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Module 2 Lesson 2 Thoughts Feelings and Behaviors

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Personal Development
Lesson 2
Connecting Thoughts,
Feelings and Behaviors
For Evaluating Self

What event or situation have

changed your life?
What changes did you do to
improve yourself?
-refers to the long-standing traits
and patterns that propel
individuals to consistently think,
feel, and behave in specific ways
System 1 & System 2
-Daniel Kahneman
• renowned psychologist in the field of
behavioral economics who was influential in
topics such as judgement and decision-
• published the book Thinking, Fast and Slow,
which popularized the concepts of System 1
& System 2.
System 1
-Our brains’ fast, automatic, unconscious,
and emotional response to situations and

example: knowing how to tie your shoelaces

without a second thought, instinctively
hopping over a puddle on the sidewalk.
System 2
-The slow, effortful, and logical mode in
which our brains operate when solving
more complicated problems.

Example: determining your lunch with your

Autopilot & Intentional Systems

-Dr. Gleb Tsipursky

• cognitive neuroscientist and behavioral economist
on a mission to protect people from dangerous
judgment errors known as cognitive biases
through his cutting-edge expertise in disaster
avoidance, social and emotional intelligence,
decision-making, and risk management.
Intentional System
-useful as a way of thinking about living
intentionally and thereby gaining
greater agency
-reflects our rational thinking
-centers on our prefrontal cortex
Intentional System
-helps us handle more complex mental
 Managing individual & group
 Logical reasoning &probabilistic thinking
 Learning new information
 Patterns of thinking & behavior
Autopilot System
-corresponds to our emotions and
-cognitive process takes place in the
amygdala and other parts of the brain
that developed early in our evolution
Autopilot System
-guides our daily habits, helps us
make snap decisions, and reacts
instantly to dangerous life-and-
death situations
Autopilot System Intentional System
• Fast, intuitive, emotional • Conscious, reasoning, mindful
self self
• Requires no effort • Takes intentional effort to turn
• Automatic thinking, feeling on
and behavior • Drains mental energy
• Mostly makes good • Used mainly when we learn new
decisions 80% of the time information and when we use
• Prone to some predictable reason and logic
and systemic error • Can be trained to turn on when
it detects autopilot system may
be making an error
Autopilot System
-is like an elephant
-is by far the most powerful and
predominant of the 2 systems
What does it mean?
-Our emotions can often
overwhelm our rational thinking.
-Our intuitions & habits
determine the large majority of
our lives
Intentional System
-is like the elephant rider
-guides the elephant
deliberately to go in the direction
that matches our actual goals
Intentional System
-can be change overtime to
automatic thinking, feeling and
behavioral pattern
“ The only manageable and
controllable aspects that we can
use to combat what we are
experiencing are the things that
we already have.”

Dr. Gleb Tsipursky

Personality Theory
-Albert Bandura, 2006
-suggest that we learn mostly
through observations
Personality Theory
The more productive and positive the
outcome of behaviors observed, the
more the behavior is highly repeated
and eventually rewarded.
Cognitive Behavioral Theory
-states that human
thinking determines
human behavior and
Cognitive Behavioral Theory
-indicates that people's emotions,
thoughts, behavior and body sensations,
are linked to each other and that whatever
people do and whatever they think, affects
how they feel
-mental cognitions—our ideas, opinions, and
beliefs about ourselves and the world around
-an idea or opinion produced by thinking, or
occurring suddenly in the mind
-the action or process of thinking
-an emotional state or reaction
-result of emotion that we experience

-caused by physical sensations experienced by
the body as a reaction to certain external
-the way in which one acts or conducts
oneself, especially toward others.
-the manner in which a person acts
-outward manifestation or acting out our
attitudes as individual has
Cognitive Triangle Model
-demonstrates the
idea that
thoughts, feelings,
and behaviors are
all interconnected
Interconnectedness Thoughts, Feeling, Behavior
Example : Interconnectedness Thoughts, Feeling,
Activity: Make your own diagram.
Recognizing the Cycle
Recognizing the Cycle
When a situation arises, and we
have thoughts about the facts of
that situation; those thoughts
trigger feelings, and based on
those feelings we engage in
behaviors which in turn impact
the situation (either positively or
negatively), and the cycle
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

• is an effective approach for treatment

that helps people identify negative
patterns of thinking and behaviors
• an effective therapy that helps people
recognize and explore how their
thoughts and emotions can affect their
Whole Person Development

-Becoming a whole person involves

utilizing our heart, soul, mind and strength
-It is a practice based on the theory that
the different parts of our lives are
intricately connected.
Whole Person Development

-to understand people better is to see

them in their totality
What is your
The Story of the 2 Wolves

Story Teller: An old Cherokee is

teaching his grandson about life.
The Story of the 2 Wolves

Old Cherokee
“A fight is going on inside me.”
Story Teller
He said to the boy
The Story of the 2 Wolves
Old Cherokee
“It is a terrible fight and it is between
two wolves. One is evil – he is anger,
envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance,
self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority,
lies, false pride, superiority, and ego.”
The Story of the 2 Wolves

Story Teller: He continued.

The Story of the 2 Wolves

Old Cherokee: “The other is good – he is

joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility,
kindness, benevolence, empathy,
generosity, truth, compassion, and
faith. The same fight is going on inside you
– and inside every other person, too.”
The Story of the 2 Wolves

Story Teller: The grandson thought about

it for a minute and then asked his

Grandson: “Which wolf will win?”

The Story of the 2 Wolves

Old Cherokee : “The one you feed.”

Storyteller: “What does the story

Task 3: My Recipe for Success

Make your own personal recipe in

achieving your goals
Task 3: My Recipe for Success
Creativity & originality-

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