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Birch and Sting

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BIRCH (Balanced Iterative Reducing and Clustering using Hierarchies)

 It is a scalable clustering method.

 Designed for very large data sets
 Only one scan of data is necessary
 It is based on the notation of CF (Clustering Feature) a CF Tree.
 CF tree is a height balanced tree that stores the clustering features for a
hierarchical clustering.
 Cluster of data points is represented by a triple of numbers (N,LS,SS)
N= Number of items in the sub cluster
LS=Linear sum of the points
SS=sum of the squared of the points
A CF Tree structure is given as below:

 Each non-leaf node has at most B entries.

 Each leaf node has at most L CF entries which satisfy threshold T, a
maximum diameter of radius
 P(page size in bytes) is the maximum size of a node
 Compact: each leaf node is a subcluster, not a data point

Basic Algorithm:
 Phase 1: Load data into memory
Scan DB and load data into memory by building a CF tree. If memory is
exhausted rebuild the tree from the leaf node.
 Phase 2: Condense data
Resize the data set by building a smaller CF tree
Remove more outliers
Condensing is optional
 Phase 3: Global clustering
Use existing clustering algorithm (e.g. KMEANS, HC) on CF entries
 Phase 4: Cluster refining
Refining is optional
Fixes the problem with CF trees where same valued data points may be
assigned to different leaf entries.

 Advantages: Finds a good clustering with a single scan and improves the
quality with a few additional scans
 Disadvantages: Handles only numeric data
 Pixel classification in images
 Image compression
 Works with very large data sets

STING is a Grid-Based Clustering Technique. In STING, the dataset is
recursively divided in a hierarchical manner. After the dataset, each cell is
divided into a different number of cells. And after the cell, the statistical
measures of the cell are collected, which helps answer the query as quickly as
Grid-Based Method in Data Mining:
In Grid-Based Methods, the space of instance is divided into a grid structure.
Clustering techniques are then applied using the Cells of the grid, instead of
individual data points, as the base units. The biggest advantage of this method is
to improve the processing time.
Statistical Information Grid(STING):
 A STING is a grid-based clustering technique. It uses a multidimensional
grid data structure that quantifies space into a finite number of cells. Instead
of focusing on data points, it focuses on the value space surrounding the data
 In STING, the spatial area is divided into rectangular cells and several levels
of cells at different resolution levels. High-level cells are divided into several
low-level cells.
 In STING Statistical Information about attributes in each cell, such as mean,
maximum, and minimum values, are precomputed and stored as statistical
parameters. These statistical parameters are useful for query processing and
other data analysis tasks.
The statistical parameter of higher-level cells can easily be computed from the
parameters of the lower-level cells.
How STING Work:
Step 1: Determine a layer, to begin with.
Step 2: For each cell of this layer, it calculates the confidence interval or
estimated range of probability that this is cell is relevant to the query.
Step 3: From the interval calculate above, it labels the cell as relevant or not
Step 4: If this layer is the bottom layer, go to point 6, otherwise, go to point 5.
Step 5: It goes down the hierarchy structure by one level. Go to point 2 for
those cells that form the relevant cell of the high-level layer.
Step 6: If the specification of the query is met, go to point 8, otherwise go to
point 7.
Step 7: Retrieve those data that fall into the relevant cells and do further
processing. Return the result that meets the requirement of the query. Go to
point 9.
Step 8: Find the regions of relevant cells. Return those regions that meet the
requirement of the query. Go to point 9.
Step 9: Stop or terminate.
 Grid-based computing is query-independent because the statistics stored
in each cell represent a summary of the data in the grid cells and are
 The grid structure facilitates parallel processing and incremental updates.
 The main disadvantage of Sting (Statistics Grid). As we know, all cluster
boundaries are either horizontal or vertical, so no diagonal boundaries are

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