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New03 Application of Transformers in Bioinfo

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Bioinformatics Advances, 2023, vbad001
Advance Access Publication Date: 11 January 2023

Data and text mining

Applications of transformer-based language models in
bioinformatics: a survey

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Shuang Zhang 1,†, Rui Fan1,†, Yuti Liu 1,†
, Shuang Chen 1,†
, Qiao Liu 2
Wanwen Zeng1,2,*
College of Software, Nankai University, Tianjin 300350, China and 2Department of Statistics, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305, USA
*To whom correspondence should be addressed.

The authors wish it to be known that, in their opinion, the first four authors should be regarded as Joint First Authors.
Associate Editor: Alex Bateman
Received on September 6, 2022; revised on December 15, 2022; editorial decision on January 6, 2023; accepted on January 9, 2023

Summary: The transformer-based language models, including vanilla transformer, BERT and GPT-3, have achieved
revolutionary breakthroughs in the field of natural language processing (NLP). Since there are inherent similarities
between various biological sequences and natural languages, the remarkable interpretability and adaptability of
these models have prompted a new wave of their application in bioinformatics research. To provide a timely and
comprehensive review, we introduce key developments of transformer-based language models by describing the
detailed structure of transformers and summarize their contribution to a wide range of bioinformatics research from
basic sequence analysis to drug discovery. While transformer-based applications in bioinformatics are diverse and
multifaceted, we identify and discuss the common challenges, including heterogeneity of training data, computa-
tional expense and model interpretability, and opportunities in the context of bioinformatics research. We hope that
the broader community of NLP researchers, bioinformaticians and biologists will be brought together to foster fu-
ture research and development in transformer-based language models, and inspire novel bioinformatics applica-
tions that are unattainable by traditional methods.
Supplementary information: Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics Advances online.

1 Introduction 2012). The history of leveraging the power of neural networks

(NNs) (Walczak and Cerpa, 2003) in NLP tasks can be tracked back
Bioinformatics, an interdisciplinary research field, has become one two decades (Bengio et al., 2003), where a series of word embedding
of the most influential areas of life science research in a profound technologies were proposed to provide a novel representation of text
way. It is characterized by the demand to develop and utilize compu- and achieved superior results (Blacoe and Lapata, 2012; Turian
tational tools and methods to analyze huge amounts of biomedical et al., 2010). For example, Word2Vec (Le and Mikolov, 2014;
data and translate them into knowledge for developing downstream Mikolov et al., 2013a, b), which maps one-hot word vectors to dis-
applications. tributed word vectors using a shallow neural network, is one of the
In recent years, natural language processing (NLP) (Nadkarni most representative models. Word2vec can utilize either of two
et al., 2011; Supplementary Table S1), a branch of artificial intelli- types of model architecture to produce these distributed representa-
gence, has been increasingly showing a substantial impact in bio- tions of words: continuous bag-of-words (CBOW) or continuous
informatics research fields (Han and Kwoh, 2019), ranging from skip-gram. CBOW predicts the current word based on the context
DNA/RNA sequence analysis to computational biology (Iuchi et al., while skip-gram predicts surrounding words given the current word
2021; Zeng et al., 2018). Specifically, NLP technologies, with the (Fig. 1B). With the rapid development of deep learning technologies
aim to grant computers the ability to understand words and texts (LeCun et al., 2015), language models in NLP have continuously
from human beings (Tsujii, 2021), have the potential power to also made significant breakthroughs: conventional RNN-based models,
understand biological languages. Language models enable com- including Bi-RNN (Schuster and Paliwal, 1997), LSTM (Hochreiter
puters to analyze the patterns of human language by predicting and Schmidhuber, 1997) and GRU (Cho et al., 2014), attempt to en-
words (Adel et al., 2018) (Fig. 1A) and are becoming one of the core code the entire sequence into a finite length vector without paying
technologies for many NLP tasks, including sentiment analysis more attention to those important works. Although these RNN-
(Schouten and Frasincar, 2016), machine translation (Bahdanau based models are able to learn long-term dependency, they greatly
et al., 2016) and text summarization (Nenkova and McKeown, suffer from vanishing gradient and low-efficiency problems as they

C The Author(s) 2023. Published by Oxford University Press.

V 1
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits unre-
stricted reuse, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
2 S.Zhang et al.

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Fig. 1. The focus of this review article and some classic language models frameworks. (A) Relationships of artificial intelligence, machine learning, natural language processing,
transformer-based language models and bioinformatics. The blue square denotes the focal point of this review article. (B) Two common models in Word2Vec: CBOW
(Continuous Bag-of-Words Model) and Skip-gram (Continuous Skip-gram Model). (C) The structure of transformer model. (D) The structure of BERT model
Transformer-based language models in bioinformatics 3

sequentially process all past states and compress contextual informa- benefit the computer science community but also the broader com-
tion into a bottleneck with long input sequences (Bengio et al., munity of bioinformaticians and biologists, and further provide
1994; Pascanu et al., 2013). For example, Seq2Seq (Sutskever et al., insights for future bioinformatics research across multiple disciplines
2014), the first encoder–decoder model in machine translation tasks, that are unattainable by traditional methods.
supports variable-length inputs and outputs but is still limited by its
infrastructure LSTM. The Transformer (Vaswani et al., 2017)
model was then developed by Google, which completely abandoned 2 Basics of transformer-based language models
RNN-based network structures, and only used the multi-head atten-
Language models are trained in a self-supervised fashion (Liu et al.,
tion mechanism (Fig. 1C). Transformer does not rely on the past
2023). Compared to supervised learning (Hastie et al., 2009), which
hidden states to capture the dependency on the previous words.
usually needs human annotations, language models could use mas-
Instead, transformer processes a sentence as a whole to allow for
sive amounts of unannotated corpora from the internet, books, etc.
parallel computing and alleviates the vanishing gradient and per-

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Language models either take the next word as a natural label for the
formance degradation caused by long-term dependency. In this re-
context in a sentence or artificially mask a known word and then
view article, we will focus on transformer-based language models.
predict it (Petroni et al., 2019). The paradigm that uses the unstruc-
In general, transformer-based language models fall into two
tured data itself to generate labels (e.g. the next word or the masked
categories: scratch-trained models and pre-trained models. The
word in language models) and train supervised models (language
scratch-trained models directly train all model parameters from the
models) to predict labels is called ‘self-supervised learning’ (Howard
beginning using task-specific datasets and often require many itera-
and Ruder, 2018). Specifically, because of their parallelism and the
tions to fully converge. For example, Transformer-XL (Dai et al.,
ability to extract correlation across the whole sequences,
2019) uses relative positional encoding and segmented RNN mech-
transformer-based models achieve state-of-the-art (SOTA) perform-
anism to model long text; Sparse Transformers (Zhao et al., 2019)
ance in a variety of important tasks such as machine translation and
uses only a small number of tokens in the computation of attention
question answering (QA) (Pundge et al., 2016). Since there are high
distribution to improve the concentration of attention mechanism;
similarities between human language and bioinformatics sequence
Reformer (Kitaev et al., 2020) addresses the resource-hungry prob-
data, transformer-based models are becoming one of the most prom-
lem of the transformer by replacing dot-product attention and using
ising models to tackle the sequence-based problems in bioinformat-
reversible residual layers; Longformer (Beltagy et al., 2020) pro-
ics (Ofer et al., 2021).
poses sliding windows, dilated sliding windows and global attention
The vanilla transformer model can be divided into two parts: en-
strategies to reduce the complexity of the model. On the other hand,
coder and decoder, which have similar basic architectures composed
transformer-based pre-trained models are trained from large
of a stack of identical blocks (Vaswani et al., 2017). Each block con-
amounts of unlabeled data and then fine-tuned for specific tasks.
sists of two kinds of sub-layers: the multi-head attention sub-layer
Pre-training learns general information from unlabeled data, speeds
and the position-wise feed-forward sub-layer. Both kinds of sub-
up the convergence rate of the target tasks and usually has better
layers are followed by layer normalization. A residual connection
generalization than training parameters from scratch (Han et al.,
around every sub-layer will be applied in each block to speed up the
2021). For example, GPT-X (Brown et al., 2020; Radford and
training process. The following sections will describe each module
Narasimhan, 2018; Radford et al., 2019) proposes unsupervised
that makes up the transformer model in detail.
pre-training and supervised fine-tuning for the first time; BERT
(Devlin et al., 2019) utilizes bi-directional transformers and mask
mechanism (Fig. 1D) to achieve a deeper understanding of context 2.1 Attention modules
than GPT; RoBERTa (Liu et al., 2019b) uses dynamic masking and The key innovation in transformer is the multi-head self-attention
has a significant improvement over BERT in terms of model size and layer, which can relate all relevant tokens to better encode every
arithmetic power; XLNet (Yang et al., 2019b), which is based on word in the input sequence (Lin et al., 2017). The self-attention
the Transformer-XL architecture, further introduces permutation layer takes a sequence of tokens as input (tokens equivalent to words
language modeling as an improved training method; ERNIE (Zhang in the language) and learns sequence-wide context information.
et al., 2019) adopts a continual learning mechanism, which consists Multi-head represents multiple simultaneous attention heads.
of two parts: continual construction of pre-training tasks and incre- Figure 2 shows the example process of a single attention head in cal-
mental multi-task learning; ALBERT (Lan et al., 2020) is a mini- culating the first token T1 ’s output embedding in a sequence com-
model using cross-layer parameter sharing and paragraph continuity posed of four tokens.
tasks; T5 (Raffel et al., 2020) is a generic framework that converts Before calculating the attention function, each token embedding
all NLP tasks into Text-to-Text format. These two types of will be transformed into the corresponding query vector, the key
transformer-based language models show their strength in address- vector of dimension dk and the value vector of the dimension dv by
ing key challenges and have become a quintessential choice in al- multiplying with three randomly initialized learnable parameter
most all NLP tasks (Casola et al., 2022; Chaudhari et al., 2021). matrices W Q ; W K and W V . Then, the attention head will compute
These breakthroughs in methodologies and technologies have revo- thepdot
ffiffiffiffiffi products of the query with all keys and divide each
lutionized the field of NLP, thus bringing the thoughts of applica- by dk and apply a softmax function to obtain the weights on these
tions in biological and biomedical research. values (Vaswani et al., 2017). Through this process, the attention
Although there are reviews of transformers in the general do- function can be described as mapping a query vector and a set of
main (Kalyan et al., 2021b; Lin et al., 2022; Qiu et al., 2020) and a key-value pairs to an output vector that contains information for the
survey of transformer-based biomedical pre-trained language mod- entire sequence. As is seen in Figure 2, the output of the attention
els (Kalyan et al., 2021a), the applications of transformer-based lan- function is the weighted sum of these values. The weight assigned to
guage models in the latest bioinformatics research, such as spatial each value is computed by a compatibility function of the query
transcriptomics and multi-omics, have not yet been documented. In with the corresponding key (Vaswani et al., 2017).
this review, we provide a comprehensive viewpoint of facilitating re- In the parallel computation of the attention function, a set of
search in the field of NLP and the applications of transformers in query vectors is packed into a matrix Q. These key and value vec-
bioinformatics. We revisit the basics of transformer-based language tors are also packed together into matrices K and V. In practice, the
models, summarize the latest developments in the transformer-based attention function is computed as follow:
language models and then review the applications of transformers in !
bioinformatics and biomedical downstream tasks such as sequence QKT
AttentionðQ; K; V Þ ¼ softmax pffiffiffiffiffi V: (1)
analysis, gene expression, proteomics, spatial transcriptomics, etc. dk
Last but not least, we discuss the future challenges and opportunities
in using and understanding multi-omics high-throughput sequencing When being generalized to multi-head attention with
data. We hope that transformer-based language models not only h heads, the results of multiple heads assigned different
4 S.Zhang et al.

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Fig. 2. The example illustration of calculating self-attention. (A) The process of computing the output embedding of token T1 in a single attention head. Tiði¼1;2;3;4Þ represents
the embeddings corresponding to the ith token in the input sequence. T10 is the output corresponding to T1 . Each embedding in the input sequence needs to be multiplied with
the three parameter matrices W Q ; W K and W V ; respectively to obtain the corresponding query vector, key vector and value vector. (B) The figure complements the process of
generating the ith (i ¼ 1,2,3,4) token’s corresponding query vector Qi , key vector Ki and value vector Vi . Each attention head has its own set of three learnable parameter
matrices W Q ; W K and W V . (C) If the key vectors of all tokens are concatenated into a matrix K by row and all value vectors are concatenated into a matrix V by row, the
process of calculating T10 in part A can be expressed as the formula in part C using matrix operations, where KT is the transpose of K and dk is the dimension of the key vector

parameters W Q ; W K and W V are concatenated, and once again FFNðxÞ ¼ maxð0; xW1 þ b1 ÞW2 þ b2 : (3)
projected with parameter, resulting in the final values, as depicted as

MultiHeadðQ; K; V Þ ¼ Concatðhead O 2.3 Residual connection and layer normalization

 1 ; . . . ; headh ÞW  : (2) Each encoder contains two residual connection and layer normaliza-
where headi ¼ Attention QWi ; KWi ; VWiVK
tion layers, and they are applied on both multi-head self-attention
and FFN. The calculation formulas are as follows:

LayerNormðX þ MutiHeadAttentionðXÞÞ; (4)

2.2 Position-wise feed-forward networks
Except for the attention sub-layer, each block of the encoder and de- LayerNormðX þ FeedForwardðXÞÞ: (5)
coder contains a fully connected feed-forward network (FFN)
(Skansi, 2018), which is applied identically to each token. This layer X represents the input of multi-head self-attention or FFN, which is
consists of two linear transformations with rectified linear unit added to the output and forms a residual connection. For the deep
(ReLU) activation in the middle (Vaswani et al., 2017), where network, the residual connection can help fend against
W1 , b1 , W2 and b2 are learnable parameters. vanishing and exploding gradients by keeping the original input
Transformer-based language models in bioinformatics 5

(Zhang et al., 2018). Layer normalization can accelerate the training This process will be repeated, appending the new output into the in-
process of the model by normalizing the output of the former layers put sequence. To end the loop, an ‘END’ token is appended to the
to make it converge faster (Ba et al., 2016). lexicon. The loop stops when the output token is ‘END’, resulting in
the complete final output sequence. Because of the extra ‘BEGIN’
2.4 Position encodings token, the decoder’s input is shifted one position to the right
Since transformer uses pure self-attention without recurrence or con- (Fig. 4).
volution to capture connections between tokens, it cannot identify It is worth mentioning that when generating an output token,
the order of the tokens in the sequence. Therefore, transformer adds the input sequence only contains the tokens before it. When passing
position encodings to the input embeddings (Liu et al., 2020) to re- through the first attention layer, the queries, values and keys after
flect the absolute or relative position of the tokens in the sequence. this token will be masked and will not participate in the attention
The absolute position encoding informs the transformer architecture calculation. The decoder’s input in the current round, which is the

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of the absolute position of each token in the input sequence, while input of the previous round appending the output of the previous
the relative position encoding acts as a self-attention mechanism, round, generates the vector of the corresponding position after pass-
informing the transformer architecture of the distance between two ing through the masked self-attention layer. This vector will be mul-
tokens (Ke et al., 2021). The input for the first transformer encoder tiplied by a transition matrix to obtain the query matrix of the
layer is the sum of the input embedding and the position encoding. second attention layer, which is also called the ‘cross-attention layer’
(Fig. 5).
2.5 Encoder and decoder In the cross-attention layer, the key matrices and value matrices
Using the components above, the encoder encodes the input se- in the attention function are provided by the output sequence of the
quence and passes the output intermediate sequence to the decoder, encoder, while the query matrix is transformed from the output of
and the decoder decodes the intermediate sequence and outputs the the masked attention layer. Calculating cross-attention is the same
sequence we need. The encoder consists of several identical blocks as self-attention, except that the source of the query matrix is differ-
consisting of one attention sub-layer and a feed-forward layer ent. The output of the cross-attention layer also goes through a feed-
(Fig. 1C). The decoder inserts one more attention sub-layer between forward layer. After that, it will be fed into the last linear layer and
the original two sub-layers to perform multi-head attention over the the softmax function to produce the final output of the round.
output of the encoder stack (Fig. 1C).
Decoding the intermediate output of the encoder into a new se-
quence can be considered as a translation process. First, the decoder 3 Bioinformatics applications of transformer-
takes a special token ‘BEGIN’ as input, combining it with the based language models
encoder’s output sequence to produce a vector after passing through
the inner blocks of the decoder and a linear layer. The length of this This section summarizes and compares representative works in dif-
vector is the size of the lexicon. Then, a softmax function is applied ferent fields of bioinformatics applications (Table 1), lists important
to the output vector to generate a probability distribution, and the works related to transformer (Fig. 6) and identifies their main
token in the lexicon with the highest probability is the output, which focuses and benefits, e.g. improving model accuracy, reproducibility
is also the first token in the final output sequence (Fig. 3). and interpretability. The number of transformer-based applications
This output token will be appended to the sequence containing over the past 3 years (Fig. 7) suggests a growing interest in the field
the ‘BEGIN’ token as the next round of the decoding process’s input. of bioinformatics.

Fig. 3. The first step of the decoding process. The decoder predicts which token to output with its input and the output of the encoder. The decoder takes a special token
‘BEGIN’ as input, combining it with the encoder’s output to generate the probability distribution vector. The length of this vector is the size of the lexicon, and each dimension
of the output probability distribution vector represents the probability of a certain token in the lexicon. The output vector is then applied to a softmax function to generate a
probability distribution, and the token in the lexicon with the highest probability is the corresponding output, which is also the first token in the final output sequence
6 S.Zhang et al.

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Fig. 4. The process of decoder looping to produce the final output one by one, also known as the autoregressive process. In the same way as the first decoding round shown in
Figure 3, each round decoder will generate a predicted probability distribution vector. Predicted tokens generated by ‘BEGIN’ in the first round will be appended to the se-
quence containing the ‘BEGIN’ token as the second round of the decoding process’s input. This process will be repeated, adding the new output into the input sequence.
Because of the extra ‘BEGIN’ token, the decoder’s input is shifted one position to the right. In each decoding round, only the predicted tokens already decoded so far together
with the special token ‘BEGIN’ are received as input to generate the new predicted token. It is worth mentioning these predicted tokens are not always correct, and a mispredic-
tion in the current round may affect the decoding correctness in the subsequent rounds. To end the loop, an ‘END’ token is added to the lexicon. When the output token is
‘END’ the loop stops, resulting in the complete final output sequence

Fig. 5. Structure of the cross-attention layer. The encoder block in this figure refers to a certain block in encoder whose output participate in cross-attention with the decoder.
Masked self-attention refers to the first attention sub-layer in decoder block. Tiði¼1;2;3;4Þ is the ith token’s output of the encoder block shown in this figure and also the ith
0 0
token’s input of next encoder block. Kiði¼1;2;3;4Þ and Viði¼1;2;3;4Þ are the key matrix and the value matrix of Ti . Q1 is the corresponding query matrix of T1 , which is the first
token’s output of masked self-attention. Cross-attention uses the decoder’s query and the encoder’s keys and values to calculate the attention function, and the output of cross-
attention will be fed into the feed-forward layer in decoder block
Transformer-based language models in bioinformatics 7

Table 1. Summary and comparison of the representative applications of transformer-based language models in different fields of

Field Paper Pre-trained model? (Y/N) Main focus Data repositories address

Sequence analysis Ji et al. (2021) Y Novel pre-trained bi-directional en-

coder representations that ryj1993/DNABERT
achieved state-of-the-art results in
predicting promoters and identify-
ing TFBSs
Lee et al. (2021) Y A transformer architecture based on
BERT and 2D CNN to identify lee/bert-enhancer

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DNA enhancers from sequence
Zhang et al. (2021b) Y A transformer architecture based on NA
BERT and stacking ensemble to
identify RNA N7-
Methylguanosine sites from se-
quence information
Charoenkwan et al. (2021) Y A bi-directional encoder representa- http://pmlab.pythonany
tion from BERT-based model for
improving the prediction of bitter
peptides from the original amino
acid sequence
Qiao et al. (2022) Y Prediction of lysine crotonylation
sites by a transfer learning method Kcr_models/
with pre-trained BERT models
Genome analysis Clauwaert et al. (2021) N A prokaryotic genome annotation
method based on the transformer- DNA-transformer
XL neural network framework for
identifying TSSs in Escherichia
Raad et al. (2022) N A full end-to-end deep model based
on transformer for prediction of miRe2e
pre-miRNAs in genome-wide data
Chen et al. (2022b) N Prediction of EPI in different cell
types by capturing large genome AI/TransEPI
Baid et al. (2022) N A gap-aware transformer–encoder
for sequence correction trained by deepconsensus
an alignment-based loss
Mo et al. (2021) Y Prediction of interactions between NA
regulatory elements by pre-train-
ing large-scale genomic data in a
multi-modal and a self-supervised
Gene expression Avsec et al. (2021) N A portmanteau of enhancer and
transformer to predict gene ex- mind/deepmind-research/
pression and chromatin states tree/master/enformer
from DNA sequences
Khan and Lee (2021) N Transformer for the gene expression- NA
based classification of lung cancer
subtypes that solved the complex-
ity of high-dimensional gene ex-
pression through a multi-headed
self-attention module
Yang et al. (2022) Y Single-cell bi-directional encoder rep-
resentations from transformers for TencentAILabHealthcar
cell type annotation, new cell type e/scBERT
discovery, handling of batch
effects, and improving model
Proteomics Cao and Shen (2021) N A high-throughput Transformer-
based protein function annotator Lab/TALE
with both accuracy and

8 S.Zhang et al.

Table 1. (continued)
Field Paper Pre-trained model? (Y/N) Main focus Data repositories address

Rao et al. (2020) Y An alternative to MSA to predict in-

ter-residue correlations in an end- bookresearch/esm
to-end manner with Transformer
protein language models
Rives et al. (2021) Y Learning protein biological structure
and function from UniRef dataset bookresearch/esm
using pre-trained Transformer
Zhang et al. (2021a) N Jointly considering information of all

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homologous sequences in MSA to soft/ProteinFolding/tree/
capture global co-evolutionary main/coevolution_
patterns transformer
Elnaggar et al. (2022) Y Understanding the language of life
with transformer-based protein cian/ProtTrans
language models through self-
supervised learning
Brandes et al. (2022) Y A self-supervised deep language
model specifically designed for bra/protein_bert
proteins to capture local and glo-
bal representations of proteins in a
natural way
Park et al. (2022) Y A sequence-based pre-trained BERT NA
model improved linear and struc-
tural epitope prediction by learn-
ing long-distance protein
interactions effectively
Ferruz et al. (2022) Y A pre-trained GPT-based model to
generate sequences similar to nat- transformers/main_
ural proteins from scratch classes/trainer
Castro et al. (2022) N An autoencoder based on transform-
er with a highly structured latent KrishnaswamyLab/
space trained to jointly generate ReLSO-Guided-
sequences and predict fitness Generative-Protein-
Multi-omics Tao et al. (2020) Y Prediction of multiple cancer pheno-
types based on somatic genomic tao/genome-transformer
alterations via the genomic impact
Jurenaite et al. (2022) Y Applying Transformer-based deep
neural network on mutomes and lexn/nebis
transcriptome counting for tumor
type classification
Kaczmarek et al. (2021) N The use of graph transformer net- NA
work (GTN) for cancer classifica-
tion and interpretation
Ma et al. (2021) N Utilizing the heterogeneous graph
transformer framework to infer BMBL/deepmaps
cell type-specific single-cell bio-
logical networks
Spatial transcriptomics Pang et al. (2021) N Usage of Vision Transformer (ViT)
to predict super-resolution gene maxpmx/HisToGene
expression from histology images
in tumors
Zeng et al. (2022) N Spatial transcriptomics prediction
from histology jointly through AI/Hist2ST
transformer and graph neural
Biomedical informatics Lee et al. (2020) Y The first pre-trained biomedical lan-
guage representation model for lab/biobert
biomedical text mining

Transformer-based language models in bioinformatics 9

Table 1. (continued)
Field Paper Pre-trained model? (Y/N) Main focus Data repositories address

Rasmy et al. (2021) Y Pre-training contextualized embed-

dings on large-scale structured ZhiGroup/Med-BERT
electronic health records for dis-
ease prediction that used the
International Classification of
Diseases (ICD) codes
Wang et al. (2021) Y An innovative AlBERT-based causal
inference model of clinical events XingqiaoWang/

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Chen et al. (2021a) Y A powerful alternative to main-
stream medical image segmenta- Beckschen/TransUNet
tion methods that combined
transformer and U-Net
Chen et al. (2021b) Y Using ViT for the first time in self-
supervised volumetric medical
image registration
Drug discovery Wang et al. (2019) Y A pioneer pre-training method for
molecular property prediction by smile/SMILES-BERT
pre-trained on unlabeled SMILES
Rong et al. (2020) Y A new GNN/Transformer architec-
ture that learned rich molecular ailab/grover
structure and semantic informa-
tion from large amounts of un-
labeled data
Chithrananda et al. (2020) Y Utilizing RoBERTa-based transform-
er for molecular property seyonec
Wu et al. (2022) Y Presenting new pre-training strat-
egies that allowed the model to ex- Knowledge-based-BERT
tract molecular features directly
Li et al. (2022) Y A novel knowledge-guided pre-train-
ing framework of graph trans- KPGT
former for molecular property
Huang et al. (2021) N Improving the prediction accuracy of
DTI by knowledge-inspired repre- huang12345/moltrans
sentation, interaction modeling
modules and an augmented trans-
former encoder
Kalakoti et al. (2022) N A modular framework that employ-
ing transformer-based language TeamSundar/transDTI
models for DTI prediction
Jiang et al. (2022) N An end-to-end deep transformer-
based learning model that used kun/DeepTTC
cancer cell transcriptome informa-
tion and chemical substructures of
drugs to predict drug response
Bagal et al. (2022) Y A small version of the GPT model
for molecular generation molgpt
Grechishnikova (2021) N A de novo drug generation model
based on transformer architecture chishnikova/molecule_

Note: The papers are sorted by their appearance in this review and divided into different categories based on their research field.

3.1 Sequence analysis long-range contexts (Tang et al., 2018), as their capability to ex-
Biological sequence analysis, including DNA, RNA and protein se- tract local features is limited by the filter size. The RNN-based
quence analysis, represents one of the fundamental applications of models (e.g. LSTM and GRU) are developed to capture long-
computational methods in molecular biology. Traditional sequence range dependency; however, it is difficult for them to perform
analysis methods rely heavily on k-mers frequency (Koonin and large-scale learning due to their limited degree of parallelization.
Galperin, 2003b), which is not able to capture distant semantic In addition, existing models generally require large amounts of
relationships of gene regulatory code. Deep learning models like labeled data, which is difficult to obtain in bioinformatics research
CNN also have problems capturing semantic dependency within (Butte, 2001).
10 S.Zhang et al.

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Fig. 6. An overview of important works related to TRANSFORMER. Different bioinformatics application models are represented chronologically by different colored lines.
Following the prominent progress in the past years, Transformer in bioinformatics will embrace great advancement in the upcoming years. SOTA, state-of-the-art

rely on manually curated RNA sequence features, deep learning

models enable automatic feature extraction (Urda et al., 2017).
BERT-m7G was a transformer model based on BERT and used a
stacking ensemble to identify RNA N7-methylguanosine (m7G) sites
from RNA sequence information (Zhang et al., 2021b). N7-
methylguanosine is one of the most prevalent RNA post-
transcriptional modifications and plays an important role in the
regulation of gene expression. The experimental results showed that
the identification performance of BERT-m7G obviously exceeded
the existing prediction methods, with the accuracy increasing by 3–
20.7% and the MCC improving by 0.06–0.415.
Protein sequence analysis can be regarded as an extension of
DNA sequence analysis (von Heijne, 1992), but it is much more
complicated than DNA sequence analysis because polymers are
composed of 20 amino acids (Karlin and Ghandour, 1985). The
Fig. 7. Distribution of selected papers published in recent years. Most papers analysis of protein sequences can better capture the relationships be-
(84.1%) were published after 2021, with the highest number of publications regis-
tween protein sequences and the spatial structure of proteins and
tered in 2021 (23 papers). Qx, xth quarter of the year
provide a theoretical basis for further study on protein function and
structure (Findlay et al., 1995; Ponting and Birney, 2005). For ex-
Considering the large amount of unlabeled genomic sequences,
ample, bitter peptides are oligopeptides with a bitter taste usually
transformer-based pre-trained language models are well-suited
for DNA sequence analysis and have received increasing attention for produced during food fermentation and protein hydrolysis
their significant improvement over other traditional or deep learning (Karametsi et al., 2014), which are useful for drug development
models. DNABERT (Ji et al., 2021), a novel pre-trained since diluting the bitterness of drugs can increase patients’ willing-
bi-directional coding representation, used tokenized k-mer sequences ness to take medicine. BERT4Bitter was proposed to predict bitter
as input for the BERT model (Fig. 8A). DNABERT utilized context in- peptides directly from the original amino acid sequence without
formation in DNA sequences and achieved state-of-the-art results in using any structural information (Charoenkwan et al., 2021). It was
downstream tasks such as predicting promoters and identifying tran- the first study to identify bitter peptides using the NLP-inspired
scription factor binding sites (TFBSs). Another example is to use the model and feature encoding. In another study, Qiao et al. (2022)
multi-language model based on BERT by converting DNA sequences established a more effective predictor for protein lysine crotonyla-
into a numerical matrix of constant size for the prediction of enhancers tion sites (Kcr), which is one of the most important post-
(Lee et al., 2021). Compared with the most advanced features in bio- translational modifications, by pre-training BERT model. The
informatics, BERT-based features increased the sensitivity, specificity, authors converted each amino acid into a word as the input to the
accuracy and Matthews correlation coefficient (MCC) by 5–10%. pre-trained BERT model. The features encoded by BERT were
Compared with DNA sequences, RNA sequences provide add- extracted and then fed to the BiLSTM network (Zeng et al., 2016)
itional transcription information. While traditional methods still to construct the final model.
Transformer-based language models in bioinformatics 11

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Fig. 8. Several typical models of Transformer applied to bioinformatics including the frameworks of (A) DNABERT, (B) TransEPI, (C) Enformer, (D) TALE, (E) Hist2ST and
(F) ViT-V-Net
12 S.Zhang et al.

3.2 Genome analysis prediction of mutation effects through direct mutation analysis and
Although sequence analysis contributes significantly to biological population eQTL studies (Liu et al., 2022).
discovery, genome analysis is also essential to capture the full reper- In addition to predicting the effect of non-coding DNA on gene
toire of information encoded in the genome (Koonin and Galperin, expression, transformer-based models have been widely used to pre-
2003a). Genome analysis explains the appearance of tumors or phe- dict cancer subtypes according to gene expression data. Gene trans-
notypes from the DNA level, including gene mutations, deletions, former used the multi-headed self-attention module to solve the
amplifications (Feuk et al., 2006) and epigenetic modifications (e.g. complexity of high-dimensional gene expression for joint classifica-
DNA methylation) (Nikpay et al., 2015; Portela and Esteller, 2010). tion of lung cancer subtypes (Khan and Lee, 2021). Compared with
Several scratch-trained methods based on the Transformer model traditional classification algorithms, the proposed model achieved
have been developed to this end. For example, Clauwaert et al. an overall performance improvement in all evaluation metrics, with
(2021) proposed a prokaryotic genome annotation method based on 100% accuracy and zero false-negative rates on most datasets.
the Transformer-XL neural network framework, which was scRNA-seq is a revolutionary technology in the life science field.

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designed to identify transcription start sites (TSSs) for the transcrip- One of the latest studies innovatively proposed scBERT model for
tion process in Escherichia coli. Beyond the application to genome single-cell annotation (Yang et al., 2022). It was the first time to
annotation, some studies also applied Transformers to the predic- apply Transformer in scRNA-seq data analysis. Following BERT’s
tion of small-RNA sequences. For example, MiRe2e, a full pre-training and fine-tuning paradigm, scBERT reused large-scale
transformers-based end-to-end deep model, was developed to pre- unlabeled scRNA-seq data to accurately capture the expression in-
dict pre-miRNAs (Raad et al., 2022). MiRe2e showed its advantages formation of a single gene and the gene–gene interactions and
in two aspects: (i) It can receive raw genome-wide data without any revealed single-cell type annotation with high interpretability, gener-
preprocessing or secondary structure prediction; (ii) It identified all alization and stability.
pre-miRNA sequences in the genome with high accuracy and recall.
In another study, TransEPI (Chen et al., 2022b) was developed 3.4 Proteomics
based on enhancer–promoter interaction (EPI) datasets derived from
The essential task of proteomics is to understand protein dynamics
Hi-C or ChIA-PET data to predict EPI in different cell types by cap-
in complex systems and diseases (Larance and Lamond, 2015; Rix
turing large genome contexts (Fig. 8B). This model not only
and Superti-Furga, 2009). Protein sequences can be viewed as a con-
achieved state-of-the-art results on experimental datasets [the area
catenation of letters from the amino acids, analogously to human
under the precision-recall curve (auPRC) of TransEPI increased by
languages. These letters form secondary structural elements
an average of 28.1% compared to the second-best baseline] but has
(‘words’), which assemble to form domains (‘sentences’) that under-
also been extended to the interpretation of disease-related non-cod-
take a function (‘meaning’) (Ofer et al., 2021). With the extraordin-
ing mutations. Last but not least, Google’s Andrew Carroll research
ary advances in the NLP field in understanding and generating
group recently developed DeepConsensus, which uses the
language with human-like capabilities, some language models open
alignment-based loss to train gap-aware transformer-encoders for
a new door to figuring out protein-related problems from sequences
sequence correction (Baid et al., 2022). Compared to methods using
alone, such as protein sequence representation, post-translational
pbccs (standard approach to consensus generation), DeepConsensus
modifications, protein function annotation and protein design.
reduced errors in reads (small genome fragments from sequencing
Especially, transformer has served as a key technique for
sampling) by 41.9%, and improved the adjacency, completeness and
addressing various aspects of proteomics data analysis. The work of
correctness of genome assembly.
Cao and Shen (2021) exemplified the application of transformer to
In addition, the Transformer-based pre-trained models were also
protein function annotation, a critical step in identifying the overall
used to predict the interactions between regulatory elements. One
functional distribution of differentially expressed proteins.
example is GeneBERT (Mo et al., 2021). It was proposed to address
Specifically, the model obtained embedding by using sequence
the problem that traditional methods rarely consider the interactions
inputs, hierarchical function labels and their joint similarity to meas-
among multiple regulatory elements in the regulatory genome.
ure the contribution of each amino acid to each label. The final
GeneBERT was pre-trained using large-scale genomic data in a
model was shown to be a high-throughput protein function annota-
multi-modal and self-supervised manner, in which three pre-training
tor with high accuracy and generalizability (Fig. 8D).
tasks: sequence pre-training, region pre-training and sequence-
The measurement of amino acid proximity of proteins is called
region matching, were proposed to improve the robustness and gen-
the inter-residue contact map, which well characterizes the struc-
eralization ability of the model.
tural information of proteins. Most of the top-performing models
for protein contact prediction use multiple sequence alignment
3.3 Gene expression (MSA), which improves protein 3D structure prediction by analyz-
Gene expression data (Brazma and Vilo, 2000), like RNA- ing residue co-evolution information in sequences. Facebook AI
sequencing (RNA-seq) and single-cell RNA-seq (scRNA-seq) Research proposed ESM-1b (Rao et al., 2020), a method alternative
(Kolodziejczyk et al., 2015; Ozsolak and Milos, 2011), has been ex- to MSA using the transformer to predict inter-residue correlations in
tensively studied to better understand complex diseases and to iden- an unsupervised manner. Subsequently, they applied ESM-1b to the
tify biomarkers that can guide therapeutic decision-making UniRef dataset (250M protein sequence) for biochemical properties
(Goeman and Bühlmann, 2007). They have substantial applications analysis, secondary and tertiary structure prediction and mutation
in clinical medical diagnosis, drug efficacy judgment and revealing analysis to fully explore the rich information contained in protein
the mechanism of disease (Rotter et al., 2010; Rung and Brazma, sequences (Rives et al., 2021). Since the prevalence of non-
2013). homologous residues and gaps in MSA may lead to erroneous esti-
To examine how non-coding DNA determines gene expression mation of residue co-evolution, Co-evolution Transformer (CoT)
in different cell types, DeepMind proposed a noteworthy model was proposed to reduce the impact of non-homologous information
Enformer (Avsec et al., 2021). Due to the limitations of previous (Zhang et al., 2021a). CoT selectively aggregated features from dif-
convolutional operations in modeling the effects of distal enhancers ferent homologous sequences by assigning smaller weights to non-
and insulators on gene expression, Enformer introduced the trans- homologous sequences or residue pairs. By jointly considering the
former structure (Fig. 8C), greatly increasing the receptive field of information of all homologous sequences in MSA, CoT was able to
the network (from 20 to 100 kb). Enformer not only greatly capture global co-evolutionary patterns.
improved the accuracy of predicting gene expression from DNA There are some important works related to protein sequence
sequences, with the mean correlation increasing from 0.81 to 0.85, embedding in recent years (Alley et al., 2019; Elnaggar et al., 2022;
but also represented an important step forward in human under- Heinzinger et al., 2019; Unsal et al., 2022). Elnaggar et al. (2022)
standing of the complexity of genome sequences. Furthermore, proposed to make transformer-based protein language models cap-
Enformer predicted EPI directly from DNA sequences by leveraging ture constraints relevant for protein structure and function by trans-
the self-attention mechanism and provided a more accurate fer learning (using trained embeddings as input to subsequent
Transformer-based language models in bioinformatics 13

supervised training). The researchers trained two auto-regressive et al., 2018), SVM (Cortes and Vapnik, 1995) and MLP (Kothari
models (Transformer-XL and XLNet) and four auto-encoder models and Oh, 1993), it provided a high degree of interpretation of the
(BERT, ALBERT, ELECTRA and T5) on large-scale protein sequen- results, as the attention of GTN could identify potential targeting
ces and tested both residue-level (3-state accuracy Q3 ¼ 81–87%) pathways and biomarkers, which is almost impossible to be
and protein-level (10-state accuracy: Q10 ¼ 81%, 2-state accuracy achieved by other models. DeepMAPS was a deep learning-based
Q2 ¼ 91%) prediction tasks using the embeddings obtained from single-cell multi-omics data analysis platform that utilized the het-
the language models above, and found that ProtT5 fine-tuned on erogeneous graph transformer framework to infer cell type-specific
UniRef50 without MSA outperformed ESM-1b and achieved the single-cell biological networks (Ma et al., 2021). DeepMAPS can in-
best performance. clude all cells and genes in a heterogeneous graph to infer cell–cell,
Other transformer-based pre-trained models have also been gene–gene and cell–gene relationships simultaneously.
widely used in proteomics research. ProteinBERT is a model specif-
ically designed for proteins (Brandes et al., 2022). The pre-training

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scheme combined language modeling with gene ontology (GO)
3.6 Spatial transcriptomics
(Ashburner et al., 2000; Stevens, 2000) annotation prediction. Spatially resolved transcriptomics has experienced significant pro-
ProteinBERT aimed to capture local and global representations of gress in the biomedical research field with advances in imaging and
proteins in a natural way, which allowed end-to-end processing of next-generation sequencing technology (Reis-Filho, 2009). The rela-
these types of input and output, making the model efficiently and tionship between cells and their relative positions in tissue samples is
flexibly adapt to long sequences. EpiBERTope (Park et al., 2022) is crucial for identifying intercellular communication networks and
a sequence-based pre-trained BERT model to predict both linear and global transcriptional patterns, and understanding disease path-
structural epitopes. Epitopes are immunogenic regions of antigens ology. While single-cell transcriptome sequencing techniques ad-
that can be recognized by antibodies in a highly specific manner and dress the issue of cell heterogeneity and allow us to identify cellular
trigger immune responses. EpiBERTope used a multi-headed atten- variants that play key roles in diseases (Faridani et al., 2016), they
tion mechanism to construct global dependencies for each amino cannot be targeted to specific spatial positions, resulting in the ex-
acid in the protein sequences. In the fine-tuning stage, both linear ploration of cell functions that are not yet particularly precise.
and structural epitopes datasets were the input of EpiBERTope. Spatial transcriptomics not only provides information on the tran-
Beyond the applications mentioned above, transformer-based scriptome data of the subject, but also locates its spatial location in
generative models began to be used for protein design in recent stud- the tissue, which is of great significance and thus provides a tremen-
ies. Inspired by generative transformer-based language models (such dous opportunity for many research fields such as oncology, neuro-
as the GPT-X family), ProtGPT2 (Ferruz et al., 2022) could generate science, immunology and developmental biology (Chen et al.,
sequences similar to natural proteins from scratch and thereby pos- 2022a).
sesses the potential to solve many biomedical and environmental Transformer-based language models have been applied on this
problems. Castro et al. (2022) proposed Regularized Latent Space front to predict cell composition and gene expression in different
Optimization (ReLSO), which combined the powerful encoding areas of tissue. One example is HisTogene (Pang et al., 2021), which
ability of the model with the capacity to generate low-dimensional employed Vision Transformer (ViT) (Dosovitskiy et al., 2021), a
latent representations with rich information. By simultaneously opti- state-of-the-art method for image recognition, to predict super-
mizing protein sequence generation and fitness landscape (Romero resolution gene expression from hematoxylin and eosin (H&E)-
and Arnold, 2009) prediction, a latent space that contained rich in- stained histology images. The model demonstrated favorable
formation about sequence and fitness was explicitly created. In add- performance across datasets of 32 HER2þ breast cancer samples
ition, the authors mentioned that ReLSO-like structures could be both in gene expression prediction and clustering tissue regions
applied to other biomolecules such as DNA and RNA. using the predicted expression. Based on this study, to capture 2D
visual features of histology images and better highlight the explicit
neighborhood relationships of image patches, the Hist2ST (Zeng
3.5 Multi-omics et al., 2022) model was developed for predicting RNA-seq expres-
The multi-omics analysis aims to better understand biological regu- sion from histology images (Fig. 8E). The model cropped histology
lation by combining different types of omics data (Yang et al. images into patches at sequencing spots, learned 2D features in the
2019a). With the development of high-throughput sequencing tech- image patches by convolutional operations and then captured global
nology, there is a growing interest in combining genomics with tran- spatial dependencies between features using the transformer module
scriptomics, proteomics and metabolomics together to understand while capturing explicit neighborhood relationships by graph neural
the disease pathways and processes as a single type of omics data networks (GNN) (Scarselli et al., 2009). This study also proposed a
cannot capture the entire landscape of the complex biological net- self-distillation mechanism to mitigate the effects of small spatial
works (Castro-Vega et al., 2015; Kang et al., 2022). transcriptomics data effectively.
The transformer-based model provides a new perspective for the
analysis of various omics data in terms of diseases, while most con-
ventional methods rarely take the relationships between different 3.7 Biomedical informatics
omics levels into account. To this end, Tao et al. (2020) proposed Biomedical informatics uses theories and techniques of computer
the genomic impact transformer (GIT). The GIT fine-tuned gene science and other related disciplines’ research methods for develop-
embeddings that were pre-trained by the ‘Gene2Vec’ algorithm in ing innovative research and application in biomedical and clinical
order to infer how somatic genomic alterations (SGAs) affect the medicine (Boguski and McIntosh, 2003; Sarkar, 2010). The success
function of cellular signaling systems and thus cause cancer by mod- of transformer-based language models has led researchers to focus
eling the statistical relationship between SGAs events and tumor dif- on biomedical text and medical image processing, which again
ferentially expressed genes (DEGs). A recent article presented shows the superior performance of the Transformer.
SetQuence and SetOmic (Jurenaite et al., 2022), which applied One of the applications in biomedical text processing is
transformer-based deep neural networks on mutome and transcrip- BioBERT (Lee et al., 2020), the first pre-trained BERT model for
tome together, showing superior accuracy and robustness over pre- biomedical corpora. BioBERT initialized weights from general do-
vious baselines (including GIT) on tumor classification tasks. main pre-trained BERT, trained on a large-scale biomedical corpus
Several applications in multi-omics made use of graph trans- and fine-tuned on biomedical text mining tasks including NER
former networks (GTN) (Yun et al., 2019). For instance, a novel (Marrero et al., 2013), RE (Zhang et al., 2017) and QA (Calijorne
method for cancer classification and interpretation (Kaczmarek Soares and Parreiras, 2020). To enable deep learning models to pre-
et al., 2021) could correctly model and interpret the interaction and dict disease status using limited training data, another study pro-
biological communication between miRNAs and mRNAs to dis- posed Med-BERT (Rasmy et al., 2021), a contextualized embedding
cover important miRNA-mRNA cancer pathways. Notably, al- model for pre-training on structured electronic health records
though GTN was not superior to other baselines like GCN (Zitnik (EHRs) data. In contrast to other medical pre-trained models that
14 S.Zhang et al.

were trained on free text, this model was characterized by using the experimental result was not state-of-the-art, ChemBERTa could
International Classification of Diseases (ICD) codes. After fine- scale the pre-training dataset well, with powerful downstream per-
tuning experiments on pancreatic cancer prediction and heart failure formance and practical attention-based visualization modality. K-
prediction in diabetic patients, Med-BERT was validated to be gen- BERT (Wu et al., 2022) presented new pre-training strategies that
eralized on different sizes of fine-tuned training samples, which can allowed the model to extract molecular features directly from
better meet disease prediction research with small training datasets. SMILES. The atomic feature prediction task enabled K-BERT to
Another promising application based on biomedical text data is an learn the initial atomic information that was extracted manually in
ALBERT-based model called InferBERT to predict clinical events graph-based approaches, the molecular feature prediction task
and infer the causality (Wang et al., 2021), which is a prerequisite enabled K-BERT to learn the molecular descriptor/fingerprint infor-
for deployment in drug safety. As evaluated on two FDA Adverse mation that was extracted manually in descriptor-based approaches,
Event Reporting System cases, the results showed that the number and the contrastive learning task enabled K-BERT to better ‘under-
of causal factors identified by InferBERT for analgesics-related acute stand’ SMILES through making the embeddings of different

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liver failure and Tramadol-related mortalities was 1.87 and 1.16 SMILES of the same molecule more similar. To alleviate the issues
times higher than the second-best baseline, respectively. of the unclear definition of pre-training tasks and limited model cap-
Transformer has not only dominated the NLP field but has re- acity, Li et al. (2022) introduced KPGT, i.e. Knowledge-guided Pre-
cently revolutionized the computer vision field (Han et al., 2023; training of Graph Transformer for molecular graph representation
Khan et al., 2022). Specifically, ViT applied Transformer to image learning and achieved state-of-the-art performance. KPGT proposed
classification tasks and achieved SOTA performance with less com- the Line Graph Transformer, which is a high-capacity model to em-
putational expense than other methods (Dosovitskiy et al., 2021). phasize the importance of chemical bonds and model the structural
Subsequent to this progress, TransUNet pioneered the pre-trained information of molecular graphs as line graphs. A knowledge-
ViT for 2D medical image segmentation (Chen et al., 2021a). It not guided pre-training strategy based on generative self-supervised
only encoded image features as sequences to extract global context learning was then designed to exploit the molecular descriptors/fin-
but also exploited low-level details for precise localization through a gerprints to guide the model to obtain plentiful structural and se-
U-Net (Ronneberger et al., 2015) hybrid network design. As a mantic information from large-scale unlabeled molecular graphs.
powerful alternative to mainstream medical image segmentation In addition to its role in molecular property prediction, trans-
methods based on fully convolutional neural networks, TransUNet former has been used in a wide range of applications to predict the
outperformed prior tools on tasks such as synapse multi-organ seg- interaction between biomolecules and compounds, e.g. drug–target-
mentation and cardiac segmentation, e.g. average dice score gained ing interaction (DTI), which is a fundamental task for in silico drug
a range from 1.91% to 8.67%. ViT-V-Net (Chen et al., 2021b) used discovery. Huang et al. (2021) proposed Molecular Interaction
ViT for the first time in self-supervised volumetric medical image Transformer (MolTrans) to improve the accuracy of DTI prediction.
(i.e. 3D images) registration (Fig. 8F). Combining the advantages of With knowledge-inspired representation, interaction modeling mod-
Transformer and V-Net (Milletari et al., 2016), the network learned ules and an augmented transformer encoder, MolTrans could ex-
long-distance relationships between points in images while main- tract semantic relationships between substructures from large
taining the flow of localization information. amounts of unlabeled biomedical data. A recent study presented
TransDTI (Kalakoti et al., 2022), a modular framework that
3.8 Drug discovery employs transformer-based language models to predict DTIs.
Despite progress in technology and enhanced knowledge of human TransDTI outperformed other descriptors and existing models
disease, the translation of these advances into therapeutic benefits including MolTrans. More recently, DeepTTA was released, which
has been far slower than expected. The challenges facing the global used cancer cell transcriptome information and chemical substruc-
pharmaceutical industry are multifold, including high attrition rates, tures of drugs to predict drug response (Jiang et al., 2022). The
increased time to bring new drugs to the market and changing regu- model utilized transformers to mine drug features from substruc-
latory requirements, which can all contribute to higher costs. A key tures and a four-layer neural network to predict the transcriptomic
issue in the early stage of drug design and discovery is the prediction data of anticancer drug response, making it easier to find effective
of molecular properties and interactions (Lo et al., 2018). While cancer therapeutic drugs.
deep learning models have been widely applied to this end (Feinberg The generative models can produce molecules similar to but dif-
et al., 2018; Liu et al., 2019a; Wu et al., 2018), the scarcity of ferent from those in the training set by learning the distribution of
labeled data remains a fundamental obstacle to accurate and effi- the molecules in the training set. Another important development is
cient molecular property prediction. For this reason, large amounts that the transformer-based generative modeling brings new ideas to
of unlabeled data have been considered to improve the prediction drug design. MolGPT is a small version of the GPT model for mo-
performance on small-scale labeled data with the strength of lecular generation (Bagal et al., 2022). The model used masking self-
transformer-based self-supervised pre-training. attention mechanisms to make it easier to capture the long-range
Several momentous pre-training methods for molecular property dependencies. In order to reduce the dependence on prior know-
prediction have been proposed, including SMILES-BERT (Wang ledge, such as the physical and chemical characteristics of proteins
et al., 2019), GROVER (Rong et al., 2020), ChemBERTa in the process of drug discovery, Grechishnikova (2021) proposed a
(Chithrananda et al., 2020), K-BERT (Wu et al., 2022) and KPGT de novo drug generation model based on transformer architecture.
(Li et al., 2022). SMILES-BERT was pre-trained on large-scale un- The goal of this model is to generate realistic lead compounds only
labeled data by a Masked SMILES Recovery task by converting mo- using the amino acid sequence information of the target protein.
lecular formulas into SMILES strings (a kind of single-line text
representation for the structure of molecular compounds) as input
sequences (Wang et al., 2019). The pre-trained model was fine- 4 Challenges and opportunities
tuned with the labeled datasets and achieved excellent results on
In this subsection, we discuss several key challenges and opportuni-
many datasets. However, SMILES-BERT lacks model interpretabil-
ties when applying transformer-based language models in bioinfor-
ity since SMILES is not topology-aware and cannot explicitly encode
matics research.
the structural information of molecules. GROVER integrated
Dynamic Message Passing Networks (Gilmer et al., 2020) from
GNNs and long-range residual connection into Transformer archi- 4.1 Heterogeneous training data
tecture to provide a more expressive molecular encoder and demon- The rapid development of various types of omics technologies repre-
strated clear improvement in molecular classification and regression sented by high-throughput sequencing and mass spectrometry (Noor
tasks (Rong et al., 2020). ChemBERTa utilized RoBERTa-based et al., 2021) has made bioinformatics research obtain powerful data
Transformer and evaluated the model with ROC–AUC metrics for as input, with the result that the input of transformer in bioinfor-
MoleculeNet tasks (Chithrananda et al., 2020). Although the matics is not the same as it was originally applied in NLP. Instead,
Transformer-based language models in bioinformatics 15

there is heterogeneous information, including text, code, graphs, etc. 4.3 Model interpretability
To fully capture the information in these heterogeneous data, both A common criticism of deep learning models is their lack of inter-
in-depth data preprocessing and model adaption may be needed. For pretability. However, the model interpretability analysis is particu-
instance, biological sequence and genomic feature information is larly vital when the dimension of original features is too high.
generally textual, e.g. in FASTQ, BED and SRA formats. Such data Especially in the field of bioinformatics, gaining insight from the
can be directly fed to the transformer by word embedding or charac- model is critical since having an interpretable model of a biological
ter embedding techniques (Chen et al., 2022b; Ji et al., 2021; Rives system may lead to hypotheses that can be validated experimentally.
et al., 2021); patient visit information (including disease, medication The self-attention mechanism in Transformer has notable advan-
and clinical records) is represented as sequences of codes, such as tages in this direction. For example, through the analysis of atten-
EHR, ICD, where the code sequences are mapped to vector sequen-
tion maps, DNABERT (Ji et al., 2021) could visualize important
ces in the application (Li et al., 2020; Meng et al., 2021; Rasmy
areas that contributed to model decision-making, thereby improving
et al., 2021); the biomedical field involves images that are generally

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the interpretability of the model. Expect for prediction, DNABERT
reshaped into sequences of patches for tokenization and mapped
could directly rank the importance of the input nucleotide molecules
into a latent space using a trainable linear projection (Chen et al.,
2021a, b). and analyze the relationship between the input sequence contexts,
Furthermore, much more attention should be paid to multimodal resulting in better visualization information and accurate motifs ex-
learning (MML). Recently, the studies of MML with Transformer traction. Most of the attention heads of the Transformer-XL-based
have made great progress in the field of NLP and computer vision network architecture (Clauwaert et al., 2021) could successfully
(Chen et al., 2020; Lu et al., 2019; Zheng et al., 2021). Since identify and characterize transcription factors’ binding sites and
Transformer can work in a mode-independent manner, it can ex- consensus sequences, which showed that transformer has unique po-
tract and related information from multimodal data by fusion (or tential for genome annotation tasks and biological significance ex-
alignment) of the input token embeddings of self-attention (Radford traction. Reflecting the contribution of each gene and the
et al., 2021; Xu et al., 2022). Making use of biomedical codes, med- interaction between gene pairs by self-attention mechanism, scBERT
ical images, waveforms and genomics in pre-training models would (Yang et al., 2022) can obtain the top attention genes corresponding
be beneficial but requires in-depth studies of multimodal to a specific cell type, which is important for cell type annotation.
transformers. The attention mechanism in DeepMAPS enhanced biological inter-
pretability by fully capturing complex molecular mechanisms and
4.2 Computational expense cellular heterogeneity (Ma et al., 2021). And the attention of GTN
The large amount of high-throughput sequencing data has led to the could identify potential miRNA-mRNA targeting pathways and bio-
fact that many labs currently spend more on storage and computa- markers, which is not easy or even impossible to be achieved by
tion, and the calculation and mining of massive amounts of data other models (Kaczmarek et al., 2021). Interpretability makes the
have become a major bottleneck for downstream studies. The model itself, rather than results or data, become the source of know-
powerful performance of the transformer comes largely from self- ledge. How to better utilize the self-attention mechanisms to demon-
attention, which leads to the huge computational expense and strate the biological insight behind the models will become one of
makes transformer unable to model long sequences. Many efforts the most desirable improvements in transformer-based applications
have been made to improve the transformer for this problem: in bioinformatics.

1. Improvements based on recursive connection: Transformer-XL

(Dai et al., 2019) proposed segment-level RNN mechanism and 5 Conclusion
relative positional encoding to model long-distance dependence.
The recent development of transformer-based language models has
2. Improvements based on sparse attention: For example, substantially enriched the NLP field with novel architectures of self-
Longformer (Beltagy et al., 2020) proposed sliding windows, attention that can greatly improve model accuracy, efficiency and
dilated sliding windows and global attention strategies to reduce interpretability. As a new potential force, transformer-based models
the complexity of the model; Big Bird (Zaheer et al., 2020) have brushed up on SOTA performance with a large margin in most
added random attention and introduced prior knowledge to bioinformatics tasks. For example, the precision of GeneBERT in
limit the scope of attention and enhance efficiency; Reformer promoter classification, TFBS classification and disease risks estima-
(Kitaev et al., 2020) computed the Q and K matrices using the tion tasks was 0.130, 0.674 and 0.510 higher than that of the
same linear layer parameters and calculated the attention score second-best method, respectively; the accuracy of scBERT in the pre-
diction of novel and known cell types increased by 0.155 and 0.158,
separately for each query, changing the storage expense to the
respectively; ESM-1b increased precision on secondary structure and
square root level of the original. contact predictions by 0.092 and 0.279; InferBERT almost doubled
3. Improvements based on low-rank decomposition: Linformer the number of identified causal factors on acute liver failure (from
(Wang et al., 2020) proposed singular value decomposition of 23 to 43). Although several models did not reach SOTA in terms of
the calculated attention matrix to transform the complexity evaluation metrics, such as GTN and ChemBERTa, they also made
from square to linear. significant breakthroughs, and they were still innovative for other
4. Improvements based on linear attention: Such as Linear properties, such as the robustness to high-dimensional, small sample
Transformer (Katharopoulos et al., 2020) and Performer size and heterogeneous data.
(Choromanski et al., 2021) replaced softmax with other map- Nevertheless, the development and application of transformers
in bioinformatics are still in their infancy. There are many directions
pings, making the multiplication complexity of Q, K and V
for further exploration, such as developing better pre-training meth-
matrices OðNÞ. ods, improving model flexibility, standardizing benchmarks and
In addition, Zhang et al. (2020) proposed Scale-dot Product mitigating bias. Research in these directions will improve the ana-
Attention for dimensionality in TensorCoder, which reduced the lysis and interpretation of transformer-based models, and help the
computational expense from OðN 2d Þ to OðNd2 Þ. When the se- research community to utilize various biological data effectively. We
quence length (N) is greater than the word vector dimension (d), it hope this review article sparks thoughts on transformer-based lan-
can reduce the costs. Given the increasing volume of data and the guage models across multiple disciplines and will inspire future re-
complexity of analysis, developing more efficient transformer mod- search and applications that revolutionize biological and biomedical
els and architectures will be another crucial direction not only for research and open up new avenues for the diagnosis and treatment
machine learning but also for bioinformatics research. of human diseases.
16 S.Zhang et al.

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China [2021YFF1001000]. metric medical image registration. arXiv, arXiv:2104.06468v1, https://, preprint: not peer reviewed.
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