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MAPNA Boiler and Equipment Manufacturing and Engineering Company (MAPNA

Boiler in brief ), having a brilliant history of more two decades in supplying
industrial products and participating in the execution of country’s big projects, is
an industrial knowledge-based company. The company is a subsidiary of MAPNA
Group which runs on the path to value creation for clients, shareholders, and
other beneficiaries through the design, supply, manufacturing, installation,
erection, and commissioning, finance, after sales service, technical consultation,
and project management of different boilers being utilized in power plants,
oil, gas, and mining industries, fixed equipment for oil, gas, and petrochemical
plants, and water treatment and water desalination units as well in domestic and
foreign markets.
Relying on the competent human resource, modern manufacturing facilities, and
new technologies acquired from renowned companies in the field and developed
over years on, this company moves toward the achievement of sustainable
development objectives in the country’s power, oil, and gas industries.
Aligned with the country’s development plans, MAPNA Boiler company over
the course of the past few years has entered into the water and wastewater
industries and been strengthening its place in the production of potable water,
and the treatment of industrial and municipal water and wastewater through the
development of its associated products.
This company takes part as EPC and EPCF contractor in the execution of power,
refinery and petrochemical, and water treatment and water desalination plants.
More than 1000 experts are now working in the company distributed into the
departments of design and product development, research & technology, sales
and business development arranged in the central building in Tehran office and
the departments of manufacturing, engineering, production, quality control,
project execution, procurement, etc. in Haljerd and Elahieh complex and some
employees are stationed in the sites of our projects.
Haljerd complex of MAPNA Boiler Company, locates in 12th. km Karaj-Qazvin
road in 76,000 square meter area with a -35000square-meter closed workshop,
is equipped with various required machineries including cutting, pressing,
bending, rolling, welding, and light&heavy duty lathe machines and heat
treatment furnace and test and examination equipment as well. Some like the
heavy duty rolling machine and pipe induction bending machine and heat
treatment furnace are unique across the country and even in the Middle East in
terms of tonnage and the level of technology. With the purpose of storing other
materials and equipment able to be kept in open and sheltered spaces, Elahieh
complex occupies an area of 210,000 square meters containing workshops
allocating 15000 square meters to finning, forming, and continuous pipe
bending machines to support automatic bending and finning of tubes and pipes
in HRSGs harps and automatic bending of water walls in industrial and steam
thermal power plant water tube boilers.
All machineries and equipment gathered in these two factories give MAPNA
Boiler Company the ability of its products construction, test, and assembly in a
complete and independent way, though it has gained an appropriate opportunity
of accredited vendors to enhance its production agility. In addition, according
to the successful experience in installation, erection, and commissioning, the
company has attempted to present comprehensive solutions for the satisfaction
of customers’ needs earning competitive advantages.
MAPNA Boiler and Equipment Manufacturing and Engineering Company has
managed to obtain ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 18001, ISO 27001, and ISO 50001
certifications, and ISO 17025 Laboratory Accreditation. The company has kept
trying an organized application of the contained approaches by implementing
and developing technology management (TM), knowledge management (KM),
and project management (PM) in accordance with PMBOK. It also received the
National Award Silver Prize for Organizational Excellence and Performance.


• Heat Recovery Steam Generators (HRSGs) in SERVICES

different industries
• Bi-drum Industrial / Package Water Tube • Products Aftersales Services and
Boilers Supports
• Steam Thermal Power Plant Water Tube • Laboratory Services
Boilers • Operators Training
• Cogeneration or Combined Heat and Power • Project Management Services
(CHP) Steam Generators
• Stand-Alone (Fresh Air Firing) HRSGs
• Coal-Firing Boilers
• Deaerators
• Shell & Tube Heat Exchangers

Products •

Pressure Vessels
Stationary and Containerized Seawater and
Brackish Water Reverse Osmosis (SWRO &

and •

BWRO) Membrane Desalination Units
Water Treatment Systems
Industrial and Municipal Wastewater

Services •
Treatment Systems
Medical and Industrial Containerized Oxygen
• De-oiling Units
• Tanks, Vessels, Distillation Towers, Reactors
• Water Treatment Plants


• Boilers Flue Gas Desulfurization (FGD)

• Once-Through HRSGs
• Municipal Solid Waste Incinerators
• Sulfur Recovery Units

2 3
In case of gas turbine outage due to
maintenance, our HRSGs can take the
Heat Recovery Steam Generators (HRSG) are widely advantage of Fresh Air Firing system,
used in different industries such as combined cycle consisting of air fan and burner in general,
power plants, oil, gas, and petrochemical plants, when the steam generators can keep
mining industries, steel, copper, and aluminum producing steam independent of GT so-
production plants, etc. MAPNA Boiler Company called Stand-Alone operation. MAPNA Boiler
is capable to design, supply, manufacture, install, Company is able to equip HRSGs with this
erect, and commission, and offer consulting and system making the design and manufacturing
aftersales services for various types of HRSGs of all the components required together in
based on new technologies in the world. The order to meet projects’ demands.
company’s HRSG products with peerless abilities
in the country can be installed and erected
downstream of E-, F-, and H-class or larger Gas
Turbines and feature Horizontal- and Vertical-type
configurations, single, double and triple pressure,

with and without Reheat, and Supplementary
Firing equipment. All components of the boilers,
especially pressure parts, are built at MAPNA

Recovery Steam
Boiler’s factories using modern machineries and
test equipment in compliance with the world’s
latest edition of applicable standards such as

ASME. Aiming at fulfilling new power generation
market needs, the company signed a Technology
Transfer and License agreement in 2016 with
John Cockerill, formerly Cockerill Maintenance
& Ingénierie (CMI), in Belgium large HRSGs
downstream of F- and H-series Gas Turbines are
thereby granted as Licensed Products.

Furthermore, MAPNA Boiler’s HRAG products

can be operated in power plants burning
gas and gas oil fuels in gas turbines. The
application of combined heat and power
(CHP) generation (Cogeneration) in addition
to combined cycle power plants is the
house for the company’s HRSGs. The way
it takes a part of the steam produced is
utilized for seawater desalination in Multi-
Effect Distillation (MED) units or for process
consumptions in petrochemical plants.
Qeshm’s Water and Power Project is an
actual sample of a CHP application for the
production of potable water the company
involved in.

4 5
6 7
The water tube boiler products can accommodate the
following features:
• Steam capacity up to 250 ton/hr
• Steam outlet pressure up to 115 bar
Industrial water tube boilers are used in power • Steam outlet temperature up to 525 °C
plants, petrochemical plants, refineries, and
food and mining industries in order to produce
process steam. MAPNA Boiler Company has
supplied for instance water tube boilers in
South Pars Unit -121 gas phases ,13 ,16 ,15
20 ,14 and 21, Fajr, Mobin, and Damavand
petrochemical plants. For small-scale boilers,
there are capabilities in the company to

assemble the products in the workshops and
transport them to operation sites packaged.


Using update and proper design and engineering softwares,

MAPNA Boiler’s industrial/package water tube boiler products
are being optimized in weight and dimension and are capable
to satisfy clients’ demands with the highest efficiency and

8 9
The conditions of the steam supplied by the
boiler products to the HP and IP sections of the
steam turbines are:

Superheater Steam Pressure 174 bar

Superheater Steam Temperature 540 °C
Superheater Steam Flow Rate 1100 ton/hr
Reheater Steam Pressure 38 bar
Reheater Steam Temperature 540 °C
Reheater Steam Flow Rate 880 ton/hr
MAPNA Boiler and Equipment Manufacturing
and Engineering Company is the first and
only Iranian company in the design and

Stema manufacturing of subcritical natural circulation

steam thermal power plant water tube boilers
producing up to 1100 ton/hr superheated

Thermal steam to rotate -325MWe steam turbines.

Power Plant
Water Tube
To meet environmental regulations, the
company can supply the system of Flue
Gas Desulfurization (FGD) to reduce SOx
compounds pollution.

10 11
MAPNA Boiler Company has the capability
of designing, supplying, manufacturing,
installing, erecting, and commissioning of
various horizontal and vertical deaerators
up to 1400 ton/hr in capacity. The Deaerator
products are of Spray-Tray type being used to
prevent corrosion in water side by the removal
of dissolved gases, especially O2 and CO2 from
boiler feedwater.


The enhancement of thermal efficiency is the

other benefit of using it. The deaerators can
bring down the oxygen content of the boiler
feedwater to 7ppb. ASME, ASTM, and HEI are
standards according to which these products
are being designed and constructed in the

12 13
With utilization of heavy duty rolling machines,
this company is capable to produce the heat
exchanger of the shell with the thickness of up
to 300 mm varied in size and range of materials
including Carbon Steel, Stainless Steel, and
High Alloy Steel compliant with TEMA and
ASME standards.
Shell and tube heat exchangers span a vast
range of applications in the downstream and
upstream industries of oil, gas, petrochemical
and power plants and food industries.
Resting on experts’ knowledge as well as
modern manufacturing tools and machines,

Shell &
MAPNA Boiler Company is ready to present
services in the field of design, construction
and maintenance (re-tubing) of such heat

Tube Heat


In refineries, Re-boilers are used as a type

of shell and tube heat exchangers to reheat
the condensate products at the bottom of
distillation columns and return them vaporized
to the distillation columns. Re-boilers are also
designed and manufactured by MAPNA Boiler.

14 15
In power plants the company’s similar products
such as high pressure (HP), Intermediate
pressure (IP), and Low Pressure (LP) drums,
blowdown tanks, and flash tanks are in large
numbers and various, too, being designed and
manufactured according to ASME, BS, and API


Vessels, MAPNA Boiler Company have been involved in

Storage Tanks,
the design and construction of various types of
steel and alloy pressure vessels up to 300 mm
thick used in different industries like oil, gas,

and petrochemical.

and Hads Atmospheric storage tanks for storing crude oil
and refinery products such as gas oil and fuel
oil in both types of the spherical and cylindrical
and double wall are supplied by MAPNA Boiler
based on API 650.

16 17
• Condensate Polishing Plants (CPPs) and
Water Treatment Plants in Gas, Oil, and
Petrochemical Industries and Power Plants
• Electro De-Ionization (EDI) Systems
• Membrane Desalination Units of Seawater
and other Water Resources using Reverse
Osmosis (RO) Method

In line with MAPNA Group’s objectives MAPNA

Boiler Company has taken on its activities for
the design, supply, and construction of different
water desalination and water treatment plants

Desalination &
in industries leading to products which can be
mentioned as:

Water Treatment

• Water Pretreatment Systems including

Ultrafiltration (UF), Media Filters,
Precipitation and Sedimentation, Active
Carbon Filters
• Seawater Pretreatment Dissolved Air
Flotation (DAF)
• Industrial Wastewater Treatment Plant
• Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) Systems

18 19
Capacity 600NL/min
Oxygen Purity Min %3± %93
Filtration Water Trap + Filters + Dryer + Antibacterial
Generation Method Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA)
The method of oxygen generation in this
Compressor Capacity 11.2m/min
equipment is the separation of oxygen from
the compressed air which is considered as Adsorber Zeolite 13X HP
one the newest technology worldwide for Electrical 3phase - 125A
the oxygen production. In case there is gas of Total Weight 14000 kg
high purity on demand, medical, industrial, or
External Dimension 30ft × 9.5ft (10.8ft) × 7.8ft
other purposes, the packages of oxygen and
nitrogen using Pressure Swing Adsorption [6.1m × 2.9m (3.3m) × 2.4m]
(PSA) method are applied.

Advantages of PSA Method:

• Cost-effective and Highly Practically Efficient
• Low Operating Expenses

• Easy-to-Use
• High Safety Factor
• Precise Purity

• Low Pressure Drop
• Long Lifetime
• Suitable Size and Low Weight

• Mobile (Containerized)

L x H(H`) x w 30 ft x 9.50 ft ( 10.8 ft ) x 7.8 ft

L x H(H`) x w 6.1 m x 2.9 m ( 3.3 m ) x 2.4 m

20 21
Various pretreatment units are available designed earlier which consists
of pressurized sand filter, Ultrafilters (UFs), self-cleaning screen filters,
disk filters. In all the water package products, Reverse Osmosis (RO)
plays the part of water desalting and the process of demineralized
water production is on Electro Deionization system (EDI). All systems are
supported by electric and control panels and there is the possibility of
remote monitoring using GPRS technology if requested by a client.
The optimization and flexibility to fit variety of inlet water conditions and
client’s needs have been attempted together for the design of the water
package products. Auxiliary equipment like diesel generator (DG) for
In order to cut down design time duration and
power generation will be available at client’s request.
accelerate products delivery to customers,
a varied number of water treatment and
Operability in:
desalination packages with a wide range
• Supply of Potable Water in Critical Situations for Small Cities
of capacities and applications have been
• Supply of Water at the time of Increased Seasonal Consumption
made available to offer by MAPNA Boiler and
Equipment Manufacturing and Engineering
• Supply of Process Water during the Commissioning of Industrial Units
• Supply of Industrial Water in times of Quality Change in Raw Water
One of characteristics these packages have in
• Supply of Emergency Water for Industrial Units in Production Outages
common is the installation of equipment and
• Supply of Makeup Water in times of Quality Change in Potable Water
skids inside a container. The containerization
or Industrial Water

reduces installation and commissioning time
besides the ease of transportation. Moreover,
it lifts the need to construct silo or building

Water Treatment and

for equipment installation.
A suitable array of disinfection, pretreatment,
main treatment, cleaning, final treatment
(Demineralized), and other systems will

Desalination be proposed to clients depending on the

kind, quality, and flow rate of inflow and
demanded water.


Entire Classification:
• Production units of treated water from brackish water, seawater,
and treated wastewater for industrial use up to 400 m3/day in one
container and up to 2000 m3/day in two containers
• Production units of demineralized water from brackish water,
seawater, and treated wastewater up to 12 m3/hr in one container
and up to 40 m3/hr in three containers
• Production units of potable water from brackish water and seawater
up to 400 m3/day in one container and up to 2000 m3/day in two

22 23
More than decades’ active history running through the grounds of
design and execution of power plants steam cycle, this company has
provided extensive services for the cycle chemistry as:
• Study of chemical regimes having been applied to boilers
and present of improving instructions in need
• Investigation of failures and corrosion history in boilers
looking into data analysis and boiler performance conditions
• Sampling from different points of water/steam cycle to make
more accurate estimation of the existing conditions
• Analysis of failed components in MAPNA Boiler’s well-
MAPNA Boiler and Equipment Manufacturing equipped quality control laboratory
and Engineering Company presents clients • Root Cause Analysis (RCA) and reporting results
an abundant number of aftersales services • Investigation of chemical injection/dosing systems
containing supervision of installation, erection, performance and sampling to make certain of their accuracy
and commissioning, periodic and regular • Presenting maintenance instructions for replacement of
inspections, performance tests, spare parts failed components
delivery, regular maintenance and overhaul, • Supervision on thickness measurement of areas subject
upgrading and renovating, and supporting to failure and data analysis to emerge assured of desired
technical and engineering consultations in the condition
field of such as water chemistry. • Presenting operational instructions to avoid the reappearance
of failures and providing of execution supervision

Product • Risk-Based Inspection (RBI)

• Fitness-For-Service (FFS) Assessment
• Consideration of chemical cleaning necessity and presenting

Support and
associated instructions
• Data analysis of performance after improvements to be
certain about the effectiveness of applied instructions

• Maintenance, renovation, and procurement of spare parts for
existing systems
• Failure diagnosis and feasibility analysis for upgrading power

plants water treatment systems including CPPs and WTPs
• Study, analysis, diagnosis, and improvement of power plant
water and steam cycles
• Establishing workshops and training programs for operators

Additionally, as per clients’ needs, MAPNA Boiler Company arranges

trainings for operators along with educational materials and
documents to be provided and qualified trainers to be dispatched
to clients’ operational sites. Depending upon priceless experience
obtained as a result of performance test data collected from over
hundred boiler units, teams of technical and engineering experienced
specialists in the company are able to diagnose and find roots of
failures in case performance problems appear in a boiler and offer
suitable solutions to eliminate the defects or prevent the occurrence
of similar events.
In clients’interest leading to long-term maintenance contracts, MAPNA
Boiler has the capacity to provide services for technical consultations,
preventive maintenance programs, supervision of boilers operation
and control, periodic inspections, and procurement of components
and equipment and guarantee a permanent and constant operation
of its boiler products.

24 25
• Services to be Offered to Different Industries:
• Tensile and Proof Load Test
• Compression Test
• Shear Test
• Bending Test
• Impact Test
• Hardness Test (Rockwell, Brinell, Vickers)
• Break, Nick Break, and Fracture Tests
• Flattening Tests
• Flare Test and Flange Test on Tube and Pipe Specimens
• Spring Constant Test
The laboratory of MAPNA Boiler Company
• Chemical Composition Test
is a strategic business unit which has been
• Quantometer Test for Iron-base and Copper-base Alloys
established with the mission of providing
• Portable X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) Analysis for Stainless
Steel and Non-Ferrous Alloys
high-quality laboratory services. Intended to
offer laboratory test services to power plants,
• Weld Metal Chemical Composition Test
oil, gas, petrochemical, and other related
• Non-Destructive Chemical Analysis
industries, this lab benefits from expert human
resources as well as advanced equipment and
apparatuses and succeeded to receive ISO
17025 certification from National Accreditation

Center of Iran (NACI) in 2013 after passing
required standards.


• Metallographic and Microscopic Examination

• Weld Tests
• PQR tests based on API 1104, ISO 15614, AWS D1.6, AWS
D1.1, and ASME SEC IX
• Non-Destructive Tests (NDTs) including VT, PT, UT, MT, RT,
Phase Array
• Surface Roughness Test
• Heat Treatment on Laboratory Specimens
• Special Examinations
• Stack Exit Gas Analysis
• Sulfuric Acid Dew Point Determination for Controlling
• Portable Thermograph
• Portable Flowmeter

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