example of green product
development process were further explored. For this, [53]. These biodegradable materials can be decom-
the ATLAS.ti 9 software network feature was used. posed with the help of microorganisms and sunlight
Codes related to the plastic properties, maximum bio- [54]. The biodegradation of plastics is significantly
degradable plastic properties, and non-biodegradable active under different soil characteristics based on fea-
plastic properties were integrated into the network. The tures of plastic because the reaction of the microorgan-
major life-cycle activities of the manufacture of PLA isms is differed from one and another on degradation
were also linked to each other. This is not an automatic processes and have their own optimum circumstances
system [50]. The software does not create connections of growth in the soil [55,56]. Several biodegradable
or label the links. The program only offers room for plastics only break down under conditions in industrial
conceptual reflection for the researcher. This happens waste treatment systems with sustained temperatures
as the networks group the nodes, conceive of concrete over 50  C or under continued UV rays exposure [57].
connections, and name those links. Luckachan & Pillai [58] stated that biodegradable poly-
To sum up, recent developments in plastics that are mers could also be found undergoing degradation
biodegradable and compostable plastics have brought under both the aerobic and anaerobic processes.
growing concerns about plastic waste [50]. These solu- According to Nonato, Mantelatto, & Rossell [59], one of
tions are meant to reduce plastic waste damage by the materials that can be used to produce biodegrad-
removing existing plastics that can deteriorate much able plastic is the poly 3-hydroxybutyric acid (PHB),
faster and more quickly in the environment. One where it has the same physicochemical and mechanical
example of green products is this biodegradable plastic, characteristics as petroleum-based polymers (polyethyl-
and the use of microorganisms and sunlight will ene and polypropylene) and can be processed into
decompose these biodegradable materials. thermoplastics. Biodegradable plastics are normally
Biodegradation of plastics is substantially active under composed of natural-based materials. For example,
various soil characteristics, based on plastic characteris- starch is a natural polymer commonly found within a
tics [51]. The microorganisms’ reactions vary from each few fruits and mainly contains two types of polysac-
other in degradation processes and have their own charides: amylase and amylopectin [60], which are
ideal soil growth conditions. employed for the development of biodegradable plas-
Non-biodegradable plastics are synthetic polymers, tics [61]. Camann, Dragsbaek, Krol, Sandgren, & Song,
the primary plastic composites of petroleum products [62] stated that biodegradable polymer can be divided
manufactured from oil, coal, and natural gas produc- into three categories which are: starch polyester, poly-
tion. They are generally categorized into three groups lactic acid (PLA), and polyethylene.
of thermoplastics (which are flexible when heated and The production of biodegradable plastics is con-
can be restructured), thermosetting plastics (which are ducted by using polymers (i.e. macromolecules), a sub-
cross-linked, cannot weaken, and cannot be stance that is easily identified by enzymes existing in

nature [63]. It is essential to stress that the production and biodegradable plastics are being explored, it is
process’s raw materials do not necessarily determine essential to consider the strict requirements these
the plastics’ biodegradability. Other issues that deter- materials must satisfy during their final implementa-
mine biodegradability are the chemical composition, tions [70].
the final product’s make-up, and the expected condi- The starting material for PLA and PHA production is
tion for the product’s biodegradation [53]. Not all plas- extracted from annually renewable plant materials. This
tics that are bio-based are recyclable and the structure ensures that all aliphatic polyesters will, in theory, be
of the particular polymer determines its biodegradabil- processed sustainably [69]. These bio-based plastics
ity [63]. For this reason, it takes a few weeks for some may be restored to CO2 and then be photosynthesized
polymers to disintegrate while other polymers still exist by plants because they are biodegradable [69]. The
for several months before they can disintegrate under development of PLA and PHA can thus be considered
similar conditions [64]. as carbon-neutral and null pollution processes,
Based on Orenia et al.’s [60] experiment, biodegrad- whereby, in the long run, and internationally, the net
able plastics with a suitable amount of starch can be amount of carbon is constant in the atmosphere. Bio-
completely degraded and have high tensile straight. based and biodegradable plastics, including PLA and
Besides, the cellulose acetate (CA) from the agricultural PHA, are commonly called eco-friendly and renewable
waste has the capability as the biodegradable plastic so that fossil fuels will decrease [69]. There is also a pre-
element for packaging, salt containers, fiber, and plastic diction for the expanded use of these products and the
component manufacture. It potentially substitutes and production for regulatory purposes of new levels of
reduces the usage of non-biodegradable and petrol- international biodegradability [71].
eum-based materials [65]. An additional example is the However, the processing of these bio-based and bio-
microbial polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA) that have been degradable plastics does not actually be ecological
used to develop biodegradable plastics for many years friendly [72]. There are also questions. Different data
already [66]. Davis & Song [67] believed that the aims have been generated to explain some biodegradable
of expanding the use of biodegradable plastics and plastics’ environmental friendliness in response to these
packaging are to use the recyclable and more sustain- issues. However, the sustainability concerns for bio-
able resources of basic materials instead of petroleum based and biodegradable plastics also include the sus-
and assist the encouragement toward a holistic waste tainability of raw materials required for bio-based poly-
disposal approach by reducing landfill [68]. mers such as PLA and PHA to be made [70]. Lactic acid
The main reason for the initial interest in biodegrad- (2-hydroxy propionic acid) polymerization produces
able plastics is that an enormous waste disposal prob- PLA. The anaerobic fermentation forms the lactic acid
lem is present in non-biodegradable plastic packaging. by enzymes or acid hydrolysis of sugars obtained from
In the past 30 years, the production of biodegradable starch. Agricultural raw materials, including maize, sug-
plastic packaging materials has, therefore, been arcane, sugar beet, potato, cassava, rice, wheat, and
enabled a great deal [28]. Different biopolymers, sweet potatoes, can be sources of starch and sugars for
chemosynthetic polymers, biosynthetic polymers, lactic acid fermentation [73]. These are all the world’s
blends, and composites for packaging applications greatest starch and sugar plant resources. Lactobacillus
have been investigated [69]. To be acceptable for food bacteria are widely used due to the high lactic acid
packaging biodegradable plastics, different perform- yields, whereby the conversion is generally higher than
ance requirements such as sufficient strength and flexi- 95% [69] during the fermentation phase.
bility, nontoxicity, oxygen permeability, strong moisture It is expected that approximately 10 million tons of
tolerance, storage resistance over a wide range of tem- sugar substrates will be required to substitute approxi-
peratures, and low costs both for the starting materials mately 5% (6.8 million tons) of the annual production
and manufacturing technologies must be met [69]. of conventional plastics with PLA. 0.7% of the largest
Many of the recently produced biodegradable plastics plant resources worldwide [69]. In 2006 alone, maize
have not been generally adopted due to these rigorous production in the United States racked up 10.5 billion
requirements. The emphasis on the idea of zero-emis- bushels or 588 million tons (National Agricultural
sions has also changed mostly due to rising greenhouse Statistics Service, USDA). The maize starch production
gas emissions due to global climatic changes [70]. The in Europe was approximately 8.4 million tons in 2001
production of biodegradable plastics, which renewable [69]. Based on maize starch production statistics, the
resources can manufacture, was therefore very strongly raw materials necessary for large-scale PLA production
promoted. While many new approaches to bio-based appear to be sustainable and excessively sufficient.

Neither for the increasing global human population nor Bioplastics

animal feed, it should be noted that existing technolo-
Bio-based resources that are normally recyclable and
gies for the processing of PLA draw into useful food
are obtained from renewable resources are bioplastics.
sources. The same raw materials are also used to sub-
Bioplastics have been identified as a possible resolution
stantially manufacture bioethanol [70].
that can prevent fossil-based conventional plastics’
Therefore, the raw materials’ availability to manufac-
negative effect on the environment [76].
ture biodegradable plastics and bioethanol may be
The development in the production of bioplastics is
expected in the immediate future. As a result, a great
associated with:
deal is being undertaken to establish methods for
developing bioethanol, utilizing lignocellulosic biomass
 The mixtures of both bio-starch and starch
and wasted crops [69]. In this case, techniques for using
 The fermented products of bioplastic products
plant biomass as a feedstock are not economically feas-
 Petro-chemically produced bioplastic, etc.
ible in the industrial processing of bioethanol or bio-
degradable plastics [74]. While sugar is the cheapest
A great deal of misconception still abounds concern-
and most effective feedstock used to produce PLAs in
ing the word “bioplastics.” It is erroneously believed
large amounts, vegetable oils tend to be the most effi-
that any product produced from biomass is supposed
cient fermentation substratum to produce PHAs for
to be biodegradable. Nevertheless, using bio-related
bulk purposes. PHAs are desirable feedstocks for the
feedstocks it should not be assumed that the com-
processing of vegetable oils like soybean oil and palm
pleted product must be biodegradable in nature [77].
oil. While sugar-based PHA production has been opti-
Therefore, it is vital to state that bio-based plastics are
mized for high productivity, production costs are still
not constantly recyclable and that recyclable plastics
high, given that sugars lead to low PHA returns [75].
are not constantly bio-based. There is a mixed-up
The production of industrial processes using triacyl-
between biodegradable plastics and plastics that are
glycerol directly intact, such as vegetable oils and ani-
bio-based. Both are considered eco-friendly plastics,
mal fats, benefits and provides higher prices of free
and both are not similar concerning the original con-
fatty acids. An additional saponification stage is neces-
sary [69]. The choice of acceptable raw materials for cept [78]. Biodegradable plastics production is from the
PHA production depends heavily on their ready avail- biodegradability perspective, while biomass is adopted
ability. While palm oil products may be suitable for pro- as the raw material in place of oil in bio-based plastics
ducing PHA in Malaysia or Indonesia as fermentation production [79]. The production of biodegradable plas-
substrates, they are certainly not convenient in Japan tics is conducted by using polymers (i.e. macromole-
or China. Brazil has successfully developed a PHA pro- cules), a substance easily identified by enzymes existing
duction process for integrating into a sugarcane factory in nature [63]. Other things that determine biodegrad-
that uses sugarcane biomass to produce energy and ability are the chemical composition, the final product’s
the raw materials required for PHA [72]. make-up, and the expected condition for the product’s
biodegradation. For this reason, it takes a few weeks for
some polymers to disintegrate while other polymers
still exist for several months before they can

Figure 4. Bioplastics global production capacities in 2017. Source: Adapted from IFBB (2019).

Figure 5. Bioplastics global production capacities in 2022. Source: Adapted from IFBB (2019).

disintegrate under similar conditions [64]. Figures 4 and conditions; they also help support the plant’s growth
5 show the bioplastics’ global production capacity and by improving the quality of the soil [79]. Eco-friendly
the share for each type as in 2017 and 2022. bioplastics are made from organic wastes or resources
Consequently, over the past three decades, many that are bio-based. The reason is that they have the
investigations have occurred to develop packaging capability of reducing environmental pollution brought
materials made from biodegradable plastics. The com- about by plastic products. The benefits derived from
bination of the different biopolymers, biosynthetic and encouraging bioplastic production, compared to con-
chemosynthetic polymers, have been identified as ventional plastics, are the reduction of gas emissions
being used for various packaging purposes [34]. from the greenhouse, storage space for waste, aquatic
Therefore, the suitability of biodegradable plastics for contamination, and human beings’ health [38]. The
the packaging of food requires the following: research was conducted regarding bioplastics some
decades ago, and the produced materials have been in
 Appropriate power and adaptability the market for some years [80]. Research regarding bio-
 Nonpoisonous polymer assimilation started in the 1980s, but the larg-
 Non-absorbable by oxygen est part of the research’s financial resources was given
 Strong ability to resist moisture to the US and Japan [81]. The viewpoints of experts in
 Ability to be constant in a diverse range of temper- the production of bioplastics are that biodegradable
atures in storage bioplastic has great prospects. They envisage that its
 Economical for both the starting of the material production by the end of 2022 will be over
and the technical processing. US$5million [80].

These stringent criteria have prevented the newly

Processing of biodegradable plastics
developed biodegradable plastics from receiving gen-
eral recognition. Thus, the growing greenhouse gas There is the similarity between the conventional plastics
emissions caused by global climate change led to the production process and the plastics that are bio-based
zero-emission concept, leading to the development of non-biodegradable, and fossil-based biodegradable
biodegradable plastics produced from renewable plastics because of the adoption of the same equip-
resources. While the investigation of the numerous ment. Also, bio-based biodegradable plastics follow the
novel methods is being carried out regarding bio-based same production process, but significant features
and biodegradable plastics production, the stringent should not be ignored because of the source [81].
criteria to be met at the last uses of these materials They are:
must not be ignored [11]. Figure 6 shows the bioplas-
tics universal manufacturing capability in 2022.  Moistness
Bioplastics are products whose disintegration pro-  Abnormal flow (wall slipping)
cess takes place quickly when placed under specific  Current breakdown

Figure 6. Global production of Bioplastics capacities in 2022. Source: Adapted from IFBB (2019).

 Differences in batch-to-batch Sustainability of biodegradable plastics

Sustainable growth is commonly recognized as a key
Because of the bio-based biodegradable plastics’
strategic goal of today’s global policy. The concept’s
hygroscopic nature tends to produce an excessive
most well-known exposition defines sustainable one as
decrease in viscosity, unwanted foaming, and thermal
development which meets present-day needs without
degradation speed-up. For that reason, there is a need
jeopardizing generations to come’ (World Commission
for pre-drying at a mandatory dehydrating period and
on Environment and Development) [83]. This appears
temperature without using any form of additives (e.g.
to be a very straightforward idea, which lies at the core
chemical blowing agents) that can separate water.
of the link between economic growth, preservation of
Excessively dried material may possibly produce diffi-
the environment, and social wellbeing. But operational-
culties (e.g. the thermoplastic starch’s ability to flow).
izing these ties poses a major challenge for a wide var-
Reinforcing polymers with standard fibers could lead to
iety of stakeholders, including Government, NGOs,
abnormal flow because natural fibers can possess
companies, community groups, and individuals [28].
diverse geometries and properties, leading to the slip-
According to Wang, Li, Wu, & Lan [84], sustainability
ping of the wall [78]. There is a need for proper precau-
purposes are entrenched in the following tripartite: eco-
tions to be taken while processing bio-based
nomic prosperity, social fairness, and protection of the
biodegradable plastics because they are susceptible to
environment. Achieving well enhanced and sustained
thermal degradation. Their subjection to very high tem-
results of biodegradable plastics rests on minimizing
peratures should be minimized as much as possible.
the plastics processes. The objective of social econom-
Thus, the production process needs to include plasticiz-
ics and environmental sustainability consideration in
ing the units with brief residence times. Sections having
biodegradable plastics is based on resource manage-
a great shave frequency must be circumvented, and
ment and effective environmental protection [85].
there should be a minimum flow of hesitations in dies
The contribution of the plastic industry to ecosystem
and runners. There should be a form of modification in
degradation, climate change, and several interdepend-
the design process due to the crystallized kinetics’
ent issues calls for a focus on the principles of social,
diversity. An identified problem in the production pro-
economic, and environmental sustainability to address
cess is forming adhesive pellets at the time of drying,
the fundamental ecological loads of biodegradable
thus requiring further crystallization steps. In a few pro-
plastics projects [85]. The Triple Bottom Line, which was
cedures, the stickiness can surface in part. Bio-based
conceptualized (also known as TBL) in 1994, considered
biodegradable plastics, due to their usual source, have
environmental protection, financial performance, and
complex changeability while treating related properties.
social performance in project execution [84]. This prin-
Therefore, part of the potential solutions should be the
ciple submits that sustainability would be attained in
addition of additives that improve features that are pri-
biodegradable plastics to include economic, social, and
marily fossil-based and the optimization of the
environmental performance. Considerations are given
designed part and the processing equipment intended
to the environment and human society without
for healthy procedures to have larger processing win-
dows [82].



Viable Environment

Figure 7. Sustainability principles.

jeopardizing the financial gains. Figure 7 shows the sus-

tainability principles.
The principle of sustainability is well-grounded on
the belief that society is expected to adopt an existing
and realizable scale, which the upcoming generations
can also adopt [85]. Therefore, the development that
will be successfully sustained needs the adoption of
rigorous efforts concerning different aspects of society
and the activities of a human being to achieve this
objective [86]. Sustainable development of biodegrad-
able plastics is basically about managing the associ-
ation between human and environmental needs such
that nonrenewable resources that have grave restric-
tions on the environment are not needlessly surpassed
[87]. At the same time, the current ethics of societal fair-
ness and fundamental civil privileges are not prevented.
It could also mean avoiding environmental and societal
failure to ensure the survival of the current society and
upcoming generations [88]. Figure 8. Proposed framework for the biodegradable plastics
The elements required to adopt sustainable, bio- sustainability life cycle stages.
degradable plastics include social, economic, biophys-
ical, and technical qualities and a set of all- rejuvenation, dropping the consumption of four generic
encompassing, process-oriented principles [89]. In their resources, which are materials, power, water, and land;
study, social sustainability was intended to: refine expanding resources reuse or recycling; giving prefer-
human life quality, execute training, and bring fair and ence in place of renewable resources, reducing the pol-
equitable social costs of biodegradable plastics in quest lution of air, land, and water, preserving and
of intergenerational equity that provides cultural diver- refurbishing ecological vitality and diversity, and lessen-
sity during plastic production. The economic aspects of ing damage to sensitive land. Technical sustainability
sustainability pursue affordability to the target groups concerns: durability, reliability, and functionality in bio-
of the bioplastics projects [87]. It also includes boosting degradable plastics [88]. Figure 8 shows the Proposed
employment generations, increasing competitiveness, Framework for the Biodegradable Plastics Sustainability
utilizing environmentally conscious workers, and sus- Life Cycle Stages.
taining biodegradable plastics projects’ required ability Biodegradable plastic products and the bioplastic
to meet future needs. The biophysical features of sus- industry requires contributions from the earth’s assets.
tainable, biodegradable plastics cover extraction of These contributions are the materials for development,
renewable resources beyond their slow rate of including the epitomized energy of utilized materials.

The bioplastics organizations’ accountability to the con- hinges on how it has been completely used and the
structed environment should consider asset manage- infrastructure’s availability where the product’s recovery
ment, a vital administrative instrument to decrease, is to be preferred. Biodegradable plastics have different
reuse, and recycle non-inexhaustible assets. These features of an extensive range. Biodegradable plastics
assets assume fundamental job development activ- are naturally reduced into nontoxic constituents in a
ities [90]. manufacturing composting location and also leads to
There are so many available grades of biodegradable unintended consequences of littering [93]. The best
plastics with various features. Nevertheless, biodegrad- way to dispose of biodegradable plastics is determined
able plastics are purposely and presently used in mak- by its use [92].
ing packaging for food, food package ware for food, Biological treatment and traditional methods are two
bags meant for shopping, and agricultural uses [91]. proven end-of-life methods for biodegradable waste.
The use of the aforementioned features determines Both aerobic (composting) and anaerobic digestion are
how biodegradable plastics can be sustained. The best used in biotreatment. Biodegradable composting pro-
way or method to which it is used is determined by its duces carbon dioxide, water and methanogen, and
features [92]. Nevertheless, the bio-based plastic prod- some compost that can be used as a fertilizer [95].
ucts’ appearance is always similar when it is being lik- Although all three are greenhouse gases, the additional
ened to the conservative fossil-based plastic products. atmospheric loading of carbon dioxide and water is not
This situation is also applicable to biodegradable supposed to be carried out by methane [96]. Certain
against non-biodegradable products. The identification, biodegradables can, as soil pollutants, also contain
composability, and disposing of bio-based plastics harmful by-products. The biodegradables must be
should be indicated on the logos and labels so that
stored at 50–60  C and have recently been recognized
consumers can easily see and read. Some recommenda-
for long-cycle composting. Therefore, for the compos-
tions, such as biodegradable, are not clearly explained.
ition of biodegradable materials, strict consistency
Therefore, there is a need to link the logos and labels
requirements must be met. The composability check of
to a standardized and certified system. Besides, the fact
biodegradable materials has been based on dedicated
that plastic is biodegradable does not suggest that the
requirements and certification schemes.
materials disintegrate fast in the environs [92].
On the other hand, aerobic digestion is a mechanism
The manufacturing abilities of bio-based and bio-
by which biodegradable material is broken down in a
degradable plastics in 2018 take almost 2% of plastics’
sealed vessel in the absence of oxygen. The process
entire production globally [93]. There is a great expect-
contains carbon dioxide, biogas, and digestate-related
ation that biodegradable plastics will be highly market-
solids/liquors that can be used as fertilizers. Anaerobic
able in the future (Bio-PET, PBS, and PLA) while there
digestion can be a concern, though certain biodegrades
will be great consolidation of other plastics (CA and
Bio-PA). Generally, there has been a high expectation in anaerobic environments are considered non-bio-
that the bio-based and biodegradable plastics’ share degradable, another potential PLA problem [97]. The
will rise to 2.5% of relic plastics manufacturing by 2020 EU Directive on Landfill recognizes biological treatment
[94]. Numerous dealers have been making many bio- as a means of recycling. The use of traditional
based and biodegradable plastics available, and they approaches such as incineration and deposition can
have been more costly than fossil-based plastics regard- also be used to treat biodegradable waste materials.
ing their weight. Nevertheless, precise physical features Biological therapy cannot be an option if incineration is
can bring about the reduction of costs after it has been not available [98]. The combustion of biodegradable
used. Many biodegradable plastic products are now materials in mass burns produces the release of thermal
cost-competitive [92]. Besides, the fluctuations in the energy, carbon dioxide, water, and ash. But where nat-
price of oil determine fossil-based plastics prices. In ural fuels are used, carbon dioxide is neutral to thermal
most situations, the stability of biomass prices deter- recovery. There is the option of concentrating metals
mines biodegradable plastics’ prices. When the produc- and recovering them by combustion of composite
tion economic scale is encouraging, there is an structures. Also, biodegradable materials may be sent
expectation of a decrease in biodegradable plastic pri- to sites where methane, a mighty greenhouse gas, was
ces. The biodegradable plastic kinds, the market size, produced [96]. As discussed earlier, the EU Directive on
the use and obtainable set, and infrastructural process- landfills includes a substantial reduction in the number
ing determine how it can be disposed of after use. The of biodegradable materials submitted to sites of the
choice of disposing of the biodegradable plastics landfill, and even such materials are not legally exempt.

Figure 9. Categorized structure of sustainability performances based on the Triple Bottom Line (TBL) approach.

Sustainability principles identification for [99]. To avoid work injury and guarantee that consum-
biodegradable plastics ers do not benefit from low-quality goods, the aim is to
encourage and maintain a high level of physical, intel-
Sustainability principles identification for biodegradable
lectual, and social well-being for workers and clients.
plastics is one of the key measures for modern manage-
Employment terms include many aspects of satisfaction
ment emphasis on sustainable development. Triple bot-
for workers: wages and benefits, times of rest, working
tom line (TBL) theory usually differentiates three
dimensions for biodegradable plastics sustainability hours, growth of human resources, seasonal celebra-
assessments: economic performance, social responsibil- tions, leave of absence and administrative procedures,
ity, and environmental protection. Inspired by previous and maternity leave [93]. The company’s corporate con-
research and expert opinion, the suggested model has tribution applies to the local society’s social obligation
fourteen criteria across the three dimensions, with five and stakeholders and: cultural, educational, health,
each for the economic and social dimensions and four technical, and social investment upgrades [99].
for the environmental dimension, as shown in Figure 9. Customer complaints apply to any problems involving
each customer individually. Their emphasis is primarily
Social dimension on consumer care and safety, customer data security
The global metric used to calculate corporate social and privacy, marketing and consumer information pro-
success is social responsibility. It measures the organiza- vision and other vital resources [39].
tion’s operations’ social impacts on its players [99].
Sustainable operations involve personnel and culture Economic dimension
who are sustainable. It is a socially conscious initiative The economic results will significantly affect the bio-
to strengthen the community and maintain its worker’s degradable plastics products as it is an indicator of mar-
and consumers’ well-being. We assess this factor in this ket operations quality. Measurement analysis has
paper’s five parameters: safety and health, employment, traditionally included five indicators: flexibility, reliabil-
social commitment conditions, and customer issues. ity, financial efficiency, responsiveness, and quality [94].
The most critical social conditions are jobs (or job for- Reliability relates to distribution success in the supply
mation and wealth) [40]. Companies seek to raise living chain of bioplastic films, i.e. placing the right product in
conditions by complete and healthy jobs [99]. As social the correct position, suitable condition, proper standard
metrics in this study, the number of biodegradable packaging, and the right customer’s documentation
plastic products and employee turnover positions [40]. The responsiveness relates from the biodegradable
are included. plastic products’ point of view to the quality of content
Health & safety measures the effect of a procedure flows, evidence flows, and monetary flows from source
or substance on staff and customers’ safety and health to customer point. Flexibility is the potential of the

supply chain for biodegradable plastics to react or future use [40]. A mechanism for promoting decisions
acquire or preserve competitive advantages over mar- that allow organizations to achieve improved environ-
ket shifts toward sustainability [40]. Flexibility ensures mental efficiency ensures sustained progress and avoids
that the film of biodegradable plastics must adapt and adverse environmental effects [39] is the environmental
develop continuously with changes in time and condi- management framework. The biodegradable plastics
tions. The financial recital is a widespread concept that industry’s environmental protection framework involves
includes the cost and management of assets, including concerns like environmental approval, environmental
acquisition costs, design costs, cost of procurement, budgeting, environmental reviews, and environmental
manufacturing costs, cost of the supply chain, cost of compliance [93].
returning, cost and return on investment costs and
added assets [99], as well as cost variances in normal or
contracts, cost variances. The customer-seller partner-
ship is one crucial feature of quality [99]. The poorer A paramount innovation in this modern day is bioplas-
output influences the financial results and prestige of tics. They are products intended to be used for different
the focal company. Quality is measured as customer purposes to make life comfortable for the public. Food,
satisfaction and service quality in the biodegradable beverages, and edible things are being obtained through
plastics market [40]. the use of harmless, lightweight, and various packages
produced from plastics. Nevertheless, plastics can consti-
Environmental dimension tute a considerable nuisance to the environment, such
Environmental evaluation tests the environmental as taking up many spaces, thereby causing great diffi-
awareness of plastics that can be biodegraded [39], but culty for waste management while handling wastes
the social and environmental consequences are not [103]. Many landfills can be taken over by lightweight
agreed upon as it depends on the industry and the plastics, thus becoming a jumble of contamination on
area in which the practices occur [100]. Several inter- land and sea! Though plastics debris may become so
national standards, for example, International uncontrollable for the next generation, they should be
Organization for Standardization (ISO) 26000, OECD educated and trained to handle it. The next generation
guidelines (Organization for Economic Co-operation needs to be educated and qualified in the various means
and Development) [101], ISO 14001, GRI, SA 8000 [102], through which plastic products can be produced and
and research study have been recommended by a utilized adequately to prevent them from constituting a
range of more or less generic requirements. However, great nuisance to the environment. They can be further
these standards cover not all sustainability. Four envir- informed that it is possible to create and use products
onmental areas of biodegradable plastics management so that the waste, greenhouse gases, and pollution can
are isolated in this article, including Carbon emission, be significantly reduced. Presently, resources such as
energy use, environmental management systems, and corn, soy, sugarcane, potato, and other renewable mate-
waste management systems [40]. rials can be used to produce bioplastics. Producing pet-
Consumption of energy is one of the most com- roleum plastics from materials that can be recycled can
monly used environmental factors. Energy usage com- make their sustainable products. Also, the process of
monly means electricity, energy sources, and natural production can equally be sustained. Biodegradable plas-
gas utilized in the manufacturing and processing stages tics and bioplastics can restrict materials that are
in the plastics biodegradable industry. Since climate recycled from lesser power and low carbon impression
change has now become recognized as a grave concern [103]. Because sustainable plastic materials can be
to contemporary communities, the reduction of carbon recycled after usage, they can comprise bio-based, bio-
emissions in the last decade to reduce climate change degradable, and reprocessed plastics.
has become a significant global issue [40]. Concerns Developing biodegradable plastics that can be sus-
surrounding the greenhouse gas emissions from the tained influences the environment. Such effects include
packaging and logistic phases must be minimized the usage of raw materials, sources of energy, and eco-
within the biodegradable plastics sector. Waste man- nomic impact. The economic impact has to do with the
agement often represents industrial development. The creation of trade, employment, and manufacturing
use of waste disposal of biodegradable plastics typically companies in society. The process involved in designing
includes discontinuation of goods from waste dumps, products and services should integrate ways through
recovery of products to raw materials, and the replace- which products can be sustained to prevent the nega-
ment of the product, refunds, or remanufacturing for tive effects of the products on the environment, social

life, and economy [103]. The life Cycle Assessment the shop, yarns, and agricultural purposes [92].
(LCA) program should be adopted as a tool that will Nonetheless, mandatory use of biodegradable plastics
ensure sustained products that will totally reduce the is not the only alternative to pollution. Any type of lit-
negative impacts on the environment, social life, tering, whether on land or at sea, should be strongly
and economy. disliked and discouraged, including the use of plastics.
Proper awareness should be made by informing the
pupils about the appropriate ways of disposing and
Economic impacts of biodegradable plastics
managing waste. The design of environment-friendly
products should be intentionally aimed at.
The first measure to be involved in ascertaining bio- These materials have been created to decrease litter
degradable plastics’ sustainability measures the finan- caused by discarded plastics, either biodegradable or as
cial implications of the use of the product and the manure substitutes. It has been identified that bio-grad-
technique adopted in the production of biodegradable able plastics are usually utilized in the packaging of dis-
plastics. Provisions of good remunerations and a safe posables, and it is utilized in agriculture where
environment for work are the techniques that can be biodegradability is being recommended. The recently
used to ensure sustainable manufacturing methods. better-developed bio-based non-biodegradable plastics
To ensure the economic impacts of sustained bio- (bio-PE and bio-PET) can be used in food packaging
degradable plastics, it should be evaluated through [92]. Currently, there is a growing awareness about the
strategies that can preserve: cost-effectiveness, environ- societal influence of packaging products made from
mental, human, and social capital for a very long time “Biodegradable Plastics.” Many people in society are
[53]. The theoretical approach for measuring all shared willing to change to an alternative packaging material
resources in various units will be provided by the cap- with a lesser carbon impression or produced from
ital strategy, which will afford stable, hypothetically renewable resources. This situation has been the signifi-
comprehensive, and policy-relevant assessments cant motivation to improve biodegradable plastics to
among countries [80]. decrease plastics waste management in our society.
The creations of employments and businesses for
the people are a good measurement of the economic
Environmental impacts of biodegradable plastics
influence of utilizing biodegradable plastics. When jobs
are created, it becomes very easy to introduce taxable
bases and tangible possessions. Also, the manner in Another element involved in the sustainability of bio-
which sustainable materials are used can reduce degradable plastics is measuring its influence on the
energy, discard waste, and manufacture prices during environment due to using natural resources such as
operations. This besides will reduce the costs involved unrefined materials, energy, and landed property in the
in disposing of waste. Furthermore, while plastics’ pro- production of biodegradable plastics. The process
duction prices can be reduced when biodegradable involves manufacturing products made of plastics cap-
plastics are utilized, there will be a reduction in the cost able of causing Greenhouse Gases (GHGs), severe liquid
of energy in the process of producing plastics if lesser waste, contamination of the air, water contamination,
energy pumps, vehicles, and illumination fittings are and lethal substances. The measurement of biodegrad-
used [103]. able plastics sustainability relating to the environment
can be carried out by monitoring depleted resources
and technological pollution during manufacturing the
Social impacts of biodegradable plastics
products or services [92]. While the depletion of resour-
ces comprises usage of the land, usage of energy,
The second component of biodegradable plastics sus- usage of water, the use of fossil fuel, etc., the emission
tainability is that it should be able to assess the influen- of the effluence consists of a change of climate, GHGs,
ces of goods and techniques on society. The contamination of water, contamination of the air,
biodegradable plastics’ social impact, resource usage, release of a lethal substance, poisoning humans, the
and production system should be assessed through the release of cancer-causing agents, summer smog cre-
populace’s outcomes and the workers’ responsibilities ation, acidification, eutrophication, etc.
in society. The past and present narratives explain that Assessment of the environment through strategic
biodegradable plastics are commonly utilized as fol- means is critical for creating sustainable products and
lows: packaging of food, meal provider ware, bags for services [104]. This strategy will ensure the

development of policies, procedures, and sensitive and functional the plastics industry is. When this new stand-
favorable packages to the environment. ard is upheld, plastics industries can profoundly pre-
serve natural environs and enhance social equity and
the economy.
In this era, the accumulation of plastics on the planet is
a serious problem. With the rise of global plastic pro- Future outlook
duction and consumption, the severity of this issue will Bioplastics and, in particular, biodegradable plastics, as
increase exponentially. To reduce the amount of plastic can be seen in the bio-based resources in Figures 4–6,
accumulation and the environmental systems caused and they represent only a small amount of overall plas-
by inevitable accumulation, measures should be taken.
tic production. A near-term scenario where biodegrad-
Biodegradable plastics can protect and improve the
able plastics surpass all current plastic manufacturing is,
environment effectively and enhance environmental
therefore, irrational to imagine. It is also debatable that
protection growth to a great extent. However, the pro-
this is truly advantageous. Biodegradable plastics
duction of biodegradable plastics appears to be much
should, however, be expected to play a role in the
more comfortable than the treatment of them. The
future plastics systems, and provided that: annual
results of biodegradable plastics are highly debated.
demand is growing, and they draw public attention,
There is no answer as to whether biodegradable plas-
they provide opportunities for the use of non-fossil
tics might be a promising solution to the problem of
feedstocks. There are many biodegradability-needed
waste disposal and the global pollution of plastics. They
niche applications (particularly in the agricultural and
are still in their infancy with many aspects of bio-
related industries), and these plastics are capable of
degradable plastics. In order to overcome the problem
doing the same. First, when describing the scope of
of plastic contamination of the environment, there is no
single solution. It is essential to determine the effective possible analysis, there is an exercise for deciding
mix of solutions. Biodegradable plastics should be part “design for deterioration” applications-where biodeg-
of the solution, albeit a very small part, for the time radation will provide a benefit as a disposal choice,
being. There should be no underestimation of the solving a problem that does not have a clear alternative
impact of biodegradable plastics on plastic solution. In creating the material properties and the
accumulation. design of the wider structure required for the applica-
In providing for the modern-day needs by sustaining tions produced, time and energy can then be expended
the biodegradable plastic materials, processes, and sensibly. By updating the prior literature, would be a
structures, it is essential not to hinder the future gener- good place to launch this work. In particular, Shen
ation from achieving their own desire. Organizations et al.’s [40] research, looking at the substitution capacity
commonly adopt the “Triple Bottom Line” approach to of bioplastics for the entire plastic system, will be
analyze and assess how well the biodegradable plastic appropriate to revisit. This time, instead of considering
companies have performed regarding society, econ- the replacement potential of all plastics, the focus
omy, and environment. The effects of products and would be better positioned to calculate the replace-
processes on society are the initial aspect that sustain- ment potential applications that would benefit from
ability is intended to measure. This can be identified biodegradable plastics. The goal would be to consider
based on how easy the employees’ roles are in the pro- the functional aspects of biodegradable plastics. While
cess of manufacturing the product and the level at we have carried out a systemic literature review, we
which the population has been making use of the man- might have missed a variety of contributions. In future
ufactured products. The second aspect has to do with studies, the bibliometric methodology can be used to
measuring the influence of the involved technique in define, identify, analyze, and combine all applicable
manufacturing the product and the level at which the research outcomes through statistical techniques (e.g.
population has been using manufactured products on methods for meta-analysis and co-word analysis) for
the economy. The third aspect is to measure the level future research.
of influence that the manufactured product has on the
environment regarding the use of natural assets for raw
materials, energy, and actual land property. An essential Disclosure statement
condition for evaluating the sustainability of the use of No potential conflict of interest was reported by
developing biodegradable plastic is to identify how the author(s).

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