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Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 166 (2007) 5–26

Formal Model Merging Applied to Class

Diagram Integration

Artur Boronat1 José Á. Carsı́2 Isidro Ramos3

Patricio Letelier4
Information Systems and Computation Department
Polytechnic University of Valencia
Valencia, Spain

The integration of software artifacts is present in many scenarios of the Software Engineering field: object-
oriented modeling, relational databases, XML schemas, ontologies, aspect-oriented programming, etc. In
Model Management, software artifacts are viewed as models that can be manipulated by means of generic
operators, which are specified independently of the context in which they are used. One of these operators is
Merge, which enables the automated integration of models. Solutions for merging models that are achieved
by applying this operator are more abstract and reusable than the ad-hoc solutions that are pervasive in
many contexts of the Software Engineering field. In this paper, we present our automated approach for
generic model merging from a practical standpoint, providing support for conflict resolution and traceability
between software artifacts by using the QVT Relations language. We focus on the definition of our operator
Merge, applying it to Class Diagrams integration.

Keywords: Model-Driven Engineering, Model Management, model merging, conflict resolution, QVT

1 Introduction
The Model-Driven Development philosophy [15] considers models as the main assets
in the software development process. Models collect the information that describes
the information system at a high abstraction level, which permits the development of
the application in an automated way following generative programming techniques
[12]. In this process, models constitute software artifacts that experience refinements
from the problem space (where they capture the requirements of the application)

1 Email:
2 Email:
3 Email:
4 Email:

1571-0661 © 2006 Elsevier B.V. Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.

6 A. Boronat et al. / Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 166 (2007) 5–26

to the solution space (where they specify the design, development and deployment
of the final software product).
During this refinement process, several tasks are applied to models such as trans-
formation and integration tasks. These tasks can be performed from a model man-
agement point of view. Model Management was presented in [2] as an approach to
deal with software artifacts by means of generic operators that do not depend on
metamodels by working on mappings between models. Operators of this kind deal
with models as first-class citizens, increasing the level of abstraction by avoiding
working at a programming level and improving the reusability of the solution.
Based on our experience in formal model transformation and data migration [8],
we are working on the application of the model management trend in the context of
the Model-Driven Development. We have developed a framework, called MOMENT
(MOdel manageMENT) [25], which is embedded into the Eclipse platform and that
provides a set of generic operators to deal with models through the Eclipse Modeling
Framework (EMF) [14]. Some of the simple operators defined are: the union,
intersection and difference between two models, the transformation of a set of models
to other model applying a QVT transformation, the navigation through mappings,
and so on. Complex operators can be defined by composition of other operators.
In this paper, we present the operator Merge of the MOMENT framework from
a practical point of view. The underlying formalism of our model management
approach is Maude [11]. We apply it as a novel solution for the integration of UML
Class Diagrams in a Use Case Driven software development process.
The structure of the paper is as follows: Section 2 presents a case study used
as an example in the rest of the paper; Section 3 describes our approach for deal-
ing with models by means of an industrial modeling tool, and also presents the
generic semantics of the operator Merge; Section 4 presents the customization of
the operator Merge to the UML metamodel; Section 5 explains the application of
the operator Merge to the case study; Section 6 discusses some related work; and
Section 7 summarizes the advantages of our approach.

2 Case Study: Use Case Analysis using Partial Class

Software development methodologies based on UML propose an approach where the
process is Use Case Driven [17,18]. This means that all artifacts (including the Anal-
ysis and Design Model, its implementation and the associated test specifications)
have traceability links from Use Cases. These artifacts are refined through several
transformation steps. Obtaining the Analysis Model from the Use Case Model is
possibly the transformation that has the least chance of achieving total automation.
The Use Case Model must sacrifice precision in order to facilitate readability and
validation so that the analysis of use cases is mainly a manual activity.
When the Use Case Model has many use cases, managing traceability between
each use case and the corresponding elements in the resulting class diagram can be
a difficult task. In this scenario, it seems reasonable to work with each use case
A. Boronat et al. / Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 166 (2007) 5–26 7

Fig. 1. Use Case Model.

Fig. 2. Partial models associated to the corresponding Use Cases.

separately and to register its partial class diagram (which is a piece of the resulting
class diagram that represents the Analysis Model). Regarding traceability, this
strategy is a pragmatic solution, but when several team members work in parallel
with different use cases, inconsistencies or conflicts among partial models often arise,
which must be solved when obtaining the integrated model.
We present a case study that illustrates how our operator Merge can be used
effectively to deal with the required needs established above. We present part of a
system for managing submissions that are received in a conference. In our exam-
ple, we will focus on the fragment of the Use Case Model shown in Fig. 1. The
actor System Administrator manages user accounts. Authors submit papers to the
conference. The PCChair assigns submissions to PCMembers. Each submission is
assessed by several PCMembers using review forms. When all the reviews are com-
pleted, the PCChair ranks the submissions according to the assessment contained
in the review forms. Since there is a limit to the numbers of papers that can be
8 A. Boronat et al. / Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 166 (2007) 5–26

presented, and taking into account the established ranking, some submissions are
selected, and the rest are rejected. Then, all authors are notified by email attaching
the review forms of their submission. Fig. 2 shows the Class Diagrams that support
the functionality required for the corresponding Use Case.

3 The Generic Semantics of the Merge Operator

In a Model-Driven Development context [21], models consist of sets of elements that
describe some physical, abstract, or hypothetical reality. In the process of defining
a model, abstraction and classification are guidelines to be taken into account. A
metamodel is simply a model of a modeling language. It defines the structure, and
constraints for a family of models.
In our framework, a metamodel is viewed as an algebraic specification where
the model management operators are defined so that they can be applied to all the
models that conform to the metamodel. In the following sections, we describe the
generic infrastructure for applying the Merge model to models that conform to a
specific metamodel, and we focus on the generic semantics of the Merge operator
in further details.

3.1 Maude
Maude [11] is a high-performance reflective language and system supporting both
equational and rewriting logic specification and programming. The Merge operator
has been specified in Maude functional modules 5 . Functional modules describe
data types and operations on them by means of membership equational theories.

Mathematically, such a theory can be described as a pair (Σ, E A), where: Σ
is the signature that specifies the type structure (sorts, subsorts, kinds, and over-
loaded operators); E is the collection of equations and memberships declared in the
functional module; and A is the collection of equational attributes (associativity,
commutativity, and so on) that are declared for the different operators. Computa-
tion is the form of equational deduction in which equations are used from left to
right as simplification rules, with the rules being Church-Rosser and terminating.

3.2 The QVT Relations language

A model merging process involves a composition task that can be viewed as a model
transformation process, where the two input models to be merged are also the inputs
for the model transformation. The Merge operator has been defined in a generic
way in the MOMENT Framework but it can also be specialized by a domain-specific
expert user. To provide support for extensibility in our approach, we have chosen
the standard QVT Relations language [23].
In the QVT Relations language, a model transformation is defined among several
metamodels, which are called the domains of the transformation. A QVT transfor-
5 In Appendix A, we have enclosed the notation that has been used to define operators and equations along
the paper. We refer to [10] for further details.
A. Boronat et al. / Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 166 (2007) 5–26 9
Formal parameter Formal parameter inclusion Parameterized
specification specification
parameter induced
passing MM h passing
morphism morphism

Actual parameter p’ Value
specification Actual parameter inclusion specification

Fig. 3. The parameter passing diagram for the MERGE{X :: TRIV} parameterized module.

mation is constituted by QVT relations, which become declarative transformation

rules. A QVT relation specifies a relationship that must hold between the model el-
ements of different candidate models. The direction of the transformation is defined
when it is invoked by choosing a specific domain as target. If the target domain is
defined in the QVT transformation as enforceable, a transformation is performed.
If the target domain is defined as checkonly, just a checking is performed. Both
kinds of transformations are used in our approach, as we explain in the following

3.3 Generic Infrastructure for the Merge Operator

The Merge operator is specified in the parameterized theory MERGE{X :: TRIV}.
This theory also extends other theories that provide support for OCL [7] and for the
QVT Relations language [6]. OCL and QVT are standard languages for performing
queries 6 and model transformations, respectively, when the semantics of the Merge
operator is specialized.
Fig. 3 represents the parameterization mechanism that shows how a Merge
operator can be applied to different metamodels in the MOMENT Framework. In
the following sections, the elements involved in the diagram are explained.

3.3.1 The formal parameter

TRIV is the algebraic specification of the formal parameter, which is called theory
in Maude. The TRIV theory is constituted by only one sort: fth TRIV is sort Elt
. endfth .

3.3.2 The actual parameter

A signature called SigMM, which provides the constructors of a specific metamodel,
is specified in order to represent a model by means of algebraic terms. The SigMM
specification constitutes the actual parameter for the MERGE{X :: TRIV} module
and provides a constructor for each type that is defined in the metamodel and an
inheritance hierarchy among the types that appear in the metamodel.
As example, we consider the Ecore metamodel [9] as an implementation of the
UML Class Diagram metamodel. In the Ecore metamodel, we have the constructs
6 In this context, we use OCL as a query language, as recommended in the QVT standard.
10 A. Boronat et al. / Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 166 (2007) 5–26

that define a class, an attribute, an operation, among others. This signature is au-
tomatically generated from a metamodel taking into account the following elements
that can appear in a metamodel: non-abstract classes, which are represented by
means of algebraic constructors whose arguments are the attributes (simple data
types) and references (collections of identifiers); and class hierarchies, which are
represented by means of subsort relationships. In the signature that has been gen-
erated for the Ecore metamodel 7 , the class EClass is represented by means of the
ecore-EClass sort, whose constructor is:
op ‘(ecore-EClass ‘) :
Qid *** identifier
String *** name
String *** instanceClassName
String *** instanceClass
String *** defaultValue
Bool *** abstract
Bool *** interface
OrderedSet {QID} *** eAnnotations
OrderedSet {QID} *** ePackage
. . . -> ecore-EClass [ctor] .
All the sorts that are generated are subsort of an artificial sort, called ecoreNode
for the example. In the membership equational logic underlying Maude, sorts are
grouped into equivalence classes, called kinds, through the subsort relation. By
adding a supersort to all the other sorts, we are collapsing all the sorts into the
same kind so that all the terms (representing class instances) that belong to the
sorts (representing classes) of the signature can be used as an element in a col-
lection. The signature that is generated from an EMF metamodel constitutes the
actual parameter for the module MERGE{X :: TRIV} . This task is automatically
performed by MOMENT from Ecore models.

3.3.3 The parameterized module MERGE{X :: TRIV}

A parameterized module called MERGE{X :: TRIV}, which provides the generic
specification for the Merge operator. In MOMENT, the Merge operator is defined
axiomatically using the Maude algebraic language. Maude allows us to specify the
operator in an abstract, modular and scalable manner so that we can define its
semantics from a generic and reusable point of view. The specification of the Merge
operator is explained in the Section 3.4.4 and Appendix B.
The MERGE{X :: TRIV} module also provides the constructors that are needed
to specify a model as a set of elements, by extending our algebraic specification
of OCL [7] . To understand how we represent models as sets, we introduce the
underlying OCL support for Set collections.
Among the four collection types that are provided by OCL, a Set is a collec-
tion that contains instances of a valid OCL type, where order is not relevant and
duplicate elements are not allowed. To represent a group of elements that are not
ordered, we introduce the sort Magma{X}. The constructor for this sort has the
symbol ”,”, which is associative and commutative. Thus, working with integers,
”1, 2, 3” is a term that represents a valid Magma{Int}. In addition, we can state

7 The whole signature that has been generated for the Ecore metamodel is attached in Appendix B.
A. Boronat et al. / Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 166 (2007) 5–26 11

that ”1,2,3” and ”3,2,1” represent the same group of elements modulo the commu-
tative and associative attributes. The Maude code that specifies the Set type in our
specification of OCL is as follows:
(i) sort Magma{X} .

(ii) subsort X$Elt < Magma{X} .

(iii) sorts Collection{X} Set{X} OrderedSet{X} .

(iv) subsort Collection{X} < X$Elt .

(v) subsorts Set{X} < Collection{X} .

(vi) op empty-magma : -> Magma{X} [ctor] .

(vii) op , : Magma{X} Magma{X} -> Magma{X} [ctor assoc comm id: empty-magma] .

(viii) op Set{ } : Magma{X} -> Set{X} [ctor] .

(ix) op empty-set : -> Set{X} [ctor] .

(x) eq Set{ empty-magma } = empty-set .

Terms of the sort Magma{X} are used to define sets (line (viii)). The sort
Collection{X} can be considered as an abstract concept on the grounds that there
is no specific constructor for it. The equation (x) guarantees the consistency of
an empty set on the grounds that a set that contains an empty group of elements
(empty-magma) is also an empty-set.

3.3.4 The MM view

A view has been defined for each Maude simple data type in order to deal with
collections of simple data types. For instance, to deal with collections of integers,
the following view is defined: view Int from TRIV to INT is sort Elt to Int . endv
This view is used to instantiate the MERGE{X :: TRIV} module as MERGE{Int}.
This way, the following example is a valid collection of integers: Set{1, 2, 3} .
The MM view is the morphism that relates the elements of the TRIV formal
parameter to the elements of the SigMM actual parameter. To represent models as
Sets, we map the supersort that is generated for a metamodel (ecoreNode for the
example) to the sort Elt of the TRIV theory, by means of an MM view. For the
example: from TRIV to sigecore is sort Elt to ecoreNode . endv .
Thus, we can use the constructors that constitute the SigMM theory to define
terms that represent the corresponding class instances. For example, Set{(ecore-
EClass ’a ”EClass” ”” ”” ”” false false empty-orderedset . . . )} is the represen-
tation of a model that only contains a class called ”EClass”.

3.3.5 The instantiated module SpMM

A module called SpMM instantiates the parameterized module MERGE{X :: TRIV}
by passing SigMM as actual parameter by means of the MM view. In the instantia-
tion process, the Merge operator is customized to the constructs of the metamodel,
represented by SigMM.
12 A. Boronat et al. / Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 166 (2007) 5–26

This provides the constructors that are needed to specify a model that conform
to this metamodel as a set of elements, as explained above. This fact also provides
the Merge operator that can be automatically applied to models that conform to
this metamodel. To enable the manipulation of UML models, they have to be
represented as terms of the SpMM algebraic specification, i.e. as a sets of terms that
represent class instances (by means of the constructor operators that are obtained
from the classes of a metamodel).
In the SpMM module, the specification of the Merge operator can also be spe-
cialized to a metamodel by simply adding new axioms to the Merge operator in
an ad-hoc and more accurate way, taking advantage of both complementary stand-
points: generic infrastructure and domain-specific knowledge. These features are
further developed in Sections 4 and 5.

3.3.6 Inclusion morphisms p and p’

In Fig. 3, p and p’ are inclusion morphisms that indicate that the formal parame-
ter specification is included in the parameterized specification, and that the actual
parameter specification is included in the value specification, respectively. The h
morphism is the induced passing morphism that relates the elements of the param-
eterized module to the elements of the Merge{MM} value specification by using the
MM parameter passing morphism.

3.4 The Generic Semantics of the Operator Merge

The Merge operator takes two models as input and produces a third one. If A and
B are models (represented as terms) in a specific metamodel algebraic specification,
the application of the Merge operator on them produces a model C, which consists
of the members of A together with the members of B, i.e. the union of A and B.
Taking into account that duplicates are not allowed in a model, the union is disjoint.
To define the semantics of the Merge operator, we need to introduce three con-
cepts: the equivalence relation, the conflict resolution strategy and the refreshment
of a construct.

3.4.1 Equivalence relation

A semantic equivalence relation is defined between elements that belong to different
models but to the same metamodel. This relation is embodied by the operator
Equals. The declaration operator Equals is as follows:
op Equals : Set{X} Set{X} Set{X} Set{X} -> Bool .

where the first argument is the first model to be compared that may contain only one
element; the second argument is the entire model that contains the first argument
as a subset; the third argument is the second model to be compared and it also may
contain only one element; the fourth model represents the second input model and
contains the third argument as a subset. The second and the fourth arguments are
needed because we are defining all the theories as functional modules in membership
equational logic. Thus, the notion of memory state does not exist in this context
A. Boronat et al. / Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 166 (2007) 5–26 13

and those arguments permit the navigation through the structure of the entire input
models in order to check if the equivalence relation holds.
The generic semantics of the Equals operation coincides with the syntactical
equivalence. The equational specification of the Equals operation is as follows:
vars N : X$Elt .
vars Model1 Model1b Model2 Model2b : Set{X} .
vars M1 M2 : Magma{X} .
eq Equals( Set{N, M1}, Model1, Set{N,M2}, Model2 ) =
Equals( Set{M1}, Model1, Set{M2}, Model2 ) .
eq Equals( empty-set, Model1, empty-set, Model2 ) = true .
eq Equals( Model1, Model1b, Model2, Model2b ) = false [owise] .
where the sort X$Elt represents an element of a model (Set{X}), Set{X} is the
generic sort for a set collection and MagmaX is the sort that represents groups of
elements of a set. The first equation states that if the element N (first argument)
also exists in the second model (third argument) they are equivalent (this equation
is applied to all the elements of the models 1 and model 2 recursively); the second
equation constitutes the base case for the recursion; the third equation permits
indicating when there is an element in Model1 or Model2 is not equivalent. This
generic semantics can be enriched by means of QVT checkonly relations that take
into account the structure of a specific metamodel. This is explained in more detail
in Section 4.

3.4.2 Conflict resolution strategy

During a model merging process, when two software artifacts (each of which belongs
to a different model) are supposed to be equivalent, one of them must be erased.
Their syntactical differences cast doubt on which should be the syntactical structure
for the merged element. Here, the conflict resolution strategy comes into play.
The conflict resolution strategy is provided by the operator Resolve, whose generic
semantics consists of the preferred model strategy. When the Merge operator is
applied to two models, one has to be chosen as preferred. In this way, when two
groups of elements (that belong to different models) are equivalent due to the Equals
operation, although they differ syntactically, the elements of the preferred model
prevail. The signature of the Resolve operator is as follows:
op Resolve : Set{X} Set{X} Set{X} Set{X} -> Tuple{ X, TraceabilityMetamodel, TraceabilityMetamodel

where the first argument is the first model to be merged that contains only one
element; the second argument is the entire model that contains the first argument
as a subset; the third argument is the second model to be merged and it also contains
only one element; the fourth model represents the second whole model and contains
the third argument as a subset. The second argument of the operator (first input
model of the Merge operator) is taken as the preferred model.
The generic semantics of the Resolve operator is as follows:
eq Resolve ( Set{N1}, Model1b, Set{N2}, Model2b) =
Set{Refresh(N1, Model1b, Model2b)}
GenerateTrace(N1, N1)
14 A. Boronat et al. / Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 166 (2007) 5–26

GenerateTrace(N2, N1)
) [owise] .
where the Resolve operator produces a tuple of three elements. In this tuple: the
first element is the merged element, which coincides with the element of the first
model (the preferred one); the second results in a trace that is generated between the
source element N1 and the resulting element (this trace belongs to the trace model
that is generated between the first model and the resulting merged model); the third
results in a trace between the source element N2 and the resulting element N1 (this
trace belongs to the trace model that is generated between the second model and
the resulting merged model).
The semantics of the Resolve operator can also be customized for a specific
metamodel by means of enforced QVT Relations. This feature is explained in more
detail in Section 4.

3.4.3 Refreshments
Refreshments are needed to copy non-duplicated elements into the merged model
in order to maintain its references in a valid state. If we merge models B and C
in our case study, taking model B as the preferred one, the reference Submission
of the class PCMember of model C is copied to the merged model. As the class
Submission of model C has been replaced by the one from model B, the reference,
which points to the class Submission of model C, is no longer valid. Thus, this
reference must be updated. The update of a specific metamodel construct term is
embodied by the operator Refresh.

3.4.4 The Merge operator

The Merge operator takes two models that conform to the same metamodel as
inputs. The outputs of the Merge operator are a merged model and two models of
traces that relate the elements of the input models to the elements of the output
merged model. Therefore, these traces, which are automatically generated by the
Merge operator, provide full support for keeping traceability between the input
models and the new merged one. The declaration of the operator is as follows:
op Merge : Set{X} Set{X} -> Tuple{ X, TraceabilityMetamodel, TraceabilityMetamodel } .
The Merge operator uses the equivalence relation that is defined for a metamodel
to detect duplicated elements between the two input models. When two duplicated
elements are found, the conflict resolution strategy is applied to them in order to
obtain a merged element, which is then added to the output model. The elements
that belong to only one model, without being duplicated in the other one, are
refreshed and directly copied into the merged model. The equational specification
of the Merge operator is presented in Appendix C.
A. Boronat et al. / Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 166 (2007) 5–26 15

4 Specific Semantics for the Ecore Metamodel to Merge

Uml Class Diagrams
In this section, we briefly describe how the user can add specific semantics to the
Merge operator to integrate UML Class Diagrams, which are implemented in the
EMF by means of the Ecore metamodel. To fulfill this goal, the user only has to
add specific axioms for the operators Equals and Resolve. This is achieved by using
the QVT Relations language.

4.1 Equivalence Relation Specialization

To define an equivalence relation among the elements of a model, the user can use
the QVT Relation language in the checkonly mode. Only checkonly transformations
with two domains are accepted in this context. Both domains have to refer to
the same metamodel in our approach. For the example, both domains are the
Ecore metamodel and the user can add a QVT relation for each of the classes that
appear in the metamodel when it is desired. Such QVT relations act as equivalence
relationships that must hold over the elements of two Ecore models. These QVT
Relations are also used in the merging process to check when two elements are
equivalent in order to eliminate duplicates.
In the example, the following relation can be defined to indicate that two classes
are the same if they belong to the same package and they have the same name 8 :
top relation EClassEquivalence {
className: String;
checkonly domain ecoreDomain1 c1: EClass {
ePackage = p1:EPackage {},
checkonly domain ecoreDomain2 c2: EClass {
ePackage = p2:EPackage {},
when {
EPackageEquivalence(p1, p2);
where the EPackageEquivalence is another QVT Relation defined within the same
transformation, describing when two EPackage instances are equivalent (for in-
stance, by name). In our approach, this kind of equivalences may involve sev-
eral instances of two models as in the above example, where EClass instances and
EPackage instances are used to check whether two classes are equivalent or not.
The checkonly QVT transformation, which is constituted by checkonly QVT
Relations of this kind, is then compiled into equations for the Equals operator. The
specific semantics for the operator Equals are obtained by compilation from a QVT
Relations transformation. The equation that is obtained for the QVT Relation of
the example is as follows:
ceq Equals( Set{N1,M2}, Model1, Set{N2, M2} Model2 ) =

8 We have chosen these criteria for the example. Nevertheless, they can be customized to a specific meta-
model by the user. Nothing impedes us to add semantic annotations to the elements of a model and use
this information to determine which elements are equals or not.
16 A. Boronat et al. / Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 166 (2007) 5–26

if (
(( == ( and
(N1 :: ePackage(Model1)) -> asSet , Model1,
(N2 :: ePackage(Model2)) -> asSet , Model2
) then
Equals( Set{M1}, Model1, Set{M2}, Model2 )

if (N1 :: oclIsTypeOf ( ? ”EClass”; Model1))
and (N2 :: oclIsTypeOf( ? ”EClass” ; Model2)) .
where the expression (N1 :: ePackage(Model1)) permits navigating the role ePack-
age from the class N1 and (N1 :: oclIsTypeOf ( ? ”EClass”; Model1)) checks if the
element N1 is instance of the class EClass.
During the merging process, this equation permits checking that the Submission
classes of the partial models B and C are equivalent so that they will be merged.
In the checkonly QVT Transformation, helper functions can be defined by using
OCL expressions to manipulate and compare names, and to navigate the structure
of the corresponding model. For the example, a thesaurus function can be easily
implemented in this way to indicate that the userid attribute of the class User in
model A is equivalent to the login attribute of the PCMember class in model D.
Thus, the user only has to know the standard QVT Relations language and the
domain-specific knowledge on the grounds that the underlying formalism that is
used in our approach remains completely hidden.

4.2 Conflict Resolution Strategy Specialization

To refine the Merge operator, the conflict resolution strategy can also be specialized.
During the merging process, when the Merge operator finds two duplicates, they
should be integrated. This integration involves a transformation process where
information of both duplicates may be taken into account to define the merged
model. Thus, an enforced QVT transformation can be used to refine the conflict
resolution strategy in the same way a checkonly QVT transformation is used to
refine the generic equivalence relation.
An additional equation completes the generic semantics of the Resolve operator
in order to be specialized for a specific metamodel:
eq Resolve ( Set{N1}, Model1b, Set{N2}, Model2b) =
ModelGen( merge ; ? Set{N1} ? Model1b ? Set{N2} ? Model2b ) .
In this equation, the Resolve operator invokes a ModelGen operator that per-
forms a model transformation, whose equational semantics are obtained automat-
ically by means of the compilation of a QVT Transformation, which is previously
defined by a domain-expert user. A QVT transformation that is used to define
a specific conflict resolution strategy has three domains. All of them refer to the
metamodel under study (Ecore in our example). The first two domains are defined
as checkonly and they only query the two input models of the Merge operator. The
third domain is defined as enforce and is the one that produces merged elements.
In the case study, when we integrate the class Submission of model B with the class
A. Boronat et al. / Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 166 (2007) 5–26 17

Submission of model C, we have to integrate their respective attributes, references

and operations. The following QVT Relation is intended to perform this task:
top relation EClassMerging {
className: String;
checkonly domain ecoreDomain1 c1: EClass {
ePackage = p1:EPackage {},
name = className
checkonly domain ecoreDomain2 c2: EClass {
ePackage = p2:EPackage {},
name = className
enforce domain ecoreDomain3 c3: EClass {
ePackage = p3:EPackage {},
name = className
when {
EPackageMerging(p1, p2, p3);
where {
EAttributeMerging(c1, c2, c3);
EReferenceMerging(c1, c2, c3);
EOperationMerging(c1, c2, c3);
where the EPackageMerging QVT relation, which is invoked in the when clause,
ensures that the container packages of both EClass intances must be equivalent in
order to apply the current relation to the classes. The QVT Relations, which are
invoked in the where clause, ensure that the merging process will go on by merging
their attributes, references and operations.
The enforce QVT transformation that the user defines to specialize the con-
flict resolution strategy is automatically compiled into a ModelGen equation 9 .
ModelGen 10 is the operator that embodies model transformations in the MOMENT
Framework and is invoked by the Resolve operator. The compilation of the above
QVT relation generates the following QVT equation for the ModelGen operator:
ceq ModelGen (EClassMerging ; ? Set{ N1, M1 } ? Model1 ? Set{ N2, M2 } ? Model2 )
:: ePackage <– (p1
(ModelGenRule ( EPackageMerging ;
? ((N1 :: ePackage(Model1)) -> asSet) ? Model1
? ((N2 :: ePackage(Model2)) -> asSet) ? Model2
:: name <– (N1 :: name)
} -> including (
p1( ModelGenRule (EAttributeMerging ;
? Set{ N1 } ? Model1 ? Set{ N2 } ? Model2 ) )
) -> including (
p1( ModelGenRule (EReferenceMerging ;
? Set{ N1 } ? Model1 ? Set{ N2 } ? Model2 ) )
) -> including (
p1( ModelGenRule (EOperationMerging ;

9 Indeed, the equation is generated for the ModelGenRule operator, which represents one transformation
rule of the entire transformation. We have skipped this detail in the paper for the sake of clarity.
10 More information on the ModelGen operator and the model transformation process in the MOMENT
Framework can be found in [6].
18 A. Boronat et al. / Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 166 (2007) 5–26

? Set{ N1 } ? Model1 ? Set{ N2 } ? Model2 ) )

) -> including (
p1( ModelGenRule (EClassMerging ;
? Set{ M1 } ? Model1 ? Set{ M2 } ? Model2 ) )
) -> flatten
First trace model computation
Second trace model computation
if (N1 :: ecore-EClass) and (N2 :: ecore-EClass) .
In this equation: the operator <– represents the value assignment operation; the
expression New(”EClass”) creates a new empty instance of the EClass class; the
value assigned to the reference ePackage is the resulting package that will contain
the merged class (obtained by means of the EPackageMerging transformation rule);
the first three includings permit the addition of the outputs of the transformation
rules EAttributeMerging, EReferenceMerging and EOperationMerging to the final
result 11 12 ; the final including permits the addition of the elements that are merged
by applying the EClassMerging relation to the rest of EClass instances of SetM1
and SetM2, recursively. This equation returns a triple, where the first component
represents elements of the merged model, the second component represents traces
of the trace model that relates the first input model to the merged model, and the
third represents traces of the trace model that related the second input model to
the merged model. In the example the generation of the traces has been skipped.
This process consists in creating a new trace where the domain property refers to
the input element and the range property refers to the new generated element 13 .

5 Merging Process
In this section, we present the merging process that is used to integrate the five
partial class diagrams of the case study. The four steps followed are indicated in
Table 1, where the first argument for the merge operator is the preferred one. In
this table, the first column indicates the step number; the second column shows
the invocation of the Merge operator; the third column describes some of the main
conflicts that have appeared during the merging step; the fourth column indicates
the partial models involved that contain the conflicting elements; and the latter
indicates the solution of the conflict by the Resolve operator.
After each step of the merging process, two models of mappings are automati-
cally generated. These mappings provide full support for traceability by registering
the transformation applied to the elements of the source partial models and by
relating them to elements of the merged model. In the MOMENT framework, a
set of operators is provided to navigate mappings bidirectionally [5]: from a partial
model to the merged model (providing support for the propagation of changes from
11 As the returning value of a ModelGenRule is a triple, p1 obtains the first component, which is a set that
contains elements of the resulting merged model
12 In these relations, we assume that the semantics of the inheritance is taken into account for the merging
process in Section 5.
13 To study the traceability that we provide in the MOMENT Framework and its applicability in further
detail, we refer to [5]
A. Boronat et al. / Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 166 (2007) 5–26 19

Model Merging Conflicts Models Resolution

1 <BC, mapB2BC , The multiplicity of the attribute B-C Multiplicity [1..5] (pre-
mapC2BC > = keywords (class Submission). ferred model)
Merge(B, C)
2 <DE, mapD2DE ,
mapE2DE > =
Merge(D, E)
3 <DEBC, 3.1. The multiplicity of the at- E-B Multiplicity [1..*] (pre-
mapDE2DEBC , tribute authors (class Submission) ferred model)
mapBC2DEBC >
= 3.2. Type of the attribute accepted E-B Type Boolean (pre-
(class Submission) ferred model)
Merge(DE,BC) 3.3. Multiplicities of the associa- D-C Multiplicities 1..1 - 1..1
tion between the classes Submis- (preferred model)
sion and PCMember
4 <ABCDE, The attribute userid (class User) A-D The inherited feature
mapA2ABCDE , and the attribute login (class prevails by means of
mapBCDE2ABCDE > PCMember) are identified as the the EClass axiom for
= Merge(A, BCDE) same, by means of a thesaurus. the operator Resolve.

Table 1
The steps of the Class Diagram merging process.

Fig. 4. Resulting merged model for the case study.

a specific use case to the merged model, as well as preserving the changes applied to
the latter); or from the merged model to a partial class diagram (providing support
in order to update a specific use case). Moreover, such mappings are considered as
models so that generic model management operators can also be applied to them.
In Fig. 4, we show the resulting merged model resulting from step 4. Although
the user describes the semantics of the Merge operator for a specific metamodel,
as the model merging is completely automated, there might exist some undesired
results in the merged model that should be fixed. In this figure, elements of this
kind are highlighted by a discontinuous line. Therefore, the directed association
that comes from partial model D should be deleted, and the multiplicity of the
existing association between the Submission and the PCMember classes should be
updated with the multiplicity that appears in partial model C.
In such cases, the user has the option to open the resulting merged model to
review and update it. Merged models can be manipulated from visual editors that
are integrated in the Eclipse platform. Although the merged model might be modi-
fied, the traces that are generated by the Merge operator can be updated by means
of other model management operators, such as the Match operator. This operator
infers a trace model between two models that conform to the same metamodel by
taking into account the checkonly QVT transformation that is used to refine the
20 A. Boronat et al. / Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 166 (2007) 5–26

semantics of the Equals operator 14 .

6 Related Work
In [22], several approaches for model merging are presented. The Merge operator
is a model management operator that was proposed in [3] and further developed
in [4] afterwards. The specification of this Merge operator is provided in terms
of imperative algorithms so that the Merge operator is embodied by a complex
algorithm that mixes control logic with the functionality. Although the operator
is independent of any metamodel, it depends on an external operator to check
the constraints of a specific metamodel. Therefore, it might generate inconsistent
models and requires an auxiliary operator to work properly. Moreover, as shown
in [4], the algorithm may be changed depending on the metamodel. In MOMENT,
the Merge operator remains completely reusable for any metamodel. To consider
new metamodels, the operators Equals and Resolve can be customized by simply
adding axioms to their respective semantic definition.
Another approach that provides the Merge operator from a model management
standpoint is presented in [24] by using graph theory. The Merge operator is denota-
tionally defined by means of production rules. In both operational and graph-based
approaches, the Merge operator receives a model of mappings as input. This model
indicates the relationships between the elements of the models that are going to
be merged. These mappings have to be defined manually or can be inferred by
a operator Match that uses heuristic functions [20] or historical information [19].
Our Merge operator does not depend on mappings since the equivalence relation
is defined between elements of the same metamodel by means of the QVT Rela-
tions language, at a higher abstraction level. Another inconvenience of both model
management approaches is that they are not integrated in any visual modeling envi-
ronment. Therefore, they cannot be used in a model-driven development process in
the way that the MOMENT framework is able to do through the Eclipse platform.
The Generic Model Weaver AMW [13] is a tool that permits the definition of
mapping models (called weaving models) between EMF models in the ATLAS Model
Management Architecture. AMW provide a basic weaving metamodel that can be
extended to permit the definition of complex mappings. These mappings are usually
defined by the user, although they may be inferred by means of heuristics, as in [20].
This tool constitutes a nice solution when the weaving metamodel can change. It
also provides the basis for a merge operator on the grounds that a weaving model,
which is defined between two models, can be used as input for a model transfor-
mation that can obtain the merged model (as mentioned in [13]). In MOMENT,
model weavings are generated by model management operators automatically in a
traceability model, and can be manipulated by other operators [5].
An interesting operation-based implementation of the three-way merge is pre-
sented in [1]. The union model that permits this kind of merging is built on top of a

14 The definition of complex model management operators and trace model navigation is out of scope of
this paper. We refer to [5] for further details.
A. Boronat et al. / Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 166 (2007) 5–26 21

difference operator. The difference operator is based on the assumption that all the
elements that participate in a model must have a unique identifier. This operator
uses the identifiers in order to check if two elements are the same. Our Merge op-
erator is a state-based 15 implementation of the two-way merge so that it does not
need a common base model in order to merge two different models. In our approach
the operator Equals permits the definition of complex equivalence relationships in
an easy way. The three-way merge can be specified as a complex operator in the
Model Management arena, as described in [4].
More specifically to the problem presented in the case study, UML CASE tools
permit the arrangement of Use Cases and their corresponding partial Class Diagram
into the same package. Nevertheless, no option is provided to obtain the global Class
Diagram from the partial ones. The Rational Rose Model Integration [16] is a tool
that provides an ad-hoc solution to merge UML models by basically using the name
of the element to determine equivalences, and using the preferred model strategy
to obtain the merged model. The equivalence relation and the conflict resolution
strategy cannot be customized by the user like in MOMENT. Moreover, once the
merged model is generated, there is no way to relate the obtained model to the
partial source models in order to keep some degree of traceability.

7 Conclusions
In this paper, we have presented a state-based automated approach for model merg-
ing from a model management standpoint. We have briefly introduced how we deal
with algebraic models from a visual modeling environment, and we have described
the generic semantics of our Merge operator.
The Merge operator can also be specialized to a metamodel by simply adding
new axioms to the operator in an ad-hoc and more accurate way, taking advantage of
both complementary standpoints: generic infrastructure and domain-specific knowl-
edge. This specialization can be performed by means of standard QVT transforma-
tions that are then compiled into equations of the operators Equals and Resolve,
which are used by the Merge operator. An example to specialize the Merge oper-
ator has been provided for the Ecore metamodel, in order to solve the integration
of the partial class diagrams proposed in the case study. The operator takes ad-
vantage of the reusability and modularity features of the algebraic specifications. It
becomes a scalable operator that can be easily specialized to a specific metamodel
and that can be intuitively used with other operators. Thus, the user only has to
know the standard QVT Relations language and the domain-specific knowledge on
the grounds that the underlying formalism that is used in our approach remains
completely hidden.
In the current version of the MOMENT framework, the specific semantics of the
Merge operator is directly introduced using Maude code. The version of the Merge

15 Software merging techniques can be classified as state-based or change-based [22]. State-based techniques
only take into account the information that is embedded in the input software artifacts to be merged, while
change-based techniques also use information about the precise changes that were performed during the
evolution of the software.
22 A. Boronat et al. / Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 166 (2007) 5–26

operator that is presented in this work does not take into account the order that
is defined among the elements of a model by means of ordered references. Thus,
when two models are merged the elements of the merged model do not keep any
order with regard to those of the input models. Currently we are extending the
generic semantics of the Merge operator to preserve this order relation and we are
developing a QVT Relations language compiler that targets Maude code, as shown
in this paper and in [6].

8 Acknowledgments
This work was supported by the Spanish Government under the National Program
for Research, Development and Innovation, DYNAMICA Project TIC 2003-07804-

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[25] The ISSI Research Group, The MOMENT Project.


A Maude Notation for Operators and Conditional Equa-

In a Maude module, an operator is declared with the keyword op followed by its name, followed by a colon,
followed by the list of sorts for its arguments (called the operator’s arity), followed by ->, followed by the
sort of its result (called the operator’s coarity), optionally followed by an attribute declaration, followed by
white space and a period. Thus the general scheme has the form
op OpName : Sort-1 ... Sort-k -> Sort [ OperatorAttributes ] .
Equations are declared using the keyword eq, followed by a term (its lefthand side), the equality sign
=, then a term (its righthand side), optionally followed by a list of statement attributes enclosed in square
brackets, and ending with a space and a period. Thus the general scheme is the following:
eq Term-1 = Term-2 [StatementAttributes] .
Conditional equations are allowed, where the equational conditions are made up of individual equations
t = t and memberships t : s (indicating a boolean function that holds true if the term t belongs to the sort
s). A condition can be either a single equation, a single membership, or a conjunction of equations and
memberships using the binary conjunction connective /\ which is assumed associative. Thus the general
form of conditional equations and memberships is the following:
ceq Term-1 = Term-2
if EqCondition-1 /\ ... /\ EqCondition-k [StatementAttributes] .

B Generated Signature for the Ecore Metamodel

fmod sigecore is
sorts ecore-EAttribute ecore-EAnnotation ecore-EClass ecore-EClassifier
ecore-EDataType ecore-EEnum ecore-EEnumLiteral ecore-EFactory
ecore-EModelElement ecore-ENamedElement ecore-EObject .
sorts ecore-EOperation ecore-EPackage ecore-EParameter ecore-EReference
ecore-EStructuralFeature ecore-ETypedElement ecore-EEnumerator
ecore-EFeatureMap ecore-EFeatureMapEntry ecore-EMap
ecore-EResource ecore-EResourceSet ecoreNode .
24 A. Boronat et al. / Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 166 (2007) 5–26

subsorts ecore-EObject ecore-EStringToStringMapEntry < ecoreNode .

subsorts ecore-EAnnotation ecore-EFactory ecore-ENamedElement
< ecore-EModelElement .
subsorts ecore-EEnum < ecore-EDataType .
subsorts ecore-EModelElement < ecore-EObject .
subsorts ecore-EAttribute ecore-EReference < ecore-EStructuralFeature .
subsorts ecore-EClass ecore-EDataType < ecore-EClassifier .
subsorts ecore-EOperation ecore-EParameter ecore-EStructuralFeature
< ecore-ETypedElement .
subsorts ecore-EClassifier ecore-EEnumLiteral ecore-EPackage ecore-ETypedElement
< ecore-ENamedElement .
*** op ecore-EAttribute: Qid, name, ordered, unique, lowerBound, upperBound, many, required,
changeable, volatile, transient, defaultValueLiteral, defaultValue, unsettable, derived, iD, eAnnotations,
eType, eContainingClass, eAttributeType,
op ‘(ecore-EAttribute ‘) : Qid String Bool Bool Int Int Bool Bool
Bool Bool Bool String String Bool Bool Bool OrderedSet {QID} OrderedSet {QID} OrderedSet {QID}
OrderedSet {QID} -> ecore-EAttribute [ctor] .

*** op ecore-EAnnotation: Qid, source, eAnnotations, details, eModelElement, contents, references,

op ‘(ecore-EAnnotation ‘) : Qid String OrderedSet {QID} OrderedSet {QID} OrderedSet
{QID} OrderedSet {QID} OrderedSet {QID} -> ecore-EAnnotation [ctor] .

*** op ecore-EClass: Qid, name, instanceClassName, instanceClass, defaultValue, abstract, inter-

face, eAnnotations, ePackage, eSuperTypes, eOperations, eAllAttributes, eAllReferences, eReferences, eAt-
tributes, eAllContainments, eAllOperations, eAllStructuralFeatures, eAllSuperTypes, eIDAttribute, eStruc-
op ‘(ecore-EClass ‘) : Qid String String String String Bool Bool
OrderedSet {QID} OrderedSet {QID} OrderedSet {QID} OrderedSet {QID} OrderedSet {QID} OrderedSet
{QID} OrderedSet {QID} OrderedSet {QID} OrderedSet {QID} OrderedSet {QID} OrderedSet {QID}
OrderedSet {QID} OrderedSet {QID} OrderedSet {QID} -> ecore-EClass [ctor] .

*** op ecore-EDataType: Qid, name, instanceClassName, instanceClass, defaultValue, serializable,

eAnnotations, ePackage,
op ‘(ecore-EDataType ‘) : Qid String String String String Bool OrderedSet {QID}
OrderedSet {QID} -> ecore-EDataType [ctor] .

*** op ecore-EEnum: Qid, name, instanceClassName, instanceClass, defaultValue, serializable, eAn-

notations, ePackage, eLiterals,
op ‘(ecore-EEnum ‘) : Qid String String String String Bool OrderedSet {QID} OrderedSet
{QID} OrderedSet {QID} -> ecore-EEnum [ctor] .

*** op ecore-EEnumLiteral: Qid, name, value, instance, eAnnotations, eEnum,

op ‘(ecore-EEnumLiteral ‘) : Qid String Int String OrderedSet {QID} OrderedSet {QID} ->
ecore-EEnumLiteral [ctor] .

*** op ecore-EFactory: Qid, eAnnotations, ePackage,

op ‘(ecore-EFactory ‘) : Qid OrderedSet {QID} OrderedSet {QID} -> ecore-EFactory [ctor] .

*** op ecore-EObject: Qid,

op ‘(ecore-EObject ‘) : Qid -> ecore-EObject [ctor] .

*** op ecore-EOperation: Qid, name, ordered, unique, lowerBound, upperBound, many, required,
eAnnotations, eType, eContainingClass, eParameters, eExceptions,
op ‘(ecore-EOperation ‘) : Qid String Bool Bool Int Int Bool Bool OrderedSet
{QID} OrderedSet {QID} OrderedSet {QID} OrderedSet {QID} OrderedSet {QID} -> ecore-EOperation
[ctor] .

*** op ecore-EPackage: Qid, name, nsURI, nsPrefix, eAnnotations, eFactoryInstance, eClassifiers,

eSubpackages, eSuperPackage,
op ‘(ecore-EPackage ‘) : Qid String String String OrderedSet {QID} OrderedSet {QID}
OrderedSet {QID} OrderedSet {QID} OrderedSet {QID} -> ecore-EPackage [ctor] .

*** op ecore-EParameter: Qid, name, ordered, unique, lowerBound, upperBound, many, required,
eAnnotations, eType, eOperation,
op ‘(ecore-EParameter ‘) : Qid String Bool Bool Int Int Bool Bool OrderedSet {QID}
OrderedSet {QID} OrderedSet {QID} -> ecore-EParameter [ctor] .

*** op ecore-EReference: Qid, name, ordered, unique, lowerBound, upperBound, many, required,
changeable, volatile, transient, defaultValueLiteral, defaultValue, unsettable, derived, containment, con-
tainer, resolveProxies, eAnnotations, eType, eContainingClass, eOpposite, eReferenceType,
op ‘(ecore-EReference ‘) : Qid String Bool Bool Int Int Bool Bool
A. Boronat et al. / Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 166 (2007) 5–26 25

Bool Bool Bool String String Bool Bool Bool Bool Bool OrderedSet {QID} OrderedSet {QID} OrderedSet
{QID} OrderedSet {QID} OrderedSet {QID} -> ecore-EReference [ctor] .

*** op ecore-EStringToStringMapEntry: Qid, key, value,

op ‘(ecore-EStringToStringMapEntry ‘) : Qid String String
-> ecore-EStringToStringMapEntry [ctor] .

C Generic Semantics for the Merge Operator

The MergeRule operator constitutes a rule of the Merge operator and indicates how to merge two elements
when they are equivalent. The declaration is as follows:
op MergeRule : Set{X} Set{X} Set{X} Set{X}
-> Tuple{ X, TraceabilityMetamodel, TraceabilityMetamodel } [memo] .
where the first two arguments represent the first input model to be merged (the first argument is traversed
by recursion), and where the last two arguments represent the second input model to be merged (the third
argument is also traversed by recursion). The output of the operator is a triple, where the first component
is the model of merged elements, the second component is a trace model, whose traces relate instances of
the first input model to intances of the merged model, and the third component is another trace model,
whose traces relate instances of the second input model to intances of the merged model.
The MergeRule operator equations 16 specify the generic semantics of the merging process in the
MOMENT Framework. The following equation applies the conflict resolution strategy (specialized if exists
or generic by default) to all the elements that are equivalent in order to eliminate duplicates:
ceq MergeRule ( Set{N1,M1}, Model1, Set{N2,M2}, Model2) =
(Resolve ( Set{ N1 }, Model1, Set{N2}, Model2))
-> including (MergeRule ( Set{M1}, Model1, Set{M2}, Model2))
if (Equals( Set{N1}, Model1, Set{N2}, Model2)) .
The following equation constitutes the base case of the recursion when the models to traverse are empty:
eq MergeRule ( (empty-set).Set{X}, Model1, (empty-set).Set{X}, Model2) =
(empty-set).Set{X} ,
(empty-set).Set{TraceabilityMetamodel} ,
The elements that belong to only one model, without being duplicated in the other one, are refreshed
and directly copied into the merged model. The following equations perform this task:
eq MergeRule ( Model1, Model1b, (empty-set).Set{X}, Model2) =
Refresh(Model1, Model1b, Model2) .

eq MergeRule ( (empty-set).Set{X}, Model1, Model2, Model2b) =

Refresh(Model2, Model2b, Model1) .

eq MergeRule ( Set{M1}, Model1, Set{M2}, Model2) =

p1(Refresh(Model1, Model1b, Model2))
-> including ( p1(Refresh(Model2, Model2b, Model1)) ) -> flatten ,
p2(Refresh(Model1, Model1b, Model2))
-> including ( p2(Refresh(Model2, Model2b, Model1)) ) -> flatten ,
p3(Refresh(Model1, Model1b, Model2))
-> including ( p3(Refresh(Model2, Model2b, Model1)) ) -> flatten
) [owise] .
The Merge operator takes two models that conform to the same metamodel as inputs. The outputs
of the Merge operator are a merged model and two models of traces that relate the elements of the input
models to the elements of the output merged model. The Merge operator invokes the MergeRule operator
over the elements of the input elements and finally complete the obtained trace models:
eq Merge (Model1, Model2) =
p1(MergeRule ( Model1, Model1, Model2, Model2) )
p2(MergeRule ( Model1, Model1, Model2, Model2) ) -> including (

16 Inthe equations, the operators p1, p2 and p3 are projection operators that obtain the first, second and
third element of a triple, respectively.
26 A. Boronat et al. / Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 166 (2007) 5–26

:: operator <– ”Merge”
:: links <– ((
(p2(MergeRule ( Model1, Model1, Model2, Model2)))
-> asOrderedSet) :: OID)
) -> flatten
p3(MergeRule ( Model1, Model1, Model2, Model2) ) -> including (
Set{ New(”TraceabilityModel”)
:: operator <– ”Merge”
:: links <– ((
(p3(MergeRule ( Model1, Model1, Model2, Model2)))
-> asOrderedSet) :: OID)
) -> flatten

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