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Human Body System in Eng

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System Function Diagram Major Organs Working with Other
1. take in food Mouth, 1. w/circulatory – absorb &
(ingestion) esophagus, deliver the digested
Digestive 2. digest food into stomach, Sm. nutrients to the cells
smaller molecules 2. w/muscular – control the
Intestine, Lg.
and absorb contractions of many of the
nutrients digestive organs to pass
rectum, anus
3. remove food along
indigestible food 3. w/nervous – hypothalamus
from body (feces) Salivary glands, maintains homeostasis by
pancreas, liver, triggering appetite
gall bladder (stomach growling), digest.

Transport materials Heart 1. w/respiratory – deliver O2 from

lungs to cells and drop off CO2
to and from cells Veins from cells to lungs
Circulatory Arteries 2. w/digestive – absorb and
Capillaries deliver digested nutrients to cells
3. w/excretory – kidneys filter
Red blood cells cellular waste out of blood for
4. w/lymphatic – both transport
things to and from cells
5. w/immune – transports WBCs
throughout body to fight disease
6. w/nervous – brain controls
7. w/endocrine – trans. hormones

1. gathers and Brain Controls all other

interprets Spinal cord systems
Nervous information
2. responds to Nerves Hypothalamus – maintains
information Nerve cells = homeostasis by working
3. helps maintain neurons with all systems
System Function Diagram Major Organs Working with Other
1. removes waste Kidneys 1. w/circulatory – filters
Excretory products from Ureters waste out of blood
cellular Bladder 2. w/lungs – removes
metabolism (urea, Urethra excretory waste
water, CO2) 3. w/integumentary –
2. filters blood Lungs removes excretory waste
Skin – sweat
Liver (produces

Takes in oxygen Nose 1. w/circulatory – takes

Respiratory and removes carbon Trachea in O2 for delivery to cells
dioxide and water Bronchi and removes CO2 brought
Bronchioles from cells
Alveoli 2. w/excretory – removes
lungs excretory waste
3. w/nervous – controls
4. w/muscular –
diaphragm controls

1. protects organs Bones 1. w/muscular – allow

Skeletal 2. provides shape, Cartilage movement
support ligaments 2. w/circulatory –
3. stores materials produce blood cells
(fats, minerals) 3. w/immune – produce
4. produces blood white blood cells
cells 4. w/circulatory and
5. allows movement respiratory – protects
it’s organs
System Function Diagram Major Organs Working with Other
Allows for Cardiac muscle 1. w/skeletal – allow
Muscular movement by Smooth muscle movement
contracting Skeletal muscle 2. w/digestive – allow
organs to contract to push
food through
3. w/respiratory –
diaphragm controls
4. w/circulatory – controls
pumping of blood (heart)
5. w/nervous – controls all
muscle contractions

Regulates body Glands 1. w/circulatory –

Endocrine activities using *Hypothalamus transports hormones to
hormones. Slow *Pituitary target organs
response, long *Thyroid 2. w/nervous – maintain
lasting *Thymus homeostasis, hormone
*Adrenal release
*Pancreas 3. w/reproductive –
*Ovaries controlled by hormones
*Testes 4. w/skeletal – controls
growth of bones
Glands produce
Fights off foreign White Blood 1. w/circulatory –
Immune invaders in the Cells transports WBCs to
body *T cells fight invaders
*B cells 2. w/lymphatic – has lots
-produce of WBCs to fight
antibodies invaders, spleen filters
*Macrophages bacteria/viruses out of
Skin 3. w/skeletal – WBCs
made in bone marrow
4. w/integumentary –
prevents invaders from
getting in
System Function Diagram Major Organs Working with Other
1. barrier against SKIN 1. w/excretory – removes
Integumen Infection (1st line *Epidermis cellular waste
tary of defense) 2. w/nervous – controls
system 2. helps regulate *Dermis body temperature
body temp. - sweat gland (sweating, goose bumps)
3. removes - sebaceous 3. w/immune – prevents
excretory waste gland (oil) pathogens from entering
(urea, water) - hair follicle
4. protects against - blood
sun’s UV rays vessels
5. produces vitamin - nerves
1. stores and Lymph (liquid 1. w/immune – holds lots
Lymphatic carries WBC’s part of blood – of WBCs to fight
that fight plasma, when pathogens
disease it’s in lymph 2. w/circulatory – to
2. collects excess vessels) transport materials to
fluid and returns and from cells
it to blood (2nd Lymph Vessels
circulatory Lymph Nodes
system-reaches Contain WBCs
places other one
can’t – between

Allows organisms to Ovaries 1. w/endocrine – controls

reproducti reproduce which *Produce eggs production of sex cells
ve system prevents their 2. w/muscular – uterus
species from Testes contracts to give birth –
becoming extinct. *Produce controlled by hormones

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