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Journal of the Society for Cardiovascular Angiography & Interventions xxx (xxxx) xxx

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Original Research

Intravascular Lithotripsy for Peripheral Artery Calcification: Mid-term

Outcomes From the Randomized Disrupt PAD III Trial
Gunnar Tepe, MD a, Marianne Brodmann, MD b, William Bachinsky, MD c, Andrew Holden, MD d,
Thomas Zeller, MD e, Sarang Mangalmurti, MD f, Claus Nolte-Ernsting, MD g, Renu Virmani, MD h,
Sahil A. Parikh, MD i, William A. Gray, MD j, *, for the Disrupt PAD III Investigators
Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology, RoMed Klinikum, Rosenheim, Germany
Division of Angiology, Medical University Graz, Graz, Austria
UPMC Heart and Vascular Institute, UPMC-Pinnacle Health, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
Department of Interventional Radiology, Auckland City Hospital, Auckland, New Zealand
ats-Herzzentrum Freiburg & Bad Krozingen, Bad Krozingen, Germany
Division of Angiology, Department of Internal Medicine, Universit€
Department of Interventional Cardiology, Main Line Hospitals, Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania
Department of Radiology, Evangelisches Krankenhaus Mülheim an der Ruhr, Mülheim an der Ruhr, Germany
CVPath Institute, Inc, Gaithersburg, Maryland
Center for Interventional Vascular Therapy, NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital/Columbia University Irving Medical Center, New York, New York
Division of Cardiology, Main Line Health, Wynnewood, Pennsylvania


Background: Endovascular treatment of calcified peripheral artery lesions may be associated with suboptimal vessel expansion, increased complication risk, and
reduced long-term patency. The primary endpoint from the Disrupt PAD III randomized controlled trial (RCT) demonstrated superior procedural success in patients
treated with intravascular lithotripsy (IVL) vs percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (PTA). The present study evaluates primary patency after 1 and 2 years in this
randomized population.
Methods: The Disrupt PAD III RCT enrolled 306 patients with moderately-to-severely calcified femoropopliteal arteries treated with IVL (n ¼ 153) or PTA (n ¼ 153)
prior to DCB treatment or stenting. The powered secondary effectiveness endpoint was primary patency at 1 year, defined as freedom from clinically driven target
lesion revascularization plus freedom from restenosis determined by duplex ultrasound. Acute PTA failure requiring stent placement during the index procedure was
prespecified as a loss of primary patency.
Results: Primary patency at 1 year was significantly greater in the IVL arm (80.5% vs 68.0%, P ¼ .017). The requirement for provisional stenting was significantly lower
in the IVL group (4.6% vs 18.3%, P < .0001). Freedom from clinically driven target lesion revascularization (IVL: 95.7% vs PTA: 98.3%, P ¼ .94) and restenosis rates
(IVL: 90.0% vs PTA: 88.8%, P ¼ .48) were similar between the 2 groups at 1 year. At 2 years, primary patency remained significantly greater in the IVL arm (70.3% vs
51.3%, P ¼ .003).
Conclusions: The Disrupt PAD III RCT secondary endpoint of superior 1-year primary patency was achieved, confirming the consistent safety and effectiveness of IVL
followed by DCB treatment to facilitate a durable approach for patients with heavily calcified femoropopliteal arteries largely without stent requirement.

Introduction interfere with the delivery of endovascular therapies, where it is

responsible for suboptimal vessel expansion and increased risk of
Endovascular revascularization has gained acceptance as a primary vascular complications including dissection and perforation, resulting
treatment strategy in patients with femoropopliteal peripheral artery in higher provisional stent rates and increased risk of suboptimal
disease (PAD).1 However, the presence of vascular calcification may stent-related restenosis.2-5 Furthermore, vascular calcification portends

Abbreviations: BTK, Below-the-Knee; CD-TLR, clinically driven target lesion revascularization; CTO, chronic total occlusion; DCB, drug-coated balloon; EQ-5D,
EuroQol-5 Dimension; IVL, intravascular lithotripsy; MAE, major adverse event; PAD, peripheral artery disease; PARC, Peripheral Academic Research Consortium;
PTA, percutaneous transluminal angioplasty; WIQ, Walking Impairment Questionnaire.
Keywords: Calcification; drug-coated balloon; femoropopliteal artery; intravascular lithotripsy; peripheral artery disease.
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (W.A. Gray).
Received 30 March 2022; Received in revised form 5 April 2022; Accepted 7 April 2022

2772-9303/© 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. on behalf of the Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions Foundation. This is an open
access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
G. Tepe et al. Journal of the Society for Cardiovascular Angiography & Interventions xxx (xxxx) xxx

a poor prognosis and is independently associated with increased car- Study device and procedure
diovascular mortality and morbidity risk, limiting the durability of
minimally invasive procedures.5-8 While randomized controlled trials Following angiographic confirmation of study eligibility and suc-
have established the effectiveness of paclitaxel drug-coated balloon cessful guidewire passage through the target lesion, 306 patients were
(DCB) treatment in reducing revascularization rates when compared randomly allocated (1:1) to receive IVL or PTA prior to treatment with
with percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (PTA) alone, those studies DCB and/or provisional stenting. Randomized group assignments were
primarily evaluated lesions with less severe calcification. Results from provided to investigators using an interactive voice response system or
the few single-arm studies evaluating DCB effectiveness in heavily via a secure website (Bioclinica). All randomized patients were included
calcified lesions have demonstrated reduced long-term patency, sug- in the intent-to-treat analysis and remained blinded through completion
gesting that the presence of vascular calcium may serve as a barrier to of the study. Vessel predilatation was allowed in the trial to facilitate
drug uptake and therefore may limit the effectiveness of DCBs in catheter delivery in the IVL treatment arm when necessary.
complex calcified PAD.5,8 The IVL system and peripheral IVL catheter and their technique for
Intravascular lithotripsy (IVL) utilizes multiple emitters mounted on a use have been described previously.10,12,13 Patients allocated to IVL
traditional angioplasty balloon catheter that provide pulsatile acoustic received vessel preparation with a low-pressure lithotripsy balloon
pressure energy to fracture superficial and deep calcium without (Shockwave Medical Inc). The IVL system consists of a generator, a
affecting local soft tissues or liberating emboli, thereby serving as a novel connector cable, and a catheter that incorporates an array of 5 lithotripsy
vessel preparation option to improve luminal compliance and facilitate emitters enclosed in an integrated balloon. The Shockwave M5 IVL
definitive endovascular treatment.9 The Disrupt PAD III randomized balloon used in the study measures 60 mm in length and is available at
controlled trial compared the outcomes of vessel preparation using IVL or diameters between 3.5 and 7.0 mm with 0.5-mm increments. The calci-
PTA followed by DCB treatment in heavily calcified femoropopliteal le- fied arterial lesion was crossed with a 0.014-inch guidewire, and the
sions. As previously reported, the primary endpoint of procedural success Shockwave M5 IVL catheter, sized at 1.1:1 relative to reference vessel
(residual stenosis 30% without flow-limiting dissection) in Disrupt PAD diameter, was then advanced across the lesion and positioned using
III was superior following vessel preparation with IVL compared with radiopaque markers. The lithotripsy balloon was inflated to 4 atm using a
PTA prior to DCB treatment or stent placement. In addition, significantly 1:1 diluted contrast/saline solution, and the generator was activated
lower rates of severe dissection and provisional stent placement were producing pulsatile acoustic pressure waves delivered from the litho-
also observed in the IVL arm than in the PTA arm.10 While short-term tripsy emitters at 1 pulse per second that travel safely through soft tissue
results have been reported, longer term follow-up is required to deter- and facilitate superficial and deep calcium disruption.9 Patients allocated
mine the durability of early clinical benefit of IVL compared with PTA as to PTA were treated with a standard PTA balloon of the physician’s
the vessel preparation strategy for the treatment of calcified femo- choice sized at 1:1 relative to the reference vessel diameter. After vessel
ropopliteal arteries prior to DCB treatment and/or stent placement. In the preparation with IVL or PTA, post-dilatation with a standard PTA balloon
current study, we report the powered secondary endpoint of 1-year pri- was required per protocol as necessary for a residual stenosis 30% or
mary patency and primary patency at 2 years from the Disrupt PAD III flow-limiting dissection (type D) and a translesion gradient >10 mm
randomized controlled trial. Hg. An angiographic acquisition was obtained to evaluate procedural
success, after which provisional bare-metal or drug-eluting stent place-
Methods ment was mandated per protocol for a residual stenosis 50% or
flow-limiting dissection and a translesion gradient >10 mm Hg. Patients
Trial design and oversight who did not receive a provisional stent received treatment with a DCB
(IN.PACT DCB; Medtronic) as indicated in the IN.PACT DCB instructions
The present report represents the prespecified 1-year analysis for use. Final angiography with distal runoff to the foot was then per-
and primary patency at 2 years from the Disrupt PAD III random- formed to assess the target lesion and identify potential distal emboli-
ized controlled trial. Disrupt PAD III (NCT02923193) is a global, zation or thrombus. Patients received dual antiplatelet therapy according
single-blind randomized controlled trial designed to assess the to individual site protocols.
safety and effectiveness of IVL vs PTA as a vessel preparation
strategy prior to definitive treatment with DCB and/or stent in pa-
tients with calcified femoropopliteal lesions. Major inclusion and Study endpoints
exclusion criteria, endpoints, definitions, and 30-day results have
been previously described in detail.10 The trial was approved by The primary effectiveness endpoint of the trial was procedural suc-
local ethics review boards, and all participants provided written cess, determined by the angiographic core laboratory as residual stenosis
informed consent. 30% without flow-limiting dissection (type D) following the ran-
domized treatment and prior to DCB treatment and/or provisional stent
placement. The powered secondary endpoint was primary patency at 1
Study patients year, defined as freedom from clinically driven target lesion revascular-
ization (CD-TLR) and freedom from restenosis as determined by duplex
Eligible patients were randomly allocated to vessel preparation with ultrasound (DUS) or angiogram 50% stenosis. DUS-derived freedom
IVL (n ¼ 153) or PTA (n ¼ 153) followed by definitive treatment with a from restenosis was defined as a peak systolic velocity ratio 2.4. As
DCB or provisional stenting in case of failed vessel preparation prior to prespecified per protocol, acute PTA failure requiring a stent at any time
DCB at 45 centers in Austria, Germany, New Zealand, and the United during the index procedure was considered a loss of primary patency. To
States.10 Complete patient inclusion and exclusion criteria were previ- maximize DUS core lab assessments at the 1-year visit, observations
ously reported.10 Briefly, patients presenting with symptomatic leg beyond the 1-year analysis window were allowed. Eligible patients
claudication and/or rest pain (Rutherford class 2-4) and angiographic through 2 years were also assessed for primary patency. Additional sec-
evidence of 70% stenosis within the superficial femoral and/or popli- ondary endpoints at 1 year included ankle-brachial index, EuroQol-5
teal artery, lesion length up to 180 mm (up to 100 mm for chronic total Dimension (EQ-5D) questionnaire, Walking Impairment Questionnaire
occlusion [CTO]), reference vessel diameter 4-7 mm, and moderate or (WIQ), and major adverse events (MAEs), defined as unplanned surgical
severe calcification were eligible for enrollment. Calcification was revascularization or major (above ankle) amputation of the target limb,
graded using the Peripheral Academic Research Consortium (PARC) symptomatic thrombus or embolus requiring treatment, and perforation
criteria.11 requiring provisional stent placement or other treatment.

G. Tepe et al. Journal of the Society for Cardiovascular Angiography & Interventions xxx (xxxx) xxx

Data quality Primary patency

Trial data were regularly reviewed for accuracy and completeness by Primary patency at 1 year was superior in the IVL group compared to
independent monitors (NAMSA). Independent core laboratories analyzed the PTA group (80.5% vs 68.0%, P ¼ .017, Table 1). The difference in
duplex ultrasonography (VasCore) and angiography (Yale Cardiovascular primary patency was driven by the freedom from provisional stent
Research Group). MAEs and target vessel revascularization procedures placement rate, which was significantly greater in the IVL group (95.4%
were adjudicated by an independent clinical events committee (Yale vs 81.7%, P < .0001). Freedom from the individual endpoints of CD-TLR
Cardiovascular Research Group). Study participants, DUS core laboratory and restenosis at 1 year were similar between the 2 groups (Table 1).
readers, and the clinical events committee were blinded to treatment Predictors of primary patency at 1 year are shown in Table 2, with uni-
allocation. Investigators and research staff were not blinded to treatment variate analysis results shown in Supplemental Table S2. By multivari-
assignment due to obvious differences in the study devices. able logistic regression, lesion preparation with IVL, age >75 years, and
non-CTO lesions were independent predictors of successful primary
Statistical analysis patency at 1 year. Primary patency remained greater in the IVL arm at 2
years (Figure 2). A post hoc Kaplan-Meier analysis of primary patency
The trial was powered to demonstrate superiority of IVL over PTA for modeled without defining provisional stenting as a failure demonstrated
both the primary and secondary endpoints of procedural success and 1- similar 2-year primary patency rates between the 2 groups (IVL: 79.2% vs
year primary patency. The composite of primary patency was assessed PTA: 75.6%, P ¼ .70). Of the combined 35 patients who received pro-
hierarchically such that patients who had provisional stenting were visional stenting during the index procedure (IVL n ¼ 7, PTA n ¼ 28) and
excluded from the freedom from CD-TLR and restenosis analysis (since evaluable for primary patency at 2 years, only 2 patients in the PTA arm
stenting has demonstrable effects on patency), and patients with CD-TLR and no patients in the IVL arm experienced restenosis during the 2-year
events were likewise excluded from the freedom from restenosis analysis. follow-up period. Similarly, a post hoc Kaplan-Meier analysis of non-
The alternative hypothesis of the study was superior primary patency rate stented patients demonstrated similar 2-year primary patency rates be-
at 1 year in the IVL arm compared to the PTA arm. Therefore, a 1-sided tween the 2 groups (IVL: 78.6% vs PTA: 72.7%, P ¼ .48).
Fisher exact test was prespecified with a conservative alpha of 0.025 for
primary patency at 1 year. Since there were 2 hypothesized primary and Secondary outcomes
powered secondary endpoints of procedural success and primary patency
at 1 year, an alpha of 0.025 maintained a study-wise type 1 error prob- The MAE rate at 1 year was similar in both groups (IVL: 0.0% vs PTA:
ability of <0.05. Kaplan-Meier survival analysis was used for the evalu- 1.4%, P ¼ .15). The 2 clinical events committee-adjudicated MAEs
ation of primary patency for patients with evaluable 2-year follow-up, occurred in the PTA group during the index procedure (distal emboli-
with no prespecified formal hypothesis testing for primary patency at 2 zation and perforation) with no further events through 1 year. While both
years. A post hoc analysis was also performed to assess primary patency groups demonstrated marked clinical improvement in ankle-brachial
defined as freedom from CD-TLR and freedom from restenosis as deter- index, WIQ, EQ-5D, and Rutherford category, there were no differences
mined by DUS or angiogram 50% stenosis, without provisional stent in the change from baseline to 1 year between the 2 groups (Table 3).
placement counted as a failure of primary patency. The independent
predictors of primary patency at 1 year were determined by multivariate Discussion
logistic regression using stepwise selection with a P < .2 threshold for
entry into the model and a P < .1 level of significance to stay in the final Patients with severely calcified PAD are often excluded from
model. Candidate variables included baseline and demographic charac- adequately powered randomized clinical trials due to the challenge of
teristics and treatment group (IVL or PTA). safe and effective treatment of these complex lesions.14-16 The Disrupt
All analyses followed intention-to-treat principles where patients PAD III randomized controlled trial sought to address this evidence gap,
were analyzed according to the allocated randomization group. Contin- resulting in the largest published level I evidence to date, guiding
uous variables are presented as mean  standard deviation. Group endovascular treatment for patients with heavily calcified femo-
comparisons of secondary endpoints were explored using 2-sided t test ropopliteal artery lesions. The key findings from this study are as follows:
for continuous data and chi-square test for categorical data. Statistical (1) IVL followed by DCB therapy enables safe and effective treatment in
significance was set at P < .05 for all comparisons. All analyses were this heavily calcified lesion cohort demonstrating superior procedural
performed using SAS v9.4 (SAS Institute). success compared to PTA driven by a significantly lower rate of major
dissections and need for provisional stent placement; (2) the powered
Results secondary endpoint of superior primary patency at 1 year following IVL
treatment was achieved, confirming the consistent safety and effective-
Patients and procedures ness of IVL followed by DCB treatment to facilitate a durable treatment
for patients with heavily calcified femoropopliteal arteries; (3) the in-
Between February 2017 and May 2020, 306 patients were randomly dependent predictors of primary patency at 1 year were treatment with
allocated to vessel preparation with IVL (n ¼ 153) or PTA (n ¼ 153) IVL, age >75 years, and non-CTO lesions; and (4) freedom from CD-TLR
followed by definitive treatment with a DCB and/or provisional stenting. and restenosis as well as the improvement in WIQ, EQ-5D, and Ruth-
Baseline patient and lesion characteristics have been previously re- erford classification were comparable between the 2 groups at 1 year
ported10 and were well matched with demographics typical of a PAD demonstrating the effectiveness of DCBs in heavily calcified femo-
patient population (Supplemental Table S1). The only baseline variable ropopliteal arteries.
for which a statistically significant difference was observed was lesion The powered primary and secondary endpoints of superior proce-
location where popliteal artery involvement was more prevalent in the dural success and primary patency at 1 year with IVL followed by DCB
IVL group (18.3% vs 9.8%, P ¼ .03). A patient flow diagram depicting treatment were achieved, confirming the atraumatic procedural experi-
assessment for primary patency is shown in Figure 1. As previously re- ence with IVL is associated with durable clinical benefits. Superior pro-
ported, the primary effectiveness endpoint of procedural success was cedural success was achieved with IVL despite greater procedural effort
superior in the IVL arm (65.8% vs 50.4%, P ¼ .0065). Superior proce- in the PTA arm as demonstrated by significantly greater maximum
dural success in the IVL arm was accompanied by lower use of embolic balloon inflation pressure and protocol-driven post-dilatation with
protection, post-dilatation, lower maximum balloon inflation pressure, balloon angioplasty (Central Illustration). These results underscore the
and lower need for provisional stenting (Central Illustration).10 different mechanisms of action between IVL and PTA in the treatment of

G. Tepe et al. Journal of the Society for Cardiovascular Angiography & Interventions xxx (xxxx) xxx

Figure 1. Study patient flow diagram.

Patients were analyzed for the secondary
effectiveness endpoint of primary
patency at 1 year if a provisional stent
was placed, a CD-TLR event occurred
within the first 365 days after the index
procedure, or a diagnostic DUS was
available 335 days after the index
procedure. *Powered secondary effec-
tiveness endpoint. CD-TLR, clinically
driven target lesion revascularization;
DUS, duplex ultrasound; IVL, intravas-
cular lithotripsy; LTFU, lost to follow-up;
PTA, percutaneous transluminal

complex calcified PAD. The mechanism of IVL action utilizes acoustic The outcomes achieved in the current clinical trial are consistent with
pressure waves, delivered at a low balloon pressure of 4 atm, that travel recent “real-world” IVL studies demonstrating consistent procedural
circumferentially through soft tissue without any effect to safely modify safety and effectiveness with IVL in both above-the-knee and below-the-
superficial and deep calcium leading to improved vascular compliance.9 knee calcified peripheral vascular territories12,13,23,24 as well as durable
Conversely, endovascular revascularization with high-pressure balloon 1-year primary patency in calcified femoropopliteal arteries,25 suggest-
angioplasty involves arterial wall disruption and vessel wall stretching ing that the IVL results observed in Disrupt PAD III are generalizable to
causing permanent deformation with subsequent remodeling, often clinical use in “real-world” settings. Stavroulakis et al25 recently reported
resulting in severe dissection requiring bailout stenting when treating their single-center experience with IVL followed by DCB to treat heavily
complex lesions.17,18 calcified femoropopliteal arteries (N ¼ 55 patients/71 lesions with 78%
Superior 1-year primary patency was demonstrated in the IVL arm, peripheral artery calcification scoring system 3 and 4 calcification). The
driven by the significantly lower rate of provisional stent placement in flow-limiting dissection and bailout stenting rates were 3% and 7%,
the IVL arm due to the lower rate of flow-limiting dissections (1.4% vs respectively, resulting in a 1-year primary patency rate (defined as
6.8%, P ¼ .03) and greater rate of posttreatment balloon residual stenosis freedom from restenosis or any reintervention) of 81% and freedom from
30% by core lab assessment (66.4% vs 51.9%, P ¼ .02). Primary TLR rate of 92%. The results of this “real-world” study, of which 56% of
patency remained superior in the IVL arm at 2 years. Although freedom patients presented with critical limb ischemia (Rutherford class 4-6), are
from restenosis remained statistically similar between the 2 groups at 2 comparable to the results achieved in the IVL arm of the current study.
years, the difference in restenosis rates appeared to increase over time. Conversely, the low CD-TLR and restenosis rates observed at 1 year in
Longer term follow-up beyond 2 years as conducted in Disrupt PAD III is the PTA arm are contrary to prior reports of increased late lumen loss
needed to evaluate this trend. When primary patency was assessed following PTA and DCB treatment in lesions with increased calcium
without defining provisional stenting as a failure, the IVL and PTA arms severity, which suggested that the presence of vascular calcium may
demonstrated 2-year Kaplan-Meier primary patency rates of 79.2% and serve as a barrier to drug absorption from PTA and definitive DCB
75.6%, respectively. Interestingly, the mid-term primary patency results treatment.5,8 It remains unclear if aggressive vessel preparation with PTA
from Disrupt PAD III, achieved in heavily calcified PAD, are comparable in the clinical trial setting of Disrupt PAD III contributed to improved
to primary patency rates reported in landmark studies evaluating DCBs in DCB effectiveness and optimal stent placement in heavily calcified le-
markedly less calcified femoropopliteal arteries.19-22 sions compared to prior published results in the “real-world” setting.

G. Tepe et al. Journal of the Society for Cardiovascular Angiography & Interventions xxx (xxxx) xxx

Figure 2. Kaplan-Meier estimate of pri-

mary patency through 2 years. Primary
patency was significantly greater in the
group receiving IVL treatment for lesion
preparation than in the PTA group. Pri-
mary patency was defined as freedom
from CD-TLR and freedom from reste-
nosis by duplex ultrasound. Acute PTA
failure requiring provisional stenting at
any time during the procedure was
counted as a loss of primary patency. CD-
TLR, clinically driven target lesion
revascularization; DUS, duplex ultra-
sound; IVL, intravascular lithotripsy;
PTA, percutaneous transluminal

Indeed, control arm outcomes in the setting of clinical trials often surpass study (N ¼ 102 patients) reported on the safety and effectiveness of
those achieved in “real-world” historical comparisons suggesting that directional atherectomy followed by DCB therapy to treat long, severely
careful attention to procedural details is commonly seen in the clinical calcified femoropopliteal PAD.33 Although the primary patency rate at 1
trial setting.20,26 The current study was not designed to specifically assess year was 76.7% in this challenging lesion cohort, the rates of angio-
drug uptake in the presence of calcium since not all patients received graphic complications remained high (major dissection: 14.3%; perfo-
drug-eluting therapy in the event of bare-metal stent placement prior to ration: 3.1%; distal embolization despite the use of embolic protection:
DCB treatment. Furthermore, while 99% of lesions were determined to 12.8%; bailout stenting: 8.8%). Cross-trial comparisons to the Disrupt
be moderately to severely calcified in both groups using the PARC PAD III are difficult, and randomized trials are needed to assess the
criteria, the inherent limitation of angiographic assessment precludes comparative outcomes between IVL and atherectomy in the treatment of
granular assessment of calcium morphologies that may affect drug up- calcified PAD. Nevertheless, IVL combines consistent safety and effec-
take such as circumferential calcium angle and thickness.27 Additional tiveness with durable long-term patency in these challenging calcified
studies are needed to specifically evaluate the potential effects of PAD lesions, without the need or the additional cost of distal embolic
vascular modification with IVL or PTA on drug uptake following DCB protection.
treatment in these complex lesions. Additionally, low CD-TLR and
restenosis rates were observed following provisional stent placement in Limitations
both arms in the current study. Acceptable longer term outcomes in
noncalcified or mildly calcified PAD have been reported when optimal There are several limitations of this study. First, IVL was compared
stent deployment is achieved.20,28,29 However, stent placement in to PTA for vessel preparation, and therefore, the comparative effec-
heavily calcified PAD is often associated with poor long-term outcomes, tiveness of IVL vs other calcium-modifying strategies such as atherec-
likely due to suboptimal stent deployment,7 adding to procedural burden tomy remains unclear. Meaningful cross-trial direct comparisons
given the increased dependence on bailout stenting with increasing between Disrupt PAD III and trials involving other calcium-modifying
lesion complexity.21,30 Again, it may be that optimal PTA vessel prepa- technologies are not possible given the differences in trial parame-
ration in the setting of the Disrupt PAD III clinical trial facilitated optimal ters.15,32,33 Randomized trials comparing IVL and atherectomy (rota-
stent deployment resulting in good longer term patency not previously tional, orbital, or directional) are required to define the relative safety
reported in prior studies. Nevertheless, avoidance of stent placement in and effectiveness of these devices. Second, these results may not be
claudicants with calcified femoropopliteal PAD allows treatment options generalizable to patients with chronic limb threatening ischemia due to
to remain open, which is important given the progressive nature of calcified, stenotic infrapopliteal lesions owing to the prespecified trial
calcific PAD, and avoids the known long-term risk of adverse clinical eligibility criteria. However, outcomes following IVL treatment of
events such as stent fracture and restenosis.31 calcified infrapopliteal lesions have been reported in the Disrupt
Although not evaluated in Disrupt PAD III, the use of atherectomy to Below-the-Knee (BTK) trial36 and more recently from the PAD III
treat calcified PAD has been reported in small randomized and single-arm Observational Study using the Shockwave S4 IVL catheter.23 The
studies.15,16,32-35 Atheroablative technologies can be effective Disrupt BTK II study (NCT05007925) is currently enrolling and will
in debulking vascular calcium and improving luminal area, but proce- evaluate up to 250 patients with calcified BTK lesions treated with IVL
dural complications remain a concern. The recent REALITY single-arm with follow-up through 2 years. Furthermore, a recent single-center

G. Tepe et al. Journal of the Society for Cardiovascular Angiography & Interventions xxx (xxxx) xxx

Central Illustration. IVL demonstrates

a safe and effective vessel preparation
strategy with durable primary patency
results in patients with calcified femo-
ropopliteal arteries. The Disrupt PAD III
randomized controlled trial demon-
strated (A) greater procedural effort with
PTA to treat heavily calcified PAD
(99.3% moderate-severe calcification in
both groups using the PARC definition of
calcification by core lab assessment, P ¼
.23); (B) superior procedural success
with IVL vessel preparation with lower
rates of major dissections and stent
placement; and (C) superior primary
patencyy in patients followed through 2
years driven by the need for greater
provisional stent placement in the PTA
arm. The number at risk represents pa-
tients with evaluable DUS imaging at 1
or 2 years with an additional 30 days
allowed for DUS evaluation. *Procedural
success, the primary endpoint of the
study, was defined as residual stenosis
30% without flow-limiting dissection
(grade D) prior to DCB and/or stenting
by angiographic core lab assessment.
Primary patency was defined as
freedom from CD-TLR and freedom from
restenosis as determined by DUS or
angiogram 50% stenosis. As pre-
specified by protocol, acute PTA failure
requiring a stent at any time during the
index procedure was counted as a loss of
primary patency. CD-TLR, clinically
driven target lesion revascularization;
DCB, drug-coated balloon; DUS, duplex
ultrasound; IVL, intravascular litho-
tripsy; PARC, Peripheral Academic
Research Consortium; PTA, percuta-
neous transluminal angioplasty.

study by Stavroulakis et al25 included a majority of patients with

chronic limb threatening ischemia, which demonstrated consistent
Table 1. Mid-term primary patency.
1-year primary patency outcomes following IVL treatment. Third, while
Outcome IVL PTA P IVL has demonstrated consistent results across clinical trial and
value “real-world” settings, the results achieved in the PTA arm in Disrupt
Primary patency at 1 ya 80.5% (99/123) 68.0% (87/128) .017 PAD III may not be generalizable to the “real-world” clinical setting.
Freedom from provisional 95.4% (146/153) 81.7% (125/153) <.0001 Poorer outcomes relative to those achieved in the current study have
stenting at index procedure
been previously reported following PTA and DCB treatment in calcified
Freedom from CD-TLR at 1 y 95.7% (132/138) 98.3% (114/116) .94
Freedom from restenosis at 1 y 90.0% (99/110) 88.8% (87/98) .48 PAD. It remains to be seen if low rates of revascularization and reste-
Primary patency at 2 y 70.3% (78/111) 51.3% (58/113) .003 nosis can be achieved outside the clinical trial setting. Lastly, this study
Freedom from provisional 95.4% (146/153) 81.7% (125/153) <.0001 was not designed to specifically evaluate calcium as a barrier to drug
stenting at index procedure uptake following vessel preparation with IVL or PTA and definitive
Freedom from CD-TLR at 2 y 91.5% (108/118) 91.2% (93/102) .56
Freedom from restenosis at 2 y 83.0% (78/94) 76.3% (58/76) .19
treatment with DCB. Specific studies designed to evaluate vascular
micromorphologic changes following vessel preparation with
CD-TLR, clinically driven target lesion revascularization; IVL, intravascular calcium-modifying technologies and associated drug absorption are
lithotripsy; PTA, percutaneous transluminal angioplasty.
a needed to address this important question. In addition, while core
Powered secondary endpoint. Values are % (n/N). Primary patency was
laboratory angiographic assessment was used to evaluate calcium
defined as freedom provisional stenting at the index procedure, freedom from
clinically driven target lesion revascularization, and freedom from restenosis severity using the well-established PARC criteria, there are inherent
determined by duplex ultrasound. By protocol, acute PTA failure requiring pro- limitations of angiography in determining specific calcium morphol-
visional stent placement was considered as a failure of primary patency. Patients ogies (ie, concentric, eccentric, superficial, deep). Intravascular imaging
with provisional stent placement were excluded from CD-TLR and restenosis studies are needed for further evaluation of these calcific lesion
composite, and patients with CD-TLR were excluded from restenosis composite. subtypes.

G. Tepe et al. Journal of the Society for Cardiovascular Angiography & Interventions xxx (xxxx) xxx

Table 2. Independent predictors of primary patency at 1 year. Table 3. Secondary endpoints at 1 year.

Outcome OR (95% CI) P value Outcome IVL (n ¼ 153) PTA (n ¼ 153) P valuea

Treatment group (IVL vs PTA) 2.05 (1.11-3.77) .021 Major adverse events 0.0% (0/143) 1.4% (2/140) .15
Age <75 y (yes vs no) 0.46 (0.24-0.90) .023 Ankle-brachial index
CTO (yes vs no) 0.51 (0.27-0.95) .034 Baseline 0.74  0.19 0.78  0.24 .21
1y 0.94  0.18 1.00  0.25 .02
The independent predictors of primary patency at 1 year were determined by Change from baseline 0.19  0.20 0.23  0.24 .25
multivariable logistic regression using stepwise selection with a P < .2 univariate WIQ overall score
threshold for entry and a P < .01 level of significance to stay in the final model. Baseline 25.9  20.9 26.5  22.0 .83
Primary patency was defined as freedom provisional stenting at index procedure, 1y 52.9  32.2 55.0  30.1 .59
freedom from clinically driven target lesion revascularization, and freedom from Change from baseline 25.9  29.4 26.8  28.9 .80
restenosis determined by duplex ultrasound. The following variables were EQ-5D summary index
entered into the model: treatment group (IVL vs PTA), age (75 years), sex, dia- Baseline 0.74  0.19 0.74  0.18 .96
1y 0.84  0.18 0.82  0.20 .44
betes, eGFR (<60 mL/min/1.73 m2), RVD (<5.3 mm, dichotomized at medial
Change from baseline 0.09  0.20 0.07  0.21 .54
value), lesion location (SFA vs popliteal), calcium severity (PARC-defined mod- Change in Rutherford category .76
erate vs severe), and calcium eccentricity (eccentric vs concentric calcium). 5 0.0% (0/134) 0.0% (0/130)
CI, confidence interval; CTO, chronic total occlusion; eGFR, estimated glomer- 4 3.7% (5/134) 3.8% (5/130)
ular filtration rate; IVL, intravascular lithotripsy; OR, odds ratio; PARC, Periph- 3 48.5% (65/134) 51.5% (67/130)
eral Academic Research Consortium; PTA, percutaneous transluminal 2 26.1% (35/134) 26.9% (35/130)
angioplasty; RVD, reference vessel diameter; SFA, superficial femoral artery. 1 9.7% (13/134) 10.0% (13/130)
0 11.9% (16/134) 6.9% (9/130)
Conclusions 1 0.0% (0/134) 0.0% (0/130)
2 0.0% (0/134) 0.8% (1/130)
3 0.0% (0/134) 0.0% (0/130)
Disrupt PAD III is the largest randomized trial to evaluate endovas- 4 0.0% (0/134) 0.0% (0/130)
cular treatment of heavily calcified PAD and is the first statistically 5 0.0% (0/134) 0.0% (0/130)
powered level I evidence to guide treatment strategies in this challenging
Values are % (n/N) or mean  standard deviation.
patient cohort. The IVL treatment arm demonstrated superior procedural
EQ-5D, European Quality of Life 5 Dimension; IVL, intravascular lithotripsy; PTA,
success and primary patency compared to the PTA arm, achieving success percutaneous transluminal angioplasty; WIQ, Walking Impairment
for the powered primary and secondary endpoints of the study. When Questionnaire.
treating heavily calcified PAD, vessel preparation with IVL offers a more a
t Test for continuous variables, and chi-square for discrete variables.
safe and predictable procedure than PTA while providing durable longer
term vascular patency results with significantly reduced need for provi- Claret Medical, Concept Medical, Cook, CSI, DuNing, Inc, Edwards
sional stenting. LifeScience, Emboline, Endotronix, Envision Scientific, Lutonix/Bard,
Gateway, Lifetech, Limflo, MedAlliance, Medtronic, Mercator, Mer-
rill, Microport Medical, Microvention, Mitralign, Mitra assist,
Declaration of competing interest
NAMSA, Nanova, Neovasc, NIPRO, Novogate, Occulotech, Orbus-
Neich Medical, Phenox, Profusa, Protembis, Qool, ReCor Medical,
Dr Tepe is on the advisory board for BBraun, BSC, and Medtonic
Inc, Senseonics, Shockwave, Sinomed, Spectranetics, Surmodies,
and received study support from Bayer Health Care, BBraun, Bio-
Terumo, Vesper, W.L. Gore, and Xeltis and is a consultant for Abbott
tronic, Bard, BSC, Gore, Medtronic, Verian, and Shockwave Medical.
Vascular, Boston Scientific, Celenova, Cook Medical, CSI, Edwards
Dr Brodmann is on the advisory board for Medtronic, BD Bard,
LifeScience, Bard BD, Medtronic, OrbusNeich Medical, ReCor Medi-
Philipps Spectranetics, Intact Vascular, Boston Scientific, Biotronik,
cal, SinoMedical Technology, Surmodics, Terumo Corporation, W.L.
Shockwave Medical, Cagent, Profusa, and Bayer Healthcare. Dr
Gore, and Xeltis. Dr Parikh receives institutional research support
Bachinsky received research grant support from and is a consultant for
from Abbott Vascular, Boston Scientific, Shockwave, SurModics,
Abbott Vascular, Boston Scientific, BD Bard Vascular, Medtronic, and
TriReme, and Veryan Medical; is a consultant to Abiomed, Canon,
Shockwave Medical. Dr Holden is on the advisory board for Med-
Inari Medical, Penumbra, and Terumo; and serves on the advisory
tronic, Boston Scientific, Gore Medical, Philips, Shockwave Medical,
boards of Abbott Vascular, Boston Scientific, Cordis, Janssen, Med-
Abbott, Intact Vascular, and Cagent and is a clinical investigator for
tronic, and Philips. Dr Gray is a consultant to Shockwave Medical
Reflow Medical, LimFlow, Surmodics, and Shape Memory. Dr Zeller
and has received institutional research support from Shockwave
received honoraria from Abbott Vascular, BIBA Medical, Biotronik,
Boston Scientific Corp, Cook Medical, Efemoral Medical, Gore & As-
sociates, Medtronic, Philips-Spectranetics, Shockwave, and Veryan. He
consulted for Boston Scientific Corp, CSI, Gore & Associates, Med- Funding sources
tronic, Veryan, Intact Vascular, Shockwave, Bayer, and Vesper Medi-
cal. His institution received research, clinical trial, or drug study funds Shockwave Medical Inc provided financial support for this research.
from Bard Peripheral Vascular, Veryan, Biotronik, Cook Medical, Gore
& Associates, Medtronic, Philips, Terumo, TriReme, Shockwave, Med
Alliance, Intact Vascular, B. Braun, CSI, Boston Scientific, University Ethics statement
of Jena, Pluristem, Philips, and PQ Bypass. He holds common stock
from QT Medical. Dr Mangalmurti is a consultant for Shockwave The trial was approved by local ethics review boards, and all partic-
Medical, Philips, Cardiovascular Systems Inc, and Medtronic. Dr Nolte- ipants provided written informed consent.
Ernsting has received honoraria from Medtronic, Biotronik, and Pen-
umbra and has served on advisory boards of Shockwave Medical, Supplementary material
Medtronic, and Gore & Associates. Dr Virmani reports grant/research/
clinical trial support from NIH, Leducq Foundation Grant, 480 To access the supplementary material accompanying this article, visit
Biomedical 4C Medical, 4Tech, Abbott, Accumedical, Amgen, Bio- the online version of the Journal of the Society for Cardiovascular Angiog-
sensors, Boston Scientific, Canon USA, Cardiac Implants, Celonova, raphy & Interventions at

G. Tepe et al. Journal of the Society for Cardiovascular Angiography & Interventions xxx (xxxx) xxx

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