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Tower, Killing Everyone On Board and Hundreds Inside The Building

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7:59 am – American Airlines Flight 11, a Boeing 767 with 92 people aboard, takes off from
Boston’s Airport en route to Los Angeles.

• 8:14 am – United Airlines Flight 175, a Boeing 767 with 65 people aboard, takes off from
Boston; it is also headed (dirigido) to Los Angeles.

• 8:19 am – Flight attendants aboard Flight 11 alert ground personnel that the plane has been
hijacked; American Airlines notifies the FBI.

• 8:20 am – American Airlines Flight 77 takes off from Washington, D.C. The Boeing 757 is
headed to Los Angeles with 64 people aboard.

8:46 am – Mohammed Atta aboard American Airlines Flight 11 crash the plane into floors 93-
99 of the North Tower, killing everyone on board and hundreds inside the building.

• 8:47 am – The NYPD (Departamento de Policía de Nueva York) and FDNY (New York City Fire
Department) forces dispatch (envían) units to the WTC, while Port Authority Police
Department officers on site begin immediate evacuation of the North Tower.

9:03 am – Hijackers crash United Airlines Flight 175 into floors 75-85 of the WTC’s South
Tower, killing everyone on board and hundreds inside the building.

9:59 am – The South Tower of the World Trade Center collapses.

10:07 am – Flight 93 contact friends and family and learn about the attacks in New York and
Washington. Hijackers deliberately crash the plane into a field in Somerset County,
Pennsylvania, killing all 40 passengers and crew aboard.

10:28 am – The World Trade Center’s North Tower collapses, 102 minutes after being struck by
Flight 11.
North Tower

8:46 horas. The plane, impacted penetrating the building at mid-width of the façade, cutting 33
of the 59 columns along that façade of the building from the 94th to the 99th floors.

-When the first plane hit all three of the building’s stairwells were instantly blocked for the
1,356 people above the impact line of the 92nd floor.

10:28 am – Se derrumba, ( 1 hora y 42 minutos después de ser atacada).

- Windows on the World was a complex of dining, meeting, and entertainment venues on the
top floors (106th and 107th) .

South Tower

Eighteen minutes later, hit Tower, damaging the building from the 78th to the 84th floors.

9:59 am – The South Tower collapses. Resistió 59 minutos.


Most of the 2749 people who died in the September 11 attacks on the World Trade Center
were above the point of impact when the two planes hit the twin towers.
-Después de que la Torre Sur se derrumbara, los comandantes del FDNY emitieron órdenes de
evacuar a los bomberos en la Torre Norte. Debido a problemas en la comunicación por radio,
no la escucharon , y la mayoría no eran conscientes de que la otra torre se había derrumbado.


Stairwell B

The group of David Lim, Port Authority K-9 officer; Capt. John "Jay" Jonas, FDNY's
chief from Ladder Co. 6, firefighters Bill Butler, Sal D'Agostino, Matt Komorowski,
and battalion chief Richard Picciotto.

Josephine Harris, a bookkeeper for the Port Authority.

All 14 survivors escaped the ruins with no life-threatening injuries.

In Stairwell B of the North Tower, 16 people lived amid the avalanche of concrete and
steel as the tower collapse around them.

There was a book-keeper, an office temp, an engineer, a Port Authority police officer
and 12 firemen.

*Lim, a Port Authority K-9 officer, was in the South Tower when American Flight 11
slammed into the North Tower. He ran up to the North Tower's 44th floor before
heading down after the second collision. He was on the fourth floor with six firefighters
when the building fell. In their words: "There are only 14 people on this Earth who
know what it's like [to be] in a 110-story building when it collapses."

It was five hours before Lim and 15 others - 12 firefighters and 3 civilians - were
rescued. Lim didn't know then how few had survived the attack.

*Frank De Martini, an architect, and Pablo Ortiz

Al menos 50 personas atrapadas en los pisos 88 y 89 de la torre norte pudieron salir del
edificio porque De Martini, Ortiz y otros quitaron escombros, derribaron puertas y
respondieron llamadas de ayuda. Todos los que estaban arriba del piso 91 murieron.

*George Sleigh,91st floor. 63 years old. when he heard the roar of jet engines. Se arrastró por
los escombros y miró las vigas de acero expuestas y la parte inferior de hormigón del piso 92.
Él no lo sabía en ese momento que ese techo de cemento era el fondo de una tumba para más
de 1,300 personas. Everyone on the 92nd floor died. Everyone on the 91st floor lived.

Cuando llegó al piso 78 cambió a una escalera sin obstrucciones. Fue entonces cuando vio
brevemente el infierno al final del pasillo.

*Elaine Duch. 88th floor. Age: 49. Burned over 77 percent of her body. Worked:
Administrative assistant, The Port Authority. She was in a hallway at her office at the time
when "all of a sudden" she saw fire. She said she would have been blown up if she were a "few
feet farther in" and would have been OK if she were a few feet back.

*Marcy Borders. 81st floor. The 28 year-old Borders said that she never recovered from the
trauma of the attack.

* Chuck Allen.78 floor.

*Ari Schonbrun. 78floor

*Virginia Dichiara

*Srinath Jinadasa. 74th floor . However, while the four men were waiting in relative calm, the second plane
found its target. Walking to the window, Mr. Jinadasa could see WTC 2 had also been attacked. It was time to get
out. It was just past 9 a.m.
Joseph Kelly, Srinath Jinadasa and George Sleigh

*Jan Demczur

*Richard Picciotto



Nadie situado en la zona de impacto ni por encima pudo escapar. Todas las escaleras y huecos
de ascensores en esos pisos fueron destruidos.

*Christine Anne Olender. Atrapada en la planta 106 de la Torre Norte, es recordada

por las numerosas llamadas que efectuó a la Autoridad Portuaria, gracias a lo cual se
pudo conocer la situación de quienes se encontraban por encima de la zona de impacto.
Christine tomó el control de la situación y asumió la responsabilidad de 164 personas
entre invitados y trabajadores (se cree que todos se encontraban en un vestíbulo junto a
una escalera bloqueada y un teléfono).


Only four people who were above the 81st floor when the plane hit ultimately were able
to use Stairwell A to escape.

*Brian Clark


*Rick Rescorla.

A las 8:46 Rescorla escuchó la explosión y vio cómo la torre ardía desde la ventana de
su oficina en el piso 44 de la Torre Sur. Cuando llegó un anuncio de la Autoridad
Portuaria sobre el sistema de megafonía que instaba a las personas a quedarse en sus
escritorios, Rescorla ignoró el anuncio, tomó su megáfono, walkie-talkie y teléfono
celular, y comenzó a ordenar sistemáticamente a los empleados de Morgan Stanley que
evacuaran, incluidos los 1.000 empleados del cercano WTC 5.
Personas que escaparon de la zona de impacto antes del derrumbe

Torre Sur: only 18 people escaped from the impact zone of the South Tower after it was struck
- no one escaped from the floors above it.

Torre Sur: catorce personas lograron escapar de la zona de impacto, y solo cuatro personas de
los pisos situados por encima de ella escaparon a través de la escalera A, la única escalera que
había quedado intacta.

- When the second plane hit floors 78 through 84 of the South Tower, one of that building’s
three stairways briefly remained passable. Stairwell A was in the tower’s northwest corner, as
far as it could have been from the second plane’s impact. Dozens of people tried to leave
through Stairwell A, but many went up, not down, and still others didn’t make it out before the
building crumbled.

*Joe Dittmar and company (seven others). Floor 105. They are considered the highest floor
survivors because they didn’t heed advise given to them.

*Michelle Rosado. 95th floor

*Jonathan Weinberg was working on the 77th floor

*Beatriz Genovés. Estaba trabajando en el restaurante del piso 78. Setenta y dos de sus
compañeros murieron. Ella fue la única sobreviviente.

Joe Falco: 9/11 FDNY Survivor

Joe Dittmar

Four people who were above the 81st floor were able to use Stairwell A to escape.

Paths to Safety

Brian Clark, executive vice-president at Euro Brokers.

Richard Fern, an IT manager at Euro Brokers
Ron DiFrancesco, a money-market broker at Euro Brokers
Stanley Praimnath, an executive at Fuji Bank

1. Eighty-fourth floor offices of Euro Brokers: Clark took Stairwell A, along with DiFrancesco
and a handful of others. After fleeing a burning elevator, Fern also hit the stairs here.
2. Clark and DiFrancesco stopped at the 81st floor to help free Praimnath, who was trapped.
Meanwhile, others from the group decided to join some others going up. Praimnath and Clark
proceeded down together, making it out with five minutes to spare. By that time, Fern was
already out.
3. After stopping on the 81st floor, DiFrancesco decided to go up; he ascended to the 91st
floor, then turned around.
4. DiFrancesco paused around the 80th floor, gasping for air, but made it out just as the
building crumbled.

Personas rescatadas debajo de los escombros

found 21 people alive on the first day, but none thereafter

Cuando los edificios cayeron, la torre sur a las 9:59 a. m., la torre norte a las 10:28 a. m., las
torres se compactaron en una pila de escombros que llenó un sótano de seis pisos y se elevó
seis pisos sobre el suelo. Otras personas, nadie sabe cuántas, también sobrevivieron al colapso
inmediato. Se escucharon en las radios del departamento de bomberos, o sus cuerpos, sin
heridas fatales aparentes, fueron encontrados días o semanas después, casi intactos, dentro
de bolsillos protectores en lo profundo de la maraña de acero y cemento en la Zona Cero. No
se pudo llegar a tiempo debido a la inmensa profundidad de los escombros. For the 20 who
survive today, the difference between life and death was that they could see sunlight after the
collapses or were with someone who could.

Dieciocho personas fueron rescatadas con vida entre los despojos de los rascacielos.
El último superviviente fue encontrado en las ruinas de la Torre 1 luego de 27 horas del
colapso del edificio.

How many survived the World Trade Center?

After the towers collapsed 23 individuals in or below the towers escaped from the debris,
including 15 rescue workers.

Torre Norte

Only 16 individuals survived the collapse. They were all trying to evacuate via stairwell B
located in the center of the building.

Fourteen people survived inside the remnants of a stairwell at the center of the north tower.
One man remembers falling from a 22nd floor stairwell in the north tower and regaining
consciousness atop the 12-story-deep pile of rubble at Ground Zero. Two police officers,
trapped in debris between the towers, barely survived both collapses.

Lieutenant Matt Komorawski, Bill Butler, Chief John Jonas and Sal D’Agostino from New York
City Fire Department, Ladder Company 6.

Pasquale Buzzelli

How many people survived 9/11? Number of survivors pulled from rubble of Twin Towers

Brian Clark, and Jay Jonas are just some of the people who lived to tell an incredible, harrowing
Outros datos

Medios humanos empleados

 TOTAL: más de 55.000 personas participaron en las labores de rescate de

supervivientes y recuperación de cadáveres
 Policía: 40.000
 Bomberos de Nueva York (más efectivos de Long Island, Nueva Jersey, Connecticut y
Florida): 11.000
 Personal de emergencia: 2.000
 Voluntarios: 2.000


En su forma más desgarradora, las transmisiones reflejan las dificultades críticas a las que se
enfrentaron quienes sobrevivieron a los accidentes aéreos (al menos 1.100 personas, según
descubrió una investigación de The Times el año pasado), pero que no pudieron escapar de los
edificios. A veces el fuego bloqueaba sus caminos. A menudo, las escaleras en el centro del
edificio protegidas solo por placas de yeso se habían vuelto intransitables. Y en ocasiones, les
dieron consejos equivocados para que se quedaran en sus oficinas.

Joseph Kelly, Srinath Jinadasa and George Sleigh covered in dust and debris as they walk away
from the World Trade Center.

David Jones

During my time at The Port Authority I worked very closely with Srinath Jinadasa and Joe Kelly.
Both grand fellows an first rate engineers.

South Tower

Stanley Praimnath hid under his desk on the 81st floor

One man who escaped was Joe Dittmar

9/11 Stories

9/11: Phone Calls from People Trapped in the Towers

On 9/11 did most of the people who were below where the planes hit manage
to get out of the buildings before they collapsed?

According to the government investigation, there were about 18,000 people in the
towers at the time of the attacks. Of the 15,000 civilians who were under the impact
zones, all but about 100 were able to evacuate successfully.

Según la Comisión del 11-S, aproximadamente 16.000 personas se encontraban en el WTC. Se

recogieron unas 450.000 toneladas de escombros de las Torres Gemelas. 7 edificios del WTC
fueron arrasados y otros 25 de Manhattan sufrieron daños. Se considera que 19 terroristas
participaron, aunque, en total, 27 miembros de Al-Qaeda lo intentaron

Heroes of the 88th Floor

Pasquale Buzzell

Inside 7 World Trade Center Moments Before Collapse

Tribute Museum

Documental rodado por los hermanos Naudet

Especial 11-S COMPLETO | En Portada
World Trade Center documentary 2022 Catastrophe from inside

The Unspeakable (2021)

The Year We Disappeared

Forensic Engineering World Trade Center 7

Conspiracy theories on September 11th

911 man tries to climb down

Edna Cintron


El Milagro de la Escalera B completo
Stairwell B , wtc1, had a pocket from floor 1 to 4 that 16 people survived in. They
werent buried, just cut off. 2 port cops ,McLoughlin and Jimeno, were dug out from
the plaza level, about 10 hours and 14 hours after collapse.

Pasquale Buzzelli, was in stairs on floor 13 wtc1, and awoke after the collapse to
find himself on a concrete slab, on top of the 6 storey rubble pile, with NOTHING
above him. He had abrasions everywhere, and a broken ankle, but had survived a
drop of 7 floors, “surfing” down on his slab As the building peeled away around
him. His escape is Miraculous. Genelle Guzman was descending just behind
Pasquale. She ended up buried nearby with just her hand poking out, and was the
final rescued person 25hrs later. Pasquale and Genelle were descending with a
group, the rest disappeared.

Pasquale Buzzelli

Genelle Guzman

Atleast 21
Josephine Harris (73)
Genelle Guzman-McMillan (64)
Pasquale Buzzelli (64)
Tom Canavan (47)
Lenny Ardizzone (Lobby)
Armando Reno (firefighter)
Jay Jonas (firefighter)
Salvatore D’Agostino (firefighter)
Matt Komorowski (firefighter)
Bill Butler (firefighter)
Nicholas Visconti (firefighter)
Jim McGlynn (firefighter)
Mike Meldrum (firefighter)
James Efthimiades (firefighter)
Tommy Falco (firefighter)
Richard Piccioltto (firefighter)
Mickey Kross (firefighter)
John McLoughlin (firefighter)
Will Jimeno (firefighter)
Dominick Pezzulo (firefighter)
David Lim (port authority officer)
Dominick later died in the North Tower collapse, as he, Jimeno and McLoughlin
were South Tower survivors. Pezzulo was the only one not pinned, and tried helping
the other two, but debris hit him and killed him

Mike Warchola and Richard Prunty (both firefighters) also survived the collapse, but
died before they were pulled out
Teorías de la conspiración

Report from Ground Zero (2002, full length)

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