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Jurisprudence Terminology

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Terms used in
IAl ~~~ : aD the more; from a stronger reason ~;
abstractlo ratioali : ~ ~
absurdity and llBI'U5OOabk_: ~ • W/t01Cfddl; .•
• 311f*11i4i1('f1;f.r~. ~ 31<g.fd<!4d('f1
11 posteriori : argument from the consequence to the antece-
abuse of judicial ~: improper use of a regular legal
dent ~ mq~; ~~ ~-~ (~)
a posteriori reawning : ~ljffl <rci; process by which an unfair advantage is obtained by a .pany
to the proceeding over an opponent ~ lIfst;ln CfiI ~
a 'priori: deductive; from earlier i.e. original or antecedent;
argument from antecedent to the consequent; not empiri-
abuse of law : m
CfiI ~
cal : 1. ~; ~ FRtII8; 2. qiRTJf-~ <rci; accessory obligation: an obligation subordinate to the main or
11 priori ronapt : 1I1"1'fIcft ~; principal one: such as an obligation to pay annual rent
a priori preconception : ~ ~; ~ ~ ~ under a lease ~
11 priori propositiOl! : 1I11~ ~
Kassory right: a right supplementary or secondary to a right
a priori-reasoning : ~ ~18 <rci; of greater or primary importance ~ ~ ~
11 priori!im : lIj1i1'4'4cn~; ~ FR\l~ ~
a question in the abstract : ~ ~; f.RNR WlI accident: ~
aboonnal circumstance: 1. ~ ~; 2. ~ accideJrtalism :~; ~~?il<ll~
~ acOSmisnl:~; ~
abnormal fora : ~ ~ acquisition and disposition : ~ am ~
abolition : putting an end to ~
abridgt4 syllogj5m : a short logical formula which is used to
act : a thing done; process of doing; action: <pf; ~
act as a IepI duty : ~
~ if; :;m ~; ~ *~ if
test the validity of reasoning, consisting of a major premise,
a minor premise and a conclusion ~~ ~ ad on one's puil : ~ ~ ~ :q ~ <liFt ~; ~ ~ ~
abrogative power: ~q;ri] ~; ~ ~ ~~
absolute concept : complete ideas of a class of objects ~18 action; a thing done; something done or doing~; A
~ activity theory : ~ ~
abiGlute duty: a duty which has no corresponding right actual idealism: ~ ~; ~ ~
~~ actual pos&eliSioa! ~ ~
absolute fim principle: unqualified principles that are basi(: or actual Jfan~ : ~ <IlI$
self evident ~15 ~ ~ .add .a IWer: ~ ~
absolute good: having perfectly ethical ends '~ ~; ~ ~ ~ ~ argilmellt: ~ ~; ~ ~
absolute idealism! the Hegelian philosophy of the absolute adjlldiattion : the action of adjudicating ~/;qj41=iJ,4<-I
mind or any OAe. of a group of metaphysiealidealisms adjudication process: ·.ll''1Roi<r4 ~
deriving primarily from Regal which affirm that fundamen- :administratioll : lmRR
tal reality is an all-embracing spiritual unity l:W! ~; administration er things : ~ ~
1R1'f ~ admioistratiye .cou·rt : ~ ~
absolute idem : supreme conception lIP{ ~; lRli ~ admiDistrati~ Illw': Jmr~ ~
abSCllute liability: liability irrespective of intention 'or negli- admimstative trlbWlal : ~ "':q""'f4j"'~"""""'II\;
~ ~
gence such as liability for the escape of dangerous things ad f'efermdum : .~
~ ~; FR\l18 ~ adl<eftlism;~
absolute monarchy; .a govt, in which absolute power is vested adyerv ;posses.-.i8ft: ~ ~
in a single person '~
absolute ownership: ~RrCfi
~; 1f!i ~; 31iII\t ~
advocatus diaboti; ~Wfi;t~
advocatus dei : ~
~ *~
absolute power : 3{r~ .; ~ ~; ~ ~
aesthetic values: ~-~
absolute realisrn; the view {hat the physical world bas aesthrtkisl : 1. ~' 2. ~
independent reality and is not ultimately reducible to aetiology (-etiologyl: iflRUIfi.Qu;t
universal mind or spirit; tendency to regard things as they
aftir-mative propasitioll : ~ ~; ~ ~
really are ~ ~~~; 'W'I ~
absolute rectitude : FR\l!5 ~; 1f!i amf;.t
IY:athism: ~
absolute right: unqualified right ~ ~
llUf'IIIldizem«rt :~; ~
abeolute term : unqualified expression FR\la'l ~
aggr~ meaDiag : •
absolute title: that which justifies or substantiates an
unrestricted claim; unrestricted legal right to the possession
IIim : ('i~ '
of property ~ ~ .
absolution : ~ aJgedonks : ~&S;&fq$H
absolutism: the practice of, or adherence to. the absolute; the aliemltia fad : the fdel GI transferriag a right 31:qm% liJiIf
practice of absolute govt.f.R\l~; ~ .~ allq;;iaDce : Fmt
abstract i 1. not c.oncr.:te~; 2." summary or an epitome~; allffgic:~
"4~ litO&ical :~; ~
abstract duty : ~ ~ ~:f~/~
abstract norm: ~ ~ ~lin tenD; ~ ~
ahstract notron: ~ ~ alteroatiw "·ok : ~ ~
abstract pi'opositKlDs: f.rol:lR ~; ~ ~ at'tnlism::~; ~
abstract rules : "'~ f.:r:p:f ilitrJliqic ~i_; ~
abstract term ': ~ 'R aJtntistk pt:inciple : ~~ ~
abstraction : 1. ~i1f; ~JT; 2. ~ ~oous :de"..c~j.ion ; ~~; ~~ ~

606 axiom

amhi~u"us statutor)' prOVISIon: a statultlry provision that is approach : 34'fTTIl. ~

Su~ccptihll' <lr mort> than one meaning ~m ~ ~ arbitrary tiat of the jud~e ; ~~ >.fiT ~ ~
amm.ost" : ~~ arhitraf)' will; ~I!;f<li~; 1R'l4Rt ~
amoral': ~ archaic law; '!U'H fcIfu; 11(1 wWT 'fclftl
amnralism ; f'l~fi1q;i1lql<; ;ftfu ffiiUlJMIICU<; ;:fjfu f.RGf~ archetypes : ~
ampliation : ~tt fqm argue from the observed to the unobserved : ~a:11lT ~ ~ ~I\ffi
anagogil1 intt'rprt'tation : ~~ ~ q)'j ~ CfiV!I; ~~-l1J! il 3U!a:11lT q';l :$: ~ CfiV!I
an ••I"J(ic-.1I inference :~. ""fl"'I,,"'~'7Tq1f",(1""q;%
~ argument :~; ~; ~
••n••ltlj(ous choice : ~ ~ argument by; ~
analollous term : ~.ff. G?
arllument form : ~-~
allaltll:Y: 1. ~. ~; 2. ¥R1
argumentum ad hominem : ~-~
analY't : rq~"'4Ijlql~. .' .
argumentum a fortiori : ~ ~
anal~ic method : ~ Wlllffi: ~ 'lI"1R'f1
argumentum ex cencesso : ~lJRl ~
analytic philo"'phy: ~ m aristocracy :~; ~
analytical approach : ~ 3'WJl:!
aristotelianism : ~
analytical jurisprudence : ~ fcif," ~
analytical method : ~ 'lI"1R'f1; ~ 'lI"1R'f1
arm-chair deliberation ; ~
artifices ;~; ~
IoInalytical philo"oph~ : ~ ~
asceticism :~: ~; ~~
anal~ tical posith ism : ~ 'SJi'lI~~
assertion ; ~
IoInalytical posith'bts: ~ W~
IoInal~tiCllI prupo"ition : ~ ~ assignment : ~
IoInloll~tical!oChuol : ~ 'W13I; ~ 'W13I; fqw?tQQlqlC;1 'W13I associative law : ~ ~
IoInarchism : ~{j"1q;i1Iql< assume or postulate : ~ CfiV!I; ~ CfiV!I
anarchv: ~ assumption ; ~
anathe~a: ;,rt'~; 31Nmq asylum : ~
anima : ~, ;;jiqrnq asymmetry : ~
anima mundi : fq'!ffi1'!l ateleological : (1~
animal faith : ~ ~ atheism ; HU~; 3Hi~
animiS'm : 1. ;;fjq«lI(lqol; 2. ~ atheistic existentialism; HU'!R ~
annUloItion : m ~, U"'-l it m -ff.u atomism; ~
antecedent: 1. ~; 2. ~; 3. 'im attitude of indifference : ~ ~; ~ ~
antecedents : ~ attornment; 1. ~ ;fl ~mU llH'II; 2. ~ 0f.f.II
; 14Hqit;::;ql<
investigation : ~ ~
attribute; 'r"; ~
attributive inquiry : ~ ~
IoInthropolollical jurisprudence : ~ ~ ~
attrihuti\e materiahsm : ~ ~
anthropologist : ~ .
austerity : (Iq; ~ W:l't1; ~
anthropomorphism : 14Hq«lI{lqOI
autarchy : ~ ~~; ~; f.ltpl JrI!i1l; 'W'H
anti-colonialism ; 3qf1i-l~!ql<-fqfj,"
authoritartanism ; 1. ~; ~; 2. ~
antiloRY : q<~loqIEW1
IoIntinumy : ~'". ~ ~'"
authoritative and predetermined answers : ~ 3fu: ~~
IoIntithesi~ : ~
apartheid : trI i!< authoritative interpretation : ~ ~
apcM.·r~pha: ~p~, ~
authoritative precedent ; ~ 'fl ~
apc.lllj(estics ; 1\'51 fcmT authoritative rules of law : fcif," it; '!I1l1ifoTct; ~
apoltlj(y : 1\'51 authority of law : ~-mf>rcm:: fqf~ ~
appearance ; ~ autocracy : ~ ~; ~; ~
appeasement ; ~ automatism : 3t!:~; ~; ~; ~
applicative : ~ autonemous lel:islatiun ; ~ fq.~
applied comparatiyt' law : ~ ~ fcIN autonomous liberty ; ~ ~
applied ethics : ~ ~ axium;~; ~
Bad analogy
: ~
of competing interest : ~
~; l'flH!l1GH;

~ q:;r ~
1. ~ ~; 2. ~
bigotry : ~mIl; ~
balancing of conflicting interest : ~ R ~ ~; ~1-.TI ~ q:;r
bilateral act : ~~ ~; fu:q~ ~
~ bill of rights: ~ 3'fF; ~; .~ If;i;
barren hypothesis: ~ .~
binding force of precedent : ~ f.Ium qit OU~ ~
basic assumption : ~ ~
basic concept of jurisprudence : ~ qit. ~ ~ binding precedent : ~ 'r~~; ~ ~ ~
bioloy'ral interpretation : ~ f.!$R; ~ ~ '
basic norm: 3lI1lrtl ~
basic predicate : 3lT~ ~ hlasphemy : {'IR-~; ~
basic proposition : 3lT~ ~ blood feud : ¥'I ~
basic sentence : ~ qm; antm: qrqq bodies politique: ~ ~
beatitude : ~; R:Wrn body corporate: f.!rTfi:rn ~; ~ f.f7m; f.rrJt! ~
becoming: ~ body of interpretative case law: f-1c1~11(qCfl ~ fcIfu q:;r ~;
behaviouristics : ",oq""<I"'ttTTI{f<f"q"'~1r.r1 IOjc1~11(qCfl f.!u\<:! ~; •

behaviouralism : ~ body politic: ~ ~

behaviouralist school : "'oq""CI"'ll""I(<I""I'"<I m9l bonapartism / caesarism : oii11412<11< / ~
being: 'qlq; ~ bonds of ohligation : ~ q:;r ~
belligerency: 1.~;~; 2. ~ bourgeois democracy : ~ ~
beneficial encurnbrancer : ~ ~; ~ ~ brain trust: ~
beneficial ownership : ~ ~ brinkmanship : «\'ll(f<lff!i11
benevolent despot: JI'jfI ~ ~; JI'jfI ~ ~ ~ brute force : ~ 'ffi"
benevolent neutrality : ~~ ~; ~~ ~ butTer state : ll~ ~; ~ ~
benthamism : ~ burglary: ~

rr;] Cabinet go~emment : ~ ~1I~h~~::"t'Im<f.R classification by definition : ~, ~
~ caesaropaplSm: 1. ~"(1I; 2. classiflcanon by type : ~ ~
calculus of logic : ~ ciassificatory by concept : ~ ~
camp follower : mm-~; ~. clear and present danger : t'l! ~ Fmr!R ~
capital: ~ closed class : ~ <P1
capital punishment: ~ closed morality : ~ ~
cardinal principles: IF! ~; JIlFl ~ closed society : ~ W1l'iI
cardinal virtues: ~ ~ coalition/coalition government: ff«:lt-~ ~; ~ mcm
care: 1.~;~; 2.~; ~ coereion : ~
carelessness: 1. ~; 2. fq""ltiHol coercive law ; ~ f<ml
caretaker government ; ~ m:<i1lR co-existence : ~-~
cartel: ~ co-extensive : "fffl-rc.Wi\
cartesianism ; ~ cogito ergo sum : ~ ~sWl
case of conscience : ~; ~ cognate species: ~ ~
case law: Ru\l:r m; ~ ~ cogntsance of jury : ~ "rnt _
casteism: ~ cognition: _
casual cCliMidence ; ~ ~ cogmtive meaning: ~~; ~ 3itf
casual determinism : ~ ~ coherence . ~
casus belli : ~-q;roJJ coherence theory : ~ ft:r~m; ~ ~
casus foederis : W-l <IiRUl / m-~ \ coherent svstem : ~ ~; ~ ~
catch question : ~~;:H!'l! iherent ';hole: ~ WfI
categorical imperatives: futtll3 ~; ~ ~; 'tRl1 ~ coincidence :~; WWT
categorical propOsition : ~~ 1<fu~ c 11 tive good : ~i~'" fuq
caucus :~; ~ collective judgment: 1. ~ ~; 2. ~ ~~
caus a rlCta : ~ <IiRUl collective ownership': ~ ~ii«<f
callsal connection: ~ ~ collective property : Wlfu-~
causal link : ~ m collective responsibility : ~ ~; ~ ~
causality : ~ collective term : ~-t:R::; ~~-t:R::
causation :~; 'ffi'1Im; ~ ~ csilectlve use : ~ ~
cause : <IiRUl cellectlvtsm :~; ~
censorial jurit:prudence : ~ ~ ~; m m~ collecnvtst : ~
centralism : ~ colooiall"m : 3qf.i~~lql<
centrally organised sanctions : ~ fi ~i1fiQ cumbinatioll of factors : ~ ~
certainty and predictability of law ; m~
f.If~ ~ ~ cornmand . ~
ehaln argument ; ~-1ff<f(l; ~; ~ common ronci"usnt:ss:~; ~ ~; ~
chain implication: ~-mll.:n common consent of the community : ~ ~ ~ ~~
chain of causation : ~cmuT f{lq ~ cummon g :~"'(f
chance : m; cn~~; <¥;~1 common law: &i111-l ~
chuuticism : ~ common law rules : 'li!t{'!i "t'Il ~
character : ~ c(.mmon sense : mllP-! ~
characteristics of a standard legal system : l1R<fi fcIN ~ ~ ('\1\!U1 ccmmonweatth of nations : ~~
charisma : ~; ~ communalism; ~illl;;:JMif.i'lI.*"G~
chauvinism: 3!1 ~; 3!1 ~ ~ffl; "l!~ ~ communi rn : ~qre:
checks and balances: ~ ~ ~ comparanve government : ~ mcm; ~ ~
choice: 1.~; 2. ~ comparative jurisprudence ; ~ ~
choses in action: qre: "l4I'2l" ~ comparative law : ~ m
christian socialism : ~ ~; ~ ~ comparau e method ; ~ ~
circular evidence : ~ ljqJtIf; ~ {jl~ comparative religion : ~ ~
circuniStancial evidence: ~ lU~; ~ JIl1IOI comp~ion : ~; ;:p;11fj
citizell:5hip : ·II'IRlf;ffi compeasauoa as penal redress : ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
civic sense : ~ ~ comoensauon . restituti :"lr~ ~ ~ it ~
civil liability : ~ ~ competition of values : ~ ~; l1R ~
civil liberty : fufoR.:f ~ complete good ; ~ ~
civil right; ~ ~ complete induction : m
3WltF!; 1fT awTIH •
civil supremacy : ~ ~ complex modern state : ~ ~ ~
claim·: ~ compl x rights: <lfixilJi ~
class calculus : ~-~ complex ulterior object : ~ ~
class compliments : ~ composite bOO)· : ~lJi - .•
clas consciousnea : 1!fll ~ composite sense: ~ 3!~
class ItruUie : ?Jff\ ~ concentration of economic power : ~ .• ~ ~.
class theory or the stale : ~ q;J ~ ft1~ concentration, theory of: ~ q;J ~
classical jurist : ~ ~J; ~ ~; ~ fcIfir~ concept of law : fcIfiI qit ~
classical morality : ~ ~; ~~; ~ ~ concepuen.. 1. ~; 2. ~
classification by cIefiJlitlon: ,,~ ~; ~ ~ conception of law : fcIfu <tiI ~~1; fcdlt ~ ~; ~ ~

eoaeept:~ wntinuity GI tbouaht : ~ ~
COIICeI* fill. law : ~ ~ contraband fc(f.dq (~
~ aaablpity : ~RCI'"
~; ~jIW~iMi ~ contract : RI
concepIUIII cHfIIcuIties : ~ ~; ~ ~ contract of pel'iOiW aervict : ~ w.t ftT
c:ooeeptuaIiIad : ~"I"II(UI; ~ _tf.4i(Of eo!Itractua1 duty : ~ ~; ~ ~; ~ ••••• ;
conceptuaIiIm : ~~; ~lqK ~~
CMdIlation :~; ~; ~ contri.etuat liability : ~ ~
~:~ contractual obUption : ~ ~
coadlllive evidential fact: ~ f.f~ it'" contractual riaht: ~ ~; ~ ~; ~
C8IlduIive pnisumpdoD : ~ ~ ~
CUDdlllive proof: f.f~ ~ contradkUon : ~; ~ ~; ~; U<r ~
~:~;~ COlltradietion in terms : ~~6Il1'fld
eOIICftte:t@;~ contradkWria or c:orrdatives : ~ it ~ ~, ~ it
concrete iDstance : t@ ~ ~~
cooade IepI sysQem: lllf ficf'l ~ contrary : ~
CODCrete term : ~ lie; contrary inference : ~ ~; mta ~
~:1.~~;~;2.~ contributive nlue : ~ ~
COIiCWTIDt motives : ~ 111 conventional definition : ~ ~; ~f>wt¥t4ilM ~
conc:urreat ownenbip : ~ ~ conventional custom : ~ld ~
concurreat pnsmlen : ~ ~ eonv~tional law: ~ ~ ~: ~ ~
~tpowen:~~ conventionalism : aif'mI1QqK
CODdItIoaaIlegislation : mRi fiNFf conviction : ~"Ii'm
c:ondidocal presumption : ~ ~ co-ownership: m; ~
conduct :~, 3{I'fR
co-retauves : ~
confederation :~; ~
corollary: 1. ~; 2. ~
ecnfIid : R; ~; ~ corporal punishment : ~ ~
COIdIict of laws : ~-_; it ~ ~
conIIidIi1a duty : ~ ~
corporate personality: m ~; ~ ~
corporation aarepte :_ f.frrI:I
ClIIIIiIictiDI intenst : ~ G; ~ ~; ~ ~ f8w. corporation soie : ~ f.frrI:I; • ~
CIOId'ormIsm : 31:1"'1<'1ICijIG
corporeal olt-nership : 1{d ~
coanotation : ~'lf; ~
corporeal pOssessioa : lid ~, t@ R 1f( ~
c:oosdtace :~, ~ ~
corpG:'ea1 property : \'ii ~
COIIII:IMt intention : ~ ~p:J; mrT ~
~tiooai inOuence : ~ a:RR; ~ lNIf{
CODICIoin iI : ~ .
com:ctive Justice : ~<fi ~, ~ 0lfi7.{
eonseDIUIII aution or right : ~ ~ ~ lfIR
c iion:~
CODSeDIUS aadum:. ~; ~ ~
~t: ~i«, ~'lfd co ilItive duty : ~ ~
CODIIeuttnawill: ~~ ~ correlative right: tffiIR ~ ~ ~ ~
cosmos : fcm; fcf~
tooSenatioD. or value: ~ ~
caunter analogy : n!lIlf:;"d~rnl'4=lj""ql""';
eGi15en'atism:~, ~
ronsenative: ~ counter applicative : Ik4I,!lI<ilfi lifi
c:onsisteney: Mff counter argument :~; lIfuat; ~; ~ ~
oonspkuous consumption :SIG~"kCWi ~ counter-revolution : 1riaif>ifu
constant: ar.«. ~ coup D' etat : ~ ~-~;. ~ /'(jGiI'HGfti!, ~
ecastitutiooal dktat_'lp: ~Ifdj'tllf.lq:; ~ ~; lIili:c'4,f.Mi creative intelligence : ~ ~
~ creative morality : ~ ~
constltutional iaw: ~ fi:IN creative nature of the judicial role : ~ ~ ~ ~
CODStitutionalmonarchy: ~ ~ ~
. oonstitutlonalism: ~~ creation of right : ~ Cf;J ~
oonstituUl'e:~; ~; ~ criminal justice : ~ ~
constitutive emcacy: ~ ~ criminal liability : ~ ~
constitutive of right: ~ Cf;J ~; ~ Cf;J ~ crisis: ~
construdiorl:~; 3Itl WlRI criterion : f.f<m, lli~
construdive delivery: ~ lIRGR critic monism : ~~ ~~
cOllstrudil'e intention: 311~ ~ critical assessment : wft~ ~
constructive possessioo: ~ ~ critical rationalism : ~~ d'*"f4f.'l1(
constructive recldesmess: ~ ~~ critique : 4ti1'rtil
constnac:tive skeptic:ism: tif.'IIl'f<f. ~~ cl"llcial experiment : ~ wWT; ~Rlqi!~ wWT
COII$irUc:tivetrust: 31i~ ~iH culpable accideat : ~1Ii ~; ~Jq ~
colistrw.:tive wrongful intent: ~~ ~ 3lm<i culpable negligence : ~ ~a:1l
ClODSUmmatecare: ~ ~, «f.l! ~~ cumulative justk" : ~ ~
coatent and ,form: ~ ~ ~ cumulative vote : ~ ~
contmenc:e: Wl1l' cumulative voting: ~ 1fflGR
ClOIltiDcent right: ~ ~ custom : l<f.:
cootiDaeat and provWonal operation : ~o ~ ~ ~ custom Slrktn sensu : ~-~~ it ~
ClOIIt.iDient eff"lCllcy: ~ ~itIl custo..-ut"Y law : ~ m
contiDpDt liability: ~qf~ ~ cybernatk: r~volutiou: ~ Ha
contiDaeot ownership : ~ ~ c;tu:1.~; 2. ~
corrtiDgent propositiuo : ~ ~, 3t~ ~<:O cyrddim:~
1nl Damaaes : ~ dialectic: 1, ~; 2. ~
Ll!J de facto antecedent : ~; ~ dialectic interpretation : ~ ~
de facto sovereignty : i'!~ ~; ''!'.2Ii'!: ~ dialetic philosophy: « ~; ~ ~
de jure recognitien : ~ ~; ~: ~ dialectical materialism : ~ ~
lie jure sovereignty : fiW~ ~; fqf~f<'I: '!flflT; Rfi.:rn: ~ dictatorship: ~N'1I<lCfiii'4; ~; ~N'114q;(q; ~
decentralization : ~ dictatorship of the proletariat: w.hmT ~ ~; ~ ~
dedsion : fcIf.lw.l; ~ "fiT~
decision-making :' f<iRWl ~; ~ dictum: ~
decision-makin~ theory : ~~ fir.i:jo; f.iotlR ftr.l::in dictum de omni et nullo: ~ ~ ~ (~)
decision of court : ~ ~ ~Wl dilemma : 3"~:qm; ~ CF~ 3m: ~; ~ ~
decision on points of law : ~ JI'liT ~ ~w.I diplomacy : ~ '.
deduction: f.frJiH direct democracy : ~1fI MTCfi(pl
deductive classification: Rtt"l'1I(ii<*i ~ direct evidence : ~P..i m~
deductive method : f.fT!JR 'lI1l!K'l\ direct fallacy of accident : ~ ~; ~ ~
deductive reasoning: Rjl"l'1I(1lCfi o<t direct knowledl(e : mlffi('[ 3lR
deed of conveyance : ~ ~ direct legislation : ~'l'! ~WR
defective syll~ism : "¥ ~
di~blinll punishment : ~ ~
. definition : ~ disappear : ~
definition "in use": ~ ~ discharlle : 3"'lRH
definitive : f.t~; ~ discoverv bv reason and reflection : <1't ~ l1-H m '«lI ~;
degrees in negligence : ~8:1T lfi\ 11T3Il o<t 3m:'l1-H ~ ~
degree of authority (to precedents) : ~ lfi\ 11T3Il (~ f.tuP:ii disparate : ~
lfi\) dissent: fcmulfu; fctqfu; ~
delegated legislation : ~ fqm;J distinlluishin~ feature of law : ~ if; ~ <'f1l;lUl
delegation of powers : ~ ~ ~
distress damage feasant : ~ ~ ~
deliberation : ~
distribution : ~
delictual obligation : ~ ;;rr(f ""Uf<i1
distributin justice : ~ ~ ;~ ~; ~ ~ ~
democracy : ~
divested b~ death: If'{ ~ ~; If'{ if; <fi:1:'JI ~
democratic ethics : ~ ;ftfu
divestive operanen : f'lf~!$<1CfiI(I~
democratic rillht : ~ ~
di\estin facts : ~ i'!~; -M"'ftl<1CfiI{\ i'!~
democratic socialism : ~ ~; ~ ~
divine law : ~ fqf~
demOIlOIlY:~; ~
dhine rnelatiun : ~ mm; ~; ~
demonstrable fact : ~ i'!~
divine rillht of kinl:s : 'U'l!I~ ~ ~ ~
demonstrative definition: r"1<:~\'1I(1lCfi~
doctrine: "f<f; ~; fir.i:jo
demoralization : ~. _ 1ffl'1; 2. ~-~ (!;m)
denotation : 1. i'lTun9l 2. 3lM;-l<IT~
doctrine of breakim; bulk : ~ $T ~ fir.i:jo
doctrine of implied powers : ~ ~ ~ ft:r.i;:'rn
detlntollJ~y : ~ ~ •
dellntolollical ethics: qr{0i1"1f1(q~ ;ftfu; ~~ ;ftfu doctrine of plural personality: ~ ~ ft:r.i;:'rn
departures from practice: qftqjir ~ ~; ~ ~ ~ doctrine of precedent : ~ q;J ~
dependency: ~~ ~; 'iUflJ!'ffill doctrine of transferred malice: ~ ~ ~ fir.i:jo
derivative law : ~ fcIf'Q doctrine of tresspass b~ relation : ~ ~; ~ ~ ~
derivative possession : ~ CfiQiIl dOl:matic assumptien : ~ ~"ffiUIT
derivatise title : ~ ~ dogmansm :~; ~
derive 'ou~ht from' "is': 1.•. ~ •. ~ •.~ .. ~ ~~; dominant: ~
2', "i" # ..~ .. <fiT ~ iRT dominant herital:e: ~ ~; ~ ~
descriptive : ~ dominant intent : 3t~ ~
descriptive comparative law : ~ ~ fcrill dormant intention : ~ ~; ~ ~
descriptive ethics : ~ ;ftfu dominant owner: 31fi.-lID'fl ~
desi~n: ~ domiaant right : ~ ~
desire :~; W1; ~ domin.ation :~; ~; mII
despotic regime : ~ ~ dominion :~; ~: ~
despotism : ~ ~; ~; ~"Ijlil1r{<1I. ~ double personlllity : ~
destiny : f;p:Jfu; ~ duali~m: ~
detent~: ~~; ~ -m~ due process of law : ~ fqf'Q ~ •
determinate person: f.:r:rn aWR! duplicate ownership : ~
determining intent : ~~~; ~ ~ duplicate possession : ~ CfiQiIl
determinism : ~ duty:~
deterrent and coercive functions : ~ 3fu: ~ ~ duty of care: 1. ffi\ll('f <fiT ~; 2, ~ "fiT ~
deterrent theorv : ~ fir.i:jo; ~ ftw::i<1; ~ ~ dut~ of imperfect oblillation : ~ ""Uf<i1 <m'!T ~
deu~ elf machina : ~ ~'QR dy.ul'hy/diarchy: 1, ~; 2, ~

Esse est perc!pi : ~ ~ ~ essence: 0<'<1; ~
lE!.! eclectklism: ~ ; ~-~ essential attribute : ~ 1JUI
economic determinism: am-tfq; ~ essentialism : ~
economic equality : am-tfq; ~ establishment :~; "lIfuiR; ~ ~ ~
economic nationalism : am-tfq; ~ estate-aggregate rights: ~-~ ~ ~; ~ ~
economic principle : ~ ~ ~
ecdnomic theorv : ~ ~ eternal IlIw : W'8('f ~
~y: 1. ~; 2. ~, ~ eternal semblance and form of IIn agreement : Cfi{R Cfil WYi'I
ed~es of words :~; ~ Cfil ~; ~ <tI 1:lR ~am~
effectiveness : ~ eternalism : W~
efficient cause : f.Ifi:ffl q;roIJ ethical: ~~
egalitarianism : ~ ethical absolutism : ~ ~~
egoism: 1. ~~; ~; 2. ~ ethical egoism ': ~ W~
egoistic hedonism : ~ ethical fiction : ~ 1:R:<fi ~. ~ ~
egotism : ~ .. ~ ethical formalism : ~ ~
elan vital : ~-. ethical hedonism : ~ ~crn::
element : 0<'<1 ethical intuitionism : ~ 3tf:~
elimination: f.mH, f.Rm, ~ ethical legalism : ~ ~
elite :~; ¥fA crT ethical mvsticism : ~ ~
ellipsis: ~ ethical n~turalism: ~ ~
elliptical ~tatement : ~ ~; ~ <tit<-!; 3l~ <tit<-! ethical nihilism : ~ ~
elucidation of ratio decident: fc!f.!fP.f 3lNR Cfil ~ ethical realism : ~ ~ ~; ~ -q~~
emanation : .~ ethical relativism: oo<ITir .m~; ~ .m~~rc£
emergence :~; sq;;;r.:r ethical relativity : _ .m~
eminent domain : ~ ~ ethical scepticism: _ ~qre:
emotive content: ~m;:! ~ ~ ~ ethical sense: ~ ~; ~ oit~
empirical: ~ ethical viewpoint: _ ~
empiricill hedonism: ~. ~ ethics:~
empirical law : ~ ~; ~ ~ ethos:~; ~; ~; ffiq; •
empirical legal theory : ~ ~ ftr.i;'rn etiquette : ~
empiricall~' discovered facts : ~ ~ <'fU{ evidential difficulties : m~ ~ ~
empirical law : ~ ~ I~ evidential facts: mf~ <'fU{
empirical utilitarianism : ~ 3q<4lfil?llqlG; ~ evidential of right : ~ Cfil m~ ~; ~ ifi m~
3qli!:<f(1Jql~ evil: mr'!; ~; ~; .; 3lfuq
empirici~m : ~oqq ~; ~ evolution: ~illi:1.q1(;'H; fi:fflR ~; nS4"'('Q...r~;r.,.qziT:k1=1
enacted law : ~ ~ evolution of law : ~ Cfil ~; ~ Cfil ~
end:~;~; ~~ evolutionlry socialism .. : fc'li'fllfMli'fl ~; ~ ~
enfranchisement :~; ~ ~ evolutionary theory of the state : ~ Cfil ~ ftr.i;'rn
enlightened despotism : ~ ~; ~ ~ ~ exclusive evidence : ~ tll~
enshrined value judgments : ~ ~ ~ exclusive evidential facts: ~ mf~ <'fU{
entity: 1. ~ ~; 2. ~ executive: i'fl1441R1i'fl1; ~; ~; ~
entrenched clauses : "<&fi<.'1&S; ~ m exegesis: 1. ~ <'!m4 ~; 2. <'!m4 ~
environment social : ~ ~ exemplary demages : ~ ¥m:ft
epicurianism : qf'*"i(MI~; ~ ~; ~ exemplary ~ntence : ~ ~; ~
epileptic lIutomlltion : ~ ~; ~ ~ exemplification : ~; ~
empiscopacy : ~ exercise of moral judgment : ~ ~ Cfil m
epistemological duafism : ~H£i\'ilffjl04 ~ exhaustive judgment : ~ ~; R:~ ~; ~ ~
ep~temological idealism: ~ ~ ~; ~ ~ existence : ~
~ existential analysis: ~ ~; ~ ~
epistemology : ~ ~ existentialism : ~
equal footing : WlR 3111:lR exoteric : <ffi:tlJ
equalit): ~ expansionism : ~; ~
equlllity before the law: f<:ml W!~ ~
equanimity : ~
ifi expected . consequences : ~~ t!fturrt! •
experimental expiriclsm : ~ ~
equaable : ~ experimental jurisprudence : ~ m .~
equitable ownership : ~ ~; ~ ~ experuuental method : ~ JIUIR'ft
equitable right: ~.~; mRWR ~; ~ ~ experuuental theory.: ~ ~; ~ ftR:jo
equity: ~ experunentalism : ~
equivocal : ~tfq; experirr-vntalist : ~
error : lJffifI expiation : m<tfl!F! . .
eM:llping between the horns of a dilemma : ~: qm-~, expiation of wrong : ~ "ffl~: ~ m<tfffil
·~WR~ explanation : "1ilffi9m: ~
esoteric: W, 3tfM, ~, ~ explanatory inquiry: ~ ~
esprit d' corps: ~ 'qJq.ll; ~ ~ explicit definition : -~ ~

exposition 612 eye of law

exposition: 1. ~; 2. oqrem extra judicial : ~ lU~; ~ ~. lU~

expositorial jurisprudence : 6I41<§11I\iiCfi ~ ~ extra legal oriain :. ~ ~~
expressive meaning: 1.. ~ 3l~; 2. ~ 3l~
extra-territoriality Iterritoriality : ~~fiT
expropriation : ~ m; ~T
extinction of right : ~ q;j ~ extradition : ~
extinctive rad : f.!M ClUl" eye of law : ~ ~ ~; ~ <.fil ~ ~
foreordination : ~
Fabian socialism : ~
fact : I'~
foresight : ~
fact sk~ptics : I'~ ~ form; ~
facts of hlW : ~ it fclN;;! ~; f1mI it; ~ form of the law : ~ ~ ~
factual concept : I'~ ~ Cormal act: 1. ~ ~; 2. ~ ~
factual correlation : I'~ ~ formal allrHment: ~ Cfim
factual meaning: I".m~ formal and express deelaratlen : ~ ~ ~ ~;
factual premise : ('!Uffilf<fi 3U~ ~a1tt~~
fair dispensation of justice : ~ ~; W: ~; ~ Cormal aspect of justiee ::1JllI ~ ~ ~ ~ <tiT ~
~~i:t~ ~
fa it h : 3ffi'tll formal conditions of Iqal responsibility: ~ ~ ~
fallac} : ~; ~; ~I'lm ~m;~~~~m
fallacy in the general argument: mllFl O<t if ~, mllFl lfct formal cause : ~ ~
~; mllFl ~ formal elegance : ~ ~
fallacy of begging the question : amqj~-~ formal liberty: ~ ~
fallacy of complex question : J;I~ formal requirements: ~ 3lft~ ~ 3lft~
fallacy of denying th~ antecedent : ~-~-~ formalism: ~
fal~ analolQ : fitun ~; filun ~ fourth estate: ~ti ~; ~ qtf
faLw pretence: fitun ~ fitun ~
fragile: ~
fascism: ~ fragmentation of ownushlp : ~ CfiI ~; ~ CfiI ~
fatalism:~; ~; ~ framework of existing law : ~ fcIf\t CfiI ~; ~ ~
fecundity of plusuu : ~ ~ ~; ~ ~ ~ ~
fed~ral government : ~ lrofiR; ~ mr franl'hi~ :~; rctilqiN,,"<
federal system : ~ mr; ~ ~
fret' allent : ~ ~
federalism : ~
free thinker: 1f'if ~
federation : ~
frH thought : ~ ~; ~ ~
tee simpl~ : 'W'I ~
free wiII:~; ~ ~ ~
feeble vitality : ~ ~
f~liciflc calculus: ~ <RR
freedom of will : ~ ~
feudalism: ~; ~
friction :~; ~
fiat: 1. ~; 2. amIi; 3. ~
fictio juris : ~ ~ fruition:~
fulfilment of reasonable expectations : ~ ~ "" ~
fiction: ~
~ llR1
fictionism : ~
function of law : ~ ~, ~ ~ ~; ~ (l;1 ~; ~ CfiI
fictional ism : ~
fictitious person : ~ ~; ~ ~ ~;~~~;~""~
funl'tional lIpproach to legislation: F.r.1R it ~ ~ ~;
fictitious personality : ~ ~; ~ ~
fideism: ~
functional interprdation: ~ f.l<t.:R; ~ ~ ~
fifth columnist : ~; ~
ngurllllive character : ~ ~; ~ ~ functional jurisprud~nce: ~ ~ ~; ~ ~ ~;
figurative definition : ~ ~ ~~
filibustninll: TlfirotH; ~; ~ functional school: ~ llRm; ~ ~ l1R§1
finality: 1. ~; ~; 2. ~ fundllmental duties : IF'' ~
first principles: ~ (f<q fundamental norm : IF'' ~
fixed and authoritative principles: ~ a1tt ~ ~ fundllmental rights: IF'' ~
flexible constitution : ~ ~; ~ .~ fundamentalism : ~ ~; ~; ""''!ct1icUG; ~
flexibility of possession : ~ ~ lFRffll fundamentalist: ~ ~; 'M'lct'1lctKl; ~
for~knowledge :~; ~ full powers:~; ~ ~


rr;l <iain or benefit: ~ -qJ ~ genocide : ~ ~

~ J:eist: 3UlIll genosts : ~
Mt'neral advanta2e: mlmUl ~ genostkism : ~
general command : m~ ~ geographical representation : ~ffctj ~
!Ccneral duty : {lllmUl ~ geopolitics : ~
lleneral idea: mtIFQ ~ ~ ginger greup : ~ ~, f;i;;R l!If
general intent: mtIFQ ~. ~ ~
goal : ~. ('f~. ~
!Ceneral intuition: mtIFQ ~:~
golden ruie: ~ ~
general legal prtnciples : m\WUl fcU~ ~
good:~. ~'~
general norm : ~ ~
lleneral. permanent and inheritable right to the uses of things :
good neighbour policy : ~ ;!rfu; ~ ~ ~ ;ftfu
~aif~~q;J~.m~~~ good omen: ~;; ~
general rule of conduct : ~ if; ~ ~ gevernmem : 1. ~; 2. ~; 3. ~ ~
J;!eneral science of positive law : 3lf~ ~ CfiI mlmUl ~; grant: ~
~ fcIN 'fiT mlmUl fcQlR gratuitous hypothesis: ~ ~
general term: 1. 3f.r~ ~; 2. mlmUl ~ greatest good of greatest number : <:if>::i.fi1i1{ <fiT a:rtl~ ~;
general theory of liability : ~ 'fiT mtIFQ m~; ~ q;J ~q;J~lt<t;~~~~;~'fiT
~~ 31f~q ~
general will: H ~ gross negligence : ~ ~e;v
generalisation from practice: 0ll<fflR il {ll'~; 0ll<fflR ~ gross utilitarianism: ~ ~~; ~, dq~lflli1Ii.lI<
tilql~1 ground: ~
generic atribute : ;;nf<rrrn 1JUT grundnorm : l@ ~
J:Cneric conception: 1. ~; 2. ~ ~; 3. l@ {rq:~ guided democracy : ~ ~
I:eneric property : ~ 1J'I~ guild socialism : ~ ~
J:rnetic Ioak : ~ ;~ guilt)· mind : ~ lR:~
I:enetk method : ~ '!IUIR'fr
gunman law : ~ 'fiT ~

IIit Habitual bt!haviour: ~ <~, ~ ~ historical explanation : ~ ~
l!.!I habitual obedience : ~ ~; 3NmCm ~ historical jurlsprudelK:e : ~ f<dl:I ~
happiness : WJ historical materialism: ~ ~
hard central core of meaning : ~ ~ ~ ~ historical method: ~ JIIIIR'ft
head of government : ~-~11:1; lIRfoflutll:1
historical school': ~ mm
head of state : ~11:1; ~11:1; ~
historical school or jurisprudence: f<dl:I l1R<I q,'j ~ mil
hearsay: 1. ~~; 2. ~~; ~
historicism : $filllltlQ«lICfI<
hedonics: ~
history of jurisprudence : ~ ~ "" ~
hedonism : ~<, ~
hedonistic calculus: WJ-lfii'1-f holism:~
hedonistic utilitarianism: ~ 3If~
homme moyen: lUI1FlI ~
hegelianism : ~ homo sapiens : ~ l{Rq
hegelian triad : ~ ~ honorifIC words: tlIqH~~Cti. lIi<; ~«t~ lTi<
hegemony: ~ human law : l{Rq f<dl:I
heresy:~; ~; ~ human right: l{Rq ~
heterodoxy : ~ humanism : ~; ~
heil'1lrchy of judicial precedents: ~ ~ 'fit ~ jf;lj humanltllrianisJn : ql"~4itlql<:
hierarch)' of norms : ~ ~ jf;lj hypothesis : lIJWR>!f';;
hierarchy of ought : ~ ~; •.~ •. ~ hypothesis, Initial : ~ ~
higher norm : ~ ~ hypothetical efllcacy : ~" "'srq"'I""'qq;'"'Ii&f<"'itl
highest good : R:m, lR1U~, 'W{ ~~ hypothrtical imperative : IIN1!('q~", ~; mlH WI~
historic relativism : ~ m~ hypothetical morality: ~ ~
historkal determinism : ~ wmr<m;; ~ ~ h)'pothetical proposition: IIIiWilt"lf.!",' ~

UJ idea:~ ~
Idea of law : MlIIi ~ ,
lDcIirec:t deIIIo.a'8C)' : ~"
Indirect intention :. ~

IDdirect knowledv. : ~ 1R; ~ 1R

idea of ought : ~ ctil f!r.:IR. ~ ~; ••••• ctil~; ••• " lbdlrect proof: ~ 'lP!lI1I; ~ lAIUI
'fit~ indisputable factual fII'O!Ml'i~: ~ ~ ~
Ic!ea of possess!on : ~ Cfil ~ individual ethics : q ~
Idea of pure reasOn : ~ ~-~ individual ownership: cqfR; ~
idea of sanction : ~ <tiT ~. ~ ~ IndividuaUsm : ~
ideal: ~ Individualist : ~
Ideal of re&1OO: ~~ individualistic bedoaism : 15I.lfR; ~
Ideal utUltarianism : ~ 3~flld"'K induction: 1. ~; ~; 2. 31'Pf1R; 3. m:t
Idealism: ~; ~ Inductive definition : ~ ~
idealization : 31Kiflfq;(u1 inductive fallacy : ~-~
Identity philosophy:~; ~ inductive reascnlnc : 31PI¥AIi4liifi ••
Ideology:~ Inductive syllogism : 3lITI¥AR'tCfi ~
Ift': abbreviated form of "If and only if" • industrial denM»cracy: ~ ~
ignava ratio : ~ ~ Inequality : ~
iD well: ~ inference : ~; ~
illegitimate hypothesis: .• ~. Infinite term : 1. ~ ~; 2. ~ ~
illicit generalizatioa : ~ t!IIiRlCfl(OJ; 31¥Ji f!l@OfiaM:ot infinity : ~. ~
iJJogkaIity :~; ~ informality of ~t :~ cfiI 31~
illustrative fiction : ~ ~; • ~ ~ infrastructvre : 31I\llftcfi ~
imntallel1ft : ~ Inherent Impression : ~ ~
immanent activity : ~ inherent vice: 1. ~ ~; 2. ~ ~
immaterial thJa&: ~ ~ ~ ~ inheritance :~; ~ : ~ initial ought : ~ ~, 3IRNCfI •••••
immediate inffl'ence: ~ .; ~ ~; ~ initiative : ~
~;~~ innate dumsiness : ~ ~
Immediate intention : ~ ~; ~ ~ inner consciousness : ~
immediate knowledge : ~ ~ innominate obligation : 31'1IIll*1! ~
imlbediate possession : ~ q;;;;;n; ~ ~ lnpecunIous person : ~ ~; ~ ~; ~ ~
Immediate victim : ~ ~; ~ 3IlWa inquisitorial process: 3114\,.cfil4
immemorial custom : ~. ~ inrem:~ _
immoral custom : ~ ~ Inspired hunches of Judicial institution: ~ _ 1tt'~
immovable property : ~ e ~;~q\t~~
immunity: ~ instinctive sense of right : ~ 'fit ~ .; ~ •••
immunity from personal harm: ~ aqrR ~ ~ institutionalisation : ~
immutability :~; ~; ~ . tDstitutlonalised punishments: ~ ~
Impeachment : ~ institutionalised sanction: ~ ~
impeccability : ~; ~ instnJment of society : ~ Cfi1 WR; ~ ~ ~
Impenetrability : ~ Iastromental t :~ ~; ~ •••••
imperative :~; ~ lnstrumentalW •• ~
Imperfect duty : 3I1f'f ~ insu1f1clent evide !\!: ~ m~'
imperfect right : ~ 3lf'fcm integration : ~
imperative school : ~ "ifIR1II integrative Jurl..c;pnadence: ~ ~ lm
Imperative theory : ~ ~ intelHgence : ~
imperialism : ~ inteUlgenlga : ~; ~ ~
imperfect prescription : ~ ~ Intelligible :~; • lfRt
Impenonalism : f.t~4fitct<li<!i<:: intended consequence : ~ ~
implicit deftlUtion : Rft<f ~ intention : 3Im7i
implication :1. ml5l; 2. ~ Intention not .aentiatl wltb desire : 3IIifPf ••• ~ ~ t
Implicit: ~ intentional wroaa: ~ ~ .
Inchoate title : ~ ~ interaction : 3l!l:M
Incidence of possession : ~ 1f.l ~; ~ 1f.l 3Ilm IDteractkmlsm : 31;ft~fsMl«
iodination : • Interdepencknce : ~; ~ ~
Inclusion : ~ interest : ftq
Incoamtencies of possession : ~ cfiI ~ Interest group: 1. ~ ~; ~ ~; 2. ~ ~
Incorporeal ownership : 3I1iif ~ interest of society : ~ Cfi1 ft<f; ~ 'ft<'
Incorporeal possession : 3I1iif 'fiiNlI intermediate category : ~ ~
Incorporelll property: 3I1iif e Internal aspect (!( ruJe.observaace : ~ ~ <f.T ~ .1:f\t
Incorporeal rigllt: 3I1iif ~ internal conviction of· race :~; ~ CfIi atidftCfi. ~ ~
Incorrigible offender : ~ ~ internal sanction : 3I'ffi~~ ~
IncremeDtalism : ififilq; ~ intemal sense I: am:Cfi:I.1II. amR ~
indemoostrabIes : ~ I tematlonal law : ~

internationalism 617 isolationism

intemationalism: 1. ~; 2. ~(1«I~<!(jjql<; bwincible ignorance of law : ~ ~ ~ ~

interpretation : ~ involuntary Act : ~ q;pf
intervention : m~ involuntary ideas : ~ f<r.:m:; ~ ~
intrinsic interest: 31i<R m; 31i<R ~; ~ ~
iron law of oligarchy : ~ 1fiI m~
intrinsic value : ~ ~; ~ ~
intuition : 3li1:~ irrational: ~~; ~ ~; dei; ~; i1t ~ ~;
intuitive induction: 3ld:"lq! 3Wl1R irrationalism: 1.,~; ~; 2. ~(1~""'*
inverse :~. ~; ~ irrelevant accident : fcm"rR! WWl
inverse deductive method : ~ ~ "!IUlR9T
irreligion : ~ ;~
inverse inference : ~ ~
investigation : ~
'Is': •. 'i"
investitive fact : ~ dU{; ~ (1~ Is judplent : • ~; ·'t" ~
investive operation : ~ ~; ~ ~ iIlolatiollism : "t/T~; ~
Jingoism: 1. ~; jural concept : ~ ~
IJJ . judge made law : ~
judgment of court : ~

Cf>1 ~
2. ~
jural contradictions : ~ ~
jural ethics : ~~ ;fjfu ~
judicial acceptance : ~ ~
jural personality : ~ ~ ~
judicial behaviouraiism: ~ ~
judicial cognisance : ~<fi _
jural postulate : ~ l!Rrnl
judidal comity : ~ ~ jural relation : ~ ~ ~
Judicial decision : ~ f<If.!~ juridical personality: ~ ~
judicial dicta : ~~ ~I; ~r<lrffli . jurimetrics : fi.i~41f4,*,1; ~
judicial duel : ~ ~ jurisprudence : ~ ~
judicial evidence : ~ ~a:q jurisprudence of concepts : ~-~ ~
judidst law : ~~ ~> ~ ~ fc!N; ~ ~ jurisprudential inquiry: ~ ~; f>lfi.i~~"'I("'ne.:;:Olal>lq
judicial method : ~ ~; ~ ~
juristic person : ~ ~
judicial possession : ~ ~
jury: ~
judicial precedents : ~ ~ ~
judicial prejudice : ~ ~ j lIS polltieum : ~ folfu
judicial relief: ~ • just:~
judicis! review: ~ :t1=f.~~~:i'ri;;:$l;r just, right and reasonable : ~> ~ am ~
judicia.} : ~14qlR1~ just system of law : ~ 7.fiT ~ <f;f; ~ <f;f
junta: .~ justifIable :~; ~; ~ ~ ~ ~; ~ ~
justify on rational grounds : ~ 31NR ~ ~ ~

1KI k~ntianism: ~
kmd : 1. ~; 2. ~.
: ~
:~, m~
kingdom of ends :~. ~

fiI IIIbour : ~ IepI status : ~ ~; ~ ~
l.LtJ laiIIez·faire: ~~; ~ IepI tbeory:~~; ~ ~ ~ ~
lateat iDtendoa : ~ ~; ~ ~ IepI usace : ~ ~
law actually ordained :~: ~ ~ legal wrong : ~ ~
law merchant : ~ ~ Iqalism : ~ 'ifsIi; ~ ~
law obeervance: ~ ~ iJaally biDding rorce : ~ ~ ~ ~ ~; ~: ~
law of God : l~ ~ ~
law of natioas : ~ ~ lepIIy obligarory conduct : ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
law of natue : f.m1f ~ legisladoa : f!NR; ~ RqM
law of lIDivene : ~ ~ ~; ~ ~ Rqq legislative acceptance : ~ ~
law properly 110 called : ~ ~ if ~ legislature : ~ElI'145~; ~
law let by God: i~ ~ ~ legitimacy: 1. ~; 2. ~
lawful pGIIi5elliion :~ WOI(f~; ~ ~; ~.W ~ lex scripta : ~ ~
IawleisDess : ~~; ~; ~'<101
lex non scripta : ~ ~
laws by anaIotD' : ;:nIi lIP! ~ ~
lexical defmidoa : ~ ~; ~ ~
laws by metaphor: ~~ ~ ~. ~; ~~ ~
Dberal:~; ~
laws Improperly to called : 1"(ffif ~ if. ~
Dberal democracy : ~ ~'
leadenblp prtndpIe : ~ ~; ~ ~
liberalism :~; ~
le8Iie: ~
Dberation :~; lltlij
Ieftiat: ~
IepI antinomy: ~ ~; ~ ~ ~ Dbe~~m:~; ~; ~~~~
Iepl catepry : ~ ~; ~ ~ Dberty: ~; ~; ~
Iepl coocepll : ~ ~ lienee : ElRullf1ij a
Iepl correIatives : ~ ~ lienor : ElI(UIIN••••<Gldl
lepI custom : ~ ~ Hmited monarchy : ~ ~
IepI duty : ~ ~ Dteral interpretation : al~: f.t1t.:R
Dteral rule : ~
IepI '-te :~
IepI eatity : ~

IepI ethics : ~
;ftfu' ~
~ lfflr; ~ ffit Rqq
living contact with the Justice or the matter : ~
~ ~ ~

. IepI IIction : ~ ~ DvlDgcontact with the reason of the matter : W ~ ~~,*,dl

IepI iwJtdamentalism : ~ ~ ~ ~-sr~I5~;~~~~~Iij~
IepI jVlStice : ~ ~ lobbying : ~-lI'U(; ~Iij lI'U(
IepI liability : ~ ~ local custom : ~ m
Iepl Dihillsm: ~ ~ local government : ~ ~, ~ lIRR
Iepl obIipdoa : ~ ~ logic : 'dt; ~
lepI order:~~; ~~; ~ ~ logical definltloo : ~ ~
Iepl ought: ~ ~; ~ '~ •• logical division : ~ ~
Iepl ownenbip I ~ ~ logical harmony : ~ m; ~ ~
IepI penon : ~ ~ logical part or.tbe very notion or law : ~ ~ 'U(UI1 ~ ~
Iepl personality : ~ ~ 'WT; ~ <8 'U(UI1 ~ ~ 'WT
lepI phenomena: 1. ~ ~; 2. ~ lI'fq logical positivism: ~ ~~
le&aI pbiIo&opby: ~ ~; ~ ~; ~ ~ logical proposition: ~ ~; ~ ~
IepI pouessiGn : fcINq; ~ logical self consistancy : ~ ~
lepI realism: ~ ~; ~ ~ logically defective : ~ ~ ~ ~; ~ ~ ~ ~
Iepl raIist: ~ ~; ~ ~ logically necessary : <IM ~ ~ ~
Iepl rigbt : ~ ~; ~ ~ love: ~
~ Macrocosm: ~ M metaphysics : ~
Il!lJ magna carta : ~ method of coercion:' ~ ~ ~; ~ 1R '*"
~or cllscrepandes in sentencing: ~ ~ it ~ ~; method of elimination : f.mfof _
tror ~,it ~ ~ method of residues : ~-JIUIR'ft
~ority:~; ~ method~logy :~; ~ ~
malevolence : 1FIl metonymy : ~~
malice:~; ~
malice aforethought : ~ ~ ,...
microcosm : ~m"i
militarism : ~
malidous damage : ~ ~ minimum of friction : ~ ~i ~ ~
malicious homicide : ~ ~ ~ minimum pain: ~ ~:'l9
malidous injury to property: ~ ~ ~ ~ minority :~; ~
man made law : ~ f.:rtitf ~
mbchief rule: RI! 'fiT ~
manners : ful! ~; ful!r;;m mischievous result : Rfi!lfiTt ~
marginal case: mllio ~
mischievous tendencies : Rfi!lfiTt ~
martial law : ~ ~
mI5construe: ~ ~ W1RI; Tf<i!(f 3l~
military law : ~ ~
merchantile law : ~ ~
mistake : 'F"
miltake of fact : '(1t;q qi\ 'F'
marxist theory : ~ ~
..,istake of law : ~ ~ 'F"
mass media:;;r.:! ~~;;;r.:! ~ ~ mixed economy: PUll«! 3l~
metaphysical theory : ~ ~, ~ ¥I1Obocracy:~; ~
model : lIfu¥:n;I; ~
material aspect of justice : ~ lfiT ~ ~ ~ lfiT ~
modernism : 3i1>ftifi(1lq~
material cause: ~-lfiT{'OI modernization : ~
material source of law : ~ lfiT ~ ~ ¥I1Onarchy:~; ~: ~
material things: ~ ~ ~ ~ monism:~; ~; ~
materialism :~; ~ ~ monopoly:~; ~
materialistic realism: ~ ~~; 1:{~ ¥I1OnopoIycapitalism : ~ ~
materialistic theory : ~ ~; ~ ~ moral argument : ~ ~
matter: 1. ~ ~; ~; 2. ~; ~ ¥I1Oralcode : ~ _; ~ ~
matter of speculation : ~ lfiT ~ ¥I1OraIduty : ~ ifi<loq
matters of right and judicial discretion : ~ ~ ~ ~ moral evil : ~ ~; ~ •
~~;~3m~~~~ 11*'8I Institutions: ~ '~
mature law : ~ ~ moral justille : ~ - ~
maxim: ~ morallaw:~~; ~ ~
maximise the fulfilment of interests: rem
qi\ ~ ~ ~ moral liability ; ~ 'G1fi:«q
maximum nf wants : ~ ~; ~ ~15l moral norms : ~ ~
maximum pleasure: ~ W9 moral proposttioas : ~ ~; ~ ~
means: ~ moral right: ~ ~
measure of discretion : fcI~ifiINifij{ ~ lIDII
'moral sense: ~ 'q'j'q.1l; ~ ~
measure of skill : ~ ~ lIDII
, moral tenets : ~ ~
measurement of human equality : ~ 'W1ffi ~ Jllq
moral truths : ~ ~
mechanical type of reasoning : llf~ ~ llf~; ~ ~
morale: ~
mechanistic theory of the state : ~ lfiT ~ ~
mediate knowledge : ~ ~; rro~ ~; 3'R'ifll«! ~ ¥I1Orals: 1. ~;
morality :~;
3lfilR; 2. ~ fu;!;jo
mediate possession : ~ ifiiiiIT; 'R(f: ifiiiiIT
medical jurisprudence : ~ ~ ¥I1Oratorium : ~
megalomaniac jurisprudence : ~ ~ motive: ~
mens rea : ~ lR:~ motives for compliance : ~ ~ fuN. ~
mental abnormality: 'I1'Rfuq:; 3iIHMHH11; 'I1'Rfuq:; fcf<m moveable property : ~ ~
mental attitude of undue indifference : ~ ~ 'I1'Rfuq:; ~; multi-party system : ~ ~; ~ ~
~~~~ multiple damages: ~; ~ ~
mernocracy :~; ~ munkipal law : ~ ~; ~ ~; ~ ~
metaphysical mist: ~ '!~ mysticism : ~.
metaphysical theo.ry: o«l41'll~q ~; ~ ~ myth: fi:J~
mythical being: ~ 'SIIUft; ~ 'SIIUft

ntl'I NetlaD: q neptive rtpt : ~ atfircm; ~ ~ 'MGIW __
u.lJ aatIoa'. geuius : ~ ~ ~ '*'n; q _
...•...•..•.•. :~~
neptive term: 1. ~
nexUaenc:e : •
~; 2. ~.~

adauI c:uasc:ieace: ~ attt:~; .\~; ~-~ negligent o«ences : ~~. amN

uticaal equality : ~ ~ neo-coIoaiaIIIm : ~ m~Ifi<4~
aadoaaI force ;. ~; ~ ~
neo-posidve law : ~ ~ ~ ~; ~ ~ M; ~ ~
nadonaI govenuneat: ~ lro5R
IIIItlcJuIIIOdaIism : • ~; ~
_posith1sm : +tl4(4~
uUoaal IOdaIist theory or •••. : • ~ ~ ~
_realism: "1i1r ~; "1i1r ~
nadoDaIlty : ~ '.
nepotism : qf-~
natIon_11aD :~; ~
neutrality : ~ ,-
nadopaHr,attoo : ~
new deal: "1$ ~ _ ~~, .,._
aathi.ID : ~;;j*I",q~; ""lIifid$I'1«""""''''''''
natural equality : ~ ~ new rtpt:~~;""If{ ~ q
natural Justia : ~ ~ DIbUIsm: ~
nabInI law : ~ ~ oIbiJ ex nihIlo : ~ ~ ~ fiftm ~:
natm'lll law dbooverable by taIOI! : ri; 1ro ~ ~ M n1bilism: 1. ~ ~ 2. ~ ~
aatunl law or CODteDt: ~ ~ ~ ~ DO-duty:~
aatunl law or metbod : mtR ~ ~ M no-evidenee : ~
natural law postulates: ~ ~ 1IPf(If aorilbt:~~~
oaturaI law 1'tIUIOIIin&:~ ~ • aobiIity : ~ ~
DatIaraI law with • variable CODtent: ~ ~ ~ ~ nominal cIdIDJtIoa: ~ ~; ":nqqr.I( ~
~;R~~~~ DOlI eooteDdiaa subJeeIII : ~ -
natural aatural law : 'JIIIfift ~ ~ non-eorreladve duty : ~ ~
natural persoD:'JIIIfift ~ non kpI eoDeept : ~ ~
natunl pblIoeopb~~:,,,*, W-f non-kp1 rtptI: ~ ~, ~ ~
natunl realism : . ~tn~; ~ ~ ~
IlOrmadve j1lrispnldeDc:e : ~ Mmw
oaturaI riPt : ~ ~ .
IICII'IIIatm Iepl tbeory : ~ ~ ~
aaturaJ sandIon : ~ ~
DOI'IDdVe IdeDee : ~ _
.!IabIriIJ scienc:e : ~ ~; • _
.oaturaIisdc ethics : ~ ~ IIOI'IDIldvetheory : ~ ~
oatwaIizIItion : ~ DOI1III: ~
aaturbm: 1.• ~;' 2. ~<fltiG nodoII : ffRIIII
needs and 'WHIII : ati<4WMIQ; • ~ QOdon or • sys!em or rules : ~-~ ctll 1!R1IIT
oepdve duty: ~ ~; ~ ~ nodoD or c:oaunaad : ~ ctll I!IRUII
aepdve det1nitioII : ~ ~ nodon or fWIetIoD : lfiri tiN
Mpdve Uberty : ~ ~ aovel point : • li'f; ¥"' ~; ltI!:"!Rf ~
neptiYe or extinetlve praerlptlon :~ ~ ~ ~ iwdear umbrelle : ~ ~; ~ ••
1IIptht~: ~~; ~ ~ _-alipment :~ ~

r7\I Obitcr dicta : ~
open texture of OI'dinar~ language: ~ 'qMT ~ ~ 1J<R
l!.lI object: ~~
opinion: 11<'1; ~
oltjrctive :~; ~; ~
opposites :~; ~
objective ethics : ~ ~
objectlve idealism : ~ ~ oppesition : 1. ~; 2. ~I!i!
objective rtality : ~ ~ optional character : ~ lJ"T; ~ ('I!\1"17j

objective semblance : ~ ~ ordinance : ~l

objective theory of negligence : ~Iffi <fiT ~ rn-"",""rn; ~Iffi <fiT ordinance of reason : ftr~ ~~; ~ ~~'R. ~ 3'!~
~~ organic body of principle: h ~ ~; ~ ~ ~. h
objectively wrongful : ~ ~ it ~ ~~
objectivism: ~qqf.18C1iC::; ~ orientation : 1.~; 2. ~
objectivity : ~ uriginal right : ~ ~; 31m ~
obligation: 1. <ilUTffi; 2. ~ original title: ¥! ~; ~ r.q:;
obligatoriness : <iI~ ostensible object : 'l'R ~ f.:!fQ .~
obscure definition : ~ ~ ought :~; "~"; "mr ~"
obscurantism : ~; ~, WnQ'-I ought judgement: <l>ifarrll ~; ";;ffi~" f.!uf<I; •. ~ ~ .. ~
oc~ionalism : ~
ought proposition : ~. ~; ..• " ~; "iT;r, ~ ..
occultism : ~; ~
occupant: ~
oligarchy : ~
outrageous conduct: 1. ~ ~; 2. ip 3WRUI; 3. i!.WlT
ombllcSsman : ~; ffiq; ~; ~ o\erlnrd~hip : :ffi~«!
ontolotcY : ~
ownerless right : ~ ~

philosophy of religion : ~ ~, ~ ~
fji1 Pacilkism :~; ~ ~ philosopby of science : _ ~ ~ ~
l!:.J pacta sunt servanda : ~ ~ ~; ~ •
~ physical custody : ~ 3r.~; ~ ~
physical dealing : ~ ~
paganism :~; ~
pain: ~:~ physical possession: ~ ~; ~ CfiiiiII
pain perception : ~ ~~; 'Cft:?r ~~ physical restraint: ~ ~
paradigm : ~ ~; ~ . pilferage : ~
plagiarism : ~ ~
parliamentarian: 1. ~; 2. ~ ~
parliamentary government : ~ m<fiR; ~ ~
pleasure : Wi
participatory democracy : ~ ~ ~ plebiscite : ~ ~
particular : ~ plenary legislation : ~ ~
particular custom : ~. m plenary sovereignty : ~
pluralism : ~
1I1fII; ~ ~

particular jlistice : ~ ~
partyless democracy : ~ ~ plutocracy: ~; ~
passive empirielsm : ~ ~~qlj'1C1C1I~ pocket veto: ~ ~
points of law : ~ l!".IJI
paternalism : ~ ~; ~
patriarchallsm : ~ points of substanee : ~ ~
patri~ti.~m : ~ police power: ~ m.
peaceable arbitration or mediation : ~ ~ 1U ~
police state : ~ ~
pecuniary compensation : ~ ~ . political equality : ~ ~
pecuniary penalty : ~ ~ political inferior: ~ ~
political philosophy: ~;;t4\fi141I:il~l; ~~
pecuniary satisfaction: ~ W!; ~-~ W!
penal action : ~ ~ political right: ~ ~
penal discipline : ~ ~; ~ flmT political superior: ~ Jm
penal liabUity : ~ ~ polity : 1. uaJ-~; 2. uaJ
penal system : ~'fi ~ polyarchy : ~
penitence : ~ poIycentrism : ~
peoples democracy : ~ ~; ~ ~ popular explanation : ~ ~; • ~;
per~tion: 1. ~; 2. ~eJUT; ~~ popular sovereignty: m~ .
peremptory principle: ~ ~; ~ ~; ~ positive duty : ~ ~; .~ ~
~~ positive ethics : ~ ~
perfect duty : ~ ~ positive la••. : ~ ~; ~ ~
perfect prescription : ~ ~ positive liberty : ~ ~
perfect right:~ ~ . positive morality : ~ ~
'perfectionism : ~ positive natural law : ~ ~ ~. ~ ~ ~.
~,~~ , ,
perishable and transient : ~ ~ ~
person or incidence : ~ ~; ~ ~; 3U~ positive or acquisitive prescription : R~ 1U ~ ~;
Ra1"I15 1U ~ ~
person of inherence : ~ ~ ~; ~ ~
personl capacity : ~ ~~ positive right :R~ ~; ~ ~ ~ ~
personal custom : ~. m positive science : ~
positivism :~;
personal disability :.~ ~.
(-ersonal duty : ~ ~ positivist : ~~; dl~M"fIC4~
personal evidence : ~ m~ positivist' theory : ~~ ~; dlN(:q"fIC4Rfl ~
personal idealism : ~ ~; ~ ~ possession in fact :~: CfiiiiII; ~: CfiiiiII
personal identity : ~ ~; ~ ~ possession is nine pomts in law : ~ ~ ~ ~ it ~'mr
personal incapacity : ~ ~ t;~~
personal liability: ~ ~ possession of a right : ~ -q( CfiiiiII ~
personal propert~~~~'fi ~ possessory. interdicts: CfiiiiII ~ ~; '6OIiII ~
personal right : ~ possessory liens : CfiiiiII ~ fll(llIl~'fiI{; CfiiiiII-fll(llIlNt'fil(
persuasive : ~ possessory owner: CfiiiiII ~ ~
persuasive definition : ~ ~ possessory ownership: CfiiiiII ~ ~
persuasive precedents: ~ ~ ~ posseSsory remed~: CfiiiiII ~ ~
pessimism : ~ . possessory rights : CfiiiiII ~ ~
petitio principii : 31J(qf~~ post hoc ergo propter hoc : ~ ~
phenomenalism :~; 'i~Slq:qClIe: postuIate:~; ~ ~; ~ ~
phenomenon :~; • potential offenders: ~ ~
philosopber of science : ~ ~ pOwer~ •
philosophical bebaviourlsm : ~ ~ practicar~~n&equence : ~ ~
philOsophical jurisprudence: ~ ~ practical reason': ~ eR; ~
philosophical perplexities : ~ ~ .•.~ ~ practice :~; ~
philosophy : ~ practice as .8 justifying factor : ~ lW4i ~ ~ it ~
philosophy of education: m!51 ~; ml5l ~ pragmatism : ~tlfiti4iClIe:
philosophy of history : ~ ~, ~ ~ preappointed evidaace : ~ ~ ~
philosophy of law :.fcdtf 'fiI ~ . precedent : ~ ~; ~ ~; ~

precedents 'sub-silentio' 625 punulISin

precedents 'sub-silentio' : ~ ~ ~;. ~ ~,~ probabllism: ~

precept: ~ probability:. ~
prejudice : ~ ~; ~ procedural law: ~ ~
pre legal concept : ~ ~ ~ proletarian dictatorship: ~ 3lfEHi4q;q1<;
premeditation : ~ proletarian rule: ~ ~
premise : 3ll~ proletariat: ~
pre-philosophy : ~ property: ~
prescription : ~ proportional representation: ~ ~
prescriptive : ~ proposition: ~; '~
prescriptive right : ~ propositions of fact: o?Z/ q,l ~
presidential government : ~ ~; ~ ~ proprietary disability: ~ ~
presumptive facts : 3q~I(oII(qq; o?Z/
proprietary duty: ~ ~
presumptive' proof : 34~I(oII(qq; ~
proprietary' remedies: ~ ~
preventive measure : ~ ~
proprietary right: ~ ~
preventive punishlnent : ~ ~
preventive theory: RcU<Olql<n ~
proprio vigore:~. m:;~; ~ .t
primary duty: 'SIJ?Ifilq; ~ pros and cons of condjflcatlon: ~ "" 'Cfl\'f a:ltt ml\'f
primary evidence : 'SIJ?Ifilq;m~ protectionism: m~
primary fact : ~ o?Z/; 'SIJ?Ifilq; o?Z/ provisional title: .~ ~
primary function of punishment : ~ q,l 'SIJ?Ifilq; ~; ~ "" prudential foresight: ~; ~
~.m public good: ~ fu<I
primary right: JIT~ ~ public interest: ~
primary rules: 31m ~; JIT~ ~ public international law: ~ ~ ~
prime matter : 31m 'tf<:J~ public law: ~ ~; ~ ~
prime mover: 31m ~ public opinion:~; ~
primitive communion : ~ ~ public ownership: ~ ~
primitive law ; ~; 3llU ~ public policy: ~ ;jlfu
premitive proposition:' 3llU ~ public purpose: ~ ~
principal fact: ~ o?Z/ public right: ~ ~
principal right: ~ ~ public rights vested in the community ~ ~ 1) ~ • ~
principle: ~ . public utilities: <1)<ilq4}·il ~ dlqilq4}fll\i1
principle of benevolance: ~ "" ~ public welfare: ~ ~
principle of right: ~ <tiT ~
publicist: ~ ~; '!fimCli
principle of right and wrong: 1ll' :=To" ~ ~ ~ ,.=E:r:r
~ ~ ", _''', ,"'~I'1\1
punitive damages: ~ ~
pure reason: ~ ~; ~ ~
principle of the levers of social motion ; ~ l1fu ~ ~
pure science of law: ~ ~ ~; ~ "" ~ ~
principle of utility: ~ "" ~
princ:iples of participation: ~'lIfiTi!I "" ~ pure theory: ~ ~ ~
principles of respect: ~ <tiT ~ purely intellectllal process: ~ ~ ~
private international law: ~ ~ ~ purge:~, R '
private law: ~ ~; ~ ~ puritanism: '141~I«4Ie:; ~
private ownership: ~ ~ purpose: ~
private property: ~ ~ purpose of incorporation: f.rrt1:R "" ~
private remedies: ~ ~ purpose of law: ~ "" ~
private right: ~ ~ pursuasive r ~

Quality 1JDT quihhlinll: ~
IQ1 quintessem.-e: 1. ~; 2. ~
r::!J qUllnlity .~; llTiIl
q~i;lion of fact t"ontrast~d with a qlk'Stion of opimon: i'l>.21~ ~.w
~ Ull if. ~!JI 'f.l ~; i'l?li ~ ~'ll ~ Ull. if. 1("'~<fiT
~;i'l~ ~
relative duty: " ~
fii1 Rac:e:~; ~ .'. . relative posith'ism : ~~ ~~. ~1;1 ~~
lnJ r~clll! principle: ~ fu;m; ~ fu;m relative ~ : ~1;1 ~
nKialtheory of law:~ M~; ~ ~ ~ relative right: 1. ~-~ ~; 2. ~~ ~
radallsm/r'lldsm :~; ~
relative tfl'm : ~1;1 ~
radicalism : ~; 3WF' ·q~dOjqK
I'IIison d'etre : ::.tftd{qq:;r(UI / ~ relatin value: • ~
relativism : ~~
random sample: ~ ~
release: ~
rapport: ~
religion: 1. ~; '4t.i; ~; 2. ~
ratio decidendi : ~Ff ~
ratiocination : m religious sanction : ~
rem~ial liability : ~ ~
rational:~; ~; ~;~; ~; ~
rational basis of the doctrine : ~ ~ ~ alJ'.IR remorse: ~
rlltioftlll expectations : ~ ~ renaissance:-~; ~; m
ra~lonal utilitarianism: ~ ..•.
atWID>1l<tllml""111"'1lt1Pte: reparation for wrongdoing: ~ <fITIf ~ ~ ~
rationalise the law : ~ ~ ~ CRR! repentence : 1:ffill1ltl
rlltionalism : ~; il~"« representative democracy : ~ ~
rationlllist : ~l republic :~; ~
rationality ; ~ republicanism : ~
rationality of law : ~ ~ ~ repuJPUlnt to rilht "nd reason: ~ at< ~ ~ ~
relICtion : ~ requirement of fauk : ~ ~ ~"'tr~
rellCtlonary : villfili><fjf;m"ml"'''I<lO\ reservation of mediate possession: ~ ~ ~ 3IRf5OI
reil!: ~ residual powers: ~ •
real and present ownership : ~ at< ~ ~ residual right : ~ ~
real definition : ~ ~ residuary power : ~ ~
real evidence : ~ ~~ residuary use: 3lIltf~ ~
reill person : ~ ~ res jucUcata : ~ ~; ~
nlll property: 1f!I ~ ~ ~ respondent superior: 1. ~ ~ 3IQII; 2. ~ ~
reld rnlism : ~ ~~; ~ ~ responsibility : ~
rell!ism :~; ~. retaliation : 'lIfif<m
realist school :~; ~ retributive theory : IIri1<+11W«fI ~
relllistic idealism: ~ ~; ~ ~ retributive theory of punishment : 'DIlIfiI6."":o:m(qn(,,,z: ~ ~
reaIL~t: ~~; ~ retributive vengeance : ~ ~
ruiu, : ~~; ~ revenge: ~
realization :~; ~;' _ ~ revisionism : :ri~";~!ltj04"""""~07jl;;.,!'1<f'tRtC411;
realm of end : ~ ;jJ1RI
revivali.••m : ,!'1~"J('fRt; 'fI(hili\"CMQK; '<fI: ~
rea._ :~; ~; ~ revolution : ~
. rea._ and conscience of the court : ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
revolutionary socialism: m...RI ~
reward:~; ~
relt._ing : i.i;; ~
right: 1, ~; 2. :Iiil
rea._ of divine wisdom : ~ ~ ~ <m1IT
right in personam: ~ ~
reasonable man : ~ ~; ~ ~
rights in re aliena : ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
reasons of deterrence : ~ ~ cmoT; ~ ~ cmoT
right in re propria: ~ ~ ~; ~ ~
n'hu~ sil' stantibus : ~ ~
right in rem : ~ ~
rehuthlble presumption : ~ ~. ~ ~
right In the abstract: cffiT ~; l!TrT~; ~ ~
recakitrant minority : ~ 3I('q~GI'" ~
recall':~; CIm'I ~
right of self hdp : ~ ~ <+IT ~; m: ~ <+IT ~
rt'rldess wrong: ~:'R~ right of war : ~ ~ ~
r«·kle!i.~ness: ~ right to property : ~ ~ ~
rt'\·kb~nn.~ or negligence: ~ 1R ~181 rilhteousness : 4lfilq(f4UI111
r~emptlon : ~ rightist : r;f~~
Muctlo ad IIbsurdum : Sl'ltol"INI114 lIWT; ~; ~ ~; rigid cODstitution : 3f;:p:q ~. ~ ~
~~ ritualism: 1. ~q;'M(I1I; 2. ~cQs"UI;
rt-dudio ad impossible: ~ Roman law : ~ ~
r\>dundant definition: lil'tf ~; ~ ~; 'I<I:s •• tl4 Romantic movement: ~ ~; "«(1~t<I ~
'1fNtqt romanticism :~. (q«mC411;
referend: ~ rough and imperfect generalisation: ~ . am: ~
referent: ~ "'04I(Oil",(I)I; ~ am ~ tllql;:4l<+I(IJ1
reli~ utiHtarlanism : ~ 3q<ilI1I1MI~ rule:~
rt'n«tion: 1. If.f.I; 2.~ rule of faith : ~-~; ~ 3fNl(
reformation : ~ ~; ~ ~ ~ rule of law : ~ <+IT lITlR; ~ lTRM; ~ ~
rdormatin theory : ~ ~ rule of recognition : ~-~; lIPfflI ~
reformativt' thwry of punishment : ~ ~ ~ rule of right : ~ ~
rt'jCionlllism:~;~;~; ~ rule skeptics : ~ ~
rel(utatitln~ analo~u.~ to ba.~ic rules : ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ rules are imperative or prescriptive : ~ ~ 1R ~
rt'l(uhllh e ",'i\""'" : ~ ~ m~
social function of law : ~ <tt ~ ~; ~ <fiT ~
'SI Safe~ard
LQJ sanction:
: 1:~;
1. ~;
2. lfilU wm.
sanction of physical force: ~ Offi <tt ~ social justice : ~ ~
sanctioning right: ~ ~ social millieu : ~ ~
sanctionless duty: 31jl1l1f«lfClil"l ~ social order : ~ ~; ~ ~
satelite country: 3'UflJf<'l ~; ~ ~ social phenomena : ~ ~
scepticism (or skepticism) :~; ~ social sanction : ~ ~
scepticism about legal rules : ~ f.p:p:lj ~ om ~ ~; ~ soCial sciences : ~ ~
f.p:p:lj ~ om ~ ~m{Ul1
social solidarity : ~ ~; ~ ~
scholasticism : ~ socialism : ~
school : l1Tl91 socialist : ~ -"
science of law : fi:lftl fcim;l
socialist democracy : ~ ~
science of legislation : ~ fcim;l
socialist pattern of society: wmI <fiT ~ ~
scientific explanation : ~ ozmlro sociological approach : ~ ~
scientific hypothesis: ~ ~
sodological jurisprudence : f!ql"'~II~'" fcIf~
'scientific socialism : ~ ~
sociological school: f!ql"'~II~'" l1Tl91
scientism : ~ sociologist : wmI- fcqu;it; MF'F(II~j
secondary duty : ~ ~; ~ ~
sociology: wmI ~; wmI mfi;l
secondary evidence : ~ t'!I~
sociology of law : ~ wmI mfi;l
secondary fact: 1. ~ (f~; 2. ~ (f~
secondary rules: 1. ~ Rlrq; 2. ~ Rlrq socratic method : ~ ~
sectarianism : -q~; ~~ soft state : ~ ~
sole end of law : fcIN <fiT ~ <'l~; ~ <fiT ~ t'!IUI
security : ~ .
security of tenure: 1. ~. <tt ~~; 2. "iJqJ ~ <tt ~~ . sole ownership : ~ ~
.I self: 3'ffiGT; <a. solidary obligation : ~ 'ifI~

self-determination: 31T(q f.!uT<!; 31T(q ~ some rules are constitutive : ~. Rlrq ~ ~ !

self-determinism: 31T(q ~ sophistic : 3l~
self-evidence : l<ffi: "lfI'Il"1l<I sophistry :~, ~
self legitimatising character : ~~ <'l~ sovereign : >l'j; ~
self limitation : 31T(q 11~ sovereign command : ~ ~; ~ ~
self-realization :~; ~ sovereign legislation : ~ ~ fcNR
self-regarding duty : ~~~; ~ ~ sovereign legislature : ~ ~ fcNR ~, ~ fcNR ~; ~
fcim;{ ~
selfish interests: ~tlf.m ~
semantic ambiguity: ~if.~"'q"4""41"'f!:n:·R"""">l-.ndl sovereignty :~; ~
-Simple remainder vested in Interest : ~ ~ ~ il ~ ~ ~ it sovereignty consists not in having power but in havin~ ~uthority :
~m~~ ~ • Wf;rffi ~-1m fifiu ~ .mmr ~ mt t
sense of obligation : ~ ~ species: ~; .;;nfu
sensible :~; ~ species of evidence : t'!I~ <fiT '5I4lR
sensibility: ~-. species of social engin~ring: ~ ~ <fiT ~
sensory perception : ~ ~ll.'I ~ specific intent : ~ 3lm"I; ~ 3lm"I
separation of power: • -qr~; • '!~ specific use : ~ ~
serfdom : ~ w.rr; .~ specific attribute : ~ ~
series efobjects : ~~41CK1\ speculative philoSophy : ~GGRq;=I."ln-'1~I(q~41'"
servient land or tenement : ~ ~ ~ ~ . sphere of judicial discretion: ~ ~ <fiT ~; ~
servient right : ~ ~ ~<fiT~
servient owner : ~ ~ spirit: 3'ffiGT; 'lJlf.lI; F«l
'servitude':~; ~; ~mU spirit of the people : ~; .~; Ml41q:fJ~M; ~; ~
servitude 'appurtenant : ~ ~; ~ ~ ~ .~;~
servitude in gross:"¥f ~; "¥f ~ ~ spiritualism: 1. 3l~ 2. ~
set of rules: Rlrq - ticrT; Rlrq ~; ~ spite: ~
similia similibus percipiuntur: ~ ~ ~ stability and security : ~ ~ ~~; ~ ~ ~ll.'II
simple agreement : ~ .q:;m standard : 11R<fi; .~
simple dilemma: m<'l ~: -qm standard of care : ~ 11R<fi; ~ <fiT 11R<fi
sine. qulbus non : ~ ~ ~ standing order: m ~
sinecure : <1f4~fClil"l t!G standpoint of man's function : ~ ~ ~ ~ ~; ~ wm
skepticism : ~ <tt~~
slot machine deductions : ~ ~ f.vrl:R; ~ f.vrl:R starting point Cor reasoning: -at-m q;J ~ ~
social conduct : ~ ~ - state capitalism : ~ ~
social contract : ~ ~ state secialism-: ~ ~
social darwinism : ~ ~ statement : ~~
social democracy : ~ ~ static body oC rules: WR Rlrq ~, WR Rlrq ~
social:engi~eering:~~; ~ ~ status (sum total of a man's personal rights)-: ~ (~ ~
social eqpality : ~ W«fl ~ f!lWI ~~)


status of the 'ought' in a basic secondary rule 629 system of law·

status of the 'ought' in a basic secondary rule : ~ ~ substantive Iiberty:~ ~; ~ ~

~ it "~ .. q,'t 1IIfttlfu;~ ~ ~ it .,,~ .. q,'t substitutive sanctioning duty:~ ~ ~
~ succession :~
stata~ quo:~~ ~ suffrage:~
statute law : ~ m summum bonum :f.f:Wrn; 'W1f~, 'Wl ~~, 'Wl ~
statutory duty : ~ ~
superior jurisdiction:~
statutory law:~ m superman: 3U'tfI'l'RCf

statutory obligation:~ ~; fcIf~ OITURIT

stealing:~ <ii8l supplementary right:~ ~
sterile controversy:~ q supreme end of law:fclN 'fiT 'Wl ~a:q; fclN 'fiT 'Wl ml.1I
stipulative definition:~ ~ supreme law maker:~ fclN f.IJ:IRn
strict duty:<fi<iR~ supreme law of the land:~ q,'t ~ fclN; ~ CIii ~ fclN
strict law:~ m; ~ fcIf~ supreme legislation:~ fcItIR
strict liability:f.p:rn ~; <fi<iR~ surrender:~ .
strict logical inference:am om ~; amom ~ suspended sentence:f.R;if.rn ~
strict logical necessity:~ om ~ suzerainty :~
subalternate :31ID'JRI
syllogism: 1. ~; 2. ~ CI1<llI; 3, ~; 4. ~
syllogistic :~
suject matter of permission':~ 'fiT ~
syndicalism:~ f~~qlC:
subjective idealism:3mi'! Fm ~; 3mi'! Fm ~
subjective theory of negligence:#f~ 'fiT~ fu;&'m; #f~ 'fiT synthesis:~ ~
~ fu;&'m synthetic philosophy:~ ~
subordinate legislation:~ fcItIR synthetic proposition:~ ~'l fclN; ~ fcIf~ system of law:fclN-lf.&fu; fcIN ffi"

m; oC relativitv : -milf~
Taboo:1. ~
tabula rasa:~ ~
2. ~ theory
theory of strict li~bility : ~ Gffi«q CfiI fu;s'm
tautology :~ theory of things : ~ ~
technocracy: ~ <iiI theosophy : ~; ~
teleological ethic:('f~ mlff -:ilfa
thesis: 1.~; 2. ~~; 3. -q~
teleological flavour of natural law thinking:~ ~ A<R qi\ third world: <ffi:ro if-lm; ~ fc1"'!l
teleoloaical ideali~m:('f~ .m~ ~; ('f~ .m~~ thought: 1. ~; 2. A<R;
title of the right : 3'!fucnR CfiI tr'Ii
3. ~

teleological juri~prudence:('f~ .m~~ ~-Gffi«q; ~ ~ Gffi«q; ~

teleological school :('f~ .m~~ tortious
liability: CfiI

teleology :('f~ milarcw::

temperamental upbringing:~ ~-~; a:rfcm\ ~-~ totalitarian democracy : ~ ~
totalitarian dictatorship : ~ ~ /~
temporal approach:~ ~
temporary title:~ tr'Ii totalitarianism : ~
tenant for life:~ ~; ~ 31MmU tradition : -qttro
term:1. ~; 2. -q<:;; ~ traditionalism : ~
terminal links:3lRfq ~, ~ ~ traditionalists : 1:fttroqr~
terminological uncertainty:~ 3#If~ transcendent :~, ~, ~; a«ita
territoriality of law:fcIftI qi\ ~; fcIftI qi\ ~ ~ transcendental : 1. ~o(1l(f; ~; 2. ~; ~;
terrorism :~ a«ita
testamentary succession:~ ~ transcendental logic : ~ ~
testimony :qfun~ transcendentalism :~; ~
the law of status:~ fcIftI transfer of right : 31f~ CfiI ~ •
theCt:~ transitory right : ~ 3'!fucnR
transmigration : ~; ~
transitory command : ~ ~
. treaty : ~
theoloIlV:1. ~~; 2. ~
theorem: "!lirq trial by battle : ~ ~ mT f.luf<l

theoretical proposition:~ ~; ~ ~ tribalism : "1'1"1lfMI<:

theoretical question: ~ ~Hl trinity : ~
theoretically anomalous : ~ ~ il 31WR! trust ownership : '<Iffi ~
theories- of punishment : ~ ~ truth: 1. ~; 2. W'Q
theorist :~, ~OlUq!;11tt; ~ truths of logic: 1. ~ W'Q; 2. <f<t ftR:: ~
theory: ~ tutelary democracy : ~{lWfi ~
theory, general : m!:IRUI ~ two-party system : f~ ~
theory' of knowledge : ~ ~ tyranny: f.t(~~1 -rn11; ~ ~; ~; ~

unilateral Kt ift tlk- hlw : ~ ~e.Wi <fiI'4
liT! \ lbl jus ibi SO(~~: ~ ~ ~ ~; 13 l10I ~
Il.LJ (f,{ if5I ~ unincorporated association : ~ WTq
uherior object : ~ ~; ~ ~ unitary KOvernment: ~ ~; ~ ~
ultimate consumer : ~ '~ universal : ~
ultimate principle of recognition : 1W«<Il ,~ ~ ft:r.gjo universal justice : ~ ~; ~ ~
ultimate ratio: ~ ~ universal law: ~ ~; ~ ~
ultimate reality :,tRlIl~; ~ rnq; ~ ~ universal principle: ~ ft:r.gjo; ~ ~
ultimate role : ~ ~ universal principle nf causation : ~ ~ ~ ~; ~
ultra vires : ~; ~tf~H11~;~-~ <fiT~ f~; ~ <fiT "'~~,~ <G~
~ ,
unborn person : ~ ~; ~ ~
unconstrained good pleasure : ~ ~ universal' suffrage : ~ ~
understanding : ,~; ~; ~ universality of operation : ~ <il ~~Nq:;I1I; m ~ wt-
undisposed :,~; ~ ~
unenforceable duties : ~,~ u..yU&tenrichment : ~ ~
unfulding of an idea :~; ~ unwritten constitution : m~ ~
unfortunate juxtaposition : ~ ~i ~ ~; f.wi ~ usage: ~
unicameral : ~-~ uses of incorporation : HrP:R ~ ~
unified dynamic regal system : ~ ~ ~ ~; ~ usurpation : ~
lJfum m<fi ~ utilitarianism : 73mqqiil!lf1fnl""l1lr.:rq""l~
unilateral act: ~e.Wi liil<t utilitarian theory: 3q4\l1ldlql~ ~
atopian socialism: q:;~HI('fl~<i ~



:=~~ ~~~"
...-at:~ ~e= for c:ouent:
vested onenhlp:_
vested right: _
vesddve lad : ~

dtl;; ~ dG{
valid proposltioD: ~ ~; ~ ~
vicarious liability : ~ ~
validity ~
validity 01 a rule at law : ~ t ~ ~.~Nq"<idi vicarious responslbiUty : ~ ~; ~ ~
valuable consideration : ~ ~ vigorous and hardy: lfitl'J ~ ~
valuation 01 evidence : ~ q;j ~ vlnculeum juris : ~ ~; ~
value :~; amin violent self help : ~ amq ~
value Judgment : ~ f.tuf<i; ~ R f.tuf<i void agreement : ~ Cf;{R
value judgments OD questions 01 poUcy : ;ftm 1l~""!R ~ ~;
voidable agreement : ~'<iq;(un<i Cf;{R
~ ll~ if ~ f.IuN
variable : ~ ~; ~ . volition :~; ~
verbalism :~; ~ volksgeist : ~;'~; ~
verllkation : ~ voluntarlsm : ~
verilk:atloD, principle 01: ~ ~ ~ • voluntary Kt : •• ~
vested interest: Ma lUtf; Ma ft<t voluntary action: ~ CfiIf; ~ ~

IiiJ WaDt of coDSideraUon : ~ ~ ~ ~ world view : fq~
I.!!I welfare: ~ written coDStitution : ~ ~
welfare state: <M<4iUiC+llt\ ~
weltaDSchauuag : fcfv ~ wrong: 1. 3lml; ~; 2. ~
whole:~; ~; ~ wrongful detention of property : ~ ~ ~ f.ro1I; ~ ~
wIU:·~;~ ~ f.ro1I
wIU-lo-Dve : ~ wrongful enrichment at llDother's expense ~ ~ ~ 1R ~
wisdom : '5QIR; _; 1f.ftIn ~ ~ <tit <ttJfIl 1R ~ ~
wish :~; .151; ~ wrongful harm: ~ ~
wither away : ~ wrongfullDtent : ~ ~; ~ ~
witberiDg away : ~
words Or general applicaUon: ~ lItirrr ~ lJ'ii:: wrongful possession: ~ Cf;Oljj; ~ Cf;Oljj

worldDgmoclel of a standard system! lIFICfi _ ~ ~ wrongs :.~

~ wrongs of negligence : ~ ~
world of reaJlty : 'lCIm ~; ~ ~ ~1strlctUabWty:~~~~;~~~~
world ••• :~

. 633

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