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712 Series Pilot Ignition Systems (Flame Rectification) : Installation Data

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712 Series Pilot

Ignition Systems

LOCKOUT MODEL 712-005 • 712-006 • 712-008 • 712-009

NON-LOCKOUT MODELS 712-005 • 712-016 • 712-017 • 712-019 •



Robertshaw 1-963 Rev D.indd 1 11/3/14 3:32 PM

Ordering Data
Gas Valve
Order Number Ignition Unit Model - Gas Description
Lockout Models* - Lockout Timing Is 90 Seconds
Universal Model- Gas valve has natural gas pressure
722-079 780-845 regulator set at 3.5" WC. A separate LP gas pressure
1/2" x 1/2" (Lockout) regulator set at 11.0" WC is also included. 170,000 BTU
Max. Nat. Gas/272,000 BTU Max. LP gas.
Universal Model - Gas valve has natural gas pressure
700-056 regulator set at 3.5" WC. A separate LP gas pressure
712-006 (Lockout)
3/4" x 3/4" regulator set at 11.0" WC is also included. 350,000 BTU
Max. Nat. Gas/560,000 BTU Max. LP gas.
Universal Model - Gas valve has natural gas pressure
720-070 780-845 regulator set at 3.5" WC. A separate LP gas pressure
1/2" x 3/4" (Lockout) regulator set at 11.0" WC is also included. 200,000 BTU
Max. Nat. Gas/320,000 BTU Max. LP gas.
Universal Model - Gas valve has natural gas pressure
700-059 780-845 regulator set at 4.0" WC. A separate LP gas pressure
1" x 1" (Lockout) regulator set at 11.0" WC is also included. 720,000 BTU
Max. Nat. Gas/1,152,000 BTU Max. LP gas.
Non-lockout Models - Caution: Do Not Use On LP Gas Applications
Natural Gas Only - Non-lockout. Valve has 1/2" side outlets.
720-072 780-715
712-015 Pressure regulator is factory-set at 3.5" WC 200,000 BTU
1/2" x 3/4" (Non-lockout)
700-056 780-715 Natural Gas Only - Non-lockout. Pressure regulator is
3/4" x 3/4" (Non-lockout) factory-set at 3.5" WC 350,000 BTU Max.
720-070 780-715 Natural Gas Only - Non-lockout. Pressure regulator is
1/2" x 3/4" (Non-lockout) factory-set at 3.5" WC 200,000 BTU Max.
700-059 780-715 Natural Gas Only - Non-lockout. Pressure regulator is
1" x 1" (Non-lockout) factory-set at 4.0" WC 720,000 BTU Max.
722-079 780-715 Natural Gas Only - Non-lockout. Pressure regulator is
1/2" x 1/2" (Non-lockout) factory-set at 3.5" WC 170,000 BTU Max.
*The 780-845 lockout ignition control used in the 712 series Kits, provides 90 seconds of spark followed by a six minute
time delay (purge) period between ignition attempts. After three tries, if no pilot flame is sensed, 780-845 goes into a 1 hour
lockout period. At the end of the 1-hour lockout period, if the demand for heat is still present, unit repeats the three tries for

Robertshaw 1-963 Rev D.indd 2 11/3/14 3:32 PM

Gas Valves
The Robertshaw® gas valves used in the 712 Series kits are CSA design certified to applicable ANSI standards. Gas valves
that are included in the 712 Series pilot ignition systems have a built-in, slow-opening feature for soft ignition characteristics
at the main burner. Does not include the 712-005 and 712-022 kits.
7000 BDER-S7A (712-006 and -016 kits)
Electrical 24 volt, 60 Hz
Ambient rating - 40°F to 175°F
(- 40°C to 80°C)
Capacity (maximum regulation)
1/2" x 3/4" straight-through 300,000 BTU
3/4" x 3/4" straight-through 350,000 BTU
Pressure regulator (factory-set) 3.5" WC Natural Gas
(Adjustable 3" to 7" WC)

7000 DERHC-S7C (712-009 and -019 kits)

Electrical 24 volt, 60 Hz
Ambient rating - 40°F to 175°F
(- 40°C to 80°C)
Capacity (maximum regulation)
1" x 1" 720,000 BTU
3/4" x 1" using reducer bushings 530,000 BTU
3/4" x 3/4" using reducer bushings 450,000 BTU
Pressure regulator (factory-set) 4.0" WC Natural Gas
(Adjustable 3" to 7" WC)

7200 Iper-S7C (712-008, -015 and -017 kits)

Electrical 24 volt, 60 Hz
Ambient rating - 40°F to 175°F
(- 40°C to 80°C)
Capacity (maximum regulation)
1/2" x 3/4" straight-through 200,000 BTU
Pressure regulator (factory-set) 3.5" WC Natural Gas
(Adjustable 3" to 7" WC)
11.0" WC LP Gas (Adjustable 8"
to 12" WC)

2000 Iper-HC (712-005 and -022 kits)

Electrical 24 volt, 60 Hz
Ambient rating - 40°F to 175°F
(- 40°C to 80°C)
Capacity (maximum regulation)
1/2" x 1/2" straight-through 170,000 BTU
Pressure regulator (factory-set) 3.5" WC Natural Gas
Input voltage 24 VAC 50/60 Hz
Transformer 24 VAC / 20 VA minimum

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Ignition Control Units
Robertshaw ignition control units used in the 712 Series kits are CSA design certified to applicable ANSI standards.

780-715 (712-015, -016, -017, -019 and -022 kits)

780-845 (712-005, -006, -008, and -009 kits)
Safety lockout timing (780-845) See footnote*
Spark rate 3 to 4 sparks per second
Relay contact ratings
Pilot valve 1 amp at .5 PF
Main valve 1 amp at .5 PF
Combined load 1.5 at .4 PF
Flame sense current .7 µA DC @ 25°C / 24 VAC
Maximum total current load 1.5 amp
Flame failure re-ignition time .8 seconds maximum
Thermostat anticipator setting .7 amp 780-845
Ambient rating - 40°F to 175°F
(- 40°C to 80°C)
Relative humidity 95% non-condensing at 104°F
*The 780-845 lockout ignition control used in the 712 series kits, provides 90 seconds of spark followed by a six minute time
delay (purge) period between ignition attempts. After three tries, if no pilot flame is sensed, the 780-845 goes into a 1 hour
lockout period. At the end of the 1 hour lockout period, if the demand for heat is still present, the unit repeats the three tries
for ignition.

LP Gas Application
CAUTION Use the lockout models only for inside or poorly
ventilated applications.
The 712 Series Pilot Ignition System must be installed
Natural Gas Application
by a qualified installing agency with due regard for
safety. Improper installation could result in a hazardous Use either model type: Lockout models 712-005, 712-006,
condition. 712-008, 712-009 or non-lockout models 712-015, 712-016,
712-017, 712-019, 712-022.
Installation must comply with all local codes. In the
absence of local codes, the latest edition of the National
Ambient Temperature Limitations
Fuel Gas Code, ANSI Z223, and the National Electrical
Code ANSl/NFPA No. 70 must be used. Be sure the installation of the Pilot Ignition System will
not exceed its rated ambient temperature range: -40°F to
The 712 Series Pilot Ignition System has been designed
175°F (-40°C to 80°C). This is extremely important when the
for an easy installation, however, for the system to
application is being made to a rooftop unit in cold climates.
function properly and to give trouble-free service. The
installer must follow these installation instructions word
for word and without taking any short cuts. Take your SAFETY INSPECTION PROCEDURES
time installing this system, make sure it is working The CSA pre-installation safety procedures listed below are
properly before leaving the job site. Failure to do so could intended as a guide to aid in determining that an appliance is
result in a system failure. properly installed and is in a safe condition for continued use.
This Pilot Ignition System must be used only on This procedure is predicated on central furnace and boiler
appliances equipped with an atmospheric gas burner. installations equipped with an atmospheric gas burner(s)
Use on direct-vent type appliances and power burners is and not at the direct-vent type. It should be recognized that
prohibited. generalized test procedures cannot anticipate all situations.
Be sure you have the correct Pilot Ignition System for the Accordingly, in some cases, deviation from this procedure
type of gas used on the application, LP or natural. Using may be necessary to determine safe operation of the
an incorrect system could result in a hazardous condition. equipment.
A. This procedure should be performed prior to any
attempt at modification of the appliance or
the installation.

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B. If it is determined there is a condition which could 11. Test for spillage at the draft hood relief opening after
result in unsafe operation, the appliance should be 5 minutes of main burner operations. Use a draft
shut off and the owner advised of the gauge, the flame of a match or candle, or smoke from a
unsafe condition. cigarette, cigar or pipe.
The following steps should be followed in making the safety 12. Return doors, windows, exhaust fans, fireplace dampers
inspection: and all other fuel-burning appliances to their previous
1. Conduct a gas leakage test of the appliance piping and conditions of use.
control system downstream of the shutoff valve in the 13. Applicable only to warm air heating appliances: Check
supply line to the appliance. both limit control and fan control for proper operation.
2. Visually inspect the venting system for proper size and Limit control operation can be checked by temporarily
horizontal pitch and determine that there is no blockage disconnecting the electrical supply to the blower motor
or restrictions, leakage or corrosion or other deficiencies and determining that the limit control acts to shut off the
which could cause an unsafe condition. main burner gas.
3. All gas equipment must have an accessible manual gas 14. Applicable only to boilers:
shutoff valve installed in the gas supply line upstream of A. Determine that the circulating water pumps are in
the appliance. If a manual, accessible gas valve is not in operating condition.
the gas supply line within six feet of the appliance, one B. Test low water cutoffs, automatic feed water
shall be installed. Shut off all gas to the appliance and controls, pressure and temperature limit controls and
shut off any other fuel burning appliance in the same relief valves in accordance with the manufacturer's
room. Use the shutoff valve in the supply line to recommendations and instructions to determine that
each appliance. they are in good operating condition.
4. Inspect burners and crossovers for blockage and
corrosion. Inspect all wiring for damage, correct any TESTING THE EXISTING SYSTEM
defects found.
Before starting installation, a safety inspection of the
5. Applicable only to warm air heating appliances. Inspect appliance must be performed. Once safety inspection has
heat exchangers for cracks, openings or been completed, continue as follows:
excessive corrosion.
1. Check that the existing pilot is a thermocouple type used
6. Applicable only to boilers. Inspect for evidence of water with an electromagnetic safety. Some manufacturers
or combustion product leaks. use bimetal type pilots wired to the valve operator. If the
7. As far as is practical, close all building doors and application has a bimetal pilot, it must be replaced with a
windows and all doors between the space in which the thermocouple-type pilot.
appliance is located and other spaces of the building. 2. The Pilot Ignition System is designed to be adapted to
Turn on clothes dryers. Turn on any exhaust fans, such the existing pilot.
as range hoods and bathroom exhausts, so they will
NOTE: Robertshaw and CSA recommend that the original
operate at maximum speed. Do not operate a summer
pilot be used and remain in its original position.
exhaust fan. Close fireplace dampers. If after completing
steps 7 through 12, it is believed sufficient combustion 3. Locate the rating plate on the appliance and determine
air is not available, refer to 1.3.4 National Fuel Gas Code the input rating (BTU per hour). The input rating
(2223.1) for guidance. (capacity) for the Pilot Ignition System must be equal
to or greater than the input rating of the appliance. See
8. Place in operation the appliance being inspected. Follow
SPECIFICATIONS for Pilot Ignition System Capacity or
the lighting instructions. Adjust thermostat so appliance
Input Rating.
will operate continuously.
4. Do not install in a wet area without protection for
the components.
A. Determine that the pilot is burning properly and that
5. To ensure proper operation, the appliance transformer
main burner ignition is satisfactory by interrupting
must be rated at:
and re-establishing the electrical supply to the
24 volts/20VA (minimum)
appliance in any convenient manner.
24 volts/40VA (minimum) - When used in conjunction
B. With a manometer, determine manifold pressure in with an Automatic Vent Damper.
order to match input after the new control is installed.
10. The output of the appliances transformer can be
determined by the following steps:
A. Visually determine that main burner gas is burning
properly; i.e., no floating, lifting or flashback. Adjust A. Compute the total current draw by adding the
the primary air shutter(s) as required. current draw of the Pilot Ignition System (.7 amp) to
the current draw of any associated valving, relays,
B. If appliance is equipped with high and low flame
dampers or other devices operated by
control or flame modulation, check for proper main
the transformer.
burner operation at low flame.

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B. Multiply the total current draw computed in "A" above 11. Remove the pilot assembly and disconnect the
by 24 volts. This will give the total VA (Voltage- thermocouple from the pilot. The pilot will be reinstalled
Amperage) required. back into its original mounting position.
C. The total VA (Volt-Amperage) required should be 12. Inspect the inside of the pilot tubing. It should be free
equal to or less than the VA rating of the of any scale or other foreign matter. Clean or replace if
appliance transformer. necessary. We also recommend that the pilot orifice be
D. If the total VA (Volt-Amperage) required is greater cleaned to ensure optimum system operation.
than the VA rating of the transformer, replace it with
a Class 2 transformer of adequate rating. Installation Instructions
6. Cycle the furnace ON to ensure it is working properly. If
the transformer, limit switch or thermostat are faulty, the Ignitor/Sensor Assembly
ignition system will not function. Check the performance NOTE: On some pilot applications a special adaptor kit is
characteristics of the pilot flame. The flame should be required. These adaptor kits are shown on page
impinging on the thermocouple and be blue in color. If 8. Order these pilot adaptor kits separately
not, you will need to adjust the pilot and/or clean the if needed.
orifice and pilot tube. Be sure that inlet gas pressure
1. Assemble the combination ignitor/sensor assembly by
is adequate.
sliding the mounting bolt through the mounting bracket
7. Turn OFF all electrical power and gas to the appliance as shown in Figure 1.
before attempting to disconnect the wiring and gas valve.
To shut off the gas, use the shutoff valve in the supply
line to the appliance. If a manual gas valve is not in the
gas supply line within 6 feet of the appliance, and in an
accessible location, one shall be installed. DO NOT USE
8. Remove the thermocouple and pilot tubing from the
existing gas valve.
9. You may encounter two methods of gas valve wiring.
Determine from the diagrams below which one you have.
Disconnect the electrical leads from the gas valve.
Figure 1
Disconnect the two wires connecting the gas valve.
2. The ignitor/sensor assembly is ready to be attached to
the furnace pilot. Slide the mounting bolt with the ignitor/
sensor bracket down through the thermocouple opening
of the pilot frame as shown in Figure 2. Install the
retainer nut onto the mounting bolt and tighten
finger tight.


If three terminals on the gas valve are used, two
wires may be connected to a common terminal.
Remove these two wires first and wire-nut them
together. Three wire nuts are provided in the kit.
Now, remove the other two wires from the existing
gas valve.

Figure 2
3. The ignitor/sensor can now be positioned for proper
sparking and sensing. To obtain the best ignition
10. Remove gas valve and/or controls containing the main characteristics:
valve, regulator and safety functions from the manifold.
• The ignitor/sensor tip should be located on a
These functions are built into the new replacement
horizontal plane with the top of the pilot gas exit port.
gas valve.
• The tip should be located 1/8" (recommended spark
gap) from the edge of the pilot hood.

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• Be sure that sparking will occur in the path of the
gas flow.
• Excess "wire or rod" should be cut off.
• Tighten the mounting bolt firmly so that the bracket
assembly will not move or change position once the
pilot is installed. See Figure 3.

Figure 6
B. Measure down the ignitor/sensor rod this distance
plus 1/16" to allow for bend radius Figure 7. DO

Figure 3 Ceramic Insulator

4. Bend the tabs to the ignitor/sensor mounting bracket

down and around the pilot bracket frame. Using a pair of
pliers, crimp the tabs so they grip the pilot bracket. This
will hold the electrode assembly firmly in place as shown
in Figure 4.


Always hold the ignitor/sensor rod between the

ceramic and the bend you are making. This will
prevent damaging the ceramic insulator. Pilot flame
must not contact the ceramic portion of the ignitor/
sensor assembly.

Figure 7
Figure 4
5. When selecting the ignitor/sensor tip location, remember 7. Holding pliers firmly on the ignitor/sensor rod at the
the spark will jump the narrowest gap available to the distance measured, use finger pressure on the ignitor/
nearest ground metal. Ensure that this gap is always at sensor rod tip to slowly bend it towards pilot hood,
the point you select and not to the main burner, furnace Figure 8. If tip is too long, cut off excess.
chassis, burner manifold, or a part of the pilot hood
where there is no flow, see Figure 5. The tip must be in
the pilot flame for the ignitor/sensor to function properly.
Bend Tabs Down

Figure 8
NOTE: lgnitor/sensor tip must be in pilot flame for the Ignition
Control Unit to function properly.
Figure 5 8. Reinstall pilot assembly back into its original mounting
6. After crimping the ignitor/sensor mounting bracket tabs
and selecting the point for the ignitor/sensor tip to spark to:
A. Measure the distance from this point to the ignitor/
sensor rod Figure 6.

Robertshaw 1-963 Rev D.indd 7 11/3/14 3:33 PM

NOTE: Pilot is not to be relocated or altered. If replacing the WARNING: Do not mount valves upside down.
pilot becomes necessary due to wear or damage, an 4. Connect the pilot tubing to the pilot gas outlet. Use the
exact replacement must be used. fitting provided and tighten for gas seal. Do not bend the
tubing after tightening.
NOTE: Valves have a built-in vent limiter. The regulator vent
These special pilot adaptor kits are NOT included in the 712 is tapped so a tubing adaptor can be installed if vent
kits. They must be ordered separately. tubing is required by local codes.
Includes all the necessary parts to
adapt the Magic Chef, Gaffers & Sattler
sheet metal pilot to the 712 Series If bleed tubing is used, do not allow main burner or pilot
flame impingement on the tubing as this will eventually cause
flame rectification pilot system.
clogging of the tubing and improper regulator operation. If
ORDER 1751-712 bleed tubing is not used, the regulator vent must be properly
shielded from moisture.
INSTALLING THE GAS VALVE Flame must not impinge on regulator vent tubing if used, it
may clog and cause gas valve to malfunction.
• Installation and servicing of gas appliances and
ignition systems must only be performed by
qualified personnel. All components must be securely mounted with screws, bolts
• Turn off gas and electricity before starting installation etc., within the appliance.
or service.
• When replacing an LP control or a natural gas
control, the new control must have the same 1. Wiring must conform to local codes and ordinances. A
regulator setting as the old control, or as specified high limit switch is required in either the 120V or 24V
on the appliance rating plate. side of the transformer.
• To install or remove the control, use the inlet boss as 2. Make certain all wiring connections are tight.
a gripping location to prevent unwanted rotation. Do
3. The 712 series pilot ignition kits include a six-wire (blue)
not grip body with pipe wrench or vise.
harness assembly. This harness assembly connects the
• Make sure gas piping is pressure tested before
gas valve to the ignition control unit. To wire the ignition
control is connected. High pressure can damage the
control unit:
control causing a hazardous condition.
• Make sure piping is clean and free from burrs. A. Attach blue wire to terminal "PV" (pilot valve,
Apply a small amount of good quality pipe thread pilot gas).
compound or plumbers tape suitable for the gas B. Attach red wire to terminal "MV" (main valve,
being used. Thread compound should be used main burner).
sparingly on male threads only, leaving the first two
C. Attach gray wire to terminal "TH" (thermostat).
threads clean.
1. Install the gas valve so gas flow conforms with the inlet D. Attach green wire to "GND" terminal.
gas flow indicated on the valve body. A wrench should E. Attach black/white wire to terminal
only be used on flat surfaces of the inlet boss. Never use "MV/PV" (common).
a wrench on the body of the valve as this may distort
NOTE: The white and black wires are assembled into one
the casting.
quick-connect terminal and it is normally attached to
2. A sediment trap must be present in the gas supply line. the MV/PV terminal. However, the GND, MV/PV and
If one is not present one must be installed to prevent dirt TR terminals are electrically identical, and the green,
from entering the control. See Figure 9. All piping must white and black wires may be attached to any of
conform to local codes and ordinances and with National these terminals.
Gas Codes (ANSI Z223.1 and NFPA No. 54).
4. If the appliance has an automatic vent damper, verify
that damper is in the full open position. We recommend
that the 712 series kit be installed and tested as
to connecting the vent damper into the system.
5. Locate ground terminal connector.
WARNING: Gas valve must be grounded to prevent
burnout of gas valve terminal circuit board.
Figure 9
A. The 7000 Series Gas Valve is included in the
3. The valve should be mounted with the wiring terminals following kits: 712-006, -009, -016 and -019. Attach
at the top for easy access in installation of wiring and ground terminal connector to the top of the
fixture service testing. gas valve.

Robertshaw 1-963 Rev D.indd 8 11/3/14 3:33 PM

B. The 7200 Series Gas Valve is included in the 9. Some appliance wiring may result in one terminal of the
following kits: 712-008 ,-015 and -017. Attach the secondary side of the transformer being grounded. If this
grounding terminal to the gas valve. condition exists, damage to the transformer may occur if
C. The 2000 Series Gas Valve is included in the the two wires (black and gray) in the wiring harness are
following kits: 712-005 and 712-022. Attach the green connected improperly to the two wires removed from the
ground wire in the wiring harness to the terminal on old gas valve. It is necessary to determine which wire is
the gas valve. grounded before proper connection to the wiring harness
Grounding Terminal
can be made.
A. Be sure all gas to the appliance is turned off. Make
sure the two wires removed from the old gas valve
will not touch the furnace chassis or each other.
B. Turn on the electrical power to the furnace and set
the thermostat to the high setting.
C. Set the test meter to the 24 volt AC scale. Touch or
clamp one meter probe to the chassis of the furnace.
D. Touch the other probe of the meter to each wire, one
Figure 10 at a time.
6. Locate the green wire in the six-wire harness. Be sure E. If no meter reading is obtained, the two wires
that this wire is connected to the GND terminal on the removed from the old gas valve may be connected
ignition unit and to the gas valve - see page 10. to either wire (black or gray) in the new wiring
7. Locate the separate ground wire included in the 712 kit. harness.
Connect the "ring" terminal to the mounting screw that If a 24 volt reading is obtained at one wire, that wire
attaches the pilot assembly to the furnace. Connect the must be connected to the gray wire in the wiring
other end to the "TR" terminal on the ignition control unit. harness.

8. The six-wire harness is used to connect the ignition

control unit to the gas valve and to the thermostat control
circuit. Determine which gas valve type you have (7000,
7200 or 2000) and proceed as directed by the
following instructions.

Robertshaw 1-963 Rev D.indd 9 11/3/14 3:33 PM

7000 SERIES GAS VALVES 5. Attach the blue wire which has a non-insulated
connector to the solenoid pilot valve.
When installing kit numbers 712-006, -009, -016, and -019,
refer to the wiring diagrams shown below. This illustrates 6. Attach green wire to the ground terminal on the gas
the wiring method when using a 7000 series gas valve. The valve.
wiring connections at the gas valve are as follows: 7. Connect the wire from the pilot ignitor/sensor to the
1. Locate the 4" white jumper wire in the kit. "IGN" terminal on the ignition control unit.
2. Attach one end (quick-connect) to one terminal of 8. With all wiring completed to this point, return to step 9
the solenoid valve. Attach the other end to the screw in the WIRING THE IGNITION CONTROL UNIT section
terminal "TR" on the gas valve operator. and proceed as directed.
3. Connect the white wire in the wiring harness to the quick
connect terminal at "TR".
4. Connect the red wire to the "TH" terminal on the gas


Robertshaw 1-963 Rev D.indd 10 11/3/14 3:33 PM

7200 SERIES GAS VALVES 5. Connect the wire from the pilot ignitor/sensor to the
"IGN" terminal on the ignition control unit.
When installing kit numbers 712-008, 712-015, and 712-017,
refer to the diagrams shown below. This illustrates the wiring 6. With all wiring completed to this point, return to step 9
method when using a 7200 series gas valve. The wiring in the WIRING THE IGNITION CONTROL UNIT section
connections at the gas valve are as follows: and proceed as directed.
1. Attach the blue wire which has a non-insulated
connector to terminal "P" on the gas valve connector.
2. Attach the white wire to terminal "C".
3. Attach the red wire to terminal "M".
4. Attach green wire to the ground terminal.


Robertshaw 1-963 Rev D.indd 11 11/3/14 3:33 PM

2000 Series Gas Valves
When installing kit numbers 712-005 and 712-022, refer
to the diagrams shown below. This illustrates the wiring
method when using a 2000 series gas valve. The gas valve
connections are made by a plug-in terminal.
1. Attach green wire to ground terminal.
2. Connect the wire from the pilot ignitor/sensor to the
"IGN" terminal on the ignition control unit.
3. With all wiring completed to this point, return to step 9
and proceed as directed.


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SYSTEM CHECKOUT 11. Check manifold pressure and compare the reading with
those obtained in the PRE-INSTALLATION - SAFETY
(if necessary) to match the original input.
The initial installation portion is now completed. The
checkout procedures listed below must be followed. While 12. Visually determine that the main burner is burning
there are redundant safety features built into the system, it is properly, as it was during the PRE-INSTALLATION -
imperative that you follow the steps outlined below to ensure SAFETY INSPECTION PROCEDURES; i.e., no floating,
proper and safe operation. If you encounter any irregularities, lifting, or flashback. Adjust the primary air shutter(s)
refer to the TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE. as required.
1. Check all wiring connections. 13. It is absolutely necessary that the system be cycled
normally (thermostatically controlled) through at least
2. Turn on main gas supply and put the manual valve or three complete heating cycles. Set thermostat to a
selector arm on the gas valve into the "ON" position. temperature slightly higher (at least 5°) than the existing
3. Use a leak test solution to check piping for gas leaks. ambient. Allow the appliance to cycle ON and run
Repair if needed. through a normal cycle. Do not manually shorten
4. Turn on electrical power. the cycle.
5. Set thermostat to high. 14. Applicable only to furnaces: Check both the limit
control and the fan control for proper operation. Limit
WARNING: Vent damper must be in the fully open control operation can be checked by blocking the
position before the ignition system is circulating air inlet or temporarily disconnecting the
energized. Failure to verify this may cause a electrical supply to blower motor. Determine that the limit
serious health hazard to occupants. control acts to shut off the main burner gas.
6. Sparking begins, pilot gas ignites. Applicable only to boilers: Determine that the circulating
7. Pilot flame on ignitor/sensor, main burner on. water pumps are in operating condition. Test low
water cutoffs, automatic feed controls, pressure
8. If the ignition control unit is a 780-715, with main burner and temperature limit controls, and relief valves in
on, cycle thermostat off then on. System will turn off and accordance with the manufacturer's recommendation to
immediately on again. determine they are in operating condition.
9. With the main burner on, turn the manual gas valve to 15. The initial checkout procedures have been completed.
off position. Wait until all flame is out. Turn manual gas If the system has functioned normally, return thermostat
valve on again. setting to its normal setting. The qualified installing
A. Sparking will begin as soon as the pilot flame is out. agency must completely fill out and apply the yellow
B. Pilot ignition takes place when gas flow is restored. appliance conversion sticker to the front of the appliance.
Leave these and all other instructions with
10. If the ignition control unit is a 780-845 (lockout): the homeowner.
With the main burner on, turn the manual gas valve
off. Sparking will begin when the pilot flame goes out.
After 90 seconds the system will go into time delay (6
minutes) and sparking will cease. The lockout ignition
control used provides 90 seconds of spark followed by
a six minute time delay (purge) period between ignition
attempts. After three tries, if no pilot flame is sensed, a
1-hour lockout period will begin. At the end of the 1-hour
lockout period, if the demand for heat is still present, unit
repeats the three tries for ignition.


Robertshaw 1-963 Rev D.indd 13 11/3/14 3:33 PM

TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE 2. Touch one meter probe to the tip of the ignitor/sensor
rod in the pilot. Touch the other probe to the quick-
connect at the other end of the ignitor/sensor wire.
Pilot ignition system / flame
3. If you have continuity from the tip of the
rectification / ignition control ignitor/sensor rod to the connector and no spark, replace
units 780-715 and 780-845 the ignition control unit.
There are five potential problem conditions with the 4. If you do not have continuity through the wire and the
thermostat set high. ignitor/sensor, check for loose wire connection in the
To perform the following test you will need a volt /ohmmeter. wire. Repair as needed.
Refer to your appropriate wiring diagrams. 5. Check to see if spark shorts to furnace through a cut in
The ignition control can also be tested, using the Robertshaw the ignitor wire.
ignition control tester, part number 900-575.
Problem #4: Have pilot flame, main burner will
Problem #1: Thermostat on, no spark, no pilot not turn on.
gas. Possible Causes:
Possible Causes: A. Faulty main valve coil in the gas valve
A. No main power B. Faulty ignitor/sensor and/or its wiring
B. Faulty transformer C. Ground wire not attached to furnace chassis
C. Faulty thermostat D. Flame rectification signal from pilot to ignition control
D. Faulty limit unit weak

E. Faulty ignition control unit E. Faulty ignition control unit

Solution: Solution: Set test meter to 24 volt scale.

1. With power on and thermostat set high, set your test 1. With pilot flame on ignitor/sensor - probe terminals MV
meter to the 24 volt scale. Probe terminals TH and TR. If and MV/PV on the ignition control unit. If you read 24
you do not read 24 volts, the problem is not the ignition volts here, but not at the gas valve, there is a loose
system. Perform normal system checks of main power, wiring connection. Repair or replace as needed.
transformer, thermostat and the limit control. If you do 2. If you do read 24 volts at MV and MV/PV and the pilot
read 24 volts at TH and TR the problem is in the ignition flame is impinging on the ignitor/sensor rod, the problem
system. Check for loose or defective wiring. If wiring is may be:
good replace the ignition control unit. • Faulty ignitor/sensor and/or its wiring
• Faulty ignition control unit
Problem #2: Have spark, no pilot gas flow. • No flame rectification signal to ignition control unit.
Possible Causes: 3. Set test meter to the ohm scale. Set thermostat low-
system off.
A. Main gas supply turned off
4. Check continuity through the green ground wire between
B. Manual valve on gas valve turned off
the pilot mounting bracket and the ignition control unit.
C. Faulty primary valve in the gas valve Repair or replace as needed.
D. Faulty wire connection 5. Check continuity through the green ground wire between
E. Faulty ignition control unit the gas valve and the ignition control unit. Repair or
replace as needed.
Solution: Set test meter to 24 volt scale.
6. Check ignitor/sensor for continuity, through the spark/
1. Be sure main gas valve (gas cock or selector arm) is
sensor rod. Also, check ignitor/sensor ceramic for
turned on.
cracks. Repair or replace as needed.
2. With gas on and the system sparking, probe terminals
7. Reconnect all wires that were disconnected, including
PV and TR. If 24 volts is read at these terminals and
the ignitor/ sensor wire and the ground wire.
pilot gas does not flow, replace the gas valve.
8. Set thermostat high. With the pilot burning and the flame
3. If you do not read 24 volts at terminals PV and
on the ignitor/sensor rod, if the main burner does not
MV/PV replace the ignition control unit.
turn on - replace the ignition control unit.
Problem #3: Have pilot gas, no spark.
Possible Causes:
A. Defective ignitor/sensor and/or its wiring
B. Faulty ignition control unit
Solution: Set test meter to ohm scale.
1. Disconnect the wire from the IGN terminal on the ignition
control unit.


Robertshaw 1-963 Rev D.indd 14 11/3/14 3:33 PM

Problem #5: Short-cycling of main burner.
Main burner turns off before the thermostat
is satisfied.
Possible Causes:
A. Draft condition pulls pilot flame away from ignitor/
sensor rod
B. Incorrect thermostat anticipator setting
C. Pilot flame gets smaller when main burner
comes on.
D. Faulty limit control
1. Check the thermostat anticipator setting. Set to .7 amp.
A lower setting will cause short-cycling.
2. Set thermostat high, with main burner on, observe the
pilot flame impingement on the ignitor/sensor rod.
• If pilot flame is small and draft condition pulls flame
from ignitor/sensor rod the burner will turn off and
then on again.
• Adjust pilot flame higher or clean pilot orifice.
• Bend ignitor/sensor rod closer to pilot flame .
3. If flame impingement on the ignitor/sensor is stable and
the system short-cycles, check the limit switch.
4. Set test meter to 110 volt scale.
• When the system cycles off, probe the switch
terminals of the limit switch.
• If you read 110V or 24V across the switch terminals
the limit switch is open. Replace the limit switch.
5. A pilot flame set too high will also cause burner to short
cycle. Pilot flame lifts over ignitor/sensor.


Robertshaw 1-963 Rev D.indd 15 11/3/14 3:33 PM

For Technical Service Robertshaw®, Ranco®, Paragon® and Uni-Line® is a trademark
Customer Service Telephone 1.800.304.6563 Telephone 1.800.445.8299 of Robertshaw its subsidiaries and/or affiliated companies.
Customer Service Facsimile 1.800.426.0804 Facsimile 1.630.260.7294 All other brands mentioned may be the trademarks of their ©2014 Robertshaw respective owners. 10/14 - 1-963 Rev D

Robertshaw 1-963 Rev D.indd 16 11/3/14 3:33 PM

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