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Re-Elect Mayor Esposito SEEC 20 October 10 2023

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SEEC FORM 20 emized Campaign Finance Disk poy é 9% od OF 190 cay era COVE R_PAGE. Re-elect Mayor Dean Esposto rs Howey ls Terrace Steet Danbury cr ato ‘072028 Mayor - City of Danbury 5 CANDNTE NOE Ry Ge C Dean & Esposto [Oma he Omi pingriny OPH enya Ot Cone ire Opto se OW origi —_OtSdonlmin ston Qype Obit aie Ort png esin ODA saa Gone Onna meinen OTe Ale teckel Boat Gora giigaeer, Oi SSN Ost tne Deans De En Dae onmvenes ty e0R02000 heey cena ste, under praise Dislnure t mes hat al ofthe infenation x ft this Mee Canign Fie men forthe period covered istrus acral and compete Undsay J. Set ranooea psc ho i Fo a ac igh and willy vl ny provision of te compai Fee ae “fice cl en aor pismo a SEBC FORM 20 cent ‘SUMMARY PAGE TOTALS erie Hay epost “ fos COLUNNA COLUMN, “riser Ararete "(Sm onan en coum ay erm tt oer cmmaes poo? eer e708 i 15, Coton Rec om ns cles Asa ad [stese60.00 1, Resp am er Commits Senos ant) Po jsasnon 15. be Meta Rost Sens toh Tl Mes om Sl Pode Sete Saat | Spt Te er Pie ef ny 2012 Stn 2 rove os a Pes Abeting Pp Booker Sc Set 3 [s1-280.00 $¥5.200.00 17. Ta Monet Rescind tis 13 eh 16) [sez ser20000 1, Seo inde 2 +17 Clam Acansiine1 in cote By PLONE [s212000.00 19, Fp Pid Commie Sen P 5.99631 s67.906.15 20a on ha ch Reping Pt et i 9 unitate TSS ES s184173.85 2 lng Dosis ot Conied Con Recs Sen LA) 2 Dain not Cone Cones — Hane Pay Scio LS) > nnd Comoe Reched Scion MY 4 Retna Det Tepone Company (Seon N) 25 rte ee ee é 255 + Los Ravel Sen Dy 25h taro Pamoson ok 28 = Panenson Lom 254, hu Oustng Low Ano ce 24 Caneien taper Pd Coin econ) 7 pn nod Commie Co art Secon) 2 aps ora Coit Daring hi ed bt Not al Seon) I, MONETARY RECEIPTS (Sections A—K) Pacaseir [Re-ect Mayor Espoato foster 10 ‘Ay Total Contributions from Small ContibaionsRecchel ink Pood ONLY | (evtaconfr pn of Cae) ‘SUTOTAL SECTION A 1 Nenfaed Cont ibaions from Individuals es iy Howie Ad eanbury lor Jose Rewred enon [ssn me, — COTE] earn cea see Toc Ta Map| Aol Coin macs OF [Same ago | a eee” BEERS Onn Oram sae Te Oe Jon Orca mn Gennes Orin Oa ne | TH Weiss Steven lcovtside Ra Bantuy jor losers Retred Retred Se ee Le i Sea oe Or meee SEE poem JOtni Oren Chak Bres.84 Ct Orntitasin Cy ne | 72S 69 Tver Crossing isaeduy jer osree Danbury Spas Domne business Development aos OS |S = SS ce SS a eS pate Cea Sr Quam oan Come Orwnnacon Omran [00 ‘SUBTOTAL Section B — ‘This Page [5452.09 "TOTAL of adltoul Section B Pages [598 500.00| “TOTAUOF ALL CONTRINUTTONS FROM IRDIVIDIDNS (ets AB) oar wton ine tao Say ae Fy [S850 Section B ADDITIONAL PAGE | ot DER, a nn TT = oR —————— e-Gioct Mayor Esposio Jociaber 10 ‘Ar Total Contributions from Small Contributors Reeelved tis Period ONLY | « Geico aan of Sl Cot ‘SUBTOTAL SECTION A Te Memived Contrib secant anes anne ae ee Cersuive Oreaisinie ounce Bonne St Sky Top Food Rageie er [oosrs roklald Oomeers Barend fimo | OS | Seeenitesomnssentgeesgemmaenea™ | sn Fiano Crone To Stowbory it Avene, 220 Stara ‘eat ceaepencn cetakyiee No ‘asentsn ns ee enn eg cia 7ai2s. che Oeste cot Ory ssa: OM ‘SUBTOTAL Section B— This Page ‘TOTAL of addional Section B Pages 596,125.00 "TOTAL OF ALL CONTRINUTIONS FROM INDIVIDUALS (ton AH) at nan 3 Ct of Say ae tl) 536,950.00 Section B ADDITIONAL PAGE * of tt AATF OOMRTEE rr ow Tn ET ORT Re-Eiec Mayor Esposto focteber 10 ‘A Total Contribaions from Small Contributors Received this Period ONLY | ears rf So Car) SUBTOTAL SECTION A Br Nemized Contributions from I [36 Griting Pond Road Braniors jor [obo Fest cane Conte ison aa Sania re eee 9S Se ee a 0 a Ssomauasccat "GX |Yremcnamarcanaryens nme BAS Sn qoamoinomen | ron ine | = : =e [Esanar nes Biey ee [sei rata ave “ ‘State dan 8.0 rs B mt | s100.00 freed Sex Sis [Gatien BS ae cert al ee oem muon ant Otte Ot | HES = ne stan San a [oie ia aa SS 7 SS EE a Ta wnt egeel Secon xe Seetaemar i pace pasta Qi Quan er iret Gre Orne Oe a So ee p= ‘SUBTOTAL Section B— This Page ‘TOTAL ofaadltiona Section 1 Pages [98250 00 [Tari OF Aix CONTRITUTIONS FROMTINDIVIDUATS Gein AD [son so. co ~ (Ea aon Li Ct tof Say as Tote) Section B ADDITIONAL PAGES of #_ Re-Eiect Mayor Esposito Tr Total Contr [October 10 zs from Small Contributors Recelved this Period ONLY | (eta dn Sal Coie) 'SURTOTAL SECHON A 1 Hemized Contributions from Individuals rowers Eiyan 1 Garaage Howe Deve [Danbury ler Jocoro a ra Sales is SSS Oe | roe Jsespontc cds Sorensen gare suimcn | yoo vet pe i Set? No |""jpttatie tenhectrnaes Sh ea manner Be Oo Ome JO Orenmcist Ocekentncne Oryininin Oniny One| 7258 | Se0000 Wiscon Frod [51 Mountanvle Avenue Danbury lor fossto cro Rr Fetes Rewrea Emaaasrme BW Teoria ese akin gage Tae, | Ame ofan ‘ioscan eB $50.00 [choot snntwinan — Q Yes [iceraors cpa fv aaecatnaer ar popcne seca? QV |e tse “ etm Qescs O tsi Be Jeni Orovotcit Qeesunedicen! Orontobson OMony Ok lacora 56 ROCKWOOD LN [Groonwicn fcr foeaso Finan Apreatet De RN Ne eC ‘Sette cn ihe an ONS 8500.00 NS [Stench wench rarer "TOTAL OF ALL CONTRIBUTIONS FROM INDIVIDUALS fection A) [535 05000 ster ne ie 3, Clr Say ae Tt) = a er ae oenoe ee | "TOTAL of adltional Section B Pager [998.800 00 soe Section B ADDITIONAL PAGE * ot TAREE CORRTT aa RTT COTTON Re-Eict Mayor Esposito focober 10 ‘Ar Total Contributions from Small Conlibators- Received this Period ONLY Gena for fie Sn Car) ‘SUBTOTAL SECTION A s B. Henized Contributions from Individuals Patel Fiakesh [se Goruce Moran Tet [Bantury et [obero i od a a Lace QXS | ypaetealertochortendes eel QS [Ocush Orerceal chsk OcredisPebit cant Ornvet Detveten Onorey Ones | 7/26/23 oe L "Dogwood Drive Banbury (ct | osara a se a aoe ov ‘sas an 8.0807 Oa mi | s100.00 [reraemiescictt" Qio | yyatwateutatenckewmas Ter=mecmee? Bie eee ragpie oui = Sa Sem Quvncs One Omran] [SN Sad aay aes aoe aes Sas a ceeaee RX | Semat T aa oe ae ee BS Sen @uanatcn Omar Onna EN Se SUBTOTAL Section Ts Page|” ‘TOTAL of additonal Section B Pages [898,550.00 "TOTAL OF ALL CONTRIBUTIONS FROM INDIVIDUALS (ects A (Ena ie 3, Cla Sma ape Tt [S250 09 mae Section B ADDITIONAL PAGE ® oft TAREE aa Ce TT econo Re-Giet Mayor Esposito [october 10 1 Conteihations from Sinall Gtvibators-Receved this Period ONLY | (ean Sl Cen) SSUNTOTAL SECTION A less [47 Waington Foun Jer |osoro Executve Director Housing Authority of he City of Danbury Tomar RL poe [ene oa ‘eaten rere nee aE HORN CHT ‘Cenenmorwesnnanie’ Orweune Otesittne [Oeair Orennmt cet Orenstein Ont Dtsn Onn oe | 71S se P= leroy acon Sane i ef Soar a [regains aise os oS Sem ‘Sets ies san gfe ies ‘Shed So eB $100.00, [scwcaescccntts =" QS | pyetattttiiscnsrtnace “coum Byes “Pyar ema ‘penmenbectaaaigea Cesare © repave Jews Oresmtctes: Oretvoti Cod Orgs tie Qromy Or | 8/22 lknoury as 39 Stasley Rough Road Banbury cr [a TORS Fearon Orwor jcroot arene iene —QYS | Pam ng ac aT a Ta | Nan [stymied ts scat a taeriihen snot ph incoggearesamne | 29 evemmiesencs "Qe [pemaneasact emanate Oe ‘ister Serena Oesee Quepiane [Oats Oreronscher Octet an! Ott Osoton Qnty Oe | 2228 {8200.00 “SUBTOTAL Seton B — This Page| ‘TOTAL of additonal Section B Pages [897.750.00 TTOTALOF ALL CONTRIBUTIONS FROM INDINIDUATS eeiow AD) [555,050.00 Ea to Ln Ct Sane age Toa | seu Section B ADDITIONAL PAGE © of 4 o-Eect Mayor Esposito [October 10 ‘A. Total Contributions fom Small Contributors Recehvel this Period ONLY | Gc ora late) ‘sunTorAl Br Temized Contibntions from Indiv ii Beat Sto Brookes [er _[esoos retred ies cma BS [eerste geergemmsneias oe 2s Jun Oressmicrer Ocwsennxcat Ort tate Orta Oe lors Micnact 18 Grand Steet Danbury ose10 Reator yyia Home tes" Be $500.00 comeleeiae Qevcewive © Lepisitve ~ i son 7 200 Fat ook oad font Jer [oss ietostven - = resistive g Bsr Gren Gowen Om = | SUBTOTAL Section “This Page TOTAL of atonal Section B Pages [597350.00 "TOTAL OF ALL CONTRIBUTIONS FROM INDIVIDUALS fSrebonsA TD [=30.90 {Enron ean of Sar ae Paty |S OD alld Section B ADDITIONAL PAGE ! of RARER core Fe-E'ect Mayor Esposto [October 10 ‘Tr Total Conivibations from Small Contributors Received this Period ONLY | (enacts Sl Cow) ‘SUBTOTAL SECTIONA TB Hemized Contributions from I Payee amy 304 Longmen Hil Rood Brookts ‘e004 Homemaker Homemaker SS OS | a eae aa CRT RR] Aan [*aecnsnentseione ‘shamans io. Ot my sem pet SL Seem ornate Oxssine Otersane (ese Orerenni Once Ocreunedicne Orden Osten oe | 2D Fan ivstopner ‘ Worgan Road Banbury jor |oostt [Repair Technician RPM Sill Engine SS OF Aa A TRAN | Aaa Ca [sen cide foie Sera este soon tng vais | lroreentetmars =" QS [Myremamentncermas memes Bre "Yoo OOo ‘pvemnea orcncariewae' C)taeae © tepaane Orme Onova creek retard Ort Ostton Oso Oe | B/E haar Ee oy ES osteuramoue ice Ameiean Cala SS OS SE RT RAT | Nee Cae a a ‘ld mare im $507 Ore Sis a a [eeeamaemenacpame Qo cpemnsrmeepeciam cimaremrcnemccoreh ie “fimhtnee “sme a Qeweiee Ouertaive [Orcas reramichsk. Octet Cnt OhrnDsaton Qs SUBTOTAL Section B— This Page TOTAL of ddonal Section B Pass "TOTAL OF ALL CONTRIUTIONS FROM INDIVIDUALS fretans AT) (Es oie, of San oe Pte) [358,450.00 [s38.050.00 noo Section B ADDITIONAL PAGE ® ot RAREOT OORT a CT CORTON Re-Gect Mayor Esposito [October 10 ‘Tr Total Contribations from Small Contributors Recelvel this Period ONLY | {ecru Sal Con) 'SUBTOTALSECKION A, "B. Hemiaed Contributions from Individuals Ilo give (00 Oud Brooke Road [Bann ler Joss eared Retes TS OS | Re NTS Sa MIRE EI| Namn cn ferncncrnsinae Gio | Sem iaeaneat ncneegnc rg oes tatammgescant?" QXS |"reimiceatowesnormeae ee BN [Oca Oreentcnce Oeste Ca Ort dtr Qnty nt | 82220 Puna ober l 8 Orchard est Road Sherman losraa lAtrney OF SS SS | rae [ern ‘sate a. ‘Oo | 50000 frsenemstcare™ Qe [pamacnentetace arenes roremememenn Bre “inal ‘essences Qs © tate Jess Qrenaateres Orcs Coa Orwrstasten Quon vet | 82D Noten Bruce | 30 Oheryantah Place Danbury jer Josst0 oo roar Rotiee Roired a OE a RR TNT | ome ane Jermain Bho | Kern wstiber sonics bnceggexremssinanet | $e Te prerelease creer Ginemen te cuvaniswie Ol leat Oreinnl Chek Ocretutnst can! Ott Detrton Qs Ove | 8/2823 [SUBTOTAL Section “TOTAL of additional Section 8 Pages [897.850.00 [oT oF ALT CONTINBUTIONS FRONT INDIVIDUALS Greta [555,050.00 Et a i 3, Ca tf Sy ape at) =a" Section B ADDITIONAL PAGE ® ot [COTTE a apm TMA SaTOrRETORT Re-Elet Mayor Eposio, coher 10 ‘Total Conisations from Small Contributors Reeeved this Period ONDY | fecha ofl Caray [SUBTOTAL SECTION A 7B emia Contributions fom Tava ee Peon 7 Ton Avenue [Banbury er [sees cd i Consigront Rep pata Graphs a 0 Sa | Doaloetnen Wpmemeecnt tecamativwa” Ofsecume Qeralane Qn Orns On Frod 51 Mounianite Avenue Banbury jor fosato ED = Se Ei Ln i a a Pena Oc Orin chk Ortaca Oren debater Ore ‘ancnnen eco i Q)Ewsive © lasiie sy in 240 Carden ake View Norwest oworh jaa |or01 Lewyor-abiratoe [GC Soutone, Luc ee Ln CS a a 7 ao ns Seen Gears Omen Queen — 'SUMTOTAL Section — This Page |” ‘TOTAL of additional Section B Pages [$28,700.00 "TOTAL OF ALL CONTRIBUTIONS FRONT INDIVIDUALS fection A) [535,950.00 eae ie 3 anf Sane Pee Toh | Section B ADDITIONAL PAGE '° oft [ROE a rs Te = OrEPORT Re Elect Mayor Esposito october 10 ‘Kr Total Contributions from Small Contributors Resell this Period ONLY | (iif in oS Ctr) SUBTOTAL SECTION A TB Henze Contributions from Individuals son Seon eka ayate Roa Baneuy er [oasis rx Collector city of Danbury Se Ca {saan *Oeveaine Ovarian |Oc Oreos @ceseesncnd Ora cin Orin ox | S8OES 40000 [Pret ‘i 70 Grown Stes! fet oseto Orecor " Orwsie at tn Cs nt | 8803 [om ‘1 Silver Bich Road New Nitord &E a ‘Ponte Tecmo se mm — (QS | Waa ncaa Sala ra ART aCe a ST $2500 JOrcns Ornomi chet crest cnt Qh eton Onn nt | 89023 'SUMTOTAL Section B— This Page| "TOTAL of additional Section Pages [998,500.00 TOTAL OF ALL CONTIIBUTTONS FROM INDIVIDUALS (ton Ar) (Bet at ine 1, Caaf Say ae Pat [S98-250.00 sae Section B ADDITIONAL PAGE "* oft NEO OOMTE ag np Teor TORT e-Elect Mayor Esposito [October 10 ‘Ar Total Conivivations from Small Contributors Revehed ih Period ONLY” | ‘sr fio Sal a) 'SUBTOTALSECTON A "Be Teed Conttbations from Inala Powers yen if Cariage House Ore [Dentury or ooot0 —- oes ae oa a BF SaaS Rewcpactescantt " QAS|"Sjyeewnehioakectrnter he ONS etre ‘esremmn thecniatisets” OFwwuive Qe Sar Sette OnanenesOmmoain Oman [SO acon Pickard 7 Bayviow Dive Brookfield fot Jossos ae ae a Stas me ne 6 eee | eee na Cena Crencusicresk @ereavrene Cad Opava edicon Oven Over | 8 NeNaly 49 Clearview Averve Danbury jer focsrs Carpenter Bran McNally Carpenty & Remo ipods ‘abd meen 00 ee Ca "| $50.00 enema Seon “yesh chor tne aT! QS patina nmap agg emer Six Sian Gna Omtne Oomow| fe ‘TOTAL of edatona Section B Pages [828,750.00 "TOTAL OF ALL-CONTRINUTIONS FROM TNDIVIDUATS fetinw AP) [535,050.00 CONN eto ie), anf Sonny Pose Te Section B ADDITIONAL PAGE oft Fe-Eloct Mayor Esposito [October 10, ‘A. Total Conisibations Irom Small Contributors Recehved ih Period ONLY | cat rai Sal Cet) 'SUBTOTALSECTION, BH Wemized Contributions fre i fia” own 7 Fastener me [Bean [owe fecea [iowa oven ci ot Bx geet cb omen sea = aaa eee Bx oe cme co A Oescuine Otevne fora Grenas Gensco Orton Omnova| 80429" | too00 Pane Symy 7 2 Neahate Rea [Sen er |otaos GstoerPoromerce Wanege eas ode Grup Yeate ce | \Gates. [ovane 7 34 Oak Figo Drive [Beep iver er losarr ‘ei ones sat gt erect seston? Ne [persue masse ‘Dieter ofan Orresne Ores [Ocak Orwemi chest Qcisoxicad Ora dstn OM aries [se00.00, [SUBTOTAL Section B— This Page| "TOTAL of addtional Section B Pages [598,280.00 "FOTN OF ALL CONTRINUTIONS FROM INDIVIDUALS estar AR) [gga.o50 00 Ustraai , Calnf Samy ae Yt | mae Section B ADDITIONAL PAGE of SAAT ETRE a ap aT EOE Elect mayor Esposito fociboe 10 “Kr Total ConiTbaions from Sal ContibatonsReveived tis Fev ONLY | (er ouch ano Sl Cae. [SUBTOTALSECTION A 1B Kein Contributions rom inaivhvals Fields Davis [Sate Road [Brooktots fer otoas ro Rac |Carperier David A leks Conscton os arene crys Tarot eS eee ac ime 8 ‘pene tanh eases Ovvceie Ouesttive 3100.00 Otero; Ont Ort ane Oo ace kas Be aye a et [i rome aoe scars Fae iy Coney Sean hd eeccireeneeieeareicerioenras Feamaienine OW | eomminercnnima gin gercnmcnes =a —o | ea Leama x | gametes e en (eae ee ee gum [Gu Grams Oram Ovation Oxon eH | for Se Festool [is ee [san more = ia Face ay corey aE ase $200.00 panacea neat ‘ “TOTAL OF ATE CONTRIBUTIONS “fatartacet Semen oi Qtotne Quen [Orcas renal crct Ocreoebn ces Orn Onnton Qhoy ts: | 023 superar at section »— tis age | OPAL aot con Bap | 700 TNDIVIDUALS Geom A) (Eon, Cl of San age Fl [SSO Section B ADDITIONAL PAGE of Re-Eiect Nayor Esposto [October 10 ‘Ar Total Contributions from Small Contibutore Receive this Period ONLY | (etary) SUBTOTAL SECTION A 1 Namized Contributions from hi Stan [oo 7 bo touwaca ove Soren [&_fowes pear Rae Ss vec Sono SS SL TS TT wT [reeset siimmeasae "io Ba | ss0000 Seragictascimtt" QXS |“rmmaueat manatee BN igi Oe SE Gre One ran rm ie rn Ors Oso | 5 Smmara ive bearer rs ae no boo ows owen er [iro eer ra Centon ses Fett cece Sm oe 0 Se [neuer tisamertasa Ove One| sso0.00 rT ‘meme eseaan a Oheweane © tes Joe Orca chck rete cnt Opry debon Orne One | 23 MacBougat Dina eae Rar = Pee 6 Stetson Pace Banbury cr fossts pri ors ‘Syste min FEM Eictre Sunply Sambar pane — CYS | Wannece ince wa cma af cnc ane Te | Ato oe [riiotouterrbtnes’ Qe | dosenoae stein ee asec yf nese thd soy ‘aimee Sa ve Ox 3500.00 Se “fest sence Otsscaine Otel [Oc Oreremicrat Qcrterte crt Ota Deason Onn One | 02D ‘SUBTOTAL Section B— This Page| ‘TOTAL of atonal Section Wages [59705060 [—___TOTATOF ALL CONTRIBUTIONS FRORTINDIVIDUATS Brett A Js55,550.00, er no ica ey Pa Tt Section B ADDITIONAL PAGE © of &__ EOF COMRITTER ronan TT z oa |Re-Elct Mayor Esposito [October 10 ‘A. Total Contributions from Small Contributors Recelvel this Period ONLY | ecm on Car) SUBTOTALSECTIONA Te Kemized Contributions from Individual [sam [Bese er caro ara [Gar Doatership Owner Like New Ato Sales Trees me ae aa aT | ewe ee [cape a a ny Some cies siete ypingircnaimata | ey Toe BIS | yee arom srorcsacaame Bs Som liwtsen ‘emma teeonnaiswitt Otsecive Qeine JOcar Oreste Qcrvcns Oras Doin Orn Ose | 625 leswaras Robin [22 Neneh OF Now Faria jor | oes bmaroor a trey city of Banbury pa OE | Rea I ae CRT TR | Amwmot Cron [tenn cetcsntnet hs | Ua tea eg | ere iemonmigaaee Qe pencapecpiciagcemaearenenencone? ie innate (aac can ar_Q)Ewaive Q Lert Tae fant Perens |Orar Orval: owe Cad Oot dstsn Opty ore | M1023 abot Amoria 121 Stadey Rough Roast buy jor [ossra aT aaa etree Retrod oo Cc a [Sgn ie sd Sins igen ys hy in| moa ewe np i Set Bis |esppernrama tam coearesrrrerestesorsee Gee Tien en Wirasesaeewcesinai Ofrsme Olepatine sire se [eat Crem cus Gown cot Ornate Orn Oke [sere es ee _ SUBTOTAL Seton B= 1 is Page Pe TOTAL afadditinal Sesion B Pages [898.850.00 [—_____ ToT OFA coNTRTTIONG FRONT ROIS Gece Ise c US eetont NB [530,950.00 Unter on ie tar “=e Section B ADDITIONAL PAGE ‘© oft [Re-Elet Mayor Esposito [October 10 “A. Total Contributions from Small Conteibutors-Reealved this Period ONLY (ert fr don Sl Case) ‘SuBTOTALSECTIONA_| 5 1B, Nema Contributions from Individuals |Oewh Opsuwachak Oenioticné Pret ason Qvowy One | 112729 Hause’ [George 121 Stadio Rough A Sanbury er [oss Raa ewec ZS oe Se oe Tras cavie aes Ye ain geen meer oeeneneomae OTe Sgrenmeniecamsiswite Ofsecere Otepsane [eats Oreomcnst Octo coi Ora tine Qe Ones | 8/4OPS 2 IMaganaes ca [980 Jonnson Avenue Flnkonkoma Ny |ti779 Jaccounting Concrete Stuctures Ire. Se Oe SS SSE | aaa [screen ig fans ‘oad nore Oyen Daa meant _| s1.00000 fences Neetu wanes i “Pann ean tbiemen actin Qt Q tite wera Bete aera Fs spa ios cones Way Boo: Pa se [rire rT aaa Sonone eres Shuto me ceo oe oh SE fsciecndircinots Bk | katarmarwteaatiemcasa yh egies |e xo [ayes indica which tush ar tranches. i Comic TS ean Olepuie JOcw Oren, eaten ct Oratsn Os nt | 2D Q ~ SUITOTAL Seton 8 — Tie Page | i TOTAL ado enn rags 905000 TOTAL OF AU. CONTMTAUTIONS FROM RONIDUATS ean AD [san acaoo : (Pans ay aa ead Section B ADDITIONAL PAGE "” of EOF CONTE Ce eR oO FRo-Elect Mayor Esposito [Octobe 10 “Ar Total Contributions from Small Contributors Receive this Period ONLY | ecm fr ie SlCr SUBTOTAL SECTION A TB Henized Contributions from Individuals IKooiee [Sharon 2008 Gio Avo ostors ny [ee eo eae aan [Concrete Structures Ine rsa poms — COTS] Waco SA GRE ce TTS TERT Mo Coton fects | Sen neem” | oy op, ‘razcntinimansicwmon — @ Yo [Bewiiones ney oases orpgesnesas ae) Yee fennel sec Xe [Simic echt a ootews Oa ‘memes beset Ofseneve Ole lOrah Onn cts cms cnt Ort bet: Ors Oe Ierdonco Natson 0 Harley Ct Hotrook ny [tirar aan Rata PM Concrete Stustues eras age Tag TaN NRT TRE TERRES | Naat Ce fren cacss tna Go| Unt Suns ie ost banger siscsencpy | CY [sae cartaimescnntninon Yes ]seuniban a yuepal vaccine wepecinesaccaa? OVS [ron cpnein Scone? No |!*“peninite aban aroemcee is nbc Oa Faocnmenbewamaizwes” C)eseave Q tee sk Dresumaect Ore ttn Cronyn | 18S (Gama 45 Farell Ad Newtown ler |osa7o ra Raa eal Estate Investor AGL Ros! Eetato LLC Dae Ca MN © A Ce AC a it ditersabe BX | tts eae oc eg ante | SO ‘ioe m0" eee SS [Gece tecumet i Qewcve Qtegtsie OM JOens Orenoat Gent Ora detent 47D i SaNTOTAN Secon 8 ae TOTAL ofan Soon Bs [s36,05000 SE og Section B ADDITIONAL PAGE © oft THEFT ea np a oT ST aC oRETORT Re-Eect Mayor Esposto. October 10 “Er Total Conthations fom Smal Contributors Revelved is Period ONDY | carn Sal ar) ‘SUMTOTAL SECTION 1B mized Contributions from Inaiohnals lone” an 0 Douglas Oreo oanbury or I ‘i a aa Sas Danone North America iran — Ce ear emo ca RTS RE STGERI | Tec ne [sesenccaurcae ro | scam anstesmncnanhae gma | coy ae BY rm Tom een ionenacetecimnt ew Oteensre Olepshsine [Oem Orernatcrt: @csrer cant Orso dston Ory | 9/1428 Joaws” reg [50 Ganson Deve Danbury jer fossio Rai Pa sales Marmont reaaier ee — OTE | Tarkan nA wa cal or ae EIT [ragents hte sae {Seeman sr hsm ga i ol Lecmvisemrs =" Qis |"yrmecetstaneiene emcee” BN ‘Foto eh Lita Secon Qn Q laine scm ferent set [Cenk Orvent cick Ornsvtacnd OPatbatton Orns Oe Desausa iso Ea Shenaan Sree [oem eF [ooo Rap eo [ower Banbury Nowe SS OS | aaa aaa aera am aR] tamara secmenweaate’ =" BX gence i ames fee on ee rn’ Crown Get ot Oran Ov OHS Se sonata — This Page| [336,250.00 Section B ADDITIONAL PAG of TATE OOHT TEE a Cag ew TO [Eo Re Elect Mayor Esposito ‘October 10, ‘K. Totat Contributions from Small Contributors Received tis Poviod ONLY | , (manor af al Co) SSUBTOTALSECTION A Ti Hamid Contributions from India [Aronagoras Landscape, construction Alves Landeceping Genanes 86 [Eee engage =e [itive uaa Bx enemies 0 Fenn Bois 7 4 Gis Haye Road [Danbury et [esis [Get Enos Baer owen & Coen impr) [str eOgLAzA 8x | ‘pera th conceit (Excetne © teal: [om Ovnnscns Granaecns Ovetinnan Olmwoue| sida [PE fem Washington Bouvard, #8 [Stamsoro ler | eeoce Jraondrechidoraianyin® — NO. [segs enes ms sec iw sith ms a 0000 Orswaine Ores oe SF lO cas Orono cisk Ooserebicit Ort osbecon Ose Oke ‘SUBTOTAL Section B— This Paze |” “TOTAL of ndtonal Section Pages [596,900.00 TOTAL OF ALI CONTRIBUTIONS FEOM INDIVIDUALS Seah Ay) kat Lise 8 Claro Samoa Pg att [250 a Section B ADDITIONAL PAGE oft EO z ROTO Re-Elct ayor Esposio october 10 ‘A: Total Contributions from Small Contributors Receved his Perod ONLY | « ‘hse fal Cai) [SUBTOTAL SECTION A B Tiemized Contributions from Individual Cathal [Cano Ho Mountain aural Lane Rossing er |ebees capa Ri Principal (Carluoel Welding & Fabrication (captcha AT Be $500.00 Taaeaeae mm Be |Pegmin mye ama wmenemiccan QYe om ae aan ‘pwementecramairuie "eee Olea [Ocnn Oren chek @crsretcaré Ota econ Orn Oe | 8528 Kozlowskt Syn 77 Gracnost Ridge Rood itor jer oss a emai Owner movaive materials soureng Jrdpente cds? 2 = Tato Cott 1,000.00 ‘Yraocr ogazia Be | paecssngiaaam sa onesaraont Gis ee OG roman Jens Orvuont cick @etsoedican’ Otynitestcin Qe Oke Koviowsks 77 Graenest Ridge Road ton cr focso7 rar cae Owner Braine United dept cera Se Ree Sa eee ‘iain hess bg Br seme Son “pee Oa ee ee Oe Guam JOrcat Orwiomicucr: Octo Cad Ota dose Oday Oe ame SUIEEOTAL Seton B— Tis ase ___ TOTAL ofan Seton B Page [89645000 FST OF ALL CONTRINU TONS FRONT RDNA RaavAT VUE lon ne), ota Sof Senay Page Pat) [SoS OD Section B ADDITIONAL PAGE”! of oT o-Eect Mayor Esposito (October 10 ‘A. Total Contributions from Small Contibutors-Recelvel this Period ONLY | {Gents ora ul Cor) 'SUBTOTALSECTIONA, 1B emized Coutibations from Individuals fouatio INeoiata [4s Possum Drie Now Faieoes er losere oar re Poured Fowed rar game — DTS | Terman nao paca oma aoe | matt an fio ditlstatns Bho | Hemet seecneysine gga iaceamy | incmiamaecaerhm Yo [hein seneTae arenes Be iprasesen? B18 ‘geen era sil Opsecre Ole JOces @renicros Oceana ct Ora oxtn Ovo Ct 10 Old Hayrake Road Danbury or fossin [es arb [Contractor Giealer Contracting ssa, — (Vs | Waban ona aa iene ci Ta | ead Coe iis tsaitonst GAG | etcetera ns gen iy Porc OES esse penal ssa cae pee Gece Onn Qamam Oe Eee OO $3100.00, JOesh_ resi crete Qrnsturaticon! Oran atten Oxon over | 91823 rien Dave rama m Sarina 2 Judi Drive Dancy jer Joes Saioe weckabue County Cub Trsariars robe — (QS ] Wan ef na orn a wya.[ onto Coa [Se tata Qi | Sent ems rns hi gon | coe Pee Bis Odswcine Ouest “pec nh roe riers [Oat Ohana cick Ocreitnicnd Of asin OMe Or "TOTAL OF ATU CONTIUBUTIONS [se8;700.00 fss8.95000 COM INDINTDUATS (ret A) Wet ot ie Sana Poe Pst Section B ADDITIONAL PAGE |e-Elect Mayor Esposto [Octer 10 ‘Ay Total Contributions trom Small Contributors Recevel this Period ONLY | (ec mr on Corb SSUBTOTALSECTIONA buzaid Theresa 7 Wiidorowood Way Danbury eT |oess0 Excoulwe Secretary is Danbury Library ‘sina moan $0 io Ove 200.00 ee Oe ee Ce nou Gama ese feaeweenen a cy ae pa [zo Canty rot By ee fie Potten Eis Sacha -Payeteany Fran re Bir [ Topmtareinansenesanceiygioesgmeatnicaiencea $25.00 [Over Oreck rwisvicnd Opn oy er Tyne Og eat Ores © tesine tem ms ran Fussoti Jor joes ‘nes L428 8 Is re | a ne sce ig oho [Oc Oreowmichsk. Oct cnt Oran Dinton Odie Oke ‘gwen inseam in Qtseive Ota saa Reser ROT ‘SUBTOTAL Seston 1 — This Page|" ‘TOTAL of adtonal Section Pages [998,525.00 "TOTAL OF ALL CONTRIDUTIONS FROM INDIVIDUALS eciona 7) [5,050.00 Testo ie Py Can ofan eT ed Section B ADDITIONAL PAGE oft AF CORRE a gan TT PE RE EOT etic Mayer Esposio crabor 10 Total Contibations from Small Contributors Receved thin Period ONLY | Fecnirahlr ioof lCara ‘SUBTOTAL SECTION A TB terized Contributions from Individuals Iino uly Raymond Pino, Apt 1G Canary jer Joss re Roma Recruiter Assistant Blue Gross Blue Shes garages, — QTE | Teen nace cant aT STURN] Aa Ponds aw | Stentor norwegian vensnesncy | gy Ta congas inom @ Vos | oni snows cnr pgesne sas como! (Var ‘so sned nse Xe [Sip neta ach tres Ne ater omenmeneceracewi Obveie Otapsnine 70 Federal Road Danbury jer |osai0 aera oar Owner odzoiowsk's Kes OL aa | [etree ers NG | dentin we engine og faceeeceeerene ie Ga] sees eee er hnseanet Ne entiation no ee gta “Feovcnme beset Qfscune Q ted JOrnk Orenontcie Orato Ca Orattetcee Oho One ae ceo ote Frases er [eae Conan Sect pS a Lane On | Saaien erage geranaaa a avemmetemcce "QS eyenaauetaedtctmnes Tormemteenat Gre aN eae Onn Ouaam Sas Seem Oomnaca Ovetnane Oxmroue[ HE | ‘TOTAL of addtional Section B Pages [897-600.00 INTRIGUTIONS FRONFINDIVINUALS GeteasA re ie mt Sa ea [50D see Section B ADDITIONAL PAGE 7 of‘ TACT a Ca as TO rcOrTORT e-Eloct Mayor Esposto (October 10 ‘A. Total Contrihations from Small Go : (nf ae Sal Cee) 1B Nemied Contributions from Individuals hos Oseas Ingurence Broker Moto Insurance hacen antec | Son ‘Gireementeractnask Ofte Otstiane © [trem nwa © [Bey |e oa [Baron Eien Bonen Enccan [een open 8 pvemac becuase Q)Ewxi Q tapas foes bon feat Stet [Bry |e |Gonoral Contractor Soth &. Wing Sem hihi ogame | vm reat ‘Tramiel vonhertnece nn BAe es Moment decease Otscave Olepsiave lean, Orel date Qcrenrttcad Often Oven ate | 18/20 SUBTOTAL Section B— This Page “TOTALof nition Section I Pages [888-400.00 "TOTAL OF ALL CONTRIBUTIONS FROM INDIVIDUALS Sretenr 8 [359,050.00 Eset ie a fay a Ta | sat Section B ADDITIONAL PAGE ®* ot e-Elect Mayor Esposito, : (tober 10 ‘Ar Total ConteThations trom Smal C (Buns don Car) iribators Received this Period ONLY s 'SUBTOTALSECTIONA TB emized Contributions from Indivivale bins Raia [68 out King Soot [oanouy ee eae Retred ewes sare abe heed in gen aay Ocean recat ower Ocweraokcat Orgad Orn one | 9/825 i Qowune O1 ac Ore we ‘10000 Jaber Pau! |12Soneet bane Fldgetild ler |ocar? etred otros fsoetailsiiss | Reason sn hn gem ima | Bis [specs ceeseseai QY ‘exes ee Oerwsine O toptane ask @retesicon! OrsytDubcion Oty te | B23 a fe ‘len | 2501 Eaton Court anbuy Jor foes [Rema cr ‘TOTAL of additional Section B Pages loca Ore Ovi ur | 919723 100.00 ‘SUBTOTAL Section B— This Page| [588,400.00 "TOTAL OF ALL CONTRIUUTIONS PRON INDIVIDUALS (einer 71) (Ene aa Ln 1 Cl 4 Saray ape Tea [538,950.00 Section B ADDITIONAL PAG of 4 REEF COMTTEE aC RT [amore Fe Elect Mayor Esposito [October 10 ‘A; Total Contitions fom Simall Contato Reeived Wh Ped ONLY | Becta fr Sol oi SSUBTOTALSECTIONA B, Liemized Contributions from Ind Sean ecto {East ake Road Bantry ar [oes Femnoralor rerreraor [Oran Oreomiciet @onsnsicet Organ Ory oe] O02 — | oNO OD icooino chee, 7 ‘7 Eaat ako Road [Gantay con | aca Pappa Company Sah hinc omg gens | We | iateuentaamergsnaes reese’ Bs [Cx Crm Oreanarcnd Ore dicin Outs | 1009 [$0000 bow ‘ohn no tor ive Contry er ows: | tray [tate Jo aurora Law ammmar a 20000 mom ot Heuer Siti _O toes Quatane © locas Orns Qos cns Orta Orc [we [ooo ‘SUBTOTAL Section 8 — This Page ‘TOTAL of tions Section B Pages [597,800.00 TOTAL OF ALL CONTRIBUTIONS FROM INDIVIDUALS Siclons THD [5 {yn Lin 1 att A ay age att [822 O sas Section B ADDITIONAL PAGE 7 of * “Kota Cotas am Saal Con ton Rei is Pod ONT (enue usn fsa ae) isto aeenOty Tenn Contos om aa (2 Elonrest Ore [Baribury ct Joos: ches Frais Sela moenssacor on | s200.00 one? 8 nti Oescenive Oteriiaine JOcash Orersoasl Check Oecredvdedit Cord Orit 921123 | [avo ote S5eainont Cree #2 Bantry er [essio Ft Cy & C1 Anat iy of arty [raqesenhidelebost’ Qe | Gasecnrins tenes hea’ ecned vil ergata may | een fret spond i Seon Li? Gis [hypirrcimaeaat oman er reetnemaecmet ee [nme Grnaicnsh Orasirricns Organon Quine | 92128 Sos0.00 fmspaciietetit Qe *ppatagclatesemtsnernacs ™nemecce JOcen Orowencias Qc cat Orv sacs Oven oie | 9225 $280.00 SUBTOTAL Section B— This Page | enn TOTAL ofan etn Pages [5285000 7A GF AACR ARDUTONS FRONT MUTDUATS BETA [sa pcaco POR eae Dees sang Section B ADDITIONAL PAGE of ARTE a a TT OTTER Ele Mayr Esposto ‘Oxober 10 "Ar Total Contributions rom Soall ContbutonsReceved i Paved ONLY | 5 ‘semester dae fn Cor ‘SUBTOTAL SECTION A 1B Henized Contibations from Indiv frase ine 1 Txagion Way #105 Danbury jor foesi0 a Raa ered Retired Ipanema gon — Ye | Kanan nga HDCT ATR TEE | nooo Jrcrceednacitin Ae | deter skeen tonne gatas |e Tri cmungasciastuaion —( Yer [sans pind Tose nay peje ironies ‘Seated econ Te | jr tition ce tenes Ne olde Mcraarenaesireie Oboe Ole [Oc Orem crek Oceans cot Ovsytbetsci Ovo one | 21/20 1,000.00 alamo Mary Elizabeth [wea a % a Pater 14 Claremont Avenue Danbory cr fossa parr nea Business Constant [Scope Really Associates nan Oo | acaageamntgolgaan os ae © [Sane so SSS " oe fers epoed Seen LI? Sis [Pcppereteate tastes rence Bis enh OA, “snermenecetaaicwts C)tsenve O tee Jens Ornate Qosuraicnal Oris Oslony ne lknoury 39 Stadey Rough Road anbury cr focais Par Oe Tele Brier jeroot SS oo eS SS | reer —— ‘sine mae tn 007 ‘Ous's mene’ _| $1000 sin Qe fru ameer ein wteeanenmen Ges et ce 912k ‘events hesncesih | Q fesuine Oleg LO cats Orenaatnk Octave od Ort Das Qn Oder TOTAL OF CONTRTTTONS HON NONTOCATS Rene ” La feesa00 ae Section B ADDITIONAL PAGE ~ of |Re-Elect Mayor Esposito [October 10. — [Tua Convio Sua Continvon Rea RPG ONLY Runes uineee tet 1 Tenia Cotton Rom aa ow! Cate Boker Gel Grr Real Ete cemennel Seat AG [*Sfpmciedietch echartencses neon Ne Otce renin Oreedcns Orton Qs ote | 21 hoa" ioe 3 voferson Avon [oan er |exsio ros ives’ [ier are matzo 8 Zoe seni neh rans Ddssins © tee Soe hi ity | Boner Ese Tr i203 ta Ove - — ie | oat eee © [ean eaeaton "| st0000 nate gba Sigumecn decacitwae"" Qeotve Quepriave O™ | [Ons @revnscask Ocineratcot Ona Dtisn Over Oe | 9212S [isooen SUBTOTAL Section ¥— This Page|” “TOTAL of ton Scion Paps [598.650.00 "TOTAL OPAUL CONTIN TTONS FROM INDIVIDUALS Sraiow™A 7) sa, 9u root ene Srey Pa ot [250.0 Section B ADDITIONAL PAG of Fe-Elect Mayor Esposio october 10 ‘A. Total Contribations from Small Conteibntors Reveived i (emacs oof Sal Coe) suit a 1 Temized Contributions from Tadlvitale eto abort fois Straat fanty or [ote feacher Danbury Pubic Schools demeege BS Geet Ge Guam O [Ges Gren cae Oca co Ortdatsns Ory ote | ENS fara Ere : vmod Way [Sanu er fimo | ower tne Ga ae Pow Pi 7 isa sa O iene “ [Boncowez Fsitony : ‘Eats Road - [Bans cr oss aaa! Saas og ieogirension a sooo ™ Bi tematic Qessie Oren ‘SUBTOTAL Section B— This Page | TOTAL of additional Section B Pages {$28,600.00 eS ie ae eae ee | =e Section B ADDITIONAL PAGE *! of TAROT CORT a a oT TCO e-Elect Mayor Esposito, October 10 ‘A. Total Connbutions from Small Contributors Recalvea tis Period ONLY ecm dt SlCr) ‘Suerovausecrionn | § 1B temized Contributions from Tnalvitvale Wilms Miyor 7 - i et [een eecieg Siacent | Sermo gee co 88 RE ones Oumar © | [Biss swe Pr Fem Seo [Sass [en] fwesu ~ [Bie Fenster Bis [sSemeece eon a Fons rr 3 Woodbury Avenue Teal Festa Suton Eel $100.00 * 80 Petunia oe rw hat g14204 ern tsniinam—_Qtwete Quine [Geass Ores chek Ocnaurnas OP tte Qvony rr | 1212S L SUBTOTAL Section B— This age |” TOTAL ofnaainal Section U Pages [598:050.00 "TOTAL OF ALL CONTHEIBUTIONS FROM INDIVIDUALS (tess) ssa 060.00 Ei i 3, Clin Sra ag “oe Section B ADDITIONAL PAGE oft [RARE CORT nt pr Reo RT arora Ro-Eloc! Mayor Esposito foctber 10 ‘A. Total Coniributfons from Small Conteibutors-Recalve this Period ONLY. ‘cach Sl Cee 'SUBLOTALSECTION A TD Kemied Contribations from Individuals landorson nn Director Gane [GBA Fabrication ES fama Oe ee ———= geese, 8S) Gee oom Oe [ow Grvoatcnss Oecd Orin Ov Or a Ipotinger Eugene 7 as Sonate one PBewe [ie Frese [ions ot IE tssnive © tain 8 [eats Ohrma ck Oresunsecnd Qrytrstcce Orauy One | MED ‘Batis lEawara Essa 43 ot Drive Diantury er [ose 10000 fern ne“ toch cee 7 "Yes utr Buen ‘ference scave Qarive Jc Otomo ch: crt Cat Otten Ovo re | 21720 “ee SUBTOTAL Sestion This Page | ‘TOTAL of nitions Seston Pages [888.900 00, "TOTAL OF ALL CONTRIND TIONS FROM INDINIDUATS By (ener ita on ne 1 a Ao ery Page Fat [92290 0 Section B ADDITIONAL PAGE oft [RTF CONT ia nar TT TacoraraR Ro-Elect Mayor Esposio foctobe 10 ‘A, Total Gonivibutions from Small Contributors Received this Period 5 {Gems rein a Co 1B Henized Contibuiions rom Individuals 1$Grove PL Geologist se [ery ine Banko Loan Otonr rin Savings Bank [Oem Gracin Brewer Ornate On ot | 21725 [sions Terie ne oS a aN a RTS cr fooaio Consting Engineers [srmienantaraeiee ON: [Stir nse SS eager MMI 550.00, ‘eon tive C)ewcane © tsp BE lcs Crosoniciets @-xavD0iCod Oran esc Oso Ore ian Morose Fame 7 Margera View Orv - Danbury le [osstt ‘min otros $100.00 ‘se Pent OpEaz9A a ‘site [Osi Oremacnnk, Ooeduoese Cd Ott eaton Qty Oe | 2123 Obswsine tetas SUBTOTAL Section B — thls Faye “TOTAL of ndlitiona TOTAL OF ALL CONTRIBUTIONS FROM INDIVIDUATS GectaneA¥ W350 00 (ei ot he aero Sonar Pee Pa 1 Section 8 Pages [598,700.00 oem ection B ADDITIONAL PAGE EOF ONATTEE Eo EraRT Ro-Elect Mayor Esposito [October 10 (ra fo ean Sal Con) ‘SUBTOTAL ‘A: otal Coatcibations from Small ConteibatonRevevel ths Period ONLY Br Need Contributions from Inala [betucia Peter anager [octet exate oe Shermans “| ss00.00 faueeneemetns XS |"“jpatsacéata nates ie pecan "estes temas” Qunine Ose |Ocusn @resow eneck Ocreswper Cars Crajct Detuson Coney Onder | 726/23 $600.00 Iiccuire David Sunset Ridge Danbury cr fooais er rid a ionooer toscoc Avo Pans ‘Slater 00" Ove debemeasid [rawcmeetasecats™™ Gio [ype act wiemcs MS Speen ‘esta oma Oise }Qeast ©rersonal Check OcvedivdeditCord Qrinreit Dosrtion OMoney Order | 9726123. |Piela Lenka Es Tyr Cosa Piao et [eres CCurtomor Service Manager Data ifght UE saan” Oe [ieee 1 Ovo oe SUBTOTAL Sect ‘TOTAL of adltona Section B Pages $57,980.00 "TOTAL OF ALL CONTRIMUTIONS PROM INDIVIDUATS Gatpns AT) te ie, Clr of Se age Pot) $38,980.00 Re-Elect Mayor Esposio [october 10 (i mrs don ul Ca “A, otal Conivibuilons from Small Contributors Recalved this Parlod ONLY | 'SUBTOTALSECTIONA 1B: Menized Contributions from Individuals 8 Kceary Accounting Anaiyst IRcaariara oem, — (Ye | Wevaano nee ana ior, “ aed or 600 ie Se $100.00 taguitcat! =" QS |Yetindarecra™ =o Bie [cess Oresom! cha @credisoesicoa! Orn destion Ovstey er | 9/2528 $200.00 Foals Sectey i Fost ost Denny [eee Rote reed [etceteScsce Bic [Peggemeanrateea ets 3 icin Usenet income Qube © tasiane Oise Orem Srntiscns Ort nn Ossie] 488 | FOOD |Sorcher | 8 Nh Baird Road fv [seo Sane Dany fa Toke : nce | ‘SUBTOTAL Section B— This Page [ ‘TOTAL of additional Section B Pages 937,750.00 TOTAL OF NE CONTRTOTTTONS FROM IRDIVINATS Reis Ueto Line 1, Cans 4 Samar Page Fol) |S °S0.00 Neuere Section B ADDITIONAL PAGE © of Fe-Elect Mayor Esposito —_ october 10 ‘A. Total Contributions from Small Contributors Received thisPeriod ONLY | , ie ifr aoe en) SUBTOTAL SECTION A 1 Hemtzed Contributions from Tad Fiona Farag 5 17 Middle Rivor Road Donvury Jer fosors Broo Beco aa Pen Oe aac Oo paar nner aaaae™ ee Sentqunense eo [Sipee niceties wonhcetrmacs ee emwemnne’ BY JOcnt Grom cu Gress cet rapt enon Qn ns | 80023 Feaoe [ia President |The Pinnacle Group SS OS SS RN | mma | — "| Sted teen $3,000 “Ove Oxo. $500.00 fet goed in Secon? SS |S Bie [Gens Gras. Orutttced Ora Dt One| 88029 | Sr Nor urtan Road [eevvtas et [ocace Owner Peoples Oa fSeometosiioas | Gls [Satanic tact gegen | [Ocwes Ohrenoval Check OrcesirDebit Cd QP Dedusion OMomey Order | 80/23 ‘SUBTOTAL Section B— This Page |” “TOTAL ot aon Secon BPs 59502000 TAT OFA CONTMIUTIONS FROM INDIVIDUALS Gash fsa (Etat one 13, Caan $f Summary age Tos) |S 9S0.00

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