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Bonnie Lundbohm - 2025

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Barclaycard World Mastercard® Statement

Bonnie Lundbohm | Account Ending 2025 | Statement Period 05/11/20-06/10/20 Page 1 of 5

Account Activity Payment Information

Previous Balance as of 05/11/20 $0.00 Statement Balance: $445.39
Payments - Thank You - $0.00 Minimum Payment Due: $37.00
Purchases + $445.39 Payment Due Date: 07/06/20
Fees Charged + $0.00 Late Payment Warning: If we do not receive your minimum payment by the
Interest Charged + $0.00 date listed above, you may have to pay a late fee of up to $37.00.

Statement Balance as of 06/10/20 = $445.39 Minimum Payment Warning: If you make only the minimum payment each
period, you will pay more in interest and it will take you longer to pay off your
APR Details begin on page 2 in the Interest Charge

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balance. For example:
Calculation section.
If you make no You will pay off the And you will end up
Transaction details begin on page 2.
additional charges using balance shown on this paying an estimated total
this card and each month statement in about… of…
you pay…
Credit Line
Only the minimum
Total Revolving Credit Line Includes $8,000.00 13 years $5,899.00
$1,400.00 cash advance line
Available Revolving Credit Line $7,554.61 $91.00 3 years
(Savings = $2,623.00)
as of 06/10/20
Available for cash advances $1,400.00 If you would like information about credit counseling services, please call 800-570-1403.

Repayment information based on activity and APR’s on your account as of the closing date.
Cash Rewards Summary
Cash Rewards Earned This Period $0.00 terms of your account call Barclays at 866-928-0416 . New York residents may contact the New York
Total Cash Rewards Balance $61.81 State Department of Financial Services by telephone (800) 342-3736, or visit its website,,
For details see page 3 for free information on comparative credit card rates, fees and grace periods.
SEE INSIDE: You may have additional important messages inside.


Ways to pay: Barclays Mobile App 866-928-0416

Statement Balance as of 06/10/20: (account ending 2025) $445.39

Minimum Payment Due: $37.00
Payment Due Date: 07/06/20

Make check payable to Barclays. Allow 7-10 days for USPSdelivery.

------ manifest line ------- --

BONNIE LUNDBOHM Barclays Bank Delaware

24 WOOD TER P.O. Box 13337
FRAMINGHAM, MA 01702-5822 Wilmington, DE 19801

Barclaycard World Mastercard® Statement

Bonnie Lundbohm | Account Ending 2025 | Statement Period 05/11/20-06/10/20 Page 2 of 5

Transaction Date Posting Date Description Cash Rewards Amount

No Transaction Activity at This Time N/A $0.00

Total payments for this period N/A $0.00

*2025 2/5
Purchase Activity for Bonnie Lundbohm card ending 2025


May 18 May 20 CVS/PHARMACY #00915 BEVERLY MA N/A $12.60
May 23 May 23 BLACK COW HAMILTON MA N/A $45.59
May 31 May 31 PANERA BREAD #203429 P BEVERLY MA N/A $6.84
Jun 07 Jun 08 II *INTERVAL INT 800-828-8200 FL N/A $85.00

Total purchase activity for this period N/A $445.38

To see activity after this statement period, visit

Fees and Interest

Transaction Date Posting Date Description Amount

Fees Charged
No fees charged for this period $0.00

Total fees for this period $0.00

Interest Charged
No Interest charged On Purchases for this period $0.00

No Interest charged On Balance Transfers for this period $0.00

Total interest for this period $0.00

2020 Year-to-Date Totals

Total fees charged in 2020 $0.00

Total interest charged in 2020 $0.00

This Year-to-date summary reflects the Fees and Interest charged on billing statements with closing dates in 2020,
and does not reflect any subsequent fee and/or interest adjustments.

Interest Charge Calculation Days in Billing Cycle : 30

Promotional Balance Subject Annual Percentage Interest

Type of Balance Rate End Date to Interest Rate Rate (APR) Charge

Standard Purchases – $0.00 24.74% (v) $0.00

continued on page 3

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Barclaycard World Mastercard® Statement

Bonnie Lundbohm | Account Ending 2025 | Statement Period 05/11/20-06/10/20 Page 3 of 5

Promotional Balance Subject Annual Percentage Interest

Type of Balance Rate End Date to Interest Rate Rate (APR) Charge

Balance Transfers
Standard Balance Transfers/Checks – $0.00 24.74% (v) $0.00

Balance Transfer/Check Promotion – $0.00 0.00% $0.00

Balance Transfer/Check Promotion – $0.00 0.00% $0.00

*2025 3/5
Cash Advances
Standard Cash Advance – $0.00 26.99% (v) $0.00

Total $0.00

Your Annual Percentage Rate (APR) is the annual interest rate on your account. (v) = Variable Rate
See the “Important Information” section of this statement for more information about how we calculate interest.


If you have a 0% promotional APR on all of your Purchase balances, you can avoid paying interest on those balances during the applicable promotional period. However, pay at least
your Minimum Payment Due to avoid a late fee.

If you have both Purchase balances with an APR greater than 0% and you also have other promotional balances on your Account, you can avoid paying interest on your Purchases by
paying $ 1,788.42 (this amount includes any Minimum Payment Due required to avoid a late fee). Please refer to the “Accrual of Interest and How to Avoid Paying Interest on
Purchases” paragraph on the back of this Statement for further detail.

Cash Rewards Details

Beginning Cash Rewards Balance $61.81

Cash Rewards earned on qualifying purchases $0.00

Ending Cash Rewards balance $61.81


It’s easy. Just add an authorized user to your account and earn Cash Back on every purchase they make. That’s a great way to boost your earning potential. Log in
and add an authorized user today!

Visit or use the Barclays Mobile App

Important Information
Page 4 of 5

Information About Credit Bureau Reporting: We may report information about your address by 5 p.m. ET that otherwise meets the requirements of a conforming payment will
account to credit bureaus. Late payments, missed payments, or other defaults on your be credited to your account that same day.
account may be reflected in your credit report.
How We Will Calculate Interest. We use a method called “daily balance" (including new
Lost or Stolen Card: Your credit card is issued by Barclays Bank Delaware. If your card is purchases). We calculate interest separately for each “Balance Subject to Interest Rate.”
lost or stolen, please contact us immediately at 866-928-0416 at any time. These include for example, Purchases at the current rate, Balance Transfers at the current
rate, Cash Advances at the current rate, and different promotional balances. Your monthly
Payment Information: Each billing cycle, you must pay at least the Minimum Payment Due billing statement shows each “Balance Subject to Interest Rate.”
shown on your monthly statement by its Payment Due Date. Both the Minimum Payment
Due and Payment Due Date are noted on your statement and on your home page when you To calculate interest, we first calculate a daily balance for each Balance Subject to Interest
login to At any time you may pay more than the Minimum Payment Due up Rate. We start with the balance, for that Balance Subject to Interest Rate, as of the end of

*2025 4/5
to the full amount you owe us, however you cannot “pay ahead”. This means that if you the previous day. We add any interest calculated on the previous day’s balance. (This means
pay more than the required Minimum Payment Due in any billing cycle or if you make more interest is compounded daily). We add any new Purchases, Balance Transfers or Cash
than one payment in a billing cycle, you will still need to pay the next month’s required Advances to the appropriate balance, subtract any new payments or credits from the
Minimum Payment Due by your next Payment Due Date. Remember to make all checks appropriate balance, and make other adjustments. A credit balance is treated as a balance
payable to Barclays. Please allow 7 to 10 days for the U.S. Postal Service to deliver of zero. We then multiply each daily balance by the applicable daily periodic rate. We do this
your payment to us. Upon our receipt, your available credit may not be increased for each day in the billing period. That gives us the daily interest. We add up all the daily
by the payment amount for up to 7 days to ensure the funds from the bank on interest for all of the daily balances to get the total interest for the billing period.
which your payment is drawn are collected and not returned. When you provide a
check as payment on this Account, you authorize us to either use the information from your Accrual of Interest and How to Avoid Paying Interest on Purchases. Your due date is
check to make a one-time electronic fund transfer from your account or to process the at least 23 days after the close of each billing cycle. On Purchases, interest begins to accrue
payment as a check transaction. When we use information from your check to make an as of the transaction date. However, you can avoid paying interest on Purchases in any
electronic fund transfer, funds may be withdrawn from your account as soon as the same given billing cycle if you pay your Statement Balance in full by the Payment Due Date. You
day we receive your payment, and you will not receive your check back from your financial may also avoid paying interest on Purchases if either Paragraph A or Paragraph B of this
institution. For inquiries, please call 866-928-0416. section applies to your account.

Mailed Payments: A conforming payment received by us by 5 p.m. ET will be credited to A. If you have Purchase balances with a 0% promotional APR, you can avoid paying interest
your account the day of receipt. A “conforming payment” is a payment that: 1) is mailed on those Purchase balances during the promotional period, and the following Paragraph B
using the enclosed envelope and payment coupon included with this statement or mailed will not apply to your account. (However, to avoid a late fee, pay at least your Minimum
with a payment coupon printed from to Barclays, P.O. Box 13337 Payment Due.)
Philadelphia, PA 19101-3337; and 2) is in the form of a single, non-folded check or money B. If you have Purchase balances with an APR that is greater than 0%, and you also have
order made payable in U.S. dollars from a U.S. based institution. Any payment that does not other types of promotional balances on your account, you still may be able to avoid paying
meet these requirements, or any payment with multiple checks or money orders, additional interest on those balances without paying your Statement Balance in full. If this applies to
correspondence, staples, paperclips, etc. will be considered a “non-conforming payment” your Account, you will see a Paragraph titled “Avoiding Interest on Purchases (Grace
which may delay the crediting of the payment for up to 5 days. Period)” appearing directly below the Interest Charge Calculation section on the front of
this Statement. This will show the amount you can pay by the Payment Due Date and still
Other Payment Options: avoid interest charges on your Purchase balances. This amount may differ from your
Web: Visit to set up your payments. Statement Balance. It may differ because you currently have certain promotional APR
Mobile : To download the Barclays Mobile App, text MOBILE to 53818. balances, and the nonpayment of these balances will not affect your grace period on
Phone: Call us at 866-928-0416 and we will process your payment. Purchases, provided you pay all other balances on your account. (However, to avoid a late
fee, pay at least your Minimum Payment Due.)
All payments made via web, mobile app or pay by phone by 7:00 p.m. ET will be credited For Balance Transfers, interest will accrue from the transaction date which generally will be
to your account that same day. the day the payee accepts the Check. For Cash Advances, interest will accrue from the
transaction date which generally will be the day you take the Cash Advance. Please note
Overnight Payments: Send overnight courier service or U.S.P.S. Priority Mail payments to that purchases of Cash Equivalents, which include money orders, travelers checks, foreign
Card Services, 400 White Clay Center Drive, Newark, DE 19711. A payment received at this currency, lottery tickets, gambling chips and wire transfers, are treated as Cash Advances

Continued on page 5

Make Changes to your contact information below

City State Zip
Home Phone Work Phone
Email Address
Page 5 of 5
and do not have a grace period. See your Cardmember Agreement for more information. 3. You must not yet have fully paid for the purchase.

Minimum Interest Charge: This fee, if imposed, appears in the Summary of Fees as a If all of the criteria above are met and you are still dissatisfied with the purchase, contact us
“Minimum Interest Charge” or “Minimum Charge." in writing at:

No Pre-Set Spending Limit: “No Pre-Set Spending Limit” does not mean unlimited Card Services
spending, it means we may permit you from time to time at our discretion to make certain P.O. Box 8802
charges that will cause your outstanding balance to exceed your revolving credit line. Any Wilmington, DE 19899-8802.
such charge will be considered on an individual basis and such evaluation will be based on
your account spending and payment history as well as your experience with other creditors. While we investigate, the same rules apply to the disputed amount as discussed above. After
If you exceed your revolving credit line, then you must pay, with your Minimum Payment we finish our investigation, we will tell you our decision. At that point, if we think you owe an

*2025 5/5
Due, the amount by which your balance exceeds your revolving credit line, including amount and you do not pay, we may report you as delinquent.
amounts due to Purchases, Cash Advances, Interest charges, Fees, or other charges.
Please refer to your Cardmember Agreement for additional information about the terms of
Credit Bureau Disputes: If you believe that an entry we have made on your credit bureau your Account.
report is inaccurate or incomplete, please contact the reporting agency directly or contact us
at Card Services, P.O. Box 8803 Wilmington, DE 19899-8801. Please include your name; 2020 Barclays Bank Delaware, member FDIC
your account number; the credit reporting agency where you received the bureau report; a
description of the error; and why you believe it is an error. We will promptly investigate,
notify you of our findings, and send an update to the credit bureaus if warranted within 30

What To Do If You Think You Find A Mistake On Your Statement

If you think there is an error on your statement, write to us at:

Card Services
P.O. Box 8802
Wilmington, DE 19899-8802.

In your letter, give us the following information:

• Account information: Your name and account number.

• Dollar amount: The dollar amount of the suspected error.
• Description of problem: If you think there is an error on your bill, describe what you
believe is wrong and why you believe it is a mistake.

You must contact us within 60 days after the error appeared on your statement.

You must notify us of any potential errors in writing. You may call us, but if you do we are
not required to investigate any potential errors and you may have to pay the amount in

While we investigate whether or not there has been an error, the following are true:
• We cannot try to collect the amount in question, or report you as delinquent on that
• The charge in question may remain on your statement, and we may continue to
charge you interest on that amount. But, if we determine that we made a mistake,
you will not have to pay the amount in question or any interest or other fees related
to that amount.
• While you do not have to pay the amount in question, you are responsible for the
remainder of your balance.
• We can apply any unpaid amount against your credit limit.

Your Rights If You Are Dissatisfied With Your Credit Card Purchases
If you are dissatisfied with the goods or services that you have purchased with your credit
card, and you have tried in good faith to correct the problem with the merchant, you may
have the right not to pay the remaining amount due on the purchase.

To use this right, all of the following must be true:

1. The purchase must have been made in your home state or within 100 miles of your
current mailing address, and the purchase price must have been more than $50.
(Note: Neither of these are necessary if your purchase was based on an advertisement
we mailed to you, or if we own the company that sold you the goods or services.)
2. You must have used your credit card for the purchase. Purchases made with cash
advances from an ATM or with a check that accesses your credit card account do not

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