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Performance Task 2 Table Matrix

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Performance Task 2 Table Matrix

Performance Task 2
Make a table matrix/mapping on the changes in the 19th century Philippines, categorizing social,
political, economic, and cultural changes during Rizal’s time.
Category Nineteenth Century (19th) Changes Twenty-first Century (21st)
Social The influence of the Spanish led to the As a result of globalization and other
transformation of the old social forms of modernity, a society that is both
structures of the indigenous people more diverse and more linked with a
into a more stratified society. The growing middle class and increased social
social structure was heavily influenced mobility. There is also a greater emphasis
by Spanish colonization, with a rigid on equality and human rights.
class system based on race and social
status. Most of the population was
made up of peasants and laborers.
Political The Philippines was a colony of Spain. The Philippines is now an independent
The colonization by them is a democratic republic, with a multi-party
transition from indigenous leadership system and regular elections. The Republic
to colonial rule by the Spanish. Then is sovereign in its own right and governed
the United States, with a series of democratically.
revolutionary movements seeking
independence. There was a shift
towards democracy towards the end of
the 19th century.
Economic The economy was based on The economy that is diversified across
agriculture, with large landowners multiple industries, including agriculture,
controlling most of the land and services, manufacturing, and technology. It
resources. There was also a growing is with a growing service sector and a
trade with other countries, particularly focus on technology and innovation. There
China and the United States. It was an is also a greater emphasis on sustainable
agrarian-based economy that was development and environmental
under Spanish administration and protection.
featured modest industrialization as
well as the use of forced labor.
Cultural The Spanish had a significant impact The Philippines has become more
on the indigenous people's religion, culturally diverse, with a growing interest
language, and customs, as well as the in indigenous cultures, people, and
development of nationalist feelings. traditions. There is also a greater
The dominant cultural influences were appreciation for Filipino art, literature, and
Spanish and Catholic, with a strong music. Also diverse in different cultural
emphasis on religious traditions and influences, the Spanish, and people from
practices. There was also a growing other parts of the world.
interest in Western literature, art, and
Education Education was difficult to obtain and A more inclusive educational system that
System was under the jurisdiction of the makes use of contemporary pedagogical
Spanish church. This contributed to approaches and instructional technologies.
the growth of nationalist sentiments. The education system has become more
Education was primarily offered by accessible and inclusive, with a greater
the church and focused on religious emphasis on science and technology
instruction. The establishment of education. There is also a growing
public schools towards the end of the recognition of the importance of early
century marked a shift towards secular childhood education and lifelong learning.

Social Changes:
Nineteenth Century (19th): As a result of Spanish colonialism, there was a significant
shift in the social structure. The Spanish system of social stratification had a significant
impact on the development of hierarchical social structures inside indigenous societies.
Changes Twenty-first Century (21st): As a result of globalization and advances in
technology, the society now displays a broader variety of characteristics, including
interconnection and diversity. There is a greater emphasis placed on social mobility and
exchanges between cultures.
Political Changes:
Nineteenth Century (19th): During this time, the Philippines were governed by
Spain instead of its original indigenous peoples, as they were under Spanish
colonial power.
Changes Twenty-first Century (21st): The Philippines broke away from colonial
authority and established a democratic political system when it became an
independent republic in 1946. This marked the beginning of the country's quest
for self-determination.
Economic Changes:
Nineteenth Century (19th): The Spanish had complete control over the economy,
which was mostly agricultural and relied heavily on slave labor. There was only
barely any sort of industrialization.
Changes Twenty-first Century (21st): The economy is quite diverse, with
several subsectors for things like agriculture, services, manufacturing, and
technology. It reflects a more contemporary economy that is increasingly
interconnected around the world.
Cultural Changes:
Nineteenth Century (19th): The Spanish had a considerable impact, particularly
in the areas of religion, language, and customs. It is a reaction to being ruled by a
foreign power, nationalist feelings evolved.
Changes Twenty-first Century (21st): The culture is a fusion of influences from
its indigenous people, Spain, and other parts of the world; this reflects the
society's increased diversity and cosmopolitanism.
Education System:
Nineteenth Century (19th): The Catholic church in Spain strictly regulated who
may attend school and how much they could learn. Education was the medium
through which nationalist ideals first gained momentum.
Changes Twenty-first Century (21st): To accommodate the requirements of
today's world, the educational system has become more inclusive and has begun
to adopt contemporary instructional strategies and technological advancements.

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