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English-M A English ORDINANCES

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M A (English) Syllabus

Department of Languages,

Integral University, Lucknow

w. e. f. 2015-2016 session

Mode of Evaluation:
Master’s Programme in English shall have sixteen papers consisting of four semesters.


Paper I : English Literature, Society & Thought

16th Century including Chaucer

Paper II : 17th -18th Centuries English Literature

Paper III : 19th Century English Literature

Paper IV : English Language and Linguistics


Paper I : 20th Century British Literature

Paper II : Literary Criticism

Paper III : English Language Teaching

Paper IV : Literature and Gender


Paper I : Contemporary Literary Theories

Paper II : Indian Writing in English

Paper III : American Literature

Paper IV : Term Papers



 Students will have to offer three optional papers besides the Paper I (Viva Voce) which is
 Paper II Dissertation can be offered by only those candidates who secure not less than
50% marks in the preceding three semesters cumulatively.

Paper I : Viva –Voce (Compulsory)

Paper II : Dissertation (Optional)

Paper III : Literature and Films (Optional)

Paper IV : New Literatures in English (Optional)

Paper V : Feminist Literary Theory and Criticism (Optional)

Paper VI : Literatures in English Translation (Optional)



Master of Arts

I. M.A (English)

1. Admission

1.1 M.A. program will be of two years /four semester duration. The admission will be
carried out in the beginning of academic year as per rules prescribed from time to
time by the Academic Council of the University.

1.2 The University can take up to 10% additional admissions, in view of the expected
short fall in 2nd year due to failure of students or leaving the University.

2. Mode of Admission:

100% of the total intake shall be filled on the basis of the merit of the qualifying

3. Eligibility:

Candidates must have passed B.A. with 50% marks with English as one of the
subjects from a recognized University. Candidates from other disciplines may
also be admitted subject to the clearance of the entrance test.

4. Duration:

4.1 The Two years curriculum has been divided into four semesters and shall include
lectures, tutorials, seminars, and a dissertation as defined in the evaluation and
examination schemes and executive orders issued by the University from time to

4.2 The curriculum shall also include such other curricular, co-curricular and
extracurricular activities as prescribed by the University from time to time.

4.3 The maximum time allowed for completing the M.A. course shall be of four
years. If a candidate at any stage of his/her study is found unable to complete it
within the said time, he/she shall not be allowed to continue the course further.

5. Registration:

Each student has to register in every semester of M.A. Programme.

6. Attendance:

6.1 The attendance of student shall be reckoned from the date of his/her registration in
the class.

6.2 Each student is normally required to attend all the lectures, tutorials and lab
classes. However, a minimum attendance of 75% will be necessary. The Dean of
the concerned faculty may condone the absence on medical reasons, further upto a
maximum 15%.

6.3 The Academic Section will consolidate the attendance record for the lectures and
practical etc. Attendance on account of participation in the prescribed functions of
NCC, NSS, Inter University Sports and functions, Educational Tours, Field Work,
Training and curricular/co-curricular activities sponsored by the University shall
be credited to aggregate, provided the attendance record duly countersigned by
the Teacher Incharge is sent to the Academic Section within two weeks of the
function/activity etc

6.4 Head of the Department shall display statement of attendance of students on the
notice board of the faculty regularly. Notice displayed on the notice board shall be
deemed to be an official notification for all concerned. No separate notification to
individuals shall be issued.

6.5 If student is found to be continuously absent from the classes without proper
application and sanction for a period of 30 days or his/her attendance is less than
30% then appropriate action shall be taken against him which may include
striking off his name from the rolls. Such a student whose name has been struck
off may, however, apply for readmission within 10 days from the date of issue of
the notice of striking off his name. The request may be considered by the Dean
for readmission. Such a student shall not be readmitted after the prescribed period.
The readmission shall be affected on payment of prescribed readmission fees.

6.6 A student, who fails to achieve the prescribed minimum attendance as per the
provisions of article 6.2 above, shall not be allowed to appear at the End
Semester/Annual Examinations and, shall be deemed to have been detained.

6.7 Notwithstanding any of the above provisions, under very special circumstances,
the Hon’ble Vice Chancellor in consultation with Deans of the Faculty, has the
power to amend or condone all or any of the above said clauses or the prescribed
percentage in the interest of the academics and the University.

7. Curriculum and Credit System:

7.1 The 2 year curriculum has been divided into 4 semesters and shall include
lectures, tutorials, seminars, and dissertation as defined in the scheme of
instructions and examinations and executive instructions issued by the University
from time to time.

7.2 The curriculum will also include such other curricular, co-curricular and extra-
curricular activities as may be prescribed by the University from time to time.

7.3 Credit System:

Each M.A. programme will have a curriculum in which every course will be
assigned certain credits reflecting its weight and contact periods per week, as
given below:

1 Lecture period (L) per week = 1 Credit

1 Tutorial period (T) per week = 1 Credit

1 Practical period (P) per week = 0.5 Credit

In addition to theory and laboratory courses there may be other courses such as
seminar, project/industrial training and project evaluation etc., which will be
assigned credits as per their contribution in the program without regard to contact

7.4 Minimum Credit Requirements:

The credit required for award of a M.A. degree is 92. This is normally divided
into Theory courses, tutorials, laboratory courses, seminars and projects in
duration of four semesters. The credits are distributed semester wise as shown in
the structure and syllabus manual of each programme. Courses generally progress
in sequences, building competencies and their positioning indicates certain
academic maturity on the part of the learners. Learners are expected to follow the
semester wise schedule of courses given in the syllabus manual of respective

1.5 Course Categories:

The curriculum for each branch will contain courses in the following categories
having credits in the ranges given below in such a way that the total of all credits
will be equal to that required for the award of degree as specified elsewhere in
these ordinances.
i. Core (C) : 66-72 credits

ii. Electives (E) : 16-22 credits

iv. Seminar (S) : 2-6 credits

7.6 Curriculum Structure:

The curriculum for each branch will contain a listing of all courses, with each
course having a course category, course number, course title, number of contact
periods per week, number of credits assigned, and the marks assigned to various
components of evaluation.

1.6 Course/Subject codes:

M.A. Programme:

In the syllabus manual of each programme of a particular discipline, subject code

is assigned for each course. The subject code consists of seven digits First digit
indicates level of the programme, next two three digits (letters) indicate specific
branch, next digit (letter) indicates course is either core/compulsory or elective or
laboratory or seminar or Project. A fifth and sixth digit (number) indicates year
and semester of a program & seventh digit (number) indicates serial number of

For example - MXY -C111


First digit M: indicates Masters

Second and Third digits XY : indicate program name

Fourth digit C: indicates Core/Compulsory course;

E : indicates Elective course

L : indicates laboratory course;

S : indicates Seminar
P : indicates Project

Fifth digit (number) 1: indicates year in which that course to be studied

Sixth digit (number) 1: indicates semester in which that course to be studied

Seventh digit (number) 1: indicates serial number of course

7.8 Approval of the Curriculum:

The curriculum for M.A. program will be prepared by the department concerned
and will be approved by the Board of Studies of the department. It will then be
placed in the Faculty board for approval. Once approved by the Faculty board, it
will be placed in the Academic Council for final approval and then the
Curriculum will be implemented. Same procedure shall be used for any
modification in the Curriculum.

8. Examination / Assessment and Grading

8.1 Components of Evaluation

Each course will be evaluated out of 100 marks. The courses will normally have
the following components of evaluation:

Theory/ Laboratory courses:

Continuous Assessment (CA) : 25 marks

End-Semester Examination (ESE) : 75 marks

8.2 Grading of Performance:

8.2.1 Letter Grade and Grade Point Allocation:

The Credit and Grading system will be effective from the academic year 2015-
2016 for Faculty of Sciences. In every course, based on the combined
performance in all assessments in a particular semester as per the
curriculum/syllabus, the student is awarded a letter grade. These letter grades not
only indicate a qualitative assessment of the learner’s performance but also carry
a quantitative (numeric) equivalent called the Grade Point. The letter grades and
their equivalent grade point applicable for postgraduate programmes are given

Percentage of Marks Obtained Letter Grade Points Performance

85.00 and above O 10 Outstanding

75.00 – 84.99 A 9 Excellent

70.00 – 74.99 B 8 Very Good

60.00 – 69.99 C 7 Good

50.00 – 59.99 D 6 Fair

45.00 – 49.99 E 5 Average

41.00 – 44.99 P 4 Pass

Less than 41.00 F 0 Fail

A learner who remains absent in any form of evaluation/examination, letter

grade allocated to him/her should be AB and corresponding grade point is zero.
She/he should reappear for the said evaluation/examination in due course.

8.2.2 SGPI/ CGPI Calculation: Semester Grade Performance Index (SGPI):

The performance of a learner in a semester is indicated by a number called

Semester Grade Performance Index (SGPI). The SGPI is the weighted average of
the grade points obtained in all the courses by the learner during the semester. For
example, if a learner passes five courses (Theory/labs./Projects/ Seminar etc.) in a
semester with credits C1, C2, C3, C4 and C5 and learners grade points in these
courses are G1, G2, G3, G4 and G5 respectively, then learners’ SGPI is equal to:

SGPI = (C1G1+ C2G2 + C3G3+ C4G4 + C5G5)/( C1 + C2 + C3+ C4+C5)

The SGPI is calculated to two decimal places. The SGPI for any semester will take
into consideration the “F” or “AB” grade awarded in that semester. For example if
a learner has failed in course 4, the SGPI will then be computed as:

SGPI = (C1G1+ C2G2 + C3G3+ C4*Zero + C5G5)/( C1 + C2 + C3+ C4+C5) Cumulative Grade Performance Index (CGPI):

An up to date assessment of the overall performance of a learner from the time s/he
enrolled the University is obtained by calculating a number called the Cumulative
Grade Performance Index (CGPI), in a manner similar to the calculation of SGPI.
The CGPI therefore considers all the courses mentioned in the curriculum/syllabus
manual, towards the minimum requirement of the degree learner have enrolled for.
The CGPI is calculated at the end of every semester to two decimal places and is
indicated in semester grade report cards.

The CGPI will reflect the failed status in case of F grade(s), till the course(s)
is/are passed. When the course(s) is/are passed by obtaining a pass grade on
subsequent examination(s) the CGPI will only reflect the new grade and not the
fail grades earned earlier. Example: Up to semester r a learner has registered for n
courses, among which he/she has “F” grade in ith course. The semester grade
report at the end of semester r therefore will contain a CGPI calculated as:

CGPI= (C1G1+ C2G2 + C3G3………+ Ci*Zero …….+ CnGn)/( C1 + C2 + C3….+ Ci….+Cn)

Even if a learner has failed in a course more than once, the course will figure
only once in the numerator as well as the denominator. At the end of semester
r+1 s/he has appeared for examination for k number of courses including the ith
backlog course and has cleared all the courses including the backlog course, the
CGPI at the end of this semester is calculated as,

CGPI= (C1G1+ C2G2 + C3G3………+ CiGi …….+ CnGn)/( C1 + C2 + C3….+ Ci….+Cn)

There will also be a final CGPI calculated which considers all the credits
earned by the learner specified for a particular programme.

8.3 Heads of Passing:

Continuous Assessment (CA) and End Semester Examination (ESE) should be

two separate heads for passing.

8.3.1 Award of Continuous Assessment (CA):

Award of Continuous Assessment (CA) for theory subject, practical and project
shall be done as per the provisions in the schemes of examinations. The break-up
of CA shall be as follows:

(A) Theory Subjects:

i. Class Test

(Two mid-term tests of equal weightage) : 15 Marks

(ii) Teacher’s Assessment (TA):

a. Surprise test /Assignment /Quiz : 5 Marks

b. Attendance : 5 Marks

8.3.2 Marks in Seminars, Dissertation and Viva-Voce shall be awarded by a committee

consisting of following members constituted by the Head of the concerned

i. Concerned Officer – In-charge

ii. Head of the Department or his/ her nominee
iii. Senior Faculty Member of the department nominated by the Head of
iv. One external subject-expert in case of viva-voce.

8.4 Promotion of Learner and Award of Grades

A learner will be declared PASS if,

 She/he secures at least 50% (Continuous Assessment) & 35% marks

in End Semester Examination mentioned in clause 8.3.


 If she/he fails in Continuous Assessment but secures 50% or more in

the total (Continuous Assessment + End Semester Examination) in
that course.

8.5 Carry Forward of Marks:

In case of a learner who does not fulfill criteria mentioned in section 8.4 and fails
in the Continuous Assessment and/or End Semester Examination in one or
more courses:

i. A learner who PASSES in the Continuous Assessment but FAILS in the End
Semester Examination of the course shall reappear for the End Semester
Examination of that course. However his/her marks of the Internal Assessment
shall be carried over and he/she shall be entitled for grade obtained by him/her
on passing.

ii. A learner who PASSES in the End Semester Examination but FAILS in the
Continuous Assessment of the course shall reappear for the Continuous
Assessment of that course. However his/her marks of the End Semester
Examination shall be carried over and he/she shall be entitled for grade
obtained by him/her on passing.

8.6 Re-examination of Continuous Assessment and End Semester Examination:

8.6.1 Re-examination for Continuous Assessment should be completed before the

commencement of next semester theory examination.

Example: A learner who is supposed to reappear for Internal Assessment in

semester-I course will appear for the reexamination before commencement of End
Semester Examination of semester -II. Re-examination of Continuous Assessment
will be based on single examination having same marks as of original assessment.
A learner who supposed to reappear for Continuous Assessment will be given
some work by the concerned teacher. The work assigned can be of the form of a
course project/ assignment problems/ test/ tutorials etc. A learner will do the
submission of the assigned work in the predefined period. Records should be
maintained properly for all the re-examinations as well as Continuous

8.6.2 Re-examination of End Semester Examination will be conducted as per the

schedule planned by the University

8.7 Allowed to Keep Terms (ATKT):

i. A learner shall be allowed to keep term for Semester II irrespective of grades

obtained in each course of Semester I.

ii. A learner shall be allowed to keep term for Semester III if she/he passes each of
Semester I and Semester II


She/he fails in not more than eight heads of passing of which not more than five
shall be in End Semester Examinations of Semester I and Semester II taken

iii. A learner shall be allowed to keep term for Semester IV irrespective of grades
obtained in each course of Semester III.

Note: Grade AB should be considered as failed and treated as one head for deciding ATKT

9. Re-admission in the University:

A candidate who has failed and has not been promoted to the higher class will
have to repeat the year as a regular student. He will be allowed for re-admission
on payment of prescribed fees provided he/she satisfies one of the following

9.1 A candidate is declared failed.

9.2 A candidate did not appear in a semester examination and or he/she was granted
permission for not to appear in the examination on his/her own request.
9.3 A candidate has been detained by the University and has also been permitted to
take re-admission.
9.4 A candidate promoted with carry over subjects and he /she opted for re-

10. Result:

i. If a student passes all the examinations and fulfills all the requirements for the
award of degree his/her result will be shown as “Post graduated”.

ii. The Division awarded to “Post graduated” students will be based on CPI as given

First Division (Honours) CPI ≥ 8.5

First Division 6.5 ≤ CPI < 8.5

Second Division CPI < 6.5

iii. Ranks/Positions will be determined at the end of even semesters. Only those
students who fulfill the following conditions will be eligible for ranks/positions:

a. They do not have any break in their studies;

b. They have passed every scheduled course in first attempt;

c. They have passed every course on time as per the curriculum;

d. They have earned credits as per the schedule given in the curriculum;

e. They have not improved grade in any course after passing the course.

The students who violate any of the above conditions will not be awarded any
rank/position. The ranks/positions will be determined on the basis of CPI.

11. Grace Marks:

11.1 A candidate may be awarded grace marks up to a maximum of total 10 marks

distributed in maximum four subjects including theory papers, Practical, project,
seminar, industrial training and/or aggregate marks in each academic year
provided he/she can be declared to have passed the academic year by the award
of these marks.

11.2 The grace marks shall not be added to the aggregate marks.

11.3 No grace marks shall be awarded in carry over.

12. Scrutiny:

12.1 Scrutiny shall be allowed in only theory papers for which the candidate has to
apply within 15 days after declaration of semester result.

12.2 Re-evaluation is not permitted.

13. Cancellation of Admission:

The admission of a student at any stage shall be cancelled if:

a. He/She is not found qualified as per guidelines or the eligibility criteria

prescribed by the University.

b. He/She is found unable to complete the course within the stipulated time as
prescribed in clause 5.

c. He/She is found involved in creating indiscipline in the University.


d. He/She is found involved in any criminal case/ has given any false statement.

14. Amendments / Relaxation Clause:

The Academic Council shall have the power to relax or amend any
provision provided in the ordinance in any specific matter / situation
subject to the approval of Executive Council of the University.

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