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Installation, Operation & Maintenance Manual

IP2040/IM, Rev. AC
June 2010 MSP900SH
MSP900SH Series Level Transmitter
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Installation, Operation & Maintenance Manual
IP2040/IM, Rev. AC
MSP900SH June 2010



1. Introduction 3

2. The MSP900SH ultrasonic level transmitter 3

2.1 Type numbering system 3
2.2 Safety data 4
2.3 Pressure Equipment Directive 4
2.4 Specifications 4

3. Installation 5
3.1 Location of the MSP900SH transmitter 5
3.1.1 General considerations 5
3.1.2 Liquid surface conditions 6
3.1.3 In-tank / well effects 6
3.1.4 Open Channel Flow installations 6
3.2 Mounting the transmitter above the liquid surface 8
3.3 Wiring 8
3.4 Additional components in the 2 wire loop 8
3.4.1 Safety Barriers 8
3.4.2 Lightning / surge protection and other loop devices 9
3.5 Wiring to allow HART communication 9
3.6 Use with Mobrey Measurement MSP90 Series controllers 9
3.6.1 Wiring 9

4. Maintenance 10

5. Commissioning / Programming 10
5.1 Current output 10
5.2 Hart programming of the MSP900SH transmitter 10

6. Accessories 11
6.1 Submersion shield 11
6.2 Head Verification Device 11


Appendix 1 MSP900SH Programming parameters 12

Appendix 2 Use with Mobrey Measurement MSP90 Series controllers - Example 14
Appendix 3 71097/1131 FM Intrinsically Safe Control (Entity) Drawing 15

In this manual the following terms are used which refer to trademarks from other manufacturers:

HART: is the protocol adopted for the MSP900 SMART Communications.

HART is a registered trademark of the HART Communications Foundation and is a mnemonic for
Highway Addressable Remote Transducer.

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Installation, Operation & Maintenance Manual
IP2040/IM, Rev. AC
June 2010 MSP900SH

1.0 Introduction

The MSP900 ultrasonic level transmitter is designed to be mounted above a liquid and will measure the distance to the liquid
When programmed with details of the vessel, sump or open channel, the MSP900 will compute level, contents or flow and give
a 4-20mA signal proportional to the chosen variable. Full programming details are given in the Operating Manual IP2040/OM.

MSP900 is a two wire 24V dc loop powered transmitter and may be connected to any suitable dc power source using the factory
fitted cable. The Mobrey Measurement MCU900 range of Control Units is designed to be used with the MSP900 Transmitter in
this way.

The MSP900 transmitter may be mounted in a hazardous area provided that it is supplied from a protected power supply.
When using the MSP900 transmitter with an MCU900 Control Unit, no external Intrinsically Safe Barriers are required as all
protection is built-in to the MCU900 Control Unit.
When using any other power supply, it is the responsibility of the user to ensure suitable Intrinsically Safe Barriers are installed.
Full details are given in section 3.4.1

2.0 The MSP900SH ultrasonic level transmitter.

The transmitter is a factory sealed unit with an operating range of 0.3m to 12m. When powered up the transmitter will give a
4-20mA signal on the two wire power cable over the factory default range: 4mA at 12m; 20mA at 0.3m. This range may be
adjusted using a HART programmer. See section 5.0
(Note: full programming instructions are given in the Operating Manual IP2040/OM)

Fig (i)

A Stainless Steel mounting bracket and 1” thread type – G1” (1” BSPP) (-A); 1” NPT (-U) Nylon locknut are supplied with the
transmitter to facilitate mounting.

2.1 Type numbering system

MSP Mobrey Ultrasonic level transmitter

900 UPVC construction, 12m operating range

SH Factory sealed transmitter, HART communications

-A ATEX & CSA certified intrinsically safe for Zone 0

-U FM & CSA certified intrinsically safe for Zone 0 and FM for DIV 1

/3 Fitted with 3m two core shielded cable

/20 Fitted with 20m two core shielded cable
/50 Fitted with 50m two core shielded cable

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MSP900SH June 2010

2.2 Safety Data

Type numbers MSP900SH-A/** MSP900SH-U/**

Certificate numbers ATEX Sira 09ATEX2102X FM 3021193
CSA 1352094X CSA 1352094X
ATEX Coding
(EU Directive 94/9/EC) II I G

Cenelec Coding Ex ia IIC T4 Ga (-40°C<Ta<60°C)

Ex ia IIC T6 Ga (-40°C<Ta<55°C)

CSA Coding Ex ia IIC T4 (-40°C<Ta<60°C) Ex ia IIC T4 (-40°C≤Ta≤60°C)

Ex ia IIC T6 (-40°C<Ta<55°C) Ex ia IIC T6 (-40°C≤Ta≤55°C)

FM Coding IS/I/1/ABCD T6 Ta = 55°C

T4 Ta = 60°C
IS/I/0/AEx ia IIC T6 Ta = 55°C
T4 Ta = 60°C

Safety parameters
Ui 30 V Ui (Vmax) 30 V
Ii 120mA Ii (lmax) 120mA
Pi 0.82W Pi 0.82W
Li 27mH Li 27mH
Ci 5nF Ci 5nF

2.3 Pressure Equipment Directive

The MSP900SH transmitter does not enclose a pressurised volume and therefore is a component and outside the scope of the
Pressure Equipment Directive 97/ 23/EC.

Accordingly, the Declaration of Conformity for the MSP900SH does not list the Pressure Equipment Directive.

2.4 Specifications

Materials of construction:
Body Material UPVC (stabilised)
Cable sealant Epoxy adhesive
Locknut Nylon
Bracket 316 Stainless Steel
Cable PVC sheathed two core shielded cable
Supply voltage
Transmitter in Non-hazardous area: 12-40V dc
Transmitter in Hazardous area: 12-30V dc
Output 4-20mA
Communications HART Digital communications (Rev. 5)
Earthing None required
Cable size Overall diameter 4mm, two cores each 0.22 mm
Cable length 3m, 20m or 50m.
Cable resistance 0.1 Ohm per metre length.
Range 0.3 to 12m
Ambient -40°C to +60°C
Wetside -40°C to +60°C
Pressure 0 bar to 3.0 bar
(restricted to 0 - 1.0 bar for use in Canada)

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June 2010 MSP900SH

3.0 Installation

The MSP900SH may be mounted in a hazardous area provided it is supplied through or from a suitably protected
power supply (such as the Mobrey Measurement MCU900 Series).

Refer to the safety parameters given in section 2.2 and safety instruction leaflet IP2040/SI (-A), 71097/1131 (-U).

3.1 Location of the MSP900SH transmitter

The transmitter must be installed in a location where it is protected from ultraviolet radiation, in order
to prevent long term degradation of the plastics used in its construction e.g. shrouded from direct
Correct location of the transmitter is essential for the reliable operation of any ultrasonic level
measurement system. Whilst the transmitter may be site tuned to deal with most application
conditions, it is strongly recommended that the following guidelines should be adopted wherever

For maximum accuracy and stability of the level measurement reading the transmitter should always
be shrouded from direct sunlight and any radiated heat.

The transmitter should be mounted as near vertical as possible to ensure a

good echo from the liquid surface and maximum echo size received.
The beam angle (to the half power point) of the transmitter is 12 degrees

If the transmitter is located near the side of the tank or well, there will be no
false echo generated provided the wall is smooth and free of protrusions.

However, there will still be a reduction in the echo size. To avoid large echo
size loss, it is recommended that the transmitter never be mounted closer
than 300mm to the wall.

Fatty, dirty or viscous liquids can cause a “scum line” to build-up on the tank or well wall. Avoid false echoes from this by
enabling “scum line prevention” software in the MCU control unit.

If the transmitter is mounted in an enclosed tank, avoid mounting the transmitter in the centre of the tank roof as this could act
as a parabolic reflector and create unwanted echoes.

If the transmitter is mounted in a stand-off or nozzle, it is always preferable

that the transmitter face be at least 5mm proud of the stand-off such that it
protrudes beyond the stand-off and into the tank.

Remember that the minimum operating range of the transmitter is 300mm.

The transmitter will not detect any liquid surface closer than 300mm to the
transmitter face.

Obstructions in the tank or well may generate echoes which can be

confused with the real liquid surface echo. Obstructions within the beam
angle generate strong “false-echoes”; wherever possible, the transmitter
should be positioned such that false echoes are avoided.

To avoid detecting unwanted objects in the tank or well, it is advisable to

maintain a distance of at least 0.11m from the centre line of the transmitter
for every metre range to the obstruction.

3.1.1 General considerations

• The MSP900SH transmitter complies with the European Directive for Electro Magnetic Compatibility (EMC) Class B.
It is not advisable to mount the transmitter in close proximity to a source of electrical noise such as a variable speed drive
or other high powered electrical device.

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MSP900SH June 2010

3.1.2 Liquid surface conditions

• Foaming liquids can reduce the size of the returned echo as foam is a poor ultrasonic reflector. It is always preferable to
mount an ultrasonic transmitter over an area of clear liquid, such as near the inlet to a tank or well. In extreme conditions,
or where this is not possible, the transmitter may be mounted in a vented stilling tube provided that the inside bore of the
stilling tube is at least 100 mm and is smooth and free from joints or protrusions. It is also preferable that the bottom of
the stilling tube does not become uncovered, thus preventing the ingress of foams.

• Beware of mounting the transmitter directly over any inlet stream.

• Liquid surface turbulence is not normally a problem unless it is excessive. In most cases, the effects of turbulence are
minor, with excessive turbulence being catered for by fine tuning the transmitter on site if necessary.

3.1.3 In-tank / well effects

• Stirrers or agitators can cause a vortex. Always try to mount the transmitter off-centre of any vortex to maximise the
return echo.
As stirrer blades become uncovered they will create echoes as they pass through the ultrasonic beam. The transmitter
can be tuned to ignore these false echoes on site.

• In non-linear tanks with rounded or conical bottoms, always mount the transmitter off-centre. In some cases, it may be
desirable to install a perforated reflector plate on the tank bottom directly under the transmitter
centre line to ensure a satisfactory return echo.

• Avoid mounting the transmitter directly above any pumps in the well as the transmitter will detect the pump
casing as the liquid falls away. If this is not possible, fine tuning on site may be required to ignore echoes
from the pump casings.

• If the well is subject to flooding, it is advisable to fit the transmitter with a submersion shield. Whilst the
transmitter will of course stop working whilst covered with liquid, the transmit face will be protected from
contamination by an air lock inside the shield.

3.1.4 Open Channel Flow installations

There are normally two distinct parts to an open channel flow measurement system; the primary element (flow structure) and the
secondary element (Head measurement instrumentation).
For accurate open channel flow measurement, both parts of the system must be installed accurately.

This manual explains some key aspects of the installation of the secondary element, in this case the ultrasonic transducer.
For full details of the installation of a primary element such as a flume or weir, reference should be made to the relevant British
(BS3680) or International standards.

In the United Kingdom, Mobrey Measurement offers a complete installation and commissioning service for open channel flow
measurement systems. For further information contact the sales office or refer to Mobrey Measurement Service Division.

* Positioning of the transmitter is critical and should be the correct distance upstream from the flow structure as stated in the
relevant standard e.g. a distance of 4 to 5 times hmax for a thin plate weir or 3 to 4 times hmax for a flume (BS3680).
For optimum accuracy the front face of the sensor should be positioned at a height that is at least equal to the maximum flow
depth plus the blanking distance of the transducer. A minimum distance of 350mm above the top water level is recommended.

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June 2010 MSP900SH

Hmax +


It is important to note that the bottom reference of the transmitter should be related to the centre of the invert of the primary
device, NOT the distance to the channel bottom directly below the transmitter.

bottom ref


Channel Primary element

invert (e.g. Flume, weir)
i t
In addition to the above, when setting the bottom reference on a ‘V’ notch weir it is important that the true invert of the weir is
taken and not the meniscus liquid level, which may be 2 to 3mm above the true invert.

bottom reference

True invert

• The liquid surface at the point of measurement must have a stable, smooth surface and uniform approach velocity. It
must not be affected by baffles, foam, hydraulic jumps or any other object likely to cause flow disruption.

• The primary element should be free from any situation where it is likely to ‘drown’ (refer to relevant standard for further

• The MSP900SH transmitter has integral temperature compensation and must be protected at all times from direct
sunlight and any radiated heat.
For maximum accuracy and stability of level measurement reading the transmitter should always be shrouded to prevent
the incidence of direct sunlight.
If the flow structure permits, mount the transmitter within the flow channel or chamber.

• In many installations, the use of a calibration device is mandatory. Mobrey Measurement offers the MSP-HVD for this
purpose, details on request.
In order to minimise measurement uncertainties when a calibration device is installed, it is recommended that the
calibrated range should be kept to a realistic minimum. i.e. max flow level less 30 to 100mm dependant on measurement
span. Ensure that the target plate of the calibration device does not fall within the 300mm blanking distance of the

All calibrations should be derived to suit as installed conditions.

If you are in doubt about any aspect of transmitter installation, contact Mobrey Measurement for advice.

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MSP900SH June 2010

3.2 Mounting the transmitter above the liquid surface

The transmitter is supplied with a purpose made 316 Stainless Steel mounting bracket which should be used to mount the
transmitter over the liquid surface.
The bracket is designed to fit over the 1” threaded neck of the transmitter and is retained by a locknut.

IMPORTANT: Never suspend the transmitter by the cable.

Use a chain or wire through the hole provided in the bracket, which is shaped to ensure that the transmitter will hang
perpendicular to the liquid surface.
Check that the material of the chain or wire is corrosion resistant to the liquids and any vapours present.

Alternatively, the bracket may be bolted to a suitable cross member above the liquid surface. Ensure that the transmitter is
perpendicular to the liquid surface to maximise the return echo size.

Check that the maximum liquid level will not encroach into the 0.3m blanking zone of the transmitter.

Note: To aid alignment, the echo size / signal strength can be displayed on the MCU900 control unit or on a suitable HART
compliant handheld. Refer to IP2030/OM for full details.

3.3 Wiring

The transmitter is supplied with a factory fitted length of PVC sheathed two core shielded cable which should be neatly run back
to the control unit or a suitable local IP65 junction box.

The transmitter cable cores are identified as follows:-

Red 24V dc
Black 0V dc
Screen Earth: must be connected to an Intrinsically Safe Earth in the non-hazardous area if the transmitter is
installed in a hazardous area.
Connect to a standard earth if the transmitter is not in a hazardous area.

The cable may be cut to length on site or may be extended using an IP65 junction box and suitable extension cable up to a total
length of 3000 m.

Where the transmitter is installed in a hazardous area, it is the responsibility of the user to ensure that the cable parameters of
the total length of cable used together with the parameters of the MSP900SH are less than the safety parameters of the safety
barrier (or MCU900 Control Unit if used instead). See section 3.4.
Multi-core cable may be used provided that each pair within the multi-core has a separate shield.

As good instrumentation practice, avoid tracking the cable with other cables which carry high voltages if possible.

3.4 Additional components in the two wire loop

3.4.1 Safety barriers – installation of the transmitter in a hazardous area

When used with the Mobrey Measurement Control Unit Series MCU900, NO additional safety barriers are required as the output
from the control unit is Intrinsically Safe (refer to manual IP2030/IM supplied with the control unit for full details)

If powering the transmitter from any other power supply, it is the responsibility of the user to ensure a suitable Intrinsically Safe
barrier is fitted in the safe area.

The barrier must be chosen such that its output parameters Uo, Io and Po are less than Ui, Ii and Pi of the MSP900SH
For the MSP900SH transmitter, Ui = 30V, Ii = 120mA and Pi = 0.82W.

In addition, the sum of the capacitance and the inductance of the transmitter and any extra cable fitted must not exceed the
maximum specified for the barrier chosen.
For the MSP900SH transmitter with 50m of factory fitted cable, Ci = 5nF and Li = 27mH

Suitable barriers include the MTL products 706, 706S, 787, and 787S.

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June 2010 MSP900SH

3.4.2 Lightning / surge protection and other loop devices

It is allowable to fit loop powered or separately powered devices in the two wire loop provided that the transmitter receives a
minimum voltage of 12V dc at 21 mA loop current.

It is the responsibility of the user to ensure any loop devices, if mounted in the hazardous area, carry the requisite hazardous
area certification and do not cause the system parameters to exceed those of the safety barrier (or MCU900).

If the area is prone to lightning strikes or voltage surges, fitting of a suppressor device is desirable between the transmitter and
the control unit.

3.5 Wiring to allow HART communication

When used with the Mobrey Measurement MCU900 Control Unit, there is no need to install an external load resistor in the loop
as there is a suitable resistor built in to the Control Unit.

If it is intended to use HART digital communications with the MSP900SH transmitter, a 250Ohm 0.25W load resistor must be
installed in the loop.

If the transmitter is being supplied through a safety barrier, ensure the type chosen will pass HART/SMART information.

Once installed, a HART communicator can be connected across the load resistor, or across the loop at any point downstream of
the load resistor.

It is the responsibility of the user to ensure that any HART communicator used in the hazardous area is suitably certified for that

3.6 Using the MSP900SH transmitter with an MSP90 Series controller

Although the MSP900SH transmitter is designed for use with the new MCU900 Series control units, there are many thousands
of MSP90 Series control units in the field with which it may be used.

It is important to note that the MSP90 Controller was normally used with an MSP90 style ultrasonic transducer, with the
controller supplying a voltage pulse to the transmitter and then interpreting and processing the return echo.
The MSP900 transmitter works in a different way, as it performs all processing in the transmitter itself, requiring only a loop
power connection to the control unit.

3.6.1 Wiring

When connecting the MSP900SH transmitter to an MSP90 Series control unit, different terminals are used in the control unit.
If connected, disconnect the existing MSP90 type transducer. These terminals are not used with the new MSP900SH type
Connect the MSP900SH screened and twisted pair cable to the current input terminals of the MSP90 Controller as follows:

MSP900SH wire Wall mount controller type Panel mount controller type
MSP90 - 11- C MSP90 - 61* - C
Red Terminal 18 : I in Loop Power+ Terminal 18 : I in Loop Power+
Black Terminal 14 : 4-20mA I in+ Terminal 8 : Current in+

Important note when the transmitter is located in a hazardous area:

If the MSP900SH transmitter is located in a hazardous area, it is the responsibility of the user to ensure that a suitable
Intrinsically Safe barrier is fitted in the safe area.

The barrier must be chosen such that its output parameters Uo, Io and Po are less than Ui, Ii and Pi of the MSP900SH
For the MSP900SH transmitter, Ui = 30V, Ii = 120mA and Pi = 0.82W.

In addition, the sum of the capacitance and the inductance of the transmitter and any extra cable fitted must not exceed the
maximum specified for the barrier chosen.
For the MSP900SH transmitter with 50m of factory fitted cable, Ci = 5nF and Li = 27uH

Suitable barriers include the MTL products 706, 706S, 787, and 787S.

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MSP900SH June 2010

3.6.2 Programming the MSP90 Series control unit to operate with the MSP900SH transmitter

The MSP900SH is a transmitter and will need to be programmed to give a 4-20mA signal proportional to the level in the tank.
(See Section 5 of this manual)

On the MSP90 control unit:

Set P39 to 7. This sets the MSP90 control unit to current input mode.

Set P03 to the value, in metres, corresponding to the range of the 4-20mA output of the MSP900SH transmitter.
In a tank or sump of depth 8.5m, you will most likely have programmed the MSP900SH to give 4-20mA over the range 0.3m to
8.5m. P03 in the MSP90 control unit will therefore need to be set to 8.2.

P21 is a parameter which is used to convert level measurement to contents measurement. Where the vessel is a simple tank or
sump and the readout is required to be level, leave P21 set to 0.

If it is required to give a readout in contents, P21 should be set dependant upon vessel shape - refer to the MSP90 controller

A typical example is given in Appendix 2 of this manual.

Refer to the manual supplied with the MSP90 Control unit for full programming details of the MSP90 control unit if in any doubt.

4.0. Maintenance

There is no routine maintenance required for the MSP900SH other than an occasional check to ensure that the front face of the
transmitter is clean and that the wiring is in good condition.

5.0 Commissioning / Programming

5.1. Current Output

This section gives a very brief overview to allow checking of the installation. For full programming details, refer to the Operating
Manual IP2040/OM.

When power is applied to the transmitter it will give a 4-20mA signal proportional to “level” based on some factory set default
values for a typical tank :-

Bottom reference (depth of tank) 12m from transducer face

4mA level 0m
20mA level 11.7m

Hence, for a liquid surface (or other flat target) that is 5m away, the current on the loop will represent a liquid level of
(12m – 5m) = 7m with a value of 13.57mA.

The user may programme the MSP900SH transmitter with the specific installation details to re-range the 4-20mA signal.

The MSP900SH transmitter is usually connected to a Mobrey Measurement MCU900 control unit which allows access to and
changing of the transmitter operating parameters.

5.2. HART programming of the MSP900SH transmitter

If being used without the MCU900 Control Unit a HART compatible programming device will be necessary (see IP2040/OM) and
the loop must have a load resistor installed.

To further assist the user who has access to a HART programming tool, Appendix 1 gives a list of the operating Parameters of
the MSP900SH transmitter.

HART transmitters are able to provide up to 4 Variables in digital format. These are known as the Primary (PV), secondary (SV),
Tertiary (TV) and Quaternary (QV) Variables, and are factory set by the manufacturer of the HART transmitter.

HART compatible programming or control devices are able to read these variables and display them on demand.

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June 2010 MSP900SH

The MSP900SH variables are factory set as follows:

Primary Variable (PV) The primary reading from the transmitter, normally level, but which the user may
change by programming of the MSP900SH, for example to Contents or Flow.

Secondary Variable (SV) Factory fixed to read the level calculated by the MSP900SH

Tertiary Variable (TV) Factory fixed to read distance (range) to target.

Quaternary Variable (QV) Factory fixed to read the temperature recorded by the MSP900SH.

When being used with an MCU Series control unit, these variables are available to view as parameters:

PV D900
SV D901
TV D902
QV D903

6.0 Accessories

6.1 Submersion shield

The MSP-SUB2 is a tubular shield which slips over the black transmitter front housing.
This is usually fitted in wet well installations where the liquid level could rise faster than the pumps can pump out. As the liquid
covers the transmitter, an air-lock is created in the shield and the transmitter face remains free from contamination.

6.2 Head Verification Device

The MSP-HVD is a combined mounting bracket and verification device for use with the MSP900SH transmitter, normally used in
Open Channel Flow applications.
The HVD is mounted on an arm over the channel and supports the MSP900SH on an integral bracket. A target plate at a fixed
distance from the transmitter face may be swung under the transmitter. The level and flow readings calculated by the transmitter
in this situation may then be compared to a local calibration plate to ensure that the system is functioning correctly.

Refer to data sheet IP267 for further details.

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MSP900SH June 2010

Appendix I: MSP900SH programming parameters

Menu Level 1 Menu Level 2 Menu Level 3 Menu Level 4 Par No. Parameter Name Units m ft in
SETUP DUTY P010 Bottom Reference (Tank Height) as base units 3.3 11 132
Present Depth as base units - - -
Set as Empty - - - -
P011 Tank Shape (Tank Type) - Linear Linear Linear
P060 Distance Offset as base units 0 0 0
P069 Level Offset as base units 0 0 0
P013 PV Scale Factor - 1.0 1.0 1.0
P014 Profile Height as base units 1.0 1.0 1.0
NLP CURVE P030 Profile Point 1 % 10 10 10
P031 Profile Point 2 % 20 20 20
P032 Profile Point 3 % 30 30 30
P033 Profile Point 4 % 40 40 40
P034 Profile Point 5 % 50 50 50
P035 Profile Point 6 % 60 60 60
P036 Profile Point 7 % 70 70 70
P037 Profile Point 8 % 80 80 80
P038 Profile Point 9 % 90 90 90
P039 Profile Point 10 % 100 100 100
P001 Tag - MSP900FH
P002 Descriptor - MSP900 XTMR
PV CALC P012 Primary Variable Units (PV Units) - m ft in
OUTPUT CURRENT P015 Upper range value as PV units 3.0 10 120
P016 Lower range value as PV units 0.0 0.0 0.0
P020 Damping sec 3.0 3.0 3.0
ENGINEERING P021 LE Delay sec 900 900 900
P022 LE Action - Hold Hold Hold
P023 Upper Blanking as base units 0.3 1.0 1.0
P063 Lower Blanking as base units 0.0 0.0 0.0
P024 Speed of Sound base units/s 331.8 1088.6 1088.6
P025 Temperature C or F Auto Auto Auto
P026 Set Threshold % Auto Auto Auto
ADVANCED P040 Transmit Power Control -
P041 Pulse Repetition sec
P042 Echoes Needed -
P043 Threshold 1 Time ms 2.9 2.9 2.9
P044 Target Pulses -
P045 Target Frequency kHz
P048 Threshold 1 Size % 4 4 4
P049 Spike Rejection -
FALSE ECHO DATA P081 False Echo D 1 as base units - - -
P082 False Echo S 1 %
P083 False Echo D 2 as base units
P084 False Echo S 2 %
P085 False Echo D 3 as base units
P086 False Echo S 3 %
P087 False Echo D 4 as base units
P088 False Echo S 4 %
D980 No. of False Echoes Stored -
FALSE ECHO ACTION P089 Clear False Echoes -
TRIM Fix Current -
Trim 4mA -
Trim 20mA -
Base Units -
FIXED P004 Final Assembly Number -
P005 Serial Number -
P970 Transducer material -
HART D949 Model Code -
D950 HART Device Code -
D951 Poll Address -
D952 Hardware Revision -
D953 Software Revision -
D960 Manufacturer -

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June 2010 MSP900SH

MSP900SH programming parameters – cont’d

Menu Level 1 Menu Level 2 Menu Level 3 Menu Level 4 Par No. Parameter Name Units m ft in
MONITOR READINGS VARIABLES D900 Primary Variable as PV units
D901 Level (SV) base units
D902 Distance (TV) base units
D903 Transducer Temperature C or F
CURRENT D906 Current output mA
D905 % Current Output %
DIAGNOSTICS D910 Distance to Target base units
D911 Echo Size %
D912 Echo Success Rate %
D913 Target Echoes -
D914 Speed of Sound base units/s
D915 Temperature SoS Calc C or F
OPERATION D916 Transducer Frequency kHz
D917 Threshold in Use %
D918 Pulses in Use -
D919 Transmit Power -
STATUS D991 Device Status Group 1 -
D992 Device Status Group 2 -
D993 Device Status Group 3 -
D994 Device Status Group 4 -
D995 Device Status Group 5 -
D996 Device Status Group 6 -
HISTORY P003 Date dmy
P046 Maximum Temperature °C
P047 Minimum Temperature °C

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MSP900SH June 2010

Appendix 2 - Use with Mobrey Measurement MSP90 Series controllers – example

Programming example when using the new MSP900SH transmitter with an old style MSP90 Series controller.
A2.1 Vertical rectangular or cylindrical sump, originally displaying level in metres, 4.2m from transducer face to bottom of sump.

• The new MSP900SH should be mounted in the same position as the old transducer such that the distance to
the bottom of sump is 4.2m. If this is not possible, re-measure the distance to the bottom of the sump once
the MSP900SH transmitter is mounted.

• The MSP900SH transmitter should be configured with a bottom reference of 4.2m

(or whatever the new distance is) and the 4-20mA output ranged from 0m level to 3.9m level
(4.2 - 0.3m dead zone = 3.9m).
If there is no HART device available to configure the MSP900SH in this way, refer to the note below.

• On the MSP90 control unit:

Set P39 = 7 (Current input)
Set P3 = 3.9 (Range of 4-20mA signal)
Set or check P21 = 0 (linear vessel)

Note: If it is not possible to re-range the MSP900SH transmitter on site, it may be used with factory default settings. The 4-20mA
from the MSP900SH transmitter is set for 4mA at 0m and 20mA at 11.7m.

In this case, P3 must be set to 11.7 as this is the full range of the transmitter signal.

If in doubt, do not hesitate to contact Mobrey Measurement Customer Support for further advice.

Page 14
Installation, Operation & Maintenance Manual
IP2040/IM, Rev. AC
June 2010 MSP900SH

Appendix 3 - Intrinsically safe control drawing

Page 15
Installation, Operation & Maintenance Manual
IP2040/IM, Rev. AC
MSP900SH June 2010

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