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Publishing Group

Exercise Medicine
Exercise Medicine 2017; 1:2 |
Open Access
eISSN: 2508-9056


Exercise Rehabilitation after Anterior Cruciate

Ligament Reconstruction
Keun Ok An1*
1Sports and Health Care Major, College of Humanities and Social Sciences, Korea National University of Transportation, Chungju,
Republic of Korea

OBJECTIVES: Exercise rehabilitation after anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction has changed dramatically in
recent years. In this review, we discuss recent changes in exercise programs related to ACL rehabilitation.
METHODS: We conducted a literature review of recently published articles related exercise programs after ACL recon-
RESULTS: The accelerated rehabilitation program, which allows patients to achieve full extension of the knee early in
the postoperative period, is now a widely practiced rehabilitation program. A prospective study of rehabilitation pro-
grams after ACL reconstruction showed that early joint exercises do not interfere with the healing of grafts. Instead, they
alleviate pain, thereby reducing the negative impact. Moreover, according to several biomechanical studies, open kinetic
chain exercises are potentially disadvantageous to knee stability. There is no evidence that early weight bearing results in
weakening of graft distraction or internal fixation compared with delayed weight bearing.
CONCLUSIONS: In conclusion, prevention of ACL injuries and rehabilitative exercise training can help to achieve opti-
mal exercise performance while avoiding the risk of sports-related injury.

KEY WORDS: Exercise; Rehabilitation; ACL reconstruction; Sports injury

© The Author(s). 2017 Open Access This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution
License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original work is properly cited.

turn to the sports field within 4-6 months after ACL re-
construction became practical due to the implementation
Exercise rehabilitation after anterior cruciate ligament of immediate exercise rehabilitation that facilitated recov-
(ACL) reconstruction has changed dramatically in recent ery of ROM and weight bearing (Table 1). In this review,
years. Previous exercise rehabilitation programs required a we discuss recent changes in exercise programs related to
period of 9-12 months to return to the sports field, be- ACL rehabilitation.
cause of the perceived need for a period of 8-10 weeks to
perform limited range of motion (ROM) and full weight Accelerated rehabilitation program
bearing. However, after Shelbourne et al. [1,2] introduced The accelerated rehabilitation program, which allows pa-
the accelerated rehabilitation program, the ability to re- tients to achieve full extension of the knee early in the
postoperative period, is now a widely practiced rehabilita-
tion program. These rehabilitation programs include res-
*Correspondence: Keun Ok An (
Sports and Health Care Major, College of Humanities and Social Sciences,
toration of ROM and weight bearing, early edema reduc-
Korea National University of Transportation, 50 Daehak-ro, Chungju-si, tion, protection of the ACL replacement graft through
Chungbuk 27469, Republic of Korea. closed kinetic chain exercises rather than open kinetic
Received: May 10, 2017; Accepted: June 2, 2017; Published: June 3, 2017

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Exercise Medicine 2017; 1:2 |

Table 1. Accelerated rehabilitation program

Time after reconstruction Rehabilitation program
Continuous passive motion (CPM), rigid knee immobilizer in full extention for walking, weight bearing as tolerated without
Day 1 crutches

2-3 days CPM, passive range of motion (ROM) 0° to 90°(emphasis on full extension), weight bearing as tolerated without crutches

Discharge from hospital; CPM at home.

2-4 day Note: Prerequisite to discharge is 1) satisfactory pain management, 2) full extention symmetical to non-operated knee, 3)
able to do SLR for leg control, 4) full weight bearing with or without cruches

ROM terminal extension, prone hangs (2 pounds) if patient has not achieved full extension, towel extension, wall slide, heel
7-10 day slides, active-assisted flexion, strengthening-knee, bends, step-ups, calf raise; weight bearing-partial to full weight bearing;
gradual elimination of required use of knee immobilizer

ROM(0°-110°), unilateral knee bends, step-ups, calf raises, Stair Master 4000, weight room activities; leg press, quarter squats
2-3 weeks and calf raises in the squat rack, stationary bicycling, swimming, custom-made functional knee brace with no preset limits (to
be used at all times out of the home for the next 4weeks)

ROM(0°-130°), isokinetic evaluation with 20° block at 180 and 240 deg/sec. When strength is 70% or greater than the oppo-
site un-operated knee, the patient can being lateral shuttles, cariocas, light jogging, jumping rope, agility drills, weight room
5-6 weeks
activities, stationary bicycling, and swimming. Note: Functional brace discontinued (except for sports activities) when muscle
tone and strength are sufficient.

10 weeks Full ROM; isokinetic evaluation at 60, 180, and 240 deg/sec, KT 1000, increased agility workouts, sport-specific activities

16 weeks Isokinetic evaluation, KT 1000, increased agility workouts

Return to full sports participation (if patient has met, criteria of full ROM, no effusion, good knee stability, and completed the
4-6 months
running program)

Shelbourne KD & Nitz P. Accelerated rehabilitation after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. J Orthop Sports Phys The, 1992; 15(6):256-64.

chain exercises, restoration of dynamic stability of the home-based exercise rehabilitation with hospital-based
joint through premature hamstring strengthening, propri- rehabilitation centers and other rehabilitation centers.
oceptive functional training and neuromuscular rehabili- Although researchers were more involved, there was no
tation, muscle strength training, and agility training [1]. significant difference in outcomes between the two groups
Preferably, this accelerated rehabilitation exercise program [13-16].
is implemented in an individualized manner, according to
the condition of the patient. Returning to the sports field
A prospective study of rehabilitation programs after The recommended time for returning to the sports field
ACL reconstruction showed that early joint exercises do has varied significantly based on largely different findings
not interfere with the healing of grafts or prevent the limi- of various researchers. However, the researchers suggest
tation of ROM. Instead, they alleviate pain, thereby reduc- the same preconditions for returning to the sports scene
ing the negative impact [3-7]. Moreover, Jørgensen & after surgery, such as restored ROM, disappearance of
Thomsen [8] reported that there is no evidence that early joint edema, isokinetic musculoskeletal test (unaffected
weight bearing results in weakening of graft distraction or side), muscle strength of quadriceps recovered to 80-90%
internal fixation compared with delayed weight bearing. full strength, muscle strength of hamstring recovered to
85-90% full strength, uninvolved in one-leg hop test, and
Open kinetic chain and closed kinetic chain the elapses after surgery during the 9-month postoperative
exercises period [17]. So far, we have discussed how rehabilitation is
In one prospective study, Bynum et al. [9] reported anteri- most effective after ACL injury; however, the innovative
or instability one year postoperatively and decreased pa- paradigm of future rehabilitation programs will require
tient satisfaction with open kinetic chain exercises com- the development of preventive programs to prevent ACL
pared with closed kinetic chain exercises [9]. However, injuries in advance.
other studies observed no difference between open and
closed kinetic chain exercises [10-12]. According to these ACL injury prevention programs
biomechanical studies, open kinetic chain exercises are ACL injury prevention programs consist of programs for
potentially disadvantageous to knee stability, but the improving muscular training and exercise performance
effects of their application remains controversial. Some such as plyometrics, strength training, balance training,
prospective randomized controlled studies have compared and resistance training [18]. The trained athletes are in-

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Exercise Medicine 2017; 1:2 |

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