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Lunearia by Amanita

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This oversized and comfy pullover is the perfect relaxing knit. The lace panels
have a botanical touch to them and are an eye catching element which makes
this project more subtle and interesting. V-neck matches the leafy motives
perfectly. It’s a really nice pullover for spring weather or for layering in the
colder days.

LUNEARIA by „Amanita” Agata Mackiewicz (Ravelry: Amanitaa) ©

This pattern is for personal and non-commercial use. April 2021
XS (S, M, L) [XL, 2XL, 3XL, 4XL, 5XL] |2
Finished bust - 100 (105, 110, 120) [130, 140, 150, 160, 170] cm/
39.5 (41, 43, 47) [51, 55, 59, 63, 67] inches
Recommended ease: 15-20 cm/ 6-8 inches of positive ease.
Sample - size S on 89 cm/ 35 inches bust with 16 cm/ 6 .25 inches ease.
For more detailed measurements see the schematic on the last page.

Sample is made with:
Shibui Lunar (60% Extra Fine Merino, 40% Mulbery Silk - 50 grams = 365 m/ 401 yds)
and Shibui Silk Cloud (60% Mohair, 40% Silk - 25 grams = 300 m/ 330 yds) held together
You can use any fingering weight yarn which gives you the correct gauge
Yardage: 2 (3, 3, 3) [3, 4, 4, 5] 100g skeins

100 cm/40” circular knitting needle for magic loop:
4 mm/US 6 for the body
3.5 mm/US 4 for the ribbing
3.25 mm/ US 3 for the neckline
or size to obtain the gauge

24 sts and 32 rnds/4” (10 cm) in St st with both yarns held together

with largest needles after blocking.

2 stitch markers
scrap yarn
tapestry needle

LUNEARIA by „Amanita” Agata Mackiewicz (Ravelry: Amanitaa) ©

This pattern is for personal and non-commercial use. April 2021
** - rep from * to * You may refer to these links:
BOR - beginning of the round
cdd - insert your working needle through the Backwards Loop Cast On:
first two sts on your main needle knitwise, and
slip them off tog. Knit the next st, pass both
slipped sts tog on your working needle, over
Provisional Cast On:
the stitch you just knit - dec 2 sts
CO - cast on
dec - decrease (video)
inc - increase
k - knit
k2tog - knit 2 sts together - dec 1 st
ktbl - knit through the back loop INSTRUCTIONS
m - marker
m1L/p - make 1 left - insert LH needle from This comfy pullover is worked from the
front to back under the bar between sts, then top down seamlessly, in one piece. First
knit/purl this bar through the back loop you start working at the shoulders, using
- inc 1 st
some short rows. Next, the back and the
m1R/p - make 1 right - insert the LH needle
fronts are worked separately, until they
from back to front under the bar between the
reach needed length. Then, everything is
sts, then knit/purl this bar through the front
loop - inc 1 st joined to work in the round. Sleeves are
p - purl picked up from the edges of the front and
pm - place marker back - they’re worked in the round, top-
psso - pass slipped st over - dec 1 st down as the body.
rnd/s - round/s
sm - slip marker
ssk - slip slip knit - slip one st knitwise, slip BACK
one more st, insert your left hand needle into
the fronts of these 2 slipped sts and knit them Back and Fronts are knitted flat.
together from this position. The sts slant to With 4 mm/ US 6 needles and using
the left - dec 1 st Provisional CO method, Cast on 120 (126,
St st - stockinette stitch (in the rnd - knit every
132, 144) [156, 168, 180, 192, 204] sts.
rnd; flat - RS: knit, WS: purl).
st/s - stitch/es Starting with an RS row, with one strand
tog - together each of both working yarns held together,
w&t - wrap and turn - move yarn between work in St st for 4 rows.
needles to opposite side of work, slip next
stitch, bring yarn back to working side of work,
slip stitch back to left needle.
yo - yarn over - inc 1 st

LUNEARIA by „Amanita” Agata Mackiewicz (Ravelry: Amanitaa) ©

This pattern is for personal and non-commercial use. April 2021
Back Shaping Right front shoulder
Short Row 1 (RS): k 80 (84, 88, 96) [104, Join yarn at RS and work in St st for
112, 120, 128, 136] sts, w&t. 3 rows.
Short Row 2 (WS): p 40 (42, 44, 48) [52, Short Row 1 (WS): p1, w&t.
56, 60, 64, 68] sts, w&t. Short Row 2 (RS): k to end.
Short Row 3: k to wrapped st, pick up Short Row 3: p to wrapped st, pick up the
wrap and knit it tog with its corresponding wrap and purl it tog with its corresponding
sts, k 5 (5, 5, 6) [7, 7, 8, 8, 9], w&t. st, p 5 (5, 5, 6) [7, 7, 8, 8, 9], w&t.
Short Row 4: p to wrapped st, pick up Short Row 4: k to end.
wrap and purl it tog with its corresponding
sts, p 5 (5, 5, 6) [7, 7, 8, 8, 9], w&t. Repeat Short Rows 3-4, 5 (5, 6, 5) [5, 5, 5,
5, 5] times more.
Repeat Short Rows 3-4, 5 times more.
Next row (WS): p to the end of row,
Next row (RS): k to the end of row, pick up picking up wrap and work it tog with its
wrap and knit it tog with its corresponding corresponding st.
Work in St st for 4 rows.
Next row (WS): p to the end of row, pick
up wrap and purl it tog with its
corresponding sts. Neck Shaping
Work in St st for 12.5 (12.5, 15, 15) [17.5,
Row 1 (RS): k to 2 sts before end, m1R, k2
17.5, 20, 22.5, 22.5] cm/ 5 (5, 6, 6) [7, 7, 8, - 1 st inc.
9, 9] inches total - from CO edge, Row 2 (WS): p to end.
measuring right along the selvedge - you
should have about 40 (40, 48, 48) [56, 56, Repeat Rows 1-2 13 (14, 15, 17) [19, 21,
64, 72, 72] rows - ending with a RS done. 23, 25, 27] times more.
Repeat Row 1 once more.
Break yarn and put all sts on waste yarn.
Next Row (WS): p2, m1Lp, p to end
- 1 st inc.
FRONTS Next Row (RS): k to 2 sts before end, m1R,
k2 -1 st inc.
Starting at the shorter edge and with the Repeat the last 2 rows once more.
RS facing you, unravel the Right Shoulder You should have 60 (63, 66, 72) [78, 84,
Provisional CO and place the first 41 (43, 90, 96, 102] sts.
45, 49) [53, 57, 61, 65, 69] sts on the Break yarn and put all sts on waste yarn.

LUNEARIA by „Amanita” Agata Mackiewicz (Ravelry: Amanitaa) ©

This pattern is for personal and non-commercial use. April 2021
Left front shoulder You should have 60 (63, 66, 72) [78, 84,
90, 96, 102] sts.
Unravel the next 38 (40, 42, 46) [50, 54,
58, 62, 66] sts of the Back neck and place Join fronts
them on a waste yarn - this will be top of Place all the front shoulder sts onto the
the neckline, which will not be worked spare needles. |5
until the final ribbing.
Purl through Left Front, CO 1 (using
Unravel the next 41 (43, 45, 49) [53, 57, Backward CO method), purl through Right
61, 65, 69] sts from the provisional CO for Front until 2 sts left, p2tog. You can place
the Left Shoulder, and place them sts onto a clipy marker onto the central added sts.
the needles.
In the next row - ktbl the central st.
Join yarn at RS and work in St st for
You should have 120 (126, 132, 144) [156,
2 rows.
168, 180, 192, 204] sts.
Short Row 1 (RS): k1, w&t.
You can place a progress keeper/ stitch
Short Row 2 (WS): p to end. marker in this row and start working from
Short Row 3: k to wrapped st, pick up here in St st for about 12.5 (12.5, 15, 15)
wrap and knit it tog with its corresponding [17.5, 17.5, 20, 22.5, 22.5] cm/ 5 (5, 6, 6)
sts, k 5 (5, 5, 6) [7, 7, 8, 8, 9], w&t. [7, 7, 8, 9, 9] inches total measuring right
along the selvedge - to end up with the
Short Row 4: p to end.
same amount of rows as on the back - you
Repeat Short Rows 3-4, 5 (5, 6, 5) [5, 5, 5, should have about 40 (40, 48, 48) [56, 56,
5, 5] times more. 64, 72, 72] rows - ending with a WS done.
Next row (RS): k to the end of row, picking
up wraps and work them tog with their
corresponding sts as you come to them. This piece is knitted in the round.

Work in St st for 5 rows. Next row: k to end of row, place the sts
you had on hold from the back onto the
Neck Shaping
needles and knit them. Place marker and
Row 1 (RS): k2, m1L, k to end - 1 inc. join for working in the round.
Row 2 (WS): p to end.
You should have 240 (252, 264, 288) [312,
Repeat Rows 1-2 13 (14, 15, 17) [19, 21, 336, 360, 384, 408] sts on the needles.
23, 25, 27] times more. Work in St st until the sweater measures
Repeat Row 1 once more.
22 (22, 23, 23) [23, 23, 25, 25, 28] cm/ 8.5
Next Row (WS): p to 2 sts before end, (8.5, 9, 9) [9, 9, 10, 10, 11] inches from
m1Rp, p2 - 1 st inc. your armhole or your desired length (the
Next Row (RS): k2, m1L, k to end - 1 st inc. lace panel will add 14 cm/ 5.5 inches).

Repeat the last 2 rows once more.

LUNEARIA by „Amanita” Agata Mackiewicz (Ravelry: Amanitaa) ©

This pattern is for personal and non-commercial use. April 2021
Lace Panel Written instructions

Work Rnds 1-26 of the lace panel from the Rnd 1: k1, yo, k4, sl1, k2tog, psso, k4, yo.
Chart A or the written instructions.
Rnd 2: k1tbl, p1, k9, p1.
You will work the pattern repeat 20 (21,
22, 24) [26, 28, 30, 32, 34] times on each Rnd 3: k1tbl, p1, yo, k3, sl1, k2tog, psso, |6
round. k3, yo, p1.

Chart note: repeat pattern in the red box Rnd 4: k1tbl, p1, k9, p1.
around. Rnd 5: k1tbl, p1, k1tbl, yo, k2, sl1, k2tog,
psso, k2, yo, k1tbl, p1.
Rnd 6: *k1tbl, p1* x 2, k5, p1, k1tbl, p1.
Rnd 7: *k1tbl, p1* x 2, yo, k1, sl1, k2tog,
psso, k1, yo, p1, k1tbl, p1.
Rnd 8: *k1tbl, p1* x 2, k5, p1, k1tbl, p1.
Rnd 9: *k1tbl, p1* x 2, k1tbl, yo, sl1, k2tog,
psso, yo, *k1tbl, p1* x 2.
Rnds 10-12: *k1tbl, p1* repeat around.
Rnd 13: k around.
Rnd 14: p around.
Rnds 15-16: Repeat Rnds 13-14.
Rnds 17-26: Repeat Rnds 1-10.

Bottom Hem
Change to smaller needle, 3.5 mm/ US 4.
Rnds 1-19: *k1tbl, p1* repeat around.
BO sts in rib pattern.

My tip! For BO I’m changing the right needle to size or

two bigger e.g. 4 mm/ US 6. So I don’t have to worry
about BO my sts too tight.

LUNEARIA by „Amanita” Agata Mackiewicz (Ravelry: Amanitaa) ©

This pattern is for personal and non-commercial use. April 2021
SLEEVES - both worked identically Sizes - (-, M, -) [XL, -, 3XL, 4XL, 5XL] only:

If you want more fitted sleeves then Dec Rnd: k1, ssk, k to 3 st before m, k2tog,
follow the decreases on the size smaller. k1 - 2 sts dec.

Attach yarn, with 4 mm/ US 6, and starting Continue working in St st repeating

Dec Rnd every 9th rnd 5 more times, |7
at the bottom of the armhole, pick up and
knit 60 (60, 72, 72) [84, 84, 96, 108, 108] until - (-, 60, -) [72, -, 84, 96, 96] sts
sts around it, place BOR m and join for remain.
working in the round. Work 4 rnds in St st.
Work 5 rnds in St st. All sizes:
Work Rnds 1-9 of the lace panel from the Work Rnds 1-10 from the Chart A.
Chart B or the written instructions.
Change to the smaller size needle, 3.5
You will work the pattern repeat 5 (5, 6, 6)
mm/ US 4.
[7, 7, 8, 9, 9] times on each round.
Rnds 1-19: *k1tbl, p1*, repeat around.
BO sts in rib pattern.

With 3.25 mm/ US 3 needles, starting at
the Right shoulder seam, retrieve and knit
across 38 (40, 42, 46) [50, 54, 58, 62, 66]
sts from the provisional CO along the back
neck, then pick up and knit 41 (43, 44, 47)
Written instructions [50, 53, 56, 59, 62] sts along the left front
neck edge, pick up and knit the single st
Rnd 1: k1, yo, k4, sl1, k2tog, psso, k4, yo. you CO on earlier, pick up and knit 41 (43,
Rnds 2, 4, 6, 8: k around. 44, 47) [50, 53, 56, 59, 62] sts along the
Rnd 3: k2, yo, k3, sl1, k2tog, psso, k3, yo, right front neck edge. Re-place the clippy
k1. marker onto the centre st. You should
Rnd 5: k3, yo, k2, sl1, k2tog, psso, k2, yo, have 120 (126, 130, 140) [150, 160, 170,
k2. 180, 190] sts.
Rnd 7: k4, yo, k1, sl1, k2tog, psso, k1, yo,
k3. Place BOR marker and join for working in
Rnd 9: k5, yo, sl1, k2tog, psso, yo, k4. the round.

Rnd 1: *p1, k1tbl* repeat around.

Sizes XS (S, -, L) [-, 2XL, -, -, -] only:
Rnd 2 (dec): *p1, k1tbl* to the 1 sts before
Work in St st until sleeve measures about
m, cdd tbl, *k1tbl, p1* to the end of the
23 cm/9 inches, or 9 cm/3.5 inches less
rnd - 2 sts dec.
than desired length.

LUNEARIA by „Amanita” Agata Mackiewicz (Ravelry: Amanitaa) ©

This pattern is for personal and non-commercial use. April 2021
Rnd 3: *p1, k1tbl* to m, k1tbl, *k1tbl, p1*
to the end of the rnd.

Rnd 4 (dec): p1, *k1tbl, p1* to the 1 sts

before m, cdd tbl, p1, *k1tbl, p1* to the
end of the rnd - 2 sts dec. |8

Rnd 5: p1, *k1tbl, p1* to m, k1tbl, p1,

*k1tbl, p1* to the end of the rnd.

On the following round BO all st in pattern

using the larger needles.

Weave in all ends. Block your sweater
gently - soak it in lukewarm water with
your favorite wool wash or some hair
conditioner for 15 minutes. Then squeeze
out the excess moisture with a towel.
Lay flat to dry in the desired shape!

Wear it with pride.

LUNEARIA by „Amanita” Agata Mackiewicz (Ravelry: Amanitaa) ©

This pattern is for personal and non-commercial use. April 2021

This top is intented to be worn with about 15-20 cm/ 6-8 inches of positive ease.
If you fall between two sizes and are going for the look in my pictures, pick the smaller size. |9
The upper arm circumference can be also helpful to pick your size (there is a small difference
between the sizes and some of them have simillar sleeve, because of the number of sts from the
lace panel).


A - Body Length from underarm

36 (36, 37, 37) [37, 37, 39, 39, 42] cm / 14 (14, 14.5, 14.5) [14.5, 14.5, 15.5, 15.5, 16.5] inches

B - Bust circumference

100 (105, 110, 120) [130, 140, 150, 160, 170] cm/ 39.5 (41, 43, 47) [51, 55, 59, 63, 67] inches

C - Sleeve length

32 cm/ 13 inches

D - Upper arm circumference

25 (25, 30, 30) [35, 35, 40, 45, 45] cm/ 10 (10, 12, 12) [14, 14, 16, 18, 18] inches

E - Yoke Depth

16 (17, 17.5, 19) [20, 21, 22.5, 24, 25] cm/ 6 (6.75, 7, 7.5) [8, 8.5, 9, 9.5, 9.5] inches

LUNEARIA by „Amanita” Agata Mackiewicz (Ravelry: Amanitaa) ©

This pattern is for personal and non-commercial use. April 2021

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