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Thermal Properties of Materials

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Thermal properties of materials

and thermal performance of

Specific heat capacity (Cp)

• Specific heat capacity gives the relationship between

heat and temperature
• It is the amount of heat energy required to cause a unit
temperature increase of a unit mass of the substance
• It is measured in J/kgK

Volumetric specific heat

• Volumetric specific heat is a similar quantity.
• However, it is based on a unit volume. The unit is
Thermal capacity

• Thermal capacity is a property of a given body

• It is the amount of heat required to cause a unit temperature
increase of that body
• It is a product of its mass and specific capacity of its material
• The unit is kg x J/kgK or J/K

Latent heat
• The latent heat of a substance is the amount of heat absorbed at a
change of state by a unit mass of that substance without change in
temperature; It is measured in J/kg

• Latent heat of fusion (ice to water) at 0oC = 355 kJ/kg

• Latent heat of evaporation at 100oC = 2261 kJ/kg
• Latent heat of evaporation at 18oC = 2400 kJ/kg

• At a change in the reverse direction, the same amount of heat is

Heat flow rate (Q)
• Heat flow rate is generally measured in Watt (W) or J/s.

• Conduction

• Conduction can take place within a body or between bodies in contact. It can be thought of as spreading
of molecular movement. The magnitude of heat flow will depend on the following:

1. Cross sectional area A through which the heat can flow. This is taken perpendicular to the direction of flow.
2. Thickness of the body (b)
3. The temperature difference ΔT between the two points considered
4. A property of the material known as conductivity (k value)

• Conductivity

• Conductivity is given as the rate of heat flow through a unit area of body of unit thickness, with a unit
temperature difference between two sides. The unit is W/mK.

• Resistivity (r)

• Resistivity is the reciprocal of conductivity.
• Note: -ity ending implies the property of a material
• -ance ending refers to some property of a defined body
• Resistance of a body is the product of its thickness and resistivity of the material.

• R = b x r = b/k (m mK/W) or m2k/W

• This property is used to measure the performance of an insulating material and is
often referred to as R-value.

• For a multi-layer building element, the resistance of layers are additive. For a material
with three layers,
• Rbody = R1 + R2 + R3
Air to air heat transfer
• When the heat transfer is taking place between air
to air, it is necessary to take account of resistance of
two surfaces. These are called the following:

• Rse - external surface resistance

• Rsi - internal surface resistance
• Surface resistance for high emissivity material
(emissivity greater than 0.8) is given in the table and
it can be seen that it will depend on the type of
element (wall, roof, floor, etc.) and the surface
• Air to air resistance is Ra-a
• From the thermal point of view, in cold climates, window is the
weakest element of any reasonably constructed building envelope
• Windows can be single glazed, double glazed or can have special
arrangements for better efficiency
Heat loss calculation under steady state

• The heat loss generally occurs in a winter situation

where the outdoor temperature remains below the
desirable indoor temperature
• The heat loss rate consists of two components
• Qc is the conduction loss rate
• Qv is the ventilation and infiltration loss rate that
occur when the outdoor cold air replaces the indoor
heated air
• The total heat loss Q = Qc + Qv

• It may be useful to calculate the specific heat loss

rate q where qc = ∑A.U in W/K.
Ventilation and infiltration loss rate (Qv)

• The ventilation rate is normally specified as the number of complete air

changes that take place per hour (ACH)
• For a typical new house with closed windows and also proper
construction, the number of air changes per hour could be about 0.5 (it
takes 2 hours for the air to be completely replaced by new, incoming air)
• The energy needed to raise one cubic meter of air through one Kelvin is
0.33 Watt-hours; this means that heat capacity per cubic meter is
0.33Wh m-3K-1
• If the volume of the space is, V, and the number of air changes is N, the
specific heat loss rate qv will be given by

• qv = 0.33 x V x N (Wh/m3K) x (m3/h)

• Hence the answer will be in W/K

• The total specific heat loss rate, q = qc + qv

• The total heat loss rate = Q = q x ΔT

Gains due to solar radiation
• When solar radiation strikes a surface, some of the
radiation may be reflected, some may be transmitted (if the
body is transparent or translucent) and the remainder will
be absorbed
• The absorbed component will cause the heating effect
• The sum of the three coefficients, reflectance,
transmittance and absorptance is always 1
The gains through windows
• When there are windows that face the sun path, the solar heat gain Qs
may be taken into account to reduce the required heating rate
• For windows, the heat gain is given by A x G x sgf, where sgf is called the
solar gain factor and G is the solar irradiance
• The typical values would be 0.76 for 6 mm single glazing and 0.64 for
clear 6 mm double glazing
• When 6 mm single glass is used with a reflecting film, it could drop to
about 0.52
• When shading devices are available, even for 6 mm clear glass, sgf can
drop to about 0.16
Nominal heat gain values from occupants

• In this house, if the total internal heat gains is about 600 W

(occupants and appliances), it is possible to calculate the
amount of heat input needed to maintain the indoor at 21oC

• Total heat loss rate = 4712.7 W

• Total gains due to solar radiation = 539.4 W

• The internal gains = 600 W
• The amount of heating needed to maintain the indoors at 21oC
= 4712.7 - 539.4 - 600 = 3573.3 W
Effective use of roof insulation in warm humid tropical
• In warm humid tropical climates, roof is one of the main sources of heat gains
• The heat gain through the roof can be controlled using reflective and resistive
• The solar radiation gain by the roof will depend on the colour of the roofing
• When a surface of a body is exposed to solar radiation, which of short wave
form, the temperature of the body will increase
• Then, it will start emitting heat in the form of longwave to the nearby objects
that will at a lower temperature
• For longwave radiation, the absorptance is equal to emittance
• For most of the opaque surfaces, emittance is 90% and hence absorptance
will also be 90%
• Hence, for long wave radiation, absorptance will not depend on the surface
• For polished surfaces, the emittance is a low value
• Hence, the absorptance of long wave radiation will also be low
• This is the property that is very effectively used when polished surfaces are
used as reflective insulation.
Emittance and absorptance of polished surfaces
Resistive insulation
• Resistive insulation act as a medium to slow down the heat flow
• Air has the lowest thermal conductivity
• Hence, resistive insulation can be manufactured by capturing air within
the voids formed by a material with a very low conductivity
• Examples are expanded polystyrene where 98% can be air with only 2%
polystyrene forming the bubble
• It could also be out of expanded polyethylene or mineral wool trapping
air in a suitable manner
• Often, resistive insulation can be used combined with reflective
Reflective insulation mounted
on resistive insulation
Thickness of resistive
insulation can be 3mm, 8 mm,
12 mm, 20 mm or 25 mm
Resistive thermal insulation
Roof with ceiling, no-insulation
Roof with ceiling with single sided reflective insulation
on resistive insulation
Roof provided with double sided reflective on resistive insulation
above the ceiling
Factory roof provided with double sided reflective on
thicker resistive insulation, but without a ceiling

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