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NIST Recommendation For X509 PVMs

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Draft Special Publication 800-XXX

NIST Recommendation for X.509 Path Validation

Version 0.5 May 3, 2004

David A. Cooper W. Timothy Polk


May 3, 2004

Draft: NIST Recommendation for X.509 Path Validation 1. INTRODUCTION

A Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) binds cryptographic public keys to physical entities through digital certificates. A PKI includes components that issue digital certificates and distribute certificate status information. PKI users select one or more certificate issuers as trust anchors, and establish security services based on certificates that may be validated using one of their trust anchors. One critical component of PKI clients is the X.509 Path Validation Module (PVM). This module determines whether a certificate may be trusted for use by a particular application. Section 6 of the Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure Certificate and Certificate Revocation List Profile (RFC 3280) [3] describes one path validation algorithm. Client implementations that conform to RFC 3280 are required to implement a path validation algorithm functionally equivalent to the algorithm presented in Section 6. That is, the PVM is considered as a black box if the PVM provides the same answer as the algorithm presented in Section 6 algorithm, it conforms to RFC 3280. The path validation algorithm uses the information contained in certificates and CRLs to determine whether a certificate may be trusted for a particular application. The certificate and CRL information may appear as fields in the base certificate or CRL, or may appear in a number of standard certificate and CRL extensions. Implementations of the path validation algorithm are required to recognize and process all the fields in the base certificate and CRL. Implementations of the path validation algorithm are not required to recognize all the standard extensions, but must process recognized extensions according to the algorithm. The algorithm also establishes rules for processing unrecognized extensions. Certificate and CRL extensions encountered in path validation depend upon the architecture and complexity of the public key infrastructure. For an overview of PKI architectures and their implications for path validation, see [1]. In the Federal government, PKI-enabled applications may expect to encounter two different levels of complexity: applications that serve users associated with a single agency will perform path validation in an Enterprise PKI; applications that serve users from multiple agencies or outside the Federal Government will perform path validation in a Bridge-enabled PKI. A suite of tests, PKITS, has been developed for conformance testing of Path Validation Modules [2]. These tests may be used to objectively measure the conformance of implementations to the path validation algorithm as defined by RFC 3280. Agencies are strongly encouraged to deploy path validation software that implements the Bridge-enabled functionality to support multi-agency applications. At a minimum, path validation software deployed by federal agencies must support the functionality specified for Enterprise PKIs. Agencies may determine whether or not additional functionality is required to meet agency requirements. Software that has demonstrated conformance using the PKITS test suite should be preferred over untested applications. DRAFT 2 May 3, 2004

1.1. Scope
The scope of this document is limited to functional requirements for the path validation module. This specification assumes the use of a FIPS 140-1 or FIPS 140-2 Validated Module for all cryptographic operations. (For more information on Validated Modules, see This specification does not define requirements for certification path building. NIST plans to publish a requirements document for path building, along with a corresponding test suite, in the future.

1.2. Document Overview

This document consists of six major sections and a normative appendix: Section 2 provides an overview of path validation and explains how a path validation module fits into an overall system. Section 3 identifies functional groupings of certificate and CRL extensions that are required to support Enterprise PKI architectures. Section 4 identifies functional groupings of certificate and CRL extensions that are required to support Bridge-enabled PKI architectures. Section 5 provides a naming scheme for path validation modules based on the functionality implemented by a PVM. Section 6 contains the bibliographic references. Appendix A identifies the subset of PKITS required to test a PVM based on the functionality implemented by the PVM.

2. Background
2.1. X.509 Certificates and CRLs
X.509 public key certificates are data structures that bind public key values to subjects (i.e., users or devices). The binding is asserted by having a CA, the issuer, digitally sign each certificate. A certificate has a limited valid lifetime which is indicated in its signed contents. Because a certificate's signature and timeliness can be independently checked by a certificate-using client, certificates can be distributed via untrusted communications and server systems, and can be cached in unsecured storage in certificate-using systems. X.509 CRLs are data structures that list unexpired certificates that have been revoked by their issuer. The integrity of the list is protected by having the issuer digitally sign each CRL. In general, CRLs cover all unexpired certificates issued by the CA that signed the CRL. The CRL is issued periodically; the next expected update is indicated in its signed contents. Like certificates, CRLs can be distributed via untrusted communications and server systems, and can be cached in unsecured storage in certificate-using systems.


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2.2. X.509 Certification Path Validation

PKI-enabled application protocols rely upon the trustworthiness of certificates to achieve security in their protocols. For example, the S/MIME secure electronic mail protocol depends upon X.509 certificates to verify digital signatures and exchange symmetric keying material. The binding between the subject name and the subject public key must be reliable, or the mail may not be secure! To ensure that certificates are trustworthy, applications request that the PVM determine if a certificate is (1) valid and (2) appropriate for the requesting application. The X.509 certificate that the application wishes to use is called the certificate of interest, or the end entity certificate. The PVM confirms the trustworthiness of the certificate of interest by validating a sequence of certificates from a trust anchor or trust-point to the certificate of interest. This sequence of certificates is known as a certification path. Paths may be obtained from a Certification Path Constructor (CPC), or paths may be provided by other parties (via the application protocol). The PVM may process multiple paths before finding an acceptable path. Section 6 of RFC 3280 describes a comprehensive algorithm for X.509 path processing, covering all the standard certificate and CRL extensions described in RFC 3280. A conformant implementation of a path validation module MUST include an X.509 path processing procedure that is functionally equivalent to the external behavior of this algorithm. Conformant implementations are not required to implement the algorithm as specified. The trust anchor is an input to the algorithm. There is no requirement that the same trust anchor be used to validate all certification paths. Different trust anchors may be used to validate different paths. In particular, different applications may request validation with respect to different trust anchors. The path validation process verifies, among other things, that a prospective certification path (a sequence of n certificates) satisfies the following conditions: a) for all x in {1, ..., n-1}, the subject of certificate x is the issuer of certificate x+1; b) certificate 1 is issued by the trust anchor; c) certificate n is the certificate to be validated; and d) for all x in {1, ..., n}, the certificate was valid at the time in question. PVMs are commonly implemented so that the trust anchor is provided in the form of a selfsigned certificate. This self-signed certificate is not included as part of the prospective certification path. Information about trust anchors are provided as inputs to the certification path validation algorithm. A particular certification path may not be appropriate for all applications. In particular, the certificate policy that governs issuing certificates and maintaining their status can vary widely. The path validation process determines the set of certificate policies that are valid for this path, based on the certificatePolicies extension, policyMappings extension, DRAFT 4 May 3, 2004

policyConstraints extension, and inhibitAnyPolicy extension. Applications may request validation of the certificate of interest with respect to an acceptable policy set.


Figure 1 shows the major functional components for an X.509 Path Validation System. The Path Validation Module is the core component but requires support from both the cryptographic module (to verify digital signatures) and path building module (to construct the set of certificates and CRLs). Note that these are functional components only, and do not imply any restrictions upon the architecture of a particular module or modules. The scope of this document is limited to functional requirements for the path validation module. This specification assumes the use of a FIPS 140-1 or FIPS 140-2 Validated Module for all cryptographic operations. (For more information on Validated Modules, see This specification does not define requirements for certification path building. NIST plans to publish a requirements document for path building, along with a corresponding test suite, in the future.

Path Validation System

Path Validation Module (PVM) Validation Engine for X.509 Certification Paths Supporting Components Cryptographic Module Signature generation & verification Path Building Module Constructs paths and retrieves certificate status information
Figure 1 Path Validation Module and Supporting Components

The X.509 Path Validation Module will validate certificates with respect to one or more trusted CAs and verify the path with respect to a set of initial conditions and constraints imposed in the certificates themselves. For the path validation module to operate properly, there are additional functional capabilities that must be provided by other functional components. This specification identifies two functional components providing these capabilities: Cryptographic module; and Path building module.


May 3, 2004

The cryptographic module functional component verifies digital signatures on certificates and CRLs. For Federal agencies, FIPS PUB 140 requires use of FIPS 140-1 or FIPS 140-2 Validated Modules. (For more information on Validated Modules, see The path building component retrieves certificates and CRLs to create a certification path linking a trust anchor and the certificate of interest. In some applications, certification paths are provided via the application, so the path building module may be omitted.

3. Enterprise Path Validation Module Functional Requirements

The Enterprise PVM component processes X.509 certification paths composed of X.509 v3 certificates and X.509 v2 CRLs. The PVM component MUST support the following features: Name chaining; Signature chaining; Certificate validity; Key usage, basic constraints, and certificate policies certificate extensions; Full CRLs; and CRLs segmented on names. An Enterprise PVM may support additional path processing functionality.

3.1. Basic Path Processing

1. The PVM shall verify that digital signatures and public keys in the certification path chain in accordance with RFC 3280, using RSA PKCS#1 with SHA-1 in accordance with RFC 32791. (That is, the PVM shall verify that the RSA with SHA-1 signature on each certificate in the path verifies using the RSA public key in the preceding certificate, and the RSA with SHA-1 signature on the first certificate in the path verifies using a trust anchors RSA public key.) 2. The PVM shall verify that issuer and subject names in certification paths chain in accordance with RFC 3280. (That is, the PVM shall verify that the issuer of each certificate in the path was the subject of the preceding certificate, and the issuer of the first certificate in the path is the name associated with the trust anchor public key)

1 NIST is recommending that agencies transition to signing certificates and CRLs using RSA with SHA-256 by January 1, 2009. It is therefore recommended that path validation modules be able to verify digital signatures using RSA with SHA-256 in addition to RSA with SHA-1.


May 3, 2004

3. The PVM shall verify that subject of each intermediate version 3 certificate is a CA by verifying that the certificate contains the basicConstraints extension with cA asserted. The PVM may either: a. not accept version 1 or version 2 certificates as intermediate certificates; or b. verify that the subject of each intermediate version 1 or 2 certificate is a CA through local mechanisms. 3. The PVM shall verify that each intermediate certificate containing the keyUsage extension asserts the keyCertSign bit. 4. The PVM shall verify that each certificate that contains a keyUsage extension asserts the cRLSigning bit if the subject public key is used to validate a CRL. 5. The PVM shall verify that each certificate whose subject public key is used to validate a CRL is the end certificate in a valid certificate chain. 6. The PVM shall verify that the length of the chain does not violate constraints imposed by the issuer of any certificate in the chain by processing the pathLenConstraint field in the basicConstraints extension in accordance with RFC 3280.

3.2. Basic Policy Processing

1. The PVM shall be capable of processing the certificatePolicies extension, in accordance with RFC 3280, to determine the set of policies under which the path is valid. 2. The PVM shall recognize and process the requireExplicitPolicy field in the policyConstraints extension in accordance with RFC 3280. 3. The PVM shall include the capability to specify a set of acceptable policies, and indicate the path may only be accepted if valid under one of those policies. [Note: The capability may be supplied as a configuration setting, or as a parameter in an API call.]

3.3. Revocation Status

1. The PVM shall verify that each certificate in the path is valid at the specified time (e.g., the current time) in accordance with RFC 3280. 2. The PVM shall determine the revocation status of intermediate and end certificates in all paths. The PVM shall reject paths that include revoked certificates. The PVM shall return a warning or a rejection for paths containing certificates whose revocation status cannot be determined. 3. The PVM shall be capable of processing full CRLs issued by the certificate issuer to determine certificate status, in accordance with RFC 3280.


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4. The PVM shall be capable of processing segmented CRLs, where the correct CRL is identified by matching the contents of the full names in the distributionPointName field in cRLDistributionPoints certificate extension and the issuingDistributionPoint CRL extension in accordance with RFC 3280. 5. The PVM shall process CRLs segmented by certificate type (e.g., CA certificate, user certificate, etc.) as specified in the issuingDistributionPoint CRL extension, in accordance with RFC 3280.

3.4. Critical Extensions

1. The PVM shall reject chains that include certificates containing unrecognized critical certificate extensions or critical certificate extensions with unrecognized fields. 2. The PVM shall not use CRLs containing unrecognized critical extensions or critical extensions with unrecognized fields as the basis for determining that a certificate is valid. However, the PVM shall assume that any certificates identified on such CRLs are revoked.

4. Bridge-Enabled Path Validation Module Requirements

In addition to meeting the requirements of an Enterprise PVM, a Bridge-enabled Path Validation Module must be capable of processing the types of certificate extensions that are typically found in CA certificates that cross enterprise boundaries. This section defines three packages of requirements for Bridge-enabled PVMs: Name Constraints, Policy Mapping, and anyPolicy. A PVM that meets all of the requirements for each of these packages, in addition to all of the requirements in section 3, is considered to be Bridgeenabled.

4.1. Name Constraints Processing Requirements

1. The PVM shall process name constraints as described in RFC 3280 for the following name forms: a) distinguished names, and b) RFC 822 names.

4.2. Policy Mapping Requirements

1. The PVM shall recognize and process the policyMappings extension, in accordance with RFC 3280. 2. The PVM shall recognize and process the inhibitPolicyMapping field in the policyConstraints extension, in accordance with RFC 3280.


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3. The PVM shall include the capability to specify whether policy mapping is permitted or inhibited as an initial condition for path validation. [Note: The capability may be supplied as a configuration setting, or as a parameter in an API call.]

4.3. anyPolicy Processing Requirements

1. The PVM shall recognize and process the special policy anyPolicy in accordance with RFC 3280 when it appears in the certificate policies extension. 2. The PVM shall recognize and process the inhibitAnyPolicy certificate extension in accordance with RFC 3280. 3. The PVM shall include the capability to specify whether the special policy anyPolicy may be processed as an initial condition for path validation. [Note: The capability may be supplied as a configuration setting, or as a parameter in an API call.]

5. Supplementary Path Validation Functionality

The preceding sections identified common PKI requirements for enterprise PKIs and PKIs that cross organizational boundaries. Specific PKIs may use additional features, imposing additional requirements on PVMs. This document defines four independent functional packages in addition to the three packages defined in section 4. Three of the packages support additional mechanisms for certificate revocation,. The fourth package supports the use of the DSA cryptographic algorithm to sign certificates and CRLs. The four supplementary path validation packages are: 1. Indirect CRLs: The ability to process indirect CRLs, including the ability to process: a) the cRLIssuer field of the cRLDistributionPoints extension; b) the indirectCRL field of the issuingDistributionPoint extension; and c) the certificateIssuer CRL entry extension. 2. Reasons: The ability to process CRLs that have been segmented by reason code, including the ability to process the onlySomeReasons field of the issuingDistributionPoint extension. 3. Delta-CRLs: The ability to process delta-CRLs. 4. DSA: The ability to process DSA public keys and signatures, including public keys in which the parameters have been inherited.


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6. Path Validation Module Naming Scheme

To assist in comparison and succinct description of functional requirements for PVMs, this specification establishes a naming scheme that identifies PVMs that implement all of the functionality specified for Enterprise PVMs and, optionally, the functional packages specified in sections 4 and 5. While this naming scheme does not factor in partially supported packages or functionality not specified in a package, PVMs may implement any set of functionality as long as all functionality specified in section 3 is implemented and any functionality that is implemented is implemented correctly. The following table is supplied to facilitate name construction, and is used as follows: working from the top to the bottom, find the first row where all required packages (indicated by an X) are implemented. Use the name from the topmost row that applies, filling in the optional packages that have been fully implemented as specified in the selected row.
N a m e C o n s t r a i n t s P o l i c y a n y P o l i M c a y p p i n g I n d i r e c t C R L R e a s o n s D D e S l A t a C R L s

Title of Protection Profile

Bridge-enabled PVM with Advanced CRLs [, f, and g] Bridge-enabled PVM [with d, e, f, and g] Enterprise PVM with Advanced CRLs[, a, b, c, f, and g] Enterprise PVM [with a, b, c, d, e, f, and g]

X X a a

X X b b

X X c c

X d X d

X e X e

f f f f

g g g g

X: required package for this naming scheme Optional packages: a: Name Constraints b: Policy Mapping c: anyPolicy d: Indirect CRLs Example #1: An Path Validation Module that implements all of the functionality specified in sections 3 and 4 in addition to the requirements of the DSA package would be a Bridgeenabled PVM with DSA, based on the second row in the table above. DRAFT 10 May 3, 2004 e: Reasons f: Delta-CRLs g: DSA

Example #2: An Path Validation Module that implements all of the functionality specified in section 3 in addition to the requirements for the Name Constraints and Delta-CRLs packages would be an Enterprise PVM with Delta-CRLs and Name Constraints, based on the fourth row in the table.

7. References
[1] William T. Polk, Nelson E. Hastings, and Ambarish Malpani. Public Key Infrastructures that Satisfy Security Goals. IEEE Internet Computing, 7(4): 60 67, July-August, 2003. [2] Public Key Interoperability Test Suite (PKITS): Certification Path Validation, Version 1.0, May XX, 2004. [3] Russel Housley, Tim Polk, Warwick Ford, and David Solo. Internet Public Key Infrastructure: X.509 Certificate and Certificate Revocation List (CRL) Profile, RFC 3280, April 2002.

A. Conformance Testing
The Public Key Interoperability Test suite (PKITS) [2] can be used to determine whether a Path Validation Module has been implemented in conformance with RFC 3280. Conformance testing of any given PVM will not require running every test in PKITS. The specific set of tests that need to be run for any given PVM, and the expected outcome for each test, will depend on what functionality that PVM has implemented. For example, in a test involving name constraints, a PVM that implements name constraints may be expected to process the name constraints extension and determine that the path is valid whereas a PVM that does not implement name constraints may be expected to reject the certification path as including a certificate with an unrecognized, critical extension. In order to determine which tests to run and the expected outcome for each test, it is necessary to know whether or not the PVM being tested implements each of the following: 1. DSA signature verification: The ability to process DSA public keys and signatures when each certificate with a DSA subject public key includes parameters. 2. DSA parameter inheritance: The ability to process DSA public keys and signatures, including public keys in which the parameters have been inherited. 3. directoryName: The ability to process nameConstraints extensions that include a directoryName as a permitted and/or excluded subtree and to determine whether subsequent certificates satisfy the specified constraints. 4. rfc822Name: The ability to process nameConstraints extensions that include an rfc822Name as a permitted and/or excluded subtree and to determine whether subsequent certificates satisfy the specified constraints.



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5. dNSName: The ability to process nameConstraints extensions that include a dNSName as a permitted and/or excluded subtree and to determine whether subsequent certificates satisfy the specified constraints. 6. uniformResourceIdentifier: The ability to process nameConstraints extensions that include a uniformResourceIdentifier as a permitted and/or excluded subtree and to determine whether subsequent certificates satisfy the specified constraints. 7. onlySomeReasons: The ability to process CRLs that have been segmented by reason code, including the ability to process the onlySomeReasons field of the issuingDistributionPoint extension. 8. nameRelativeToIssuer: The ability to process cRLDistributionPoints extensions and issuingDistributionPoint extensions that include a distributionPoint specified as nameRelativeToIssuer. 9. indirect CRLs: The ability to process indirect CRLs, including the ability to process: d) the cRLIssuer field of the cRLDistributionPoints extension; e) the indirectCRL field of the issuingDistributionPoint extension; and f) the certificateIssuer CRL entry extension. The ability to process delta-CRLs. 11.anyPolicy OID: The ability to process the special policy anyPolicy in accordance with RFC 3280 when it appears in the certificate policies extension. 12.inhibitAnyPolicy: The ability to process the inhibitAnyPolicy extension. 13.initial-inhibit-any-policy: The ability to specify whether the special policy anyPolicy may be processed as an initial condition for path validation. [Note: The capability may be supplied as a configuration setting, or as a parameter in an API call.] 14.policyMappings: The ability to process the policyMappings extension. 15.inhibitPolicyMapping: The ability to process the inhibitPolicyMapping field of the policyConstraints extension. 16.initial-inhibit-policy-mapping: The ability to specify whether policy mapping is permitted or inhibited as an initial condition for path validation. [Note: The capability may be supplied as a configuration setting, or as a parameter in an API call.] At a minimum, it is assumed that all PVMs can implement all of the functionality specified in section 3 for Enterprise PVMs. Below is a list of each test in PKITS along with an indication of which applications need to run the test, based on the set of functionality implemented by the applications. Unless explicitly stated otherwise, the expected result for a PVM for a test that is to be run is the outcome specified in PKITS for that test. DRAFT 12 May 3, 2004

Test 4.1.1 Valid Signatures Test1 4.1.2 Invalid CA Signature Test2 4.1.3 Invalid EE Signature Test3 4.1.4 Valid DSA Signatures Test4 4.1.5 Valid DSA Parameter Inheritance Test5 All. All. All.

Applications that need to run test

All. Applications that can not verify DSA signatures must reject the path. Run only if application can verify DSA signatures and parameter inheritance.

4.1.6 Invalid DSA Signature Test6 Run only if application can verify DSA signatures 4.2.1 Invalid CA notBefore Date Test1 4.2.2 Invalid EE notBefore Date Test2 4.2.3 Valid pre2000 UTC notBefore Date Test3 4.2.4 Valid GeneralizedTime notBefore Date Test4 4.2.5 Invalid CA notAfter Date Test5 4.2.6 Invalid EE notAfter Date Test6 4.2.7 Invalid pre2000 UTC EE notAfter Date Test7 4.2.8 Valid GeneralizedTime notAfter Date Test8 4.3.1 Invalid Name Chaining EE Test1 4.3.2 Invalid Name Chaining Order Test2 4.3.3 Valid Name Chaining Whitespace Test3 4.3.4 Valid Name Chaining Whitespace Test4 All. All. All. All. All. All. All. All. All. All. All. All.



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Test 4.3.5 Valid Name Chaining Capitalization Test5 4.3.6 Valid Name Chaining UIDs Test6 4.3.7 Valid RFC3280 Mandatory Attribute Types Test7 4.3.8 Valid RFC3280 Optional Attribute Types Test8 4.3.9 Valid UTF8String Encoded Names Test9 4.3.10 Valid Rollover from PrintableString to UTF8String Test10 4.3.11 Valid UTF8String Case Insensitive Match Test11 4.4.1 Missing CRL Test1 4.4.2 Invalid Revoked CA Test2 4.4.3 Invalid Revoked EE Test3 4.4.4. Invalid Bad CRL Signature Test4 4.4.5 Invalid Bad CRL Issuer Name Test5 4.4.6 Invalid Wrong CRL Test6 4.4.7 Valid Two CRLs Test7 All. All.

Applications that need to run test

This test does not need to be run. This test does not need to be run. All. This test does not need to be run.

This test does not need to be run. All. All. All. All. All. All. All.

4.4.8 Invalid Unknown CRL Entry All. Extension Test8 4.4.9 Invalid Unknown CRL Extension Test9 4.4.10 Invalid Unknown CRL Extension Test10 4.4.11 Invalid Old CRL nextUpdate Test11 All. All. All.



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Test 4.4.12 Invalid pre2000 CRL nextUpdate Tesst12 4.4.13 Valid GeneralizedTime CRL nextUpdate Test13 4.4.14 Valid Negative Serial Number Test14 4.4.15 Invalid Negative Serial Number Test15 4.4.16 Valid Long Serial Number Test16 4.4.17 Valid Long Serial Number Test17 All. All. All. All. All. All.

Applications that need to run test

4.4.18 Invalid Long Serial Number All. Test18 4.4.19 Valid Separate Certificate and CRL Keys Test19 All.

4.4.20 Invalid Separate Certificate All. and CRL Keys Test20 4.4.21 Invalid Separate Certificate All. and CRL Keys Test21 4.5.1 Valid Basic Self-Issued Old With New Test1 All.

4.5.2 Invalid Basic Self-Issued Old All. With New Test2 4.5.3 Valid Basic Self-Issued New All. With Old Test3 4.5.4 Valid Basic Self-Issued New All. With Old Test4 4.5.5 Invalid Basic Self-Issued New With Old Test5 All.

4.5.6 Valid Basic Self-Issued CRL All. Signing Key Test6



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Test 4.5.7 Invalid Basic Self-Issued CRL Signing Key Test7 4.5.8 Invalid Basic Self-Issued CRL Signing Key Test8 4.6.1 Invalid Missing basicConstraints Test1 4.6.2 Invalid cA False Test2 4.6.3 Invalid cA False Test3 4.6.4 Valid basicConstraints Not Critical Test4 4.6.5 Invalid pathLenConstraint Test5 4.6.6 Invalid pathLenConstraint Test6 4.6.7 Valid pathLenConstraint Test7 4.6.8 Valid pathLenConstraint Test8 4.6.9 Invalid pathLenConstraint Test9 4.6.10 Invalid pathLenConstraint Test10 4.6.11 Invalid pathLenConstraint Test11 4.6.12 Invalid pathLenConstraint Test12 4.6.13 Valid pathLenConstraint Test13 4.6.14 Valid pathLenConstraint Test14 4.6.15 Valid Self-Issued pathLenConstraint Test15 All. All. All. All. All. All. All. All. All. All. All. All. All. All. All. All. All.

Applications that need to run test



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Test 4.6.16 Invalid Self-Issued pathLenConstraint Test16 4.6.17 Valid Self-Issued pathLenConstraint Test17 4.7.1 Invalid keyUsage Critical keyCertSign False Test1 4.7.2 Invalid keyUsage Not Critical keyCertSign False Test2 All. All. All. All.

Applications that need to run test

4.7.3 Valid keyUsage Not Critical All. Test3 4.7.4 Invalid keyUsage Critical cRLSign False Test4 4.7.5 Invalid keyUsage Not Critical cRLSign False Test5 All. All.

4.8.1 All Certificates Same Policy Run if application can be configured as specified Test1, subtest 1 (i.e., if initial-policy-set can be any-policy when initial-explicit-policy is set). 4.8.1 All Certificates Same Policy All. Test1, subtest 2 4.8.1 All Certificates Same Policy All. Test1, subtest 3 4.8.1 All Certificates Same Policy All. Test1, subtest 4 4.8.2 All Certificates No Policies Test2, subtest 1 4.8.2 All Certificates No Policies Test2, subtest 2 All. All. (initial-policy-set may be set to {NIST-testpolicy-1, NIST-test-policy-2, NIST-test-policy-3, NIST-test-policy-4, NIST-test-policy-5, NIST-testpolicy-6} if it can not be set to any-policy). All. Run if application can be configured as specified (i.e., if initial-policy-set can be any-policy when initial-explicit-policy is set).

4.8.3 Different Policies Test3, subtest 1 4.8.3 Different Policies Test3, subtest 2



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Test 4.8.3 Different Policies Test3, subtest 3 4.8.4 Different Policies Test4 4.8.5 Different Policies Test5 4.8.6 Overlapping Policies Test6, subtest 1 4.8.6 Overlapping Policies Test6, subtest 2 4.8.6 Overlapping Policies Test6, subtest 3 4.8.7 Different Policies Test7 4.8.8 Different Policies Test8 4.8.9 Different Policies Test9 4.8.10 All Certificates Same Policies Test10, subtest 1 4.8.10 All Certificates Same Policies Test10, subtest 2 4.8.10 All Certificates Same Policies Test10, subtest 3 4.8.11 All Certificates AnyPolicy Test11, subtest 1 4.8.11 All Certificates AnyPolicy Test11, subtest 2 4.8.12 Different Policies Test12 4.8.13 All Certificates Same Policies Test13, subtest 1 4.8.13 All Certificates Same Policies Test13, subtest 2 4.8.13 All Certificates Same Policies Test13, subtest 3 All. All. All. All. All. All. All. All. All. All. All. All.

Applications that need to run test

This subtest does not need to be run. Run if application can process the special policy anyPolicy. All. All. All. All.

4.8.14 AnyPolicy Test14, subtest 1 Run if application can process the special policy anyPolicy. DRAFT 18 May 3, 2004


Applications that need to run test

4.8.14 AnyPolicy Test14, subtest 2 Run if application can process the special policy anyPolicy. 4.8.15 User Notice Qualifier Test15 4.8.16 User Notice Qualifier Test16 4.8.17 User Notice Qualifier Test17 4.8.18 User Notice Qualifier Test18, subtest 1 4.8.18 User Notice Qualifier Test18, subtest 2 4.8.19 User Notice Qualifier Test19 4.8.20 CPS Pointer Qualifier Test20 This test does not need to be run. This test does not need to be run. This test does not need to be run. This subtest does not need to be run. This subtest does not need to be run. This test does not need to be run. All. Test should be run with initial-explicit-policy set (initial-policy-set may be set to {NIST-test-policy-1, NIST-test-policy-2, NIST-test-policy-3, NIST-testpolicy-4, NIST-test-policy-5, NIST-test-policy-6} if it can not be set to any-policy). All. All. All. All. All. All. All.

4.9.1 Valid RequireExplicitPolicy Test1 4.9.2 Valid RequireExplicitPolicy Test2 4.9.3 Invalid RequireExplicitPolicy Test3 4.9.4 Valid RequireExplicitPolicy Test4 4.9.5 Invalid RequireExplicitPolicy Test5 4.9.6 Valid Self-Issued requireExplicitPolicy Test6 4.9.7 Invalid Self-Issued requireExplicitPolicy Test7



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Test 4.9.8 Invalid Self-Issued requireExplicitPolicy Test8 4.10.1 Valid Policy Mapping Test1, subtest 1 All.

Applications that need to run test

All. Applications that can not process the policyMappings extension should reject the path (When testing an application that does not process the policyMappings extension, the default settings should be used (i.e., initial-policy-set = any-policy)). Run if application can process the policyMappings extension. Run if initial-policy-mapping-inhibit can be set. Run if application can process the policyMappings extension. Run if initial-policy-mapping-inhibit can be set. Run if application can process the policyMappings extension. Run if application can process the policyMappings extension. Run if application can process the policyMappings extension. Run if application can process the policyMappings extension. Run if application can process the policyMappings extension. Run if application can process the policyMappings extension. Run if application can process the policyMappings extension. Run if application can process the policyMappings extension and the special policy anyPolicy. Run if application can process the policyMappings extension and the special policy anyPolicy.

4.10.1 Valid Policy Mapping Test1, subtest 2 4.10.1 Valid Policy Mapping Test1, subtest 3 4.10.2 Invalid Policy Mapping Test2, subtest 1 4.10.2 Invalid Policy Mapping Test2, subtest 2 4.10.3 Valid Policy Mapping Test3, subtest 1 4.10.3 Valid Policy Mapping Test3, subtest 2 4.10.4 Invalid Policy Mapping Test4 4.10.5 Valid Policy Mapping Test5, subtest 1 4.10.5 Valid Policy Mapping Test5, subtest 2 4.10.6 Valid Policy Mapping Test6, subtest 1 4.10.6 Valid Policy Mapping Test6, subtest 2 4.10.7 Invalid Mapping From anyPolicy Test7 4.10.8 Invalid Mapping To anyPolicy Test8



May 3, 2004


Applications that need to run test

4.10.9 Valid Policy Mapping Test9 This test does not need to be run. 4.10.10 Invalid Policy Mapping Test10 4.10.11 Valid Policy Mapping Test11 4.10.12 Valid Policy Mapping Test12, subtest 1 4.10.12 Valid Policy Mapping Test12, subtest 2 4.10.13 Valid Policy Mapping Test13 4.10.14 Valid Policy Mapping Test14 4.11.1 Invalid inhibitPolicyMapping Test1 Run if application can process the policyMappings extension and the special policy anyPolicy. Run if application can process the policyMappings extension and the special policy anyPolicy. Run if application can process the policyMappings extension. It is irrelevant whether the user notice is displayed. Run if application can process the policyMappings extension and the special policy anyPolicy. It is irrelevant whether the user notice is displayed. This test does not need to be run. This test does not need to be run. Run if application can process the inhibitPolicyMapping field in the policyConstraints extension.

4.11.2 Valid inhibitPolicyMapping All. Applications that can not process the Test2 inhibitPolicyMapping field in the policyConstraints extension should reject the path. 4.11.3 Invalid inhibitPolicyMapping Test3 Run if application can process the inhibitPolicyMapping field in the policyConstraints extension.

4.11.4 Valid inhibitPolicyMapping Run if application can process the inhibitPolicyMapping Test4 field in the policyConstraints extension. 4.11.5 Invalid inhibitPolicyMapping Test5 4.11.6 Invalid inhibitPolicyMapping Test6 4.11.7 Valid Self-Issued inhibitPolicyMapping Test7 4.11.8 Invalid Self-Issued inhibitPolicyMapping Test8 Run if application can process the inhibitPolicyMapping field in the policyConstraints extension. Run if application can process the inhibitPolicyMapping field in the policyConstraints extension. Run if application can process the inhibitPolicyMapping field in the policyConstraints extension. Run if application can process the inhibitPolicyMapping field in the policyConstraints extension.



May 3, 2004

Test 4.11.9 Invalid Self-Issued inhibitPolicyMapping Test9 4.11.10 Invalid Self-Issued inhibitPolicyMapping Test10 4.11.11 Invalid Self-Issued inhibitPolicyMapping Test11 4.12.1 Invalid inhibitAnyPolicy Test1 4.12.2 Valid inhibitAnyPolicy Test2 4.12.3 inhibitAnyPolicy Test3, subtest 1 4.12.3 inhibitAnyPolicy Test3, subtest 2 4.12.4 Invalid inhibitAnyPolicy Test4 4.12.5 Invalid inhibitAnyPolicy Test5 4.12.6 Invalid inhibitAnyPolicy Test6 4.12.7 Valid Self-Issued inhibitAnyPolicy Test7 4.12.8 Invalid Self-Issued inhibitAnyPolicy Test8 4.12.9 Valid Self-Issued inhibitAnyPolicy Test9 4.12.10 Invalid Self-Issued inhibitAnyPolicy Test10 4.13.1 Valid DN nameConstraints Test1

Applications that need to run test Run if application can process the inhibitPolicyMapping field in the policyConstraints extension. Run if application can process the inhibitPolicyMapping field in the policyConstraints extension. Run if application can process the inhibitPolicyMapping field in the policyConstraints extension. Run if application can process the inhibitAnyPolicy extension. All. Applications that can not process the inhibitAnyPolicy extension should reject the path. Run if application can process the inhibitAnyPolicy extension. Run if initial-inhibit-any-policy can be set. Run if application can process the inhibitAnyPolicy extension. Run if application can process the inhibitAnyPolicy extension. Run if application can process the inhibitAnyPolicy extension. Run if application can process the inhibitAnyPolicy extension. Run if application can process the inhibitAnyPolicy extension. Run if application can process the inhibitAnyPolicy extension. Run if application can process the inhibitAnyPolicy extension. All. Applications that can not process name constraints for the directoryName form should reject the path.



May 3, 2004

Test 4.13.2 Invalid DN nameConstraints Test2 4.13.3 Invalid DN nameConstraints Test3 4.13.4 Valid DN nameConstraints Test4 4.13.5 Valid DN nameConstraints Test5 4.13.6 Valid DN nameConstraints Test6 4.13.7 Invalid DN nameConstraints Test7 4.13.8 Invalid DN nameConstraints Test8 4.13.9 Invalid DN nameConstraints Test9 4.13.10 Invalid DN nameConstraints Test10

Applications that need to run test Run if application can process name constraints for the directoryName form. Run if application can process name constraints for the directoryName form. Run if application can process name constraints for the directoryName form. Run if application can process name constraints for the directoryName form. Run if application can process name constraints for the directoryName form. Run if application can process name constraints for the directoryName form. Run if application can process name constraints for the directoryName form. Run if application can process name constraints for the directoryName form. Run if application can process name constraints for the directoryName form.

4.13.11 Valid DN nameConstraints Run if application can process name constraints for Test11 the directoryName form. 4.13.12 Invalid DN nameConstraints Test12 4.13.13 Invalid DN nameConstraints Test13 Run if application can process name constraints for the directoryName form. Run if application can process name constraints for the directoryName form.

4.13.14 Valid DN nameConstraints Run if application can process name constraints for Test14 the directoryName form. 4.13.15 Invalid DN nameConstraints Test15 4.13.16 Invalid DN nameConstraints Test16 4.13.17 Invalid DN nameConstraints Test17 Run if application can process name constraints for the directoryName form. Run if application can process name constraints for the directoryName form. Run if application can process name constraints for the directoryName form.



May 3, 2004


Applications that need to run test

4.13.18 Valid DN nameConstraints Run if application can process name constraints for Test18 the directoryName form. 4.13.19 Valid Self-Issued DN nameConstraints Test19 4.13.20 Invalid Self-Issued DN nameConstraints Test20 4.13.21 Valid RFC822 nameConstraints Test21 4.13.22 Invalid RFC822 nameConstraints Test22 4.13.23 Valid RFC822 nameConstraints Test23 4.13.24 Invalid RFC822 nameConstraints Test24 4.13.25 Valid RFC822 nameConstraints Test25 4.13.26 Invalid RFC822 nameConstraints Test26 4.13.27 Valid DN and RFC822 nameConstraints Test27 4.13.28 Invalid DN and RFC822 nameConstraints Test28 4.13.29 Invalid DN and RFC822 nameConstraints Test29 4.13.30 Valid DNS nameConstraints Test30 4.13.31 Invalid DNS nameConstraints Test31 4.13.32 Valid DNS nameConstraints Test32 Run if application can process name constraints for the directoryName form. Run if application can process name constraints for the directoryName form. All. Applications that can not process name constraints for the rfc822Name form should reject the path. Run if application can process name constraints for the rfc822Name form. Run if application can process name constraints for the rfc822Name form. Run if application can process name constraints for the rfc822Name form. Run if application can process name constraints for the rfc822Name form. Run if application can process name constraints for the rfc822Name form. Run if application can process name constraints for both the directoryName form and the rfc822Name form. Run if application can process name constraints for both the directoryName form and the rfc822Name form. Run if application can process name constraints for both the directoryName form and the rfc822Name form. All. Applications that can not process name constraints for the dNSName form should reject the path. Run if application can process name constraints for the dNSName form. Run if application can process name constraints for the dNSName form.



May 3, 2004

Test 4.13.33 Invalid DNS nameConstraints Test33 4.13.34 Valid URI nameConstraints Test34 4.13.35 Invalid URI nameConstraints Test35 4.13.36 Valid URI nameConstraints Test36 4.13.37 Invalid URI nameConstraints Test37 4.13.38 Invalid DNS nameConstraints Test38 4.14.1 Valid distributionPoint Test1 4.14.2 Invalid distributionPoint Test2 4.14.3 Invalid distributionPoint Test3 4.14.4 Valid distributionPoint Test4

Applications that need to run test Run if application can process name constraints for the dNSName form. All. Applications that can not process name constraints for the uniformResourceIdentifier name form should reject the path. Run if application can process name constraints for the uniformResourceIdentifier name form. Run if application can process name constraints for the uniformResourceIdentifier name form. Run if application can process name constraints for the uniformResourceIdentifier name form. Run if application can process name constraints for the dNSName form. All. All. All. All. Applications that can not process cRLDistributionPoints extensions that include a distributionPoint that is specified as nameRelativeToCRLIssuer should reject the path (or issue a warning that certificate status can not be determined). All. Applications that can not process cRLDistributionPoints extensions or issuingDistributionPoint extensions that include a distributionPoint that is specified as nameRelativeToCRLIssuer should reject the path (or issue a warning that certificate status can not be determined). Run if application can process cRLDistributionPoints extensions and issuingDistributionPoint extensions that include a distributionPoint that is specified as nameRelativeToCRLIssuer.

4.14.5 Valid distributionPoint Test5

4.14.6 Invalid distributionPoint Test6



May 3, 2004

Test 4.14.7 Valid distributionPoint Test7 4.14.8 Invalid distributionPoint Test8 4.14.9 Invalid distributionPoint Test9 4.14.10 Valid No issuingDistributionPoint Test10 4.14.11 Invalid onlyContainsUserCerts CRL Test11

Applications that need to run test Run if application can process issuingDistributionPoint extensions that include a distributionPoint that is specified as nameRelativeToCRLIssuer. Run if application can process issuingDistributionPoint extensions that include a distributionPoint that is specified as nameRelativeToCRLIssuer. All. All. All.

4.14.12 Invalid All. onlyContainsCACerts CRL Test12 4.14.13 Valid All. onlyContainsCACerts CRL Test13 4.14.14 Invalid All. onlyContainsAttributeCerts Test14 4.14.15 Invalid onlySomeReasons Run if application can process the onlySomeReasons Test15 field of the issuingDistributionPoint extension. 4.14.16 Invalid onlySomeReasons Run if application can process the onlySomeReasons Test16 field of the issuingDistributionPoint extension. 4.14.17 Invalid onlySomeReasons Run if application can process the onlySomeReasons Test17 field of the issuingDistributionPoint extension. 4.14.18 Valid onlySomeReasons Test18 All. Applications that can not process the onlySomeReasons field of the issuingDistributionPoint extension should reject the path (or issue a warning that certificate status can not be determined). Run if application can process the onlySomeReasons field of the issuingDistributionPoint extension.

4.14.19 Valid onlySomeReasons Test19

4.14.20 Invalid onlySomeReasons Run if application can process the onlySomeReasons Test20 field of the issuingDistributionPoint extension.



May 3, 2004


Applications that need to run test

4.14.21 Invalid onlySomeReasons Run if application can process the onlySomeReasons Test21 field of the issuingDistributionPoint extension. 4.14.22 Valid IDP with indirectCRL Test22 4.14.23 Invalid IDP with indirectCRL Test23 4.14.24 Valid IDP with indirectCRL Test24 4.14.25 Valid IDP with indirectCRL Test25 4.14.26 Invalid IDP with indirectCRL Test26 4.14.27 Invalid cRLIssuer Test27 4.14.28 Valid cRLIssuer Test28 4.14.29 Valid cRLIssuer Test29 Run if application can process indirect CRLs. Run if application can process indirect CRLs. All. Applications that can not process indirect CRLs should reject the path (or issue a warning that certificate status can not be determined). Run if application can process indirect CRLs. Run if application can process indirect CRLs. Run if application can process indirect CRLs. Run if application can process indirect CRLs. Run if application can process indirect CRLs and cRLDistributionPoints extensions that include a distributionPoint that is specified as nameRelativeToCRLIssuer. This test does not need to be run. Run if application can process indirect CRLs. Run if application can process indirect CRLs. Run if application can process indirect CRLs. Run if application can process indirect CRLs. Run if application can process indirect CRLs. All. Run if application can process delta-CRLs. Run if application can process delta-CRLs. Run if application can process delta-CRLs. Run if application can process delta-CRLs. 27 May 3, 2004

4.14.30 Valid cRLIssuer Test30 4.14.31 Invalid cRLIssuer Test31 4.14.32 Invalid cRLIssuer Test32 4.14.33 Valid cRLIssuer Test33 4.14.34 Invalid cRLIssuer Test34 4.14.35 Invalid cRLIssuer Test35 4.15.1 Invalid deltaCRLIndicator No Base Test1 4.15.2 Valid delta-CRL Test2 4.15.3 Invalid delta-CRL Test3 4.15.4 Invalid delta-CRL Test4 4.15.5 Valid delta-CRL Test5 DRAFT

Test 4.15.6 Invalid delta-CRL Test6 4.15.7 Valid delta-CRL Test7 4.15.8 Valid delta-CRL Test8 4.15.9 Invalid delta-CRL Test9 4.15.10 Invalid delta-CRL Test10

Applications that need to run test Run if application can process delta-CRLs. Run if application can process delta-CRLs. Run if application can process delta-CRLs. Run if application can process delta-CRLs. Run if application can process delta-CRLs.

4.16.1 Valid Unknown Not Critical All. Certificate Extension Test1 4.16.2 Invalid Unknown Critical Certificate Extension Test2 All.



May 3, 2004

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