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Mika Alatalo

Cisco Secure Network Analytics


Metropolia University of Applied Sciences

Master of Engineering
Information Technology
Master’s Thesis
2 September 2022

In this thesis I studied the Cisco Secure Network Analytics system and if it can be used
to increase visibility into modern day network infrastructure for customers. When I
chose this topic for my thesis, I thought it would be faster to do. However, there was
first a period of time where there was no customer project available for this product
through my employer. This delayed my graduation from the planned schedule.

There was a plan to modify my topic in a way that it would only have been done in the
lab environment, but I got a strike of luck with a help of my colleague. He was part of
a project where the customer wanted to deploy this Secure Network Analytics system
into their environment and my colleague remembered that I am waiting that kind of
project to get my thesis done. So, he reached out to me and get me be part of the
project to deploy this solution for the customer. During this project I learned lot more
about of the Secure Network Analytics system and how it can be deployed into real
network environments and how it can be used in there.

In the end I will want to thank my colleague Pekka about getting this project for me.
Also want to thank Ville from Metropolia for the instructions and help when I was stuck
with my thesis. And big thanks to my family for the understanding when I spend extra
time after the work with my computer to get this thesis done.

It is finally done now.

Hyvinkää, 2.9.2022
Mika Alatalo

Author: Mika Alatalo

Title: Cisco Secure Network Analytics (Stealthwatch)
Number of Pages: 65 pages
Date: 2 September 2022

Degree: Master of Engineering

Degree Programme: Information Technology
Professional Major: Networking and Services
Supervisors: Ville Jääskeläinen, Principal Lecturer

This thesis studies the possibility to increase the visibility into the customer network
environment by deploying the Cisco Secure Network Analytics system into the
network. It also concentrates on actual installation procedure for the Secure Network
Analytics system into the customer’s network.

Today’s network environments have new kind of threats which are not necessarily
seen by firewalls in the network edge. When the networks get bigger in scale and lot
of the hosts are sending traffic into the network, it gets harder to the customer to
understand what really is happening inside their network. To get increased visibility for
the customer’s network, the Cisco Secure Network Analytics system was deployed into
the customer’s network infrastructure. Not all components of the Secure Network
Analytics system were deployed into the customer environment. Installed components
were the Secure Network Analytics Manager, the Flow Collector and two Flow
Sensors. Also, one remote site core device was configured to work as a flow exporter
for the Secure Network Analytics system in addition of their normal traffic forwarding
activities. Other optional components of the Secure Networks Analytics system were
not installed during this project but if there is need, they can be added later to the

After the system was installed and when one was able to analyse traffic flows
generated by the hosts, it was seen that the visibility into the customer’s network
increased. To get gains from this increased visibility, the customer needs to have
resources which use this system regularly and reacts to the alarms which the system
is generating.
Keywords: Cisco Secure Network Analytics, Visibility, Network

List of Abbreviations

1 Introduction 1

2 Cisco Secure Network Analytics System Overview 4

2.1 Secure Network Analytics Manager (SMC) 5

2.2 Flow Collector (FC) 6
2.3 Data Store 7
2.4 Flow Sensor (FS) 9
2.5 Cisco Telemetry Broker (CTB) 10
2.6 UDP Director 12
2.7 Licenses for the Secure Network Analytics system 13

3 Installation of Cisco Secure Network Analytics 15

3.1 Preparations for the Virtual Environment 16

3.2 Preparing Network for Secure Network Analytics system 20
3.3 Virtual Appliances Installations 25
3.4 Setup with AST (Appliance Setup Tool) and system patching 32
3.5 Licensing, Configuring System and Application installations 38
3.6 Configuring SPAN (Switch Port Analyzer) and NetFlow Exporters 46

4 System Testing and Initial Usage after installation 50

4.1 Working with Host Classifier 51

4.2 Working with Visibility Assesment 52
4.3 Working with Alarms on Network Security Dashboard 54
4.4 Working with the reports on the SMC 58

5 Conclusions 62

References 65
List of Abbreviations

AST Appliance Setup Tool

AWS Amazon Web Services
CPU Central Processing Unit
CSV Comma-separated value
CTB Cisco Telemetry Broker
DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
DNS Domain Name System
EULA End user License Agreement
FC Flow Collector
FPS Flows Per Second
FS Flow Sensor
GB Gigabyte
GUI Graphical User Interface
HSRP Hot Standby Router Protocol
IDS Intrusion Detection System
IPAM IP Address Management
IPFIX Internet Protocol Flow Information Export
IPS Intrusion Prevention System
NGFW Next Generation Firewall
NIC Network Interface Card
NTP Network Time Protocol
NVM Network Visibility Module for Anyconnect
OVF Open Virtualization Format
RTT Round Trip Time
SIEM Security Information and Event Manager
SLR Specific License Reservation
SMC Secure Network Analytics Manager
SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol
SPAN Switch Port Analyser
SOC Security Operation Center
SRT Server Response Time
TAP Ethernet Test Access Port
TB Terabyte
TCP Transmission Control Protocol
UDP User Datagram Protocol
VE Virtual Edition appliance
VLAN Virtual Local Area Network
XML Extensible Markup Language

1 Introduction

In recent years customers have developed their network perimeter security by

using Next Generation Firewall (NGFW) solutions and these solutions have
increased security and visibility in the network perimeter for customers. However,
this increased security and visibility in the network perimeter doesn’t create totally
secured network for customers as it only shows what happens in the network
perimeter and not what happens in the whole network.

This network perimeter security doesn’t catch any traffic which stays inside
network and doesn’t go through those perimeter security devices. Among this
traffic there could be so called bad traffic such as malware or traffic which is using
customer resources incorrectly. As customer doesn’t see or know about this bad
traffic, their visibility into their network is not in a good state.

To increase visibility and security, some customers have added either Intrusion
Detection Systems (IDS) or Intrusion Prevention Systems (IPS) into their network.
This can add more visibility but as they are mostly signature-based solutions, they
usually see traffic which is already known to be bad and not catching traffic which
they don’t recognize. Also, they don’t expose traffic which is misusing network
resources. Difference between IDS and IPS is that IDS system only warns about
security issues and customer must do preventive measures manually when IPS
make preventive measures automatically. IDS and IPS systems efficient use
would require customers to study and learn how to use them.

After adding those NGFW and IDS/IPS solutions into customer networks there is
still lot of traffic inside their networks which are unknown to them. This traffic
needs to be made visible so that potential security threats and network misuse
(intended or accidental) can be found, and corrective measures can be made.
One way to make this traffic visible is to collect flow data from network and
analyze that flow data with different tools.

Flow data can be collected from different network devices such as routers,
switches and firewalls. As there are different types of flow data from different
vendors products it is crucial that a solution to be used analyze these needs to
understand different types of flow data. Examples of these different types of flow
data solutions are NetFlow, j-flow and s-flow. The NetFlow solution is Cisco
Systems proprietary protocol and used in Cisco devices.

Cisco System has a solution called Cisco Secure Network Analytics (formerly
known as Stealthwatch), which is built to gather flow data from different sources
and analyse that flow data to find security or other network issues. This solution
has several components such as The Secure Network Analytics Manager (SMC),
Flow Sensor (FS), Flow Collector (FC) and UDP director. Not all components
included in the solution are mandatory to do the actual flow collection and
analysis in customer network. There is also cloud version of this solution called
Secure Cloud Analytics (formerly known as Stealthwatch Cloud) but this thesis
concentrates only on the on-premises solution.

This study will concentrate on installation of Cisco Secure Networks Analytics

and what can be learned about the solution during installation. Also, one
important part of the study is the usage of the solution after installation and getting
initial feedback based on its usage. That feedback could give more information
about how suitable this Secure Network Analytics solution is to improve visibility
into the customer network and what kind of requirements it will make for customer
IT department for using this solution effectively.

This study is done to Telia Cygate and one of its current customer. Telia Cygate
is Telia owned company which is concentrating networking, security and data
center solutions for business customers. Telia Cygate also offers managed
services to business customers in these same areas. Part of their managed
services offering is also Security Operation Center (SOC) which could have new
service offering based on Secure Network Analytics solution. However, deciding
if this could create new service offering for Telia Cygate SOC is not part of this

For security reasons the customer to whom this Secure Network Analytics
solution was build is named only Customer X in this study. When going through
the installation and usage of the solution in this study big part of the pictures are
taken from Cisco materials and their live demo environment. Also, when there is
configurations for network devices and information like IP addresses and VLAN
id, those are not taken from actual customer environment. This is done to keep
Customer X data in secret so that those pictures don’t show any information
which could help to identify the actual customer.

This thesis has been divided into 5 sections. The first section introduces the
problem why this thesis was important to do. In the second section this thesis
goes through the Cisco Secure Network Analytics solution and its components
on general level. The third section of the thesis is the actual installation part of
the Cisco Secure Network Analytics into customer X network. The fourth section
of the thesis is reserved for initial feedback after the installation and system
testing part. Finally, the fifth section of the thesis includes conclusions and
discussions of this study.

2 Cisco Secure Network Analytics System Overview

The Cisco Secure Network Analytics system has several different components
and these components will be discussed in this part of the thesis. Part of the
components are mandatory for the solution and other are optional components
which can be added to give more broader visibility into the customer network.
Mandatory parts of the solution are The Secure Network Analytics Manager
(SMC), Flow Collector (FC) and Flow Rate License. Optional parts of the solution
are Flow Sensor (FS), the Cisco Telemetry Broker, the UDP (User Datagram
Protocol) Director and the Data Store.

Figure 1: Overview of Secure Network Analytics system components.

In Figure 1 there is an overview of Secure Network Analytics system components

and how do they communicate with each other. Flow Rate License is not in the

Figure 1 as it is only a license component inside the system even though this
license is a mandatory part of the system. To have flows in Flow Collector there
needs to be a device or devices which will feed flows to the Flow Collector. These
can be Flow Sensors, Cisco Telemetry Broker and network devices which are
capable of NetFlow collection and sending functions. Data Store is an optional
component but if it is in place then data traffic flow is from Flow Collector to Data
Store and the SMC then communicates with Data Store to show data in its GUI
(Graphical User Interface). System components for Secure Network Analytics will
be discussed in more detailed one by one in following subsections.

2.1 Secure Network Analytics Manager (SMC)

The Secure Network Analytics Manager (SMC) is working as a control center for
the whole Secure Network Analytics system. The SMC is a mandatory part of the
system and it is responsible for managing, coordinating, configuring and
organizing different components of the Secure Network Analytics system. The
SMC also provides a single point for network administrator where he/she can see
contextual information about all activities across their network. If issues are
spotted, then administrator can investigate them with the help of the SMC. The
SMC is used through graphical user interface (GUI) which can be reached by
using web browser from local computer.

The SMC can use up to 25 Flow Collectors and other sources to gather telemetry
data for its network analysis function. This analysis is then created by using
network traffic, identity information, customized summary reports, and integrated
security and network intelligence. The volume of telemetry data which can be
analysed and presented is based on the capacity of the SMC. This also affects
the amount of Flow Collectors which can be deployed into customer network. The
SMC can be deployed either a physical appliance or a virtual appliance. [1]

Figure 2: Major benefits of the SMC [1]

Figure 2 lists the major benefits which can be achieved by using the Secure
Network Analytics Manager (SMC).

2.2 Flow Collector (FC)

The Flow Collector (FC) is used for gathering and storing different type of
telemetry data from network infrastructure devices. These devices can be routers,
endpoints, switches, firewalls, Cisco Telemetry Broker, UDP Director and Flow
Sensor. Collected telemetry data can be from NetFlow, IPFIX (Internet Protocol
Flow Information Export), NVM (Network Visibility Module for Anyconnect) and
other flow types such as J-Flow. After collecting these telemetry data, FC then
analyses these telemetry data to provide a complete picture of network activity.

Depending on the capacity of the FC and amount of the telemetry data it gathers,
the FC can store months or years of data. This stored data can then be used to
create audit trail for improving forensic investigations and compliance initiatives.
Secure Network Analytics system can have multiple Flow Collectors installed.
When several FC appliances are installed, then their combined capacity will
increase the volume of telemetry data which can be collected from the network
compared to only a single FC appliance installation. Flow Collector can be
deployed either a hardware appliance or a virtual appliance. [1]

Figure 3: Major benefits of the Flow Collector [1]

Figure 3 lists the major benefits which can be achieved by using Flow Collector

2.3 Data Store

The Data Store is one of the newest components in Secure Network Analytics
system. It is aimed for environments where a volume of telemetry data is at high
level or there is need to have telemetry data available for long time, exceeding
capacity of one or more Flow Collectors. The Data Store is a cluster which

includes minimum of three Data Node appliances and received data is distributed
equally across these nodes. In the Secure Network Analytics system Data Store
can be deployed between Flow Collectors and the Secure Network Analytics
Manager. [1]

Flow Collectors send their gathered flow data and their flow data analysis results
to the Data Store. This way Data Store has all customers telemetry data in one
centralized location. The Secure Network Analytics Manager has then access to
telemetry data stored in Data Store for reporting and responding to threats and
alerts. With Data Store and its centralized model customers can have greater
storage capacity, flow rate ingestion and better resiliency when compared to a
system where customers have several Flow Collectors and no Data store. The
Data Store can be either a physical or a virtual solution. [1]

Figure 4: Major benefits of the Data Store [1]

Figure 4 lists the major benefits which can be achieved by adding the Data Store
as part of the Secure Network Analytics system.

2.4 Flow Sensor (FS)

The Flow Sensor is an optional component of the Secure Network Analytics

system. The Flow Sensor is used to create telemetry data in network segments
where switches and routers can’t generate NetFlow data by themself. It can also
be used in a situation where customer don’t want to configure NetFlow in large
number of devices in order to keep device configurations simple as possible.
Visibility into the application layer data can also be achieved with the help of Flow
Sensors. With this application layer visibility, the Flow Sensor can provide
information about round trip time (RTT), server response time (SRT) and packet
loss for TCP sessions (retransmissions). [1]

The Flow Sensor can be connected to customer network by using SPAN (switch
port analyser) port, mirror port or TAP (Ethernet test access port) in network
device. The Flow Sensor captures Ethernet frames from the traffic which it gets
into its sensor port and based on those captured Ethernet frames the Flow Sensor
creates flow records. These flow records are then sent from Flow Sensor to Flow
Collector for analysis. The Secure Network Analytics system can include multiple
Flow Sensors. The Flow Sensor can be either a physical appliance or a virtual
appliance. [1]

Figure 5: Major benefits of the Flow Sensor [1]

Figure 5 lists the major benefits which can be achieved if the Flow Sensor is
added as a component into Secure Network Analytics system.

2.5 Cisco Telemetry Broker (CTB)

The Cisco Telemetry Broker is an optional component in Secure Networks

Analytics system. It was made available for customers during spring 2021. The
Cisco Telemetry Broker is built with at least two virtual nodes. These nodes are
Management Server and Brokering Node. The CTB Management Server is only
used for management of CTB Brokering Nodes and it doesn’t manage any other
component in Secure Network Analytics system. Below in Figure 6 there are
resources which need to be reserved for virtual CTB Management Server and
CTB Brokering Node. [2]

Figure 6: CTB virtual device resources [2]

The network telemetry data from various sources can be send to the Cisco
Telemetry Broker. After the CTB has received the telemetry data, it can transform
telemetry data to wanted data format and then forward it to one or multiple
destinations. When the CTB is used in Secure Network Analytics system, then
telemetry data is forwarded into the Flow Collector for analysis. Other additional
telemetry data sources, for example, can be analytics platforms such as Hadoop
and Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) platforms. Telemetry
data sources for the CTB can be either on-premises or cloud-based. On-premises
telemetry data for the CTB can include IPFIX, NetFlow and SYSLOG. Cloud
based telemetry data for the CTB can include AWS VPC flow logs and Azure
NSG flow logs. [1]

Figure 7: Major benefits of the Cisco Telemetry Broker [1]

Figure 7 lists the major benefits gained with Cisco Telemetry Broker component
when it is added into Secure Network Analytics system.

2.6 UDP Director

The UDP Director is an optional component in Secure Network Analytics system.

It can be either a physical or a virtual appliance. Major difference between a
physical and a virtual appliance is that only a physical appliance supports high
availability setup between UDP directors in Secure Network Analytics system.
The UDP Director provides a single destination for all UDP based telemetry data
such as NetFlow, sFlow, Syslog and SNMP (Simple Network Management
Protocol). Received telemetry data is then forwarded by UDP Director to a single
or multiple destination. In Secure Network Analytics system destination to
telemetry data traffic from UDP Director is the Flow Collector. [1]

The UDP Director is beneficial in large environments where infrastructure devices

can be told to send telemetry data into the UDP Director and it forwards the
telemetry data to the Flow Collector. If there is a need to add an additional
destination for the telemetry data, then the only needed change is done in UDP
Director configuration and all other network infrastructure don’t need to have any
changes. This way changes done in large environments don’t cause a lot of
additional work for network administrators.

Figure 8: Major benefits of the UDP Director [1]


Figure 8 lists the major benefits which can be achieved when the UPD Director
is added as a component into Secure Network Analytics system.

2.7 Licenses for the Secure Network Analytics system

The Flow Rate License is a mandatory part of the Secure Network Analytics
System. The SMC uses this license for collecting, managing and analysing flow
data. The Flow Rate license is based on Flows Per Second (FPS) and defines
the number of flows which can be collected into the system. The Flow Rate
licenses can be bought with different sizes and combined to get the desired level
of flow capacity. If FPS exceeds the current license level, then the SMC alerts
that system is not at authorized level for Flow Rate license and to get rid of this
alert an additional license needs to be purchased. In this case this alert is
informational in a way that system does work normally and flows which exceeds
FPS limit are also analysed. [1]

The Cisco Secure Network Analytics Endpoint license is an additional license. It

is used to extend visibility to end-user devices and it helps to secure remote
workers. For this license to work, also needed are Cisco Anyconnect client with
the Network Visibility Module (NVM) and Endpoint Concentrator. This works in a
way that NVM generates flow data (nvzFlow) from endpoints both on and off
premises. Then NVM sends this nvzFlow to Endpoint Concentrator which is a
virtual appliance. The Endpoint Concentrator collects telemetry data from all the
endpoint devices which uses the NVM and this collected data is then sent to the
Flow Collector for analysis. [3]

The Cisco Secure Network Analytics Threat Feed license is also an additional
license for Security Network Analytics system. With this license customer gets a
global threat intelligence feed from Cisco Talos. Cisco Talos is a threat
intelligence group which researchers, analysts and engineers are working to
defend Cisco customers for known and unknown vulnerabilities. This Threat Feed
license can provide protection against botnets and other attacks. As for Cisco
Talos it sees 1,5 million unique malware samples and blocks 20 billion threats

per day. If Threat Feed license is planned to be included, then it needs to be

bought for each Flow Collector which are present in the Secure Network Analytics
system. [1]

3 Installation of Cisco Secure Network Analytics

This part of the thesis concentrates on installation of the Secure Network

Analytics system. The system installation was done for one of the Telia Cygate’s
customer. For security reasons that customer is called Customer X in this thesis.
Because of this also pictures related to installation part are either created during
installation part without customer info or taken from Cisco System’s general
guides. The Secure Network Analytics system, which was installed to Customer
X network, doesn’t include all system components as it was fitted for Customer X
current needs. Also, components which were not installed this time, can be added
later to the system.

Figure 9: Customer X installed Secure Network Analytics components


Figure 9 shows the Secure Network Analytics system which was installed for
Customer X network infrastructure. For this Customer X solution, it was decided
that all the appliances are virtual editions. In this Customer X system there is one
SMC VE installed and one Flow Collector VE installed. Then there is two Flow
Sensors VE installed and some network devices were configured to send
NetFlow data to Flow Collector. The Customer X network is present in several
locations in Finland and two main sites are Helsinki and Turku. As these two main
sites are also the sites where almost all customer networks can be seen, it was
decided to install the solution components to Helsinki and Turku as well.

On Helsinki site there is the SMC, the Flow Collector and one Flow Sensor
installed. On Turku site there is only one Flow Sensor installed. Network devices
which will sent the NetFlow traffic to the Flow Collector, where chosen based the
fact that they might have inter VLAN traffic in a way that inter VLAN traffic won’t
reach either Helsinki or Turku site. If traffic won’t reach Helsinki or Turku site,
then it won’t be seen with the Flow Sensors installed on those sites. With
configuring the network devices to send the NetFlow traffic to the Flow Collector,
blind spot created by inter VLAN traffic in those network devices is avoided.
Installation procedure on order for this Secure Network Analytics system for the
Customer X is gone through following sub-sections of this thesis.

3.1 Preparations for the Virtual Environment

Before virtual appliances can be installed, there is need to do some preparation

work for the Customer X virtual environment. In this part needed resources are
reserved for the different virtual appliances from underlying hardware
infrastructure. When reserving resources for the virtual appliances, it is important
to reserve at least required resources so that the virtual appliances can run
properly. As the Customer X has people who are responsible to run virtual server
infrastructure, they made needed reservations based on following provided
resource needs for the Secure Network Analytics Manager, the Flow Collector
and the Flow Sensors.

The Secure Network Analytics Manager (SMC) has following resource

requirements as shown in Figure 10 based on Cisco’s guidance in theirs
Stealthwatch Virtual Edition Installation Guide 7.3.0.

Figure 10: The SMC required resources for Virtual Appliance [4]

In the Customer X current system there is only one Flow Collector, but it is
decided to reserve more resources for the SMC virtual appliance.

Figure 11: Actual reserved resources for the virtual SMC

Actual resources reserved for the SMC virtual appliance is shown in Figure 11.
With these resources the Customer X’s SMC is capable to manage additional
Flow Collector if there is need to add one into the system. It will also allow more
concurrent users to log into the SMC same time with scheduled reports running.

The resource reservations for the Flow Collector are based on how many hosts
it is expected to be monitored by the Flow Collector, the number of the exporters
in the system and amount of the flows per seconds received into the Flow
Collector. The following Figure 12 shows resource requirements for the Flow

Collector based on the Cisco’s Stealthwatch Virtual Edition Installation Guide


Figure 12: Resource requirements for the Flow Collector [4]

As there is no specific information about the number of the flows per seconds the
Flow Collector will receive from the sensors and the exporters, it is decided to
reserve resources which could handle up to 22500 flows per second.

Figure 13: Actual reserved resources for the Flow Collector

Figure 13 shows actual resources reserved for The Flow Collector virtual
appliance. This Flow Collector will also be able to monitor up to 500000 hosts
and receive telemetry data from up to 1000 exporters, which is more than enough
in the Customer X case.

The Flow Sensor virtual appliances have resource requirements based on

Stealthwatch Virtual Edition Installation Guide 7.3.0 shown in following Figure 14.

Figure 14: Resource requirements for The Flow Sensor virtual appliance [4]

As there is two Flow Sensors installed into the Customer X’s network, important
requirement is the flow cache size per installed sensor. It is estimated that 32766
maximum concurrent flows per sensor is more than enough for this installation.

Figure 15: Actual reserved resources for the Flow Sensors virtual appliances

Both Flow Sensors have one dedicated network interface card port for getting the
traffic from the Customer X’s LAN switch port. This monitoring port speed is
decided to be 10 Gbit/s in Flow Sensors. With these resource reservations the
Flow Sensors virtual appliances can provide telemetry data to the Flow Collector
in the Customer X environment.

3.2 Preparing Network for Secure Network Analytics system

Important part for the Secure Network Analytics system is to prepare the network
to provide connectivity for the virtual appliances. As system is divided into two
sites (Helsinki and Turku), there is need to make network configurations on both
sites as well. The network configurations include planning the IP addressing,
VLAN id reservations, network device configurations and needed firewall rule
planning and deployment.

Local routing in the Helsinki and the Turku site is handled by pair of Cisco
switches which can do both routing and switching. Having pair of switches in one
site is done for enabling the high availability solution for that site. If one device
breaks, then another device will handle the routing and the switching for the traffic
and keeping the site functionally in the Customer X’s network. High availability
between two switches is built with configuring the HSRP (Hot Standby Router
Protocol) to both switches. The HSRP needs to be keep in mind when planning
the IP addressing for the IP subnets in both the Helsinki and the Turku site.

IP address needs in the Helsinki site are 3 IP addresses for the HSRP switch
pair, one IP address for the SMC, one IP address for the Flow Collector and one
IP address for the Flow Sensor. This gives six IP addresses for the devices in
subnet in the Helsinki site. For fulfilling this six IP address need, the network with subnet mask /29 is chosen for the devices in the Helsinki site
as this gives six IP addresses for the devices. Also, the VLAN id 2001 is given to
this network for separating it from other VLAN’s in the Helsinki site.

Figure 16: IP addressing for the devices in the Helsinki site

Figure 16 show how the IP addresses are divided from the network between different devices in the VLAN id 2001 for the Helsinki
site and for the Secure Network Analytics system in there.

IP addresses needs in the Turku site are 3 IP addresses for the HSRP switch pair
and one IP address for the Flow Sensor. This gives four IP addresses for the
devices in subnet in the Turku site. For fulfilling this four IP address need, the
network with subnet mask /29 is chosen for the devices in the Turku
site. This gives six IP addresses for the Turku site usage as well. Also, the VLAN
id 3001 is given to this network for separating it from other VLAN’s in the Turku

Figure 17: IP addressing for the devices in the Turku site


Figure 17 shows how IP addresses are divided from the network
between different devices in the VLAN id 3001 for the Turku site and for the
Secure Network Analytics system in there.

These planned IP addressing can be then used to built needed configurations in

the switches both in the Helsinki and the Turku site.

Figure 18: Added configurations in Primary and Backup HSRP switch in Helsinki

Added configurations for both the primary HSRP switch and the backup HSRP
switch in the Helsinki site are shown in Figure 18. With these configurations the
VLAN 2001 and the VLAN interface 2001 with related HSRP configuration is
added. Both the primary HSRP switch and the backup HSRP switch are running
dynamic routing protocol for advertising their networks to other part of the
Customer X’s network. In dynamic routing part of the configuration, it is defined

that when the new connected network is added, it will be also added into routing
advertising automatically. When new VLAN interface is created and IP subnet is
added under that then that same IP subnet will be part of the connected networks
in the device automatically.

Figure 19: Added configurations in Primary and Backup HSRP switch in Turku

Added configurations for both the primary HSRP switch and the backup HSRP
switch in the Turku site are shown in Figure 19. With these configurations the
VLAN 3001 and the VLAN interface 3001 with related HSRP configuration is
added. Also, in the Turku site both the primary HSRP switch and the backup
HSRP switch are running dynamic routing protocol for advertising their networks
to other part of the Customer X’s network. In these devices dynamic routing
protocol is also advertising connected networks, which means that when IP

network is added into the VLAN 3001 then that IP network is also advertised out
from the Turku site.

The firewall rules are also needed to allow the traffic to and from the Secure
Network Analytic system. The Customer X has team that is responsible to monitor
and manage all firewalls in the network. This means that this firewall team will
deploy new needed firewall rules based on requests which are delivered to them.
For this deployment part the required firewall rules needs to be defined.

Figure 20: Connections in system for firewall rule creation needs [4]

The Figure 20 shows all connections related to the Secure Network Analytics
system which might need firewall rules to allow the required traffic. In the

Customer X case there is no need to create all communications shown in Figure

20 as not all components are part of the installed system. The SMC, the Flow
Collector and the Flow Sensor in the Helsinki site can communicate with each
other without any firewall rules as their IP addresses are in the same network. In
the Customer X network firewall rules don’t affect traffic between devices which
belong to the same IP network. The firewall rules need to be defined between
devices which traffic passes the IP network boundaries.

Figure 21: Required firewall rules for the Customer X SNA system

The Figure 21 shows required firewall rules for the Customer X’s Secure Network
Analytics system needed communications. In the Figure 21 there is only shown
object names and not the IP addresses belonging to those objects. This is
because IP addresses are kept secret for security reasons. In the actual firewall
rule request, there is also IP addresses with the object names. After these rules
are implemented, then the Customer X’s network is prepared for the Secure
Network Analytics system for the firewall part also.

3.3 Virtual Appliances Installations

First thing to do on the virtual appliance installation is to get the correct software
installation files. These can be gotten from the Cisco Systems software download
web site. Access to the download section of Cisco’s web site requires login with

the personal Cisco web site account. This account should also have enough
access rights in that download web site before the actual software download can

Figure 22: Virtual appliance software for SMC, Flow Collector and Flow Sensor

The Figure 22 shows virtual appliance software versions which are deployed for
the SMC, the Flow Collector and Flow Sensor in the Customer X environment.

Both Flow Sensors virtual appliances are used for monitoring the traffic from the
external data source. This external data source is switch port configured for the
traffic mirroring both in the Helsinki and the Turku site switches. This approach
requires dedicated PCI pass-through interface on a physical server which is then
used by the Flow Sensor virtual appliance as a monitor port. The Customer X’s
server team prepared that PCI pass-through interface for the Flow Sensor virtual
appliance usage.

Installing a virtual appliance starts with unzipping those earlier downloaded virtual
appliance software. These downloaded files can be seen in Figure 22 above.
Inside the zip files there are OVF file and VMDK file which will be used for virtual
appliance installation. Zip files for both the SMC and the Flow Collector includes
OVF files for other virtual appliance versions so when deploying these, correct
OVF files needs to be chosen for installation. For the SMC deployment the
SMCVE.ovf is the file which will be used and for the Flow Collector deployment
the FCNFVE.ovf is the file which will be used from different versions inside Zip

The following steps can be used to install a virtual appliance on the Customer X’s
virtual environment hypervisor host. By right-click the host there will be option
“Deploy OVF Template” which needs to be selected. This opens the Deploy OVF

template dialog box which has several steps for the virtual appliance installation.
These steps will be gone through next with example figures. [4]

Figure 23: Select and OVF template [4]

Figure 23 shows the first step which is choosing the correct virtual appliance OVF
and VMDK files.

Figure 24: Select a name and folder [4]

Figure 24 shows second step where the virtual machine is named and save
location for the virtual appliance is selected.

Figure 25: Select a compute resource [4]

Figure 25 shows the third step where destination compute resource is selected
for the virtual appliance installation.

Figure 26: Review details [4]


Figure 26 shows the fourth step where details of the OVF deployment can be
reviewed. After this is fifth step where the End User License Agreement (EULA)
is reviewed and accepted.

Figure 27: Select storage [4]

Figure 27 shows the sixth step where location to the store data files is selected.
Virtual disk format can be the Thick Provision Lazy Zeroed, the Thick Provision
Eager Zeroed or the Thin Provision. The Thin Provision format should only be
used if the disk space is limited.

Figure 28: Select networks [4]

Figure 28 shows the seventh step where networks used for the virtual appliance
is chosen. In the Flow Sensor virtual appliance case, there is need to add that
PCI passthrough interface here as well. After this step there is Ready to complete

step of OVF template deployment where summary of settings can be reviewed.

If all settings seem to be correct, then Finish button is pressed. This starts the
deployment in the background. Deployment progress can be monitored through
Recent Tasks section. After the deployment is completed and shown in the
inventory tree then next step with configuring the IP addresses can be
progressed. These OVF template deployment steps need to be repeated for all
the virtual appliances. In Customer X case this means four OVF template
deployments with above steps. [4]

Next part of the virtual appliance installation is the IP address configuration for
the virtual appliances. This is done through the virtual machine console located
in the Hypervisor host. From the Hypervisor host can be verified that the virtual
machine is powered on and from there the virtual machine console can be
accessed. After the virtual appliance has booted up then Administrative IP
Address page opens. If there is need to log in through console, then default
username is sysadmin and default password is lan1cope. These will be changed
later stage. [4]

Figure 29: Enter appliance IP address [4]

Figure 29 shows the page where you enter the IP address for the virtual
appliance. After the correct IP address is in place then select OK and press Enter.

Figure 30: Enter network mask [4]

Figure 30 shows next page where the network mask for the virtual appliance IP
address is given. When the correct mask is entered, then OK is selected and
Enter is pressed to continue. After this is page where the broadcast IP address
for the virtual appliance is given. When this is done then page for giving the IP
address for the gateway server opens as shown in Figure 31.

Figure 31: Enter gateway address [4]

After the gateway IP address is given then opens page for giving the hostname
for the virtual appliance. The virtual appliance hostname needs to be unique. After
the hostname is given then opens page for giving domain name for the virtual

appliance to use. Then next page to open is the page where given configuration
settings can be reviewed and accepted as shown in the Figure 32.

Figure 32: Review of configuration settings for virtual appliance [4]

If all settings are correct, then Yes is selected and Enter is pressed. There will be
some on-screen prompts to finish the virtual environment and after these prompts
the appliance will restart. Installation of the virtual appliance is complete after the
restart has happened. These IP address configuration steps need to be repeated
for all virtual appliances in the Customer X’s environment. [4]

3.4 Setup with AST (Appliance Setup Tool) and system patching

Before the Secure Network Analytics system appliances can communicate with
each other, their configuration needs to be finalised with the Appliance Setup Tool
(AST). The AST can be launched by logging into appliance’s IP address first time
with the web browser. With the help of the AST all appliances will be configured
to be managed by the Secure Network Analytics Manager. When appliances are
configured with the AST, it is important that only one appliance is configured at a
time. Before moving to configure the next appliance, it is also important to verify
that just configured appliance is shown as Up status. [5]

The Secure Network Analytics appliances need to be configured in specific order

with the Appliance Setup Tool. In the Customer X’s environment first appliance
to configure is The SMC virtual appliance. Second appliance to configure is the
Flow Collector virtual appliance. Last appliances to configure are the Flow Sensor
virtual appliances. Between two Flow Sensor virtual appliances it does not matter
which one of them is configured first.

To start with the SMC virtual appliance configuration with AST, in web browser
address is typed into the address field. This opens AST into
the web browser window. Default credentials are used to log in. After login
welcome page is shown.

Figure 33: the AST welcome page [5]

Figure 33 shows the AST welcome page. Before moving on from this page, it is
good to verify that all mentioned information on this page are available so that
they can be filled in the next steps. By pressing continue button on this page the
AST moves to next steps.

Figure 34: AST configuration steps. [5]

Figure 34 shows configuration steps with AST. In the first step passwords need
to be changed to replace default passwords for the admin, the root and the
sysadmin users with new passwords. In the second step, the management IP
address for the appliance and the network interface field are reviewed. Third step
is for filling the virtual appliance host name and the domains. In the SMC only,
this also includes filling the Stealthwatch domain for virtual appliances and IP
address range for the monitored networks. Fourth step is for filling the DNS server
settings. In the fifth step the NTP server settings are filled. Last step is to review
the settings which were given to the AST. After the review Apply button is pressed
and the virtual appliance is also restarted. These above steps are also done for
the Flow Collector virtual appliance and the Flow Sensor virtual appliances except
that Stealthwatch domain and IP address range part.

After the SMC has restarted, new login is done. This opens the AST again for the
appliance registering part for the management. In the Register Your Appliance
tab shown IP address is verified and Save button pressed. This operation installs
central management function on the SMC. After the virtual appliance setup is
complete, Go to Dashboard button can be pressed. This will open the SMC

dashboard and from here can be verified that the SMC is Up state from Central
Management page as shown in Figure 35.

Figure 35: The SMC status shown as Up [6]

The next appliance to configure is the Flow Collector virtual appliance. First there
is same steps as shown in the Figure 34 for the Flow Collector. After virtual
appliance is restarted then new login for the AST is done for configuring the
Central Management Settings. In this part the IP address of the SMC is given and
saved. In the next step, window opens which requests the admin account
credentials for the managing SMC. Then Central Management Settings screen
updates and Stealthwatch Domain can be selected. In this part the flow collection
port is set to 2055. After this part is done the Flow Collector starts synchronization
process with the SMC. The Appliance Setup Complete page is displayed after
this initial synchronization is done. The Flow Collector virtual appliance status can
be checked from the Central Management page as shown in Figure 36.

Figure 36: The Flow Collector status shown as Up [6]

The last appliances to configure are the two Flow Sensor virtual appliances. First
there is same steps as shown in Figure 34 for the Flow Sensors. After virtual

appliance are restarted then new login for the AST is done for configuring the
Central Management Settings. In this part IP address of the SMC is given and
saved. In the next step window opens which requests the admin account
credentials for the managing SMC. Then Central Management Settings screen
updates and Stealthwatch Domain can be selected. Also, in this part the Flow
Collector is selected. This selected Flow Collector will receive telemetry data from
the Flow Sensors. The Flow Collector here is same device which was configured
in previous step. After this part is done the Flow Sensors starts synchronization
process with the SMC and the Flow Collector. The Appliance Setup Complete
page is displayed after this initial synchronization is done. The Flow Sensor virtual
appliance status can be checked from Central Management page as shown in
Figure 37.

Figure 37: The Flow Sensor status shown as Up [6]

At this point the SMC and the Flow Collector installation is done for the Customer
X’s environment. For the Flow Sensor virtual appliance there is need to do the
application ID and payload configuration step. This is configured through the Flow
Sensors appliance admin interface which can be reached with web browser from (the Helsinki Site) and (the Turku Site).
Both Flow Sensors need same additional configuration. After login is done for the
Flow Sensors admin interface, then under Configuration menu there is the
Advanced Settings item which need to be selected. This opens Advanced
Settings window.

Figure 38: The Flow Sensor Advanced Settings [6]

Figure 38 shows Advanced Settings which need to be checked for the Flow
Sensor virtual appliances. This finalises the Flow Sensor installation part as well.

Next step in this part is patching for all installed virtual appliances. In the
Customer X’s environment, the SMC, the Flow Collector and the Flow Sensors
needs the patch update. Download for the needed patches are done from the
Cisco Systems software download web page.

Figure 39: Patches for virtual appliances

Figure 39 shows the software patches for the SMC, the Flow Collector and the
Flow Sensors. These patches are uploaded one at a time through the SMC
update manager page into system. Patching needs to be done in specific order
for these virtual appliances. There is extra requirement in patching for the SMC
and the Flow Collector. Both the SMC and the Flow Collector have specific
window for the update in a way that they must be up more than one hour but less
than seven days. If they have been up, for example, eight days, then they need
to be rebooted and then wait more than an hour before patching can be started.

First device to be patched is The Flow Collector. When patching is done and the
Flow Collector shows as Up state in the SMC, then next device to be patched is
the SMC itself. After the SMC is patched and Up state then patching is done the
Flow Sensors as well. When patching is done for both the Helsinki site Flow
Sensor and the Turku site Flow Sensor, then this installation and patching part of
the Secure Network Analytics system for the Customer X is done.

3.5 Licensing, Configuring System and Application installations

The Secure Network Analytics virtual appliances are running in the evaluation
mode for the licenses after installation. The evaluation mode lasts 90 days and
because of this, next step is licensing the system and its components. The system
is using software version 7.3.0 and licensing on that is based on the Cisco smart
licensing. This means that licenses are maintained in the Cisco smart licensing
tool in the Cisco’s cloud and the SMC communicate with that smart licensing tool.
However, Customer X has some licenses in old format, so they first needed to be
converted by the Cisco support to the smart license format. The Cisco support

authorized customer smart account for the Specific License Reservation (SLR).
With this SLR functionality system can be licensed without devices need to have
direct communication with the Cisco cloud.

First step in the SLR process is to log into the SMC with SSH connection as a
root user. In the SMC command line below lines are typed.

- cd /lancope/manifests

- docker-compose run - -rm sw-licensing-reservation-client

This opens License reservation command line interface where option 1. Generate
Reservation Request Code is selected. [7]

Figure 40: Reservation request code example [7]

Figure 40 shows the created request code which can be copied from the output
in red triangle. Next step is for Customer X’s admin person to log into the Cisco
smart licensing tool and go to license section. In the license section admin selects
Inventory and Licenses tab with pressing License Reservation.

Figure 41: Smart License reservation process [7]

Figure 41 shows the Smart License Reservation steps. In step 1 the earlier
created Reservation Request code is added into the window. By following on-
screen prompts final step is reached where the Authorization Code is generated.
This code is then transferred to the SMC by first copying it to the txt-file. In the
SMC command line interface, the SLR client is running and with in it option 1.
Install Reservation is chosen. Then option entering the code is chosen and the
Authorization code is copied into the SLR client. After this the license reservation
is done.

Figure 42: License Reservation done successfully [7]

Figure 42 shows successfully completed License Reservation. After this the

license situation can be verified also in the SMC gui as shown below in the Figure

Figure 43: Smart License Usage

The SMC is mainly managed through the web-based GUI but there are still some
steps which needs old java-based desktop client usage. The Cisco’s plan is to
remove that old desktop client need in newer software versions but in the
software version 7.3.0 it is still needed. Download for the desktop client can be
done from the SMC GUI. In the Customer X system desktop client is used to

setup the SMTP relay and to setup couple automatic reports which are sent with
the email which will use that SMTP relay. In the desktop client the SMC object is
selected and with right-click the Configuration menu and below it, the Properties
menu can be selected like Figure 44 shows.

Figure 44: Desktop client Properties menu [6]

This opens the SMC properties window. In this properties window the email
configuration is filled with from email address information and IP address of the
SMTP relay server. The from email address is the address which is shown as
email source when the SMC is sending email out from the virtual appliance. In
Figure 45 below there is example of the SMC properties window where From
Email Address and the SMTP Relay Address is filled.

Figure 45: The SMC properties window [6]

Then in the desktop client two automatic reports are configured. These will be
sent out in a weekly email in early Friday morning. In this email there is two pdf
format reports which one of them including weekly Cyber Threats observed by
system and other has the weekly alarms. With these reports the Customer X’s
security admins can see if there is something concerning happening in their

To make it easier to manage the information in the Secure Network Analytics

system, it is a good practice to create the host groups. There is default catch all
host group which includes private IP addresses but for addition to that customer

specific host groups are created. The Customer X’s network has lot of hosts, so
it is not good idea to create host groups manually. The Customer X has the IP
Address Management (IPAM) system which already has tree like structure for the
IP addresses. It is possible to get that data from the IPAM and import it to the
SMC. However, it is not possible to transfer it directly as some modifications are
needed. Data from the IPAM is gotten as the CSV (Comma-separated value)
format. Then this is converted with the Cisco provided script into the XML format
file. This XML file includes IP address information and hostname information if it
was in place in IPAM system.

Figure 46: Example of XML file

Figure 46 shows example of the XML file format which can be imported into the
SMC as a host group file. This example would create three host groups with
related IP addresses named the email relay, the kamera serveri and the kamerat.
After actual converted XML file is imported into the SMC, then the host groups
based on information from the IPAM is generated to the SMC.

Last thing for this part is installing the additional applications. With help of these
additional applications, it is possible to enhance the usability of the SMC. These
additional applications can be downloaded from the Cisco System software
download web page. Then additional applications can be installed with the App
manager inside the SMC GUI.

Figure 47: The SMC App manager screen [6]

Figure 47 shows the App manager screen which is used to install additional
applications into the SMC. In the Customer X’s case additional applications
installed are the ETA Cryptographic Audit, the Host Classifier, the Network
Diagrams and the Report Builder. The ETA Cryptographic Audit App identifies
which traffic on the network is encrypted and which traffic is not encrypted. This
App then extracts needed data elements from the encrypted traffic to analysis
and to see if there is anomalous traffic inside encrypted traffic.

The Host Classifier App can be used to dynamic discovery and classification for
the hosts in the network. In this App it can, for example, propose some hosts to
be part of the DNS servers function host group. If administrator accept this
classification, then the SMC adds that host part of the DNS server function host
group. This helps with the maintenance of the deployed Host groups.

Network Diagram App enables users to graphically monitor the status of their
environment. This happen almost real-time and active alarms and network traffic
can be easily viewed. The Report Builder App allows creation and customization
of reports. There are several report templates provided in the App and each report
template includes parameters which can be used to defining the search criteria.
After additional Apps are installed, then all is left to do is forward telemetry data
into the system.

3.6 Configuring SPAN (Switch Port Analyzer) and NetFlow Exporters

Last part on this Secure Network Analytics system setup is to forward the
telemetry data into the system for analysis. In the Customer X’s network this
telemetry data will be forwarded with two different ways to system. First option to
gather the telemetry data is SPAN (Switch Port Analyzer), which is way to mirror
traffic inside the switch to the port where the monitoring device is connected.
Second option is to configure the network devices to work also as a NetFlow
exporter as addition to their normal operation.

The SPAN works in a way that it copies traffic received or sent on source ports
or source VLANs to a destination port or ports. Copying the traffic from source
ports or VLANs doesn’t affect the network traffic through these ports or VLANs.
Destination port in the SPAN doesn’t receive or forward any other traffic, it just
receives the copied traffic and sends it out from that SPAN destination port to the
device connected to that port. In the Customer X case the SPAN sources and the
destination are in one switch both in the Helsinki and the Turku site.

Figure 48: Network topology example for SPAN configurations

Figure 48 shows the example topology for creating the SPAN configurations. This
same topology can be used for both the Helsinki site and the Turku site
configurations and connections. Based on this topology source ports will be
Te1/10 and Te1/11 which are connected to the firewall outside zone and inside
zone. Destination port for the SPAN traffic will be port Te2/13 which is directly
connected to the Flow Sensors physical 10G network interface. The needed
SPAN configurations are created with below configuration lines in the switches
located both in the Helsinki site and the Turku site.

Switch(config)# monitor session 5 source interface Te1/10 - 11 rx

Switch(config)# monitor session 5 destination interface Te2/13
Switch(config)# exit
Switch# write memory

With the first command ports Te1/10 and Te1/11 are defined as source ports and
with rx in the command it is defined that only the received traffic in both ports is
copied. With the second command port Te2/13 is defined as a destination port

for the copied traffic and all the copied traffic is sent out from this interface. With
the last command changed configuration is saved. After this SPAN configuration,
the Flow Sensor is getting the traffic from the network which the Flow Sensor then
modifies to the flow data format and send out to the Flow Collector to analysis.

Next part is to configure selected network devices to be NetFlow exporters. When

the network devices are working as a NetFlow exporter they will gather traffic
from the selected interfaces and send it out to the Flow Collector in NetFlow
format. Traffic which goes through the Helsinki site and the Turku site is already
handled by the SPAN and the Flow Sensors in those sites. Smaller remote sites
have switches with local routing enabled. By using this local routing, the remote
switches have traffic between their VLANs which stays in the remote site and
never reaches the Helsinki or the Turku site. As that local traffic is not place in
the Helsinki site or the Turku site, it is not seen with the SPAN and the Flow
Sensors. This creates the visibility gap on the network devices which offer that
local routing. In the Customer X’s network one remote site is chosen for the
NetFlow exporter configurations.

Figure 49: Example NetFlow configuration to Cisco IE-5000 switch

Figure 49 shows example NetFlow configuration for the Cisco IE-5000 model
switch. The remote site is using those Cisco IE-5000 switches as its core switches
where local routing is enabled. In above example configuration there is only
shown configuration lines which are added for enabling the NetFlow exporter
functionality in the IE-5000 switches. With this configuration the NetFlow data is
created from the traffic which is going input direction in the VLAN interfaces where
ip flow monitor is enabled. Additional remote sites can be added as a NetFlow
exporter sites later date.

After this NetFlow exporter configuration is done, it finalises the Secure Network
Analytic system related installations and configurations for the Customer X.

4 System Testing and Initial Usage after installation

When logging into the Secure Network Analytics Manager (SMC) after all needed
installations are done administrator will be entering on Network Security
dashboard. This dashboard is landing page for configuration, monitoring,
reporting and alarm investigation activities.

Figure 50: Example of Network Security Dashboard [8]

Figure 50 shows example output of Network Security dashboard taken from Cisco
Systems dCloud demonstration and lab web page (
From this dashboard administrator can see for example top alarming hosts,
alarms by different types and current day’s observed alarms. If this Network
Security dashboard doesn’t show any data, then there is problem with telemetry
data collection into system. In the Customer X’s system data is present in the
Network Security dashboard which shows that the telemetry data collection is

Although there is data available in the Customer X’s Network Security dashboard,
it might still be partial and not from all telemetry data sources. One way to verify
telemetry data collection in the Customer X’s system is with the Flow Collection
status report from the SMC. In the Report Builder app there is template report for

the Flow Collection status. By choosing the Flow Collector as report source and
setting correct date and then running report job, actual Flow Collection Status
report is created.

Figure 51: Example of Flow Collection Status report [8]

Figure 51 shows example of Flow Collection Status report taken from Cisco’s
dCloud. This report shows all the exporters delivering telemetry data to the Flow
Collector and status of those exporters. Running the Flow Collection status report
in the Customer X’s SMC appliance, it shows that the Flow Collector is getting
the telemetry data from both Flow Sensors and network switches configured to
work as NetFlow exporters in remote site. As all the telemetry data sources are
present as an active source in the report, this verifies that telemetry data
collection is working as expected.

4.1 Working with Host Classifier

Next step is to check dynamically learned hosts with Host Classifier app included
in the SMC. In the Host Classifier app is seen that several Customer X’s hosts
are proposed to belong for different functional host groups in the system. There
are several hosts proposed to belong to Mail Servers, NTP Servers, DNS
Servers, Exchange Servers, Domain Controllers and DHCP Server functional

Figure 52: Example of Host Classifier [8]

Figure 52 shows example of Host Classifier taken from Cisco’s dCloud. In this
example there is two hosts suggested to be part of Domain Controllers group.
Then they are selected by administrator and confirmed to be part of the Domain
Controllers host group. Together with the Customer X’s network administrator
hosts found with the Host Classifier app are verified and valid hosts are confirmed
to be part of the correct functional host groups. The hosts which are not part of
the suggested host group are then excluded from that host group with Host
Classifier. This way all the system suggested hosts are either confirmed or
excluded to be part of the functional host groups.

4.2 Working with Visibility Assesment

On the SMC clicking the Dashboard menu and then choosing the Visibility
Assessment opens The Visibility Assessment app’s dashboard. From this
dashboard the Customer X can see visual report which identifies potential
security risks in their environment. The Visibility Assessment app was not
installed separately because The Secure Network Analytics system in the
Customer X’s environment is in version 7.3.0 and software version 7.3.0 includes
the Visibility Assessment app by default.

Figure 53: Example of the Visibility Assessment dashboard [8]

Figure 53 shows example of the Visibility Assessment dashboard taken from

Cisco’s dCloud. On the Customer X’s dashboard first thing is to define High Risk
Countries. As the Customer X’s network should only communicate in Europe
region then all other countries are marked as a High Risk country with exception
of the United States and the Canada. This will help to first verify outgoing traffic
which is for some reason going to those defined High Risk countries. In the world
map presented in the Visibility Assessment dashboard dark red colour shows the
High Risk countries which have received traffic from the Customer X’s
environment. The High Risk countries which haven’t got traffic from the Customer
X’s network are presented with light red colour on the world map.

By clicking either the High Risk country on map or the top High Risk country on
the list shown right on dashboard, gives more details about the traffic which is
going or coming from that country. Customer X can then use this detailed data to
check why that traffic is present in the network and then do possible modifications
to hosts to stop that traffic related to the High Risk country.

The Visibility Assessment dashboard top menu has risk tabs which the Customer
X can use to getting more detailed information about different risks such as
Internal Network Scanners, Remote Access Breach, Possible Malware,

Vulnerable Protocol Servers and DNS risks. On the top right corner of the
dashboard is Generate Report button for the Visibility Assessment. By pressing
this Generate Report button, the Customer X can create PDF report which
contains summary information about these risks shown in the Visibility
Assessment dashboard. The report also has summary information about internal
monitored network such as amount of the hosts communicating in the network.
Time frame for the report can be decided in the dashboard between current day,
last 7 days or last 14 days. This PDF report from the Visibility Assessment
dashboard is good tool to help analyse risks in the Customer X’s environment.

4.3 Working with Alarms on Network Security Dashboard

The Network Security dashboard which is shown earlier in Figure 50 has several
alarm widgets which offers more information about alarms seen on Customer X’s
environment. On the right side of the Network Security dashboard there is the pie
chart which shows Today’s Alarms. That pie chart shows all the alarms which
have been triggered during the current day in the Customer X’s environment.
From that pie chart is also easy to see which type of alarm has seen the most
activity during the current day. It is wise to focus first on the alarm which have
had most hits in this pie chart.

Figure 54: Example of Today's Alarm pie chart [8]

Figure 54 shows example of Today’s Alarms taken from Cisco’s dCloud

environment. By using this as an example how to get more information about the
alarms, can be seen that the Worm Propagation is currently most active alarm in
the environment. Of course, all the alarms are important to study and solve all
the issues in the environment which are found through those studies.

By clicking that Worm Propagation part from the pie chart, administrator moves
to page which have only alarms related to the Worm Propagation in the
environment. From this page can then be seen more information about individual
Worm Propagation alarms.

Figure 55: Example of Worm Propagation alarms page [8]

Figure 55 shows example page for the Worm Propagation alarms taken from the
Cisco dCloud environment. From this page the administrator can get more info
about source host and target host and their host groups. Also, there is details
field which tells more about the alarm. By using those fields, the administrator
can get more information about the alarm.

Figure 56: Example of source host related to worm alarm [8]

Figure 56 shows example of the source host information page related to the
Worm Propagation alarm taken from the Cisco dCloud environment. From this

page can be seen that this host have the Worm Propagation alarms on last seven
days. Also, from this page the administrator can go to look the flows related to
this source host to solve issues in it.

By clicking details part for one alarm on the Worm Propagation alarm page, the
administrator moves to page which shows all security events for that host.

Figure 57: Example of the security event related to the worm alarm [8]

Figure 57 shows example of the security events information page related to the
alarming host taken from the Cisco dCloud environment. From this page the
administrator can see that the worm used the VNC port to propagate itself. It also
informs that this host has propagated worm to target host and this host got the
worm from host which also have raised the worm alarm. Below the Actions field
are three dots and pressing those the administrator can look the Associated
Flows to this event, Top Reports (Applications, Ports, Protocols, Hosts, Peers,
Conversations and Services), External Lookup and Tune Event settings if

Other alarm widgets on the Security Dashboard shown in Figure 50 are Alarm by
Type, Top Alarming Hosts and Alarming Hosts trend. All these can be used by
the administrator to investigate and create resolutions to issues seen in the
Customer X’s environment with the Secure Network Analytics system.

4.4 Working with the reports on the SMC

On the SMC dashboards drop down menu there is link to Report Builder app
which can be used to create different reports related to environment. When
reports page opens then the administrator can start by pressing the Create New
Report button. This opens the page where several report templates are available
to be used to create reports from the Customer X’s environment. These templates
include reports for Security, Network, and System functional areas.

Figure 58: Example of Security and Network report templates [8]

Figure 58 shows different Security and Network report templates available in the
Secure Network Analytics system in the Cisco dCloud demo environment. Not all
templates shown in the Figure 58 are available in the Customer’s X environment.
These includes the TrustSec Analytics, the TrustSec Policy Analytics and the
Endpoint Traffic (NVM) as these solutions are not used in the Customer X’s

Figure 59: Example of System, Database and Others report templates [8]

Figure 59 shows different System related template reports available in the Secure
Network Analytics System in the Cisco dCloud environment. In the Customer X’s
environment report templates available are the Flow Collection Trend by
Exporter, the Flow Collection Trend by Flow Collector, the Flow Database Ingest
Trend, the Flow Collection status and the System Alarms reports. The Firewall
and the NVM related are not available as those are not used in the Customer X’s

Figure 60: Example of Security Event report [8]


Figure 60 shows example of Security Event report taken from Cisco dCloud
environment. Running this report in the Customer X’s environment gives same
kind of chart about the Security Events in the network. This report then can be
exported to PDF format and then used to report events to the security team and/or
upper management. Also, on this report can be used for selecting into interesting
events like ICMP flood and then from there to deep dive analysis into related
flows. Through these flows the administrator then can see source hosts and
destination hosts and verify if they are valid traffic or something which needs to
be fixed in the Customer X’s environment.

Figure 61: Example of the Alarms report [8]

Figure 61 shows the example of the Alarms report taken from the Cisco dCloud
environment. Running the Alarms report in the Customer X’s environment gives
same kind of report about the Alarms seen in the network. Like earlier report this
can also be exported to PDF format and then used to report alarms to the security
team and/or upper management. From this report the administrator can select
interesting alarm like the Data Hoarding and then see the flows related to that
alarm. Again, these flows can be used by the administrator and security staff to
determine if the traffic is valid traffic in the network or something which needs to
be fixed in the Customer X’s environment.

Figure 62: Example of flow information [8]

Figure 62 shows example of the flow data information taken from the Cisco
dCloud environment by using the Alarm report.

Other report templates in the SMC Report Builder app can be used to build
related reports and then use them to deep dive to investigate issues seen in the
reports. Those report templates will be used by Customer X’s administrators
based on their needs for investigating seen issues or reporting those to other
interested parties like upper management. Going through all the other report
templates for this thesis is not feasible and this concludes the system testing and
the initial usage chapter of this thesis.

5 Conclusions

This last chapter of the thesis goes through the observations and conclusions
made during the installation process and during initial usage period of the Secure
Network Analytics system. The Secure Network Analytics system was installed
into the Customer X’s network environment. The environment in the Customer
X’s case has several sites all over the Finland and number of the hosts
communicating in the environment is also large. In this kind of large network, it is
typical that not all the traffic is seen in the central site. This is usually caused by
the local routing in the remote site which forwards traffic locally between the site
hosts and no traffic related to local hosts is sent to the central site.

The local routing in the Customer X’s environment made clear that deploying only
the Flow Sensors in the central sites will left blind spots in the network for part of
the traffic. Getting rid of all these blind spots would have required to configure all
the remote sites routing devices to work as a flow exporter for the Secure Network
Analytics system. When those remote sites routing devices were studied, it was
seen that part of those devices are models which don’t support the NetFlow
configurations and can’t be used as a flow exporter. This caused a situation
where Customer X’s network will have blind spots for network traffic seen by the
Secure Network Analytic system until those older model devices are replaced
with new models. Because of this it was accepted that big part of the locally routed
traffic at the remote sites is not currently seen by the system leaving some blind
spots in the network. However, it was estimated that traffic which is not seen is
quite low as almost all the traffic from remote sites is destined to the central sites
and can be seen with the Flow Sensors in the central sites. So, during initial
installation phase only one remote site was configured to work as flow exporter
for the system and the Flow Sensors were installed into two central sites to
monitor all traffic through those central sites.

The capacity planning for the system was quite hard as there was no realistic
estimation how many flows will be seen by the Secure Network Analytics system.
The resources for the virtual devices were reserved in a way that they have plenty

of resources to handle large amount of flow data if needed. The reserved flow
rate license for the system was 2500 flows per second and when the system was
initially started it was seen that the flows from the two Flow Sensors and one flow
exporter device was exceeding this 2500 flows per second. A good thing in the
flow rate license is that even if the amount of the flows is exceeding the licensed
level, the system won’t stop handling the flow data. It gives warning to the
administrator on the SMC and based on the flow rate seen in the SMC the
Customer X can acquire additional license to expand licensed flow rate for the

Host group information creation for the SMC was a task which took quite long
time in this environment. The Customer X has an IPAM solution which has all
their IP address information available. From that IPAM solution the CSV file was
exported and by using Cisco provided script it was changed to the XML file. In
this case IPAM had some host groups with name formats which were not
supported in the XML file, so they needed to be found manually from the CSV file
and changed to format which was accepted by the XML file. For instance, using
characters “<” or “>” in the host group name will break the XML file as they are
used in the XML file body instead. After manual fixing for the CSV file was done
then the script was able to create the correct XML file to be uploaded into the
SMC. Other thing to note is that in the big environment such as Customer X’s
environment, the IP addressing scheme is changing all the time so keeping the
SMC host group information up to date is a challenging task for the
administrators. There needs to be an agreed process how administrators for the
SMC get update information about IP addressing changes so that they can also
update the host groups in the SMC. If the host group information is not updated,
it will make harder to work with alarms and it will also make generated reports not

When the Secure Network Analytics system is switched on, it will start to learn
hosts and traffic patterns from the environment. This learning phase will generate
also alarms into the SMC and these alarms needs to be investigated by the
administrator. In this phase there is usually quite lot of false alarms where hosts

are seen fresh in the system and no policies are in the system for hosts yet. When
administrator goes through the alarms, he/she will need to check if the alarming
hosts are working correctly. If the alarming hosts are working as they should, then
there is need to create policies for them which removes those hosts from the
alarming hosts. In these policies, currently alarming behavior is excluded by
putting the host into the alarming host list. If the host start to do some other
suspicious traffic, then it will be placed back into the alarming hosts. In the big
environments the administrators, responsible of the alarms in the SMC, are
probably not familiar with all the hosts which they see in the alarming host list. To
solve these alarms, the administrators need to contact persons who are
responsible of those hosts in order to solve if the alarm is a valid one or a false
alarm. This needs a good cooperation and ways to communicate between
different persons and organization groups in the Customer X’s environment.

The main goal for the Secure Network Analytics system project was to increase
visibility into the Customer X’s network environment. With this system increased
visibility for the network infrastructure was achieved. As mentioned earlier there
are still some blind spots for the locally routed traffic in the remote sites but lot
more information from the network and the host traffic behavior is now available
for the Customer X to use. However, to use it effectively, Customer X need to
have administrators who use the system regularly and react to alarms in the
system. These administrators can be either internal personnel or a service
provider can offer the Security Operating Center (SOC) functionality to handle the
system on behalf of the Customer X. During the project it was seen that the
Secure Network Analytics system is not so good fit for small or middle size
businesses for their network visibility needs. Cost and resource needs for the
system usage is pointing it to be used in the larger corporations either by
themselves or by outsourcing it for the service providers.


1 Cisco Secure Network Analytics (formerly Stealthwatch), Data Sheet July


2 Cisco Telemetry Broker, Data Sheet 2021

3 Cisco Secure Network Analytics Endpoint At-a-Glance

4 Stealthwatch Virtual Edition (VE) Installation Guide 7.3.0

5 Stealthwatch System Configuration Guide 7.3

6 Cisco-Stealthwatch-7.0-Deployment-Lab-v1.1-Guide-1.pdf

7 SW_7_2_x_Stealthwatch_Smart_Software_Licensing_Reservation_Guid_

8 Cisco dcloud Secure Networks Analytics 7.4.1 v1 – Instant Demo from

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