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Cleaner and Circular Bioeconomy 2 (2022) 100012

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Exploration of efficient water, energy and nutrient use in aquaponics

systems in northern latitudes
Luuk Jansen a, Karel J. Keesman b,∗
Environmental Technology and Mathematical & Statistical Methods (Biometris), Wageningen University, P.O. Box 16, 6700 AA Wageningen, The Netherlands
Mathematical & Statistical Methods (Biometris), Wageningen University, P.O. Box 16, 6700 AA Wageningen, The Netherlands

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Keywords: Efficient energy and resource management are essential for a more sustainable food production system. On-
Aquaponics demand coupled multi-loop aquaponics, containing at least a fish, plant and anaerobic digester unit, has shown
horticulture great potential for optimizing nutrient use. However, balancing the nutrients for both fish and crop production
sustainable agriculture
becomes increasingly complex at higher latitudes. In these areas also significant reductions in energy use are
dynamic model
required. Hitherto, the effects of energy-saving strategies on the dynamics of an aquaponics system have not
design scenarios
been explored.
The objective of the study was to investigate and mathematically model an aquaculture-hydroponic (aquapon-
ics) system with Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus L.) and lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) or tomato (Solanum lycoper-
sicum L.), and to verify it for the Netherlands.
In the mathematical model several physical and operational parameters were varied to find their influence
on water and nutrient use efficiency, energy use and the growing environment, in particular in the greenhouse.
The variation in crop transpiration was found to be a simple, yet effective, indicator for the influence of
greenhouse settings on the performance of on-demand coupled multi-loop aquaponics systems. The correlation
between water or nutrient use efficiencies and transpiration variation (0.98) is stronger than the correlation with
energy use (0.78). The maximum allowed humidity (70% to 90%) and use of artificial lighting (0 – 200 W/m2 )
has the largest effect on both performance and energy use. Other settings, such as inclusion of thermal insulation
of the cover, minimum temperature, addition of heat storage, and use of screens, have effect on the energy
efficiency, but have little effect on the nutrient dynamics. To counter the negative effects of variation caused by
other energy-saving strategies or climatic variations, the use of a buffer tank, placed between anaerobic digester
and hydroponic system, was found a feasible option.
Aquaponics is an emerging technology in sustainable food production and this research supports the intro-
duction of on-demand coupled aquaponics systems in northern latitudes.

1. Introduction than conventional agriculture. However, soilless forms of agriculture

generally rely heavily on synthetic fertilizers, as organic fertilizers still
In the coming decades, food demand is expected to grow rapidly, result in significantly lower yields (Zandvakili et al., 2019). For the cre-
while agricultural land is being degraded as a consequence of climate ation of nitrogen fertilizers fossil fuels are used, while phosphate fertiliz-
change and unsustainable agricultural practices (Searchinger et al., ers are manufactured from non-renewable sources. Their discharge into
2019). Greenhouses are used as one of the strategies to mitigate these the environment causes severe damage to aquatic ecosystems through
problems and their area has been growing rapidly. Greenhouses can eutrophication (Nedelciu et al., 2020). Consequently, the production of
have high food productivity in limited space, while being less depen- synthetic fertilizers has significant negative effects on the environment.
dent on environmental conditions. The (re)introduction of the aquaponics concept, the combined culti-
Greenhouses with soilless forms of agriculture, also known as hydro- vation of fish and crops, is an attempt to reduce the use of synthetic fer-
ponics, have significantly higher efficiencies for water and nutrients use tilizer and to further improve nutrient and water use efficiencies of hy-

List of abbreviations: DWC, deep water culture; HPS, hydroponic system; RAS, recirculating aquaculture system; RH, relative humidity; UASB, upflow anaerobic
sludge blanket reactor; AP, aquaponics; NFT, nutrient film technique; AD, anaerobic digester; KPI, key performance indicator; RO, reverse osmosis; ETc, crop
transpiration; CV, coefficient of variation; COD, Chemical oxygen demand.

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (K.J. Keesman).
Received 25 March 2022; Received in revised form 20 May 2022; Accepted 23 May 2022
2772-8013/© 2022 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
L. Jansen and K.J. Keesman Cleaner and Circular Bioeconomy 2 (2022) 100012

droponics (David et al., 2022). Nowadays, an industrial aquaponics sys-

tem consists of a recirculating aquaculture system (RAS) and hydroponic
system (HPS), with water flowing between the two to exchange nutrients
(Baganz et al., 2021). In the RAS, fish are reared in tanks and a screen fil-
ter and nitrification reactor are used to remove solids (fish feces and un-
eaten feed) and to convert ammonia to nitrates, respectively. In perma-
nently coupled aquaponics (previously called single-loop aquaponics),
the nutrient-rich RAS water is used as a hydroponic solution to grow
plants in the HPS and the water from the HPS is returned to the RAS Figure 1. The three compartments of the aquaponics system under study with
after the plants have taken up a fraction of the nutrients (Baganz et al., the most important flows.
However, this single-loop system inherently creates suboptimal con-
ditions, as the plants and fish have different needs for nutrient levels and energy use and the growing environment. Special interest was paid to
pH (Goddek et al., 2016; Goddek & Keesman, 2018). To eliminate this the variation in crop transpiration, which was used for the comparison
problem, an on-demand coupled aquaponics system has been developed of different scenarios. To better support the theory proposed in this arti-
(previously called decoupled aquaponics), where the water flow from the cle, the production of tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum L.) was explored,
HPS to the RAS becomes optional, allowing more control over both sys- as well. Additionally, two new buffering strategies were investigated,
tems (Baganz et al., 2021; Kloas et al., 2015; Goddek et al., 2016). To intending to further increase the performance of the aquaponics system
increase the nutrient use efficiency in on-demand coupled aquaponics in varied climates.
systems a remineralization loop was added, in which an anaerobic di-
gester converts the filtered-out solids from the RAS into plant-available 2. Methodology
nutrients for the HPS, leading to a multi-loop system (Goddek et al.,
2018). In addition to the remineralization loop, a desalination loop, in 2.1. Aquaponics system
which nutrients in the discharged RAS water are concentrated and clean
water returned to the RAS through reverse osmosis (RO) filtration, was The aquaponics system in this study mostly follows the design of
also proposed (Goddek & Keesman, 2018). The concentrated nutrient Dijkgraaf et al. (2019) and consists of three compartments: the recir-
solution is subsequently transferred to the hydroponic solution. culating aquaculture system (RAS), anaerobic digester (AD) and hydro-
Besides concerns regarding fertilization, highly productive green- ponic system (HPS). These elements are shown in Figure 1 and explained
houses are also known for their high energy consumption. In northern in the following sub-sections.
latitudes, the majority of greenhouse energy demand is for heating, re- The main component of a RAS is a set of fish tanks, where fish is
sulting in a heavy reliance on fossil fuel (Semple et al., 2017). For a produced in staggered cycles at high densities. Nutrients are added to
standard greenhouse in the Netherlands, Kempkes et al. (2017) reported the system in the form of fish feed, which is either consumed or wasted
that heating can account for up to 90% of the energy use and 25% of by the fish. From the consumed fraction, nutrients partly contribute to
the production costs. Reducing the energy consumption for heating is fish growth and leave the system with the harvest of fish, whereas the
crucial for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and reducing the depen- other part is excreted as feces and urea. The urea dissolves in the wa-
dency on fossil fuels. ter, increasing the nitrogen concentration, while the solids (feces and
In the past decades, there has been plenty of innovation and re- uneaten feed) remain in suspension.
search on saving energy in greenhouses, driven by environmental regu- In addition to the fish tanks a RAS has a treatment train with a drum
lation and cost reduction (Bakker, 2009; De Zwart, 1996; Kempkes et al., filter to remove these solids and a moving bed bioreactor to prevent the
2017). To achieve this, a mix of technologies and operational strategies build-up of ammonia, as shown by Goddek & Keesman (2020). The dis-
can be used. For example, dehumidification and heat recovery can be charge of RAS water is mainly directed to the HPS, while a small fraction
used to control the indoor climate, which decreases the need for (en- of the water remains with the separated solids. The solids form a sludge
ergy inefficient) ventilation (Kempkes et al., 2017; Semple et al., 2017). that is transported to the AD. To maintain a constant water volume in
In terms of operational strategies, changes in the temperature and hu- the RAS, fresh water from tap, rain or groundwater is added to compen-
midity ranges can decrease the need for heating in a dehumidification sate for the discharge. The dilution of RAS water takes place when the
process (Bakker, 2009). ammonia or nitrate concentration surpasses a prespecified limit.
With increasing latitude, seasonal differences generally increase, To prevent, to a large extent, the loss of nutrients in the fish sludge,
while average temperatures decrease. In addition to an increase in heat- it is treated in an anaerobic digester system. This system consists of two
ing demand, Goddek & Körner (2019) showed in a modeling study that sequential UASB reactors with different pH levels for optimal perfor-
this increased seasonal variation makes an aquaponics system more dif- mance, as in Goddek & Körner (2019). The chemical oxygen demand
ficult to manage and less efficient. This is because the main water trans- (COD) present in the fish sludge is digested in the first reactor, resulting
fer in an on-demand coupled aquaponics system is driven by transpira- in the production of biogas which can be utilized for heating the reactor,
tion, which in turn is mainly related to global radiation. fish tanks or greenhouse. In the second reactor, as a result of the rem-
Thus, greenhouses at higher latitudes have much potential for energy ineralization process, a large fraction of the nutrients in the fish sludge
use reduction. Several studies already cover the effects that different becomes soluble (Goddek et al., 2018). Combined with the direct RAS
energy-saving strategies have on crop production (Elings et al., 2005). discharge, this highly concentrated effluent flow makes up the nutrient
However, its effect on nutrient use efficiencies in aquaponics systems source from fish to crops. The whole AD system is explained in great
is largely unknown and complex due to dynamics and interactions in detail by Delaide et al. (2019).
such coupled systems. This study aims to investigate and explore what The hydroponic system (HPS) is similar to conventional soilless,
effects various operational strategies and design parameters have on the closed-loop cultivation systems (Lennard & Goddek, 2019). Several irri-
optimal design and operation of an on-demand multi-loop aquaponics gation techniques can be used, such as Deep Water Culture (DWC), Nu-
system in a cold and varied climate. For this, a model was used to sim- trient Film Technique (NFT) or drip irrigation, each with its own range
ulate a multi-loop aquaponics system, growing lettuce (Lactuca sativa of suitable crops. The advantages and disadvantages of many soilless
L.) and Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus L.), using weather data from systems are described by Maucieri et al. (2019). For this study, let-
the Netherlands. Subsequently, several design and operation parameters tuce is grown, either in DWC or NFT. The main difference concern-
were varied to find their influence on water and nutrient use efficiency, ing this study is the overall water volume of the nutrient solution,

L. Jansen and K.J. Keesman Cleaner and Circular Bioeconomy 2 (2022) 100012

Figure 2. The placement of the two possible buffers in the AP system. Buffer 1
is for the RAS to HPS flow and buffer 2 is for the AD to HPS flow. The direct flow
between the RAS and HPS carries most of the nitrogen and its flow rate is linked
to the transpiration rate (Goddek & Körner, 2019). Most of the phosphorus enters
the HPS as digester effluent, at a relatively constant rate. Figure 3. The four sub-models of the aquaponics model and the dynamic vari-
ables that are exchanged between them. As the nutrient solution is kept within
suitable bounds for the crop, it is assumed that the Water & nutrients sub-model
with DWC (200 L/m2 ) having a far greater volume than NFT (3 L/m2 ) has no further influence on the Plants sub-model.
(Stanghellini et al., 2019). For both technologies the nutrients not taken
up by the plant is returned to the sump for recirculation, forming closed
loop systems. The balance equations of the four sub-models are solved numerically
In this study, the preparation of the nutrient solution is different using the Euler forward method. A time-step of one day was found to be
from standard hydroponics, as it is largely based on a mix of RAS water sufficiently accurate for the Fish production and Water & Nutrients sub-
and digestor effluent, topped up with synthetic fertilizers. By managing models as variation in the nutrient concentration throughout the day
the fertilizer supplementation and adjustable combination of fresh water was not considered in this study. For the Greenhouse climate and Plants
intake and discharge of HPS water the solution can be kept within plant- sub-models, five minutes was chosen as the smallest acceptable time-
specific ranges (Bittsánszky et al., 2016). Transpiration of the crops is step in terms of computational requirements.
the main driver of water transfer between RAS and HPS, as the water The growth of fish in the rearing tanks is calculated using
level in the HPS is kept constant. Given the fact that also the amount the equations from Timmons & Ebeling (2010), as implemented by
of water in the RAS is kept constant, the variation in transpiration (i.e. Dijkgraaf et al. (2019). Assuming the growing environment is optimal,
radiation) results in a varying freshwater intake in the RAS. in terms of e.g. pH, dissolved oxygen and fish feed, the weight gain of the
In addition to the three basic elements, as shown in Figure 1, a re- fish is calculated using only water temperature and several fish-specific
verse osmosis (RO) filtration system can be implemented to further in- parameters.
crease the difference in nutrient concentration between the RAS and Besides being used to calculate the fish yield, the sub-model is used
HPS (Goddek & Keesman, 2018). As a result of the filtration process, a to determine the feed requirements throughout the production cycle. For
nutrient-rich brine is added to the HPS, while the remaining water with this, a feed conversion rate is used, which describes the ratio between
largely reduced nutrient concentrations is fed back to the RAS. In this feed uptake and weight gain, as explained by Dijkgraaf et al. (2019).
study, the system has a fixed hourly flow but is deactivated when either Staggered production of fish provides a smoother nutrient supply
the nitrate or phosphorus concentration in the HPS nears its upper limit, (Goddek et al., 2016). As this study specifically estimates the perfor-
to prevent the need for dilution. The RO filtration system was not used mance over one year of operation, the start-up phase of the RAS is omit-
in most of the scenarios in this study and it is specifically stated in which ted.
cases it was used. The Water & Nutrients sub-model calculates the flows of nutri-
Limited seasonal variation solar radiation climate was found to be ents and water throughout the system. It is based on the work of
beneficial for a balanced and efficient aquaponics system by Goddek & Dijkgraaf et al. (2019), with several corrections (Supplementary Ma-
Körner (2019). In seasonally varied climates, a mismatch can arise be- terials SM 2). The model considers nitrogen and phosphorus, for their
tween the stable nutrient flow from the RAS to the HPS and the varied importance in crop growth and dynamics of RAS and AD. Potassium (K)
nutrient demand of the HPS (between summer and winter). Two addi- was not considered as it makes up an insufficient fraction of the fish feed
tional strategies were tested to achieve the benefits of stable climates, (Shiau & Hsieh, 2001) to influence the system (<0.3% K, compared to
using water-buffering tanks as shown in Figure 2. The RAS to HPS buffer 1% P and 7% N).
and the AD to HPS buffer store nutrient rich water in the winter to be In the HPS, represented by the sub-models Greenhouse climate and
released in summer. Both options aim to better match the supply and Plants, the concentrations of N and P were determined by the incom-
demand of nutrients in the HPS throughout the year. ing flow and the nutrient uptake of the crops. Given the very complex
process of nutrient uptake by plants (Roose et al., 2001; Picart et al.,
2015) and given the overall aim of the study to study the operation
2.2. Aquaponics model and design of a full aquaponics system, the basic assumption that the
nutrient (N and P) uptake by the crops is equal to the product of
For ease of access, the model created in this study was imple- the crop transpiration and nutrient concentration, as in the studies of
mented in Microsoft ExcelTM and consists of various sub-models, as (Dijkgraaf et al, 2019; Goddek & Körner, 2019), was made. Nutrient
shown in Figure 3. While discussed only briefly in the following sec- supplementation or dilution of the HPS water was used to keep the con-
tions, each is described in detail in Supplementary Materials SM 1. centrations within the suitable range for the crop. The ranges used in
For more advanced aquaponics model implementations we refer to this study are 140 – 180 mg/L nitrate (NO3 ) and 40 – 60 mg/L phosphate
Karimanzira et al (2016) and Reyes Lastiri et al (2018). For clarity in (PO4 ), following Resh (2013).
categorizing parameters and performance indicators, a distinction was The main function of the Plants sub-model is to use data from the
made between the aquaponics system (Fish production + Water & Nutri- greenhouse climate (temperature, humidity and radiation) to deter-
ents) and the greenhouse system (Plants + Greenhouse climate). Unless mine the transpiration of the crop, according to Stanghellini and de
stated otherwise, the parameter values used in this study are presented Jong (1995) and (Graamans et al., 2017). Crop transpiration (ETc) de-
in Appendix 1. pends on plant-specific parameters and environment variables. In this

L. Jansen and K.J. Keesman Cleaner and Circular Bioeconomy 2 (2022) 100012

Table 1
Parameter description and values for the aquaponics system, based on Timmons & Ebeling (2010), Stanghellini et al. (2019) and Goddek
& Keesman (2018).

Parameter Reference Range Unit

HPS area Area of the greenhouse planted with crops. 2000 1000 – 4000 m2
P content feed Mass fraction of phosphorus in the fish feed. 1% 0.8%, 1%, 1.4% −
System volume Water volume of the HPS, relative to HPS area. 200 3, 200 L/m2 HPS
Desalination flow Input flow for reverse osmosis desalination, relative to HPS area. 0 0 – 12 L/m2 HPS/d

Table 2
Parameter description and values for the greenhouse system, based on Stanghellini et al. (2019), Seginer et al. (2020), Kempkes & Janse (2016) and Van Beveren
et al. (2015).

Parameter Reference Range Unit

RH max Maximum allowed humidity in the greenhouse 80% 70% - 90% -

T min The temperature at which heating is enabled. 12 10 - 15 °C
𝛼 glazing Heat transfer coefficient of the cover 2.7 1.2 - 5 W/m2 /K
PHS diameter Diameter of water-filled cylinders, placed in parallel under the grow beds, functioning as passive heat storage. 0 0 – 0.3 m
Shade screen Threshold of solar radiation for which the screen is activated if exceeded. Lowers transmissivity by 30% >900 (disabled) > 900 - > 600 W/m2
Energy screen Threshold of solar radiation for which the screen is activated. Lowers 𝛼 glazing by 40%. <1 Disabled, < 1 - < 50 W/m2
Artificial light The electrical power rating of SON-T lamps, controlled as described in Greenhouse climate, Control strategy. 0 0 - 200 W/m2

study, the growth of the crops was not affected by the Water & Nutri- the performance of the system. Table 3 lists the KPIs that were used to
ents or Fish production sub-model, as nutrient concentrations were kept evaluate the different parameter settings of the aquaponics system.
within optimal bounds. The unweighted average of the WUE, NUE and NSS is used for a quick
In the Greenhouse climate sub-model, the temperature, humidity and overview and referred to as the ‘average KPI’. As the RAS volume was
light inside the greenhouse are simulated, representing the growing en- kept constant and the fish growing conditions were kept within desired
vironment of the crops. The greenhouse climate is described by physics- bounds, the feed rate and yield of the fish remain unchanged and are
based, dynamic balance equations for uniform temperature (energy) and not displayed.
absolute humidity (mass) of the greenhouse, as done by Van Beveren The KPIs used to evaluate the greenhouse system are shown in
et al. (2015), see Supplementary Materials SM 1. All variables and pa- Table 4 and give information on the transpiration rate, growing envi-
rameters are also explained in SM 1. While the model created for this ronment and energy use.
study is of relatively low complexity, the outcomes fit within those found Because of the explorative character of the study, we used param-
in the literature, as shown in Supplementary Materials SM 1.5. To en- eter sensitivity and scenario analyses to have an indication about the
sure a suitable temperature and humidity for the crops, management influence of individual design and control parameters (Tables 1 and 2)
and control strategies have been modelled, as well. For instance, the on the KPIs.
energy screen is deployed when solar radiation is below a threshold,
as described in Kempkes & Janse (2016). The shade screen is deployed 2.5. Location
when solar radiation exceeds a maximum or when outside temperatures
are close to the maximum allowed greenhouse temperature. Artificial The model was designed to be applicable for different locations with
lighting, if used, is activated between 8 am and 8 pm if solar radiation corresponding climate data (temperature, relative humidity and solar
is below a threshold and is disabled from May to October to save energy. radiation). For this study, the operational strategies and simulated tech-
Temperature and humidity are controlled based on the energy and va- nical equipment have been designed to meet the demands of moderate
por fluxes of the greenhouse in four steps, as displayed in Supplementary and sub cold climates, such as in Canada, Northern Europe and North-
Materials SM 1. ern Asia, which share strong seasonal differences. This study used hourly
weather data from 2017 of de Bilt in the Netherlands (KNMI 2021).
2.3. Design and operation parameters
3. Results
In this study, four aquaponics parameters were varied to investi-
3.1. Fish production
gate their influence on the nutrient dynamics and system performance
(Table 1). Additionally, seven greenhouse parameters were varied for
For all the scenarios of this study, the parameters of the RAS, as
their effect on the energy use and crop transpiration (Table 2).
shown in Supplementary Materials SM1, were left unchanged. As the
For the greenhouse parameters, also two combination scenarios were
growing environment for the fish is kept within optimal ranges, it is
tested. In both scenarios we assumed a well-insulated cover (𝛼 glazing:
assumed that the production is also the same for each scenario. For a
1.7 W/m2 /K) and passive heat storage (0.3m). Combination 1 also had
total tank volume of 100 m3 , the calculated feed rate varied between 34
a lower minimum temperature (10°C) and combination 2 had a higher
and 42 kg per day (14 tons per year) and a yearly fish yield of 11640
maximum humidity (90%).
For tomato production, the parameters different from lettuce pro-
duction are presented in Table A5.1.
3.2. Aquaponics parameter sensitivity analysis

2.4. Model data analysis First, the general impact that individual parameters (Table 1) have
on the nutrient balances, and by extension, on the system performance
From the large amount of data generated by the model, the most is presented. Figure A2.1 in Appendix 2 provides an additional visual
important outcomes are summarized in a set of key performance indica- representation of the effect of each parameter on the nutrient dynamics
tors (KPIs). Together, the KPIs cover the relevant factors for determining throughout the year.

L. Jansen and K.J. Keesman Cleaner and Circular Bioeconomy 2 (2022) 100012

Table 3
KPIs for the aquaponics system.
WUE (%) Water Use Efficiency. 𝑤𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑖𝑛𝑝𝑢𝑡
NUE N & P (%) Nutrient Use Efficiency for both nitrogen and phosphorus. 𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑖𝑛𝑝𝑢𝑡
𝑖𝑛𝑝𝑢𝑡 𝑓 𝑟𝑜𝑚 𝑓 𝑖𝑠ℎ
NSS N & P (%) Nutrient Self Sufficiency: fraction of nutrients entering the HPS originating from the fish (as opposed to supplementation). 𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑖𝑛𝑝𝑢𝑡

Table 4
KPIs for the crop and greenhouse.

ETc avg. Daily average transpiration of the crop

𝐸𝑇 𝑐 𝑎𝑣𝑔
ETc CV Coefficient of variation of daily transpiration values: an indication of the variation 𝐸 𝑇 𝑐 𝑠𝑡𝑑 𝑑 𝑒𝑣
throughout the year
Energy use greenhouse The amount of energy (MJ/m2 /year) required for the greenhouse per square meter in one year, split into heating,
mechanical dehumidification and supplementary lighting

The reverse osmosis system (RO) results in an additional transfer of

nutrients from the RAS to the HPS, which also lowers the nitrate con-
centration in the RAS. Besides increasing the HPS area, adding RO is
practically the only way of reducing NO3 in the RAS, which is especially
important for more sensitive fish species. The RO system was temporar-
ily disabled when the concentration of either N or P in the HPS was at
95% of their respective maximum, as it could otherwise result directly
in dilution. This puts a limit on the desalination flow and decreased ad-
ditional benefits at higher flow capacities, especially for smaller HPS
areas. As the N content in the RAS and HPS are closely linked, the RO
system is mainly able to transfer nutrients when demand is low, result-
ing in only a minor increase in performance. When demand is high in
summer, the low nutrient concentrations of the RAS results in only a
Figure 4. The required dilution and supplementation for various HPS areas small additional transfer from the RO.
with an NFT system. As shown in Figure 3, the Greenhouse climate and Plant sub-models
can only influence the AP system through the transpiration rate. A large
The total transpiration of the greenhouse is directly proportional to variation in crop transpiration can result in a mismatch between the
the HPS floor area. As it is assumed that nutrient uptake is proportional relatively constant supply of nutrients and the transpiration-dependent
to the crop transpiration and the concentrations in the nutrient solu- demand. This large variation can also lead to the requirement of both
tion, an increase in the HPS area will increase the nutrient demand. In supplementation and dilution of a nutrient within the same year, as is
general, a system with a high HPS area will require nutrient supple- also more likely in the low-volume NFT system. The same effects of vari-
mentation, while dilution is required for a smaller HPS, as is shown in ation can be seen for the nitrate concentration in the RAS. While low
Figure 4. While nutrients can be supplemented individually, dilution re- variation results in lower peaks in the cold months, the higher concen-
sults in the loss of all nutrients in the diluted volume. At a low HPS tration in summer also means that more nitrate is transferred to the HPS,
area, the dilution resulting from one nutrient may lead to the need to lowering supplementation requirements.
increase supplementation of the other, as is the case for N with an HPS
area smaller than 1500 m2 .
3.3. Greenhouse parameter sensitivity analysis
The chosen irrigation technique determines the volume of water in
the HPS. While nutrient supply and demand are initially unchanged by
To quantify the effect of different greenhouse settings, both the to-
this, the buffering capacity of high-volume systems can prevent shocks
tal transpiration and its variation throughout the year are investigated,
in the nutrient concentrations. Overall, a larger volume results in an
represented by the daily average transpiration (ETc avg) and coefficient
increase in performance, as shown in Figure 5, with most benefits for
of variation (ETc CV) respectively. For the parameter values defined in
medium and large-sized HPS areas (2000 to 4000 m2 ). The discontinuity
Table 2, their effects on the transpiration variation and energy use are
at around an HPS area of 2700 m2 for DWC is a result of the absence of
described in the following sections and summarized in Figure 6. Ad-
any need for dilution. The remaining inefficiency is due to fixed losses
ditional outputs of the greenhouse model in Supplementary materials
from the nutrients in the waste sludge of the digester.
Table SM 3.1.
The ratio between the phosphorus and nitrogen content in the fish
feed is an important factor in balancing the nutrient supply to the crop
demand. Determining the optimal ratio is complicated by the different 3.3.1. Maximum relative humidity
ways through which N and P are supplied to the HPS. Most of the ni- Increasing the maximum humidity is a common energy-saving strat-
trogen flow is directly from the RAS (70%) and is linked to the tran- egy, which comes with a higher risk of crop disease. Increasing humidity
spiration rate, which varies greatly throughout the season. Phospho- lowers transpiration, resulting in a significantly lower heating and dehu-
rus, on the other hand, mainly enters the HPS through digester efflu- midification requirement. As this mainly happens in winter, the seasonal
ent (85%), with only a slight oscillation resulting from the staggered transpiration difference is increased.
fish production (20 days). With the reference settings, the ratio be-
tween the nutrients was optimal for a low P content between 0.65% and 3.3.2. Power of artificial lighting
0.8%. However, this could be insufficient for proper fish growth. While The artificial lighting is used according to simple logic (described
Sugiura et al. (2006) reported no difference in the growth of tilapia be- in Greenhouse climate, Control strategy) and increases yearly transpira-
tween 1% and 1.4%, a decrease of 28% in overall growth was found for tion, while lowering its variation. While the Daily Light Integral (DLI)
a P content of 0.5% by Eding et al. (2012). in winter is initially only a quarter of that in summer, it increases lin-

L. Jansen and K.J. Keesman Cleaner and Circular Bioeconomy 2 (2022) 100012

Figure 5. KPIs for different HPS volumes. Left: an NFT system with 3 L/m2 . Right: a DWC system with 200 L/m2 .

Figure 6. Total energy use (heating, dehumidification and lighting) against transpiration variation (CV) of 37 scenarios. Each of the parameters is varied along the
range shown in Table 2, with one or two parameter values present to indicate the direction. The lower graph displays a zoomed-in fraction of the upper graph, as
marked by the dashed rectangle.

early with the power of lighting deployed, until the summer and winter the energy screen is deployed, lowering the heat transfer coefficient of
DLI are almost equal at 200 W/m2 . the greenhouse by approximately 40%. Extending the closed period be-
yond a minimum radiation of 25 W/m2 does not provide additional
3.3.3. Energy-saving screen
As energy-saving screens (bottom graph of Figure 6) have become
3.3.4. Diameter of passive heat storage
common in new Dutch greenhouses (Kempkes et al., 2014; Van Beveren
For passive heat storage (PHS) (bottom graph of Figure 6), long
et al., 2015), it is used in the reference scenario. From sunset to dawn,
water-filled cylinders are installed in parallel under the grow beds. As

L. Jansen and K.J. Keesman Cleaner and Circular Bioeconomy 2 (2022) 100012

Figure 7. KPI values against the corresponding variation of the transpiration for 37 different scenarios. Total yearly transpiration has been kept equal by resizing
the HPS area. Initial HPS areas: 2000 and 3000 m2 , 1% P content in the feed, DWC.

the volume of the PHS is relatively small and without active control, and NUE, at the expense of NSS, as also shown in Figure 5. For an NFT
it only functions as a short-term energy buffer. Additional storage vol- system, the drop in performance is roughly double.
ume decreases the rate at which the temperature and humidity in the To allow for better comparison between greenhouse parameter set-
greenhouse change, which slightly lowered the energy requirement in tings, the HPS area was resized slightly for most scenarios to maintain
the spring and fall. equal average transpiration, which leaves only the impact of the varia-
tion. This is explained in more detail in Appendix 3.
3.3.5. Minimum daytime temperature
Changing the minimum temperature (bottom graph of Figure 6) has 3.5. Experimental buffering strategies
a minor effect on the transpiration rate and its variation. Lowering the
minimum leads to a substantial decrease in heating demand while the 3.5.1. Buffering RAS to HPS flow
energy required for dehumidification increases slightly. An actively managed buffer between the RAS and HPS stabilizes the
direct flow between the RAS and HPS, effectively lowering the variation
3.3.6. Average heat transfer coefficient of the glazing throughout the year. RAS effluent is added to the buffer when transpi-
An increase in the insulation of the greenhouse (decrease of trans- ration is low and released to the HPS when transpiration is high, as is
fer coefficient) results in a minor decrease in variation as the average shown in Appendix 4. For this study, the average transpiration was used
temperature in winter is higher, paired with large energy savings. to set an upper and lower bound on the flow from the RAS to the HPS.
Increasing the buffer size allows for tighter bounds, resulting in a lower
3.3.7. Shade screen
In Figure 8 (left), the difference in total phosphate demand of the
In the reference situation, the shade screen was required for the
AP system, i.e. phosphate in buffer 1 and HPS (Figure 2), for the case
warmest days as ventilation cooling could no longer prevent overheat-
without and with a buffer is shown. The total phosphate (P) demand
ing of the crop. When activation of the shade screen is also based on
was calculated such that the phosphate level in the HPS remained be-
the solar radiation, the transpiration and variation decrease, with a ne-
tween 40 – 60 mg/L phosphate (PO4 ), the required range for the crop
glectable change in energy use.
(Resh, 2013). Figure 8 (right) shows the combined KPIs for five scenarios
and different buffer volumes. For the RAS, the average NO3 concentra-
3.3.8. Combination scenarios
tion is slightly decreased with this buffering system, that is 3% for a
Both scenarios, as described in Section 2.3 and shown in top graph of
2000 m2 HPS and 50L/m2 buffer capacity. More importantly, adding
Figure 6, combine insulation with passive heat storage. Also decreasing
buffer 1 decreases the highest peaks in the nutrients concentrations that
the minimum temperature by two degrees further lowers the energy
could result in dilution.
demand, with little effect on variation. Some more savings are achieved
when increasing the maximum humidity, as done in combination 2. Due 3.5.2. Buffering the AD to HPS flow
to the higher maximum humidity, transpiration is reduced mainly in As an alternative to the first case, a buffer between the digester and
winter. Allowing a higher humidity also lowers the dehumidification HPS (buffer 2, Figure 2) can be used to match supply to AP system de-
demand, but it increases the variation. A lower transpiration rate does, mand. This buffer ensures a good match between phosphorus supply
however, increase the risk of tipburn due to insufficient transport of and total (buffer 2 and HPS) demand throughout the year, as shown in
calcium to the leaves (Frantz et al., 2004). Figure 9 (left). For nitrogen, the supply is already to some extent linked
to the transpiration rate, but there is still an improvement with the AD
3.4. Impact of transpiration variation on AP performance buffer. As the nutrients in the AD effluent are far more concentrated, a
relatively small-sized buffer can be used to realize an increase in perfor-
Using the crop transpiration data from the 37 unique greenhouse mance of 4% – 10%. Also, as shown in Figure 9 (right), similar combined
scenarios, the AP model was run to calculate the KPIs related to water KPIs as in Figure 8, were found, but with a much smaller buffer capacity.
and nutrients. In Figure 7 the CV of the transpiration rate was used as
an indicator for the influence of each greenhouse scenario on the AP 3.5.3. Cost estimation
system for HPS areas of 2000 and 3000 m2 , respectively. Both graphs An estimation of the costs to construct both buffer types is made us-
show either no effect or a decrease in the performance indicators with ing interpolated data for the Netherlands (Raaphorst & Benninga, 2019,
an increasing variation. Increasing the HPS area results in a higher WUE p. 75) and is shown in Table 5.

L. Jansen and K.J. Keesman Cleaner and Circular Bioeconomy 2 (2022) 100012

Figure 8. Buffering of RAS to HPS flow. Left, the supply and demand for phosphorus are displayed for a 2000 m2 HPS and the reference scenario. For the upper
graph, no buffer is used, resulting in a stable supply and variable demand. For the lower graph, a buffer of 50 L per m2 HPS buffer is used (100 m3 for 2000 m2 )
which stabilizes the flow from the RAS to the HPS, decreasing the difference between supply and demand. In the right-hand graph, the combined KPI is shown for
five GH scenarios with NFT and various buffer volumes.

Figure 9. Buffering of the AD to HPS flow. Left, the supply and demand for phosphorus are displayed for a 2000 m2 HPS. For the upper graph, no buffer is used,
resulting in a stable supply and variable demand. For the lower graph, an 8 L/m2 buffer is used (16 m3 for 2000 m2 ) of which the output is linked to the crop
transpiration rate, and thus, to nutrient demand. In the right graph, the combined KPI is shown for five GH scenarios with NFT and various buffer volumes.

Table 5
Estimated cost ranges for construction of buffers, scaled for various HPS areas. A buffer volume of 50 L/m2 was used
for the RAS to HPS buffer and 8 L/m2 for the AD buffer.

HPS area RAS-HPS buffer volume Costs AD buffer volume Costs

2500 m2
125 m 3
€ 4,000 - 5,100 20 m3
€ 2,150 - 2,750
20000 m2 1000 m3 € 17,000 - 21,000 160 m3 € 4,750 - 6,000
50000 m2 2500 m3 € 23,500 - 30,000 400 m3 € 8,900 - 11,100
Cost per m2 HPS Between €0.50 and €2.05 per m2 Between €0.20 and €1.10 per m2

3.6. Combining greenhouse and aquaponics scenarios an on-demand coupled aquaponics system with anaerobic digester and
potential use of RO filtration system. The research focused on changes
Using the CV of transpiration, all 37 greenhouse scenarios were that could result in energy savings, as it is one of the crucial aspects
combined with the 9 settings of the aquaponics system, as shown in of sustainable food production in northern latitudes. While there are
Figure 10. For visualization, the KPIs of the AP system are combined studies that compare the system performance at different locations, the
as an unweighted average. A similar analysis was made for the tomato specific influence of physical and operational parameters was not yet
crop, which is shown in Appendix 5.2. investigated for aquaponics systems.

4. Discussion 4.1. Transpiration variation as a performance indicator

The objective of this research was to investigate and demonstrate Goddek & Körner (2019) suggested that a plant production system
the effect of changes in various physical and operational parameters on with a constant nutrient demand (which is more or less equivalent to a

L. Jansen and K.J. Keesman Cleaner and Circular Bioeconomy 2 (2022) 100012

Figure 10. The average KPI for 9 AP settings

(lines) against the 37 GH scenarios (expressed
as their corresponding CV, x-axis) for lettuce
production. It shows the difference in perfor-
mance between the different AP settings for
each level of variation. Also, the sensitivity
to variation can be read as the slope of the
lines. The legend is sorted to match the order
in which the lines appear. The full dataset is
shown in Supplementary materials Table SM
3.1, which allows the comparison of all GH and
AP scenarios, including the total energy use.

constant transpiration), would result in a balanced system with better creased relatively more than the decrease in transpiration rate between
performance. This observation resulted in our hypothesized correlation the different scenarios.
between the (seasonal) variation in transpiration and the performance of
the AP system. It has been found that the coefficient of variation (CV) 4.2. Buffers and their potential for low-volume systems
of the transpiration rate, as representative for the different scenarios
(Figure 6 and 7), was an appropriate factor that highly correlates with The addition of a buffer for the direct flow from the RAS to the HPS
the chosen KPIs of the AP system (correlation of 0.98 to 1 for WUE and reduces the variation in this flow, which leads to a significant increase in
NUE), given that the HPS area is resized as shown in Appendix 3. This performance compared to the reference (Figure 10). However, the vol-
strong correlation also holds for the average KPI, as was demonstrated ume required to have this effect is substantial, with more than 10L/m2
in Figure 10. required for each percentage point of performance increase. The buffer
While increasing variation generally results in decreasing efficiency, for the AD output has shown similar benefits (Figure 9) with a much
the sensitivity to it was not the same for different settings of the smaller volume of 0.6 to 0.75 L/m2 for an increase of one percentage
aquaponics system. Starting from the lowest line in Figures 10, it is point, which greatly reduces the estimated construction costs.
shown that a poor P:N ratio (surplus of P) results in significantly lower The AD to HPS buffer increases performance by linking the (normally
efficiencies than the other combinations, for all levels of variation. The constant) nutrient supply to the seasonally variable demand. While this
NFT system, with its lower system volume, shows the highest sensitiv- mainly influenced phosphorus, the NUE of N was also improved in some
ity to variation (steepest slope). The 3000 m2 HPS scores lower than scenarios due to lower dilution requirements from phosphorus peaks.
the reference due to its relatively low fraction of nutrients supplied by The RAS to HPS buffer flattens the peaks of NO3 in the RAS, which is
the fish (NSS of N & P). The addition of the RO system for a 2500 m2 especially beneficial for sensitive fish.
HPS resulted in only a small performance difference with the reference It is not yet studied how the water quality is affected by the long-
(<1.2%), due to the low availability of nutrients in the RAS when de- term storage suggested here. This concerns both food safety aspects, as
mand is high in summer. Therefore, RO has limited added value in well as chemical reactions that could change the nutrient composition
northern latitudes. The scenarios with buffer show very low sensitiv- during storage. It is expected that both chemical and microbial reactions
ity to transpiration variation, of which an AD buffer for the NFT system continue in the storage tank, which could decrease the water quality and
shows the greatest performance increase (up to 8.5%). For the DWC sys- safety (M. van Eekert, personal communication, March 3rd , 2021). If re-
tem, the AD buffer outperforms the RAS to HPS buffer, despite requiring quired, several adjustments can be made to lower the risk of pathogens
less than a sixth of the volume. in the storage tanks, such as temperature and pH control and disinfec-
The production of tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum L.) was also simu- tion.
lated and briefly explored to support the theories brought forward in this Buffering the brine flow of the RO system was not explored in this
study. The corresponding methods, results and discussion can be found study, but we expect a similar increase in performance as for the RAS to
in Appendix 5. For a tomato crop, a similar decline in AP efficiency is HPS buffer. While not only resulting in a more concentrated inflow than
found with increasing variation in the seasonal transpiration. However, buffering RAS water, and thus a smaller required buffer, it would allow
the changes in the greenhouse parameters resulted in a smaller differ- the RO to be activated more during the winter. This is when the nutrient
ence in variation than with lettuce. concentrations in the RAS are generally the highest, while RO cannot be
Most of the GH parameters tested in this study had only a small effect used as it would result in a nutrient surplus and subsequent dilution in
on the transpiration variation and could, therefore, be readily changed the HPS. Buffering the brine flow could likely flatten the nitrate peaks
to save energy. This includes the thermal insulation of the cover, min- displayed by Goddek & Körner (2019, figs. 3 & 4).
imum temperature, heat storage, and screens, as shown by the smaller
differences in transpiration in figure 6. Further increasing the bounds 5. Conclusion
of maximum humidity lowered the performance of the aquaponics sys-
tem the most and is, therefore, not advised for low volume systems. In This study showed an elaborate sensitivity and scenario analysis with
agreement with Dijkgraaf et al. (2019), it is in most cases better to have respect to many parameters in an aquaponics greenhouse concerning the
a system that requires supplementation rather than dilution. For scenar- efficient use of resources and energy. The study provides a methodology
ios with a high CV as a result of energy savings, an increase in the HPS to gain insight into some of the many settings and to support a basis for
area is a suitable measure to decrease dilution requirements, with an constrained optimization in design studies.
acceptable loss in nutrient self-sufficiency (NSS). The same can be seen The coefficient of variation (CV) of the daily transpiration values
in the outcomes of Goddek & Körner (2019), where the HPS area is in- was shown to be a good indicator for the impact of different greenhouse

L. Jansen and K.J. Keesman Cleaner and Circular Bioeconomy 2 (2022) 100012

settings on an aquaponics system, with the performance of the AP system CRediT authorship contribution statement
generally decreasing with a higher variation. For the tested scenarios of
lettuce production in the Netherlands, the CV ranged from 42% to 75%, Luuk Jansen: Conceptualization, Methodology, Software, Writing –
with a decrease of up to 6.5% and 10% for the nutrient use efficiency original draft, Visualization, Investigation. Karel J. Keesman: Supervi-
(NUE) and nutrient self-sufficiency (NSS) when comparing the lowest and sion, Writing – review & editing.
highest variation. For tomato production, the CV ranged from 40% to
61%, which also resulted in a smaller difference in the NUE and NSS at Acknowledgments
1.4% and 3%, respectively, for the highest and lowest variation.
For an aquaponics system in the Netherland, the benefits of energy- This work is part of the (i) research program SUGI/Food-Water-
saving techniques are likely to outcompete the decreased efficiency of Energy-Nexus “CITYFOOD”, which is (partly) financed by the Nether-
the aquaponics system. This study shows that several parameters, such lands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO) with project number
as thermal insulation of the cover, minimum indoor temperature, the 438-17-402, and (ii) BlueCycling project that has received funding from
addition of heat storage and use of energy/ shade screens, could be the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program
changed to increase the energy efficiency of the greenhouse with little under grant agreement No 862555 within the 2019 Joint Call of the
effect on the nutrient dynamics. ERA-NET Cofund on Food Systems and Climate. We also like to thank
The use of buffers could greatly improve the water and nutrient use Dr Feije Zwart (Wageningen UR Greenhouse Horticulture) for his sug-
efficiencies of the aquaponics system, especially in high CV scenarios. gestions on greenhouse modelling.
Buffering the effluent of the anaerobic digester raised the overall effi-
ciency of the aquaponics system from 86% to 94%, at an estimated cost Supplementary materials
between 0.20 – 1.10 euro/m2 of cultivated area.
Supplementary material associated with this article can be found, in
the online version, at doi:10.1016/j.clcb.2022.100012.
Declaration of Competing Interest
Appendix 1. Initial model settings
The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence Initial parameter values are shown in Table A1.1. These are the val-
the work reported in this paper. ues used in the study for each parameter, unless specifically stated oth-

Table A1.1
The initial settings for the parameters used in the model.

Function Parameter Value Unit Source

RAS Fish species Tilapia As in Goddek & Körner, 2019

Temperature fish tank 29 °C As in Goddek & Körner, 2019
Tanks 10 As in Goddek & Körner, 2019
RAS size m3 100 m3 Chosen
Fish per m3 130 Fish/m3 Determined
Fingerling weight 0.3 g Timmons & Ebeling, 2010
Harvest weight 600 g Timmons & Ebeling, 2010
Max stocking density 80 kg/m3 As in Goddek & Körner, 2019
Growth cycle 252 days Determined
Fish Dry matter content 90% Of feed FAO, 2020
feed P content feed 1.00% Of feed Craig et al., 2017
Uneaten feed 18% Of feed Neto & Ostrensky, 2015
Protein content 38% Of feed Neto & Ostrensky, 2015
N content protein 16% Of protein Neto & Ostrensky, 2015
Total suspended solids (TSS) 25% Of feed Timmons & Ebeling, 2010
Fish N fish retention 35% of N in feed Neto & Ostrensky, 2015
metabolism N feces 13% of N in feed Neto & Ostrensky, 2015
TAN excretion 33% of N in feed Neto & Ostrensky, 2015
P soluble excretion 17% of P in feed Neto & Ostrensky, 2015
P fish retention 28% of P in feed Neto & Ostrensky, 2015
P feces 45% of P in feed Neto & Ostrensky, 2015
Water Biofilter efficiency 0,95 % TAN nitrified As in Goddek & Körner, 2019
and Ground water TAN 1.5 mg/L
nutrients Ground water NO3 1 mg/L
Ground water P 0 mg/L Assumed
Anaerobic P mineralization 90% Of incoming flow As in Goddek & Körner, 2019
digestion N mineralization 30% As in Goddek & Körner, 2019
Water in effluent 50% Assumed
Reverse Desalination flow 0 L/hour (for 24h/d) Chosen
osmosis Desalination flow to RAS (filtered) 62% Of incoming flow As in Goddek & Körner, 2019
Desalination flow to HPS (brine) 38% As in Goddek & Körner, 2019
Crop nutrients N HP minimum 140 mg/L Resh, 2013
N HP maximum 180 mg/L Resh, 2013
P HP minimum 40 mg/L Resh, 2013
P HP maximum 60 mg/L Resh, 2013
Greenhouse Average height 5.8 m Determined
Floor area 2000 m2 Chosen
HPS volume 200 L/m2 Maucieri et al., 2019 (DWC)
Cladding area relative to floor area (Ac /As ) 1.2 - determined

L. Jansen and K.J. Keesman Cleaner and Circular Bioeconomy 2 (2022) 100012

Table A1.2
Initial values for several variables.

Variable Value unit Note

Startup-time 252 days Time until all tanks are in use, with an 18-day interval
RAS TAN 0.5 mg/L
RAS NO3 50 mg/L
RAS P 0.7 mg/L
HPS N 160 mg/L Middle of optimum range
HPS P 50 mg/L Middle of optimum range
Fish biomass 1870 kg Biomass at start-up, determined

As the start-up phase is excluded in this study, the following values shown in Figure A3.3. If the reference transpiration is 33% lower than
are used at the start of the modeled year (Table A1.2). in the selected scenario, decreasing the HPS area of that scenario by
33% will result in the same total transpiration. Other parameters (LAI,
Appendix 2. Nutrient overviews for different aquaponics settings cropping density) remain unchanged and transpiration per square meter
is not affected significantly within the range of 1000 to 3000 m2.
Figure A2.1 shows the dynamic effect of several of the aquaponics Using this method to maintain equal total transpiration, the effect
settings, as described in Section 3.1 Aquaponics parameters on the nu- of variation shown clearly in the right graph of Figure A3.2. With only
trient concentrations in the HPS throughout the year. Notice that the the variation causing the difference in performance, an average KPI of
reference trajectories are shown in Figure A2.1-5 (central subfigure). 94.0% was estimated for the lowest and 90.0% at the highest variation.
Each of the graphs in this figure represents a different setting of the For an NFT system, with a lower buffering capacity, the decrease in
aquaponics system: performance is roughly doubled, with the average KPI decreasing from
92.3% at the lowest variation to 84.3% at the highest variation.
1) Decreasing the phosphorus concentration from 1% to 0.8%.
2) Increased transpiration variation, which could be caused by changes
in the greenhouse system (Section 3.3 Greenhouse parameter sensitivity Appendix 4. Buffer operation and sensitivity analysis
3) Lower water volume in the HPS, which increases the sensitivity to tran- 4.1. RAS to HPS buffering
spiration variation.
4) Decreased HPS area from 2000 m2 to 1500 m2 , changing the RAS: HPS In Figure A4.1 the operation and effect of a RAS to HPS buffer is
ratio to 15 m2 /m3 . shown. This buffer creates an upper and lower limit for the direct flow
5) Reference scenario: 2000 m2 HPS, DWC, CV of 66%, P content of 1%, from the RAS to the HPS. If this flow is too high, water is diverted to
no desalination. the buffer. Conversely, if the flow is too low, water is released from
6) Increased HPS area from 2000 m2 to 3000 m2 , changing the RAS: HPS the buffer. The result is a more constant flow of RAS water to the HPS,
ratio to 30 m2 /m3 . reducing volatility in the nutrient concentrations of both the RAS and
7) Desalination module added to the RAS, with a maximum flow of 3m3 /d. the HPS.
This equates to 1.5 L/m2 HPS/d. While Figure A4.1 shows the optimal operation with the chosen
8) Decreased transpiration variation (CV of 40%), either through buffer- buffer volume, this is based on information that would normally not
ing (Section 3.5 Experimental buffering strategies) or adjustments of the be available. While a poor estimate of the average transpiration rate re-
greenhouse system (Section 3.3 Greenhouse parameter sensitivity analy- sults in a lesser performance improvement, the day-to-day timing and
sis). buffered volume are of lesser importance. Basing the flow to and from
9) Increased phosphorus concentration from 1% to 1.4%. the buffer on the previous five days did not decrease performance sig-
nificantly and a large difference between the start and end could still be
Appendix 3. Resizing the HPS area to maintain equal prevented in the final months of the year.

Using the crop transpiration data from the 37 unique greenhouse 4.2. AD to HPS buffering
scenarios, the AP model was run to estimate the performance indica-
tors related to the nutrients and water. The coefficient of variation (CV) Optimal control of the incoming and outgoing flow of the buffer,
of the daily transpiration values was used as to quickly compare the again, requires some predictions of the coming year. An estimate of the
different GH scenarios. However, these scenarios also had different av- total yearly transpiration is required to prevent a surplus or deficit of
erage transpiration rates, e.g. because of extra transpiration in winter buffer water at the end of the year. While the decision-making for filling
with artificial lighting or reduced transpiration with additional shading. and discharging the buffer is currently made only based on the transpira-
Figure A3.1 displays the strong correlation (-0.93) between the average tion rate, a more advanced approach could consider the concentrations
transpiration and the variation for the calculated scenarios. in the HPS, lowering the reliance on estimations. The results of a sensi-
A change in the average transpiration rate has a significant effect on tivity analysis (Table A4.1) show how well a poor guess for the first half
the nutrient dynamics. In practice, it has a similar effect to a change in of the year can be recovered from.
the HPS area, where WUE and NUE increase with high transpiration and Overall, the performance difference between the worst and optimal
NSS increases at low transpiration rates. As this effect is stronger than case was found to be small, with the worst-case performing better than
the negative effect of variation, Figure A3.2 (left) shows increasing NSS the case without a buffer for all parameters. This would suggest that the
N & P with higher variation. control of the buffer does not necessarily have to be as precise as done
To distill the effect of transpiration variation on performance, the in this study.
changes in the average transpiration were canceled out. To maintain As the HPS area has been adjusted for the total transpiration of each
equal average transpiration for the different scenarios, the HPS area was greenhouse scenario, the initial HPS size (2000 m2 ) was used to calcu-
resized inversely proportional to the change in average transpiration, as late the total buffer volume (8 L/m2 ).

L. Jansen and K.J. Keesman Cleaner and Circular Bioeconomy 2 (2022) 100012

Figure A2.1. Nutrient concentrations, dilution and supplementation throughout the year for different aquaponics settings. For each of the nine graphs the yellow
line on top displays the nitrogen concentration in the HPS throughout the year, while the green line at the bottom displays the phosphorus concentration (left
axis). The concentrations are kept within their respective bounds (dotted lines). In the middle, the nitrogen and phosphorus added through supplementation and
removed through dilution are shown (right axis). In general, a higher sum of the dilution and supplementation results in lower performance (of WUE/ NUE and NSS

Figure A3.1. Average transpiration rate against coeffi-

cient of variation for scenarios above. The black circle
marks the reference setting at 2.09 L/m2/d and 66%

L. Jansen and K.J. Keesman Cleaner and Circular Bioeconomy 2 (2022) 100012

Figure A3.2. KPI values for GH different sce-

narios against the corresponding variation of the
transpiration set. The HPS area is kept equal in
the left graph (2000m2 ). In the right graph, the
changes in the transpiration rate are ‘compen-
sated’ for so that the total yearly transpiration is
kept equal between different greenhouse scenar-
ios. This was done by resizing the HPS area as
described below.

Table A4.1
Performance differences for the AD buffer with a poor estimate of the average transpiration.

Reference - No
buffer Difference between guessed average and the actual average for the first half of the year difference optimum - difference no
worst case buffer - worst case
-20% -15% -10% 0 +10% +15% +20%

WUE 89.5% 95.0% 96.1% 96.1% 96.1% 96.1% 96.1% 95.2% -1.2% 6.1%
NUE N 90.3% 92.5% 92.9% 92.9% 92.9% 92.9% 92.9% 92.5% -0.4% 2.4%
NSS N 89.1% 94.8% 95.2% 95.1% 95.0% 95.1% 95.2% 95.5% -0.1% 6.4%
NUE P 89.2% 93.7% 94.6% 94.6% 94.6% 94.6% 94.6% 93.9% -1.0% 5.0%
NSS P 96.3% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 0.0% 3.9%
KPI avg 90.9% 95.2% 95.8% 95.7% 95.7% 95.7% 95.8% 95.4% -0.5% 4.7%

Table A5.1
Crop specific parameters

Crop rs (s/m) rb (s/m) LAI start LAI max Time to LAI max Growing season (days)

Lettuce 100 – 450, following eq. SM1.4 200 0.2 1.6 40 45, staggered
Tomato 200-450 following eq. A5.1 200 0.2 3.5 80 360

almost constant LAI due to the staggered production, the tomato crops
modeled in this study do not. The plants start with a small LAI, after
which a linear increase is assumed until it reaches its maximum, as
shown in Table A5. At the end of the year, the plants are removed to
make space for the plants of the following year, resulting in several days
without transpiration. The ranges for the nutrients remained the same
as for lettuce, as this roughly covers the nutrient demand of the different
growth phases (Resh, 2013).
As not all of the parameters for equations SM1.4 and SM1.5 were
available for tomato production, different equations were used for the
Figure A3.3. The concept of resizing the HPS area to maintain equal total tran-
stomatal resistance and net radiation on the crop. The stomatal resis-
spiration. If transpiration increases from 2 to 3 L/m2 /d, the HPS area is de-
tance (rs ) was calculated based on the temperature, radiation and the
creased from 300 to 200 m2 to maintain the total transpiration of 600 L/d.
leaf area index (LAI), as in Van Beveren et al. (2015) and the net ra-
diation on the crop (Rnet ) was calculated with an estimation of the soil
Appendix 5. Tomato production parameters, results and cover, as done by Stanghellini et al. (2019).
discussion ( ) ( ( )2 )
𝑟𝑠 = 82∗ 1 + 6.95∗𝑒−0.4∗𝐼𝑠𝑢𝑛 ∕𝐿𝐴𝐼 ∗ 1 + 0.23∗ 𝑇𝑎𝑖𝑟 − 20 (A5.1)
( )
The same model and procedures were used to assess the performance 𝑅𝑛𝑒𝑡 = 0.86∗ 1 − 𝑒−0.7∗𝐿𝐴𝐼 ∗𝐼𝑠𝑢𝑛 (A5.2)
of an aquaponics system with a tomato crop (Solanum lycopersicum L.).
The differences in the methodology compared to lettuce, as well as the 5.2. Results
results and discussion are presented in this Appendix.
Compared to lettuce, the transpiration relative to the leaf area is
5.1. Methodology higher for low radiation (mainly in winter and at night) and lower for
high radiation, as shown in Figure A5.1. In total, the transpiration is
In terms of operational parameters, the minimum temperature was higher and less varied for tomato plants than for lettuce.
changed from 12 to 18°C and the substrate on which the tomatoes Figure A5.2 displays the average AP KPI for all 37 greenhouse sce-
(Solanum lycopersicum L.) are grown (rockwool) has different water hold- narios (represented by their corresponding CV, x-axis) and 7 settings for
ing capacity at 10 L/m2 (Stanghellini et al., 2019). While lettuce has an the aquaponics system (lines).

L. Jansen and K.J. Keesman Cleaner and Circular Bioeconomy 2 (2022) 100012

Figure A4.1. Flow from RAS to HPS during a

year with a 50 L/m2 buffer. The red line shows
the net flow to the HPS, after adjustments are
made using the buffer. The buffer has to start
the year with roughly 35 L/m2 and is com-
pletely emptied in July (green line) The aver-
age transpiration was used to set an upper and
lower bound on the transpiration flow. These
bounds are not at equal distance from the av-
erage and an error in this ratio will result in
a difference between the start and final water
volume in the buffer. The ratio between the
upper and lower bound, which depends on the
climate dataset and greenhouse operation,
was roughly 1 to 0.65 for the reference sce-
nario shown in the figure.

Figure A5.1. The estimated LAI development of a tomato crop (right) as well as daily transpiration values of both tomato and lettuce throughout the year. The
tomato crop has a small CV of 48%, compared to 66% for lettuce.

Figure A5.2. The average KPI for 7 AP settings (lines) against the CV of 37 GH scenarios with tomato production. With the plants grown in rockwool, the water
volume in the system is similarly small to NFT at 10 L/m2. The HPS sizes of 1350, 1650 (reference) and 1950 m2 result in roughly the same total transpiration as
the lettuce crop with HPS areas of 2000, 2500 and 3000 m2 respectively. The legend is sorted to match the order in which the lines appear. The full dataset is shown
in Supplementary materials SM 3.2.

5.3. Discussion 5.4. Conclusion

Like the lettuce crop, the average KPI decreases with variation, as For tomato production, the CV ranges from 40% to 61%, which also
shown in Figure. The transpiration variation is generally lower than for results in a smaller difference in the NUE and NSS at 1.4% and 3%,
lettuce, as was also seen in Goddek & Körner (2019). As all AP settings respectively, for the highest and lowest variation. The difference caused
had the same system volume of 10 L/m2 , there was little difference in by the variation in transpiration is smaller for tomato than for lettuce.
sensitivity to variation, except for the AD buffer. Like with lettuce, the use of an AD buffer greatly decreased the influence
of transpiration variation.

L. Jansen and K.J. Keesman Cleaner and Circular Bioeconomy 2 (2022) 100012

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